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Recreates this minor but important clash during the Philadelphia campaign. Relying on both primary source documents and the latest archaeological interpretations, the authors have determined the course of this fascinating battle as Benjamin Franklin later proclaimed it to be. As a result of this action, when Washington requested that Lafayette be given a division, Congress agreed. On December 4, 1777, the marquis, promoted to major-general, took command of the brigades of Generals Woodford and Scott to begin what would be a glorious career in American service.
The 19-year-old Marquis de Lafayette arrived in Philadelphia at the end of July 1777. He was a rich aristocrat, but he was unpretentious, charming, and eager to learn. Introduced to George Washington, he joined the commander-in-chief at the Battle of Brandywine in September, where he proved that he was courageous. Soon after, the British occupied Philadelphia and prepared to control the Delaware River, vital as a supply route.
In November, the marquis volunteered to go to New Jersey with Major General Nathanael Greene and a detachment sent to defend Fort Mercer, a Delaware River fort controlling shipping access to Philadelphia. Mercer was threatened by an approaching enemy column led by Lord Charles Cornwallis. The Continentals were unable to reach Fort Mercer in time to save it, but Lafayette had ridden ahead of Greene to reconnoiter.
He discovered a 350-man picket of German riflemen (jagers) guarding Cornwallis's camp, and with 10 light dragoons, 150 riflemen from Daniel Morgan's Rifle Corps, and perhaps 200 New Jersey militia, he attacked. In 45 minutes, Lafayette's little band drove the jagers back two and a half miles, almost to Cornwallis' camp. When the news of Lafayette's small victory reached the Continental Congress at York, Pennsylvania, the delegates were elated-this was the only good news amid the gloom over the loss of Philadelphia and control of the Delaware River.
NEW-dj, available mid October 2022 ......$28.00 rct
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Updated as of 3/13/2025
ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price