WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY #133: Chaaaaaaaaaarge!
Theme: Chaaaaaaaaaarge!
* The Charge: The Most Straightforward of Tactics - Death or Glory
* Seleucid Shock and Awe at the Battle of Panium - Revenge for Raphia
* The Knightly Charge, Ordinate and in Chaos - Bouvines and Beyond
* The Battle of Nogent-sur-Seine, 11-12 February 184 - A Heroic Defence
* The Charge of the Light Brigade, 25 October 1854 - Theirs But to Do and Die
* Von Bredow's death ride at Mars-La-Tour - It Will Cost what it Costs
* The Charge of the 5th Guards Tank Army - Counterattack at Prokhorovka
* A Look at Miniatures on the Charge - Cry Havoc
* Painting a Charge Themed Cover - Swords, Rifles, and Dust
* Making the Most of Warlord's Ruined Hamlet - The Perfect Ruin
* Contrast Paints on Epic Hail Caesar Romans - Speedy SPQR
* Faster Better More - A Man With a Plan
* Miniature Reviews
* This Gaming Life - One of the Questions
* The Irregular - Historical wargaming with... Women?
* Heroic Gaming for Historical or Fantasy - Let's Play Midgard
* Let's Play Studio Tomahawk's V for Victory - High Five for victory?
* Game reviews - One-Hour Ancient & Medieval Skirmish Wargames, Freakz!, Once and Future King, and The Good
* Book Reviews
* Parting Shots
NEW-pb, available mid December 2024 ......$12.00 rct
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Updated as of 1/30/2025
ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price