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WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY #85 - The Stuff of Our Nightmares

Articles include:
* This Gaming Life - Reflections Upon a Podcast
* Taking the Goch-Kalkar Highway, Westfalen - The Swan House 1945
* Recreating the First Carlist Wars in Sharp Practice - Fuerte el Diablo
* A 'Novel' Approach to Ancient Warfare - Circesium, AD 257
* A Forgotten Skirmish in the New Jersey Wilderness - AWI Battle of Short Hills
* A Wolf in the Fold of Frostgrave - Monster Hunter
* If it Bleeds, We Can Kill It - Surviving the Horror (Sci-Fi)
* The Viking Again - Walkers are Coming - Draugar Zombies
* Boarding the Blue Noah - Unknown Ship on My Bearing (Gulf of Aden)
* Out from the Darkness - Monstres and their Kynde (Cthulhu)
* A Monster of a Front Cover - I Have Harnessed the Shadows that Stride from World to World to Sow Death and Darkness
* The Irregular - Reality Check: Defending History (Depicting Contemporary Conflicts)
* A Bit of Vegetation for Your Wargames Table - Seeing the Wood from the Trees
* A Decorative Mausoleum - Building Your Own Tomb
* Making Your Own Floors - Hey, There's an Article in That
* A Fast and Fury-ous Tank Duel Game - Let's Play Tanks
* Gaming With the Walking Dead - Let's Play Project Z
* Up Front - Inspiration (Gaming a New Period)
* Game Reviews: Flames of War - War in the Pacific, Blood Eagle, Combat Patrol: WWII, and SAGA: Age of the Wolf
NEW-pb ......$10.00
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Updated as of 3/06/2025
ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price