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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 10/17/2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Seven Year's War

1-205600 PRAGUE: The Empty Triumph -- Wargame PRAGUE - The Empty Triumph is volume VII of The Battles From The Age of Reason and continues the course of the Seven Years War in Europe.

On May 6, 1757 King Frederick II of Prussia sent 65,000 men on a maneuver to turn the right flank of 62,000 Austrians strongly deployed along a ridge east of the city Prague under the command of Prince Charles of Lorraine. Both sides were poised for for a battle which would be the largest of the war.

Although the battle clearly was a Prussian success the victory fell short because Prague successfully withstood the enemy siege until June 16 when Marshal Daun's Austrian relief force dealt Frederick his first defeat on the rolling hills near Kolin.

PRAGUE allows players to explore all aspects of the battle with multiple scenarios.

As a bonus, this game includes the Lobositz Expansion map.

* 3rd Edition Standard Series Rules booklet
* Exclusive Rules booklet containing Special Rules, Scenarios and Historical Commentary
* Three 22x34-inch full color, period-style maps
* 420 1/2-inch Counters, both full color and black & white
* Cardstock charts & tables
* Two 10-sided dice 1 vol, 1 pgs 2014 US, CLASH OF ARMS
NEW-box, available early July 2014 ......$88.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-71610 Anderson, Fred PEOPLE'S ARMY, A: Massachusetts Soldiers and Society in the Seven Years' War A People's Army documents the many distinctions between British regulars and Massachusetts provincial troops during the Seven Years' War. Originally published by UNC Press in 1984, the book was the first investigation of colonial military life to give equal attention to official records and to the diaries and other writings of the common soldier. The provincials' own accounts of their experiences in the campaign amplify statistical profiles that define the men, both as civilians and as soldiers. These writings reveal in intimate detail their misadventures, the drudgery of soldiering, the imminence of death, and the providential world view that helped reconcile them to their condition and to the war.

The author examines the military relationship between the British professional army & the militia type soldiers of the Bay Colony. Lots of first hand accounts, appendices, returns, biblio, and index. 1 vol, 292 pgs 1996 US, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA PRESS
NEW-softcover, available late July 2013 ......$30.00

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1-16110 Annotated and edited by Vincent W. Rospond FREDERICK THE GREAT'S INSTRUCTIONS TO HIS GENERALS At various times in his military career Frederick the Great seemed on the cusp of a major defeat, yet always to find ways to extricate himself a secure a victory for himself and his lands. Frederick has long been considered in the pantheon of military leaders for his strategic and tactical prowess. His instructions to his generals have long been considered a starting point to understand the military mind of this leader. We present an annotated and illustrated version of Frederick the Great's 1754 Instructions to his infantry and cavalry. Included in this volume are maps that provide a background to his battles, a biography of Frederick and some of his generals, and an explanation of 18th century warfare as well as illustrations of his troops. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2012 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover ......$15.00

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1-236930 Badone, Giovanni YOU HAVE TO DIE IN PIEDMONT: The Battle of Assietta, 19 July 1747. The War of the Austrian Succession in the Alps 'You have to die in Piedmont!' is an old folk song, still played in the western Alps, that tells of the French regiments that were coming from the Mongeneve Pass in order to attack a combined Austro-Sardinian force entrenched on the Assietta Plateau, 2,500 meters up in the Cottian Alps. This crucial position controlled two main roads from France to the Kingdom of Sardinia's capital, Turin. The battle occurred on 19 June 1747, and was the bloodiest single day action not only of the War of Austrian Succession (1740-1748) in Italy, but in the whole military history of the Alps. Includes 26 b/w illustrations, 18 b/w photos, 19 maps, 3 diagrams, and 14 tables.

The strategic goal of the French offensive was the siege and the capture of the Fort of Exilles, in the Susa Valley on the road from Brian?on to Turin. An army of about 20,000 soldiers under the command of the Chevalier de Belle-Isle was divided into two corps: one went down the Moncenisio towards Exilles, while the other advanced towards the Val Chisone to attack the Assietta ridge from the south. Having predicted that the French would move through the area, Carlo Emanuele III of Savoy had fortified the area with an entrenched camp garrisoned with 7,000 men. French intelligence discovered that the allied forces were fortifying the pass, while the main Austrian army had left the siege of Genoa to reach the Alps.

So, the decision was taken to attack immediately. The forces involved amounted to 32 French battalions against nine Sardinian and four Austrian battalions. Despite the desperate effort of the soldiers and the personal valor of the French officers, all the attacks were repulsed with heavy losses. In a matter of three hours of murderous combat, some 5,000 soldiers, out of 27,000 men engaged, became casualties: even the French commander, Belle-Isle, was killed in the struggle. From that day, the Battle of Assietta became a sort of military legend for the Sardinian forces, and subsequently for the Italian Army, but no serious attempt to reconstruct the event was ever made.

Only at the end of the 19th century did the French try to develop a more detailed study of the struggle by publishing the manuscript written by Lt-Gen de Vault in the second half of 18th century. This is therefore the first full work to address the history of this battle, based firmly on extensive archival and printed sources, and fully supported by maps and illustrations as well as a comprehensive index. 1 vol, 344 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-hardcover ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-224010 Barrento, Antonio Guerra Fantastica - The Portuguese Army in the Seven Years War This book deals with a series of military operations that occurred in Portugal in 1762 and 1763, during the Seven Years' War, and which have been largely dismissed by the historiography. They are collectively called the Guerra Fantastica, 'Fantastical War', given the fact that the military units of the countries involved carried out multiple movements while not engaging in any battle.

This work begins with an introduction to the phenomenon of war as a whole, to the environment in Europe at the time, and to the military framework of the conflict. It then describes the events that led to the participation of Portugal in the Seven Years' War and the way in which the conflict in Portugal began.

It continues with a presentation of the various forces involved. For this purpose, it analyses in detail the weakness of the Portuguese army, the military reinforcements that were obtained from England, and the arrival in Portugal of the Count of Lippe, whom the King of England had recommended to the King of Portugal to be the commander of the forces, given his recognized ability for the task.

It proceeds with an account of the events of the war, starting with an analysis of the invasion of the North of Portugal by the Spanish army and its later withdrawal to Spain. It continues with a description of how the Spanish army, once strengthened by French units, again invaded Portuguese territory, and the events that occurred until its second withdrawal. Despite the numerical superiority of the Bourbon army, the difficulties of the terrain, the efficient command of the Count of Lippe, and the maneuvers of the Anglo-Portuguese army prevented it from reaching victory and forced its return to Spain.

The book is an important piece of research, based on archival material. It explores contemporary correspondence between the Court of Spain and the commanders of the force that invaded Portugal, which is available at the Archive of Simancas. It makes use, moreover, of the correspondence between the Secretary of State of Portugal, the Count of Oeiras, and the Count of Lippe, and between the latter and his subordinate commanders, which is extant at the Military Historical Archive of Lisbon. At the same time, this work is reader-friendly, integrating several notes and original documents that help clarify certain of its major points, as well as a list of the units that participated in the military operations.
1 vol, 98 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-18260 Biles, William S. drawings by Darrell Capshaw UNIFORMS OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR:Volume #1 Prussia, England, Hanover, Hesse-Cassel, Brunswick. Uniform detail, Flags, Standards, organization for Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery. B/w line drawings biblio, index. 1 vol, 64 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$16.00

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1-18270 Biles, William S. drawings by Darrell Capshaw UNIFORMS OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR:Volume #2 France, Austria, Bavaria, Saxony and Wurttenberg. Uniform detail, Flags, Standards, organization for Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery. B/w line drawings, biblio, index. 1 vol, 51 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$16.00

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1-18280 Biles, William S. drawings by Darrell Capshaw UNIFORMS OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR:Volume #3 The Reicharmee (German States), Russia & Palatinate. Uniform detail, Flags, Standards, organization for Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery. B/w line drawings, biblio, index. 1 vol, 58 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$16.00

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1-228740 Carmichael, Ewan LIKE A BRAZEN WALL: The Battle of Minden, 1759, and Its Place in the Seven Years War Balanced examination of the Battle of Minden: Applauding, where due, the dash and elan of the French and Saxon opponents of the English; Examining the enduring challenges of multinationality by considering the relationships between Britain and her German allies; Reviewing the role of the leader by reconsidering the strengths and weaknesses of Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick; and reviewing the role of the British horse and its controversial commander, Sackville.

The battle and the operations leading up to it provide lessons in leadership, command and control, communications, understanding of terrain, maneuver, deception, concentration of force, mutual support, liaison with allies, and discipline. Explains the strategic necessity of British involvement in an Anglo-German allied army in Europe as well as describes the tactical detail of Minden and the parallel battle of Gohfeld, including a review of the effectiveness of British musketry.

Orders of battle, uniform details and an illustrated battlefield tour are included, as are 5 maps, 26 photos, 5 b/w illustrations, 1 color ill, 16pp of tables, and 4pp of uniform plates. 1 vol, 278 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-213811 Cogswell, Neil LOBOSITZ TO LEUTHEN: Horace St Paul and the Seven Years War, 1756-1757 In 1751, at the age of 22 and then a law student, Horace St Paul had, as he described it, 'a difference' with an older man over the favor of a lady. This 'difference' resulted in the death of the older man in an impromptu duel to which there were no witnesses. The investigating coroner directed that St Paul should stand trial for willful murder. With no confidence in the outcome, St Paul fled to France where such affairs of were looked on in a different light. He declined to return home to England to stand trial and was outlawed. St Paul was a handsome young man who was possessed of considerable social graces and received a liberal allowance from his father.

From France, he moved to Brussels, where he was accepted at the Court of Prince Charles of Lorraine, Governor-General of the Austrian Netherlands and brother-in-law of Maria Theresa, the Empress Queen. In 1756 Frederic II of Prussia invaded Saxony thereby precipitating a general war in Europe.

Prince Charles of Lorraine confidently expected to be appointed to the chief command of the Austrian army, once it was fully mobilized. The Prince thought sufficiently well of St Paul to offer him a post at his side as aide-de-camp and sent him to join Marshal Browne, then commanding in Bohemia, as a volunteer to learn something of soldiering. St Paul joined Marshal Browne shortly before the Austrain army advanced to attempt to relieve the Saxons, then besieged at Pirna. Having no regimental duties St Paul kept a journal of the day to day operations of the Austrians, thereby learning his new trade. He was present at the first major action of the war at Lobositz. The following year, now in the suite of Prince Charles of Lorraine, St Paul was present at the great battle outside Prague and was subsequently besieged in that city. He was also in a position to gather eyewitness accounts of other actions - notably that at Kolin - as he accompanied the victorious Austrian forces on their advance from Bohemia into Silesia while the King of Prussia was away seeking to prevent the armies of France and the Empire from re-conquering Saxony. Once in Silesia the Austrian army besieged and stormed the great fortress of Schweidnitz and then crushed the remains of the Prussian army ouside Breslau and captured that Capital city. Nike, the capricious Goddess of Victory, had crowned the triumphant Austrians. Nemesis, the Goddess of Retribution, had other ideas. One month after his stunning victory over the French and Empire forces at Rossbach, King Frederic of Prussia hurled his outnumbered and weary troops against the Austrians at Leuthen just outside Breslau.

The Journal of St Paul is a day by day account. He is not shy to write 'Nothing happened', also when the action is hottest he can be understandably brief. As a man learning his trade, he often records details of almost arcane significance. As his original editor George Grey Butler noted: 'This is not history, but it is the stuff from which history is written.' Accompanying the text are a detailed Gazeteer and Lists of Persons and Regiments indicated in the text as well as 232 plates of maps and plans on which the reader can follow the operations described. This is a landmark work in the history of the Seven Years War. A continuation of this Journal, describing the Campaigns from 1758 to 1760, is in preparation.
1 vol, 712 pgs 2018 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj ......$100.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-213811 Cogswell, Neil LOBOSITZ TO LEUTHEN: Horace St Paul and the Seven Years War, 1756-1757 In 1756, Prince Charles of Lorraine confidently expected to be appointed to the chief command of the Austrian army once it was fully mobilised. The Prince thought sufficiently well of St Paul to offer him a post at his side as aide-de-camp and sent him to join Marshal Browne, then commanding in Bohemia, as a volunteer to learn something of soldiering. Having no regimental duties St Paul kept a journal of the day to day operations of the Austrians, thereby learning his new trade.

Day by day diary kept by Horace St Paul during the war. He is not shy to write, nothing happened, and also when the action is hottest he can be understandably brief. As a man learning his trade, he often records details of almost arcane significance.
1 vol, 712 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb edition, available late January 2022 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-213812 Cogswell, Neil OLMUTZ TO TORGAU: Horace St Paul and the Campaigns of the Austrian Army in the Seven Years War 1758-60 Following the disastrous conclusion to the campaign of 1757, the Austrian Army regrouped in Bohemia. Meanwhile, the King of Prussia sought to complete his reconquest of Silesia before seizing the initiative and thrusting directly towards Vienna. In his path stood the town of Olmutz, which would prove to be a high-tide mark of the war.

Over the next three years, Austria and her allies inflicted a series of heavy defeats on the Prussians at Hochkirch, Kunersdorf, Dresden, Maxen, Landeshut, and Glatz. By the end of 1760 - with Berlin open to insult by Swedish, Austrian and especially Russian raiders - the King of Prussia was left with no other option than the desperate measure of attacking the Austrian Army in a renowned, strong defensive position on the heights of Suptitz (outside Torgau).

From the near-balletic formality of the battles and sieges of a prior age, the business of war changed during these campaigns. Many of the actions were designed with the objective of annihilation, and the critical moment of several battles came at night; the geometric precision of siege warfare gave way to the indiscriminate horrors of bombardment.

Throughout these campaigns, Horace St Paul - an English gentleman volunteer - continued to accompany Marshal Daun. He noted the day-to-day progress of the army and recorded the essential connective tissue which links the great events of these campaigns - often highlighting occasions where a general action was expected, but does not occur. In parallel, this volume includes accounts from the Prussian perspective - including that of Henri de Catt, to whom the King of Prussia confided his thoughts.

The text is accompanied by 242 plates of maps and statistical information, as well as a detailed gazetteer and lists of persons and regiments named. 1 vol, 712 pgs 2018 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj, available late March 2018 ......$70.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-238770 Cogswell, Neil OLMUTZ TO TORGAU: Horace St Paul and the Campaigns of the Austrian Army in the Seven Years War 1758-60 Following the disastrous conclusion to the campaign of 1757, the Austrian Army regrouped in Bohemia. Meanwhile, Prussia attempted the reconquest of Silesia before seizing the initiative and thrusting directly towards Vienna. Olmutz proved to be a high-tide mark of the offensive. Over the next three years, Austria and her allies inflicted a series of heavy defeats on the Prussians at Hochkirch, Kunersdorf, Dresden, Maxen, Landeshut and Glatz. By the end of 1760 - with Berlin open to insult by Swedish, Austrian, and especially Russian raiders - the King of Prussia was left with no other option than the desperate measure of attacking the Austrian Army outside Torgau. Includes 242 plates of maps and statistical information, detailed gazetteer, and lists of persons and regiments named. 1 vol, 712 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$80.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-16850 Corbett, Julian S ENGLAND IN THE SEVEN YEARS WAR: 1756-1763 Two-volume set covers England in the Seven Years War (1756-1763). The policy of England - that of Pitt - was to limit the commitment in terms of men; priority was given to the Royal Navy and an indirect form of colonial warfare allied with blockade was established. The naval intricacies, along with their political and land-based military corollaries, are illuminated as ever present simmering tensions between England and France, and the newly emergent Prussia and Austria, lead to a conflict that dragged many other nations into the strife.

The second volume carries the narrative on into 1760: an abortive counter-attack by French forces in Canada; further pressure in Germany thwarted by Frederick and his generals; and the catastrophic intervention of Spain into the war. 1 vol, 884 pgs 1992 UK, GREENHILL BOOKS
V.GOOD-dj, Only 2 sets. First come, first served. ......$100.00

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1-207610 Cubbison, Douglas ALL CANADA IN THE HANDS OF THE BRITISH: General Jeffery Amherst and the 1760 Campaign to Conquer New France This tells full story of the successful sieges of Montreal that ended France's control of Canada, examines the three principal columns that General Jeffery Amherst's army comprised, only one of which was under his direct command, and also shows how well Brigadier General James Murray's use of what is today called population-centric counterinsurgency corresponded with Amherst's strategic oversight and victory.

In 1760, Amherst led the British campaign that captured Montreal and began the end of French colonial rule in North America. All Canada in the Hands of the British is a detailed account of Amherst's successful military strategy and soldiers' experiences on both sides.

Newly promoted general Jeffery Amherst took command of British forces in North America in 1759 and soon secured victories at Fort Duquesne, Louisbourg, Quebec, Fort Ticonderoga, and Niagara. In 1760 William Pitt, head of the British government, commanded Amherst to eliminate French rule in Canada. During the ensuing campaign, Amherst confronted French resurgence at Quebec and mounted sieges at Isle aux Noix and Fort Levis, both of which were made difficult by French strategic placements on nearby islands.

Using archival materials, archaeological evidence, and the first-hand accounts of junior provincial soldiers, Cubbison takes us from the eighteenth-century antagonisms between the British and French in the New World through the Seven Years' War, to the final siege and its historic significance for colonial Canada. In one of the most decisive victories of the Seven Years' War, Amherst was able, after a mere four weeks, to claim all of Canada.
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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1-18470 Dorn, Gunter & Englemann, Joachim CAVALRY REGIMENTS OF FREDERICK THE GREAT:1756-1763 9.5x12.5, (2) color pages and text on the Hussar, Cuirassier and Dragoon regiments of Frederick's cavalry, index of regiments, biblio, maps. 1 vol, 160 pgs 1989 WEST CHESTER, SHIFFER PUB
NEW-dj ......$40.00

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1-18480 Dorn, Gunter & Englemann, Joachim INFANTRY REGIMENTS OF FREDERICK THE GREAT:1756-63 9.5x12.5, color page and text on both the garrison and field regiments of Frederick, biblio, index. 1 vol, 160 pgs 1989 WEST CHESTER, SHIFFER PUB
NEW-dj ......$50.00

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1-11900 Duffy, Christopher ARMY OF FREDERICK THE GREAT Classic, definitive study of Frederick's military machine. Includes List of Regiments, b/w drawings, illustrations, maps, bibliography, and index. 1 vol, 272 pgs 1996 CHICAGO, EMPEROR'S PRESS
NEW-dj, 2nd edition, Special offer from the publisher ......$37.00 rct

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1-223160 Duffy, Christopher INSTRUMENT OF WAR V1: The Austrian Army in the SYW How did an 18th Century army work? This book is the most important examination of such an army yet done, written by the premier military historian of the era. 72 b/w ills, 6 b/w maps, 3 diags, numerous tables & graphs

Maria Theresa had seen her inheritance almost lost to unprovoked attacks from her neighbors. Her army had stood by her then, and was now trying desperately to improve, as it had to face Frederick the Great, the master-soldier of the era. But she and her ministers soon faced the dilemma of how to fight a war without sacrificing what they were fighting for.

The structure of the army, the life of its soldiers, its strengths and weaknesses, the personalities that gave it such a unique character, from top to bottom, are all considered. Not only is the Austria of Maria Theresa examined, but fascinating views appear of Prussian opponents and French, Swedish and Russian armies. Efforts were made to reshape the army, the state, and the world of diplomacy. Maria Theresa wanted to be a mother to her army, to serve it as faithfully as it served her. This is a study of what problems they faced.

The army and its needs affected all around it. Conscription, taxation, constitutional change, bureaucracy, logistics, all of these dominated countries that never witnessed a campaign. To most of the inhabitants of Central Europe the army was the state, and their lives cannot be understood without examining it. Conscription tells us much about the homelands of the soldiers - the languages they spoke, the professions they served, their willingness to serve what to many was an alien monarch. The army provides an important view of 18th Century Bohemia, Hungary, Croatia, Lombardy, Belgium and Austria. Even the distant Irish played an important role in this army.

But this is no dry commentary. The 18th Century is brought to life not only in the words of Christopher Duffy, but also of the perceptive diplomat Kaunitz, experienced generals like Daun and Loudon, Prussian spies and foreign attaches, a cynical Belgian prince and a young Italian officer, and many others. Their firsthand accounts explain the successes and failures of Austria at war.

The battles and campaigns of the Seven Years War cannot be understood without knowledge of the instruments necessary to conduct such a war. Every serious military historian should read this book.
1 vol, 608 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late May 2020 ......$80.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-58801 Duffy, Christopher INSTRUMENT OF WAR: The Austrian Army in the SYW - Volume 1 Examines the structure of Maria Theresa's army, the life of its soldiers, its strengths and weaknesses, the personalities that gave it such a unique character, from top to bottom. Also considers her Prussian opponents as well as French, Swedish, and Russian armies. Efforts were made to reshape the army, the state, and the world of diplomacy. Maria Theresa wanted to be a mother to her army, to serve it as faithfully as it served her as she addressed various problems.

The 18th century army and its needs affected all around it. Conscription, taxation, constitutional change, bureaucracy, logistics, all of these dominated countries that never witnessed a campaign. To most of the inhabitants of Central Europe the army was the state, and their lives cannot be understood without examining it. Conscription tells us much about the homelands of the soldiers - the languages they spoke, the professions they served, their willingness to serve what to many was an alien monarch. The army provides an important view of 18th Century Bohemia, Hungary, Croatia, Lombardy, Belgium and Austria. Even the distant Irish played an important role in this army.

The 18th Century is brought to life in the words of Christopher Duffy, perceptive diplomat Kaunitz, experienced generals like Daun and Loudon, Prussian spies and foreign attaches, a cynical Belgian prince, a young Italian officer, and many others. 1 vol, 560 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid October 2022 ......$80.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-58802 Duffy, Christopher BY FORCE OF ARMS: The Austrian Army in the SYW - Volume 2 To avenge defeats in a former war, Austria assembled a massive superiority in forces thanks to powerful alliances, and an army reformed and far more effective than ever before. But Prussia hung on, to force a long war and a bloody draw. The brilliance of Frederick the Great and the Prussian army have been given credit for this outcome, but Austria had more than its fair share of good soldiers and skilled generals. 51 b/w photos, 69 maps

Wars never turn out as expected when there are formidable foes, and this book tells what went wrong. This is more than an account of battles and marches. The story of the Seven Years War in Central Europe has been long neglected, and yet it was there that the Austrians (followed closely by the Prussians) broke with the former rigidity of the armies of monarchical Europe, and not just foreshadowed but put into actual effect initiatives that are normally associated with the campaigns of the Revolution and Napoleon.

The myth of a limited war leading to indecisive battles is no longer tenable. Not that it lacks a good story of excellent soldiers, some of them left in the limelight when Frederick the Great's legend was created, and of battles long forgotten. A wealth of maps and as many eyewitness accounts as possible have been used to explain what actually happened. This account of the war in central Europe emphasizes and focuses on the operations of the Austrian army. 1 vol, 524 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, in stock ......$80.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-72710 Duffy, Christopher PRUSSIA'S GLORY:Rossbach & Leuthen 1757 Detailed account by the today's foremost, he brings to life the defeat of the larger Austrian army by Frederick, illust/maps. 1 vol, 204 pgs 2003 CHICAGO, EMPERO'S PRESS
NEW-dj ......$33.00

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1-242470 edited by Martin, Juan THE BATTLE MAPS OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR: Volume 1 This spiralbound book is composed of 12 maps from the Seven Years' War. Each map takes up a full page, with the opposite page providing a detailed explanation of what is happening at each battle.

* Introduction
* The Combat of Reichenberg
* The Battle of Prague
* The Siege of Prague
* The Battle of Chotzenitz or Kolin
* The Battle of Hastenbeck
* The Siege of Memel
* The Battle of Gross Jagersdorf
* The Siege of Schweidnitz
* The Battle of Breslau
* The Battle of Leuthen
* The Siege of Breslau
* The Siege of Harbourg
* Notes about the artwork 1 vol, 55 pgs 1991 SPAIN, SEVEN YEARS' WAR STUDY GROUP
AS NEW-wirebound softcover ......$40.00 inc

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1-242480 edited by Martin, Juan THE BATTLE MAPS OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR: Volume 2 This spiralbound book is composed of 13 maps from the Seven Years' War. Each map takes up a full page, with the opposite page providing a detailed explanation of what is happening at each battle.

* Presentation
* Introduction
* The bombardment of Pillau
* The bombardment of Fort La Rade
* The bombardment of Fort Fouras
* The combat of Gorlitz
* The battle of Rossbach
* The blockade of Stralsund
* The siege of Olmutz
* The crossing of the Rhine
* The affair of Rheinberg
* The battle of Crevelt
* The bombardment of Dusseldorf
* The combat of Sandershausen
* The bombardment of Custrin 1 vol, 85 pgs 1992 SPAIN, SEVEN YEARS' WAR STUDY GROUP
AS NEW-wirebound softcover ......$40.00 inc

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1-245550 edited by McIntyre, James HISTORY OF THE SCHAUMBURG-LIPPE-BUCKEBURG CARBINER AND JAGER CORPS The Schaumburg-Lippe-Buckeburg Carbiner and Jager Corps was one of the unique and
colorful units that fought in the Seven Years War. Raised in the small German state of
Schaumburg-Lippe-Buckeburg, and led by its hereditary ruler, this cavalry and infantry unit
specialized in harassing and screening the enemy. This history was originally published in
German in 1828 by G.W. During. It has been translated and added to by Prof. James McIntyre,
creating this fascinating combat unit's first and most complete history. Contains color maps and images. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2024 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-hardback, available mid August 2024 ......$32.00 rct

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1-32300 Edwardes, Michael THE BATTLE OF PLASSEY 'British Battle Series', Clive's victory that won India for the British. B/w illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 167 pgs 1963 NEW YORK,MACMILLAN COMP
V.GOOD-dj ......$40.00

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1-246080 Esposito, Gabriele THE PRUSSIAN ARMY OF FREDERICK THE GREAT, 1740-1786: History, Organization and Uniforms Details the organization, uniforms, and equipment of the various branches of service that made up the Prussian Army. Starting with the infantry, whose incredible discipline and excellent training made them the backbone of Frederick's forces, details the famous guards and the line regiments but also the light infantry jagers and even little-known garrison and auxiliary units. Equal attention is given to the cavalry: guards, cuirassiers, dragoons, lancers, and hussars. There is also a chapter devoted to the technical corps of artillery, pioneers and the like, and there are chapters on the mercenary freikorps and Frederick's German allies. Contains 116 color illustrations. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late September 2024 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-214180 Grant, John - edited by Earl Chapman A DANGEROUS SERVICE: A Soldier's View of the Seven Years' War in the Caribbean and North America The Black Watch's John Grant offers eyewitness accounts of military life during the French and Indian War provide fascinating and invaluable insights into the period. Includes the Highland soldier's emotions before and after combat, his will to fight, and, most of all, his perseverance in adversity.

We follow the young Scottish officer to the Caribbean, where he soldiered in the disease-ridden cane fields and swamps of Martinique and Guadeloupe, and later at the siege of Havana, and to North America, where he served at Staten Island, New York and on the Hudson River route to Ticonderoga and points north. He worked on building forts at Oswego and Crown Point and was part of the movement of armies and supplies through the wilderness possible.

With General Jeffery Amherst's force, he survived shooting the treacherous rapids of the St. Lawrence River to capture Montreal in 1760, completing the British conquest of New France. Includes black and white illustrations, maps, notes, appendices, and index. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2017 CANADA, ROBIN BRASS STUDIO
NEW-pb, available mid June 2017 ......$38.00

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1-245011 Hotham, C and S Summerfield THE OPERATIONS OF THE ALLIED ARMY UNDER THE COMMAND OF PRINCE FERDINAND OF BRUNSWICK: Volume One - 1757-1758 Volume 1 includes an additional anonymous eyewitness account of Leuthen. The main book covers such battles as Crefeld, Sandershausen, and Lutterberg. Reprint of one of the most rare studies of the Minden phase of the Seven Years War by a serving British officer. The information, largely in diary form, is of huge significance and to make it accessible for a modern audience, Stephen Summerfield has written an introductory essay to set the narrative in its context as well as dividing the text into detailed section headings to ease reference. Includes colored maps, many from the original work but with numerous others added by Stephen. Contains color portraits, 36 mostly colored maps, 25 orders of battle, and 5 tables. 1 vol, 171 pgs 2024 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late June 2024 ......$63.00 inc

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1-245012 Hotham, C and S Summerfield THE OPERATIONS OF THE ALLIED ARMY UNDER THE COMMAND OF PRINCE FERDINAND OF BRUNSWICK: Volume Two - 1759-1760. Volume 2 covers the Bergen Campaign, crucially the Minden Campaign, plus Warburg. Reprint of one of the most rare studies of the Minden phase of the Seven Years War by a serving British officer. The information, largely in diary form, is of huge significance and to make it accessible for a modern audience, Stephen Summerfield has written an introductory essay to set the narrative in its context as well as dividing the text into detailed section headings to ease reference. Includes colored maps, many from the original work but with numerous others added by Stephen. Contains 29 mostly colored maps and 26 orders of battle. 1 vol, 171 pgs 2024 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late June 2024 ......$63.00 inc

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1-245013 Hotham, C and S Summerfield THE OPERATIONS OF THE ALLIED ARMY UNDER THE COMMAND OF PRINCE FERDINAND OF BRUNSWICK: Volume Three - 1761-1763. Volume 3 completes the narrative with the siege of Kassel, the battles of Vellinghausen, and Wilhelmstal. Reprint of one of the most rare studies of the Minden phase of the Seven Years War by a serving British officer. The information, largely in diary form, is of huge significance and to make it accessible for a modern audience, Stephen Summerfield has written an introductory essay to set the narrative in its context as well as dividing the text into detailed section headings to ease reference. Includes colored maps, many from the original work but with numerous others added by Stephen. Contains 30 mostly colored maps and 12 orders of battle. 1 vol, 179 pgs 2024 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late June 2024 ......$63.00 inc

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1-238190 Kling, Stephen Battle of Leuthen The Battle of Leuthen is a low to moderate complexity tactical game on Frederick the Great's classic battle against the Austrians in 1757 during the Seven Years War. The game takes about 90 minutes to play. One player commands the Prussian Forces and the other player the Austrian forces. Cards allow a variety in play.

AGE: 14+
TIME TO PLAY: 90 Minutes
DESIGNER: Stephen L. Kling, Jr.

48 game pieces (5/8' inch)
A single rulebook (4 pages)
20 game cards
CANVAS game map (11x17' inch)
1 six sided die 1 vol, 1 pgs 2022 US, THE HISTORICAL GAME COMPANY
NEW-box, available mid August 2023 ......$40.00 rct

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1-228810 Lapray, Olivier HASTENBECK 1757: The French Army and the Opening Campaign of the Seven Years War Covers the campaign of the French armies in Westphalia that saw its climax play out around the village of Hastenbeck on 26 July 1757, where the forces of Marechal d'Estrees gained a victory that came close to knocking Hanover out of the war. Having left their garrisons four months earlier, they had come to battle at the gates of Hanover after having traveled more than 600 kilometers through the Low Countries and into Germany. Includes 10 maps, 8 b/w images, and 8pp of color plates. 1 vol, 152 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early December 2021 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-67500 Luvaas, Jay editor and translator FREDERICK THE GREAT ON THE ART OF WAR Frederick the Great (1712-1786), King of Prussia, initiated the Seven Years' War in 1756; outfought the formidable French, Russian, and Austrian armies aligned against him; and established Prussia as a major power, thereby decisively influencing the next two centuries of European history. He was also a brilliant military thinker whose observations arose from extensive battlefield experience.

This volume presents a balanced selection from Frederick's writings on strategy, tactics, and mobility; the problems of logistics and a two-front war; the combined use of infantry, cavalry, and artillery; the history of the Prussian army; the critical battles of the Seven Years' War; generalship as an art; and much more. A majority of this material is translated here for the first time in English and available nowhere else. The result is an invaluable glimpse into the inner thoughts of a military genius. 1 vol, 391 pgs 1999 US, DA CAPO PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$15.00

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1-222080 Mc Intyre, James JOURNAL OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR ASSOCIATION SPECIAL ISSUE: Schaumburg, Lippe and Buckeburg in the Seven Years' War Spring 2018 Volume XXI Number 3 issue.

* The Army of Schaumburg, Lippe and Buckeburg
* Scion of Military Enlightenment: Field Marshal Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst Graf zu Schaumburg, Lippe and Buckeburg
* An Abriged Memoir of What Happened at the Siege of Kassel in 1761 1 vol, 56 pgs 2019 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-softcover ......$12.00 rct

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1-936231 Mc Intyre, James JOURNAL OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR ASSOCIATION SPECIAL ISSUE: The Guerra Fantastica Articles Include:
The Portuguese Army in the Seven Years War/ Guerra Fantastica
The Spanish Army in the Seven Years War/ Guerra Fantastica
The Franco-Spanish Campaign in Portugal, 1761-1762 or Guerra Fantastica
Memoire of the Campaign in Portugal in 1762 by the Count Wilhelm zu Schaumburg-Lippe (Translated and edited)
A Kind of General: The Portugal Campaign of 1762 and the Making of General John Burgoyne
Book Reviews
Items of Interest 1 vol, 76 pgs 2020 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-softcover ......$12.00 rct

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1-936232 Mc Intyre, James JOURNAL OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR ASSOCIATION ISSUE: 23.2 The Battle of Rossbach
Mid-18th century Gallophobia
Katrin and Sascha Mobius
The Battle of Lafelt 1747: Indirect Influence on the Operations and Tactics of the Austrians in the Seven Years' War
Field Marshal Daun and Frederick the Great
Joseph Count Siskovics
The Ambushes at Gundersdrof and Domstadtl: Tactical Engaments with Strategic Results
Book Reviews
Items of Interest 1 vol, 60 pgs 2021 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-softcover ......$12.00 rct

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Review and Outlook
Call for Submissions
Article Submission Guidelines
Developing Amphibious Doctrine: The British Experience in the Seven Years War
Thomas More Molineux: Father of Amphibious Warfare
Excerpts for the Services of Lieutenant Colonel Francis Downman, Royal Artillery
Items of Interest
Subscription Information
Journal Staff
1 vol, 48 pgs 2021 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-pb, available mid February 2022 ......$12.00 rct

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Review and Outlook
Call for Submissions
Article Submission Guidelines
The Soldiers' General: Counter Piotr Semionovich Saltykov
The Dictator-Karl Heinrich von Wedell
The Battle of Kay/Paltzig-23 July 1759
Seven Years War Association Convention Report
Items of Interest
Subscription Information
Journal Staff
1 vol, 48 pgs 2021 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-pb, available mid February 2022 ......$12.00 rct

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1-936241 Mc Intyre, James JOURNAL OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR ASSOCIATION ISSUE: 24.1 Contents: Review and Outlook; Affaire des Postes: Maurice de Saxe's 1746-1747 Battle Tactics; The Oldest Hussar of Empress Maria Theresia; The Embodiment of Military Europe: Ulrich Friedrich Woldemar Graf von Lowendahl; Book Reviews; Schedule of Events for the Seven Years War Convention; and Items of Interest. 1 vol, 28 pgs 2022 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-softcover, available late May 2022 ......$12.00 rct

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1-936242 Mc Intyre, James JOURNAL OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR ASSOCIATION ISSUE: 24.2 Contents:
* Battle of St. Foy 1760
* Putting Words in Soldiers' Mouths: Anecdotes and Poems of SYW
* Conference Report: 26th Annual War College of the SYW (2022)
* Items of Interest: News 1 vol, 34 pgs 2022 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-pb, available late September 2022 ......$12.00 inc

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1-936243 Mc Intyre, James JOURNAL OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR ASSOCIATION ISSUE: 24.3 Contents:
* In Memoriam: Professor Christopher Duffy (1936-2022)
* Review and Outlook
* Firm to Their Purpose, and Nothing Daunted
* When Wolfe First Met Montcalm: The Battle of Montmorency July 31, 1759
* Reflections on the Next Campaign (translated): by Count Wilhelm zu Schaumburg-Lippe * Conference Report: Fort Plain Museum on the Sir William Johnson and the Wars for Empire Conference
* Book Reviews
* Items of Interest 1 vol, 34 pgs 2022 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-softcover, available late March 2023 ......$12.00 rct

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1-936244 Mc Intyre, James JOURNAL OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR ASSOCIATION ISSUE: 24.4 Contents:
*A Lesser-Known Figure in North America: Lieutenant Gaspard Joseph Chaussegros de Lery
(July 20, 1721-December 11, 1797)
*An Experiment in Irregularity: The Arquebusier de Grassin
*Original Partisan: Simon de Grassin de Glatigny 34
*Book Reviews
*Items of Interest
*Subscription Information 1 vol, 34 pgs 2023 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-softcover, available November 2023 ......$12.00 rct

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1-936251 Mc Intyre, James JOURNAL OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR ASSOCIATION ISSUE: 25.1 Articles Include:
* Gleim and His Mother by Katrin Mobius
* Seven Years' War Association Convention Report
* Christopher Duffy Eulogized at Historicon
* Book Reviews
* Items of Interest 1 vol, 34 pgs 2023 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-pb, available mid December 2023 ......$12.00 rct

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1-936252 Mc Intyre, James JOURNAL OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR ASSOCIATION: Issue 25.2 Articles Include:
* Review and Outlook
* Call for Submissions
* Article Submission Guidelines
* Johann Jakob von Wunsch
* An Overlooked but Pivotal Commander: Karl Friedrich von Wolffersdorff
* The Political General? Friedrich Daniel St. Andre
* Small but Well Executed: The Battle of Zinna, September 8, 1759
* Book Reviews
* Items of Interest 1 vol, 40 pgs 2024 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-pb, available early April 2024 ......$12.00 rct

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1-936253 Mc Intyre, James JOURNAL OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR ASSOCIATION: Issue 25.3 Articles Include:
* Review and Outlook
* Call for Submissions
* Article Submission Guidelines
* British Unit Strengths in Flanders during the 1745 Campaign
* The Best Which We are in a Condition to Receive: The Baron von Steuben and the Adaptation of Prussian Army Discipline
* The Russian War against the Turks 1736-1739
* Fort Ligonier Seven Years' War Symposium Report
* Book Reviews
* Items of Interest 1 vol, 40 pgs 2024 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-pb, available early October 2024 ......$12.00 rct

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1-936221 Mc Intyre, James editor SEVEN YEARS WAR ASSOCIATION JOURNAL: Volume XXII No 1 1 vol, 58 pgs 2019 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-pb, available mid February 2020 ......$12.00 inc

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1-936222 Mc Intyre, James editor SEVEN YEARS WAR ASSOCIATION JOURNAL: Volume XXII No 2 Winter 2018-2019 Volume XXII Number 2 issue.

* Identifying the Gunboat at the Battle of Stoney Point
* Frederick's Mentor: Santa Cruz de Marcenado
* The Popularizer: Friedrich Wilhelm von Zanthier and the Works of Santa Cruz de Marcenado
* Excerpt from Military Reflections of Santa Cruz de Marcenado
* Convention Report: 36th Annual SYWA Convention 1 vol, 44 pgs 2019 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-softcover ......$12.00 rct

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1-936223 Mc Intyre, James editor SEVEN YEARS WAR ASSOCIATION JOURNAL: Volume XXII No 3 Spring 2019 Issue includes: Review and Outlook; Call for Submissions; Article Submission Guidelines; Heavyweight of the Lights: Andreas Count Hadik von Futak; The Raid on Berlin, 1757; Book Reviews; Society for Military History Conference Report; Items of Interest; Subscriptions; and Journal Staff. 1 vol, 58 pgs 2019 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-pb ......$12.00 rct

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1-936224 Mc Intyre, James editor SEVEN YEARS WAR ASSOCIATION JOURNAL: Volume XXII No 4 Summer 2019 Issue includes: 1 vol, 58 pgs 2019 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-pb, available mid February 2020 ......$12.00 rct

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1-241650 McIntyre, James R. LIGHT TROOPS IN THE SEVEN YEARS WAR: Irregular Warfare in Europe and North America, 1755-1763 Surveys the development of irregular troops, sometimes referred to as light infantry, on both continents over the course of the 18th century. Examines the conduct of small, but at times operationally and even strategically significant, raids, ambushes, and scouting engagements during the 7YW. Examples of these actions include ambushes at Gundersdorf and Domstadtl (1758) and the raid on Fort Bull (1756). Highlights the careers of various practitioners, recognized by contemporaries, as masters at the conduct of irregular warfare. These figures include Johann Ewald, Andreas Graf Hadik von Futak, Simon-Claude Grassin de Glatigny, Gaspard-Joseph Chaussegros de Lery, Graf Nikolas von Luckner, Johann von Monkewitz, and Robert Rogers. Contains 10 b/w illustrations, 8 color illustrations, 6 b/w maps, and 1 table. 1 vol, 168 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available December 2023 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-936143 Mitchell, James editor SYW ASSOCIATION JOURNAL VOL X1V No 2 Life & Times of Graf von Seckendorf; Wargamimg theFrench Infantry Detachments; British Artillerists. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2007 CROWN POINT, SYW ASSOCIAT
NEW-softbound ......$12.00

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1-24670 Pengel, R, & Hurt, G.R. RUSSIAN CAVALRY AND FLAGS OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR 8x12, packed with b/w line drawings of Uniforms, Equipment, Standards etc. 1 vol, 42 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$12.00

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1-24680 Pengel, R, & Hurt, G.R. RUSSIAN INFANTRY AND FLAGS OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR 8x12, packed with b/w line drawings of Uniforms, Equipment, Standards etc. 1 vol, 40 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$12.00

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1-26830 Pengel, R. FRENCH REGIMENTS ETRANGERES: SEVEN YEARS WAR UNIFORMS & FLAGS 8.5x11-inch booklet starts with listing of infantry regiments and unit strengths, followed by uniform section with black and white illustrations of uniforms and flags with associated regimental color details. 1 vol, 46 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$12.00

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1-18100 Pengel, R. & Hurt, G.R. PRUSSIAN INFANTRY UNIFORMS OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR 8.5x11-inch booklet offers tabular color listing for each infantry regiment, including facings, pompoms, and lace, followed by extensive black and white uniform illustrations. Includes recruitment areas and main battles. 1 vol, 62 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-sofcover, inventory reduction sale ......$14.00 spc

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1-18110 Pengel, R. & Hurt, G.R. AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN HUSSARS, ARTILLERY & SUPPORT 8x12, packed with b/w line drawings of Uniforms, Equipment, Standards etc for 1740-1762. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$14.00

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1-18120 Pengel, R. & Hurt, G.R. AUSTRIAN DRAGOONS & CUIRASSIERS 8x12, packed with b/w line drawings of Uniforms,Equipment, Standards etc. 1 vol, 44 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$14.00

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1-18130 Pengel, R. & Hurt, G.R. AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN INFANTRY: 1740-1762 8.5x11-inch booklet starts with listing of infantry regiments and their commanders, battles, organization details, and other info, followed by uniform section with black and white illustrations and uniform color details. Includes foreign regiments serving in army and flag details. 1 vol, 64 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$16.00

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1-18140 Pengel, R. & Hurt, G.R. BAVARIA, SAXONY & PALATINATE 8x12, packed with b/w line drawings of Uniforms,Equipment, Flags etc. 1 vol, 104 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$20.00

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1-18150 Pengel, R. & Hurt, G.R. FRENCH INFANTRY REGIMENTS, 1740-1762 8x12, packed with b/w line drawings of Uniforms,Equipment, Standards etc. 1 vol, 86 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$16.00

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1-18160 Pengel, R. & Hurt, G.R. MAISON DU ROI, CAVALRY & INFANTRY:FLAGS, UNIFORMS 8x12, packed with b/w line drawings of Uniforms,Equipment, Standards etc for 1740-1762 1 vol, 48 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$14.00

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1-18170 Pengel, R. & Hurt, G.R. FRENCH TROUPES LEGERES OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR: 1740-63 8.5x11-inch booklet is packed with black and white line drawings of infantry and cavalry with associated color information. Also includes many unit OOBs, tabular uniform guide info, many unit strengths, and other details. 1 vol, 42 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$12.00

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1-18180 Pengel, R. & Hurt, G.R. GERMAN STATES SUPPLEMENT 8x12, packed with b/w line drawings of Uniforms, Equipment, Standards of Brunswick-Luneburg(Hanover), Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel, Hessen Cassel and Schaumburg Lippe. 1 vol, 94 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$20.00

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1-18200 Pengel, R. & Hurt, G.R. PRUSSIAN CAVALRY, DRAGOONS & CURASSIERS 8x12, packed with b/w line drawings of Uniforms,Equipment, Standards etc. 1 vol, 44 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$12.00

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1-18210 Pengel, R. & Hurt, G.R. PRUSSIAN FLAGS OF THE SEVEN YEARS WARS 8x12, packed with b/w line drawings. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$10.00

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1-18220 Pengel, R. & Hurt, G.R. PRUSSIAN REGULAR, IRREGULAR & PROVINCIAL HUSSARS 8x12, packed with b/w line drawings of Uniforms,Equipment, Standards etc. 1 vol, 44 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$12.00

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1-18230 Pengel, R. & Hurt, G.R. SWEDISH ARMY IN POMERANIA: 1757-1763 8.5x11-inch booklet is packed with black and white line drawings of flags, guidons, and standards with associated color information. Also includes listings of infantry regiments and artillery units, tabular uniform guide, unit strength, deployment in 1757, and other details. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$15.00

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1-18240 Pengel, R. & Hurt, G.R. SWEDEN & GERMAN STATES: CAVALRY OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR 8.5x11-inch booklet is packed with black and white line drawings of uniforms, equipment, and standards with associated color information. Each unit description also often includes strength and other details. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$10.00

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1-18250 Pengel, R. & Hurt, G.R. SWEDEN & GERMAN STATES, INFANTRY AND CANNON 8x12, packed with b/w line drawings of Uniforms,Equipment, Standards etc. 1 vol, 78 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$15.00

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1-33880 Pengel, R. & Hurt, G.R. REICHSARMEE, THE:ORGANIZATION, FLAGS & UNIFORMS 8x12, packed with b/w line drawings of Uniforms, Equipment, Flags etc. 1 vol, 78 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$15.00

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1-37460 Pengel, R. & Hurt, G.R. FRENCH CAVALRY & DRAGOONS:UNIFORMS & FLAGS 1740-62 8x12, packed with b/w line drawings of Uniforms, Equipment, Standards etc. 1 vol, 85 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$15.00

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1-243010 Podruczny, Grzegorz THE KING AND HIS FORTRESSES: Frederick the Great and Prussian Permanent Fortifications 1740-1786 Describes Prussian fortifications during the reign of Frederick the Great, including historical background, the experience of attacking the fortresses captured by the Prussian king, and the theory of fortification. At the book's core are two extensive chapters describing the fortresses built and modernized by the Prussians in two periods -- 1740-1756 and 1763-1786, separated by the Seven Years War. Includes 116 b/w illustrations.

Provides a comprehensive overview of Prussian fortifications during the reign of Frederick the Great. The first three chapters briefly describe the Prussian state, European fortification in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, and the state of Prussian fortifications when Frederick the Great took power. Chapter four details Frederick the Great's experience in fortress warfare, including his education in the field, the fortress exercises he conducted during peacetime, and the sieges he led or observed. Chapter five covers Prussian fortification theory during the Frederician period, including both the king's own ideas and the texts written by his engineers.

Chapter six covers the design and construction of fortresses between 1740 and 1756, including detailed information about fortresses in Silesia, Glogau, Neisse, Glatz, Cosel, Schurgast, Brieg, Schweidnitz, and Breslau. Also describes the different types of fortress used in Prussian fortification, including the use of advanced works, forts, and caponiers. Chapter seven covers the years between 1763 and 1786, detailing the construction of fortresses on the Oder and in the mountains of Silesia and other provinces of the Prussian state. Extensive discussion of artillery casemates, including specific Prussian solutions in the form of casemates with arcaded walls open from behind and so-called Hangars - free-standing casemates serving as shelters for guns firing from open positions.

The final chapter provides a collective overview of various aspects of the design and construction of Prussian fortresses during the Prussian period, including the most influential designers, the organization of construction, workers, contractors, and issues related to financing the construction of fortresses and controlling expenditure. 1 vol, 338 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early April 2024 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-236510 Rambaud, Alfred translated by George Nafziger THE RUSSIANS AND PRUSSIAN DURING THE SEVEN YEARS' WA The Prussians and Russians During the Seven Years' War by Alfred Rambaud is a detailed history of the battles and interactions of the Kingdom in Prussia and Imperial Russia during the years 1756 - 1763. The personalities, battles and diplomacy of the period were brilliantly researched at the end of the 19th century by the French historian Alfred Rambaud. Dr. George Nafziger brings you a new translation of this military history classic. This edition includes black and white drawings and maps. 1 vol, 120 pgs 2023 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-hardback, available mid April 2023 ......$32.00 rct

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1-88560 Reid, Stuart illust by Bob Marion TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH European Armies in the French-Indian Wars and the War for India, plate, uniform schematics. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2008 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb ......$28.00

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1-44043 Saperson, C.A. and Lenton J.R. NAVY LISTS, V3:1756-1762 The Seven Years War Lists of all the combatants, action reports, o/b's 1 vol, 40 pgs 2003 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover ......$10.00

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2-203390 Showalter, Dennis FREDERICK THE GREAT: A Military History Frederick the Great is one of history's most important leaders. Famed for his military successes and domestic reforms, his campaigns were a watershed in the history of Europe - securing Prussia's place as a continental power and inaugurating a new pattern of total war that was to endure until 1918.

However, much myth surrounds this enigmatic man - his personality and his role as politician, warrior and king. Showalter's cleverly written book provides a refreshing, multidimensional depiction of Frederick the Great and an objective, detailed reappraisal of his military, political, and social achievements.

Early chapters set the scene with an excellent summary of 18th century Europe - The Age of Reason; an analysis of the character, composition and operating procedures of the Prussian army; and explore Frederick's personality as a young man. Later chapters examine his stunning victories at Rossbach and Leuthen, his defeats at Prague and Kolin and Prussia's emergence as a key European power. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2020 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-pb edition, available mid June 2020 ......$27.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-201640 Smelser, Marshall THE CAMPAIGN FOR THE SUGAR ISLANDS, 1759: A Study of Amphibious Warfare In the Seven Years' War, France's Sugar Islands, Guadeloupe, and Martinique, were stakes as important as the Dominion of Canada. This book sketches the background strategy that led William Pitt to send an expedition to capture them, but it is chiefly of the campaign itself. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2012 US, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA
NEW-softcover, available late April 2013 ......$45.00

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1-198770 Smith, Digby ARMIES OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR: Commanders, Equipment, Uniforms and Strategies of the 'First World War' Reference work of the Seven Years War period details the commanders, uniforms, weapons, equipment, artillery, strategy, tactics, and combat involvement (military and naval) of the forces that fought for survival and world supremacy from 1756 to 1763.

States covered include Austria, Bavaria, Britain, Brunswick, Denmark, Hanover, Hessen-Darmstadt, Hessen-Kassel, Holland, France, the Palatinate, Portugal, Prussia, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Wurttemberg, and the minor contingents of the Holy Roman Empire. The colonial struggle in North America is included. Coverage of the intricacies of the uniforms, colors, and standards is in unprecedented depth, many details of which were previously unpublished. The tactics of the horse and musket era are examined, as are Frederick the Great's abilities as a war leader who led his armies against the rest of Europe. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2012 UK, THE HISTORY PRESS
NEW-dj, back in print ......$89.00 rct

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2-198770 Smith, Digby ARMIES OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR: Commanders, Equipment, Uniforms and Strategies of the 'First World War' Drawn from many international sources, many not seen before in English-language publications, this is the definitive reference work for students, readers, and enthusiasts of the Seven Years War period. It details the senior commanders, uniforms, weapons, equipment, artillery, strategy, tactics, and combat involvement (military and naval) of the forces that fought for survival and world supremacy from 1756 to 1763.

States covered include Austria, Bavaria, Britain, Brunswick, Denmark, Hanover, Hessen-Darmstadt, Hessen-Kassel, Holland, France, the Palatinate, Portugal, Prussia, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Wurttemberg, and the minor contingents of the Holy Roman Empire. The colonial struggle in North America is included. Coverage of the intricacies of the uniforms, colors, and standards is in unprecedented depth, many details of which were previously unpublished. The tactics of the 'horse and musket' era are examined, as are Frederick the Great's abilities as a war leader who led his armies against the rest of Europe. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2013 UK, THE HISTORY PRESS
NEW-softcover -- NEW PB Edition ......$93.00

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1-210781 Smith, Digby THE SEVEN YEARS WAR - A NEW HISTORY: VOLUME 1 POWER AND POLITICS (1755-1757) New, detailed history of the Seven Years' War by the celebrated military historian Digby Smith.
Fully illustrated, including 51 maps and 38 orders of battle.

This first volume covers global events to the Battle of Rossbach. But there is one major purpose to this new history. The events of the Seven Years' War are confusing in themselves, but the effects of time and World Wars have been to make following the course of action impossible with the volume of name changes across Europe. For the first time, Digby cuts through the confusions to provide an effective gazetteer of place names to make the understanding of campaigns possible. 1 vol, 300 pgs 2016 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-dj ......$55.00

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1-210782 Smith, Digby THE SEVEN YEARS WAR - A NEW HISTORY 2: YEARS OF MIRACLES (1758-1759) This much awaited second of three volumes in particular deals with the events of 1759 with great victories by British forces over their French opponents. It also of course covers the European theater from the Siege of Schweidnitz to the clash at Maxen. Includes 78 maps, 26 other illustrations, and 83 orders of battle. 1 vol, 296 pgs 2017 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-dj available mid July 2017 ......$55.00

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1-210783 Smith, Digby THE SEVEN YEARS WAR - A NEW HISTORY 3: Years of Survival (1760-1763) This third and final volume covers the period from the battles of Landschut and Warburg to the Peace of Hubertusberg. This completes this monumental new history with its massive number of maps and orders of battle making it essential reference. Includes 73 maps, 26 other illustrations, and 85 orders of battle. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2019 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardcover, available late March 2019 ......$55.00 rct

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2-194940 Summerfield, Stephen AUSTRIAN SEVEN YEARS WAR INFANTRY AND ENGINEERS: Uniforms, Organization, and Equipment Completely revised 2nd edition. In our new format (slightly reduced in height but just as good inside). The new edition contains over 250 ADDITIONAL mostly contemporary illustrations on uniforms. The uniform/ equipment chapters have an additional 120 illustrations (from the original 60), 34 flags have been added, there are 55 contemporary illustrations from the 1749 Drill Book, the Grenz uniforms have been massively expanded It is hard to admit you need this edition more than the first, but the fact is that it is completely true.

A regiment by regiment study of the Austrian army in the Seven Years War, complete with uniform details and service history. The work includes the Grenz and Jager regiments as well as engineers. The illustrations come not only from re-worked Brauers but also the Albertini plates, Knotel plates and others. This is the ESSENTIAL reference, an absolute must for all Seven Years War enthusiasts. And before you ask - yes, the companion cavalry volume is being prepared at them moment and we expect to be ready early this year, illustrated throughout in color. 1 vol, 234 pgs 2014 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-dj ......$60.00

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2-196850 Summerfield, Stephen SAXON ARMY OF THE AUSTRIAN WAR OF SUCCESSION AND THE SEVEN YEARS WAR Includes 250+ either new or improved illustrations plus different flags with their units.

Continuing this highly praised series on the uniforms of the Seven Years War, Stephen has come up with the definitive study of the Saxon army -- of particular interest as it fought on both sides, as it were. Bits and pieces of information exist in various books and uniform plates, but this is the first attempt to put all the information together, regiment by regiment -- infantry, cavalry, artillery and staff: uniforms, equipment, flags, and organization. 1 vol, 216 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardcover, revised 2nd edition ......$60.00

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1-208270 Summerfield, Stephen HANOVERIAN ARMY OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR: Uniforms, Organisation and Equipment Illustrated in color throughout and Stephen's latest superb uniform book.

This volume explores the uniforms, organization and equipment of the Hanoverian Army during the reign of George II (1727-60) to the end of the Seven Years War in 1763 under George III (1760-1820). In addition it covers the Saxe-Gotha Infantry Regiment, the Schaumburg-Lippe contingent and the various light troops in Anglo-Hanoverian pay. The massive amount of illustration comes from contemporary sources as well as Brauer, Knotel, and Schirmer. But the real joy are Stephen's meticulously reconstructed flags and standards. This will become the essential work for years to come. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2015 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-dj, back in stock ......$60.00

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1-237491 Summerfield, Steven HISTORY OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR VOLUME 1: 1746-1757 Volume 1. New facsimile English version of the 1789 Thomas Holcroft translation of Frederick the Great's history of the 7YW (original was in French) published after Frederick's death. Reproduced in three separate volumes, with the third including some extra material by him on the Prussian State of the period. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2023 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early July 2023 ......$35.00 rct

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1-237492 Summerfield, Steven HISTORY OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR VOLUME 2: 1758-1760 Volume 2. New facsimile English version of the 1789 Thomas Holcroft translation of Frederick the Great's history of the 7YW (original was in French) published after his death. Reproduced it in three separate volumes, the third including some extra material by him on the Prussian State of the period. 1 vol, 274 pgs 2023 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early July 2023 ......$35.00 rct

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1-237493 Summerfield, Steven HISTORY OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR VOLUME 3: 1760-1763 Volume 3. New facsimile English version of the 1789 Thomas Holcroft translation of Frederick the Great's history of the 7YW (original was in French) published after his death. Reproduced it in three separate volumes, the third including some extra material by him on the Prussian State of the period. 1 vol, 274 pgs 2023 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early July 2023 ......$35.00 rct

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1-193200 Tracy, Nicholas Battle of Quiberon Bay, 1759: Hawke and the Defeat of the French Invasion Revered naval theorist, Alfred Thayer Mahan, thought the Battle of Quiberon Bay (20 Nov 1759) was as significant as Nelson's victory in 1805, calling it 'the Trafalgar of this war (the Seven Years War).' Arguably it was even more vital. Britain in 1759 was much less well-defended, with virtually no regular troops at home, and the threat of French invasion was both more realistic and more imminent.

When the British fleet under Admiral Hawke fell upon them, the French ships of the line under Admiral Conflans were actually on their way to rendezvous with the invasion troopships gathered at the mouth of the Loire. Yet the battle and the admiral remain relatively obscure -- there is no Quiberon Square or Hawke's column. The battle itself was fought in terrible weather, the French attempting to exploit their local knowledge by heading for Quiberon Bay, assuming the British would not follow them among its treacherous shoals in such conditions. Hawke, however, pursued them under full sail and the French ships were destroyed, captured, run aground or scattered for the loss of only two British ships which ran aground. The invasion was thwarted. Professor Nicholas Tracy studies the battle and its strategic consequences, particularly upon the war for North America.

8 pages plates, 7 maps. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2010 UK, PEN & SWORD BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-228650 Tracy, Nicholas THE BATTLE OF QUIBERON BAY, 1759: Britain's Other Trafalgar The Battle of Quiberon Bay (20 Nov 1759) was as significant as Nelson's victory in 1805, said Alfred Thayer Mahan, calling it 'the Trafalgar of this war [the Seven Years War].' Arguably it was even more vital. Britain in 1759 was much less well-defended, with virtually no regular troops at home, and the threat of French invasion was both more realistic and more imminent. When the British fleet under Admiral Hawke fell upon them, the French ships of the line under Admiral Conflans were actually on their way to rendezvous with the invasion troopships gathered at the mouth of the Loire. Includes eight pages of plates and seven maps.

The battle itself was fought in terrible weather, the French attempting to exploit their local knowledge by heading for Quiberon Bay, assuming the British would not follow them among its treacherous shoals in such conditions. Hawke, however, pursued them under full sail and the French ships were destroyed, captured, run aground, or scattered for the loss of only two British ships which ran aground. The invasion was thwarted. 1 vol, 248 pgs 2021 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid November 2021 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-246411 Vial, Jean-Louis FRENCH INFANTRY DURING THE SEVEN YEARS WAR 1756-1763: Volume 1 Organization First volume in a series devoted to the French army during the Seven Years War. Describes the organization and evolution of infantry regiments, the hierarchy of a regiment, recruitment and training of soldiers, officers and their careers, marches, encampment and barracks for troops, payment of honors, a detailed review of uniforms, infantrymen's weapons and equipment, and the organization and uniforms of provincial militias, Grenadiers de France, and coast guard militias. Contains 25 black and white illustrations and 12 pages of color plates. 1 vol, 188 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late October 2024 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-246412 Vial, Jean-Louis FRENCH INFANTRY DURING THE SEVEN YEARS WAR 1756-1763: Volume 2 Regimental Distinctions and Colours Second volume of French Infantry During the Seven Years War 1756-1763 covers the regiments, and especially their uniforms and distinctions. Comprehensive publication on the state of the French infantry during the Seven Years War, with a complete study of all contemporary sources, such as the Etat militaires from 1754 to 1763, contemporary manuscripts, publications, and artworks. Richly illustrated, this book will be useful to all researchers of the military history of the Seven Years' War, re-enactors, wargamers, and miniature painters. Contains 25 black and white illustrations and 12 pages of color plates. 1 vol, 188 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late October 2024 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-84262 Woods, James ARMIES & UNIFORMS OF THE SYW: V2 Coalition Forces France, Reichsarmee and Saxony France, Reichsarmee and Saxony, (12) color pages of Uniforms, b/w illust. drawings, tables of uniform details, flags etc. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2013 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover, o/p ......$28.00

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1-84263 Woods, James ARMIES & UNIFORMS OF THE SYW: V3 Coalition Forces Austria, Sweden & Russia Austria, Sweden & Russia, twelve color pages of Uniforms, b/w illust. drawings, tables of uniform details, flags etc. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2013 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$28.00

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