Updated as of ..3/06/2025


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1754: CONQUEST: The French and Indian War Wargame

1754: CONQUEST: The French and Indian War Wargame
by Beckett, Beau and Stahl, Jeph


In 1754, France and Britain have thriving colonies in North America. New England has begun expanding into the Ohio River Valley but France has built a chain of forts extending from Lake Erie to protect their own claim on the land. Now fighting has erupted. France and its Native American Allies control the Ohio Valley but George Washington prepares an army to take it from them. A small war has started in the colonies between France and Britain but control of the world is at stake.

This war is known as the French and Indian War in the United States, the War of Conquest in Canada and was part of the Seven Years War which was fought around the world by the European Powers.

Players play as the French and British Factions who fought for dominance over the Americas. The French players either play as the French Canadian Militia or the French Regulars. The British players play as the British Colonial Militias or the British Regulars. Both players can ally and fight with the Native Americans but the French start with more Native Allies.

Players for each side work together in order to coordinate their strategies. To win, each side attempts to control Victory Spaces on the map that represent towns and forts. The militia players receive reinforcements from muster points while the French and English Regulars must ship their reinforcements from overseas. The game ends when the Treaty of Paris is signed and the side controlling the most cities wins the game.

1754 Conquest Introduces:

1. Strategic Forts: Forts allow defenders an opportunity to negate hits in battle!
2. Valuable Muster Points: The new muster system for Native American and Colonial forces makes strategic alliances more dynamic and game changing!
3. Important Harbor Regions: Harbor regions govern regional reinforcements from British and French Regular Troops!

1 vol, 1 pgs 2017 US, ACADEMY GAMES
NEW-boxed game ......$70.00

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Updated as of 3/06/2025

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price