Updated as of ..3/13/2025


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THE DOOMSDAY PROJECT: Episode One, The Battle for Germany

THE DOOMSDAY PROJECT: Episode One, The Battle for Germany
by Starkweather, Adam


The Doomsday Project is a subseries of the Operational Scale System (OSS) featuring wars that never happened. There will be games on the Persian Gulf, the Balkans, the far north, the Far East, the strategic naval war, and of course, a game of total nuclear war. All the games will feature rules that allow you to play some, part or all of the great war that never happened. The first game in the series will feature the fight that could have happened in Germany. Chemical weapons, tactical nuclear attacks and politics will be present - as well as all the forces that were stationed in the region in 1985. Both sides, notably the United States, were reequipping their forces with many new weapons joining the line. The process had started but is not yet completed.

This is the third game in the 'OSS' system. This series is made to be highly playable and to be completed in far shorter a time that is common for this size game. Low counter density and a concentration on conceptual complexity is the focus of this series. While still mechanically simple, The Doomsday Project will also have all the necessary rules to cover this theater and period. It will be more complex than Korea: Fire and Ice but simpler than Vietnam: Rumor of War.

Product information Complexity: 7 out of 10; Solitaire Suitability: 8 out of 10; Time Scale: 1 day per turn; Unit Scale: Divisional/Brigade/Regiment; Players: 1-2; Scenarios: 5

Components Three Maps at 22by34 inches; one map at 8.5x11 inches; Five Countersheets; Six Player Aids, Charts, and Displays; One Rulebook; One Scenario book; Two 6-sided dice and two 10-sided dice.

1 vol, 1 pgs 2021 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box ......$109.00 rct

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Updated as of 3/13/2025

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price