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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 8/29/2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
General Military History

1-211470 KLEINKRIEG: The German Experience with Guerrilla Wars from Clausewitz to Hitler This work examines the German analysis to the problem, covering their experiences from the Napoleonic era to the Third Reich. Though the latter regime, the most despicable in history, needed to be destroyed by US/UK conventional force, as well as that of the Soviets, the German military meantime provided analysis to the question of grassroots - as opposed to great-power - warfare.

This work is built around the historical analysis titled Kleinkrieg, provided to the German High Command by Arthur Earhardt in 1935 (republished in 1942 and 1943) which examined insurgencies from French-occupied Spain to recurrent problems in the Balkans. It also calls upon the Bandenbekampfung (Fighting the Guerilla Bands) document provided to Germany's OKW in 1944. In both, conditions that were specific to broader military operations were separated from circumstances in occupation campaigns, and new background in the German experience in suppressing rebellion in World War II is presented.

Edited and annotated, along with new analysis, by Charles D. Melson, former Chief Historian for the US Marine Corps, Kleinkrieg expands our knowledge of the Western experience in coping with insurgencies. Without partaking in ideological biases, this work examines the purely military problem as seen by professionals. While small wars are not new, how they should be fought by a modern industrial nation is still a question to be answered. Rediscovered and presented in English, these German thoughts on the issue are now made available to a new generation of guerilla and irregular war fighters in the West. 1 vol, 216 pgs 2016 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available late May 2016 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-938022 STRATEGY & TACTICS QUARTERLY #22: Guderian's Panzers: From Triumph to Defeat Covers Operation Barbarossa, which commenced with such promise for Guderian's panzers, and for the eastern army at large, but ended in catastrophic failure. How did it come to pass that, with each dazzling victory in the east, final victory seemed to move further away from Germany's grasp? This issue examines Guderian's role in the first half-year of the Russian campaign, in the process opening a window onto the failure of Barbarossa as a whole. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2023 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$20.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-938023 STRATEGY & TACTICS QUARTERLY #23: War of 1812 - Rise of a Nation The War of 1812 is sometimes called the Second American Revolution. The war saw the new United States engage Great Britain in North America and on the high seas, to include dramatic moments like the burning of Washington DC. The War of 1812 in many ways led to the foundations of the American military system for the ensuing century, to include a rise of professionalism, the reliance on volunteer regiments, and an aggressive naval policy. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2023 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$20.00 with a discount of 10% inc

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1-938024 STRATEGY & TACTICS QUARTERLY #24: THE CHINESE CIVIL WAR, 1947-49: A MILITARY HISTORY The Chinese Civil War, 1945-59: A Military History: The Communist victory in the Chinese Civil War wasn't inevitable, and it was the largest military struggle since the end of World War II. This issue will provide a campaign-by-campaign analysis, with detailed maps and orders of battle for both sides. Analysis will also be presented in regard to how the evolving attitude of the US enabled the Communist victory. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2023 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$20.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-938025 STRATEGY & TACTICS QUARTERLY #25:The Fall Of Rome The Fall of Rome: New Look. One of the most momentous events in history is the Fall of Rome, usually slated as occurring in the year AD 476. But what exactly happened? Why did the Roman state, which stood for a thousand years, collapse in the face of a series of incursions from over the Rhine and Danube? This issue will explore a wide range of factors. The state of the Roman army in the fifth century AD was potentially a very effective force with an expanded cavalry army. The political structure of the Empire will be examined with the division between east and west, the stratification into a military caste system, and the increasing deals with invaders who were given their own kingdoms within the borders of the empire. Also, great leaders like Stilicho and Aetius, and even emperors such as Honorius (often blamed for the disasters of the early 5th century) and Zeno whose Eastern Empire survived the collapse in the West 1 vol, 116 pgs 2024 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$20.00 with a discount of 10% inc

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1-217800 Ackermann, Karen editor THE ROLE OF NATIVE AMERICANS IN MILITARY ENGAGEMENTS: From the 17th Century to the 19th Century From the landings of the first European colonists to 19th century histories to 1950s film westerns, Native Americans have been portrayed with unquestioned prejudice and ugly bias. It would not be until the 1970s that history scholars would begin to seriously demand a change in how Native Americans were viewed. The search for a full understanding of North America's numerous groups of native peoples and their contributions to US history continues.

This volume explores the Indian-non-Indian interactions from the 17th through the 19th centuries, with a focus on military encounters. The essays are arranged in a roughly chronological order, beginning with early contacts in 1609 between the Lenape and Dutch in the Delaware region, and the Mohawks and French in New France. The Wiechquaeskeck of southwestern Connecticut also deal with the Dutch in Governor Willem Kieft's War in the early to mid-17th century.

The Abenaki (1694), Shawnee (1791), and the southeastern US. tribes (mid-19th century) deal with incursions on to their lands. The final essay looks at the St. Albert Mounted Rifles, a corps of the Canadian Militia, in 1885, which was composed mostly of Metis men. In these essays, the Native Americans, whether working with the whites or against them, are active participants in constructing their lives under the impact of the early European arrivals and their descendants. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2018 US, HERITAGE BOOKS
NEW-softcover ......$25.00

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1-36930 Addingtom, Larry H. PATTERNS OF WAR SINCE THE 18TH CENTURY, THE The author presents a wide angle view of 19th/20th century war, along with an analysis of weapons, tactics and strategy, maps, illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 318 pgs 1984 BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA UNIV
AS NEW-dj ......$20.00

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1-78210 Ales, S. INSEGNE MILITARI PREUNITARIE ITALIANE ITALIAN text. 130+ color plates with multiple illustrations per page. Covers Savoy, Naples, Venice, Papal States, Genoa, Tuscany, Modena, and others in this survey of pre-unification states 1690-1860. 1 vol, 450 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-dj, ITALIAN TEXT, ... 1 copy available -- First come, first served ......$120.00

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1-239870 Amz, Editrice Le Uniformi Piu' Belle Del Mondo Oggi This is a two-volume set. Volume 1 is Europe, Volume 2 is Americas, Africa, Asia, and Oceania.

The title of this book translates to, The Most Beautiful Uniforms in the World Today. This book written in full Italian goes over 'modern' military dress outfits around the world. All pictures are in rich color with great detail. 1 vol, 94 pgs 1967 ITALY, CASA EDITRICE AMZ
V.GOOD-hardback, only 1 copy available, first come first served [Italian book] ......$50.00 inc

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1-201360 Barfield, Thomas J THE PERILOUS FRONTIER: Nomadic Empires and China 221 BC to AD 1757 Around 800 BC, the Eurasian steppe underwent a profound cultural transformation that was to shape world history for the next 2,500 years: the nomadic herdsmen of Inner Asia invented cavalry which, with the use of the compound bow, gave them the means to terrorize first their neighbors and ultimately, under Chingis Khan and his descendants, the whole of Asia and Europe. Why and how they did so and to what effect are the themes of this history of the nomadic tribes of Inner Asia - the Mongols, Turks, Uighurs and others, collectively dubbed the Barbarians by the Chinese and the Europeans.

This 2000-year history of the nomadic tribes drew from a wide range of sources and told with unprecedented clarity and pace. The author shows that to describe the tribes as barbaric is seriously to underestimate their complexity and underlying social stability. He argues that their relationship with the Chinese was as much symbiotic as parasitic and that they understood their dependence on a strong and settled Chinese state. He makes sense of the apparently random rise and fall of these mysterious, obscure and fascinating nomad confederacies. 1 vol, 348 pgs 1992 UK, BLACKWELL PUBLISHERS INC
NEW-softcover, available mid April 2013, on demand reprint ......$46.00

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1-20890 Bartlett, Merrill Lt. Colonel ASSAULT FROM THE SEA Essays on the History of Amphibious Warfare, 490BC at Marathon to the Falklands, b/w maps, illust. 1 vol, 453 pgs 1983 ANNAPOLIS, NAVAL INST PRS
V.GOOD-dj ......$18.00

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1-79340 Barua, Pradeep P. STATE AT WAR IN SOUTH ASIA, THE Comprehensive look at 3000+ years of military actions in South Asia. The author leads the reader thru a selective study of significant battles and campaigns. Includes b/w maps, tables, bibliography, and index.

Much research has been done on Western warfare and state building but very little on the military effectiveness of states, until now. Using South Asia as a case study, The State at War in South Asia examines how the state, from prehistory to modern times, has managed to wage war.

Explores the state's military effectiveness and moves beyond the western and non-western dichotomy characterized by most military analysis to date Leads the reader through a selective study of significant battles, campaigns, and wars fought on the subcontinent, combined this overview with an analysis of the state-building process, showing how the South Asian state has conducted war under its many political guises from the prehistoric and ancient periods to the modern era, with its threat of nuclear war. He challenges the historiographic idea that the Western way of war is superior, while examining in detail those battles, such as the Maratha-Afghan battle of 1763, that offer the most insight into the introduction of new tactics, organization, and technology. 1 vol, 640 pgs 2005 US, UNIV OF NEBRASKA
NEW-dj ......$60.00

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1-237460 Beaumont, Roger SWORD OF THE RAJ The British Army in India, 1747-1947 History of an army of incredible size from the days if the East India Company unti the British
withdrew from india 1 vol, 237 pgs
V.GOOD-dj, one copy only - first come, first served ......$15.00

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1-239980 Benson, F. R. and Algernon Tudor Craig The Book of The Army Pageant Held at Fulham Palace Excerpt from The Book of the Army Pageant Held at Fulham Palace:

The organisation necessary for this purpose consists of over Honorary Representatives of the Society scattered through all the Towns and Villages of the United Kingdom, and extending even to India and the Colonies. These ladies and gentlemen are untiring in their efforts on behalf of ex-soldiers and Sailors, and I am sure I am only voicing the general feeling when I say that the Navy and Army owe them a great debt of gratitude.

Special attention should be drawn to the fourth object of the Society enumerated above. To carry this out, Workshops have been established in London, Brookwood, Edinburgh, and Dublin, and in these the disabled men are taught trades according to their capabilities, and as an evidence of the excellence of their handiwork it can be pointed out with great gratification that the workshops have been awarded several Gold Medals at the various Exhibitions, and a Diploma of Honour for an exhibit in Berlin.

The funds of the Society, it must be stated with great regret, are very low, the necessary expenditure, on relief alone, exceeding the available income, and it is in the hope of improving this state of affairs that the Army Pageant is being held. Even so, new Annual Subscribers to the Society are much needed.

In conclusion, as President of the Society, I desire to convey my personal thanks to Mr. F. R. Benson, and to all those who have so generously come forward to assist in the arduous work of organising and carrying out the details of the Pageant, and to assure them that their efforts will not only be appreciated by the Society as a whole, but also by the many thousands of Soldiers and Sailors who may in due course have to seek its aid.
GOOD-hardcover, only 1 copy available, first come, first served, the front and back cover is slightly stained ......$30.00 inc

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1-62570 Best, Geoffrey WAR AND SOCIETY IN REVOLUTIONARY EUROPE 1770-1870 Covers the French Revolution and aftermath as well as the many wars during the 1815-1870 period, chapter notes, biblio, index. 1 vol, 336 pgs 1998 UK, SUTTON PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$10.00

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1-210800 Binda, Alexandre THE EQUUS MEN: Rhodesia's Mounted Infantry: The Grey's Scouts 1896-1980 Includes 300 color and b/w photos and 4 maps.

This all new work by accomplished military historian Alexandre Binda, former paymaster to the Grey's Scouts, tables the remarkable story of Rhodesia's mounted infantry, the Grey's Scouts. Working closely with the last commanding officer, squadron commanders and a whole host of regimental personalities, all of whom have given The Equus Men their unequivocal support Binda has enjoyed unparalleled access to thousands of pages of archival documents and many hundreds of previously unpublished photographs.

Here, he has traced the Grey's from their early origins in the Matabele Rebellion of 1896, where an 'unassuming Englishman, the Honorable George Grey', found himself originating a body of horseman named the 'Bulawayo Field Force', through to the formation of the Animal Transport Unit (ATU) which went on to become the Mounted Infantry Unit (MIU).

With the skill of a practiced narrator, Binda takes the reader through these early days to the establishment of the Grey's Scouts in the Rhodesian Army order of battle in 1976. Deployed to great effect during the bitter Rhodesian Bush War of the late 1960s - 1970s, the mounted operations conducted by the Grey's are succinctly and clearly detailed. Some of the contacts related make for astonishing reads and with the lively, vibrant, text one can almost feel the steaming sweat of rider and mount; sense the pounding adrenaline; hear the thundering hooves as a fearful enemy is pursued to battle's inevitable conclusion.

Suffice to say, The Equus Men makes for an engaging read. Trained and utilized as mounted infantry as opposed to cavalry, the Grey's Scouts saw exceptional success in the field. Lightly equipped, they were able to cover great distances at speed, live off the veldt with minimal support and through 'shock action', quickly engage and destroy insurgent forces. Originally a regular formation, the Grey's Scouts were augmented by Territorial and National Service soldiers as the conflict progressed and by 1980, when hostilities ceased, the Regiment numbered some 600 soldiers, both men and women, black and white. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2016 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj, available mid February 2016 ......$100.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-212430 Black, Jeremy MAPS OF WAR: Mapping Conflict Through the Centuries There is little documented mapping of conflict prior to the Renaissance period, but, from the 17th century onward, military commanders and strategists began to document the wars in which they were involved and, later, to use mapping to actually plan the progress of a conflict. Using contemporary maps, this sumptuous new volume covers the history of the mapping of land wars, and shows the way in which maps provide a guide to the history of war.

Content includes:

* The beginnings of military mapping prior to 1600, such as the impact of printing and the introduction of gunpowder.

* The 17th century: The focus is on maps to illustrate war, rather than as a planning tool, and the chapter considers the particular significance of mapping fortifications.

* The 18th century: The growing need for maps on a world scale reflects the spread of European power, and of transoceanic conflict between Europeans. This chapter deals particularly with the American Revolution.

* The 19th century: Key developments included contouring and the creation of military surveying. Subjects include the Napoleonic Wars and the American Civil War.

* The 20th century: Extended features on the First and Second World Wars, featuring maps detailing trench warfare and aerial reconnaissance. Much of the chapter centers on the period from 1945 to the present day, including special sections on the Vietnam War and the Gulf Wars. 1 vol, 216 pgs 2016 UK, CONWAY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-215180 Black, Jeremy MAPPING NAVAL WARFARE: A Visual History of Conflict at Sea Naval operations and warfare were, and remain, a key element for mapping. Maps were vital for commanders in drawing up plans of attack, and their detail and usefulness have increased over the centuries as the science of mapping has developed.

This beautiful book examines stunning original maps from a series of key conflicts from the Spanish Armada, the American Wars of Independence, and the Napoleonic wars to twentieth century conflicts from the First World War to Vietnam, and explains how they were represented through mapping and how the maps produced helped naval commanders to plan their strategy. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2017 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$45.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-237940 Black, Jeremy CAVALRY: A Global History Covers the role of horses and essential mobility. Focuses on warfare in the classical world, in the major civilizations of China and India, Steppe cavalry, in the middle ages with Islamic and European conflict, the 'social politics' in Christendom with knightly valor, and war with non-Christian forces including the Muslim invasion of Europe, Islamic Spain, and conflict with the Mongols.

Coverage continues with Asia and North Africa and the Ottomans. The modern period from Napoleon to the First World War is the history of the mobility of cavalry in European warfare and in imperial expansion and empire-building, but the concept of cavalry 'redundancy' arises in the maelstrom of 1914-1918 with artillery bombardment, trench warfare, and the role of infantry. The long 'transition' period leading up the present and future is fascinating for both cavalry and infantry, with the development of tanks and armor. Examines the concept of cavalry 'transformation' instead of 'survivalism', with modern and post-modern development of drone warfare - from horses to drones - as a 'new cavalry' for reconnaissance and combat. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid August 2023 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-68610 Black, Jeremy EUROPEAN WARFARE, 1494-1660 The onset of the Italian Wars in 1494, subsequently seen as the onset of 'modern warfare', provides the starting point for this impressive survey of European Warfare in early modern Europe. Huge developments in the logistics of war combined with exploration and expansion meant interaction with extra-European forms of military might. Jeremy Black looks at technological aspects of war as well social and political developments and effects during this key period of military history. This sharp and compact analysis contextualises European developments and as establishes the global significance of events in Europe. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2002 LONDON, ROUTLEDGE PRESS
NEW-pb ......$46.00

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1-80380 Black, Jeremy editor EUROPEAN WARFARE 1453-1815 Contributing authors provide chapters on Warfareduring the Thirty Years War; Gaelic Warfare 1453-1826; Warfare in the Baltic 1500-1800; the Rise ofRussia, Ottoman Warfare 1453-1815, bilbio, index. 1 vol, 287 pgs 1999 NY, ST MARTINS PRESS
NEW-pb ......$40.00

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1-215860 Bogdanovic, Nikolai FIT TO FIGHT: A History of the Royal Army Physical Training Corps 1860-2015 Formed in 1860 as the Army Gymnastic Staff, the Royal Army Physical Training Corps (RAPTC) has been keeping the British Army in shape for just over 150 years. Drawn from every regiment in the army, prospective candidates undergo 30 weeks of intensive training before qualifying as a Royal Army Physical Training Corps Instructor. Based at the Army School of Physical Training in Aldershot, over the course of its history the RAPTC has trained countless instructors, including Olympic medallists Dame Kelly Holmes and Kriss Akabussi.

This is a complete history of the RAPTC from its formation to the present day, illustrated with stunning images from the regimental collection, including historical photographs, commissioned pictures of objects and fine art, and facsimile reproductions of documents. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2017 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$60.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-237130 Bohm, Jason WASHINGTON'S MARINES: The Origins of the Corps and the American Revolution, 1775-1777 Examines the men, strategy, performance, and personalities of the Corps' formative early years during the American Revolution, 1775-1777, through the early successes and failures at Lexington, Concord, Bunker Hill, Canada, Boston, Charleston, and more. Marines joined their fellow soldiers in a protracted land campaign that culminated in turning-point victories at Trenton, Assunpink Creek, and Princeton. This chapter of the Continental Marines ends in Morristown, NJ, when George Washington granted Henry Knox's request to leverage the Marines' expertise with naval guns to fill the depleted ranks of the army's artillery during the Forage War. Enhanced with original maps and illustrations, including 41 images and 9 maps. 1 vol, 360 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available late May 2023 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-62580 Bond, Brian WAR AND SOCIETY IN EUROPE 1870-1970 An absorbing study of the enormous changes in the nature of armed conflict and the impact of war since 1879, chpt notes, biblio, index. 1 vol, 254 pgs 1998 UK, SUTTON PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$10.00

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1-194160 Boot, Max The Savage Wars Of Peace: Small Wars And The Rise Of American Power The Savage Wars of Peace is a book that is likely to surprise all but the most ardent military history buffs. Once and for all it does away with the myth that before World War Two, America was completely 'isolationist' in its foreign policy. The book focuses on America's many 'smaller' military actions, from the Tripolitan War circa 1801-1803 to the hundred years (1840-1941) that American troops were continuously stationed in China to the Philippine 'Insurrection' (1900-1902) to the many 20th Century American interventions in Latin America.

Surprises abound, the biggest being how Author Max Boot demonstrates that for the most part America's interventions happened for idealistic reasons, rather than the usual stereotype that has the US always watching out for big business interests. Also surprising is Boot's account of how effective America was at fighting anti-guerilla wars, at least up until Vietnam, when our misguided tactics may have actually snatched victory from our grasp. Boot covers each intervention separately, combining politics with actual battle narratives in an excellently readable manner. Colorful figures emerge, like 'The Fight Quaker' Marine General Smedley Butler, who for over thirty years was America's foremost (and most successful) guerilla fighter, only to become a staunch pacifist upon retirement.

Though it is a historical narrative, it is obvious that the author is trying to send a message to today's military leaders, especially in the wake of such misguided post-Vietnam policies as the 'Powell Doctorine.' The message is that America has a duty to continue to fight small wars to make the world a safer place (especially after September 11th), but that it should also not encourage our enemies by cutting and running from such engagements after the first casualties. 1 vol, 464 pgs 2003 US, BASIC BOOKS
AS NEW-pb, limited copies ......$19.00

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1-240060 Bowood, Richard SOLDIERS SOLDIERS Soldiers of every age - an international parade of warriors and their weapons, assembled by Richard Bowood. The blend of story and pictures, many of them in color, traces the history of warriors and battles from the earliest records of organized armies, which existed between six and seven thousand years ago, until present day. Duties, parades, colors, mascots, and traditions - forging links between comrades-in-arms of many lands - present the reader with a vivid and fascinating description of the world of Soldiers. 1 vol, 150 pgs 1965 UK, PAUL HAMLYN LTD
V.GOOD-dj, only 1 copy available, first come, first served ......$20.00 inc

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1-226840 Briuwer, Jaap Jan THE GERMAN WAY OF WAR: A Lesson in Tactical Management The central question in this book is why the German Army had a so much higher relative battlefield performance than the opposition. A central element within the Prussian/German Army is Auftragstaktik, a tactical management concept that dates from the middle of the nineteenth century and is still very advanced in terms of management and organization.

Using more than 50 examples to illustrate the realities of the battlefield, including North Africa, Arnhem, and the Hu?rtgen Forest, the author explains why the Prussian/German Army was such an unprecedented powerful fighting force. And why Auftragstaktik - under other guises - is still the basic form of operation for many European armies, with even the US Army introducing certain elements of Auftragstaktik into its organization, more than 150 years after its conception. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-226840 Briuwer, Jaap Jan THE GERMAN WAY OF WAR: A Lesson in Tactical Management The central question in this book is why the German Army had a so much higher relative battlefield performance than the opposition. A central element within the Prussian/German Army is Auftragstaktik, a tactical management concept that dates from the middle of the nineteenth century and is still very advanced in terms of management and organization.

Using more than 50 examples to illustrate the realities of the battlefield, including North Africa, Arnhem, and the Hu?rtgen Forest, the author explains why the Prussian/German Army was such an unprecedented powerful fighting force. And why Auftragstaktik - under other guises - is still the basic form of operation for many European armies, with even the US Army introducing certain elements of Auftragstaktik into its organization, more than 150 years after its conception. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb edition ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-200810 Carr, John SPARTA'S KINGS In ancient Greece, Sparta was unique in having a dual kingship - two kings from different clans, the Agiads and the Eurypontids, reigning simultaneously. The institution was already well-developed by the 8th century BC, when Theopompos of the Eurypontid clan emerges as the first recorded Spartan king. At least fifty-seven men held office as Spartan king between Theopompos and the Agiad Kleomenes III who died in 222 BC. For almost all this period the Spartan kingship was primarily a military office, and thus the kings embody much of the military history of Sparta.

Wherever Sparta's main battles took place, there the kings were. Naturally, the character of the particular king would often determine the outcome of a battle or campaign. Leonidas I at Thermopylai was one example. At the other end of the scale the young and unwar-like Pleistoanax twice declined an encounter with the Athenians when sent against that city.

John Carr offers a chronological account of the kings and their accomplishments (or lack thereof), from the founding Herakleidai clan to Kleomenes III and his successor, the dictator Nabis, and the Roman conquest in the middle of the 2nd century BC. The book is not intended to be a complete history of Sparta. It will be a human interest and war story, focusing attention on the kings' personal qualities as well as their (or their generals') military accomplishments and, where applicable, their politics as well. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2012 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj, available late February 2013 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-221820 Carr, John THE POPE'S ARMY: The Papacy in Diplomacy and War The period of political and military activism by the Roman Catholic Church can be dated to roughly from 410, when Pope Innocent I vainly tried to avert the sack of Rome by the Visigoths, to about 1870, when Pope Pius IX was abandoned by his protectors, the French Army, and forced to submit to the new Italian state by surrendering any political power the Vatican had left. Includes 20 black and white illustrations.

During those centuries, the popes employed every means at their disposal, including direct military action, to maintain their domains centered on Rome. Some pontiffs, such as Alexander VI, Julius II (15th century), plus the energetic Borgia popes later, built the Papal States into a power in their own right. In the following century and a half, Europe's destructive religious wars almost always had a papal component, with the Lateran and later Vatican fielding their own armies. Climaxing the story are the little-known yet bitter late-nineteenth century battles between the papal volunteers from all over Europe and America, and the Italian nationalists who ultimately prevailed. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2019 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid October 2019 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-198010 Celebi, Katip HISTORY OF THE MARITIME WARS OF THE TURKS This book spans the Turkish Empire's expansion from the conquest of Constantinople to that of Crete, and recounts the story of Barbarossa, whom Suleyman the Magnificent appointed commander of the imperial navy, and many other highlights of Ottoman history. Katip Celebi is one of the classic authors in the Turkish language, and this book is his key historical study. Although it was reprinted numerous times in the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic, the only previous English edition was a 19th-century translation of the first part of the book.

This new edition comprises a reprint of this text plus new commentary by Svat Soucek, an internationally renowned scholar of naval history. The editor also provides a new introduction and extensive summaries and translates highlights of pertinent passages in the previously untranslated texts.

The few early Turkish editions embellished with lavish illustrations have never been available to general readers, except for those with access to the rare books departments of leading research libraries. This is the first English-language edition to reproduce those illustrations. 1 vol, 220 pgs 2011 US, MARKUS WIENER
NEW-softcover, oldie but goodie ......$25.00

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1-215150 Clements, Eric USS CONSTITUTION: A Midshipman's Pocket Manual 1814 Launched in 1797, USS Constitution is a wooden-hulled, three-masted heavy frigate of the United States Navy. She is renowned for her actions during the War of 1812 against the Britain, when she captured numerous merchant ships and defeated five British warships. The battle with HMS Guerriere earned her the nickname 'Old Ironsides' and a long-standing public adoration that has repeatedly saved her from scrapping. She continued to serve as flagship in the Mediterranean and African squadrons, and circled the world in the 1840s. Retired from active service in 1881, Constitution served as a receiving ship until designated a museum ship in 1907.

Comprising a series of documents and illustrations that give information on the building of the ship, her wartime service history and life on board ship during the years of her service, this fascinating book tells the story of Old Ironsides. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2017 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-hardback, available mid October 2017 ......$15.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-60880 Clements, W. H. TOWERS OF STRENGTH:Martello Towers Worldwide Martello towers were built from 1790's thru the1850's, this book with its many photos/illust isthe first comprehensive study of all known towersbuilt by the British, appendicies, biblio, index 1 vol, 192 pgs 1999 UK, LEO COOPER BOOKS
NEW-dj, o/p ......$40.00

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1-197890 Cocke, Clyde PASS IN REVIEW: An Illustrated History of West Point Cadets: 1794-Present Established in 1802, the United States Military Academy at West Point is the oldest of the United States's service academies. During nearly 210 years of existence, thousands of cadets have walked its halls. It has long been a leader in establishing traditions that have influenced colleges and universities throughout the United States. In this new book, author Clyde Cocke and photographer Eilene Harkless Moore chronicle the lives, uniforms, events, and traditions of West Point cadets, from dining in the Cadet Mess to strolling the Flirtation Walk.

West Point's Highlanders, the Pipes and Drums of the United States Corps of Cadets, are featured, as is the unique West Point Tartan. Contemporary images blend with seldom-seen artwork from the West Point Museum collection to provide a behind-the-scenes look into the life of USMA cadets. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2012 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available late March 2012 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-238950 Coker, Kathryn Roe and Jason Wetzel THE U.S. ARMY COMBAT HISTORIAN AND COMBAT HISTORY OPERATIONS: World War I to the Vietnam War This study focuses on U.S. Army historical programs during combat operations from World War I to the Vietnam War with particular attention on the combat historians, those individuals deployed to a theater of war with the mission of documenting the actions of that theater for current and future historical use. Extensive discussions about TO&Es and where such historical units were to be inserted within Army TO&Es, difficulties in convincing front-line commanders of worth of adding historians to immediately record viewpoints from command to enlisted, and profiles of the army and civilian personnel assigned to the units.

In World War I, Major General Pershing proposed the idea of establishing a historical office within the AEF headquarters. The War Department reorganized the General Staff to include a Historical Branch. By World War II, combat historians were behind and on the front lines with a notebook in one hand and their carbine in the other hand, ever ready to collect battlefield information. Eight historical service detachments were deployed to Korea.

After the Korean War, the duties of the combat historian further evolved as what became the Center of Military History published doctrine about military history detachments (MHDs). As America's immersion in Vietnam escalated, there was concern regarding historical coverage. Chief of Military History Brigadier General Hal Pattison established a network of historical teams to collect information on the U.S Army in the war. A major development in the history program and in deploying MHDs came with the establishment of Headquarters, U.S. Army Vietnam (USARV) under General William C. Westmoreland's command. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2023 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available mid September 2023 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-84940 Cooke, David BATTLEFIELD YORKSHIRE:Dark Ages-English Civil War 100+ b/w illust/maps, the area that is now Yorkshire was the site of many battles from the Anglo-Saxon vs Vikings, Scottish Invasions and the battles of the ECW. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2006 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-980063 Cowper, Alfred Buellesbach Marcus BATTLESCAPES:A Photograhic Testamemt From Alesia 52 BC to Seelow Heights 1945, the author has photographed 33 famous battle sites. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2009 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$27.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-81830 Crosby, Alfred W. THROWING FIRE:History of Projectile Technology The author looks at the use of 'fire' weapons andgunpowder weapons throughout history, b/w illust &drawings, biblio, index. 1 vol, 218 pgs 2002 LONDON, CAMBRIDGE UNIV
NEW-dj ......$30.00

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1-88250 Davies, Brian WARFARE, STATE & SOCIETY ON THE BLACK SEA STEPPE For nearly three centuries, Russia vied with theCrimean Khanate, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth &Ottoman Empire for mastery of Ukraine and thesteppes of the Black Sea. Maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2008 LONDON, ROUTLEDGE PRESS
NEW-pb ......$40.00

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1-231030 Davies, Jonathan THE ART OF SHOOTING GREAT ORDNANCE: A History of the Development, Manufacture and Use of Artillery, 1494-1628 The period 1494-1628 was critical in the history of artillery. Guns, gunpowder, and gun carriages underwent such major transformations that they would remain virtually unchanged for three centuries.

This book explains the development and use of artillery during this critical period. The forge and foundry where they were made and the lives of the men who made them are also thoroughly investigated. Starts with the development of medieval artillery and then establishes the real significance of the French invasion of Italy in 1494 -- often seen as the beginning of an artillery revolution. The development of a new artillery in the late medieval period contributed to the events of 1494 and confirmed the significance of these changes in the popular imagination and in the minds of later historians. Includes 124 b/w ills, 39 b/w photos, 9 color ills, 15 color photos, and 37 tables. 1 vol, 310 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid June 2022 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-213250 Dawson, Anthony REAL WAR HORSES: The Experience of the British Cavalry 1814 - 1914 This book concentrates in graphic detail on the experiences of the British cavalry during a century of warfare. That is why it is of such value. It is also compelling reading because it describes, using the words of the cavalrymen of the time, the organization, routines, training and social life of the cavalry as well as the fear and exhilaration of cavalry actions.

Perhaps the most memorable passages record the drama and excitement of cavalry charges and the brutal, confused, often lethal experience of close-quarter combat in a melee of men and horses. Includes 20 illustrations. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2017 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late January 2017 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-240470 Deaeger, Donn F. Weapons & Fighting Arts of the Indonesian Archipelago The weapons and fighting arts of the Indonesian archipelago form the substance of this book, which depicts the cultures of such places as Java, Bali, Sumatra, and the Madura. The reader discovers the varied combative forms of the islands, from empty-hand techniques to the use of such weapons as spears, whips, knives, and the dagger called the kris. He learns of the links between the fighting arts of the continent (China and India) and the Indonesian forms, and of the first contacts with the Europeans. He meets the Menangkabau warriors, the Alefuru head-hunters, and the Celates pirates, and learns their combat methods. 1 vol, 254 pgs 1972 JAPAN, CHARLES E TUTTLE COMPANY, INC.
V.GOOD-dj, only 1 copy available, first come, first served ......$30.00 used

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1-216480 Deane, Morgan DECISIVE BATTLES IN CHINESE HISTORY Includes 30 b/w illustrations and maps. Key battles from Maling, fought in 342 BC during the Warring States period, to Hengyang in 1944, which marked the end of major Japanese operations in China.

Each of the twelve chapters highlights a significant conflict that selectively focuses on unique Chinese characteristics of the time, including belief systems, ruling ideology, the connection between technology and warfare, military theory, political events and rulers, and foreign policy, including China's eventual interaction with the West.

The book pushes back on a variety of ideas and stereotypes, ranging from the Chinese use of gunpowder, their supposedly weak reaction to the West, the viability of the Dynastic Cycle in studying history, the context of Chinese military theory, the exclusivity of martial and cultural spheres, and the uniqueness of Western imperialism. It also offers a groundbreaking reassessment of Mao Zedong's leadership and his impact on the development of guerilla warfare. 1 vol, 196 pgs 2017 US, WESTHOLME PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$30.00

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1-195550 Delgado, James P SILENT KILLERS: Submarines and Underwater Warfare James P. Delgado, President and CEO of the Institute of Nautical Archaeology, presents a detailed and visually stunning examination of the history and development of the modern nuclear submarine. Calling on his training as a nautical archaeologist who was among the first explorers to dive the Titanic, Delgado recreates the story of the submarine from the bottom up - that is through eerie photographs of subs at the bottom of the sea. In addition, he explores submarine technology, from wooden to iron to steel hulls, from hand-cranked to nuclear-powered propulsion, from candlelight to electricity, from gunpowder 'torpedoes' to nuclear missiles. An esteemed underwater archaeologist and marine historian, Jim Delgado has compiled an extraordinary history of the dragons of the deep. Silent Killers is a triumph that is educational as well as highly entertaining. - Clive Cussler
1 vol, 264 pgs 2011 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-72140 Di Cosmo, Nicola editior WARFARE IN INNER ASIAN HISTORY:500-1800 AD Examination of military history from the Turks andUighurs to the Pechenegs, and from the Mongolinvasion of Syria to the Manchu conquest of China,b/w maps/drawings, great biblio, notes, index. 1 vol, 456 pgs 2002 LEIDEN, BRILL PUBLISHERS
NEW-hardcover ......$200.00

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1-191550 Dickie, Ian & Jestice, Phyllis & Rice, Rob S. Fighting Techniques of Naval Warfare 1190BC-2000AD Strategy, Weapons, Commanders, and Ships from ancient times to the present. B/w and color illust and maps. Biblio, index. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2009 US, THOMAS DUNN BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$30.00

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1-25780 Downey, Fairfax CANNONADE Great Artillery Action of History. The Famous Cannons and the Master Gunners. Over 500 years of guns, from the the wagon forts of the Hussites to the 280mm Atomic Cannon shipped to Korea in 1953. includes the great 1453 Ottoman bombard outside Constantinople, cannon at Lutzen 1632, Leuthen 1757, Valmy 1792, Malvern Hill 1862, Port Arthur 1904, and more. Many b/w illustrations, 10 appendices, bibliography, and an index. 1 vol, 381 pgs 1966 GARDEN CITY, DOUBLEDAY CO
GOOD-dj ......$20.00

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1-191390 Duffy, Sean editor The World of the Galloglass Kings, Warlords and Warriors in Ireland & Scotland 1200-1600. The proceedings of a recent Edinburg conference on the role of the Galloglass. Good book, but suffers from a lack of biblio or index. 1 vol, 219 pgs 2007 IRELAND, FOUR COURTS PRES
NEW-dj ......$65.00

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2-198750 Dull, Jonathan THE AGE OF THE SHIP OF THE LINE: The British and French Navies, 1650-1815 Softcover version.

For nearly two hundred years huge wooden warships called 'ships of the line' dominated war at sea and were thus instrumental in the European struggle for power and the spread of imperialism. Foremost among the great naval powers were Great Britain and France, whose advanced economies could support large numbers of these expensive ships. This book, the first joint history of these great navies, offers a uniquely impartial and comprehensive picture of the two forces
-- their shipbuilding programs, naval campaigns, and battles, and their wartime strategies and diplomacy.

Jonathan R. Dull is the author of two award-winning histories of the French navy. Bringing to bear years of study of war and diplomacy, his book conveys the fine details and the high drama of the age of grand and decisive naval conflict. Dull delves into the seven wars that Great Britain and France, often in alliance with lesser naval powers such as Spain and the Netherlands, fought between 1688 and 1815. Viewing war as most statesmen of the time saw it -- as a contest of endurance -- he also treats the tragic side of the Franco-British wars, which shattered the greater security and prosperity the two powers enjoyed during their brief period as allies. 1 vol, 268 pgs 2012 US, UNIV OF NEBRASKA
NEW-softcover ......$19.00

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1-221130 Dupuy, Trevor et al THE ALMANAC OF WORLD MILITARY POWER- Fourth Edition Contains an impressive compilation of data on every significant nation's military forces in 1980. 1 vol, 418 pgs 1980 US, PRESIDIO PRESS
V.GOOD-dj, (1) copy available, in stock, first come first served ......$48.00 rct

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1-1950014 Edited by Summerfield, S SMOOTHBORE ORDNANCE JOURNAL 14: Smoothbore Artillery Table by Sir Howard Douglas, Gerhard von Scharnhorst and the Royal Artillery Study on the bombardment of troops by British artillery; ranges of British ordnance 1736-1871; letter by Arthur Wellesley c.1797 advocating horse artillery for India; Von Stephen's translation of the very rare Scharnhorst's Artillery Tests of 1813; Royal Laboratory papers mostly 1780s & 1790s for instruction in the construction of artillery shot and shell. Contains 232 tables, 9 figures, 41 plans, and 55 photos. 1 vol, 150 pgs 2024 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-pb, available late June 2024 ......$35.00 inc

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1-245010 Edited by Summerfield, S AN ILLUSTRATED REFERENCE GUIDE TO RAPIERS The basis of this publication is the original collector's guide to rapiers by Eric Valentine plus a fine monograph on the history and use of the rapier by Duncan Noble. In addition is a small article by Parsons on rapier hilts. However, the real quality of this new edition is the addition of superb color illustrations and informed descriptions courtesy of Olympia Auctions making this an essential companion for any collector or user of rapiers. Contains facsimile of 1968 edition of Rapiers' original illustrations, considerably enhanced with 122 additional color illustrations. 1 vol, 178 pgs 2024 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late June 2024 ......$55.00 inc

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1-87490 Elting, John AMERICAN ARMY LIFE: AN HISTORICAL PORTRAIT Looks at the life of the American soldier fromcolonial times to the present. B/W photos.Biblio. 1 vol, 327 pgs 1982 US, Scribners
GOOD-dj ......$10.00

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1-235490 Esposito, Gabriele MASTERS OF WARFARE: Fifty Underrated Military Commanders from Classical Antiquity to the Cold War Provides a selection of 50 commanders in chronological order whose military achievements, skill, or historical impact may be underrated by modern opinion. Thius specifically does not include the household names (the Gods of War as he calls them) such as Alexander, Julius Caesar, Wellington, Napoleon, Rommel, or Patton that have been covered in countless biographies.

Those chosen come from every period of recorded military history from the sixth century BC to the Vietnam War. The selection rectifies the European/US bias of many such surveys with Asian entries such as Bai Qi (Chinese), Attila (Hunnic), Subotai (Mongol), Ieyasu Tokugawa (Japanese), and Vo Nguyen Gi?p (Vietnamese). Naval commanders are also represented by the likes of Khayr al-Din Barbarossa, Francis Drake, and Michiel de Ruyter. Offers concise overviews of their lives, careers, and contributions to the evolution of weaponry, tactics, and strategy through the ages. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available early January 2023 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-239750 Falls, Cyril Great Military Battles There is a unique fascination in the study of great battles which surely derives from the sense that high issues can be decided by trivial incidents and the margin between victory and defeat is often very small. For this book, Cyril Falls has brought together a team of eminent military historians whose task has been to describe twenty-seven of the most important battles fought during the three centuries from 1643-1944, from the Battle of Rocroi to the Battle of the Ardennes. The historical significance of each battle is discussed, its strategy and tactics explained, and its progress reconstructed with lively detail. 1 vol, 303 pgs 1964 UK, HAMLYN PUBLISHING GROUP
V.GOOD-dj, only 1 copy available, first come first served ......$15.00 inc

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1-197400 Featherstone, Donald BOWMEN OF ENGLAND Reprint of a classic. From the 12th to 15th centuries the longbow was the weapon that changed European history more than any other. In the skilled hands of English and Welsh archers it revolutionized all the medieval concepts and traditions of war. No other weapon dominated the battlefield as it did, and it was the winning factor in every major battle from Morlaix in 1342 to Patay in 1429.

Donald Featherstone's study of the English longbow from its early development until the Wars of the Roses is an inspiring and authentic reconstruction in human terms in an age of courage, vitality and endurance. He provides an enthralling footnote to the history of the longbow by recording the engagement in which it was last used - in France in 1940.

1 vol, 164 pgs 2012 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-980054 Field, Ron and Bielakowski, Alexander BUFFALO SOLDIERS:African American Troops 1866-1945 This book covers the history of African American soldiers from the ACW thru the Plains Wars to WWI. Finally, it examines their participation in WWII, where almost half a million served. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2008 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$23.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-902906 Fuhrman, Rolf DER DEUSCHORDEN:Die Armee 1198-1420 Covers the Teutonic Knights from Akkon in the Out-remer to the Baltic. Shows armor, weapons andequipment in never seen before full color details. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2008 GERMANY, BERLIN ZINNFIG
NEW-softbound GERMAN text ......$30.00

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1-88260 Geza, David & Fodor, Pal OTTOMANS, HUNGARIANS & HABSBURGS IN CENTRAL EUROPE The first part of the book examines the birth anddevelopment of the Hungarian and Habsburg defencesystem. The second part examimes the Ottomanmilitary establishment. Maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 362 pgs 2000 LEIDEN, BRILL PUBLISHERS
NEW-hardcover ......$182.00

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1-240050 Goldsmith-Carter, George SAILORS SAILORS Every kind of sailor - explorers and fisherman, coastal seamen and pirates, men of the warships and the merchant-vessels - finds a place in this all-embracing book of the sea. It tells of the way they live, describes safety afloat, the training and feeding of seamen, the punishments suffered by sailors of rougher bygone days, and the ghostly happenings which originated and now preserve the superstitions shared by mariners the whole world over. The restless waters of the oceans, the unpredictable moods of the mysterious, challenging sea, are ever-present as you turn the colorful pages of SAILORS 1 vol, 151 pgs 1966 UK, PAUL HAMLYN LTD
V.GOOD-dj, only 1 copy available, first come, first served ......$10.00 inc

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1-79810 Gorsline, Douglas WHAT PEOPLE WORE A visual history of dress from ancient times to20th century America, 1800 line drawings, biblio 1 vol, 269 pgs BONANZA BOOKS
V.GOOD-dj ......$20.00

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1-211430 Grau, Lester and Charles K. Bartles MOUNTAIN WARFARE AND OTHER LOFTY PROBLEMS: Foreign Mountain Combat Veterans Discuss Movement And Maneuver, Training And Resupply The United States has been in a mountain war in Afghanistan for almost a decade. Other nations have different, extensive experience in training and conduction mountain combat. Chapters include small and large unit actions, reconnaissance, artillery, small arms fire, logistics, communications, medicine and aviation. Much experience is drawn from Soviet efforts in Afghanistan during the 1980s, and modern Russian army training. The text is complemented by numerous maps and diagrams. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2016 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late May 2016 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-980042 Gravett, Christopher KNIGHT:Noble Warrior of England Compilation of WARRIOR 48, 35, 58, 104 new intro. 1 vol, 228 pgs 2010 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$17.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-44290 Guest, Ken and Denise BRITISH BATTLES (57) battles from the Anglo-Saxon wars to the Stuart uprising are depicted, about half are from the ECW period, all are in full color with battle maps, re-enactment photos, a very nice book. 1 vol, 208 pgs 1997 LONDON, HARPER & COLLINS
NEW-softcover ......$22.00

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1-201680 Hall, Major Mike WITH TRUMPET DRUM AND FIFE: A Short Treatise Covering the Rise and Fall of Military Musical Instruments on the Battlefield The book guides you from the Ancient World to the modern day exploring the origins, developments, and importance of signaling instruments within the context of land battles.

Mike Hall's personal knowledge and experiences of being a Senior Drum Major in the Coldstream Guards add polish and credulity to the content. Reading through the book you will uncover a mine of interesting information about the evolution of Drum and Fife duty, the historical roles of the Drum Major General and the Trumpet Major, status and pecking order of musicians within the military, and the role of the boy drummer. 1 vol, 114 pgs 2012
NEW-pb, available late April 2013 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-231410 Harrison, Richard THE SOVIET ARMY'S HIGH COMMANDS IN WAR AND PEACE: 1941-1992 The vast distances of the Eastern Front forced the WWII Soviet political-military leadership to resort to new organizational expedients in order to control operations along the extended front. Five high commands, responsible for two or more fronts (army groups) and sometimes one or more fleets, were created along the northwestern, western, southwestern, and North Caucasus strategic directions during 1941-42. However, the highly unfavorable strategic situation during the first year of the war, as well as interference in day-to-day operations by Stalin, severely limited the high commands' effectiveness. As a consequence, the high commands were abolished in mid-1942 and replaced by the more flexible system of supreme command representatives at the front. A High Command of Soviet Forces in the Far East was established in 1945 and oversaw the Red Army's highly effective campaign against Japanese forces in Manchuria.

The Far Eastern High Command was briefly resurrected in 1947 as a response to the tense situation along the Korean peninsula and the ongoing civil war in China, but was abolished in 1953, soon after Stalin's death. Growing tensions with China brought about the recreation of the Far Eastern High Command in 1979, followed a few years later by the appearance of new high commands in Europe and South Asia. However, these new high commands did not long survive the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and were abolished a year later. The book relies almost exclusively on Soviet and post-communist archival and other sources and is the first unclassified treatment of this subject in any country, East or West. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2022 US, CASEMATE ACADEMIC
NEW-dj, available early August 2022 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-235700 Hart, Clive THE RISE AND FALL OF THE MEDIEVAL KNIGHT Seeks to understand the world of the medieval knight by studying their origins, accomplishments, and eventual decline. Also examines the equine half of the partnership, from an author who practices the arts of horsemanship on a daily basis, including combat with sword and lance. This insight opens up the world of the mounted knight, and importantly and uniquely, challenges the perception of what he and his horse could really do as a fearsome weapon of war. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late January 2023 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-190560 Hartley, Janet RUSSIA, 1762-1825 The author explores the development of Russian military power with reference to state-building and the cost to society. Hartley ends her book with a discussion of the military colonies . 1 vol, 332 pgs 2009 US, PRAGER PUBLISHERS
NEW-hardcover ......$120.00

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1-198120 Hattendorf, John B THE OXFORD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MARITIME HISTORY Covers the entire history of seafaring, from ancient Egyptian shipbuilders to Viking sea-raiders, from Nelson and the Napoleonic Wars to the voyages of Cheng Ho, from the European conquerors of the New World to the nuclear submarines and supertankers of today. Placing maritime affairs in their larger historical context, the Encyclopedia shows how seafaring has both reflected and influenced the major economic, cultural, military, and political developments in world history.

In four volumes and nearly 1,000 articles by an international group of historians and naval officers, the Encyclopedia offers a uniquely integrated approach, emphasizing the connections between maritime history and many related fields, including naval history, shipbuilding, navigation and scientific instrumentation, maritime art and literature, commerce and economics, exploration and maritime geography, oceanography and hydrology, and international maritime law. In so doing, the Encyclopedia provides, in a single reference work, a wealth of information that can otherwise be found only with the help of an extensive library.

Alphabetical organization, intelligible writing, plentiful illustrations, cross-references, bibliographies, a synoptic outline, and topical index included. 4 vol, 2912 pgs 2007 US, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-hardcover, 2 sets available, in stock ......$600.00 with a discount of 70% old

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2-24290 Haythornthwaite, Philip J. INVINCIBLE GENERALS Profiles of five commanders who changed warfare in 17th-18th century. Gustavus Adolphus, Marlborough, Frederick the Great, George Washington, and Wellington. B/w photos & drawings, maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 240 pgs 1992 BLOOMINGTON, UNIV INDIANA
AS NEW-dj, In stock, Only 3 copies, First Come, First Served ......$15.00

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1-242210 Heath, Tim MILITARY ARCHAEOLOGY: How Detectorists and Major Finds Improve our Understanding of History Presents an analysis of various battles fought around the world from medieval times to the present including archaeological investigations carried out by professionally sanctioned groups and hobbyists. The context here includes general battlefield recovered artifacts, military aviation crash sites, Second World War pill boxes, air raid shelters, POW Camps and other structures. There is also emphasis on Britain's ally in both world wars, the United States of America, examining the artifacts, wreckology, structures and dumping grounds left behind by the American military forces at the end of the Second World War both in the UK and Europe. Contains 40 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 232 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late January 2024 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-203130 Heathcote, T.A. THE MILITARY IN BRITISH INDIA: The Development of British Land Forces in South Asia 1600-1947 Examines British rule in South Asia and the military's position in the constitution of British India. By placing these conflicts clearly in their local context, his account moves away from the Euro-centric approach of many writers on British imperial military history. It provides a greater understanding not only of the history of the British Indian Army but also of the Indian experience, which had such a formative an effect on the British Army itself. This new edition has been fully revised and given appropriate illustrations. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2013 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj, available late September 2013 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-46980 Hildinger, Erich WARRIORS OF THE STEPPES An account of the campaigns/battles of the Steppe peoples, from the Huns/Goths of the Roman Empire to Mongols of the 16th/17th century, 40 illust. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2001 NY,
NEW-pb ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-239640 His Majesty's Stationery Office Dress Regulations for the Army, 1911 A hardcover book, going into full-detail, describing how those serving in His Majesty's army are supposed to dress - ranging from staff, field marshals and officers, cavalry, royal artillery, infantry, and corps and misc. 129 pages with 36 black and white plates. 1 vol, 129 pgs 1986 UK, THARSTON PRESS
V.GOOD-pb, only 1 copy available, first come first served ......$20.00 inc

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1-28730 Hogg, Ian V. FORTRESS:A History of Military Defence 8.5x11, covers the history of fortifications from Medieval to WWII, glossary, index. 1 vol, 160 pgs 1975 NY, ST. MARTINS PRESS
GOOD-dj, b/c edition ......$16.00

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1-42410 Horsfield, John ART OF LEADERSHIP IN WAR, THE:Royal Navy 1800-1945 Contributions to Military History #21: study of British Naval leadership and its development, chapter notes, extensive biblio, index. 1 vol, 240 pgs 1980 WESTPORT, GREENWOOD PRESS
V.GOOD-dj ......$21.00

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4-21310 Hughes, Major-General B.P. FIREPOWER:Weapons effectivness on the battlefield Covers 1630-1850, classic work, b/w illust, charts, diagrams, maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 1 pgs 1974 NY, CHARLES SCRIVNER
V.GOOD-dj ......$25.00

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1-242980 Jackson, Andrew THE JACOBITE REBELLIONS OF THE BRITISH ISLES The story of the Jacobite Rebellions really began in 1534, when King Henry VIII changed the official religion of England from Catholic to Protestant. The narrative then continued through turbulent times of civil war and religious and political strife, leading to tensions and discontent boiling over when the Catholic King James II came to the throne in 1685; whereupon he was immediately beset by a Protestant rebellion led by the Duke of Monmouth, which set a chain of events in motion, resulting in William III and Mary II being crowned as Joint Monarchs after a bloodless coup. It was James' removal from the throne which created the spark for his supporters to orchestrate a series of revolts, known as the Jacobite Rebellions; the name coming from the Latin for James - Jacobus.

These uprisings, which included the rebellions from the Highlands of Scotland, and the Williamite Wars in Ireland, also formed part of the wider picture of a European war, known as the Nine Years War; the War of the Grand Alliance; or the War of the League of Augsburg (1688-1697). During the war, King Louis XIV of France strove to realise his expansionist plans while enforcing the Catholic religion and continuing to promote the Jacobite cause for his own ends.

Later, King Louis XIV was instrumental in initiating another conflict in Europe; the Spanish War of Succession 1701-1714, which led the French to continue to support Jacobite risings in Scotland during the same period and beyond, ultimately leading to Bonnie Prince Charlie's audacious bid for the British throne in 1745.

The '45 rebellion was eventually crushed in a 1746 military defeat at Culloden that finally sounded the death knell for the Catholic and Stuart monarchy. However, the legend of the dashing prince, who came so near, but yet so far in his bid to win the throne back for the Stuarts, is still very much alive in Scotland, especially as he continued to frustrate an enormous government manhunt to capture him, amidst a savage backdrop of reprisals being wreaked on the Highland Jacobites. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late March 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-204180 Janin, Hunt and Ursula Carlson MERCENARIES in Medieval and Renaissance Europe In medieval and Renaissance Europe, mercenaries -- professional soldiers who fought for money or other rewards -- played violent, colorful, international roles in warfare.

In this book a large number of vignettes portray their activities in Western Europe over a period of nearly 900 years, from the Merovingian mercenaries of 752 through the Thirty Years' War and 1648. Intended as an introduction to the subject and drawing heavily on contemporary first-person accounts, the book creates a vivid but balanced mosaic of the many thousands of mercenaries who were hired to fight for various employers.

includes appendices, chronology, notes, bibliography, and index.
1 vol, 220 pgs 2014 US, McFARLAND & COMPANY
NEW-softcover, available late January 2014 ......$40.00

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2-90010 Joregensen, Christer et al FIGHTING TECHNIQUES OF THE ORIENTAL WORLD: 1200-1854 Divided into five sections, the text examines the components of the oriental army: the soldier, the equipment, how it was used, tactics and strategy, siege warfare, and naval warfare. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2008 US, THOMAS DUNNE
NEW-dj, SPECIAL OFFER ......$30.00 with a discount of 50%

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1-243760 Kaufmann, H.W. THE FORTS AND FORTIFICATIONS OF EUROPE 1815-1945: The Central States - Germany, Austria-Hungary and Czechoslovakia Examines the redrawn borders of Central Europe after the Napoleonic Wars. The volatile politics of the late nineteenth century generated an atmosphere of fear and distrust, and it gave rise to a new era of fortress building. Describes how defensive lines and structures on a massive scale were constructed along national frontiers to deter aggression.

The Germans, Austro-Hungarians, and Czechs all embarked on ambitious building programs. Artillery positions, barbed-wire networks, casemates, concrete bunkers, trench lines, and observation posts all sprang up in a vain attempt to keep the peace and to delay the invader. Describes the strategic thinking, planning, design and construction of these defensive schemes. Their operational history in wartime, in particular during WWII, is a key element of the account. Contains 150 black and white illustrations. 1 vol, 280 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available early June 2024 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-32700 Keegan, John THE PRICE OF ADMIRALITY-the evoltion of naval war. The evolution of naval combat from Nelson to the present. B/w illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 292 pgs 1989 NEW YORK, VIKING PRESS
V.GOOD-dj ......$12.00

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1-81350 Kistler, John WAR ELEPHANTS Elephants have fought in armies for more thanthree thousand years, this is the story of theirrole in the history of warfare, 40+ b/w illust,biblio, index. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2005 US, PRAGER PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$20.00

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2-81350 Kistler, John WAR ELEPHANTS Elephants have fought in armies for more thanthree thousand years, this is the story of theirrole in the history of warfare, 40+ b/w illust,biblio, index. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2007 US, UNIV OF NEBRASKA
NEW-pb ......$20.00

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1-210610 Knight, Ian MARCHING TO THE DRUMS: Eyewitness Accounts of Battle from the Crimea to the Siege of Mafeking This collection of first-hand accounts, originally featured in turn-of-the-century magazine that was popular during the heyday of empire, provide a vivid and sometimes shocking insight into the brutal realities of warfare for the 19th Century British imperial soldier. Includes cavalry charges at Balaklava and Omdurman, overwhelming odds at Rorke's Drift, and pivotal conflicts as the Sikh Wars, the Crimean War, the Afghan Wars, the Anglo-Zulu War, China, the Sudan, and South Africa. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2016 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-pb, available early February 2016 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-26460 Koch, H.W. RISE OF MODERN WARFARE, THE 9x12, good overview of the subject, 100's of b/w & color illust, maps, index. 1 vol, 256 pgs 1982 NY, CRESENT BOOKS
GOOD-dj ......$18.00

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1-66570 Kolenda, Christopher editor LEADERSHIP:The Warrior's Art Essays on leadership from Alexander the Great to WWII, biblio, index 1 vol, 320 pgs 2001 US, ARMY WAR COLLEGE
NEW-dj ......$25.00

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1-219160 Konstam, Angus THE PIRATE WORLD: A History of the Most Notorious Sea Robbers Explores the pirate world and includes color images and specially commissioned maps throughout. Often romanticized in print and on the silver screen, real-life pirates were a brutal menace that plagued the high seas. In this book, Angus Konstam separates myth from reality, tracing the history of piracy through the centuries, from the pirates who plagued the Ancient Egyptians to the Viking raids and on to the era of privateers. He discusses the so-called 'Golden Age of Piracy' and colorful characters such as Blackbeard and Captain Kidd, before examining the West's initial encounters with Eastern pirates off the Chinese coast and the phenomenon of the modern pirate. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2019 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-hardcover, available mid February 2019 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-980033 Konstam, Angus SCOURGE OF THE SEAS:Buccaneers, Pirates & Privat's Author tells the story of piracy from the 17th Century to the early 19th Century, color and b/w illustrations throughout. 0 vol, 224 pgs 2007 LONDON, OSPREY PUBLISH'NG
NEW-dj ......$22.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-236440 Konstram, Angus 100 GREATEST BATTLES A concise introduction to some of the greatest battles in world history, from the iconic encounters of the ancient world such as Thermopylae and Cannae, through to the major clashes of the 20th century epitomized by Stalingrad and Khe Sanh. Each battle receives an pre-battle overview, the result of the battle, consequences for the winners and losers, and a battle illustration.

It includes great naval engagements such as Salamis, Trafalgar, Jutland, and Midway; pivotal land battles that decided the fate of nations, such as Hastings, Yorktown, Gettysburg, and the Somme; and the impact of the new dimension of aerial warfare in the 20th century at Pearl Harbor, the Battle of Britain, dropping the the atomic bomb over Hiroshima. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid April 2023 ......$20.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-88423 Kostova, Svetlozra RULERS OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE 9x12, packed with color plates/illust and drawingsof the Sultans of the Osman Gazi Dynasty, detailedaccounts of 20+ Sultans. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2004 BULGARIA, KIBEA PRESS
NEW-hardcover, BACK IN STOCK ......$60.00

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1-211090 Krone, Joe BATTLES BEFORE GUNPOWDER: 30 Battles 451 to 1486 Examines 30 battles from Chalons (451) to Bosworth Field (1486), providing background and description of the battle, short biography of the commanders, a diagram of the field, and orders of battle to allow gamers to re-fight them using any rules system. 1 vol, 146 pgs 2016 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$30.00

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1-49250 Layriz, Lt. Col Otfried MECHANICAL TRACTION IN WAR First published in 1900 this is an analysis of theuse mechanical traction in war during the Franco-Prussian, Russo-Turkish & South African conflicts,b/w drawings, charts, tables. 1 vol, 102 pgs 1973 LONDON, DAVID & CHARLES
V.GOOD-dj, reprint of the 1900 ed. ......$35.00

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1-240030 Legge-Bourke, Henry The King's Guards: Horse and Foot This book describes in an authoritative text the duties, traditions, and pageantry of the Household Cavalry and of the Brigade of Guards on ceremonial occasions. The Household Brigade are the upholders of a great military tradition. The very color of their uniforms betokens a royal and ancient past, for it is known that even the House Carles who formed the bodyguard of King Canute were clad in scarlet. This book is illustrated with 60 plates in color, reproduced from original kodachromes, together with black and white photographs. 1 vol, 168 pgs 1952 UK, MACDONALD AND CO
V.GOOD-dj, only 1 copy available, first come, first served ......$20.00 inc

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1-235840 Lepage, Jean-Denis DICTIONARY OF FORTIFICATIONS: An Illustrated Glossary of Castles, Forts, and Other Defensive Works from Antiquity to the Present Day Glossary of over 1,200 terms relating to fortifications through the ages. Drawn from many languages besides English, each has at least a concise definition or description, while more significant entries take the form of short articles. Many are accompanied by a clear sketch, diagram, cross-section, floor plan or map skillfully executed by the author himself. In all there are over 400 of these black and white illustrations. Although the glossary is organized alphabetically (from Abatis to Zwischenwiderstandnet), cross references allow the reader to easily follow themes of interest through the book.

Also provides an overview of the historical development of fortifications from prehistory to the present day. A further chapter outlines the concomitant development of siege warfare over the same long span, detailing the evolution of siege engines and tactics used to overcome fortifications. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid February 2023 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-88290 Lev, Yaacov editor WAR & SOCIETY IN THE EASTERN MEDIT'NEAN 600-1400AD Study of the wars of the Arab conquests, Seljukinvasion, Crusades & Mongol incursions. Synthesisof trends in military technology during the periodB/w maps/illust, biblio, notes, index. 1 vol, 412 pgs 1996 LEIDEN, BRILL PUBLISHERS
NEW-hardcover ......$247.00

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1-230300 MacDonald, John GREAT BATTLEFIELDS OF THE WORLD Oversized 8.5x11 inches, with 30 three-dimensional computer graphic maps covering famous battles, from Cannae to Dien Bien Phu. Plus gazetteer. 1 vol, 200 pgs 1985 NY, COLLIER BOOKS
V.GOOD-dj -- In stock. One copy -- first come, first served... ......$8.00

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1-81770 Machiavelli, Niccolo translated by Henry Neville ART OF WAR, THE Considered his most important work, it remains anauthoritative treatise on the fundementals ofwarfare. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2006 MINELOA, DOVER PUBLICATIO
NEW-pb, REPRINT OF THE 1720 EDITION ......$10.00

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1-79620 Macintyre, Donald and Bathe, Basil MAN-OF-WAR: A HISTORY OF THE COMBAT VESSAL Illustrated history of combat vessels from ancientto modern. 300+ illust. & photos, many in color. 1 vol, 272 pgs 1968 US, MCGRAW-HILL
GOOD-dj ......$20.00

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1-223490 Mann, Gurinder Singh The British & the Sikhs - Discovery, Warfare and Friendship c1700-1900 The Sikh Confederacy consisting of military units or Misls rose from the ashes of the crumbling Mughal Empire in the Eighteenth century. As a result, under the leadership of General Baghel Singh they conquered the Red Fort of Delhi in 1783 leading to the Sikh Empire being formed in the Punjab under Maharajah Ranjit Singh in 1801. During this time the East India Company also expanded its frontiers and territories, witnessing the rise and the progression of the Sikhs. This was coupled with the influx of Christian Missionaries who came to convert the Sikhs into the British way of thinking. 8 pp color section and 23 b/w images

The two Empires were destined to clash and the Anglo Sikh Wars of 1845-1849 witnessed some of the bloodiest battles Victoria's Britain fought, with major losses on both sides. The annexation of the Punjab led to the employment of the Sikhs into the British Indian Army. This led to the Sikhs becoming part of many British campaigns, including their major contributions in the First and Second World Wars.

This book weaves the reader through anecdotes and important events highlighting the relationship between the British and the Sikhs which exists to this day. In this deeply researched book, Mann uses rare anecdotes to provide recognition to early descriptions from British administrators, writers and illustrators who depicted the history of the Sikhs and the land of the Punjab. The book is also supplemented with a number of Anglo Sikh treaties which determined relations in the Nineteenth century.
1 vol, 112 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-231180 Mann, Gurinder Singh THE RISE OF THE SIKH SOLDIER: The Sikh Warrior Through the Ages, c1700-1900 Considers the rise of military methods from the time of the Gurus and what the tenth preceptor Guru Gobind Singh was trying to achieve with the formation of the Khalsa or fraternity of the pure. The development of soldiers during the testing time of the Misl or Confederacy period considers the role of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia and Charat Singh Sukerchakia. while the formation of the Sikh Empire in the 19th century considers the role of Maharajah Ranjit Singh and his notorious warriors Akali Phula Singh and Hari Singh Nalwa. Underrepresented female warriors like Sahib Kaur and Sada Kaur are also given coverage to reflect their importance in Sikh history. Includes color sections, 10 maps, and b/w images.

The change in military methods of the Sikhs is discussed from the predominately favored cavalry, to the Europeanization of the Sikh Army and the deployment of Sikhs in campaigns during the time of the British Indian Army. The Anglo Sikh Wars of (1845-1846) and (1848-1849) are given adequate consideration in terms of the military tactics used by both the British and the Sikhs. 1 vol, 290 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late June 2022 ......$38.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-45600 Marcus, G J A NAVAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND-The Formative Years 1 vol, 494 pgs 1961 BOSTON, LITTLE-BROWN CO.
GOOD-dj ......$20.00

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1-239680 Martin, Paul Military Costume, Le Costume Militaire, Der bunte Rock This hardcover book goes over in great detail the many dress uniforms throughout history, with a focus on the 1700-1800s. Combined with full-color pictures, this book focuses on the explanation of different European attires in German, French, and English written in three columns side by side on every page. There are forty pages of notes on the color plates at the end. 1 vol, 191 pgs 1963 GERMANY, FRANCKH'SCHE VERLAGSHANDLUG
V.GOOD-dj, only 1 copy available, first come first served ......$40.00 inc

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1-194660 Matheny, Michael R. Carrying The War To The Enemy Surprising new evidence of operational art among US commanders in World War II and includes 23 b/w illustrations and maps.

Military commanders turn tactics into strategic victory by means of 'operational art,' the knowledge and creative imagination commanders and staff employ in designing, synchronizing, and conducting battles and major operations to achieve strategic goals. Until now, historians of military theory have generally agreed that modern operational art developed between the first and second world wars in Germany and the Soviet Union, not in the United State. Some have even claimed that US forces struggled in World War II because their commanders had no systematic understanding of operational art.

Matheny believes previous studies have not appreciated the evolution of US military thinking at the operational level. Although they may rightly point to the US Army's failure to modernize or develop a sophisticated combined arms doctrine during the interwar years, they focus too much on technology or tactical doctrine. In his revealing account, Matheny shows that it was at the operational level, particularly in mounting joint and combined operations, that senior American commanders excelled-and laid a foundation for their country's victory in World War II.

Matheny draws on archival materials from military educational institutions, planning documents, and operational records of World War II campaigns. Examining in detail the development of American operational art as land, sea, and air power matured in the twentieth century, he shows that, contrary to conventional wisdom, US war colleges educated and trained commanders during the interwar years specifically for the operational art they employed in World War II.

After 1945, in the face of nuclear warfare, the American military largely abandoned operational art. But since the Vietnam War, US commanders have found operational art increasingly important as they pursue modern global and expeditionary warfare requiring coordination among multiple service branches and the forces of allied countries. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2011 US, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA PRESS
NEW-dj ......$45.00

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1-200710 Matthew, Laura and Oudijk, Miche; editors INDIAN CONQUISTADORS -- Indigenous Allies in the Conquest of MesoAmerica The conquest of the New World would hardly have been possible if the invading Spaniards had not allied themselves with the indigenous population. This book takes into account the role of native peoples as active agents in the Conquest through a review of new sources and more careful analysis of known but under-studied materials that demonstrate the overwhelming importance of native allies in both conquest and colonial control.

In Indian Conquistadors, leading scholars offer the most comprehensive look to date at native participation in the conquest of Mesoamerica. The contributors examine pictorial, archaeological, and documentary evidence spanning three centuries, including little-known eyewitness accounts from both Spanish and native documents, paintings (lienzos) and maps (mapas) from the colonial period, and a new assessment of imperialism in the region before the Spanish arrival.

This new research shows that the Tlaxcalans, the most famous allies of the Spanish, were far from alone. Not only did native lords throughout Mesoamerica supply arms, troops, and tactical guidance, but tens of thousands of warriors-Nahuas, Mixtecs, Zapotecs, Mayas, and others-spread throughout the region to participate with the Spanish in a common cause.

By offering a more balanced account of this dramatic period, this book calls into question traditional narratives that emphasize indigenous peoples' roles as auxiliaries rather than as conquistadors in their own right. Enhanced with twelve maps and more than forty illustrations. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2012 US, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA PRESS
NEW-softcover, available mid to late January 2013 ......$45.00

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2-200710 Matthew, Laura and Oudijk, Miche; editors INDIAN CONQUISTADORS -- Indigenous Allies in the Conquest of MesoAmerica The conquest of the New World would hardly have been possible if the invading Spaniards had not allied themselves with the indigenous population. This book takes into account the role of native peoples as active agents in the Conquest through a review of new sources and more careful analysis of known but under-studied materials that demonstrate the overwhelming importance of native allies in both conquest and colonial control.

In Indian Conquistadors, leading scholars offer the most comprehensive look to date at native participation in the conquest of Mesoamerica. The contributors examine pictorial, archaeological, and documentary evidence spanning three centuries, including little-known eyewitness accounts from both Spanish and native documents, paintings (lienzos) and maps (mapas) from the colonial period, and a new assessment of imperialism in the region before the Spanish arrival.

This new research shows that the Tlaxcalans, the most famous allies of the Spanish, were far from alone. Not only did native lords throughout Mesoamerica supply arms, troops, and tactical guidance, but tens of thousands of warriors-Nahuas, Mixtecs, Zapotecs, Mayas, and others-spread throughout the region to participate with the Spanish in a common cause.

By offering a more balanced account of this dramatic period, this book calls into question traditional narratives that emphasize indigenous peoples' roles as auxiliaries rather than as conquistadors in their own right. Enhanced with twelve maps and more than forty illustrations
NEW-dj, available mid to late January 2013 ......$45.00

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1-62420 Mayer, LA SARECENIC HERALDRY A fully documented armorial roll of Saracenic sultans and emirs covering Syria, Palestine and Egypt from the end of the crusades to the Ottoman conquest, 70+ plates, biblio, index. 1 vol, 390 pgs 2000 UK, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRS
NEW-dj, reprint ......$30.00

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1-241060 McChrystal, General Stanley My Share of the Task: A Memoir In this illuminating memoir, McChrystal frankly explores the major episodes and controversies of his eventful career. He delves candidly into the intersection of history, leadership, and his own experience to produce a book of enduring value.

Joining the troubled post-Vietnam army as a young officer, McChrystal witnessed and participated in some of our military's most difficult struggles. He describes the many outstanding leaders he served with and the handful of bad leaders he learned not to emulate. He paints a vivid portrait of the traditional military establishment that turned itself, in one gen?eration, into the adaptive, resilient force that would soon be tested in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the wider War on Terror.

Ultimately, My Share of the Task is about much more than war and peace, terrorism and counterinsurgency. 1 vol, 451 pgs 2013 US, PORTFOLIO BOOKS
V.GOOD-dj, only 1 copy available, first come, first served ......$10.00 used

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1-195910 McGaugh, Scott BATTLEFIELD ANGELS: Saving Lives Under Enemy Fire From Valley Forge to Afghanistan Author, journalist, and USS Midway Museum spokesman Scott McGaugh reveals the riveting stories of the men and women who save lives on the front lines in Battlefield Angels. Told from the point of view of the unsung heroes who slide into bomb craters and climb into blazing ships, this unique look at medicine in the trenches traces the history of the military medical corps and the contributions it has made to America's health, for example, emergency medevac helicopters, hospital designs, and contagious disease prevention. McGaugh also details how the military medical corps has adopted medical science discoveries, field tested them in battle, adapted them, and proved their value. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2011 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, available mid July 2011 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-242600 McGrail, Sean EARLY SHIPS AND SEAFARING: Water Transport Beyond Europe This book studies European water transport of Egypt, Arabia, India, South-east Asia, China, Australia, Oceania and the Americas. Discusses boatbuilding and seafaring, based on models, illustrations, and excavations of ancient rafts and boats dating back as early as 3rd Millennium BC. Also discusses how early rafts and boats were hand-built and propelled by human muscle or wind power. This volume ranges in time from the Prehistoric period to today, as a number of such traditional craft continue to be built. Contains 70 black and white illustrations. 1 vol, 232 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid February 2024 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-201040 McNab, Chris AMERICA'S ELITE: US Special Forces from the American Revolution to the Present Day America's Elites takes the reader through some of the most dramatic special forces operations in US history, from sniping British commanders during the Revolutionary War to Riverine incursions in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam, and from demolition missions on D-Day to the SEAL assault on Osama bin Laden's compound in 2011. Training and selection procedures are explained in detail, and the book also describes some of the technologies that have separated regular soldiers from their Special Forces counterparts. Illustrated throughout with striking photography and artworks, America's Elites forms the most comprehensive and visually impressive single-volume guide to US Special Forces available.


* Introduction
* Chapter 1: Colonial and Civil War Warriors
* Chapter 2: Elite Troops of World War II
* Chapter 3: Vietnam and Cold War Special Forces
* Chapter 4: The post-Vietnam Special Operations Forces 1975-2000
* Chapter 5: New Wars
1 vol, 376 pgs 2013 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid March 2013 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-222040 McNab, Chris THE GREAT BEAR AT WAR: The Russian and Soviet Army, 1917-Present From the chaos of the civil war to the political maneuvering of the Cold War, Russia's armed forces have shaped the future not only of Russia but of countless other countries around the globe. The Great Bear at War: The Russian and Soviet Army, 1917-Present explores the development and struggles of Soviet and Russian armed forces across the numerous conflicts which mark its history.

It charts the great historical events that have defined the Red/Russian Army, especially World War II and the Cold War, but also the post-communist insurgencies and wars in which the Russian military has redeveloped its outlook and mission. The post-Soviet development of the Russian military into a modern force is explored in detail, including its controversial campaigns in Chechnya (1999-2009), Georgia (2008), and Ukraine (from 2014).

Sewn into the narrative are details about the equipment, uniforms, training, service conditions and weaponry of the Soviet/Russian soldiers, bringing personal experience and technological context to the broader history. At a time when the world is closely focused upon Russian military behaviour, The Great Bear at War is both timely and fascinating. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2019 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid November 2019 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-192260 McNabb, Chris Warriors of the World: The Native American Warrior 1500 AD - 1900 AD This illustrated book examines the various tribes that fought both themselves and the various European colonizers across the North American continent, and how the equipment and training of the braves within each tribe developed over time. From the first contact tribes in New England to the remote tribes of the Northwest, the book examines the significant differences between how warriors actually fought, the equipment they used to fight, and the reason why such different combat techniques were used. It also demonstrates the effects of European and American technology on how Native American braves waged war.

With detailed color illustrations and fact-filled accompanying text, Warriors of the World is the essential guide for any enthusiast for the period.

1 vol, 224 pgs 2010 US, THOMAS DUNN BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$30.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-213630 Melvin, Mungo SEVASTOPOL'S WARS: Crimea from Potemkin to Putin Founded by Catherine the Great, the maritime city of Sevastopol has been fought over for centuries. Crucial battles of the Crimean War were fought on the hills surrounding the city, and the memory of this stalwart defense inspired those who fruitlessly battled the Germans during World War II. Twice the city has faced complete obliteration yet twice it has risen, phoenix-like, from the ashes.

This volume explores how Sevastopol became the crucible of conflict over three major engagements - the Crimean War, the Russian Civil War, and World War II - witnessing the death and destruction of countless armies yet creating the indomitable 'spirit of Sevastopol.' Weaves together first-hand interviews, detailed operational reports, and battle analysis. 1 vol, 800 pgs 2017 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available late April 2017 ......$38.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-63500 Meredith, Roy The American Wars 1755-1953: A Pictorial History from Quebec to Korea Pictorial History from Quebec to Korea. Numerous b/w illust, index of military artists. 1 vol, 348 pgs 1955 NY, WORLD PUBLISHING COMP
V.GOOD-dj, only 1 copy available, first come first served ......$5.00

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1-938021 Miranda, Joseph STRATEGY & TACTICS QUARTERLY #21: Byzantium w/ Map Poster The Byzantine Empire dominated the Eastern Mediterranean from the Fall of Rome in AD 476 to the final siege of Constantinople 1453. This new STQ covers a millennium of conflict, controversy and civilization. It analyses of strategies and tactics, covers wars big and small, and profiles of personalities such as the great general Belisarius.

There's a parade of emperors from Justinian who brought the Empire to its high point to Constantine XI and his last stand at Constantinople. The impact of the conflict between Christianity, Islam, and the Crusaders is also included, as well as the rise of new states such as the Kievan Rus. There are numerous lessons for war and peace in the 21st century, as well as reviews of media and games covering the Empire. Includes numerous maps, diagrams, and a poster showing a thousand years of Empire. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2023 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$20.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-239690 Mollo, John Die bunte Welt der Uniform This hardcover book is in German, and it goes over the various uniforms of different armies - including Napoleon, New York Volunteers, etc. The color pictures within are a great guide for any reenactor or historical miniature painter. 1 vol, 234 pgs 1972 GERMANY, FRANCKH'SCHE VERLAGSHANDLUG
V.GOOD-dj, comes with sleeve, only 1 copy available, first come first served. [German language] ......$30.00 inc

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1-210720 Mott, Christopher FORMLESS EMPIRE, THE: A Short History of Diplomacy and Warfare in Central Asia Central Asia, a vast region extending from eastern Russia and across Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgystan, Mongolia, and western China, has its own tradition of foreign policy rooted in the ancient nomadic culture of many of its peoples as well as the region's distinctive geography. From the thundering hooves of Mongol or Cossack cavalry across the steppes to the clanking of tanks on parade in Moscow or Beijing, elements of this system still cast a shadow on the region at the heart of Earth's largest continent.

By tracing the evolution of Central Asian warfare and diplomacy through a series of historical examples, ranging from the ancient Xiongnu people and medieval Mongol Empire to the fall of the Soviet Union, historian Christopher Mott argues that the original system of informal relationships, indirect rule, and rapid military movement did not entirely fade from the region with the eclipse of the nomadic powers during the Middle Ages. In fact, many states like China, Iran, and Russia had already been influenced by nomadic people, and in so doing adapted their own diplomatic and military policies accordingly.

The book demonstrates that regional histories can show us the variety of political possibilities in the past and how they were adapted to changing circumstances-a point made even more important by the rapid changes facing global security and new forms of empire building. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2015 US, WESTHOLME PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid February 2016 ......$28.00

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1-19220 Myatt, Frederick BRITISH INFANTRY, THE:1660-1945 The Evolution Of A Fighting Force, biblio, index. 1 vol, 227 pgs 1983 POOLE, BLANDFORD PRESS
AS NEW-dj ......$24.00

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1-78520 Nafziger, George F. and Walton, Mark W. ISLAM AT WAR: A HISTORY A history from the beginnings of Islam to present. 1 vol, 277 pgs 2003 US, PREAGER PUBLISHERS
NEW-dj ......$44.00

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1-222050 Neville, Leigh THE ELITE: The A-Z of Modern Special Operations Forces Using previously unpublished images from around the world, as well as maps and illustrations, The Elite: The A-Z of Modern Special Operations Forces is the ultimate guide to the secretive world of modern Special Forces. It sends the reader back in time to operations such as Eagle Claw in Iran and the recapture of the Iranian Embassy in London and then forward to recent operations against al Shabaab and Islamic State. Entries also detail units ranging from the New Zealand SAS Group to the Polish GROM, and key individuals from Iraq counter-terrorism strategist General Stanley McChrystal to Victoria Cross recipient SASR Corporal Mark Donaldson.

Answering questions such as how much the latest four-tube night vision goggles worn by the SEALs in Zero Dark Thirty cast, what types of parachutes are used to covertly parachute into a target location, and if Special Forces still use HALO jumps, this book is the definitive single-source guide to the world's elite Special Forces. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2019 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid November 2019 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-CP6010 Newark, Tim illust by Angus McBride, Richard Hook GUNPOWDER ARMIES 8.5x11, twenty superlative color plates 1 vol, 48 pgs 2005 HONG KONG, CONCORD PUBS
AS NEW-softcover, Only 1 copy available -- First come, first served ......$24.00 inc

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1-231190 Nichols, Alistair THE SOLDIERS ARE DRESSED IN RED: The Quiberon Expedition of 1795 and the Counter-Revolution in Brittany Provides a comprehensive account of the 1795 joint expedition of French emigres in specially raised military unit and British Navy and Army who came ashore in Quiberon Bay, south-eastern Brittany. Their mission was to support the chouans who were revolting against the Republican French government. Drawing on memoirs, archival material and historical works it seeks to place the expedition within the context of wider events and describe how it was affected by the planning process as well as concurrent events and priorities. Personal and political capacity, ambition, rivalry and co-operation all played their part in affecting events, along with the weather and chance. 1 vol, 290 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late June 2022 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-83870 Nolan, Louis Edward CAVALRY:Its History & Tactics First published in 1853 it had a major impact on Cavalry in the ACW and thru WWI; drawing on the changes from the Napoleonic Wars and India this is much a 1st hand account, Nolan died at Balaklava. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2006 US, WESTHOLME PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$30.00

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2-14360 Norman, A.V.B. and Pottinger, Don ENGLISH WEAPONS AND WARFARE 449-1660 A skillful survey of weapons and warfare from the Anglo-Saxon's to the founding of a Regular Army. B/w line drawings, index. 1 vol, 224 pgs 1992 LONDON, ARMS & ARMOUR
V.GOOD-dj ......$22.00

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1-90260 Oman, Charles W.C. BYZANTINE EMPIRE, THE Classic account, and though dated, still presents a detailed account of Byzantine from its 4th century founding to its end. Numerous b/w illust, list of Emperors, index. 1 vol, 364 pgs 2008 US, WESTHOLME PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, facsimile of 1892 edition ......$16.00

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1-210080 Ortner, Dr Christian and Fichtenbauer, Peter A HISTORY OF THE AUSTRIAN ARMY: from Maria Theresa to the Present Day The armed forces and the armies that have been formed, deployed and sent to war throughout Austria's history - encompassing, as it has, a range of territorial dimensions and changing political structures - reflect better than any other institution on the political developments within the nation. The armed and 'uniformly' equipped soldier still stands as the embodiment of the state's monopoly on the use of force and the uniform itself is of particular importance in this respect because it identifies him as a member of a very special fellowship. The 'Emperor's Coat', which often comes up in a historical context, has long since been supplanted by the uniform of the Republic but this still remains the most prominent distinguishing feature separating the soldier from the civilian population, and from members of other armies.

The development of the uniforms of Austria's soldiers spans more than three hundred years. Breaks and pauses in the design of the soldiers' dress were the result of adjusting to the practicalities of duty and battle requirements but also of maintaining a pleasing appearance and observing fashion trends. On the other hand, there were efforts to retain continuity and traditions, which in some cases have survived the passage of centuries and are still visible today.

Now, for the first time, the development and complexity of Austria's uniforms, previously known only to aficionados, is opened up to a wider audience in a publication that includes more than 300 original illustrations of uniforms from the 18th century to the present. This book presents pictorial documentation of the appearance of Austrian soldiers throughout the period with the support of essays on Austria's military history. The particularly well-executed illustrations by renowned artists come from the extensive archives of the Heeresgeschichtliche Museum in Vienna and are presented to the general public here for the first time. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2015 AUSTRIA, VERLAG MILITARIA
NEW-dj ......$85.00

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1-196360 Pegler, Martin OUT OF NOWHERE: A History of the Military Sniper, from the Sharpshooter to Afghanistan The sniper is probably the most feared specialist warrior and the most efficient killer on the battlefield. Endlessly patient and highly skilled, once he has you in his crosshairs, your chances of survival are slim. This revised edition of Out of Nowhere provides a comprehensive history of the sniper, giving insights into all aspects of his life; his training tactics, equipment and the psychology of sniping are examined in the context of the major wars of modern times - including the American Civil War, both world wars, the Vietnam War and the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan. First-hand accounts from veteran snipers demonstrate their skill and extraordinary courage and show why they are still such a vital part of any war.

* Acknowledgments and Foreword
* The Sniper in Perspective
* The Rifleman Emerges
* American Civil War and European Wars 1854-1914
* The First World War, the watershed, 1914-1916
* The First World War, the fight back, 1916-1930
* Russian Sniping, 1926-1945
* Germany and the war in Russia. 1941-1945
* The War against Japan, 1941-1945
* The War in Western Europe, 1940-1945
* Limited Wars, 1945-1985
* Vietnam, America's nemesis
* Into the 21st century
* Glossary, Endnotes, Bibliography, and Index 1 vol, 328 pgs 2011 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, available late September 2011 ......$15.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-980039 Pegler, Martin SNIPER:History of the US Marksman From the 17th century and the evolution of the rifle to the 21st century. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2009 LONDON, OSPREY PUBLISH'NG
NEW-pb ......$12.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-237290 Perrett, Bryab and General Sir Walter Walker KCB, CBE, DSO A HISTORY OF JUNGLE WARFARE: From the Earliest Days to the Battlefields of Vietnam Originally published in 1990, this reprint examines warfare in a world of dense vegetation, tangled roots, fetid mud, and swamps. The helicopter, sophisticated weaponry, and technology revolutionized military combat, but survival still depends on acute observation and listening for the slightest sound. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late May 2023 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-203970 Perrett, Bryan WHY THE GERMANS LOST: The Rise and Fall of the Black Eagle This new and exciting publication from seasoned historian and author Bryan Perrett charts the ups and downs of the German army from the days of Frederick the Great to the dying days of World War Two. It passes through the Napoleonic period, takes in the growth of war machinery under the leadership of Clausewitz and Moltke and acquaints the reader with the various victories won against Austria in 1866 and France in 1870.

It then moves forwards into the twentieth century, following the course of the Imperial German army, its successes and ultimate failure in the Great War, its recovery in the inter-war years and its final destruction under the leadership of Hitler.

The book is written for the professional and the general reader alike in the easy, readable style that has ensured Bryan Perrett's international popularity as a military and naval historian. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2013 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-231050 Perrett, Bryan WHY THE GERMANS LOST: The Rise and Fall of the Black Eagle Charts the ups and downs of the German army from the days of Frederick the Great to the dying days of WWII. It passes through the Napoleonic period, takes in the growth of war machinery under the leadership of Clausewitz and Moltke, and acquaints the reader with the various victories won against Austria in 1866 and France in 1870. It then moves forwards into the 20th century, following the course of the Imperial German army, its successes and ultimate failure in the Great War, its recovery in the inter-war years, and its final successes and destruction under the leadership of Hitler. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid June 2022 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-24560 Peterson, Harold L. ROUND SHOT AND RAMMERS 10x11, covers all US Muzzle-loading Land Artillery from French-Indian Wars to ACW, b/w drawings. 1 vol, 128 pgs 1969 NY, BONANZA BOOKS
GOOD-dj ......$20.00

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2-24560 Peterson, Harold L. ROUND SHOT AND RAMMERS 10x11, covers all US Muzzle-loading Land Artillery from French-Indian Wars to ACW, b/w drawings. 1 vol, 128 pgs 1969 NY, BONANZA BOOKS
GOOD-dj, one copy only - first come, first served ......$12.00 inc

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1-226400 Polmar, Norman and John O'Connell STRIKE FROM THE SEA: The Development and Deployment of Strategic Cruise Missiles since 1934 Covers the US Navy's Regulus missile program -- the world's first submarine weapon for attacking an enemy homeland with a nuclear warhead -- and the Soviet Navy's similar cruise missile. Prior to Regulus a few of the world's submarines had deck guns that were employed for assaulting coastal targets; indeed, the British built a class of 'submarine monitors' with large-caliber guns for attacking coastal targets.

The U.S. Navy's rapid and successful development of the Polaris Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM) and budgetary constraints caused the cancellation of advanced submarine-launched cruise missiles -- the Regulus II as well as the follow-on Rigel and Triton. Submarines armed with the Regulus I missile continued on patrols in the North Pacific until mid-1964, when they were replaced on the 'deterrent' role by Polaris missile submarines. The Soviet Navy continued the development and deployment of anti-ship cruise missiles, which retained some land-attack capabilities 1 vol, 240 pgs 2020 US, US NAVAL INSTITUE PRESS
NEW-dj, available early February 2021 ......$50.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-229720 Querengasser, Alexander CAVALRY: A Global History of Horse Soldiers Examines the many historical uses of cavalry, from prehistoric to modern times, analyzing conditions for its employment, the role of geographic and climatic factors in its use, and developments in equipment and tactics. Includes 220 color illustrations 1 vol, 216 pgs 2022 GERMANY, ZEUGHAUS VERLAG
NEW-dj, available mid March 2022 ......$60.00 rct

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1-196190 Rashba, Gary HOLY WARS: 3000 Years of Battles in the Holy Land Holy Wars describes 3,000 years of war in the Holy Land with the unique approach of focusing on pivotal battles or campaigns, beginning with the Israelites' capture of Jericho and ending with Israel's last full-fledged assault against Lebanon. Its 17 chapters stop along the way to examine key battles fought by the Philistines, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Crusaders, and Mamluks -- the latter clash, at Ayn Jalut, comprising the first time the Mongols suffered a decisive defeat.

The modern era saw the rise of the Ottomans, and an incursion by Napoleon who only found bloody stalemate outside the walls of Akko (Acre). The Holy Land became a battlefield again in World War I when the British fought the Turks. The nation of Israel was forged in conflict during its 1948 War of Independence, and subsequently found itself in desperate combat, often against great odds, in 1956 and 1967, and then it was surprised by a massive two-pronged assault in 1973.

By focusing on the climax of each conflict, while carefully setting each stage, Holy Wars allows the reader to examine an extraordinary breadth of military history, glimpsing in one volume the evolution of warfare over the centuries as well as the enduring status of the Holy Land as a battleground. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2011 US, CASEMATE PUBLISHERS
NEW-softcover, available early September 2011 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-239470 Ratti, Oscar Secrets of the Samurai: A Survey of the Martial Arts of Feudal Japan Secrets of the Samurai is the definitive study of the martial arts of feudal Japan, explaining in detail the weapons, techniques, strategies, and principles of combat that made the Japanese warrior a formidable foe. The book begins with a panoramic survey of the tumultuous early struggles of warlords contending for political ascendancy then outlines the relentless progression of the military class toward absolute power. In addition to illustrating actual methods of combat, the authors discuss in detail the crucial training necessary to develop a warrior's inner power and to concentrate all his energies into a single force. Secrets of the Samurai is an essential text for anyone with interest in Japanese combat techniques, weaponry, or military history. This edition contains a foreword by Adele Westbrook and numerous illustrations by Oscar Ratti. 1 vol, 484 pgs 1973 JAPAN, TUTTLE
V.GOOD-dj, one copy available, first come first served ......$10.00 used

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1-226730 Rawson, Andrew BALKAN STRUGGLES: A Century of Civil War, Invasion, Communism and Genocide The Balkans witnessed several bloody conflicts during the twentieth century. New nations emerged in 1913, after 500 years of Ottoman rule, only for them to go to war just weeks later. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in June 1914 sparked the series of events that led to the Great War. Most of the belligerents would be drawn into the region, while the post-war border changes created tensions. 12 black and white maps

Italian designs on the Balkans resulted in the occupation of Albania in March 1939, but it failed to take control of Greece over the winter of 1940-41. A German blitzkrieg quickly defeated both Yugoslavia and Greece in the spring of 1941, and the population of both countries then suffered terribly as the occupying forces encouraged collaboration and punished resistance.

The area was rife with guerrilla activity, as monarchists, nationalists and communists fought each other as often as the occupying troops. This, in turn, led to communism sweeping across most of the region in the post-war years, while Greece was taken over by a fascist regime.

Communism eventually ended, but ethnic troubles resulted in a ten-year conflict across Yugoslavia. It would be divided into Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo, at the end of the bloodiest conflict in Europe since World War II.
1 vol, 256 pgs 2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-243170 Reese, Roger RUSSIA'S ARMY: A History from the Napoleonic Wars to the War in Ukraine This comprehensive account covers the history of the Russian army from 1801 to 2022. Offers an analysis of military strategy and doctrine as reflected in specific campaigns, issues of manning and maintaining an army, and relations between army and society, at home and in the near abroad. Identifies themes that weave their way through this military history: the adoption of a strategy to maintain a defensive posture in the West, an offensive strategy in the Balkans, and an expansionist policy in the East; maintenance of a large standing army; and a consistent unease about the army's and non-Russian minorities' loyalty to the state. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2023 US, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA PRESS
NEW-pb, available late April 2024 ......$35.00 rct

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1-199160 Reid, Richard WARFARE IN AFRICAN HISTORY This book examines the role of war in shaping the African state, society, and economy -- the different patterns of military organization through Africa's history; the evolution of weaponry, tactics, and strategy; and the increasing prevalence of warfare and militarism in African political and economic systems. Traces shifts in the culture and practice of war from the first millennium into the era of the external slave trades, and then into the nineteenth century, when a military revolution unfolded across much of Africa. The repercussions of that revolution, as well as the impact of colonial rule, continue to this day. The frequency of coups d'etats and civil war in Africa's recent past is interpreted in terms of the continent's deeper past.

* The contours of violence: environment, economy, and polity in African warfare
* Arms in Africa's antiquity: patterns and systems of warfare, to the early second millennium CE
* The military foundations of state and society, to c.1600
* Destruction and construction, c.1600-c.1800
* Transformations in violence: military revolution and the 'long' nineteenth century
* Revolutions incomplete: the old and the new in the modern era. 1 vol, 210 pgs 2012 UK, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-softcover, available mid to late August 2012 ......$28.00

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1-203210 Rihil, Tracey THE CATAPULT: A History The most recognized military device of ancient times and the source of continued fascination and popular appeal, the catapult represented a major shift in the conduct of warfare. The catapult which literally means a device to 'hurl [an object] across' was originally a sort of crossbow invented at the beginning of the fourth century BC in Syracuse.

Bows soon grew to the length of a modern bus, and in due course a completely new and better power source was invented. Instead of compound bows made of stretched sinew and compressed horn, the energy used to launch an object was stored in twisted ropes made of animal sinews: the torsion catapult had arrived. The torsion catapult could strike enemies at a distance with devastating effect, including shooting to and from ships, battering fortifications, and sending projectiles over walls. Catapults of all sizes became part of the regular equipment of the Roman army, and were used for centuries across the length and breadth of the empire to seize territory, and to defend it.

Ancient literary sources and the latest archaeological findings tell the story of this first machine of war. A robust formulaic design allowed a variety of machines and missiles to be used for particular battlefield conditions or military tasks. 61 b/w illust and maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 392 pgs 2012 US, WESTHOLME PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, available late September 2013 ......$30.00

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2-203210 Rihil, Tracey THE CATAPULT: A History The most recognized military device of ancient times and the source of continued fascination and popular appeal, the catapult represented a major shift in the conduct of warfare. The catapult which literally means a device to 'hurl [an object] across' was originally a sort of crossbow invented at the beginning of the fourth century BC in Syracuse.

Bows soon grew to the length of a modern bus, and in due course a completely new and better power source was invented. Instead of compound bows made of stretched sinew and compressed horn, the energy used to launch an object was stored in twisted ropes made of animal sinews: the torsion catapult had arrived. The torsion catapult could strike enemies at a distance with devastating effect, including shooting to and from ships, battering fortifications, and sending projectiles over walls. Catapults of all sizes became part of the regular equipment of the Roman army, and were used for centuries across the length and breadth of the empire to seize territory, and to defend it.

Ancient literary sources and the latest archaeological findings tell the story of this first machine of war. A robust formulaic design allowed a variety of machines and missiles to be used for particular battlefield conditions or military tasks. 61 b/w illust and maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 392 pgs 2012 US, WESTHOLME PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available late September 2013 ......$30.00

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1-10510 Rodgers, W.L. NAVAL WARFARE UNDER OARS Classic study of naval strategy, tactics and ship design, from the 4th to 16th century, index. 1 vol, 358 pgs 1993 ANNAPOLIS, NAVAL INST PRS
NEW-dj ......$32.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-243610 Rooney, David A HISTORY OF GUERILLA WARFARE: Insurgents, Patriots and Terrorists from Sun Tzu to Bin Laden Explores the ever-shifting landscape of unconventional warfare and its profound impact on contemporary global dynamics. Highlights pivotal figures such as the Maccabees, Napoleon, the Boer Wars, Michael Collins, Mao Tse Tung, T. E. Lawrence, Castro, Guevara, the Guerrillas of World War II, and Al Qaeda's Osama Bin Laden, illustrating the evolution of guerrilla theories. Delves into the relevance of non-conventional approaches in today's fast-paced world and the leaders who reshaped military strategies. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late May 2024 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-201260 Ross, David VISUAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SHIPS An essential reference book for maritime and ship enthusiasts by providing an at-a-glance guide to more than 1200 of the most important ships from the earliest times to the present day -- from the Viking longship through the 16th century galleon to the super carriers and nuclear submarines of the 21st century. Each ship is illustrated with a profile illustration, accompanied by brief details and specifications, and vessels are arranged chronologically and by use to allow easy comparison. Timelines of design and development are also provided on many pages where appropriate, giving a sense of the history of each type of ship. Includes 1200 outstanding color illustrations. 1 vol, 449 pgs 2013 UK, AMBER BOOKS
NEW-softcover, available late April 2013 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-203330 Ross, David THE GOLDEN AGE OF SAIL The first capital ships were intended as flagships - conspicuous in their size, flying the banner of an admiral, and acting as a lead vessel to a fleet of smaller craft. But by the end of the 16th century, their value as fighting machines encouraged the maritime countries of Europe to build more big warships.

What followed was three centuries of big-gun sailing warships, before steam power took over. The Golden Age of Sail selects the best of these vessels, from Henry Grace a Dieu, launched in 1514, through to the 19th century ironclad steam-and-sail ships, such as HMS Alexandra and Konig Wilhelm. The book devotes a spread to each featured vessel, with expert text putting each ship into its historical, military and naval context.

Throughout specifications are provided for each ship, with feature boxes outlining development and annotations pointing out particular details. Unique graphics allow the reader to compare specific features. Featuring spectacular color profile artworks, the book celebrates 100 ships from 400 years of nautical history. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2013 UK, AMBER BOOKS
NEW-dj, available early October 2013 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-245320 Rotherham, Ian BATTLESCAPES: The Impact of Terrain on War and Military Strategy The landscapes and heritage of past conflicts, defensive and offensive structures, and much more are brought together in this comprehensive study. From the medieval English Fens to the 20th century Iraqi Marsh Arabs, landscapes have fostered resistance and dissension. Harnessed by people under threat, the landscape has influenced strategies and tactics.

Water and wetlands halted campaigns in the Florida Everglades and in the Franco-Prussian War of the late 1800s. In the WWII, the Dutch flooded the polders to halt the Nazi advance. In 1938, the Chinese nationalist forces breached the flood-dikes of the Yellow River to halt the Japanese advance. Mountain ranges and deserts have long provided landscapes for resistance fighters. Libyan fighters held off invading Italian forces by operating from the caves and valleys of the Green Mountains, and the Welsh defended their mountainous principalities against the Angevin Normans. Contains 40 color illustrations and 60 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 440 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available early August 2024 ......$63.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-226780 Russell, Dr Quentin Mediterranean Naval Battles That Changed the World Focusing on seven decisive naval engagements from the Greek defeat of the Persians at Salamis in the fifth century BC to the Siege of Malta during the Second World War, this book tells the story of the Mediterranean as a theater of war at sea.

Each of these fiercely fought battles was to change the balance of power and shape the course of history. Before telling the story of each battle in detail the history of the balance of naval power in the Mediterranean and the effect of the development of naval architecture and design on the outcomes is outlined: Lepanto was the last major battle fought between galleys; Navarino was the last major battle to be fought entirely by sailing ships; and Cape Matapan (where a young Duke of Edinburgh saw action) was the first operation to exploit the breaking of the Italian naval Enigma codes. The battles included are: Salamis (480 BC), Actium (31 BC), Lepanto (1571), the Nile (aka Aboukir Bay, 1798), Navarino (1827), Cape Matapan 1941 and the Siege of Malta 1940-42 1 vol, 256 pgs 2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid March 2021 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-193420 Sadler, John Blood on the Wave: Scotland's Sea Battles From the long oared Norse galleys that swept down through the isles and the sea lochs, to Somerled's birlinns and nyvaigs contesting with those of Godred of Man in a moonlit clash of spears, many of the fiercest battles in Scottish history have been fought at sea. Examining an array of skirmishes from the Wars of Independence to the Napoleonic Wars, the scuttling of the Imperial German Navy at Scapa Flow to the lurking threat of Second World War U-boats and nuclear submarines hunting for Soviet spy ships, John Sadler has created a brilliant, insightful and unique portrait of the Scottish war at sea.

6 x 9.25 inches, 16 pages b/w photos and illustrations. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2010 UK, BIRLINN BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$28.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-241680 Sadler, John THE GURKHA WAY: A New History of the Gurkhas Tells the story of the Gurkhas from their inception to modern day through interviews, unpublished diaries and correspondence. With over 200 years' experience, these steadfastly loyal soldiers are a link to an imperial past but also a key component of the modern British army. There is no other comparable unit in any of the world's armies (with the obvious exception of the Indian Army), or one more respected and loved by the British. Contains 24 mono illustrations.

The First World War sent the Regiment to the trenches, where battalion after battalion was decimated. Some 20 Gurkha battalions were deployed in the Second World War, which was soon increased to 45 following Dunkirk. Around 250,000 Gurkha soldiers would serve and were deployed most significantly in North Africa but also served with distinction in the Italian Campaign and Monte Cassino, as well as the decisive battles of Imphal and Kohima in the Far East. 1 vol, 360 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available December 2023 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-72570 Sawyer, Ralph FIRE AND WATER A leading scholar in Chinese warfare who has also worked extensively with military and intelligence agencies, Ralph Sawyer here describes in detail the development of water-borne warfare tactics and the use of incendiary weapons -- up to and including the introduction of cannons and muskets -- as pivotal elements in turning the tides of battle in ancient China. Sawyer examines and recounts the most important clashes and epochal conflicts in which these dramatic tactics were employed over the centuries, including the extensive employment of incendiary attacks in river battles. B/w illust/maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2003 BOULDER, WESTVIEW PRESS
NEW-dj, SPECIAL OFFER ......$16.00 with a discount of 50%

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1-68602 Scheina, Robert LATIN AMERICA'S WARS:Vol 2 1900-2001 The most comprehensive work available on Latin American Military History, 20+ b/w illust/maps. 1 vol, 530 pgs 2004 LONDON, BRASSEY'S INC
NEW-pb ......$35.00

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1-79390 Schimmelpenninck, David editor REFORMING THE TSAR'S ARMY This volume examines how Imperial Russia's armedforces sought to adapt to the challenges of modernwarare from Peter the Great to the Revolution. 1 vol, 374 pgs 2005 LONDON, CAMBRIDGE UNIV
NEW-dj ......$83.00

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2-63202 Seymour, William BATTLES IN BRITAIN:1642-1746 vol 2 An account of all the battles 1642-1746, maps, b/willust, index, biblio. 1 vol, 232 pgs 1975 NY, HIPPOCRENE BOOKS
V.GOOD-dj, Vol #2 only ......$16.00

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1-193480 Sheppard, Ruth EXTRAORDINARY HEROES - Amazing Stories of Victoria Cross and George Cross Recipients The Victoria and George Crosses are the highest military and civil decorations of the United Kingdom, awarded for gallantry. The Victoria Cross, introduced in 1856, is awarded to members of the armed forces of various Commonwealth countries for valor in the face of the enemy, while the George Cross was introduced during World War II so that civilians could also be awarded for acts of heroism, or conspicuous courage in circumstances of extreme danger. There have been 1,356 Victoria Crosses awarded, and there have been 406 recipients of the George Cross since 1940.

In November 2010 a major new gallery opened at the Imperial War Museum London, with the world's largest collection of Victoria Crosses, belonging to Lord Ashcroft, went on display for the first time alongside the Imperial War Museum's existing collection of both Victoria Crosses and George Crosses. The Lord Ashcroft Gallery tells the stories of those men and women who were awarded medals for gallantry and brings to life the experiences of those who fought, served and died in the line of duty, whether on the front line or on the home front. This book reveals the fear and danger faced and overcome by all these ordinary men and women who became extraordinary heroes. 1 vol, 120 pgs 2010 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$18.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-73160 Smith, Digby PRUSSIAN ARMY TO 1815, THE 6x9, 100+ b/w & color illust highlight this studyof the Prussian Army from 1571 to 1815, detailsthe 'colors/standards' of each regiment, majorityof the illust seen here for the first time. 1 vol, 350 pgs 2004 ATGLEN, SCHIFFER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$40.00

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1-74850 Soar, Hugh CROOKED STICK, THE:History of the Longbow The complete story of this legendary weapon from its earliest use. The author a specialist on this weapon uses primary and secondary sources, 80 b/w illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2004 US, WESTHOLME PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$25.00

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1-205990 Somogyi, Gyozo HUNGARIAN MILITARY FLAGS The story of the military flags of Hungary drawn in this book by the Kossuth-prize winning author represents the history of Hungary from 800 AD until today in three distinct eras:

* Ancient Hungarian flags (800-1000) extending from the depiction of the Turul totem animal on the main standard of the Atilla clans to the red and silver striped coats of arms of the ruling Arpad-dynasty.
* Kingdom of Hungary (1000-1800) with its Christian symbolism. The main flag motives of this era: the red-silver Arpad stripes, the apostolic double cross on top of a green triple mound over a red background and the figure of Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Hungarians.
* End of the 18th century, when the three-color banner, the Hungarian national tricolor was born, using the red, silver and green colors of the national coat of arms. Its variants mean the Hungarian flag; the state flag if decorated with the coat of arms, national flag without the coat of arms and a military flag with the colors placed in a wolf tooth pattern.

Very little text. Cover-to-cover color illustrations with captions in Hungarian and English. Series presents the military culture, weaponry and warfare spanning various historical periods. 1 vol, 68 pgs 2014 HUNGARY
NEW-softcover ......$29.00

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1-206000 Somogyi, Gyozo THE ARMY OF KING MATTHIAS 1458-1526 Uniform guide to Hungary's Army of King Mathias 1458-1526.

Very little text. Cover-to-cover color illustrations with captions in Hungarian and English. Series presents the military culture, weaponry, and warfare spanning various historical periods. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2014 HUNGARY
NEW-softcover ......$29.00

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1-206010 Somogyi, Gyozo THE ARMY OF TRANSYLVANIA 1559-1690 The Hungarian state, founded in 896 AD, became the Christian Kingdom of Hungary from 1000 AD on. It covered the entire area of the Carpathian basin, including uniting with Croatia under the holy crown, until 1920.

This book in the series covers the uniforms of the Army of Transylvania 1559-1690.

Very little text. Cover-to-cover color illustrations with captions in Hungarian and English. Series presents the military culture, weaponry, and warfare spanning various historical periods. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2014 HUNGARY
NEW-softcover ......$29.00

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1-206020 Somogyi, Gyozo THE HUNGARIAN MILITARY 1768-1848 Hungarian military uniforms 1768-1848.

Very little text. Cover-to-cover color illustrations with captions in Hungarian and English. Series presents the military culture, weaponry, and warfare spanning various historical periods. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2014 HUNGARY
NEW-softcover ......$29.00

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1-62630 Steele, Ian K. WARPATHS:Invasions of North America Covers the periods 1565-1684, 1687-1748 and 1748-1765, study of the European conquest of North America, maps/illust, chpt notes, biblio, index. 1 vol, 282 pgs 1995 NY, OXFORD UNIVERSITY
NEW-pb ......$30.00

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2-62630 Steele, Ian K. WARPATHS:Invasions of North America Covers the periods 1565-1684, 1687-1748 and 1748-1765, study of the European conquest of NorthAmerica, maps/illust, chpt notes, biblio, index. 1 vol, 282 pgs 1994 NY, OXFORD UNIVERSITY
V.GOOD-dj is torn ......$30.00

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1-88230 Stevens, Carol RUSSIA'S WARS OF EMERGENCE 1460-1730 Putting Peter the Great's military success into historical perspective the author examines the growth of Russia and its Army. Includes a glossary maps, biblio, index and comprehensive chronology. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2007 UK, PEARSON LONGMAN PUBS
NEW-pb ......$65.00

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1-62150 Stevens, Joseph E. AMERICA'S NATIONAL BATTLEFIELD PARKS:A Guide Contains thirty-eight chapters covering each parkin the National Park System, (52) maps portraytroop movement, b/w photos/drawings, index 1 vol, 336 pgs 1990 NORMAN, UNIV OF OKLAHOMA
V.GOOD-dj ......$20.00

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1-81960 Subramanian, Lakshmi MEDIEVAL SEAFARERS OF INDIA 1500-1800 Nice little book, not a lot of 'military stuff' but snippets here & there, the appendices are worth the price as is the cover art. 1 vol, 152 pgs 2005 INDIA, ROLI BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$8.00

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1-195001 Summerfield, Dr Stephen editor SMOOTHBORE ORDNANCE JOURNAL VOL 1 This new journal covers the artillery and military engineering from the 30 Years War to the Franco-Prussian War and includes six pages of color illustrations and many b/w illust/drawings.

The debut issue has two main themes: Horse Artillery from Contemporary Texts, and, Ordnance Texts in Context

Theme One - Horse Artillery from Contemporary Texts
The use of horse artillery still cause a great deal of debate even today. These translations and extracts from 18th and 19th century contemporary texts.

* Smola (1827) translated by Digby Smith compares the horse artillery of different countries to the Cavalry Artillery of Austria. [SOJ 1(01)

* Hoyer (1798) translated by Geert van Uythoven gives a historical context for the development of horse artillery.

* Rouvroy (1802) translated by Geert van Uythoven gives an important discussion of best uses of horse artillery.

Theme Two - Ordnance Texts in Context
When interpreting Ordnance Texts, the origin of the information and context that they were written is important. Often the information can be much older than it first appears.

* Captain Ralph Willet Adye RA wrote the first edition of his important primer in 1800 and eventually 8 editions were written. Half of the famous 1813 7th edition was compiled by Captain William Granville Eliot. By the time of the 1827 8th edition much of the information was obsolete. [SOJ 1 (02), SOJ 1 (04) and SOJ 1(R01)]

* Tousard (1809) The American Artillerist Companion is an important source of information on 18th century artillery and military engineering being based upon both English and French Texts. This is a reprint of the important article by Donald Graves by kind permission of the Journal of Canadian Arms Collecting.

* A collection of biographies of various important Austrian, French and Saxon Artillerymen.

1 vol, 120 pgs 2011 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-softcover ......$35.00

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1-1950010 Summerfield, Dr Stephen editor SMOOTHBORE ORDNANCE JOURNAL VOL 10: AMERICAN CIVIL WAR SMOOTHBORE ARTILLERY 38 scale plans, 107 tables, and 135 photos of contemporary and surviving ACW ordnance. Covers graphically and in detail every aspect of the vital smoothbore elements of ACW artillery. 1 vol, 143 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-softcover, available late August 2018 ......$35.00

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1-1950011 Summerfield, Dr Stephen editor SMOOTHBORE ORDNANCE JOURNAL VOL 11: BRITISH IRON HEAVY ORDNANCE FOR GARRISON, NAVAL AND SIEGE (1727-1860) This heavily illustrated Journal covers the following sections: Peninsular Sieges; Notes on Sieges; Gunpowder, Charges & Ammunition; Ranges & Ballistics; Iron Gun Founding; Carronades; Iron Long Guns; Land Service Gun Carriages; British Mortars; Heavy Iron Howitzers. Includes 121 tables and 68 plans. 1 vol, 148 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-softcover, available late August 2019 ......$35.00 rct

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1-1950012 Summerfield, Dr Stephen editor SMOOTHBORE ORDNANCE JOURNAL VOL 12: American Civil War Rifled Artillery A valuable collection of articles including essays on the Armstrong & Whitworth involvement, full of technical drawings and photographs. 1 vol, 150 pgs 2022 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-pb, available late November 2022 ......$35.00 rct

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1-1950013 Summerfield, Dr Stephen editor SMOOTHBORE ORDNANCE JOURNAL VOL 13: Defense of Britain Against Napoleon: Barracks, Fortifications, Muskets, Rifles, and Shorncliffe Based around four major themes: the Duke of York's reforms of the British Army; the Defence of Britain against Napoleon; Musketry & target practice & Militia & Volunteers. 1 vol, 150 pgs 2022 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-pb, available late November 2022 ......$35.00 rct

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1-195002 Summerfield, Dr Stephen editor SMOOTHBORE ORDNANCE JOURNAL VOL 2 This journal covers the artillery or military engineering from the 30 Years War to the Franco-Prussian War and includes six pages of color illustrations and many b/w illust/drawings.

Theme One - Gribeauval
Jean-Baptiste Vacquette de Gribeauval (1715-89) is an interesting man who survived the Salon politics of France despite his background of being a poor non-noble birth through the patronage of a number of powerful men.

* Chronology of Gribeauval gives a timeline view of his life. [Stephen Summerfield (Dec 2010) SOJ 2(01)]

* A short biography of Gribeauval in German can be seen in Issue one of this journal translated by Digby Smith.

* The Piccard (1816) and Hennebert (1896) are both important biographies of Gribeauval that are among the supporting material for the journal.

* He had trained at the Artillery School at La Fere before serving in the French Corps- Royal de l'Artillerie then the Corps des Mineurs. [See Stephen Summerfield (Dec 2010) SOJ 2(02)]

* In 1748, he designed the Gribeauval Garrison Carriage that was tested and rejected by the French Artillery. A modified form was used by the Austrians in their defense of Schweidnitz in 1762. [See Stephen Summerfield (Dec 2010) SOJ 2(04)]

* Before he joined Austrian service in 1758, Gribeauval strongly objected to the regiment artillery. [Digby Smith, translator (Dec 2010) SOJ 2(05)]

* In 1758, he was seconded to the Corps of Engineers in the Austrian armies. [See Stephen Summerfield (Dec 2010) SOJ 2(03)]

* In March 1762, Gribeauval while still serving with the Austrian Army wrote a short report in response to the 18 questions from the French Secretary of State for War. These as can be seen in the original French [See Hennebert (1896)] and the translation by Digby Smith shows clearly that they were very general in nature. [Digby Smith, translator (Dec 2010) SOJ 2(06)]

* His work from 1763 until his death in 1789 when he returned to France will no doubt be for the future. He is best known to modern readers for overseeing the modernization of French ordnance and artillery organization from 1765. Much of his active service was in artillery administration, engineering and mining. There being no distinction made between the branches of technical services at this time.

Theme Two - Confederation of the Rhine Artillery
This is the first of a series of papers on European artillery systems that encompass the 18th to the mid 19th century. It is important to look at the extent equipment as well as the written word. The artillery of the Lesser German States that fought for Napoleon in the Confederation of the Rhine had a number of very innovative artillery systems that were derived from and often copied by the great powers of Austria, Britain, France, Prussia and Russia. This has been mostly overlooked. The three papers presented here show the organization, equipment and some of the history of the artillery of Wurttemberg and Saxony.

* Digby Smith translation of the History of Wurttemberg Artillery 1757-1815 shows the innovation in the artillery arm by this small country. [Digby Smith (Dec 2010) SOJ 2(07)]

* We are fortunate that John Cook has provided his photographs of M1809 Wurttemberg Ordnance that illustrate the translation by Digby Smith. These photos are by permission of [John Cook and Stephen Summerfield (Dec 2010) SOJ 2(08)]

* Gerard Cronin and Stephen Summerfield outline the ordnance, uniform and the drill of the Saxon Horse Artillery. [Gerard Cronin and Stephen Summerfield (Dec 2010) SOJ 2(09)]

1 vol, 104 pgs 2011 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-softcover ......$35.00

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1-195003 Summerfield, Dr Stephen editor SMOOTHBORE ORDNANCE JOURNAL VOL 3 This journal to covers the artillery or military engineering from the 30 Years War to the Franco-Prussian War and includes six pages of color illustrations and many b/w illust/drawings.

Theme One: Austrian Artillery

* Digby Smith explains in his introduction to his translation of Dolleczek (1887) the innovations since the 15th century to the mid 19th century when the Liechtenstein System was finally abandoned after a century. The translation is split into 6 parts.

* The Liechtenstein system kept up with the innovations including reducing windage, the reduction in decorations and the introduction of shell guns [long barrelled howitzers]. These are illustrated by photographs of extent gun barrels and carriages by Dr. Stephen Summerfield.

Theme Two: Saxon Artillery

* Dr Martin Kloffler explores Saxon fortress ordnance in the context of the Prussian siege of Torgau in 1813. [Translated by Digby Smith]

* Gerard Cronin and Dr Stephen Summerfield discusses the Saxon M1810 ordnance, uniforms and at Gross Beeren (23 August 1813).

Theme Three: British Artillery in the Peninsular

* Anthony Dawson explores the use and equipment of British Mountain Artillery in the Peninsular War.

* Sir Alexander Dickson RA wrote in 1823 'Answer to Questions on the Royal Artillery in 1823' that is reprinted in full with additional notes by Dr. Stephen Summerfield.

* Seven reports and memorandums from Volume 1 of the Minutes of Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institute on the organization and equipment of the Royal Artillery. 1 vol, 114 pgs 2011 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-softcover ......$35.00

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1-195004 Summerfield, Dr Stephen editor SMOOTHBORE ORDNANCE JOURNAL VOL 4 This journal to covers the artillery or military engineering from the 30 Years War to the Franco-Prussian War and includes six pages of color illustrations and many b/w illust/drawings. This issue concentrates on 18th Century artillery with four main themes:

Prussian Artillery of Frederick the Great
* Extracts of Milinowski and Bonin (1841) Geschichte der Brandenburg-Preussischen Artillerie, Volume I - translated by Digby Smith.
* The 'Instructions of Frederic the Great for the Artillery of his Army' - translated by Geert van Uythoven.

French Ordnance (1550-1789)
* The chronology of French Ordnance is constructed by Dr Stephen Summerfield covering the Calibres des France (M1550, M1661, M1685), M1732 Valliere, and the M1765 Gribeauval System modified up to 1789 by Rostaing and Manson.
* The enlightening 'Discussion of the Gribeauval System' - translated by Tim Mahon extracted from Fave, Histoire de l'artillerie.

Royal Artillery in the Netherlands 1705 & 1794
* Stephen Ede-Borrett has transcribed a series of manuscripts dealing with the Royal Artillery under Marlborough during the War of Spanish Succession.
* Garry Wills of Caseshot Publishing has transcribed and annotated a series of very interesting documents on the Royal Artillery in the Austrian Netherlands and the United Provinces in 1794.

Spanish Artillery (1745-1808)
* A series of papers by Dr Stephen Summerfield upon Spanish Artillery and Ordnance. Interestingly the Gribeauval System was introduced by Jean II Maritz in 1769 and the Spanish 8-pdr horse guns were bored out Gribeauval 4-pdrs.
1 vol, 104 pgs 2012 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-softcover ......$35.00

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1-195005 Summerfield, Dr Stephen editor SMOOTHBORE ORDNANCE JOURNAL VOL 5 This volume is a special Waterloo issue. In general, SOJ covers artillery and military engineering from the 30 Years War to the Franco-Prussian War and includes six pages of color illustrations and many b/w illust/drawings.

Articles include: Waterloo Artillery
* Lt-Col Townend RA gives an informative introduction to the Artillery at Waterloo.
* Waterloo is one of the most written about battles but the role of the artillery is still poorly understood and controversial. Much of this revolves the letter written by the Duke of Wellington on 21 December 1815 that accused the Royal Artillery of cowardice and despite the evidence is repeated even in books published recently.
* David Wright revisits the Tactical Deployment of the Royal Horse Artillery at Waterloo as described by Maj-Gen BP Hughes.
* Stephen Summerfield gives an overview of The Board of Ordnance and Army Supply in 1815 and British Artillery at Waterloo.
* Erwin Muilwijk gives details upon the Netherlands Artillery at Waterloo.

Horse Artillery [Part 2]
* This carries on the discussion of the role of horse artillery with papers by Hume upon the Classification of Artillery.
* Digby Smith translated Scharnhorst's comments upon Horse Artillery.
* Stephen Summerfield explores Towards Tactical Mobility and Napoleonic Horse Artillery.
* Anthony Dawson and Stephen Summerfield demonstrate that the Origins of British Horse Artillery pre-dates 1793 when it received the Royal Warrant.

Prussian Artillery of Napoleonic Wars
* Digby Smith continues his translation of the Geschichte der Brandenburg Preussischen Artillery [History of the Prussian Artillery] by Milnowsky and Bonin (1841).

French Gribeauval and AnXI Cannon (1791-1828)
* Stephen Summerfield gives a chronology for French cannon over the period of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars.
* The Notes on Artillery dictated by Napoleon translated by F.E.B. Laws justifies replacing of the Gribeauval System by the AnXI System. 1 vol, 108 pgs 2012 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-softcover ......$35.00

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1-195006 Summerfield, Dr Stephen editor SMOOTHBORE ORDNANCE JOURNAL VOL 6: Prussian 18th Century Artillery - British, French, Prussian and Spanish Theme One: Prussian 18th Century Artillery
The translation of Bleckwenn's important work on the Prussian Artillery of the Seven Years War by Digby Smith is matched by the magnificent scale plans and research by Christian Rogge looking at Prussian Ordnance from 1717 ...until the start of the Seven Years War.

Theme Two: Saxon and Piedmont Quick Fire Guns
Christian Rogge assisted by Stephen Summerfield and Giovanni Cerino-Badone investigate the interesting subject of Saxon quick fire guns of the mid-18th century.

Theme Three: Battalion Guns and Amusettes in the Netherlands, 1793-95 Garry Wills looks again at the role of British battalion guns. In two separate papers, Garry Wills and Paul Demet examine the use of amusettes at Boxtel.

Theme Four: Gunfounder's Tricks
Drs. J.R. Verbeek discusses the reasons for Jan Verbruggen being dismissed from The Hague for using screws and other methods to repairs of solid cast cannon. He then was employed by the Royal Brass Foundry in Woolwich. 1 vol, 110 pgs 2012 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-softcover ......$35.00

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1-195007 Summerfield, Dr Stephen editor SMOOTHBORE ORDNANCE JOURNAL VOL 7: British and Prussian Horse Artillery Section 1: Monhaupt's 'About the use of horse artillery'
The Prussian GL von Monhaupt (1775-...1835) wrote an in-depth thesis on horse artillery in about 1808 and included historical examples, about the use of horse artillery. When writing this thesis, Monhaupt had already sixteen years experience in the Prussian army, and had participated in several campaigns, not without distinction. As such, this thesis gives an interesting insight in the contemporary views about the horse artillery, and its use in battle, in relation to the other arms. Translated by Geert van Uythoven.

Section 2: The British 6-Pdr as a Gun for the Horse Artillery
The British Light 6-pdr was extensively put through scientific tests and compared to the Prussian 6-pdr in 1822. They found the British Light 6-pdr to be a excellent piece for the horse artillery. Translated by Geert van Uythoven.

Section 3: Napoleonic Ordnance Weight and Range Tables
A collection of tables and information compiled and translated by Alexander Zhmodikov and Stephen Summerfield focussing upon Russian Artillery, the mobility of artillery and ranges.

Section 4: Prussian Napoleonic Artillery
A series of contemporary papers translated by Geert van Uythoven dealing with the use of howitzers and the use of heavy guns in Prussian service. 1 vol, 110 pgs 2012 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-softcover ......$35.00

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1-195008 Summerfield, Dr Stephen editor SMOOTHBORE ORDNANCE JOURNAL VOL 8: FRENCH AND RUSSIAN ARTILLERY OF THE CRIMEAN WAR This issue has five themes: French 1827 Valee Field Ordnance (1827-1853), French Ordnance of the Crimean War including the 'Napoleon' 12cm Canon-Obusier, Ordnance at the Siege of Sebastopol, Russian Crimean M1838 Ordnance and M1850 Light 12-pdr and British, French and Spanish Mountain Guns and Howitzers. 1 vol, 100 pgs 2015 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-softcover ......$35.00

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1-195009 Summerfield, Dr Stephen editor SMOOTHBORE ORDNANCE JOURNAL VOL 9: FRANCO-PRUSSIAN AND KRUPP ARTILLERY This issue has five themes: Field Siege Artillery in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71 and the first example of aerial combat during the Siege of Paris, 1870; Rifled Muzzle Loaders of the French La Hitte System, the Austrian M1863 Lenk system and other European RMLs; Prussian Krupp Rifled Breech Loading Field Guns (1859-80); Russian Krupp Rifled Breech Loading Ordnance; Spanish Smoothbore Field Ordnance (1827-1861), M1859 Muzzle Loading Rifled Artillery, Spanish Krupp Steel and Compressed Bronze Breech Loading Rifle Cannon. 1 vol, 104 pgs 2015 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-softcover, available early December 2015 ......$35.00

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1-245000 Summerfield, S SWORD EXERCISES AND DESIGN FOR THE CAVALRY: Two Studies by Le Marchant and Marey This volume deals with the sword exercise for the British cavalry, using a rare manual for the use of Volunteer troops (1795) and a reproduction of the most influential sword exercise manual by Le Marchant (1796) used throughout the Napoleonic Wars, plus an English translation of a later French manual which discusses the merits of different sword forms. Illustrated with the original plates from each volume plus additional photographs courtesy of Olympia Auctions. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2024 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late June 2024 ......$42.00 inc

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2-65650 Tarnstrom, Ronald FRENCH ARMS:France, Beligum, Luxembourg & Monaco Hundreds of illust covering weapons/uniforms, mapso/b's highlight this look at the French Arms fromthe 1300's to WWII, great source book, biblio,index of ships, military units and much more. 1 vol, 800 pgs 2001 LINDSBORG, TROGEN BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$20.00

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1-218000 The National Archives FORTS: An Illustrated History of Building for Defence Ever since humans began to live together in settlements they have felt the need to organize some kind of defense against potentially hostile neighbors. Many of the earliest city states were built as walled towns, and during the medieval era, stone castles were built both as symbols of the defenders' strength and as protection against potential attack.

The advent of cannon prompted fortifications to become lower, denser and more complex, and the forts of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries could appear like snowflakes in their complexity and beautiful geometry. Without forts, the history of America could have taken a very different course, pirates could have sailed the seas unchecked, and Britain itself could have been successfully invaded.

This book explains the history of human fortifications, and is beautifully illustrated using photographs, plans, drawings and maps to explain why they were built, their various functions and their immense historical legacy in laying the foundations of empire. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2018 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid September 2018 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-225500 Theotokis, Nikoloaos Airborne Landing to Air Assault - A History of Military Parachuting Covers the entire history of the use of the parachute in warfare over last 100 years or so. Adapting the parachute for military purposes occurred with extraordinary speed during WWI and by WWII, it had become an established technique for special operations and offensive actions on a large scale. The range of parachute drops and parachute-led attacks was remarkable, and the most dramatic examples from the world wars and lesser conflicts are recounted in this graphic and detailed study, along with evolution of techniques of air assault since 1970s. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2020 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid September 2020 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-62480 Thornton, John K. WARFARE IN ATLANTIC AFRICA 1500-1800 Warfare in Atlantic Africa, 1500-1800 investigates the impact of warfare on the history of Africa in the period of the slave trade and the founding of empires.
It includes the discussion of:
* the relationship between war and the slave trade
* the role of Europeans in promoting African wars and supplying African armies
* the influence of climatic and ecological factors on warfare patterns and dynamics
* the impact of social organization and military technology, including the gunpowder revolution
* case studies of warfare in Sierra Leone, the Gold Coast, Benin and West Central Africa

1 vol, 208 pgs 2000 LONDON, ROUTLEDGE
V.GOOD-pn ......$27.00

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1-46320 Tolley, Kemp YANGTZE PATROL:The US Navy in China A history of the Patrol by a naval officer who was one the 'River Rats', a colorful look at this era from 1854 to 1941, b/w illus/maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 343 pgs 2000 ANNAPOLIS, US NAVAL INST
NEW-pb ......$28.00 with a discount of 10%

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2-33400 Toman, Karel MILITARY UNIFORMS AND WEAPONS An illustrated survey of military dress, arms and practice through the ages. Hundreds of b/w and color illustrations, large 10x14 format. 1 vol, 166 pgs 1964 LONDON, PAUL HAMLYN
V.GOOD-dj, in slip case ......$22.00

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1-46720 Toy, Sidney CASTLES:Their Construction and History Nearly (200) b/w illust illustrate this look at Castles from Ancient times to the 16th century, biblio, index. 1 vol, 240 pgs 1985 NY, DOVER PUBLICATIONS
GOOD-softcover, Reprint of 1939 ed ......$10.00

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1-237050 Tucker-Jones, Anthony CHURCHILL MASTER AND COMMANDER: Winston Churchill at War 1895-1945 An engaging and detailed study of Winston Churchill's career as a military commander, from his early experiences in Britain's colonial wars, through his battlefield experience in World War I, to his strategic command in World War II. This book examines how in high office he got it both right and wrong.

From his earliest days Winston Churchill was an extreme risk taker and he carried this into adulthood. Today he is widely hailed as Britain's greatest wartime leader and politician. Deep down though, he was foremost a warlord. Just like his ally Stalin, and his arch enemies Hitler and Mussolini, Churchill could not help himself and insisted on personally directing the strategic conduct of World War II. For better or worse he insisted on being political master and military commander. Again like his wartime contemporaries, he had a habit of not heeding the advice of his generals. The results of this were disasters in Norway, North Africa, Greece, and Crete during 1940-41. His fruitless Dodecanese campaign in 1943 also ended in defeat. Churchill's pig-headedness over supporting the Italian campaign in defiance of the Riviera landings culminated in him threatening to resign and bring down the British Government. Yet on occasions he got it just right, his refusal to surrender in 1940, the British miracle at Dunkirk, and victory in the Battle of Britain, showed that he was a much-needed decisive leader. Nor did he shy away from difficult decisions, such as the destruction of the French Fleet to prevent it falling into German hands and his subsequent war against Vichy France.

In this fascinating new book, acclaimed historian Anthony Tucker-Jones explores the record of Winston Churchill as a military commander, assessing how the military experiences of his formative years shaped him for the difficult military decisions he took in office. This book assesses his choices in the some of the most controversial and high-profile campaigns of World War II, and how in high office his decision making was both right and wrong. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available late May 2023 ......$20.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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2-980029 Turnbull, Stephen SAMURAI AND THE SACRED An examination of spiritual world of the Samurai, from their attachment to Shinto and Buddhism to Confuciusism, Christianity and Folk Religion. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2009 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$19.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-980010 Turnbull, Stephen illust by Angus Mcbride SAMURAI:The World of the Warrior 10.5x7.5, full color throughout. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2006 LONDON, OSPREY PUBLISH'NG
NEW-pb ......$16.00

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1-49810 Tylden, Major HORSES AND SADDLERY An account of the animals used by the British and Commonwealth Armies from the 17th century to the present day, also extensive description of their equipment, b/w & color illust/drawings, biblio. 1 vol, 276 pgs 1980 LONDON, J.A. ALLEN & COMP
AS NEW-dj ......$60.00

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1-37040 Tzu, Sun translated by Ralph D. Sawyer ART OF WAR Sawyer places this classical work on strategy in its proper historical context with a portrait of Sun-Tzu's era and an outline of several battles of the period, chapter notes, biblio, index. 1 vol, 365 pgs 1994 BOULDER, WESTVIEW PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$16.00

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1-197360 Urban, William MATCHLOCKS TO FLINTLOCKS: Warfare in Europe and Beyond 1500-1700 In the early modern world three dominant cultures of war were shaped by a synergy of their internal and external interactions. One was Latin Christian Western Europe. Another was Ottoman Islam. The third, no less vital for so often being overlooked, was east-central Europe: Poland/Lithuania, Livonia, Russia, and the freebooting Cossacks -- a volatile mix of variations on a general Christian theme.

William Urban's fascinating narrative is an integrated account of early modern war at the sharp end: of campaigns and battles, soldiers and generals. Temporally it extends from the French invasion of Italy in 1494 to Austria's Balkan victories culminating in the 1718 Treaty of Peterwardein. Geographically it covers ground from the Low Countries to the depths of the Ukraine.

That narrative in turn focuses Urban's major analytical points: the replacement of 'crowd armies' by professionals, and the professionals' integration into crown armies: government-supervised, bureaucratized institutions. The key to this process was the mercenary. Originally recruited because the obligations of feudal levies were too limited, mercenary forces evolved operationally into skilled users of an increasingly complex gunpowder technology in ever more complex tactical situations. By the end of the seventeenth century, soldiers were identifying with the states and the rulers they served.

1 vol, 304 pgs 2011 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available early January 2012 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-73450 van Greveld, Martin SUPPLYING WAR:Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton Drawing on a very wide range of unpublished and previously unexploited sources, Martin van Creveld examines the 'nuts and bolts' of war. He considers the formidable problems of movement and supply, transportation and administration, often mentioned (but rarely explored) by the vast majority of books on military history. By concentrating on logistics rather than on the more traditional tactics and strategy, van Creveld is also able to offer an original reinterpretation of military history. 1 vol, 300 pgs 2004 LONDON, CAMBRIDGE UNIV
NEW-pb, 2nd Ed ......$30.00

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1-47580 various JOURNAL OF THE SOC FOR ARMY HIST'CAL RESEARCH:V1 Contains a wealth of information on the BritishArmy, covers 9/1921-12/1922 1 vol, 292 pgs 1973 LONDON, ARMS & ARMOUR
V.GOOD-dj, reprint of qtrly volumes ......$48.00

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2-64340 Viollett-Le-Duc, E. new intro by Dr. Duffy ANNALS OF A FORTRESS, THE: 80+ b/w illust chart this study of the development of fortification and the art of siege for the past twenty-two centuries, biblio, index. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2000 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$20.00

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1-58970 Wandycz, Pitor S. PRICE OF FREEDOM:History of East Central Europe A study of Poland, Czechslovakia and Hungary fromthe early Middle Ages to 1990, good biblio, index. 1 vol, 330 pgs 1992 LONDON, ROUTLEDGE
V.GOOD-dj ......$16.00

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1-235530 Welham, Michael COMBAT DIVERS: An Illustrated History of Special Forces Divers Provides a visual history of the special forces combat diver from World War II to the present day.

Combat divers are an elite within an elite. Every special forces combat diver is required to pass selection twice - first into the elite military unit and then a combat diving qualification. The combat dive units themselves are tiny and the operations highly classified. The role of a military diver is inevitably a lonely and a dangerous one, whether clearing mines or striking from the sea against enemy-held targets. Reveals their little-known yet fascinating operations, from Dutch Special Forces combat divers covertly operating against Somali pirates to the actions of Soviet Spetsnaz divers in Swedish territorial waters during the Cold War. It also examines how the most famous units, such as the US Navy SEALs and the Royal Navy's SBS, are currently operating and adapting to threats in a multitude of theaters.

Gives insight into specialist kit and vehicles presently used and equipment that is being developed and trialed throughout the world. Covering a variety of kit, from dry deck shelters to mini-submarines and swimmer delivery vehicles, former Royal Marines Commando Michael G. Welham draws on his own extensive diving experience to reveal exactly how this equipment is used by special forces dive teams. As their kit and equipment constantly evolve, so does the nature of their work and even the team element. Combat Divers also details the first female combat divers and includes their own first-hand accounts about their groundbreaking roles within their respective units to create a fascinating history of these elite special forces operatives. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available late January 2023 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-222650 Wheelwright, Julie SISTERS IN ARMS: Female Warriors from Antiquity to the New Millennium A timely study that illuminates the neglected history of female soldiers from the ancient warriors of antiquity to the present day, bringing their fascinating stories to life and challenging the contemporary relationship between masculinity and combat.

In October 2018, Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson announced that all roles in the military would now be open to women. Although this marks a historic shift, officially allowing British women into combat roles, the presence of women on the front lines dates back to antiquity. Beginning with the founding myth of the Amazons, Julie Wheelwright explores the history of women in arms. She traces our fascination with these figures, many of whom successfully disguised themselves as men, using primary sources and their own words to bring their experiences vividly to light.

Among these forgotten heroines are Christian Davies, Ireland's most famous 18th-century soldier, who received poems from adoring women claiming that she represented a resurgence of 'the Amazonian race'; Sarah Edmonds, who left her native Canada and was among hundreds of women to enlisted on both sides during the American Civil War; Maria Bochkareva, a private in the Tsar's army and leader of the Women's Battalion of Death in 1917; and Captain Flora Sandes, hero of the Serbian Army who toured Australia, thrilling her audiences with tales of bravery and patriotism. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2020 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid February 2020 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-980099 Windrow, Martin OSPREY MEN-AT-ARMS:A Celebration This Book is a special volume detailing some of the wonderful artwork that has graced Osprey's MAA Beautifully presented in luxurious cloth, embossed and foil blocked. Covers Ancient to Modern Warfare 1 vol, 192 pgs 2008 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, OUT OF PRINT ......$100.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-65540 Winters, Gerald BATTLING THE ELEMENTS:Weather & Terrain in War The author along with several others examine the connection between major battles in world history and what role weather, climate and vegetation etc, 50+b/w maps, 20+ photos/drawings, biblio, index 1 vol, 336 pgs 2001 BALTIMORE, JOHNS HOPKINS
NEW-pb ......$25.00

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1-49090 Wise, Terrance FORTS AND CASTLES The story of Defence Works from Ancient times WWIIb/w & color drawings, sketches, plans, illustincludes a (25) page index of sites in the UK. 1 vol, 152 pgs 1972 LONDON, ALMARK PUBLISHING
GOOD-softcover ......$28.00

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1-240000 Worrell, Estelle Ansley Early American Costume Surveys American fashions from 1580 to 1850 and the geographical, political, economic, religious, and social determinants of style. There are countless black and white illustrations, and there are a few in color. 1 vol, 183 pgs 1975 US, STACKPOLE BOOKS
V.GOOD-dj, only 1 copy available, first come, first served, the back cover has a slight rip ......$10.00 inc

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1-243340 Ziobro, Melissa FORT MONMOUTH: The US Army's House of Magic A history of Fort Monmouth, including the innovations and tens of thousands of soldiers that came through the years. Explores why Fort Monmouth was once called the 'Army's House of Magic,' due to the innovation, technological revolution, and the uniquely diverse group of military and civilian heroes and scientists. Analyzes the origins of Fort Monmouth, why it was built, how the land was initially overrun with poison ivy and looked like a jungle, and how the Army Signal Corps carved out a base that was known as their home for decades. Contains 30+ black and white illustrations and photographs. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2024 US, BROOKLINE BOOKS
NEW-pb, available early May 2024 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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