OMM just acquired a large collection of COMMAND magazines all are excellent condition and most are unpunched. Although some duplicate issues, majority issues are only one copy. First come first served.
01: Blitzkrieg 1941 (unpunched) - $20
03: Samurai Sunset (unpunched) - $15
05: Hamburger Hill & Operation Solace (unpunched) - $20
06: Krim: Von Manstein's Battle for Sevastopol (unpunched) - $20
07: Kadesh: Mobile Warfare in the Ancient Middle East(unpunched) - $20
09: Inchon: MacArthur's Gambit (unpunched) - $25
10: Alexandros: Conquest and Empire (unpunched) - $20
18: TET '68 (unpunched) - $20
21: Blood & Iron: The Seven Weeks War (unpunched) - $20
22: Antietam (unpunched) - $30
24: Czechoslovakia 1938 (unpunched) - $15
28: Like Lions They Fought - Anglo-Zulu War (unpunched) - $35
40: Buena Vista & Moscow Burning (unpunched) - $15
41: Wave of Terror - Battle of the Bulge (unpunched) - $20
42: Shiloh: Hell Before Night and Blitzkrieg 1940 (unpunched) - $20
48: 1812 War in Canada?(unpunched) - $25
49: Warmaster Chess 2000 (unpunched) - $10
50: Back to Iraq? (unpunched) - $10
52: Civil War: Grunwald 1410 (unpunched) - $10
53: The Iron Dream (unpunched) - $15
V.GOOD-softcover, unpunched and punched game. First come first served ......$0.00 inc
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Updated as of 1/30/2025
ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price