VENETIAN WAR OF 1487 or the War of Rovereto
Contains 41 photos, partly of re-enactment events, nine contemporary illustrations, one map, two other illustrations, and two double-sided coloured drawings.
The Venetian War of 1487 between the maritime great power of Venice and the Alpine Archduchy of Tyrol led to considerable political upheavals -- especially in Tyrol. The conflict is closely linked to the partly tragic, partly bizarre biography of Archduke Siegmund of Tyrol.
The Venetian War stood on the threshold between the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of modern times: on the one hand, the battle for the town and castle of Rovereto with heavy artillery, and on the other hand, the chivalrous duel between Johann von Waldburg-Sonnenberg and Antonia Maria da Sanseverino.
Decisive was the Battle of Calliano between a veteran of the Burgundy Wars on the one hand and a highly respected condoto on the other, in front of the breathtaking mountain scenery of the Adige Valley. For the first time, the new warrior type 'Landsknechte' was decisive for battle.
This book was written in close cooperation with reenactment groups from Italy, Austria, and Germany. It also contains detailed illustrations of weapons, coloured illustrations, and some of Wolfgang Braun's excellent reconstruction drawings.
NEW-softcover ......$44.00 rct
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Updated as of 1/30/2025
ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price