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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 10/17/2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Garabaldi Wars

1-68380 anon GERMAN ACCOUNT OF THE ITALIAN CAMPAIGN 1859, A This short article first appeared in the 'UnitedServices Magazine of 1859', the writer provides asuccint account of strategy employed by both sidesand first hand accounts of several battles. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2002 UK, HELION & COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$12.00

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1-43310 Brignoli, Marziano LA DIVISIONE LAMBARDA 1848-1849 (16) color & b/w illust Lombard army, battle maps. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover, Italian text ......$10.00

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1-72080 Clowes, Sir William Laird NAVAL CAMPAIGN OF LISSA, THE:1866 8.5x11-inch booklet offers account of Lissa 1866 naval campaign featuring the major naval battle between the ACW and Russo-Japanese War. Includes campaign maneuvering and then a blow-by-blow account of the battle. Includes black and white maps and four appendices of OOBs. 1 vol, 62 pgs 2003 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, inventory reduction sale ......$12.00 spc

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1-196370 Embree, Michael RADETZKY'S MARCHES: The Campaigns of 1848 and 1849 in Upper Italy In the Spring of 1848, revolution threatened to sweep away the old order throughout Europe. In the Austrian-occupied north of Italy, newly nurtured nationalism, further fueled by economic issues, prompted open revolt in Lombardy and Venetia. The Austrian army in Italy, commanded by 82 year old Field Marshal Radetzky, soon saw itself under further threat from the Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont, Naples, and the Papal States, as well as thousands of volunteers, all determined to rid Italy of the occupier.

Seemingly under attack from all sides, the Austrian Army was forced to concentrate in the famous 'Quadrilateral', formed by the fortress cities of Peschiera, Mantua, Legnago, and Verona, losing deserters by the thousand, to prepare for the war to follow, a war that would continue into the following year.

This volume narrates the remarkable tale of how one old general quite possibly saved an empire. With iron will, the great personal affection of his men, and some luck, Radetzky maintained his army and finally defeated his opponents. Such was the impact of the 1848 campaign, that Johann Strauss the Elder wrote the 'Radetzky March', in the Field Marshal's honor!

The comprehensive story of the revolts and the subsequent military campaigns is recounted here, taken from many and varied sources, including a considerable number of contemporary and firsthand accounts, as well official reports from all sides.

Continuing Helion's successful series of 19th Century European campaign studies, this book will be produced in a limited-edition hardback printing of 750 copies (all individually numbered and signed by the author). 'Radetzky's Marches' is profusely illustrated in both color and black-and-white, and is accompanied by maps (some color), charts, diagrams and extensive orders-of-battle. 1 vol, 480 pgs 2011
NEW-dj ......$80.00

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1-235002 Esposito, Gabriele ARMIES OF THE ITALIAN RISORGIMENTO: 1848-1870 The Italian Risorgimento was the political process that led to the unification of the Italian peninsula into a single kingdom after three bloody wars fought between Piedmont and Austria. It lasted for more than two decades (1848-1870) and was one of the key moments in the history of Europe.

Covers all the Italian military contingents taking part to the campaigns of 1848-1870 will be taken into consideration and thus the armies of the following states will be covered: Piedmont, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Papal States, Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Duchy of Modena, and Duchy of Parma. The analysis will not focus only on the regular troops, but also on the armies of the short-lived Revolutionary States and on the many volunteer corps that came from abroad in order to fight for the Italian cause. The whole book will be illustrated with a large amount of color plates, showing the uniforms of iconic military units like Piedmontese Bersaglieri and Papal Zouaves. 1 vol, 180 pgs 2022 UK, MMP BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-197390 Hold, Alexander HISTORY OF THE CAMPAIGN OF 1866 IN ITALY This is a translation of the 1867 work by Alexander Hold, Geschichte der Feldzugs in Italien 1866, which describes in detail the campaign of the previous year, fought between the armed forces of the Austrian empire and the kingdom of Italy in the Austrian province of Venetia and the southern Tyrol and on the Adriatic Sea.

The author served in the Engineers during the Campaign of 1859, and during the Campaign of 1866 was a Captain present with the Austrian headquarters throughout the Custoza campaign. As such he was ideally placed to provide a detailed account of his countrymen's efforts - he was a firsthand observer and would have taken part in discussions of Austrian strategic planning before and during it. Moreover, since he was on the staff he would have immediate knowledge of the other aspects of Austrian staff work of the period, the administration of the railways and telegraphs and the collection of intelligence.

As a result, Hold's views about the forces of the participants, his comments on the terrain of the theater of war and his assessment of the correct and incorrect decisions made by the Austrian and Italian high commands are of considerable interest because they shed informed light on what is the often forgotten part of the 1866 war, and a close study of his figures and assessments will repay all students of this campaign. Naturally, Hold gives the Austrian point of view, one which occasionally is a bit partisan, but because of the subject this is only natural. His own countrymen received the work well, and it has been called the first objective and learned treatment of the Italian campaign of 1866.

This new translation by Stuart Sutherland, who also supplies extensive explanatory notes, is an important contribution to the literature available for this most interesting and important 19th Century campaign, providing a very detailed account not only of the principal Battle of Custoza, but also the Campaign in the Tyrol, and the naval war in the Adriatic that culminated in the Battle of Lissa. 1 vol, 152 pgs 2011 UK, HELION
NEW-pb, available early January 2012 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-914033G martin, Laurent VAE VICTUS BOARD GAME #33: The Italians Wars 1859 - 1866 The revolutionary campaign of 1859 plays out in Po Valley, from Turin to Verona by way of Milan, with no less than an imperial invasion to push back. They will have to cross waterways like so many hedges standing between them and freedom. They must be victorious in the bloody combats of Magenta and Solferino . Unless the Empire counter-attacks to save the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia.

1866 is the story of a young nation searching for its identity and seeking to take back the last part of its territory from despised Austria. However, this nation has not yet come to terms with its recent unification and will struggle against a tough adversary. The Austrian army will achieve it's greatest exploit of 1866, nevertheless so contrary to victory by force of arms.

Game components: Two 59 x 41 cm maps; 216 die-cut counters and markers; One booklet of rules; Four scenarios and one campaign; and Two player aid cards. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2023 FRANCE, CERIGO EDITIONS
NEW-pb ......$38.00 rct

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1-1947614 Melani, Andrea L'ESERCITO PIEMONTESE: Seconda Guerra Per L'Indipendenza 1849-1859 Part 1 Infantry Includes 32 full-color pages, with many b/w illustrations and maps. Italian text, but English captions to images. All color plates have full English translations.

The Sardinian Army became one of the protagonists of the military events that led to the formation of the Kingdom of Italy and represented the model on which the General Manfredo Fanti created the new Italian Royal Army. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover, [Italian text] ......$49.00

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1-54240 Penhall, Stuart editor EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS OF THE BATTLE OF NOVARRA, 1849 Extracts from Hacklander 'Scenes from the Life of a Soldier' details the Piedmontese defeat by the Austrians, b/w maps, Austrian & Piedmont o/b's. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2003 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$12.00 with a discount of 40%

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2-54240 Penhall, Stuart editor EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS OF THE BATTLE OF NOVARRA, 1849 Extracts from Hacklander 'Scenes from the Life ofa Soldier' details the Piedmontese defeat by theAustrians, b/w maps, Austrian & Piedmont o/b's. 1 vol, 52 pgs 1998 UK, STUART PENHALL
NEW-pb ......$12.00

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1-234960 Poole, Darren VICTORIAN CRUSADERS: British and Irish Volunteers in the Papal Army 1860-70 The struggle for Italian Unification brings to mind images of patriotic heroes such as Garibaldi and Mazzini. However, there is another side to the story: thousands of Catholics from across Europe (and beyond) volunteered to defend the pope from those who threatened his authority and his kingdom. These 19th century crusaders included around 1,600 from England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.

Focuses on the turbulent period between 1860 and 1870, which saw a Piedmontese invasion of the Papal States (1860), an attempted capture of Rome by Garibaldi (1867), and finally the newly formed Italian Army's attack of 1870, which left Rome as the kingdom's capital. It was also a time of reform and modernization in the pontifical army, with at times inspired leadership and the introduction of new weapons and technologies. Includes 58 color and b/w illustrations and five b/w maps.

In addition to examining the campaigns, the showpiece actions at Castelfidardo, Mentana and Porta Pia, and the political and religious context, Victorian Crusaders studies the backgrounds, motivations and experience of those who flocked to Rome from the British Isles. The Irish joined the Battalion of St Patrick in 1860 and others subsequently signed up for the Pontifical Zouaves, a glamorous transnational unit whose uniform was inspired by the warriors of the Algerian mountains. They came from varied backgrounds, including members of the aristocracy and future members of parliament, though most came from the middle classes.

Most foreign recruits knew that the odds were heavily stacked against them, but they also understood the importance of standing up for their beliefs and the value, as they saw it, of sacrifice and martyrdom. Their experience provides a fascinating insight into Victorian society, large sections of which were proudly in favor of the Italian Risorgimento and often anti-Catholic in their sympathy. Indeed, for the Irish especially, joining the pontifical army was a way of scoring a point against the Protestant English and asserting their national aspirations. 1 vol, 222 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid October 2022 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-44530 Smith, Nigel VIVA RADETZKY - The Novarra Campaign of 1849 8.5x11, o/b's, maps and detailed text of Lombardy campaign for Italian Independence. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2004 UK, PICKELHAUSE PRESS
NEW-softcover, back in stock ......$20.00

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1-212700 Summerfield, Stephen THE ITALIAN CAMPAIGN OF 1859: Campaign, Battles and Equipment This is a study of aspects of the 1859 Campaign in Italy, in which the French Emperor Napoleon III, allied to forces from the Kingdom of Sardinia, attempted the independence of Italy from Austria. Success in the enterprise would replace Austrian influence south of the Alps with that of the French.

There followed a brief campaign in Northern Italy culminating in the major battles of Magenta and Solferino. It was a fine example of 'modern' warfare in the mid-19th century, influenced by the use of railways and the increasing power of artillery. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2016 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-pb, available late October 2016 ......$23.00

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1-204520 Weaver, Ralph GARIBALDI AND THE SIEGE OF ROME Uniforms and actions of the 1849 Roman Republican army, b/w illust and full color plates. 1 vol, 120 pgs 2014 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$36.00

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1-41890 Wylly, Colonel H.C. CAMPAIGN OF MAGENTA AND SOLFERINO 1859, THE Colonel Wylly describes the campaign beginning with Austria's lethargic opening moves to the rapid series of battles which followed - Montebello, the two-day battle of Palestro, the nearly decisive battle of Magenta, Melegnano, and finally the largest battle fought since Leipsig (1813), at Solferino. The book comes provided with a GIANT sized map (measuring approximately 17 x 34 inches) allowing the reader to track the entire campaign Also included are complete Orders of Battle. 1 vol, 109 pgs 1996 MINNEPOLIS, ABSINTHE PRES
NEW-pb, facsimile of original, O/P ......$17.00 rct

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