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THE CHANGING FACE OLD REGIME WARFARE: Essays in Honour of Christopher Duffy

To honor Prof Christopher Duffy, the book collects 16 essays by scholars covering cavalry tactics, divisional organization, the rise of light forces, and the effects of war-making on society. Although centered on 18th-century warfare, this book also includes chapters which address the Napoleonic conflicts, and First World War.
The first section, Backgrounds and Retrospectives, explores the state of historical writing on 18th-century warfare, as well as Professor Duffy's contribution to it. The second section, Commanders and their Armies, explores the field of traditional military history. It provides coverage of tactical analyses, campaign narratives, and organizational and doctrinal changes for the armies fighting in the Old Regime. The third section, Voices from the Past, provides translations and analyses of military sources which have been previously unavailable to the public. The fourth and final section, New Perspectives, demonstrates the varied picture which methods such as archaeology, cultural history, and colonial history tell us about the imperial history of European states at war.
NEW-dj ......$80.00 rct
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Updated as of 2/06/2025
ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price