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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 3/20/2025

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
19th Century

1-66635 Alcala, Cesar illust by Ferrer Dalmau 3RD GUERRE CARLISTA:Guerre De Los Matiners 1873-74 'Osprey' type book with (8) color plates with several figures per plate, many b/w illust/maps, covers the battles/campaigns. 1 vol, 102 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-pb in SPANISH ......$24.00

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1-57360 Allen, William and Muratoff, Paul CAUCASIAN BATTLEFIELDS:Turco-Caucasian 1828-1921 The most important English language study of the Military Operations between Russia and Turkey, it covers every major campaign, (39) maps, (8) plates extensive biblio and chpt. notes, index. 1 vol, 636 pgs 1999 NASHVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-hardcover, reprint of 1953 ed. ......$75.00

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1-47780 Anglesey, Marquess of ONE LEG:Life & Letters of Henry William Paget Born before the French Revolution he was one of Wellington's better Cavalry leaders, a must read for any student of Napoleonic Cavalry Tactics, b/w illust. 1 vol, 432 pgs 1996 LONDON, LEO COOPER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-200140 Babac, Dusan THE SERBIAN ARMY in the Wars for Independence Against Turkey 1876-1878 The Wars for Independence, also called the First and the Second Serbo-Turkish Wars 1876-1878, were the first military conflicts in the modern history of the Serbian state, after which the Principality of Serbia gained full independence at the Berlin Congress., There are many written sources concerning the wars of 1876-78. Some of them date from between 1877 to the lull between two world wars, and some many years later. Nevertheless, the fact is that today this bright period of Serbian history is almost forgotten.

This book offers to a very thorough analysis of the Serbian Army of the period, its organization, participation in military operations, weapons, equipment, uniforms, and the system of orders and medals that had just been introduced. It is a synthesis of all available literature, published for the first time in the English language, and contains extensive visual material and photographs, including color uniform plates, contemporary paintings, portraits and photographs and many color photographs of preserved artifacts and documents. A special emphasis is placed on the colorful aspects of Serbian uniforms from the epoch.

After the Crimean War, when photographers were reporting from the field of military conflict for the first time, coverage of the American Civil War and Franco-Prussian War followed, as did the Balkan wars of 1876-78. This book offers remarkable photographs of the time, showing all manner of aspects of the Serbian campaigns, including uniforms, military formations, artillery, telegraphs, liberated towns, and wounded soldiers. It is up to readers to open the book, and enter into this unknown and unexpected territory. Includes 300 color and b/w illustrations. 1 vol, 200 pgs 2015 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-hardcover ......$70.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-209140 Babac, Dusan THE SERBIAN ARMY in the Wars for Independence Against Turkey 1876-1878 The Wars for Independence, also called the First and the Second Serbo-Turkish Wars 1876-1878, were the first military conflicts in the modern history of the Serbian state, after which the Principality of Serbia gained full independence at the Berlin Congress., There are many written sources concerning the wars of 1876-78. Some of them date from between 1877 to the lull between two world wars, and some many years later. Nevertheless, the fact is that today this bright period of Serbian history is almost forgotten.

This book offers to a very thorough analysis of the Serbian Army of the period, its organization, participation in military operations, weapons, equipment, uniforms, and the system of orders and medals that had just been introduced. It is a synthesis of all available literature, published for the first time in the English language, and contains extensive visual material and photographs, including color uniform plates, contemporary paintings, portraits and photographs and many color photographs of preserved artifacts and documents. A special emphasis is placed on the colorful aspects of Serbian uniforms from the epoch.

After the Crimean War, when photographers were reporting from the field of military conflict for the first time, coverage of the American Civil War and Franco-Prussian War followed, as did the Balkan wars of 1876-78. This book offers remarkable photographs of the time, showing all manner of aspects of the Serbian campaigns, including uniforms, military formations, artillery, telegraphs, liberated towns, and wounded soldiers. It is up to readers to open the book, and enter into this unknown and unexpected territory. Includes 300 color and b/w illustrations. 1 vol, 200 pgs 2015 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-hardcover ......$70.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-229610 Barry, Quintin THE BATTLE OF LISSA, 1866: How the Industrial Revolution Changed the Face of Naval Warfare Once the Industrial Revolution spread through mainland Europe, it was often in France that important breakthroughs were made, though contrary to the opinion of earlier historians, the British Admiralty kept a close watch on technological progress. The outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861 powerfully accelerated developments in all aspects of warship design. As other navies adopted the latest technology it became apparent that the tactics of naval warfare must also change. In 1866 Italy, in alliance with Prussia, went to war against Austria, having built up a substantial fleet of ironclads. The Austrians, too, had also acquired a number of ironclads.

The two fleets faced each other in a campaign in the Adriatic, in which the Italian fleet was led by Admiral Carlo Persano and that of Austria by Admiral Wilhelm von Tegetthoff. On July 20, 1866 they met in what was to be the first fleet action of the new age, and the encounter ended in a decisive victory for the Austrian fleet. Much of the blame for the Italian defeat was laid at Persano's door, while his opponent became a national hero.

This book covers the campaign of Lissa and explores the progress of naval shipbuilding and tactics in the period leading up to 1866, together with the development of the Italian and Austrian navies.
1 vol, 255 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj, available late February 2022 ......$55.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-247730 Barry, Quintin WAR IN THE EAST: A Military History of the Russo-Turkish War 1877-78 Details how Russia declared war on the Ottoman Empire in April 1877, and by January 1878, the last viable Turkish army was surrounded and captured at Shenovo. The author's detailed text is accompanied by 266 black and white illustrations, 30 color plates, and 15 black and white and color battle maps. Extensive orders of battle are also provided. 1 vol, 576 pgs 2025 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid February 2025 ......$68.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-245980 Bassett-Powell, Bruce FOR QUEEN AND EMPIRE: The History and Uniforms of Queen Victoria's Armed Forces at Home and in the Empire 1881-1902, Volume 1: The British Armed Forces Through the narrative of the various branches of the services and the illustrations of the uniforms they wore, this volume describes the armed forces at home. Incredible detailed descriptions of uniforms and accouterments of the navy, regular army, yeomanry, volunteer forces, etc. An exquisite look at the pomp of the heyday of Empire. Large format, 32 multiple uniforms full page color plates. 1 vol, 340 pgs 2024 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-hardback, available mid September 2024 ......$72.00 rct

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1-231371 Blake, Mike FORCES OF THE BOXER REBELLION & THE EIGHT POWER WAR: Volume 1 - The Dragon Provoked Very well illustrated including a multitude of color uniforms details. A comprehensive account of the war, campaigns, and battles, and detailed study of the armies involved. All split equally over three volumes. This volume Includes the Boxers, Imperial Chinese, and British forces. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2022 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj ......$59.00 rct

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1-231372 Blake, Mike FORCES OF THE BOXER REBELLION & THE EIGHT POWER WAR: Volume 2 - The Dragon Rampant Volume 2 is also a very well illustrated book including a multitude of color uniforms details. A comprehensive account of the war, campaigns, and battles, and detailed study of the armies involved. All split equally over three volumes. This volume includes the Japanese, Indian Army, French, Italians, Austro-Hungarian and Australians 1 vol, 200 pgs 2022 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj ......$59.00 rct

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1-227590 Brice, Christopher editor FORGOTTEN VICTORIAN GENERALS: Studies in the Exercise of Command and Control in the British Army 1837-1901 The generals featured in this book represent different types of General and offers insight into generals of this era and the way in which they exercised command.

Field Marshal Sir George White was Commander in Chief in India from 1893 to 1898 and was a rising star of the Army. Yet his reputation suffered from the South African War and his decision to take refuge in Ladysmith and become sieged during the early part of the war.

Field Marshal Robert Napier was also Commander-in-Chief India from 1870 to 1876. He was originally an officer of engineers in the East India Company Army. He was considered one of the finest civil engineers in India and developed a reputation as a fine battlefield commander, culminating in his successfully conducting the Abyssinia Campaign of 1867-68.

Brigadier General Robert Loyd-Lindsay's success lay in the political arena more than the military. He did much in the name of military reform and worked hard for the medical support of soldiers.

General Sir Archibald Allison was very much the fighting soldier in his younger days, but in later life proved a successful Commandant at Sandhurst and Head of the Intelligence Branch at the War Office.

Field Marshal William Nicholson had an interesting campaigning career and had the distinction of being the Second Chief of the General Staff of the British Army and was credited with much success in reforming the army.

General Sir William Lockhart was yet another Commander-in-Chief in India who had seen considerable active service including commanding the Tirah Expedition of 1897-1898.

General Sir Henry Brackenbury saw considerable active service but his greatest contributions were behind the scenes. He was the greatest administrator in the British Army during the Victorian Era.

Major-General Sir John Ardagh had served under Brackenbury in the Intelligence Branch and later became its leader. Ardagh was also a first rate administrator and did an excellent job in the Intelligence Branch. Although criticized during the South African War for a perceived failure of military intelligence he was exonerated by the Royal Commission set up after the war.

General Sir Arthur Cunynghame was an officer of the old school. He perhaps deserves more credit than he gets and certainly provides for an interesting study. 1 vol, 284 pgs 2019 UK, HELION & COMPANY
NEW-dj, available mid July 2021 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-65430 Brose, Eric Dorn KAISER'S ARMY, THE:1870-1918 The author traces the industrial development of machinery & its application to infantry, cavalry and tactics, b/w illust/maps, biblio, index 1 vol, 336 pgs 2001 NY, OXFORD UNIV PRESS
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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1-80740 Chaffin, Tom FATAL GLORY The story of Narciso Lopez & the First ClandestineUS War against Cuba; between 1849 & 1851 Lopeztried five times to overthrow the Spanish, b/willust, chpt notes, biblio, index. 1 vol, 282 pgs 1996 US, UNIV OF VIRGINIA
AS NEW-dj ......$20.00 old

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1-227510 Coelho, Sergio Veludo THE WAR OF THE TWO BROTHERS: The Portuguese Civil War 1828-1834 The Portuguese Civil War of 1828-1834, also known as the War of the Two Brothers, chronicles the succession struggles between D. Pedro de Bragan?a, former Emperor of Brazil, King of Portugal and a moderate Liberal, and his brother Miguel I, an resolute absolutist. It split the country in two at all levels -- social, ideological, and military -- and spilled over into European affairs.

The Iberian Peninsula was no exception with a violent trend of conspiracies, military uprisings, and revolts. Monarchies were in turmoil as the political systems crumbling since the end of the Peninsular War, finally started to fall. When the Portuguese civil war finally broke out with the landing of the Liberal Army of D. Pedro at the beach of Pampelido, on the 8th July 1832, his 8,300 men had hundreds of English and French mercenaries, Belgian, German and Italian volunteers, Polish refugees and Portuguese soldiers willing to risk their lives against the Miguelite Army of nearly 80,000 men.

This book shows their uniforms, weapons, equipment, and tells the story of two armies. 25 b/w & 1 color illustrations, 21 pages color uniform plates, 8 b/w maps, numerous tables. 1 vol, 132 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid July 2021 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-81810 Cooper, Randolf G.S. ANGLO-MARATHA CAMPAIGNS AND THE CONTEST FOR INDIA The author explains the British struggle for the control of the South Asia Military Economy. Includes chapters on Maratha Military, Deccan Campaign 1803, and Hindustan Campaign 1803. Includes b/w maps, appendices, bibliography, and index. 1 vol, 456 pgs 2014 LONDON, CAMBRIDGE UNIV
NEW-softcover ......$65.00

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1-2111312 Cristini, Luca Stefani with illustrations by Quinto Cenni ESERCITI DEI DUCATI DI TOSCANA E DI LUCCA Military history of Toscany and the city Lucca with 70 color plates. 1 vol, 100 pgs 2017 ITALY, SOLDIER SHOP
NEW-pb, available mid May 2017 [Italian text] ......$49.00

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1-230670 Curtis, Alan FROM THE ATACAMA TO THE ANDES: Battles of the War of the Pacific 1879-1883 After the break-up of the Spanish empire, ill-defined boundaries separated the nine independent states. One was the Atacama Desert between Bolivia and Chile, one of the driest regions in the world that contained nitrates that the world needed for explosives and fertilizer. War broke out in February 1879. Includes 35 b/w photographs, 8 color plates, and 15 color maps.

Both sides found themselves unprepared for war, but rapid armament followed as the Peruvians were dragged into the conflict in support of their Bolivian allies. Initially there was a tiresome naval war of blockade. Two naval actions decided the naval campaign in favor of the Chileans who then proceeded to use their naval power to attack the Allies' isolated armies and capture Lima two years after war had broken out. The war was notable in the West for fights involving ironclads, particularly the Battle of Angamos.

The land war was more or less ignored abroad, although it included some of the biggest battles ever fought on the continent, using all the latest technology, including breech loading rifles and cannons and machine guns. Fighting then developed into a cruel and ruthless guerrilla war in the Andes, sometimes even pitting Peruvian against Peruvian. 1 vol, 236 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late May 2022 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-239120 Dean, Riaz MAPPING THE GREAT GAME: Explorers, Spies and Maps in 19th-Century Asia The Great Trigonometrical Survey of India was founded in the 18th century with the aim of creating a detailed map of the country. Under George Everest, whose name is on the world's highest mountain, mapped the Great Arc of Afghanistan, Turkestan and Tibet. Much of the work of the Survey was undertaken by native Indians, known as Pundits, who were trained to explore, spy out, and map Central Asia and Tibet.

They did this at great personal risk and with meager resources, while traveling entirely on foot. They would be the first to reveal the mysteries of the forbidden city of Lhasa, and discover the true course of Tibet's mighty Tsangpo River. They were the greatest group of explorers the world has seen in recent history, all the while exploring within the context of the Great Game between Great Britain and Imperial Russia in the 19th century. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2023 US, CASEMATE
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-72680 Elleman, Bruce MODERN CHINESE WARFARE:1800-1999 Why did the Chinese empire collapse? The author seeks to answer by exploring the last 200 years of Chinese Conflict, b/w illust/maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 376 pgs 2001 LONDON, ROUTLEDGE PRESS
NEW-pb ......$35.00

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1-215110 Esdailes, Charles and Perry, Alan Godoy's Army - Spanish Regiments and Uniforms from the Estado Militar of 1800 Based on an extremely rare (albeit slightly incomplete) illustrated version of the Spanish Army's order of battle as it existed in the year 1800, this work cannot but form a most unusual addition to the collection of anyone interested in military uniforms (or, more specifically, the Revolutionary and Napoleonic era). 79 color plates

Almost every regiment of the Spanish Army is represented - including such extraordinary units as the Royal Corps of Cosmographic Engineers - while the beautiful full-page, hand-colored engravings of the originals have been supplemented by a transcript of the details (in brief, the senior officers and the uniforms) given in the published edition of the army's order of battle, to which the album reproduced in the pages of this work was intended to complement.

Also included is a substantial introduction to the Spanish Army in the period immediately preceding the Peninsular War - written by the leading expert on the subject - that will be of great interest to any student of that conflict; the soldiers seen in the book are, after all, pretty much the same as the soldiers who suddenly found themselves fighting Napoleon in 1808. A foreword by the current owner of the original - the well-known wargamer and figure designer Alan Perry - explains how the book came into his possession 1 vol, 120 pgs 2017 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-215500 Esposito, Gabriele THE WAR OF THE TRIPLE ALLIANCE The War of the Triple Alliance was an international military conflict in South America fought from 1864 to 1870 between Paraguay and the Triple Alliance of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. With an estimated 400,000 deaths, it was the deadliest and bloodiest in Latin America's history. It particularly devastated Paraguay, which suffered catastrophic losses in population-some claim that almost 70% of its adult male population died-and was forced to cede territory to Argentina and Brazil.

All the four armies are covered with great detail, with special attention to uniforms and organization. Magnificent color plates by Rava and many other nice pictures. The text is full of details about the narrative of the war. 1 vol, 175 pgs 2017 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover ......$30.00

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1-221790 Esposito, Gabriele UNIFORMS OF THE BRITISH INVASION OF THE RIO DE LA PLATA 1806-1807: Spanish Forces Defending Buenos Aires Book contains 24 color plates of the uniforms and flags of the Argentine forces 1806-1807. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2016 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$29.00 rct

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1-235003 Esposito, Gabriele SOUTH AMERICAN ARMIES 1825-1865 Analyzes and details four major non-European armies (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay) for the period 1825-1870, paying particular attention to the years of the bloody Paraguayan War (1864-1870). Provides dozens of uniform plates showing all the incredible variety of the South American armies' military dress. Regular and irregular contingents will be all covered, together with militia units and volunteer corps.

During the first half of the 19th century, the newly-formed countries of South America lived in a state of great political turmoil, since they fought against each other for defining the extension of their national territories. 1 vol, 180 pgs 2022 UK, MMP BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$39.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-235004 Esposito, Gabriele FRENCH COLONIAL TROOPS 1815-1914: Armies Across History 4 Detailed analysis of the history, organization and uniforms of French colonial troops deployed by France during the period 1815-1914 -- including the mighty Army of Africa serving in the Maghreb as well as the various colonial units that were part of the French Navy. All the colonies of the French Empire are covered: Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, French Sahara, Tchad, Mauritania, Niger, Mali, Senegal, French Sudan, Ivory Coast, Benin, Gabon, Guinea, French Congo, French Somaliland, Madagascar, French India, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Caribbean Colonies, and Pacific Colonies. The written text is illustrated with dozens of color uniform plates, depicting the exotic dress of all the colonial military corps deployed by France: Zouaves, Tirailleurs, Chasseurs dAfrique, Spahis, and many others. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2024 UK, MMP BOOKS
NEW-pb, available late July 2024 ......$28.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-235005 Esposito, Gabriele MUSLIM ARMIES 1800-1914: Armies Across History 5 Analyzes the history, organization, and uniforms of the Muslim armies that emerged during the 19th century, focusing on use of dozens of color uniform plates depicting the dress of the various corps. During the 19th century, several Muslim countries of both Africa and Asia were forced to modernize their armies. As a result, by the outbreak of World War I, several Muslim armies already existed around the world. The most important of these was the Ottoman Army. Several other Muslim nations reformed their military forces along westernized lines: Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Persia, and Afghanistan. Contains numerous color plates. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2024 UK, MMP BOOKS
NEW-pb, never printed ......$28.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-236901 Esposito, Gabriele ARMIES OF THE CARLIST WARS 1833-1876 Illustrations on nearly every page, mostly in colour. Detailed description of the armies, their uniforms and equipment. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2013 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-hardback ......$48.00 inc

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1-217460 Esposito, Gabriele and Angel Garcia Pinto THE WAR IN THE PACIFIC (South America) The Pacific War was one of the greatest and bloodiest war ever on the west part of South America, and is one of the most important conflicts in South American history. It is also known as the 'Saltpeter War' or the 'Guano War' because the possession of these two highly profitable nitrates was the main cause of the conflict.

This book examines the troops, uniforms and equipment used by the Chilean, Peruvian and Bolivian forces and traces the events of the war from the early naval blockades, through major pitched battles, to the final guerilla campaign in occupied Peru. The war ended in total victory for Chile, and that country's military emergence thereafter as 'the Prussia of South America,' while it cost Peru some lucrative provinces, and Bolivia its outlet to the Pacific coast. A lavishly illustrated book with original plates by artist Angel Garcia Pinto. 1 vol, 170 pgs 2018 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover ......$30.00

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1-203530 Felton, Mark CHINA STATION: The British Military in the Middle Kingdom 1839 - 1997 Felton sets out to demonstrate that the British military has been at the forefront of many of the great changes that have swept China over the last two centuries.

He devotes chapters to the various wars, military adventures, and rebellions that regularly punctuated Sino-British relationships since the 1st Opium War 1839-1842. This classic example of Imperial intervention saw the establishment of Hong Kong and Shanghai as key trading centers. The Second Opium War and the Taiping and Boxer Rebellions saw the advancement of British influence despite determined but unsuccessful efforts by the Chinese to loosen the grip of Western domination. The Royal Navy's might ensured that, by 'gunboat diplomacy,' trading rights and new posts were established and great fortunes made.

But in the 1940s the British grossly underestimated Japanese military might and intentions with disastrous results. After WWII, the British returned to find that the Americans had supplanted them. The Communists' victory in the Civil War sealed British and Western fates and, while Hong Kong remained under British control until 1997, the end of British rule was almost inevitable. But the handover was a masterly piece of pragmatic capitalism and the former Colony remains an economic powerhouse with strong British influence. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2013 UK, PEN and SWORD
NEW-dj, available early November 2013 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-226020 Felton, Mark CHINA STATION: The British Military in the Middle Kingdom 1839 - 1997 Sets out to demonstrate that the British military has been at the forefront of many of the great changes that have swept China over the last two centuries.

Discusses the various wars, military adventures and rebellions that regularly punctuated Sino-British relationships since the 1st Opium War 1839-1842. This classic example of Imperial intervention saw the establishment of Hong Kong and Shanghai as key trading centers. The Second Opium War and the Taiping and Boxer Rebellions saw the advancement of British influence despite determined but unsuccessful efforts by the Chinese to loosen the grip of Western domination. The Royal Navy's might ensured that, by gunboat diplomacy, trading rights and new posts were established and great fortunes made.

But in the 1940s the British grossly underestimated Japanese military might and intentions with disastrous results. After the Second World War the British returned to find that the Americans had supplanted them. The Communists victory in the Civil War sealed British and Western fates and, while Hong Kong remained under British control until 1997, the end of British rule was almost inevitable
1 vol, 224 pgs 2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late December 2020 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-196700 Fermer, Douglas FRANCE AT BAY 1870-1871: The Struggle for Paris The Franco-Prussian War did not end with the catastrophic French defeat at Sedan on 1 September 1870 when an entire French army surrendered, the Emperor Napoleon III was captured and his regime collapsed. The war went on for another five agonizing months, and resolved itself into a contest for Paris - for while Paris held out, France was undefeated.

The story of this dramatic final phase of the Franco-Prussian War is the subject of Douglas Fermer's masterly account, the sequel to his Sedan 1870. He weaves this story of military victory and defeat into a gripping narrative and it sets the extraordinary events of nearly 150 years ago in the wider context of European history. Includes 16 pages of b/w plates. 1 vol, 280 pgs 2011 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-666125 Fernandez, Jose GUERRAS CIVILES I LA INDEPENDENCIA DE LOS VIRREINATOS DE LA MONARQU?A ESPANOLA: Volume 1 In the summer of 1808 the open war broke out between the Empire of France of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Kingdom of Spain of Ferdinand VII. As a result of the defeats suffered by Spanish troops in the early years of that conflict, and perceiving the weakness of the regency that had assumed the Spanish government, several Latin American leaders led various movements of liberation between 1809 and 1810.

This first volume of the three analyzes the causes of these wars and includes the first rebellions against the monarchy of Spain before the 19th century, the special characteristics of the Spanish army deployed in the territories American, and the Territorial organization of Spanish America at the beginning of the conflict.

Also covers military operations in the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata and New Spain, leaving for the second and third volume the narration of the war in the Viceroyalty of new Granada and Peru, and the general captaincies of Chile and Venezuela. 1 vol, 118 pgs 2018 SPAIN, ALMENA
NEW-softcover, [Spanish text] ......$33.00

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1-666127 Fernandez, Jose GUERRAS CIVILES II: LA INDEPENDENCIA DE LOS VIRREINATOS DE LA MONAROU?A ESPANOLA: Volume 2 In the summer of 1808, the open war broke out between the Empire of France of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Kingdom of Spain of Ferdinand VII. As a result of the defeats suffered by Spanish troops in the early years of that conflict, and perceiving the weakness of the regency that had assumed the Spanish government, several Latin American leaders led various movements of liberation between 1809 and 1810.

Includes: War in the Viceroyalty of new Grenada and the General-Captain of Venezuela; The expedition of Francisco de Miranda, Spring and summer of 1806; The Quito Revolt of August 10, 1809; The Caracas Rebellion, April 19, 1810; Rebellion in Santa Fe, July 20, 1810; The second revolt in Quito, August 2, 1810; The realistic reaction in Venezuela, the Monteverde counterattack in 1812; The war in new Granada between 1812 and 1813, campaigns of the Magdalena River in the north and realistic recovery of Quito in the south; Bolivar's 'admirable campaign,' May-August 1813; Reorganization of the Independence Army in Venezuela at the end of 1813; Boves appears; The expeditionary Army of Pablo Morillo arrives in America, spring of 1815; The decisive campaign of Boyaca in Nueva Granada, summer of 1819; The irrigation uprising, the armistice of 1820, and the creation of the great Colombia; The decisive campaign of Carabobo in Venezuela, Spring and summer of 1821; The campaign of Pichincha, spring of 1822; and The last battles in Venezuela: Maracaibo and Puerto Cabello. 1 vol, 118 pgs 2018 SPAIN, ALMENA
NEW-softcover ......$33.00

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1-666130 Fernandez, Jose GUERRAS CIVILES III: LA INDEPENDENCIA DE LOS VIRREINATOS DE LA MONAROUIA ESPANOLA: Volume 3 This third volume dedicated to the military campaigns of the Latin American Emancipation Wars focuses on the Viceroyalty of Peru and the General Captain of Chile. In the lands between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes Mountains, the Royal Army of Peru fought the most 'American' of campaigns in South America.

Under the direction of the Virreyes Jose de Abascal and Joaquin de la Pezuela, the soldiers fought in Chile between the years 1813 and 1818 against the Chilean independence, altering the military balance. General Jose de San Martin crossed the Andes with disciplined troops and won the decisive victories of Chacabuco and Maipu. Reinforced and sustained by the Chilean navy of the Admiral Blanco Encalada and Lord Cochrane, General San Martin took his Chilean army to confront the Peruvians. 1 vol, 118 pgs 2018 SPAIN, ALMENA
NEW-softcover, available late December 2018 [Spanish Text] ......$33.00

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1-195540 Fletcher, John Adventures of the British & Irish Legions in South America 1817-1824 Gamers Guide and Sourcebook, full color, 12 scenarios, and 20 unit uniform illustrations. 1 vol, 72 pgs 2011 US, GRENADIER PRODUCTIONS
NEW-softcover ......$20.00

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1-666111 Giurao, Ramon GUERRAS CARLISTAS EN IRUN Y HONDARRIBIA: 1833-1876 The Carlist Wars were a series of civil wars that took place in Spain during the 19th century. The contenders fought to establish their claim to the throne, although some political differences also existed. Indeed, several times during the period from 1833 to 1876 the Carlists - followers of Infante Carlos (later Carlos V) and his descendants - rallied to the cry of 'God, Country, and King' and fought for the cause of Spanish tradition (Legitimism and Catholicism) against liberalism, and later the republicanism, of the Spanish governments of the day.

The Carlist Wars had a strong regional component (Basque region, Catalonia, etc.), given that the new order called into question region specific law arrangements and customs kept for centuries.

Includes 18 full color plates, 16 detail plates in full color, 27 complete uniforms in full color, and B&W many lithographs, period prints, and drawings. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2016 SPAIN, ALMENA
NEW-pb, [Spanish text] available mid July 2016 ......$35.00

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1-666117 Gonzalez, Jose LA EXPEDICION ESPANOLA A COCHINCHINA 1858-1863 Covers the Spanish military expedition to Cochinchina (today called Vietnam) during the second half of the 19th century. Ostensibly to aid persecuted Christians, these obscure battles took place in disease-infested swamps and well-defended places. Spain squandered treasure and soldiers in these far-flung expeditions, with very little return. 1 vol, 106 pgs 2017 SPAIN, ALMENA
NEW-pb, available late April 2017 [Spanish Text] ......$35.00

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1-LEG1701 Gorkowski, John THE GREAT GAME: Rival Empires in Central Asia 1837-1886 Recreates the 19th Century Anglo-Russian struggle for supremacy in Central Asia. In the actual contest, Tsarist Russia resented British expeditions into the Steppe Khanates while Victorian Britain feared that Russian entreaties to Persia and Afghanistan would jeopardize India's security. So the two imperial powers wove a complex tale of diplomatic intrigue, colonial conquest. and proxy wars that spanned 50 years.

Card-driven game has players alternate moving officers (historical personalities) and troops across a point-to-point map of Central Asia in decade turns. Imperial powers strive to enlist vassal states such as Afghanistan and Bokhara into their camp through diplomacy or combat so an engaging game of move-counter move unfolds across the chessboard of Central Asia.

Contains: 22x34 inch map, 120 counters, 1 deck of 54 cards, and 16-page rule book.
1 vol, 1 pgs 2017 US, LEGION WARGAMES LLC
NEW-box, available late March 2021 ......$64.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-43960 Greene, Francis V. RUSSIAN CAMPAIGNS IN TURKEY: 1877-1878 First section is a 'handbook' on the Russian Army which includes 50 plates on
arms/equipment, second section details the battles and campaigns, and the third section
discusses Russian/Turkish Tactics. Includes maps. 1 vol, 520 pgs 1996 NASHVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-hardcover facsimile edition, still available ......$60.00

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1-245600 Harrington, Peter WILLIAM SIMPSON'S AFGHANISTAN: Travels of a Special Artist and Antiquarian during the Second Afghan War 1878-1879 Explores the diary entries of the Scottish artist William Simpson in Afghanistan during the Campaign of 1878-79. Simpson had a reputation for accuracy and an eye for detail, having covered military campaigns in Abyssinia, France, and California. As an embedded artist with the Peshawar Valley Field Force, Simpson recorded the events leading up to the signing of the Treaty of Gandamak in May 1879 which brought the first phase of the Second Afghan War to a close. He sent back numerous sketches, drawings, and watercolors accompanied by detailed captions. Simpson's diary also contains accounts of his studies of ancient dig sites as well as commentaries on the people and places he observed. This edition of the diary benefits from an extensive introduction and appendices. Contains 16 color illustrations, 76 black and white illustrations, and three black and white maps. 1 vol, 308 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj, available mid August 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-197520 Heath, Ian JAPAN AND KOREA This volume provides a detailed study of the astonishing reinvention of the Empire of Japan during the 19th century as it emerged from 200 years of self-imposed isolation to become a military superpower. As late as the 1850s the country remained technologically and militarily stagnant, but within just 40 years - in what must rank as the most rapid and comprehensive cultural transformation in world history - it had managed not only to absorb and successfully imitate several hundred years of Western technological progress, but had become one of the late Victorian world's top ten military powers.

During the same timeframe it also embraced the concept of colonialism, and with its invasion of China in 1894 and virtual occupation of Korea soon after took its first fateful steps along a road that would lead, with horrible inevitability, to head-on collision with the Allies in World War Two.

The evolution of its army, arms, uniforms and tactics during the 19th century are all covered, from samurai armor to Western uniforms, and from Katana to Krupps. Korea, by contrast, participated only reluctantly in military modernization, and adopted a limited program of reform only under foreign pressure - especially Japanese, but also American, Russian and Chinese - in the closing decades of the century. Such reforms as the country attempted nevertheless proved too little and too late, and were insufficient to prevent Korea becoming first a puppet state and then a colony of its maritime neighbor. The final part of the book comprises a detailed index for the five volumes of the series published thus far. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2011 UK, FOUNDRY
NEW-hardcover, available late January 2012 ......$63.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-56791 Heath, Ian ARMIES OF THE 19TH CENTURY:V1 Central Asia and the Himalayan Kingdoms 8.25x12, organization, tactics, dress and weapons of Central Asia and the Himalayan Kingdoms. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2000 UK, THE FOUNDRY
NEW-cloth hardcover, acid free ......$69.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-56793 Heath, Ian ARMIES OF THE 19TH CENTURY: Vol. 3 India's NE Frontier 8.25x12, organization, tactics, dress and weapons of India's North East Frontier. The 'northeast frontier' of British India comprised what is now northwestern Burma, Assam and northeastern India. This relatively small area was made up of hills and almost impenetrable jungle and contained a remarkable number of warring tribes. Ian Heath has assembled 125 drawings, 52 other illustrations and 9 maps to chronicle this colorful but little-known part of the colonial world. This quality European hardcover has a gold-embossed cloth cover rather than an American style dust jacket. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2000 UK, THE FOUNDRY
NEW-hardcover, o/p ......$68.00

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1-237030 Hermann, Robert translated by Chris Pringle THE HUNGARIAN WAR OF INDEPENDENCE 1848-1849: An Illustrated Military History Examines the Hungarian revolution and war of independence of 1848-1849 as it transitions from a feudal system to a civic society. All of this happened as part of a wider European revolutionary process in which Hungarian and international events were in constant interaction. The movement towards German and Italian unity, the attempt to create a unified Poland, and the efforts to federalize the Habsburg Empire all influenced developments within Hungary and vice versa. Includes 150 b/w illustrations, 50 color illustrations, and 25 maps.

The revolution and war of independence was an experience shared by the entire population. Hundreds of thousands served in the military and the national guard, attended elections, endured the difficulties caused by the movements of armies, and suffered the horrors of war. Some of the actors - generals and private soldiers, ministers and deputies, priests and civilians - saw fit to record their experiences. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-73810 Hochedlinger, Michael AUSTRIA'S WARS OF EMERGENCE Part of the 'Modern Wars In Perspective ' series,the author surveys the wars on a chronologicalbasis, the result is a well written analysis, b/wmaps, index. 1 vol, 466 pgs 2003 LONDON, PEARSON LONGMAN
NEW-trade pb ......$45.00

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1-88070 Hordynski, Joseph HISTORY OF THE POLISH REVOLUTION OF 1830 After Poland was wiped off the map of Europe in 1794 and divided between Russia, Prussia, and Austria the found some redemption with Napoleon. While the Russians attempted to integrate the Poles into the Russian Empire, the Poles longed for their independence. As part of the Congress of Vienna a nominal 'Congress Kingdom' was established as an independent area.

With the ascension of Nicholas I as Tsar, the new administration attempted to clamp down on any nationalist thoughts. The Poles rose in rebellion and for two years fought against the Russians, seeking to re-establish Poland as an independent nation once again. The uprising was crushed and though there would be further such revolutions, Poland would not become truly independent until 1919. This detailed account imparts focus on the innumerable battles. Written by a participant in the uprising and containing more than thirty maps, it is has long been a source of information on this event. 1 vol, 199 pgs 2018 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, new edition ......$25.00

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1-219840 Howell, David C.J. WAR WITHOUT PITY: In the South Indian Peninsula 1798-1813: The Letter Book of Lieutenant-Colonel Valentine Blacker In 1798 Valentine Blacker, the son of an Irish clergyman, born in Armagh, left the United Kingdom for a military career in the Madras Army. He was favored by the presence in India of his uncle, Colonel Barry Close, the Adjutant General.

Blacker's active service as a young cavalry officer in Southern India covered several wars and rebellions. He was wounded, suffered disease and the loss of many friends. From the day of his arrival, for the next fifteen years, he wrote regularly to his father until the latter's death in 1813. The letters to some extent expose the truth of how the British held India. Rebellion was ruthlessly crushed, wounded executed on the battlefield and if besieged garrisons failed to surrender, after a successful storm, they were 'put to the sword.'

This was viewed as part of the usages of war by either side, and the letters are intermixed with endearments for his family and his regret at the lack of correspondence from home. In juxtaposition to the executions following a native infantry mutiny in 1806, the 'officer's mutiny' of 1809 was dealt with by the utmost leniency. The East India Company is spared little criticism for its government of Madras and mismanagement of the army.

The correspondence ceases in 1813, but Valentines career progressed until the end of the 3rd Maratha and Pindari War of 1817-1819 when he was the the Quartermaster General of the Madras Army, and wrote 'A Memoir of the Operations of the British Army in India.' In 1823 he was promoted to Lieut. Col. and appointed The Surveyor General of India at Calcutta where he died in 1826. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover, available late April 2019 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-192890 Hughes, Ben CONQUER OR DIE! Wellington's Veterans and the Liberation of the New World In the aftermath of Waterloo, over 6,000 British volunteers sailed across the Atlantic to aid Simon Bolivar in his liberation of Gran Columbia from her oppressors in Madrid. The expeditions were plagued with disaster from the start, one ship sank shortly after leaving Portsmouth with the loss of almost 200 lives.

Those who reached the New World faced disease, wild animals, mutiny, and desertion. Conditions on campaign were appalling, massacres were commonplace, rations crude, pay infrequent, and supplies insufficient. Nevertheless, those who endured made key contributions to Bolivar's success. 1 vol, 392 pgs 2010 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, REDUCED PRICE ......$26.00 with a discount of 15% 0

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1-215000 Jastrzembski, Frank VALENTINE BAKER'S HEROIC STAND AT TASHKESSEN 1877: A Tarnished British Soldier's Glorious Victory History has best remembered Valentine Baker for his embarrassments. In 1875, he was accused of sexual assault and dismissed from the British Army. In 1884, he suffered an embarrassing defeat at the Battle of El Teb. But what about Baker's positive achievements?

The most underappreciated event that took place in his controversial life came during the Russo-Turkish War in 1877. The exiled Baker, in command of 3,000 Ottoman soldiers, was dispatched to the village of Tashkessen to stall 25,000 advancing Russian soldiers. Through his superb leadership and brilliant disposition of his troops, Baker was able to score a victory.

The Spartan stand of Baker and his command has gained little recognition. Despite this modern obscurity, Baker's performance at Tashkessen was applauded by his contemporaries as a model of tactical leadership and heroism. This is the exhilarating tale of how Valentine Baker was able to find redemption at Tashkessen. 1 vol, 200 pgs 2017 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid September 2017 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-238210 Kling, Stephen Battle of Oriamendi 1837. Cristino commanders plan an ambitious three-pronged attack to annihilate Carlist forces in the North of Spain and hopefully bring an end to the war. However, the planned concentration of forces goes awry. Carlist General Don Sebastian takes advantage of the situation with a lightning march to reinforce a Carlist force threatened bu a Cristino army of Spanish and British auxiliaries near Oriamendi. The stage is set.


48 5/8' inch thick game pieces
1 four page rule book
20 game cards
11x17' inch game map
Two six-sided dice 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 US, THE HISTORICAL GAME COMPANY
NEW-box, available mid August 2023 ......$40.00 rct

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1-238240 Kling, Stephen Battle of Son Tay 1883. The French have decided to crush the renegade Chinese Black Flag army. The Eastern forces have taken control of Tonkin and the illustrious Red River. The Black Flag army, along with its Vietnamese allies, have been illusive and put up a fierce resistance. A plan to capture the fortress of Son Tay is put into place in the hopes of a quick end to the war. The shadowy army has fortified Son Tay and is confident that the French will be repulsed. The stage is set...

The game takes about 90 minutes to play. One player commands the French forces and the other player commands the Chinese forces. The Chinese side has trained Black Flag fanatics, Chinese regulars, and local troops. Cards vary the game play.

AGE: 14+
TIME TO PLAY: 90 Minutes
DESIGNER: Stephen L. Kling, Jr.

48 game pieces (5/8' inch)
A single rulebook (4 pages)
20 game cards
A canvas game map (11x17' inch)
1 six sided die 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 US, THE HISTORICAL GAME COMPANY
NEW-box, available mid August 2023 ......$40.00 rct

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1-238260 Kling, Stephen 55 Days at Peking The Siege of Peking is a low to moderate complexity tactical game on the Chinese siege of the Legations at Peking in 1900. The game takes about 90 minutes to play. One player commands the Chinese forces and the other player commands the various Allied forces defending the Legations. Cards vary the game play.

AGE: 14+
TIME TO PLAY: 90 Minutes
DESIGNER: Stephen L. Kling, Jr.

48 game pieces (5/8' inch)
A single rulebook (4 pages)
20 game cards
CANVAS game map (11x17' inch)
1 six sided die 1 vol, 1 pgs 2022 US, THE HISTORICAL GAME COMPANY
NEW-box, available mid August 2023 ......$40.00 rct

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1-247460 Kling, Stephen BATTLE OF ISLY: Wargame Low to moderate complexity tactical game on Marshal Bugeaud's campaign against the Moroccans and attempt to capture Abd el Kader. The game takes about 90 minutes to play. One player commands the French forces and the other player commands the Moroccan forces. Cards vary game play.

Contents: 48 game pieces (5/8 inch counters), rulebook with design notes, 20 game cards, one 11x17 inch canvas map, and one six-sided die. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2024 US, THE HISTORICAL GAME COMPANY
NEW-box, available late January 2025 ......$40.00 rct

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1-247470 Kling, Stephen BATTLE OF KANDAHAR 1880: Wargame Low-to-moderate complex tactical game covering the British attack against the Afghans at Kandahar in 1880. The game takes about 90 minutes to play. One player commands the British forces and the other player commands the Afghan forces. Cards vary game play.

Contents: 48 game pieces (5/8 inch counters), rulebook with design notes, 20 game cards, one 11x17 inch canvas map, and one six-sided die. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2024 US, THE HISTORICAL GAME COMPANY
NEW-box, available late January 2025 ......$40.00 rct

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1-216280 Knetsch, Joe HISTORY OF THE SEMINOLE WAR: 1849-1858 Spanning a period of over forty years (1817-1858), the three Seminole Wars were America's longest, costliest, and deadliest Indian wars, surpassing the more famous ones fought in the West.

After an uneasy peace following the conclusion of the second Seminole War in 1842, a series of hostile events followed by a string of murders in 1849 and 1850 made confrontation inevitable. The war was also known as Billy Bowlegs' War because Billy Bowlegs (Holata Micco) was the main Seminole leader in this the last Indian war to be fought east of the Mississippi River.

Pushed by increasing encroachment into their territory he led a raid near Fort Myers. A series of violent skirmishes ensued. The vastness of the Floridian wilderness and the difficulties of the terrain and climate caused problems for the army, but they had learnt lessons from the second war and amongst other new tactics employed greater use of boats, eventually securing victory through cutting off food supplies.

History of the Third Seminole War is a detailed narrative of the war and its causes, containing numerous firsthand accounts from participants in the war, derived from virtually all the available primary sources, collected over many years. Written in a clear, easy-to-follow style, the work is intended for both a general and scholarly audience and will be of value to those interested in Florida history, American history in general, military history, Native American studies, and nineteenth century subjects. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2018 UK, CASEMATE
NEW-dj ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-225540 Konstam, Angus Mutiny on the Spanish Main - HMS Hermione and the Royal Navy's revenge The HMS Hermione, a British frigate, was involved in 1797 in the bloodiest mutiny in British naval history that saw the death of her captain and many of her officers. Though her crew handed her over to the Spanish, Hermione was subsequently recaptured in a daring raid on a Caribbean port two years later. Draws on letters, reports, ship's logs, and memoirs of the period, as well as previously unpublished Spanish sources, to provide a balanced account of the mutiny and its consequences.

Illustrated with maps and diagrams tracing the events as they unfolded, and supported by informative inserts on the technical and tactical nuances of seamanship and naval warfare in the period. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2020 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid October 2020 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-246430 Krawczyk, Lukasz BATTLE OF GROCHOW: 1831 For Our Freedom and Yours (Wargame) Contents of the box: one colorful A1-size board, 432 die-cut counters, rule book (12 pages), scenario book (4 pages), one players' aid card, and one 10-sided die. Wargame recreates one of the most famous battles in the history of the Polish army. Game mechanics based on random activations. There are three types of weapons: infantry, cavalry, and artillery that act according to the common rules, but each of them has its own characteristics. Game length is 2-7 hours. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2017 POLAND, STRATEGEMATA
NEW-box, available mid October 2024 ......$52.00 rct

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1-666144 Larranaga, Ramon BATALLAS DE HUESCA Y BARBASTRO 1837 - The First Carlist War The Battle of Huesca was fought during the First Carlist War on May 24, 1837, between Spanish Constitutionalists and Carlists. During the course of the battle, the French Foreign Legion, which had been attached to the Cristinist army, suffered heavy casualties resulting in its strength being halved. The result of the battle was a decisive Carlist victory. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2021 SPAIN, ALMENA
NEW-pb, available late March 2022 ......$32.00 rct

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1-50550 Lucas, Ray RUSSO-TURKISH WAR 1877-78 5.5x8, troop types, b/w drawings/maps, o/b's of the Russian, Romanian and Turkish armies. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2003 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$12.00

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1-222570 McNicholls, Paul Journey Through the Wilderness - Garnet Wolseley's Canadian Red River Expedition of 1870 In the spring of 1870 an Anglo-Canadian military force embarked on a 1,200 mile journey, half of which would be through the wilderness, bound for the Red River Settlement, the sight of present day Winnipeg. At the time the settlement was part of the vast Hudson's Bay Company controlled territories which Canada was in the process of purchasing. 35 b/w photos/ills, 8 maps

Many historians have written on the events of the troubles at Red River in 1869/70, but the expedition itself is usually treated as a footnote and given a few lines or at most a paragraph. The author has found only one relatively recent account (published in the 1980s) that dealt with the expedition in detail and he has frequently, though respectfully, disagreed with many of the assertions and conclusions found therein. Consequently, it has been found necessary to go to the expeditionary force documents and first hand accounts of the men who took part, to properly understand exactly what the Red River Expedition was about and what the men who made up the force actually went through. By doing this author believes he has come up with a lively and original recounting of this little known story in British Imperial and Canadian history. 1 vol, 194 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid January 2020 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-COM1138 McPartland, Kevin MAORI: Warriors of the Long White Cloud (Wargame) Historic simulation game depicts clan warfare typical in New Zealand before European colonization (around 1450 A.D.). Players build war canoes and train warriors to create a force to strike at their adversaries, while protecting their home village. The player himself is represented on the board as the Paramount Chief -- if this leader is killed, the game is lost.

Complexity: 4 out of 10
Solitaire Suitability: special rules to facilitate solitaire play
Map Scale: area movement, strategic level
Unit scale: individual leaders; about 30 to 50 warriors per unit; war canoes are one large canoe or two or three smaller ones.
Time Scale: the time represented is flexible
Players: 1 to 4
Playing time: 60 to 90 minutes

Components: One 22x34-inch MOUNTED map board; Two Sheets of large, 3/4-inch counters; 110 Action Cards; Four Player aid cards; One Rule booklet with designer's notes; and Four six-sided dice. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2022 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box ......$79.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-240891 Mikaberidze, Alexander and Peter Phillips The Russian Campaign of 1812: The Memoirs of a Russian Artilleryman The first of three volumes, this book represents the first English translation of the memoirs that rank among the best in the vast Napoleonic memoir literature. The author, Ilya Timofeyevich Radozhitskii, served with distinction during the wars against Napoleon and wrote down his reminisces shortly after the war based on the notes that he kept while campaigning. Born in 1788, Radozhitskii studied at the Imperial Orphanage, enlisted in the artillery unit in 1806, and steadily rose through the ranks, earning a reputation of a capable officer. Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812 changed his life. Serving as an artillery lieutenant, he saw action in virtually every major battle of that historic campaign. Wounded at the battle of Ostrovno, he remained in ranks and later fought at Smolensk, Lubino (Valutina Gora), and Borodino; lamented the surrender of Moscow; and celebrated Russian victories at Vyazma and Krasnyi. He watched in bewilderment the catastrophe that engulfed Napoleon's forces that winter, an event he vividly describes in his memoirs.

Radozhitskii offers fresh insight into the life and daily experiences of Russian officers during the Napoleonic Wars. Starting in the summer of 1812 and following the travails of his unit over the next six months, Radozhitskii's narrative contains striking descriptions of the wartime experiences of soldiers and officers, vivid accounts of the battles, and heartrending stories from the French retreat. When published in Russia, these memoirs garnered considerable public attention and Leo Tolstoy consulted them extensively while writing his famous 'War and Peace.' 1 vol, 224 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid November 2023 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-240892 Mikaberidze, Alexander and Peter Phillips The German Liberation War of 1813: The Memoirs of a Russian Artilleryman The second of three volumes, this book represents the first English translation of the memoirs that rank among the best in the vast Napoleonic memoir literature. The author, Ilya Timofeyevich Radozhitskii, served with distinction during the wars against Napoleon and wrote down his reminisces shortly after the war based on the notes that he kept while campaigning. Born in 1788, Radozhitskii studied at the Imperial Orphanage, enlisted in the artillery unit in 1806, and steadily rose through the ranks, earning a reputation of a capable officer. Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812 changed his life. Serving as an artillery lieutenant, he saw action in virtually every major battle of that historic campaign. In 1813-1814, Radozhitskii took part in the War of the German Liberation and the invasion of France, serving with distinction at Bischofswerde, Bautzen, Katzbach, and Leipzig before finishing the war as a staff captain in Paris in 1814. Upon Napoleon's return in 1815, Radozhitskii was assigned to the Russian Expeditionary Corps that was dispatched to France but arrived too late to confront Napoleon.

Radozhitskii offers fresh insight into the life and daily experiences of Russian officers during the Napoleonic Wars. This volume follows Radozhitskii across Germany as the Russian army, buoyed by the victory over Napoleon in 1812, marched on to liberate German states. Radozhitskii's narrative contains striking descriptions of the wartime experiences of soldiers and officers, vivid accounts of the battles, and heartrending stories from the French retreat. When published in Russia, these memoirs garnered considerable public attention and Leo Tolstoy consulted them extensively while writing his famous 'War and Peace.' 1 vol, 224 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid December 2023 ......$37.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-83330 Mugnai, B. SOLDIERS & UNIFORMS OF LUCCESI 1799-1847 9x12, history of this city states uniforms, flags, and equipment, b/w & color illust. 1 vol, 475 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-dj, ITALIAN TEXT ......$60.00

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1-227150 Nobili, Johann HUNGARY 1848: The Winter Campaign This book is a translation of the Austrian semi-official history of the Winter Campaign. The first half of this war was the Winter Campaign of 1848-1849, in which invading Austrian armies drove deep into Hungary, only to be hurled back again almost to the Austrian border. The Austrian commander was sacked, and Austria had to ask the Tsar for his aid in the Summer Campaign -- 250,000 Russians helped the Austrians finally to defeat the Hungarian revolution. Includes 18 black and white maps.

The book includes extensive information about orders of battle, precious nuggets about uniforms and weaponry, actual despatches reproduced verbatim, and accounts of myriad actions from tiny skirmishes up to the major battles of K polna and Isaszeg. The translation of the original text is complemented by extensive scholarly annotation providing both critical analysis and additional data or contextual information. No other work in English approaches this level of detail.

The Hungarian War of Independence lasted a year and encompassed a dozen major battles and many smaller actions and sieges, with half a million men under arms by its end. Yet it remains strangely obscure and overlooked by the Anglophone world, perhaps because of the inaccessibility of Hungarian-language sources for most English readers, combined with the limited number of German-language sources due to Austria's embarrassment about the whole episode.
1 vol, 372 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid May 2021 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-214220 Olender, Piotr RUSSO-TURKISH NAVAL WAR: 1877-1878 The Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78 was a conflict between the Ottoman Empire and the Eastern Orthodox coalition led by the Russian Empire and composed of Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro.

Fought in the Balkans and in the Caucasus, it originated in emerging 19th-century Balkan nationalism. Additional factors included Russian hopes of recovering territorial losses suffered during the Crimean War, re-establishing itself in the Black Sea and supporting the political movement attempting to free Balkan nations from the Ottoman Empire.

The background, operations and outcomes are described in detail. All the ships involved, both Russian and Turkish, are described and illustrated with full technical specifications. Profusely illustrated with scale drawings (side views) and illustrations. 1 vol, 200 pgs 2017 UK, MMP BOOKS
NEW-pb, available mid June 2017 ......$49.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-221840 Orde, Denis IN THE SHADOW OF NELSON: The Life of Admiral Lord Collingwood Vice Admiral Cuthbert (Cuddy) Collingwood may have been 10 years older than Horatio Nelson, but he was Nelson's close friend from the outset. They served together for over 30 years and only at Trafalgar was Nelson his superior officer.

The relationship is all the stranger as their temperaments greatly differed. Collingwood was reserved, austere, and shy but utterly competent which was why Nelson's meteoric career was so closely linked to his. Collingwood's reputation was made in battles such as The Glorious First of June (1794) and Cape St. Vincent (1797).

Collingwood's career survived reverses; he was court-martialed in 1777 by a commander for whom he had no respect. He was acquitted. Collingwood in The Royal Sovereign led the lee column at Trafalgar. After assuming command of the Fleet on Nelson's death he was the author of the famous Trafalgar Despatch that announced the victory and death of Nelson. He became Commander in Chief Mediterranean Fleet but was never to return home. He died at sea in 1810. He is buried beside Nelson in St. Paul's Cathedral. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2019 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late October 2019 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-235321 Orr, David ULSTER WILL FIGHT: Volume 1 - Home Rule and the Ulster Volunteer Force 1886-1922 The various attempts at Home Rule for Ireland ultimately culminated in the Third Home Rule Bill which directly contributed to the creation of the Ulster Volunteer Force. The UVF spanned not just the geographic rural and urban Protestant Ulster from the Atlantic coast of Donegal to the shipyards of east Belfast but also the diverse political ideals of individuals.

Describes the Home Rule period and the Ulster Volunteer Force formed in response to the Home Rule crises. An important period in Irish politics and history this book draws on a number of first-hand accounts, contemporary newspaper reports, UVF papers and records from the Somme Museum. It is illustrated by a number of images never before published. Includes 350 b&w photos and maps.

By the outbreak of the Great War it had become an organization of armed volunteers, the first to use motorcycle dispatch riders and motor transport on a large scale and the first to use armored lorries in street patrols. It was also one of the first in the twentieth century to recognize the varied role for women in warfare against a backdrop of a rise in women's suffrage in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The importance, role and significance of the existence of the UVF are well summed up in Sir Winston Churchill's book, Great Contemporaries, that if Ulster had confined herself simply to constitutional agitation, it is extremely improbable that she would have escaped forcible inclusion in a Dublin Parliament.
1 vol, 426 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late November 2022 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-53520 Penhall, compiler BATTLE OF OSTROLENKA, THE:May 26th 1831 Two eyewitness accounts, one Russian & one Polish highlight this account of the major battle of the Polish revolution of 1830-1831, Napoleonic tactics, o/b's, c/c bios, small biblio. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2003 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$12.00 with a discount of 40%

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1-242301 Philips, Peter translator THE RUSSIAN PATRIOTIC WAR OF 1812 VOLUME 1: The Russian Official History The Russian Patriotic War of 1812 is the only publicly available translation into English of Bogdanovich's official history of the Russian forces' involvement in the fight against Napoleon and his allies in Russia in 1812. This translation also includes extracts from Ivan Liprandi's critique of Bogdanovich's work.

Examines the causes of the war and an account of the operational planning by Russian forces for their retreat from the borders into the Empire, dispelling the myth of the non-existence of any premeditated plan. The logistics of the forces on both sides are examined, along with highly detailed descriptions of the operations from Russia's western borders to beyond Smolensk, as well as operations on the northern and southern flanks.

The composition of the forces are shown as clearly as possible, as are force numbers, casualties on each side, and so on. The maps attached to this work were drafted in such a way that they might serve to explain entire phases of the war. The battle plans show the locations of dominant terrain according to detailed state surveys, while villages, forests and roads have been copied from previously published plans. Contains 15 maps. 1 vol, 392 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid February 2024 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-LEG1802 Poinske, John MAORI WARS: Simulation of the principal uprisings that took place between 1845 and 1872 due to British colonial incursions into native Maori lands on the North Island of New Zealand. Conflict involved the destruction of numerous villages, pas (strongly fortified villages that featured intricate trench-works), and colonial settlements. The war introduced the British to a wily well-armed enemy whose defense works and strategy of ambush surprised and stymied them.

As scenarios progress, so does the extent of the conflict. More British regulars, native-born Australian troops, and New Zealand militia enter and are allied with increasingly more tribes who tend to change sides at the most inopportune times (those supporting the British came to be known as Queenites).

Historical scenarios feature low counter density, quick play time (under two hours), and bush-raiding rule that allows the Maori player to move units temporarily off the map and then back in a location of his choice. As the British player gains experience he learns to track these tribes for battles in the bush. Maori resistance depends on village support so as fortified villages fall to British control, resistance melts away. Random battle dispatches and events reflect historical circumstances.

Contains: 22x34 inch map, 264 counters, 1 play aid, and 16-page rule book.
1 vol, 1 pgs 2018 US, LEGION WARGAMES LLC
NEW-box, available late March 2021 ......$62.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-66013 Porch, Douglas WAR OF EMPIRE Part of the Cassell 'History of Warfare' series, 1 vol, 224 pgs 2000 UK, CASSELL COMPANY
NEW-dj, o/p ......$30.00

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1-198030 Poulter, Ron SABRES ACROSS THE PAMPAS: The Argentian Indian Wars Numerous black and white photos throughout plus 24 detailed color plates by author.

This book shows the dress and uniforms worn by the opposing forces in what could be called 'The Wild West of Argentina.' This was a long drawn out conflict against the Indian tribes, who fearlessly for centuries resisted, first the Spanish and later Argentinian domination.

This work brings to the English speaking world for the first time, the colorful dresses worn by the many Indian tribes in this bloody war. The Indians wore a variety of costumes such as: animal hides and feathers right up to chain mail and other armor. It also shows the uniforms worn by the many armies and militias sent against these defiant tribes. The soldiers wore a variety of colorful uniforms along with the indigenous dress. Also shown are; loyal Indian Corps, Italian Bersaglieri, and naval dress.

The Indian wars of North America have been covered extensively in hundreds of books but the Indian wars in South America have been sadly neglected. Ron's work rectifies this omission with his book which contains 24 color plates of his original artwork, showing the colorful figures which took part in both sides of the conflict, never seen before outside South America. Complementing this there are approximately 160 color and black and white pictures of contemporary drawings and paintings, also included are the works of early photographers who accompany the army on the later campaigns, these show the officers and men, Indians, uniforms, dress, arms, equipment etc.

Ron has worked from the contemporary Spanish sources, books, journals, diaries, official documents and dress regulations of the participants of the war. This book will be of great interest to the growing readers of South American Military History and Uniforms. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2012 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$80.00

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1-COM1060 Poutre, Marco PRELUDE TO REBELLION: Mobilization & Unrest in Lower Canada This is not a wargame: the game ends when the fighting begins! Actually, both sides need to prepare for a war which might in fact never break out. The 'Rebellious spirit' track measures how close things are to get out of hand. The higher it gets, the more ugly and violent the conflict becomes. Just like in real life, the Patriotes might run out of time as some hot-headed leaders plunge the colony into a direct confrontation with the British army. People are fed up and the clock is ticking: if results don't start showing up, Lower Canadians might be tempted to take up arms, seeing how successful their Southern neighbors were 50 years before! You've simulated more than your share of war. Now, play out what leads to it!


* Complexity: Low (3 out of 10)
* Solitaire suitability: Medium (4 out of 10)
* Number of Players: 2
* Playing Time: 3 hours
* Designer: Marco Poutre
* Developer: Curtis Kitchens
* Artist: Marc Rodrigue


* 1 22x34-inch mounted game board;
* 2 double-sided player aids;
* 3 green dice to be used by the Patriote player and 3 red dice to be used by the Loyal player;
* 4 custom scoring dice;
* 150 green mobilization cubes to be used by the Patriote player;
* 125 red mobilization cubes to be used by the Loyal player;
* 147 cards divided as such: 8 'Key event' cards, 24 cards forming the 1834 deck, 24 cards forming the 1835-36 deck, 39 cards forming the 1837 deck, and 52 cards forming the generic deck. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2018 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box ......$109.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-223500 Provan, Josh Wild East - The British in Japan 1854-1868 For over two centuries Japan had been hidden behind a veil of seclusion. This changed in when Commodore Perry arrived in 1853. Unsurprisingly for a world power, Britain was fast to get in on the action. But unknown to the intruders their sudden appearance had accelerated the pace of political change in Japan. 33 color and black & white

The newcomers found themselves increasingly out of their depth in a power struggle that they did not understand. The Shogun and the Emperor were at each other's throats, factions were jockeying for position, and the foreigners were at the centre of it. Britain's first diplomats found themselves the targets of assassins and to their confusion discovered that the Emperor had no legislative power and the Shogun's word was no longer law.

Yet with the lessons of the Opium Wars still in recent memory, a slew of British soldiers, ambassadors, interpreters and adventurers attempted to protect imperial interests in Japan without causing outright war. This is the story of the rocky beginning of Anglo-Japanese relations, a story of the 'wild east', full of political schemes, Gunboat diplomacy, assassins and samurai, set in the dying days of the Edo period and the twilight of the last Shogun 1 vol, 208 pgs 2020 UK, FONTHILL MEDIA
NEW-dj ......$38.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-227730 Proven, Joshua BULLOCKS, GRAIN AND GOOD MADEIRA: The Maratha and Jat Campaigns, 1803-1806 and the Emergence of an Indian Army On the last day of the year 1802, the Maratha Peshwa Bajirao II signed the treaty of Bassein which sparked the 2nd Anglo-Maratha War. What began as a seemingly straightforward operation to restore the Peshwa and complete Lord Wellesley's expansionist policy turned into a full-scale conflict for political hegemony which spread across central and northern India and was to establish the East India Company as the foremost power in South Asia. Includes 18 b/w images, 24 color images, and 8 b/w maps.

In military terms, it saw a little-known general named Arthur Wellesley come to prominence and also established the supremacy of the EIC's Native Army over the regular armies of the 'country powers.' It was during these testing campaigns that Europeans began to view what was already being called the 'Indian Army' with respect. Despite a series of crushing defeats, the Marathas stunned their enemies with their bravery and professionalism, exacting a heavy toll on the British despite great handicaps in command and control.

Although successful, the conclusion of the war was much less glorious than the biographies of the future Duke of Wellington care to admit. Few conflicts from this time convey in such detail the challenges faced by field commanders conducting operations in India and fewer books continue the story of the 2nd Maratha War to its ultimate conclusion in the Punjab where the last Maratha prince surrendered, this after the British 'siege lords' under Gerard Lake had been humbled before the mighty mud walls of the impregnable Jat fortress of Bharatpur. 1 vol, 200 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late July 2021 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-198710 Puliafito, Cesar THE ITALIAN LEGION BAHIA BLANCA 1856: The Forgotten Front of the Risorgimento The arrival in 1856 of the 'Legion Agricultural Italian Military' in Bahia Blanca, south of the province of Buenos Aires, more than 11,000 kilometers from Italy, meant that this distant frontier country overhaul its cultural and economic. Across the ocean the legionaries of the young Colonel Silvino Abruzzo Olivieri is proposed, in an operation organized by Mazzini and Garibaldi, to join the effort to liberate and unite Italy.

Through extensive documentation, in part unpublished, the author attempts to answer several questions: why it has come to today's distorted image Silvino Olivieri? As the Count Cavour interfered in the management of Oliver? What were the means at the disposal of the military organization? What were the uniforms? As the population survived the 1859 Indium assault? Because after the unification of Italy most of the legionaries remained in Bah?a Blanca? The text is enriched by numerous uniformological tables, maps, and drawings. 1 vol, 255 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-hardcover, [Italian text] ......$60.00

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1-236020 Ramming, William Edited by Christopher Pringle HUNGARY 1849: The Summer Campaign This second volume covers the decisive second half of the war. Brilliant Hungarian maneuvers and gallant defense defied and delayed the Austrian and Russian armies invading from all points of the compass and even won some notable victories. Despite the victories, the inexorable arithmetic of allied numerical superiority led ultimately to Hungary's defeat.

This work is a translation of the Austrian official history of the Summer Campaign. It therefore provides a detailed and authoritative account of this dramatic campaign, replete with fascinating episodes and invaluable factual data, in English for the first time ever. It is comprehensive in scope, addressing the secondary theaters in Transylvania and southern Hungary as well as the main western and northern fronts. It includes extensive information about orders of battle, precious nuggets about uniforms and weaponry, actual dispatches reproduced verbatim, and accounts of myriad actions from tiny skirmishes up to major battles such as Pered, Komorn, and Temesvar.

Over 20 campaign and battle maps enable clear understanding of this war's dynamic and complex operations. The translation of the original text is complemented by extensive scholarly annotation providing both critical analysis and additional data or contextual information.

Volume one, Hungary 1848: The Winter Campaign, covered the initial period of the war in which the Austrian army was defeated and expelled from Hungary, obliging the Kaiser to seek help from the Tsar. 1 vol, 556 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early March 2023 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-54490 Rothenberg, Gunther ARMY OF FRANCIS JOSEPH, THE Critical study of the army of Austro-Hungary from1815-1918, the author provides a breakdown ofnational divisions & comments on organiaztion,training, arms etc, extensive source/notes, index. 1 vol, 295 pgs 1999 LAFAYETTE, PURDUE UNIV
NEW-pb, O/P ......$36.00

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1-66980 Roubicek, M. OTTOMAN NAVY (10) illust 1 vol, 38 pgs 1980 JERUSALEM, FRANCISCAN PRS
NEW-softcover ......$12.00

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1-208300 Rumsby, John H. DISCIPLINE, SYSTEM AND STYLE: The Sixteenth Lancers and British Soldiering in India 1822-1846 The 16th Lancers already had a long and distinguished history when they sailed for India in 1822. Over the next 24 years they fought in four wars, most famously in the Sutlej campaign against the Sikhs. The Battle of Aliwal, in January 1846, is still celebrated by the successor regiment of the British Army. In their peacetime life in India, the 16th sometimes enjoyed their exotic surroundings, but also endured the perils of a tropical climate - the regiment lost far more men due to disease than in battle. Includes 26 b/w illustrations and maps.

This book examines in detail what regimental soldiering was like in India in those years. It draws on an unprecedented range of sources, most of them previously unpublished. Aside from the official archives, the story is enlivened by a rich collection of journals, letters and diaries left by the officers and men.

An important feature of the book is the detailed roll of every officer and man who served in the 16th in the Sutlej. This provides a unique profile of the ranks at Aliwal: where they came from, what skills they brought to the army, why they enlisted, and what happened to them in their army career and afterwards. Some surprising results have been revealed: the high rate of literacy, the high suicide rates, and the proportion of men who stayed on in India when their regiment returned home. The officers were highly experienced and professional, in stark contrast to the amateur attitudes of their fellows in the Crimea.

All aspects of regimental soldiering are examined - command, uniforms and weapons, horses, training and medical services, but also how the men lived and played (the Sixteenth's theater was famous). Many officers and men were from army families, and the period covered shows soldiers' sons growing up in the regiment and often reaching high rank.

This unique 'social history' approach to the study of a British regiment will appeal to a wide audience; not only to students and academic staff studying military and social history, but also to students of Indian history, and to family historians with army ancestors. The account of the Sutlej campaign is relevant to the worldwide Sikh community. The nominal roll of the regiment will be appreciated by medal collectors, for whom an 'Aliwal' medal to the regiment has a special allure. The successor regiment of the Sixteenth Lancers is again serving in Afghanistan, so that this book has a topical resonance. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2015 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj, available late April 2015 ......$80.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-217610 Russell, Eugenia and Quentin ALI PASHA - LION OF IOANNINA: The Remarkable Life of the Balkan Napoleon At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the life of a petty tyrant in an obscure corner of the Ottoman Empire became the stuff of legend. What propelled this cold-blooded archetype of Oriental despotism, grandly known as 'the Lion of Yanina' and the 'Balkan Napoleon', into the consciousness of Western rulers and the general public? This book charts the rise of Ali Pasha from brigand leader to a player in world affairs and, ultimately, to a gruesome end.

Ali exploited the internal weakness of the Ottoman Empire to carve out his own de facto empire in Albania and Western Greece. Although a ruthless tyrant guilty of cruel atrocities, his lavish court became an attraction to Western travelers, most famously Lord Byron, and his military prowess led Britain, Russia, and France to seek his alliance during the Napoleonic Wars. His activities undermined the Sultan's authority. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late July 2018 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-72390 Schorr, Dan & Starnes Eric POLISH-LITHUANIAN COMMONWEALTH ARMIES: 1792-94 Covers the uniform details and organization. Includes 4 pages of color flags, 8-page appendix of unit strength for 1792-1794, 5-page appendix of unit commanders, black and white illustrations, and bibliography. 1 vol, 64 pgs 2003 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, back in stock ......$20.00 with a discount of 50%

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1-63350 Silverstone, Paul H. SAILING NAVY 1775-1854, THE Complete compilation from the Revolution to the Mexican War, covers the great lakes vessels and the Texas Navy along with US deep sea vessels, actions fought, biblio, index 1 vol, 144 pgs 2000 ANNAPOLIS, US NAVAL INST
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-195780 Smaldone, Joseph Warfare in the Sokoto Caliphate The successful jihad of 1804 in Hausaland -- perhaps the most important Islamic revolution in West African history, with consequences still apparent in Nigeria today -- resulted in the establishment of the Sokoto Caliphate, the largest and most enduring West African polity in the 19th century. The book is a full length study of traditional military history, and an authoritative analysis of warfare in its most prominent Islamic state.

After a brief survey of the evolution of warfare and military organization before 1800, Dr. Smaldone examines the historical development and sociological implications of the two important revolutions in military technology which occurred in the 19th century: the adoption of cavalry during the jihad period and the introduction of firearms in the latter half of the century. He argues that these two revolutions were causal factors in producing two structural transformations in the emirates of the Caliphate, first from relatively egalitarian combatant communities to feudal systems, and then to centralized bureaucratic state organizations.
NEW-softcover ......$35.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-193980 Smith, Digby and Kiley, Kevin MILITARY UNIFORMS OF THE 19th CENTURY: An Illustrated Encyclopedia This comprehensive illustrated directory of the uniforms of the most significant wars of the 19th century contains over 500 images of clothing, weapons, insignia, and kit. It covers the key national conflicts, discussing how the nature of warfare changed in struggles between Liberalism and Conservatism and between the old order and the new.

Chapters cover the Crimean War, fought by Russia, Turkey, British, and French; Wars of German and Italian Unification fought by the Austrians, Prussians, French, Danes, Piedmontese, and Neapolitans; US Civil War fought between the Union and Confederates; Boer War fought between the British and Boers; and Colonial uprisings that occurred in India, China, and America.

It contains an unprecedented wealth of illustrative detail, with color artworks of uniforms, battle scenes, technical drawings, and campaign details, together with contemporaneous color plates and dramatic fine art paintings -- more than 450 color illustrations.

A definitive analysis of the weapons, equipment, deployment, tactics and motivation of these national forces, as well as fascinating detail of day-to-day life for the soldiers that fought the battles. All together, the book brings to life the experience of 19th century soldiers on campaign. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2010 UK, LORENZ BOOKS
NEW-dj, back in print ......$35.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-247690 Smith, Nigel James THE HONVED WAR: Armies of the Hungarian War of Independence 1848-49 Provides a detailed and informative account of the Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence from 1848 to 1849. Focuses on the organization, tactics, and operations of the Hungarian Honved Army, as well as the forces of the Austrian Empire and their Russian allies. Drawing on a wide range of sources, including military records and contemporary accounts, explores the structure of the armies involved, their leadership, and the strategic challenges they faced. Special attention is given to the composition and command of the Hungarian, Austrian, and Russian forces, the tactical innovations of the period, and the key battles and campaigns that shaped the outcome of the war. Also covers the broader political context, examining the revolutionary movements across Europe and their impact on the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Contains 56 black and white photos and illustrations, 14 pages of color plates, two black and white maps, and 18 tables. 1 vol, 180 pgs 2025 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-222720 Somerville, Michael BULL RUN TO BOER WAR: How the American Civil War Changed the British Army The American Civil War is often said to have predicted the way in which later wars such as the Boer War and WWI would be fought. As a result, the British Army has been criticized for not heeding its lessons -- a view that can be traced back to the 1930s.

This book challenges that long-held view and demonstrates that the responses to the lessons of the war in the British Army were more complex, better informed, and of higher quality, than normally depicted.

Key to this new interpretation is that it takes a19th century perspective rather than pre-supposing what the British should have seen based upon hindsight from the South African veldt or the Western Front trenches. It demonstrates that strategists and policy-makers reacted to the changes in the nature of warfare suggested by American experience, looks at how officers in the cavalry, infantry, artillery and engineers applied their observations in America to the technical and tactical issues of the day, and even examines the war's influence on the development of aeronautics. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid February 2020 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-207890 Somogyi, Gyozo ROYAL HUNGARIAN DEFENCE FORCES 1868 - 1914 Hungarian military uniforms 1868-1914

Very little text. Cover-to-cover color illustrations with captions in Hungarian and English. Series presents the military culture, weaponry, and warfare spanning various historical periods. 1 vol, 92 pgs 2014 HUNGARY
NEW-softcover, [Hungarian-English text] ......$29.00

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1-191260 Spiers, Edward SCOTTISH SOLDIER AND EMPIRE 1854-1902, THE The author reflects upon the iconic role of the Scottish soldier as an empire builder. It examines his role through letters, diaries and the press. B/w illust/maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2006 UK, EDINBURG UNIV PRESS
NEW-dj ......$20.00 old

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1-241172 Summerfield, Stephen THE SHORNCLIFFE ARCHIVE 2: Coote Manningham and Stewart's Regulations for the 95th Rifles The 1800 Regulations and the 1803 Shorncliffe Lectures were referred to as The Green Book. This volume includes: Feb 1801 Account of the Rifle-Corps, commanded by Colonel Coote Manningham; 1801 Coote Manningham Regulations for the Rifle Corps; 1803 Coote Manningham's Military Lectures Delivered to the Officers of the 95th Rifles; 1806 Stewart's Outlines of a Plan for the General Reform of the British Land Forces; and 1804 Weddeburne's Observations on the Exercise of Riflemen. 1 vol, 278 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early December 2023 ......$42.00 rct

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1-241174 Summerfield, Stephen THE SHORNCLIFFE ARCHIVE 4: CAMPBELL AND CRAUFURD'S OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS TO THE LIGHT DIVISION Contains the instructions and standing orders for the Light Division and Portuguese Cacadores. The volume includes: 1813 Campbell's Instructions for Light Infantry and Riflemen; Craufurd's Standing Orders for the Light Division; 1803 Arenschildt's Instructions for Officers and NCOs of Cavalry on Outpost Duty; 1831 Ponsonby's Abridgement of Instructions to Officers; 1851 FitzClarence's Supplying Wellington's Army in the Peninsular; and 1851 FitzClarence's Encamping in the Peninsular War. 1 vol, 280 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early December 2023 ......$42.00 rct

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1-241171 Summerfield, Stephen and S. Law THE SHORNCLIFFE ARCHIVE 1: Sir John Moore's System of Training and the Universal Soldier This volume brings together nine contemporary manuals influential in Sir John Moore's system of training. Undoubtedly the most magnificent is David Roberts' Military Instructions of 1798, with 24 beautiful plates of exercise mostly drawn by Robert Kerr Porter. Also includes Sir John Moore Instruction to Light Infantry; Col. Graham Regimental Orders of 90th Regiment; Dundas' 'Defects in British Practice' in Principals of Military Movement; Dundas' Light Infantry Exercise; the 1803 Complete Drill-Sergeant; the 1803 New Manual and Platoon Exercise, Rottenburg's 1798 Regulations for the Exercise of Riflemen, and Sontag's 1804 Hints for NCOs on Service. 1 vol, 276 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early December 2023 ......$42.00 rct

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1-229340 Thomas, Graham PIRATE KILLERS: The Royal Navy and the African Pirates Examines the Royal Navy anti-piracy campaign against African pirates, from the Mediterranean to the shores of West Africa and around to Madagascar. On the Barbary Coast of North Africa, pirates preyed on shipping in the Mediterranean. In the Atlantic, they also terrorized the populations of the coastal towns. Then, about 150 years ago, the RN killed 'The King of the Pirates' Bartholomew Roberts and captured his fleet. Scores of his men were executed by the Admiralty Court. But perhaps the most telling sections concern critical engagements, including the daring rescue of the British merchant ship The Three Sisters by HMS Polyphemus in 1848 and the actions of the HMS Prometheus against the Rif pirates a few years later. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late January 2022 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-229340 Thomas, Graham PIRATE KILLERS: The Royal Navy and the African Pirates Examines the Royal Navy anti-piracy campaign against African pirates, from the Mediterranean to the shores of West Africa and around to Madagascar. On the Barbary Coast of North Africa, pirates preyed on shipping in the Mediterranean. In the Atlantic, they also terrorized the populations of the coastal towns. Then, about 150 years ago, the RN killed 'The King of the Pirates' Bartholomew Roberts and captured his fleet. Scores of his men were executed by the Admiralty Court. But perhaps the most telling sections concern critical engagements, including the daring rescue of the British merchant ship The Three Sisters by HMS Polyphemus in 1848 and the actions of the HMS Prometheus against the Rif pirates a few years later. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late January 2022 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-242302 Translated by Philips, Peter THE RUSSIAN PATRIOTIC WAR OF 1812 VOLUME 2: The Russian Official History The Russian Patriotic War of 1812 is the only publicly available translation into English of Bogdanovich's official history of the Russian forces' involvement in the fight against Napoleon and his allies in Russia in 1812. This translation also includes extracts from Ivan Liprandi's critique of Bogdanovich's work. Covers Kutuzov's appointment as Field Marshal, details of the opolchenie (militia) and donations made in 1812, the meeting in Abo between Tsar Alexander I and the Crown Prince of Sweden (Jean- Baptiste Jules Bernadotte), and the situation in enemy occupied territory. Highly detailed descriptions of operations are included, from before the Battle of Borodino to the camp at Tarutino, as well as operations on the flanks by Wittgenstein and Admiral Chichagov. The composition of the forces are shown as clearly as possible, as are force numbers, casualties on each side, and so on. The maps attached to this work were drafted in such a way that they might serve to explain entire phases of the war. The battle plans show the locations of dominant terrain according to detailed state surveys, while villages, forests and roads have been copied from previously published plans. Contains 9 black and white maps and numerous tables. 1 vol, 424 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early October 2024 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-83990 Troiani, Don DON TROIANI'S AMERICAN BATTLES 1754-1865 9x12, lavishly illustrated with full-color artwork, some of which can be found only in private hands; 172+ color paintings, 50+ color photos, from the F&I Wars to the ACW, must have for old and new fans. A few color images in front from F&I War: Brit 44th Regt Grenadier 1755, US VA Regt 1754, Black Watch 1759, Eastern Woodland Indian 1755-80 (generic it seems). Battle of Bushy Run Aug 6 1763. And then it goes into American Revolution with 31 color uniform plates. Rest is lots and lots of American Civil War uniform/battle plates. 1 vol, 264 pgs 2006 US, STACKPOLE BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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2-83990 Troiani, Don DON TROIANI'S AMERICAN BATTLES 1754-1865 Oversized at 9x12 inches, and lavishly illustrated with full-color artwork, some of which can be found only in private hands -- 172 color paintings and 50+ color photos covers the French & Indian Wars to the American Cicil War.

In the front: A few color images from F&I War: Brit 44th Regt Grenadier 1755, US VA Regt 1754, Black Watch 1759, Eastern Woodland Indian 1755-80 (generic it seems), and the Battle of Bushy Run Aug 6 1763. And then it goes into American Revolution with 31 color uniform plates. Rest is lots and lots of American Civil War uniform/battle plates. 1 vol, 264 pgs 2013 US, STACKPOLE BOOKS
NEW-softcover ......$35.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-930334 various STRATEGY & TACTICS # 334: Rio Grande War Wargame Rio Grande War is a two-player wargame on a hypothetical war between the United States and the Empire of Mexico following the American Civil War. The assumption is that France's Napoleon III decided to back up Maximilian with the French army to maintain his power in Mexico, and the US responded with an invasion. At stake: The fate of North America!

One side commands the Imperial forces (Maximilian and his French allies), and the other the Allies (US and Mexican Republic). The central game mechanism is Action Points (AP). AP are a quantification of each sides command and logistical capabilities. Players expend AP to recruit units and conduct various military operations. Each hex on the map represents 45 miles. Each game turn represents one to two months. Combat units represent divisions, brigades, regiments, and groups of partisans/bandits. Infantry and cavalry units include attached artillery, pioneer and logistic support. Leaders represent an inspirational to competent commander plus whatever troops they bring to the field. Also includes magazine. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2022 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-dj, available late March 2022 ......$50.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-930338 various STRATEGY & TACTICS # 338: Russian Boots South: Conquest of Central Asia The game system is based on the previously published S&T games: They Died with Their Boots On Volumes 1 & 2, Julian, and Sepoy Mutiny. This two-player wargame simulates the Russian conquest of Central Asia during the 1850s to 1890s.

Two opposing players: Russian Empire and Khanates. The Russian Empire player represents the theater command of an autocratic empire. The Khanate player represents the various independent kingdoms and tribes of the region, with the possibility of intervention from forces on the periphery. Victory conditions are asymmetrical, with the Russians trying to conquer Central Asia and the Khanates trying to prevent this.

There are three scenarios, each representing a different situation. Each game turn represents from one to six years, depending on the pace of operations. Each hexagon on the map represents 80 to 90 kilometers (53 miles). Each Russian unit represents one or two battalion-sized groups of companies or squadrons. Other units represent brigade or division-sized units, along with corresponding logistics, as well as groupings of tribesmen or other fighters ranging between 1000 to 5000 fighters. Generals represent key commanders, their staffs, and an elite guard.

Components: One 22 x 34-inch game map, 176 5/8-inch counters, and magazine. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2022 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-pb, available mid December 2022 ......$50.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-47750 von Warnery, Emanuel -- With Introduction by Nosworthy, B REMARKS ON CAVALRY Reprint of 1798 edition. Extensive introduction by Brent Nosworthy places Warnery in context of the period and examines his major impact on Napoleonic cavalry tactics. Includes 10 b/w plates illustrating cavalry formations and 31 line drawings. This is a prime source for 18th/19th century study. 1 vol, 224 pgs 1997 LONDON, CONSTABLE PUBLISH
NEW-dj, INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE 60% OFF ......$30.00 with a discount of 60% spc

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1-197180 Weaver, Ralph THE HUNGARIAN ARMY: 1848-1849 This book deals with a period in history that is little known outside the area of central Europe where the events took place. However, the Hungarian uprising was part of a great movement which spread across Europe in 1848. It was sparked off by the revolution in Paris which ousted the king and ushered in a republic, but the roots of the uprising in Hungary went much deeper into history. It was assisted, not directly, but indirectly by 'liberal' disturbances in Vienna, Italy, Prussia, Spain, Germany, and even in Britain where the Chartist movement profoundly shocked the government of the day.

The campaign by the Austrian Hapsburgs and their allies both within and outside the borders of the empire surged backward and forward across the area then referred to as Hungary (a much larger area than the present national state), as first the Hungarians and later the Austrians and Russians became ascendant.

The Hungarian government spared no efforts in raising troops, giving them uniforms and arming and equipping them with modern weapons, and when that was not possible, anything that could be pressed into service. Some troops carried the latest percussion weapons while others had pikes and scythes. Cavalry were given, or brought with them, axes and whips!

Illustrated with original color plates by Ron Poulter. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2012 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$30.00

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1-217170 Weaver, Ralph THE HUNDRED THOUSAND SONS OF ST. LOUIS This book sheds light on an almost unknown military campaign conducted by a French army, 100,000 men strong. The army was referred to by the French king as the 'Sons of St. Louis' and was pitted against parts of the regular Spanish army and a numerous militia.

The cause of the war was a revolution in Spain in 1820 which brought in a 'Liberal' government and the Cortez (Spanish parliament) held King Ferdinand as a virtual prisoner. Ferdinand appealed for help from the French who were supported by an army of Spanish Royalists. A few years earlier many of these Royalist volunteers had been France's bitter enemies and had fought Napoleon's generals to a standstill.

The French troops who crossed the Pyrenees were part of a newly forged army, taken from the debris of Napoleon's old regiments augmented with newly raised conscripts and many inexperienced officers drawn from emigres and the old nobility who had returned to France after the Battle of Waterloo. However, it was led by battle-hardened former Imperial officers and was placed under the overall command of the king of France's nephew, who was also in line for the throne of France.

A full account of the campaign is given, together with detailed descriptions and organization of the armies of France and Spain, illustrated with contemporary pictures and modern interpretations and including maps and plans of the war.

The final and crucial battle, the taking of the forts on the island of the Trocadero, opposite Cadiz, is given special attention. Although small by recent European standards, the fight was decisive for bringing about the end to the war and for establishing the spirit of the new French Royal army and restoring France to a position as one of the leading world powers. 1 vol, 140 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid May 2018 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-247720 Weaver, Ralph THE HUNDRED THOUSAND SONS OF ST. LOUIS: The French Campaign in Spain April to October 1823 Sheds light on a military campaign against the Spanish army, from a revolution in Spain in 1820, conducted by the Sons of St. Louis. A full account of the campaign is given, together with detailed descriptions of the armies of France and Spain, illustrated with contemporary pictures and modern interpretations and including maps and plans of the war. The final and crucial battle, the taking of the forts on the island of the Trocadero, opposite Cadiz, is given special attention. Although small by recent European standards, the fight was decisive for bringing about the end to the war and for establishing the spirit of the new French Royal army and restoring France to a position as one of the leading world powers. The organization of the armies and the uniforms of the post-Napoleonic French forces is covered in detail. Contains 55 black and white illustrations and maps. 1 vol, 140 pgs 2025 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid February 2025 ......$38.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-237353 Weber, Till BAKUMATSU: From Samurai to Soldiers - Japan in the 1860s The powerful samurai-led Tokugawa dynasty ruled Japan until the 1850s, when a tumultuous period of reforms and radical changes ensued - called Bakumatsu. Provides a detailed overview of the opposing samurai factions as well as their respective military reforms. Introduces all troops, from the lowly but efficient regular infantry to the gallant desperadoes filling the ranks of the Shinsengumi. Ragtag militias replaced proud and resplendently attired samurai fighting for a lost cause. Tactics, arms, clothing, and equipment are presented in detail. Describes the campaigns and battles which changed the country's face between 1866 and 1869. By the 1870s, the Emperor Meiji ruled over a new Japan which no longer had any use for its ancient warrior elite. 1 vol, 152 pgs 2023 GERMANY, ZEUGHAUS VERLAG
NEW-pb, available late July 2023 ......$55.00 rct

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1-228790 Whitburn, Bill DUST OF GLORY: The First Anglo-Afghan War 1839-1842 - Its Causes and Course Explores the causes of the First Anglo-Afghan War and describes its course gleaned from a multitude of sources supported by seventeen sketch maps of key actions. No lessons were learnt as five more conflicts were to follow in this country that only produces fruit, nuts and opium. Includes 12 b/w ills. 23 color illustrations, and 17 b/w maps.

The Russian-sponsored attack by the Shah of Persia on Herat was the latest move in the long-running tournament for predominant influence in Central Asia called the Great Game. Its proximity to India could not be tolerated as it threatened British designs for the expansion of trade along the Indus valley.

Urged on by hawkish secretaries, hoodwinked by the wily Maharaja of Punjab, and prompted by his political masters in London, the ostensibly peaceful Governor-General of India, Lord Auckland, ordered the assembly of a vast army to counter the Persian move. The opportunity was also to be used to replace Shah Shuja back on his ancestral throne of Afghanistan.

At the eleventh hour, Persia withdrew from its failed attack and to many a sage observer, Lord Auckland should have ordered his army back to barracks. Instead, an army of 10,000 soldiers, 50,000 transport animals and 30,000 camp followers advanced in December 1839 for the single purpose of regime change. 1 vol, 428 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-248230 Wilcoxson, Samantha JAMES ALEXANDER HAMILTON: Son of the American Revolution James Alexander Hamilton, son of Alexander, influenced U.S. history by advising leaders such as Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren to Abraham Lincoln and Salmon P Chase on banking and constitutional matters. Born in the year of the Constitutional Convention, he was uniquely positioned to observe the early republic era and the formation of the experimental United States government. Contains 30 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 216 pgs 2025 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late March 2025 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-87770 Williams, Dennis THERE ARE YOUR GUNS:Warfare in the Age of Steam Based on GENERAL de BRIGADE rules system, complete rules for Warfare in the Age of Steam 1816-1897 Army lists, scenarios. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2013 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$30.00

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1-902929 Wolff, C. THE GERMAN ORDER OF THE 13 YEAR WAR: 1454-1466 Covers Knight Brothers and mercenary armies in the 15th century. After his bloody defeat in the Battle of the 1410, the state of the order in Prussia was in a phase of decline. In 1454, the Prussian cities and Knights rose up against the rule of the friars and allied themselves with the King of Poland. A 13-year war flared up.

The crusade enthusiasm that had led the order at the height of his power to serve huge armies of voluntary knights was now extinguished. Instead, certain mercenaries determined the course of the war. Their upkeep devoured huge sums of money and when the order could no longer raise the required funds, the mercenaries themselves tore into the dominion in the country.

The present volume deals with the army of this last significant conflict in the history of the Teutonic Order. In addition to the composition of the individual armies, the equipment and tactical use of the mercenary armies are also analysis. Includes contemporary illustrations and seven full-page color drawings. 1 vol, 64 pgs 2018 GERMANY, BERLIN ZINNFIGUREN
NEW-softcover, available late July 2018 [German Text] ......$30.00

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