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GERMAN MILITARY RIFLES: From the Werder Rifle to the M/71.84 Rifle Vol. 2

GERMAN MILITARY RIFLES: From the Werder Rifle to the M/71.84 Rifle Vol. 2
by Storz, Dr. Dieter


Volume 2 of 'German Military Rifles' deals with the 88 and 91 model firearms of the Imperial German Army. Like the 1st volume, this book is based on the extensive study of Germany's archival material and on extant pieces in public and private collections, which has made it possible to present a detailed reconstruction of the actual circumstances.

This is the first comprehensive work based on original sources dealing with these weapons and their history -- crucial transition from black powder to nitrocellulose powder (smokeless powder). This change of propellant was a quantum leap in military armament, which changed conditions on the battlefield and within a few years led to the introduction of a less colorful and therefore less conspicuous field uniform.

The introduction of a new, more powerful powder and the corresponding weapons took place under enormous time pressure so it was inevitable that there would be initial teething problems with these new products, which were not yet fully developed.

The 88 model weapons went through two periods of usage: the first began with the hasty rearmament of the German armies around 1890 and ended with the introduction of the 98 models in the years leading up to 1914. It was during the First World War, when a serious shortage of firearms made itself felt, that many of these weapons, which had already been decommissioned, were once again taken out of the depots and reactivated. Both of these periods are covered in this book.

Essential accessories such as cartridge pouches and bayonets are dealt with in this second volume, which also includes chapters on the target weapons and 'fencing' rifles that have hitherto been neglected.

1 vol, 400 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-dj ......$159.00

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Updated as of 3/13/2025

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price