Updated as of ..7/25 /2024


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VICTRIX 28MM - Spartan Armored Hoplites 5th to 3rd Century BC Hard Plastic Figures

VICTRIX 28MM - Spartan Armored Hoplites 5th to 3rd Century BC Hard Plastic Figures


The box contains 48 hard-plastic miniatures with thrusting and at-rest arm positions, plus lots of extra options representing Greek Hoplites of Sparta and Laconia from the 5th Century covering the end of the wars with Persia, to the 4th century and the titanic struggle for Greek supremacy in the Peloponnesian war against Athens and Thebes.

You get 48 superbly detailed miniatures with nine head variants, of which seven come in two halves -- the hair plugs into the back of the head to achieve the distinctive moulding of the Spartan long hair. There is also a bare head and another with a shorter bob style to shoulders plus a helmet. There are a couple of crest options to make some officer variants. There are thrusting arms options, spear at rest options and sword arms. (Remember if you want to make more at rest arms, by rotating a thrusting arm 90 degrees it becomes a spear at rest position). Spears are separate to the hands for those wanting to add metal spears.

There are eight figures per sprue, of which four have shield arms attached and four have no arms attached to enable you to make the musician and other specialty positions for officers and character figures. There are cloaks and various sword scabbards to add even more character and flavor to your Hoplite miniatures. Making this set one of the finest detailed and versatile plastic sets on the market

This set can be mixed with all the parts from the Athenian, Theban, and Mercenary sets which all have their own specialty heads and options to add yet more variety to your Greek armies.

Includes Spartan unit statistics for 'Clash of Empires' rules.

1 vol, 48 pgs 2012 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box ......$40.00

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Updated as of 7/25 /2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price