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The Savage Wars Of Peace: Small Wars And The Rise Of American Power

The Savage Wars Of Peace: Small Wars And The Rise Of American Power
by Boot, Max


The Savage Wars of Peace is a book that is likely to surprise all but the most ardent military history buffs. Once and for all it does away with the myth that before World War Two, America was completely 'isolationist' in its foreign policy. The book focuses on America's many 'smaller' military actions, from the Tripolitan War circa 1801-1803 to the hundred years (1840-1941) that American troops were continuously stationed in China to the Philippine 'Insurrection' (1900-1902) to the many 20th Century American interventions in Latin America.

Surprises abound, the biggest being how Author Max Boot demonstrates that for the most part America's interventions happened for idealistic reasons, rather than the usual stereotype that has the US always watching out for big business interests. Also surprising is Boot's account of how effective America was at fighting anti-guerilla wars, at least up until Vietnam, when our misguided tactics may have actually snatched victory from our grasp. Boot covers each intervention separately, combining politics with actual battle narratives in an excellently readable manner. Colorful figures emerge, like 'The Fight Quaker' Marine General Smedley Butler, who for over thirty years was America's foremost (and most successful) guerilla fighter, only to become a staunch pacifist upon retirement.

Though it is a historical narrative, it is obvious that the author is trying to send a message to today's military leaders, especially in the wake of such misguided post-Vietnam policies as the 'Powell Doctorine.' The message is that America has a duty to continue to fight small wars to make the world a safer place (especially after September 11th), but that it should also not encourage our enemies by cutting and running from such engagements after the first casualties.

1 vol, 464 pgs 2003 US, BASIC BOOKS
AS NEW-pb, limited copies ......$19.00

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Updated as of 12/19/2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price