1812: The Left Wing of the Grand Armee -- Scenarios
Scenario book offers battles of the French invasion of Russia in 1812 by the left wing of the Grand Armee. Each scenario contains short history, color map with starting positions, and detailed OOBs with manpower numbers (not just number of bttns/sqdrns) for each infantry, cavalry, and gun formation. Front section contains quality type for each troop type, their fire combat rating and also quality ratings for senior commanders (Inspirational to Indifferent) while rear page offers weapon ranges and movement for each type of troop.
Book is for Carnage & Glory, but can be adapted to any Napoleonic rules system. Wirebound binding so booklet lays flat.
Jakubowo-Kliastitzy (July 30-31, 1812)
Oboiarscine (August 1, 1812)
Golovichitsa (August 1, 1812)
Swolna (August 11, 1812)
Polotsk: Day 1 (August 17, 1812)
Polotsk: Day 2 (August 18, 1812)
Polotsk II: Right Bank of Polota (October 18, 1812)
Polotsk II: Left Bank of Polota (October 18, 1812)
Bononia (October 20, 1812)
Czarnicki (October 31, 1812)
Smoliany (November 14, 1812)
NEW-softcover ......$35.00
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Updated as of 1/30/2025
ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price