From Pike to Shot - The Perfection of Military Discipline: The Introduction of the Bayonet 1660-1705
Re-evaluates both the plug bayonet as a weapon and its implementation
which fundamentally changed how it impacted both the formation and tactics of
all armies of the long 17th century. The plug bayonets reputation was marred
by General Hugh Mackay following his defeat at the Battle of Killiekrankie on the
27th July 1689 when he supposedly stated: 'his men were defeated by an
unforeseen technical flaw in their weaponry [plug bayonet]'. This view of the plug
bayonet has been re-iterated constantly over the following 300 years, with military
historian's sidelining the plug bayonet as a dead-end technology with little to
commend it.
Also examines contemporary privately printed drill manuals as valuable and
accurate guides to identify changes in military drill; how issues of
supply and demand affected both English and continental armies; and investigates the
changes within infantry battalion drill's and organization, and resulting increase in firepower.
Also asserts the plug bayonet was in use with English forces during the Dunkirk campaign in
the early 1660's, that the English establishment embraced the idea of the plug
bayonet earlier than previously thought, and the Board of Ordnance ordered 10,000 plug bayonets in 1678.
Includes 8-page color section, 46 b/w photos/illustrations, and many tables.
NEW-pb, available mid May 2020 ......$33.00 rct
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Updated as of 1/30/2025
ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price