Updated as of ..7/25 /2024


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BAR-LEV: The 1973 Arab-Israeli War - Deluxe Edition

BAR-LEV: The 1973 Arab-Israeli War - Deluxe Edition
by Fawcett, Chris


Updated game treatment of Frank Chadwick's GDW release originally published in 1977, faithfully remastered and updated with this all-new, deluxe edition. Either of the two fronts (the Golan Heights and the Suez Canal) may be gamed separately, or both can be linked to simulate the course of the entire war.

It now features an updated order of battle and revised, expanded rules that fully integrate the air and air defense systems into the rest of the game, featuring a re-engineered sequence of play to provide a much more immersive experience for players. Operational planning is up to the players - you decide who to mobilize and where the hammer blow is to fall.

Some of the enhancements made in this edition include:

* Redesigned 9/16-inch counters featuring BONUS option for tank battalions (two sets of counters; one with NATO symbols and one with representative AFV side view)
* Game map information is updated based on research and includes all-new map artwork
* Supporting charts convey more information at a glance for ease of play
* Updated the Order of Battle based on new information and analysis
* Resolution converted from a d6 to d10 for all game purposes
* Fully-integrated air and air defense systems; re-engineered sequence of play
* Updated rules treatment backed by many illustrations, an index, and clarifications and examples of play to reduce potential questions

Product Information:
* Complexity: 6 out of 10
* Solitaire Suitability: 7 out of 10 (no hidden units)
* Time Scale: 1 day per turn
* Map Scale: 3-6 km per hex
* Unit Scale: battalion and company
* Players: one to four, best with two
* Playing Time: 5-10 hours for one-map scenario, 12+ hours for full two-map game

* Two map sheets (22x34-inch each)
* Eight countersheets (9/16-inch size)
* Rules booklet
* Four player aid cards
* Four air tasking displays
* One ten-sided die

1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box ......$119.00 rct

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Updated as of 7/25 /2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price