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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 2/27/2025

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
1 results found for keywords containing 248080
1-248080 Johnson, Paul

BEHIND THE WIRE: The Road to Oflag VIIB Eichstatt - The PoW Diaries of Captain John Blomfield Dixon, 1940-45
Autobiography of a World War II English prisoner of war compiled from a series of scrapbooks, folders, maps, photographs, documents, and a small pile of booklets, revealing his voracious appetite in describing his training, life and death during the retreat to Dunkirk, his humiliating capture by the enemy at the culmination of the Battle of Cassel and the long arduous journey through a series of Offizierslagers, which would, ultimately, lead him to Oflag VIIB, which was located in the Bavarian town of Eichstatt. Provides insight to the long tedious days, miserable food shortages, his thoughts for home, the woman he loved, his hatred for both captors and captives, the killing of his comrades both on and off the battlefield, the tireless efforts and disasters of escape, and his passion for the theatrical life, which was borne out on dusty prison camp stages, all of which provide a picture of his experiences and emotions. His views and opinions on the wild and inaccurate rumors, as well as propaganda relayed through both the German and Allied press, paint an oft distorted picture of the war's progression at that time.

Combined with a narrative lifted from both official records of the period, and the recollections of men who served or were imprisoned with him, the carefully selected entries not only provide one of the most detailed pictures of life at Oflag VIIB, but also serve to memorialize the service of John Blomfield Dixon and those with whom he shared his incarceration. Contains integrated images and an eight page color section.1 vol, 256 pgs 2025 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available mid March 2025 ......$50.00 discount: :15% rct
..see our WWII page for more books on this subject
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