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Cover: A Tale of Arabian Nights: skirmish game scenario set in the mysterious middle east. Uses a variation of Men, Myths & Monsters rules and the scenario is from the upcoming expansion pack
* Send Three And Fourpence: History and Wargaming in Spanish Spain -- interview with Professor Charles Esdaile
* Command Decision: Mad Dogs & Englishmen rules for the first of a two-part campaign: Cawnpore 1857
* Bish Bash Bosh: Trying out Army Painter Speedpaints
* Nihon Shugi - Pyongyang 1894: Sino-Soviet scenario
* Wardrop Ambush: Chain of Command scenario set in Germany 10th April 1945
* Practical Wargames Scenery: Quick build of a space ship
* 50 Gun Salute: Photo-heavy coverage of the convention
* Defence in Depth: Figures and rules reviews
* Quartermaster: Deep Cut gaming mat and other products
* Forward Observer: News
* Recce: 10 book reviews
NEW-pb ......$10.00 inc
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Updated as of 2/06/2025
ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price