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VAE VICTUS Board Game #9: Inkermann 1854

VAE VICTUS Board Game #9: Inkermann 1854
by Martin, Lawrence


Inkermann 1854 - The End of Russian Hopes in the Crimea

On November 5, 1854, the Russians launched a heavy attack on the allied right flank east of the city. The assault was made by two columns, which when combined would form a formidable army of some 42,000 men. The initial Russian assault was to be received by the British Second Division, 2,700 men and 12 guns. With both Russian columns moving in a flanking fashion, they hoped to overwhelm this portion of the Allied army before reinforcements could arrive. The Russian general, Soymonov followed Menshikov's directive and deployed his force around the Careenage Ravine, where he could not effectively employ all of his troops in combat.

When dawn broke, Soymonov attacked the British positions on Home Hill with 6,300 men and a further 9,000 in reserve. The British had strong pickets and had ample warning of the Russian attack. The British pickets, some of them at company strength, engaged the Russians as they moved to attack Home Hill. The firing in the valley also gave warning to the rest of the Second Division, who rushed to their defensive positions. The Second Division's commander, Pennefather, a highly aggressive officer, ordered his 2,700 strong division to attack some 15,300 Russian soldiers. Russian guns bombarded Home Hill, but there were no troops on the crest at this point

When the British Fourth Division arrived under General George Cathcart, they were finally able to go on the offensive. They launched a renewed attack against the Russians and on their flanks. However, the flanking troops were caught in the rear by an unexpected Russian counter-attack and Cathcart was shot from his horse and killed, leaving his troops disorganized and the attack broken up. The courage of Cathcart and his men had the unexpected effect of encouraging other British units to charge the Russians. This gave the Russian army an opportunity to gain a crest on the ridge. However, as the Russian troops were coming up, they were attacked and driven off by newly arrived soldiers from the French camps. The French poured reinforcements into the entire line, reducing the Russians' advantage in numbers.

1 vol, 24 pgs 2015 FRANCE, CERIGO EDITIONS
NEW-softcover with English Rules ......$38.00

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Updated as of 2/06/2025

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price