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THE LAST SIEGE: The Mobile Campaign - Alabama 1865

THE LAST SIEGE: The Mobile Campaign - Alabama 1865
by Brueske, Paul


It has long been acknowledged that General Robert E. Lee's surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia ended the civil war at the Battle of Appomattox in April 1865. Often overlooked, however, was last campaign and siege of the war around Mobile, crucial to securing a complete victory and the final surrender of the last Confederate force east of the Mississippi River.

The Union victory at the battle of Mobile Bay in 1864 ended blockade running from the port of Mobile. Uncaptured, the city remained a priority for the Confederates to defend and the Federals to attack. Offers a new perspective on the strategic importance of Mobile as a logistical center which had access to vital rail lines and two major river systems, essential in moving forces and supplies.

Included are the most detailed accounts ever written on Union and Confederate camp life in the weeks prior to the invasion, cavalry operations of both sides during the expedition, the Federal feint movement at Cedar Point, the crippling effect of torpedoes on US naval operations in Mobile Bay, the tread-way escape from Spanish Fort, and the evacuation of Mobile. The entrance of Federals into the city and the reaction of the citizenry are featured. In doing so evidence is presented that contradicts the popular notion that Mobile wholeheartedly welcomed the Federals and was a predominately pro-Union town.

Using a variety of primary sources, this book highlights the bravery of the men who were still trying to win by utilizing evolved military tactics against the strong defensive fortifications at Mobile. Many acts of heroism occurred in this, the Confederacy's last campaign which ended in the final surrender at Citronelle, Alabama in May.

1 vol, 304 pgs 2018 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available late August 2018 ......$33.00

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Updated as of 1/30/2025

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price