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THE MARYLAND CAMPAIGN: September 1862 - Volume 3, Shepherdstown Ford and the End of the Campaign

THE MARYLAND CAMPAIGN: September 1862 - Volume 3, Shepherdstown Ford and the End of the Campaign
by Carman, General Erza A and Thomas G. Clemens editor


This is the third and final volume of Ezra Carman's The Maryland Campaign of September 1862.

As bloody and horrific as the battle of Antietam was, historian Ezra Carman-who penned a 1,800-page manuscript on the Maryland campaign-did not believe it was the decisive battle of the campaign. Generals Robert E. Lee and George B. McClellan intended to continue fighting after Sharpsburg, but the battle of Shepherdstown Ford (September 19 and 20) forced them to abandon their goals and end the campaign.

Carman was one of the few who gave this smaller engagement its due importance, detailing the disaster that befell the 118th Pennsylvania Infantry and Maj. Gen. A. P. Hill's success in repulsing the Union advance, and the often overlooked foray of Jeb Stuart's cavalry to seize the Potomac River ford at Williamsport.

Carman also added a statistical study of the casualties in the various battles of the entire Maryland Campaign, and covered Lincoln's decision to relieve McClellan of command on November 7. He also explored the relations between President Lincoln and General McClellan before and after the Maryland Campaign, which he appended to his original manuscript. The before section, a thorough examination of the controversy about McClellan's role in the aftermath of Second Manassas campaign, will surprise some and discomfort others, and includes an interesting narrative about McClellan's reluctance to commit General Franklin's corps to aid Maj. Gen. John Pope's army at Manassas. Carman concludes with an executive summary of the entire campaign.

Dr. Clemens concludes Carman's invaluable narrative with a bibliographical dictionary (and genealogical goldmine) of the soldiers, politicians, and diplomats who had an impact on shaping Carman's manuscript. While many names will be familiar to readers, others upon whom Carman relied for creating his campaign narrative are as obscure to us today as they were during the war.

This concludes the most comprehensive and detailed account of the campaign ever produced. Jammed with first-hand accounts, personal anecdotes, detailed footnotes, maps, and photos, this long-awaited study will be appreciated as Civil War history at its finest.

1 vol, 624 pgs 2017 US, SAVAS BEATTIE
NEW-dj ......$33.00

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Updated as of 1/30/2025

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price