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HEARTS AND MINDS: 1965 to 1975 -- Wargame

This Third Edition is an uncomplicated approach to a very complicated conflict. Eight scenarios introduce players to US involvement in Southeast Asia including a scenario after the US withdrew from Vietnam, a full campaign scenario as well as high solitaire capability. Players appreciate the ability to start in any year of the war they wish and fight to the end of any other year of the war. The game provides a comprehensive historical approach using mechanics that include guerrilla warfare, faction differentiation, political turmoil, and veteran advantages. This design has already been used as a successful teaching tool.
This is a card-driven, area-based design with low counter density and a much simplified combat system. Each scenario represents a year and players have the flexibility of starting in any year of the war and ending in any later year of the war. Players choose either the Allies (US, ARVN, Cambodian and Laotian) or Communist (NVA, VC, Cambodian and Laotian) Players engage in guerrilla warfare - VC units remain hidden until engaged. VC units may be simple units or reinforced units or simply false information. When determined to be false information, players roll on the Bush Events Table which involve events from discovering Chinese troops to the arrival of USO shows featuring John Wayne and Bob Hope.
This edition involves the use of three card decks, A red deck (communist), a blue deck (Allied) and a black deck (interchangeable). Prior to every game, half of the black deck is shuffled into each of the red and blue decks ensuring a different game every time. Cards indicate the amount of RPs (Resource Points) that may be spent or banked, a historic situation, and its game effects. Certain cards are year specific. Within each Red and Blue Deck are a number of Campaign cards that may be chosen by each player allowing increased abilities but only in a predetermined area.
Product Information
* Complexity: Low to Medium (4 out of 10)
* Solitaire suitability: Medium to high (7 out of 10)
* Time Scale: Each scenario represents one year. The campaign game covers 8-10 years.
* Map Scale: The Map is divided into provincial areas, indicating major cities and US major bases
* Unit Scale: Units are abstract and represent US, ARVN, NVA, VC, Cambodian and Laotian
* Players: Two Player game (Solitaire friendly)
* Playing Time: 45 minutes or less per scenario
* 24-page rule/scenario book
* Solitaire Player Aid
* Three Counter sheets (3/4-inch Counters)
* 22x33-inch Mounted Map
* 80 Standard Playing Cards (27 Red/27 Blue/ 28 black)
* Two 6-sided dice (1 Red/1 Blue)
NEW-box ......$69.00 rct
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Updated as of 3/06/2025
ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price