VAE VICTIS # 170: The Jugurthine War
* ART of WAR: Lutzen 1813; The Arab Conquest of the Levant
* NEWS HEXES: War for America; 12 h at Maleme; Sleepwalkers; Barrack Emperor; Under the Southern Cross; Clash of Sovereigns; On to Richmond; Tactics & Strategy 47
* BOARDGAME: Europa Universalis 2; Onus Traianus; Inferno; Storm over Jerusalem; White Plains; Saigon; We are coming Nineveh; Traces of War; Las Navas de Tolosa; The British Way
* HOBBY: Des etudiants s'invitent au combat 4e partie; Donald Featherstone; Malefices
* FIGURINES: Au contact : Indochine 1945-1954; Galley and Galleons; L'empire des Hauteville, Campagne en Sicile XIe; Scenarios XVIIIe; Game of Thrones; Silver Bayonet : The Carpathians Castle Fier; Shakos et Baionnettes : Raid sur les Calanques 1813
* NEWS RULES: What a Cowboy; Mad Dogs & Englishmen; Tales of Men; Myths and Monsters; Blood Bilge and Iron balls; Musket & Springfields
* ART of WAR: Jurgurthine wargame with die-cut counters
The Jugurthine War is the name of the conflict between the Roman Republic and the Numidian king Jugurtha between 112 and 105 BC. We have retained, thanks to Sallust, fairly detailed information on this war, it is nevertheless the first time that this conflict is covered by a game on a strategic scale. Complexity: 4/10; Solo play: 3/10; Duration: 2-3 hours; One turn: about two months; Combat unit: approximately 2,000 cavalry or 4,000 infantry; One hex: 25 km
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$28.00 rct
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Updated as of 1/30/2025
ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price