Updated as of ..1/30/2025


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COMBAT ACTION COMMAND: WWII Miniatures Rules for 10/12mm, 15mm, & 20mm and the Expansion Packs DISCOUNT BUNDLE

COMBAT ACTION COMMAND: WWII Miniatures Rules for 10/12mm, 15mm, & 20mm and the Expansion Packs DISCOUNT BUNDLE
by Sowers, Lee


The 40% OFF CAC Bundle Deal: Core Rules and all four supplements: Eastern Front 1942-43 (Germans and Soviets), Late War '44 (US, UK, Germans, and Soviets), Anzio 1944 (US and Germans), and The Pacific 1942-43 (US and Japanese). Supplements include specialty rules, scenarios, and collectively add 192 data cards. Was $129, now $79.00

A clever set of core rules written by Sowers, who adapted his modern version that taught tactics to Delta Force, NY City SWAT, and various army units into a WWII set of rules. Can be played with nail-biting gusto on a 4x6-foot table (or as small as a 2x2-foot table). Data cards carry all the necessary info -- newbies learn quick how to play, grognards use historical tactics to achieve victory. This is more simulation than game.

Most of all, you control the action. Forget dice- or card-controlled activations or IGo-UGo 'gotcha!' sequences. you and only you decide when to engage or retreat, when to open fire or lay low, and when to charge or maneuver. Of course, the enemy has the exact same control, so victory comes down to a battle of skill -- and knowing how to use the unique capabilities of your units.

* Geared for 15mm, but can use 10mm, 12mm, and 20mm figures - NO REBASING!
* Each Team stand equals one troop squad or a single tank, vehicle, or gun -- play platoon to company sized battles with ease.
* Asymmetric turn sequence with CAC interrupt allows you to size up the situation, seize initiative, and coordinate small unit attacks and defense.
* Clever Data Cards for each unique Team account for training, morale, experience, and weaponry so you spend more time commanding, not stat counting!
* Includes 24 Data Cards covering major US, German, and Soviet units, plus artillery, aircraft, AA, snipers, HQs, mortars, and specialty weapons like Molotov cocktails and sticky bombs.
* Points system for tournaments and balanced scenarios.
* Two 1944 scenarios included -- Saving Private Ryland (West Front) and Saving Feld Marshall Model (East Front).
* Requires six-sided dice, twenty-sided dice, a scatter die, and ruler.
* Full color, with detailed explanations of key concepts and necessary markers. Supplements with more data cards available.
* Website support offers lots more scenarios, free data cards, other playing aid downloads, AARs, strategy tips, and an exchange of ideas with the designer via e-mail and blog.

1 vol, 98 pgs 2012 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-softcover core rules with all four expansions ......$79.00

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Updated as of 1/30/2025

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price