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PRIDE AND FALL: The British Army in Afghanistan, 2001-2014

Analyzes the British involvement in aiding the United States in Afghanistan, and attempts to answer the many questions surrounding the conflict. The British commitment to what became known as Operation Herrick saw a battlegroup from the Parachute Regiment deploy to Helmand Province in January 2006 with the hope they could 'leave in three years and without firing one shot.' The reality was very different. From 2006 through to 2014, a succession of British brigade-sized task forces rotated through Helmand on six-month tours. When they finally withdrew in 2014, British forces had lost 456 killed and over 2,000 wounded, and the Taliban were resurgent. Contains 8 pages of color plates.
* Chapter 1 - The Planes Operation
* Chapter 2 - International Rescue
* Chapter 3 - A Particularly Difficult Operation
* Chapter 4 - Unfix the Force
* Chapter 5 - Take the Fight to the Enemy
* Chapter 6 - The Prize is the Population
* Chapter 7 - Fixed Again
* Chapter 8 - Serving in Hell-Land
* Chapter 9 - The Commandos Return
* Chapter 10 - Crisis Year
* Chapter 11 - All Change
* Chapter 12 - Doing the Hard Yards (Successfully)
* Chapter 13 - The Rush for the Exit Door
NEW-dj, available early December 2024 ......$40.00 rct
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Updated as of 3/13/2025
ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price