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Special Feature: Twilight of Burgundian Might.
* Introduction: The Army and Character of Charles the Bold of Burgundy
* A Historical Siege Campaign Set in Medieval Europe: Charles the Bold, Being Bold
* What Would It Take For Him To Win Instead? Winning Morat for Charles
* Armies of Burgundy: For Duke Charles!
* A Bold Front Cover for Charles: Ready, Aim, Fire!
Other Articles include:
* Interview: Deus Vult!
* Bite-Sized Battles: Taktische Aufklarung at Salute 2012
* Lieutenant Nelson and the Red Sea Rifles: Participating in the Sudan
* Ancient Tree-huggers? The Battle of the New Road
* Painting an 18th Century Black Watch Scot - Wee Wullie Revealed
* Holy BigRedBatGunk: Basing with 'The Bat'
* Running a Wargaming Club in Primary School: New School Rules
* Bouchain: Marlborough's Last Campaign'.
* Let's Play: Battlegroup Kursk
NEW-softcover ......$9.00
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Updated as of 3/13/2025
ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price