Updated as of ..3/13/2025


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HEY FOR OLD ROBIN!: The Campaigns And Armies of the Earl of Essex During the First Civil War, 1642-44

HEY FOR OLD ROBIN!: The Campaigns And Armies of the Earl of Essex During the First Civil War, 1642-44
by Scott, Chris and Turton, Alan


'Hey For Old Robin!' was the cry of the Earl of Essex's army during the First Civil War as, contrary to modern popular belief, Robert Devereux was well-liked by the men he led. Includes 53 b/w illustrations, 8 color drawings, photos, and 17 black/white maps.

This book fills a gap in the literature of the Civil Wars, taking up the challenge to write a new history of Essex and his Army and examining the often-repeated view that he was a cautious dullard with little military skill. It presents a view of Parliament's first Lord General, bringing him out of the shadow of Cromwell. In doing so they are not afraid to bite the bullet of period and modern criticism of Essex as a strategist and tactician, as well as his reported failings as a man.

Traces the story of the early campaigns, beginning with Edgehill, then Brentford, Turnham Green, the relief of Gloucester, the retreat to Newbury, the Siege of Reading, the Thames Valley Campaign, the disaster of Lostwithiel, and the rebuilding of the army for Second Newbury. Whilst they leave the detailed examination of the various battles fought by Essex and his men to more specialist books, they tell the story of each of the campaigns and share their thoughts on Essex's problems and his decisions and actions.

Also examines how the armies were constituted, officered, recruited, and maintained, as well as its reductions and transfers. In separate chapters they describe Essex's Foot, the Horse, the Dragoons, The Artillery and The Train, dealing with what the army wore, what it was paid, what weapons it used, the flags it carried and how it was organized, operated and fought. All this is set within a sound understanding and appreciation of the background of the seventeenth century and Essex's place in the socio-political zeitgeist as well as period military thinking and practice.

Illustrated with a wealth of seldom-seen contemporary engravings of Essex's officers and friends and newly commissioned maps, as well as uniform, cornets, and color plates.

1 vol, 256 pgs 2017 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$50.00

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Updated as of 3/13/2025

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price