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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 2/06/2025

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price

2-213300 LA BATAILLE DE LIGNY: Wargame System details the climactic moments of Napoleon's last 100 days as Emperor. This 2nd edition simulates the Prussian Army of the Lower Rhine's desperate attempt to stop the French Armee du Nord as it marched north towards Brussels. Napoleon found his last great victory at Ligny.

Includes four 34x22-inch period maps and nearly 1,000 multi-colored playing counters. This tactical game is ideal for solitaire study or team play and can be matched with La Bataille de les Quatre Bras to recreate the events of June 16th 1815. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2017 US, CLASH OF ARMS
NEW-folio, 2nd Edition ......$140.00 with a discount of 10% inc

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1-218120 LA BATAILLE DE LUTZEN: 1813 In May of 1813, Napoleon began the campaign for Germany with a bang - as was his custom. The Prussian and Russian armies attempted to ambush the French main army strung out in road march. Their approach went undetected and they are able to close within two miles. In fact, not until the moment of their assault do the French become aware of them.

But, instead of the expected weak flank guard, they are met by the strong divisions of Souham and Girard and by mid-afternoon, Napoleon and 100,000 French and their allies have swarmed to their support. The battle raged in ever-mounting fury until night finally brought an end to the slaughter. The first major battle of the 1813 campaign ends with thousands of dead and wounded and with the Russian and Prussian armies in full retreat.

La Bataille de Lutzen simulates the first major clash of Napoleon's 1813 campaign. Lacking adequate cavalry and handicapped by a large number of raw recruits, the French player must rapidly consolidate his scattered forces to counter the sudden Allied attack. As the player commanding the Allied forces, you must deal the French a decisive blow before Napoleon can react and bring reinforcements to bear.

Lutzen is ideal for multiple players or solitaire study. Each turn represents 20 minutes of real time, and each hex equals 100 meters. The rules are the Lutzen version of the award winning system developed by the Marshall Enterprises Household and cover the full range of features characteristic of the Napoleonic battlefield. Players are faced with the same tactical dilemmas their historical counterparts faced, though play balance depends upon their own skill.

* New Rulebook including historical commentary
* 1,000 plus die-cut counters
* Two 22x34-inch game maps
* Organizational displays
* Charts & Tables
* Dice 1 vol, 1 pgs 2018 US, CLASH OF ARMS
NEW-box, o/p ......$95.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-218130 LA BATAILLE DE DRESDE: 1813 1813, Austria ends its neutrality and enters the VIth Coalition against France. After joining contingents of the Russian and Prussian armies this new army marches north out of Bohemia nearly 200,000 strong. The army marches along the west bank of the Elbe into Saxony, its large lumbering columns stretched across the Erz mountains.

From where he has been pursuing enemy forces to the east, Napoleon sees this new threat aimed at his line of communications and the city of Dresden, the main supply depot for his army. Only a single French Corps stands in its way. Outnumbered nearly ten-to-one, it cannot hold. In a flurry of orders Napoleon redirects his guard and several corps to march to its rescue.

La Bataille de Dresde details the titanic battle that ensued on August 25th and raged through the 27th. Up to 4 players control the Prussian, Austrian and Russian forces commanded by Feldmarschall Carl zu Schwarzenberg, while up to a further four command such French personages as Marshals Ney, Marmont, Mortier, Victor, St. Cyr... or Napoleon, himself. Every battalion of infantry, squadron of cavalry or battery of artillery that was present at the battle is included... and are at their command.

* Standard Rules (based on the 3rd and 4th Editions)
* Special Rules containing 5 scenarios and historical commentary
* Over 1000 full-color 1/2-inch counters (6 sheets)
* 4 22x34-inch full-color period style maps
* 2 full-color Organizational Displays
* Multiple cardstock Charts and Tables for play
* Two six-sided dice 1 vol, 1 pgs 2018 US, CLASH OF ARMS
NEW-box ......$150.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-229860 THE CAMP AT DRESDEN, 1812-1813: The Previously Unpublished Manuscript of A. Sauerweid Two-volume set of eyewitness French uniform illustrations by Alexander Sauerweid before Napoleon's last victory in Germany in the summer of 1813. Volume 1 - 450+ illustrations; Volume 2 - Analysis of the plates, manuscript context, and history.

In 1813, Alexander Sauerweid (1783-1844) created dozens of uniform plates based upon the soldiers in the French Army and its allies encamped around the city of Dresden before Napoleon's victory there on August 26-27. These plates have been known to collectors, but until now they were not published as a single collection. Plate analysis by researcher and author Vincent Bourgeot. Foreword by Jean Tulard, member of the Institut de France. Commentary by uniform experts Alfred Umhey and Yves Martin. 2 vol, 244 pgs 2021 FRANCE, EPOPEES HISTOIRE
NEW-boxed set, available mid March 2022 ......$250.00 rct

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1-234710 LA BATAILLE DE MONT SAINT JEAN: June 18, 1815 (Deluxe Edition Wargame) Mont St. Jean is the French name for the Battle of Waterloo, and the Prussians called this The battle of Belle Alliance. The Deluxe edition contains:

4 34x22-inch maps
3 Organizational Displays
Standard Rules & Special Rulebook
6 Counter Sheets (2 Quatre Bras, 3 Ligny, 1 Informational markers)
Charts & Tables
Scale = 100 m/Hex
Time = 20 min/Turn
Units = 50-100 men/SP (Regimental/Brigade Size)1 vol, 1 pgs 2018 US, CLASH OF ARMS 1 vol, 1 pgs 2018 US, CLASH OF ARMS
NEW-box, deluxe edition ......$150.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-234711 LA BATAILLE DE MONT SAINT JEAN: June 18, 1815 (Expansion Kit Edition) Mont St. Jean is the French name for the Battle of Waterloo, and the Prussians called this The Battle of Belle Alliance. Expanded edition contains four 34 x 22-inch maps, as well as special rules and background. (The Deluxe Edition contains those items plus the counters and basic rules.)

Scale = 100 m/hex;
Time = 20 min/game turn;
Strength = 50-100 men/Strength Point (Regimental/Brigade Size) 1 vol, 1 pgs 2024 US, CLASH OF ARMS
NEW-box, expanded edition, available late March 2024 ......$48.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-234720 BATTLE FROM THE AGE OF REASON: Primer For 20 years, the Battles from the Age of Reason (BAR) game series has covered mid-18th century warfare. The BAR games feature a highly detailed, realistic and interactive game system, gorgeous map and counter graphics, thorough research, and exciting battles throughout Europe and America.

However, because of rules depth, detail, and period elan, many gamers have been perplexed in learning the system. This Primer is designed as an illustrated learning tool to accompany and enhance the Third Edition BAR rules. This Primer features illustrated rules demonstrations, game tactics, learning modules and 280 upgrade and errata counters for previous BAR games.

This BAR Primer can be used with all BAR games and even with older rules sets, but is designed around the Third Edition BAR rules and ownership of Fontenoy is required for use of the 'Learning Modules' sections. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2022 US, CLASH OF ARMS
NEW-coil bound softcover ......$38.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-242811 LA BATAILLE DE WAVRE: June 18-19, 1815 (Expansion Set) This is an expansion set, and you need La Bataille de Ligny or the deluxe edition of La Bataille de Mont Saint Jean to play. As the French, you command the Corps of Generals Vandamme and Gerard. As the Prussians, you command General Thielemann and stand between the French and the emperor.

* Two 34x22-inch maps
* Rulebook which includes scenarios and historical commentary
* Charts and tables 1 vol, 1 pgs 2024 US, CLASH OF ARMS
NEW-box, available late March 2024 ......$46.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-243580 1807: The Eagles Turn East The game runs from the fall of Warsaw in December, 1806, through the signing of the Treaty of Tilsit in July, 1807. A time which saw Napoleon and his Grande Armee reach the zenith of their combined power and glory. 1807: The Eagles Turn East comes with:

* Three 34' x 22' maps
* Four organization displays
* 420 playing pieces
* Standard and exclusive rules
* Study Folder for additional hours of enjoyment. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2012 US, CLASH OF ARMS
NEW-box ......$55.00

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1-246410 LA BATAILLE DE LA MOSCOWA: Wargame Napoleon's battle near Moscow; September 5th to the 7th, 1812. Serried ranks of French and Russians clash on a narrow field where more than 1000 guns thunder and tear asunder man and beast. It was the single bloodiest day of battle up until WWI.

The scale is 100 meters per hex. 100 men per infantry strength point, 50 men per cavalry strength point and 2 to 4 guns per strength point for artillery. It has 4 maps and over 1400 counters. Uses a new, simplified and faster playing set of La Bataille rules called Le Reglement des Marie-Louises (named for the French conscripts of 1814 who, in turn, were named for Napoleon's Empress; mother of his son). The game is also fully compatible with the advanced La Bataille rules called Le Reglement de l'An XXX. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2021 US, CLASH OF ARMS
NEW-box is open, game is unpunched - first come first served ......$99.00 inc

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1-666099 CASTALLA 1812 Y 1813 On July 21, the Spanish army of General Jose O'Donnell, confident and secure in their numerical superiority, was brutally beaten in the hoya Castalla near Alicante, by the troops of Marshal Suchet.

A year later, on April 13, 1813, a council of war would raise an army composed of English, Portuguese, Sicilian, and Spanish troops to turn the tide of war in the Spanish Levante. With King Joseph in Vitoria, the Second Battle of Castalla marked the beginning of the end of the French in Valencia, who were forced to leave.

Suchet could not retake the initiative and could only delay as long as possible the imperial debacle in Aragon and Catalonia, abandoned to their fate by King Joseph and the Emperor.

THE FIRST BATTLE OF CASTALLA, JULY 21, 1812: Reorganization and deployments; Plan of attack; Battle; Spanish Withdrawal.

THE SECOND BATTLE OF CASTALLA, APRIL 13, 1813: General situation; Yecla, Villena, and Biar; and the battle. 1 vol, 110 pgs 2014 SPAIN, ALMENA
NEW-softcover, [Spanish text] ......$28.00

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1-66644 MADRID 1808-1813:La Expulsion de los Frances 'Osprey' type book with (8) color plates with several figures per plate, many b/w illust/maps, covers the battles/campaigns. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-pb in SPANISH ......$26.00

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1-66665 Chiclana 1811 - The Defense of Cadiz The Battle of Chiclana, also called the Battle of Barrosa, fought on March 5 of 1811 near Cadiz , was a battle of the Spanish War of Independence . An Anglo-Portuguese division defeated two French divisions, but this had minimal effect on the overall strategy of the war.

The reduction in the number of troops besieging the city gave the Anglo-Spanish garrison an opportunity to lift the siege and to this end a large allied force sailed from Cadiz to Tarifa and then north to attack the French lines by the rear, but the French, under the command of Marshal Victor , learned the moves of the allies and prepared a trap.

A French division blocked the road to Cadiz, while the other two divisions of Victor fell against the British division under the command of Sir Thomas Graham . After a bloody battle on two fronts, the British division defeated the French forces attackers. However, the lack of support from the Spanish contingent prevented an absolute victory, and the French were able to regroup and resume their positions in the siege, the Allies achieved their goal, and even Victor's considered a French victory since the siege C?diz by them could continue until August 24th of 1812. Color plates.
1 vol, 80 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-dj, Spanish text ......$24.00

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1-84710 AUSTERLITZ 1805: Battle of the Three Emperors A4, part of the Andrea Press 'Re-enactment Series,' offers 65 color pages with photos, illustrations, and maps. 1 vol, 64 pgs 2006 SPAIN, ANDREA PRESS
NEW-softcover, Special Pricing 35% discount - limited quantity ......$33.00 with a discount of 35% spc

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1-932021 LA REVUE NAPOLEON #21:January-March 1805 multiple articles, many illust 1 vol, 92 pgs 2005 FRANCE, LA REVUE NAPOLEON
NEW-softcover, Inventory reduction, limited qty[French text] ......$5.00

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1-999294 294 BRITISH TROOPS IN THE WEST INDIES 1792-1815 Osprey Men-At-Arms series, 8 color plates, text. 1 vol, 48 pgs 1996 LONDON, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$19.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-PWAR092 PAPER WARS: Issue 92: Pitt's War Pitt's War simulates the epic struggle between United Kingdom and France from the beginning of the French Revolution to the end of the French Empire at Waterloo (1792-1815) on a map with zones covering Europe and the Levant. Each turn is worth a year with a fair and a bad weather impulse. Combat units are multi step historical armies with elite corps and main generals. Includes 130 event markers to simulate easily the essence of that period.

One player controls the French forces and the other one controls United Kingdom and her allies to gain predominance over Europe. Because of the low density of counters and low complexity rules, players are able to end a full game in less than 10 hours for the full campaign. The game also provides two scenarios to cover the Republic period and the French Empire.

Product Information:

* Complexity: Low
* Solitaire suitability: Medium
* Time scale: 1 year per turn
* Map scale: One province per area
* Unit scale: Armies and corps
* 1 Map
* 228 counters 1 vol, 64 pgs 2019 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-softcover with game ......$47.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-212680 Abel, Jonathan GUIBERT: Father of Napoleon's Grande Armee If there was one man, other than Napoleon himself, who determined the course of the Napoleonic Wars, it was Jacques-Antoine-Hippolyte, comte de Guibert, the foremost military theorist in France from 1770 to his death in 1790. Taking in the full scope of the times, from the ideas of the Enlightenment to the passions of the French Revolution, Jonathan Abel's Guibert is the first book in English to tell the remarkable story of the man who, through his pen and political activity, truly earned the title of Father of the Grande Armee.

In his Essai General de Tactique, published in 1771, Guibert set forth the definitive institutional doctrine for the French army of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. But unlike many other martial theorists, Guibert, who served in the French Ministry of War from 1775 to 1777 and again from 1787 to 1789, was able to put his ideas into practice.

Drawing on a wealth of primary source documents-including Guibert's own papers and the letters and memoirs of his friends and associates-Jonathan Abel re-creates the temper of an era of great turbulence and remarkable creativity. More than a military theorist, Guibert was very much a man of his day; he attended salons, wrote poetry and plays, and was inducted into the Academie Francaise. A fiery figure, he rose and fell from power, lived and loved fiercely, and died swearing that he would 'find justice.'

In Abel's account, Guibert does at last receive a measure of justice: a thorough, painstakingly documented picture of this complex man in the thick of extraordinary times, building the foundation for Napoleon's success between 1796 and 1807-and in significant ways, changing the course of European history. 1 vol, 296 pgs 2016 US, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA PRESS
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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1-211910 Adye, R and Eliot, W. with New Introduction by Dr. Stephen Summerfield THE BOMBARDIER AND POCKET GUNNER 2016 reissue. Quality hardback facsimile of the most important 400-page, 7th edition 1813 (and virtually impossible to find in the original) with a new 40-page introduction. The finest and rarest edition of the principal artillery manual of the Napoleonic Wars. 1 vol, 440 pgs 2016 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardcover ......$50.00

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1-236880 Al-Jabarti NAPOLEON IN EGYPT: Al-Jabarti's Chronicle of the French Occupation of 1798 Expanded edition celebrates the 250th anniversary of Al-Jabarti's birth with an Arab view of Napoleon's conquest of Egypt in 1798. Combines historical narration and reflection with daily observations about the atmosphere in Cairo and the mood among the local population. Illustrated.

The French view of these events is described by Napoleon's secretary, but Columbia and Princeton University experts provide an introduction to the period and a stinging critique of French preoccupation with Egypt and the resulting cultural 'Orientalism.' An additional chapter examines the Arabic interpretation of Al-Jabarti's writings. 1 vol, 210 pgs 2011 US, MARKUS WIENER
NEW-pb, oldie but goodie ......$25.00 inc

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1-66656 Alcala, Cesar LOS SITIOS DE GERONA 1808-1809 Covers the three battles for Gerona, including the Siege that lasted seven months and saw 15,000 French casualties. Color plates and b/w illust. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-pb in SPANISH ......$24.00

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1-35350 Alison ALISON'S ATLAS, 1792-1815 108 color maps and battle plans. 1 vol, 124 pgs 2006 US, THE HISTORICAL ARCHIV
NEW-CD ......$49.00

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1-197450 Anderson, Peter BLUNDERS ON THE DANUBE This book contains 23 scenarios for use with Brent Oman's Horse and Musket era rules, Field of Battle, by Piquet with color maps

1) Sacile: April 16. Prince Eugene's first battle, where he was defeated by Archduke John.
2) Raszyn: April 19 Poniatowski's Polish troops, with Saxon allies, try to delay Archduke Ferdinand's advance on Warsaw.
3) Teugen Hausen: April 19 Davout's 3rd Corps advancing from Ratisbon must defeat Hohenzollern's Austrian III Corps to reunite with the main army and avoid destruction by Archduke Charles
4) Abensberg: April 20. The Emperor Napoleon arrives in Bavaria, and the momentum shifts decisively to the French and their allies!
5) Eggmuhl: April 22 Napoleon attempts to trap the retreating Austrians against the Danube. The Austrian rearguard must delay the French , and then make good their own escape.
6) Neumarkt; April 24 Austrian general Hiller turns at bay and chastises the pursuing French and Bavarians under Marshal Bessieres.
7) Grochow: April 25 Prince Poniatowski leads his Poles on a raid across the Vistula upon the Advanced Guard Division of Austrian General von Mohr.
8) Ebelsberg: May 3 Massena's troops attempts to destroy the Austrians of Hiller's command before they can retreat across the River Traun.
9) Battle on the Piave: May 8 Prince Eugene surprises Archduke John by making a bold crossing of the rapidly rising River Piave.
10) Tarvis: May 17 Prince Eugene and the Army of Italy come across the weak Austrian VII corps under Albert Gyulai. Despite their strong position, the Austrians are swept from the field.
11) Aspern-Essling Day 1: May 21 Overconfidence and reliance upon a rickety bridge leave the French fighting for their lives along the Danbube.
12) Aspern-Essling Day 2: May 22 Unable to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, Napoleon is ultimately forced to retreat back across the Danube.
13) Gospic: May 21-22 Marshal Marmont attempts to chase the Austrians out of Croatia.
14) St. Michael: May 25 Johann Jellacic's Division is under orders to withdraw from Styria, but Eugene catches up with him and goes immediately to the attack!
15) 2nd Battle of Bergisel: May 29 Tyrolean Rebels, including Andreas Hoffer, harass Deroy's Bavarian Division near Innsbruck.
16) Klagenfurt: June 6 Chasteler's command must withdraw from the Tyrol. They and their baggage must pass by the walled town of Klagenfurt. French GD Rusca isn't planning to make it easy for them!
17) Raab: June 14 Prince Eugene faces Archduke John for the third time. With his army filled with large numbers of the untested Hungarian Insurrectio, John holds a strong defensive position.
18) Graz: June 26 'Une contra Dix'; Ignaz Gyulai attempts to destroy the isolated 84e Ligne; the result is one of the most celebrated feats of arms by the French Infantry.
19) Wagram: July 6 Napoleon and the Archduke Charles square off in what is the largest battle in the history of Europe to that point.
20)Wagram: Davout's Attack The action on the French Right Flank.
21) Wagram: Rumble on the Russbach The central portion of the battle along the Russbach stream.
22) Wagram: Crisis on the French Left Massena and Bernadotte attempt to stem the initial Austrian attack... without using up too many of the French reserves!
23) Znaim: July 11 The French catch up with the retreating Austrians, and battle is joined while peace negotiations proceed apace even as brave men on both sides fight and die.
1 vol, 122 pgs 2012 US, PIQUET
NEW-softcover ......$40.00

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1-51990 anon MEMOIRS OF A SERGEANT LATE IN THE 43RD LIGHT INF Account of an anonymous Irishman who saw servicein Copenhagen, Corunna, Talavera & the Peninsulauntil 1813. 1 vol, 278 pgs 1998 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardcover, reprint 1835 ed, op ......$56.00

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1-52430 anon RULES & REGULATIONS FOR HIS MAJESTY'S FORCES Complete for the Formations, Field-Exercise andMovements of the British Army, was given to everyofficer and covers Recruits, Companys, Battilions,the Line & General Orders, (15) fold out exercises 1 vol, 400 pgs 1813 WHITEHALL, T. EGERTON
GOOD-hardcover ......$360.00

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2-57610 anon MILITARY UNIFORMS ONE:Imperial Guard of Bonaparte Folio size, (16) color prints, part of the 'ArielPress' series, accompanying text. 1 vol, 40 pgs 1968 LONDON, THE ARIEL PRESS
V.GOOD-softcover with dj, o/p ......$60.00

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1-25310 Anton, James RETROSPECT OF A MILITARY LIFE:42nd Royal Highland First-hand account of the author's entry into the 42nd, covers the late Peninsula & Waterloo, index. 1 vol, 395 pgs 1991 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-dj Facsimile of 1841 Edition ......$48.00

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1-970008 Arcq, Alain illust by Florent Vincent LIGNY 1815 FORGOTTEN BATTLES series:Not so forgotten, niceart work, photos of artifacts, 60 b/w & colorillust & maps etc. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2006 FRANCE, HISTORIC ONE EDITIONS
NEW-softcover, [French text] ......$28.00

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1-970011 Arcq, Alain; illust by Florent Vincent WAVRE and NAMUR - 18-21 June 1815 FORGOTTEN BATTLES series: On the evening of the battle of Ligny, Napoleon marched to Waterloo. Winner of the Prussians, the Emperor joined Marshal Ney, who was unable to beat the British allies, Belgian and Dutch at the Battle of Quatre Bras. The Emperor left the Grouchy chase what he believes to be a Prussian army routed. While the cannon thundered in Waterloo, the Army Corps of Grouchy engage the Prussians at the Battle of Wavre. Grouchy did err in not walking to the sound of cannon to Waterloo? Did he simply followed the order of the Emperor?

The volume of real Napoleonic battle totally ignored attempts to restore the truth about this episode. After the Battle of Wavre, this book presents for the first time in full fighting Namur copy and retirement of the French army to France, organized with zeal by Grouchy. This volume concludes the trilogy of battles before the final battle of Waterloo. 60 b/w & color illust & maps etc. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2012 FRANCE, HISTORIC ONE EDITIONS
NEW-softcover, [French text] ......$28.00

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1-207790 Arnold, James NAPOLEON 1813: Decision at Bautzen Napoleon 1813, with 35 maps, 70+ illust and appendices, describes and explains Napoleon's efforts to recover from the catastrophe of 1812. It dismisses many conventional myths regarding the spring campaign of 1813.

Was Ney to blame for the campaign's failure? What role did Napoleon's lack of cavalry play? Did one of history's 'Great Captains' have a realistic chance to preserve his reign? On the allied side, the role of Prussia is described, including the critical contribution of the much-scorned Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III.

Blucher and the Prussian General Staff emerge with relentless determination to fight the French. Their distrust of the Russians and their own blunders threaten to unravel the Russo-Prussian alliance.

At the heart of the allied effort is Tsar Alexander. His messianic vision to bring down the French emperor works at odds with his decision to usurp command of the allied armies from the military professionals. Throughout the story of the tumultuous spring days, Napoleon 1813 gives voice to the soldiers who participated in a campaign that proved Napoleon's last, best chance to preserve his dynasty. 1 vol, 464 pgs 2015 US, JAMES ARNOLD
NEW-dj ......$60.00

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2-225900 Arnold, James OCTOBER TRIUMPH: Napoleon's Invasion of Germany, 1806 Offers a fresh interpretation of one of Napoleon's foundational victories. Relies on primary sources to give voice to the French, Saxon, and Prussian participants. Alongside Crisis in the Snows and Napoleon's Triumph, it completes the 1806-1807 campaign trilogy. Well illustrated with recent battlefield photographs, 35 maps, paintings, and drawings. 1 vol, 392 pgs 2024 US, JAMES ARNOLD
NEW-pb edition, available early March 2024 ......$39.00 rct

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1-228560 Arnold, James THE 1809 CAMPAIGN OMNIBUS: Crisis on the Danube and Napoleon Conquers Austria For the first time together in one volume, Arnold's two books devoted to Napoleon's 1809 campaign Crisis on the Danube and Napoleon Conquers Austria. 1 vol, 576 pgs 2021 UK, JAMES ARNOLD
NEW-pb ......$36.00 rct

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1-87690 Arnold, James aand Reinersten, Ralph CRISIS IN THE SNOWS: The Eylau Campaign 1806-1807 Back in print. Detailed with 37 maps, 50+ illustrations, and eight appendices. Using primary sources, the authors reveal the hell of a winter campaign that counters much of the classic opinion on the French and Russians. Includes bibliography and index. 1 vol, 470 pgs 2015 US, JAMES ARNOLD
NEW-dj ......$60.00

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1-190670 Arnold, James and Reinertsen, Ralph BATTLES FOR EMPIRE: Napoleonic Scenarios 1807-09 Thirteen scenarios with 14 color maps, and 31 color and b/w illustrations.

* Mohrungen: Jan 25, 1807
* Bagration's Rear Guard: Feb 7, 1807
* Davout at Eylau: Feb 8, 1807
* Braunsberg: Feb 26, 1807
* Allied Invasion of Germany: Late April 1807
* Relief of Danzig: May 15, 1807
* Teugen Hausen: Apr 19, 1809
* Eckmuhl: Apr 22, 1809
* Train Raid: May 1809
* Lannes' Last Charge: May 22, 1809
* Raab: Jun 19, 1809
* Cadzand: Aug 2, 1809 1 vol, 80 pgs 2018 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wirebound softcover ......$38.00

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1-58670 Arnold, James R. MARENGO AND HOHENLINDEN: Napoleon's Rise to Power The great victories that propelled Napoleon to power and a concise analysis of the creation of the army that Bonaparte led to victory. Includes 20+ b/w maps, OOBs, losses, bibliography, and index. 1 vol, 304 pgs 1999 US, JAMES ARNOLD
NEW-dj, o/p ......$55.00

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2-58670 Arnold, James R. MARENGO AND HOHENLINDEN:Napoleon's Rise to Power The great victories that propelled Napoleon to power, a concise analysis of the creation of the army that Bonaparte led to victory, 20+ b/w maps, o/b's, losses, biblio, index. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2006 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-197200 Arnold, James R. and Reinertsen, Ralph R. NAPOLEON'S TRIUMPH: La Grande Armee Versus the Tsar's Army -- The Friedland Campaign 1807 Detailed orders of battle, images, and 39 maps for the Battle of Friedland. Examines the winter battles that blunted the Russian offensive and then turns to the complex, dramatic Siege of Danzig. Renewed campaigning in the spring witnessed yet another surprise Russian offensive.

But for the leadership of Marshal Michel Ney, Bennigsen would have removed a major French piece from the strategic chessboard. Instead came Napoleon's counteroffensive leading to the Battle of Heilsberg, Napoleon's least-understood major battle. The decisive triumph at Friedland occurred four days later.

Lavishly illustrated with portraits, drawings, paintings, and maps, and supplemented with detailed appendices on the strengths and composition of the rival forces, Napoleon's Triumph provides an original interpretation of the 1807 campaign. 1 vol, 440 pgs 2025 US, JAMES ARNOLD
NEW-pb edition ......$42.00 rct

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1-20990 Atteridge, A.H. MARSHAL NEY, THE BRAVEST OF THE BRAVE Maps, illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 379 pgs 2001 UK, NAVAL & MILITARY PRES
NEW-pb ......$39.00

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1-35760 Austin, Paul Britten 1812: NAPOLEON IN MOSCOW This is the second of three volumes, in which Mr. Britten-Austin paints a riveting picture of Napoleon's Russian Campaign in 1812. The concentration is on that part of the campaign aimed at Moscow, and the activities of other forces, detached to address different targets, are only covered in so far as they impact on the march on, stay-in and retreat from Moscow.

A huge number of personal recollections have been carefully sifted and appropriate extracts selected, and then merged into a continuous narrative, linked almost seamlessly together by Mr.Britten-Austin himself. The result is a masterpiece. The feeling of immediacy is very pronounced and indeed at times the events, harrowing in themselves, are so graphically described by the participants that the reader has to pause, all but overcome by the horror and pathos of the narrative.

This volume is dominated by the conflagration that engulfed most of Moscow immediately after the French arrival, by Napoleon's dithering as he waits for Russian responses that never come to his peace overtures, by Murat's starving forces confronting increasing Russian resistance and by the fatal decision to lurch southwards from Moscow with forces that have already been depleted by hunger and disease, and demoralised by looting and growing breakdowns in discipline. The volume ends with the Emperor's realisation, far too late, that a victory in the field, in the Ukraine or elsewhere, is impossible in 1812 and that retreat is unavoidable. This is grim story of wishful thinking, lack of realism and of a slide towards disaster. Few of the major players come well out of it, other than Prince Eugene Beauharnais, Napoleon's stepson, who in this and the subsequent volume, emerges as an admirable and capable commander in very difficult circumstances. As with the other volumes the footnotes (at the back of the book) are a joy, often packed with detailed information that sheds significant illumination on the main text.
1 vol, 208 pgs 1995 LONDON, GREENHILL PRESS
AS NEW-dj, (3) copies available ......$8.00

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1-209520 Baker-Smith, Veronica WELLINGTON'S HIDDEN HEROES: The Dutch and the Belgians at Waterloo The Duke of Wellington described the Battle of Waterloo as 'the most desperate business I ever was in . . . I was never so near being beat.' The courage of British troops that day has been rightly praised ever since, but the fact that one-third of the forces which gave him his narrow victory were subjects, not of George III, but of the King of the Netherlands has been almost completely ignored. This book seeks to correct a grave injustice through the study of Dutch sources, the majority of which have never been used by English-speaking historians.

The Dutch-Belgians have been variously described as inexperienced, incompetent and cowardly, a rogue element in the otherwise disciplined Allied Army. It is only now being tentatively acknowledged that they alone saved Wellington from disaster at Quatre Bras. He had committed a strategic error in that, as Napoleon advanced, his own troops were scattered over a hundred kilometers of southern Belgium.

Outnumbered three to one, the Netherlanders gave him time to concentrate his forces and save Brussels from French occupation. At Waterloo itself, on at least three occasions when the fate of the battle 'hung upon the cusp,' their engagement with the enemy aided British recovery. Their commander - the Prince of Orange - has been viciously described as an arrogant fool, a disaster waiting to happen, and even a dangerous lunatic. According to the assessment of Wellington himself, he was a reliable and courageous subordinate.

This book reveals a full assessment of the challenge Willem I faced as king of a country hastily cobbled together by the Congress of Vienna, and of his achievement in assembling, equipping and training 30,000 men from scratch in 18 months. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2015 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available mid October 2015 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-202200 Bamford, Andrew A BOLD AND AMBITIOUS ENTERPRISE: The British Army in the Low Countries, 1813-1814 The British campaign in the Low Countries in 1813-14 supported the Dutch revolt against the French and is key to understanding the Waterloo campaign in 1815.

The book deals with all aspects of the campaign, from grand strategy, with the proposed marriage alliance between the House of Orange and the House of Hanover, to tactical analysis of the battles and sieges that took place, including the disastrous attack on Bergen-op-Zoom, where heroic British soldiers paid with their lives for their commanders' failures. The problems of co-operation between the British and Prussians described here foreshadowed those, which would affect Wellington in 1815.

Illustrated with contemporary portraits, plans of the fortifications of Bergen and eight maps. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2012
NEW-dj ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-202360 Bamford, Andrew SICKNESS, SUFFERING, AND THE SWORD: The British Regiment on Campaign -- 1805-1815 Although an army's success is often measured in battle outcomes, its victories depend on strengths that may be less obvious on the field. This work assesses the effectiveness of the British Army in sustained campaigning during the Napoleonic Wars and a fresh and controversial look at Britain's military system -- showing that success or failure on campaign rested on the day-to-day experiences of regimental units rather than the army as a whole.

Bamford draws his title from the words of Captain Moyle Sherer, who during the winter of 1816-1817 wrote an account of his service during the Peninsular War: 'My regiment has never been very roughly handled in the field. . . . But, alas! What between sickness, suffering, and the sword, few, very few, of those men are now in existence.' Bamford argues that those daily scourges of such often-ignored factors as non-combat deaths and equine strength and losses determined outcomes on the battlefield.

In the 19th century, the British Army was a collection of regiments rather than a single unified body, and the regimental system bore the responsibility of supplying manpower on that field. Between 1808 and 1815, when Britain was fighting a global conflict far greater than its military capabilities, the system nearly collapsed. Only a few advantages narrowly outweighed the army's increasing inability to meet manpower requirements. This book examines those critical dynamics in Britain's major early 19th-century campaigns: the Peninsular War (1808-1814), the Walcheren Expedition (1809), the American War (1812-1815), and the growing commitments in northern Europe from 1813 on.

Drawn from primary documents, Bamford's statistical analysis compares the vast disparities between regiments and different theaters of war and complements recent studies of health and sickness in the British Army. 1 vol, 328 pgs 2013 US, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA PRESS
NEW-dj, available early July 2013 ......$40.00

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1-225450 Bamford, Andrew editor GLORY IS FLEETING: New Scholarship on the Napoleonic Wars Napoleon is supposed to have said, 'glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever', but this collection of essays both revisits some of the most glorious episodes of the Napoleonic Wars and rescues from obscurity some fascinating but overlooked episodes

The chapters cover topics ranging across the European conflict from 1805 to 1814. There is material here on the armies of France, Russia, Prussia, and Austria as well as some of the smaller German states and the single British unit to play a part in the Battle of Leipzig.

It is anticipated that this will be the first of several collaborative volumes, with potential future titles highlighting new scholarship on the Peninsular War, the Hundred Days, and the French Revolutionary War. 1 vol, 264 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$38.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-63580 Barres, Houssaye & others, illust by JOB LA VIEILLE GARDE IMPERIALE 8x11.5, (19) color illustrations and many other 'sepia' tone illust by JOB, chapters on all the various type units that made up the French Imperial Guard. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2000 PARIS, LCV SERVICES
NEW-hardcover, French text ......$60.00

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1-229770 Barry, Quintin FAR DISTANT SHIPS: The Blockade of Brest, 1793-1815 Throughout the long drawn-out war at sea during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, it was a cardinal principle of British naval strategy to blockade the port of Brest, the largest and most important of the French naval bases that threatened the security of the British Isles.

Traces the development of British naval strategy, as well as describing the crucial encounters between the rival fleets and the single ship actions. Includes 21 black and white illustrations and seven maps.

There were many aspects to the blockade of Brest, but always at its centre was the need to frustrate French attempts at the invasion of Britain or Ireland. Most famous of these, of course, was Napoleon's intricate combination that led to the campaign of Trafalgar, in the course of which his invasion plans disintegrated. But there were many other offensive moves which it was the blockading fleet's duty to prevent. Inevitably, there were great sea battles when the French ventured out, though fewer than might have been expected.
1 vol, 356 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early March 2022 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-31210 Beamish, Ludlow HISTORY OF THE KING'S GERMAN LEGION Scarce, detailed account of the KGL at Waterloo & in the Peninsula from the accounts of the Officers who served, the author collected the information in the 1820's, color plates. 1 vol, 1058 pgs 2005 UK, NAVAL & MILITARY PRES
NEW-pb, facsimile of 1832 Ed ......$100.00

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1-42110 Beatson, Major-General F.C. WELLINGTON:The Bidassoa & Nivelle Wellington's final campaign in the Peninsula, with eyewitness accounts, original Allied & French OOBs, illustrations, and index. 1 vol, 224 pgs 1995 UK, TOM DONOVAN PUBLISH'G
NEW-dj, reprint of 1931 ed, O/P ......$20.00

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2-42110 Beatson, Major-General F.C. WELLINGTON:The Bidassoa & Nivelle Wellington's final campaign in the Peninsula, the author provides eyewitness accounts along with the original Allied & French o/b's, illust, index. 1 vol, 224 pgs 1995 UK, TOM DONOVAN PUBLISH'G
AS NEW-dj, o/p ......$40.00

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1-218800 Becke, Archibald WINNING THE PENINSULAR WAR: THE MANUSCRIPT NOTEBOOK AND MAPS OF MAJOR ARCHIBALD F. BECKE - From Salmanca to Toulouse Historian Archibald F. Becke created a beautiful notebook in 1907. Several such notebooks, meticulously compiled, have come into our hands over the years (and sold on) but this one was retained as it was particularly handsome. Becke's notes deal largely with the strategy of the period involved, fascinatingly from the point-of-view of an early 19th Century historian who particularly understood horse transported warfare, only a 100 years away from the time he wrote. But the real gems are his exquisitely drawn color maps which are faithfully reproduced as well as a few other maps either from another source or which were included in the notebook. Includes 34 color maps. 1 vol, 114 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback ......$56.00

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1-223200 Becke, Archibald and Summerfield, Stepehen THE BATTLE OF FRIEDLAND 1807: THE DAWN OF MODERN FIELD ARTILLERY TACTICS With this volume we continue our series based on the exquisite notebooks produced by the famous military historian Archibald F.Becke. His survey of the battle of Friedland points out the significance of Senarmont's decisive use of field artillery, which is the area that Stephen Summerfield elaborates upon. The result is the finest study of a battle that changed field tactics.

10 color maps, 19 orders of battle, 36 plans, 24 color paintings, 11 colour plates and 47 tables. 1 vol, 142 pgs 2020 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback ......$60.00 rct

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1-216510 Becke, Archibald and SummerField, Stephen WATERLOO LOGISTICS: Collected Papers and Maps of Major Archibald F Becke This is the book that tells you all of the chaotic stuff that happens when armies are set in campaign against each other. Even genius commanders founder under the problems of weather, terrain, communication, supply, and other challenges.

The book arose from several fascinating articles written by Becke as well as important chapters in his monumental history of Waterloo. To the text have been added a huge amount of maps, tables, and OOBs. The result, in neat concise chapters, is a clarification of why things happened the way they did. It is the perfect companion to all other reading. Includes 60 maps, 54 tables, and 41 orders of battle. 1 vol, 312 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardcover ......$45.00

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1-81760 Bernard, Giles & Lachaux, Gerard WATERLOO RELICS Oversized at 9x12 inches, it includes 75 b/w and 260+ color illust/drawings/photos of artifacts/weapons/uniforms/equipment. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2006 FRANCE, HISTOIRE & COLL'S
NEW-hardcover, special price ......$45.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-914032G Bey, Frederic VAE VICTUS BOARD GAME #32: Wattignies 1793 At the end of summer 1793, the French thwarted the English Army's attempted siege of Dunkerque by their victory at Hondschoote on their Hanoverian allies. This setback did not disrupt the plans of Austria's Prince of Coburg. With the Austrian Army, he lay siege to Maubeuge, one of the last citadels protecting the border from northern France. It could not hold out long.

Jean-Baptiste Jourdan, the new commander of the Army of the North, spurred on by Lazare Carnot, prominent war minister for the Committee of Public Safety, quickly assembled 45,000 troops to clear the area. On October 15, 1793, the French launched disjointed attacks and were unsuccessful.

The next day, the French concentrated their attack on their right wing, toward the village of Wattignies, whose seizure would force the Austrians to retreat. Fog concealed their initial efforts and Carnot took the village. The Prince of Coburg feared for the survival of his army and prudently ordered their retreat as the French commanders had expected. The siege of Maubeuge was lifted and the Coalition was once again defeated by the troops of the young French Republic.

Units: Brigades, regiments or battalions
1 strength point equals 500-1000 infantry, or 300-600 cavalry
Map : 600 meters per hex
Turn : 90 minutes
Complexity : 6/9

Game Components:
One 59 x 41 cm map
216 die-cut counters and markers
One booklet of rules
Two player aid cards 1 vol, 24 pgs 2022 FRANCE, CERIGO EDITIONS
NEW-softcover ......$38.00 rct

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1-914036G Bey, Frederic VAE VICTUS BOARD WARGAME: Two Years of Glory Redesigned and significantly revised versions of four wargames covering battles that determined the outcome of the Prussian and Polish campaign from 1806 to 1807: Jena (14 October 1806), Auerstedt (14 October 1806), Eylau (8 February 1807), and Friedland (14 June 1807). Contains 11 scenarios: five historical, three hypothetical, and three adapted for competition.

Units: 1 strength point equals 400 infantry, 300 cavalry, 4 or 6 cannons
Scale: regiment or brigade
Complexity : 7 / 9

Game Components:
* 2 maps 59 x 41.6 cm and 1 map 83 x 59 cm
* 648 die-cut counters and markers
* 2 rulebooks (French/English)
* 2 booklets including ten scenarios (French/English)
* 2 deployment tables
* 1 player aid 1 vol, 24 pgs 2024 FRANCE, CERIGO EDITIONS
NEW-pb, available mid July 2024 ......$59.00 rct

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1-81480 Bey, Frederick AUSTERLITZ La Victoire exemplaire The Great Battles of the Empire series from the French publisher EDITIONS QUATUOR covers the entire campaign, in this case the 1805 campaign. The usual first-rate QUATUOR edition with hundreds of color plates, illustrations, and maps. 1 vol, 360 pgs 2005 PARIS, EDITIONS QUATUOR
NEW-slipcase, Limited edition in slip case [French text], out of print (2) copies available ......$400.00 with a discount of 35%

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1-70140 Blaufarb, Rafe FRENCH ARMY 1750-1820:Careers, Talent & Merit The first book to examine the transformation ofthe French military profession during the years1750-1820, notes, biblio, index. 1 vol, 225 pgs 2002 UK, UNIV OF MANCHESTER
NEW-dj ......$70.00

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1-35770 Blaze, Captain Elzear LIFE IN NAPOLEON'S ARMY:Memoirs of Capt Blaze Blaze served in campaigns after Eylau for the rest of the Napoleonic Wars, the Bourbon restoration & the 1830 revolution, b/w line drawings. 1 vol, 216 pgs 1995 LONDON, GREENHILL PRESS
NEW-dj ......$30.00

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1-GMT1513 Borg, Richard COMMAND & COLORS NAPOLEONICS: Expansion 5: Generals, Marshals, and Tacticians Generals Marshals Tacticians is the fifth expansion for GMT's Commands & Colors Napoleonics game system. Includes 18 historical battle scenarios that focus on the engagements of the French army of 1813 against the Russian, Austrian, and Prussian armies around Leipzig, plus others through 1815 Players will also find a few new units including, Russian Lt Lancer Cavalry and Militia Lancer Cavalry, British Rocket Battery, and French Guard Horse Artillery.

This expansion features a deck of 50 Napoleonic Tactician cards that enhance the role of leaders on the battlefield and add an element of suspense. In terms of game play, they represent leader actions and Napoleonic battlefield happenings or unit abilities. These cards may hinder the opposition army, enhance a player's units, or change the course of a battle. The number of Tactician cards each player will take at the start of a battle is indicated in the scenario notes. For earlier scenarios, players must refer to the Commander Tactician Rating Reference Card, which is a comprehensive listing of all Commands & Colors Napoleonic scenarios released to date with a commander's tactician rating for each army.


* Sahagan - 21 December 1808 (British vs French cavalry action)
* Sorauren (French left) - 28 July 1813 (British vs French)
* Sorauren (French right) - 28 July 1813 (British vs French)
* Gohrde - 18 September 1813 (Coalition Allies vs French)
* Wartenburg - 3 October 1813 (Prussian vs French)
* Dohna - 9 October 1813 (Russian vs French)
* Leipzig - Liebertwolkwitz (morning) - 14 October 1813 (Russian, Prussian vs French)
* Leipzig - Liebertwolkwitz (afternoon) - 14 October 1813 (Russian, Prussian, Austrian vs French)
* Leipzig - Mockern (French left) - 16 October 1813 (Prussian vs French)
* Leipzig - Mockern (French right) - 16 October 1813 (Russian vs French)
* Leipzig - Lindenau - 16 October 1813 (Austrian vs French & Allies)
* Leipzig - Gohlis - 17 October 1813 (Prussian vs French & Allies)
* Brienne - 29 January 1814 (Russian vs French)
* Chateau-Thierry - 12 February 1814 (Prussian vs French)
* Vauchamps - 14 February 1814 (Prussian, Russian vs French)
* Orthez (British Attack Left) - 27 February 1814 (British vs French)
* Orthez (British Attack Right) - 27 February 1814 (British vs French)
* Hougoumont - 18 June 1815 (British vs French) 1 vol, 1 pgs 2015 US, GMT GAMES LLC
NEW-box, available late August 2016 ......$55.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-204280 Boue, Gilles LEIPZIG 1813 Around Leipzig between 14-19 October 1813, 500,000 men would battle on what remains the greatest battlefield of the Napoleonic wars. Napoleon would fight to keep his grip on Germany and beyond his empire. The Russians, the crowned winners of the unthinkable victory of their 1812 winter campaign, the Prussians, and their vehemence against France, the Austrians, wanting to erase fifteen years of defeats, all unite against the last Grand Army.

Napoleon succeeded at the feat of rebuilding a credible army on the ruins of 1812; the young recruits would march to the canon surrounded by survivors of the Berezina or the remote sierras of Spain.

The spring campaign has cast doubt on the coalition, however, the battles lost by the allies did not define their defeat. From the depths of Russia, Prussia, and Central Europe, ran hundreds of thousands of troops in the plains of Saxony.

And it is here, on the several dozen square miles of battlefield that the fate of the First Empire will be played out. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2014 FRANCE, HISTOIRE AND COLLECTIONS
NEW-softcover ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-50840 Boutflower, Charles JOURNAL OF AN ARMY SURGEON DURING THE PENINSULA The author joined the 40th in 1801 & subsequentlyserved in the West Indies, So. Amercia & Spain, hesaw action from 1810-13 including Busaco, Badajoz& Salamanca, joined Hill's Brigade in 1812. 1 vol, 192 pgs 1997 LONDON, SPELLMOUNT BOOKS
NEW-dj, facsimile edition ......$30.00

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1-46930 Bowden, Scott NAPOLEON AND AUSTERLITZ Comprehensive account of the armies/battles of the Ulm-Austerlitz campaign in 1805, o/b's, detailed battle maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 560 pgs 1997 CHICAGO, EMPEROR'S PRESS
NEW-dj ......$50.00

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1-72330 Bowden, Scott NAPOLEON'S FINEST: Marshall Davout's 3rd Corps This is the first English translation of the 'Journal of Operations, 1805-1807' and includes 30+ color maps, OOBs, primary source, and commentary.

Napoleon's Grande Armee of 1805-1807 was one of history's greatest armies, and the 3rd Corps under the command of Marshal Louis Davout achieved feats of arms seldom if ever equaled in the annals of Napoleonic history. Davout's command reached its apogee of glory on 14 October 1806 at the celebrated Battle of Auerstadt. Outnumbered by more than two to one by the Prussians, Marshal Davout's superb 26,000-man corps defeated and put to flight the proud descendants of the army of Frederick the Great.

Marshal Davout's military papers, presented to the French Ministry for War in 1874 by his heirs, represent an invaluable primary source to the study of the first campaigns of Emperor Napoleon's new Grande Armee. These include the actual after-action reports filed by Davout's brigade, division, and other commanders and they detail the marches and combat these officers personally directed. They provide an amazing historical window on the campaigns in Germany and Poland.

The original book, titled Operations du 3e Corps, was published by Davout's nephew in 1896. It has never been available in the English language - until now. Our new book, the first translation of the original into English by award-winning author and historian Scott Bowden, features additional analysis, color maps, color orders of battle, officer biographies, and other material designed to supplement the original work and place it in context. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2003 US, MILITARY HISTORY PRESS
NEW-leather bound, special price limited quantity ......$165.00 with a discount of 40% spc

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1-90360 Bressonnet, Pascal translated/edited by S. Bowden NAPOLEON'S APOGEE: The Prussian Campaign 1806 Includes battle of Jena, Auerstadt, and Saalfeld. Offers the finest qualities of old world, 19th-century bookmaking resurface in the creation of this book. Full, leather binding with gilt stamping encases this oversize 14x10-inch volume. Marbled endpapers, silk ribbon page marker, and heavy, gilt edged archival pages. 2 vol, 424 pgs 2009 US, MILITARY HISTORY PRESS
NEW-leather bound ......$199.00 with a discount of 40% rct

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1-55480 Brett-James, Anthony editior WELLINGTON AT WAR 1794-1815 The editor has selected various letters/dispatchesto weave a vivid portrait of a cool/clear-thinkingman & commander, biblio, name index, general index 1 vol, 200 pgs 1961 LONDON, MACMILLAN & CO LT
GOOD-dj ......$36.00

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2-36700 Brett-James, Anthony editor, compiler & translator HUNDRED DAYS, THE-Napoleon's Last Campaign Napoleon's last campaign as told from eyewitness accounts. Index, biblio and sources. 1 vol, 242 pgs 1964 NY, ST. MARTIN'S PRESS
GOOD-dj is worn ......$18.00

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1-222740 Bronevskiy, Vladimir Bogdanovich NORTHERN TARS IN SOUTHERN WATERS: The Russian Fleet in the Mediterranean, 1806-1810 Translated for the first time into English, the memoirs of Vladimir Bronevskiy describe the actions and movements of Russian Admiral Dmitriy Senyavin's squadron and the infantry at his disposal in the Adriatic and Aegean Seas between the years of 1805 and 1810. The story moves from Kronstadt to Corfu, to the siege of Ragusa and battle at Mount Athos, to the chaotic reshuffling of alliances with the signing of the Treaty of Tilsit and the ill-fated dispersion of the fleet among the British, French, and Austrians. Unabridged, illustrated with all the original engravings, featuring newly translated maps and annotated throughout with notes and corrections. Includes 22 black & white illustrations and five maps.

Straddling the Wars of the Third and Fourth Coalitions and the Russo-Turkish War, Senyavin carefully maneuvered around multiple threats from all sides with limited resources and came through with minimal losses, though political circumstances ultimately robbed him of the laurels.

Told from the perspective of a midshipman aboard the frigate Venus, but augmented and expanded with archival data and interviews with his comrades and acquaintances, Bronevskiy illuminated an often-overlooked theater of war and sought to teach his readership about the myriad cultures and rich history of the region, transforming his personal journals into a comprehensive history of the campaign. His scope varies from personal interactions with civilians and tours of local landmarks to the diplomatic correspondence of general and admirals and the combat actions of whole squadrons and corps. 1 vol, 684 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid February 2020 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-236480 Brown, Steve FIT TO COMMAND: British Regimental Leadership in the Revolutionary & Napoleonic Wars Regimental and battalion commanders are perhaps the most-overlooked cohort of the British Army during the period of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. 19th-century histories tending to be written from the top down, such that the decisions of the commanding generals took primacy; the battalion commanders existed at the very bottom of that chain and so were infrequently seen.

In contrast, contemporary works have concentrated on a bottom-up view of history, placing the memoirs of the rank and file and junior officers as central to the action, and for these writers the battalion commanders generally existed at the rarely seen outer edge of their regimental experience.

This book seeks to bring the battalion commanders of the British army in the period 1793 to 1815 into sharp focus and enable to see their progression -- how the field officers of Wellington's victorious Peninsula army of 1814 were dramatically better equipped for their roles than their earlier counterparts in Flanders in 1793. Includes 25 b/w photos, 1 map, 3 diagrams, 29 tables, and two graphs.

We are left with a documentary vacuum at field officer levels. Yet within this vacuum, battalion commanders - lieutenant-colonels and majors - were undertaking a very difficult task for which the British Army frequently failed to equip them for, intellectually or physically. Not only did they have to administer an organization of maybe 1,000 men or more but were also responsible for directing small-unit tactics on the battlefield, as well as providing inspiring leadership to their men. Most commanders had to learn their craft on-the-job.

Singular examples of outstanding battalion leadership such as Colborne at Waterloo, Stirling at Alexandria, and Inglis at Albuera bring into focus the qualities required of good battalion commanders. Conversely, the impact of a bad commander could be disastrous, and at times lead to the near-destruction of the units - such as the 2/69th at Quatre Bras - or near-mutiny, as happened within the 85th Foot in 1813. 1 vol, 372 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late April 2023 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-239281 Brown, Steve KING GEORGE'S ARMY: British Regiments and the Men Who Led Them 1793-1815: Volume 1 - Administration and Cavalry King George's Army: British Regiments and the Men who Led Them 1793-1815 will contain five volumes, with coverage given to cavalry regiments (Volume 1), infantry regiments (Volumes 2-4), and Ordnance and other regiments (Volume 5).

Volume 1 covers in great detail the cavalry regiments that comprised the army of King George III for the period of the Great War with France, and the men who commanded them. Regimental data provided includes shortform regimental lineages, service locations and dispositions for the era, battle honors won, tables of authorized establishments, demographics of the field officer cohorts and of the men. But the book is essentially concerned with the field officers, the lieutenant colonels and majors who commanded the regiments, and Volume 1 alone contains over 1,000 mini-biographies of men who commanded the regiments, including their dates of birth and death, parentage, education, career (including political), awards and honors, and places of residence. Volumes 2 to 5 will extend the coverage to ultimately record over 4,500 biographies across more than 200 regiments.

These biographies show the regimental system in action, officers routinely transferring between regiments for advancement or opportunity, captains who were also (brevet) colonels, many who retired early, and some who stayed the distance to become major generals and beyond. Where it has been possible to accurately ascertain, advancement by purchase, exchange, or promotion has also been noted. 1 vol, 358 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid October 2023 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-239282 Brown, Steve KING GEORGE'S ARMY: British Regiments and the Men Who Led Them 1793-1815: Volume 2 - Foot Guards and 1st to 30th Regiments of Foot King George's Army: British Regiments and the Men who Led Them 1793-1815 will contain five volumes, with coverage given to cavalry regiments (Volume 1), infantry regiments (Volumes 2-4), and Ordnance and other regiments (Volume 5).

Volume 2 details the Foot Guards and 1st to 30th Regiments of Foot within the army of King George the Third for the period of the Great War with France, and the men who commanded them. Regimental data provided includes shortform regimental lineages, service locations and dispositions for the era, battle honors won, tables of authorized establishments, demographics of the field officer cohorts and of the men, and sources of recruits from the militia. The book is essentially concerned with the lieutenant colonels, majors, and other field officers who commanded the regiments. This volume alone contains over 1,000 mini-biographies, including dates of birth and death, parentage, education, career (including political), awards and honors, and places of residence.

These biographies will show the regimental system in action, officers routinely transferring between regiments for advancement or opportunity, captains who were also (brevet) colonels, many who retired early, some who stayed the distance to become major generals and beyond. Where it has been possible to accurately ascertain, advancement by purchase, exchange, or promotion has also been noted. 1 vol, 378 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early May 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-905140 Brown, Steve KING GEORGE'S ARMY, BRITISH REGIMENTS AND THE MEN WHO LED THEM 1793-1815: Volume 3 -- 31st to 60th Regiments of Foot Covers in great detail the 31st to 60th Regiments of Foot within the army of King George III for the period of the Great War with France, and the men who commanded them. Regimental data provided includes shortform regimental lineages, service locations and dispositions for the era, battle honors won, tables of authorized establishments, demographics of the field officer cohorts and the men, and even sources of recruits from the militia. The book is essentially concerned with the field officers, the lieutenant colonels, and majors who commanded the regiments. Contains over 900 mini-biographies of men who exercised such command, including their dates of birth and death, parentage, education, career (including political), awards and honors, and places of residence. Contains tables throughout. 1 vol, 342 pgs 2025 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid February 2025 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-210580 Brown, Steve and Burnham, Robert WELLINGTON'S REDJACKETS: The 45th (Nottinghamshire) Regiment on Campaign in South America and the Peninsula, 1805-14 The assault was failing. Wellington's men had stormed the walls of the great frontier fortress of Badajoz only to be beaten back with terrible losses. Then on the keep of the old castle the French flag was torn down and a British officer's red jacket was hauled up the flagpole. It was the signal - the British were inside Badajoz!

This was one of the most famous incidents during the Peninsular War and marked not only the turning point in the capture of Badajoz but of the entire conflict. The jacket belonged to Lieutenant James MacPherson of the 45th (Nottinghamshire) Regiment. The 45th had landed with Wellington at Mondego Bay in 1808 and fought with him throughout the entire Peninsular War gaining more battle honors than any other line regiment.

Wellington's Redjackets, The 45th (Nottinghamshire) Regiment on Campaign in South America and the Peninsular War is one of the most detailed unit histories ever published of a regiment during the Napoleonic era. As the first, and only, study of this regiment, Wellington's Redjackets will undoubtedly be an essential purchase for those interested in Napoleonic warfare. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2016 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available early February 2016 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-89140 Bruce, Robert and Dickie, Ian and Kiley, Kevin etc FIGHTING TECHNIQUES OF THE NAPOLEONIC AGE 1792-1815 A well-produced beginners guide covering the role of Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, Naval, and Command and Control. B/w and color illust, drawings, maps and diagrams. Biblio, index. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2008 US, THOMAS DUNNE BOOKS
NEW-dj SPECIAL OFFER ......$30.00 with a discount of 50%

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1-85760 Buckham, E. PERSONAL NARRATIVE OF ADVENTURES IN THE PENISULA A unique memoir by an officer serving on theStaff Corps Cavalry. 1 vol, 340 pgs 1995 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-harcover, facsmile 1827 edition ......$25.00

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1-222250 Bunde, Peter and Gaertner, Markus THE WESTPHALIAN ARMY IN THE NAPOLEONIC WARS: 1807-1813 The Westphalian Army was organized completely on the French model. Describes the army's structure and its employment, including its operations in Spain, Germany, and Russia. Yet the focus of the book is on providing a comprehensive depiction of the colorful uniforms of the individual units, as well as their military actions. Along with that, it addresses in detail the branches that are usually overlooked, like administration, medical service, national guard, gendarmerie, etc. Includes order of battle, generals' biographies and other information drawn from myriad sources.

Includes 270 color illustrations of museum pieces (uniforms, equipment, etc.), 7 maps, and over 125 color plates by Peter Bunde. 1 vol, 528 pgs 2019 GERMANY, BERLIN ZINNFIGUREN
NEW-dj ......$138.00 rct

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1-197320 Burnham, Robert CHARGING AGAINST WELLINGTON: The French Cavalry in the Peninsular War, 1807-1814 Eight pages of color plates, biblio, index.

The book is divided into three sections. The first contains biographies of 80 generals who led the French cavalry, focusing on the time they served in the Peninsula and its impact on their careers. Two went on to become Marshals of France and many were promoted and given greater responsibilities. For others, their careers were damaged while serving in Spain or Portugal - nine were relieved from their commands. Nearly half of the generals were killed, wounded, captured, or died from their wounds in Spain: a high price for glory.

The second section looks at the ever-changing organization of the cavalry, where the various regiments and brigades were located and who commanded them. This is not as easy a task as it may appear, because a considerable amount of the cavalry was provisional regiments, consisting of squadrons drawn from other regiments. By April 1814, the Peninsula cavalry was down to 4,000 men - a shadow of the force that invaded six years before. Charging Against Wellington chronicles all the changes, showing which units left, when they left, and how their departure impacted the army.

The third section looks at the service record of the 70+ French cavalry regiments that fought in Spain and Portugal. There is a table for each regiment that tracks the regiment's colonels, composition, organization, strength, and casualties while in the Peninsula, and when its various squadrons arrived and departed. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2011 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-197330 Burnham, Robert and Ron McGuigan THE BRITISH ARMY AGAINST NAPOLEON: Facts, Lists and Trivia 1805-1815 Sixteen pages of color plates, biblio, index

Despite the bewildering number of tomes devoted to the Napoleonic wars, much basic data as been hitherto unavailable to anyone other than the most ardent scholars. McGuigan and Burnham have collected a tremendous treasure trove of information in a readily accessible form. Other books may tell you how many regiments were sent on the expedition to Hanover in 1805, but The British Army against Napoleon will tell you where every single regiment in the British army was stationed, who were their honorary colonels, and give you a list of all the barracks in Britain with the number of men they were designed to hold.

Where else will you find not just the pay of different ranked officers but the amount of income tax they paid, as well as all the other deductions and stoppages that reduced their actual receipts to a fraction of their nominal (and generally quite low) pay? Or pension charts for widows? There are tables that list all the recipients of the honors and awards issued, casualties in action and disease, and seniority of officers of the numerous expeditions and campaigns (a matter not just of curiosity but of major significance, for the date of rank of an officer determined who commanded the force and all of its sub-units). 1 vol, 336 pgs 2011 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available early January 2012 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-196080 Buttery, David WELLINGTON AGAINST JUNOT: The First Invasion of Portugal 1807-1808 The first French invasion of Portugal in 1807 -- which was commanded by Junot, one of Napoleon's most experienced generals -- was a key event in the long, brutal Peninsular War. It was the first campaign fought in the Peninsular by Sir Arthur Wellesley, later Duke of Wellington, yet it tends to be overshadowed by more famous episodes in the six-year conflict that followed.

David Buttery, in this original and perceptive new study, sets the record straight -- his tightly focused narrative covers the entire campaign in vivid detail. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2011 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj, available next week ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-212030 Buttery, David WELLINGTON AGAINST SOULT: The Second Invasion of Portugal 1809 At the heart of David Buttery's third book on the Peninsular War lies the comparison between two great commanders of enormous experience and reputation - Arthur Wellesley, later Duke of Wellington, and Jean de Dieu Soult.

In Soult, Wellesley met one of his most formidable opponents and they confronted each other during one of the most remarkable, and neglected, of the Peninsular campaigns. Soult's invasion of Portugal is rarely studied in great depth and, likewise, the offensive Wellesley launched, which defeated and expelled the French, has also received scant coverage.

As well as giving a fresh insight into the contrasting characters of the two generals, the narrative offers a gripping and detailed, reconstruction of the organization and experience of a military campaign 200 years ago. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2016 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-192350 Caldwell, George THOMAS PLUNKETT OF THE 95TH RIFLES: HERO, VILLAIN, FACT OR FICTION? This book, being a combination of new research by George Caldwell and together with the Captain Miller memoir reset from issues of the Royal United Services Journal, investigates the facts surrounding a piece of famous regimental lore that covers the unique ability of an early Rifleman, Thomas Plunkett. Discussion groups and individuals have put all kinds of fanciful theories together as to the prowess and accuracy of an incident on the retreat to Corunna in 1809, involving the shooting of the French Light Cavalry General, Colbert.

This book examines the facts involved, while at the same time it expands on Plunkett the man, his character and his natural trait as a soldier. Plunkett was without doubt an exceptional shot with the rifle, a lovable Irish rogue, who seems to have ticked all the right boxes for what has become acceptable for the stereotype Rifleman of the 95th Rifles during the Napoleonic Wars. This fascinating account of the one rifleman who has escaped publication so far is a must for all enthusiasts of the Rifles in the Peninsular War. 1 vol, 122 pgs 2010 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-pb ......$30.00

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1-211110 Camignari, Juan Carlos NAPOLEON AND ITALY: 1805-1815 The links between Napoleon and Italy are too often reduced to its dazzling campaigns of 1796 and 1800. This love story, composed of moments of happiness but also resentment, continued well beyond Marengo. The story of Napoleon and Italy from 1805 to 1815 is primarily that of a relentless thought -- each day two, three, or four letters were sent to Milan, Rome, and Naples -- in an effort to make Italy a model French state. 300 photos. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2016 FRANCE, HISTOIRE AND COLLECTIONS
NEW-hardcover ......$55.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-82030 Castle, Ian AUSTERLITZ:Napoleon and the Eagles of Europe In this authoritative and well illustrated book, Castle sheds new light on the Commanders and then questions many of the assumptions that have shaped our understanding of this battle, 60 b/w illustrations. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2005 UK, PEN & SWORD BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-11570 Chalfont, Lord editor WATERLOO The points of view of the three armies involved at Waterloo. Maps, chapter notes, index, b/w and illust. 1 vol, 239 pgs 1980 NY, ALFRED A. KNOPF
GOOD-dj, one copy only - first come, first served ......$8.00

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1-12930 Chandler, David G NAPOLEON'S MARSHALS Large sized at 7.5x10.5 inches. Contains 26 chapters offer biographies of all the men appointed by Napoleon as Marshal. Many b/w maps and illustrations, appendix, and index. 1 vol, 624 pgs 1987 UK, MACMILLAN PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, only 1 copy available, first come, first served ......$24.00 inc

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2-12930 Chandler, David G NAPOLEON'S MARSHALS Oversized at 7.5x10.5 inches, this book contains 26 chapters dealing with all the men appointed Marshal by Napoleon. Includes black/white illustrations and maps, appendices, and index. 1 vol, 624 pgs 1987 US, MACMILLAN PUBLISHING
V.GOOD-dj, only 1 copy available, first come, first served ......$25.00

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1-82060 Charrie, Pierre LETTRES DE GUERRES 1792-1815 Napoleonic War Letters, 400 selected letters tellthe story of the ordinary soldier, 90+ colordrawings/sketches, very nice work. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2004 FRANCE, ED'S DU CANONNIER
NEW-softcover ......$68.00

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1-225110 Chodzko, Leonard The Polish Legions in Italy Using personal documents and primary sources which are contained in this work, Leonard Chodzko wrote one of the first histories of the Polish Legions in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. This is the seminal work on the subject, from which all other works start. It traces the history of the Legions from the fall of the Polish-Lithuanian Commowealth and the rise of its leader - Jan Henryk Dabrowski.

Originally published in French, in 1829 as two volumes, we have combined them into one big volume. This is the most recent translation of this work into English in the past fifty years. 1 vol, 532 pgs 2020 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$21.00 rct

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1-235510 Clammer, David LADIES, WIVES AND WOMEN: British Army Wives in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars 1793-1815 During the Napoleonic wars it was customary for British troops ordered on active service to take some of their wives with them. The usual proportion was six women per hundred men. The wives who were to accompany their husbands were chosen by ballot: excitement for the lucky ones and anguish for those left behind. The latter often marched with the regiment to the port of departure, desperate to remain with their men till the last moment, and there were harrowing scenes as families were separated, perhaps forever.

The women who were to accompany their husbands had to endure all the hazards of the high seas, often in slow and leaky transports. In bad weather, conditions resembled a slave ship, with men and women battened down below, rolling about and seasick in the darkness. There were storms, fires, childbirth, and sometimes shipwrecks to contend with.

Once landed in the theater of war, the women faced a life of almost constant marching in summer heat and winter cold. Most of them managed to acquire a donkey to carry their few possessions. There were no tents until late in the war, and regiments were either quartered in whatever buildings were available, or bivouacked in the open. Clothing and especially shoes wore out, and women often had to supply their wants by stripping the dead. Food was frequently in short supply, and, as they were entitled only to half a man's ration, they were notorious plunderers. This frequently resulted in brutal punishment from the provost marshals.

After battles or sieges, soldiers' wives tended the wounded, but they were also determined looters, and shared the army's besetting sin of drunkenness. Occasionally they were taken prisoner, and were sometimes involved in the actual fighting. More often they had to search a battlefield for a wounded husband or his mutilated remains. Many women were widowed, and solved the problem by quick remarriage to another soldier, some of them several times.

After the war, the survivors came home to an uncertain future. Some prospered; others slipped into penury. Some had a surprising later life, and a few earned themselves permanent memorials. Most vanished from the record. This book is an attempt to shed some light on these forgotten heroines and their part in the country's long war against the French. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early January 2023 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-208150 Cohen, Louis NAPOLEONIC ANECDOTES This collection of amusing, macabre, strange, and tragic stories form a unique and compelling portrait of Napoleon and his remarkable life. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2015 UK, FONTHILL MEDIA
NEW-softcover, available mid April 2015 ......$22.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-216100 Collins, Bruce WELLINGTON AND THE SIEGE OF SAN SEBASTIAN: 1813 Reassessment of the Duke of Wellington's siege of San Sebastian during the Peninsular War. Reconstructs the siege in the context of the practice of siege warfare during the period and Wellington's campaign strategies following his victory at the Battle of Vitoria. Focuses on how the army assigned to the siege was managed and draws on the records of the main military departments for the first time to give an integrated picture of its operations in the field. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$45.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-49430 Connelly, Owen BLUNDERING TO GLORY:Napoleon's Military Campaigns Brief look at all from the Siege of Toulon 1793 to the end at Waterloo, 30+ maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 250 pgs 1999 WILMINGTON, SCHOLARLY RSC
NEW-pb, REVISED EDITION ......$8.00

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1-238320 Contreras, Joaquin Garcia and Malcolm Marsh BRITISH AND SPANISH RELATIONS DURING THE PENINSULAR WAR: The British Gracchi At the start of the Spanish Peninsular War (1808-1814), the climate in London was favorable to cooperation with Spain. Yet the feeling of failure soon took hold of British society due to having embarked in another long and costly war, and many felt disappointment with the scarce cooperation of Spanish troops. Among the few who defended the importance of the Spanish cause were the Wellesley brothers, the 'British Gracchi,' who together maintained this fragile alliance between both countries until the final victory over the French.

Richard, the eldest brother and Minister of Foreign Affairs for the United Kingdom, changed the war against France and was decisive in the success on the Iberian Peninsula. Beside him, his younger brother Henry coordinated official relations between Britain and Spain in his role as ambassador plenipotentiary in Cadiz, maintaining a climate of collaboration up to the end of the war. But the efforts of the two brothers would not have borne fruit without the intervention of a third, Arthur Wellesley (Duke of Wellington), who, in a five-year campaign defeated the French troops which outnumbered his, liberating Portugal and Spain from Napoleon's grip. 1 vol, 232 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late August 2023 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-235400 Coqueugnoit, Lazare Claude (Major) THE LEGION DU NORD: 1806 - 1808 As Napoleon moved through the former Polish territories in his battles against the Prussians, volunteers from the former Polish territories organized themselves to join the French against their oppressors. One of these units was raised by a Polish nobleman under the name, Legion Du Nord (Legion of the North). Augmented by Prussian supplies and French officers, the Legion Du Nord was accepted into French service and fought with them against the Prussians around Danzig (Gdansk). This volume is Coqueugnoit's account of the unit from its inception until it was taken into the Polish army as the 5th Regiment. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2022 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-hardcover, available mid December 2022 ......$25.00 rct

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1-210000 Cornwell, Bernhard WATERLOO: The History of Four Days, Three Armies, and Three Battles On June 18, 1815, the armies of France, Britain, and Prussia descended upon a quiet valley south of Brussels. In the previous three days, the French army had beaten the Prussians at Ligny and fought the British to a standstill at Quatre-Bras. The Allies were in retreat. The little village north of where they turned to fight the French army was called Waterloo. The blood-soaked battle to which the town gave its name would become a landmark in European history.

In his first work of nonfiction, Bernard Cornwell combines his storytelling skills with a meticulously researched history to give a riveting chronicle of every dramatic moment-from Napoleon's daring escape from Elba to the smoke and gore of the three battlefields and their aftermath. Through quotes from the letters and diaries of Emperor Napoleon, the Duke of Wellington, and the ordinary officers and soldiers, Cornwell brings to life how it actually felt to fight those famous battles-as well as the moments of amazing bravery on both sides that left the outcome hanging in the balance until the bitter end. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2015 US, HARPER
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-61790 Cosseron, Serge LES GRANDES BATAILLES DE L'EMPIRE Battle accounts of the Austerlitz, Jena, Wagram, La Moskova, Waterloo with many color illust and drawings/maps, also contains a (22) page gazetter of seventy battles from 1795 on. 1 vol, 128 pgs 1999 PARIS, EDITIOS AUZOU
NEW-hardcover, French text ......$42.00

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1-15430 Cottin, Paul & Henault, Maurice MEMOIRS OF SERGEANT BOURGOGNE, THE: 1812-1813 First-hand account by a sergeant in the Imperial Guard. Vivid description of the retreat in Russia. 1 vol, 356 pgs 1979 NY, HIPPOCRENE BOOKS
AS NEW-dj, (2) copies available - First Come, First Served ......$15.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-67060 Cotton, Sergeant Major Edward, edited by S. Monick VOICE FROM WATERLOO, A Cotton was with the 7th Hussars and saw action inthe retreat through Genappe & at Waterloo, afterthe his service was over he took up residence atWaterloo an worked as a battlefield guide. 1 vol, 227 pgs 2001 UK, NAVAL & MILITARY PRES
NEW-softcover, new edition ......$22.00

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1-208360 Cowan, Paul WITH WELLINGTON IN THE PENINSULA: Vicissitudes in the Life of a Scottish Soldier Few men from the 71st Highland Light Infantry who sailed from Cork with Wellington to Portugal in 1808 returned to the Irish port six years later. The author of Vicissitudes in the Life of a Scottish Soldier was one of the survivors and claims only four other men from his company came through the entire six years with him.

As one of Wellington's elite Light Infantry units the 71st were in the fore of the fighting in some of the hardest fought battles of the Peninsular War. The book was controversial on its release in 1827 for its unvarnished and unsentimental account of the grim war against the French in Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal and France itself. A cynic with a highly developed sense of humor, the author was not afraid to criticize his superiors, be they thieving sergeants or officers who were far from gentlemen.
1 vol, 256 pgs 2015 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available late April 2015 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-85770 Cowell, J Stepney LEAVES FROM THE DIARY OF AN OFFICER OF THE GUARDS Rare Peninsular War Memoir, service withColdstream Guards. 1 vol, 296 pgs 1994 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-harcover, facsmile 1854 edition ......$25.00

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1-204560 Cronin, Gerard and Summerfield, Stephen SPANISH INFANTRY OF THE EARLY PENINSULAR WAR: UNIFORMS, ORGANISATION AND EQUIPMENT OF THE LINE AND MILITIA Over 400 color drawings including over 104 contemporary illustrations from Ordovas (1805 and 1806), Christopher Suhr, Augsburger and Bradford plus 138 uniform schematics based on Jose Bueno & Lienhart & Humbert; 52 flags & shields are depicted; there is one map, 12 orders of battle and 13 tables.

The authors explore the Spanish Infantry of the period 1798-1811, of La Romana's famous division in Denmark and the troops committed to support the French Invasion of Portugal, which resulted in the disastrous collapse of the nation to French forces, but not before the old Spanish Regular Army had fought with distinction particularly at Bailen.

The Cavalry and Artillery will be covered very soon in a separate volume. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2014 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-dj ......$60.00

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1-204562 Cronin, Gerard and Summerfield, Stephen SPANISH CAVALRY OF THE EARLY PENINSULAR WAR: Uniforms, Organization and Equipment of the Cavalry, Guard and Artillery After the great success of Gerard & Stephen's study of the Spanish Infantry we are delighted to be able to announce the companion volume for the Spanish Cavalry. It contains over 300 color drawings including 150 from contemporary sources and 27 flags. Includes 23 orders of battle. 1 vol, 212 pgs 2016 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-dj ......$60.00

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2-192330 Cross, Edward All for the King's Shilling The British Soldier under Wellington, 1808-1814 Cross draws on a comprehensive database on British soldiers as well as first-person accounts of Peninsular War participants to offer a better understanding of their backgrounds and daily lives. He describes how these neglected and abused soldiers came to rely increasingly on the emotional and physical support of comrades and developed their own moral and behavioral code. Their cohesiveness, Cross argues, was a major factor in their legendary triumphs over the French. 1 vol, 392 pgs 2010 US, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA
NEW-dj ......$25.00

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2-207690 Crowdy, Terry NAPOLEON'S INFANTRY HANDBOOK Reference guide filled with details on the training, tactics, equipment, service, and administration of Napoleon's infantry regiments. Based on contemporary training manuals, regulations, and orders, includes information on every aspect of the infantryman's existence, from weapons drill, maintenance, uniform regulations, pay, diet, cooking regulations, hygiene and latrine digging, medical care, burial of the dead, how to apply for leave, and more. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb edition, available mid June 2023 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-218300 Crowdy, Terry MARENGO: The Victory That Placed the Crown of France on Napoleon's Head On 14 June 1800, Napoleon Bonaparte fought his first battle as French head of state at Marengo in northern Italy. Unexpectedly attacked, Napoleon's army fought one of the most intense battles of the French Revolutionary Wars. Forced to retreat, and threatened with encirclement, Napoleon saved his reputation with a daring counterattack, snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. This battle consolidated Napoleon's political position and placed the crown of France within his reach.

Meticulously researched using memoirs, reports, and regimental histories from both armies, this casts new light on this crucial battle and reveals why Napoleon came so close to defeat and why the Austrians ultimately threw their victory away. Focuses on the leading personalities in the French and Austrian camps, describes the key events leading up to the battle, and covers the complex armistice negotiations which followed. Exposes the full story of Carlo Gioelli, the enigmatic Italian double agent who misled both armies in the prelude to battle. Includes 22 illustrations. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$43.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-228850 Crowdy, Terry FRENCH LIGHT INFANTRY 1784-1815: From the Chasseurs of Louis XVI to Napoleon's Grande Armee Explores the origins of the light infantry in the century before Napoleon came to power. From bands of irregular partisans, to sharpshooters and scouts, the book follows France's early experiments with this arm. Drawing on contemporary documents, including the French parliamentary archives, this book charts the expansion of the light infantry arm, reviews the reasons behind organizational changes, and analyses the tactics employed by light infantry in meticulous detail. Lavishly illustrated, this book is an essential reference for students and hobbyists of the Napoleonic Wars. Includes 66 b/w illustrations, 24 pages of color plates, and 23 tables.

In 1792 France unleashed a new form of warfare in Europe. Faced with the well-drilled Austrian and Prussian armies, the French introduced the tactic of mass skirmishing by tirailleurs. Soldiers were thrown forwards and told to fight in open order. Moving quickly and making use of cover, they fired on the enemy line, annoying it, goading it, and all the time distracting it from the infantry columns coming up behind, bristling with bayonets, ready for the charge and a shock action. Of these tirailleurs, the best were the professional chasseur light infantry battalions, raised and trained in the army of Louis XVI; but they were too few in number. A patriotic appeal for light infantry volunteers was made, and within two years the original twelve battalions became ninety strong.

By the time of Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812, there were 185 battalions of light infantry in service, with hundreds of voltigeur light companies attached to the regular line infantry battalions. Although all infantrymen could fight as tirailleurs, specialist light infantry did it best, and were clearly an important part of Napoleon's armies. 1 vol, 198 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early December 2021 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-COL3201 Dalgliesh, Tom NAPOLEON: The Waterloo Campaign 1815 Wargame Includes 58 wooden blocks (24mm) and full-color (22x25-inch) deluxe mapboard.

The success of the Kickstarter campaign has made Napoleon better for everyone - all 4th edition copies have metallic foil unit labels and a deluxe map and battleboards. The 4th edition brings the game back to its 1st edition roots with some improvements. Napoleon can be played by two or three players. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2012 US, COLUMBIA GAMES
NEW-softcover, available late August 2013 ......$70.00

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1-247760 Dalgliesh, Tom, Grant Dalgliesh, and Bruce McFarlane ALLIANCE: Multiplayer Napoleonic Wargame A 1 to 7-player game of diplomacy and warfare in the Napoleonic Era... with a Columbia Block System twist. Play as Austria, Britain, France, Prussia, Russia, Spain, or the Ottomans. These major powers cannot survive alone, however. They require the assistance and support of neighboring countries, the Minor States. Even though the game is best with 3-7 players, the Minor States create added depth for the two-player game. Solo rules are included.

Players start each turn by receiving five cards and discarding one. Afterward, they take turns playing a card, moving and building units, and conducting combat operations if necessary. When leaders are played, a political phase occurs in which the major powers make diplomatic plays for the Minor States. Players can forge alliances lasting a year or more, with various conditions in effect: gold tributes, border disputes, non-aggression pacts, etc. By default, the winner is the player with the most Victory Points in cities by the game's end. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2025 US, COLUMBIA GAMES
NEW-box, available mid February 2025 ......$100.00 rct

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1-218540 Davies, Huw J. SPYING FOR WELLINGTON: British Military Intelligence in the Peninsular War Intelligence is often the critical factor in a successful military campaign. This was certainly the case for Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington, in the Peninsular War. This book offers the full account of the scope, complexity, and importance of Wellington's intelligence department, describing a highly organized, multifaceted series of networks of agents and spies throughout Spain and Portugal - an organization that was at once a microcosm of British intelligence at the time and a sophisticated forebear to intelligence developments in the twentieth century.

He had, in effect, two parallel networks: one made up of Foreign Office agents 'run' by British ambassadors in Spain and Portugal, and the other comprising military spies controlled by Wellington himself. The network of agents supplied strategic intelligence, giving the British army advance warning of the arrival, destinations, and likely intentions of French reinforcements. The military network supplied operational intelligence, which confirmed the accuracy of the strategic intelligence and provided greater detail on the strengths, arms, and morale of the French forces.

By integrating these two forms of intelligence, Wellington was able to develop an extremely accurate and reliable estimate of French movements and intentions not only in his own theater of operations but also in other theaters across the Iberian Peninsula. The reliability and accuracy of this intelligence was central to Wellington's decision-making and, ultimately, to his overall success against the French.

Correcting past, incomplete accounts, it contributes to a clearer, more comprehensive understanding of Wellington at war and of his place in the history of British military intelligence. 1 vol, 328 pgs 2018 US, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA PRESS
NEW-dj, available late November 2018 ......$40.00

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1-215300 Dawson, Paul MARSHAL NEY AT QUATRE BRAS: New Perspectives on the Opening Battle of the Waterloo Campaign Fought on 16 June 1815, two days before the Battle of Waterloo, the Battle of Quatre Bras has been described as a tactical Anglo-allied victory, but a French strategic victory. The French Marshal Ney was given command of the left wing of Napoleon's army and ordered to seize the vital crossroads at Quatre Bras, as the prelude to an advance on Brussels. The crossroads was of strategic importance because the side which controlled it could move southeastward along the Nivelles-Namur road. Including 16 illustrations and a central plate section.

Yet the normally bold and dynamic Ney was uncharacteristically cautious. As a result, by the time he mounted a full-scale attack upon the Allied troops holding Quatre Bras, the Duke of Wellington had been able to concentrate enough strength to hold the crossroads. Ney's failure at Quatre Bras had disastrous consequences for Napoleon, whose divided army was not able to reunite in time to face Wellington at Waterloo. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2017 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, special price limited quantity limited time ......$45.00 with a discount of 40%

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1-215560 Dawson, Paul NAPOLEON AND GROUCHY: The Last Great Waterloo Mystery Unravelled One of the enduring controversies of the Waterloo campaign is the conduct of Marshal Grouchy. Given command of a third of Napoleon's army and told to keep the Prussians from joining forces with Wellington, he failed to keep Wellington and Blucher apart with the result that Napoleon was overwhelmed at Waterloo. Grouchy, though, was not defeated. He kept his force together and retreated in good order back to France.

Many have accused Grouchy of intentionally holding back his men and not marching to join Napoleon when the sound of the gunfire at Waterloo could clearly be heard, and he has been widely blamed for Napoleon's defeat. This is a subject which is generally overlooked by British historians, who tend to concentrate on the actions of Wellington and Napoleon, and which French historians choose not to look at too closely for fear that it might reflect badly upon their hero Napoleon.

Grouchy's conduct during the Waterloo campaign is analyzed in fine detail, drawing principally on French sources not previously available in English. The author, for example, answers questions such as whether key orders did actually exist in 1815 or were they later fabrications to make Grouchy the scapegoat for Napoleon's failures? Did General Gerard really tell Grouchy to 'march to the sound of the guns?' Why did Grouchy appear to move so slowly when speed was essential? 1 vol, 352 pgs 2017 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$45.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-216310 Dawson, Paul WATERLOO: The Truth At Last - Why Napoleon Lost the Great Battle During October 2016 Paul Dawson visited French archives in Paris to continue his research surrounding the events of the Napoleonic Wars. Some of the material he examined had never been accessed by researchers or historians before, the files involved having been sealed in 1816. These seals remained unbroken until Paul was given permission to break them to read the contents.

Forget what you have read about the battle on the Mont St Jean on 18 June 1815; it did not happen that way. The start of the battle was delayed because of the state of the ground - not so. Marshal Ney destroyed the French cavalry in his reckless charges against the Allied infantry squares - wrong. The stubborn defense of Hougoumont, the key to Wellington's victory, where a plucky little garrison of British Guards held the farmhouse against the overwhelming force of Jerome Bonaparte's division and the rest of II Corps - not true. Did the Union Brigade really destroy d'Erlon's Corps, did the Scots Greys actually attack a massed French battery, did La Haie Sainte hold out until late in the afternoon?

All these and many more of the accepted stories concerning the battle are analyzed through accounts (some 200 in all) previously unpublished, mainly derived through French sources, with startling conclusions. Most significantly of all is the revelation of exactly how, and why, Napoleon was defeated. 1 vol, 568 pgs 2018 UK, FRONTLONE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available late February 2018 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-222151 Dawson, Paul NAPOLEON'S IMPERIAL GUARD UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT: Volume 1 - Infantry The author has collected copies of almost all the surviving documents relating to the Guard, which includes a vast amount of material regarding the issuing of dress items, in some instances down to company level.

This information is supported by an unrivaled collection of illustrations, many of which have never been published before, as well as images of original items of equipment held in museums and private collections across the globe. In addition, the renowned military artist, Keith Rocco, has produced a series of unique paintings commissioned exclusively for this book. Includes 100 illustrations. 1 vol, 248 pgs 2019 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-softcover ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-222152 Dawson, Paul NAPOLEON'S IMPERIAL GUARD UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT: Volume 2 -- Cavalry From the green and gold trappings of the Chasseurs a Cheval, to the multicolored Mamelukes, the Guard cavalry was among the most brilliantly dressed formations ever to grace the field of battle.

In compiling this magnificent volume, the author has collected copies of almost all the surviving documents relating to the Guard, which includes a vast amount of material regarding the issuing of dress items, even in some instances down to company level.

This information is supported by around 100 contemporary prints, many of which have never been published before, as well as images of original items of equipment held in museums and private collections across the globe. In addition, the renown military artist, Keith Rocco has produced a series of unique paintings commissioned exclusively for this book. 1 vol, 248 pgs 2019 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-softcover, available late November 2019 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-240190 Dawson, Paul THE BATTLE AGAINST THE LUDDITES: Unrest in the Industrial Revolution During the Napoleonic Wars Uncovers the origins of Luddism and their allies in the middle classes. Taking their name from Ned Ludd, who had smashed up knitting frames in Nottingham, the Luddites saw the emergence of mechanization as a threat to their livelihood, with machines replacing men. In response they took matters into their own hands by wrecking the new equipment.

The Napoleonic Wars marked the end of centuries old way of life in agriculture, textile production and the wider economy. The dramatic changes in Britain between 1790 and 1815 created a unique set of social grievances by those left behind by the unprecedented changes. Months of violence swept across the West Midlands, Lancashire and Yorkshire which saw one factory boss murdered; other factory owners began shooting protesting workers. The disturbances resulted in the mobilizing of thousands of regular soldiers - at one time there were as many British soldiers fighting the Luddites than there were fighting Napoleon on the Iberian Peninsula. With present day concerns over computerization replacing labor, this is a story that echoes down the centuries. 1 vol, 232 pgs 2023 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available mid October 2023 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-242830 Dawson, Paul THE NAPOLEONIC 'DAD'S ARMY': The British Volunteer Movement, 1794-1814 Discusses how the aim of the 'Loyal Britons' was to organize patriotic, anti-French forces in defense of king and country and to help maintain the established order - thus leading to the Volunteer Act of 1794 to fight against the French. By 1804, there were 380,000 volunteers under arms and the various corps made up half to one third of all the home service forces, combined with volunteers who agreed to serve overseas, as garrison troops in India for example, the number grows to approximately 800,000 - meaning that around one in every five adult males participated in military activities. Using diaries and archive sources, this book seeks to explore the 'Dad's Army' of the Napoleonic Wars. Contains 16 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 264 pgs 2024 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available mid April 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-246580 Dawson, Paul WATERLOO CASUALTIES Examines General Drouet d'Erlon's critical failures at Waterloo, revealing overlooked aspects of the battle's strategic decisions and impact. Explores what happened at Hougoumont, La Haye Sainte, and on the French right wing as the Prussians closed in. The actions between Papelotte and Frischermont were critical in the story of the battle, but have, so far, been seldom studied. As no red-coated soldiers fought here, and the Waterloo mythos says the redcoats won the battle, the study of half of the battle has to a large extent been ignored. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2024 UK, FONTHILL MEDIA
NEW-dj, available mid October 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-246780 Dawson, Paul NAPOLEON'S HEAVY CAVALRY: Uniforms and Equipment of the Cuirassiers and Carabiniers, 1805-1815 Created during the Peace of Amiens, the nineteen regiments of cuirassiers that existed during the course of the 1e Empire were, after the Imperial Guard, perhaps the most famous and recognizable soldiers of the epoch. This book explores the long gestation of clothing and equipping the cuirassiers, the development of the arm from twelve regiments to twenty-one - if we include the carabiniers from 1811 - and how their clothing evolved across the period. As well as assessing the cuirassiers, the story of the evolution of the uniforms of the carabiniers is also told. Using archive records, as well as contemporary illustrations and original items of uniforms, the author sets out to describe the uniform of every regiment of Napoleon's army. Contains 200 illustrations. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2024 UK, FRONTLINE
NEW-dj, available late November 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-88710 Dawson, Paul NAPOLEONIC ARTILLERY Including numerous drawings, contemporary illustrations,and modern photographs of surviving guns. This is a product of years of research. includes bibliography and index. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2008 UK, THE CROWOOD PRESS
NEW-dj, 1 copy available, in stock, first come, first served ......$45.00

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1-239170 Dawson, Paul L WATERLOO: The Truth At Last: Why Napoleon Lost the Great Battle The genesis of this book started in Oct 2016 when the author found still sealed records from 1816 and received permission to break them to read the roughly 200 accounts within.

These contents challenge some widely held views: The start of the battle was delayed because of the state of the ground - not so. Marshal Ney destroyed the French cavalry in his reckless charges against the Allied infantry squares - wrong. The stubborn defense of Hougoumont, the key to Wellington's victory, where a plucky little garrison of British Guards held the farmhouse against the overwhelming force of Jerome Bonaparte's division and the rest of II Corps - not true. Did the Union Brigade really destroy d'Erlon's Corps, did the Scots Greys actually attack a massed French battery, did La Haie Sainte hold out until late in the afternoon? Most significantly of all is the revelation of exactly how, and why, Napoleon was defeated. 1 vol, 568 pgs 2023 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-214070 Dawson, Paul Lindsay NAPOLEON'S GODS: The Grenadiers a Cheval 1812-1815 The senior regiment of Napoleon's Imperial Guard was the Grenadiers a Cheval, nicknamed the Gods, and hence the title of this book.

As heavy cavalry of the Guard, they took part in the charge of the cavalry of the Guard at Austerlitz. They especially took a share of glory with their charge at Eylau on 8 February 1807. They served in Spain, Austria and Russia. No other cavalry regiment in the French army compared to its service in 1813 and 1814, the campaigns of the Guard par excellence. They were present at Dresden, Leipzig and especially Hanau where they charged the Austrian and Bavarian cavalry, and took part in the famous charges of the Imperial Guard at Waterloo.

This book provides a brief introduction to Napoleon's Imperial Guard and the regiment's place in it, as well as brief early history of the regiment, and a hoof-to-tack description of the Grenadiers a Cheval from the fateful Russian campaign of 1812 to its disbandment in 1815 following the disaster of Waterloo. It describes the horses, uniforms and equipment of the regiment, as well as regimental organization, and provides short biographies of the officers and some of the men, giving a vivid picture of how the men of the regiment lived, and in some cases, how they died. 1 vol, 404 pgs 2017 UK, BLACK TENT PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb ......$49.00

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1-89920 De Brack, F. CAVALRY OUTPOST DUTIES The most sought after treatise on light cavalry operations in the Napoleonic Wars by this French Colonel. Art by Keith Rocco. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2008 FRANCE, LRT EDITIONES
NEW-softcover ......$66.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-11690 De Caulaincourt, General Duke of Vicenza WITH NAPOLEON in RUSSIA The memoirs of the Duke on the Russian campaign. Nice b/w illustrations, index, biographical notes, maps. 1 vol, 422 pgs 2005 MINELOA, DOVER PUBLICATIO
AS NEW-pb, one copy only - first come, first served ......$17.00

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1-34730 De Chair, Somerset ed NAPOLEON ON NAPOLEON Using Napoleon's 1823 Memoirs along with additional information from three unpublished volumes the editor has given us a glimpse of Napoleon himself. B/W illust, index. 1 vol, 288 pgs 1994 LONDON, CASSELL LIMITED
NEW-softcover ......$29.00

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1-58390 de Rauncourt, Gaetan DE BOULOGNE A WATERLOO:2nd Chasseurs Cheval 6x9, history of the 2nd Chasseurs, biographies of officers, list of Legion d'Honneur awards, maps. 1 vol, 135 pgs 1999 FRANCE
NEW ......$28.00

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1-241110 de Rohner, Dessins En Campagne avec Napoleon This unique oversized book details Napoleon's campaign, starting in 1799 and ending in 1813 with Leipzig and Hanau. The text is completely in French, and the book has a scattering of unique colored drawings, presumably by the author, in the same style as the cover art. There is also a map of Europe on the inside front and back covers. 1 vol, 137 pgs 1959 FRANCE, FLAMMARION
V.GOOD-dj, only 1 copy available, first come, first served ......$15.00 used

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1-72820 de Saint-Hilaire, Emile Marco NAPOLEON EN RUSSIE:La Campaigne de 1812 Hundreds of color illust/maps, o/b's, the maps alone are worth the price of the book. 1 vol, 600 pgs 2003 PARIS, LCV
NEW-dj, French text ......$175.00

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1-49401 De Segur, Count Phillipe-Paul HISTORY OF THE EXPEDITION TO RUSSIA V1 Eyewitness account by Napoleon's Aide-de-camp, Volume One relates events up to Borodino, maps, index. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2006 UK, NONSUCH PRESS
NEW-pb ......$20.00

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1-49402 De Segur, Count Phillipe-Paul HISTORY OF THE EXPEDITION TO RUSSIA V2 Eyewitness account by Napoleon's Aide-de-camp, Volume Two covers the Burning of Moscow and the Retreat. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2006 UK, NONSUCH PRESS
NEW-pb ......$20.00

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1-85790 de Tasher, Maurice CAMPAIGNING FOR NAPOLEON Tasher joined Napoleon's cavalry in 1806 and died in Berlin in 1813 a victim of Russia. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2007 UK, PEN SWORD
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-190520 Dempsey, Guy ALBUERA 1811 This compelling new book uses primary sources to tell the story from all the combatants' points of view. (16) b/w and (8) color illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2008 UK, PEN & SWORD BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-228920 Dempsey, Guy NAPOLEONIC FRENCH MILITARY UNIFORMS 1798-1814: As Depicted by Horace and Carle Vernet and Eugene Lami Three talented French artists, Carle Vernet, Horace Vernet (son of Carle) and Eugene Lami, capitalized on the wave of nostalgia for the First Empire brought on by the death of Napoleon in 1821 by producing a series of prints of French military uniforms of the French revolutionary and imperial armies. These colorful lithographs, each accompanied by a text by an unidentified author describing the unit depicted, were published in book form in 1822 as Collection des Uniformes des Armees Francaises de 1791 a 1814 (Paris: Gide fils, 1822).

The broad range of uniforms depicted includes many from infrequently-illustrated foreign and auxiliary units in the French army. The images also include unusual back and side views of uniforms. The images in this book are contemporary watercolor copies of the prints and are reproduced with permission from the Anne S. K. Brown Military Collection at Brown University. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover, available late December 2021 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-237210 Dempsey, Guy ALBUERA EYEWITNESS: Contemporary Accounts of the Battle of Albuera, 16 May 1811 Details the story of the May 16, 1811 battle in Albuera, Spain, exclusively by way of primary sources, with English translations for foreign language sources, along with, in each case, a commentary identifying the source and its context. These contemporaneous accounts include letters, diaries, official correspondence, army records, maps, newspaper reports and memoirs totaling over 100 contemporary accounts of the battle. They range from the comprehensive after-action reports of the British, Portuguese, Spanish and French commanders to casualty and prisoner lists and to recollections of individual soldiers from all the combatant armies. 1 vol, 296 pgs 2023 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available late May 2023 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-195360 Divall, Carole INSIDE THE REGIMENT: The Officers and Men of the 30th Regiment During the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars In this companion volume to her pioneering study Redcoats Against Napoleon, Carole Divall tells the fascinating inside story of a typical infantry regiment during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. Rather than focusing on the history of the 30th Regiment of the Line in action and on campaign, she explores its organization, traditions and hierarchy, its personnel, and the ethos that held it together.

Using primary source material, in particular surviving regimental records, War Office documents, letters and journals, Divall reconstructs the life of the 30th Foot - and the lives of the men who served in it - during a critical period in Europe's military history. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2011 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-195370 Divall, Carole REDCOATS AGAINST NAPOLEON: The 30th Regiment During the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars Companion volume to Inside the Regiment: The Officers and Men of the 30th Regiment During the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars

Military histories of the struggle against the French armies of the Revolution and Napoleon often focus on the exploits of elite units and famous individuals, ignoring the essential contribution made by the ordinary soldiers - the bulk of the British army. Carole Divall, in this graphic and painstakingly researched account, tells the story of one such hitherto ignored group of fighting men, the 30th Regiment of the Line. She takes their story from one of the opening clashes of the long war, the Siege of Toulon in 1793, to the decisive Battle of Waterloo in 1815. She gives us a fresh perspective on key events the men took part in - Massena's retreat from the Lines of Torres Vedras, the bloody storming of Badajoz, the retreat from Burgos, the ordeal of the troops holding the centre of Wellington's Waterloo position. The regiment's history - which she describes using some hitherto unpublished and vivid memoirs left by the men themselves and those they fought alongside - offers a fascinating insight into the life of British soldiers two centuries ago. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2011 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-219270 Divall, Carole THE BRITISH ARMY IN EGYPT 1801: An Underrated Army Comes of Age When the French declared war on Great Britain in 1793, they undermined the chosen policy of William Pitt, which had been to avoid conflict in order to repair the nation's finances. The result of this policy was an understrength army with inadequate resources. Whether campaigning on the continent in coalition with other European powers or picking up the colonial possessions of France and her allies, this army did little to add to its reputation. Includes 38 color illustrations, 13 b/w illustrations, and 7 b/w maps.

Yet, despite appearances, as the decade progressed there could be no doubt that improvements were taking place. When it was decided in 1800 that the French Army of the Orient, abandoned by Bonaparte, could be ejected from Egypt, the troops sent to achieve this objective were of a very different quality from those that had been dispatched to Flanders in 1793. This study analyses that force and its commanders, examines the preparations that contributed so notably to its success, and evaluates why it was able to take the fight to a battle-hardened Revolutionary force and defeat it. 1 vol, 184 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover, available mid February 2019 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-228990 Divall, Carole WELLINGTON AND THE VITORIA CAMPAIGN 1813: Never a Finer Army Describes the Peninsular war leading up to the 1813 Battle of Vitoria, where Wellington and his army of British, Portuguese, and Spanish defeated the French. The loss was fatal to French interests in Spain, but it is also significant because it demonstrated Wellington's confidence in his allied army and in himself. The complexity of the maneuvers he expected his men to carry out and the shrewd strategic planning that preceded the battle were quite remarkable. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late December 2021 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-905104 Divall, Carole WELLINGTON'S UNSUNG HEROES: The Fifth Division in the Peninsular War, 1810-1814 The men of the Fifth Division ('The Pioneers') were among the workhorses of the British Peninsular army. Lacking both the kudos and the wealth of letters, journals, and memoirs of divisions like the Third and the Light, it is easy to overlook the part they played in the struggle that finally drove the French out of Spain and Portugal. Yet they were the first troops into the streets of Badajoz, played a crucial part in the great victory at Salamanca, and made up the bulk of the troops that finally took San Sebastian after a protracted and bloody siege. Includes 13 b/w illustrations, 11 maps, and five tables. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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2-86140 Douglas, William DUELLING DAYS IN THE ARMY A classic for duelling and napoleonic enthusiats 1 vol, 280 pgs 2007 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardbound in quarter leather ......$95.00

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1-213040 Dr. Lesley Prince & Laurence Spring RUSSIAN INFANTRY FLAGS OF THE NAPOLEONIC WARS The aim of this book is simple: to provide the reader with as complete and accurate a catalogue of Russian Infantry flags used during the Napoleonic Wars, systematically set out and easy to consult. The authors have consulted contemporary sources and informed commentary widely and have produced what is perhaps the definitive source book on the subject.

Each of the illustrations has been prepared with accuracy and clarity in mind, and there is an accompanying text which clarifies some of the ambiguities in the source material. So far as the authors are aware, there is nothing like this book in print either in English or Russian anywhere else in the world. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2016 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$60.00

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1-56590 Duffy, Christopher EAGLES OVER THE ALPS: Suvorov in Italy/Switzerland Oversize at 8.5x11 inches, this includes maps, complete orders of battle, and full details of the military units along with a gripping campaign narrative that saw several victories by the Russian general. Includes bibliography and index. 1 vol, 356 pgs 1999 CHICAGO, EMPEROR'S PRESS
NEW-dj, shopworn ......$35.00 with a discount of 50% rct

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1-211921 Dupin, C. with New Introduction by Dr. Stephen Summerfield MILITARY FORCE OF GREAT BRITAIN DURING THE NAPOLEONIC WARS: VOLUME ONE: ORGANISATION OF THE ARMY Volume 1. To fully understand the British Army of the Waterloo period we need to turn to a French scientific genius and spy! Charles Dupin visited the British Isles as soon as practical after the Napoleonic Wars in a fact-gathering exercise and wrote up his technical and organizational study of the British Army in his monumental study Force Militaire de la Grande-Bretagne.

This was translated into English in an 1822 edition. Not only is this the closest contemporary study of the administration of the Army, it is also the best technical guide to the ordnance of the period, much of which has been incorrectly described by later authors. Our latest edition is hardbound with color printed covers. 1 vol, 412 pgs 2016 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardcover, available late July 2016 ......$53.00

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1-211922 Dupin, C. with New Introduction by Dr. Stephen Summerfield MILITARY FORCE OF GREAT BRITAIN DURING THE NAPOLEONIC WARS: VOLUME TWO: MILITARY SCHOOLS, ORDNANCE AND ENGINEERS Volume 2. To fully understand the British Army of the Waterloo period we need to turn to a French scientific genius and spy! Charles Dupin visited the British Isles as soon as practical after the Napoleonic Wars in a fact-gathering exercise and wrote up his technical and organizational study of the British Army in his monumental study Force Militaire de la Grande-Bretagne.

This was translated into English in an 1822 edition. Not only is this the closest contemporary study of the administration of the Army, it is also the best technical guide to the ordnance of the period, much of which has been incorrectly described by later authors. Our latest edition is hardbound with color printed covers. 1 vol, 412 pgs 2016 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardcover, available late July 2016 ......$53.00

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1-67450 Dupont, Marcel illust by Maurice Touussaint GUIDES DE BONAPRTE/CHASSEURS A CHEVAL DE LA GARDE 8x11.5, 160+ b/w illust and (8) color pages. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2002 PARIS, LE LIVRE CHEZ VOUS
NEW-dj, French text ......$50.00

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5-13890 Durova, Nadeshda translated by Mary Fleming Zirin CAVALRY MAIDEN, THE The journals of a woman, who served as a Russian Cavalry Officer, index, biblio, appendices. 1 vol, 222 pgs 1988 US, ARDIS PUBLSHERS
V.GOOD-dj ......$20.00

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1-220690 Ede-Borrett, Stephen SWISS REGIMENTS IN THE SERVICE OF FRANCE 1798-1815: Uniforms, Organization, Campaigns A detailed study of the uniforms, organization, personnel, and campaigns of the numerous Swiss units that served in the armies of Revolutionary, Directorate, and Imperial France from the campaigns of 1798 in Switzerland until the Hundred Days of 1815. Includes 8 color plates and 60 b/w prints, drawings, and photos.

Covers not just the regulation uniforms but also the numerous variations recorded in contemporary documents and plates. The uniforms of the Tete de Colonne could change from issue to issue and year to year and the author has tried to cover all of these known changes.

Estimates of the number of Swiss who served in the French Army from 1798-1815 vary from 50,000 to 90,000 -- numbers that makes the Swiss the largest non-French nationality in the Imperial Armies. 1 vol, 148 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-230710 Ede-Borrett, Stephen THE ARMY OF THE KINGDOM OF ITALY, 1805-1814: Uniforms, Organization, Campaigns (Revised Edition) A revised and expanded edition of the study of the uniforms, organization, personnel, and campaigns of that army. Illustrated in full color throughout, with over a hundred color illustrations, this study covers not just the regulation uniforms, although unusually the regulations were somewhat sparse, but also the numerous variations recorded in contemporary documents and plates, and in surviving items. Also covers the little-known, and highly esoteric, provisional uniforms of the Army's early years. The uniforms of what the French called the Tete de Colonne were never regulated properly and could change from issue to issue and year to year, often depending solely on the availability of cloth or the personal idiosyncrasies of the Colonel. Attempts to cover all of the known changes and variations in these uniforms including some additional variations since the first edition. Contains 124 color illustrations and photos, 29 black and white illustrations, one color map, and tables throughout. 1 vol, 174 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb revised edition, available mid July 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-2272515 Edited by Burnham, R and G Glover WELLINGTON'S SPY MASTERS: The Reports of Colonel John Grant and Captain Lewis Ruman - Napoleonic Archive 15 Examines the methods employed by two British intelligence officers in the Napoleonic Wars. This is based upon discovery in 2021 in the Portuguese Military Archives of almost 150 letters by Lt. Col. John Grant and Captain Lewis Ruman. These letters speak of operational details and intelligence upon the French taken from within French occupied Spain. Contains 25 tables and 9 maps. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2024 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late June 2024 ......$42.00 inc

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1-2272516 Edited by Glover, G MEMOIRS OF LT-GEN HENRY CLINTON'S 6TH DIVISION: Napoleonic Archive 16 Series offers numerous small memoirs or series of letters from a single brigade or division to allow in depth comparison of the actions of these formations. They primarily cover the Peninsular War, but some also cover in depth Home Service, service in Egypt in 1801, and indeed some go on into the 1815 campaign. It contains 14 accounts covering soldiers from the following regiments: 61st, 2nd, 36th, 42nd, 79th, 91st.Contains some illustrations. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2024 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late June 2024 ......$42.00 inc

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1-2272517 Edited by Glover, G MEMOIRS OF LT-GEN SIR ROWLAND HILL'S 2ND DIVISION: Napoleonic Archive 17 Series offers numerous small memoirs or series of letters from soldiers in regiments connected to the Second Division in the Peninsular War. Contains nine accounts, including Captain Joseph Barrallier's (45th /71st) service in South America, Walcheren, and the Peninsula; Private Matthew Orr's (92nd) letters, mostly from home service; Lieutenant Charles Stewart's (28th) diary of 1793; and Captain James Crummer's (28th) letters spanning his service from 1807 to 1815. Contains several illustrations, five maps, and seven tables. 1 vol, 277 pgs 2024 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late December 2024 ......$42.00 rct

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1-228210 Edited by Lalowski, M and J North 1813: POLISH EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS OF NAPOLEON'S CAMPAIGN IN GERMANY The vivid accounts of Polish soldiers in Napoleon's armies track them from the frosty chaos of January 1813 to the dismal crossing of the French frontier that November. There are descriptions of battles and sieges, victories and defeats, all set against the backcloth of entire nations at war, as well as more human tales of friendship and betrayal. Includes 9 maps. 1 vol, 300 pgs 2021 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early October 2021 ......$42.00 rct

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1-244970 Edited by Lalowski, M and J North NAPOLEON'S POLISH STAFF OFFICER: The Memoirs of Franciszek Gajewski Gajewski joined the Saxon Garde du Corps in 1809 then the 5th Polish Chasseurs in 1811. During 1812, he was a staff officer in Grouchy's Reserve Cavalry Corps before being assigned to Napoleon's Imperial Staff. He was promoted to colonel and awarded the Legion of Honor for his heroic conduct at Dresden. He retired after the grueling 1814 campaign. His unique memoir provides valuable insight into the life of a young staff officer in some of the most grueling of Napoleonic campaigns. Contains 23 maps and 20 illustrations. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2024 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late June 2024 ......$42.00 inc

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1-244980 Edited by Roberts, R THE MEMOIRS OF VICTOR DUPUY: French Light Cavalry Officer of the First Empire Victor Dupuy enlisted into the 11th Chasseurs a Cheval in 1798, reaching the rank of Marechal des Logis chef in 1804. He was wounded twice in 1805-07, served as aide-de-camp to General Jacquinot 1809-1812, and was again wounded. He was promoted to Chef d'Escadron in the 7th Hussars after the burning of Moscow. He was wounded and captured at Altenburg in 1813, but rallied to Napoleon in 1815. This is military history and pure adventure at its best.Contains 12 maps, 36 plates, and 10 tables. 1 vol, 274 pgs 2024 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late June 2024 ......$42.00 inc

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1-2272518 Edited by Summerfield, S LETTERS AND MEMORIALS OF THE GENERAL SIR EDWARD PAGET: Napoleonic Archive 18 A remastered facsimile of the original edition with new preface and content. Only 50 copies of the original book were privately published in 1898 by Eden Paget, the grandson of Sir Edward Paget. Instead of three exceedingly long chapters, there are now 18 with the Bibliographic Notes written by Eden Paget distributed among them. Paget served on Wellington's staff, losing his right arm before Oporto in 1809. In 1812, on returning to duty, he was captured during the retreat from Burgos. Contains some portraits. 1 vol, 245 pgs 2024 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late December 2024 ......$42.00 rct

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2-201230 Edwards, Peter SALAMANCA 1812: Wellington's Year of Victories The Battle of Salamanca saw some 50,000 French troops arrayed against a similar number of British and Allies. Using ground astutely, Wellington gained a crushing victory, inflicting over 14,000 French casualties. Although there was a rebuff at Burgos later in the year, Wellington's forces were firmly on the march to victory in the Iberian Peninsula. Brings to life this pivotal year in the Peninsular War and offers a fascinating insight into the strategy, the command decisions, and the experience of combat in 1812. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2025 UK, PRAETORIAN PRESS
NEW-pb edition, available mid January 2025 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-66370 Engstrom, Johan editor BETWEEN THE IMPERIAL EAGLES Contains 20 essays that examine the Swedish Armed Forces from 1780-1820. Includes color plates of flags and uniforms along with battle maps and OOBs. 1 vol, 496 pgs 2000 STOCKHOLM, ARMEE MUSEUM
NEW-hardcover, o/p very scarce book, found some copies ......$100.00

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2-11000 Epstein, Robert M. PRINCE EUGENE AT WAR: 1809 Study of Eugene's Italian & Hungarian campaign in 1809. Maps, b/w illust, chapter notes, biblio. 1 vol, 146 pgs 1984 ARLINGTON, EMPIRE PRESS
V.GOOD-dj ......$60.00

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1-61820 Escalettes, Jean-Paul LA BATAILLE DE TOULOUSE, 1814 Very detailed look, hour-by-hour full color battle maps, uniform plates, extensive o/b's, 36-page English translation. 1 vol, 318 pgs 1999 PARIS, EDITIONS LOUBATIER
NEW-softcover, French text ......$44.00

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1-191230 Esdaile, Charles PENINSULAR EYEWITNESSES:The Experience of War The Experience of War in Spain & Portugal 1808-13. Instead of generals and statesmen, we mostly hear from junior officers, ordinary soldiers and civilians. Biblio, index. 1 vol, 306 pgs 2009 UK, PEN & SWORD BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-199950 Esdaile, Charles OUTPOST OF EMPIRE: The Napoleonic Occupation of Andalucia, 1810-1812 Napoleon's forces invaded Spain in 1808, but two years went by before they overran the southern region of Andalucia. Situated at the farthest frontier of Napoleon's 'outer empire,' Andalucia remained under French control only briefly - for two-and-a-half years - and never experienced the normal functions of French rule. Esdaile moves beyond traditional military history to examine the French occupation of Andalucia and the origins and results of the region's complex and chaotic response.

Disillusioned by the Spanish provisional government and largely unprotected, Andalucia scarcely fired a shot in its defense when Joseph Bonaparte's army invaded the region in 1810. The subsequent French occupation, however, broke down in the face of multiple difficulties, the most important of which were geography and the continued presence in the region of substantial forces of regular troops. Drawing on British, French, and Spanish sources that are all but unknown, Esdaile describes the social, cultural, geographical, political, and military conditions that combined to make Andalucia particularly resistant to French rule.

Esdaile's study is a significant contribution to the new field sometimes known as occupation studies, which focuses on the ways a victorious army attempts to reconcile a conquered populace to the new political order. Combining military history with political and social history, Outpost of Empire delineates what we now call the cultural terrain of war. This is history that moves from battles between armies to battles for hearts and minds. 1 vol, 512 pgs 2012 US, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA PRESS
NEW-dj ......$40.00

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1-905134 Esdaile, Charles BATTLES AND BATTLEFIELDS OF THE PENINSULAR WAR A guide to the Peninsular War, blending expert insights with detailed visits to key battlefields and historical sites. For each of the 28 combats included, there is a concise but insightful summary of the historical events, a new color map showing both modern roads and landmarks, as well as historical troop positions, color pictures of the battlefield, and a guide to visiting the scene of the action today. An ideal companion for anyone who wants to explore the battlefields, it also serves as an excellent introduction to studying the Peninsular War. Contains 242 color photos and 29 color maps. 1 vol, 276 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early September 2024 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-219490 Esdaile, Charles and Reed, Mark editors WITH MOORE TO CORUNNA: The Diary of Ensign Charles Paget, Fifty-Second Foot Ensign Charles Paget's previously unpublished diary of the Peninsular War is an important discovery for two reasons: The regiment in which he served (52nd Foot) was one of the three most famous in the Duke of Wellington's army, yet it is covered sparsely in the spate of memoirs, diaries, and collections of correspondence generated by the conflict; and it's the only genuine diary covering the Battle of Vimeiro and the campaign of Sir John Moore.

The complete text of Paget's diary is reproduced here, edited and with detailed notes and an extended introduction by historian Charles Esdaile. In order to give the reader contrasting views of episodes which Paget records, this also includes first-hand accounts written by other Peninsular veterans featuring the battle of Vimeiro and the action at Cacabelos. 1 vol, 216 pgs 2019 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid March 2019 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-50220 Espitalier, Albert NAPOLEON AND KING MURAT A classic, both Murat's and Napoleon's personalityare well portrayed, (16) illust. 1 vol, 526 pgs 2001 UK, WORLEY PUBLICATIONS
NEW-dj, facsimile of 1912 edition ......$42.00

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1-229110 Esposito, Gabriele WELLINGTON'S CAVALRY AND TECHNICAL CORPS 1800-1815: Including Artillery Covers British cavalry and artillery (foot and horse) of the Napoleonic Wars, as well as supporting units such as engineers, Royal Marines naval infantry, and some other 'auxiliary' corps (like the Yeomanry/militia cavalry or the Sea Fencibles, all very little known). Also covers mounted troops deployed in the various British colonies as well as foreign cavalry units in British service. Describes the history, organization, and uniforms of the various units in full detail and includes 50 color illustrations. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid January 2022 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-234930 Esposito, Gabriele NAPOLEON'S INFANTRY: French Line, Light and Foreign Regiments 1799-1815 Covers the infantry units of Napoleon's Imperial Army during 1800-1815. Cover all the categories of units that were part of Napoleon's infantry: line regiments, light regiments, foreign corps, and special corps, including foreign units such as Irish Legion, Corsican light infantry, and mountain infantry. When the future Emperor assumed control of France, the infantry of his army was disorganized and poorly equipped; it lacked discipline and was trained in a quite old-fashioned way. Napoleon acted very rapidly to resolve the major problems of his foot troops, by giving them a new structure and by teaching them new tactics. By 1805, the French infantry was without a doubt the best in the world in terms of combat capabilities. includes 84 color illustrations, including some rare contemporary uniform plates that have never been published before. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid October 2022 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-241200 Esposito, Gabriele NAPOLEON'S CAVALRY, ARTILLERY and TECHNICAL CORPS 1799-1815: History, Organization and Equipment Contains 60 integrated illustrations and details the organization of the cavalry and artillery regiments, their weapons, equipment and uniforms, along with an overview for how Napoleons units were deployed in battle. Also covers the minor technical corps of Napoleons army, such as the engineers and supply train.

The French Army of Napoleon could count on a brilliant mounted arm, consisting of three main types of cavalry heavy, medium, and light. The first, consisting of carabiniers and cuirassiers, was tasked with conducting frontal charges; the second, consisting of dragoons and lancers, could perform a variety of different duties; the third, consisting of hussars and mounted chasseurs, was tasked with scouting and skirmishing. The various regiments were all dressed in flamboyant uniforms and distinctive equipment. 1 vol, 168 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available early December 2023 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-64050 Eysturlid, Lee FORMATIVE INFLUENCES, THEORIES & CAMPAIGNS Explores the military life of Archduke Charles ofAustria, Hapsburg military theorist, during theNapoleonic wars, biblio, index. 1 vol, 160 pgs 1999 WESTPORT, GREENWOOD PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$95.00

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1-29660 Featherstone, Donald CAMPAIGNING WITH WELLINGTON & FEATHERSTONE A guide to the battles in Spain & Portugal, combining first hand and other accounts with his own analysis to provide accounts of all major battles. Includes maps, OOBs, b/w illustrations, and index. 1 vol, 350 pgs 1993 CHICAGO, EMPEROR'S PRESS
NEW-dj, inventory reduction sale, first come, first served ......$35.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-66690 Fernandez, Jose FUENTES de ONORO 1811 In 1810, Massena had followed the British-Portuguese army back to Lisbon before arriving at the Lines of Torres Vedras. He was determined against storming this extensive double line of interlocking fortifications. After starving outside Lisbon through a miserable winter, the French withdrew to the Spanish border with the British-Portuguese army in pursuit.

After Portugal was secured, Wellington set about re-taking the fortified frontier cities of Almeida, Badajoz and Ciudad Rodrigo. Whilst Wellington besieged Almeida, Massena reformed his battered army and marched to relieve the French garrison in the city. Wellington chose to check the relief attempt at the small village of Fuentes de Onoro.

Wellington left his line of retreat exposed in order to cover all routes to Almeida: he felt this risk was justified because the French would not have more than a few days supplies whereas he had more than that. The British and Portuguese army had 34,000 infantry, 1,850 cavalry, and 48 guns. The French had 42,000 infantry, 4,500 cavalry and 38 guns. 1 vol, 110 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover, available mid September 2013 [Spanish text] ......$24.00

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1-66674 Fernandez, Jose A. Lopez LA BATALLA de MEDELLIN 1809 This latest installment of 'Warriors and Battles' color illustrations and maps. 1 vol, 110 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover, available late September 2011 [Spanish text] ......$24.00

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1-66685 Fernandez, Jose Antonio BUSSACO 1810 La invasion francesa de Portugal en la Guerra de Independencia espanola. (The French invasion of Portugal in the War of Spanish Independence)

The Battle of Bussaco in September 1810 marked the turning point of the third invasion of Portugal by Napoleon's armies stationed in the Iberian Peninsula. Again, the army under Lord Wellington beat the French, this time commanded by Marshal Andre Massena. This is a detailed account of the maneuvers, skirmishes and clashes of both armies, including the decisive battle, and also explains the Spanish intervention in this campaign -- very much under appreciated until now. 1 vol, 110 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover [Spanish text] ......$24.00

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1-215900 Field, Andrew WATERLOO ROUT & RETREAT: The French Perspective Fourth volume in series depicts the often neglected final phase - the rout and retreat of Napoleon's army. The text is based exclusively on French eyewitness accounts, which give an inside view of the immediate aftermath of the battle and carry the story through to the army's disbandment in late 1815.

Many French officers and soldiers wrote more about the retreat than they did about the catastrophe of Waterloo itself. Their recollections give a fascinating insight to the psyche of the French soldier. They also provide a first-hand record of their experiences and the range of their reactions, from those who deserted the colors and made their way home, to those who continued to serve faithfully when all was lost. Napoleon's own flight from Waterloo is an essential part of the narrative, but the main emphasis is on the fate of the beaten French army as it was experienced by eyewitnesses who lived through the last days of the campaign. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2017 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late December 2017 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-221010 Field, Andrew GROUCHY'S WATERLOO: The Battles of Ligny and Wavre This concluding volume of a study exploring the French perspective of the Waterloo campaign covers the final offensive the French victory over the Prussians at Ligny and Marshal Grouchy's pursuit of the Prussians and the battle at Wavre. Grouchy's extensive description of his operations forms the backbone of the narrative, supplemented by other French sources and those of Prussian eyewitnesses. Napoleon in his memoirs accused Grouchy, like Marshal Ney, of a series of failures in command that led to the French defeat, and many subsequent historians took the same line. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2019 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-223820 Field, Andrew The French at Waterloo: Eyewitness Accounts - Napoleon, Imperial Headquarters and 1st Corps Andrew Field, who has published four best-selling books on the Battle of Waterloo, has established himself as one of the leading experts on the French perspective of the campaign. Using selected extracts from French eyewitness accounts that haven't been published before in English, he has added a new dimension to our understanding of what happened on the battlefield on 18 June 1815. Now he takes his pioneering work a step further by publishing these accounts, with all their vivid and personal detail, in full.

For the first time readers will be in a position to make their own interpretations of them and compare them to the recollections of soldiers from the allied armies, in particular the British, which have largely determined our assumptions about the battle for the last 200 years. They will also gain a heightened insight into the trauma that the French eyewitnesses went through as they tried to explain how the French lost a battle they claim they had been on the point of winning.

This, the first of two volumes of the French accounts, features Napoleon's own description of the battle, those of his immediate household and the Imperial headquarters, and those of members of 1st Corps. Napoleon's own version of events, one of the first to be published in France, was used as the basis of many subsequent histories that ignore or gloss over his many dubious claims. His account of his actions and his view of what happened on that decisive day, and those of his close associates, make fascinating reading.
1 vol, 176 pgs 2020 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj, available early June 2020 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-223820 Field, Andrew THE FRENCH AT WATERLOO - EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS: Napoleon, Imperial Headquarters and 1st Corps Uses selected extracts from French eyewitness accounts to better understand what happened at Waterloo. Features Napoleon's own description of the battle, those of his immediate household and the Imperial headquarters, and those of members of 1st Corps. Napoleon's own version of events was used as the basis of many subsequent histories that ignore or gloss over his many dubious claims. His account of his actions and his view of what happened on that decisive day, and those of his close associates, make fascinating reading. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2024 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-pb edition, available late July 2024 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-240180 Field, Andrew THE LIFE OF A GENERAL IN NAPOLEON'S LIGHT CAVALRY: The Memoirs of Jean-Nicolas Curely English translation of the memoir of Jean-Nicolas Curely. Born in 1774, son of a laborer, Curely rose through the ranks to become a General in Napoleon's Light Cavalry. He was a hussar at 19 years old, second lieutenant at 32, squadron commander at 35, Colonel at 38 and General at 40. He became Cavalier of the Legion d'Honneur in 1806, and was wounded five times in his career.

His memoir reflects the role of the light cavalry; scouting ahead of the army, conducting reconnaissance to the flanks and launching raids. He took part in all Napoleon's great campaigns, including Austerlitz, Heilsberg, Essling, Raab, Wagram, Moscow, Beresina, Wachau, Leipzig, Craonne, and Laon, and served as an aide de camp to many of the French army's most famous light cavalry generals. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid October 2023 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-208610 Field, Andrew W PRELUDE TO WATERLOO: Quatre Bras The Battle of Quatre Bras has been overshadowed by the two larger-scale engagements at Ligny and at Waterloo itself. And too often the clash at Quatre Bras has been seen mainly through the eyes of the British and their allies - the viewpoint of the French has been neglected.

Drawing on French eyewitness recollections and later commentary, he reconstructs the French experience of the battle - and the French interpretation of it. He quotes extensively, and subjects to critical analysis, the conflicting accounts written by Napoleon and his subordinates as they sought to justify their decisions and actions at this pivotal moment in the campaign. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2014 UK, Pen & Sword
NEW-pb ......$27.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-220430 Flaherty, chris NAPOLEON'S JULY 1798 PYRAMID ARMY: And the Egyptian Army Well illustrated with color uniform plates. 1 vol, 10 pgs 2019 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover, available late May 2019 ......$28.00 rct

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1-196750 Fletcher, Ian PENINSULA WAR: Wellington's Battlefields Revisited Oversized at 8 x 9.5 inches.

In 1994 Ian Fletcher published his book Fields of Fire, which was the first book to show Wellington's Peninsular War battlefields in full color. Now, almost 20 years on, he returns with a second book, The Peninsular War: Wellington's Battlefields Revisited which shows how things have changed since 1994.

The beautiful photographs cover all of Wellington's major battles, and many smaller engagements also, to show them in all their glory, from the snowy Galician mountains, to the dry, dusty plain of Salamanca, and from the low rolling slopes of Albuera to the breathtaking Pyrenees. Includes 145 color photos and two maps. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2011 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-55450 Fletcher, Ian IN THE SERVICE OF THE KING The letters of William Thorton Keep 1808-1814, he served at Vittoria, Neville, Maya & St. Pierre. 1 vol, 296 pgs 1998 UK, SPELLMOUNT PUBLISHERS
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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2-22840 Fletcher, Ian editor GUARDS OFFICER IN THE PENINSULA, A John Edward Cornwallis Rous spent 1812-1814 with the 2nd Foot Guards, his letters, written in camp, form the basis of this book, appendix, index. 1 vol, 144 pgs 1992 UK, SPELLMOUNT LMTD
NEW-dj UK IMPORT ......$30.00

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1-66560 Fletcher, Ian editor VOICES FROM THE PENINSULA Draws on rare and previously unpublished accounts to give a first hand insight into Wellington's army, (8) pgs of color, 35 illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2001 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$40.00

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1-34020 Fletcher, Ian photos by Andy Cook FIELDS OF FIRE The Peninsular battlefields described year by year with (40) superb full-color photos, 80+ b/w illust. A concise history of the Peninsular War, appendix, biblio, chronology, index. 1 vol, 176 pgs 1994 UK, SPELLMOUNT PUBLISHERS
NEW-dj, o/p ......$38.00

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1-58400 Forshufvud, Sten WHO KILLED NAPOLEON Using recently published evidence of two importantwitnesses, the author makes the case that Napoleondied of arsenic poisoning, appendicies, bibilio. 1 vol, 256 pgs 1962 LONDON, HUTCHINOSN
GOOD-dj ......$18.00

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1-58780 Foy, Maxmillian JUNOT'S INVASION OF PORTUGAL Classic account, four pages of o/b's, maps/illust. 1 vol, 192 pgs 1999 UK, WORLEY PUBLICATIONS
NEW-dj, reprint edition ......$20.00 old

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1-88370 Franceschi, General Michel & Weider, Ben WARS AGAINST NAPOLEON:Debunking the Myth The author dismantle the conclusion that Napoleon sought large-scale military conquests. Lavishly illustrated, original maps and battle diagrams,biblio, index. 1 vol, 264 pgs 2008 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-52060 Fryer, Mary Beacock OUR YOUNG SOLDIER:Lieutenant Francis Simcoe Simcoe at age sixteen was an ensign in the 27th Inniskilling, he saw service in Ireland and the Peninsular War and was killed leading the storming party at Badajoz, illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 192 pgs 1996 TORONTO, DUNDURN PRESS
NEW-pb ......$15.00

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1-13581 Funken, Lilane and Fred ARMS & UNIFORMS OF THE NAPOLEONIC WARS: Volume 1 and Volume 2 Two volumes cover all the armies of the major participants as well as the French allies. Hundreds of color illustrations. 2 vol, 316 pgs 1984 NJ, PRENTICE HALL INC
AS NEW-softcover, Only 1 copy available -- First come, first served ......$72.00 rct

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1-LEG2101 Gale, Tim Decisive Victory 1918: Volume 1 - Soissons Game scale
Unit size: Regiment/Division
Game Turn: 6 Hour Day/ 12 Hour Night
Map Scale: 1 Kilometer per hex
The Battle of Soissons, 18 July to 28 July, 1918, was the first time that the French army used a large-scale attack with tanks supported by a surprise (i.e. not pre-registered) artillery bombardment, similar to the British attack the previous year at Cambrai, and it was the first time that full-size US divisions went on the offensive incorporated in the French army. But most importantly, it was the opening of the Second Battle of the Marne. It not known at the time, although suspected by many, that this battle was the death-knell of the German army.

The game features mandatory attacks into multiple hexes, very rigid ZOC, and severe restrictions on disengagement and advance after combat. 'Threat zones' extend beyond the standard 1-hex ZOCs and represent limited knowledge of the enemy's positions, thus preventing unrealistic infiltration through narrow gaps in the frontline.

The Combat system is highly attritional, in terms of casualties and cohesion disruption. Reorganization is a slow process, conducted under the cover of the night. Attacking units rapidly deplete their offensive power. Defending units, on the other hand, are never completely eliminated, and retain (as 'remnants') indefinite residual defensive power. Defensive initiative superiority also translates into special 'fall back' movement, which allows defenders to extricate themselves from dangerously outflanked positions and avoid encirclement.
1 vol, 1 pgs 2021 US, LEGION WARGAMES LLC
NEW-pb, available mid May 2021 ......$68.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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2-30510 Gallaher, John G. NAPOLEON'S IRISH LEGIONS Drawing heavily on the original documents of the Archives de la guerre, John G. Gallaher has written the first complete account of the storied Irish Legion, which joined with Napoleon to fight England.

Following the failed Rebellion of 1798, hundreds of Irishmen fled to the Continent to avoid imprisonment or execution. As part of his planned campaign against England and Ireland in 1803, Napoleon authorized the creation of an Irish Legion to invade Ireland in order to tie down British forces that could otherwise have been used against the main French invasion of England. The promise of returning to Ireland with the French army at their backs brought many recruits to the Legion. The Irish emigrants who enlisted in this special unit of the French army were Irish nationalists who intended to liberate Ireland and create an Irish republic.

When the anticipated expedition to Ireland never took place, some of the Irishmen quit the army though the great majority of them remained to fight for Napoleon. Battalions of the Legion encountered the British at Flushing in 1809, fought Wellington in Portugal in 1810-11, and served with distinction at the Battle of Bautzen and in Silesia, where after heavy losses in lesser engagements with the enemy, the Legion was finally destroyed on the banks of the Bober River in 1813. B/w illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 296 pgs 1993 CARBONDALE, SO. ILLINOIS
NEW-dj, O/P signed copy ......$120.00

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1-45980 Gallaher, John G. GENERAL ALEXANDRE DUMAS:Soldier of the French Rev The first English bio of this General, who was a favorite of Napoleon until 1799 when he refused to remain in Egypt, b/w illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 272 pgs 1997 CARBONDALE, SOUTHERN UNIV
NEW-dj ......$40.00

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1-80310 Ganier, Henry illust by Tanconville & Toussaint LES ALSACIENS DANS LA GARDE IMPERIALE ET LA CORPS 8.5x11 inches, 50 color plates, and 36 b/w illust. This is a re-issued 1914 book.

Full of facts of everyday soldiers and officers of the elite corps of the Revolution to the end of the Second Empire, but mainly to the armies of Napoleon. Includes grenadiers, dragoons, skirmishers, Mamelukes (yes, these were also in the picturesque Alsace body!) Gunners Cent Gardes, and Zouaves. 1 vol, 200 pgs 2005 PARIS, LCV
NEW-dj, Inventory reduction -- Only 2 copies available [French Text] ......$75.00 with a discount of 40% old

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1-229240 Gaudencio, Mosies and Burnham, Robert IN THE WORDS OF WELLINGTON'S FIGHTING COCKS: The After-action Reports of the Portuguese Army during the Peninsular War 1812-1814 The after-action reports written by the commanders of Portuguese battalions, regiments and brigades is in contracts to the multitude of Entglish accounts of the Napoleonic War in the Peninsular. Also provides an introduction tracing the history of the Portuguese Army prior to the Salamanca campaign of 1812, while tracking its organizational changes and assignment of commanders from 1808 to 1814. Includes detailed notes on the after-action reports which set them in the context of each stage of the war. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid January 2022 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-66653 Gavier, Mario Diaz ZARAGOZA 1808-1809: El Espiritu de Numancia Zaragoza surrendered in Feb 1809, but not before the 'common people' aided the regulars through two French sieges. Color and b/w plates, images o/b's. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-pb , [Spanish text] INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE 33% discount ......$24.00

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1-59950 Geer, Walter NAPOLEON AND MARIE-LOUISE:The Fall of the Empire An excellent account of the Napoleonic war from1807 to 1812 and the role played by Marie Louisein Napoleon's decisions, (15) nice illust, index. 1 vol, 337 pgs 1925 NY, BRENTANO'S
GOOD-no dj, soiled, water stain ......$18.00

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1-223800 Gill, John The Battle of Znaim - Napoleon, The Habsburgs and the end of the War of 1809 The little known Battle of Znaim (10th-11th July 1809) was the last battle to be fought on the main front of the Franco-Austrian War. Cut short to make way for an armistice it effectively ended hostilities between France and Austria and is now uniquely considered to be an episode both of conflict and simultaneously of diplomacy.

The battle began as a result of the Austrian decision to stage a rearguard action near Znaim, prompting the Bavarians to unsuccessfully storm a nearby town. Battle ensued with the village changing hands a number of times over the course of the two days.

Jack Gill delves deep into the respective tactics of both sides as the two armies continually changed positions and strategies. His account dissects and investigates the dual aspects of the Battle of Znaim and explains the diplomatic decisions that resulted in the peace treaty which was signed at Schonbrunn Palace on 14th October 1809.

Gill's book is an unrivaled analysis of the Battle of Znaim. Accessible, highly detailed and expertly crafted, it sheds new light on this fascinating moment in Napoleonic history.
1 vol, 512 pgs 2020 UK, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-dj, available early June 2020 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-16820 Gill, John H. WITH EAGLES TO GLORY Napoleon and his German Allies in the 1809 campaign, 80 maps, charts, biblio, index. 1 vol, 576 pgs 2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb ......$60.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-88591 Gill, John H. THUNDER ON THE DANUBE: V1 Napoleon's Defeat of Austria The Franco-Austrian War of 1809 was Napoleon's last victorious war. Napoleon faced the Archduke Charles, the best of the Habsburg commanders, and a reformed Austrian Army that was arguably the best ever fielded by the Danubian Monarchy. The French ultimately triumphed but the margin of superiority was decreasing and all of Napoleon's skill and determination was required to achieve a victorious outcome.

Gill tackles the political background to the war, especially the motivations that prompted Austria to launch an offensive against France while Napoleon and many of his veterans were distracted in Spain. Though surprised by the timing of the Austrian attack on April 10th, the French Emperor completely reversed a dire strategic situation with stunning blows that he called his 'most brilliant and most skillful maneuvers'. Following a breathless pursuit down the Danube valley, Napoleon occupied the palaces of the Habsburgs for the second time in four years. The Austrians recovered, however, and Napoleon suffered his first unequivocal repulse at the Battle of Aspern-Essling on the shores of the Danube opposite Vienna.

He would win many battles in his future campaigns, but never again would one of Europe's great powers lie broken at his feet.

In this respect 1809 represents a high point of the First Empire as well as a watershed, for Napoleon's armies were declining in quality and he was beginning to display the corrosive flaws that contributed to his downfall five years later.
1 vol, 512 pgs 2008 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$30.00 rct

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2-88592 Gill, John H. THUNDER ON THE DANUBE:V2 Napoleon's Defeat of Austria In the second volume of this epic work, John H. Gill traces Napoleon's progress as he sought to complete his victory over the Habsburgs. The war had erupted on April 10th with Austria's invasion of Germany and Italy. After just two weeks, Napoleon had battered the Habsburg Archduke Charles in a series of bruising defeats.

This volume begins with Napoleon astride the Danube at Regensburg. He faced a critical strategic choice - whether to pursue the injured Austrian main army into Bohemia or march directly for Vienna, the seat of Habsburg power.

After electing to target Vienna, his troops defeated the Austrians in the brutal Battle of Ebelsberg, allowing him to enter the city on May 13th. However on the far side of the Danube, he then suffered a dramatic loss at the grueling, two-day Battle of Aspern. While his Danube forces recovered from this setback, the Emperor cleared trouble from his strategic flanks.

Gill describes in vivid detail the hopeful Habsburg invasion of Italy, led by the 27-year-old Archduke Johann, and the fierce French counter-offensive under Napoleon's stepson, Eugene de Beauharnais (also aged 27). In a series of encounters across Italy, de Beauharnais rebounded from initial defeat to advance triumphantly into Austrian territory, shattering and scattering Johann's army. In the wake of Aspern, while the Austrians vacillated, Napoleon gathered every man, horse and gun around Vienna, setting the stage for the gigantic spectacle of the Battle of Wagram, the final chapter in the story of the 1809 war.
1 vol, 512 pgs 2008 FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-88593 Gill, John H. THUNDER ON THE DANUBE: V3Napoleon's Defeat of Austria With this third volume John Gill brings to a close his magisterial study of the war between Napoleonic France and Habsburg Austria. The account begins with both armies recuperating on the banks of the Danube. As they rest, important action was taking place elsewhere: Eugene won a crucial victory over Johann on the anniversary of Marengo, Prince Poniatowski's Poles outflanked another Austrian archduke along the Vistula, and Marmont drove an Austrian force out of Dalmatia to join Napoleon at Vienna. These campaigns set the stage for the titanic Battle of Wagram.

Second only in scale to the slaughter at Leipzig in 1813, Wagram saw more than 320,000 men and 900 guns locked in two days of fury that ended with an Austrian retreat. The defeat, however, was not complete: Napoleon had to force another engagement before Charles would accept a ceasefire. The battle at Znaim, its true importance often not acknowledged, brought an extended armistice that ended with a peace treaty signed in Vienna.

Gill uses an impressive array of sources in an engaging narrative covering both the politics of emperors and the privations and hardship common soldiers suffered in battle. Enriched with unique illustrations, forty maps, and extraordinary order-of-battle detail, this work concludes an unrivalled English-language study of Napoleon's last victory.
1 vol, 576 pgs 2014 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-242040 Gimenez, J J Herrero THE PENINSULAR WAR: The Spanish Perspective British historians often relegated Spanish contributions to victory over the Napoleonic French in the Peninsular War to a minor role. Here, a Spanish historian offers a different analysis of Spanish defeats and victories and the logistical and political difficulties faced by the Spaniards. Examines great battles such as Tudela, Ocana, and Bailen as well as sieges such as Zaragoza while also covering the guerrilla warfare in which ordinary citizens took up arms, attacking isolated French outposts and capturing enemy messengers and patrols. As the war progressed, the Spanish armies became strong enough to win several battles, contributing decisively to the defeat of Napoleon in conjunction with the magnificent achievements of Sir Arthur Wellesley and his Anglo-Portuguese army.

Translated into English for the first time. Contains 16 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2024 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available late January 2024 ......$55.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-208280 Glover G editor THE CORRESPONDENCE OF SIR HENRY CLINTON IN THE WATERLOO CAMPAIGN - VOLUME 1 and VOLUME 2: Preparation for Waterloo (August 1814 - April 1815) This set contains Volume One and Volume Two.

This revealing and remarkable study came out of the blue when Gareth Glover discovered that the Clinton papers were held in two libraries on both sides of the Atlantic and that they ran to many thousand un-researched documents. It has been a labor of years of work to collate the documents and effectively edit them into one narrative.

Why is this so important? Clinton's meticulous diary and reports provide the essentially research into the small British-Hanoverian army that served as a defense force for the newly liberated Netherlands under the command of the hereditary Prince of Orange in August 1814. He performed the role of Inspecting Officer for all the troops in Belgium including the fledgling Belgian and Dutch units and is a vital witness to the quality and training of all of these troops and to the massive repair program to the main border fortresses in the run up to the Waterloo campaign.

With Napoleon's return to power and the mobilization of the army for war once again, Henry Clinton was then appointed by the Duke of Wellington to command the Second Division, consisting of Adam's British Light Infantry Brigade, Du Plat's Brigade of King's German Legion troops and Halkett's Brigade of Hanoverian troops, a very diverse group with varying degrees of experience, equipment and training. His correspondence most importantly is written contemporaneously and gives honest assessments regarding the strengths and weaknesses of all of these troops and is both enlightening and often surprising.

The second volume deals with the final preparations for war, including the arrival of the Duke of Wellington. The operations, particularly of the Second Division during the whirlwind campaign of Waterloo and the consequent march to Paris are described in great detail as are the details of the Army of Occupation which lasted until 1818, concluding with their embarkation.

As well as his correspondence, Henry Clinton also kept a personal diary that was completed each evening. All of this various material has been put into date order and each day's diary entry precedes the correspondence for the day (inserted by date of writing rather than of receipt) and the letters have been put in sequential order wherever it is possible or a time of day is indicated. The appendix gives extracts recorded by an officer in Adam's Brigade of his Brigade orders that dovetail with the correspondence between Sir Henry Clinton and his brigade. 2 vol, 560 pgs 2015 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-dj ......$99.00

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1-208281 Glover G editor THE CORRESPONDENCE OF SIR HENRY CLINTON IN THE WATERLOO CAMPAIGN - VOLUME 1: Preparation for Waterloo (August 1814 - April 1815) Volume One only.

This revealing and remarkable study came out of the blue when Gareth Glover discovered that the Clinton papers were held in two libraries on both sides of the Atlantic and that they ran to many thousand un-researched documents. It has been a labor of years of work to collate the documents and effectively edit them into one narrative.

Why is this so important? Clinton's meticulous diary and reports provide the essentially research into the small British-Hanoverian army that served as a defense force for the newly liberated Netherlands under the command of the hereditary Prince of Orange in August 1814. He performed the role of Inspecting Officer for all the troops in Belgium including the fledgling Belgian and Dutch units and is a vital witness to the quality and training of all of these troops and to the massive repair program to the main border fortresses in the run up to the Waterloo campaign.

With Napoleon's return to power and the mobilization of the army for war once again, Henry Clinton was then appointed by the Duke of Wellington to command the Second Division, consisting of Adam's British Light Infantry Brigade, Du Plat's Brigade of King's German Legion troops and Halkett's Brigade of Hanoverian troops, a very diverse group with varying degrees of experience, equipment and training. His correspondence most importantly is written contemporaneously and gives honest assessments regarding the strengths and weaknesses of all of these troops and is both enlightening and often surprising. 1 vol, 276 pgs 2015 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-dj ......$59.00

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1-208282 Glover G editor THE CORRESPONDENCE OF SIR HENRY CLINTON IN THE WATERLOO CAMPAIGN - VOLUME 2: Waterloo and the Occupation of France (May 1815 - December 1818 Volume Two only.

The second volume deals with the final preparations for war, including the arrival of the Duke of Wellington. The operations, particularly of the Second Division during the whirlwind campaign of Waterloo and the consequent march to Paris are described in great detail as are the details of the Army of Occupation which lasted until 1818, concluding with their embarkation.

As well as his correspondence, Henry Clinton also kept a personal diary that was completed each evening. All of this various material has been put into date order and each day's diary entry precedes the correspondence for the day (inserted by date of writing rather than of receipt) and the letters have been put in sequential order wherever it is possible or a time of day is indicated. The appendix gives extracts recorded by an officer in Adam's Brigade of his Brigade orders that dovetail with the correspondence between Sir Henry Clinton and his brigade. 1 vol, 284 pgs 2015 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-dj ......$59.00

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1-214400 Glover G. editor PERSONAL ADVENTURES OF A YOUNG OFFICER DURING WALCHEREN & THE PENINSULAR WAR: The Memoirs of Ensign Watson, 9th (East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot 1808-11 This rare memoir from Edward Watson of the 9th Foot covers his service with his regiment from 10 August 1808, serving at Walcheren and in the Peninsular, to 8 August 1811, when he resigned his commission. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2017 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-pb, available mid July 2017 ......$12.00

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1-214410 Glover G. editor A HUSSAR SERGEANT IN THE KING'S GERMAN LEGION: The Memoirs of Cavalry Sergeant Ebbecke, 2nd Hussar Regiment, King's German Legion 1803-15 This short memoir of Sergeant Ludwig Ebbecke was published in German in 1851, but has never before been translated into English. He served at Stralsund, the Siege of Copenhagen in 1807, and was nearly shipwrecked on the passage back to Britain. He went to Walcheren in 1809 and served in the Peninsula from 1810 to 1812, including Barossa. In 1813 he was at Bergen op Zoom but arrived in Belgium too late for Waterloo. 1 vol, 70 pgs 2017 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-pb, available mid July 2017 ......$12.00

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1-214420 Glover G. editor THE ADVENTURES OF PRIVATE SHADRACH BYFIELD: 41st Foot in North America 1812-14 Shadrach Byfield was to serve his entire period in the army with the 41st Regt in Canada. For much of this period, it was heavily involved in fighting the Americans in the war of 1812.

The fighting was largely fought in wooded areas in hilly terrain, difficult of access, often only reachable by boat along the rivers and Great lakes, but it was also a war fought at close quarters and often with great savagery, and not just by the Indians. 1 vol, 70 pgs 2017 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-pb ......$16.00

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1-214430 Glover G. editor THE PENINSULAR WAR JOURNAL OF SERGEANT SAMUEL HARRISON OF THE 43RD (MONMOUTHSHIRE) REGIMENT OF FOOT, 1796-1812 Harrison joined the 43rd Foot as a Sergeant. We know that he proceeded with the regiment to the Peninsula and that he fought at the battles of Vimiero, Corunna, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanca, Pyrenees, and San Sebastian. He eventually received a General Service Medal in 1848.

Only the first volume of his original journal, giving his service to 1812, has so far been discovered. This was written by another hand who combines his memoir with a general history of the war based on Napier. Harrison's many years in the Militia, the retreat to Corunna, his time at Walcheren, and his part in the storming of a redoubt at Ciudad Rodrigo are all clearly his own (unvarnished) words. But he also clearly had no recourse to any form of notes and therefore his memory fails him sometimes as to particular persons or dates of occurrences. But for all that, there are glimpses of a soldier who fought for many years in the wars against Napoleon and they still deserve to be preserved. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2017 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-paperback ......$32.00

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1-217430 Glover G. editor THE JOURNAL OF TROOPER SAMUEL GALLAGHER, 5TH DRAGOON GUARDS IN SPAIN, PORTUGAL AND FRANCE, 1810-15 The only published memoir from the 5th Dragoon Guards. Samuel saw action in the Peninsular War covering the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz, the actions of Usagre and Llerena, Salamanca, entry into Madrid and subsequent retreat, Vitoria and blockade of Pamplona, followed by the Battles of Nive, Orthez, and Toulouse. Remarkably, he was never seriously wounded during his career. He joined the 10th Hussars in 1815 just after Waterloo. 1 vol, 107 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available mid June 2018 ......$32.00

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1-228170 Glover, G. and S. Summerfield THE WATERLOO ARCHIVE ATLAS Illustrated throughout with color maps and contemporary sketches, portraits etc. At the core of the book are the 83 hand-drawn military field sketches of roads in the surrounding area by Wellington's Staff Corps prior to the Waterloo Campaign, all expertly enhanced in color by Stephen. To these have been added any maps of the area produced prior to 1825 such as the work by Joseph Ferraris and also (redrawn) the famous Willem Craan map of 1816.

Many other maps are included to fill out the wider campaign plus the rare plans of the major sieges by Colonel Sir James Carmichael Smyth. Still that is not all, the volume also includes the earliest views of the battlefield, those of William Stoney, Denis Dighton and James Rouse amongst others. The result is the most sumptuous cartographic study of the battle ever produced. 1 vol, 220 pgs 2021 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback ......$69.00 rct

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1-194490 Glover, Gareth AN ELOQUENT SOLDIER: The Peninsular War Journals of Lieutenant Charles Crowe of the Inniskillings, 1812-14 Lieutenant Charles Crowe's journal covers the 27th Foot (Inniskillings) of the final campaign of Wellington's army. Crowe does not pull his punches: he censures officers both junior and senior; he talks openly of the ravages of war, and the pillaging, raping and looting; the horrors of war, describing the deaths and horrific wounds of many in lurid detail, the cowardice and stupidity; and he also describes the mundane in detail - nothing is passed over.
1 vol, 256 pgs 2011 UK, Frontline
NEW-hardcover, available late January 2011 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-213580 Glover, Gareth THE AMERICAN SHARPE: The Adventures of an American Officer of the 95th Rifles in the Peninsular and Waterloo Campaigns Sharpe and his adventures has made the 95th Foot renowned again and the discovery of an unpublished diary by an American from Charleston South Carolina who served, despite his father's objections, as an officer in this elite regiment has caused great excitement. Includes 16 high quality color prints.

James Penman Gairdner was born in Charleston, SC, but he was sent back to the 'Old Country' for his education, receiving his schooling at Harrow. After school, rather than joining his father's merchant business, he decided to become a soldier and received a commission in the famous 95th Rifles.

He subsequently served, without a break, from the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo in January 1812 until the end of the war in 1814. He then fought in the Waterloo campaign and formed part of the Army of Occupation. He was wounded on three occasions.

Throughout his service he kept a journal, which he managed to maintain on almost a daily basis. This journal, along with a number of letters that he wrote to his family are presented for the first time.

Readers will not find dramatic stories of great battles or adventurous escapades. Instead, Gairdner, details the everyday life of one of Wellington's soldiers; one of marches and billets, of the weather, the places, and the people of the Iberian Peninsula and of Paris and Occupied France - the real nature of soldering.

His diaries also highlight the very strange relationship between these newly independent Americans and the 'Old Country' they had so recently fought with; which even allowed for a true American boy to fight in the British Army, but not in America! 1 vol, 272 pgs 2017 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available mid March 2017 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-215930 Glover, Gareth A SCOTS GREY AT WATERLOO: The Remarkable Story of Sergeant William Clarke William Clarke of Prestonpans, Scotland, joined the 2nd Royal North British Dragoons, the Scots Greys, in 1803. Clarke had risen to the rank of sergeant by the time the regiment was ordered to Belgium on the news that Napoleon had escaped from Elba. Forming part of what became known as the 'Union' Brigade, the Scots Greys played a key role in Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo.

The John Rylands Library, Manchester, recently acquired William Clarke's 600-page, handwritten memoir describing his enlistment and military career, the highlight of which was the Waterloo campaign, which he describes in unusual detail in the vernacular of the day, presented and annotated by the renowned historian Garth Glover.

Follow the movements of the Scots Greys throughout the three days from Quatre-Bras to that climatic encounter on the Mont St Jean. Clarke naturally portrays the charge of the Union Brigade in dramatic and heroic terms, but he claims that the man who led the charge, Major General William Ponsonby, was killed by a musket ball and not cut down by French cavalry, as is usually stated, for recklessly charging too far.

After the battle, Clarke was part of the Burial Party. He then graphically describes the sad scene as he does the trail of the defeated French army as the pursuing Prussians cut a merciless path on their way to Paris. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2017 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-hardback, available late January 2018 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-218620 Glover, Gareth THE TWO BATTLES OF COPENHAGEN 1801 and 1807: Britain and Denmark in the Napoleonic Wars The first Battle of Copenhagen in 1801 - the naval battle celebrated in Britain as one of Nelson's great victories - and the second - the British army's assault on the city in 1807 in which Wellington played a prominent part - were episodes in the continental struggle to resist the power of the French. This describes these events in vivid detail, quoting extensively from the recollections of eyewitnesses on both sides. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$43.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-221110 Glover, Gareth THE DIARY OF LIEUTENANT ERNST MEIER OF THE WESTPHALIAN GARDE CHEVAU-LEGERS, THE BRUNSWICK HUSSARS AND 2ND DRAGOONS KING'S GERMAN LEGION 1809-1815 A fascinating short memoir. Ernst was captured in 1809 by the Austrians & transferred to the Duke of Brunswick's Black Hussars who eventually took sea to Britain to continue fighting against Napoleon. He then joined the 2nd Dragoons of the KGL being sent to the Peninsula in October 1813 to witness the closing events including Toulouse. He served in the Army of Occupation in 1815. 1 vol, 114 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-softcover, available late August 2019 ......$32.00 rct

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1-2237007 Glover, Gareth THE WATERLOO ARCHIVE VOLUME VII: BRITISH SOURCES, BEING THE KEN TROTMAN WATERLOO ARCHIVE VOLUME 1 We are delighted to announce that Ken Trotman Publishing has taken over the prestigious Waterloo Archive series. This is a continuation of the series (but with slightly different covers).

The good news is that there are many more volumes to come including, hopefully, German & Dutch sources. Gareth's searching of original accounts that are unknown is relentless. This present volume contains original British accounts that have come to light since, including many from the other ranks, important officer's accounts including from the 1st Foot Guards and a concentration upon support services. More, much more is to follow. 1 vol, 249 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback ......$40.00 rct

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1-2237008 Glover, Gareth THE WATERLOO ARCHIVE VOLUME VIII: GERMAN AND NETHERLANDS SOURCES We are delighted to announce that Ken Trotman Publishing has taken over the prestigious Waterloo Archive series. This is a continuation of the series (but with slightly different covers).

This is the second volume we have published in the Waterloo Archives series. It is a very significant volume as it concentrates upon the KGL, but in particular, sources covering the forces from The Netherlands 1 vol, 278 pgs 2020 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late June 2020 ......$40.00 rct

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1-2237009 Glover, Gareth THE WATERLOO ARCHIVE VOLUME IX: BRITISH SOURCES We are delighted to announce that Ken Trotman Publishing has taken over the prestigious Waterloo Archive series. This is a continuation of the series (but with slightly different covers).

21 contemporary illustrations of the battlefield in June-July 1815, 3 maps. 2020. Gareth continues to find more and more unpublished material. This is the third volume we have published in the Waterloo Archives series. It includes significant material relating to the Guards & the 52nd, the 33rd & the 92nd. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2020 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late June 2020 ......$40.00 rct

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1-2237010 Glover, Gareth THE WATERLOO ARCHIVE VOLUME X: BRITISH SOURCES We are delighted to announce that Ken Trotman Publishing has taken over the prestigious Waterloo Archive series. This is a continuation of the series (but with slightly different covers).

19 contemporary illustrations of the battlefield in June-July 1815, 3 maps. 2020. Gareth continues to find more and more unpublished material. Alongside individual accounts, there is a wealth of other source material available, which contains just as much if not more invaluable information for those interested in the organisation of the Army of this time. These are the letter books of various commanding officers, containing a mass of letters sent by a myriad of correspondents on an astounding variety of subjects. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2020 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late June 2020 ......$40.00 rct

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1-2237011 Glover, Gareth THE WATERLOO ARCHIVE VOLUME XI: BRITISH SOURCES Some illus & maps in text. 2020. In particular two extensive Brigade Order books from Vivian's 6th Cavalry Brigade plus more new accounts including officers of the 52nd and 32nd Foot, commentaries on the 1st Foot Guards & two lengthy transcripts of court martials of two officers from the 32nd for conduct at Waterloo 1 vol, 272 pgs 2020 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late October 2020 ......$40.00 rct

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1-2237012 Glover, Gareth THE WATERLOO ARCHIVE VOLUME XII: BRITISH SOURCES Further contemporary accounts including James Smithies of 1st Dragoons, John Luard of 16th Dragoons & Thomas Taylor of 10th Hussars. The infantry include Mathew Clay & less well known accounts from the Light Brigade. But this volume also includes order books of the period including those by Colonel Charles Broke for the daily movements of the cavalry and also General Adam's Brigade Orders for the Light Division plus others. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2020 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback ......$40.00 rct

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1-2237013 Glover, Gareth THE WATERLOO ARCHIVE VOLUME XIII: BRITISH SOURCES Another fine collection of memoirs, including four serving soldiers from the ranks, such as Second Captain Walcott from the RHA, Captain Drake of the Horse Guards, and Lieutenant Colonel Gomm and Captain Macleod of the Quarter Master General staff. Also includes parts of other memoirs to provide a wide spectrum of information. 1 vol, 258 pgs 2021 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late May 2021 ......$42.00 rct

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1-2237014 Glover, Gareth THE WATERLOO ARCHIVE VOLUME XIV: BRITISH SOURCES An eclectic mixture of reports, letters & memoirs, including Lt.Benson Hill who served with the siege artillery supporting the Prussian sieges, three other ranks accounts, the notes of Lt.William Elliot, a poignant letter from Lt.Gordon of the 92nd & many others. 1 vol, 258 pgs 2021 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late May 2021 ......$42.00 rct

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1-225270 Glover, Gareth Waterloo: Myth and Reality More has probably been written about the Waterloo campaign than almost any other in history. It was the climax of the Napoleonic Wars and forms a watershed in both European and world history. However, the lethal combination of national bias, willful distortion, and simple error has unfortunately led to the constantly regurgitated traditional 'accepted' version being significantly wrong regarding many episodes in the campaign. Oft-repeated claims have morphed into established fact and, with the bicentenary of this famous battle soon to be commemorated, it is high time that these are challenged and finally dismissed.

Gareth Glover has spent a decade uncovering hundreds of previously unpublished eyewitness accounts of the battle and campaign, which have highlighted many of these myths and errors. In this groundbreaking history, based on extensive primary research of all the nations involved, he provides a very readable and beautifully balanced account of the entire campaign while challenging these distorted claims and myths, and he provides clear evidence to back his version of events. His thoughtful reassessment of this decisive episode in world history will be stimulating reading for those already familiar with the Napoleonic period and it will form a fascinating introduction for readers who are discovering this extraordinary event for the first time. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid September 2020 ......$29.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-227251 Glover, Gareth THE NAPOLEONIC ARCHIVE VOLUME 1: BRITISH LINE INFANTRY MEMOIRS This volume contains the memoirs if: Lt-Col.Sir John Cameron, 1/9th Foot, 1808-1814; Private Adam Reed, 47th (Lancashire) Foot, 1806-1817; Ensign William Gavin, 71st Highlanders, 1806-1815; Captain Peter Bowlby, 4th Foot (1791-1877). All are significant memoirs covering The Peninsula War, Walcheren and South America 1 vol, 270 pgs 2021 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late May 2021 ......$42.00 rct

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1-2272510 Glover, Gareth THE NAPOLEONIC ARCHIVE 10: A Hellish Business: The Letters of Captain Charles Kinloch, 52nd Light Infantry 1806-16 First published in a limited edition paperback but now issued in a better hardback edition. Charles Kinloch served at Copenhagen before proceeding to Portugal to take part in Wellington's first Peninsular campaign. Returning home, he sailed with the Great Expedition to Walcheren in 1809 and then returned to Spain for the campaigns of 1810-12; when his foreign service was rudely halted by a severe wound received at Badajoz. Forced to return home to recuperate, Charles became a captain by purchase in the 99th Foot in March 1813, transferring back to the 52nd in the following July. Charles was appointed as an extra Aide de Camp to General Sir John Hope and became a unique eye-witness to the wounding and capture of Sir John. 1 vol, 268 pgs 2022 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late November 2022 ......$40.00 rct

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1-2272511 Glover, Gareth THE NAPOLEONIC ARCHIVE VOLUME 11: Letters of Lt. Col Henry Packe and Captsain Orlando Bridgeman of the 1st Foot Guards: Letters About Waterloo With the 1st Foot Guards in the Peninsular and at Waterloo: the Letters of Lt-Col Henry Packe 1806-16; A Young Gentleman at War: The Letters of Captain, the Honourable Orlando Bridgeman, 1st Foot Guards in the Peninsula and at Waterloo, 1812-15. 1 vol, 268 pgs 2023 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early July 2023 ......$40.00 rct

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1-2272512 Glover, Gareth THE NAPOLEONIC ARCHIVE VOLUME 12: Journals of Majors John Duffy and John Maxwell Tylden of the 43rd Foot Journal of Lieutenant John Duffy of the 10th Foot in the West Indies, India, and Egypt; Journal of Captain John Duffy of the 43rd Foot in the Operations of Craufurd's Brigade during the Corunna Campaign; Journal of Major John Duffy of the 43rd in the Peninsula under Wellington; Journal of Major John Maxwell Tylden of the 43rd Foot in the Peninsula 1813-14.n this new volume are: Journal of Lieutenant John Duffy of the 10th Foot in the West Indies, India, and Egypt; Journal of Captain John Duffy of the 43rd Foot in the Operations of Craufurd's Brigade during the Corunna Campaign; Journal of Major John Duffy of the 43rd in the Peninsula under Wellington; Journal of Major John Maxwell Tylden of the 43rd Foot in the Peninsula 1813-14. 1 vol, 254 pgs 2023 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early July 2023 ......$40.00 rct

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1-2272513 Glover, Gareth THE NAPOLEONIC ARCHIVE VOLUME 13: Memoirs of the 28th, 34th AND 39th Foot: Pringle's Brigade of the 2nd Division Seven Peninsula accounts: Sergeant Solomon Rich, 28th Foot; Sergeant Thomas Patton, 28th Foot; Captain George Widdrington, 34th Foot; Lieutenant Bejamin Marcus Ball, 39th Foot; Lt Edward McArthur, 39th Foot; Private John Morgan, 39th Foot; and Sergeant John Morris Jones 39th Foot. Includes 11 illustrations and six tables. 1 vol, 260 pgs 2023 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early December 2023 ......$40.00 rct

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1-2272514 Glover, Gareth THE NAPOLEONIC ARCHIVE VOLUME 14: Memoirs of the 4th (Queen's Own) Dragoons in the Peninsula War The 4th Dragoons served throughout the Peninsula War. The memoirs in this volume are: The Diary of Lt Charles Dudley Madden; Letters from the Peninsular written by Lieutenant Norcliffe; Journal of Lt William Light from 7 April 1809 to 11 April 1814; Letters of Lieutenant William Cowper Coles. Includes 12 illustrations, 48 plans, and a table. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2023 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early December 2023 ......$40.00 rct

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1-227252 Glover, Gareth THE NAPOLEONIC ARCHIVE VOLUME 2: Coldstream Guards in the Peninsula This volume contains the memoirs of Ensign John Drummond of the 1st Bn Coldstream Guards in the Peninsula 1812-1814 & A Guards Officer in the Peninsula and at Waterloo: The letters of Captain George Bowles, Coldstream Guards (1807-1819). 1 vol, 258 pgs 2021 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late May 2021 ......$42.00 rct

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1-227253 Glover, Gareth THE NAPOLEONIC ARCHIVE VOLUME 3: CORUNNA AND WALCHEREN MEMOIRS (1808-1809). A continuation of our efforts to convert our original paperback monographs into better bound volumes: Contains the memoirs of Lt-Col James H Stanhope 1810-17 (Staff), Captain Charles A Pierrepoint (Assistant Quarter-Master General), John Dayes (5th Foot), Sergeant Peter Facey (28th Regiment), Walcheren Diary of Lt John Garbutt 84th Foot, and Lt George Bourne 85th Foot & Expedition to Walcheren 2nd Captain Henry Light. 1 vol, 250 pgs 2021 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early October 2021 ......$42.00 rct

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1-227254 Glover, Gareth THE NAPOLEONIC ARCHIVE VOLUME 4: WELLINGTON'S STAFF A continuation of our efforts to convert our original paperback monographs into better bound volumes: Contains the previously published memoirs of Lt-Col. James H Stanhope (Staff) , Robert Duffield Cooke (Army Pay Corps), Captain Thomas Edwardes-Tucker (ADC to Picton), The Texas Papers (various senior British & Portuguese officers), PLUS the following previously unpublished works: Diary of Maj-Gen John Randoll Mackenzie of Suddie, 3rd Division, Letters of Brgadier William Parker Carrol 3rd Spanish Division, Letters to Sir Charles Stuart Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotential to Portugal and Brazil (1810-1811), and Letters of Major-General William Wheatley of 1st Division 1812. 1 vol, 250 pgs 2021 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early October 2021 ......$42.00 rct

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1-227255 Glover, Gareth THE NAPOLEONIC ARCHIVE VOLUME 5: WITH THE 43RD ACROSS THE GLOBE: LETTERS AND JOURNALS OF MAJOR JOHN MAXWELL TYLDEN OF THE 43RD FOOT AT MONTEVIDEO, CORUNNA, THE PENINSULA, INDIA AND NEW ORLEANS Major John Maxwell Tylden of the 43rd Foot (1787-1866) wrote throughout his military career to his cousin William Bland about the current military situation and his great passion for agriculture. The extracts come from his Corunna Campaign (Oct 1808-Feb 09), and the Battle of Toulouse (April 1814), the New Orleans Expedition (Oct 1814-10 May 1815) journals. 23 illus., 5 maps 1 vol, 208 pgs 2021 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardcover, available late February 2022 ......$42.00 rct

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1-227256 Glover, Gareth THE NAPOLEONIC ARCHIVE VOLUME 6: WITH THE 43RD IN THE PENINSULA: THE LETTERS OF WILLIAM FREER, EDWARD FREER AND DANIEL GARDNER OF THE 43RD FOOT (1807-15). William Freer fought at Vimiero, Corunna, the Coa, Busaco, Foz d'Arouce, Sabugal, Fuentes D'Onoro, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Vitoria, the Pyrenees, the Bidassoa, Nivelle, Tarbes & Toulouse. John Freer, his brother, was in the artillery at Gibraltar. Edward Freer, his younger brother, served in the 43rd Foot from 4 April 1809. Thomas Freer, his youngest brother, became a lieutenant in the Leicester Militia. Their uncle Daniel Gardner also in the 43rd was killed at Talavera. 4 illus., 5 maps 1 vol, 196 pgs 2021 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardcover, available late February 2022 ......$42.00 rct

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1-227257 Glover, Gareth THE NAPOLEONIC ARCHIVE 7: British Peninsular and Waterloo Cavalry This volume contains the following writings originally published in our paperback series: Lt. Col. Charles Morland (Light Dragoons in Egypt & Spain), Captain Thomas Fenton (4th Dragoons & Scots Greys 1809-15), Sergeant-Major Thomas Playford (Lifeguardsman in Spain, Frane & Waterloo), Colonel George Blathwayt (23rd Light Dragoons) Private James Smithies 1st Royal Dragoons plus a new memoir: The Journal of Captain Edward Keane 7th Light Dragoons. 1 vol, 254 pgs 2022 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late June 2022 ......$40.00 rct

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1-227258 Glover, Gareth THE NAPOLEONIC ARCHIVE 8: The Royal Artillery in the Peninsula and the Netherlands (1789-1815). This volume contains the following writings originally published in our paperback series: Captain Charles Dansey 1806-1813, Captain Adam Wall (Corunna Campaign), Captain Edward Charles Whinyates 1788-1814. In addition there are several new memoirs: Reminiscences of a Woolwich Cadet 1802 by 2nd Captain Frederick Robertson, Letter of 1st Lt Edward Thomas Michell from Gibraltar 1805, The Diary of William Laycock on the Practice of Congreve Rockets in Sweden, Portugal, Cadiz & Waterloo, Letters of Gunner Andrew Philips 2nd Battalion RA 1804-14, Journal of 2nd Lt Henry Hough 1812-1813, Letter of 1st Lt Henry Macleod 6 Nov 1810, Diary of Major Thomas Downman Apr-July 1811 & Letters of 1st Lt Hugh Mallet RA from Portugal, 1810-1811. 1 vol, 258 pgs 2022 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late June 2022 ......$40.00 rct

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1-227259 Glover, Gareth THE NAPOLEONIC ARCHIVE 9: The Journals of Captain Henry Oglander of the 43rd & 47th Foot in the Copenhagen, Corunna & Peninsula Campaigns Henry served with the 1st Battalion 43rd Foot at Copenhagen and then served in the Peninsula in the Coruna campaign, returning to serve there from July 1810 to June 1812 and once again in the Peninsula with the 47th Foot from February 1813 to April 1814. He served at the following actions in the Peninsula: Coa, Busaco, Redhina, Foz d'Arouce, Sabugal, Fuentes d'Onoro, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz (where he was severely wounded losing his left arm) Vitoria, San Sebastian (severely wounded again, losing a finger) and Bayonne. He received a Gold Medal for commanding his battalion at San Sebastian. 1 vol, 292 pgs 2022 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late November 2022 ......$40.00 rct

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1-229230 Glover, Gareth MARCHING, FIGHTING, DYING: Experiences of Soldiers in the Peninsular War Explores the everyday experience of British troops during the Napoleonic War in the Peninsular using excerpts from their letters. Only extracts from letters written during the campaigns are quoted - journals written much later for publication are discounted - so a true picture of life in the army at war comes out directly, as it was perceived at the time. Every aspect of the soldiers' experience is covered, from the fatigue and discomfort of existence on military service to the reality of combat and their feelings when a comrade was wounded or killed. The letters reveal so much about their attitude to the enemy, civilians and the men who served alongside them. Since this was the first war in history where regular postal services operated - and since a rising number of soldiers were able to read and write - their letters offer us an insight into men at war that has never been recorded before. 1 vol, 344 pgs 2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid January 2022 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-236070 Glover, Gareth THE REDCOATS OF WELLINGTON'S LIGHT DIVISION IN THE PENINSULAR WAR: Unpublished and Rare Memoirs of the 52nd Regiment of Foot This collection of short memoirs from soldiers of the 52nd (Oxfordshire) Regiment has never been published before and one previously published, but now virtually unobtainable. This collection will undoubtedly add an essential element to our understanding of the role of the Light Division both in battle and on campaign during the Napoleonic wars.

The Light Division is rightly regarded as the most famous force within Wellington's army in the Peninsular War. Often the first into every battle and the last to withdraw, the men of the Light Division were trained to act independently and think for themselves as well as operating in their battalion formations.

The regiments which comprised the Light Division were present at almost every battle, large or small, throughout the Peninsular War. Many people, however, associate the Light Division with the men of the 95th Rifles, wearing in the distinctive green uniforms made famous in the Sharpe novels.

What is less understood is that the majority of the Light Division actually consisted of troops dressed in the traditional red uniforms. These were men who, although equally capable of skirmishing as light infantry, actually spent the vast majority of their time formed as regular infantry, fighting in line, column or square. The 52nd Foot was the first of the regiments of the Light Division to be trained as light infantry. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late February 2023 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-238720 Glover, Gareth THE TWO BATTLES OF COPENHAGEN 1801 and 1807: Britain and Denmark in the Napoleonic Wars Focus on the first Battle of Copenhagen in 1801 - the naval battle celebrated in Britain as one of Nelson's great victories -- and British army's assault on the city in 1807 in which Wellington played a prominent part. Shows how they fitted into the politics of this region during the Napoleonic Wars. Includes British and Danish perspectives, quoting extensively from the recollections of eyewitnesses. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$39.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-240150 Glover, Gareth RIFLEMEN OF WELLINGTON'S LIGHT DIVISION IN THE PENINSULA WAR: Unpublished or Rare Accounts from the 95th Rifles 1808-14 Prints contemporary memories written by members of the 95th Rifles which have never been published before or have not been brought to the attention of the present-day public. These honestly state what really happened on the battlefields of Spain and Portugal - the suffering, the awkward incidents, the rumors and camp gossip - presenting a very different picture of life in Wellington's army than the sanitized versions we have previously been presented. Also included are rare or unpublished memoirs written by members of the staff of the Light Division, enabling the reader to understand the division's command structure and organization to provide a rounded and realistic vision of this famous fighting force. 1 vol, 248 pgs 2023 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-pb, available mid November 2023 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-245351 Glover, Gareth FEEDING WELLINGTON'S ARMY IN THE PENINSULA: The Journal of Assistant Commissary General Tupper Carey - Volume I Transcribed from Commissary General Tupper Carey's handwritten journals, this is the first of two volumes which cover the lively career of a commissary, from early life to serving throughout the Peninsular War and Waterloo campaigns. Also detailed are Tupper's role in the Corunna campaign, The Border War, Battle of Salamanca, and the Siege of Burgos. Contains 16 color illustrations.

Written with vivid detail, these journals offer a truly unique window into the life of a commissary and the campaigns in which he served. Although a civilian and greatly discouraged from putting himself in mortal danger, Tupper was often to be found watching the fighting from some nearby vantage point and often describes the actions he witnessed, particularly where it affected his own charge. He also talks freely about fellow officers, and being a private journal written simply for the eyes of his immediate family, he is not shy in giving his honest opinions of both his subordinates or indeed his superiors. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late July 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-245352 Glover, Gareth FEEDING WELLINGTON'S ARMY FROM BURGOS TO WATERLOO: The Journal of Assistant Commissary General Tupper Carey - Volume II Transcribed from Commissary General Tupper Carey's handwritten journals, this is the second of two volumes which cover the lively career of a commissary, from early life to serving throughout the Peninsular War and Waterloo campaigns. This volume covers the period from the launch of Wellington's great advance into Spain in 1813 until the end of the war in 1814, the Waterloo campaign of 1815, and the Army of Occupation in France from 1815 to 1818, when Tupper became arguably the most important Commissary working for the Duke of Wellington. Contains 16 color illustrations.

Written with vivid detail, these journals offer a truly unique window into the life of a commissary and the campaigns in which he served. Although a civilian and greatly discouraged from putting himself in mortal danger, Tupper was often to be found watching the fighting from some nearby vantage point and often describes the actions he witnessed, particularly where it affected his own charge. He also talks freely about fellow officers, and being a private journal written simply for the eyes of his immediate family, he is not shy in giving his honest opinions of both his subordinates or indeed his superiors. 1 vol, 280 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late July 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-247220 Glover, Gareth A SCOT AT WAR WITH WELLINGTON: The Memoir of Captain James Stirling of the Black Watch Captain James Stirling's journals offer a first-hand account of the 42nd Regiment's actions during the Peninsular War. These revealing journals cover Captain James Stirling's period of active service with the 42nd Foot, as well as the time he served with the Portuguese forces until the end of 1813. His sudden death prevented him from completing the record of his service with the Portuguese Army in 1814. Explanatory notes are provided by the author throughout to add extra context to Stirling's commentary, making this book accessible for both the historian and enthusiast. Contains 16 color illustrations. 1 vol, 312 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late December 2024 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-218820 Glover, Gareth editor THE 3rd SCOTS GUARDS IN TIME OF WAR: THE MEMOIRS OF SERGEANT JOHN STEVENSON, 1793-1814 This important memoir, quoted by both Fortescue & Oman, is without doubt one of the most rare, there being only being five copies recorded. His memoir covers campaigns including Ireland in 1798, Egypt 1801, Hanover 1806, Copenhagen 1807, the Peninsular war 1809-11 (Oporto, Talavera, Bussaco, Torres Vedras, and Fuentes d'Onoro) and Bergen op Zoom 1814. It is also an important study of the rise of Methodism in the British Army. He served as a private for five years and was promoted sergeant in 1800. Includes 10 maps and other lllustrations. 1 vol, 114 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback ......$32.00

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1-207180 Glover, Gareth -- editor THE PENINSULAR AND WATERLOO JOURNALS OF LIEUTENANT WILLIAM INGILBY, ROYAL HORSE ARTILLERY, 1810-15 He served at the actions of Busaco, Miranda do Corvo, Foz d'Arouce, Sabugal, Fuentes d'Onoro, Ciudad Rodrigo, the Siege of the Salamanca forts, where he was wounded, (nearly losing his head), Salamanca, Burgos, Canizal, Llerena and Cabecon. He joined Mercer's G Troop Royal Horse Artillery with whom he was called to Belgium in 1815. He remained with them until just before the Battle of Waterloo when he was transferred to Gardiner's Troop Royal Horse Artillery, with which he fought at the battle.
1 vol, 108 pgs 2014 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-softcover ......$32.00

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1-235100 Glover, Gareth and Burnham, Robert THE MEN OF WELLINGTON'S LIGHT DIVISION: Unpublished Memoirs from the 43rd Light Infantry in the Peninsular War Memoirs from members of Wellington's Light Division, many for the first time and many accounts that were produced within hours, or at most days, after the incidents they describe. These often portray a very different view of many famous events and cause us to question numerous claims made in those later published memoirs.

Never intended to be published, the memoirs in this book were written only for the men themselves and their families, being penned without the dreaded influence of 'hindsight' to alter and temper their views. Consequently, they provide brutally honest assessments of their senior officers, how operations were handled and who made mistakes that have subsequently been quietly covered over. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2022 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-pb, available late October 2022 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-218810 Glover, Gareth and Morrisson, Paul editors A NEW SYSTEM OF CAVALRY SWORDSMANSHIP: Lt Col Charles Edward Radclyffe 1st Royal Dragoons Transcription of the original manuscript of 1818 with historical notes on the author, plus a complete facsimile of the original notebook printed in color, including the 15 original sketches by the author. This manuscript about cavalry sword exercise proves the change in sword tactics at the end of the Peninsular War and Waterloo, when the use of the cavalry sword went from slashing instrument to a stabbing one (hence the evidence of heavy cavalry grinding their swords to a point before battle).

Radclyffe served with the Royal Dragoons in the Peninsula from 1809 to 1814. He also served with distinction during the Waterloo Campaign. During his distinguished service, he reported upon necessary changes to sword tactics, resulting in this vitally important study. No printed copies of it have been recorded until now. Because of its importance and charm we have reproduced the original work in straight facsimile but also reset it for easier reading. A biography and letters from the Waterloo campaign are also included. 1 vol, 114 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late December 2018 ......$48.00

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1-246170 Glover, Gareth and Robert Burnham AT WAR WITH WELLINGTON: The Peninsular War Letters of William, George and Charles Napier Publishes the private letters of the Napier family penned immediately from the front, packed with detail of the horrors of battle and siege warfare without that dreaded hindsight. Between the three brothers, they participated in almost every action in the six-year war and two of them participated in the Army of Occupation in France from 1815-18, although none were at the Battle of Waterloo. All three survived the war, but were all badly maimed. Contains 16 mono illustrations.

Their close relationships with many senior officers of the period give a rare glimpse into the thinking of the generals and helps us understand how information was gathered and decisions were made. Being also politically active, includes their views on political matters at home and the Allied cause against France. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2024 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available early October 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-200040 Glover, Gareth ed SEVEN YEARS IN THE PENINSULA: THE MEMOIRS OF PRIVATE ADAM REED, 47TH LANCASHIRE FOOT 1806-1817 Adam Reed originally joined the Corps of Royal Artillery Drivers, but re-enlisted into the 2nd Battalion 47th (Lancashire) Regiment of Foot and served at Cadiz (where he fought at the Battle of Barossa); witnessed the end of the Siege of Tarragona; fought at the Siege of Tarifa; joined the march to Madrid including the capture of Seville; suffered the subsequent retreat to Portugal; fought at the Battle of Vitoria (where he was wounded); stormed San Sebastian (2nd Storm); and fought at the Battles of Nivelle, Nive, and finally the Sortie from Bayonne. 1 vol, 100 pgs 2012 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-dj, available late October 2012 ......$35.00

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1-86190 Glover, Gareth editor FROM CORUNNA TO WATERLOO A thoroughly researched and engaging history of two officers of the 15th Hussars from 1808-1815. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2007 UK, GREEN HILLD BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$40.00

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1-209310 Glover, Gateth WATERLOO: The Defeat of Napoleon's Imperial Guard - Henry Clinton, the 2nd Division and the End of a 200-year-old Controversy This is the most detailed account of the 2nd Division at Waterloo ever published. It is based on the papers of its commander Sir Henry Clinton and it reveals for the first time the previously unrecognized vital role this division made in the defeat of Napoleon. It explains how the division was placed ahead of the main allied squares thus impeding the charges of the French cavalry, and how the 2nd Division supported the defense of Hougoumont, considered by the Duke of Wellington as the key to his victory on 18 June 1815.

Perhaps the most significant aspect of this book is the description of the defeat of Napoleon's Imperial Guard. Just who and how the incomparable Guard was stopped and then driven from the battlefield is explained in detail. Once and for all, this 200-year controversy is finally resolved. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2015 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-15970 Glover, Michael LEGACY OF GLORY The struggle for Spain from Joseph Bonaparte's point of view. Index, chapter notes/references. Maps and b/w illust. Dust jacket worn. 1 vol, 353 pgs 1971 NEW YORK, SCRIBNER
V. GOOD-dj one copy available, first come first served ......$5.00 used

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1-21950 Glover, Michael WELLINGTON'S PENINSULAR VICTORIES Part of the 'Batsford British Battle' series. B/W illust, appendix, notes, biblio, index. 1 vol, 192 pgs 1997 UK, WINDRUSH PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$28.00

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2-21950 Glover, Michael WELLINGTON'S PENINSULAR VICTORIES Part of the 'Batsford British Battle' series. B/W illust, appendix, notes, biblio, index. 1 vol, 192 pgs 1963 NY, MACMILLAN COMPANY
V.GOOD-no dj ......$28.00

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1-52300 Glover, Michael NAPOLEONIC WARS:an illustrated history 1792-1815 Overview, maps, color and b&w illustrations. 1 vol, 232 pgs 1979 NEW YORK, HIPPOCRENE BOOK
GOOD-dj, (1) copy available ......$8.00 with a discount of 50%

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1-217760 Glover. G. editor THE JOURNAL OF SERGEANT DAVID ROBERTSON: 92nd HIGHLANDERS IN EGYPT, DENMARK, THE PENINSULA AND BELGIUM, 1795-1818 Highly prized of Napoleonic memoirs. Only two copies are listed in British collections. A very limited edition was produced by Maggs Brothers in 1982 but this new edition uses the copy in the National Library of Scotland. Robertson joined the 92nd Gordon Highlanders in 1800 and served with them until 1818 -- in Egypt, the Corunna campaign, Copenhagen, Walcheren, the Peninsula, Southern France, and the Waterloo campaign. He was wounded twice, in Egypt and at Quatre Bras. Well illustrated and includes maps. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardcover, available late August 2018 ......$35.00

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1-43610 Gneisenau, Count -- Translated by J.E. Marston LIFE AND CAMPAIGNS OF FIELD-MARSHAL PRINCE BLUCHER This prime source of Blucher's career covers his early service with Russia and Sweden as a cavalry commander in the 1790s, and progresses through all the major battles he fought in. Includes 11 original battlefield maps and major index. 1 vol, 442 pgs 1996 HOPEWELL, MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-dj, INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE 60% OFF ......$40.00 with a discount of 60% spc

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1-81680 Goetz, Robert 1805:AUSTERLITZ Napoleon and the Destruction of the 3rd Coalition,detailed and balanced account that dispels many of the myths of the battle, brought to life by many eyewitness accounts, 20 maps, b/w illust, biblio. 1 vol, 368 pgs 2005 UK, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$45.00 with a discount of 80%

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1-935901 Gomez, David editor WARGAMES-SOLDIERS & STRATEGY:Quatre Bras 1815 First in a new series of 'Osprey'-type books, full of color photos of well-painted 28mm figures,
maps, flags, o/b's. SPANISH text 1 vol, 64 pgs 2010 MADRID, REVISTAS PROFESIO
NEW-pb, Spanish text INVENTORY REDUCTION 40% OFF ......$16.00 with a discount of 40% spc

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1-195300 Gouragaud, General NAPOLEON AND THE GRAND ARMY IN RUSSIA, OR A CRITICAL EXAMINATION OF THE WORKS OF COUNT PH. DE SEGUR THE BOOK THAT CAUSED A DUEL! One of the most significant studies of the 1812 campaign is also one of the rarest. There was no love lost between Baron Gourgaud & Philip De Segur.

Incensed by inaccuracies in De Segur's famous memoir of the 1812 campaign, Gourgaud wrote this critical reply, analysing the book page by page and providing a hugely valuable & detailed critique based on his own experiences. The spat between the two ended in a duel in which De Segur was wounded. As an appendix to the work are listed the general orders for the campaign.

We are delighted to once again make available the great controversy of the Russian Campaign. (Please note that copies were originally printed on very thin paper which causes some off-setting in our edition.) 1 vol, 508 pgs 2011 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-pb ......$50.00

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1-190530 Grant, C.S. WELLINGTON'S RETURN:Battle of Talavera 1809, The Full color, includes plates of the Confederation of the Rhine troops. Maps, o/b's, biblio, index. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2009 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj ......$50.00

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1-192470 Grant, Charles Wellington in Defence 1810 - Bussaco and the Lines of Torres Vedras Wellington in Defense - 1810 describes the defense of Portugal against Massena, the Light Division's action at the Coa Bridge, the battle of Bussaco and the formidable Lines of Torres Vedras which brought the French invasion to a halt. As with previous books in the series, much of the story is told through extracts from first-hand accounts.

The uniforms of the British and French armies are covered in details and in this volume special attention has been paid to the Portuguese Army. Bob Marrion has provided more than 40 new illustrations to bring the uniforms, both regulation and campaign dress, to life. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2013 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj ......$50.00

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2-201710 Grant, Charles WELLINGTON 1813: The Vittoria Campaign Contains 35 pages of color plates by Bob Marrion plus color maps of the key engagements.

In May 1813 Wellington bade farewell to Portugal and the Allied army marched into Spain. Wellington's advance continuously outflanked the French Army of King Joseph and Marshal Jordan, causing them to fall back to the east. On 21 June 1813, the French made a stand at Vittoria. In a bold and imaginative attack Wellington launched the Allies at the French, turning both flanks of the enemy.

By evening Wellington had achieved a resounding victory and the French were in rout. The destruction of the French army was only prevented by a night of plundering as the Allies fell on the baggage of the French army bearing the loot of Spain. A month later Marshal Soult, who had replaced Joseph and Jordan, launched a counter attack with a reorganized French army. After driving the Allies back through the Pyrenees passes at Maya and Roncesvalles the French were defeated by Wellington at Sorauren and retreated back into France.

On 31 August San Sebastian was stormed and the French garrison finally surrendered on 8 September. Wellington was poised to invade France. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2018 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover edition ......$38.00

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1-84330 Grant, Charles NAPOLEON'S CAMPAIGN IN EGYPT:V1 The French 40+ color uniform plates by Bob Marrion, o/b's. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2006 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj ......$50.00

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1-84332 Grant, Charles NAPOLEON'S CAMPAIGN IN EGYPT:V2 British & Allies 59 color uniform plates by Bob Marrion, o/b's. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2007 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj ......$50.00

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1-88410 Grant, Charles WELLINGTON'S FIRST CAMPAIGN IN PORTUGAL (20) pages of new color plates by Bob Marrion with British, French and Portuguese uniforms. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2008 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$28.00

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1-198040 Grant, Charles S WELLINGTON 1812 - The Sieges of Cuidad Rodrigo, Badajoz & Burgos and the Battle of Salamanca Well illustrated throughout with almost 30 Bob Marrion color uniform plates.

The early months of 1812 saw Wellington successfully besiege and storm both Cuidad Rodrigo and Badajoz securing his lines of communication and opening up the route into Spain. Immediately facing him was Marmont's Army of Portugal. After a series of maneuvers, on 22 July Wellington saw his chance and in one of his most famous and brilliant battles he routed the French army at Salamanca. At the end of the month he entered Madrid.

He now decided to follow Marmont's Army but the fortified castle at Burgos would not fall and as news of the movements of other French armies reached him, Wellington decided to withdraw. Falling back to Salamanca and with several French armies coming together he was forced to continue the withdrawal and finished the year back where he had started -- the Portuguese border.

The year that had started so promisingly for the Allies with the storming of Cuidad Rodrigo and Badajoz and the crushing defeat of the French at Salamanca, had gone on to witness the frustration at Burgos and the retreat back almost to Portugal with the breakdown of discipline, at least in parts of the Allied army.

Balanced against this, Wellington's maneuvers had dominated much of Spain with an army that was probably no more than a quarter of the number of French soldiers in the theater of operations. Wellington had not been defeated in battle and his casualties were minimal compared with those of his enemy. Perhaps more significantly the French morale had been shattered by the Allied victory of Salamanca and they would not fight with their old confidence again. 1 vol, 152 pgs 2013 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj ......$49.00

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1-204970 Grant, Charles S WELLINGTON INVADES FRANCE: 1813-1814 The final volume in this well-received series: Nivelle, Nive, St Pierre, Orthez and Toulouse. Battle descriptions, Orders of Battle, and the usual fine Bob Marrion illustrations. 1 vol, 180 pgs 2014 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj ......$60.00

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1-51530 Grattan, William ADVENTURES WITH THE CONNAUGHT RANGERS 1809-1814 First-hand account of the 'Devil's Own' while part of Picton's 3rd Division. 1 vol, 340 pgs 2003 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$48.00

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1-86330 Greentree, David NAPOLEON'S SWISS REGIMENTS (12) color plates including original art work, photos of uniforms/equipment; covers the origins, organization and campaigns. 1 vol, 110 pgs 2007 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$32.00

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1-240430 Grehan, John THE WATERLOO CAMPAIGN IN 100 LOCATIONS Color photos trace Napoleon's movements from landing on the Golfe Juan on France's Cote d'Azur, along the Route Napoleon and through Grenoble, the Emperor's journey back to Paris, encounters on the banks of the River Sambre, Quatre Bras, Ligny, Waterloo, Wavre, retreat of of beaten French Army, uprising in the Vendee, and the last clashes of the campaign. The book closes with Napoleon's journey from Paris to St Helena via l'Ile d'Aix and Plymouth.

Headquarters buildings, observation posts, monuments and memorials, bridges and battlefields, and the principal locations of the campaign are portrayed in unique photographs - and behind every plague and place is a tale of political posturing, military maneuvering, sacrifice, and savagery. 1 vol, 232 pgs 2023 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available mid December 2023 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-63530 Grehan, John LINES OF TORRES VERDES Study of the cornerstone of Wellington's strategy in the Peninsula 1809-12, b/w maps/illust, biblio.

This is the type of book that is all too rare about the Peninsular War - detailed, well reseached and well-written. Aside from being by far the best book about the Lines, and their remarkable construction and success, this book's secret is that it also happens to contain the best accounts available of both the sige and destruction of Almeida and the battle of Busaco. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2000 UK, SPELLMOUNT PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-219590 Griffith, Robert RIFLEMEN: The History of the 5th Battalion, 60th (Royal American) Regiment - 1797-1818 The 5th Battalion of the 60th (Royal American) Regiment was the first rifle battalion in the regular British Army. Raised in 1797, it marked a significant step in the development of British light infantry and rifle corps. Lieutenant Colonel Francis de Rottenburg, the battalion's commander for almost 10 years, formulated the first British Army light infantry manual. Includes 11 color illustrations, 41 black and white illustrations, 36 black and white maps, 5 tables, and 3 figures.

After serving in Ireland during the 1798 rebellion, in the West Indies, and in the Americas, the battalion rose to fame during the Peninsular War. It was one of only three battalions to be present from the initial landings in Portugal through to the invasion of France, and victory six years later. Divided between the brigades of Wellington's army to provide specialist rifle and skirmishing capability, the riflemen often formed advance or rear guards, patrols and outposts. Frequently praised by Wellington and his divisional commanders, the battalion won 16 battle honors.

Drawing on official records, memoirs, court martial transcripts, inspection reports, and unpublished letters, Riflemen recounts not only the campaigns in which the battalion fought, but also many personal stories of the soldiers who served with it. Riflemen includes tales of murder, promotion from the ranks, desertion, prisoners of war, and small actions that are often overlooked. 1 vol, 464 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj, available late March 2019 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-245440 Griffith, Robert SO JUST AND GLORIOUS A CAUSE: Britain and the Liberation of Portugal - Rolica and Vimeiro, 1808 Detailed narrative of Wellington's first campaign in the Peninsula. Using memoirs, letters, and previously unpublished primary sources, it covers events from Junot's invasion in late 1807 to the Portuguese revolts in the summer of 1808, and then the sailing of the British expedition and the battles of Rolica and Vimeiro, through to the controversial Convention of Cintra and the liberation of Portugal from the French. Makes extensive use of primary sources from all levels of the French, Portuguese, and British forces involved, many of them previously unpublished. The forced marches of the French troops as they crossed into Portugal, the diplomatic efforts and occupation in Lisbon, and the Royal Navy blockade are all examined, as well as Vice Admiral Cotton's efforts to fan the flames of revolt in Portugal and offer support for the uprisings. Contains 34 black and white illustrations, 31 black and white photos, 12 maps, and 25 tables. 1 vol, 516 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj, available mid August 2024 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-230160 Griffith, Robert editor ARMIES AND ENEMIES OF NAPOLEON, 1789-1815: Proceedings of the 2021 Helion and Company 'From Reason to Revolution' Conference Containing chapters from some of the leading specialists in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, this volume covers a diverse range of topics that examine aspects of the armies that fought for and against France from 1792-1815.

Philip Ball looks at the unfortunate General Mack, Terry Crowdy covers military intelligence in Napoleon's Italian Campaign and Alex Mikaberidze examines Kutuzov's role in the Austerlitz Campaign. There is a chapter by Alistair Nichols on the French emigre units in British pay and one by Mark Edward Hay on the rebuilding of the Dutch army before Waterloo. The Peninsular War is also covered with a chapter by Kenton White on French strategy and tactics and Robert Griffith covers the role of the battalions of light companies in Wellington's Army. 1 vol, 214 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover, available mid April 2022 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-227190 Griffithm Robert AT THE POINT OF THE BAYONET: The Peninsular War Battles of Arroyomolinos and Almaraz 1811-1812 Rowland Hill was one of the Duke of Wellington's most trusted subordinates, known for caring deeply for the welfare of his men, but the battles of Arroyomolinos (1811) and Almaraz (1812) show that he was far more than just 'Daddy Hill' and a safe pair of hands. He was also a general of considerable skill and daring.

At Arroyomolinos he led his troops for days through appalling weather to outmaneuver and then decimate an entire French division in a perfectly conceived surprise attack. At Almaraz, he advanced far from allied lines to capture and then destroy a vital French bridge, overcoming considerable logistical challenges and substantial defenses, and paving the way for Wellington's victory at Salamanca. Includes 58 photos & illustrations, eight pages of color plates, and nine maps.

For both actions, Hill used the same two British infantry brigades as well as Portuguese and Spanish units. The relatively small numbers of units involved has enabled the author to give greater focus on the individual regiments and the men who served in them than is often the case with larger battles. He uses memoirs, previously unpublished letters, and official returns and reports to paint a very detailed picture of two small but important battles of the Peninsular War and the men that fought them.
1 vol, 208 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$38.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-970016 Griffon de Pleineville, Natalia; illust by Florent Vincent CHICLANA-BARROSA - 5 March 1811, The Eagles in Andalusia FORGOTTEN BATTLES series: February 1811. Marshal Victor had besieged the Spanish city of Cadiz for a year. Generals Manuel de Lapena and Thomas Graham, at the head of Spanish and British troops, disembarked at Algeciras and at Tarifa and led their men towards Chiclana in order to attack the French lines from the rear. On 5 March, the opposing armies ran into each other on ground overlooked by the Bermeja and the Barrosa towers; the latter giving its name to the battle.

The French troops commanded by Generals Villatte, Leval, and Ruffin fell back before the Allied army. The fighting was fierce and the 8e Regiment of the Line lost its golden wreathed Eagle. Using French, Spanish and British sources and archives, drawing on numerous eyewitness accounts, the author captures the views of both sides of the conflict and provides a new and objective narrative in fascinating detail of this long-forgotten and little-known battle of the Peninsular War. 60 b/w & color illust & maps etc. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2012 FRANCE, HISTORIC ONE EDITIONS
NEW-softcover [English text] ......$28.00

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1-905100 Guillemot, Pierre-Baptiste THE GARDE NATIONALE 1789-1815: France's Forgotten Armed Forces In mid-July 1789, after the storming of the Bastille, the municipality of Paris organized a Garde Nationale, heir to the militias of the Ancien Regime. Provinces quickly formed identical militias, which intervened in the troubles of the municipal revolution. Bringing citizens together, the Garde Nationale became one of the most important players of the French Revolution.

Organized on a military model, it nevertheless remained a civilian force whose members, who elected their officers, were often armed and equipped with odds and ends by the municipalities. Responsible for ensuring order, they performed their service despite their professional activity and family life.

The Garde Nationale remains one of the most misunderstood institutions of the French Revolution and the First Empire. It does not lend itself well to synthesis, and occupies a minor place in the work of historians. Based on contemporary documents - in particular on previously little-used archives - this book analyses the successive organizations of the Garde Nationale in Paris and in the provinces, the evolution of its strength, but also its place in relation to the army, not to mention the recurrent hesitations between the two conceptions of the institution: a national force with a broad recruitment or a local and bourgeois militia. Lavishly illustrated with largely unpublished iconography and original artwork, the book also looks at the uniforms and equipment of the Garde Nationale. 1 vol, 364 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid February 2023 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-62360 Hall, Christopher BRITISH STRATEGY IN THE NAPOLEONIC WAR 1803-15 The author analyzes the battles/campaigns and the effects of manpower, finances, armaments, politics logistics, intelligence and military objectives, maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 256 pgs 1999 UK, MANCHESTER UNIV PRESS
NEW-dj, reprint ......$16.00

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1-35150 Hamilton-William, David FALL OF NAPOLEON, THE:The Final Betrayal Using substantial new research, the author details the many betrayals of Napoleon from 1813 to 1815, maps, b/w illust. 1 vol, 352 pgs 1999 LONDON, BROCKHAMPTON PUBS
NEW-dj ......$28.00

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1-55680 Hamilton, Sergeant Anthony HAMILTON'S CAMPAIGN WITH MOORE & WELLINGTON Extremely rare memoir of a slodier in the 43rdRegt, he took part in the retreat to Coruuna, alsoat all the major battles from Vimiero to SanSebastian where he was captured only to escape. 1 vol, 216 pgs 1998 UK, SPELLMOUNT PUBLISHERS
NEW-dj ......$30.00

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1-217940 Harding-Edgar, John NEXT TO WELLINGTON: GENERAL SIR GEORGE MURRAY: The Story of a Scottish Soldier and Statesman, Wellington's Quartermaster General Biography includes 24 color illustrations, 41 black and white illustrations, and 9 maps.

Young George Murray, born into a long established Perthshire family with both Jacobite and Hanoverian loyalties, would soon see action in the campaigns against Revolutionary France and Napoleon Bonaparte after obtaining his commission into 3rd Regiment of Foot Guards (the Scots Guards) in 1790. Murray served with distinction in the Low Countries, which were seen as essential to safeguarding Britain's trade links and in Ireland, where the constant threat of insurrection and invasion required a huge garrison. He accompanied General Abercromby to remove the French from Egypt, where Murray was in the first wave of the landing force at Aboukir, one of the great British military successes.

Becoming one of the new 'Scientific' officers, Murray was the brains behind the plans to take a number of West Indian islands from the French, before settling into his career in the Quartermaster General's department. He made a name for himself in the controversial bombardment of Copenhagen in 1807, which resulted in the capture of the entire Danish fleet, the first operation in which Murray and Arthur Wellesley (later the Duke of Wellington) fought together. 1 vol, 408 pgs 2018 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj, available early September 2018 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-237860 Harding-Edgar, John NEXT TO WELLINGTON: General Sir George Murray: The Story of a Scottish Soldier and Statesman, Wellington's Quartermaster General Biography provides insight into the life, ambitions, opinions, and actions of Wellington's most trusted, professional, and thoughtful staff officer, described as the only man received into the unlimited confidence of Lord Wellington. Covers his service in the Low Countries, Ireland, West Indies, Egypt, and the Peninsular War. Murray's development of the Quartermaster General's department into an impressively efficient operation, touching on almost every aspect of the Army's movement, topographical and military intelligence, and preparation for battle, was of immense value to Wellington. Includes 24 color ills, 41 b/w illustrations, and 9 maps. 1 vol, 410 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid August 2023 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-218210 Harrington, Peter WITH THE GUARDS IN FLANDERS: The Diary of Captain Roger Morris, 1793-1795 Captain Roger Morris, a young British officer in the Coldstream Guards, served in France, Belgium, and Holland during the Duke of York's campaign against the armies of Revolutionary France. During the period from May 1793 until March 1795, he kept a diary in which he described the various actions, commanders and incidents, noting failures and poor leadership, and commenting on some of the wider events. Morris also traveled extensively on horseback throughout the region when he was not campaigning, often visiting local churches to view or play the organs! Includes black and white illustrations and maps. 1 vol, 148 pgs 2018 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover, available mid October 2018 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-17610 Hart, Liddell editor LETTERS OF PRIVATE WHEELER, THE The account by a private of the 51st Battalion of King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, from the attack on Walcheren, thru the Peninsular Campaign, to Waterloo, appendix, index. 1 vol, 342 pgs 1952 US, HOUGHTON MIFFLIN PRESS
GOOD-dj, only 1 copy available, first come, first served ......$5.00

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GOOD-dj ......$12.00

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1-210620 Haynes, Nick FAR IN ADVANCE: The Peninsular War Paintings of Christa Hook 160-page lavishly illustrated book. Over 25 images of The Rifles antecedent regiments including previously unportrayed scenes.

With the passage of more than another century, we still have the writings of the veterans to illuminate the period and through the remarkable genius of Christa Hook, we have a visual record that is surely as accurate as we can approach through the mists of time. -- From Philip Haythornthwaite's Introduction. 1 vol, 154 pgs 2015 UK, PENINSULA PLACE
NEW-dj, available early February 2016 ......$38.00

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1-199710 Haythornthwaite, Philip REDCOATS: The British Soldiers of the Napoleonic Wars Traces the career of a British soldier from enlistment, through the key stages of his path through the military system, including combat, and all the way to his eventual discharge. His fascinating account shows how varied the recruits of the day were, from urban dwellers and weavers to plowboys and laborers, and they came from all regions of the British Isles including Ireland and Scotland. 6 x 9 inches, 70 illustrations integrated. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2012 UK, Pen and Sword
NEW-dj, available mid September 2012 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-35130 Haythornthwaite, Philip ARMIES OF WELLINGTON, THE Assessment of how Wellington altered the structure and equipment of his troops for each campaign that he fought, extensive analysis & statistical data, 100+ b/w illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 288 pgs 1994 LONDON, CASSELL LTD
NEW-dj, o/p ......$30.00

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1-88650 Haythornthwaite, Philip WATERLOO ARMIES, THE The organization, structure and fighting strength of the opposing armies have received little or no attention. This is the subject of the author's study. 100+ b/w and color illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2008 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-55400 Haythornthwaite, Philip J. NAPOLEONIC SOURCE BOOK, THE An exhaustive range of facts, details, superb maps200 b/w illust, line drawings. index, biblio, 7.5x9.75 format. A must for the Napoleonic student. 1 vol, 416 pgs 1995 LONDON, ARMS & ARMOUR PRS
NEW-softcover, o/p ......$28.00

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2-55570 Haythornthwaite, Phillip WHO WAS WHO IN THE NAPOLEONIC WARS 7.5x10, comprehensive biographical dictionary of more than 500 of the more important figures, 250b/w illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 320 pgs 1998 LONDON, ARMS & ARMOUR
NEW-dj ......$24.00

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2-22640 Headley, J.T. NAPOLEON AND HIS MARSHALS Brief account of all of Napoleon's Marshals. 2 vol, 551 pgs 19?? NY, PEARSON PUBLISHING CO
GOOD-hardcovers soiled/worn ......$43.00

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1-26860 Henderson, Earnest F. BLUCHER & THE UPRISING OF PRUSSIA AGAINST NAPOLEON Account of the inspiring part played by Blucher in the War of Liberation, 1806-1815. B/w illust, maps 1 vol, 347 pgs 1993 LONDON, R.J. LEACH COMP'Y
NEW-hardback, facsimile of 1911 ed ......$40.00

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1-10190 Henderson, James FRIGATES, THE Account of the lesser Warships of the Great French Wars 1793-1815, b/w plates, appendix, index. 1 vol, 176 pgs 1994 LONDON, LEO COOPER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$8.00

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1-196710 Henderson, James Frigates, Sloops & Brigs Originally published in two volumes, this book is a bargain for all who want the factual low-down on Nelson's navy.

Admiral Nelson's most frequent cry was for more frigates. Though not ships of the line these fast and powerful warships were the 'eyes of the fleet'. They enabled admirals to find where the enemy lay and his likely intentions, as well as patrolling vital trade routes and providing information from far-flung colonies. Together with their smaller cousins, the sloops and brigs of the Royal Navy, they performed a vital function.

Generally commanded by ambitious young men, these were the ships that could capture enemy prizes and earn their officers and men enough prize-money to set them up for life. The fictional characters Horatio Hornblower and Jack Aubrey hardly surpassed some of the extraordinary deeds of derring-do and tragedy described in these pages. Includes 16 pages illustrations, many b/w drawings, and maps. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2011 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-219740 Henk, Toorenvliet NAPOLEON'S FAITHFUL VICEROY : Eugene de Beauharnais and his Italian Army A military biography of Eugene de Beauharnais and a study of the organization and uniforms of the first Italian Army. Well illustrated in color. 1 vol, 236 pgs 2019 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover, available late March 2019 ......$49.00 rct

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1-224000 Heuvel, Sean From Across the Sea - North Americans in Nelson's Navy From Across the Sea: North Americans in Nelson's Navy explores the varied contributions of North Americans to the Royal Navy during Great Britain's wars against Revolutionary and Napoleonic France. It is the first book that explores this topic in depth. As an edited compilation, top specialists in the field have contributed thematic essays (on topics ranging from impressment to the Anglo-American maritime relationship) as well as biographical essays on a range of North Americans from both the officer ranks and the lower deck. For the biographical portraits, special attention has been paid to individuals who have not already been the subject of extensive research and writing. Accompanying these essays are several never-before-published illustrations depicting some of the key North Americans as well as the ships and naval battles in which they were a part.

The book's central focus is to challenge the common assumption that the Nelsonic-era Royal Navy was manned exclusively by British sailors and officers. Instead, Royal Navy personnel from this era often hailed from different parts of the world, with North Americans comprising a particularly significant contingent. For instance, Nelson's fleet at Trafalgar had hundreds of Americans as well as Canadians, not to mention individuals from the Caribbean. Thus, From Across the Sea sheds new light on these sailors and officers, showcasing years of original, primary source research on the subject.

The book also challenges the misconception that all North American-born sailors who served in the Royal Navy were pressed into service. Instead, a significant number volunteered for service of their own free will, lured into the Royal Navy by visions of adventure and prize money. Others volunteered more reluctantly, figuring that joining the Royal Navy on their own terms was preferable to being forced in by a press gang. Thus, From Across the Sea reveals that impressment was a more complicated topic than most generally assume.

Over all, From Across the Sea concludes that North Americans played an integral role in the Royal Navy during the Wars with France, from the lower deck all the way to the highest levels of command. While some of these North Americans operated in relative obscurity, others achieved high rank and formed lasting friendships with some of Great Britain's foremost naval leaders of the age, including Lord Nelson and King William IV. Theirs is a story that needs to be told, and now it has been told for the first time through From Across the Sea.
1 vol, 304 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid July 2020 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-64240 Hibbert, Christopher editir WHEATLEY DIARY, THE Edmund Wheatley's illustrated dairy is one of the best accounts of the KGL in the Peninsula and at Waterloo, color illust/maps. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2000 UK, THE WINDRUSH PRESS
NEW-pb ......$20.00

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2-50281 Hofschroer, Peter 1815:THE WATERLOO CAMPAIGN:V1 Ligny & Quatre Bras Using previously unpublished eyewitness accounts and battle reports from German, British & Dutch archive material the author presents another view of Wellington & his German allies, maps, biblio. 1 vol, 432 pgs 2012
NEW-pb, CONDENSED version ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-50282 Hofschroer, Peter 1815:THE WATERLOO CAMPAIGN:V2 Waterloo, Wavre etc Histories of the Waterloo campaign and tours of the battlefield generally concentrate on the battle between the armies of Napoleon and Wellington - the role of Blucher's Prussians is left in the background. Peter Hofsch?er's fascinating account focuses on the Prussians at the Battle of Waterloo and on their critical but often neglected contribution to the battle. He tells the story of the grueling Prussian advance towards the battlefield and he records the ferocious and decisive fight that broke out when they arrived. At every stage he allows the reader to follow in the footsteps of the Prussian soldiers as they struggled across the Belgian countryside almost 200 years ago. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2006 UK, PEN and SWORD
NEW-softcover ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-192340 Hofschroer, Peter translator, editor On Wellington A Critique of Waterloo By Carl von Clausewitz Clausewitz, the Western world's most renowned military theorist, participated in the Waterloo campaign as a senior staff officer in the Prussian army. His appraisal, offered here in an up-to-date and readable translation, criticized the Duke of Wellington's actions. Lord Liverpool sent his translation of the manuscript to Wellington, who pronounced it a lying work. The translated commentary was quickly buried in Wellington's private papers, where it languished for a century and a half. Now published for the first time in English, Hofschroer brings Clausewitz's critique back into view with thorough annotation and contextual explanation

Peter Hofschroer, long recognized as a leading scholar of the Napoleonic Wars, shows how the Duke prevented the account's publication during his lifetime-a manipulation of history so successful that almost two centuries passed before Clausewitz's work reemerged, finally permitting a reappraisal of key events in the campaign. In addition to translating and annotating Clausewitz's critique, Hofschroer also includes an order of battle and an extensive bibliography.

1 vol, 272 pgs
NEW-dj ......$33.00

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1-216520 Hooker, Terry and SummerField, Stephen WITH CRAUFURD IN BUENOS AIRES 1807: A Personal Account by an Officer of the 36th Foot Very few British accounts of this campaign have ever come to light. This excellent account was first published by the South and Central American Military Historians Society but such is its importance that is needs this new edition.

The 36th Regiment formed part of the reinforcements under Craufurd which arrived at Montevideo on June 14th 1807. Many of the troops had been cooped up aboard ships for almost nine months when they found themselves battling their way into the streets of Buenos Aires on July 5th. After hanging on grimly for what must have seemed like an age, Lumley led his men to the Plaza de Toros. Here, the 36th was left kicking their heels in frustration until news arrived of the armistice, which resulted in the surrender of Whitelocke's force on July 7th. Includes illustrations and maps. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardcover, available late March 2018 ......$35.00

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1-65450 Hope, Lt. James revised/intro by S. Monick IBERIAN AND WATERLOO CAMPAIGNS, THE:1811-1815 Excellent first hand account, Hope's predominantconcern is the record of the movement/events inwhich he was either a particpant or observer, newintro/index by Monick 1 vol, 352 pgs 2000 UK, NAVAL & MILITARY PRES
NEW-dj ......$56.00

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1-37015 Hopper, Michael assisted by Griner, Terry THE ROADS TO VIENNA: 1809 (Scenarios) Contains 18 scenarios providing detailed orders of battle and maps for battalion/brigade level rules.

* Raszyn
* Scharding (1st)
* Scharding (2nd)
* St. Martin
* Salzburg
* Eferding
* Ebelsberg
* Worgl
* Linz
* Gracac
* Aspern-Essling (1)
* Aspern-Essling (2)
* Gospic (1st)
* Aspern-Essling (3)
* Gospic (2nd)
* Zutalovka
* Jedlinsk
* Gorzyce 1 vol, 64 pgs 2018 CANADA, MICHAEL HOPPER
NEW-softcover ......$34.00 rct

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1-37016 Hopper, Michael assisted by Griner, Terry BLOOD ALONG THE DANUBE: 1809 (Scenarios) Contains 18 scenarios providing detailed orders of battle and maps for battalion/brigade level rules.

* Berg Isel
* Pressburg
* Nossen
* Wagram (1st day) - center
* Wagram (1st day) - west
* Wagram (2nd day) - east
* Wagram (2nd day) - center
* Wagram (2nd day) - west
* Wagram (2nd day) - south
* Wagram (2nd day) - grand
* Korneuburg
* Gefrees
* Laa
* Hollabrunn
* Schongrabern
* Znaim (1st day)
* Znaim (2nd day) - south
* Znaim (2nd day) - north 1 vol, 56 pgs 2018 CANADA, MICHAEL HOPPER
NEW-softcover ......$34.00 rct

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1-48280 Horne, Alistair HOW FAR FROM AUSTERLITZ: Napoleon 1805-1815 Author presents theory that the complete and brutal victory of Napoleon at Austerlitz set him up for the defeat in Russia. Covers strategic actions, including brief descriptions of major battles, from 1805 through 1812. Color paintings, maps, other b/w illustrations, biblio, and index. 1 vol, 414 pgs 1997 NY, ST. MARTINS PRESS
AS NEW-dj, O/P - limited copies ......$27.00

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1-31810 Horricks, Raymond IN FLIGHT WITH THE EAGLE: A Guide to Napoleon's Elite An exhaustive Who's Who of the major and minor characters that surrounded Napoleon Bonaparte. Detailed guide to the many hundreds of people who immediately surrounded the Emperor: the magic inner circle of Marshals and Near-Marshals, members of his administration, his often treacherous family, wives, and mistresses and the members of his household staff. An in-depth chronological table charting the Emperor's progress provides the historical backdrop within which we can place the elite. 1 vol, 272 pgs 1988 TUNBRIDGE WELLS, COSTELLO
NEW-dj, INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE 60% OFF ......$20.00 with a discount of 60% spc

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1-34640 Horward, Donald D. NAPOLEON AND IBERIA: The Twin Sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Almeida, 1810 Based on original correspondence from the Massena family archives, this details the 1810 campaign and the twin sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Almeida, and includes 13 b/w maps, many photos, drawings, bibliography, and index. 1 vol, 440 pgs 1994 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-dj, inventory reduction SPECIAL OFFER -- Limited quantity available ......$40.00 with a discount of 50%

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1-200300 Howard, Martin R WALCHEREN 1809: Scandalous Destruction of a British Army In July 1809, with the Dutch coast 'a pistol held at the head of England,' the largest British expeditionary force ever assembled, over 40,000 men and around 600 ships, weighed anchor off the Kent coast and sailed for the island of Walcheren in the Scheldt estuary. After an initial success, the expedition stalled and as the lethargic military commander, Lord Chatham, was at loggerheads with the opinionated senior naval commander, Sir Richard Strachan, troops were dying of a mysterious disease termed 'Walcheren fever.' Almost all the campaign's 4,000 dead were victims of disease.

The Scheldt was evacuated and the return home was followed by a scandalous Parliamentary Inquiry. Walcheren fever cast an even longer shadow. Six months later 11,000 men were still registered sick. In 1812, Wellington complained that the constitution of his troops was 'much shaken with Walcheren.' Includes 16 pages of b/w plates 1 vol, 224 pgs 2012 UK, Pen & Sword
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-210230 Howard, Martin R DEATH BEFORE GLORY: The British Soldier in the West Indies in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars 1793-1815 Study of the British army's campaigns in the West Indies during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic period (1793-1815) and of the extraordinary experiences of the soldiers who served there. Rich in sugar, cotton, coffee, and slaves, the region was a key to British prosperity and it was perhaps even more important to her greatest enemy - France. Yet, until now, the history of this vital theater of the Napoleonic Wars has been seriously neglected. Focuses on the human experience of the men - the climate and living conditions, the rations and diet, military discipline and training, the treatment of the wounded, and the impact of disease. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2015 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late December 2015 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-14190 Howarth, David WATERLOO:DAY OF BATTLE The book follows the fortunes of men of both sides. Color and b/w illust, end maps, index. 1 vol, 239 pgs 1968 NEW YORK, ATHENEUM
GOOD-dj, only 1 copy available, first come, first served ......$6.00 with a discount of 50%

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1-36400 Howarth, David TRAFALGAR-The Nelson Touch Howarth's reconstruction is masterly, (13) pages of color illust, b/w illust, (6) maps, index. 1 vol, 254 pgs 1997 UK, WINDRUSH PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$10.00

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1-47310 Howarth, David WATERLOO:A Near Run Thing The book follows the fortunes of men of both sides b/w illust, end maps, index. FORMERLY PRINTED AS 'A Day Of Battle' 1 vol, 192 pgs 1997 UK, WINDRUSH PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$22.00

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1-203990 Hughes, Ben THE BRITISH INVASION OF THE RIVER PLATE: 1806-1807 -- How the Redcoats Were Humbled and a Nation Was Born In 1806 a British expeditionary force captured Buenos Aires and Britain was sucked into a costly campaign on the far side of the world. The Spaniards were humbled on the battlefield, Montevideo was taken by storm, but the campaign ended in disaster for the British when 6000 redcoats and riflemen surrendered following a bloody battle fought in the streets of the Argentine capital.

So ended one of the most humiliating - and neglected - episodes of the entire Napoleonic Wars for the British army. In The British Invasion of the River Plate Ben Hughes tells the story of this forgotten war in graphic detail. His account is based on research carried out across two continents, and it draws on contemporary newspaper reports, official documents and the memoirs, letters and journals of the men who were there. Includes 20 b/w illustrations. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2013 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-222300 Humble, Richard NAPOLEON'S ADMIRALS: Flag Officers of the Arc de Triomphe, 1789-1815 On the four sides of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, serried tablets display the names of 660 honored commanders of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. Most are those of generals and marshals of the French Army - but 26 of them are those of admirals -- commanders of the fleets of Republican and Napoleonic France.

This appraisal of the Anglo-French naval war of 1793-1814 presents not only their individual stories, but explodes myths. For example, the aristocratic officers of the French Navy did not emigrate en masse when the Revolution came, leaving the Navy leaderless and doomed to repeated defeats at sea. These former King's officers stayed, and loyally tried to serve their country as the Revolution pursued its wasteful and unpredictable course. Three of them paid for their loyalty under the guillotine.

Of the 26 'Admirals of the Arc,' 23 had learned their trade in the French royal and merchant navies of the ancien regime. Republican France could call on a wide range of seasoned combat veterans from the American Revolutionary War (1778-83), whose stories are a revelation in themselves. 1 vol, 270 pgs 2019 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available mid December 2019 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-83500 Humble, Richard NAPOLEON'S PENINSULAR MARSHALS In this reassessment the author looks at the manyvictories and defeats of the four year attempt tocross the Pyrenees by Wellington. 1 vol, 228 pgs 1973 NY, TAPLINGER PUBLISHING
GOOD-dj ......$18.00

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1-23630 Hunt, C.J. and Embleton, G.A. THE YEARS OF NAPOLEON Concise history o Napoleon contains eight color plates and many black and white illusrations. 1 vol, 88 pgs 1972 LONDON, ALMARK PUBLSIHING
GOOD-softcover ......$5.00 used

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1-214741 Hussey, John WATERLOO: THE CAMPAIGN OF 1815: Volume I: From Elba to Ligny and Quatre Bras The first of two groundbreaking volumes on the Waterloo campaign, this book is based upon a detailed analysis of sources old and new in four languages. It highlights the political stresses between the Allies, and their resolution; it studies the problems of feeding and paying for 250,000 Allied forces assembling in Belgium during the 'undeclared war', and how a strategy was thrashed out. Includes 16 pages of plates.

It studies the neglected topic of how the slow and discordant Allies beyond the Rhine hampered the plans of Blucher and Wellington, thus allowing Napoleon to snatch the initiative from them. Napoleon's operational plan is analyzed (and Soult's mistakes in executing it). Accounts from both sides help provide a vivid impression of the fighting on the first day, 15 June, and the volume ends with the joint battles of Ligny and Quatre Bras the next day. 1 vol, 736 pgs 2017 UK, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$60.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-214742 Hussey, John WATERLOO: THE CAMPAIGN OF 1815: Volume II: From Waterloo to the Restoration of Peace in Europe The concluding volume of this work provides a fresh description of the climatic battle of Waterloo placed in the context of the whole campaign. It discusses several vexed questions: Blucher's intentions for the battle, Wellington's choice of site, his reasons for placing substantial forces at Hal, the placement of Napoleon's artillery, who authorized the French cavalry attacks, Grouchy's role on 18 and 19 June, Napoleon's own statements on the Garde's formation in the final attack, and the climactic moment when the Prussians reached Wellington's troops near la Belle Alliance.

Close attention is paid to the negotiations that led to the capitulation of Paris, and subsequent French claims. The allegations of Las Cases and later historians that Napoleon's surrender to Captain Maitland of the Bellerophon amounted to entrapment are also examined. After a survey of the peace settlement of 1815, the book concludes with a masterly chapter reviewing the whole story of the 1815 campaign. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2017 UK, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$53.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-222310 Jaycock, George WELLINGTON'S COMMAND: A Reappraisal of His Generalship in the Peninsula and at Waterloo This reassessment clarifies some simple but fundamental truths regarding his leadership and his performance as a commander over the war years of 1808 to 1815, the competence of his subordinates, and the qualities of the troops he led. Identifies his weaknesses as well as his strengths. 1 vol, 264 pgs 2019 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid December 2019 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-85990 JOB et G. MONTORGUEIL MURAT (40) stunning JOB color plates. 1 vol, 100 pgs 2005 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardcover in quarter leather ......$175.00

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1-22360 Johnson, William E. and Bell, Christopher OTTOMAN EMPIRE AND THE NAPOLEONIC WARS, THE Nice coverage of the subject includes black and white line drawings. 1 vol, 40 pgs 2003 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover ......$9.00

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1-51950 Jones, Proctor editor IN NAPOLEON'S SHADOW - The Memoirs of Louis-Joseph Marchand, Valet and Friend of the Emperor 1811-1821 The memoirs of Louis-Joseph Marchand, Napoleon's valet/friend form 1811-1821, this is the first English translation, 150 illust. 1 vol, 800 pgs 1998 US, PROCTOR JONES PUBS
NEW-dj ......$60.00

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1-51960 Jones, Proctor editor NAPOLEON:HOW HE DID IT The memoirs of Baron Fain, 1st Secretary of the Emperor's cabinet, Fain worked with Napoleon from 1806 to 1815, b/w illust, index. 1 vol, 224 pgs 1998 US, PROCTOR JONES PUBS
NEW-dj ......$40.00

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1-66581 Jouineau, Andre FRENCH IMPERIAL GUARD Volume 1: Foot Troops 1804-1815 Number 3 in Officers and Soldiers series contains more than 50 plates depicting uniforms, equipment, and flags of the Grenadiers, Chasseurs, Light, Naval, and Artillerymen. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2001 PARIS, HISTOIRE & COLLECT
NEW-softcover, Out of Print. Only 2 copies available. First come, first served. ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-66582 Jouineau, Andre FRENCH IMPERIAL GUARD Volume 2: Horse Troops 1804-1815 Number 4 in Officers and Soldiers series contains more than 50 plates depict uniforms, equipment, and flags of the Chasseurs a Cheval, Mamelukes, Dragoons, and Grenadiers. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2002 PARIS, HISTOIRE & COLLECT
NEW-softcover, Out of Print. Only 3 copies available. First come, first served. ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-220280 Jouineau, Andre and Mongin, Jean LES ARTILLERIES FRANCAISES: De la Revolution et du Premier Empire To tackle French artillery of the First Empire, this book also contains descriptions of the artillery of the Ancien Regime and the Revolution in detail. Then Jean-Baptiste Vaquette de Gribeauval,the Inspector of Artillery, gradually set up an artillery organization over more than 30 years, and it remained in force, to a greater or lesser extent, until 1825.

All the artillery pieces, the materiel used by the Foot and Horse Artillery at the end of the Ancien Regime, during the Revolution and the First Empire, as well as the Pontoneers, the permanent artillery (l'artilleriesedentaire) of the Coastguard Artillery are presented in the hundreds of profiles and silhouettes shown in this book. Two chapters are given over to the artillery trains and teams. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2019 FRANCE, HEIMDAL
NEW-hardcover, [French text] available late May 2019 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-216681 Jouineau, Andre Jean-Marie Mongin THE FRENCH IMPERIAL GUARD 1800-1815: Volume 1 - Foot Troops Oversized at 11.7x 8.3 inches with 1,000+ illustrations -- Much enlarged version of early works.

The Imperial Guard forms a small army in the Grande Armee. This is a study of its organization, like that of its uniforms and its equipment.

Volume 1 covers the uniforms, the equipment, and the armament of The Old Guard, who were launched into the battle at the decisive moment. Explaining the concepts of the organization of Old, Middle and Young Guards, illustrator and researcher Andre Jouineau presents the general colonels, grenadiers, chasseurs, fusiliers, velites, flankers, pupils, veterans, workers, engineers, doctors, Podestats and other gunners.

This practical, small, precise, clear, logical and visual tool, a true vade mecum for amateurs of imperial history, is intended for enthusiasts of imperial history and figures. This book is the new version that has been completely redesigned, revised, amended and widely expanded - it contains nearly 50% new characters from the book published several years ago. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2017 FRANCE, HEIMDEL
NEW-hardback, available Early April 2018 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-216682 Jouineau, Andre Jean-Marie Mongin THE FRENCH IMPERIAL GUARD 1800-1815: Volume 2 - Cavalry Oversized at 11.7x 8.3 inches with 1,000+ illustrations -- Much enlarged version of early works.

The Imperial Guard forms a small army in the Grande Armee. This is a study of its organization, like that of its uniforms and its equipment.

Volume 2 explores the Cavalry of the Guard. This practical, small, precise, clear, logical and visual tool, a true vade mecum for amateurs of imperial history, is intended for enthusiasts of imperial history and figures. Presents the general colonels, horse hunters, Mamelukes, dragons, grenadiers on horseback, lancers, tartars, guides, artillery train, and other artillerymen on horseback. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2017 FRANCE, HEIMDEL
NEW-hardback, available Early April 2018 ......$32.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-216683 Jouineau, Andre Jean-Marie Mongin THE FRENCH IMPERIAL GUARD 1800-1815: Volume 3 - From the Mounted Troops to the Royal Guard Oversized at 11.7x 8.3 inches with 1,000+ illustrations -- Much enlarged version of early works.

The Imperial Guard forms a small army in the Grande Armee. This is a study of its organization, like that of its uniforms and its equipment.

Volume 3: Napoleon gave special attention to this splendid unit - the Imperial Guard - and it became sort of little army within the Grande Armee. This study of its organization is here at its most erudite, like the one on the uniforms and equipment. Discover the uniforms, the equipment, and the weapons used by all those Grognards, who were launched into a battle as a last resort, at the decisive moment.

Explains how the Guard was organized into Old, Middle and Young Guards. Shows the colonel-generals, the grenadiers, the chasseurs a pied, fusiliers, velites, flanqueurs, wards, workmen, sappers, doctors, magistrates and foot gunners. Includes the last mounted units of the Guard, the follow-up units, the Horse Artillery, the Artillery trains and teams, the Health Service, the Guard HQ Staff but also the Emperor's Household, the Emperor and the first uniforms of the Royal Guard. A compilation of two dossiers published in the fifth and sixth issues of the magazine Soldat - is the new, improved, entirely revised and re-drawn larger version (more than 50% more characters) than the previous work published several years ago now by the authors. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2017 FRANCE, HEIMDEL
NEW-hardback, available Early April 2018 ......$37.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-74650 Kiley, Kevin F. ARTILLERY OF THE NAPOLEONIC WARS V1: Field Artillery, 1792-1815 New edition reprint with additional information to original. Includes 16 pages of b/w plates, maps, and illustrations throughout.

Detailed study of artillery use throughout the Napoleonic period, including examining particular battles to show just how the effective employment of artillery could tip the scales of victory.

Reveals much of the technical aspects of gunnery during the period - how guns were placed, their range, what calibers were preferred, and how artillery operated. It examines French artillery, including that of the Imperial Guard, and compares it to that of Britain, Russia, and Austria. It also looks at many of the personalities involved and the difference between good gunnery and mediocre artillery. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2015 UK, FRONTLINE
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-237611 Kim, Yuhan TO CONQUER AND KEEP: Suchet and the War for Eastern Spain, 1809-1814 Volume 1 - 1809-1811 Examines French Marshal Suchet's successes and failures in his Spanish sieges, battles, counter-guerrilla operations, and administration. Volume 1 addresses the opening battles between Suchet and the Spanish commander Joaquin Blake, showing how Suchet recovered from an initial defeat to decisively crush his opponent, before considering the string of successful sieges that ended with the fall of Tarragona and a Marshal's baton.

Through a string of brilliant battlefield victories and sieges against Spanish regular forces as well as an initially successful counter-guerrilla campaign, Suchet managed to not only secure French control of Aragon, but moved on to conquer Lower Catalonia and Valencia as well. Like all French commanders in the Peninsular War, Suchet was faced with the challenges of Spanish popular resistance, but stood out above his colleagues for his notable success in pacifying Aragon.

Yet despite initial triumphs in 1809-1811 against the 'traditional guerrilla', Suchet's counter-guerrilla policies were less successful than is often popularly perceived. As the war went on, French resources became thinly stretched, while conversely, the guerrilla war was increasingly spearheaded by Spanish regular forces to great efficiency, which contributed to the eventual collapse of French control in Eastern Spain. Includes 16 b/w illustrations, 11 color illustrations, and 11 maps.

Napoleon once famously remarked 'If I had had two Marshals like Suchet, I should not only have conquered Spain, but have kept it.' 1 vol, 256 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid July 2023 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-237612 Kim, Yuhan TO CONQUER AND KEEP: Suchet and the War for Eastern Spain, 1809-1814 Volume 2 - 1811-1814 The second volume takes a detailed look at the campaign leading up to the Battle of Sagunto, which is analyzed to incorporate new Spanish research that reconstructs the historical narrative of Suchet's climactic battle against Joaquin Blake. The French victory at Sagunto was followed by the fall of Valencia and a lengthy struggle for the French to hold on to what had been conquered. Meanwhile, resurgent Spanish armies and a British expeditionary force intruded into those plans. Includes 14 b/w illustrations, 18 color illustrations, 16 maps, and 4 tables. 1 vol, 312 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid July 2023 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-24080 Kincaid, Captain J. ADVENTURES IN THE RIFLE BRIGADE Covers the Peninsula, France and the Netherlands 1809-1815, end maps. 1 vol, 384 pgs 1997 UK, SPELLMOUNT PUBLISHERS
NEW-dj, facsimile ed, new intro. ......$38.00

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1-230310 Kinrade, Warwick SOLDIERS OF NAPOLEON: Card Driven Wargame Card-driven, tabletop miniature wargames rules for the battles of the Napoleonic Wars, 1805 to 1815, pits battalions, regiments, and brigades against each other. At this roughly divisional scale, it recreates parts of the many, many, far larger battles of the period. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2022 UK, GRIPPING BEAST
NEW-pb ......$50.00 rct

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1-239540 Kling, Stephen BATTLE OF WAGRAM: Wargame Wargame of July 6, 1809 battle. One player commands the French forces and the other player commands the Austrian army. Cards vary the game play. Games take about 90 minutes.

Features: 48 game pieces (5/8-inch inch); A single rulebook (4 pages); 20 game cards; A canvas game map (11x17-inch); and 1 six sided die. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 US, THE HISTORICAL GAME COMPANY
NEW-box, available mid October 2023 ......$40.00 rct

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2-209090 Kuehn, John NAPOLEONIC WARFARE: The Operational Art of the Great Campaigns This carefully researched book provides an operational level analysis of European warfare from 1792 to 1815 that includes the tactics, operations, and strategy of major conflicts of the time.

Drawing upon familiar battles as well as lesser-known campaigns, this sweeping reference uses 20th century military theory to explain 19th century events. Discusses joint warfare and strategy found in the military movements of Marshal Suvorov in Italy and Switzerland in 1799; the early and later campaigns of Napoleon and Nelson; and the Duke of Wellington's campaigns in Spain, Portugal, and Belgium.

The work also includes an entire chapter on theory and history of operational art spanning a variety of perspectives.

* Integrates topics as diverse as naval warfare, maneuver warfare, compound warfare, and counterinsurgency
* Covers major campaigns during the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars that reflect elements of operational art
* Includes short biographies of key figures that help add depth to readers' understanding of the players behind the battles
* Provides a chronology of major campaigns of the Napoleonic Wars
* Uses modern models to examine campaigns of the period 1 vol, 249 pgs 2015 US, PRAEGER PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, shop worn ......$30.00

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3-14220 Lachouque, Henry NAPOLEON'S WAR IN SPAIN In the early 1800s, the Spanish Ulcer was for the French what the Eastern Front was for the Germans in 1941-45 or Vietnam was for the Americans. This book devotes itself to the war in Spain and ignores the campaigns in Portugal, where the French suffered their worst defeats. The treatment is strongly pro-French but told with fine narration and balance. Each chapter covers a single year of the struggle.

The authors stress three major contributing factors to French defeat: the inability of the senior generals to work under King Joseph of Spain, Napoleon's brother and appointee; the popular hostility to French rule; and Wellington's great tactical skills. There has been no important French work devoted to this struggle published since the 1820s. A welcome addition to any collection, this book is lavishly illustrated in black and white complemented by 24 pages in full color 1 vol, 192 pgs 1982 LONDON, ARMS & ARMOUR PRS
V.GOOD-dj, one copy available ......$28.00

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1-66676 Lago, Jose Ignacio BAECULA e ILIPA 208-206 a.c. - Escipion Conqusita Hispania This latest installment of 'Warriors and Battles' includes a multitude of color and black and white illustrations and maps. 1 vol, 110 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover, available late December 2011 [Spanish Text] ......$24.00

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1-230980 Lalowski, T and North, J editors POLISH EYEWITNESSES TO NAPOLEON'S LAST CAMPAIGNS: 1814-15 These eyewitness accounts by Polish soldiers tells their story of the campaign in France in Spring 1814 when Napoleon once again revealed his true genius for waging war. Napoleon finally had to accept defeat and was exiled to Elba with a small contingent of his Imperial Guard -- including a squadron of the famous Polish Lancers. This handful of loyal Poles returned with him when he escaped from Elba in 1815 and fought during the 100 Days and at Waterloo. They describe vividly the battles, sieges, the agonies of their final surrender, and the uncertainties surrounding their return home to a very different Poland. Includes many illustrations and maps. 1 vol, 241 pgs 2022 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late June 2022 ......$40.00 rct

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1-63280 Lamar, Glenn JEROME BONAPARTE:The War Years 1800-1815 The author utilizes firsthand accounts to portraythis much aligned figure, chpts cover the 1806-07campaigns, Silesia 1807-08, Westphalia & Saxony,Russia, Quatre-Bras/Waterloo & more, biblio, index 1 vol, 176 pgs 2000 WESTPORT, GREENWOOD PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$85.00

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1-207470 Lapray, Olivier BATTLE OF MARENGO: The First Victory of the Century On 14 June 1800, during the second Italian campaign, Napoleon narrowly won the battle of Marengo (Piedmont). This famous battle opposed 28,000 French soldiers against 31,000 Austrian soldiers under the command of General Melas.

At first, the French had to retreat nearly seven miles back. Melas, believing that victory was assured, left the command to a subordinate and returned to Alessandria. The adversary's delay thus allowed Napoleon to concentrate his forces, especially the corps of General Desaix, which arrived as a reinforcement. Around 5:00 in the afternoon, the violent French counterattack forced the Austrians to retreat, although claiming the life of Desaix, the hero of the day.

This great victory lead to the French occupation of Lombardy and reinforced the authority of Napoleon in France. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2014 FRANCE, HISTOIRE AND COLLECTIONS
NEW-hardcover ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-88630 Lapray, Olivier FRENCH CUIRASSIERS 1804-1815 Results of many years of research and investigation, this detailed work shows these officers' careers. Packed with color and b/w portraits, heraldry, and records of battle. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2007 FRANCE, HISTOIRE & COLLECTION
NEW-dj, SPECIAL PRICING ......$80.00 with a discount of 35%

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1-202510 Lapray, Olvier FRENCH CARABINIERS: 1679-1871 (Officers and Soldiers #12) This book traces the glorious history of the elite French cavalry. Through 61 plates of highly detailed uniform illustrations, Andre Jouineau guides the reader from the first company of carabiniers established within in each regiment-those superior marksmen equipped with a rifle, the gauge of precision par excellence-sought after by Louis XIV in 1690, to the fiery carabiniers of Napoleon III's Imperial Guard who disappeared in defeat in 1870. The authors' primary emphasis, however, is given to the First Empire. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2012 FRANCE, HISTOIRE & COLLECTIONS
NEW-softcover, available late August 2013 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-66668 Larrahaga, Ramon San Sebastian 1813 During the Siege of San Sebastian (7 July - 8 September 1813) Allied forces from the army of General Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington captured the city of San Sebastian in northern Spain from its French garrison under Brigadier-General Louis Rey. The attack resulted in the ransacking and devastation of the town by the assaulting troops. Includes 16 color plates of uniforms and flags. 1 vol, 124 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover ......$28.00

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1-66650 Larreina, Emillo LA BATALLA DE VICTORIA 1813 'Osprey'-style book with eight color plates, great b/w and color maps, b/w photos of present day
terrain. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-pb , [Spanish text] INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE save 33% ......$24.00

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1-44180 Lavery, Brian NELSON'S NAVY: Its Ships, Men and Organization In-depth and authentic picture of the Royal Navy 1793-1815 with over 400 illustrations, plus appendices and an index. Forward by Patrick O'Brien. Contains considerable original research to profile the Navy. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2020 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid March 2020 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-46970 Le Marchant, Denis MEMOIRS OF THE LATE MAJOR-GENERAL LE MARCHANT One the most forward-thinking officers to serve in the Peninsula, he was killed at Salamanca in 1812, 16 color illust. 1 vol, 336 pgs 1997 UK, SPELLMOUNT PUBLISHING
AS NEW-dj ......$20.00

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1-62790 Legg, Stuart compiler and editor TRAFALGAR:An eyewitness account The author has produced a vivid first hand accountb/w sketches, battle plans, list of ships, biblio. 1 vol, 133 pgs 1966 NY, JOHN DAY COMPANY
V.GOOD-dj ......$16.00

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2-209370 Leggiere, Michael NAPOLEON AND THE STRUGGLE FOR GERMANY: The Franco-Prussian War of 1813 Following Napoleon's catastrophic defeat in Russia, in the spring of 1813, Prussia, the weakest of the Great Powers, led the struggle against Napoleon as a war of national liberation. Using German, French, British, Russian, Austrian, and Swedish sources, provides a panoramic history ranging from the mobilization of the belligerents, strategy and operations to coalition warfare, diplomacy and civil-military relations.

Examines the strategy, military operations and battles in Germany from Napoleon's initial campaign which drove the Russo-Prussian army to the banks of the Oder and the verge of defeat to the epic four-day Battle of Nations at Leipzig and Napoleon's retreat to France. This study not only highlights the breakdown of Napoleon's strategy in 1813, but constitutes a fascinating study in coalition warfare, international relations, and civil-military relations.

Comprehensive two-volume military history of the German campaign during the Napoleonic Wars. Separate volumes examine the two distinctive phases of the spring and fall campaigns in 1813. An essential contribution to our broader understanding of the Napoleonic Wars and of Napoleon as a commander. 2 vol, 1399 pgs 2018 UK, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$60.00 rct

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2-209371 Leggiere, Michael NAPOLEON AND THE STRUGGLE FOR GERMANY: Vol. 1 The Franco-Prussian War of 1813 Volume 1 has 19 b/w illustrations and 26 maps.

History of the campaigns that determined control of Germany following Napoleon's catastrophic defeat in Russia. In the spring of 1813, Prussia, the weakest of the Great Powers, led the struggle against Napoleon as a war of national liberation.

Uses German, French, British, Russian, Austrian and Swedish sources to provide a panoramic history ranging from the mobilization of the belligerents, strategy and operations to coalition warfare, diplomacy and civil-military relations. He examines the strategy, military operations, and battles in Germany from Napoleon's initial campaign which drove the Russo-Prussian army to the banks of the Oder and the verge of defeat to the epic four-day Battle of Nations at Leipzig and Napoleon's retreat to France.

This study not only highlights the breakdown of Napoleon's strategy in 1813, but constitutes a fascinating study in coalition warfare, international relations, and civil-military relations. 1 vol, 500 pgs 2015 UK, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-pb ......$30.00 inc

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12-209372 Leggiere, Michael NAPOLEON AND THE STRUGGLE FOR GERMANY: Vol. 2 The Franco-Prussian War of 1813 Volume 2 has 22 b/w illustrations and 28 maps.

History of the campaigns that determined control of Germany following Napoleon's catastrophic defeat in Russia. In the spring of 1813, Prussia, the weakest of the Great Powers, led the struggle against Napoleon as a war of national liberation.

Uses German, French, British, Russian, Austrian and Swedish sources to provide a panoramic history ranging from the mobilization of the belligerents, strategy and operations to coalition warfare, diplomacy and civil-military relations. He examines the strategy, military operations, and battles in Germany from Napoleon's initial campaign which drove the Russo-Prussian army to the banks of the Oder and the verge of defeat to the epic four-day Battle of Nations at Leipzig and Napoleon's retreat to France.

This study not only highlights the breakdown of Napoleon's strategy in 1813, but constitutes a fascinating study in coalition warfare, international relations, and civil-military relations. 1 vol, 899 pgs 2015 UK, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-pb ......$30.00 inc

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1-70880 Leggiere, Michael NAPOLEON BERLIN: Franco-Prussian War in 1813 The author examines Napoleon's fixation with Berlin and the four separate campaigns to capture it. Includes 20+ b/w maps, illust, chapter notes, biblio, and index. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2002 NORMAN, UNIV OF OKLAHOMA
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 20%

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1-89371 Leggiere, Michael V. FALL OF NAPOLEON, THE:Allied Invasion of France V1 A detailed account of the 1813-1814 Invasion of France. Leggiere is masterful in his telling of the story and this book should be in every serious Napoleonic Library. 1 vol, 704 pgs 2007 LONDON, CAMBRIDGE UNIV'TY
NEW-dj ......$57.00

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1-34700 Leonard, Neil WELLINGTON'S ARMY RECREATED IN COLOR 150+ beautiful color photos highlight this book, a must for any Peninsula buff. 1 vol, 96 pgs 1994 LONDON, WINDROW & GREENE
NEW-pb, out of print: Only 1 copy available. First Come First Served ......$23.00

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1-190150 Letrun, Ludivic French Infantry Flags: 1789-1815 As witnesses to History's ups and downs, flags - and in particular infantry flags - reveal how short-lived ideas and their symbols can be when they are the unfortunate victims of auto-da-fes thought up by different regimes. Today museums have only managed to preserve a few rare specimens and the period texts and documents are mostly incomplete. This is particularly true for the Army of Italy flags, those of the volunteers and those of the half-brigades from 1794-1803, which are still mainly unknown to this day.

Faced with this type of major difficulty, and if a coherent picture of the flags is to be painted, a whole gamut of particularly inescapable assumptions has to be made. Nevertheless since historical exactitude does not allow for even the smallest unverifiable interpretations, it is up to us to warn our readers that the flags illustrated here are those that our research has enabled us to reproduce. Each individual regimental history has been established so as to follow the trail these flags left as they changed from regiment to half-brigade. These histories are not always able follow the rank numbering in the corps since there was often no direct association between them. For the reader to find his way around, an asterisk designates a battalion which was in at the foundation of the new regiment, and also shows that this unit's flag was most certainly adopted provisionally.
1 vol, 176 pgs 2009 FRANCE, HISTOIRE & COLLECTIONS
NEW-hardcover ......$45.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-197433 Letrun, Ludovic CHASSEURS A CHEVAL: Volume 3 - 1810-1815 (Officers and Soldiers #21) This third part illustrates the last years of the Empire; dark years which will see our 'Chasseurs' being gobbled up during the Russian disaster. Like a lot of regiments, the Chasseurs A Cheval were swallowed up in the Russian disaster. Phantom regiments were reformed with considerable difficulty in 1813 and 1814.

During the First Restoration, 15 regiments were formed from the debris of the battles in Prussia and in France -- regiments which then took part in the Belgian Campaign and its epilogue at Waterloo. King Louis VXIII dismissed these 15 regiments on 16 July 1815, but it wasn't until the 18th that the Chasseurs a Cheval reappeared in the Royal Army! During this period there was obviously a whole series of uniform changes. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2012
NEW-softcover, available late July 2013 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-203372 Letrun, Ludovic and Mongin, Jean-Marie FRENCH ARTILLERY: And the Gribeauval System Vol. 2 (Officers and Soldiers # 26) After discovering the artillery pieces and the equipment used by the Foot Artillery at the end of the Ancien Regime, the Revolution and the First Empire, discover the men of the 'Arme Savante' (the knowledgeable arm) who moved their guns around and served them on horseback.

The mobile artillery, then the light artillery, and finally the Horse Artillery was a new weapon which announced the changes in the centuries to come. Just like the Artillery Train which, with the First Empire, finally grew up, to the age of regulations. This was the organization of Mr. de Gribeauval, the Inspector of Artillery, set up slowly over nearly 30 years and which remained more or less as it was until 1825. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2013 FRANCE, HISTOIRE & COLLECTIONS
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-203373 Letrun, Ludovic and Mongin, Jean-Marie FRENCH ARTILLERY: And the Gribeauval System Vol. 3 (Officers and Soldiers # 27) Focuses on pontoneers, permanent gunners, and coastguard gunners and guns. Includes chapter on the Team Train under the Gribeauval system. 1 vol, 8 pgs 2016 FRANCE, HISTOIRE & COLLECTIONS
NEW-pb, available early May 2016 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-573803 Lezius, Martin and illust by Knotel, Herbert LES UNIFORMES ALLEMANDS 1813-15:Volume 3 Reproduction of the album of 240 color cigarette cards of the regimental uniforms of the Prussian Army 1813-1815, the cards are by Knotel with the descriptive text by Dr. Lezius 1 vol, 92 pgs 1999 BELGIUM, TONDEUR EDITIONS
NEW-softcover, French text ......$55.00

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1-218600 Limm, Andrew WALCHEREN TO WATERLOO: The British Army in the Low Countries during French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars 1793-1815 The military success achieved by the Duke of Wellington casts a long shadow over the history of the British army in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. The popular account of Britain's military record in the great struggle against Napoleonic France is chiefly one of glorious victories, with Britain cast as the savior of Europe from the Corsican 'monster.' Most British historians have focused on retelling stories of British success, notably Wellington's, in Spain, Portugal, and during the Hundred Days campaign and tend to pay little attention to British military defeats.

But is the focus on Wellington's successes really an appropriate way to understand the performance of the British army in a conflict which lasted over 20 years? And what about the army's poor record in the Low Countries, where it suffered defeats and sustained crippling losses during the same period? This study provides a more balanced account of the British contribution to the downfall of Napoleon. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available early December 2018 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-242860 Linch, Kevin THE BRITISH ARMY: 1783-1815 Explores the history of the British army between 1783 and 1815 - the army that fought in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars - exploring the global range of its deployment, the varieties of soldiering it had to undertake, its close ties to the political and social situation of the time, and its complex relationship with British society and culture. Challenges the 'Road to Waterloo' narrative of the army's steady progress from the 1780s and early 1790s, to its strong performances throughout the Peninsular War and its triumph at the Battle of Waterloo. Contains 20 black and white illustrations. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid April 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-34510 Linck, Tony NAPOLEON'S GENERALS, THE WATERLOO CAMPAIGN 8.5x11, service history, details of actions during the Hundred Days and post 1st Empire history all highlight seventy of Napoleon's Generals, listing of Command & Leadership Ratings, b/w illust. 1 vol, 352 pgs 1994 CHICAGO, EMPEROR'S PRESS
AS NEW-dj, Out of Print ......$35.00

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1-202970 Lipscombe, Nick WELLINGTON'S GUNS: The Untold Story of Wellington and His Artillery in the Peninsula and at Waterloo Dismissive, conservative and aloof, Wellington treated his artillery with disdain during the Napoleonic Wars - despite their growing influence on the field of battle. Wellington's Guns exposes, for the very first time, the often stormy relationship between Wellington and his artillery, how the reluctance to modernize the British artillery corps threatened to derail the British push for victory and how Wellington's views on the command and appointment structure within the artillery opened up damaging rifts between him and his men.

At a time when artillery was undergoing revolutionary changes - from the use of mountain guns during the Pyrenees campaign in the Peninsular, the innovative execution of 'danger-close' missions to clear the woods of Hougomont at Waterloo, to the introduction of creeping barrages and Congreve's rockets - Wellington seemed to remain distrustful of a force that played a significant role in shaping tactics and changing the course of the war.

Using extensive research and first-hand accounts, Colonel Nick Lipscombe reveals that despite Wellington's brilliance as a field commander, his abrupt and uncompromising leadership style, particularly towards his artillery commanders, shaped the Napoleonic Wars, and how despite this, the ever-evolving technology and tactics ensured that the extensive use of artillery became one of the hallmarks of a modern army. 1 vol, 472 pgs 2013 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-206330 Lipscombe, Nick WATERLOO: The Decisive Victory Published to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the battle of Waterloo, this lavishly illustrated volume looks at all the different aspects of the 100-day campaign which has become synonymous with the Napoleonic Wars and saw the eventual defeat of Napoleon's French forces. Ten articles by internationally renowned historians examine the battle from different angles, from the microcosm of the bitter fighting for the fortified farmhouse of Hougoumont through to a wider perspective of the 100-day campaign in its entirety.

Contents: List of Contributors, Foreward by his Grace the Duke of Wellington, Introduction by Peter Snow, Chronology, The Waterloo Campaign: The Strategic Background, The Battles of Ligny and Quatre Bras: Napoleon's Lost Opportunities, The Commanders, The Battle: Their Armies, their Weapons and Tactics, Waterloo Eyewitnesses: Different Perspectives, Hougoumont and La Haye Sainte: Points d'appui or Pivotal Bastions?, The Cavalry Charges, The Prussian Army at Waterloo, Le Garde Recule! Napoleon's Last Throw of the Dice, The Legacy of Waterloo: War and Politics in Europe in the 19th Century, Notes, Order of Battle, Bibliography, and Index.
1 vol, 416 pgs 2014 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-slipcase ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-212890 Lipscombe, Nick WELLINGTON'S EASTERN FRONT: The Campaign on the East Coast of Spain 1810-1814 Often overlooked as not integral to the Duke of Wellington's main army and their campaigns in Portugal and western Spain, British and allied forces on Spain's eastern front were intrinsically linked. Details the battles fought by the French army of General Suchet against the Spanish regulars and guerrillas and subsequently the Anglo-Sicilian force sent by the British government to stabilize the region. Contains 30 color and mono illustrations. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid April 2024 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-193490 Liscombe, Nick PENINSULAR WAR ATLAS, THE - Revised Edition The Peninsular War is one of the defining campaigns of the British Army and sealed its reputation for supreme professionalism, heroic obstinacy and sheer perseverance. It made the reputation of Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington, and acts as the backdrop to the adventures of Bernard Cornwell's fictional hero Richard Sharpe. The British Army, under Sir John Moore and Wellington, ranged across the plains and mountains of Portugal and Spain and into France, taking part in 15 field actions and four bloody sieges, including Salamanca, Vitoria and Badajoz, but this is only part of the picture. The contribution of the Spanish and Portuguese forces is frequently overlooked, but there were a further 25 field actions and 15 sieges in the Iberian peninsula as part of the savage duel between the French occupiers and native inhabitants. In this newly revised edition of The Peninsular War Atlas, Colonel Nick Lipscombe expands upon his comprehensive, non-partisan examination of the conflict with 164 original maps, accompanied by an authoritative text narrating the war. His 34 years of service in the British Army, including postings in both Spain and Portugal, give him a unique perspective on the conflict. With contributions from Professor Charles Esdaile and the present Duke of Wellington as well as the cooperation of the Spanish and Portuguese authorities, this book is the essential topographical guide to the conflict. The Peninsular War Atlas has been published in collaboration with Peninsular War 200, the organisation established 'to commemorate in a spirit of respect to all and malice to none the 40,000 British (including Irish and foreign-auxiliary) service personnel who lost their lives in the Peninsular War of 1808-14'.

Foreword - By the Duke of Wellington
Introduction - By Prof Charles Esdaile
Maps and Text
1 vol, 384 pgs 2014 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-hardcover, Revised Edition available early September 2014 ......$75.00 with a discount of 15%

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3-18020 Lloyd, Peter A. FRENCH ARE COMING, THE:The Invasion Scare 1803-05 Summer 1805, 2000 ships and 100,000 men were ready to invade England, the author describes the scene on both sides of the Channel, b/w illust, chapter notes, biblio, index. 1 vol, 224 pgs 1991 UK, SPELLMOUNT LIMITED
AS NEW-dj, o/p ......$35.00

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1-219690 Lubomski, George POLISH GUARD LANCERS: Uniforms and Equipment 1807 - 1815 Richly illustrated with many pictures and sources never seen before. This is the complete history of the famed Polish lancers from their founding as an honor guard for Napoleon. The lancers are easily one of the most famous and recognizable units of the Napoleonic Wars. With over 250 illustrations, most in color, this is a must have for students of history or people interested in the era. This book is full of many hard to find photos of uniforms, weapons and standards. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2019 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-hardcover ......$60.00 rct

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1-218971 Lyall, Charles UNIFORMS OF THE ARMIES AT WATERLOO: Volume 1 - British Army This work, created in 1894, is the launch of a series of uniforms on the armies at Waterloo 1815, drawn by Charles James Lyall, one of the classic English uniform artists at the beginning of the 20th century. Lyall compiled numerous series of British, Indian, and various European armies and epochs. His works can be found in the large collections of uniforms such as the Anne S. K. Brown Collection, USA.

Displays all the arms and important regiments who participated in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 in 75 panels. Each unit is treated on one or more panels and with the various degrees of service. The staff and the special groups are also not missing.

Further volumes will cover the Dutch-Belgian constellations, Royal German Legion, Brunswick Corps, French, and Prussian armies. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2018, GERMANY, BERLIN ZINNFIGUREN
NEW-softcover ......$44.00 rct

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1-218972 Lyall, Charles UNIFORMS OF THE ARMIES AT WATERLOO: Volume 2 - Allied Armies This volume presents the Allied armies of 1815 with Dutch-Belgian, Hanoverian (including the King's German Legion - KGL), Nassau, and Brunswick units.

The volume addresses the foreign units that took part in the 1815 campaign in the Netherlands with the Duke of Wellington, whose British Army was presented in the first volume. Along with the Hanoverian units, either as the KGL or as new formations that were created in the Kingdom of Hanover starting in 1813, these were primarily troops from the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
They consisted not only of the original Dutch but also Belgian units plus a small Nassau contingent. The smallest body of troops was the contingent provided by the Duke of Brunswick.

Drawn from authentic sources by the artist Charles James Lyall, one of the classic English uniform artists at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1894 Lyall launched a series of uniform plates on the armies at Waterloo in 1815. Lyall compiled series of numerous uniform prints of British, Indian, and various European armies and epochs. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2019, GERMANY, BERLIN ZINNFIGUREN
NEW-softcover ......$44.00 rct

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1-218973 Lyall, Charles UNIFORMS OF THE ARMIES AT WATERLOO: Volume 3 - Prussian Army Contains a description of the 16 June 1815 Battle of Ligny that was fought at the same time as the Battle of Quatre Bras. Like in the two previous volumes, the plates by the 19th century artist Charles Lyall are critiqued based on current knowledge of the uniforms, equipment, and weapons. A detailed description of the Prussian forces' organization and uniforms supplements Lyall's illustrations. Two maps from William Siborne's rare atlas facilitate understanding of the course of the Battle of Ligny. This fills a long-standing gap of a comprehensive work on the Prussian Army of 1815. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2019, GERMANY, BERLIN ZINNFIGUREN
NEW-softcover, available late January 2021 ......$44.00 rct

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1-218974 Lyall, Charles UNIFORMS OF THE ARMIES AT WATERLOO: Volume 4 - French Army This fourth volume concludes the series on the 'Uniforms of the Armies at Waterloo.'
After the previous volumes presented the Allied side, this fourth part deals with its opponents, the French Armee du Nord under the command of Napoleon I. This Northern Army, despite its short existence after Napoleon's return to France's imperial throne, consisted of numerous experienced soldiers from his earlier campaigns, with the caveat that its uniforms did not always comply with regulations due to the army's rapid mobilization.

As in the three previous volumes, this evaluates Charles Lyall's uniform plates by using the current knowledge of how the French troops appeared in 1815. Due to the special status attributed to the French Imperial Guard, especially in England, numerous Lyall plates deal with Guard units. However, some of the units depicted had already been disbanded before 1815 but the editors decided to publish them in this volume as well, along with a short commentary.

This also provides the order of battle as well as supplementary descriptions of the organization and uniforms of the Northern Army's units deployed in the Netherlands. Finally, the description of the Battle of Waterloo, begun in the first volume and continued in the following volumes, is taken up again and continued until the end with the French retreat from the battlefield. This description is accompanied by two more maps from William Siborne's Atlas to History of the Waterloo Campaign. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2022, GERMANY, BERLIN ZINNFIGUREN
NEW-pb, available late November 2023 ......$46.00 rct

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1-43590 Lynn, John A. BAYONETS OF THE REPUBLIC, THE Motivation & tactics in the Army of Revolutionary France 1791-94, covers doctrine, training and tactics, details on the ARMEE du NORD, biblio. 1 vol, 368 pgs 1996 BOULDER, WESTVIEW PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$49.00

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1-48940 Lyon, David editor NELSON AGAINST NAPOLEON, 1798-1801 10x11.5, using the art collection at the British National Maritime Museum the author presents the Navy under Nelson form The Nile to Copenhagen, over 300 illust, index. 1 vol, 192 pgs 1997 UK, CHATHAM PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$50.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-217042 Lyulin, Stanislav PRUSSIAN CAVALRY: 1808-1840 Volume 2 The book is bilingual. The complete text, including the picture descriptions, is in Russian as well as in English, fully illustrated in color, and in large format.

Anyone interested in military history knows that the Prussian kingdom was one of the main protagonists of the Napoleonic Wars. After severe defeats in the fight against Napoleon I and great humiliation by the French occupation, Prussia finally went to the renewal of its own army. In association with Austria and Russia, Napoleon I was able to defeat and move into triumph in Paris. At the same time, the Prussian army and, above all, its uniformity and equipment, to say the least, has been poorly illuminated in Russian military history literature.

The book is a consistent continuation of the series of articles on the uniform of the Prussian Army, published in the years between 2008 and 2016, in the Old Arsenal, Sergeant, and Kaiser journals. Unfortunately, the magazine format prevented the exhaustive processing of the topic, and part of the artwork had to be omitted. This book attempted to collect the most important pieces of uniforms, uniform parts and equipment from the most important Russian and international collections.

Of course, the book cannot claim to portray all the small elements and differences in the uniforms and equipment of the Prussian soldiers in the first half of the 19th century, but it is to be hoped that this book will be for all collectors, Historians and interested parties will be a helpful reference work in clarifying uniformkundlicher issues. 1 vol, 258 pgs 2020 RUSSIA
NEW-hardcover ......$85.00 rct

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1-85470 Macdonald, Jacques ienne Joseph SOUVENIRS DU MARECHAL MACDONALD DUD DE TARENTE First hand account, while their appear to be some glossing over of events detrimental to MacDonald, this is well worth the read in French of course. 1 vol, 480 pgs 2007 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-sofcover, FRENCH text, reprint ......$48.00

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1-208160 Macdonell, A. G. NAPOLEON AND HIS MARSHALS Napoleon created 26 Marshals in all and the tapestry of this book is wound around these men, their interpersonal relationships, their successes together, their constant bickering, and their eventual failure. This new edition covers the period of 1796 to 1815, from Napoleon's classic victories in Italy up to his defeat at Waterloo. Illustrated with contemporary portraits and engravings.
1 vol, 224 pgs 2015 UK, FONTHILL MEDIA
NEW-softcover, available mid April 2015 ......$26.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-204600 Mace, Martin and John Grehan BRITISH BATTLES OF THE NAPOLEONIC WARS 1793-1806 Despatches from the Front.

Following every Napoleonic battle, the commanding officer submitted a report back to the Admiralty or the War Office. Presented here are those original dispatches from some 40 generals, captains, and admirals detailing more than 80 battles that took place in India, Africa, Europe, and the Americas.

Reports include Trafalgar and Waterloo, as well as less well-known but just as important engagements which resulted in the capture of the islands and territories. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2014 UK, Pen and Sword
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-55690 Mackinnon, Major General H & Malcolm, J. TWO PENINSULA WAR JOURNALS First hand accounts, Mackinnon served as a brigade commander under Picton; Malcom's memoir covers his active service with the 'Black Watch'. 1 vol, 200 pgs 1998 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTTMAN
NEW-hardcover ......$56.00

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1-247100 Macphail, Rosslyn FROM FIGHTING NAPOLEON TO THE SCOTTISH MILITARY ACADEMY: The Life of Captain John Orr Based on Captain John Orr's previously unseen campaign diary and personal documents, this is the biography of the man who would become Superintendent of the Scottish Naval & Military Academy (SNMA). Follows Orr during his 18 months in Portugal and Spain using his first-hand accounts of the Battle of Salamanca, the siege of Burgos, and fighting in the Pyrenees. Later he fought at Quatre Bras and was wounded at Waterloo. He was retired on full pension in 1821. Ten years later, he enrolled as a captain in the Edinburgh Militia and was asked to become the Superintendent of the Scottish Naval & Military Academy. Through John's letters, the history of the Academy is interwoven with a description of the Orr family. John died in 1879, aged 89 years old. He was the last surviving member of the Black Watch who had fought at Waterloo. Contains 30 mono illustrations, including paintings and photographs of John, his family, his uniform, and pages from his Peninsular War diary. 1 vol, 216 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late December 2024 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-50800 Manceron, Claude AUSTERLITZ:The Story of a Battle One the best written accounts, b/w illust, eightmaps, end maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 318 pgs 1966 NY, W.W. NORTON & COMPANY
GOOD-dj ......$40.00

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1-666141 Marabel, Jacinto BADAJOZ 1811 Subtitle: Batalla de Santa Engracia y capitulacion de la plaza. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2021 SPAIN, ALMENA
NEW-pb ......$32.00 rct

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1-666145 Marabel, Jacinto CAMPANA DE 1811 EN EXTREMADURA Covers the battles of Olivenza, Campomayor, Badajoz, Albuera, and Usagre. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2022 SPAIN, ALMENA
NEW-dj, available mid June 2022 [Spanish text] ......$32.00 rct

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3-11430 Marbot, General MEMOIRS OF BARON DE MARBOT Reprint of the General's experience, b/w plates and maps, index. 2 vol, 924 pgs 1988 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
AS NEW-dj ......$98.00

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1-190321 Marchand, Bevan and Rossle, Lars 1808 THE LAST SUMMER:Swedish-Russian War 1808-1809 (16) scenarios suitable for most Napoleonic rules. Covers April 1808 through August 1808. Scenario maps, o/b's, background material. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2009 SWEDEN, LARS ROSSLE
NEW-pb o/p, ...first come, first served ......$30.00

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1-190322 Marchand, Bevan and Rossle, Lars 1808 THE TURNING TIDE:Swedish-Russian War 1808-1809 Introduction to the 1808-09 Swedish - Russian War
Special Rules
The Battle of Nummij?rvi 28th August 1808
The Battle of Lappfj?rd 29th August 1808
The Battle of Kauhajoki 1st September 1808
The Battle of Ruona 1st September 1808
The Battle of Salmi 2nd September 1808
The Battle of Nederh?rme 10th September 1808
The Battle of Jutas 13th September 1808
The Battle of Oravais 14th September 1808
The Battle of Kronoby 15th September 1808
The Battle of Lokalaks 18th September 1808
The Battle of Virta bro 27th October 1808
The General Situation Winter 1808-09
The Battle of S?var 19th August 1809
Swedish Drills and Tactics 1788-1809
Russian Drill and Tactics 1808-1809
1 vol, 56 pgs 2010 SWEDEN, LARS ROSSLE
NEW-pb o/p, one copy available...first come, first served ......$30.00

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1-227180 Marsden, John NAPOLEON"S STOLEN ARMY: How the Royal Navy Rescued a Spanish Army in the Baltic A Spanish army, commanded by the Marques de La Romana, which was sent to Denmark by Napoleon in 1807, when France and Spain were allies bound by the Treaty of San Ildefonso, signed in 1796. When relations between the two countries broke down in May 1808, they were soon at war with each other, and La Romana's troops became, in effect, a captive army in the hands of the French.

When Spain looked to create an alliance with Britain against her erstwhile ally, they found the British government only too eager to help. The Royal Navy's dominant presence in the Baltic provided a ready opportunity to seal the new alliance and, once the political groundwork had been laid, plans for a daring rescue of the entrapped Spaniards by Vice Admiral Keats' squadron were drawn up. However, while efforts were being made by the British to accumulate and prepare a sufficient amount of shipping to carry out the operation, difficulties soon arose in making contact with La Romana in order to convey to him the intentions of the Spanish and British high commands. This almost led to disaster, and the whole operation was saved only by some remarkable strokes of fortune, and remarkable leadership provided by Keats and La Romana. Includes seven b/w illustrations, eight pages of color plates, and eight maps.

Until now this remarkable and little-known story has had little coverage in the various histories written about the Peninsular War. Using Spanish archives, this book teels the tale of how part of La Romana's army was evacuated from Danish Baltic territory during the summer of 1808. Due to circumstance and bad fortune, a significant part of the Spanish army was left behind during the Royal Navy's action, and there is an interesting story told about what became of these men, related via the personal accounts left by two of the soldiers who did not return to Spain with La Romana.
1 vol, 248 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid May 2021 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-237610 Marsden, John THE TAGUS CAMPAIGN OF 1809: An Alliance in Jeopardy Recaps the first Anglo-Spanish campaign against the French during the Peninsular War, a previous attempt to launch joint operations during Sir John Moore's ill-fated expedition to Iberia having failed before the allies had an opportunity to unite.

Examines the positive contribution Cuesta made to the Tagus campaign, despite the despicable insubordination of General Venegas and the plotting in London and Seville against him; all of which could have served to extinguish the nascent Anglo-Spanish alliance. Major events of the campaign are discussed in detail, including, of course, the Battle of Talavera, as well as descriptions of the battles of Medellin and Almonacid, besides much detail on lesser-known aspects, the whole supported by a number of maps. Includes 27 maps and 1 table. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid July 2023 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-215530 Martin, Yves THE FRENCH ARMY OF THE ORIENT 1798-1801: Napoleon's Beloved 'Egyptians' More than 200 years ago - under the inspiration and leadership of Bonaparte - a revolutionary French Army invaded Egypt, then part of the Ottoman Empire; this presence lasted beyond Bonaparte's own departure and subsequent rise to power as First Consul. It ended with another invasion - this time by the British - and the repatriation in France of what was left of the 'Army of the Orient'. The birth of Egyptology; the rise of modern Egypt; the demise of the Ottoman Empire; and start of 'the great game' have all been often told and studied, but what is less well known is that as the French found themselves stranded in a foreign land - profoundly alien to them in culture and climate - they had to adapt to survive.

Egypt was a proving ground for many officers and ordinary soldiers who were to rise to prominence during the Napoleonic period. Some of Napoleon's future inner circle - like Davout, Savary and Lasalle - were first spotted by the young Bonaparte in Egypt, and although initially unplanned as such, it turned out to be the first attempt by the French to build a colony on the African continent. It especially led the French Army to adopt totally new clothing and equipment; to organize native units; and even to draft men from faraway Darfur into its own ranks.

Drawing from a wealth of original primary material - much of it never published or even seen before - this study focuses on the French Army of the Orient and its organization, uniforms, equipment and daily life. It aims at providing a renewed and updated image of the French soldier, as told by the surviving archives, memoirs and rare contemporary iconography. Includes 32 pages of color illustrations. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2017 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-942075 Martin, Yves GLOIRE & EMPIRE # 75 Articles cover: Blucher: Tombeur le Napoleon, le Hussard, L'homme Blesse, La Revanche, and more. 1 vol, 132 pgs 2017 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, Inventory reduction, limited qty[French text] ......$10.00

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1-66636 Mas, Miguel Martin CIUDAD RODRIGO 1810 'Osprey' type book with (8) color plates; covers the Napoleonic battles/campaigns. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2007 SPAIN, ALMENA EDICIONES
NEW-pb in SPANISH, O/P ......$24.00

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1-73820 Masson, Frederic illust by Myrbach AVENTURES DE GUERRE 1792-1809 120 color plates highlight this book. 1 vol, 200 pgs 2003 PARIS, LCV
NEW-hardcover[French text] ......$65.00

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1-60340 Maughan, Stephen NAPOLEONIC SOLDIER, THE 8.5x12, 200+ color photos detail all arms of both the French and her enemies. 1 vol, 144 pgs 1999 UK, THE CROWOOD PRESS
NEW-dj ......$55.00

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1-218830 Mayne, W & J Lillie CAMPAIGNS OF THE LOYAL LUSITANIAN LEGION: 1808-1811 Facsimile of the 1812 original edition plus a new 20-page introduction by Stephen Summerfield plus additional maps. This is the only source to the remarkable unit known as The Loyal Lusitanian Legion, commanded by Sir Robert Wilson in the Peninsula. It saw varied and significant service. This facsimile is considerably enhanced by Stephen's description of its war record, brief biographies and maps to follow the action. [Please note map 14 was not included in the printing]. 1 vol, 366 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late December 2018 ......$32.00

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1-14230 McGuffie, T. H. editor PENINSULAR CAVALRY GENERAL, 1811-1813 The Correspondence of Lt. General Robert Ballard Long, end maps, index. 1 vol, 304 pgs 1953 LONDON, GEORGE G. HARRAP
GOOD-dj ......$19.00

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1-218520 McNab, Chris NAPOLEON'S MILITARY MACHINE: Operations Manual The Grande Armee of Napoleon Bonaparte is widely acknowledged to be one of the greatest fighting forces ever deployed. With it the French scored a streak of historic victories that gave them an unprecedented grip on power over the European continent. At its peak it was made up of 680,000 men, a huge multi-national force of officers, infantry and cavalry, artillery and support services masterminded by a superior and highly flexible system of corps, divisions, brigades and regiments, commanded by officers in which Napoleon placed a huge degree of trust and autonomy to operate within the outlines of his strategic objectives. 200 color & 50 b&w illustrations.

Looking closely at how this military machine was constructed and mobilized, Napoleon's Military Machine Operations Manual examines all aspects of the Grande Armee, from individual soldiers, what they wore, ate, slept in and were paid, to the chain of command, recruitment and training, intelligence and comms, and logistics and battle tactics. The legacy of Napoleon's army is assessed, as is how his organization and management initiatives influenced national armies around the world in ways that can still be seen today. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2019 UK, HAYNES PUBLISHING UK
NEW-hardback, available late January 2019, Pre-order and save 15% ......$30.00 with a discount of 10%

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2-980059 McNab, Chris ARMIES OF THE NAPOLEONIC WARS: Illustrated History This book provides a comprehensive and beautiful guide to all the major armies of the Napoleonic Wars -- France, Britain, Austria, Prussia, Russia, Spain and Portugal -- as well as many of the minor powers. The changes in the armies, the organization, the infantry, cavalry, and artillery of each nation are detailed, along with stunning artwork of the often-glorious uniforms worn into battle. 1 vol, 432 pgs 2011 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-21280 Mercer, Cavalie intro by Michael Glover JOURNAL OF THE WATERLOO CAMPAIGN-CAVALIE MERCER First-hand account of the Waterloo Campaign. 1 vol, 388 pgs 1970 NEW YORK, PRAGER PUBLIS'G
V.GOOD-dj ......$12.00

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1-222701 Middleton, Marc and Summerfielf, Dr Stephen editors SCHOOL OF THE SOLDIER: FRENCH REGLEMENT OF 1791 (1) Facsimile 1803 edition fully illustrated with b/w figs., 16 color uniform plates.

First volume begins project of reprinting the 1803 edition drill book (translated by John Macdonald) that was used by the French Army throughout the Napoleonic Wars. We re-worked the information to make it more accessible and useful (by combining the plates and text relevantly together).

This is the first of the three parts of the original Reglement and covers the drill exercises taught to all new recruits. It is thus the basis of all company drill and maneuvers. There will follow the School of the Platoon and the School of the Battalion. 1 vol, 164 pgs 2019 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available mid February 2020 ......$33.00 rct

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1-222702 Middleton, Marc and Summerfielf, Dr Stephen editors SCHOOL OF THE PLATOON: FRENCH REGLEMENT OF 1791 (2) This is the second volume in this series (the first being School of the Soldier), being an English translation of the 1791 French infantry drill regulations (used throughout the Napoleonic Wars).

This second volume details company drill maneuvers, essential of course for re-enactors, but also a valuable understanding of how French infantry maneuvered and operated. The final volume will move up to battalion level drill. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2020 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback ......$35.00 rct

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1-219471 Middleton, Mark & Summerfield, Stephen editors SCHOOL OF THE SOLDIER: FRENCH REGLEMENT OF 1791 Volume 1 Facsimile of 1803 edition. Fully illustrated with black and white illustrations plus 16 color uniform plates. With this first volume, the project of reprinting the drill book that was used by the French Army throughout the Napoleonic Wars is off to a good start.

This edition was translated in 1803 by John Macdonald, and have re-worked the information to make it more accessible and useful (by combining the plates and text relevantly together). This is the first of the three parts of the original Reglement and covers the drill exercises taught to all new recruits. It is thus the basis of all company drill and maneuvers. There will follow the School of the Platoon and the School of the Battalion. 1 vol, 164 pgs 2019 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-softcover, available mid March 2019 ......$32.00 rct

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1-235761 Mikaberidze, Aexander and Paul Strietelmeier CONFRONTING NAPOLEON: Levin von Bennigsen's Memoir of the Campaign in Poland, 1806-1807: Volume I - Pultusk to Eylau Translated for the first time into English, this memoir by General Levin von Bennigsen offers unique insights into the epic confrontation between the French and Russians in Poland during the winter of 1806-1807, including the terrible carnage at Eylau.

Reveals the extent of command dissension at the Russian headquarters, discusses operational and logistical challenges confronting the Russian army, and underscores the heroism of the Russian soldiers. During a grueling campaign, Bennigsen evaded Napoleon's enveloping maneuvers during a five-day all-out pursuit that brought the two sides to the snow-covered fields of Eylau. Here over 140,000 French and Russian soldiers fought a terrible battle that claimed over 40,000 casualties and left thousands of dead and wounded littering the frozen slope.

A Hanoverian by birth, General Levin von Bennigsen spent 45 years in the Russian army earning a reputation as a capable officer. Includes 32 b/w illustrations and 7 maps. 1 vol, 234 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-199760 Mikaberidze, Alexander RUSSIAN EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS of the Campaign of 1812 Only a handful of Russian memoirs (e.g. those of Alexey Yermolov, Nadezhda Durova, Denis Davydov, and Eduard Lowernstern) have been translated in English while dozens remain unknown outside Russia. This book seeks to fill this gap by providing, in English, previously unavailable memoirs of Russian participants.

Each chapter deals with an important episode of the 1812 campaign and featuring dozens of memoirs, letters and diaries. These documents show the other side of the proverbial coin, providing an unique insight on the Russian leadership, how and why decisions were made and what a common Russian soldier experienced as he slowly progressed towards victory. 1 vol, 262 pgs 2012 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-204470 Mikaberidze, Alexander RUSSIAN EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS of the CAMPAIGN of 1814 In the spring of 1814, enemy forces invaded France. This book brings together dozens of letters, diaries, and memoirs of Russian participants of the 1814 Campaign. Reading these documents we see what Russian officers and soldiers experienced during the final months of the campaign that started back in 1812 as well as their joy at winning the war over France. We follow them not only through the heat of the battle but also on delightful tours of Paris, which they describe as the pleasure and entertainment capital of the world. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2013 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available late January 2014 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-204830 Mikaberidze, Alexander THE BURNING OF MOSCOW: Napoleon's Trial by Fire 1812 As soon as Napoleon and his Grand Army entered Moscow, on 14 September 1812, the capital erupted in flames that eventually engulfed and destroyed two thirds of the city. The fiery devastation had a profound effect on the Grand Army, but for thirty-five days Napoleon stayed, making increasingly desperate efforts to achieve peace with Russia.

Then, in October, almost surrounded by the Russians and with winter fast approaching, he abandoned the capital and embarked on the long, bitter retreat that destroyed his army. The month-long stay in Moscow was a pivotal moment in the war of 1812 - the moment when the initiative swung towards the Tsar's armies and spelled doom for the invading Grand Army - yet it has rarely been studied in the same depth as the other key events of the campaign.

Alexander Mikaberidze, in this third volume of his in-depth reassessment of the war between the French and Russian empires, emphasizes the importance of the Moscow fire and shows how Russian intransigence sealed the fate of the French army.

He uses a vast array of French, German, Polish and Russian memoirs, letters and diaries as well as archival material in order to tell the dramatic story of the Moscow fire. Not only does he provide a comprehensive account of events, looking at them from both the French and Russian points of view, but he explores the Russians' motives for leaving, then burning their capital.

Using extensive eyewitness accounts, he paints a vivid picture of the harsh reality of life in the remains of the occupied city and describes military operations around Moscow at this turning point in the campaign. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2014 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj, available Mid April 2014 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-208350 Mikaberidze, Alexander RUSSIAN EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS OF THE CAMPAIGN OF 1807 After the crushing defeat of Prussia in 1806, Napoleon marched into Poland to forestall any Russian attempts to come to the aid of their ally. There then followed the bloody battle in a blizzard at Eylau on 8 February 1807, which decimated both armies. Operations resumed in the spring and on 14 June Napoleon wrecked the Russian field army at Friedland. Napoleon and Emperor Alexander met at Tiltsit to end the war, and French mastery of northwest Europe was confirmed.

This book brings together dozens of Russian letters, memoirs, and diaries, with authors ranging from the commander-in-chief (Benningsen) to NCOs. We see the brutal conditions of the winter campaign at first hand, and gain fresh insight into the infamous Treaty of Tiltsit and the diplomatic maneuvering that followed it. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2015 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-softcover, special price limited quantity limited time ......$40.00 with a discount of 40%

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1-222910 Mikaberidze, Alexander THE NAPOLEONIC WARS: A Global History Comprehensive global history of the Napoleonic Wars across six continents and the entire period from 1792 to 1815. France struggled for dominance not only on the plains of Europe but also in the Americas, West and South Africa, Ottoman Empire, Iran, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Mediterranean Sea, and the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Discusses major political-military events around the world and situates geopolitical decision-making within its long- and short-term contexts. Includes 29 maps.

Moves away from the Eurocentric vision of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars to examine British expeditions to Argentina and South Africa, Franco-Russian maneuvering in the Ottoman Empire, rise of Mehmed Ali and the emergence of a powerful state in Egypt, rise of the US, and start of national-liberation movements against the Spanish Colonial Empire in South America. 1 vol, 960 pgs 2018 US, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-dj, available late February 2020 ......$40.00 rct

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1-234860 Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, Alexander Ivanovich 1805: TSAR ALEXANDER'S FIRST WAR WITH NAPOLEON First published in 1844, uses original military and diplomatic documents and the testimonies of witnesses and participants to report on the first war between Tsar Alexander I and Napoleon in 1805.

* The causes of hostilities; the situation in Europe in 1802. The French war with Britain. The death of the Duc d'Enghien. Austrian mobilization.
* Russian mobilization; The state of the armed forces of Russia. The state of the armed forces of Austria. Deployment of the Austrians into Bavaria. The state of the armed forces of France.
* Kutuzov's march to Austria; the entry into Austrian territory. Kutuzov's stay in Vienna. Departure for Braunau. Rumors of Austrian defeat.
* The Battle of Ulm; Napoleon's advance to the Middle Rhine and Main. Austrian dispositions. Napoleon's advance across the Danube. The initial failures of the Austrians. The investment and capitulation of Ulm.
* Kutuzov in Braunau; the arrival of Austrian and Russian troops. Kutuzov's encounter with Mack.
* The Tsar's diplomatic efforts; Emperor Alexander's journey abroad. Prussia's changing relationship with Napoleon. The Treaty of Potsdam. The Tsar's relations with Britain and Sweden.
* Kutuzov's retreat from Braunau to Krems; Napoleon's plans. Action at Lambach. Action at Amstetten.
* Battle of Krems; Mortier's advance. Miloradovich's operations. Dokhturov's outflanking movement. Mortier's withdrawal. Dokhturov's operations. The Battle of Durnstein. The Battle of Krems.
* Kutuzov's retreat from Krems; Napoleon's decision to cut off Kutuzov. The French at Vienna. Kutuzov's march from Braunau to Znaim. Bagration's march to Hollabrun. Action at Schongrabern.
* Operations in Tyrol and Italy; the French offensive. Battle of Caldiero. Archduke Charles' withdrawal from Italy. The situation of the Austrians in the Tyrol.
* The camp at Olmutz; Buxhoeveden's corps. The Olmutz position. The Austrians assume command of the coalition army.
* The coalition offensive; the action at Wischau. Maneuvers by the allies. Napoleon's operations.
* Deployments for the Battle of Austerlitz.
* The Battle of Austerlitz; Napoleon's dispositions. Initial operations by Dokhturov, Langeron and Przhibyshevsky. The defeat of the coalition centre. Kamensky's battle. The exploits of Prince Volkonsky. The actions of the coalition cavalry. The defeat of the Russian Guard. Bagration's operations. The defeat of Langeron and Przhibyshevsky. Dokhturov's exploits. The coalition withdrawal.
* Aftermath of Austerlitz; casualties of the coalition and French armies.
* The withdrawal to Hungary. Concentration of the Russians at Czeitsch. The arrival of Essen's corps. The truce. The Emperor's return to Russia. The Peace of Pressburg. Napoleon's return to Paris. The march of the Russians through Hungary and Galicia.
* The Russian expedition to Hanover; the composition of Tolstoy's corps and the fleet. Tolstoy's advance from Pomerania to the Weser. The arrival of the British and Swedes. The return of Bennigsen and Tolstoy to Russia.
* The Russian expedition to Naples; General Lacy's departure to Naples. The situation in Naples. The Russians and British arrive. The coalition offensive. The return of the Russians to Corfu and Russia. 1 vol, 140 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-236540 Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, Alexander Ivanovich 1806-1807: TSAR ALEXANDER'S SECOND WAR WITH NAPOLEON The Russian official history of the second war between Emperor Alexander and Napoleon, in 1806 and 1807, using original military and diplomatic documents and the testimonies of witnesses and participants from the war.

First published in 1846, the history considers the reasons for the war undertaken by Emperor Alexander in alliance with Prussia, the disaster that befell Prussia at Jena and Auerstedt, and Alexander's mobilization when, after the destruction of the Prussians, Napoleon moved to the borders of Russia.

Following Napoleon's crossing to the right bank of the Vistula, the narrative describes the subsequent Russian military operations against Napoleon in both the winter and spring campaigns. The winter campaign culminated with the Battle of Eylau, with consideration to the exhaustion of the fighting armies, frosts, impassable roads, and political factors that stopped the bloodshed in the main theater of war until May.

The narrative then considers the inactivity of the armies, and exhaustion of all possible resources in anticipation of the spring campaign, before concluding with Napoleon's repulse at Heilsberg, the Russian defeat at Freidland, retreat to the right bank of the Neman, and peace at Tilsit. 1 vol, 232 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late April 2023 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-50150 Miot, M.J. FRENCH EXPEDITION TO EGYPT, THE Memoirs of Jacques Miot(commissary of war) servicein the Egyptian/Syrian expedition, seven maps. 1 vol, 168 pgs 1997 UK, WORLEY PUBLICATIONS
NEW-dj, facsimile of 1816 ed ......$40.00 with a discount of 50% old

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2-ST151 Miranda, Joseph S&T #151: The Battle of Friedland 1807 & Battle of Vittoria 1813 Features:

Napoleonic Battes System: Friedland
The Napoleonic Revolution in Battle
Raphia nd the Military System of Alexander's Successors 1 vol, 64 pgs 1992 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$15.00 inc

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1-208290 Mirante, Rand MEDUSA'S HEAD: The Rise and Survival of Joseph Fouche, Inventor of the Modern Police State Hardcover version.

Minister of Police Joseph Fouche was universally distrusted, feared, and hated in his time, but was nevertheless considered indispensable. This biography recounts the chameleonic and astonishing career of Napoleon's security chief, who created the modern police state and wielded immense power that threatened the other main organs of government.

Fouche was one of the most important, fascinating, and controversial figures of the French Revolution, the First Empire, and the Bourbon Restoration. His roles included a priest-in-training who became a radical Jacobin and de-Christianizer; a regicide who cast a dramatic swing vote for Louis XVI's immediate execution; the grim and remorseless 'Butcher of Lyon' mastermind of the conspiracy that sent Robespierre to the guillotine; and the head of Napoleon's police - privy to everyone's secrets, shaping the media, deploying 10,000 informants in Paris alone, and securing funding from the Empire's casinos and brothels.

He was also the enabler of Napoleon's 1799 coup and subsequent repeated betrayer of the Emperor; acting president after Waterloo and traitor to France; Louis XVIII's Minister of Police, in spite of his responsibility for the death of the King's brother; and finally a wealthy but disgraced exile who met an unusual end in Trieste on the Adriatic. 1 vol, 300 pgs 2014 US, ARCHWAY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available late April 2015 ......$20.00

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2-208290 Mirante, Rand MEDUSA'S HEAD: The Rise and Survival of Joseph Fouche, Inventor of the Modern Police State Softcover version.

Minister of Police Joseph Fouche was universally distrusted, feared, and hated in his time, but was nevertheless considered indispensable. This biography recounts the chameleonic and astonishing career of Napoleon's security chief, who created the modern police state and wielded immense power that threatened the other main organs of government.

Fouche was one of the most important, fascinating, and controversial figures of the French Revolution, the First Empire, and the Bourbon Restoration. His roles included a priest-in-training who became a radical Jacobin and de-Christianizer; a regicide who cast a dramatic swing vote for Louis XVI's immediate execution; the grim and remorseless 'Butcher of Lyon' mastermind of the conspiracy that sent Robespierre to the guillotine; and the head of Napoleon's police - privy to everyone's secrets, shaping the media, deploying 10,000 informants in Paris alone, and securing funding from the Empire's casinos and brothels.

He was also the enabler of Napoleon's 1799 coup and subsequent repeated betrayer of the Emperor; acting president after Waterloo and traitor to France; Louis XVIII's Minister of Police, in spite of his responsibility for the death of the King's brother; and finally a wealthy but disgraced exile who met an unusual end in Trieste on the Adriatic. 1 vol, 300 pgs 2014 US, ARCHWAY PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, available late April 2015 ......$20.00

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1-COM1099 Moeller, Christopher Napoleon's Eagles The events of Autumn 1812 to Autumn 1813 marked a pivot point in the history of 19th Century Europe. Despite ominous setbacks in Spain, Napoleonic France before 1812 was at the height of its expansion. The continental system was holding, if imperfectly. Monarchs friendly to the Empire (several, members of Napoleon's immediate family), ruled in every capital of the continent. Only Britain remained unbowed. By the end of 1813 the story had changed dramatically.

Napoleon's Eagles is a highly playable, action-packed card game set during the wars of 19th Century Europe. Two battles are featured: Borodino, the sanguinary clash before the gates of Moscow featured in Tolstoy's famous novel War and Peace, and Leipzig, the great 'Battle of Nations' which marked the beginning of the end of the French Empire.

Two smaller battles are included (Shevardino and Lieberwolkwitz), as well as two campaign games that cover multiple days of battle: September 5th-7th, 1812 at Borodino and October 14th-18th, 1813 at Leipzig. The game includes rules for cavalry charges, artillery bombardment, army morale and army commanders. Emphasis is placed on the role of reserves and the judicial commitment of infantry and cavalry. Key terrain pieces are featured, such as the city of Leipzig and the famous Great Redoubt at Borodino.

Product information
Complexity: 5 out of 10
Solitaire Suitability: Low (card-driven game)
Time Scale: abstract (one full day of battle is 6 turns)
Unit Scale: Infantry and Cavalry Corps
Players: Two
Playing Time: 30 to 90 minutes; 4 hours for large campaign
Designer: Christopher Moeller

225 Poker-sized cards which include 89 Unit Cards, 32 Terrain and Info Cards, and 104 Playing Cards
Two Player Aid Cards
Three Scenario Set-up Cards
One Rules and Scenario Book
1 Box and Lid set
1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box ......$55.00 with a discount of 35% rct

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1-COM1175 Moeller, Christopher NAPOLEON'S EAGLES 2: Hundred Days Wargame of the final four battles of the Napoleonic age: Quatre Bras and Ligny (June 16, 1815), and Waterloo and Wavre (June 18, 1815). Two campaign games allow the battles of the 16th and 18th to be played together, as well as a grand campaign that combines all four battles.

While there are multiple scenarios presented in the game, each with its own special rules and conditions for victory, most battles are won by inflicting nine demoralizations on an opponent's army, before they do the same to you. Combat is a back and forth affair, using specially designed decks of playing cards. Combat units, featuring glorious period artwork, represent infantry and cavalry formations, massed artillery formations, and those leaders operating at the highest levels (Wing and Army command).

Product Information:
* Complexity: 5 out of 10
* Solitaire Suitability: High
* Time Scale: Abstract (one full day of battle is 6 turns)
* Unit Scale: Infantry and Cavalry Corps
* Players: Two
* Playing Time: 30 to 90 minutes; 4 hours for large campaign
* Components: 225 Poker-sized cards which include 89 Unit Cards, 32 Terrain and Info Cards, and 104 Playing Cards; Two Player Aid Cards; Three Scenario Set-up Cards; One Rules and Scenario Book; and 1 Box and Lid set. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box ......$55.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-73990 Molieres, Colonel Michel & Natalia Griffon DICTIONNAIRE DES BRAVE DE NAPOLEON 6.5x9.5, covers the actions & accomplishments of the soldiers and officers of the French Army from 1792-1815. 2 vol, 1152 pgs 2004 PARIS, LE LIVER CHEZ VOUS
NEW-slipcase ......$85.00

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1-71710 Molieres, Michel LA CAMPAGNE DE 1809 8.5x12, 100+ color & b/w illust, (17) color maps, details the movement from April 20th to 23rd for Abensnberg-Landshut-Eckmuhl-Ratisbonne. 1 vol, 300 pgs 2003 PARIS, LCV
NEW-dj ......$125.00

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1-204610 Mollo, John FROM CORUNNA TO WATERLOO: With the Hussars 1808 to 1815 Describes the conception, gestation, birth, and adolescence of the first British Regiments of Hussars -- the byproducts of the Prince Regent's passion for military finery and dandyism -- leading on to their full maturity in the grim realities of war in the Iberian Peninsula between 1808 and 1814, first under Moore and then under Wellington, in two widely different campaigns.

Based on contemporary letters, diaries, and reports, Mollo takes the reader into the heart of the Hussar Brigade in peace and war, depicting its many colorful characters with a sure hand and describing every facet of day-to-day life, in barracks and on the battlefield. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2014 UK, Pen and Sword
NEW-softcover, available late March 2014 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-47060 Mollo, John PRINCE'S DOLLS, THE:Hussars 1739-1815 The scandals, skirmishes and splendors; examines the lives of the Hussars, their recruitment, training and administration. 1 vol, 272 pgs 1997 LONDON, LEO COOPER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-220290 Mongin, Jean Rivoli: 1796-1797 Du Pont d'Arcole a la Bataille de Rivoli The French Directory, in 1796, decided to hit the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the heart. Two armies in Germany failed while the small army of Italy, under the orders of Bonaparte, in a dazzling and brilliant campaign rolled the Austrians. In less than 12 months, it destroyed four Austrian armies, grabbed a part of Piedmont, founded two republics, conquered northern Italy, and on October 7, 1797, signed the Treaty of Campo Formio with Austria. Napoleon Bonaparte accessed to glory.

This book reveals the aspects of the last months of the campaign. The first chapters include narratives of battles and maneuvers, plus tactics that brought wins with the strategic importance of the vision of Bonaparte. The second part addresses the technical components and uniforms of the units on both sides. The third deals with the cultural, economic, and political dimensions of the first victorious campaign of Bonaparte. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2019 FRANCE, HEIMDAL
NEW-hardcover, [French text] ......$75.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-226030 Mongin, Jean Marie LES ITALIENS DE L'EMPEREUR: Les Arm?es de la P?ninsule Italienne 1800-1815 This army of the Kingdom of Italy started during Bonaparte's first campaign with the creation of the Lombard and Cisalpine Legions. This army especially featured a greater number of enrolled troops, instead of volunteers. The Italian Royal Guard, from the beginning of the century, was the hub around which the Army of the Kingdom of Italy was formed. It took part in the great campaigns of the Empire. The transalpine uniforms often recalled those worn by their French brothers-in-arms. The Army of the Kingdom of Naples (from 1806 to 1815, commanded in succession by Joseph Bonaparte then Joachim Murat) inherited a tradition forged by the Bourbons. The Neapolitan Army, large but unreliable, was entrusted with defending the south of Italy with the French, against the Bourbons and the English; this did not prevent it from being mobilized alongside the French army in Spain or in divisions within the Grande Armee during the Russian Campaign. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2020 FRANCE, HEIMDAL
NEW-hardback, [French text] ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-226040 Mongin, Jean Marie LES SUISSES AU SERVICE DE LA FRANCE: 1715-1820 Very early on, Switzerland set up a real mercenary business. By capitulations each canton could recruit military units on behalf of a neighbouring state with their own officers and rules. The French Revolution encountered the loyalty of the Swiss in the service of the King of France. The infamous massacre of the Swiss Guard on 10 August 1792 in the Tuileries was the bloodiest. After that the Swiss regiments in the infantry of the Line were disbanded. France, reorganised Europe between 1793 and 1813, and transformed Switzerland which supplied, not always in the best conditions, its neighbour with troops of great worth to the Revolution and to the Empire. This book deals with the Swiss troops which served the Monarchy, the Republic, the Consulate, and the Empire and the Second Empire. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2020 FRANCE, HEIMDAL
NEW-hardback, [French text], no due date ......$28.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-229201 Mongin, Jean Marie L'INFANTERIE DE LIGNE V1: 1776-1820 For Napoleon, 'the infantry is the soul of the army' it effectively brings together most of the combatants present under the flags. Apart from the special case of the Imperial Guard, the French infantry was divided into two broad categories: line infantry and light infantry. The first forms the big battalion of this fighting mass. The 120 images and accompanying descriptions present the soldiers of the Line infantry from the infantry of Louis XVI to those of Charles X without forgetting, of course, the infantry of the Revolution, and the Emperor's grumblers. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2021 FRANCE, HEIMADL
NEW-hardback,[French text] available mid January 2022 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-229202 Mongin, Jean Marie L'INFANTERIE DE LIGNE V2: 1814-1830 The Line Infantry suffered all the shocks of the last years of the Empire, from the French campaign to Waterloo, before radically changing its face in 1815, during the Second Restoration.? 1 vol, 160 pgs 2021 FRANCE, HEIMADL
NEW-hardback,[French text] available mid January 2022 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-48290 Monick, S. editor DOUGLAS' TALE OF THE PENINSULA The memoirs of Sgt John Douglas, The Royal Scots,he was present at Walcheren, the Peninsular and gives a vividly describes Quatre Bras/Waterloo, never before published, a must for Napoleonic Wars 1 vol, 256 pgs 1997 LONDON, LEO COOPER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-194670 Moon, Joshua Wellington's Two-Front War: The Peninsular Campaigns, at Home and Abroad, 1808-1814 The book chronicles Wellington's battle with Napoleon abroad and the British bureaucracy at home during the 1808-14 campaigns in the Iberian Peninsula.

Moon argues that the military's outdated promotion system, political maneuvering, and bureaucratic inertia - all subject to public opinion and a hostile press - thwarted Wellington's efforts, almost costing him the victory. Drawing on archival sources in the United Kingdom and at the United States Military Academy, Moon goes well beyond detailing military operations to delve into the larger effects of domestic policies, bureaucracy, and coalition building on strategy.

The book demonstrates the Iberian campaign was won only through the strategic vision and relentless determination of Wellington. Moon's multifaceted examination of the commander and his frustrations offers valuable insight into the complexities of fighting faraway battles under the scrutiny at home of government agencies and the press - issues still relevant today.
1 vol, 272 pgs 2011
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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1-41700 Moorsom, M.S. HISTORY OF THE 52ND REGIMENT, 1755-1816 Primary source of the 52nd's military achievements in the Peninsula & Waterloo Campaigns, eighteen double page battle plans. 1 vol, 267 pgs 1996 UK, WORLEY PUBLICATIONS
NEW-dj, facsimile of 1860 edition ......$50.00

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1-215840 Morawski, Ryszard & Nieuwazny, Andrzej ARMY OF THE DUCHY OF WARSAW: Generals, Aides-de-camp, Staffs Vol. 4 The fourth book of The Army of the Duchy of Warsaw series offers a new, comprehensive perspective on the commanders of the army of the Duchy of Warsaw, based on previously unused domestic and foreign archival records.

This book analyses topics such as changes in the structure of commanding the army, officials of the Duchy connected with the military, and the health service and chaplains offering pastoral care to the troops. The text contains organization charts of the supreme military offices and of infantry and cavalry regiments. A separate chapter was dedicated to the orders of the era, only partly familiar to those interested in the issue. Apart from popular orders, such as the Virtuti Militari and the Legion of Honour, this covers 10 other orders worn on their uniforms by Polish generals and aides-de-camp.

The two tables provide information on nominations to particular ranks and on the distinctions conferred on the generals of the Duchy and on Polish higher officers serving in foreign armies (in French and Italian pay).

Illustrations depict Prince Jozef Poniatowski and 28 other generals in various uniforms, worn at that time by high-ranking officers of the Duchy of Warsaw. Other charts show officers, aides-de-camps, and officials employed in the staff and in the Ministry of War. Eight detailed charts offer an insight into the separate parts of the uniforms and accessories. Over a dozen other detailed tables are related to orders and medical equipment. 1 vol, 328 pgs 2017 POLAND, KARABELA
NEW-hardcover, [Polish] with English notes, available late December 2017 ......$119.00

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1-190980 Morawski, Ryszard & Paczuski, Adam ARMY OF THE GRAND DUCHY OF WARSAW:Uhlans, Guard et 13x10, 200+ full color plates, b/w plates, detail of uniforms, equipment, units. Text in Polish with English summaries & captions. Covers the Uhlans, Guard, Gendarmerie and Noble Levy. 2 vol, 592 pgs 2009 POLAND, KARABELA PUBS
NEW-hardcovers in slipcase ......$229.00

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1-89363 Morawski, Ryszard and Dusiewicz, Andrzej POLISH ARMY UNDER NAPOLEON: Polish Legions in Italy -- Danube Legion, Polish-Italian Legion, and North Legion. Oversized at 9.5x13 inches, the book includes 116 full color/full page illustrations. Polish text, but English captions and summary. Also includes three maps that show the areas where Polish soldiers entered into combat: Italian Peninsula, Danube area and Santo Domingo.

Color plates painted by Ryszard Morawski illustrate the uniforms and the equipment of the Legion's infantry, cavalry, and artillery. Morawski used in his work two previously unknown iconographic sources from a private collection in Italy and from the New York Library. Each color plate is captioned in Polish, French, English and Italian. The final section of the book contains additionally the bibliography, alphabetical index of names, and extensive summaries in French, English, and Italian.

This is the last volume of the series dedicated to the Polish formations financed by the French and presents the history of the Polish Legions that fought in Italy under the command of General Henryk Dabrowski. Earlier volumes covered the Vistula Legion and the Polish units in the Napoleon's Guard. 1 vol, 360 pgs 2010 POLAND, KARABELA PUBS
NEW-hardcover [Polish text, but English captions and summary] ......$149.00

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1-212300 Morewood, John WATERLOO GENERAL: The Life, Letters and Mysterious Death of Major General Sir William Ponsonby 1772 - 1815 At the Battle of Waterloo Sir William Ponsonby, a man who the Duke of Wellington stated had 'rendered very brilliant and important services and was an ornament to his profession', was killed by French lancers after leading the Union Brigade (the three Dragoon Regiments of the Royals, Iniskillings, and Scots Greys) in a charge that wrecked a French advance that threatened Wellington with defeat. Sir William was a career soldier who had led his regiment in the decisive charge at the Battle of Salamanca and served with great distinction during the Peninsular War. Yet historians have blamed him because the charge at Waterloo got out of hand. Includes 30 illustrations.

Uses family sources, including Sir William's letters, as well as French and German accounts, to restore his reputation and, by shedding new light on the battle, establishes what really happen to him on that fatal afternoon. It is also a biography of a man whose bravery and professionalism distinguished him as one of the outstanding cavalry commanders of the age. 1 vol, 280 pgs 2016 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late August 2016 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-234780 Mugnal, Bruni THE OTTOMAN ARMY OF THE NAPOLEONIC WARS 1784-1815: A Struggle for Survival from Egypt to the Balkans Examines the changes and development of the Ottoman army from its campaigns against the Bedouin in Iraq in the 1780s until the Serbian uprisings in 1804-13 and 1815. It also includes a detailed description of the dress and equipment of the Ottoman soldiers of this period.

The Ottoman Empire was only marginally affected by the conflicts of the Napoleonic era; however, the period between the 1780s and 1820s was very important for the history and institutions of the multicultural state. Scholars working on the Ottomans in the Balkans, Anatolia, Egypt, and Syria have reached something of a consensus about these years as a watershed for the Ottomans. It was a moment when reform became necessary not just as a palace experiment, but as a matter of life and death for the dynasty and empire alike.

Survival in the Ottoman dynastic context meant engaging in a series of multilateral negotiations, not only with foreign powers, but also with a host of new military, intellectual, and religious elite groups. These emerged precisely because of shrinking borders, mobile military forces, and refugee populations. The struggle for survival was central to the changing dynamics of Ottoman society, especially in a period when war was generally proving too costly in human and economic terms. The toll on local society was large, and also involved the territories of the empire which were not directly within the war zones. 1 vol, 406 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-202921 Muilwijk, Erwin 1815 - FROM MOBILISATION TO WAR: The Netherlands Army During the Waterloo Campaign This history explores in detail the unique perspective from the Netherlands field army for the period of mid-March 1815 up to the outbreak of war on 15th June, when it faced the French Imperial Army for the first time at the village of Frasnes, close to Quatre Bras. This history draws almost exclusively from archival sources, and presents numerous hitherto-unpublished or unknown contemporary documents, to recreate the history of the Netherlands field army during the campaign of 1815. 1 vol, 270 pgs 2013 NETHERLANDS, SOVEREIGN HOUSE BOOKS
NEW-softcover ......$32.00

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1-202922 Muilwijk, Erwin QUATRE BRAS: Perponcher's Gamble On this day of 16th June we will follow the various exploits of the Netherlands field army. The maneuvers of its three divisions in I Corps during the morning are followed closely, as these executed the various defense plans devised in the weeks prior to the outbreak of war for the safe concentration of the entire army of the Duke of Wellington. 1 vol, 202 pgs 2013 NETHERLANDS, SOVEREIGN HOUSE BOOKS
NEW-softcover ......$29.00

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1-202923 Muilwijk, Erwin STANDING FIRM AT WATERLOO This volume deals with the specific role of the Netherlands field army on both days of 17th and 18th June, 1815. In great detail the endeavors, events and the hard fighting of its infantry, cavalry and artillery are described. All this is based on dozens of memoirs by veteran soldiers from Holland, Belgium and Nassau serving together in the Netherlands field army.

Their own words lavishly illustrate and enliven the text. The history presented in this volume adds to the knowledge on the 1815 campaign and the Battle of Waterloo, and shall change the perception on the Netherlands field army. Its men fought brave, showed courage and ultimately firmly stood their ground.

In various chapters this history amongst other shows the important role of Prince Frederik's army corps in the preconceived position south of Halle, while the troops at Waterloo were engaged in battle under the command of Wellington and the Prince of Orange. Sappers cleared the road behind the battlefield to ensure a steady flow of reserve ammunition from Brussels.

The infantry brigade of General van Bijlandt was already in cover behind the reverse slope, well before the French grand battery opened fire and Comte d'Erlon's army corps attacked the position. Throughout the entire battle the Nassau battalion commanded by Captain Busgen formed a vital part of the defense force of Hougoumont. The light cavalry of General Ghigny made several charges on the left wing, after the British cavalry regiments were thrown back in disorder. Colonel von Sachsen-Weimar's Nassau soldiers fought a skirmish battle for the farms of Papelotte and La Haye and the Smohain hamlet, that changed hands during the battle.

The exact circumstances how the Prince of Orange was wounded are presented. And finally the role of General Chasse and his troops is presented in the final stages of the battle, when the Garde Imperiale attacks. Chasse's men were not directly involved, but nonetheless immediately took part in the pursuit at the end of the battle.

In several sidebars this history also examines topics that could not be incorporated in the main narrative, but are nonetheless worthwhile to present. These include the death of General van Merlen, how a single lieutenant recaptured Charleroi on 19th June, who escorted the thousands of French prisoners to Brussels during the battle, whether or not Napoleon used the observatory tower, examples of surgery during the battle, and much more. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2014 NETHERLANDS, SOVEREIGN HOUSE BOOKS
NEW-softcover ......$30.00

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2-51790 Muir, Rory TACTICS & THE EXPERIENCE OF BATTLE IN THE NAPOLEON The author had used many 'first hand' accounts to effects of morale, leadership & personal feelings influenced the 'command & control' of Napoleonic Battles, chpt notes, extensive biblio, index. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2000 NEW HAVEN, YALE UNIVERSIT
NEW-pb ......$21.00

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1-67530 Muir, Rory SALAMANCA, 1812 An examination in unprecedented detail of the this critical British victory, the author uses many unpublished or obscure sources. Includes 30 b/w illustrations and maps, bibliography, and index. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2002 NEW HAVEN, YALE UNIV PRESS
NEW-dj, out of print -- limited quantity -- first come, first served ......$43.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-85830 Muir, Rory & McGuigan, Ron & Muir, Howie INSIDE WELLINGTO'S PENINSULAR ARMY 1808-1814 This book emphasizes that there was more to Wellington's generalship than just commanding on the battlefield; it is an important contribution the the subject and builds on Oman. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2007 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-211930 Munford, W. AN HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE CAMPAIGN IN THE NETHERLANDS, IN 1815.COMPRISING THE BATTLES OF LIGNY, QUATRE BRAS AND WATERLOO Quality hardback 2016 -- Facsimile of 1817 edition, 368 pages with color portrait of officers front, color title, two color maps (reduced from the large original), color battle scene (also reduced from the large original), and 25 color plates.

Mudford's account of Waterloo is one of the most famous and most sought-after. One of the great features of this account are the series of plates, which follow in sequence (the background of one being the foreground of the next) the journey to the battlefield. The field of battle itself is faithfully recorded immediately after the event, with the correct positioning of bodies and the actual damage to the buildings. 1 vol, 368 pgs 2016 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardcover ......$75.00

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1-31900 Myatt, Frederick BRITISH SIEGES OF THE PENINSULAR WAR A look at how and why Wellington conducted sieges. Oversize 8.5x11 with many color and b/w illust, maps, index, biblio. 1 vol, 200 pgs 1995 UK, SPELLMOUNT PUBLICAT'S
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-10330 Nafziger, G.T., Wisoloski, M.T., and Tom Devoe POLES AND SAXONS OF THE NAPOLEONIC WARS A complete treatment of these key French Allies, including OOBs and 16 color plates. 1 vol, 266 pgs 1991 CHICAGO, EMPERORS PRESS
NEW-dj ......$35.00 rct

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1-207770 Nafziger, George THE END OF EMPIRE: Napoleon's 1814 Campaign The End of Empire continues Nafziger's definitive military studies of the Napoleonic era beginning with the 1812 campaign and progressing through the 1813 campaign. Having suffered a massive reversal of fortunes in Russia Napoleon found himself confronted, in Germany, by the combined forces of Russia, Prussia, and Austria.

After the disaster of Leipzig Napoleon's German allies fell away and he was forced to fall back, beyond the borders of France. Offered a negotiated peace on the basis of a return to the pre-1792 borders, Napoleon chose to continue to fight, trusting in his star. He was, however, desperate for troops and short of horses and cash. Cornered and threatened by three armies invading from the north, northeast, and east, every chance to stop the Allies had to be taken and there was desperate battle after desperate battle.

Of all his campaigns, Napoleon's 1814 campaign was one of his most brilliant. Eventually, after several terrible defeats, the Allies refused to engage him in battle when he confronted them. Instead they pushed their other two armies forward, slowly driving him back as he rushed to block the advance of the other armies on Paris. This strategy proved successful and eventually Napoleon was obliged to abdicate when his marshals refused to fight further.

Includes a detailed text, specially commissioned maps, and the author's trademark extensive orders of battle. 1 vol, 656 pgs 2015 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-hardback, Invenotory reductoi ......$90.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-25240 Nafziger, George LUTZEN & BAUTZEN: Napoleon's Spring Campaign New edition of classic study of 1813 Spring campaign incorporates a new set of images, and newly commissioned maps. A tired Russian Army and a raw Prussian force marched to meet the reconstituted French. Covers the great battles of Lutzen and Bautzen to the skirmishes with marauding Cossacks. Still one of the best OOBs for the campaign and individual battles. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2017 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$70.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-35660 Nafziger, George NAPOLEON AT DRESDEN: The Battles of August 1813 New Edition. This is the second in a three-volume series on the 1813 campaign and the first significant study on the 1813 campaign since Petre. Unlike the other English works on the campaign, it was prepared using French archival and published sources, as well as German, Danish, and Russian published sources.

It discusses every battle and significant action in all parts of Germany -- including various sieges. Detailed color maps support the major battles and a large collection of orders of battle drawn from the French Archives, as well as period-published documents, support the discussion of the campaign, complemented by a large selection of images. Both images and maps are new to this edition of the work. Includes 100 illustrations and maps. 1 vol, 252 pgs 2018 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb edition ......$70.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-43020 Nafziger, George IMPERIAL BAYONETS: Tactics of the Napoleonic Battery, Battalion and Brigade as Found in Contemporary Regulations New edition, although essentially a reprint of the original edition. It is the definitive work on Napoleonic tactics and a must read for anyone wanting to understand the fundamentals of period tactics.

Imperial Bayonets examines the maneuvering systems of the French, Prussians, Russians, Austrians and British from 1792 to 1815. It studies infantry maneuvers and firepower, cavalry maneuvers, and artillery. Includes 132 illustrations, 94 tables, and 7 charts/graphs.

It provides not only a discussion of every major maneuver of the five major powers, i.e. from line to square, or column, but does time and motion studies of how long it would take to execute those maneuvers and compares them to the other nations. It covers infantry and cavalry maneuvers on this level. It performs an analysis of both musketry effectiveness and artillery effectiveness, providing curves that demonstrate the effectiveness of both. Also covers brigade maneuvers and army marches. 1 vol, 296 pgs 2017 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-editon pb ......$70.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-45360 Nafziger, George NAPOLEON AT LEIPZIG: The Battle of Nations 1813 An exhaustive study in the same vein as Lutzen & Bautzen and Napoleon At Dresden. Includes b/w illustrations and maps, bibliography, and index. 1 vol, 432 pgs 2012 US, EMPEROR'S PRESS
NEW-no dj, Special offer from the publisher Emperor's Press ......$68.00 with a discount of 40% rct

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4-45360 Nafziger, George NAPOLEON AT LEIPZIG: The Battle of the Nations 1813 Leipzig dashed the dreams of a French Empire when the armies of Prussia, Russia, Austria and Sweden converged on Napoleon and his Grande Armee. It was the greatest battle of the Napoleonic Wars, and so decisive it would be called Battle of the Nations.

Smaller countries like Poland and Saxony seemed to be submerged in the titanic struggle and the battle shaped Europe for more than a century. Napoleon at Leipzig not only covers this pivotal battle, but also the maneuvers that led up to it and the retreat that followed. At Hanau, the Bavarians learned to their dismay the Napoleon was still the master of the battlefield.

The book includes the campaigns of Marshal Davout in the north, and the fate of the besieged French fortresses. From glittering field marshals to ragged Cossacks, in massive battles or small skirmishes, we see the dramatic campaign unfold. This edition includes a new set of images and newly-commissioned color maps. 1 vol, 432 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb edition, available mid February 2021 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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3-18720 Nafziger, George F. NAPOLEON'S INVASION OF RUSSIA Well documented and researched account that includes, maps, bibliography, several appendices, and an index. 1 vol, 657 pgs 1988 NOVATO, PRESIDIO PRESS
V.GOOD-dj is worn, only 1 copy available, first come, first served ......$20.00 inc

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1-26880 Napier, Lt. General Sir William ENGLISH BATTLES & SIEGES IN THE PENINSULAR Selection of extracts from the author's history of the Peninsular War, b/w illust, maps. 1 vol, 469 pgs 1992 LONDON, R.J. LEACH COMP'Y
NEW-hardcover ......$39.00

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1-226770 Nester, William NAPOLEON AND THE ART OF LEADERSHIP: How a Flawed Genius Changed the History of Europe and the World If the art of leadership is about getting what one wants, then Napoleon was among history's greatest masters. He understood and asserted the dynamic relationship among military, economic, diplomatic, technological, cultural, psychological, and thus political power. War was the medium through which he was able to demonstrate his innate skills, leading his armies to victories across Europe.

He overthrew France's corrupt republican government in a coup then asserted near dictatorial powers. Those powers were then wielded with great dexterity in transforming France from feudalism to modernity with a new law code, canals, roads, ports, schools, factories, national bank, currency, and standard weights and measures. With those successes, he convinced the Senate to proclaim him France's emperor and even got the pope to preside over his coronation. He reorganized swaths of Europe into new states and placed his brothers and sisters on the thrones. A psychologically penetrating study of the man who had such a profound effect on the world around him that the entire era still bears his name.
1 vol, 552 pgs 2021 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-241890 Nester, William THE COALITIONS AGAINST NAPOLEON: How British Money, Manufacturing and Military Power Forged the Alliances that Achieved Victory Britain alone could not hope to defeat the might of Napoleonic France which, through enforced conscription, had become a nation in arms. But British leaders had a long history of forging alliances to counter their rivals and when revolution ravaged France in 1793 and a levee en masse raised a huge patriotic army, it was through a coalition of monarchies that French ambitions were restrained - a coalition made possible by British gold and British industry.

During the years 1793 to 1815, the British Government formed and underwrote seven coalitions that cost Britain 1,657,854,518 pounds as the national debt tripled from 290,000,000 pounds to 860,000,00 pounds . Of that, British subsidies to around thirty allies amounted to 65,830,228 pounds, along with staggering amounts of war supplies mass produced by British factories and shipped to allies.

Britain's power to underwrite those coalitions came from a related series of revolutions - agrarian, mercantile, financial, technological, manufacturing, cultural, and political that developed over the proceeding century. For many reasons that happened in Britain and not elsewhere. Of them, cultural values may be most crucial. Constraints were fewer and incentives greater for enterprising Britons to invest, invent, buy, and sell in ways that enriched themselves and their nation more than elsewhere. During the eighteenth century, Britain's leaders mastered a virtuous power cycle of victorious wars, expanding production, captured territories and markets, and more income. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2023 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available mid January 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-207160 Nichols, Aistair WELLINGTON'S SWITZERS: THE WATTEVILLE REGIMENT (1801-1816) - A SWISS REGIMENT OF THE BRITISH ARMY IN EGYPT, THE MEDITERRANEAN, SPAIN AND CANADA. Pioneering regimental study. The Watteville Regiment was formed in 1801 for the British Army. It began service in Egypt (1801) then in the Mediterranean where it particularly at Maida (1806). It was part of the garrison besieged in the Spanish city of Cadiz. Finally the regiment was sent across the Atlantic to defend Canada against the United States and saw action at Oswego and before being sent to the Niagara front. At Fort Erie, the action was marked by both controversy and individual fortitude. Includes 23 maps and 12 tables. 1 vol, 302 pgs 2015 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-dj, ......$48.00

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1-237840 Nichols, Alistair A FINE CORPS AND WILL SERVE FAITHFULLY: The Swiss Regiment de Roll in the British Army 1794-1816 In the first years after Revolutionary France declared war in 1793, Britain scrambled to raise forces at home and abroad. One source was Switzerland, whose experienced soldiers had previously served the French monarchy but were now unemployed.

The story of the Regiment de Roll is told using of a variety of primary documents including official reports, correspondence and lists, and private letters, as well as journals and other material. It is set in the Mediterranean theater which, overshadowed by that of the Iberian Peninsula, and is perhaps less familiar to readers. Service included Menorca and Egypt, with detachments in Italy and Spain. The regiment was disbanded in 1816. Includes 22 b/w illustrations, 13 color illustrations, 8pp color plates, 7 maps, and 15 tables. 1 vol, 246 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid August 2023 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-84840 Nichols, Alistair WELLINGTON'S MONGREL REGIMENT 1801-1814 History of the Chasseurs Britanniques, list of actions, service records, b/w illust/maps, several appendices, biblio, index. 1 vol, 248 pgs 2006 UK, TEMPUS PUBLICATIONS
NEW-dj ......$40.00

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1-246420 Niechwiej, Adam MAIDA 1806: Stuart vs Reynier (Wargame) Contents of the box: rulebook (12 pages), map (30 x 42 cm), 126 die-cut counters (15 x 15 mm), 7 counters (15 x 30 mm) representing the infantry units in line formation, and 1 ten-sided die. Recreates a small battle of the Napoleonic Wars between the British troops under Sir John Stuart and the French troops of Jean Louis Reynier. Rules focus on infantry tactics. Basic, most commonly used procedures are very simple, but many of the rules describe special situations, for example, a commander participating in bayonet charge. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2015 POLAND, STRATEGEMATA
NEW-box, available mid October 2024 ......$30.00 rct

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1-246460 Niechwiej, Adam ALBUERA 1811: Beresford vs Soult (Wargame) Contents of the box: one rulebook (16 pages), one board (68 x 98 cm), 648 die-cut counters (15 x 15 mm), 25 die-cut counters (15 x 30 mm), two scenario cards, and one 10-sided die. Rules concentrate on infantry maneuvers on Napoleonic battlefield. It is important to form battalions into proper array in the right time. Command and control has players select some Activation Chits, place into a common pool, and blind draw one to activate an associated formation. Play time is a minimum of 5 hours. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 POLAND, STRATEGEMATA
NEW-box, available mid October 2024 ......$55.00 rct

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1-79360 Noel, Colonel Jean-Nicolas trans Rosemary Brindle WITH NAPOLEON'S GUNS:Memoirs of 1st Empire Officer Written in 1850, Noel's memoirs cover 1795-1815 and detail many battles/campaigns, b/w maps/illust. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2005 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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1-241660 North, Jonathan THE DEATH OF JOACHIM MURAT: 1815 and the Unfortunate Fate of One of Napoleon's Marshals In 1808, Napoleon appointed Joachim Murat king of Naples as a loyal ally until, in 1814, with Napoleon beaten and in retreat towards ruin and exile, he chose to betray their imperial relation and dramatically switched sides. A year later, he fled his kingdom, but Napoleon had not forgiven him and after Waterloo, the restored Bourbons were offering a reward for Murat's head. In September 1815, he set off and what happened next forms the core of this part-tragic, part-ridiculous story and a lesson in how not to stage a coup. Just five days after landing in Calabria, King Joachim was hauled before a firing squad and executed. Contains 8 color illustrations and 8 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available December 2023 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-61750 North, Jonathan NAPOLEON OPTIONS, THE Ten of todays leading Napoleonic writers offeralternate senarios, from Egypt to Quatre Bras,from Paddy Griffith to John Elting, maps, biblio. 1 vol, 222 pgs 2000 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-dj, SHOP WORN ......$23.00

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1-58720 North, Jonathan translator/editor IN THE LEGIONS OF NAPOLEON:Polish Officer Memoirs Heinrich von Brandt served from Spain in 1808 to Russia in 1813, b/w illust, index. 1 vol, 304 pgs 1999 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$20.00

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2-46960 O'Neil, Charles MILITARY ADVENTURES OF CHARLES O'NEIL Memoirs of an Irish Soldier who served from 1811 to 1815, eyewitness accounts of Barossa, Badajoz and Waterloo. 1 vol, 272 pgs 1997 UK, SPELLMOUNT PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$15.00

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1-29870 Ojala, Jeanne A. AUGUSTE DE COLBERT, 1793-1809 Study of the one of Napoleon's most capable young officers. He served from 1793 until his death in Spain. The author melds his private correspondence with other sources, maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 199 pgs 1979 SALT LAKE CITY, UNIV UTAH
AS NEW-dj ......$21.00

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1-39410 Oman, Sir Charles HISTORY OF THE PENINSULAR WAR, A Classic work, belongs in any serious Peninsular library, maps, o/b's, index. Only one in stock. 7 vol, 5024 pgs 1995 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$600.00

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3-39414 Oman, Sir Charles HISTORY OF THE PENINSULAR WAR:Vol #4 December 1810 - December 1811, Massena's Retreat to Tarragona, 16 maps, 5 illust. 1 vol, 752 pgs 1996 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
AS NEW-dj ......$60.00

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3-39415 Oman, Sir Charles HISTORY OF THE PENINSULAR WAR:Vol #5 October 1811-August 1812, Valencia to Madrid, 14 maps, 5 illust 1 vol, 634 pgs 1996 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
AS NEW-dj ......$30.00

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1-220160 Orme, E. HISTORIC, MILITARY, AND NAVAL ANECDOTES OF BRITAIN AND HER ALLIES Facsimile of the 1819 edition consists of 96 pages plus 40 superb color plates reproduced from the original hand-colored versions.

Orme's superb work tends to concentrate on Waterloo with a high proportion of the plates referring to incidents in the battle. It is one of those exquisite part works originally issued to subscribers with hand-painted plates. For this edition, we have amended the order of the plates to make more logical sense than the original. 1 vol, 136 pgs 2019 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available mid May 2019 ......$48.00 rct

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1-25270 Paget, Julian WELLINGTON'S PENINSULAR WAR:Battles & Battlefields Invaluable guide to all the major battlefields, a chapter on twenty-six of the major battle with a map, photos of the battlefield and o/b's, biblio,appendices, index. 1 vol, 284 pgs 1996 LONDON, LEO COOPER
NEW-dj 2nd Edition ......$20.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-14870 Palmer, Alan ENCYCLOPEDIA OF NAPOLEON'S EUROPE, AN This book contains brief articles on Napoleon, his campaigns, and family. Short articles on cities, states, religious issues, slavery, philosophy and much more. 1 vol, 300 pgs 1998 LONDON, CONSTABLE & COMP
NEW-dj ......$12.00

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1-25690 Palmer, Alan NAPOLEON IN RUSSIA Good overview, b/w illust, maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 318 pgs 1967 NY, SIMON & SCHUSTER
GOOD-dj, nventory clearance sale (3) copies ......$8.00 with a discount of 50%

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1-14290 Parker, Harold T. THREE NAPOLEONIC BATTLES An account of Friedland, Aspern-Essling, and Waterloo. 1 vol, 235 pgs 1983 DURHAM, DUKE UNIV PRESS
NEW-softcover. Limited quantity available ......$8.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-52700 Parkinson, Roger FOX OF THE NORTH-The Life Of General Kutuzov Kutuzov was present at Austerlitz & Borodino, b/wmaps, illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 253 pgs 1976 NEW YORK, DAVID MCKAY CO.
GOOD-dj ......$36.00

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1-67440 Parquin, Charles SOUVENIRS DE GUERRE 1803-1814 8.5x12, (200) illust, (12) b/w plates, (8) double b/w plates, (12) colored plates, (5) double color plates by Myrbach, Dupray, Walker, Sergent, Roy, Parquin was a captain in the Imperial Guard. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2001 PARIS, LE LIVRE CHEZ VOUS
NEW-hardcover, French text ......$50.00

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1-39280 Pattison, Lt. Frederick Hope PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF THE WATERLOO CAMPAIGN Lively first hand account, written some fifty years later, several appendices. 1 vol, 50 pgs 1992 UK, GOSLING PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$12.00

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1-67050 Pattison, Lt. Frederick Hope, edited by S. Monick HORROR RECOLLECTED IN TRANQUILTY Lively first hand account, written 50+ years afterthe event, the editor has added an extensiveintroduction, expanded footnotes and index. 1 vol, 199 pgs 2001 UK, NAVAL & MILITARY PRES
NEW-softcover, new edition ......$18.00

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1-17970 Pelet, Jean Jacques edited by Donald D. Horward FRENCH CAMPAIGN IN PORTUGAL 1810-1811, THE The core of this volume is the eyewitness account by Pelet of the French Campaign in Portugal. B/w illust, appendix, biblio, index. 1 vol, 570 pgs 1973 MINNEAPOLIS, UNIV OF MINN
AS NEW-dj ......$68.00

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1-211640 Philip Haythornthwaite PICTON'S DIVISION AT WATERLOO An in-depth study of the 5th Division, commanded by Sir Thomas Picton, at Quatre Bras and at Waterloo. The 5th was one of the larger formations that made up the armies on that decisive battlefield. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2016 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late June 2016 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-69340 Pigeard editor LA CONFEDERATION DU RHIN Oversized at 9x12 inches with hundreds of full color illustrations. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2002 PARIS, EDITIONS QUATUOR
NEW-slipcase, Limited edition in slip case [French text], out of print ......$240.00 with a discount of 20%

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1-530826 Pigeard, Alain LES GEBERAUX DE NAPOELON:Tome 2 A study of the Uniforms from the Revolution-1815 1 vol, 80 pgs 2003 PARIS, LCV
NEW-softcover, Inventory reduction, limited qty[French text] ......$10.00

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1-14120 Pimlott, John illustated by Emir Bukhari BRITISH LIGHT CAVALRY 'Nations in Arms 1800-1815' series, with 12 color plates. 1 vol, 48 pgs 1977 LONDON, ALMARK PUBLISHING
V.GOOD-harback, one copy available, first come first served ......$5.00 used

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1-71290 Pocock, Tom TERROR BEFORE TRAFALGAR, THE Drawing on diaries, letters and newspapers theauthor tells a exciting tale of the period from1801-1805 and the British plans to thwart anyinvasion by Napoleon, illust/maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2003 NY, W.W. NORTON
NEW-dj ......$25.00

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1-246470 Pole, Stephen FOURTEEN DAYS IN JUNE: The Waterloo Campaign (Wargame) Contents of the box: one 68x98 cm game map, 225 die-cut counters and markers of size 15x15 mm, 29 die-cut counters of size 15x30 mm, 26 wooden sleighs, one rulebook (12 pages), one colorful extended example of play (8 pages), two initial order sheets, two fog-of-war screens, four mountings for fog-of-war screens, a sheet of sticky labels, two 6-sided dice: one red and one blue.

Two-player hex wargame on the 1815 battle of Waterloo. Fog-of-war is simulated by a mechanic allowing players to conceal the strength of their various forces unless and until combat takes place. Even then, it is possible that all the units in a force will not be disclosed. Route Blocked Markers are used to reflect the fact that a full corps marching along a minor road would be spread out over several miles. Play time is 4-8 hour. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 POLAND, STRATEGEMATA
NEW-box, available mid October 2024 ......$55.00 rct

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1-200720 Popov, Andrei FIRST BATTLE OF POLOTSK On August 17, 1812, the first Russian infantry corps, led by Wittgenstein, attacked the French positions, forcing the French to withdraw. French reinforcements arrived and Oudinot delivered a counter-attack against the center. Oudinot was wounded, and command fell to Laurent St. Cyr

That night, the French and Russians kept their positions, but when the morning dawned, St. Cyr launched a major offensive, crushing the left flank and turning the center. Wittgenstein ordered a cavalry counter-attack that halted the French momentum and the Russians withdrew to the banks of the river Drissa.

This book combs Russian sources for accounts of the battle, shedding new light about French Russian operations before, during, and after the battle. 1 vol, 173 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-hardcover, available early February 2013 [French text] ......$198.00

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1-245330 Potter, Philip THE SOLDIER KINGS OF FRANCE Examines eight sovereigns of France, beginning in the 9th century with King Charles II's seizure of the French crown and concluding in the 19th century with Napoleon's rise and fall. In the book, the reign of Philip II and his participation in the Third Crusade to the Holy Land is the second monarch reviewed, followed by Louis XI, who ended the Hundred Year War with the English. Louis XII's rule is explored next, which fought to expand French territorial holdings into the Lombardy region of Italy. The fifth king surveyed is Francis I and his enlargement of French lands into Italy, while the sixth king is Henry IV, whose conversion to the Catholic faith ended thirty years of French religious wars and established a stable and popular regime. The kingship of Louis XIV is the book's seventh overlord, whose rule was occupied with wars to expand his territories and the building of France into the center of European culture, arts, architecture, and music during the Baroque era, while presiding over a magnificent court at the Versailles Palace. The final sovereign lord discussed is Napoleon Bonaparte, who led his armies to victory, establishing French dominance across Europe until his defeats at Leipzig and Waterloo. Contains 14 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late July 2024 ......$37.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-WGAME49 Poulter, Kieth WARGAMER #49: Napoleon and the Archduke Charles: The Battle of Aspern-Essling Features:

GAME: Napoleon and the Archduke Charles
- The Battle of Aspern-Esling
Napoleon's First Defeat
- Historical background for issue game
No Dice Please, We're British
- Review of Clash of Empires (TFP) and Iron and Fire (TFP), miniatures
From the Fury of the Norsemen, Dear Lord, Deliver Us
- Review of Norseman 1 vol, 40 pgs 1986 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00

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1-ATO2011e Prados, John BEFORE WATERLOO: The 1814 Expansion Kit to the Revised Beyond Waterloo The 2012 Charles S. Roberts Award for Best Magazine Wargame gets an expansion called Before Waterloo. Gamers can explore the 1814 campaign in France that led to the first downfall of Napoleon. You must own the new edition of Beyond Waterloo to use this expansion. Contains:

* Map Extension: One full color 5.5x8.5-inch map with new territories
* Army Organization Display: One separate 17x22-inch sheet to track leader and troop assignments
* Counters: 280 full-color 1/2-inch die-cut pieces
* Upgraded Cards: 12 new Battle Tactic cards
* Game Charts: 1 separate cardstock sheet
* Extra Games: 8 Napoleonic Pocket Battle Games

NOTE: This expansion pack IS NOT A STANDALONE GAME. It requires you own the new edition of Beyond Waterloo (OMM number 2-ATO2011). The expansion is NOT compatible with the original 2011 game. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2023 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-Game/Magazine, one copy, First Come, First Served ......$55.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-235120 Prevost, Jean-Jacques THE EGYPTIAN CAMPAIGN 1798-1801: The Genesis of the Children of Mars Oversized at 9.5x13.5. Includes never before published illustrations by E. Leliepvre, P. Courcelle, L. Rousselot, and H. Boisselier. Preface by Jean Tulard. Text by Jean-Jacques Prevost, with the participation of Sophie Muffat, Vincent Bourgeot, Yves Martin, and Olivier Lapray. English text. 1 vol, 196 pgs 2022 FRANCE, EPOPEES HISTOIRE
NEW-dj, postponed until April 2024 ......$198.00 rct

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1-191780 Rathbone, Julian WELLINGTON'S WAR-His Peninsular Dispaches The author has made a selection from Wellington's war dispatches and letters and, using his own skills as as accomplished thriller writer, added his own dramatic, explanatory narrative. 1 vol, 352 pgs 1994 UK, MICHAEL JOSEPH LTD
V.GOOD-pb ......$20.00

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1-199090 Rawson, Andrew PENINSULAR WAR: A Battlefield Guide A new battlefield guide to the Peninsular War is long overdue. Modern development in Spain and Portugal has encroached on many of the battlefields, new research has questioned established interpretations of events, and there is a broader appreciation of the parts played by all the armies involved - the French on one side and the Spanish, Portuguese and British on the other.

Andrew Rawson, in this highly illustrated and practical guide, offers a wide-ranging, up-to-date and balanced account of this prolonged conflict, and he guides the reader and the visitor across the terrain over which the armies marched and fought. He reconstructs the major battles in graphic detail, and provides practical tours of the major battlefields and campaigns. Also included are sections examining the armies, the military organization and tactics of the time, and the role of the Spanish guerrillas. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2009 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 40%

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1-221630 Reid, Stuart WELLINGTON'S HISTORY OF THE PENINSULAR WAR: Battling Napoleon in Iberia 1808-1814 Though pressed many times to write about his battles and campaigns, the Duke of Wellington always replied that people should refer to his published dispatches, and he refused to add further to his official correspondence, famously remarking that: 'The history of a battle, is not unlike the history of a ball. Some individuals may recollect all the little events of which the great result is the battle won or lost, but no individual can recollect the order in which, or the exact moment at which, they occurred, which makes all the difference as to their value or importance.'

Yet Wellington did, in effect, write a history of the Peninsular War in the form of four lengthy memoranda, summarizing the conduct of the war in 1809, 1810, and 1811 respectively. These lengthy accounts demonstrate Wellington's unmatched appreciation of the nature of the war in Spain and Portugal, and relate to the operations of the French and Spanish forces as well as the Anglo-Portuguese army under his command.

Unlike personal diaries or journals written by individual soldiers, with their inevitably limited knowledge, Wellington was in an unparalleled position to provide a comprehensive overview of the war. Equally, the memoranda were written as the war unfolded, not tainted with the knowledge of hindsight, providing a unique contemporaneous commentary. Brought together with reports and key dispatches from the other years of the campaign, the result is the story of the Peninsular War told through the writings of the man who knew and understood the conflict in Iberia better than any other. These memoranda and dispatches have never been published before in a single connected narrative. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2019 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available early September 2019 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-227520 Reid, Stuart EGYPT 1801: The End of Napoleon's Eastern Empire Covers the 1798 French expedition led by Bonaparte to seize Egypt and consolidate French influence in the Mediterranean, plus open up a direct route to Indian and provide an opportunity to destroy the East India Company and fatally weaken Great Britain.

Bonaparte returned to France to mount a coup which would eventually see him installed as Emperor of the French, but behind him he abandoned his army, which remained in control of Egypt, still posing a possible threat to the East India Company, until in 1801 a large but rather heterogeneous British Army led by Sir Ralph Abercrombie landed and in a series of hard-fought battles utterly defeated the French.

The first campaign medal awarded to British soldiers is reckoned to be that given to those men who fought at Waterloo in 1815, but a decade and a half earlier a group of regiments were awarded a unique badge -- a figure of a Sphinx -- to mark their service in Egypt in 1801.

It was a fitting distinction, for the successful campaign was a remarkable one, fought far from home by a British army which had so far not distinguished itself in battle against Revolutionary France, and one moreover which had the most profound consequences in the Napoleonic wars to come. 1 vol, 248 pgs 2021 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available late July 2021 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-89551 Reid, Stuart WELLINGTON'S OFFICERS:volume 1 A-G A biographical dictionary of the field and staff officers of the British Army 1793-1815. 1 vol, 316 pgs 2008 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj ......$50.00

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1-89552 Reid, Stuart WELLINGTON'S OFFICERS:Volume 2 H-Q A biographical dictionary of the field and staff officers of the British Army 1793-1815. 1 vol, 316 pgs 2010 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj ......$50.00

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1-89553 Reid, Stuart WELLINGTON'S OFFICERS: Volume 3 - R to Z A biographical dictionary of the field and staff officers of the British Army 1793-1815 with last names starting with R to Z. 1 vol, 316 pgs 2010 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj ......$50.00

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1-216501 Richter, Florian THE BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR 1805: Profile Models of Every Ship in Both Fleets In the first of a potential new series, this presents color profile models of every ship on both sides in this epic battle. In a change to previous paper soldier titles, these ships can be cut straight out of the book to create the British, French, and Spanish fleets.

Includes 24 pages of color artwork, including dozens of ships. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available late April 2018 ......$20.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-14270 Riehn, Richard K. 1812:NAPOLEON'S RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN Good account, many appendix of troop counts, index. 1 vol, 525 pgs 1993 NY, JOHN WHILEY AND SONS
V.GOOD-pb ......$20.00

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1-203870 Riley, Jonathon 1813: EMPIRE AT BAY: The Sixth Coalition and the Downfall of Napoleon 1813 was a critical year in the world war that ended with the downfall of Napoleon. In a series of major battles, the converging armies of the Sixth Coalition drove the French forces back. This was the year in which the balance of power tipped decisively against Napoleon's First Empire.

This book covers the operations in central Europe and Spain, where the allies broke French power, humbled Napoleon, and laid the foundations for the Congress of Vienna and the European settlement that endured for the next fifty years.

In particular, he focuses on the operation of the Sixth Coalition - Austria, Prussia, Russia, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Sweden, Spain, and the smaller German states. This was the prototype of all uneasy modern coalitions, with their troubled command relationships, disagreements on strategy and operations, and clashing political ambitions. At the same time, he reassesses the performance of Napoleon himself who was also an alliance commander, for his armies included not only Frenchmen but also Poles, Danes, Italians, Germans, and a host of other contingents.

In graphic detail he covers the 1813 campaigns, which have received less attention than those of 1812 and 1814/15 in spite of the fact that all the decisive moments came in 1813 - save for one: Waterloo. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2013 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-87990 Riley, Major General Jonathon NAPOLEON AS A GENERAL:Command from the Battlefield The author examines Napoleon as a strategist, as acoalition commander, his campaigns and on theBattlefield itself. B/w illust/maps, biblio. index 1 vol, 288 pgs 2007 LONDON, HAMBLEDON
NEW-dj ......$30.00

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1-63060 Robertson, Ian WELLINGTON AT WAR IN THE PENINSULA:1808-1814 The author is well versed regarding travel in both Spain and Portugal, the 'overview and guide' is quite useful to both the battlefield visitor and historian with plenty of maps/battle illust. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2000 UK, LEO COOPER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-70320 Robertson, Ian WELLINGTON INVADES FRANCE:1831-1814 Drawing on eyewitness accounts/official dispatches the author gives a detailed account Wellington's campaign in Southern France, the battles of Orthez Toulouse & Bayonne, b/w maps/illust, biblio, index 1 vol, 288 pgs 2003 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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2-190410 Robinson, Mike BATTLE OF QUATRE BRAS 1815, THE Founded on a wealth of primary source material, this book is a unique account. This is the story of a battle that turned a campaign. Cracking good book. B/w illust/maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 400 pgs 2013 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb ......$38.00

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1-202520 Rocco, Keith NAPOLEON'S FIRST ITALIAN CAMPAIGN: 1796-1797 The finest qualities of old world, 19th-century bookmaking resurface in the creation of this book. Full, leather binding with gilt stamping encases this oversize 14x10-inch volume. Marbled endpapers, silk ribbon page marker, and heavy, gilt edged archival pages.

Includes over 40 commissioned maps, 50 full-color Rocco paintings, artifact photos, numerous sketches, two appendices featuring over 40 primary uniform illustrations that served as sources for Keith Rocco's work.

Napoleon received command of the Army of Italy while serving under the French Revolutionary Government known as The Directory. Napoleon's appointment has long been impugned by various anti-Bonaparte historians as being the result of his courtship and marriage to Josephine rather than as an award of merit.

Phipps convincingly dismisses these myths largely by refuting the 'memoirs' of Director Paul Barras, an often used but scurrilous source. Napoleon's sudden rise can mostly be attributed to his resolve on October 5th, 1795, where, on duty in Paris, he led the suppression of an armed Royalist mob with the famous 'whiff of grapeshot,' directing artillery fire that clattered down the streets of Paris, bloodily repulsing the insurrection. Napoleon, in essence, had saved the Directory with his decisive response to the crisis. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2013 US, MILITARY HISTORY PRESS
NEW-leather bound, special price limited quantity ......$199.00 with a discount of 40% rct

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1-229070 Rocco, Keith and Dawson, Paul NAPOLEON'S LAST ARMY: Waterloo Contains 64 original paintings portraying many of the French Armee du Nord units at Waterloo, plus four large horizontal battle paintings on 2-page chapter title spreads. Also includes 150+ photographs of historical artifacts from the holdings of three museums and seven private collections. Large, oversize book (9 and 3/8 x 13 and 1/2-inch pages using fine high-grade, art-quality paper) is full color throughout. Includes illustrated Uniform Glossary in French and English and an index of units and officers that are portrayed in the paintings. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2021 US, LOMBARDY STUDIOS
NEW-dj ......$120.00 rct

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2-229070 Rocco, Keith and Dawson, Paul NAPOLEON'S LAST ARMY: Waterloo Contains 64 original paintings portraying many of the French Armee du Nord units at Waterloo, plus four large horizontal battle paintings on 2-page chapter title spreads. Also includes 150+ photographs of historical artifacts from the holdings of three museums and seven private collections. Large, oversize book (9 and 3/8 x 13 and 1/2-inch pages using fine high-grade, art-quality paper) is full color throughout. Includes illustrated Uniform Glossary in French and English and an index of units and officers that are portrayed in the paintings. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2021 US, LOMBARDY STUDIOS
NEW-deluxe leather bound edition ......$300.00

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1-42950 Roeder, Helen translator ORDEAL OF CAPTAIN ROEDER, THE Captain Roeder was a Captain in the Hessian Life Guards during the Invasion of Russia, very detailed account of the Retreat, b/w illust/maps. 1 vol, 248 pgs 1960 US, ST MARTINS PRESS
V.GOOD-dj is worn, only 1 copy available, first come, first served ......$15.00 used

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1-24350 Rogers, Colonel H.C.B. NAPOLEON'S ARMY B/w illust, maps, chapters on cavalry, infantry, artillery and support units, biblio, index. 1 vol, 192 pgs 1974 LONDON, IAN ALLEN LTD
GOOD-dj ......$20.00

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2-24350 Rogers, Colonel H.C.B. NAPOLEON'S ARMY B/w illust, maps, chapters on cavalry, infantry, artillery and support units, biblio, index. 1 vol, 192 pgs 1974 NY, HIPPOCRENE BOOKS
GOOD-dj ......$20.00

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1-666128 Rosas, Cardedeu GUERRA DE INDEPENDENCIA EN CATALUNA 1808-1809 Beyond the Bruch and the sites of Gerona, little importance has given historiography to the war of independence in Catalonia. However, the French emperor considered this region so important for his plans, that after the first failures of General Duhesme, he gave command to one of his most capable generals, Gouvion Saint-Cyr, who led one of the most successful campaigns to remember. While Napoleon Bonaparte barred the Spanish armies in the center of the peninsula, Saint-Cyr did the same for all Catalonia. First the Count de Caldagues, then the general Vives and finally the Swiss Reding succumbed to the operational capacity and the speed of decisions of its French counterpart.

After the defeat of Valls, in February 1809, and coinciding with the capitulation of Zaragoza, all the Spanish Northwest was more or less pacified except for Gerona, which would take just a year to fall as well. 1 vol, 120 pgs 2018 SPAIN, ALMENA
NEW-softcover, [Spanish text] available early October 2018 ......$33.00

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1-207700 Rospond, Vincent ORPHAN EAGLES: Polish Armies of the Napoleonic Wars Orphan Eagles is the history of the Polish Legion and the Grand Duchy of Warsaw during the Napoleonic Wars. The history draws on Polish sources to give a history, organization, and uniforms of the Polish-Lithuanian Armies from 1797 to 1815 from the plains of Italy, to the Caribbean, to Moscow. 1 vol, 150 pgs 2015 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover ......$30.00

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2-16980 Rothenberg, Gunther E. ART OF WARFARE IN THE AGE OF NAPOLEON, THE Study of how battles were fought, b/w maps, plans, illust, appendix, biblio, index. 1 vol, 280 pgs 1980 BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA UNIV
NEW-softcover ......$20.00

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1-LEG1502 Rouy, Didier Quatre Batailles en Espagne: Vive l'Empereur Series -Vol. VIII Peninsular War, 1808-1814 Vive l'Empereur Series is a simulation of the battles fought during the Napoleonic Era in Europe, between 1805 and 1815. The scale is the regiment, a good compromise between the brigade level (with no formations) and the detailed battalions. The scale is 250 m/hex and a turn is 30 minutes.
Vitoria, fought on June 21, 1813, was one of the most decisive battles of the Peninsular War. It was the last major battle between the allied British, Portuguese and Spanish forces and the French armies, and opened the way for the invasion of France. It opposed 60,000 French soldiers commanded by King Joseph to 80,000 allies superbly trained and equipped attacking on three sides. Looking like a one-sided battle, things are far from obvious for the Allies and many what-ifs make the situation very interesting.

Oca?a, fought on 19 November 1809 was a major Spanish defeat that ended any chance of success in the Spanish Junta's autumn campaign of 1809. The largest Spanish army under general Areizaga, more than 55,000 men, moved toward Madrid but allowed Marshal Soult and King Joseph to concentrate around 30,000 men. A brutal clash occurred at Oca?a, and a French cavalry movement on the flank rolled the Spanish line.

Salamanca, fought on 22 July 1812, was a turning point in 1812. The battle saw the Anglo-Portuguese army under the Duke of Wellington defeat Marshal Marmont's French forces among the hills around Arapiles, south of Salamanca. Both armies, 50,000 men each, have been marching and countermarching for days trying to outflank each other. Wellington eventually caught the French in an over-extended position and struck at the center. A very well balanced battle, where a better concentration gave the advantage to Wellington.

Sorauren is the last battle of the counteroffensive by Soult's reorganized army of Spain in July 1813. It was part of a series of engagements in late July 1813 called the Battle of the Pyrenees in which a combined British and Portuguese force under Sir Arthur Wellesley held off Marshal Soult's French forces attempting to relieve Pamplona. Attacking a thin red line in a very good defensive position, the French were eventually pushed back, but the battle could have turned very differently. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2015 US, LEGION WARGAMES LLC
NEW-box ......$86.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-LEG1902 Rouy, Didier TROIS BATAILLES EN ALLEMAGNE: Vive l'Empereur Series -Vol. IX The Vive l'Empereur Series offers a simulation of the battles fought during the Napoleonic Era in Europe between 1805 and 1815.

The scale is the regiment, 250 meters per hex, and 30-minute turns.

Scenarios: Jena (1806), Auerstadt (1806), and Siege of Danzig (1807).

Jena and Auerstadt offer 15 scenarios, including many what-if scenarios. Danzig simulates the siege of the great fortress between March and May 1807 and is played on two maps -- an operational map of the region of Danzig, using the regular Vive l'Empereur rules, and a siege map where the French player will build a siege network to get closer to the mighty walls to breach them.

Components: Five 22x34 inch maps, 560 counters, five play aids, 32-page rule book, and 24-page sceanrio rule book
1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 US, LEGION WARGAMES LLC
NEW-box, available late March 2021 ......$110.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-LEG2003 Rouy, Didier LE BATAILLE DE HANAU 1813 Retreating from the loss at Leipzig, Napoleon found before him at Frankfurt not only an Austrian corps commanded by Fresnel and Klenau, but the Bavarian corps of General de Wrede, which had defected from the French Grand Armee. Wrede thought he faced only a straggling mob of French, but soon discovered he faced the Imperial Guard, commanded by the Emperor himself. Nonetheless, after a repulse from the fighting overnight and in the morning, Wrede tried again. This is when the game begins.

Components: One 22x34-inch map, 165 counters, three play aids, 40-page series rule book, 4-page game rule book, and booklet containing two scenarios.
1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 US, LEGION WARGAMES LLC
NEW-box, available late March 2021 ......$54.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-COM1132 Rowland, Andrew Napoleon's Imperium, 1798-1815 Turn-based game of up to 18 turns (one turn equals one year) with a typical game being five to six turns. Approximately 80 to 100 battles will happen in that time. A Battle Point Game lasts 4 to 6 hours (variable turn length based on player agreement) while a Campaign Game can last up to 5 to 20 hours depending on the skills of the players. Victory occurs when one Alliance conquers the other by either achieving a Capital Victory (capturing key enemy territories) or a Battle Points Victory (based on favorable outcomes and achievements made during game play). The map is divided into land and sea territories with different economic values, Capital Cities, and Sea Ports.

Product Information: Scope: Napoleonic Grand Strategic; Complexity: 6 out of 10; Solitaire Suitability: 4 out of 10; Time Scale: 1 Turn = 1 Year; Map Scale: Global map centred on Europe and North Africa; Unit Scale: 10,000 men per Infantry unit, 2,000 men per Cavalry unit, 50 cannon per Artillery unit, and 5 ships of the line per Fleet unit; Players: 2-8 players; Playing Time: 4-6 hours for Battle Point Game, 6-15 hours for Campaign Game depending upon skill of players. Each year of play takes approximately 40 minutes to one hour to complete.

Components: Two paper maps of 22x34-inches each (Total map battlefield map size 34z44 inches); Two decks of 80 Battle Cards (160 cards); One deck of 80 Battle Point Cards; One Battle Point Card Replacement Board; Six sheets of 130 oversized counters each; Eight Player Aid Cards; One Battle Point Card; Weather Pad; Two Map Counter Placement Reference Cards; 40-page Rules Booklet; and Twenty Dice (10-sided red and blue).
1 vol, 1 pgs 2021 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box ......$159.00 with a discount of 56% rct

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1-573806 Royen, Georges DESSINS NAPOLEONIENS:Volume 6 Vol Six in 'La Planches De La Belle Alliance' all-color plates 1 vol, 56 pgs 2009 BELGIUM, TONDEUR EDITIONS
NEW-softcover, French text ......$30.00

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2-59800 Rudorff, Raymond WAR TO THE DEATH: The Sieges of Saragossa 1808-09 Maps, b/w illust, biblio, index. A well writtenaccount of the Siege that cost over 50,000 lives. 1 vol, 278 pgs 1974 LONDON, PURNELL BOOK SERV
GOOD-dj ......$12.00

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1-66675 Saez, Rube and Fernandez, Greve PUERTO RICO 1797 - La batalla por las Antillas This latest installment of 'Warriors and Battles' includes a multitude of color and black and white illustrations and maps. 1 vol, 110 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover, available late December 2011 [Spanish Text] ......$24.00

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1-247210 Sanghvi, Neil FIGHTING WITH NAPOLEON'S LIGHT INFANTRY: The Memoirs of Captain Vincent Bertrand 1805-1815 First published in 1909 by Bertrand's grandson, this is the first translation from French into English. Biography of a French Infantryman who survived the key campaigns of Napoleon. Called to arms through conscription, he was directed from his hometown of Nimes to the depot of the 7th Light Infantry Regiment in Huningue. His recollections focus on his loves, adventures, and mishaps, as well as the pride of being part of an elite unit. Bertrand's unfailing bravery and composure are evident throughout his memoirs, demonstrating character, discipline, and patience, as well as dedication to his regiment and its values and standards. Gives sincere accounts of his time on the battlefields, in the cantonments in Austria, in Germany, in Poland, and finally of the painful stages of his captivity as an Austrian prisoner of war. Contains 16 color illustrations. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late December 2024 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-66681 Santiago, F. Vela OCANA 1809 - El desastre, trans la victoria de Bailen Battle of Ocana was fought on 19 November 1809 between French forces under Marshal Nicolas Jean de Dieu Soult and King Joseph Bonaparte and the Spanish army under Juan Carlos de Areizaga, which suffered its greatest single defeat in the Peninsular War. General Juan Carlos de Areizaga's Spanish army of 51,000 lost nearly 19,000 killed, wounded, prisoners and deserters, mostly due to the French use of their cavalry. 1 vol, 110 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover, [Spanish text] ......$24.00

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1-666103 Santiago, Francisco TUDELA 1808: La Primera Derrota de los Vencedores de Bailen The Battle of Tudela (23 November 1808) saw an Imperial French army led by Marshal Jean Lannes attack a Spanish army under General Castanos. The battle resulted in the complete victory of the Imperial forces over their adversaries. The combat occurred near Tudela in Navarre, Spain during the Peninsular War.

Spanish casualties were estimated to be about 4,000 dead and 3,000 prisoners out of a total force of 33,000. The French and Poles lost no more than 600 dead and wounded out of a total of 30,000. This battle's name is one of those engraved on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. 1 vol, 110 pgs 2015 SPAIN, ALMENA
NEW-softcover, [Spanish text] ......$28.00

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1-666114 Santiago, Francisco DE TAMAMEN a ALBA de TORMES 1809 after a promising victory in Tamames, the 1809 campaign of Duke Park would end in a fatal misstep in Alba de Tormes.

A rejuvenated army of Galicia, Asturias, Leon, and Castile dealt a serious setback to the VI Corps of the French army, only to be beaten at Alba de Tormes. Eventually, the Army of the Left would recover, this time to shelter from the Portuguese border and Ciudad Rodrigo. 1 vol, 127 pgs 2016 SPAIN, ALMENA
NEW-pb, available late October 2016 [Spanish text with English captions] ......$28.00

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1-666118 Santiago, Francisco ALCANIZ, MARIA Y BELCHITE 1809 After a surprise victory at Alcaniz on May 23, 1809 by a Spanish Army commanded by Gen Joaquin Blake over a French Army commanded by Suchet, the follow-up battle at Belchite on June 15 proved a victory for the French. Includes the usual color illustrations and OOBs of the series. 1 vol, 82 pgs 2017 SPAIN, ALMENA
NEW-pb, available late April 2017 [Spanish Text] ......$35.00

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1-66693 Santiago, Francisco TOULOUSE 1814 Battle of Toulouse was one of the final battles of the Napoleonic Wars, four days after Napoleon's surrender of the French Empire to the nations of the Sixth Coalition. Having pushed the demoralized and disintegrating French Imperial armies out of Spain in a difficult campaign the previous autumn, the Allied British-Portuguese and Spanish army under the Marquess of Wellington pursued the war into southern France in the spring of 1814.

Toulouse, the regional capital, proved stoutly defended by Marshal Soult. One British and two Spanish divisions were badly mauled in bloody fighting on 10 April, with Allied losses exceeding French casualties by 1,400. As Wellington pulled back to reorganize his shattered units, Soult held the city for an additional day before orchestrating an escape from the town with his entire army.

Wellington's entry on the morning of 12 April was acclaimed by a great number of French Royalists, validating Soult's earlier fears of potential fifth column elements within the city. That afternoon, the official word of Napoleon's abdication and the end of the war reached Wellington. Soult agreed to an armistice on 17 April. 1 vol, 110 pgs 2014 SPAIN, ALMENA
NEW-softcover, available late February 2014 [Spanish Text] ......$28.00

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1-66605 Santiago, Francisco Vela CAZADORES CABALLO ESPANOLES EN LA GUERRA DE INDEPE 'Osprey' type book with (16) color plates withseveral figures per plate. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2001 MADRID, ALMENA EDICIONES
NEW-softcover SPANISH text ......$18.00

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1-666108 Santiago, Francisco Vela EL DESASTRE DE UCLES 1809 The January 13, 1809 battle of Ucles pitted a Spanish army lacking equipment, instruction, discipline, and, especially, morale against a French army that represented the polar opposite: veterans, disciplined, competent commanders, and determined soldiers.

This fateful battle closes the circle that began in Bailen on July 19, 1808, followed with 23 November in Tudela, and ultimately ended in Ucles. Afterwards, and for at least six months, the Central Army wandered like a lost soul to return to reorganize, and ultimately, lead to a revitalized Spanish force. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2016 SPAIN, ALMENA
NEW-softcover, available late January 2016 [Spanish text] ......$28.00

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1-44047 Saperson, C.A. and Lenton J.R. NAVY LISTS, V7:THE ROYAL NAVY 1803-1815 Extensive list of all classes of ships 1 vol, 80 pgs 2003 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover ......$10.00

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1-19670 Sapherson, C.A. EUROPEAN ARMIES, 1789-1803 Army lists for (50) countries, Anhalt to Wurzburg. 1 vol, 52 pgs 1991 LEEDS, RAIDER BOOKS
NEW-softcover ......$12.00

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1-234630 Saravanamutta, Rohan A WARGAMER'S GUIDE TO THE BATTLE OF LEIPZIG 1813: The Battle of Nations Describes the strategic situation in central Europe in 1813 and offers an account of the historical battle with detailed orders of battle, scaled-down orders of battle for game purposes, maps of the historical events, stylized maps for laying out wargames tables, and instructions for each scenario and the mini-campaign. Design notes explain the rationale and historical background to the scenario instructions. Includes eight b/w illustrations, 33 color photos, nine maps, and 12 tables.

The scenario maps are set out on square grids for ease of setting up tabletop terrain. Any set of wargames rules for the period should be able to be used to play the scenarios. The key points for the game army lists are the number of units and their quality. There is a section that discusses the quality of the troops of the various nations involved.

A discussion of the historical battle raises questions about the decisions made by the actual commanders. These can be explored by the wargame commanders, for example by their allocation of forces to different sectors (within historical constraints), their deployment within those sectors, or timing their use of reserves.

Was Napoleon's defeat inevitable? Wargaming is a form of counter-factual history, and the guide includes a variation which may answer the question, 'What if Napoleon had recalled the Dresden garrison?' Napoleon had agreed with Marshall St. Cyr that it would be madness to leave his 50,000 men in Dresden rather than concentrate French forces for the decisive battle Napoleon was seeking. What if Napoleon had not changed his mind?

The battle took place over several days (14-19 October 1813 including the battle of Liebertwolkwitz), and divides into distinct phases and sectors. This guide helps wargamers refight the battle on a table top with model soldiers, either as one large battle (suitable as a club game), or a series of smaller battles covering the different sectors. The smaller battles can be played as individual games or linked together in a mini-campaign, the latter giving strategic dilemmas for each of the commanders to resolve. 1 vol, 140 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$38.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-243890 Sarkozy, Louis NAPOLEON'S LIBRARY: The Emperor, His Books and Their Influence on the Napoleonic Era Explores Napoleon's love of literature that started as a child and carried through his entire life. He not only enjoyed literature for its own sake, but he also understood the value of books as instruments of power. Before a campaign, he poured over dozens of texts relating to the relevant theaters' geography, population, trade, and history. When contemplating grave decisions, such as his divorce to Empress Josephine, he consulted the historical record for useful precedents to justify and inform his actions. To bolster his troop's morale during challenging times, he constantly referenced history in his proclamations, making his contemporaries feel as if they were actively shaping history. Looks at the emperor's favorite authors and seeks to further understanding his mind. Contains 16 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 280 pgs 2024 UK, FRONTLINE
NEW-dj, available early July 2024 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-219020 Saunders, Tim THE SIEGES OF CUIDAD RODRIGO 1810 AND 1812: The Peninsular War The area astride the Spanish/Portuguese border between the respective fortresses of Ciudad Rodrigo and Almeida was the focus of the Peninsular War for much of the period from the autumn of 1809 through until 1812. Includes 200 black and white illustrations.

The fortress of Ciudad Rodrigo that dominated the country between the Rivers Agueda and Coa, was one of the 'Keys to Spain' for any army attacking either east or west across the frontier.With the defeat of the Fifth Coalition at Wagram in 1809, Napoleon was free to turn his attention to the rebellious Iberian Peninsula and the small British Army. Tasking a reluctant Marshal Massena to 'throw the leopard into sea,' preparations started for what proved to be a protracted and lackluster siege.

Marshal Ney, however, champed at the bit and wanted to press on with the invasion and despite an increasing tempo of outpost actions, such as the renowned affair at Barbra del Puerco, Napoleon in attempting to control events from Paris, insisted on an orderly siege. With the fall of Ciudad Rodrigo, Craufurd's Light Division remained covering the Army's frontage but after a superbly conducted withdrawal, Craufurd's judgment erred and he was force into a costly fighting withdrawal to the River Coa.

The British now fell back into Portugal but by Spring 1811 they were back and with Napoleon stripping troops from the Peninsular Wellington could prepare to invade Spain and besiege Ciudad Rodrigo. Preparations for the siege were almost complete in December 1811, when further troops were stripped from Marshal Marmont, an opportunity to presented itself for a lightening operation to take Ciudad Rodrigo in the 1812 siege, which was of very different character. 1 vol, 280 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-223810 Saunders, Tim The Light Division in the Peninsular War, 1808-1811 Histories of the Light Division have tended to be incomplete, being based on memoirs of a few well known diarists, principally from the 95th Rifles. The authors of this book, the first volume of two, have sought memoirs from across the division, including the artillery, the King's German Hussars and others to complete a broader history of Wellington's elite division.

Light infantry was not new a concept in 1803, but at Shorncliffe Camp Sir John Moore developed a progressive ethos, set of tactics and training for the newly converted light infantry regiments. With the 95th Rifles they were melded into a brigade that was to form the basis of the incomparable Light Division.

From the outset of the Peninsular campaigns in 1808 they delivered results way beyond their scant numbers, but it was during the epic winter retreat to La Corunna that they showed their metal. Returning to the Peninsular months later, the irascible Brigadier Craufurd led the Light Brigade in terrible march to reach Wellington at Talavera; heavily laden and in the heat of summer.

Over the winter of 1809/10, Craufurd's battalions, now elevated to the status of a division, provided the army's outposts. This was work that Craufurd excelled in and actions abounded, including the Combat on the Coa, where the division fought hard to escape Marshal Ney's trap.

In 1810, with Wellington withdrawing to the Lines of Torres Vedra, the Light Division played a significant part in the battle of Busaco Ridge, while the following year they drove Marshal Massena's army back into Spain having fought almost daily actions en route.

This history of the Light Division is not simply a series of set piece battles but provides a wider picture of campaigning and what it was to be a light infantry soldier.
1 vol, 512 pgs 2020 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-225950 Saunders, Tim THE LIGHT DIVISION IN THE PENINSULA WAR: 1811-1814 By the middle of 1811, Brigadier General Robert Craufurd's Light Division was emerging as the elite of the Peninsular Army and Wellington was seeking opportunities to go over to the offensive, following the expulsion of Marshal Massena from Portugal. 30 black and white illustrations & 15 black and white maps

After a period of outpost duty for the Light Division on the familiar ground of the Spanish borders, Wellington seized 'the keys to Spain' in the epic sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. Still reeling from the loss of General Craufurd, 'The Division' led the army against Marshal Marmont and after a protracted period of marching and counter marching, the French were finally brought to battle at Salamanca. As a result of King Joseph being driven out of Madrid, the French marshals united and in the autumn of 1812, the British were driven back to Ciudad Rodrigo in another gruelling retreat.

With news of Napoleon's disaster in Russia and with reinforcements from Britain, Wellington prepared his army to drive the French from the Peninsular. A lightening march across Spain to cut the Great Road found King Joseph and Marshal Jourdan at Vitoria and the resulting battle, in which the Light Division fought their way into the heart of the French position, was a triumph of arms for Wellington's light troops.

The pursuit into the Pyrenees, had a sting in the tail when Marshal Soult mounted counter offensives in an attempt to relieve San Sebastian and Pamplona. Having thrown the French back and with the Sixth Coalition intact, the Light Division fought their way through the mountains and into Napoleon's France.

With the allies closing in on all sides, the French fought on into 1814 and the Light Bobs had further fighting before the spoils of peace in a war-weary France could be enjoyed 1 vol, 272 pgs 2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-228640 Saunders, Tim MASSENA AT BAY 1811: The Lines of Torres Vedras to Funtes de Onoro The 1810 French invasion of Portugal, commanded by the veteran marshal Andre Massena, was halted at the Lines of Torres Vedras. Starting with Wellington's occupation of the Lines of Torres Vedras, the book covers Wellington's pursuit of Massena back to Spain. This was a time when the Peninsular Army was still being forged and Wellington was refining his own art of war. In addition, 1810-1811 was a period when the outcome of the struggle in Iberia was still far from certain, and Wellington could not maneuver with the same confidence in the outcome as he could in future years.

The series of combats fought at Pombal, Redhina, Foz da Arounce and Sabugal while Massena was at bay, though not categorised as 'general actions', were of the same scale and significance as those of 1808; Rolica and Vimiero. The general action at Funtes de Onoro was one of the most significant of Wellington's victories, but he confessed that 'If Bony had been here we would have been beat.' 1 vol, 248 pgs 2021 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid November 2021 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-229840 Saunders, Tim SALAMANCA CAMPAIGN 1812 After a gap of two years, the 1812 Salamanca Campaign saw Wellington taking the offensive in Spain against Marshal Marmont's Army of Portugal. Marching from the border fortress of Ciudad Rodrigo which fell to the Allies in January, neither commander was willing to take the risk of a general action without a clear tactical advantage. The result were stand-offs as Wellington offered battle on the San Christobal Heights, but once the small French-garrisoned forts left behind in Salamanca fell, Marmont withdrew to the Douro.

For over a week the two armies shared cooling waters of the river before Marmont 'humbugged' Wellington and fell on the Allied left flank at Castrejon. Wellington rushed to the aid of the Light and 4th divisions with the heavy cavalry. Over the following days Marmont dexterously maneuvered Wellington back towards Salamanca, with both armies within cannon shot still not risking battle.

When it seemed Wellington would have to march back to the safety of Portugal, Marmont finally made a mistake on the plains south of Salamanca on 22 July 1812, by allowing his army to become over extended. Wellington saw what was happening and after weeks of marching and counter marching, the battle the soldiers earnestly hoped for was on.

In the past it has been difficult to place the fighting on the ground in the center of the Salamanca battlefield, where 'vast clouds of smoke and dust that rolled along the basin' obscured vision even for those fighting. Modern geographical aids and archaeology supplement letters, diaries, and memoirs to reconcile the sequence of the battle with locations.
1 vol, 232 pgs 2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid March 2022 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-247250 Saunders, Tim PORTUGAL 1808: Wellington's First Peninsular Campaign Explores how Napoleon's usurpation of Spain's Burbon throne in early 1808, coupled with brutal suppression generated resentment and turned Spain, a long-term enemy of Britain, into a British ally. Sir Arthur Wellesley's expedition to South America was promptly canceled and redirected to the Peninsular. Covers Wellesley's early victories in Portugal, including the battles of Rolica and Vimiero, and the controversial Convention of Cintra. Contains 70 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 216 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late December 2024 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-239150 Saunders, Tim and Rob Yuill THE LIGHT DIVISION IN THE PENINSULA WAR: 1811-1814 By the middle of 1811, Brigadier General Robert Craufurd's Light Division was emerging as the elite of the Peninsular Army and Wellington was seeking opportunities to go over to the offensive, following the expulsion of Marshal Massena from Portugal. Covers the Salamanca campaign, the 1812 counter offensive by the French, the 1813 campaigns, and then at Vitoria the Light Division fought their way into the heart of the French position. They pursued the French into the Pyrenees in 1814 and then into France itself. 1 vol, 360 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-914016G Sauvage, Denis VAE VICTUS BOARD GAME #16: Les Marechaux (The Marshalls) V New wargame in the series The Marshals covers General Moreau and includes minor adaptations integrated into the general rules as well as the addition of new optional rules.

Game components: One 59 x 41 cm map (printed front and back), 216 die-cut counters and markers, 1 rule book including five scenarios, and 2 color player aids.

Units: 1 SP = 1000 infantrymen 500 horsemen, 1 artillery battery
Scale: 10 km between two zones
Turn : One Day

The three scenarios describe Moreau's entrance into the campaign with the hazardous crossing of the Rhine, the grueling march through the Black Forest, the concentration of the three army corps from Sainte-Suzanne, Saint-Cyr and the army reserve coinciding with the flank assault from Lecourbe's corps, the counterattack of the Austrians under Kray, and the undecided battles of Engen, Molsskirch and Biberach. The French must demonstrate their resourcefulness as Bonaparte grows impatient and demands reinforcements from Moreau to support his offensive in Italy. Time is running out; advance in the direction of Ulm before the order arrives for the troops to depart toward the south.

The next three scenarios that follow relate the events in Bavaria that lead up to the clash at Hohenlinden in deplorable weather. The Archduke John, propelled by his ardor, decides to assault the French at Munich while the latter marched toward them. This battle of encounter is decisive, contrary to the battles of the spring. With this victory, Moreau succeeds in bringing to an end this war with Austria. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2016 FRANCE, CERIGO EDITIONS
NEW-pb, available late January 2017 ......$38.00 with a discount of 35%

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1-71810 Sayce, A. Michael PRUSSIAN EXPEDITONARY FORCE IN RUSSIA 1812, THE Detailed look at the Prussian Corps that joined the Grand Armee, uniform details, standards, o/b's campaign history, several appendices, notes. 1 vol, 40 pgs 2003 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$10.00

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1-80780 Schneid, Frederick NAPOLEON'S CONQUEST OF EUROPE: Schneid increases his stature with this excellentbook on the War of the 3rd Coalition; he smoothlyintregrates policy formation, military operationsand diplomatic interactions; notes, biblio, index. 1 vol, 220 pgs 2005 US, PRAGER PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$45.00

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1-49440 Schom, Alan ONE HUNDRED DAYS:Napoleon's Road to Waterloo A lively narrative describe this detailed accountof the Napoleon's return from exile and his finaldefeat at Waterloo, illust, notes, biblio, index. 1 vol, 398 pgs 1992 NEW YORK, ATHENEUM PUBS
GOOD-dj ......$10.00

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1-54210 Selby, John edotor RECOLLECTIONS OF SERGEANT MORRIS, THE The highlight of this memoir is the account of the Baltic campaign in 1813, maps. 1 vol, 152 pgs 1998 UK, WINDRUSH PRESS
NEW-pb ......$19.00

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1-235730 Shann, Steve LET'S FIGHT LEIPZIG: Wargame Scenarios Presents a dozen scenarios from the Battle of Leipzig, each with some background information, specially commissioned maps, and orders of battle as well as special rules where appropriate for each scenario. Minimal historical background puts the scenarios within the context of the battle. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2023 UK, NATIONS IN ARMS PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb ......$30.00 rct

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2-44590 Sherer, Moyle RECOLLECTIONS OF THE PENINSULA One of the acknowledged classic accounts of the Peninsula War written by an experienced officer of real literary talent, one of the most graphic account of Albuera and scenes of the battlefield. 1 vol, 272 pgs 1996 UK, SPELLMOUNT PUBLICAT'S
NEW-dj ......$20.00

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1-22750 Simmons, Ted translator MEMOIRS OF A POLISH LANCER The diary of Dezydery Chlapowski, excellent first-hand account of 1807-1813, b/w illust. 1 vol, 158 pgs 1992 CHICAGO, EMPEROR'S PRESS
NEW-dj ......$20.00

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2-22750 Simmons, Ted translator MEMOIRS OF A POLISH LANCER The diary of Dezydery Chlapowski, excellent first-hand account of 1807-1813, b/w illust. 1 vol, 158 pgs 1992 CHICAGO, EMPEROR'S PRESS
V.GOOD-dj ......$20.00

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1-207750 Simms, Brendan THE LONGEST AFTERNOON: The 400 Men Who Decided the Battle of Waterloo An account of the 400 heroic Hanoverians fighting under the English flag who held the line at Waterloo.

Neither commander at Waterloo could have predicted that the battle would be decided by the Second Light Battalion, King's German Legion, which was given the deceptively simple task of defending the Haye Sainte farmhouse, a crucial crossroads on the way to Brussels.

The book recounts how these 400-odd riflemen beat back wave after wave of French infantry until finally forced to withdraw, but only after holding up Napoleon for so long that he lost the overall contest. Their actions alone decided the most influential battle in European history.

Drawing on previously untapped eye-witness reports for accurate and vivid details of the course of the battle, Simms captures the grand choreography and pervasive chaos of Waterloo: the advances and retreats, the death and the maiming, the heroism and the cowardice. He describes the gallant fighting spirit of the French infantrymen, who clambered over the bodies of their fallen comrades as they assaulted the heavily fortified farmhouse - and whose bravery was only surpassed by that of their opponents in the Second Light Battalion.

Motivated by opposition to Napoleonic tyranny, dynastic loyalty to the King of England, German patriotism, regimental camaraderie, personal bonds of friendship, and professional ethos, the battalion suffered terrible casualties and fought tirelessly for many long hours, but refused to capitulate or retreat until the evening, by which time the Prussians had arrived on the battlefield in large numbers.

In reorienting Waterloo around the Haye Sainte farmhouse, Simms gives us a riveting new account of the famous battle-an account that reveals, among other things, that Napoleon came much closer than is commonly thought to winning it. A heroic tale of 400 soldiers who changed the course of history, The Longest Afternoon will become an instant classic of military history.
1 vol, 208 pgs 2015 US, BASIC BOOKS
NEW-dj, available late March 2015 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-193190 Sinclair, Joseph Soldier of the Seventy-First: From De La Plata to Waterloo 1806-1815 This remarkable memoir was first published in Edinburgh in 1819 and has withstood the test of time. One cannot improve on Sir Charles Oman's description of the book as: 'the work of a man of superior education, who had enlisted in a moment of pique and humiliation to avoid facing at home the consequences of his own conceit and folly. The author wrote from the ranks, yet was so different in education and mental equipment from his comrades that he does not take their vies and habits for granted'.

The reader receives the narrative of an intelligent observer, describing the behavior of his regiment as it traveled the globe. His account covers Whitelock's disastrous South American adventure in 1806, the Peninsular War, the Walcheren Expedition and the Battle of Waterloo. For the first time, Joseph Sinclair has been unmasked as the author of the memoir, thanks to new research work by Stuart Reid. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2010 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-197920 Smith, Digby NAPOLEON'S GERMAN DIVISION IN SPAIN VOLUME ONE: NASSAU, BADEN, FRANKFURT & HESSEN-DARMSTADT TROOPS, THEIR REGIMENTAL HISTORY, UNIFORMS & ORGANISATION. Color uniform plates and maps. This is a ground-breaking study from Digby, highlighting a part of the Peninsular War that has received scant attention - the German units who fought in Napoleon's army. The book is a detailed study of their campaign service, fascinating because it concentrates on small engagements and skirmishes (great for wargamers!). The book is enhanced by original color maps, uniform, and flag details. Includes 16 absolutely superb color plates by Bob Marrion. 1 vol, 290 pgs 2010 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-dj ......$59.00

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1-197922 Smith, Digby NAPOLEON'S GERMAN DIVISION IN SPAIN VOLUME TWO: The Germans in Catalonia 1808-1813 18 color plates, over 50 b/w illustrations of uniforms, flags etc., 7 maps, 12 orders of battle, 6 tables. Available late 2013 or possibly early 2014.

This second volume of the woes of the Germans in Spain concentrates on those unfortunate enough to have been thrown into the mincing machine of Catalonia and, in particular, the worst-managed operations of the entire peninsular war: the French sieges of Girona. This city was to become the grave of almost the entire German contingent and many others besides.

Extracts from the diaries of participants in this grim fiasco give a totally chilling glimpse into the horrors of siege warfare. In contrast, reports of the operations of Spanish regiments, who acted together with Royal Naval support of the eastern coast of Spain open a window onto the world of highly mobile raids into the French lines of communication there, which helped tie down many thousands of French troops, who should have been conquering the remaining free areas of southern and eastern Spain.

Includes 11 color plates by Bob Marrion of uniforms, based on Ludwig Scharf's interpretations from on-the-spot sketches. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2013 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-dj ......$62.00

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1-197923 Smith, Digby NAPOLEON'S GERMAN DIVISION IN SPAIN VOLUME THREE: FRANKFURT INFANTRY REGIMENT AND DIVISION PRINCIERE AT DANZIG 11 maps, 21 orders of battle, 9 tables. 2020. Th1e Frankfurters were not part of the German Division in the sense of the tactical command structure of the forces fighting under French command in Spain. However, they were the only other German regiment fighting alongside the French and their history of trials, tribulations, deprivation, isolation and destruction completes the accounts of the members of that nation in Napoleon's service in the Iberian Peninsula. Battles involved include Talavera, Ocana, Vitoria, Bidassoa & Nive. This volume also includes The Frankfurt Infantry Regiment's service in the Russian campaign of 1812 and the Siege of Danzig. To compliment the history, this volume also includes uniform details. 1 vol, 290 pgs 2020 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late October 2020 ......$52.00 rct

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1-197924 Smith, Digby NAPOLEON'S GERMAN DIVISION IN SPAIN - VOLUME 4: 2nd Nassau Regiment in Spain 1809-14 and in the Netherlands 1814-15 Includes illustrations, 15 maps, 16 orders of battle, and 11 tables. This volume is based upon two earlier German regimental histories never before translated. They cover the many mostly small engagements that involved the regiments in the Peninsula from 1809 to the closing campaign in 1813. The volume then completes their service by an account of the battle of Waterloo. 1 vol, 238 pgs 2021 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback ......$52.00 rct

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1-202120 Smith, Digby NAPOLEON AGAINST RUSSIA: Concise History of 1812 In June 1812 500,000 men of Napoleon's army invaded Russia. Six months later barely 20,000 returned. The disastrous advance to Moscow and the subsequent retreat irreparably damaged Napoleon's military power and prestige and resulted one of the most celebrated catastrophes of in all military history.

Digby Smith's new account of the grim events of 1812 is based on the diaries and letters of soldiers who survived, many of which have not been published in English before. They describe the deadly effect of Napoleon's faulty decisions on the lives of his men, to say nothing of the innumerable Russian military and civilian casualties his campaign caused. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2005 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$60.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-212710 Smith, Digby MAJOR VON WERDER AND HIS ULANS: Prussian War Heroes of the 1812 Campaign Digby's translation of this memoir. It concerns the two Prussian cavalry regiments taken from X Corps and transferred into II Cavalry Corps (Montbrun) for the 1812 campaign. There they served throughout the campaign with the main body of troops, experiencing Smolensk, Borodino, the occupation of Moscow and the retreat. Karl Von Werder did manage to bring back to Breslau one sixth of his Uhlan regiment, which was no mean feat. Includes eight maps. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2016 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-dj, available late October 2016 ......$38.00

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1-214100 Smith, Digby THE FRENCH & PRUSSIAN ARMIES AT WAR: 1805-1806 This volume exposes the abysmal performance of the Prussians that culminated in the twin defeats of Jena and Auerstedt on 14 October 1806 triggered one of the most comprehensively catastrophic military defeats of an entire army in western military history. The composition of the French army of 1806 is included, so that the reader may make a comparison between the two organizations. Includes 16 full color maps and plates. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2017 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj ......$48.00

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1-216200 Smith, Digby NAPOLEON'S SWISS IN THE RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN OF 1812 Includes 10 maps and 6 tables. Following Digby's two volumes on Napoleon's German Division in the Peninsular War, we are delighted to add this present volume. Digby has thoroughly researched the bi-lingual source material to provide a thorough study of the contribution of the Swiss and in particular their contribution to the Battle of Polotsk. 1 vol, 264 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardcover, available mid February 2018 ......$50.00

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1-230990 Smith, Digby GERMAN STATES AGAINST NAPOLEON: Brunswickers, Russo-German Legion, and Saxon Duchies (1796-1815) Includes 32 maps, 17 OOBs, and 16 tables, plus chapters by Stephen Summerfield with details of uniforms and flags with black and white illustrations. This volume covers minor German states that fought against the French (1796-1815) based upon three regimental histories. In 1809, the Black Brunswickers made their valiant march to the North Sea after the defeat of Austria. They fought in Spain (1810-14) and at Quatre Bras and Waterloo. The Russo-German Legion was formed by the Russians from mainly German Volunteers in 1812 before it transferred to British pay. The rifle armed Saxe-Weimar Scharpschutzen Battalion fought with the Prussians at Auerstedt in 1806. In 1807, the contingent formed the III/4th Rheinbund Saxon Duchies Regiment that fought in the Tyrol (1809), the Peninsular War (1810-11), near Vilnius in 1812 and the defense of Danzig (1813). The captured Thuringian Battalion fought against Napoleon at Leipzig (1813). 1 vol, 288 pgs 2022 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late June 2022 ......$50.00 rct

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1-84950 Smith, Digby UNIFORMS OF THE NAPOLEONIC WARS: An Illustrated Encyclopedia Oversized at 8.5x11 inches. Contains 550+ color illustrations, maps, and uniform details on all the major forces and many of the minor countries. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2006 US, LORENZ BOOKS
NEW-dj, back in print, available mid June 2022 ......$35.00

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1-14070 Smith, Digby (aka Von Pivka, Otto) NAVIES OF THE NAPOLEONIC ERA The period of turmoil that preceded and marked the Napoleonic era caused an expansion in the navies of Europe and the United States. Naval tactics were evolving too, as the old system of individual ships and captains was replaced by true navies, governed by a hierarchy and working together as a force. The book falls into three parts: Part One: The Ships and the Men describes ship construction, rigging, sail plans and rating system, life at sea, naval tactics and the balance of naval forces from the outbreak of war in 1792.

Part Two: The Engagements describes in detail, in chronological order, the individual actions divided into the three major wars - The War of the First Coalition 1792-1797, The War of the Second Coalition 1798-1802 and The Napoleonic Wars 1803-1815. Part Three: The National Navies gives the strength of fleets at various times, the organization and training of individual navies, and also detailed descriptions of the uniforms worn at different periods. Appendices give precise details of ship losses by the major navies in the periods 1793-1802 and 1803-1815, a glossary of British naval terminology and a bibliography. Detailed battle plans of major engagements, line drawings of construction details and sixty photographs complement this authoritative work that will appeal to all those interested in maritime and military history.
1 vol, 272 pgs 2004 ATGLEN, SCHIFFER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$30.00

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1-14080 Smith, Digby (aka Von Pivka, Otto) ARMIES OF THE NAPOLEONIC ERA Armies of the Napoleonic Era provides a complete overview of the tactics, organisation, uniforms, equipment, weapons and actions fought during those dynamic years 1792-1815, when revolutionary France reshaped Europe before being forced back into a more conventional pattern of life.

Digby Smith has studied first class source data from many European museums, archives, numerous regimental histories, contemporary official handbooks and private diaries, and has distilled this mass of information into a work covering all the standing armies of the Napoleonic era. Technical data on the artillery of the various states include the chemical make-up of gunpowders, fuzes and incendiary bombs; the dimensions, performances and effects of cannon, howitzers and mortars, shot, shell and canister; and the dimensions, calibre and performance of muskets, carbines, rifles and pistols.

The tactics of artillery, cavalry and infantry-are explained and each nation has its own section in which uniform development and regimental history are described. A brief summary of the campaigns and actions in which that nation was involved is also included. An appendix gives an overall summary of all battles and major clashes between 1792-1815. A wide selection of illustrations and diagrams complements this unique work, which will be of incalculable value as a reference work to serious students of the period, modelers and wargamers.
1 vol, 272 pgs 2004 ATGLEN, SCHIFFER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$40.00

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1-51480 Smith, Digby aka Otto von Pivka NAPOLEONIC WARS DATA BOOK 8.5x11, Actions and Losses in Personel, Colours,Standards and Artillery 1792-1815, 2000+ actionslisted with which units participated, a must forevery Napoleonic student. 1 vol, 600 pgs 1998 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$60.00

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1-230170 Snape, David THE FIRE OF VENTURE WAS IN HIS VEINS: Major Allan Wilson and the Shangani Patrol 1893 The Shangani or Allan Wilson's Patrol was a minor incident in the British expansion in Africa. Much smaller in scale than the massacre of Isandlwana, the fate of the Patrol was a black mark on the British South Africa's conquest of Matabeleland. The Patrol was part of the Ndebele War of 1893-94 which ended in the overthrow of the kingdom of Lobengula, King of the Ndebele. Includes 30 b/w illustrations and 4 maps.

The book provides an account of the causes of Ndebele War, and the relationship between the BSAC and Lobengula. The Patrol is examined in detail as are the battles of Shangani and Bembesi which preceded it. The theft of Lobengula's gold by two members of the Bechuanaland Border Police became a cause celebre and may have contributed to Jameson's decision to send the Patrol in pursuit of the King.

The war was a joint enterprise of Cecil Rhodes' British South Africa Company and the British Government but the Company was the senior partner. Leander Starr Jameson with his military adviser John Willoughby, both of whom were to be protagonists in the notorious Jameson Raid, were heavily involved in the overthrow of Lobengula. Jameson's instructions to the leader of the Patrol, Major Patrick Forbes, placed him in an invidious position and virtually split his command. Allan Wilson and his men were sent to his death by Forbes but Wilson's overconfidence in his ability to fight the Ndebele also played a major part in the massacre of his men.

The relationships between the three commanders of the Patrol was fraught with difficult and Forbes' struggle to maintain control was gradually eroded by Commandant Pieter Raaff, the Afrikaner with extensive experience in fighting the Zulus, whose caution might have been caused by his fatal illness.

Accounts from Ndebele survivors of the battle paint a typical Victorian picture of brave men dying for Queen and country but did they actually die for Queen and Company? Did Forbes leave them to their fate? Whatever the cause, Wilson's men's bravery was unquestioned.

The Company's victory contributed to the creation of Rhodesia and Shangani Day soon became a national holiday in the country. Jameson was seen as a hero and decorated by Queen Victoria for his part in the war. 1 vol, 178 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover, available mid April 2022 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-69030 Soltyk, General Roman; translated by G. Nafziger OPERATIONS OF THE POLISH ARMY DURING 1809 Originally published in 1841, Operations of the Polish Army during the 1809 Campaign, by General Roman Soltyk, is not a simple recitation of the events of the war; it is a reasoned critique of the operations of the Polish Army, disputing its territory and its liberties from the Austrian Army foot by foot. It was written by a man who was personally familiar with the people and events discuss in this work. Using original material along with his memoirs, General Soltyk lays out a fascinating and detailed account of the little researched, but equally important theater of war. 1 vol, 175 pgs 2017 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, new edition ......$25.00

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1-972004 Spring, Laurence 004 COMBAT: French Guardsman vs Russian Jaeger 1812-14 The Russian Jaeger regiments and Napoleon's Young Guard clashed repeatedly during the campaigns of 1812-14. The Russian Jaeger were light infantry who gained enormous experience and prestige during the struggle to rid Europe of Napoleon's armies, while the Young Guard was expanded to become the main strike force of the French field armies. In appalling winter conditions in 1812, the Young Guard turned to confront their opponents, including Jaeger forces, at Krasnyi. In the face of constant bombardment, Young Guard regiments held off the Russians, covering the retreat of large parts of Napoleon's forces. They clashed again at Leipzig in 1813 and then again in the bitter cold at Craonne in 1814, where horrendous casualties finally told on the newly formed Young Guard units pitched into an attack upon Russian Jaeger regiments. Putting the reader in the shoes of the ordinary soldiers of both sides, this absorbing book traces the evolving trial of strength between Russia's Jaeger arm and France's Young Guardsmen at the height of the Napoleonic Wars 1 vol, 80 pgs 2013 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, available late October 2013 ......$22.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-63640 Spring, Laurence editor ENGLISHMAN IN THE RUSSIAN ARMY, AN:1807 The Journal of Colonel James Bathurst during theEast Prussia Campaign in 1807, he was Danzig,Lomitten, deppen, Gutstadt, Heilsburg & Friedland. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2000 UK, SPRING OFFENSIVE
NEW-pb ......$10.00

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1-192460 Springs, Laurence Uniforms of the Russian Army 1802-1815 - Vol Infantry The Russian infantry was formed from serfs who were conscripted into its ranks, but despite this humble beginning, the Russian infantryman was renown all over Europe for his endurance and courage in battle.

This book looks at the appearance of the Russian infantryman during the Napoleonic Wars by using not only well-established sources, like A V Viskovatov's Historical Description of the Clothing and Arms of the Russian Army, but also some of the latest research.
1 vol, 144 pgs 2010 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj ......$55.00

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1-229120 Stack, Wayne REBELLION, INVASION AND OCCUPATION: The British Army in Ireland, 1793-1815 Analyzes the British Army in Ireland during the period 1793 to 1815, which proved to be a critical era in British and Irish history. The consequences of the events and government policies of that time helped to determine the social and political divisions within Ireland for the following two centuries. Includes 15 b/w ills, 9 color illustrations, 8 pages of color plates, 1 figure, and 10 maps.

Discusses the influences, experiences, and reputations of the various elements that comprised the Irish military forces. The militia, yeomanry, fencible, and regular regiments are assessed in relation to their intended purpose within Britain's strategy. This work shows that Ireland became an important facet of the tactical and strategic thinking of both the French and British governments at this time, with Britain needing to defend the kingdom against any possible invasion to secure its own defense. This resulted in the British military occupation of a kingdom whose population had been polarized by civil rebellion, invasion, and renewed religious bigotry. A close examination of the military history of the kingdom during these crucial years provides a better understanding of how the Irish became, and remained, a socially and politically divided people, while being subjected to the political and military dominance of Britain. 1 vol, 202 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid January 2022 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-666121 Stampa, Leopoldo MEDINA DE RIOSECO 1808 Covers the battle of Medina de Rioseco, or the Moclin, on July 14, 1808 -- a victory over the Spanish. Another in the well-illustrated series. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2017 SPAIN, ALMENA
NEW-softcover, [Spanish text] ......$33.00

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1-66678 Stampa, Leopoldo La Batalla de Almonacid 1809 The Battle of Almonacid was fought on August 11, 1809 during the Peninsular War between Sebastiani's IV Corps of the French Peninsular Army, which had withdrawn from the Battle of Talavera to defend Madrid, and the Spanish Army of La Mancha under General Venegas. After the decisive charges of Polish uhlans, the battle resulted in a French victory. 1 vol, 110 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover, available late March 2012 [Spanish text] ......$24.00

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1-902913 Stein, Markus THE SAXON ARMY 1810-1813 Saxons after the 1809 campaign looked much like the French, but in different colors. Plates by Courcelle, Edmund, and Peter Bunde cover the all the regiments. 1 vol, 72 pgs 20202018 GERMANY, BERLIN ZINNFIGUREN
NEW-softcover, [English text] ......$35.00

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2-902913 Stein, Markus DIE SACHSISCHE ARMEE 1810-1813 Saxons after the 1809 campaign looked much like the French, but in different colors. Plates by Courcelle, Edmund and Peter Bunde cover the al lthe regiments. 1 vol, 72 pgs 2009 GERMANY, BERLIN ZINNFIG
NEW-softbound GERMAN text ......$35.00

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1-980016 Stilwell, Alexander TRAFALGAR COMPANION, THE 7.5x10, collection of leading historians/writers provide a multi-dimensional perspective on the tactical and strategical impact of the battle, b/w and color maps/illust, notes, biblio, index. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2005 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-51980 Stothert, Captain William A NARRATIVE OF THE PRINCIPAL EVENTS OF THE CAMPAIGNS OF 1809, 1810 & 1811 IN SPAIN AND PORTUGAL The opening campaigns from the viewpoint of the adjutant of the UK 3rd Foot Guards. Stothert was captured at Fuentes de Onoro, fold out map. 1 vol, 288 pgs 1998 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardcover, Out of Print, found more copies ......$60.00 with a discount of 20%

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1-195220 Street, George The Army of the Empire of Austria - Hungary 1798-1814 Austria-Hungary proved to be an implacable enemy of France during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, either actively at war or passively resisting when at peace. It drew upon large quantities of manpower, albeit of varying quality -- recruits came from all over the Empire.

The Army changed considerably during this period, from the uniforms they wore to the way the infantry and cavalry arms were organized to the way it fought on the battlefield. It all combines into a fascinating Army to study and Partizan Press applies its usual expertise to provide an interesting illustrations and information. 1 vol, 180 pgs 2011 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj ......$63.00

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1-197170 Street, George THE ARMY OF THE KINGDOM OF WESTPHALIA 1807-1813 Another terrific, well-illustrated book from Partizan Press.

The Kingdom of Westphalia lasted for just over six years and was one of the countries that Napoleon formed so as to make up a 'cordon sanitaire' to the east of France. It was created from areas that had a tradition of fighting on the English or Prussian side in war and would therefore not necessarily take to changing sides. Napoleon placed his brother Jerome on the throne and recommended that French personnel be used in key positions to counter this. However Jerome attempted to trust his subjects and succeeded to some degree. After a shaky start, the Kingdom produced some troops with good fighting spirit and was amongst the best of the German client armies. It was only really let down when the regiments simply dissolved when the Allies over-ran the country, but this is very understandable.

The Army was not large, consisting of, at most, nine infantry and six cavalry regiments, four light infantry battalions, six artillery companies, and a Royal Guard. It was used to form the complete VIII Corps of the Grande Armee in 1812. Jerome was a bit of a dandy and loved to create 'showy' uniforms and so some of the uniforms described in this book are very elaborate and some of the nicest from the period. 1 vol, 152 pgs 2011 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj ......$55.00

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1-203290 Street, George POLISH TROOPS IN THE SERVICE OF NAPOLEON: 1797 to 1815 The Poles sought to create a new kingdom with the aid of France. Initially, Polish Legions were created in Italy with the hope that they would be allowed to fight to re-establish their homeland and later the Duchy of Warsaw was created that was only a fraction of the former state it replaced.

The book covers the organization and uniforms of these formations along with some details of other units, such as those formed for the Imperial Guard and the French Army itself. Along the way some details have been included from Polish sources that were not available in English, such as what headgear the lancer elite companies actually wore and details of some of the more obscure formations such as the Nobel Levy and various Honor Guards.

Details of Lithuanian regiments are also included, even though the Lithuanian Rifles Battalions existed for only a short time. The Duchy of Warsaw also had some light infantry units and these have also been recorded. 1 vol, 300 pgs 2013 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-hardback ......$68.00

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1-216040 Street, George DANISH AND NORWEGIAN ARMIES OF THE NAPOLEONIC WARS Comprehensive study of the organization and uniforms of the Danish and Norwegian armies during the Napoleonic Wars. Includes 16 color plates by Bob Marrion and 18 full color Flags by Nick Buxey. 1 vol, 200 pgs 2018 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj ......$55.00

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1-199920 Street, George and van Overmeire, Karim DUTCH TROOPS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY AND NAPOLEONIC WARS 1793-1810 The Netherlands has always been a country of deep strategic interest to Great Britain; none more so than during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. This maritime power had all the facilities and naval strength necessary to launch an invasion across the North Sea. However, it is of interest to note that no full, in-depth study of the Armies of the Netherlands prior to 1813 has been published in English before. All others have been in a compendium of other armies, or in a small volume which did not do justice to the subject.

In this book, we have attempted to cover, in as much detail as possible, the armies of the three successive States involved, and give as much a flavor of the history of the fighting they were involved in, on both Continental Europe and their own colonies across the world. While researching this book, many surprises were uncovered, and we managed to correct many previous errors, including one by Richard Knotel himself that has caused much bemusement in the past. It has been a fascinating project to write this book, and we hope the reader finds it equally so when reading about the history, organization and uniforms of this most interesting of countries. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2013 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj, available late October 2012 ......$63.00

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1-228390 Summerfield HANAU 1813: Napoleon's Retreat from Leipzig Full-color, large-format hardback explores Napoleon's retreat from Leipzig and his last victory in Germany at Hanau (30-31 October 1813) over the Austro-Bavarian Army of General von Wrede. To appreciate his victory, it is necessary to explore the reasons for the allied poor pursuit, the battle, the tactics, the armies, and the artillery. 1 vol, 140 pgs 2021 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback ......$65.00 rct

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1-80680 Summerfield Dr. Stephen COSSACK HURRAH:Irregular Cavalry Organization The Winter of 1812 along with 100+ Cossack & 80+Irregular Cavalry units destroyed Napoleon's Grand Armee, here is the organization, weapons/equipment and (12) uniform plates + b/w illust, biblio. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2005 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$28.00

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1-87570 Summerfield, Dr. Stephen BRAZEN CROSS OF COURAGE Russian Opolchenie, Partizans and Freikorps during the Napoleonic Wars, (1O) pages of color illust. 1 vol, 120 pgs 2007 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$32.00

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1-244990 Summerfield, S THE GRANDE ARMEE IN 1805: The Organisation, Orders of Battle, Uniforms, Flags and Campaign Atlas Illustrated reference book of the Ulm-Austerlitz campaign. It references exhaustive orders of battle, the composition of corps and divisions, the working structure of Napoleon's army, how and where they marched towards their famous victory, maps galore, and of course most importantly, their flags, eagle, and their uniforms. Contains over 700 illustrations in color with 360 uniforms, 260 uniform schematics and details, 58 orders of battle, 31 maps, and 85 tables. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2024 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback ......$71.00 inc

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1-235300 Summerfield, Stephen MOORE AND WELLINGTON: War in the Baltic, Mediterranean and Portugal 1805-1808 Sir John Moore (1761-1809) and Sir Arthur Wellesley (1769-1852) campaigned in the Baltic, the Mediterranean and Portugal in 1805-08. It culminated in the defeat of General Junot at Vimeiro and the evacuation on British ships of his French Army to France. For the first time since the start of the war, Britain had secured a European mainland base. Details military history and has bios of the two esteemed generals but also draws together the connections between the economic, military, political, and social power that shaped the liberation of Portugal from the French. Includes 21 maps, 52 orders of battle, 35 tables, and 38 other illustrations. 1 vol, 314 pgs 2022 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late November 2022 ......$40.00 rct

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1-235310 Summerfield, Stephen RUSSIAN ARTILLERY 1787-1815 The evolution of Russian Artillery is explored in great depth using the wonderful scale plans of Norman Swales. The artillery of Tsarina Catherine II was a mainly a collection of pieces left over from the Seven Years War. Tsar Paul I introduced much needed reform with a new artillery system that under his son, Tsar Alexander I, became the excellent M1805 Arakcheev system. This invaluable reference for the historian, model maker, and restorer of ordnance of this period. Includes 105 scale plans, 636 color illustrations including 435 drawings, 120 photos., 64 of models, 17 paintings, 10 orders of battle, and 69 tables. 1 vol, 155 pgs 2022 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late November 2022 ......$65.00 rct

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1-207170 Summerfield, Stephen -- editor SHORNCLIFFE LECTURES VOL.1: COOTE MANNINGHAM'S SHORNCLIFFE LECTURE OF 1803 AND THE ORIGINS OF THE 95TH RIFLES. The 'universal soldier' capable of thinking for himself was created under General Sir John Moore at Shorncliffe in Kent. This volume explores the development of light infantry from 1755 in both Europe, America, and West Indies to the eve of the Peninsular War in 1808. It includes the original lecture, brief biographies of 46 officers, chronology of the Light Division infantry regiments and the 60th Rifles, and the origins of the 95th Rifles through biographies of its commanders, regulations, and Baker Rifle tests. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2014 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-softcover ......$33.00

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1-207175 Summerfield, Stephen -- editor SHORNCLIFFE LECTURES VOL. 5: THE BAKER RIFLE AND THE EARLY CAMPAIGNS OF THE 95TH RIFLES The latest volume (2019) in the Shorncliffe Lectures Series (# 5) explores the development of the Baker Rifle and the Experimental Corps of Riflemen of Colonel Coote-Manningham that became the 95th Rifles The historical period covered is the early campaigns over the first seven years of their existence (up to the Rifles at Copenhagen). Also included is a complete facsimile of the Coote Manningham Shorncliffe Lectures in 1803. Includes over 100 illustrations, 20 maps, 27 orders of battle, and 93 tables. 1 vol, 312 pgs 2019 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-softcover, available mid May 2019 ......$43.00 rct

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1-207176 Summerfield, Stephen -- editor SHORNCLIFFE LECTURES VOL. 6: ADAM'S LIGHT BRIGADE (52ND, 71ST & 95TH RIFLES) IN THE NETHERLANDS AND WATERLOO, 1813-15 9 figs., 28 maps, 21 orders of battle, 19 tables. 2020. This volume is a complete re-write of the earlier Shorncliffe Lectures Volume 2. It explores Sir Thomas Graham's campaign in liberating the Netherlands from December 1813 to May 1814. A mixture of new recruits and convalescent veterans of the 2/52nd and 95th Rifles were dispatched from Shorncliffe in Kent. These men remained in the Netherlands and formed Adams's Light Brigade at Waterloo. These were among the most experienced troops available to Wellington. 1 vol, 274 pgs 2020 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late October 2020 ......$43.00 rct

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1-210021 Summerfield, Stephen and Law, S SIR JOHN MOORE AND THE UNIVERSAL SOLDIER VOLUME 1: THE MAN, THE COMMANDER AND THE SHORNCLIFFE SYSTEM OF TRAINING. This third book in the successful Shorncliffe Lecture Series sets out to put into context Moore's moral compass, principals and experiences that created his philosophy and internal discipline that was key to the 'Shorncliffe System of Training.' Moore's own diary entries, letters, recollections of his family, friends, newspapers, contemporary drill manuals and those who served with him have been used. It also includes the less well known, Moore's Instructions to the Battalions of Irish Militia Light Infantry of 1798.

The chronology shows the global reach of the British Army and the large number of theaters in which Sir John Moore served. There are over 90 mostly contemporary illustrations including 24 Maps and 20 portraits as well as 14 OOBs, 25 Tables. Volume 2, will explore Sir John Moore's expeditions to the Mediterranean, Sweden and the Peninsular (1806-09). 1 vol, 25 pgs 2015 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-dj, available early December 2015 ......$48.00

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1-227250 Summerfield, Stephen and Richardson, Paul VILNIUS 1812: GHOSTS OF NAPOLEON'S GRANDE ARMEE THROUGH THEIR ARTIFACTS 2021 edition updates original 2008 edition.

Contains 500 colour illustrations of 281 artifacts, 16 maps, 70 paintings, 22 photos, 43 uniforms, 70 uniform details, and 43 tables.

In 2008 Paul Richardson did a brief study based on the discovery of the Vilnius massed graves of the victims of the retreat from Moscow. This vastly updated version includes collaboration with others in a detailed exploration of the anthropology, buttons, uniform fragments, shakos, and personal items that have survived with comparisons to many of the original artifacts. Also discussed in a survey of the campaign are the contributions of disease, lack of medical provision, nutrition, and weather to the demise of the army.
1 vol, 160 pgs 2021 UK, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available late May 2021 ......$58.00 rct

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1-241160 Summerfield, Stephen and Richardson, Paul RUSSIA 1812: The Death of Napoleon's Grande Armee This is the companion book to Vilnius 1812. Contains comprehensive data about the Grande Armee and how it collapsed over the course of the campaign. Explores the organization and attrition down to regimental level by Corps, the fate of the prisoners and the logistics failure that contributed to its annihilation. To say the information is overwhelming is probably an underestimate. Illustrated in color throughout with over 450 illustrations including 208 artifacts, 47 orders of battle, 41 portraits, eight photographs, 81 uniforms, 12 maps, and 159 tables. 1 vol, 182 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback ......$62.00 rct

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1-216500 Summerfield, Stephen Dr PRUSSIAN LANDWEHR OF THE NAPOLEONIC WARS Enlarged 2nd edition. Large format. 160 full color pages with over 700 illustrations.

Illustrated throughout in color. This is the major work on the subject, exploring the uniforms, organization and equipment of the Landwehr, essential for Prussia to maintain her important contribution to the coalition effort to defeat Napoleon. Precise details of uniforms are difficult to sort out with the distance of time. Stephen presents the known information and resolves inconsistencies. This stunning publication includes photographs of original costume and delightful artwork. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-softcover ......$68.00

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1-87680 Summerville, Christopher NAPOLEON'S POLISH GAMBLE:Eylau & Friedland 1807 A clear and concise account which details all the action in day-by-day, hour-by-hour analysis. Full o/b's, fighting capabilities of the opposing sides 60 b/w illust/maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2006 UK, PEN & SWORD0
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-24170 Surtees, William TWENTY-FIVE YEARS ON THE RIFLE BRIGADE First hand account, the author served in the Rifle from 1802 to 1826 and saw action in the Peninsula and at New Orleans, appendix, notes. 1 vol, 480 pgs 1996 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$20.00

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1-194540 Sutherland, Jonathan and Diane Canwell GRAND BATTERY: A Guide and Rules for Napoleonic Wargames Card-driven Napoleonic rule set is designed for division-level games with 25mm or 15mm figures. Includes organizational tables give a breakdown of typical formations for all the major combatants and most of the minor ones (any one for a Wurttemburg infantry division?), allowing you to structure your collection and also to organize hypothetical games quickly with 'off the peg' orders of battle. Three historical scenarios are also included, each with their own specific orders of battle, maps, objectives and victory conditions. Also provides a concise historical overview of the events and battles of the period, and includes sections on the weapons and tactics of the various armies. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2011 UK, PEN & SWORD BOOKS
NEW-dj, inventory reduction sale, first come, first served ......$35.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-226010 Tadeusz Lalowski, Marek POLISH EYEWITNESSES TO NAPOLEON'S 1812 CAMPAIGN: Advance and Retreat in Russia Describes Napoleon's 1812 invasion of Russia from the viewpoint of the tens of thousands of Polish soldiers who took part. Most of their accounts -- letters, diaries, and memoirs -- have not been translated into English before, and they come from a variety of authors. Some of them were patriots who were keen to wage war on the Russians in order to regain independence for their country. Others were charmed by the glory of Napoleonic warfare or were professional soldiers who did their duty but had seen too much war to be seduced by it.

They all tell an unrivaled tale - of muskets and drums and burning villages, of Borodino and Moscow and ruthless battles, and of the numbing hunger and biting cold. By the end the great army had been reduced to a pitiless mob and the Polish soldiers, who had set out with such hope, recalled it with horror 1 vol, 224 pgs 2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late December 2020 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-84470 Taylor, Brian EMPIRE OF THE FRENCH, THE A chronology of the French Revolutionary and the Napoleonic Wars 1792-1815, a day-by-day account, 25+ b/w maps, biblio, index 1 vol, 384 pgs 2006 UK, TEMPUS PUBLICATIONS
NEW-dj ......$50.00

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1-33520 Thiebault, Baron MEMOIRS OF BARON THIEBAULT, THE Thiebault served from Rivoli to Vimeiro, details of Austerlitz, b/w maps & battle plans, illust. 2 vol, 1000 pgs 1997 UK, WORLEY PUBLICATIONS
NEW-hardcover, reprint 1896 ed, o/p ......$100.00

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1-209240 Thompson, Mark WELLINGTON'S ENGINEERS: Military Engineering in the Peninsular War 1808-1814 Draws on an unrivaled collection of the engineers' letters and diaries in order to tell, in vivid detail, the story of the Royal Engineers in the Peninsular War in all the major operations between 1808 and 1814. The book demonstrates the extraordinary range of tasks they undertook, including surveys, reconnaissance, and the building of roads, bridges, siege works, and field fortifications. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2015 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available early August 2015 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-225800 Thompson, Mark WELLINGTON'S FAVOURITE ENGINEER - John Fox Burgoyne: Operations, Engineering, and the Making of a Field Marshal Covers the formative years of John Burgoyne, the first field marshal in the Corps of Royal Engineers, and his service in the Napoleonic Wars, first in the Mediterranean, and then in the Iberian Peninsula from 1808-1814. Having built up a good relationship with Wellington, Burgoyne was selected to command the engineers in the disastrous American campaign of 1814-15. Includes 14 b/w illustrations, 50 b/w maps, and seven b/w diagrams.

Burgoyne's father was the well-known British general who surrendered the British Army at Saratoga. He died penniless, leaving his children, including John, to be cared for by family friends. Burgoyne seemed to spend the rest of his life working to obtain his independence. Like many engineers, Burgoyne kept detailed diaries, also writing comprehensive letters and analyses of his actions. These give contemporary knowledge of many notable events, particularly during the Peninsular War. His letters to fellow officers give an insight into the opinions and thoughts of an engineer officer, views which are often not visible in official communications.

The main theme of the book is to show the development of a young officer during the Napoleonic Wars from an inexperienced subaltern through to someone who advised Wellington and his generals directly on military matters. His involvement with the senior officers in the army was not restricted to 'engineering' matters and he was trusted to carry out staff roles on many occasions. Burgoyne was present at many of the sieges and commanded at some. There is a wealth of unpublished information in his journals and letters. Burgoyne was highly critical of some of the sieges, even those that were considered successful. He was also critical of those where he commanded, particularly, Burgos in 1812. When Burgoyne was advising Raglan in the Crimea at the siege of Sevastopol, the failures at Burgos were used to undermine his position.

The previous biography of Burgoyne by his son-in-law, George Wrottesley, was published nearly 150 years ago and is flawed in a number of ways. This new interpretation will help our understanding of this officer and present a different view on some of the key events during the Peninsular War. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late November 2020 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-227940 Thompson, Mark WELLINGTON AND THE LINES OF TORRES VEDRAS Recaps events in 1809 that led to the need for the construction of defenses. The construction work is detailed and illustrated through several maps to explain the position and purpose of the several defenses. The Third French invasion of Portugal of 1810 under Massena is summarized through to the time when the French arrived at the Lines. The operations and movements over the next month are again detailed along with the continuing construction work on the Lines.

France, Portugal, and Britain developed plans for the defense of Lisbon in 1808 and 1809. In November 1809, the British proposal was commenced and became the Lines of Torres Vedras. A Memorandum on the construction was written in October 1809 but was more of an outline. The design and construction was completed over the next 18 months, the bulk being completed before the arrival of the French in October 1810. The initial design was expanded through 1810 as more time became available and the construction in October 1810 was significantly different to the original memorandum. New sources to prove a new, in-depth, English language account of the massive engineering effort. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2021 UK, HELION & COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late September 2021 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-243230 Thompson, Paul THE BRITISH CHEER: Psychological Warfare in the Napoleonic Era Suggests that the British Cheer wielded genuine power as a true 'weapon of war.' Surveys the history of acclamations in battle worldwide and British battle-cries from all periods before addressing the question of what the British Cheer actually sounded like. Issues of acoustics, physics, and the psychology of battlefield morale are considered, along with commentaries from significant military scholars throughout history. Examination of the Napoleonic-era Cheer then reveals the practically invincible 'recipe' of volley-cheer-charge that propelled the British Army to victory upon victory.

Comparison is drawn with French and other national patterns of vocalizing, along with analysis of those occasions when the Cheer might be suppressed. Finally, the attitude of the Duke of Wellington toward cheering is reconsidered. Examines from the Mahratta wars in India, through campaigns in Egypt, the Mediterranean, Flanders, the Caribbean and South America, as well as the war of 1812. The Peninsular and Waterloo campaigns feature prominently. Contains 12 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid April 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-50470 Thompson, W.F.K. editor AN ENSIGN IN THE PENINSULAR WAR:John Aitchison These are the letters/diaries of a young ensign inthe 3rd Foot Guards, Aitchison was present fromOporto to the final campaigns in 1814 & presentsa vivid account, maps, notes, index. 1 vol, 349 pgs 1994 LONDON, MICHAEL JOSEPH
AS NEW-softcover ......$15.00

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1-TPS14 Tohver, Lembert TURNING POINT SIMULATIONS: Valmy Campaign 1792 Valmy is little known. No big-name, famous generals were there, with the most status going to the father of the Kellermann who would lead a cavalry charge at Marengo a generation later.
Yet, Napoleon himself made that father an honorary Marshal of the Empire, with the title, Duke of Valmy. Because Napoleon knew that, put simply, Valmy could have marked the end of the French Revolution.

The Valmy Campaign is one of the turning points of history... the end of the old quaint style of warfare under Kings and the beginning of the mass levies begun in the French Republic.
It pitted the unproven revolutionary armies against the troops of Prussia, still living with the reputation gained under Frederick the Great, and aided by a coalition of Austrians, Hessians, and French Royalists... an army headed for Paris to put down the revolt once and for all.

Includes: One full color 11x17-inch point to point mounted map; one 8.5x11-inch battle board; 270 full color 9/16-inch die-cut counters; and 12 page rulebook. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2015 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-softcover ......$35.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-573914 Tondeur, Courcelle, Pattyn, Meganck QUATRE-BRAS (2): Vol. 14 Les Carnets De La Campagne - Waterloo 1815 Oversized at 8x12 inches.

Cet ouvrage, tres bien illustre en particulier par le talentueux Patrice Courcelle, presente les forces en presence et narre dans le detail les combats du 15 juin. (This book, particularly well illustrated by the talented Patrice Courcelle, shows the forces and recounts in detail the battles of June 1815)

Il fait egalement le tour des campements dans les deux camps a la fin de la journee et raconte la vie a Bruxelles durant cette premiere journee de la campagne. (It also makes the rounds of the camps on both sides at the end of the day and tells the story in Brussels during the first day of the campaign.) 1 vol, 239 pgs 2015 BELGIUM, TONDEUR DIFFUSION
NEW-hardcover, [French text] ......$78.00

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1-78080 Tondeur, Jean-Phillipe Walcheren 1809:L'Expediton Anglaise Au Jour B/w and color illust. 1 vol, 200 pgs 2009 BELIGUM, TONDEUR EDITIONS
NEW-softcover, French text ......$65.00

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1-41210 Tone, John Lawrence FATAL KNOT, THE:The Guerrilla War in Navarre Focusing on the insurgent army of Francisco Espozy Mina, Tone details the origins & motives of this first guerrilla force & its devastating effect on Napoleon's troops, chpt. notes, biblio, index. 1 vol, 240 pgs 1994 CHAPEL HILL, UNIV. OF N.C
NEW-dj ......$35.00 0

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1-202620 Toorenvliet, Henk SPLENDOUR REVISITED: King Joachim Murat's Colourful Army - The Neapolitan Army 1808-1815 Joachim Murat was one of those larger-than-life characters that crop up throughout history. He had a humble start in life and took a chance for adventure when he first joined the army. He again took a risk giving support to General Bonaparte in Paris in 1795 and rode on his coattails to become the most brilliant of contemporary cavalry generals, husband to one of Bonaparte's sisters, and eventually King of Naples before, ultimately but tragically, attempting to free himself from Napoleon's influence and unite all of Italy. This book outlines his life and charts his progress from birth in Gascony to death before a firing squad in Italy.

However, Murat was not only a great general, he was one of history's greatest dandies who not only wore some fantastic uniforms of his own, but designed them for his Neapolitan troops. The book describes many of these uniforms and illustrates them using lead figures painted in fantastic detail by the author.

This book provides a concise but full history of this remarkable man and will enable those interested in the Naples Army from 1808 to 1815 to see the full glory of their uniforms.

Includes 50 photos of hand-painted miniatures. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2013 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj, Limited Edition of 100 copies ......$48.00

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1-219602 Townsend, Ben FASHIONING REGULATION, REGULATING FASHION: Volume 2 - Uniforms and Dress of the British Army 1800-1815 The second of two-volume examination into the clothing orders of the late-Georgian British Army, combined and contrasted with an analysis of fashion in the same army - comparing the regulated dress with the 'modes of the army' as revealed by contemporary writing and illustrations. Includes 24 color and 40 b/w illustrations.

The first quarter of the nineteenth century witnessed a refinement of fashionable masculine dress that has not since been surpassed. Military tailoring inspired a flowering of uniform splendour that continued into the 1830s and sparked an enduring fascination with military costume that still rages today.

The army that operated in these cumbersome uniforms managed to achieve fame as one of the most effective British fighting forces ever recognised, and is still remembered and honoured for its achievements.

These three strands: the flowering of late Georgian civilian tailoring; of its martial equivalent; and of military excellence on campaign, have gripped the interest and the imagination of the public, and are endlessly revived and recycled through popular culture, on television, film, through books and all of the other new media.

The reader then might properly ask why another book on uniforms of this period is necessary. Quite simply, it is because the amount of material available to the researcher has increased exponentially since the advent of the internet, especially in regard to the now widely available digital archive files of institutional collections. The huge amount of accessible material makes the task of assembling accurate information much longer and much harder, but the results are consequentially more satisfying and accurate than hitherto.

This, the second of two books on the topic, pays particular attention to the 'Prince's Regulations,' of 1812, which exhibit the full extent of the Prince Regent's excursions into military taste. 1 vol, 392 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid March 2021 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-905028 Townsend, Ben FASHIONING REGULATION, REGULATING FASHION: Volume I - Uniforms and Dress of the British Army 1800-1815 First in a two-volume examination into the clothing orders of the British late Georgian army, combined and contrasted with an analysis of fashion in the same army -- comparing the regulated dress with the 'modes of the army' as revealed by contemporary writing and illustrations. Includes 21 color plates, 47 black and white illustrations, and 7 tables.

The first quarter of the 19th century witnessed a refinement of fashionable masculine dress that has not since been surpassed. Military tailoring inspired a parallel flowering of uniform splendor that continued into the 1830s and sparked an enduring fascination with military costume that still rages today.

The army that operated in these cumbersome uniforms managed to achieve fame as one of the most effective British fighting forces ever recognized, and is still remembered and honored for its achievements.

These three strands: the flowering of late Georgian civilian tailoring; of its martial equivalent; and of military excellence on campaign, have gripped the interest and the imagination of the public, and are endlessly revived and recycled through popular culture, on television, film, through books and all of the other new media.

The reader then might properly ask why another book on uniforms of this period is necessary. Quite simply, it is because the amount of material available to the researcher has increased exponentially since the advent of the internet, especially in regard to the now widely available digital archive files of institutional collections. The huge amount of accessible material makes the task of assembling accurate information much longer and much harder, but the results are consequentially more satisfying and accurate than hitherto. 1 vol, 392 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid March 2021 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-52940 Tranie, J & Carmigniani, J.C NAPOLEON ET L'ANGLETERRE French text, hundreds of b/w and color illust, twelve color plates with dozens of uniform line drawings, part of great series. 1 vol, 282 pgs 1994 PARIS, PYGMALION
NEW-dj, French text o/p ......$125.00

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1-61810 Tranie, Jean L'EPOPEE NAPOLEONIENNE:Les Grandes Battilles 9x12, full color look at the major battles from the Italian Campaign, Egypt, 1806, 1809, Russia, 1813 and Waterloo, nice book. 1 vol, 176 pgs 1999 PARIS, EDITIONS TALLANDIE
NEW-hardcover, [French text] ......$50.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-242370 translated by Faithfull, Erik A SWEDISH SOLDIER IN THE NAPOLEONIC WARS: The Memoirs of Carl Magnus Hultin, 1807-1814 Memoir by a low-ranking officer first published in 1872 and reprinted in Sweden in 1954 and 1955. Covers his service on campaign from 1808 to 1814 in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and North Germany. Provides a new perspective of little-known actions, small by the standards of continental Europe, but vital to our understanding of Sweden's part in the war. Contains 74 black and white photos and illustrations and five black and white maps.

In 1808, at the age of 18 and whilst a student at Linkoping High School, Carl Magnus Hultin enlisted as a junior officer in the militia, answering the call-to-arms in the nation's efforts to stem the Russian tide before Finland was lost. He then transferred to the regular army as an ensign in the Jonkoping Regiment. He took part in the ill-fated Vasterbotten expedition against the Russians on Swedish soil in 1809 and witnessed the 1809 coup d'etat to remove the unpopular King Gustav IV Adolf. Following the 'phoney' war with Britain 1811-1812, he served in Mecklenberg, Holstein, and Belgium against France and Denmark in the 1813-1814 campaign under Napoleon's former Marechal Bernadotte, who had been elected as Sweden's Crown Prince. Finally, he participated in the 1814 Norwegian campaign that saw the Union of Norway and Sweden, which lasted until 1905. He remained in the army after the war, retiring as a captain in 1842. 1 vol, 202 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid March 2024 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-58710 Troubetzkoy, Gregory translator/editor IN THE SERVICE OF THE TSAR AGAINST NAPOLEON Memoirs of Denis Davidov 1806-1814, covers Eylau, the Russian invasion of Finland 1808, the Russian Campaign of 1812 and the wars in Germany 1813-1814, b/w illust, index. 1 vol, 208 pgs 1999 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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1-70060 Uffindel, Andrew GREAT GENERALS OF THE NAPOLEONIC WARS & BATTTLES 9x6, re-assesses the abilities and achievements of Napoleon, Wellington, Blucher, Charles, Kutusov and others, 31 battles maps, b/w illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 328 pgs 2003 UK, SPELLMOUNT PUBLISHERS
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-34630 Uffindell, Andrew EAGLE'S LAST TRIUMPH: Napoleon's Victory at Ligny Napoleon won his final victory on 16th June 1815 at Ligny, shortly before suffering a crushing defeat at Waterloo. Facing two enemy armies - under Wellington and Blucher - he aimed his main attack against Blucher's Prussians at Ligny and diverted Wellington's attention by engaging his forward elements at Quatre Bras.

The Eagle's Last Triumph provides an examination of these neglected early campaigns, with a description of the fighting and eyewitness testimony. The author shows just how close Napoleon came to winning a crushing victory at the start of the campaign. He also shows Blucher was unhorsed and nearly captured in the evening of Ligny - and how this could have had a decisive impact on subsequent events.

Provides a cogent explanation of why Napoleon, victorious at Ligny, met with defeat two days later. Includes eight pages of plates and 20 maps. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2015 US, CASEMATE
NEW-softcover, ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-40410 Uffindell, Andrew and Corum, Andrew ON THE FIELDS OF GLORY: Battlefields of the 1815 Eyewitness accounts are used to describe the 1815 Campaign, includes Waterloo, Wavre, the French retreat and the rearguard fighting at Namur, 30+maps, b/w illust/drawings/diagrams, biblio, index. 1 vol, 360 pgs 1996 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-dj, Only 2 copies available ......$45.00 with a discount of 50%

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1-72340 Umhey, Alfred NAPOLEON'S LAST GRANDE ARMEE: 1813 French Uniforms Portraits from the Dresden & Freiberg Manuscripts of 1813. Illustrated by two German artists of the French troops in Saxony at these cities with 148 uniform plates.

During the summer armistice of the 1813 campaign, two German artists drew illustrations of the French troops stationed around Dresden and Freiberg in Saxony. The men depicted belonged to Emperor Napoleon's last Grande Armee, a colorful multinational force that included, among others, French, Dutch, Italian, and Polish soldiers.

These rare, exceptional paintings provide invaluable eyewitness evidence of the uniforms of the period, quite set apart from the sometimes fanciful, second-hand works of modern artists. Unlike many uniform plates, the illustrations in these two artists' portfolios show what Napoleon's men actually wore on campaign.

Nearly a century after they were first rendered, French historian and collector Gabriel Cottreau commissioned Charles Brun, one of the foremost artists of the era, to copy 98 of the original images from both portfolios. Sadly, many of the original uniform plates were later destroyed, lost, or disappeared into private collections.

In 2000, some of the original plates resurfaced and permission to publish them, along with the 98 Brun copies, was obtained. We are extremely pleased to offer a book featuring 148 uniform plates, including 50 original Freiberg plates, plus the entire Brun collection. This extraordinary publication includes new descriptive text in English by renowned uniformologist Alfred Umhey. Nearly every plate is presented at its full original size on heavy art paper along with the artist's original notes, translated for this edition. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2003 US, MILITARY HISTORY PRES
NEW-leatherbound, o/p limited quantity ......$250.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-66920 Urban, Mark MAN WHO BROKE NAPOLEON'S CODES, THE The story of George Scovell, a linguistic genius, who broke the ever increasing complex codes of the French Army, b/w illust/maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2002 NY, HARPER COLLINS
NEW-dj ......$14.00

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2-66920 Urban, Mark MAN WHO BROKE NAPOLEON'S CODES, THE The story of George Scovell, a linguistic genius, who broke the ever increasing complex codes of the French Army, b/w illust/maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2002 NY, HARPER COLLINS
NEW-pb ......$14.00

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1-74980 Urban, Mark WELLINGTON'S RIFLES:Six Years to Waterloo Drawing on letters, diaries & other personal acctsthe author follows six men of the 1st Battalionfrom May 1809 to Waterloo 1815, b/w & color maps &illust, chpt notes, biblio, index 1 vol, 352 pgs 2004 US, WALKER & COMPANY
NEW-dj ......$15.00

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1-218380 van Uythoven, Geert THE SECRET EXPEDITION: The Anglo-Russian Invasion of Holland 1799 In 1799, as part of the Second Coalition against France, an Anglo-Russian army landed in Holland to overthrow the Batavian Republic and to reinstate the Stadtholder William V of Orange. Initially called 'The Secret Expedition', although not really a secret for both sides, the description of the invasion reads like a novel. Five major battles were fought between armies of four different nations, with unexpected deeds of heroism and unexpected defeats. There were secret negotiations and rumors of bribery. More than enough ingredients for biased opinions, historical errors, and incorrect information copied from historians up to this day. Includes 23 black and white photos, 22 black and white illustrations, and 15 black and white maps.

The aim of this book is to give a balanced, detailed, and complete account of the events taking place during the invasion: the preparations on both sides, detailed descriptions of the battles as well as the events taking place at sea and in the eastern provinces of the Batavian Republic. Also giving new opinions on questions like: What were the causes of 'The Secret Expedition'? Did Brune indeed delay reinforcing the Batavians? What caused the frequent panics in the participating armies? Were the French veteran troops and the Batavians soldiers unreliable? How was the treaty closed? 1 vol, 448 pgs 2018 UK, HELION & COMPANY
NEW-dj ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-222700 van Uythoven, Geert THEY FOUGHT WITH EXTRAORDINARY BRAVERY: The III German (Saxon) Army Corps in the Southern Netherlands, 1814 In October 1813, the soldiers of one of Napoleon's staunchest Allies, Saxony, defected en masse in the midst of battle at Leipzig. Almost immediately III German Army Corps was formed with these same soldiers as its nucleus and augmented with returning former prisoners of war, volunteers and militia. Includes 8pp color plates, 4 b&w maps, and 6 b&w illustrations.

Commanded by the Duke of Saxe-Weimar, the Corps was sent to the Southern Netherlands to take part in the final defeat of Napoleon amidst of a constant changing command of control structure, in which the Swedish Crown Prince Bernadotte played a major and dubious role.

Although for the greater part inexperienced and badly armed, fighting against the much superior French I Corps which even contained Imperial Guard units, III Corps struggled to prove that it could be trusted, paying a major role to protect the Netherlands against the French as these regions tried to regain their own identity after decades of French rule. 1 vol, 152 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid February 2020 ......$38.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-208830 Vandeleur, John WITH WELLINGTON'S OUTPOSTS: The Peninsular and Waterloo Letters of John Vandeleur John Vandeleur's letters home to his parents are a lively and engaging account of active service during the Napoleonic Wars, recounting everything from day-to-day life on campaign to the experience of pitched battle at Vitoria and Waterloo.

As first a light infantryman and then a light cavalryman, Vandeleur was frequently on the outposts of Wellington's forces, in frequent contact with the French and often obliged to live a rough-and-ready lifestyle as a result. The conditions that he endured, and the camaraderie that sustained him, are vividly recounted in this fascinating collection - previously only available in an extremely rare private publication over a century ago.

Enhanced with contemporary documents, and with expert editing and commentary by Andrew Bamford, this is an outstanding contribution to our understanding of the Peninsular War and the Waterloo campaign. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2015 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available late June 2015 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-903027 Various AGE OF NAPOLEON: ISSUE #27 Color and b/w images and illustrations throughout. Articles include:

* 1798: Last Invasion of the British Isles (Ireland)
* Images of 1798 (Uniform Guide)
* Instructions for the Sea Fencibles
* Dusty Archive
* Women, Wives, and Camp Followers of the Napoleonic Era
* Campaign in Portugal: Torres Vedras (Part 2)
* Bio of Gen. Barthelemy-Catherine Joubert
* Book and Rules Reviews
* Robert Crauford and the Irish Problem
* Erin Go Brach (Re-enactors)
* Irish in Scottish Regiments 1 vol, 48 pgs 1998 UK. PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover -- In Stock ......$10.00 with a discount of 75% old

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1-903030 Various AGE OF NAPOLEON: ISSUE #30 Color and b/w images and illustrations throughout. Articles include:

* Commanding the British Army in the Napoleonic Wars
* French Tactics
* Bussaco and Massena
* Bio of FeldMarschall Josef Count Radetzky
* Waterloo Myth: Prussian Position at Ligny (includes two-page, full-color map)
* Notes and Queries: Variety of Topics
* Book and rules reviews
* Defense of San Antonio Pass
* Waterloo: German Victory (Part 2)
* Achievements of Field Artillery (Part 2)
* Dusty Archive
* 30eme de Ligne Re-enactment Group 1 vol, 48 pgs 1998 UK. PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover -- In Stock ......$10.00 with a discount of 75% old

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1-914150 various VAE VICTIS # 150 Bautzen 1813 Boardgames

Stalingrad '42
Fortress Europa
Command & Colors Medieval
Black Orchestra
Front Toward Ennemy
Civilisation of the Inner Sea
Soleil Noir
Fate of the Reiter

Advanced Squad Leader
Memory 44
What a Tanker


Le si?ge de Malte
Alsace 1945 avec BA
Le Bren Carrier
Black Seas
Ballade au Hanovre, r?gles ? serie 120 ? pour la Guer

Art of war and Wargame with die-cut counters
Bautzen 1813

Bautzen is a game for two players that simulates the second battle day of Bautzen, the second main battle of the spring 1813 Napoleonic campaign. The 21st of May, The Emperor Napoleon assaulted the fortified positions of the Russo-Prussian army of Wittgenstein and Bl?cher. The total victory the Emperor needed depended on Marshall Ney, who however did not completely fulfilled his enveloping manoeuver.
The rule is an evolution of the Battle of Paris (VV 114).
Complexity: 6/10
Solo playability: 8/10
Duration: 2-3 hours
One turn: 1 hour
One unit: 1 division or 1 brigade

1 vol, 84 pgs 2020 FRANCE, CERIGO EDITIONS
NEW-softcover ......$26.00 rct

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1-914161 various VAE VICTIS # 161: La Garde Avance! - Waterloo 1815 ART OF WAR

Wargame with die-cut counters is an original module for the Jours de Gloire series and covers the last attack of the French army during the Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon's last reserve, six battalions of the Middle Guard and five battalions of the Old Guard, set off in square formation to assault Wellington's thin red line that was still holding its positions, while Blucher's forces were becoming an ever greater threat on the French army's right flank.

The historical scenario has 5 turns, each covering twenty minutes of real time. A game of La Garde avance! should last around 1 hour. Wargame rules in English.

Game turn: 20 minutes
1 Strength Point: About 200 infantry, 150 cavalry, or 2 guns.
1 Hex = 100 m


Jeux sur cartes, toutes les nouveautes
La bibliotheque strategique
Les regles de jeu avec figurines
La revue des revues
Les Clubs et la parade des miniatures


Across the Bug River (VUCA Simulations)
Canvas Falcon (auto-edition)
Sacred Oil (Thin Red Line Games)
Crusader Kingdoms (Worthington Games)
Medium Aevum (Les XII Singes)
The Mission (White Dog Games)
Santander 1937 (SNAFU Design)
L'Art de la Guerre V4 (Onyx)
Pony Wars (Baccus)


Jeux d'histoire : jeux aleatoires ?
Une campagne DBA sur la journee
Representer l'infanterie napoleonienne au un pour un


Pugnate! Regles de gladiateurs


Medium Aevum: Ce n'est pas de la petite biere
Campagne Guiscard 2: sur les terres des Mirdassides
Italie 1945 pour ASL
France 1944 pour M44
Campagne pour le Mali, Operation Serval 1 vol, 84 pgs 2021 FRANCE, CERIGO EDITIONS
NEW-softcover[Magazine in French, La Garde Rules in English] ......$28.00 rct

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1-914169 various VAE VICTIS # 169: Special Game Issue Contains Wargame Lutzen 1813 Articles include:

* Synopsis
* News: John Company, Para Bellum Isonzo 1917, White Plains, C3i 36 We're coming Nineveh, War for America, Strike Counter Strike, Snafu 12 h at Maleme, Saigon 75
* Boardgames: Brothers at War; Vendee militaire; Kharkov; Baltic Approach; Harpoon V; Europa Universalis; Pax Pamir; Task Force; Stalingrad; The Russian Campaign
* Hobby: Des etudiants s'invitent au combat 4th part; Donald Featherstone
* Figurines: Warlord Pike and Shotte; Art de la Guerre - la cavalerie a travers les ages 4th part; Judge Dredd; Scenarios Napoleon; Thalassa; Interview of Steve Saleh; Monter une convention; Nimitz
* Scenarios: ASL; M44;
* News: What a Cowboy; Mad Dogs & Englishmen; Tales of Men; Myths and Monsters; Blood Bilge and Iron balls; Musket & Springfields
* Art of War: Lutzen 1813; The Arab Conquest of the Levant
* Wargame: Lutzen 1813 (Rules also in English) with die-cut counters. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2023 FRANCE, CERIGO EDITIONS
NEW-dj, [French text. Rules in English] ......$28.00 rct

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1-930350 various STRATEGY & TACTICS # 350: Reves de Gloire Reves de Gloire is a solitaire, strategic-level wargame of the Napoleonic Wars between 1805-14. The player takes the role of Napoleon Bonaparte, the newly self-crowned Emperor of France, determining French foreign and military policy, establishing Bonapartist dynasties in satellite states, and raising and leading French and allied armies and fleets in an era of ever-shifting alliances. The game system controls the opposing Coalition forces led by Great Britain. The objective of the Empire is to conquer or control either Great Britain, or as much of Europe as possible, without upsetting the balance of Power, and thus triggering radical revolution or conservative reaction.

Each game turn represents one year. Sizes of the regions vary but are generally at least 100 miles across. Unit sizes are army level (10,000+) with individually named leaders.

Contains: 22x34-inch map, 228 9/16-inch counters, and magazine. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2024 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-pb, available mid December 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-930351 various STRATEGY & TACTICS # 351: Bosnian War Bosnian War is a two-player simulation of the brutal conflict that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992-1995. There are two players: the Bosnian government (BiH) player and the Bosnian Serb (VRS) player. The Bosnian Government player controls the units of the Croatian Defense Council (HVO) although certain game events allow the Serb player to control the HVO units. The Serb player can also control the units of the Krajina Serb Army (SKV) through random events or NATO intervention. The Bosnian Government player can also control units of the Croatian Army (HV) under certain conditions. In this game, the enemy population is not a victim of collateral damage, rather it is a target, so conquering towns and cities is a key aspect of the game.

Each game turn represents three months of time. Each hex represents 12 km (7.5 miles). Each combat unit represents a task force ranging in size from a regiment to a division. Contains: 22 x 34-inch game map, 176 5/8-inch counters, and magazine. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2025 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-pb, available late January 2025 ......$50.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-932001N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON #1 (New series) Contents of this first issue of the new series of the journal Napoleon
* 1810 : naissance de l'Argentine, - 1810: Birth of Argentina,
* La victoire de Grand Port, - The victory of Grand Port,
* Massena, marechal d'Empire, prince d'Essling, - Massena, Marshal of the Empire, Prince of Esslingen,
* La bataille de Chiclana-Barrosa, - The Battle of Barrosa-Chiclana,
* La naissance du roi de Rome. - The birth of the King of Rome.
* Et, toujours, comme par le passe, l'actualite napoleonienne... And, again, as before, the news of Napoleon ... avec les memes exigences de qualite. with the same quality.
1 vol, 84 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover, available early September 2011 [French text] ......$30.00

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1-932001NS Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON 1st (New series) Special - Navy of the First Empire Contents of this first special issue of the journal Napoleon include: La Marine Sous Empire; La Folie de Boulogne; La Siege d'Anvers 1814; L'enfer des pontons, and more. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2015 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, [French text] available early August 2015 ......$30.00

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1-932002N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON #2 (New series) Contents:
* Timeline
* The journey of Napoleon and Marie-Louise Holland in 1811
* Discord and misunderstanding between the French marshals in Spain and Portugal
* Daily life of a soldier of the Grand Army
* Women in the British army during the Napoleonic Wars
* The drums of the Empire
* Dumouriez, hero Jemappes, outlaw of the Empire 1 vol, 84 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover, available late January 2012 [French text] ......$30.00

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1-932003N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON #3 (New series) Contents of this issue of the journal Napoleon 3:
* Timeline
* The foreign policy of Russia and France of Catherine II Paul I
* Lines of Torres Vedras, a symbol of the 'grand strategy' British
* The suicide of General Godinot
* The assault of Ciudad Rodrigo
* A pinnacle of glass and paper? Marriage and birth imperial staged by the artists (1810-1811),
* The songs of the soldiers of Napoleon
* Life in the high mountain regions
* The Arms of the King of Rome 1 vol, 84 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover, available late January 2012 [French text] ......$30.00

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1-932004N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON #4 (New series) Contents include: Timeline, The pages of their Majesties, The marital problems of the Duke of Wellington, Assault Badajoz (April 6, 1812) , The burning of the Institute of Egypt, The Greek question under the First Empire, Strategic issues of the Adriatic Sea, and Regnier, Duke of Massa, chief judge at the service of the Emperor. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover, available late April 2012 [French text} ......$30.00

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1-932005N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON #5 (New series) Contents of this issue of the Napoleon Journal 5: Timeline; The Passage of the Niemen; Oudinot: the Niemen to Polotsk; Logistics and Supply: The Grande Armee during the Russian Campaign; Interview with Jean Tulard; July 22, 1812: Battle of Arapiles; Biennais: Forced and Faithful of the Emperor; Patriotic Songs of the Great Army; and The Reform of the Prussian Army. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover, available mid to late September 2012 [French text] ......$30.00

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1-932006N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON #6 (New series) Contents of this issue of the Napoleon Journal 6: Timeline; Summer 1812: The Harvests Were So Beautiful; Destinies: Russian Generals; The Siege of the Castle of Burgos 1812; The Black Napoleon; Joseph de Maistre and Evenings in Saint Petersburg; Prussian Regulation of 1812; Bacler of Alba: A General of War and Glory; and The Empire and the Necessary Reorganization.

This sixth edition of the journal Napoleon offers a new formula: instead of examining only military events, as decisive as they are, it explores many other aspects of this extraordinary period. For the news this fall 1812 is not only on the roads of Moscow, it is equally in St. Petersburg, where Joseph de Maistre developed his philosophy about revolution. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover, available mid to late September 2012 [French text] ......$30.00

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1-932007N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON #7 (New series) Contents of this issue:
* Timeline,
* The miracle of the Berezina
* The French at Novodevichy Convent in Moscow
* The truce between the Prussians and Russians
* Songs of Napoleon's soldiers,
* The retreat of the army of Wellington
* The splendor of the Empire by the painting
* 1812-2012: Questioning History
* December 2, President Madison. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover, available mid to late December 2012 ......$30.00

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1-932010N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON #10 (New series) Includes:
* Timeline,
* Why are Napoleon's Enemies Now His Admirers?
* Revenge of Blucher
* The Melancholy Death of General Moreau
* The Death of Marshal Poniatowski
* Strategic line
* Seats of San Sebastian,
* Kleist and the battle of Arminus and the Fraunhofer Lines
* March of the Old Guard at Leipzig
* Charles Baudin 1 vol, 84 pgs 2013 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, available late September 2013 [French Text] ......$30.00

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1-932011N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON # 11 (New series) Includes:
* Timeline,
* The campaign of 1814
* Alsace in 1814
* The quarrel natural boundaries
* The crossing of the Rhine at Kaub
* Swiss soldiers in 1814
* The Laine report
* The death of Fichte
* The defeat of Orthez
* Short history of the great history of weapons
1 vol, 84 pgs 2013 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, [French text] ......$30.00

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1-932012N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON # 12 (New series) Includes: D'un coup d'Etat a l'autre, Abdication of Napoleon, Wellington vs. Soult at Toulouse, Attack at Bergen ap Zoom, and more.
1 vol, 84 pgs 2014 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, available early March 2014 [French Text] ......$30.00

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1-932013N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON # 13 (New series) Napoleon plots his return from his island prison as divisions rend France. The Bourbons are on the throne, but many old soldiers and veterans would flock to the colors of Napoleon. Other articles cover the Napoleonic era of 1814 to 1815. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2014 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, available early July 2014 [French Text] ......$30.00

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1-932014N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON # 14 (New series) Tallyrand and the restoration 1 vol, 84 pgs 2014 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover ......$30.00

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1-932015N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON # 15 (New series) Includes: La-bas, a l'ile d'Elbe; De l'autre cote de l'Atlantique; Tandis qu'a Vienne le 'congres s'amuse'; General Nansouty qui meurt a Paris le 12 Fevrier; En attendant, c'est le calme avant la tempete; and more.
1 vol, 84 pgs 2014 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, available mid January 2015 [French text] ......$30.00

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1-932016N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON # 16 (New series) Contents include: Napoleon: Reorganise son Armee; Compagne du duc d'Angouleme dans le Vauclude; Montgaillard: Agent Secret et Historie; and more. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2015 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, available late May 2015 [French text] ......$26.00

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1-932017N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON # 17 (New series) Contents include: Waterloo: Quel Vainquere?; Le culte des morts apres Waterloo; Grouchy: le coupable ideal; and more. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2015 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, available early July 2015 [French text] ......$26.00

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1-932018N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON # 18 (New series) Contents include: Waterloo: Quel Vainquere?; Le culte des morts apres Waterloo; Grouchy: le coupable ideal; and more. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2015 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, available mid September 2015 [French text] ......$26.00

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1-932019N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON #19 (New series) 1 vol, 84 pgs 2015 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, available mid November 2015 ......$26.00

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1-932020N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON # 20 (New series) La Cambronne, Chateaubriand defie Louis XVIII, Les Surprises de l'Occupation Russe, and more. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2016 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-pb, [French text] available early May 2016 ......$26.00

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1-932021N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON # 21 (New series) Amiral Nelson: La Face Cachee du Heros, La Revolte des demi-solde, La Vin de Constance porte-t-il malheur? and more. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2016 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-pb, [French text] available mid July 2016 ......$26.00

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1-932023N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON # 23(New series) Articles include: Admiral Nelson: La Face Cachee du Heros, La Revolte des Demi-solde, La Vin de Constance Porte-t-il Malheur, and more. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2016 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-pb, available mid January 2017 [French text] ......$26.00

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1-932025N Various LA REVUE NAPOLEON # 25 (New series) Articles cover: Epuration a repetition dans la gandarmerie, le proces du general Travot, l'ombre portee de Napoleon, and more. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2017 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-pb, available late July 2017 [French text] ......$26.00

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1-938017 Various STRATEGY & TACTICS QUARTERLY #17: Napoleon's Art of Battle w/ Map Poster Napoleon's Art of Battle: System or Genius? The rise of Napoleon Bonaparte to the French throne stemmed from a series of battlefield victories over the armies of every European dynasty. Those battles were sought by Napoleon after careful planning and maneuver to give him the edge on the contested field. This work examines the nature of that process, both in the weeks and days leading to the collision and the hours during which it was brought to fulfillment. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2022 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-pb, available late February 2022 ......$20.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-961001 Various TRADITIONS #1 This new magazine combines the older magazines, Tradition and Soldat Napoleon, into one magazine.

Contents include July 1830: La Conquete D'Alger, Bernadotte un Curieux Destin, Le Glaive Modele 1831, and 1870: L'hecatombe de Borney. 1 vol, 100 pgs 2015 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, [French text] ......$18.00

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1-961012 Various TRADITIONS # 12 Articles include: 20th Maine at Gettysburg; Battle of Montenorte; Petit Chapeau et sa Redingote; Mouzon Le Pont du Salut; and more. 1 vol, 100 pgs 2016 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, [French text] ......$18.00

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1-961017 Various TRADITIONS #17: Borodino Articles include: Borodino, Victory at Neerwinden, Palace of Blenheim, Retour des Fonds de Giberne, and more. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2018 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, [French text] ......$18.00

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1-961018 Various TRADITIONS # 18: Les Fran?ais Victorieux a Waterloo en 1794 Articles include: Combat Bourget 1870, Russian Army in France, Cannon Making by Frerejean, and more. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2018 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, [French text] ......$18.00

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1-961019 Various TRADITIONS #19 Articles include: Combat Bourget 1870, Russian Army in France, Cannon Making by Frerejean, and more. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2018 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, [French text] ......$18.00

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1-961020 Various TRADITIONS #20 Articles include: Combat Bourget 1870, Russian Army in France, Cannon Making by Frerejean, and more. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2018 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, [French text] ......$18.00

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1-961021 Various TRADITIONS #21 Articles include: Combat Bourget 1870, Russian Army in France, Cannon Making by Frerejean, and more. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2018 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover ......$18.00

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1-961022 Various TRADITIONS # 22 In France of 1823, the internal situation is particularly tense and a generalized climate of suspicion limits the individual initiative. In the Chamber of Deputies, intolerance is maximum and common insults. It is in this high-voltage atmosphere that the government, trapped by its refusal to allow the passage of foreign armies, is forced to lift an observation body of 100,000 men to come to the aid of Ferdinand VII, hostage of the constitutionals. The decision goes horribly wrong in the assembly and even comes to the expulsion Manu Militari from Jacques-Antoine Manuel, Liberal member of the Vendee, on 3 March.

The situation is fortunately more serene on the ground where the French troops, led by the Duke of Angouleme assisted by the experienced general Armand Charles Guilleminot, bring together elders from the first Empire and new recruits. Ten years after the defeat of Vitoria, the French enjoyed their revenge after a quick campaign, all astonished that the population favored them. Thirty years earlier, in 1793, they were two less fortunate armies fighting violently around Cholet. The Republican troops led by General Kleber clashed with the Catholic and Royal army of Vendee led by Maurice d'elbee. Winners in the first clashes, the Vendeens end up being defeated in one of the bloodiest battles of the revolution. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2018 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, [French text] ......$18.00

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1-961023 Various TRADITIONS # 23 In France of 1823, the internal situation is particularly tense and a generalized climate of suspicion limits the individual initiative. In the Chamber of Deputies, intolerance is maximum and common insults. It is in this high-voltage atmosphere that the government, trapped by its refusal to allow the passage of foreign armies, is forced to lift an observation body of 100,000 men to come to the aid of Ferdinand VII, hostage of the constitutionals. The decision goes horribly wrong in the assembly and even comes to the expulsion Manu Militari from Jacques-Antoine Manuel, Liberal member of the Vendee, on 3 March.

The situation is fortunately more serene on the ground where the French troops, led by the Duke of Angouleme assisted by the experienced general Armand Charles Guilleminot, bring together elders from the first Empire and new recruits. Ten years after the defeat of Vitoria, the French enjoyed their revenge after a quick campaign, all astonished that the population favored them. Thirty years earlier, in 1793, they were two less fortunate armies fighting violently around Cholet. The Republican troops led by General Kleber clashed with the Catholic and Royal army of Vendee led by Maurice d'elbee. Winners in the first clashes, the Vendeens end up being defeated in one of the bloodiest battles of the revolution. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2018 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, [French text] ......$18.00

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1-961024 Various TRADITIONS # 24 Cover story: La Revolution Technologique de l'Artillerie. L'Artillerie a pied de la Garde, Le Reglement de 1791. La Premiere Invasion Francaise en Toscane, and more. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2019 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, [French text] ......$18.00 rct

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1-961025 Various TRADITIONS # 25 Articles include: La Legion Etrangere en Espagne, L'Apre Battaille de Villexersexel, Joseph Hooker 'Fighting Joe', Elchingen Audacieuse Victoire, and more. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2019 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, available mid July 2019 [French text] ......$18.00 rct

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1-961026 Various TRADITIONS # 26 Articles include: L'Armee du Rhin: Une Armee de la Revolultion, L'Exceptionnelle Legion du Danube, Le Peintre et ses Graveurs, Les Carabiniers au Chemin de L'Honneur, and more. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2019 FRANCE, LCV
NEW-softcover, available mid July 2019 [French text] ......$18.00 rct

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1-ATO2011 Various AGAINST THE ODDS 2011 ANNUAL: Beyond Waterloo Another Waterloo game? Not exactly. And much more. Beyond Waterloo begins with Napoleon entering Paris. Players are not 'locked' into marching the Armee du Nord on Brussels, but instead may pursue any number of grand strategic paths often discussed but never gamed. The map includes France - ALL of France - plus Belgium, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. Wargame is designed by John Prados. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2011 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-Game/Magazine, one copy, First Come, First Served ......$55.00

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1-216680 Vasylievm Oleg RUSSIAN DRAGOONS AND GENDARMES 1801-1815 60+ full color plates of uniforms and equipment, over 100 uniforms shown. 1 vol, 120 pgs 2018 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-hardback ......$42.00

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1-66648 Vela, Francisco SOMOSIERRA 1808:La Grande Armee in Spain 'Osprey' type book with (8) color plates 1 vol, 80 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-pb in SPANISH ......$24.00

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1-234460 Vionnet, Louis WITH NAPOLEON'S GUARD IN RUSSIA: The Memoirs of Major Vionnet, 1812 Major Louis Joseph Vionnet's memoirs of Napoleon's disastrous 1812 campaign in Russia are readable, detailed, and full of personal anecdotes and vivid glimpses into the life of the 19th-century soldier. His account concentrates in particular on the retreat from Moscow, but he was present at all the major actions and followed the entire course of the campaign from the opening moves in July 1812 to being chased through Prussia by bands of Cossacks in early 1813. He was present at the destruction of Smolensk, toured the battlefield of Borodino and witnessed the great fire in Moscow.

Vionnet was a major in the Fusiliers-Grenadiers, a regiment of veterans in the Imperial Guard, and his account provides a wonderful insight into the elan, morale and cohesion of this elite fighting force. Jonathan North has translated Vionnet's memoirs for the first time for this English edition. In addition to providing detailed explanatory notes, he quotes from the accounts left by five other soldiers from the same regiment, and these extracts allow the reader to follow the ups and downs of the unit as a whole. He retired in the 1830s and died in 1834. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb ......$27.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-34591 Viskovatov, A.V. translated by Mark Conrad RUSSIAN ARMY ORGANIZATION, 1801-1825 Volume 10a:HISTORICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE CLOTHING AND ARMS OF THE RUSSIAN ARMY, originally published in 1841. This volume covers Raising's, name changes, disbandment's and assignments for all units. 1 vol, 156 pgs 1998 HOPWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover ......$32.00

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1-34592 Viskovatov, A.V. translated by Mark Conrad RUSSIAN INFANTRY UNIFORMS, 1801-1825 Volume 10b:HISTORICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE CLOTHING AND ARMS OF THE RUSSIAN ARMY, originally published in 1841, (125) b/w illust of Grenadiers, Marines, Musketeers, Jagers and Carabiniers, 1 vol, 185 pgs 1998 HOPWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover ......$32.00

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1-34593 Viskovatov, A.V. translated by Mark Conrad RUSSIAN CAVALRY UNIFORMS, 1801-1825 Volume 11:HISTORICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE CLOTHING AND ARMS OF THE RUSSIAN ARMY, originally published in 1841, (125) b/w illust of Cuirassiers, Dragoons, Horse-Jagers, Hussars, Lancers, Gendarmes & Train. 1 vol, 278 pgs 1998 HOPWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover ......$40.00

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2-16880 Von Clausewitz, General Carl CAMPAIGN OF 1812 IN RUSSIA, THE Superb first-hand account, few accounts have contributed more to our understanding of this pivotal Napoleonic campaign. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2001 NY,
NEW-softcover ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-46920 Von Muffling, Baron intro by Peter Hofschroer MEMOIRS OF BARON VON MUFFLING Senior Prussian staff officer's account of the Napoleonic Wars from Jena to Waterloo, with personal accounts of Blucher, Gneisenau and others. Muffing is best known as Blucher's liaison to Wellington. 1 vol, 544 pgs 1997 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$40.00

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1-42680 Von Pivka, Otto ARMIES OF 1812:Vol #1-The French Army Includes foreign regiments in French Service and the Confederation of the Rhine, o/b's for all the Corps, b/w & color illust of uniforms/flags. 1 vol, 160 pgs 1977 CAMBRIDGE, PSL PUBLISHING
V.GOOD-dj, ......$42.00

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1-66390 Vovsi, Eman M. L'ARMEE FRANCAISE:Army of the Orient 1798-1804 8.5x11, complete o/b's, bios on the commanders, b/w uniform line drawings, appendices. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2003 US, OMM Publishing
NEW-softcover ......$15.00

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1-238000 Wagevier, C J FIGHTING FOR NAPOLEON'S ARMY IN RUSSIA: A POW's Memoir Carel Johannes Wagevier, an officer in the 125th Regiment of the Line, which was staffed by mostly Dutch soldiers. Full of confidence, they went to war in 1812 and began the long journey to the East. What followed was a horrific expedition deep into the Russian interior, a chaotic retreat, and captivity. After fighting at the battle of Berezina in November 1812, he was taken prisoner and transported all the way to the Russian interior. In 1814 he and his remaining fellow officers were released, and together they started the journey back home.

During his travels across Russia, he made notes of events that occurred or meetings that seemed memorable, including ones of unexpected generosity as well as sudden cruelty. These notes were later expanded into his memoir and published in 1820. Now translated into English, he provides a fascinating insight into the life of a solider in Napoleon's army. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2023 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid August 2023 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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3-32920 Walter, Jakob edited by Mark Raeff DIARY OF A NAPOLEONIC FOOT SOLDIER, THE Walter's account of the Grand Armee from 1806-1815 unique in that Walter's was an enlisted man, and his account is the only known account of Campaigns by the Grand Armee. 1 vol, 170 pgs 1991 NY, DOUBLEDAY PUBLISHING
AS NEW-dj ......$16.00

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1-204720 Wareham, Tom FRIGATE COMMANDER Based on the private journal of Lieutenant - and then Captain - Graham Moore, a naval officer serving during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. Moore's journal gives a unique and detailed account of what life was like for a serving naval officer. In particular it reveals the problems an officer had in managing the crew of a frigate, maintaining discipline and turning his ship into an efficient man of war.

Moore was one of the navy's 'star captain', serving continuously as a frigate commander between 1793 and 1804. His early career took him to Newfoundland, and then, as a captain, he served with Sir William Sidney Smith's squadron operating on the north coast of France. He was present during the Naval Mutiny at Spithead in 1797, and helped to destroy the French fleet off Ireland in 1798. His most famous action occurred in September 1804, when his squadron engaged and captured a Spanish frigate squadron carrying a fortune in treasure. The following year his frigate, HMS Indefatigable, was involved in the opening of the Trafalgar campaign.
1 vol, 304 pgs 2014 UK, Pen and Sword
NEW-softcover, available late March 2014 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-16830 Weller, Jac WELLINGTON IN THE PENINSULA, 1808-1814 This classic account of Wellington's tactics and strategy in the Peninsular War is one of the best single-volume works ever written on the epic campaign.

Jac Weller covers all the battles with the French in which Wellington was involved. Talavera, Busaco, Salamanca and Vitoria are among the famous battles that he brings to life once more, with the aid of meticulous research, extensive visits to and photographs of the battlefields themselves, and an unwavering ability to cut a clear path through tangled military events.

Wellington in the Peninsula brilliantly demonstrates how a great commander finally achieved victory after six years of battle against Napoleon's army. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2012 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-195170 Weller, Jac WELLINGTON AT WATERLOO Reprint. Jac Weller studies every move and countermove of the battle, recreating not only the actions and tactics of the two great leaders but the epic engagements and clashes between the troops themselves that were pivotal for the victory or defeat. The author also studies the related battles of Quatre Bras and Ligny. He takes the reader with him onto the battlefield of Waterloo, a terrain whose features are still recognizable today, and which is bought to life for the reader by detailed maps and by the author's vivid and riveting descriptions of the progress of the fighting.

This 'completely original approach,' said the Times Literary Supplement on the book's first publication, strikes as fresh today. This new edition includes an introduction specially written for it by the author. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2011 UK, FRONTLINE
NEW-pb ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-21130 Weller, Jac WELLINGTON AT WATERLOO One of the very best accounts of Wellington's win, b/w illust, appendix, biblio, index. 1 vol, 288 pgs 1998 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$32.00

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1-53720 Weller, Jac edited by Andrew Uffindell ON WELLINGTON:The Duke and His Art of War Collection of essays on Wellington's generalship and military genius. Weller examines his mastery of logistics, intelligence, defensive positions and more, b/w maps/drawings, biblio, index. 1 vol, 224 pgs 1998 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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1-219700 White, Kenton THE KEY TO LISBON: The Third French Invasion of Portugal, 1810-11 This study details the preparation, planning, and execution of the invasion of Portugal in 1810 by the French Armee de Portugal under Marshal Massena, the defensive measures taken by the British and their Portuguese and Spanish allies, and the practice of all armies involved during this campaign.

The work focusses on the strategic, operational, and tactical planning undertaken by both sides in preparation for the invasion and the actual progress of the campaign. A narrative of the battles and sieges, with analysis at the tactical-level, also brings out the differences in planning and intelligence gathering.

This particular campaign was crucial as a turning point in the Peninsular War. This was the last time that Portugal was invaded by the French during the Peninsular War and the allies' handling of the campaign contrasted sharply with that of the French. Its success also gave Wellington political security against the 'croakers' back in England. The research demonstrates the difficulties both armies had in prosecuting their plans during the campaign, and highlights the stark differences in the approach taken by each commander. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj, available mid April 2019 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-237670 White, Kenton THE KEY TO LISBON: The Third French Invasion of Portugal, 1810-11 Examines the preparation, planning, and execution of the invasion of Portugal in 1810 by the French Armee de Portugal under Marshal Massena, and the defensive measures taken by the British and their Portuguese and Spanish allies. Details the strategic, operational, and tactical planning undertaken by both sides in preparation for the invasion, and the actual progress of the campaign. A narrative of the battles and sieges, with analysis at the tactical-level, also brings out the differences in planning and intelligence gathering. This particular campaign was crucial and a turning point in the Peninsular War. Also covers the practice of all armies involved during this campaign. Includes 13 b/w photos and 11 maps. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid July 2023 ......$38.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-47380 Wickwire, Franklin & Mary CORNWALLIS:The Imperial Years Detailed bio of Cornwallis during his years inIreland, India and as Master of Ordnance duringthe Napoleonic Wars, b/w illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 340 pgs 1980 CHAPEL HILL, UNIV NC PRES
GOOD-dj ......$24.00

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2-47380 Wickwire, Franklin & Mary CORNWALLIS:The Imperial Years Detailed bio of Cornwallis during his years inIreland, India and as Master of Ordnance duringthe Napoleonic Wars, b/w illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 340 pgs 1980 CHAPEL HILL, UNIV NC PRES
AS NEW-dj, o/p ......$24.00

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1-231070 Wilkin, Bernard FIGHTING FOR NAPOLEON: French Soldiers' Letters 1799-1815 The French side of the Napoleonic Wars is often seen from a strategic point of view, or in terms of military organization and battlefield tactics, or through officers' memoirs. It is rarely seen from the perspective of the lowest ranks of the army, and the experience of the ordinary soldiers is less well known and is often misunderstood. That is why this account, based on more than 1,600 letters written by French soldiers of the Napoleonic armies, is of such value. It adds to the existing literature by exploring every aspect of the life of a French soldier during the period 1799-1815.

The book will be fascinating and informative reading for military and cultural historians, but it will also appeal to anyone who is interested in the war experience of common soldiers. It offers the English-speaking audience a French view of a conflict which is too often limited to the traditional memoirs of Captain Coignet, Colonel Marbot, and Sergeant Bourgogne. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid June 2022 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-216580 Wilkin, Bernard and Rene FIGHTING THE BRITISH: French Eyewitness Accounts from the Napoleonic Wars The British army during the Napoleonic Wars is often studied using English sources and the British view of their French opponents has been covered in exhaustive detail. However, the French view of the British has been less often studied and is frequently misunderstood. This book, based on hundreds of letters, memoirs, and reports of French officers and soldiers of the Napoleonic armies, adds to the existing literature by exploring the British army from the French side of the battle line.

Each chapter looks at a specific campaign involving the French and the British. Extensive quotes from the French soldiers who were there are complemented by detailed notes describing the context of the war and the career of the eyewitness.

Throughout the emphasis is on the voices of the lower ranks, the conscripts and the noncommissioned and junior officers. They describe in their own words the full range of warfare during the period - not only land battles but battles at sea, including the Nile and Trafalgar - and accounts of captivity in England are included too.

This original and revealing material gives a fascinating insight into the attitudes and concerns of the French soldiers of the period and their views about their British enemy. 1 vol, 200 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late March 2018 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-210540 Wilkin, Bernard and Rene FIGHTING FOR NAPOLEON: French Soldiers' Letters 1799-1815 This account, based on more than 1,600 letters written by French soldiers of the Napoleonic armies, explores every aspect of the life of a French soldier during the period 1799-1815. It offers the English-speaking audience a French view of a conflict which is too often limited to the traditional memoirs of Captain Coignet, Colonel Marbot or Sergeant Bourgogne. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2016 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-247020 Wilkin, Bernard and Rene Wilkin FIGHTING THE RUSSIANS: French Soldiers' Letters, 1799-1815 Examines the crucial role played by the men of the Czar's Empire through hundreds of original letters, notebooks, and accounts written by French soldiers at the time of the events or shortly after the fall of Napoleon. These rare unpublished sources recount key moments such as the battles of Zurich, Austerlitz, Eylau, Borodino, and Leipzig; the burning of Moscow; the passage of the Berezina; and the capture of Paris by the Cossacks. Contains 20 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 216 pgs 2025 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid January 2025 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-COL3212 Willner, Carl BORODINO, Napoleon in Russia 1812 - block game 103 wooden blocks, Labels, Mapboard, Orders of Battle, 4 Dice, and Rules 1.02.

The historical battle involved wave after wave of frontal attacks by both sides, focusing on the Russian redoubts. However, the game will show all the options available to Napoleon and Kutuzov, including some not attempted historically. The French player has several possible lines of attack and the Russian player must try to anticipate and counter them all. The tactical interaction of Napoleonic infantry, cavalry and artillery is also emphasized, including cavalry charges and squares. This makes for exciting and tense gaming.

Movement and combat are resolved within areas. The game plays using the fast-paced Move-Move-Battle sequence seen in Shiloh. Players activate leaders to command divisions of the same corps. Game time is 3-4 hours. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2012 US, COLUMBIA GAMES
NEW-boxed game ......$70.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-225640 Wills, Garry David Wellington at Bay - The Battle of Villamuriel, 25 October 1812 The Battle of Villamuriel was the largest engagement of Wellington's retreat from Burgos in 1812. Twice as many men were involved as in the better-known actions at Villadrigo/Venta del Pozo two days earlier. Includes 12 b/w maps, 5 color plates, 3 b/w and 6 color photos, numerous tables.

Improves significantly on previous accounts in the campaign histories by Napier, Fortescue, Oman, and Divall. Archival sources from Great Britain, France, Spain, and Portugal have been used to build a coherent and balanced account. The orders of battle are detailed and the military experience of both the commanders and their units is provided. Detailed maps of the deployment of both forces throughout the action are provided. A detailed breakdown of the casualties on both sides is also given.

Also highlighted are the previously unreported role of 9th Foot as an aspiring light infantry regiment, and the 1835 controversy around Napier's account using the archives of the Sir John Oswald and a potential source for Napier's account is identified. This has resulted in a detailed study of one day's action in the 1812 campaign, with a view to extracting improved understanding of how the armies fought. The wargamer is provided with detailed scenarios to enable them to recreate the action on the table top. The action is effectively a rematch between the Anglo-Portuguese 5th Division and the 5th Division of the Armee de Portugal, only a few months after the former successfully dispersed the latter at Salamanca in July. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND SON
NEW-pb ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-223631 Wilson, David The Danish Army of the Napoleonic Wars 1807-1814 V1: High Command, Line and Light Infantry This book was written to provide an in-depth study of the Danish and Norwegian armies of the Napoleonic Wars. The goal was to provide a working document which is as accurate as possible, covering the uniforms of these armies, their weapons and their evolution as well as their colours and a look at their basic tactics. Although this is principally a uniform book, historical background is also provided to place the details in their context.

This first volume covers the uniforms of the High Command, Guard, and Line and Light Infantry, their arms, equipment, and colours. 42 color plates

The product of five years of research, this study grew out of the author's desire to provide a reference for friends who were painting Danish wargames figures. It soon became apparent that very little was written on the subject in English and this led to extensive research and consultation with experts including Alan Perry of Perry Miniatures and J?rgen Koefoed Larsen. Every effort has been made to reconcile conflicting sources, rather than risk perpetuating myths and errors, and the result is a comprehensive and lavishly-illustrated reference work on this significant but often-overlooked Napoleonic army.
1 vol, 148 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-223632 Wilson, David THE DANISH ARMY OF THE NAPOLEONIC WARS1807-1814 V2:Cavalry and Artillery In-depth study of the Danish and Norwegian armies of the Napoleonic Wars -- uniforms, weapons, colors, their evolution, and basic tactics.

This second volume examines the regular cavalry and field artillery: organization, uniforms, arms, equipment, cannon, limbers, and wagons with 54 original full color plates. Also includes fortress and coastal artillery, which was of importance to countries with long coastlines.

Compiled with the assistance of Danish, Norwegian, and German historians.
1 vol, 154 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-223633 Wilson, David THE DANISH ARMY OF THE NAPOLEONIC WARS 1807-1814: Volume 3 - Norwegian Troops and Militia Provides an in-depth study of the Danish and Norwegian armies of the Napoleonic Wars. The goal was to provide a working document which is as accurate as possible, covering the uniforms of these armies, their weapons and their evolution as well as their colors and a look at their basic tactics. Although this is principally a uniform book, historical background is also provided to place the details in their context. Most of the information contained in this volume is published in the English language for the first time. Includes 62 color ills, and three tables.

This third volume looks in depth principally at the Norwegian Army including the regular infantry, cavalry, including their Colours, Guidons, and Standards, and the field artillery covering all aspects of their organization, uniforms, arms and equipment as well as their Jaegers, light infantry and ski troops. The specifically Norwegian cannon and limbers are also covered. Also covers the numerous Norwegian and Danish volunteer and militias companies, some of whom were actively engaged on the field of battle. An in depth study of the Island of Bornholm is also included. 1 vol, 222 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-61610 Wilson, John Marius MEMOIR OF FIELD-MARSHALL THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON Twenty two engraved full color battle maps, (24)steel engraved portraits of British & FrenchGeneral Officers, (6) steel engraved illust, ageneral biography of Wellington. 2 vol, 1276 pgs 1855 LONDON, A. FULLERTON & CO
FAIR-bumped & worn, loose hinges ......$120.00

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2-12070 Windrow, Martin & Embleton, Gerry MILITARY DRESS OF THE PENINSULAR WAR: 1808-1814 20 color plates, depicting 100 uniformed figures by Embleton, highlight this excellent work. Maps, appendix, and bibliography. 1 vol, 200 pgs 1974 US, HIPPOCRENE BOOKS INC
V.GOOD-dj, Out of Print. Only 1 copy available. First Come, First Served ......$45.00

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1-55270 Wollocombe, Richard Henry WITH THE GUNS IN THE PENINSULA Peninsular War Journal of Captain William WebberRoyal Artillery, b/w illust/map, biblio, index. 1 vol, 196 pgs 1991 LONDON, GREENHILL BKS
AS NEW-dj ......$40.00

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1-17800 Wood, General Sir Everlyn CAVALRY IN THE WATERLOO CAMPAIGN Exploits of cavalry regiments and their leaders in the Waterloo Campaign, b/w illust, maps. 1 vol, 0 pgs 1998 UK, WORLEY PUBLICATIONS
NEW-dj Facsimile of 1895 Edition ......$28.00

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1-55460 Woodman, Richard VICTORY OF SEAPOWER:Winning the Napoelonic War Over 300 contemporary images from the National Maritime Museum highlight this book, covers all aspects of the Naval Wars including the support of Wellington, biblio, index. 1 vol, 192 pgs 1998 LONDON, CHATHAM BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$50.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-203300 Wright, David THE WURTTEMBERG ARMY: In the Campaign of 1809 The Wurttemberg army is little known125430 in English literature, never having come up against British troops, but is one of the most fascinating Napoleonic military organizations for its size.

The brainchild of the autocratic, benevolent despot, Friedrich I, it increased from four battalions of infantry and two regiments of cavalry when Friedrich succeeded in 1797 to 21 battalions of infantry and six regiments of cavalry in 1809. From a tiny Duchy within the Holy Roman Empire, Wurttemberg increased in size and power to become a significant realm within Europe, while Friedrich was promoted from Duke to Elector to King as his army became a more and more important part of Napoleon's Grande Armee.

The army was at the peak of its powers in 1809, having been honed in the Silesian campaign of 1806-7. In the Danube campaign of 1809, it played an important part in the battles of Abensberg and Eggmuhl and, without the aid of French troops, defeated an Austrian Corps at Linz-Urfahr. Wurttemberg officers at all levels showed brilliance and initiative, while the Jager, light infantry, cavalry and horse artillery in particular operated at the highest standards, receiving the admiration of French commanders such as Bernadotte, Bessieres, Massena, Lassalle and their own (begrudged) commander, Vandamme.

After Linz-Urfahr, Bernadotte described it's actions as only bearing comparison with the performance accustomed to be expected of the finest French troops -- a fitting tribute. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2013 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj ......$58.00

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1-243020 Wright, David A VERY PECULIAR BATTLE: The Double Battle of Fere-Champenoise, 25 March 1814 Fere-Champenoise was two separate battles that merged together. In one, a force of Russian, Wurttemberg, and Austrian cavalry and horse artillery defeated a larger French force of infantry, cavalry, and artillery, opening the way to Paris. In the other, Russian cavalry and horse artillery destroyed Napoleon's last supply column. Both were encounter battles in that all four armies involved were unaware of the presence of their opponent until they met. In both battles, the allied forces consisted entirely of cavalry and horse artillery, while the French forces contained predominantly infantry and foot artillery. A French force of ligne and garde units panicked, while a force of ill-trained Gardes nationale fought stubbornly until overwhelmed. During the main battle, a short, violent storm had a devastating effect on the French, while the arrival of the secondary battle prevented the main from being an overwhelming success. Includes nine b/w illustrations, 20 color illustrations, 10 color photos, one color map, 33 b/w maps, and 11 tables.

Fere-Champenoise was a far more significant battle than is usually portrayed. Napoleon, after a string of victories in February 1814, had been defeated by superior numbers, first by Feldmarschall Blucher at Laon (9-10 March), then by Feldmarschall Schwarzenberg at Arcis-sur-Aube (20-21 March). Napoleon then gambled on a manoeuvre sur les derrieres, moving onto Schwarzenberg's line of communications and intending to join with troops from his border fortresses and Lyon to force a battle on ground of his choosing.

The allies started to follow, but Emperor Alexander of Russia made a crucial decision on March 24 for the allied armies to ignore Napoleon and head for Paris. The next day, allied cavalry and horse artillery led by the Crown Prince of Wurttemberg defeated a larger force of the corps of Marechaux Marmont and Mortier -- the last formed French troops barring the way to the capital. This enabled Schwarzenberg's and Blucher's armies to combine, defeat the last defenders of Paris, and force the city's surrender before Napoleon could return, allowing the allies to negotiate the end of the campaign without the Empereur being able to participate.

At the same time, a convoy of ammunition and supplies, escorted by the two weak Gardes nationale divisions of Generaux de division Pacthod and Amey, and trying to find Marechal Mortier, moved into the path of the advancing Russo-Prussian army.

Both defeated French forces retreated towards the town of Fere-Champenoise, one from the east and the other from the northeast. Four different armies were involved: the main battle between units from the allies' Hauptarmee and the French Armee de l'Aisne and the secondary one between units from the allies' Schlesische Armee and a convoy from Marechal Macdonald's XI Corps d'Armee, part of Napoleon's Grande Armee. 1 vol, 226 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early April 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-209170 Yezhov, A. THE NAPOLEONIC WARS Large format, English text. Contains 42 full-page paintings by the Russian artist Yezhov covering the Napoleonic Wars between the start of the war by the Third Coalition in May 1803 and Emperor Napoleon's second abdication in June 1815. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2015 GERMANY, BERLIN ZINNFIGURIN
NEW-hardcover, inventory clearance 20% discount ......$69.00 with a discount of 20%

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1-52530 Yonge, Charlotte MEMOIRS OF COLONEL BUGEAUD Bugeaud joined French Army in 1805, he served atAusterlitz, Pultusk, Saragossa, Maria. PromotedChef de Battlion 1811 he then served with L'ArmeeD'Aragon and in 1815 L'Armee des Alpes, maps. 1 vol, 188 pgs 1998 UK, WORLEY PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb, facsimile of 1884 ed ......$20.00

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1-246710 Zucker, Kevin THE 6 DAYS OF GLORY (Wargame) Operational Napoleonic game includes three short scenarios that cover the battles of Champaubert, Montmirail, and Vauchamps, with a campaign scenario linking all three. The game has a standard command check, move, combat sequence with an additional night turn during which armies can force march to outmaneuver the enemy. Features include chain-of-command and leadership initiative, artillery bombardment, supply, demoralization, repulse at odds greater than 5-to-1, movement across pontoon trains and bridges, and a weather effect of forced mud on wheeled unit during the afternoon (PM) turn. Team play is also possible where Allied command is divided between Prussian and Russian and thus communication between the two is not allowed unless written messages are exchanged. Contains a 34 x 22-inch map and 280 counters. 1 vol, 1 pgs 1997 US, CLASH OF ARMS
NEW-box, only one copy available, first come first served ......$45.00 with a discount of 33% inc

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1-85364 Zucker, Kevin 1807 TRIUMPH WITHOUT VICTORY Special Study of the Battle of Friedland, a stand-alone product as well as additional data for the OSG game HABIT OF VICTORY; appendices, maps detailed O/B's. 1 vol, 158 pgs 2020 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-softcover ......$42.00

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1-85365 Zucker, Kevin 1806 THE COMING STORM:Jena-Auerstadt Campaign Special Study of the The Crossing of the Thurigenwald, the battles of October 14th and the Pursuit. A day-by-day record of the campaign with 20 maps and 28 pages of appendices (mostly O/B's) 1 vol, 128 pgs 2009 US, OSG
NEW-softcover ......$40.00

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1-85366 Zucker, Kevin 1809 A FATAL NECESSITY - The Companion to The Last Success This volume is physically similar to the first five studies published by OSG (8.5x11-inch full-color cover, perfect bound). It contains a day-by-day record of the campaign, supplemented with 17 maps and four appendices. The focus is on the Battles of Abensberg and Eckmuhl. Each day is narrated, from April 10th, the opening of the campaign, until May 13th, the Fall of Vienna. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2012 US, OSG

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1-OSG0011 Zucker, Kevin Napoleon at Bay EXPANSION KIT Includes: 2 rule books, 1 counter sheet (280), many player aid cards, Charts & Tables Folder. Requires Organization Displays and maps from any edition of the game. We have much better OrBat information to fine-tune the scenarios. Our counter mix shows 82 French, 124 Coalition, and 74 Markers. In addition to creating a new slimmed-down set of rules for NAB, we will have a 4-page folder with optional rules on how to interface between NAB and TLNB scale games. The new counter sheet will have the same color scheme as the TLNB counters. This will make it easier to morph your NAB army onto the TLNB map and mix. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2020 US, OSG
NEW-pb, available late April 2020 ......$35.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-OSG006 Zucker, Kevin HIGHWAY TO THE KREMLIN II Highway to Kremlin II is a wargame that manage to recreate the dynamics of attrition so peculiar to Napoleon's invasion of Russia. The losses mount quickly, the supply lines and weather are central. The game usually flows in a historically accurate way : you will see the Russians retreat eastwards and regroup around Smolensk, where they could allow or deny the French a battle. Then, the rush for Moscow ensues, with an inevitable intermediary battle, often very close to Borodino.

The rules, whilst detailed are not excessively complicated, and are easy to get into. Highway to Kremlin II includes vedettes, terrain, foraging, negotiations, fires in cities, destroying and repairing bridges, and partisans : this full depiction of the Russian battlefield experience give the game its distinctive feel.

2021 game information :
Reprint map covers European Russia from Tilsit to Moscow at a scale of 1:1,000,000
Turns average 5 days each. Corps and Army-Level Leaders deploy on-map, while Corps-level combats units track their fluctuating strength

Components :
2 Maps 22' x 34'/ OSG maps are extensively researched, historically accurate, and printed on heavy cardstock in full color.
1 Counter Sheet (280 die-cut player pieces)
2 Booklets (Standard Rules Folder and Exclusive Rules Folder)
4 Leader and Unit Manifest Cards
1 Depot Manifest Card
2 Organization Displays
Turn Record Card
4 Set-up/March Tables
1 Charts and Tables Folder (4-pages)
1 Battle Resolution Worksheet
1 vol, 1 pgs 2021 US, OSG
NEW-dj, available mid June 2021 ......$120.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-OSG205 Zucker, Kevin NAPOLEON AGAINST RUSSIA: Wargame This wargame covers five battles from the critical phase of the Campaign, when the Russian Army finally gave Napoleon the decisive battles he so greatly desired. His first maneuver starts out well-with the French poised to slip into Smolensk behind the Russians. However, the opportunity to bring an end to the campaign will remain unfulfilled. After that, Moscow became the default destination of the Grande Armee.

Library of Napoleonic Battles Series: 480 meters per hex, 1 hour per turn, 400-800 men per strength point. Each Approach to Battle game lasts about 22 turns. The Full campaign links the individual battles.

Three 22x34-inch maps and one 17x22-inch map; 560 counters; 100 cards; 2 rulebooks; and 15 player aid cards.


Smolensk, A Battle Postponed, 16-17 August
When he recognized that the enemy had withdrawn into the city, the Emperor's plan was stymied. He either had to seize Smolensk on the 16th, without waiting for the arrival of the entire army, or cross the Dneiper River east of Smolensk. Instead he waited for the Russians to make a mistake, and gave them time to pull out along the Moscow road.

Valutino, Rearguard Action, 18 August
When the Russians did give him an opportunity to catch the First Army disunited after a confused night march, Napoleon had already returned to Smolensk, expecting nothing more than a rearguard action. Hence he was not on the scene to coordinate the actions of his Marshals, who, left to themselves, were unable to crystallize a victory out of the opportunity.

Shevardino, Fight for the Redoubt, 5-6 September
The preliminary battle opened with the arrival of the French cavalry who immediate attacked Konovnytsyn. On the 6th, more French forces arrived including the IV Corps and the Polish Corps. The French captured the Shevardino redoubt at a cost of 4,000-5,000 French and 6,000 Russian casualties.

Borodino, The Russian Army is Saved, 7-8 September
In the climactic battle, Napoleon has been criticized for making a simple frontal assault. With our large map the French player will have plenty of maneuver room to try and outflank the Russian army to the south, or even to the north. He will also have the option of attacking the north flank as Kutusov expected.

Maloyaroslavets, The Retreat Goes Awry, 23-24 October
Trying to secure a bridge over the Luzha River, the Italians of Eugene's IV Corps lost about 5,000 and the Russians about 6,000 men as the town changed hands eight times. Except for Davout, all the French marshals advocated a return to the main highway to Smolensk, through the depleted zone, a detour that doomed the Army. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2015 US, OSG
NEW-box, available early April 2015 ......$120.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-OSG206 Zucker, Kevin NAPOLEON LAST GAMBLE: Five Games 16-18 June 1815 Wargame BATTLES:

* Quatre-Bras Ney at the Crossroads, 16 June
* Ligny, The Last Victory, 16 June
* Wavre, Grouchy's Blunder, 18 June
* Waterloo, A Near Run Thing, 18 June
* La Souffel, Rapp's Last Stand, 28 June

DESCRIPTION: Napoleon's Last Battles System, in the Library of Napoleonic Battles Series: 480 meters per hex, 1 hour per turn, 400-800 men per strength point. Each Approach to Battle game lasts about 20 turns. The full campaign links the individual battles.

COMPONENTS: Two 22x34-inch maps; one 17x22-inch map; 560 counters; 100 cards; two rulebooks; 15 player aid cards; and box. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2016 US, OSG
NEW-box ......$99.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-OSG2061 Zucker, Kevin NAPOLEON LAST GAMBLE: Fleurus 1794 Wargame Fleurus 1794 is an Expansion Game Module for Napoleon's Last Gamble. Requires the south map from Napoleon's Last Gamble and the southern-extension map from Napoleon's Last Gamble Expansion Kit. The four scenarios cover the battles of Fleurus and Mont St Jean played on the NLG maps. Veterans of TLNB will have an opportunity to examine a key campaign from the French Revolutionary Wars.

Components: one countersheet (280 counters), one 12-page Study Folder, and six player-aid cards (TRC, Setup, etc.) In ziplock.

The Fate of Flanders was to be decided on the Sambre - Republican France against Imperial Austria. The decisive Battle of Fleurus led to the Austrian loss of Belgium. With the two armies clashing again at Mont St Jean, the campaign gave the French Republic additional resources and manpower, opened the gateway to Germany, and opened the port of Antwerp to the French navy. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2016 US, OSG
NEW-ziploc, available late November 2016 ......$25.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-OSG206K Zucker, Kevin NAPOLEON'S LAST GAMBLE: Expansion Kit Contains one 22x34-inch map and one 11x34-inch map extending south to Charleroi and north to Brussels, one 4-page scenario folder, and player aid cards 1 vol, 1 pgs 2016 US, OSG
NEW-pb ......$25.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-OSG206XK2 Zucker, Kevin THE ROAD TO HALLE: Expansion Kit II for Napoleon's Last Gamble This expansion kit adds one 22x34-inch map (WX) to the battlefield area that will extend the area from Brussels to west of Hal, overlapping the (N) and (NX) maps. Also includes a four-page study folder with three scenarios:

* Expanded Waterloo Scenario: June 18th. Allows Napoleon the option of flanking the Mont St Jean position at the risk of freeing up the 17,000-man Hal force.

* The Fields of Hal Scenario: June 17th - 18th: Hypothetical battle in the Hal environs. Can Blucher affect the outcome? Wellington believed that this area was the most likely location for the culminating battle, rather than Mont St Jean.

* Extended Campaign Scenario: June 15th - 19th: Provides Napoleon and Wellington more operational options, with more areas to defend, more room for maneuver (and for error).
In addition, several Turn Record Charts and Anglo-Allied Setup Cards will be provided to account for the added map and associated arrival times on the WX map. No additional counters will be needed. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 US, OSG
NEW-box, available late April 2019 ......$25.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-OSG207 Zucker, Kevin 1809 NAPOLEON'S QUAGMIRE: The Peninsular War Part 2 -- The Campaign in Extremadura Boardgame: The Campaign in Extremadura - Medellin, Talavera, Almonacid, and Ocana

The Year 1809 began with Napoleon's departure from the Iberian Peninsula, to face the Austrian threat on the Danube. He left his brother, Joseph, in nominal command of his armies in Spain, as puppet king in Madrid. Fighting flared on several fronts simultaneously, and the French occupation had some successes, notably at the siege of Saragossa, concluded by Marshal Lannes just before his departure to join the Emperor.

In 1809 the French under Joseph nearly mastered the plains of Old and New Castile. However, the Napoleonic magic could not work at such distances (a dispatch sent from Vienna to Madrid, would travel 2400km in 12 to 14 days); when dispatches arrived they were often days or weeks out of date. A series of battles were fought during the course of the year along the approaches to Madrid from Portugal, where the future Duke of Wellington had just arrived with a small British Army to second the Spanish Army of Extremadura. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2018 US, OSG
NEW-box ......$109.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-OSG208 Zucker, Kevin NAPOLEON'S RESURGENCE: War of Liberation Part 1: Spring 1813 Renaissance of the Grande Armee Napoleon advanced into Saxony with a fresh army of 130,000 men, conscripted and trained from scratch in just four months. The green cannon fodder lost 25,000 of their number at the Battle of Lutzen on May 2nd, and 15,000 more fell out along the march from weakness, malnutrition, and disease.

With additional reinforcements the army surged again to 160,000, intercepting the Coalition armies at Bautzen. The French lost 12,000 men, and even more through march attrition. The Russians and Prussians were losing just as many, and had not as many to lose. Yet Napoleon's mere 6,500 cavalry were wholly inadequate to impel his pursuits with the needed punch to damage the enemy. In hopes of building up his strength in cavalry and the other arms, Napoleon accepted a six-week truce. Late Summer negotiations, when they finally came, were not seriously engaged.

Battles: Lutzen, Struggle for the Four Villages, 2 May; Bautzen, The Guard's Moment of Truth, 20-21 May; and Luckau, Gateway to Berlin, 6 June.

Components: Two 22x34-inch maps, One 17x22-inch map, One 11x34-inch map, 560 die-cut units, 100 playing cards, Two rulebooks, 15 player aid cards, and Game box. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2018 US, OSG
NEW-box ......$109.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-OSG209 Zucker, Kevin NAPOLEON RETREATS: 1814 Campaign in France II The Campaign in France, Part II: 6 March to 13 March 1814. The major battle was Laon, on 9-10 March, when Napoleon, with 37,000, went up against Blucher's position, on the hill of Laon, with 85,000. (Marshal Marmont with a separate VI Corps was supposed to support the attack, but he was dispersed in a night combat.) Blucher wasn't feeling well and failed to pursue. One more battle was to follow (after two days for R&R) and Napoleon won that battle: Reims, against St. Priest. So actually, he won two out of three.

Craonne, Struggle for the Plateau des Dames, 7 March
The chemin des dames runs the length of a continuous ridge from the N2 to the N44, the two main highways leading north to Laon. Blucher stationed Sacken and Woronzoff's infantry on the plateau just west of Craonne. Napoleon decided on a frontal attack up the chemin on what he believed to be no more than a 20,000-man rearguard. The Russians begrudgingly gave ground, gaining it back in a counterattack, and throwing Ney off the Plateau. Once the French Guard cavalry had stabilized the situation, the Russian right flank began to give way under combined pressure of infantry and cavalry. Napoleon directed 88 guns from the Guard artillery to destroy the Russian center and sent the Guard infantry to attack along the chemin to complete the victory. The Russians withdrew in good order.

Laon, Beginning of the End, 9-10 March
Marshal Ney advanced on Laon in the morning snow. Bulow with 17,000 men held the suburbs of Semilly and Ardon. On the plain west of Laon, Winzingerode was posted with 25,000 men; east of Laon at Athies, Yorck and Kleist held another 25,000 men; Langeron and Sacken were in reserve with 36,000; Napoleon attacked with fewer than 40,000. As the southern suburbs traded hands, Bl?cher thought that he was being attacked just by an advanced guard, but Napoleon threw everything into Ney's attack up until 6 PM. Marmont commanded a separate force of 10,000 which had managed to fight their way to Athies by 5 PM, camping for the night. At 7:30, the Prussian Yorck launched a combined arms attack that routed Marmont's entire camp. A small group of French Guardsmen managed to halt the pursuit. Marmont lost 45 guns, all his wagons, and 3,500 men. Blucher lost a chance to destroy his foe's small army.

Reims, A Quick Success en Passant, 13 March
On March 12th the Russian General St. Priest snatched Reims from its small French garrison. Hearing of this, Napoleon and his small force moved east on the 13th, beginning their attack at 4pm, quickly driving out the enemy, and cutting communications between Blucher and Schwarzenberg at the same time. Only 10,000 French troops were actually engaged against 15,000 of St. Priest, with St. Priest killed along with 3,000 men and 23 guns lost.

Campaign Game: 6-13 March - All three maps fit together to create an irregular playing area 44x68-inch and covering an entire week of fighting.

Components: Three 22x34-inch maps, 560 die-cut units, 100 playing cards, Two rulebooks, 15 player aid cards, and Game Box. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 US, OSG
NEW-box, available late April 2019 ......$109.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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Ulm, Napoleon's Wheel, 9-15 October

General Mack's plan was to attack across the Danube at Napoleon's exposed lines of communication. He had concentrated his forces at Ulm for this purpose and ordered Kienmayer to move towards him to support the attack.

Mack wasn't wrong about the strategic value of Ulm. He assumed that this conferred on him a strategic victory in the old 18th century book of strategic thinking. From this point he would be able to maneuver in any direction, without being cut off from supplies, etc. The deep flaw in his thinking was revealed by Napoleon's Wheel around Ulm. In the 18th century such a move would not have been possible. There was no operational level to their thinking in those days. What had changed was a new network of post roads. The Battles of Gunzburg, Elchingen, and Ulm are all covered on one of the two full-size maps. Napoleon managed to seal off the Austrian army's escape routes to the south and east, while Mack was fed erroneous news that revolution had broken out in France. Mack sent Reisch down the left bank of the Danube toward Donauw?rth. Ney crossed to the north bank of the Danube and attacked Riesch's corps at Elchingen. The French captured the heights and drove the Austrians west toward Ulm, taking many prisoners. Although Austrian light troops remained on the north bank, Mack's army would soon be surrounded.

Durrenstein, Kutuzov's Trap, 11 Nov. Mortier had over-extended his three divisions along the north bank of the Danube. Mikhail Kutuzov, commander of the Coalition Army, enticed Mortier to send Gazan's division into a trap and French troops were caught in a valley between two Russian columns. They were rescued by the timely arrival of Dupont's division. Both sides claimed victory. The French lost more than a third of their participants, and Gazan's division lost over 40 percent.

Schoengrabern, Bagration's Rear-Guard, 16 November Bagration was assigned the role of rear-guard to provide the retreating Coalition Army some elbow-room. In the evening, Oudinot's grenadiers attacked and carried the village. Oudinot was wounded and lost 2,000 men. Bagration lost 2,400, but withdrew in good order.

Austerlitz, Napoleon's Apogee, 1-2 December The Austro-Russians occupied the Pratzen Heights, the dominating feature of the battlefield. Their plan required a flank march in the presence of the enemy. Napoleon's deliberately-weakened right was a tempting target and, at the outset, the attack had the French on the ropes. A weak division under Davout arrived in time to check the enemy for the remainder of the day in a terrible struggle at Sokolnitz. As the Russians marched off the plateau to reinforce the south, Napoleon unleashed the IV Corps into their vacated center. Miloradovich attempted to plug the gap, and the battle entered its critical phase. The Russian left wing under Buxh?wden was driven back upon the lakes and decimated. The Austro-Russians lost about 26,000 men and 191 guns; the French about 8,000 men.

CHaslach, Elchingen, Durnstein, Schoengrabern, Austerlitz
Contents: Four maps, 2 counter sheets, 2 rulebooks, 15 player aid cards. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2020 US, OSG
NEW-box ......$109.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-OSG211 Zucker, Kevin NAPOLEON INVADES SPAIN A series of defeats provoked Napoleon to lead 200,000 men into the Peninsula. The British attacked near Burgos but were soon forced into a long retreat punctuated by the battles of Sahagun, Benavente and Cacabelos, ending in an evacuation from Coruna in January, 1809. Moore was mortally wounded while directing the defence of the town in the Battle of Coru?a. After only two months in Spain, Napoleon handed command over to Marshal Soult and returned to France, to prepare for renewed hostilities against Austria.

Battles simulated:
Battle of Vimeiro, 21 August 1808 (battle)
Espinosa de los Monteros, 10 November 1808 (clash)
Battle of Tudela, 23 November 1808 (river crossing)
Battle of Coru?a, 16 January 1809 (rear guard)

Game informations
scale: 480m (525 yards)/ hex;
strength: 400-800 men/Strength point (brigade scale);
turn-duration: 1 hour/turn

four high quality, extensively researched, historically accurate maps printed on heavy cardstock in full color : 2 Maps 34'x22'
2 Maps 17'x11'

2 Counter Sheets (560 die-cut player pieces)
2 Booklets (System Rules and Study Folder)
14 Player Aid Cards (TRC x3, Initial Set-up x4, Casualty x2, Combat Results, Reorganization, Weather, Fog of War Card Instructions x2)
5 Resource Cards (Adding the Cards Folder, Combat Tables Folder, Orders Slip Sheet/Sequence of Play, Victory Worksheet, Cards Removed from Deck/Scenario Parameters)

This game uses the two TLNB Universal Card Decks (French and Coalition). If you do not have them in another OSG game, they can be ordered separately. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 US, OSG
NEW-box ......$99.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-OSG214 Zucker, Kevin BONAPARTE OVERRUNS PIEDMONT Battles simulated:
* Montenotte (Attack in the West, April 12, 1796)
* Dego (The Coalition Forces are Divided, April 14-15 1796)
* San Michele (The Corsaglia Line, April 19, 1796)
* Monduvi (Piedmont's Last Fight, April 21, 1796)

Game information:
* 525 yards/hex
* 1 hour/turn
* 400-800 men/strength point

* 3 high quality maps, extensively researched, historically accurate, printed on heavy cardstock in full color: one 17x22-inch map and two 22x34-inch maps.
* 1 counter sheet (280 die-cut player pieces)
* 2 booklets (System rules and study folder)
* 16 Player Aid Cards
* 5 Resource Cards (Adding the Cards Folder, Combat Tables Folder, Orders Slip Sheet/Sequence of Play, Victory Worksheet, Cards Removed from Deck/Scenario Parameters)

Not included: Optional Card Decks. This game uses the two TLNB Universal Card Decks (French and Coalition). If you do not have them in another OSG game, they can be ordered separately. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 US, OSG
NEW-box ......$109.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-OSG215 Zucker, Kevin NAPOLEON'S END Battles simulated:
* Mormant (A Fighting Rear Guard, February 17)
* Montereau (The Seine and Yonne Bridges, February 17-18)
* Arcis-sur-Aube (Time Runs Out, March 20-21)
* Fere Chamenoise (The Marshals Ensnared, March 25)

Game information:
* 525 yards/hex
* 1 hour/turn
* 400-800 men/strength point

* 4 high quality maps, extensively researched, historically accurate, printed on heavy cardstock in full color: three 22x34-inch maps and one 22x40-inch map.
* 2 counter sheets (560 die-cut player pieces)
* 2 booklets (System rules and study folder)
* 17 Player Aid Cards
* 5 Resource Cards (Adding the Cards Folder, Combat Tables Folder, Orders Slip Sheet/Sequence of Play, Victory Worksheet, Cards Removed from Deck/Scenario Parameters)

Not included: Optional Card Decks. This game uses the two TLNB Universal Card Decks (French and Coalition). If you do not have them in another OSG game, they can be ordered separately. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 US, OSG
NEW-box ......$140.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-85367 Zucker, Kevin and Belanger, Louis 1814 THE END OF EMPIRE: The Campaign in France Continues OSG's in-depth analysis of Napoleonic Campaigns. The Special Study format allows you to dig deeper by providing all the data needed (including game-map reference-numbers) to reconstruct the situation at any date between Jan 25 to Feb 15 1814. Includes 60 pages of Appendices (mainly OrBats), including Napoleon's Operations Plans (Dispatch in App. IX), La Grande Armee Situation on 25 January 1814, and more.

Table of Contents:
Chapt. 1: Background: Dec. 1813
Chapt. 2: Opening Moves: Jan 1814- Crossing the Rhine
Chapt. 3: Collapse of the Cordon Militaire: 17 Jan 1814
Chapt. 4: Brienne & La Rothiere: 25 Jan 1814
Chapt. 5: Hope Against Hope: 2 Feb 1814
Chapt. 6: Six Feet Deep in Mud: 9 Feb. 1814
Chapt. 7: A Moment of Glory: 11 Feb. 1814 1 vol, 140 pgs 2016 US, OSG
NEW-softcover ......$40.00

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