Theme: The First Punic War
The First Punic War (264 to 241 BC ) was the longest uninterrupted war in antiquity and the beginning of a series of military conflicts between Carthage and Rome. During the struggle, these ancient powers fought for the control of Sicily, a strategic point in the central Mediterranean. In the end, Rome was victorious and Carthage lost Sicily.
Theme articles include: Introduction; Fragments of Fabius Pictor: Puzzling History; The Escalation of War at Sea: Ship Builders Wanted; Carthaginian War Elephant; Elephants in War: Behemoths of the Battlefield; Agrigentum, 262-261 BC: Besiegers Besieged; Archaeology from the Battle of the Aegates Islands: From the Bottom of the Sea; Battle Speeches of the First Punic War: Taciturn Romans, Loquacious Carthaginians; Battle of Cape Ecnomus: War on the Waves; Battle of Tunis 255 BC: Rome's Disastrous North African Interlude; A Gilded Bronze Cuirass from a Punic Grave; and We Left Our Dead at the Polytimetos (fiction).
Other articles: Recreating an Extra-Heavy Archaic Greek Hoplite: Like a Bronze Statue of Ares; Was There Mental Trauma in Ancient Warfare: PTSD in Ancient Greece; and The Roman Army on Screen Part 2: Quo Vadis (1951).
NEW-softcover, available mid September 2015 ......$12.00
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Updated as of 1/30/2025
ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price