Infamy, Infamy! - Wargame Rules for large Skiirmishes in the Ancient world 60BC to AD 100 with Card deck
Infamy, Infamy! is a game that will, ultimately, be divided into three parts.
This card deck contains both the Game Deck and the Infamy Deck required to play Infamy, Infamy! 55 high quality cards in a tuck box.
This is the first rule book which covers Rome's conflicts with the western barbarian between 60 BC and AD 100. Covered in the rules are lists for Late Republican forces that can be used for Caesar and his campaigns in Gaul and Britannia and against the German tribes raiding across the Rhine.
The Early Imperial Roman lists are perfect for the conquest of Britannia under Claudius and the continuing campaigns through to Agricola's conquest of the North and beyond.
The British lists cover the period from Caesar's invasions through to Mons Graupius, including lists for Boudicca's revolt.
Gallic lists cover the classic period of conquest of the Gallic Wars with the Belgea and Aquitani represented and make every effort to reflect the more advanced culture of the Gauls.
The Germans, on the other hand, are the ultimate Barbarians, with lists for the tribes of the Rhineland and those of the dark forests of Germania Magna and for the Batavian Revolt.
NEW-pb ......$54.00 rct
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Updated as of 1/30/2025
ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price