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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 10/17/2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
American Civil War

1-214380 BATTLE ABOVE THE CLOUDS: Lifting the Siege of Chattanooga and the Battle of Lookout Mountain, October 16 - November 24, 1863 In October 1863, the Union Army of the Cumberland was besieged in Chattanooga, all but surrounded by familiar opponents: The Confederate Army of Tennessee. The Federals were surviving by the narrowest of margins, thanks only to a trickle of supplies painstakingly hauled over the sketchiest of mountain roads. Soon even those quarter-rations would not suffice. Disaster was in the offing. Includes 150 images and maps.

Yet those Confederates, once jubilant at having routed the Federals at Chickamauga and driven them back into the apparent trap of Chattanooga's trenches, found their own circumstances increasingly difficult to bear. In the immediate aftermath of their victory, the South rejoiced; the Confederacy's own disasters of the previous summer-Vicksburg and Gettysburg-were seemingly reversed. Then came stalemate in front of those same trenches. The Confederates held the high ground, Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, but they could not completely seal off Chattanooga from the north.

The Union responded. Reinforcements were on the way. A new man arrived to take command: Ulysses S. Grant. Confederate General Braxton Bragg, unwilling to launch a frontal attack on Chattanooga's defenses, sought victory elsewhere, diverting troops to East Tennessee.

Battle above the Clouds by David Powell recounts the first half of the campaign to lift the siege of Chattanooga, including the opening of the 'cracker line,' the unusual night battle of Wauhatchie, and one of the most dramatic battles of the entire war: Lookout Mountain. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2017 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available mid June 2017 ......$15.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-930297 STRATEGY & TACTICS # 297: 1863 ACW 1863 is a two-player wargame of a pivotal year in the American Civil War, with Gettysburg, Vicksburg, and Chattanooga-Chickamauga. Each player commands one of the two Theater of Operations: East and West.

What makes this game unique is that one player commands the Union in the Eastern Theater, and the Confederates in the Western Theater; the second commands the Union in the Western Theater, and the Confederates in the Eastern Theater. Both players are competing to gain the most Victory Points in each Theater while defeating their opponent on the other.

The objective of each player is to score the most Victory Points in terms of seizing critical cities and winning battles. The idea is that you are positioning yourself for a major promotion for total command of all your side's armies for the rest of the war. Units represent corps, divisions and individual leaders with their staffs. Each turn is one month. Includes one 22x34-inch map and 176 counters.

Other Articles:

* Area Denial: the strategies and mechanisms used to prevent a stronger foe, currently the US military, from imposing its will on a region.
* Operation C3: the Italian contribution to the planned Axis invasion of Malta in 1942 was to have included the best troops left to the Italian army.
* An Lushan's Rebellion: General An Lushan rebellion against China's Tang Dynasty in 755 led to the costliest civil war in history. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2015 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$35.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-930310 STRATEGY & TACTICS # 310; American Civil War This ACW game gives players a chance to change the historical outcome. The Confederate player must maintain a viable economic and political core, while the Union player attempts to divide and conquer the southern states. Victory is checked every turn: Union progress can have political consequences or possibly end the game if either player fails to achieve expectations.

During each quarterly turns, players recruit additional forces, then conduct a pair of impulses. During each impulse, each player moves forces and fight battles. Movement rates are high, but enemy forces can react by retreating, blocking further movement, or counterattacking. Battles are decided by a combination of good leaders and relative strength. The Confederacy starts with a decided advantage in leadership. Union leaders appear only after fighting battles: the Union player may have to lose a few battles to get the leaders needed to win the war.

Components: One 22x34-inch map, 280 counters, and magazine. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2018 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover, available late February 2018 ......$40.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-930311 STRATEGY & TACTICS # 311: Pacific Submarine Pacific Subs. Germany's U-boats are better known, but the US Navy's submarine fleet achieved the greater victory, bringing the Japanese Empire to its knees by hollowing out its merchant fleet. In this solitaire game, you the player represent the skipper of a submarine. Your task is to conduct patrols against the Japanese by supporting the US fleets in combat, ambushing Japanese warships, carrying out covert operations in Japanese territory, and sinking merchant ships and tankers. You can conduct one of several individual patrols, or fight the whole campaign, with a goal of promotion to Captain-if you survive.

Patrols are assigned by a die roll against a possible set of missions, but the set changes through the course of the war. In each, you move your boat across the situation map, that covers a quarter of the map, at 375 miles per hex, to the chosen island, ports, or shipping route. Some of the counters represent Japanese naval forces and installations, which you either seek or avoid depending on your mission. Each action covers 1-to-3 hexes and may result in enemy contact.

You decide whether to engage, and choose your boat's actions-depth, speed, course, and weapons-to hit the juiciest targets and avoid their escorts. At the end of the patrol, your tally is based on ships sunk and other mission parameters, less the damage to your boat. High scores result in promotion; low scores leave you beached.

Components: One 22x34-inch map, 280 counters, and magazine. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2018 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover, available late May 2018 ......$40.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-938027 STRATEGY & TACTICS QUARTERLY #27 - Grant's Overland Campaign, May-June, 1864 w/ Map Poster Grant's Overland Campaign, May-June, 1864: The Union Army of the Potomac's hard-fought campaign from the tangled forest of the Wilderness just south of the Rapidan River to the James River in the spring and summer of 1864 was the climatic struggle in Virginia during the American Civil War. Hard fought military operations such as the Wilderness (May 5-6), Spotsylvania (May 7-12), the North Anna (May 13-25), and Cold Harbor (May 26-3) traced the bloody path that would ultimately lead Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia to defend the Confederate capital of Richmond, thus forfeiting the advantage of maneuver to counter the Army of the Potomac's superiority in numbers and material. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2024 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-pb, available mid August 2024 ......$20.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-ATO049 AGAINST THE ODDS # 49: A Gate of Hell (wargame) Magazine includes ACW wargame A Gate of Hell.

During the summer of 1863, in the aftermath of the Gettysburg and Vicksburg campaigns, battles on land and sea were fought over control of the birthplace of the Confederacy, Charleston, South Carolina. A Union victory here would send an unmistakable signal to the states in rebellion as well as the rest of the world that the Confederacy's cause was lost and further fighting a waste of lives and effort.

A Confederate victory in the face of the tremendous Union host, that included every Union Ironclad on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, as well as some of the most seasoned regiments that numbered among them the first formations of all Black soldiers (free US citizens as well as former slaves), would signify the war would go on and that two nations, not one, could be the result of this 'second' American Revolution.

A Gate of Hell uses an interactive design to portray this decisive battle of the American Civil War. Players use military support points (MSPs), representing the logistical and political support for the campaign, to mobilize and support their forces (ground and naval) on one of the most inhospitable battlegrounds of the war. Both sides have a variety of military assets to deploy, but the planning and effective use of MSPs throughout the game will determine in large measure who is the victor.

Units represent mostly regiments for the ground units, and each ironclad for the naval units. All of the famous batteries and forts, including Sumter and Wagner, are portrayed.

This issue also features an extra game, All or Nothing. By late October of 1777, the British had repulsed the American attack at Germantown, and were occupying Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. American forces still occupied two forts south of the city, blocking the only viable British supply line out to sea via the Delaware River. The British made plans to eliminate these two redoubts.... Can you as the American player hold off the British attack on Fort Mercer? The Pennsylvania State Navy, proud but inexperienced, stands ready to assist. Will you as the Hessian player take the Rebel strong- hold to really secure Britain's grip on the American capital, avenge the defeat at Trenton last year, and perhaps end the rebellion once and for all? 1 vol, 60 pgs 2019 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-softcover, available late March 2019 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-COM042 COMMAND #42:SHILOH - Hell Before Night and Blitzkrieg 1940 Features:

Surprise at Dawn
- The Battle of Shiloh
The Rivals
- France vs Germany, 1640-1940
Blitzkrieg 1940
- How and Why the Germans Won
Missed Opportunities
- The Ground War in Holland
To Sow the Wind
- The Luftwaffe's Campaign in the Netherlands
The French in Mexico, 1862-67
- Will the real Napoleon please stand up
Art of War: Roland Serna
- Buena Vista, Moscow Burning, Wave of Terror
Game 1: Hell Before Night
- The Battle of Shiloh
Game 2: Blitzkrieg 1940 1 vol, 60 pgs 1997 US, XTR PUBLSHING
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$20.00

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1-DG1721 MANSFIELD: Crisis in the Pine Barrens In early 1864, Union Gen. Nathaniel Banks led a small army up Louisiana's Red River. His objective, in conjunction with an overland campaign through Arkansas, was the Confederate Trans-Mississippi capital at Shreveport. Poor coordination of the two columns enabled the Confederates to concentrate their slender resources against each in turn. Banks was first, and in early April his spearhead was hit near the crossroads of Mansfield. Historically, the Union forces, strung out on the march, were routed piecemeal, but the battle could have gone the other way.

Mansfield uses the simplified QuickPlay version of the Musket & Saber system of warfare during the muzzle-loading era. Combat is based on unit quality rather than raw numbers, and rewards use of historical tactics. All units are susceptible to rout when weakened, so players must maintain reserves. Leaders enhance unit capabilities. Winning the battle depends on deployment, thoughtful maneuver to concentrate at the key points, the proper coordination of arms, careful use of leaders and special units, and an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each army.

Scale: Players: 2; Level: Brigade; Hex: 440 yards

Game Contents:
* 11x17-inch map
* 40 die-cut counters
* Scenario Instructions
* Four page rule booklet 1 vol, 4 pgs 2015 CA, DECISION GAMES
NEW-pb, available late May 2016 ......$15.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-40630 8.5x11, details (9) of the major forts of the CSA, CONFEDERATE FORTS color and b/w illust, maps and drawings. 1 vol, 107 pgs 1977 NACHEZ, SO. HISTORICAL
V.GOOD-dj ......$20.00

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1-200220 Akers, Monte YEAR OF GLORY: The Life and Battles of Jeb Stuart and His Cavalry, June 1862-June 1863 Biography of Jeb Stuart told through the eyes of the men who rode with him, as well as Jeb's letters, reports, and anecdotes handed down over 150 years. This focuses on the twelve months in which Stuart's reputation was made, following his career on an almost day-to-day basis from June 1862, when Lee took command of the army, to June 1863, when Stuart turned north to regain a glory slightly tarnished at Brandy Station, but found Gettysburg instead. 16 pages of illustrations. 1 vol, 392 pgs 2012 US, Casemate
NEW-dj ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-207970 Akers, Monte YEAR OF DESPERATE STRUGGLE: Jeb Stuart and His Cavalry, from Gettysburg to Yellow Tavern, 1863-1864 By the summer of 1863, following Chancellorsville, it was clear to everyone on both sides of the Civil War that the Army of Northern Virginia was the most formidable force Americans had ever put in the field. It could only be tied in battle, if against great odds, but would more usually vanquish its opponents. A huge measure of that army's success was attributable to its cavalry arm, under Major General J.E.B. Stuart, which had literally run rings around its enemies.

But Northern arithmetic and expertise were gradually catching up. In this work, the sequel to his acclaimed Year of Glory, this book tracks Stuart and his cavalry through the following year of the war, from Gettysburg to the Overland Campaign, concluding only when Jeb himself succumbs to a gunshot while fending off a force three times his size at the very gates of Richmond. Gettysburg put paid to the aura of unstoppable victory surrounding the Army of Northern Virginia. But when Grant and Sheridan came east they found that Lee, Stuart, Longstreet, and the rest still refused to be defeated. It was a year of grim casualties and ferocious fighting. 16pp of illust. 1 vol, 312 pgs 2014 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late March 2015 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-216130 Akers, Monte YEAR OF GLORY: The Life and Battles of Jeb Stuart and His Cavalry, June 1862-June 1863 No commander during the Civil War is more closely identified with the 'cavalier mystique' as Major General J.E.B. (Jeb) Stuart. And none played a more prominent role during the brief period when the hopes of the nascent Confederacy were at their apex, when it appeared as though the Army of Northern Virginia could not be restrained from establishing Southern nationhood.

Jeb Stuart was not only successful in leading Robert E. Lee's cavalry in dozens of campaigns and raids, but for riding magnificent horses, dressing outlandishly, and participating in balls and parties. Longstreet reported that at the height of the Battle of Second Manasses, Stuart rode off singing, 'If you want to have good time, join the cavalry . . .' Porter Alexander remembered him singing, in the midst of Chancellorsville, 'Old Joe Hooker, won't you come out of the Wilderness?'

Stuart was blessed with an unusually positive personality-always upbeat, charming, boisterous, and humorous, remembered as the only man who could make Stonewall Jackson laugh, reciting poetry when not engaged in battle, and yet never using alcohol or other stimulants.

The book focuses on the 12 months in which Stuart's reputation was made, following his career on an almost day-to-day basis from June 1862, when Lee took command of the army, to June 1863, when Stuart turned north to regain a glory slightly tarnished at Brandy Station, but found Gettysburg instead.

Includes 16 pages of illustrations. 1 vol, 392 pgs 2018 US, CASEMATE
NEW-softcover, available early February 2018 ......$20.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-208100 Alexander, Edward S. DAWN OF VICTORY: Breakthrough at Petersburg -- March 25 - April 2, 1865 After the unprecedented violence of the 1864 Overland Campaign, Union Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant turned his gaze south of Richmond to Petersburg, where the railroads that supplied the Confederate capital and its defenders found their junction. Nine grueling months of constant maneuver and combat around the 'Cockade City' followed. Massive fortifications dominated the landscape, and both armies frequently pushed each other to the brink of disaster.

As March 1865 drew to a close, Grant planned one more charge against Confederate lines. Despite recent successes, many viewed this latest task as an impossibility and their trepidations had merit.

Grant ordered the attack for April 2, 1865, setting the stage for a dramatic early morning bayonet charge by his Sixth Corps across half a mile of open ground into the 'strongest line of works ever constructed in America.' 1 vol, 168 pgs 2015 UK, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-softcover, available mid April 2015 ......$13.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-203850 Alexander, Steve CUSTER AND THE GETTYSBURG CAMPAIGN: Believe in the Bold Beautifully illustrated with an insightful introduction by National Park Historian Emeritus Ed Bearss. Custer and the Gettysburg Campaign combines a unique blend of period writing with the poetic style of Steve Alexander, one of the top Custer historians and a re-enactor of the general. He has combed the archives, original letters, and period writings to help bring to life the thoughts and ideals of the brave horsemen of the Civil War. Includes a look at the 54mm collectible Black Hawk Toy Soldier collection: Custer's Charge At Gettysburg. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2013 SPAIN, ANDREA PRESS
NEW-softcover, Special Pricing 35% discount - limited quantity ......$35.00 with a discount of 35% spc

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1-211440 Andrews, William G THE LIFE OF A UNION SHARPSHOOTER: The Diaries and Letters of John T. Farnham John T. Farnham, a sharpshooter in the Union Army, wrote a substantial diary entry nearly every day during his three-year enlistment, sent over 50 long articles to his hometown newspaper, and mailed some 600 letters home.

He described training, battles, skirmishes, encampments, furloughs, marches, hospital life, and clerkships at the Iron Brigade headquarters and the War Department. He met Lincoln and acquired a blood-stained cuff taken from his assassinated body. He was gregarious and popular, naming in his diaries 108 friends in the service and 156 at home. Frail and sickly, he died of tuberculosis four years after his discharge. He paints a detailed portrait of the lives of ordinary soldiers in the Union Army, their food, living conditions, relations among officers and men, ordeals, triumphs, and tragedies. 1 vol, 266 pgs 2016 UK, FRONTHILL MEDIA
NEW-dj available late May 2016 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-237640 Barringer, Sheridan CUSTER'S GRAY RIVAL: The Life of Confederate Major General Thomas Lafayette Rosser Biography of Confederate Major General Thomas Lafayette Rosser, who looked upon life as a series of contests and loved the glory of combat. He served in nearly every battle of the Army of Northern Virginia. The only person who could derail Rosser, however, was Rosser, whose ability to take umbrage at the slightest offense was matched by his impatience and oversized ego.

In 1864 after Stuart's death, he accused his new commander, General Wade Hampton, of blocking his promotion to major general. The cavalryman's most prominent service arrived in the Shenandoah Valley under Lt. Gen. Jubal Early in the fall of 1864, where Rosser led daring raids and achieved success in furnishing the army with valuable intelligence, livestock, and other supplies. His embarrassing failure in the Confederate debacle at Tom's Brook on October 9 against his former classmate and rival George Custer, combined with his absence from the front at a shad bake at Five Forks during the war's final days, cast a dark cloud over his otherwise solid record.

He continued fighting rivals, gray and blue, after the war by means fair and foul, unable to check his ego and short temper. He ended his military career as a general in the United States army in the Spanish-American War. 1 vol, 330 pgs 2023 US, FOX RUN PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid July 2023 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-246330 Barringer, Sheridan ROBERT E LEE'S RELUCTANT WARRIOR: The Life of Cavalry Commander and Railroad Businessman, Brigadier General Williams Carter Wickham Williams Carter Wickham fought bravely for the south as a Confederate cavalry officer, finishing the war as a brigadier general. He also steadfastly opposed secession, believing that it was illegal. From a prominent Virginia family, he was a natural leader in the field and, late in the war, Confederate Congress. He rose from the rank of captain and after the war broke with his fellow generals by joining the Republican Party, urging compliance with Reconstruction. He became an organizer of railroad improvements and expansion, becoming leader of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad and served in the Virginia State Senate. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2024 US, FOX RUN PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available early October 2024 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-199901 Bearss, Edwin PETERSBURG CAMPAIGN, THE - The Eastern Front Battles June - August 1864 Vol. 1 The wide-ranging and largely misunderstood series of operations around Petersburg, Virginia, were the longest and most extensive of the entire Civil War. The fighting that began in early June 1864 when advance elements from the Union Army of the Potomac crossed the James River and botched a series of attacks against a thinly defended city would not end for nine long months. This important - many would say decisive - fighting is presented by legendary Civil War author Edwin C. Bearss in The Petersburg Campaign: The Eastern Front Battles, June - August 1864, the first in a ground-breaking two-volume compendium.

Although commonly referred to as the Siege of Petersburg, that city (as well as the Confederate capital at Richmond) was never fully isolated and the combat involved much more than static trench warfare. In fact, much of the wide-ranging fighting involved large-scale Union offensives designed to cut important roads and the five rail lines feeding Petersburg and Richmond. This volume of Bearss' study of these major battles includes:

The Attack on Petersburg (June 9, 1864) The Second Assault on Petersburg (June 15 - 18, 1864) The Battle of the Jerusalem Plank Road (June 21 - 24, 1864) The Crater (July 30, 1864) The Battle of the Weldon Railroad (August 18 - 21, 1864) The Battle of Reams' Station (August 25, 1864).

Accompanying these salient chapters are original maps by Civil War cartographer George Skoch, together with photos and illustrations. The result is a richer and deeper understanding of the major military episodes comprising the Petersburg Campaign. 1 vol, 488 pgs 2012 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-238830 Bearss, Edwin OUTWITTING FORREST: The Tupelo Campaign in Mississippi, June 22 - July 23, 1864 Reprint of historian Edwin C. Bearss' classic study on the little-known Tupelo Campaign in Mississippi from June 22-July 23, 1864. Editor David A. Powell left Bearss's prose and notes intact, while adding additional sources and commentary of his own.

The engagement came about when Maj. Gen. A. J. Smith marched a Federal expeditionary force (his XVI Army Corps) into northern Mississippi in early July 1864. The thrust forced a response, the largest of which was delivered by the combined Confederate cavalry of Stephen D. Lee (who was in general command) and Forrest.

The tactical result was a Union defensive success. The larger Confederate strategic play, however-one that might have impacted the course of the war in the Western Theater-would have been to unleash Forrest on a raid into Middle Tennessee to destroy the single line of railroad track feeding and supplying the Union armies of William T. Sherman in his ongoing operations around Atlanta. Instead, his troopers were contained within the Magnolia State, where his combat effectiveness was severely curtailed. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid September 2023 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-243960 Behncke, Ted and Gary Bloomfield CUSTER: From the Civil War's Boy General to the Battle of the Little Bighorn This new whole-life biography of Custer deals with his personal history as well as his military career. Explores how Custer grew up in an expanding young country, and his early influences mirrored the times. Two aspects of this era dominate most works about him: the Civil War, and the war with the Indians, culminating in his death at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.

Chapters cover: Early Life (growing up and as a West Point cadet), The Civil War, The Indian Fighter, The Little Bighorn, and Conclusion. The theme of the book is not so much new historical information but the depth of his character development and lesser-known influences of his life. The book also includes illustrations (primarily from Harper's Weekly) and photos, such as Matthew Brady's Civil War collection, to accompany the text. Contains black and white illustrations. 1 vol, 264 pgs 2024 US, CASEMATE
NEW-pb edition, available mid June 2024 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-COM1078 Beyma, Rob THE WAR FOR THE UNION: Designer's Edition The War for the Union is a strategic level simulation of the American Civil War. It is the long awaited 2nd edition of the game originally published in 1992. Players command the Union and Confederate forces that fought from 1861 to 1865. The map runs from southeastern Texas to the Atlantic and from Harrisburg, PA to southern Florida. The new map is 34x44 inches to accommodate larger counters. Atlanta and Pensacola are now in the Western Theater. Terrain types include forests, rough, swamps, bayou, mountain hexsides, river hexsides (tidal, navigable, and minor), lakes, bluffs, and major and minor cities.

Ground units include infantry and cavalry strength points. Quality varies from Militia (worst) to Volunteers to Veterans (best). There are about 5,000 men per strength point. There are corps and army leaders and a few division leaders. Leaders have a Command Rating which indicates how many strength points (SPs) they can command, a Battle Rating (combat DRM), and a Movement Factor which also affects their force march DRM. Union militia recruits now have 3 MPs but a very poor force march DRM. There are seagoing and riverine naval units, including ironclads. There are also river transports which are very valuable to the Union player in developing campaigns along rivers. Since the Confederates cannot use sea movement, the Union sea movement capability is somewhat abstracted.

The quality of the armies, particularly the Union, improves as the war progresses. The Confederate player starts out with a small qualitative advantage but the Union catches up by the spring of 1863. The Confederates also have better leaders early in the war but the Union gets more and better leaders as the war progresses. Army counters, such as the Army of the Potomac and the Army of Northern Virginia, are central to the play of the game. Armies enable more efficient use of strength points, leaders, and supply.

* Complexity: 6 out of 10
* Solitaire Suitability: 8 out of 10
* Time Scale: 1 turn = 1 month
* Map Scale: Approximately 22 miles per hex
* Unit Scale: Approximately 5,000 men per strength point
* Number of Players: 2 to 4 plus solitaire
* Playing Time: An hour for an introductory scenario, an evening for a 1 year scenario, and a weekend for the Campaign Game

* 2 maps - each at 22x34 inches
* 3-1/2 sheets of 9/16-inch counters
* 1 deck of 25 Tactical cards
* 2 reinforcement schedules - 1 each for North and South
* 2 identical Terrain Effects cards with additional charts/tables
* 2 identical Combat Results Table cards with additional charts/tables
* 1 rulesbook
* 1 scenario book
* 2 ten-sided dice
* 1 box and lid set 1 vol, 1 pgs 2018 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box ......$95.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-227050 Biekski, Mark A MORTAL BLOW FOR THE CONFEDERACY: The Fall of New Orleans, 1862 If the Union could capture and control of New Orleans, important port and control point of the Mississippi River, it would be a mortal blow to the Confederate economy. Union Adm David G. Farragut, a native New Orleanian, would lead a formidable naval flotilla and attack the city. Includes 150 images and 10 maps.

In the city, Confederate General Mansfield Lovell, a new commander, was thrust into the middle of command chaos. He was hamstrung by conflicting orders from Richmond and lacked both proper seagoing reconnaissance and the unity of command. He was poised to become a scapegoat.
1 vol, 192 pgs 2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late April 2021 ......$15.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-211760 Bielski, Mark SONS OF THE WHITE EAGLE IN THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR: Divided Poles in a Divided Nation This book describes nine transplanted Poles who participated in the Civil War. They span three generations and are connected by culture, nationality, and adherence to their principles and ideals. The common thread that runs through their lives-the Polish White Eagle-is that they came from a country that had basically disintegrated at the end of the previous century, yet they carried the concepts of freedom they inherited from their forefathers to the New World to which they immigrated.

Once in America the pre-war political feuds, ferocious ensuing battles, captures, prison camp escapes and privations of war-often in the words of the soldiers themselves-are fully described. More highly trained in warfare than their American brethren-and certainly more inured to struggles for nationhood- the Poles made a more significant contribution to Civil war combat than is usually described.

The first group had fought in the 1830 war for freedom from the Russian Empire. The European revolutionary struggles of the 1840's molded the next generation. The two of the youngest generation came of age just as the Civil War began, entered military service as enlisted men and finished as officers. Of the group, four sided with the North and four with the South, and the other began in the Confederate cavalry and finished fighting for the Union side. All but one came from aristocratic backgrounds.

In a war commonly categorized as a 'brother against brother,' a struggle between two American regions, history has not devoted a great deal of attention to the participation of Poles, and foreigners in general. These men fought with a belief in European democratic liberalism. Whether for the North to keep a Union together or to form a new nation from the Southern states, they held to their ideals, and in America's own greatest conflict continued to fight for their beliefs. 1 vol, 312 pgs 2016 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available early July 2016 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-220370 Bierle, Sarah Kay CALL OUT THE CADETS: The Battle of New Market, May 15, 1864 'May God forgive me for the order,' Confederate Maj. Gen. John C. Breckinridge remarked as he ordered young cadets from Virginia Military Institute into the battle lines at New Market
When the opposing divisions clashed near the small crossroads town of New Market on May 15, 1864, just days after calling them from their academic studies to assist in a crucial defense. Traces the history of this important, yet small battle covering the military aspects and the history of individuals whose lives or military careers were changed because of the fight. Includes 150 images and 12 maps.
1 vol, 192 pgs 2019 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-softcover, available late May 2019 ......$15.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-42470 Billings, John D. SLEEPER'S TENTH MASSACHUSETTS BATTERY Unit history of the 10th Mass Battery of Light Art from 1862-1865, index. 1 vol, 494 pgs 19?? BALT, BUTTERNUT & BLUE
V.GOOD-dj, reprint of the 1909 ed. ......$38.00

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1-220380 Black, Robert YANK AND REBEL RANGERS: Special Operations in the American Civil War USA and CSA employed small forces of bold and highly motivated soldiers for special operations behind enemy lines. Skilled in infiltration - sometimes disguising themselves as rural mail carriers - these warriors deftly scouted deep into enemy territory, captured important personnel, disrupted lines of communication and logistics, and sowed confusion and fear. Often wearing the uniform of the enemy, they faced execution as spies if captured. Despite these risks, and in part because of them, these warriors fought and died as American rangers. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2019 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-227600 Bowden, Scott LONE STAR FLAG TO THE TOP: Robert E. Lee and the Texas Brigade at Gettysburg Unit profile of the Texas Brigade at the pivotal battle of Gettysburg. Includes never-before published vignettes of General Robert E. Lee and the troops he called 'my Texans.' Includes six custom maps in color, illustrations and photos in color, black and white photos, and beautiful, full-color paintings by Dale Gallon. Also: Detailed order of battle, footnotes, bibliography, and index.
1 vol, 54 pgs 2021 US, SCOTT BOWDEN
NEW-pb ......$25.00 rct

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1-36840 Bragg, William Harris JOE BROWN'S ARMY:The Georgia State Line 1862-1865 An extensive treatment of the two regiments raised to serve only in Georgia, they began with coastal defense until the final major battle at Columbus,b/w illust, maps, appendices, biblio, index. 1 vol, 192 pgs 1995 MACON, MERCER UNIVERSITY
NEW-softcover ......$17.00

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1-235741 Brennan, Patrick and Dylan Brennan GETTYSBURG IN COLOR: Volume 1: Brandy Station to the Peach Orchard This two-volume study uses an artificial intelligence-based computerized color identifier to determine the precise color of uniforms, flesh, hair, equipment, terrain, houses, and much more. The result is a monumental full-color study of the important ACW three-day battle that brings the men, the landscape, and the action into the 21st century. The deep colorization of battle-related woodcuts, for example, reveals a plethora of details that have passed generations of eyes unseen. The photos of the soldiers and their officers look as if they were taken yesterday. Volume 1 covers Brandy Station to the Peach Orchard, and Volume 2 will cover The Wheatfield to Falling Waters.

The use of this modern technology shines a light on one Gettysburg photographic mystery in particular. Colorizing some of the battle's death images revealed the presence of Union and Confederate dead that may help determine the previously unknown location of the photographs. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available late January 2023 ......$38.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-217820 Brueske, Paul THE LAST SIEGE: The Mobile Campaign - Alabama 1865 It has long been acknowledged that General Robert E. Lee's surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia ended the civil war at the Battle of Appomattox in April 1865. Often overlooked, however, was last campaign and siege of the war around Mobile, crucial to securing a complete victory and the final surrender of the last Confederate force east of the Mississippi River.

The Union victory at the battle of Mobile Bay in 1864 ended blockade running from the port of Mobile. Uncaptured, the city remained a priority for the Confederates to defend and the Federals to attack. Offers a new perspective on the strategic importance of Mobile as a logistical center which had access to vital rail lines and two major river systems, essential in moving forces and supplies.

Included are the most detailed accounts ever written on Union and Confederate camp life in the weeks prior to the invasion, cavalry operations of both sides during the expedition, the Federal feint movement at Cedar Point, the crippling effect of torpedoes on US naval operations in Mobile Bay, the tread-way escape from Spanish Fort, and the evacuation of Mobile. The entrance of Federals into the city and the reaction of the citizenry are featured. In doing so evidence is presented that contradicts the popular notion that Mobile wholeheartedly welcomed the Federals and was a predominately pro-Union town.

Using a variety of primary sources, this book highlights the bravery of the men who were still trying to win by utilizing evolved military tactics against the strong defensive fortifications at Mobile. Many acts of heroism occurred in this, the Confederacy's last campaign which ended in the final surrender at Citronelle, Alabama in May. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2018 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available late August 2018 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-246230 Brueske, Paul THE CIVIL WAR SIEGE OF SPANISH FORT AND THE MOBILE CAMPAIGN, 1865: Digging All Night And Fighting All Day Examines the two-week siege of Spanish Fort, Alabama (March 26-April 8, 1865), which many believed as the key to holding the important seaport of Mobile. Despite being outnumbered about 10 to 1, 33-year-old Brig. Gen. Randall Lee Gibson mounted a skillful and spirited defense that 'considerably astonished' his Union opponents. The siege and battle on the rough and uneven bluffs of Mobile Bay's eastern shore, fought mainly by veterans of the principal battles of the Western Theater, witnessed every offensive and defensive art known to war. The fort finally surrendered to Maj. Gen. Edward R. S. Canby on April 12, 1865. Contains 58 images and 6 maps. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2024 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available late September 2024 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-228100 Bruns, James CROSSHAIRS ON THE CAPITAL: Jubal Early's Raid on Washington, D.C., July 1864 - Reasons, Reactions, and Results Focuses on the reasons, reactions and results of Jubal Early's raid towards Washington DC in 1864. History has judged it to have been a serious threat to the capital, but James H. Bruns examines how the nature of the Confederate raid on Washington in 1864 has been greatly misinterpreted-Jubal Early's maneuvers were in fact only the latest in a series of annual southern food raids. It also corrects some of the thinking about Early's raid, including the reason behind his orders from General Lee to cross the Potomac and the thoughts behind the proposed raid on Point Lookout and the role of the Confederate Navy in that failed effort.

Presents a new perspective by explaining on why things happened as they did in 1864. It identifies the cause-and-effect connections that are truly the stuff of history, forging some of the critical background links that oftentimes are ignored or overlooked in books dominated by battles and leaders.

In an era of battlefield one-upmanship, the raid on the Nation's Capital in July 1864 was prompted by an earlier failed Union attempt to destroy Richmond and free the Union prisoners held there. Jubal Early's mission was in part to let the North have a taste of its own medicine by attacking Washington and freeing the Confederate prisoners at Point Lookout in southern Maryland. He was also to fill the South's larder from unmolested Union fields, mills and barns.

By 1864 such southern food raids had become annual wartime events. And he was to threaten and, if possible, capture Washington. This latter task was unrealistic in an age when the success of rifle fire was judged to be successful not by accuracy, but by the amount of lead that was shot into the air. Initially, the Union defenders of the city were larger former slaves, freemen, mechanic, shopkeepers and government clerks, as well as invalids. They might not have known much about firearms and accuracy, but they were capable of putting ample lead on the long until Regular Union regiments arrived. Jubal Early hesitated in attacking Washington, but he held the City at bay while his troops pillaged the countryside for the food Lee's Army needed to survive. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2021 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available mid September 2021 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-229680 Bryan, Chris CEDAR MOUNTAIN TO ANTIETAM: A Civil War Campaign History of the Union XII Corps, July - September 1862 Study blends unit histories with leadership and character assessments to put the XII Corps' actions in context along with a significant and substantive examination of its Confederate opponents. Includes 28 detailed maps and 53 images.

The diminutive Union XII corps swept through the East Woods and the Miller Cornfield -- permanently clearing both of Confederates -- repelled multiple CSA assaults against the Dunker Church plateau, and eventually secured a foothold in the West Woods. Its achievement is especially notable given its string of disappointments and hardships in the months leading up to Antietam. Federal leadership largely ignored this signal achievement and the opportunity it presented.

Explains how the corps endured a bloody and demoralizing loss after coming within a whisker of defeating Maj. Gen. 'Stonewall' Jackson at Cedar Mountain on August 9; suffered through the hardships of Pope's campaign before and after the Battle of Second Manassas; and triumphed after entering Maryland and joining the reorganized Army of the Potomac. The men of this small corps earned a solid reputation in the Army of the Potomac at Antietam that would only grow during the battles of 1863.
1 vol, 408 pgs 2022 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available late February 2022 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-210470 Canney, Donald THE CONFEDERATE STEAM NAVY Devoted to the vessels of the Confederate Navy, including all types used during the conflict: ironclads (both domestic and foreign-built), commerce raiders, blockade runners, riverine and ocean-going gunboats, torpedo and submersible vessels, and floating batteries. The book emphasizes the development, construction, and design of these vessels using, where available, original plans, photographs, and contemporary descriptions.

The author describes these vessels in context with wartime conditions as well as with the transitional naval technology of the era. Over 100 vessels are detailed, including more than 30 ironclads. Over 150 illustrations are included, many of which have not previously been published. Also included is a section on steam engine technology of the era. 1 vol, 191 pgs 2015 ATGLEN, SCHIFFER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$40.00

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1-200121 Carman, General Erza A and Thomas G. Clemens editor MARYLAND CAMPAIGN Of September 1862 - Volume 1, South Mountain When Robert E. Lee marched his Army of Northern Virginia into Maryland in early September 1862, Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan moved his reorganized and revitalized Army of the Potomac to meet him. The campaign included some of the bloodiest, most dramatic, and influential combat of the entire Civil War. Combined with Southern failures in the Western Theater, the fighting dashed the Confederacy's best hope for independence, convinced President Abraham Lincoln to announce the Emancipation Proclamation, and left America with what is still its bloodiest day in history.

One of the campaign's participants was Ezra A. Carman, the colonel of the 13th New Jersey Infantry. Wounded earlier in the war, Carman would achieve brigade command and fight in more than twenty battles before being mustered out as a brevet brigadier general. After the horrific fighting of September 17, 1862, he recorded in his diary that he was preparing 'a good map of the Antietam battle and a full account of the action.' Unbeknownst to the young officer, the project would become the most significant work of his life.

Appointed as the 'Historical Expert' to the Antietam Battlefield Board in 1894, Carman and the other members solicited accounts from hundreds of veterans, scoured through thousands of letters and maps, and assimilated the material into the hundreds of cast iron tablets that still mark the field today. Carman also wrote an 1,800-page manuscript on the campaign, from its start in northern Virginia through McClellan's removal from command in November 1862. Although it remained unpublished for more than a century, many historians and students of the war consider it to be the best overall treatment of the campaign ever written. 10 b/w photos and 10 maps.
1 vol, 624 pgs 2010 US, SAVAS BEATTIE
NEW-dj ......$37.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-200123 Carman, General Erza A and Thomas G. Clemens editor THE MARYLAND CAMPAIGN: September 1862 - Volume 3, Shepherdstown Ford and the End of the Campaign This is the third and final volume of Ezra Carman's The Maryland Campaign of September 1862.

As bloody and horrific as the battle of Antietam was, historian Ezra Carman-who penned a 1,800-page manuscript on the Maryland campaign-did not believe it was the decisive battle of the campaign. Generals Robert E. Lee and George B. McClellan intended to continue fighting after Sharpsburg, but the battle of Shepherdstown Ford (September 19 and 20) forced them to abandon their goals and end the campaign.

Carman was one of the few who gave this smaller engagement its due importance, detailing the disaster that befell the 118th Pennsylvania Infantry and Maj. Gen. A. P. Hill's success in repulsing the Union advance, and the often overlooked foray of Jeb Stuart's cavalry to seize the Potomac River ford at Williamsport.

Carman also added a statistical study of the casualties in the various battles of the entire Maryland Campaign, and covered Lincoln's decision to relieve McClellan of command on November 7. He also explored the relations between President Lincoln and General McClellan before and after the Maryland Campaign, which he appended to his original manuscript. The before section, a thorough examination of the controversy about McClellan's role in the aftermath of Second Manassas campaign, will surprise some and discomfort others, and includes an interesting narrative about McClellan's reluctance to commit General Franklin's corps to aid Maj. Gen. John Pope's army at Manassas. Carman concludes with an executive summary of the entire campaign.

Dr. Clemens concludes Carman's invaluable narrative with a bibliographical dictionary (and genealogical goldmine) of the soldiers, politicians, and diplomats who had an impact on shaping Carman's manuscript. While many names will be familiar to readers, others upon whom Carman relied for creating his campaign narrative are as obscure to us today as they were during the war.

This concludes the most comprehensive and detailed account of the campaign ever produced. Jammed with first-hand accounts, personal anecdotes, detailed footnotes, maps, and photos, this long-awaited study will be appreciated as Civil War history at its finest. 1 vol, 624 pgs 2017 US, SAVAS BEATTIE
NEW-dj ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-237760 Carpenter, Noel DETOUR TO DISASTER: General John Bell Hood's Slight Demonstration at Decatur and the Unraveling of the Tennessee Campaign Detailed and documented account discusses Confederate General John Bell Hood's weighty decision in October of 1864 to march to Decatur and the combat that followed. It would be the final campaign of the Army of Tennessee. This book investigates the circumstances surrounding these matters and how they overwhelmed the controversial young army commander and potentially doomed his daring invasion. 1 vol, 216 pgs 2023 UK, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available mid August 2023 ......$20.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-46880 Casdorph, Paul D. PRINCE JOHN MAGRUDER:His Life and Campaigns A master of military maneuvers while fighting in his native Virginia and later defending Texas, b/w illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 400 pgs 1997 NY, JOHN WILEY & SONS
NEW-dj ......$30.00

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1-42450 Chenery, William H. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY History of the Regiment, a black unit, from 1861 to 1866, list of all members of various companies. 1 vol, 341 pgs 1969 NY, NEGRO UNIVERSITY PRES
V.GOOD-hardcover ......$32.00

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1-PWAR096 Chick, Sean PAPER WARS: Issue 96 -- ACW Rally 'Round the Flag In September, Braxton Bragg's Army of Mississippi out-maneuvered Don Carlos Buell's Army of the Ohio and invaded Kentucky. Outside Perryville, the two armies blundered into each other. A short but brutal battle followed that left neither side satisfied. The Union failed to utilize their numerical advantage, while Bragg withdrew from Kentucky.

First and foremost, Paper Wars is a wargame review magazine. Each issue includes approximately 6 or more detailed game reviews on both new and old wargames. We don't discriminate against the older games here.
1 vol, 64 pgs 2021 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-softcover with game ......$47.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-230680 Chick, Sean Michael DREAMS OF VICTORY: General P. G. T. Beauregard in the Civil War Few Civil War generals attracted as much debate and controversy as Pierre Gustav Toutant Beauregard. He combined brilliance and charisma with arrogance and histrionics. He was a Catholic Creole in a society dominated by white Protestants, which made him appear exotic next to the likes of Albert Sidney Johnston and Robert E. Lee. Includes 13 maps and 175 images.

He was reviled by Jefferson Davis and often mocked by Mary Chesnut in her diary. Yet, he was popular with his soldiers and subordinates. Outside of Lee, he was the South's most consistently successful commander, winning at Bull Run, defending Charleston in 1863, and defeating Benjamin Butler at Bermuda Hundred and Ulysses Grant and George Meade at Petersburg. Yet, he lived his life in the shadow of his one major defeat: Shiloh.

Beauregard's career before and after the war was no less tumultuous than his Civil War record. He was born among the Creole elite of Louisiana, but rejected the life of a planter in favor of the military, inspired by tales of Napoleon. He was considered a shining light of the antebellum army and performed superbly in the Mexican-American War. Yet, he complained about a lack of promotion and made a frustrating stab at being mayor of New Orleans in 1858.

After the war, he was a successful railroad executive and took a stand against racism, violence, and corruption during the Reconstruction. Yet, he was ousted from both railroads he oversaw and his foray into Reconstruction politics came to naught. Although he provided for his family and left them a hefty sum after his death, the money was mostly gained by working for the corrupt Louisiana Lottery. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2022 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb ......$17.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-237080 Chick, Sean Michael THEY CAME ONLY TO DIE: The Battle of Nashville, December 15-16, 1864 The November 1864 battle of Franklin left the Army of Tennessee stunned. In only a few hours, the army lost 6,000 men and a score of generals. Rather than pause, John Bell Hood marched his army north to Nashville. He had risked everything on a successful campaign and saw his offensive as the Confederacy's last hope. But there was no question of attacking Nashville. The city was well fortified and the Federals outnumbered Hood more than two to one. But Hood knew he could force them to attack him and, in doing so, he could win a defensive victory that might rescue the Confederacy from the chasm of collapse. Includes 220+ images and eight maps.

Unfortunately for Hood, he faced George Thomas, one of the Union's best leaders, who commanded men tested in the fires of Chickamauga, Chattanooga, and Franklin. But with battle imminent, the ground iced over and Thomas had to wait. An impatient Ulysses S. Grant nearly sacked him, but on December 15-16, Thomas struck and routed Hood's army. He then chased him out of Tennessee and into Mississippi in a grueling winter campaign.

After Nashville, the Army of Tennessee was never again a major fighting force. Combined with William Tecumseh Sherman's march through Georgia and the Carolinas and Grant's capture of Petersburg and Richmond, Nashville was the beginning of the end of the Confederate States of America. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available mid May 2023 ......$17.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-237450 Christ, Elwood OVER A WIDE HOT CRIMSON PLAIN: The Struggle for the Bliss Farm at Gettysburg, July 2nd and 3rd, 1863 Reprint of 1994 edition covers the actions around Bliss Farm at the Battle of Gettysburg on July 2, 1863. This fight played an oversized role in the overall battle and directly impacted the massive rolling Confederate assault later that afternoon. It would attract at least 10 Union and Confederate regiments, draw heavy artillery fire, disrupt the seemingly unstoppable Confederate assault moving northward against Cemetery Ridge, and kill and wound hundreds of men. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available mid June 2023 ......$23.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-2238801 Christini, Luca editor Civil War sketch book - V1 In this first book dedicated to our new series on ACW sketch books, we present the artwork of Captain Adolph Metzner of the 32nd Indiana Infantry of US Union Army. He was not only an officer but an artist as well. The 96 pages full of illustrations are a pictorial record of his Regiment.

They show several and interesting subjects: soldiers on the march, in camp, in battle and also many ironic and funny skits. A great job that, combined with the next titles that will soon be add, constitute a precious and unmissable collection piece for every fan of ACW 1 vol, 96 pgs 2020 ITALY, SOLDIER SHOP
NEW-pb, [English text], available late June 2020 ......$40.00 rct

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1-2238803 Christini, Luca editor Civil War sketch book - V3 Imagine being a young landscape painter sent to the American Civil War, not to fight but to draw it: that's the story of Edwin Forbes, one of the best war artists of his time. In two years spent covering the Potomac Army, Forbes draw everything caught his attention with meticulous and fervent realism. In this volume the art of Forbes is developed around the great battle of Gettysburg! All this, and more, in now collected in this second volume dedicated to him in 96 illustrated pages, some of which have been colored for the very first time 1 vol, 96 pgs 2020 ITALY, SOLDIER SHOP
NEW-pb, [English text], available late June 2020 ......$40.00 rct

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1-1947702 Christini, Luca S. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR: 150 Years and 150 Photos This is the second book of the WAR IN COLOR series, where black and white images are 'recolored' by artists using special software to obtain wonderful and new images of the war.

This volume includes 80 full-color pages, with many additional b/w illustrations and maps. Bilingual English-Italian text and all color plates have full English translations. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2020 ITALY, SOLDIER SHOP
NEW-softcover, [Italian text with English captions] ......$34.00

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2-203560 Cobb, Michael BATTLE OF BIG BETHEL: Crucial Clash in Early Civil War Virginia Full-length treatment of the small but consequential June 10, 1861 battle that reshaped both Northern and Southern perceptions about what lay in store for the divided nation. In the spring of 1861, many people in the North and South imagined that the Civil War would be short and nearly bloodless. The first planned engagement of the war at Big Bethel, however, provided undeniable evidence of just how wrong popular opinion could be.

Major General Benjamin F. Butler was in command of Union forces at Fort Monroe, Virginia, at the tip of the peninsula between the James and York rivers only ninety miles from the Confederate capital at Richmond. Thanks to the foresight of Lt. Gen. Winfield Scott, President Abraham Lincoln's elderly chief military adviser, thousands of troops had been assigned to Butler to protect the fort and eventually threaten Richmond, thus perhaps bringing a quick end to the war.

Opposing the Yankees was the aggressive and dramatic Colonel John Bankhead Magruder, who decided to lure Butler into a fight. Magruder fortified a strategic swampy creek crossing, skillfully placed several artillery pieces, selected excellent defensive positions for his 1,400 men, and camouflaged the entire works with brush. Never one to shy away from a challenge, Butler marshaled about 4,000 men for a daring dawn attack. 1 vol, 312 pgs 2019 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-softcover edition, available mid June 2019 ......$20.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-235610 Cobb, William editor THE MILITARY MEMOIRS OF A CONFEDERATE LINE OFFICER: Captain John C. Reed's Civil War from Manassas to Appomattox Account of John C. Reed fought through the entire war as an officer in the 8th Georgia Infantry, most of it with General Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. The Princeton graduate was wounded at least twice (Second Manassas and Gettysburg), promoted to captain during the Wilderness fighting on May 6, 1864, and led his company through the balance of the Overland Campaign, throughout the horrific siege of Petersburg, and all the way to the Appomattox surrender on April 9, 1865. Includes recollections of some of the war's most intense fighting and strong opinions on a wide variety of officers and topics. With four maps and eight images. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available mid January 2023 ......$20.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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3-21220 Coggins, Jack ARMS AND EQUIPMENT OF THE CIVIL WAR 8.5x11 illustrated in pen/ink by author, biblio. 1 vol, 160 pgs 1990 US, BROADFOOT PUBLISHING COMPANY
AS NEW-pb ......$15.00 inc

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1-229730 Conner, Robert GENERAL GORDON GRANGER: The Savior of Chickamauga and the Man Behind Juneteenth Full-length biography of the Civil War Gen. Granger who saved the Union army from catastrophic defeat at the Battle of Chickamauga and went on to play major roles in the Chattanooga and Mobile campaigns. He fought through the war in the West from the first major battles to its last and even left an impact on the Reconstruction period. Immediately after the war, as commander of US troops in Texas, his actions sparked the 'Juneteenth' celebrations of slavery's end, which continue to this day. 1 vol, 264 pgs 2022 US, CASEMATE
NEW-pb, available mid March 2022 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-230360 Conner, Robert JAMES MONTGOMERY: Abolitionist Warrior Biography of James Montgomery, a leader of the free-state movement in pre-Civil War Kansas and Missouri and associated with its direct-action military wing. His actions before the Civil War, and then during the war in the Union Army, contributed towards the abolition of slavery. This biography uncovers and deals honestly with his serious flaws, debunks some wilder charges, and uncovers his considerable attributes and achievements.

A close associate and ally of other abolitionists including John Brown, Harriet Tubman, Colonels Thomas Wentworth Higginson and Robert G. Shaw, Montgomery led his African-American regiment along with Tubman and other civilians in the 1863 Combahee River raid, which freed almost 800 slaves from South Carolina plantations. He then commanded a brigade in the siege of Fort Wagner, near Charleston.

In 1864, still in brigade command, he fought at the Battle of Olustee in Florida, helping prevent the collapse and disintegration of Union General Truman Seymour's army. Later that year he returned home and played a significant role in defeating Confederate General Sterling Price's great raid, especially at the Battle of Westport. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2022 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available late April 2022 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-238370 Cowie, Steven WHEN HELL CAME TO SHARPSBURG: The Battle of Antietam and Its Impact on the Civilians Who Called It Home Studies the impact on the local community of Sharpsburg, MD, surrounding the battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862. Families lived, worked, and worshipped there. It was their home. And the horrific fighting and its aftermath turned their lives upside down. This book recounts the horrendous effect on area civilians that is rarely discussed. 1 vol, 552 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available late August 2023 ......$27.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-46810 Cozzens, Peter DARKEST DAYS OF THE WAR, THE:Iuka & Corinth Cozzens presents a complete account of these two battles that led to the fall of Vicksburg, (11) maps, b/w illust, primary source biblio, index. 1 vol, 448 pgs 1997 CHAPEL HILL, UNIV OF NC
NEW-dj ......$45.00

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1-214610 Crenshaw, Doug RICHMOND SHALL NOT BE GIVEN UP: The Seven Days' Battles, June 25-July 1, 1862 Includes 150 images and maps.

In the spring of 1862, the largest army ever assembled on the North American continent landed in Virginia, on the peninsula between the James and York Rivers, and proceeded to march toward Richmond. Between that army and the capital of the Confederate States of America, an outnumbered Confederate force did all in its feeble power to resist-but all it could do was slow, not stop, the juggernaut.

To Southerners, the war, not yet a year old, looked lost. The Confederate government prepared to evacuate the city. The citizenry prepared for the worst. And then the war turned.

During battle at a place called Seven Pines, an artillery shell wounded Confederate commander Gen. Joseph E. Johnston. His replacement, Gen. Robert E. Lee, stabilized the army, fended off the Federals, and then fortified the capital. 'Richmond must not be given up!' he vowed, tears in his eyes. 'It shall not be given up!'

Federal commander Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan, confident of success, found himself unexpectedly hammered by a newly aggressive, newly emboldened foe. For seven days, Lee planned ambitious attacks and launched them, one after another, hoping not just to drive Federals from the gates of Richmond but to obliterate them entirely. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2017 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb ......$15.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-236410 Crenshaw, Doug TO HELL OR RICHMOND: The 1862 Peninsula Campaign In the spring of 1862, the Union army made its way up the Virginia Peninsula with a goal of capturing the Confederate capital at Richmond and end the rebellion. Covers the advance and the battles in and around the peninsula. Includes nine maps and 127 images. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available late March 2023 ......$17.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-222540 Crowe, Clint CAUGHT IN THE MAELSTROM: The Indian Nations in the Civil War, 1861-1865 Discusses the plight of the Five Civilized Tribes -- the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek (Muscogee), and Seminole -- during the American Civil War. From 1861-1865, the Indians fought their own bloody civil war on lands surrounded by the Kansas Territory, Arkansas, and Texas.

The onset of the Civil War exacerbated the divergent politics of the five tribes and resulted in the Choctaw and Chickasaw contributing men for the Confederacy and the Seminoles contributing men for the Union. The Creeks were divided between the Union and the Confederacy, while the internal war split apart the Cherokee nation mostly between those who followed Stand Watie, a brigadier general in the Confederate Army, and John Ross, who threw his majority support behind the Union cause. Throughout, Union and Confederate authorities played on divisions within the tribes to further their own strategic goals by enlisting men, signing treaties, encouraging bloodshed, and even using the hard hand of war to turn a profit. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2020 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid January 2020 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-COL3301 Dalgliesh, Tom BOBBY LEE - 3rd Edition American Civil War Block game includes:

* Full color, deluxe mapboard that is 130% larger (25x33-inch) than the original, with ample room to fit 10 blocks in a hex.
* 90 Hardwood blocks, blue and gray. The Order of Battle is similar to that found in earlier editions, but the former NATO symbols have been replaced with period crossed muskets, sabres, and gun barrels and the game includes six extra blocks.
* Two color copies of the rules. Five scenarios are included, one covering the entire war in the east, 1861-65, and one for each year 1861, 1862, 1863, and 1864 that can be played separately or linked together. The third edition rules are a blend of previous 1st and 2nd edition rules.
* Two larger, thicker tactical battle maps. Battles fought on these maps are similar to those found in Napoleon, but have rules to reflect American Civil War battle tactics.
* Four quality dice: two blue and two gray.

The game covers the ACW in the east, focusing on the one hundred miles between the two rival capitals of Washington and Richmond. For four years, the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, commanded by the incomparable Robert E. Lee (known as Bobby Lee to his soldiers) defended these few bloody miles against overwhelming Union strength in men and supply.

The eastern theater saw the campaigns and battles of First Bull Run, Shenandoah Valley, Peninsula, Second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Petersburg, and Appomattox. You can re-stage all of these battles and campaigns, or devise your own war-winning strategies.

Players maneuver their armies on a map of the Eastern Theater. When enemy armies clash in the same location, a battle is fought. Battles are resolved on tactical boards where clever tactical maneuvers allow skilled players to defeat larger armies. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2013 US, COLUMBIA GAMES
NEW-BOX GAME ......$80.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-223010 David A Welker THE CORNFIELD: Antietam's Bloody Turning Point Fresh view of the battle as a whole, and the cornfield in particular, because of two central facts - Union General George McClellan's linear thinking demanded that the Cornfield must be taken and, because of this, the repeated failure by the generals McClellan charged with fulfilling this task created a self-reinforcing cycle of disaster that doomed the Union's prospects for success -- with 22,000 men becoming casualties as Federal and Confederate forces repeatedly traded control of the Cornfield. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2020 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-223010 David A Welker THE CORNFIELD: Antietam's Bloody Turning Point Examines the battle of Antietam as a whole and the cornfield in particular with the idea that Union General George McClellan's linear thinking demanded that the cornfield must be taken and, because of this, the repeated failure by the generals McClellan charged with fulfilling this task created a self-reinforcing cycle of disaster that doomed the Union's prospects for success -- with 22,000 men becoming casualties as Federal and Confederate forces repeatedly traded control of the cornfield. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2022 US, CASEMATE
NEW-pb, available mid September 2022 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-208030 Davis, Daniel CALAMITY IN CAROLINA: The Battles of Averasboro and Bentonville, March 1865 Robert E. Lee gave Joseph E. Johnston an impossible task.

Federal armies under Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman had rampaged through Georgia on their March to the Sea and now were cutting a swath of destruction as they marched north from Savannah through the Carolinas. Locked in a desperate defense of Richmond and Petersburg, there was little Lee could do to stem Sherman's tide -- so he turned to Johnston.

The one-time hero of Manassas had squabbled for years with Confederate President Jefferson Davis, eventually leading to his removal during the Atlanta Campaign. The disgraced Johnston had fallen far.

Yet Lee saw his old friend and professional rival as the only man who could stop Sherman -- the only man who could achieve the impossible. J.E. Johnston is the only officer whom I know who has the confidence of the army -- Lee told Davis.

Back in command, Johnston would have to assemble a makeshift force -- including the shattered remnants of the once-vaunted Army of Tennessee -- then somehow stop the Federal juggernaut. He would thus set out to achieve something that had ever eluded Lee: deal a devastating blow to an isolated Union force. Success could potentially prolong the most tragic chapter in American history, adding thousands more to a list of casualties that was already unbearable to read. Includes 148 images and eight maps.
1 vol, 168 pgs 2015 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-softcover, available early April 2015 ......$13.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-219970 Davis, Daniel THE MOST DESPERATE ACTS OF GALLANTRY: George A. Custer in the Civil War Covers George Armstrong Custer's battles in the American Civil War. He served as a staff officer through the early stages of the war. His star began to rise in late June, 1863, when he catapulted several grades to brigadier general and was given brigade command. Shortly thereafter, at Gettysburg and Buckland Mills, he led his men-the Wolverines-in some of the heaviest cavalry fighting of the Eastern Theater.

At Yellow Tavern, Custer's assault broke the enemy line, and one of his troopers mortally wounded the legendary Confederate cavalryman, J.E.B. Stuart. At Trevilian Station, his brigade was nearly destroyed. At Third Winchester, he participated in an epic cavalry charge. Elevated to lead the Third Cavalry Division, Custer played a major role at Tom's Brook and, later, at Appomattox, which ultimately led to the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2019 US SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-softcover ......$15.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-213950 Davis, Stephen ALL THE FIGHTING THEY WANT: The Atlanta Campaign from Peachtree Creek to the City's Surrender, July 18-September 2, 1864 Includes 148 images and eight maps.

Federal armies under Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman had rampaged through Georgia on their March to the Sea and now were cutting a swath of destruction as they marched north from Savannah through the Carolinas. Locked in a desperate defense of Richmond and Petersburg, there was little Robert E. Lee could do to stem Sherman's tide -- so he turned to Johnston.

The one-time hero of Manassas had squabbled for years with Confederate President Jefferson Davis, eventually leading to his removal during the Atlanta Campaign. The disgraced Johnston had fallen far. Yet Lee saw his old friend and professional rival as the only man who could stop Sherman -- the only man who could achieve the impossible.

Back in command, Johnston would have to assemble a makeshift force -- including the shattered remnants of the once-vaunted Army of Tennessee -- then somehow stop the Federal juggernaut. He would thus set out to achieve something that had ever eluded Lee: deal a devastating blow to an isolated Union force. Success could potentially prolong the most tragic chapter in American history, adding thousands more to a list of casualties that was already unbearable to read. 1 vol, 168 pgs 2017 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb ......$15.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-35920 Davis, William C. BATTLE OF NEW MARKET, THE Story of the incredible victory in the Shenandoah Valley May, 1864, o/b's, maps, illust, biblio. 1 vol, 249 pgs 1993 PA, STACKPOLE BOOKS
AS NEW-dj ......$16.00

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1-60030 Davis, William editor IAMGE OF WAR 1861-65:V2 The Guns of '62 8.5x11, 650+ phptographs chronicle the second yearof the war, index. 1 vol, 460 pgs 1982 GARDEN CITY, DOUBLEDAY
GOOD-dj is worn/torn ......$20.00

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1-198410 Desjardin, Thomas JOSHUA L. CHAMBERLAIN: The Life in Letters of a Great Leader of the American Civil War His life is a remarkable story of perseverance, tragedy and triumph. From an insecure young man with a considerable stutter who grew up in a small town in eastern Maine, Joshua Chamberlain rose to become a major general, recipient of the Medal of Honor, Governor of Maine and President of Bowdoin College. His writings are among the most oft-quoted of all Civil War memoirs, and he has become a legendary, even mythical historical figure.

In 1995, the National Civil War Museum acquired a collection of approximately three hundred letters written by or sent to Chamberlain from his college years in 1852 to his death in 1914. Author Thomas Desjardin puts Chamberlain's words in contemporary and historical context and uses this extraordinary collection of letters to reveal - for the first time - the full and remarkable life of Joshua Chamberlain. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2012 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available late May 2012 ......$26.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-235780 Dewberry, Ray HISTORY OF THE 14th GEORGIA INFANTRY REGIMENT Traces the history of the Company A of 14th Georgia in the ACW, primarily revolving around quotations from soldiers' letters that summarize actions from the days immediately following 1st Manassas right up through the end at Appomattox Courthouse.

The narrative includes an individual accounting of each of the 119 veterans of the company and will be of especial interest to all of their descendants. The narrative and action is placed in the Virginia campaigns of Robert E. Lee's army. Covers 13 battles, including Chancellorsville, The Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Petersburg, and Appomattox. 1 vol, 136 pgs 2008 US, HERITAGE BOOKS
NEW-pb, available late January 2023 ......$18.00 rct

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1-230220 Dollar, Ernest HEARTS TORN ASUNDER: Trauma in the Civil War's Final Campaign in North Carolina The war's final campaign in North Carolina began on April 10, 1865, one day after Lee's surrender at Appomattox. More than 120,000 Union and Confederate soldiers were still in the field bringing war with them as they moved across the state's verdant heartland. General William T. Sherman was still out to destroy the South's ability and moral stamina to make war. His unstoppable Union troops faced General Joseph E. Johnston's demoralized but still dangerous Confederate Army of Tennessee. Thousands of desperate, distraught, and destitute paroled Rebels added to the chaos by streaming into the state from Virginia. Grief-stricken civilians, struggling to survive in a collapsing world, were caught in the middle.

Explores the psychological experience of these soldiers and civilians during the chaotic closing weeks of the war. Their letters, diaries, and accounts reveal just how deeply the killing, suffering, and loss had hurt and impacted these people by the spring of 1865. Deftly recounts the experiences of men, women, and children who endured intense emotional, physical, and moral stress during the war's dramatic climax. Their emotional, irrational, and often uncontrollable reactions mirror symptoms associated with trauma victims today, all of which combined to shape memory of the war's end. 1 vol, 264 pgs 2022 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid April 2022 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-197100 Dougherty, Kevin J. CAMPAIGNS FOR VICKSBURG: 1862-63 - Leadership Lessons Long relegated to a secondary position behind Gettysburg, Vicksburg has more recently earned consideration by historians as the truly decisive battle of the Civil War. Indeed, Vicksburg is fascinating on many levels. A focal point of both western armies, the Federal campaign of maneuver that finally isolated the Confederates in the city was masterful. The Navy's contribution to the Federal victory was significant. The science of the fortifications and siege tactics are rich in detail. The human drama of Vicksburg's beleaguered civilian population is compelling, and the Confederate cavalry dashes that first denied the Union victory were thrilling. But perhaps more than any other factor, the key to the Federal victory at Vicksburg was simply better leadership. It is this aspect of the campaign that Leadership Lessons: The Campaigns for Vicksburg, 1862-1863 seeks to explore.

The first section of this book familiarizes the reader with the challenges, characteristics, and styles associated with leadership during the Civil War in general. It also outlines the Vicksburg Campaign by explaining the strategic significance of the Mississippi River and Vicksburg, detailing the opposing forces and the terrain, discussing the failed attempts to capture Vicksburg over the winter of 1862-63, and tracing the brilliant campaign of maneuver and logistics that allowed Grant to ultimately lay siege and win a Federal victory. The second section of the book contains 30 'leadership vignettes' that span the actions of the most senior leaders down to those of individual soldiers. Each vignette focuses the campaign overview to the specific situation in order to provide appropriate context, explains the action in terms of leadership lessons learned, and concludes with a short list of 'take-aways' to crystallize the lessons for the reader.

The human drama of Vicksburg involved such traits as daring, persistence, hesitation, raw courage, vascillation, self-confidence, and over-reliance-all with a great prize at stake. This study of many of the Civil War's most famous commanders who vied for the Rebel 'Gibraltar on the Mississippi' reveals combat on a wide scale, but more importantly lessons on decision-making that still apply to this day. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2011 US, CASEMATE PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, available mid December 2011 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-208020 Dunkerly, Robert M TO THE BITTER END: Appomattox, Bennett Place, and the Surrender of the Confederacy Across the Confederacy, determination remained high through the winter of 1864 into the new year. Yet ominous signs were everywhere. The peace conference had failed. Large areas were overrun, the armies could not stop Union advances, the economy was in shambles, and industry and infrastructure were crumbling the Confederacy could not make, move, or maintain anything. No one knew what the future held, but uncertainty.

Civilians and soldiers, generals and governors, resolved to fight to the bitter end. Myths and misconceptions abound about those last days of the Confederacy. There would be no single surrender or treaty that brought the war to an end. Rather, the Confederacy collapsed, its government on the run, its cities occupied, its armies surrendering piecemeal.

Offering a fresh look at the various surrenders that ended the war, To the Bitter End: Appomattox, Bennett Place, and the Surrenders of the Confederacy by Robert M. Dunkerly brings to light little-known facts and covers often-overlooked events. Each surrender starting at Appomattox and continuing through Greensboro, Citronelle, and the Trans Mississippi unfolded on its own course. Many involved confusing and chaotic twists and turns. Includes 150 illustrations and maps.
1 vol, 168 pgs 2015 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-softcover, available early April 2015 ......$13.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-205140 Dunkley, Robert NO TURNING BACK: A Guide to the 1864 Overland Campaign, from the Wilderness to Cold Harbor, May 4 - June 13, 1864 With the Union Army of the Potomac as his sledge, Grant crossed the Rapidan River, intending to draw the Army of Northern Virginia into one final battle. Short of that, he planned 'to hammer continuously against the armed forces of the enemy and his resources, until by mere attrition, if in no other way, there should be nothing left to him.' Includes 25 maps and 194 images

Almost immediately, though, Robert E. Lee's Confederates brought Grant to bay in the thick tangle of the Wilderness. Rather than retreat, as other army commanders had done in the past, Grant outmaneuvered Lee, swinging left and south.

The 1864 Overland Campaign would be a nonstop grind of fighting, maneuvering, and marching, with much of it in rain and mud, and with casualty lists longer than anything yet seen in the war. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2014 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-softcover, available mid May 2014 ......$13.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-215170 Field, Ron SILENT WITNESS: The Civil War Through Photography and Its Photographers Contents: Introduction; The Antebellum Scene, 1845-61; The Opening Shots, 1861; Home Town Photographers, 1861-62; Battles and Campaigns, 1861-65; The Photographer in Camp, 1861-65; The Camera at Sea, 1861-65; The Closing Shots, 1865; and Index. 1 vol, 328 pgs 2017 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid October 2017 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-972002 Field, Ron 002 COMBAT: UNION INFANTRYMAN vs CONFEDERATE INFANTRYMAN: Eastern Theater 1861-65 The enthusiastic but largely inexperienced soldiers serving on both sides in the Civil War had to adapt quickly to the appalling realities of warfare in the industrial age. Author Ron Field, an authority on the Civil War, investigates three clashes that illustrate the changing realities of combat. Pitched into combat after an exhausting march to reach the battlefield, newly recruited infantrymen of both sides clashed at First Bull Run/Manassas in 1861.

Two years later, the outcome of the Civil War's pivotal battle at Gettysburg hung in the balance as the Confederate veterans of Pickett's Division mounted a set-piece attack on Union positions at 'The Bloody Angle'. In 1864, African-American troops fighting for the Union took part in a bloody assault on formidable Confederate positions at Chaffin's Farm/New Market Heights, outside Petersburg. This absorbing study casts light on what it was like to take part in close-quarters battle during the Civil War, as increased infantry firepower and an increasing reliance on prepared defensive positions spelled the end of close-order tactics in the conflict that shaped America. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2013 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover ......$19.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-972012 Field, Ron 012 CONFEDERATE CAVALRYMAN vs UNION CAVALRYMAN: Eastern Theater 1861-65 During the intense, sprawling conflict that was the American Civil War, both Union and Confederate forces fielded substantial numbers of cavalry, which carried out the crucial tasks of reconnaissance, raiding, and conveying messages. The perception was that cavalry's effectiveness on the battlefield would be drastically reduced in this age of improved mass infantry firepower.

This title, however, demonstrates how cavalry's lethal combination of mobility and dismounted firepower meant it was still very much a force to be reckoned with in battle. It also charts the swing in the qualitative difference of the cavalry forces fielded by the two sides as the war progressed. The enormous initial superiority enjoyed by Confederate cavalry was gradually eroded, through the Union's outstanding improvements in training and tactics, and the bold and enterprising leadership of men such as Philip Sheridan.

Featuring full-color artwork, specially drawn maps, and archive illustrations, this gripping study offers key insights into the tactics, leadership, combat performance, and subsequent reputations of Union and Confederate mounted units fighting in three pivotal cavalry actions of the American Civil War - Second Bull Run/Manassas (1862), Buckland Mills (1863), and Tom's Brook (1864). 1 vol, 80 pgs 2015 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, available late May 2015 ......$19.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-36792 Freeman, Douglas Southall R.E. LEE:V2 Definitive work, a must for any Civil War buff, maps, illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 621 pgs 1988 NY, HUDSON RIVER EDITIONS
AS NEW-dj ......$18.00

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1-235000 Geise, William Royston THE CONFEDERATE MILITARY FORCES IN THE TRANS-MISSISSIPPI WEST 1861-1865: A Study in Command Traces the evolution of Confederate command and how it affected the shifting strategic situation and general course of the ACW. Military field operations are discussed as needed, but the emphasis is on the functioning of headquarters and staff-the central nervous system of any military command. This was especially so for the Trans-Mississippi. Explains why this remote department (referred to as 'Kirby Smithdom' after Gen. Kirby Smith) failed to function efficiently, and how and why the war unfolded there as it did.

After July 1863, the only viable Confederate agency west of the great river was the headquarters at Shreveport. That hub of activity became the sole location to which all isolated players, civilians and military alike, could look for immediate overall leadership and a sense of Confederate solidarity. By filling these needs, the Trans-Mississippi Department assumed a unique and vital role among Confederate military departments and provided a focus for continued Confederate resistance west of the Mississippi River. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late October 2022 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-203606 Gottfried, Bradley The Maps of Fredericksburg - An Atlas of the Fredericksburg Campaign, Including all Cavalry Operations, September 18, 1862 - January 22, 1863 Another in the series uses 122 detailed, full-page color maps that drill down to the regimental and battery level and include the march to and from the battlefield and virtually every significant event in between. Keyed to each piece of cartography is a full facing page of detailed text describing the units, personalities, movements, and combat (including quotes from eyewitnesses) depicted on the accompanying map, all of which make the Fredericksburg story come alive. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2018 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj ......$38.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-203607 Gottfried, Bradley The Maps of the Cavalry in the Gettysburg Campaign - An Atlas of Mounted Operations from Brandy Station Through Falling Waters, June 9 - July 14, 1863 Another in the series uses 82 detailed, full-page color maps that drill down to the regimental and battery level, and include the march to and from the battlefield and virtually every significant event in between. Keyed to each piece of cartography is a full-facing page of detailed text describing the units, personalities, movements, and combat (including quotes from eyewitnesses) depicted on the accompanying map, all of which make the cavalry actions come alive. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2020 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid September 2020 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-203609 Gottfried, Bradley THE MAPS OF SPOTSYLVANIA THROUGH COLD HARBOR: An Atlas of the Fighting at Spotsylvania Court House and Cold Harbor, Including all Cavalry Operations -- May 7 Through June 3, 1864 The Maps of Spotsylvania through Cold Harbor continues Bradley M. Gottfried's efforts to study and illustrate the major campaigns of the Civil War's Eastern Theater. This is the ninth book in the ongoing Savas Beatie Military Atlas Series. Includes 134 maps.

Continues the actions of both armies through the completion of the Overland Campaign. After the Wilderness fighting, the Army of the Potomac attempted to swing around the right flank of Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia and shoot straight for Richmond. The Confederate capital was never the goal; the move was intended to force Lee out into the open, where the larger and well-stocked Union army could destroy it. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid April 2023 ......$38.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-242970 Gottfried, Bradley RACE TO THE POTOMAC: Lee and Meade After Gettysburg, July 4-14, 1863 Even before the guns fell silent at Gettysburg, Robert E. Lee was preparing for the arduous task of getting his defeated Confederate army back safely into northern Virginia. It was an enormous, complex, and exceedingly dangerous undertaking -- all in a pouring rainstorm and all under the shadow of a possible attack from the Federal Army of the Potomac. Lee first needed to assemble two wagon trains, one to transport the wounded and the other to deliver the tons of supplies acquired by the army as it roamed across Pennsylvania and Maryland on the way to Gettysburg. Once the wagon trains were set, he mapped routes for his infantry and artillery on different roads to speed the journey and protect his command. Includes 13 maps and 134 images. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2024 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available late March 2024 ......$17.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-242440 Gottfried, Bradley and Linda Gottfried RACE TO THE POTOMAC: Lee and Meade after Gettysburg, July 4-14, 1863 Covers the period after Gettysburg, when Robert E. Lee withdrew his defeated Confederate army back to Virginia. Covers the assembly of two wagon trains, one to transport the wounded and the other with tons of supplies, followed by sending infantry and artillery on different roads to speed the journey and protect his command as the Union cavalry set out in pursuit. Discusses the encounters that followed, including several engagements with Jeb Stuart's horsemen, as the Rebels reached Hagerstown, Maryland largely unscathed and began building a strong defensive line while a pontoon bridge was built across the Potomac at Falling Waters. Contains 75 images and 10 maps. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2024 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available mid March 2024 ......$17.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-190510 Gottfried, Bradley M. MAPS OF FIRST BULL RUN, THE (51) color maps break down the entire campaign,includes the pre-battle operations, the initial skirmishing at Blackburn's Ford, the entire battle and the subsequent rout of Federal forces, O/b's. 1 vol, 136 pgs 2008 UK, PEN & SWORD BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-241960 Granger, Edward AN AIDE TO CUSTER: The Civil War Letters of Lt. Edward G. Granger In August 1862, 19-year-old Edward G. Granger joined the 5th Michigan Cavalry Regiment as a second lieutenant. On August 20, 1863, the newly promoted Brig. Gen. George Armstrong Custer appointed Granger as one of his aides, a position Granger would hold until his death in August 1864. Many of the 44 letters the young lieutenant wrote home during those two years provide a unique look into the words and actions of his legendary commander. At the same time, Granger's correspondence offers an intimate picture of life on the picket lines of the Army of the Potomac and a staff officer's experiences in the field. Includes 38 black and white illustrations and 10 maps. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2024 US, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA PRESS
NEW-pb, available late April 2024 ......$30.00 rct

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1-200590 Green, Arthur Mobile Confederates From Shiloh to Spanish Fort: 21st Alabama Mobile Confederates From Shiloh to Spanish Fort: The Story of the 21st Alabama Infantry Volunteers - Arthur E. Green. The 21st Alabama Volunteers CSA was created in October 1861 and remained in the vicinity of Mobile, Alabama, for most of the war. It was staffed primarily by local Mobile area men supplemented with some additional men from South Alabama counties.

The 21st Regiment included existing companies such as the French Guards, the Spanish Guards, the British Guards and the Mobile Cadets. It served gallantly at Shiloh in April 1862 and suffered heavily in that conflict. Lieutenant George Dixon was a member of the 21st who was wounded at Shiloh; he later died with his crew in command of the submarine Hunley at Charleston after sinking the first enemy warship by submarine warfare.

The 21st manned and defended the forts at the mouth of Mobile Bay, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan and Fort Powell at Grant's Pass as well as forts at Oven Bluff and Choctaw Bluff on the Alabama and Tombigbee Rivers north of Mobile. The 21st suffered the siege and defeat at Spanish Fort in April 1865. The abstracted compiled service records of almost 3,000 men who served are contained in this roster. Entries are arranged alphabetically by surname. A brief history of the 21st Alabama Infantry Volunteers, an appendix and a bibliography add to the value of this work. 1 vol, 388 pgs 2012 US, HERITAGE BOOKS
NEW-softcover, late December 2012 ......$42.00

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1-227460 Greenwalt, Phillip GRANT'S LEFT HOOK: The Bermuda Hundred Campaign, May 5-June 7, 1864 General US Grant sent the 38,000-man Army of The James to Bermuda Hundred, to threaten and possibly take Richmond, or at least pin down troops that could reinforce Lee in Northern Virginia. Jefferson Davis, in desperate need of a capable commander, turned to the Confederacy's first hero: Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard. Butler's 1862 occupation of New Orleans had infuriated the South, but no one more than Beauregard, a New Orleans native. In the hot weeks of May 1864, Butler and Beauregard fought a series of skirmishes and battles to decide the fate of Richmond and Lee's army. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2021 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available early July 2021 ......$15.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-13730 Griffith, Paddy illustrated by Peter Dennis BATTLE IN THE CIVIL WAR: Generalship & Tactics A structured analysis of all aspects of Civil War combat, compressing a surprisingly technical and detailed coverage into such a short space. Sub-sections cover the army commander's perspectives in setting up and then running a battle; the arts of generalship at the level of Corps and Division command; and then a long section onbattle, including minor tactics, weapons, combat psychology, and casualties. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2021 UK, JOHN CURRY EVENTS
NEW-pb ......$20.00 rct

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1-229450 Gullachsen, Arthur THE CARNAGE WAS FEARFUL: Battle of Cedar Mounrtain Covers the Battle of Cedar Mountain on August 9, 1862, where outnumbered Federal infantry under Maj. Gen. Nathaniel Banks attacked Maj. Gen. Stonewall Jackson's army as it marched toward Culpeper Court House. A violent three-hour battle erupted, yielding more than 3,600 casualties. The tide of battle turned and the resulting Confederate victory added to Stonewall's mystique. Includes 175 images and 10 maps.

The battle saw the emergence of the Federal cavalry as an effective intelligence collector and screening force. It also provided Confederate Maj. Gen. A.P. Hill's first opportunity to save the day and his first opportunity to raise Jackson's ire. Within the Federal Army, the aftermath of the battle escalated the in-fighting among generals and led to recriminations and finger-pointing over why the battle was even fought. Most importantly, the Federal defeat at Cedar Mountain halted an advance into central Virginia and provided the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia, Gen. Robert E. Lee, an opportunity to take the fight away from Richmond and toward Washington.
1 vol, 192 pgs 2022 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available late January 2022 ......$17.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-246590 Hale, Douglas THE THIRD TEXAS CAVALRY IN THE CIVIL WAR The Third Texas Cavalry Regiment, recruited from 26 counties of northeastern Texas, was one of the most famous Confederate units from the Lone Star State. Covers troop movements and battle actions, portraying the sufferings and private thoughts of individual cavalrymen and their commanders as they marched back and forth across the Southern landscape. 1 vol, 348 pgs 1993 US, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA PRESS
AS NEW-dj, ......$30.00

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2-216140 Hardy, Michael GENERAL LEE'S IMMORTALS: The Battles and Campaigns of the Branch-Lane Brigade in the Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-1865 Two decades after the end of the Civil War, former Confederate officer Riddick Gatlin bewailed the lack of a history of North Carolina's Branch-Lane Brigade, within which he had served, complaining 'Who has ever written a line to tell of the sacrifices, the suffering and the ending of these more than immortal men?' Includes 88 images and 12 maps.

Comprehensive history of the unit, including that infamous day at Chancellorsville when its members mistakenly shot Stonewall Jackson. Two months later they were in Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg, and thereafter throughout the titanic battles of 1864. In the meantime we learn of the camp-life and the hard winters of Lee's army. Yet when Lee finally surrendered at Appomattox, the Branch-Lane Brigade was still with him, no longer victors but yet unbowed. 1 vol, 408 pgs 2018 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-softcover, available early October 2018 ......$19.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-225560 Harris, Michael DEFENDING THE ARTERIES OF REBELLION: Confederate Naval Operations in the Mississippi River Valley, 1861-1865 The Confederate war machine introduced numerous innovations and alternate defenses of the Mississippi River, including the CSA's first operational ironclad, the first successful use of underwater torpedoes, widespread use of army-navy joint operations, and the employment of extensive river obstructions. When the Mississippi River came under complete Union control in 1863, Confederate efforts shifted to the river's many tributaries, where a bitter and deadly struggle ensued to control these internal lifelines. Despite a lack of ships, material, personnel, funding, and unified organization, not to mention competition among all services for scarce resources, the Confederacy fought desperately and scored many localized tactical victories -- often won at great cost -- but failed at the strategic level. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2022 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available mid August 2022 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-192212 Hasenauer, Richard REGIMENTAL FIRE AND FURY - Civil War Battle Scenarios Vol. 2 1862-1863 Lead the breakout at Fort Donelson, stand with the Iron Brigade in its finest moment on McPherson's Ridge, and charge with General Barksdale into the Peach Orchard. The full-color, 80-page softback book offers 13 early and mid-war battle scenarios to go with your Regimental Fire and Fury rulebook. The scenarios have been thoroughly researched, playtested, and designed to offer a wide range of gaming experiences. Each scenario comes with a detailed battlefield map, a complete order of battle with unit labels, and the special rules and content you need to set up and play each game. The book also has a section of optional rules.

Fort Donelson Breakout, February 15, 1862
Battle of Valverde, February 21, 1862
Battle of McDowell, May 8, 1862
Battle of Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862
Fox's Gap: Morning, Battle of South Mountain, September 14, 1862
Fox's Gap: Afternoon
Battle of Salem Church, May 3, 1863
McPherson's Ridge: Morning, Battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 1863
McPherson's Ridge: Afternoon
Sickles' Salient, Battle of Gettysburg, July 2, 1863
Caldwell Clears the Wheatfield, Battle of Gettysburg, July 2, 1863
Viniard Field, Battle of Chickamauga, September 19, 1863
Tunnel Hill, Battle of Chattanooga, November 25, 1863
1 vol, 80 pgs 2010 US, FIRE AND FURY
NEW-softcover, o/p ......$35.00

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1-241480 Hatcher, Richard W. THUNDER IN THE HARBOR: Fort Sumter and the Civil War Examines the intricacies, complexities, and importance of this initial campaign for Fort Sumter and Charleston to the overall American Civil War. The bombardment and surrender of Sumter were only the beginning of the story. For two years, the fort with its 84 heavy guns and a 500-man garrison remained mostly untested. That changed in July 1863 with the start of a grueling 22-month land and sea siege that included ironclad attacks, land assaults, raiding parties, and siege operations. The shelling had rendered Fort Sumter almost unrecognizable, but both sides understood the military significance of the fort and the busy seaport. Contains 64 images and 3 maps. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2024 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid January 2024 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-46480 Hendrickson, Robert SUMTER:The First Day of The Civil War A colorful account the ironic first shots of the ACW, b/w illust, list of union soldiers of all ranks present, biblio, index. 1 vol, 286 pgs 1990 CHELSEA, SCARBOROUGH HSE
V.GOOD-dj ......$15.00

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1-199910 Herdegen, Lance THE IRON BRIGADE IN CIVIL WAR AND MEMORY - The Black Hats from Bull Run to Appomattox and Thereafter Why another book on the Iron Brigade? Because this is really the first book on this storied outfit - and it could not have been written without the lifetime of study undertaken by award-winning author Lance J. Herdegen. More than a standard military account, Herdegen's latest puts flesh and faces on the men who sat around the campfires, marched through mud and snow and dust, fought to put down the rebellion, and recorded much of what they did and witnessed for posterity. 124 b/w photos and 15 maps.

Herdegen's magnificent The Iron Brigade in Civil War and Memory, sure to be looked upon as his magnum opus, is based on decades of archival research and includes scores of previously unpublished letters, photos, journals, and other primary accounts. This well researched and written tour de force, which includes reunion and memorial coverage until the final expiration of the last surviving member, will be the last word on the Iron Brigade for the foreseeable future.

1 vol, 696 pgs 2012 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-236450 Hessler, James GETTYSBURG'S PEACH ORCHARD: Longstreet, Sickles, and the Bloody Fight for the Commanding Ground Along the Emmitsburg Road Hessler and Isenberg, both Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guides, combine the military aspects of the July 2, 1863 fighting with human interest stories in a balanced treatment of the bloody attack and defense of Gettysburg's Peach Orchard.

General Sickles's questionable advance forced Longstreet's artillery and infantry to fight for every inch of ground on the way to Cemetery Ridge. The Confederate attack crushed the Peach Orchard salient and other parts of the Union line and threatened the left flank of Maj. Gen. George Meade's Army of the Potomac. The command decisions made on and around the Sherfy property influenced actions on every part of the battlefield. The occupation of the high ground at the Peach Orchard helped General Lee rationalize ordering the tragic July 3 assault known as Pickett's Charge. 1 vol, 408 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid April 2023 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-236450 Hessler, James GETTYSBURG'S PEACH ORCHARD: Longstreet, Sickles, and the Bloody Fight for the Commanding Ground Along the Emmitsburg Road Hessler and Isenberg, both Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guides, combine the military aspects of the July 2, 1863 fighting with human interest stories in a balanced treatment of the bloody attack and defense of Gettysburg's Peach Orchard.

General Sickles's questionable advance forced Longstreet's artillery and infantry to fight for every inch of ground on the way to Cemetery Ridge. The Confederate attack crushed the Peach Orchard salient and other parts of the Union line and threatened the left flank of Maj. Gen. George Meade's Army of the Potomac. The command decisions made on and around the Sherfy property influenced actions on every part of the battlefield. The occupation of the high ground at the Peach Orchard helped General Lee rationalize ordering the tragic July 3 assault known as Pickett's Charge. 1 vol, 408 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-191820 Hessler, James A SICKLES AT GETTYSBURG The Controversial Civil War General Who Committed Murder, Abandoned Little Round Top, and Declared Himself the Hero of Gettysburg. (40) b/w photos & maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 504 pgs 2010 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb ......$23.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-220620 Hessler, James and Isenberg, Britt GETTYSBURG'S PEACH ORCHARD: Longstreet, Sickles, and the Bloody Fight for the Commanding Ground Along the Emmitsburg Road More books have been written about the battle of Gettysburg than any other engagement of the Civil War. The historiography of the battle's second day is usually dominated by the Union's successful defense of Little Round Top, but the day's most influential action occurred nearly one mile west along the Emmitsburg Road in farmer Joseph Sherfy's peach orchard. Despite its overriding importance, no full-length study of this pivotal action has been written until now. James Hessler's and Britt Isenberg's Gettysburg's Peach Orchard: Longstreet, Sickles, and the Bloody Fight for the 'Commanding Ground' Along the Emmitsburg Road corrects that oversight. Includes 20 images and 25 maps.

On July 2, 1863, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee ordered skeptical subordinate Lt. Gen. James Longstreet to launch a massive assault against the Union left flank. The offensive was intended to seize the Peach Orchard and surrounding ground along the Emmitsburg Road for use as an artillery position to support the ongoing attack. However, Union Maj. Gen. Daniel Sickles, a scheming former congressman from New York, misinterpreted his orders and occupied the orchard first. What followed was some of Gettysburg's bloodiest and most controversial fighting. 1 vol, 408 pgs 2019 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid June 2019 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-239610 Hood, Stephen THE LOST PAPERS OF CONFEDERATE GENERAL JOHN BELL HOOD Although Hood's personal papers were thought lot or destroyed, the papers had been carefully preserved for generations by Hood's descendants. This 200+ document collection sheds important light on some of the war's lingering mysteries and controversies. For example, letters from Confederate officers help explain Hood's failure to entrap Schofield's Union army at Spring Hill, Tennessee, on November 29, 1864. Another letter by Lt. Gen. Stephen D. Lee helps to explain Maj. Gen. Patrick Cleburne's gallant but reckless conduct that resulted in his death at Franklin. Lee also lodges serious allegations against Confederate Maj. Gen. William Bate's troops. Other papers explain the purpose and intent behind Hood's 'controversial' memoir Advance and Retreat, and validate its contents. While these and others offer a military perspective of Hood the general, the revealing letters between he and Anna, his beloved and devoted wife, help us better understand Hood the man and husband.

Includes documents relating to Hood's U.S. Army service, Civil War career, and postwar life. It includes letters from Confederate and Union officers, unpublished battle reports, detailed medical reports relating to Hood's two major wounds, and dozens of letters exchanged between Hood and his wife Anna. 1 vol, 312 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available mid October 2023 ......$27.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-207950 Horn, John THE SIEGE OF PETERSBURG: The Battles for the Weldon Railroad, August 1864 The nine-month siege of Petersburg was the longest continuous operation of the American Civil War. A series of large-scale Union offensives, grand maneuvers that triggered some of the fiercest battles of the war, broke the monotony of static trench warfare. Grant's Fourth Offensive, August 14-25, the longest and bloodiest operation of the campaign, is the subject of John Horn's revised and updated Sesquicentennial edition. Includes 20+ maps and 20+ b/w images.

Frustrated by his inability to break through the Southern front, General Grant devised a two punch combination strategy in an effort to sever the crucial Weldon Railroad and stretch General Lee's lines. The plan called for General Hancock's II Corps (with the X Corps) to move against Deep Bottom north of the James River to occupy Confederate attention while General Warren's V Corps, supported by elements of the IX Corps, marched south and west below Petersburg toward Globe Tavern on the Weldon Railroad.

The plan triggered the battles of Second Deep Bottom, Globe Tavern, and Second Reams Station, bitter fighting that witnessed fierce Confederate counterattacks and additional Union operations against the railroad before Grant's troops dug in and secured their hold on Globe Tavern. The end result was nearly 15,000 killed, wounded, and missing, the severing of the railroad, and the jump-off point for what would be Grant's Fifth Offensive in late September.
1 vol, 384 pgs 2015 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available late March 2015 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-210740 Huffstodt, James LINCOLN'S BOLD LION: The Life and Times of Brigadier General Martin Davis Hardin Biography of General Martin Hardin provides more than a combat record-in fact comprises a walking tour through 1800s America, with its most costly war only a centerpiece. From his childhood in Illinois, where a slave girl implanted in him a fear of ghosts, to his attendance at West Point, along with other future luminaries, to his service on the frontier (where he took particular note of the bearing of the Cheyenne), Hardin's life reveals the progress of a century.

Abraham Lincoln was a close friend and political ally of Martin's father, who died a hero in the Mexican War. The family were also relatives of Mary Todd. Made Brigadier General at age 27, Hardin fought with distinction at Malvern Hill, Second Manassas, Gettysburg, Grant's Overland Campaign, and the July 1864 Rebel raid on Washington. He was wounded four times, nearly died on two occasions, and lost an arm during the war. On one occasion he was ambushed on a road by Mosby's men, one of whom may have been Lincoln conspirator Lewis Paine. Hardin himself took part in the hunt for John Wilkes Booth after Lincoln's assassination. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2016 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available mid February 2016 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-226760 Hughes, Dwight UNLIKE ANYTHING THAT EVER FLOATED: The Monitor and Virginia and the Battle of Hampton Roads, March 8-9, 1862 The Monitor, an untried iron coffin-like ship of which the gloomiest predictions were made, met the CSS Virginia, the brainchild of innovative, dedicated, and courageous men, but the victim of hurried design, untested technology, poor planning and coordination, and a dearth of critical resources. Nevertheless, the Virginia rendered the wooden ship obsolete, threatened the strategically vital US Navy blockade, and disrupted General McClellan's plans to take Richmond.

From flaming, bloody decks of sinking ships, to the dim confines of the first rotating armored turret, to the smoky depths of a Rebel gundeck-with shells screaming, clanging, booming, and splashing all around-to the office of a worried president with his cabinet peering down the Potomac for a Rebel monster, this dramatic story unfolds through the accounts of men who lived it in.
1 vol, 192 pgs 2021 US SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb available mid March 2021 ......$15.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-226621 Hunt, Jeffrey MEADE AND LEE AFTER GETTYSBURG: The Forgotten Final Stage of the Gettysburg Campaign, from Falling Waters to Culpeper Court House, July 14-31, 1863 Continues the campaign after the battle after aftermath deep in central Virginia two weeks later along the line of the Rappahannock. First of three volumes includes 12 maps and 25 images.

Rather than follow in Lee's wake, however, Meade moved south on the east side of the Blue Ridge Mountains in a cat-and-mouse game to outthink his enemy and capture the strategic gaps penetrating the high wooded terrain. Doing so would trap Lee in the northern reaches of the Shenandoah Valley and potentially bring about the decisive victory that had eluded Union arms north of the Potomac.

The two weeks that followed was a grand chess match with everything at stake -- high drama filled with hard marching, cavalry charges, heavy skirmishing, and set-piece fighting that threatened to escalate into a major engagement with the potential to end the war in the Eastern Theater. Throughout, one thing remains clear: Union soldiers from private to general continued to fear the lethality of Lee's army. Uses Official Records, regimental histories, letters, newspapers, and other sources to provide a day-by-day account of this fascinating high-stakes affair 1 vol, 312 pgs 2021 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-226622 Hunt, Jeffrey MEADE AND LEE AT BRISTOE STATION: The Problems of Command and Strategy after Gettysburg, from Brandy Station to the Buckland Races, August 1 to October 31, 1863 Second volume of three continues the Union pursuit of the Confederate Army. Lee further depleted his ranks by dispatching James Longstreet (his best corps commander) and most of his First Corps via rail to reinforce Bragg's Army of Tennessee. However, the Union defeat that followed at Chickamauga, in turn, forced Meade to follow suit with the XI and XII Corps.

Despite these reductions, the aggressive Lee assumed the strategic offensive against his more careful Northern opponent, who was also busy waging a rearguard action against the politicians in Washington. The Army of Northern Virginia carried the war above the Rappahannock once more in an effort to retrieve the laurels lost in Pennsylvania. When the opportunity beckoned, Lee took it, knocking Meade back on his heels with a threat to his army as serious as the one Pope had endured a year earlier. As Lee quickly learned again, A. P. Hill was no Stonewall Jackson, and with Longstreet away Lee's army was no longer as mighty as he wished. The high tide of the campaign ebbed at Bristoe Station with a signal Confederate defeat. The next move was now up to Meade. Uses Official Records, regimental histories, letters, newspapers, and other sources to provide a day-by-day account.
1 vol, 480 pgs 2019 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-226623 Hunt, Jeffrey MEADE AND LEE AT RAPPAHANNOCK STATION: The Army of the Potomac's First Post-Gettysburg Offensive, From Kelly's Ford to the Rapidan, October 21 to November 20, 1863 Third volume of three. Lee's bold strategy was to hold the Rappahannock River line as the Army of the Potomac retraced its steps south. Pressured by Washington to fight but denied strategic flexibility, Meade launched a risky offensive to carry Lee's Rappahannock defenses and bring on a decisive battle. The fighting included a stunning Federal triumph at Rappahannock Station which destroyed two entire Confederate brigades and gave Meade the upper hand and the initiative in his deadly duel with Lee, who retreated south to a new position behind the Rapidan River. It seemed as though Lee's vaunted Army of Northern Virginia had lost its magic after its defeat in Pennsylvania.

In addition to politics, strategy, and tactics, examines the intricate command relationships, Lee's questionable decision-making, and the courageous spirit of the fighting men. Uses official reports, regimental histories, letters, newspapers, and other archival sources. Includes maps and photos
1 vol, 324 pgs 2021 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid March 2021 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-45110 Imholte, John Quinn FIRST VOLUNTEERS, THE History of the First Minnesota Volunteer Regiment 1861-1865, they served at Bull Run, the Peninsula Campaign and Gettysburg, chpt notes, b/w maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 238 pgs 1963 MINNEAPOLIS, ROSS-HAINES
V.GOOD-dj ......$30.00

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1-246560 Jones, Margaret SHE SPIED FOR FREEDOM: Mary Richards, A Black Civil War Agent Tells the story of Mary Richards, a Union spy who posed as an illiterate slave during the American Civil War. Spying on the war councils of Davis and his advisers, she risked her life to send vital intelligence to the U.S. military in the ongoing battle to end slavery. Born into slavery herself but freed to be educated in the North, she was sent to Africa as a teenage missionary. On her return to the American South in wartime, she was recruited as a Union spy and sent on her dangerous mission to the 'Confederate White House.' Focuses on Richards's benefactor and spymaster, Elizabeth Van Lew; her fellow agents; her three husbands; and those, like Jefferson Davis and his wife, whom she dealt with in the camp of the enemy. 1 vol, 168 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid October 2024 ......$38.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-239600 Jones, Terry THE CIVIL WAR MEMOIRS OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM J SEYMOUR: Reminiscences of a Louisiana Tiger New Orleans newspaper editor William J. Seymour left a detailed account of his wartime experiences-the only memoir by any field or staff officer of the famous 1st Louisiana Brigade (Hays' Brigade) in the Army of Northern Virginia. Long out of print, this is an updated and revised edition.

After service in the 1862 New Orleans campaign, Seymour joined Gen. Harry Hays' staff in Virginia. Seymour's memoirs cover his experiences in the Army of Northern Virginia in great detail, including the campaigns of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, the Wilderness, and the Shenandoah Valley, ending with the Battle of Cedar Creek in 1864. His pen recounts the activities of the Louisiana Brigade while offering a critical analysis of the tactics and strategies employed by the army. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available mid October 2023 ......$20.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-197770 Jordan, Brian Matthew UNHOLY SABBATH: The Battle of South Mountain in History and Memory, September 14, 1862 Fresh finds fight at South Mountain a decisive Federal victory and important turning point in the campaign, providing a substantial boost for the downtrodden men of the Union army, who recognized the battle as hard fought and deservedly won-a ferocious hours-long fight with instances of hand-to-hand combat and thousands of casualties. This was the first time the Army of the Potomac held the field and were tasked with the responsibility of burying the dead.

Based upon extensive archival research, newspaper accounts, regimental histories, official records, postwar reunion materials, public addresses, letters, and diaries, complete with outstanding maps, photographs, a complete order of battle with losses, and an in-depth interview with the author.

6 x 9, 12 maps, 40 photos 1 vol, 408 pgs 2012 UK, Savas Beatie
NEW, hardback, available late February ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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3-96700 Jordan, Robert Paul CIVIL WAR, THE Hundreds of color plates/illustrations, 'uniform' end plates, maps, and index.

Robert Jordan is a good writer and makes this the first book on the Civil War that I read cover to cover. Lots of pictures and battle layouts and a removable map of all of the battles of the Civil War. Covers all the major battles and gives you a good sense of the times and the reasons behind the Civil War. 1 vol, 215 pgs 1969 WASHINGTON, NATIONAL GEO.
GOOD-dj, one copy only - first come, first served ......$8.00 inc

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3-34680 Katcher, Phillip ARMY OF ROBERT E. LEE, THE Detailed look at every level of the army, all arms, unit organization, o/b's, 70+ b/w illust/photos. 1 vol, 320 pgs 1996 LONDON, CASSELL LTD
NEW-softcover, o/p ......$20.00

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1-243920 Kirkwood, Ronald TELL MOTHER NOT TO WORRY: Soldier Stories From Gettysburg's George Spangler Farm Explores the legacy of courage and sacrifice at Gettysburg's George Spangler Farm, as the book looks at untold soldier stories and new revelations from the heart of the battlefield hospitals. Research includes thousands of pensions and military records, hospital files, letters, newspapers, and diaries of those present at the hospitals during and after the battle. Offers new information on events and experiences at the farm, including the mortally wounded Confederate Brig. Gen. Lewis Armistead. Includes a chapter on the First Division, II Corps hospital at Granite Schoolhouse, a wounded list for that division, and a chapter on Col. Edward E. Cross, who died at Granite Schoolhouse in the middle of Spangler land. Concludes by continuing the story of George and Elizabeth Spangler and their four children after the war and their modern-day descendants. Contains 91 images and seven maps. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2024 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available early July 2024 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-227380 Knight, Charles FROM ARLINGTON TO APPOMATTOX: Robert E. Lee's Civil War, Day by Day, 1861-1865 This is not another Lee biography, but it is every bit as valuable as one, and perhaps more so. Focusing on where he was, who he was with, and what he was doing day by day offers an entirely different appreciation for Lee. Readers will come away with a fresh sense of his struggles, both personal and professional, and discover many things about Lee for the first time using his own correspondence and papers from his family, his staff, his lieutenants, and the men of his army.

Lost in all of the military histories of the war, and even in most of the Lee biographies, is what the general was doing when he was out of history's public eye. We know Lee rode out to meet the survivors of Pickett's Charge and accept blame for the defeat, that he tried to lead the Texas Brigade in a counterattack to save the day at the Wilderness, and took a tearful ride from Wilmer McLean's house at Appomattox. But what of the other days? Where was Lee and what was he doing when the spotlight of history failed to illuminate him? 1 vol, 576 pgs 2021 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available late June 2021 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-192510 Knight, Charles R. VALLEY THUNDER: The Battle of New Market Charles R. Knight's 'Valley Thunder' is the first full-length account in more than three decades to examine the combat at New Market on May 15, 1864-the battle that opened the pivotal 1864 Shenandoah Valley Campaign.

'Valley Thunder: The Battle of New Market' is based upon years of primary research and a firsthand appreciation of the battlefield terrain. Knight's balanced and objective approach includes a detailed examination of the complex prelude leading up to the day of battle. His entertaining prose introduces a new generation of readers to a wide array of soldiers, civilians, and politicians who found themselves swept up in one of the war's most gripping engagements.

6 x 9, 16 b/w photos, 8 maps, and woodcuts throughout.
1 vol, 360 pgs 2010 US, Savas Beatie
NEW-dj ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-231000 Knudson, Harold JAMES LONGSTREET AND THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR: The Confederate General Who Fought the Next War Examines Confederate General James Longstreet and his contributions to the art of war during the Civil War. Explores how Longstreeet understood early that the tactical defense dominated the offense, and the lethality with which his riflemen and artillery mowed down Union assaults hinted at what was to come in World War I. Longstreet's ability to launch and control powerful offensives was on display at Second Manassas in August 1862, and his assault plan at Chickamauga in September 1863 was similar, if not the forerunner to, World War II tactical-level German armored tactics. Discusses how Longstreet demonstrated progressive applications with artillery, staff work, force projection, and operational-level thinking. Uses 20th century U.S. Army doctrine, field training, staff planning, command, and combat experience to produce this view of Longstreet's generalship in comparison to modern warfare. Contains 10 images and 10 maps. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid April 2024 ......$23.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-235390 Laramie, Michael GUNBOATS, MUSKETS, AND TORPEDOES: Coastal South Carolina, 1861-1865 Examines the contest for the South Carolina coastline during the American Civil War, especially the siege of Charleston that would last from early 1863 until the last months of the war. It was during these operations that the industrial age first introduced elements of modern warfare at a scale that the world noticed.

The ironclad, the newest of the wonder weapons, tested its abilities against the naval fortifications and the artillery of the day, while torpedo boats and the forerunner of submarines were demonstrated with stunning effect. Nor were these matters confined to just maritime affairs as the trench warfare, artillery barrages, bombproof shelters, wire obstructions, and one of the first minefields amply demonstrated. Also covers Union amphibious raids to cut the Savannah-Charleston railroad and the establishment of a Union army and navy facility at Port Royal. 1 vol, 400 pgs 2022 US, WESTHOLME PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$35.00 rct

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1-886207 le Pautremat, Pascal First Bull Run: First Victory for the South The Battle of Bull Run took place in July 1861 and although when all was said and done, its impact was relatively limited, it did have a far-reaching effect on the American Civil War itself. The psychological impact of the battle on the combatants was indeed unquestionable, particularly for the North, and increased general consciousness of the reality of war and the challenges that lay ahead. The first Battle of Manassas was special because it was the first large-scale engagement in which troops were brought to the battle area by train, which enabled the Confederates to win this battle.

Includes 14 uniform plates, 50 period photographs, and 5 pages of full illustration. 8 x 9.5 inches. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2010 France, Histoire and Collections
NEW-pb ......$20.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-242380 Lindow, Derrick WE SHALL CONQUER OR DIE: Partisan Warfare in 1862 Western Kentucky Describes the partisan guerrilla organization and battles in Western Kentucky during the ACW and Union efforts to bring it under control. The raiding and fighting took hundreds of lives, destroyed or captured millions of dollars of supplies, and siphoned away thousands of men from the Union war effort. Covers Confederate Col. Adam Rankin Johnson and his 10th Kentucky Partisan Rangers who captured six Union-controlled towns, hundreds of prisoners, and tons of Union army equipment. The Union mobilized regular army troops, militia of the Indiana Legion, temporary service day regiments, and brown water naval vessels. Clearing the area of partisans and installing a modicum of Union control became one of the Northern high command's major objectives. Contains 10 maps and 46 images. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2024 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid March 2024 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-207630 Longacre, Edward THE EARLY MORNING OF WAR: Bull Run, 1861 When Union and Confederate forces squared off along Bull Run on July 21, 1861, the Federals expected this first major military campaign would bring an early end to the Civil War. But when Confederate troops launched a strong counterattack, both sides realized the war would be longer and costlier than anticipated. First Bull Run, or First Manassas, set the stage for four years of bloody conflict that forever changed the political, social, and economic fabric of the nation. It also introduced the commanders, tactics, and weaponry that would define the American way of war through the turn of the twentieth century.

Longacre has combed previously unpublished primary sources, including correspondence, diaries, and memoirs of more than 400 participants and observers, from ranking commanders to common soldiers and civilians affected by the fighting. In weighing all the evidence, Longacre finds correctives to long-held theories about campaign strategy and battle tactics and questions sacrosanct beliefs-such as whether the Manassas Gap Railroad was essential to the Confederate victory.

Longacre shears away the myths and persuasively examines the long-term repercussions of the Union's defeat at Bull Run, while analyzing whether the Confederates really had a chance of ending the war in July 1861 by seizing Washington, DC. Includes 30 b/w illustrations and 12 maps. 1 vol, 648 pgs 2014 US, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA PRESS
NEW-dj ......$30.00

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1-240410 Longacre, Edward GENERAL J. E. B. STUART: The Soldier and the Man Biography of Confederate General James Ewell Brown Stuart of Virginia who led the Army of Northern Virginia's cavalry arm during the ACW. His superiors generally praised his actions, but he also underperformed on several occasions -- notably at Gettysburg. Yet on more than a few occasions he underestimated his opponents, took unnecessary risks with his habitually understrength command, failed to properly discipline and motivate his troopers, and was prone to errors both strategic and tactical. Also probes elements of his character and personality that contributed to his battlefield performance.

These flaws were especially evident during the Gettysburg Campaign (June-July 1863), when his wayward path to the battlefield deprived Lee of the ability to negotiate safely his path toward a climactic confrontation with the Union Army of the Potomac. Because of the cavalryman's outsized reputation gained during the war-one embellished in the century and a half since-most of these errors have gone virtually unnoticed or, when addressed, have been excused in some fashion. 1 vol, 504 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid December 2023 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-242540 Lowe, Ed A FINE OPPORTUNITY LOST: Longstreet's East Tennessee Campaign, November 1863 - April 1864 James Longstreet, who Robert E. Lee called his 'Old Warhorse,'and most of his First Corps were dispatched to reinforce Braxton Bragg's ill-starred Army of Tennessee in the Western Theater in 1863. Longstreet helped win the decisive victory at Chickamauga and drove the Union Army of the Cumberland back into Chattanooga. For a host of reasons, some military and some political, Bragg dispatched Longstreet and his troops to East Tennessee, where Union commander Ambrose Burnside waited for him. The heavy Confederate presence threatened political turmoil for Federal forces and could cut off Burnside's ability to reinforce Chattanooga. Details how these two old foes from the Virginia theater found themselves transplanted to unfamiliar ground, and the battles that transpired in East Tennessee and Chattanooga. Contains 140 images and seven maps. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2024 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available mid February 2024 ......$17.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-208870 Mackowski, Chris STRIKE THEM A BLOW: Battle Along the North Anna River, May 21-25, 1864 Includes 174 images and 11 maps.

For 16 days the armies grappled in a grueling horror-show of nonstop battle, march, and maneuver that stretched through May of 1864. Union commander Ulysses S. Grant resolved to destroy his Confederate adversaries through attrition if by no other means, while CSA commander Robert E. Lee determined, 'We must strike them a blow.' At the North Anna River, the two sides collided.

This offers a concise, engaging account of the mistakes and missed opportunities of the third and least understood phase of the Overland Campaign. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2015 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-softcover, available late June 2015 ......$13.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-230100 Mackowski, Chris THE GREAT WHAT IFS OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR: Historians Tackle the Conflict's Most Intriguing Possibilities Each entry focuses on one of the most important events of the war and unpacks the options of the moment. To understand what happened, we must look with a clear and objective eye at what could have happened, with the full multitude of choices before us. 'What if' is a tool for illumination. These essays also explode the assumptions people make when they ask 'what if' and then jump to wishful conclusions. This collection of thoughtful essays offers not alternate histories or counterfactual scenarios, but an invitation to ask, to learn, and to wonder. 1 vol, 312 pgs 2022 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available early April 2022 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-234750 Mackowski, Chris THE BATTLE OF JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI: May 14, 1863 Comprehensive account of the Battle of Jackson during the Vicksburg Campaign. Jackson was a vital transportation and communications hub and a major industrial center. Its fall would remove vital logistical support for the Southern army holding Vicksburg and block future reinforcement attempts. General Grant turned and made for Mississippi's state capital to confront the growing danger, unaware that Johnston was already planning to abandon the city. The loss of Jackson isolated Vicksburg and set the stage for a major confrontation a few days later at Champion Hill, one of the most decisive battles of the entire war. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid September 2022 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-237950 Mackowski, Chris FALLEN LEADERS: Favorite Stories and Fresh Perspectives from the Historians of Emerging Civil War This collection of essays by many writers recounts the fall of some of the most famous, infamous, and under appreciated ACW commanders from both the North and South. Taken from Emerging Civil War's blog, symposia, and podcast, all essays have been revised, updated, and footnoted. Leaders covered are Abraham Lincoln, Stonewall Jackson, and John Reynolds remain well-known and even legendary. Others, like Confederate cavalry commander Earl Van Dorn, remain locked in infamy. The deaths of army commanders Albert Sidney Johnston and James McPherson and regimental leader Col. Elmer Ellsworth (the first Union officer killed) left more questions than answers about unfulfilled potential and lost opportunities. Thousands more have faded into historical obscurity. Others fell not from death or wounds but because of their own missteps or misdeeds, their reputations ruined forever. Includes 85 images and 5 maps. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2023 UK, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid August 2023 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-243630 Mackowski, Chris WAR IN THE WESTERN THEATER: Favorite Stories and Fresh Perspectives from the Historians at Emerging Civil War Contains some of the best scholarship from Emerging Civil War's blog, symposia, and podcast, revised and updated, together with original pieces designed to shed new light and insight on some of the most important and fascinating events. Offers fresh and insightful aspects and angles to key events that unfolded between the Appalachians and the Mississippi River. Examines areas such as the Confederate charge at Shiloh, how key decisions won (and lost) the bloody fighting at Chickamauga, and how whiskey may have impacted the fighting at Corinth. Also explores different battlefields and the lives of individual soldiers and families. Contains 51 images and 8 maps. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2024 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available late May 2024 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-246210 Mackowski, Chris A TEMPEST OF IRON AND LEAD: Spotsylvania Court House, May 8-21, 1864 Comprehensive study of the campaign and especially the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House. The fighting launched a score of new place-names and events, such as Spindle Field, Upton's assault, the Mule Shoe, the Bloody Angle, and the Harris Farm. The casualties exacted at Spotsylvania exceeded those of the Wilderness by thousands. The fighting severely tested the offensive capabilities of Gen. Robert E. Lee's Southern army, just as the defensive posture his men embraced would, in turn, test the limits of Federal endurance.

Mackowski is a former historian at Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park and continues to give battlefield tours as the historian-in-residence at Stevenson Ridge, a historic property on the battlefield's eastern front. Contains 79 images and 21 maps. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2024 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available early October 2024 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-211860 Mackowsli, Chris DON'T GIVE AN INCH: The Second Day at Gettysburg - July 2, 1863 George Gordon Meade could hardly believe it: only three days earlier, he had been thrust unexpectedly into command of the Army of the Potomac, which was cautiously stalking its long-time foe, the Army of Northern Virginia, as it launched a bold invasion northward. Meade had hardly wrapped his head around the situation before everything exploded. 150 images and maps.

Outside the small college town of Gettysburg, Confederates had inexplicably turned on the lead elements of Meade's army and attacked. The first day of battle had ended poorly for Federals, but by nightfall, they had found a lodgment on high ground south of town. There, they fortified and waited. 'Don't give an inch, boys!' one Federal commander told his men.

The next day, July 2, 1863, would be one of the Civil War's bloodiest. Confederate commander Robert E. Lee would launch his army at the Federal position in a series of assaults that would test the mettle of men on both sides in a way few had ever before been tested-and the Pennsylvania landscape would run red as a result.

With names that have become legendary - Little Round Top, Devil's Den, the Peach Orchard, the Wheatfield, Culp's Hill - the second day at Gettysburg encompasses some of the best-known engagements of the Civil War. Yet those same stories have also become shrouded in mythology and misunderstanding. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2016 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available mid July 2016 ......$15.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-218990 Mackowsli, Chris The Great Battle Never Fought - The Mine Run Campaign, November 26 - December 2, 1863 The stakes for George Gordon Meade could not have been higher. 150 images, maps

After his stunning victory at Gettysburg in July of 1863, the Union commander spent the following months trying to bring the Army of Northern Virginia to battle once more and finish the job. The Confederate army, robbed of much of its offensive strength, nevertheless parried Meade's moves time after time. Although the armies remained in constant contact during those long months of cavalry clashes, quick maneuvers, and sudden skirmishes, Lee continued to frustrate Meade's efforts.

Meanwhile, in Washington, D.C., Meade's political enemies launched an all-out assault against his reputation and generalship. Even the very credibility of his victory at Gettysburg came under assault. Pressure mounted for the army commander to score a decisive victory and prove himself once more.

Smaller victories, like those at Bristoe Station and Rappahannock Station, did little to quell the growing clamor-particularly because out west, in Chattanooga, another Union general, Ulysses S. Grant, was once again reversing Federal misfortunes. Meade needed a comparable victory in the east.

And so, on Thanksgiving Day, 1863, the Army of the Potomac rumbled into motion once more, intent on trying again to bring about the great battle that would end the war.

The Great Battle Never Fought: The Mine Run Campaign, November 26-December 2 1863 recounts the final chapter of the forgotten fall of 1863-when George Gordon Meade made one final attempt to save the Union and, in doing so, save himself.
1 vol, 192 pgs 2016 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available mid July 2016 ......$15.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-41450 Manigault, Major Edward edited by Warren Ripley SIEGE TRAIN:Journal of a Confederate Artilleryman A thirteen month account of the day-by-day affairs of a Civil War Artillery unit, notable for its description of artillery training, b/w drawings, seven maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 386 pgs 1996 COLUMBIA, UNIV OF S.C.
NEW-softcover ......$17.00

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2-ST169 Markam, Robert ST #169: The Atlanta Campaign: Peachtree Creek & Jonesboro Two complete ACW games

Four separate American Civil War games released over 2 issues of Strategy & Tactics magazine, based on Blue & Gray system. The updated game system is named Battles of the American Civil War ; it is also referred to as Second Edition Blue & Gray. The Series Rules have been updated and the Standard Rules may be used in playing previous published games in the series. This Second Edition series started with Seven Days Battles covering battles from the Penninsula Campaign, and continued through Savage Station and Olustee.

Peachtree Creek & Jonesboro appeared in S&T #169.
Atlanta & Ezra Church appeared in S&T #170.
1 vol, 80 pgs 1994 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover just game unpunched, (1) copy available ......$5.00 inc

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1-48700 Marshall-Cornwell, James GRANT AS MILITARY COMMANDER B/w maps, appendix, index. 1 vol, 244 pgs 1970 NY, VAN NOSTRAND-REINHOLD
GOOD-dj b/c edition ......$10.00

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1-236390 Maxfiled, Derek MAN OF FIRE: William Tecumseh Sherman in the Civil War Bio of William Tecumseh Sherman from adoption to West Point to leaving the military for banking and practicing law. He became superintendent of a new military academy in Louisiana until the outbreak of the American Civil War. After Bull Run, he went home for mental health recuperation. Forming a friendship with US Grant, he proved his worth to everyone at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Chattanooga, Georgia, and in the Carolinas. While he was unorthodox, he was also brilliant and creative. More than that, he was eminently successful and played an important role in the Union's victory. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-softcover, available late March 2023 ......$17.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-17240 McAfee, Michael ZOUAVES:The First and The Bravest Brief but concise account, packed with color & b/w illust, index, biblio, front cover by Don Trioani. 1 vol, 122 pgs 1991 GETTYSBURG, THOMAS PUBS.
NEW-pb ......$20.00

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1-213560 McCarthy, Michael CONFEDERATE WATERLOO: The Battle of Five Forks, April 1, 1865, and the Controversy that Brought Down a General The Battle of Five Forks broke the long siege of Petersburg, triggered the evacuation of Richmond, precipitated the Appomattox Campaign, and destroyed the careers and reputations of two generals. Includes 55 images and 10 maps.

General Lee's Army of Northern Virginia had been locked into the sprawling defenses surrounding the logistical stronghold of Petersburg and the Southern capital at Richmond for more than eight months when General Grant struck beyond his far left flank to break the extended Rebel lines. A series of battles led up to April 1, when General Phil Sheridan's forces struck at Five Forks. The attack surprised and collapsed General George Pickett's Confederate command and turned Lee's right flank. An attack along the entire front the following morning broke the siege and forced the Virginia army out of its defenses and, a week later, into Wilmer McLean's parlor to surrender at Appomattox.

Despite this decisive Union success, Five Forks spawned one of the most bitter and divisive controversies in the postwar army when Sheridan relieved Fifth Corps commander Gouverneur K. Warren for perceived failures connected to the battle. The order generated a life-long effort by Warren and his allies to restore his reputation by demonstrating that Sheridan's action was both unfair and dishonorable. The struggle climaxed with a Court of Inquiry that generated a more extensive record of testimony and exhibits than any other US military judicial case in the 19th Century. In addition to Sheridan and Warren, participants included Generals U. S. Grant and Winfield S. Hancock, and a startling aggregation of former Confederate officers. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2017 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid March 2017 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-200580 McCoy, Richard KEYSTONE THUNDER: Pennsylvania Field Artillery in the Civil War The story of Pennsylvania's field batteries during the Civil War is, to a great extent, the story of the war itself. Pennsylvania field batteries served through the duration of the war and in every major theatre of the conflict. A Pennsylvania field battery was one of the first units to rush to the defense of Washington after the attack on Fort Sumter, and others fought with the Army of the Potomac in every one of its major engagements except the First Battle of Bull Run.

Pennsylvania batteries were stationed in Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, the Carolinas, and as far away as Texas. Some Pennsylvania batteries also served within their home state during the war, and during the 1863 invasion of Pennsylvania that culminated in the Battle of Gettysburg, some fought in the direct defense of their home state's soil.

This work tells the story of the entire Pennsylvania field artillery service collectively rather than as a series of individual unit sketches. It chronicles the entire service of the Pennsylvania field artillery, and shares each step along the way-not only what each Pennsylvania battery did, but also what other Pennsylvania batteries were doing at the same time, and how their stories are all interconnected. Numerous illustrations, appendices which include 'Officer Listings by Organization' and 'Battery Assignments,' a bibliography, and an index to full-names, places and subjects augment this exceptionally well-written narrative history. 1 vol, 278 pgs 2012 US, HERITAGE BOOKS
NEW-softcover, late December 2012 ......$27.00

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1-46490 McDonough, James Lee CHATTANOOGA:Death Grip on the confederacy Mcdonough reconstructs the siege & battles as they appeared to both the Rebels/Yankees culminating with the battle for Missionary Ridge, b/w illust, maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 298 pgs 1984 KNOXVILLE, UNIV TENNESSEE
V.GOOD-dj ......$20.00

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1-237090 McLean James THE BULLETS FLEW LIKE HAIL: Cutler's Brigade at Gettysburg, from McPherson's Ridge to Culp's Hill Revised and updated edition describes the brigade's origins, its march to the field on the morning of July 1, 1863, and how it went into action piecemeal and vulnerable. Brig. Gen. Lysander Cutler arrived with his 1st Corps brigade of infantry just in time to relieve Buford's hard-pressed cavalry. Cutler's stubborn defense, together with the arrival of the famous Iron Brigade, stopped the Confederate advance long enough for other Union troops to reach the field. The desperate fighting that morning helped save the important high ground upon which the battle would be fought-and won-over the next two days. Includes photos and 24 maps.

Two of Cutler's regiments, the 14th Brooklyn and the 95th New York, along with the Iron Brigade's 6th Wisconsin, participated in one of the most famous assaults of the war. The trio of regiments simultaneously charged across open ground, repulsed the attack of Brig. Gen. Joseph Davis's Rebel brigade, and captured a large number of Mississippi and North Carolina troops in an unfinished railroad cut.

By the end of July 1, Cutler's command had faced off against Confederate brigades led by James Archer, Joseph Davis, Alfred Iverson, Junius Daniels, and Alfred Scales. The brigade was one of the last to leave the field of battle and successfully reformed on Cemetery Hill. The brigade was sent to Culp's Hill on July 2, where that evening and during the early morning hours of July 3, Cutler's men assisted Brig. Gen. George Greene's 12th Corps brigade in repulsing spirited Southern attacks against the Union right flank. In doing so, Cutler's veterans held the distinction of being among the few Union troops who fought all three days of the battle. The performance of the brigade came at a great cost. Only five Union and Confederate brigades sustained 1,000 or more casualties at Gettysburg, and Cutler's was one of them. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid May 2023 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-235711 McMurry, Richard THE CIVIL WARS OF GENERAL JOSEPH E JOHNSTON: Confederate States Army - Volume I: Virginia and Mississippi, 1861-1863 Joseph Eggleston Johnston was one of the original five full Confederate generals. He graduated West Point in the same 1829 class as Robert E. Lee and served in the War with Mexico, the Seminole Wars in Florida, and in Texas and Kansas. By 1860 Johnston was widely looked upon as one of America's finest military officers. This first installment begins just before the American Civil War and ends on the eve of Johnston taking command of the Army of Tennessee in North Georgia.

Not a traditional military biography per se, but includes a lively and opinionated conversation about major campaigns and battles, strategic goals and accomplishments, and how these men and their decision-making and leadership abilities directly impacted the war effort. Personalities win and lose wars, and the military and political leaders who form the focal point of this study could not have been more different when it came to making the important and timely decisions necessary to wage the war effectively. Includes four maps and six images.

The discord between General Johnston and President Jefferson Davis (and others), which began early in the conflict and only worsened as the months passed, routinely prevented the cooperation and coordination the South needed on the battlefield if it was going to achieve its independence. The result was one failed campaign after another, all of which cumulatively doomed the Southern Confederacy. 1 vol, 360 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available late January 2023 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-219980 Mertz, Gregory ATTACK AT DAYLIGHT AND WHIP THEM: The Battle of Shiloh - April 6-7, 1862 The Confederate plan on the morning of April 6, 1862 was to attack at daylight and beat the unsuspecting Union Army of the Tennessee. A brutal day of fighting ensued, unprecedented in its horror-the devil's own day, one union officer admitted. Confederates needed just one final push.

Grant did not sit and wait for that assault, though. He gathered reinforcements and planned a counteroffensive. On the morning of April 7, he intended to attack at daylight and whip them. The bloodshed that resulted from the two-day battle exceeded anything America had ever known in its history. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2019 US SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-softcover ......$15.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-211870 Miller, William DECISION AT TOM'S BROOK: George Custer, Thomas Rosser, and the Joy of the Fight The Battle of Tom's Brook, recalled one Confederate soldier, was 'the greatest disaster that ever befell our cavalry during the whole war.' The fight took place during the last autumn of the Civil War, when the Union General Phil Sheridan vowed to turn the crop-rich Shenandoah Valley into 'a desert.' Farms and homes were burned, livestock slaughtered, and Southern families suffered.

The story of the Tom's Brook cavalry affair centers on two young men who had risen to prominence as soldiers: George A. Custer and Thomas L. Rosser. They had been friends since their teenage days at West Point, but the war sent them down separate paths -- Custer to the Union army and Rosser to the Confederacy. Each was a born warrior who took obvious joy in the exhilaration of battle. Each possessed almost all of the traits of the ideal cavalryman -- courage, intelligence, physical strength, inner fire. Only their judgment was questionable.

Their separate paths converged in the Shenandoah Valley in the autumn of 1864, when Custer was ordered to destroy, and Rosser was ordered to stop him. For three days, Rosser's gray troopers pursued and attacked the Federals. On the fourth day, October 9, the tables turned in the open fields above Tom's Brook, where each ambitious friend sought his own advancement at the expense of the other. One capitalized upon every advantage fate threw before him, while the other, sure of his abilities in battle and eager to fight, tried to impose his will on unfavorable circumstances and tempted fate by inviting catastrophe. This long-overlooked cavalry action had a lasting effect on mounted operations and influenced the balance of the campaign in the Valley.

Based upon extensive research in primary documents and gracefully written, award-winning author William J. Miller's Decision at Tom's Brook presents significant new material on Thomas Rosser and argues that his character was his destiny. Rosser's decisions that day changed his life and the lives of hundreds of other men. Miller's new study is Civil War history and high personal drama at its finest. Includes 35 images and 10 maps. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2016 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid July 2016 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-230800 Mingus, Scott UNCEASING FURY: Texans at the Battle of Chickamauga, September 18-20, 1863 Explores the critical role Texas enlisted men and officers played in the three days of fighting, September 18-20, 1863, near West Chickamauga Creek in September 1863. Texas troops fought in almost every major sector of the sprawling Chickamauga battlefield, from the first attacks on September 18 on the bridges spanning the creek to the final attack on Snodgrass Hill on September 20. Fortunately, many of the survivors left vivid descriptions of battle action, the anguish of losing friends, the pain and loneliness of being so far away from home, and their often-colorful opinions of their generals. Based on hundreds of personal accounts, memoirs, postwar newspaper articles, diaries, and other primary sources, this study provides the Lone Star State soldiers with the recognition they have so long deserved. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2022 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid June 2022 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-229320 Mingus, Scott and Cooper H. Wingert TARGETED TRACKS: The Cumberland Valley Railroad in the Civil War, 1861-1865 Examines the importance of the Cumberland Valley Railroad, which connected Hagerstown, MD, to Harrisburg, PA, and played a central role in the Union war effort. It proved a tempting target for Confederate forces, not only for its valuable rolling stock, but also the supplies it transported. Includes 28 images and 3 maps.

Northern military and railway officials coordinated its generally successful defense while often butting heads. Southern horsemen wrought havoc on the Northern war effort by tearing up its tracks, seizing or torching supplies, and laying waste to warehouses, engine houses, and passenger depots.

In October 1859, Abolitionist John Brown used the CVRR in his fateful Harpers Ferry raid. The line was under direct threat by invading Confederates during the Antietam Campaign, and the following summer suffered serious damage during the Gettysburg Campaign. In 1864, Rebel raiders burned much of its headquarters town, Chambersburg, including the homes of many CVRR employees
1 vol, 272 pgs 2021 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available late January 2022 ......$23.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-235032 Mingus, Scott and Wittenberg, Eric IF WE ARE STRIKING FOR PENNSYLVANIA: The Army of Northern Virginia and the Army of the Potomac March to Gettysburg - Volume 2: June 22-30, 1863 The second volume covers June 22-30, 1863 and completes the march to Gettysburg. Details the actions and whereabouts of each component of the armies up to the eve of the fighting. The large-scale maneuvering in late June prompted General Hooker to move his Army of the Potomac north after his opponent and eventually above the Potomac, where he is removed from command and replaced by V Corps commander George G. Meade. Jeb Stuart begins his controversial and consequential ride that strips away the eyes and ears of the Virginia army. Throughout northern Virginia, central Maryland, and south-central Pennsylvania, civilians, politicians, and soldiers alike struggle with the reality of a mobile campaign and the massive logistical needs of the armies. Includes 58 images and 22 maps.

Mined primary accounts, newspapers, and other sources to describe the passage of the long martial columns, the thunderous galloping of hooves, and the looting, fighting, suffering, and dying. Gain a firm appreciation of what the armies and the civilians did during the days leading up to the fateful meeting at the small crossroads town in Adams County, Pennsylvania. 1 vol, 456 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj available mid May 2023 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-194960 Mingus, Scott Sr FLAMES BEYOND GETTYSBURG: The Confederate Expedition to the Susquehanna River, June 1863 This is a detailed study of Richard Ewell's maneuvers to seize Harrisburg during the final days of June 1863. Author Scott Mingus examines both sides of the conflict and ensuing action, from key Southern decisions to the burning of the Columbia bridge.

'Flames Beyond Gettysburg' also includes driving tours of the sites discussed in the book, such as the Confederate route of march from Maryland and the skirmish at Wrightsville.

Includes 32 black/white illustrations and 10 black/white maps, bibliography, and index. 1 vol, 312 pgs 2011 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb ......$23.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-COM1145 Moeller's, Christopher BROTHERS AT WAR: 1862 Wargame Quadrigame offers four tactical wargames that exploring civil war brigade command. Each two-player features a full-size, 22x34-inch game map and covering battles from 1862: Antietam, South Mountain, Mill Springs, and Bloody Valverde. 1 hex = 100 yards. 1 turn = 20 minutes. Units are regiments and batteries.

Command rules are simple and abstracted. Combat and all checks are resolved using six-sided dice, in which results of 5-6 mark success, and 1-4 failure. Brigades activate via chit pull, with their constituent units moving and fighting individually. Stacking is limited to two units per hex. Massive 1.5-inch hexes allow two 3/4-inch units to fit side by side. no information is obscured.

Battle Cards introduce an element of uncertainty and excitement to play. Unique off-map displays track every brigade's reserves and casualties. Once a unit's reserves are used up, it becomes exhausted and liable to break. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2022 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box ......$99.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-235190 Morgan III, James SIX MILES FROM CHARLESTON, FIVE MINUTES TO HELL: The Battle of Seccessionville, June 16, 1862 Examines the joint Army-Navy operation on James Island and its aftermath. The small, curiously named village of Secessionville, just outside of Charleston, South Carolina, was the site of an early war skirmish. The consequences might have been enormous had the outcome been different. It quickly would be forgotten as the Seven Days' battles, fought shortly afterward and far to the north, attracted the attention of Americans on both sides of the conflict.

The battle at Secessionville was as bloody and hard fought as any similar-sized encounter during the war. But it was poorly planned and poorly led by the Union commanders whose behavior did not do justice to the courage of their men. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2022 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available late November 2022 ......$17.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-230810 Myers, Hans THE LION OF ROUND TOP: The Life and Military Service of Brigadier General Strong Vincent in the American Civil War Restores Vincent to his rightful place among the heroes of the battle of Gettysburg by presenting his life story using never-before-published sources and archival material. Citizen-soldier Strong Vincent was many things: Harvard graduate, lawyer, political speaker, descendent of pilgrims and religious refugees, husband, father, brother. But his greatest contribution to history is as the savior of the Federal left on the second day at Gettysburg, when he and his men held Little Round Top against overwhelming Confederate numbers. Forgotten by history in favor of his subordinate, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Vincent has faded into relative obscurity in the decades since his death. 1 vol, 216 pgs 2022 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-71340 Nosworthy, Brent BLOODY CRUCIBLE OF COURAGE, THE Fighting Methods & Combat Experince of the ACW, amajor revision of our understanding of how the ACWwas fought & how it looked through the eyes of themen fighting it, b/w maps/drawings/iluust, biblio. 1 vol, 754 pgs 2005 NY, CARROLL & GRAF
NEW-softcover ......$22.00

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1-88550 Nosworthy, Brent ROLL CALL TO DESTINY:Soldier's Eyes View of ACW A soldier's eye view of Civil War combat 1 vol, 336 pgs 2008 NY, DACAPO PRESS
NEW-dj ......$28.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-245150 Noyalas, Jonathan THE BLOOD-TINTED WATERS OF THE SHENANDOAH: The 1864 Valley Campaign's Battle of Cool Spring, July 17-18, 1864 Examines Gen. Horatio Wright's pursuit of Jubal Early into the Shenandoah and the clash on July 17-18, 1864. Analyzes the decisions of leaders on both sides, explores the environment's impact on the battle, and investigates how the combat impacted the soldiers and their families in its immediate aftermath and for decades thereafter. While largely overlooked, the fight at Cool Spring proved critical to Washington DC's immediate safety. Contains 108 images and five maps. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2024 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available mid July 2024 ......$17.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-236160 Older, Curtis HOOD's DEFEAT NEAR FOX 'S GAP: Prelude to Emancipation Analysis of Confederate Brigadier General John Bell Hood's troop movements during the battle of South Mountain. For the past 160 years, all other authors misplaced Hood's troop positions on the Fox's Gap battlefield by approximately a half-mile. The actual location of Hood's attack reconfigures the entire placement of the competing forces in the battle and, thus, the conclusions one makes about the struggle. The failure to understand the topographical characteristics of the battlefield led other writers to make false assumptions about Hood's movement. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2023 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available mid March 2023 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-215010 Owen, Joe TEXANS AT ANTIETAM: A Terrible Clash of Arms, September 16-17, 1862 The soldiers in Hood's Texas Brigade who fought at Antietam on September 16- 17, 1862 described intense and harrowing experiences of the fierce battle in the days, weeks, and decades after the battle. Their experiences were written in official reports, diary entries, interviews, newspaper articles, and letters to families at home.

These memories provide a fascinating and descriptive account of the battle against the Union Army of the Potomac at Miller's Cornfield, the Dunker Church and other locations at the battlefield. The 1st Texas Infantry at Miller's Cornfield would suffer an 82.3% casualty rate and their heroics were written down by the soldiers of the 1st Texas Infantry. All the other regiments of Hood's Texas Brigade would suffer over a 50% casualty rate at the battle. Testimonials of Union soldiers who fought against the soldiers of Hood's Texas Brigade are included together for the first time. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2017 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available early September 2017 ......$29.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-211100 Owen, Joseph TEXANS AT GETTYSBURG: Blood and Glory with Hood's Texas Brigade The Texans from Hood's Texas Brigade and other regiments who fought at Gettysburg on 1-3 July 1863 described their experiences of the battle in personal diaries, interviews, newspaper articles, letters, and speeches. Their reminiscences provide a fascinating and harrowing account of the battle as they fought the Army of the Potomac.

Speeches were given in the decades after the battle during the annual reunions of Hood's Brigade Association and the dedication of the Hood's Brigade Monument that took place on 26-27 October 1910 at the state capital in Austin, Texas. These accounts describe their actions at Devil's Den, Little Round Top, and other areas during the battle. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2016 UK, FONTHILL MEDIA
NEW-pb, available mid April 2016 ......$29.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-197630 Patchan, Scott C SECOND MANASSAS - Longstreet's Attack and the Struggle for Chinn Ridge 19 B&W Photos; 12 Maps; Appendixes; Notes; Bibliography; Index

In 1862, looking for an opportunity to attack Union general John Pope, Confederate general Robert E. Lee ordered Maj. Gen. James Longstreet to conduct a reconnaissance and possible assault on the Chinn Ridge front in Northern Virginia. At the time Longstreet launched his attack, only a handful of Union troops stood between Robert E. Lee and Gen. John Pope's Army of Virginia. Northern Virginia's rolling terrain and Bull Run also provided Lee with a unique opportunity seldom seen during the entire Civil War - that of 'bagging' an army, an elusive feat keenly desired by political leaders of both sides.

Second Manassas: Longstreet's Attack and the Struggle for Chinn Ridge details the story of Longstreet and his men's efforts to obtain the ultimate victory that Lee desperately sought. At the same time, this account tells of the Union soldiers who, despite poor leadership and lack of support from Pope and his senior officers, bravely battled Longstreet and saved their army from destruction along the banks of Bull Run.

Longstreet's men were able to push the Union forces back, but only after they had purchased enough time for the Union army to retreat in good order. Although Lee did not achieve a decisive victory, his success at Chinn Ridge allowed him to carry the war north of the Potomac River, thus setting the stage for his Maryland Campaign. Within three weeks, the armies would meet again along the banks of Antietam Creek in western Maryland. Uncovering new sources, Scott Patchan gives a vivid picture of the battleground and a fresh perspective that sharpens the detail and removes the guesswork found in previous works dealing with the climactic clash at Second Manassas. 1 vol, 214 pgs 2010 US, POTOMAC BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$27.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-202450 Patchan, Scott C THE LAST BATTLE OF WINCHESTER: Phil Sheridan, Jubal Early, and the Shenandoah Valley Campaign, August 7 - September 19, 1864 Dissects the five weeks of complex maneuvering and sporadic combat before the opposing armies ended up at Winchester, an important town in the northern end of the Valley that had changed hands dozens of times during the war. Tactical brilliance and ineptitude were on display throughout the day-long affair as Sheridan threw infantry and cavalry against the thinning Confederate ranks, and Early and his generals shifted to meet each assault. A final blow against Early's left flank collapsed the Southern army, killed one of the Confederacy's finest combat generals in Robert Rodes, and planted the seeds of the sweeping large-scale victory at Cedar Creek the following month. Includes 81 illustrations and 22 maps.

The fighting began about daylight and did not end until dusk, when the victorious Union army routed the Confederates off the field. It was the first time Stonewall Jackson's former corps had ever been driven from a battlefield, and the stinging defeat set the stage for the final climax of the 1864 Valley Campaign at Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek. The Northern victory was a long time coming. 1 vol, 576 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb edition, available early May 2023 ......$27.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-237520 Pawlak, Kevin SUCH A CLASH OF ARMS: The Maryland Campaign, September 1862 A fully illustrated narrative of the Maryland campaign 1862, culminating in Antietam, the bloodiest single day in American military history. Over a span of 18 days, the two armies fought four significant battles, including the climactic engagement along Antietam Creek outside Sharpsburg on September 17, 1862. Copious illustrations and maps paired with a detailed text of this account of the ACW Maryland campaign. Casemate Illustrated Series. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2023 US, CASEMATE
NEW-pb, available mid July 2023 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-COM017 Perello, Chris COMMAND #17:Gettysburg - Lee's Greatest Gamble Features:

Medical Department
- A Graver Threat Than Rebel Bullets: Infectious Disease and the Union Army
Commentary: Desert Storm
- Robert E Lee or William Tecumseh Sherman?
The Next Japanese-American War
- Military aspects of Next War with Japan
- The initial victory of the German Blitzkreig
I Remember...
- A Polish Soldier's Odyssey Throught World War II
New Light on the Iran Hostage Rescue Mission
Gettysburg, issue game
- Lee's Greatest Gamble
- Strategies for Gettysburg
- Hougoumont (Sappers)
- 1918, I Am Spartacus 1 vol, 60 pgs 1992 US, XTR CORPORATION
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$60.00 rct

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1-190170 Perello, Christopher QUEST FOR ANNIHILATION, THE Role & Mechanics of Battle in the American Civil War. 220 maps, 100+ diagrams, photos, o/b's and data tables. Each chapter uses a single battle to describe how the armies fought each other. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2009 CA, DECISION GAMES
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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2-PMACW02 Perry, Alan and Michael 28MM HARD PLASTIC ACW CAVALRY Plastic American Civil War Cavalry ( box of 12 figures) 1 vol, 12 pgs 2013 UK, NORTH STAR
AS NEW-box, they have been stripped from the sprues, no bases ......$36.00 with a discount of 50%

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1-190540 Petruzzi, J. David photos by Steveb Stanley COMPLETE GETTYSBURG GUIDE, THE Walking and Driving Tours of the Battlefield, Town, Field Hospital sites and other topics. Full color, biblio, extensive index. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2009 US, SAVAS BEATIE LLC
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-530836 Pigeard, Alain LES ARMES DE LA GUERRE DE SECESSION AMERICAINE Les Armes de la guerre de secession Americaine 1 vol, 80 pgs 2008 FRANCE, LE LIVRE CHEZ VOU
NEW-softcover, Inventory reduction, limited qty[French text] ......$20.00 with a discount of 50%

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1-246450 Pole, Stephen HOW THE UNION WAS SAVED: The American Civil War 1861-1865 (Wargame) Contents of the box: 1 mounted game map, 18 Confederacy and Union Field Army commander marker holders, 1 set of sticky labels, 61 die-cut commander counters (15 x 30 mm), 232 die-cut counters and markers (15 x 15 mm), 2 Fog-of-War screens, 40 Random Event Cards, 2 six-sided dice one blue and one gray, 1 colorful Extended Example of Play (8 pages), 1 rulebook (16 pages).

Two-player strategic wargame depicting the entire American Civil War using three-month game turns. Players use Resource Points (RPs) to build and maintain the chains of depots necessary to keep armies supplied and enable them to move and fight, as well as to construct fortifications. Generally, the RPs reflect the superiority of the Northern economy and resources but, the actual number available each Turn is subject to a random modifier and cards depicting some of the most significant events of the war. Only army commanders are deployed on the Game Map. The strength of forces under their command (comprising artillery, cavalry, and infantry) is hidden from the opponent until combat occurs and, even then, the total strength of one or both sides may not be revealed. Play time is 4-8 hours. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2021 POLAND, STRATEGEMATA
NEW-box, available mid October 2024 ......$70.00 rct

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1-COM1155 Poniske, John FLANKS OF GETTYSBURG: Wargame A pair of two-player games on a company level that covers brigade-sized flank attacks on Little Round Top and Culp's Hill on July 2, 1863. Each assault is a separate game based on a chit-pull system that can be completed in several hours. Historically the Union bested rebel forces on both flanks because it fed enough reinforcements in to stem the gray tide.

Product Information:
* Complexity: 5 out of 10
* Solitaire Suitability: 5 out of 10
* Players: 1-2 (best with 2)
* Playing Time: 3.5 hours for each game

* One 20 page Rulebook
* Two Player Aids (two-sided - one US and one CS)
* Two 22x34-inch Maps (Little Round Top, Culp's Hill)
* Eight 10-sided dice (Four US Blue, four CS gray)
* 425 5/8-inch Counters (Half units and officers, half tokens, and markers) 1 vol, 1 pgs 2024 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box ......$69.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-PWAR087 Poniske, John PAPER WARS: Issue 87 - Belmont: Grant's Baptism of Command, November 7th, 1861 Magazine and Game. Ulysses Grant - who is he? Prior to the battle of Belmont at Belmont on November 7, 1861, this was a valid question. General Grant's Belmont offensive was his first action in the war, providing him and his green mid-western troops much-needed experience. Having overrun a rebel camp, he claimed victory. But later, Confederate general Polk would claim victory for forcing Grant and his troops to quit the battlefield and chasing them aboard their transports. 1 vol, 63 pgs 2017 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-softcover with game ......$47.00 with a discount of 10% inc

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1-203603 Powell, David The Maps of Chickamauga - An Atlas of the Chickamauga Campaign, Including the Tullahoma Operations, June 22 - September 23, 1863 Third in a new series of campaign studies that take a different approach toward military history, this uses 124 full-color maps, graphically illustrating the complex tangle of combat's ebb and flow that makes the titanic bloodshed of Chickamauga -- one of the most confusing actions of the American Civil War. Track individual regiments through their engagements at 15 to 20-minute intervals or explore each army in motion as brigades and divisions maneuver and deploy to face the enemy.

The maps lay out the troops and terrain as they were in September of 1863. Opening and closing chapters describe each army's approach to the battlefield and the retreat and pursuit to Chattanooga in the aftermath of the bloody combat. In between, sections are devoted to the fighting of September 18, 19, and 20, following the battle as it unfolds from a series of limited collisions between isolated columns into the bloody action of the last two days. Situation maps reflect the posture of each army on an hourly basis, while tactical maps reveal the intricacies of regimental and battery movements.

The text accompanying each map explains the action in succinct detail, supported by a host of primary sources. Eyewitness accounts underscore the human aspect of the actions detailed in the maps as brigades and regiments collide 1 vol, 320 pgs 2009 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid September 2020 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-219830 Powell, David ALL HELL CAN'T STOP THEM: The Battles for Chattanooga-Missionary Ridge and Ringgold, November 24-27, 1863 This sequel to Battle Above the Clouds details the dramatic final actions of the battles for Chattanooga: Missionary Ridge and the final Confederate rearguard action at Ringgold, where Patrick Cleburne held Grant's Federals at bay and saved the Army of Tennessee from further disaster.

To many of the Federal soldiers watching the Stars and Stripes unfurl atop Lookout Mountain on the morning of November 25, 1863, it seemed that the battle to relieve Chattanooga was complete. The Union Army of the Cumberland was no longer trapped in the city, subsisting on short rations and awaiting rescue; instead, they were again on the attack.

Ulysses S. Grant did not share their certainty. For Grant, the job he had been sent to accomplish was only half-finished. Braxton Bragg's Confederate Army of Tennessee still held Missionary Ridge, with other Rebels under James Longstreet threatening more Federals in Knoxville, Tennessee. Grant's greatest fear was that the Rebels would slip away before he could deliver the final blows necessary to crush Bragg completely.

That blow landed on the afternoon of November 25. Each of Grant's assembled forces-troops led by Union Generals William T. Sherman, George H. Thomas, and Joseph Hooker-all moved to the attack. Stubbornly, Bragg refused to retreat, and instead accepted battle. That decision would cost him dearly.

But everything did not go Grant's way. Despite what Grant's many admirers would later insist was his most successful, most carefully planned battle, Grant's strategy failed him-as did his most trusted commander, Sherman. Victory instead charged straight up the seemingly impregnable slopes of Missionary Ridge's western face, as the men of the much-maligned Army of the Cumberland swarmed up and over Bragg's defenses in an irresistible blue tide. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2019 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-softcover, available early April 2019 ......$17.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-223390 Powell, David Union Command Failure in the Shenandoah - Major General Franz Sigel and the War in the Valley of Virginia, May 1864 The Battle of New Market in the Shenandoah Valley suffers from no lack of drama, interest, or importance. The ramifications of the May 1864 engagement, which involved only 10,000 troops, were substantial. Previous studies, however, focused on the Confederate side of the story. David Powell's, Union Command Failure in the Shenandoah: Major General Franz Sigel and the War in the Valley of Virginia, May 1864, provides the balance that has so long been needed.

Union General Ulysses S. Grant regarded a spring campaign in the Valley of Virginia as integral to his overall strategy designed to turn Robert E. Lee's strategic western flank, deny his Army of Northern Virginia much needed supplies, and prevent other Confederates from reinforcing Lee. It fell to Union general and German transplant Franz Sigel to execute Grant's strategy in the northern reaches of the Shenandoah while Maj. Gen. George Crook struck elsewhere in southwestern Virginia. Sigel's record in the field was checkered at best, and he was not Grant's first choice to lead the effort, but a combination of politics and other factors left the German in command.

Sigel met Confederate Maj. Gen. John C. Breckinridge and his small army on May 15 just outside the crossroads town of New Market. The hard-fought affair hung in the balance until finally the Union lines broke, and Sigel's Yankees fled the field. Breckinridge's command included some 300 young men from the Virginia Military Institute's Corps of Cadets. VMI's presence and dramatic role in the fighting ensured that New Market would never be forgotten, but pushed other aspects of this interesting and important campaign into the back seat of history.

Award-winning author David Powell's years of archival and other research provides an outstanding foundation for this outstanding study. Previous works have focused on the Confederate side of the battle, using Sigel's incompetence as sufficient excuse to explain why the Federals were defeated. This methodology, however, neglects the other important factors that contributed to the ruin of Grant's scheme in the Valley.

Union Command Failure in the Shenandoah delves into all the issues, analyzing the campaign from an operational standpoint.

Complete with original maps, photos, and the skillful writing readers have come to expect from the pen of David Powell, Union Command Failure in the Shenandoah will satisfy the most demanding students of Civil War history.
1 vol, 264 pgs 2019 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available late early May 2020 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-225490 Powell, David Tullahoma - The Forgotten Campaign that Changed the Course of the Civil War, June 23 - July 4, 1863 July 1863 was a momentous month in the Civil War. News of Gettysburg and Vicksburg electrified the North and devastated the South. Sandwiched geographically between those victories and lost in the heady tumult of events was news that William S. Rosecrans's Army of the Cumberland had driven Braxton Bragg's Army of Tennessee entirely out of Middle Tennessee. The brilliant campaign nearly cleared the state of Rebels and changed the calculus of the Civil War in the Western Theater.

The campaign included deceit, hard marching, fighting, and incredible luck -- both good and bad. Rosecrans executed a pair of feints against Guy's Gap and Liberty Gap to deceive the Rebels into thinking the main blow would fall somewhere other than where it was designed to strike. An ineffective Confederate response exposed one of Bragg's flanks -- and his entire army -- to complete disaster. Torrential rains and consequential decisions in the field wreaked havoc on the best-laid plans.

Still Bragg hesitated, teetering on the brink of losing the second most important field army in the Confederacy. The hour was late and time was short, and his limited withdrawal left the armies poised for a climactic engagement that may have decided the fate of Middle Tennessee, and perhaps the war. Finally fully alert to the mortal threat facing him, Bragg pulled back from the iron jaws of defeat about to engulf him and retreated all the way to Chattanooga, the gateway to the rest of the Southern Confederacy.
1 vol, 408 pgs 2020 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-243131 Powell, David THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN, 1864: Sherman's Campaign to the Outskirts of Atlanta Discusses the first half of the Atlanta Campaign with historic accounts and photographs, as well as post-war and modern images. Covers extant trenches, rifle pits, redoubts, and other fieldworks. Also covers the battlefields and surviving historic structures, monuments, and cemeteries that commemorate the campaign.

The first half of the campaign, from May to mid-July, can be defined as a war of maneuver, referred to as the 'Red Clay Minuet.' Though there were a number of sharp, bloody engagements during this phase of the campaign, but combats were limited. The second volume discusses how Johnston's repeated retreats and loss of terrain as commander of the Confederate Army of Tennessee after led to his replacement by Hood. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2024 US, CASEMATE
NEW-pb, available late April 2024 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-243132 Powell, David THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN, 1864: Peach Tree Creek to the Fall of the City Discusses the first half of the Atlanta Campaign, from mid-July to September, including what remains to be seen of the battles around the city: Peachtree Creek, Atlanta, Decatur, and Ezra Church. Covers historic views of Atlanta, operations east of the city, and the city's capture. The cavalry chapter focuses on the Union cavalry raids south of Atlanta. Ends with the fighting at Jonesboro.

Focuses on Hood in charge of the Confederate Army of Tennessee and how he fought the two largest and bloodiest battles of the entire campaign within the space of two days: attacking at Peachtree Creek on July 20, and again at the Battle of Atlanta on July 22. A third attack at Ezra Church on July 28 was launched by Stephen D. Lee, on his own initiative. Contains 100+ illustrations. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2024 US, CASEMATE
NEW-pb, available late April 2024 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-243951 Powell, David THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN: Volume 1: Dalton to Cassville, May 1-19, 1864 This first installment in a five-volume series of The Atlanta Campaign relies on a mountain of primary source material and extensive experience with the terrain to examine the battles of Dalton, Resaca, Rome Crossroads, Adairsville, and Cassville -- the first phase of the long and momentous campaign. While none of these engagements matched the bloodshed of the Wilderness or Spotsylvania, each witnessed periods of intense fighting and key decision-making. The largest fight, Resaca, produced more than 8,000 killed, wounded, and missing in just two days. In between these actions, the armies skirmished daily in a campaign its participants would recall as the 100 days' fight. Contains 48 images and 19 maps. 1 vol, 624 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available early July 2024 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-225490 Powell, David and Eric Wittenberg TULLAHOMA: The Forgotten Campaign that Changed the Course of the Civil War -- June 23 - July 4, 1863 Details how William S. Rosecrans's Army of the Cumberland pushed back Braxton Bragg's Army of Tennessee entirely out of Middle Tennessee. The brilliant campaign nearly cleared the state of Rebels and changed the calculus of the Civil War in the Western Theater, but went largely unnoticed due to other events. On June 23, 1863, Rosecrans, with 60,000 men, began a classic campaign of maneuver against Bragg's 40,000. Confronted by rugged terrain and a heavily entrenched foe, Rosecrans intended to utilize strategic maneuver to defeat Bragg rather than direct assaults. The complex and fascinating campaign included deceit, hard marching, fighting, and incredible luck-both good and bad. Contains first-hand accounts, 50 images, and 16 maps. 1 vol, 408 pgs 2024 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available mid July 2024 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-243930 Priest, John STRONG MEN OF THE REGIMENT SOBBED LIKE CHILDREN: John Reynolds' I Corps at Gettysburg on July 1, 1863 Analyzes the fighting on the first day at Gettysburg on July 1, 1863, and the close, vicious, and bloody combat from the perspective of the rank and file of both armies. In particular, the book looks at Major General John Reynolds' I Corps. By the time the fighting ended, I Corps was in shambles and in pell-mell retreat for Cemetery Hill. Yet its stand, together with the XI Corps north of town, bought precious hours for the rest of the Army of the Potomac to arrive and occupy good defensive ground. Research is based on first-hand exploration of the location and more than 300 primary sources, including letters, diaries, memoirs, newspaper accounts, recollections, casualty lists, and drill manuals. Contains 27 images and 19 regimental-level maps. 1 vol, 448 pgs 2024 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid June 2024 ......$38.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-243900 Pula, James UNION GENERAL DANIEL BUTTERFIELD: A Civil War Biography Explores the complex legacy of Union General Daniel Butterfield, from his battlefield heroics and Medal of Honor, to controversies and innovations that shaped the American Civil War. He led troops at the brigade, division, and corps level, wrote an 1862 Army field manual, was awarded a Medal of Honor, composed 'Taps,' and served as the chief-of-staff for Joe Hooker in the Army of the Potomac. He introduced a custom that remains in the U.S. Army today: the use of a distinctive hat or shoulder patch to denote the soldier's unit. Butterfield was also controversial, not well-liked by some, and tainted by politics. Seeks to uncover fact from fiction through meticulous research into primary source material and even-handed treatment of this important Civil War figure. Contains 46 images and 13 maps. 1 vol, 280 pgs 2024 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid June 2024 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-213400 Quint, Ryan DETERMINED TO STAND AND FIGHT: The Battle of Monacacy In another fascinating title from the award-winning Emerging Civil War Series, Ryan T. Quint tells the story of what became known as the 'battle that saved Washington.' In early July 1864, outnumbered Union soldiers under the command of Maj. Gen. Lew Wallace prepared for a last-ditch defense along the banks of the Monocacy River against Lt. Gen. Jubal Early's Confederates, who had invaded the north for the third time in the war. That day, Union and Confederate soldiers filled the fields just south of Frederick, Maryland, with the dead and wounded. While Wallace's men fell into retreat, they had succeeded in slowing Early. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2017 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available late February 2017 ......$15.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-243360 Quint, Ryan DRANESVILLE: A Northern Virginia Town in the Crossfire of a Forgotten Battle, December 20, 1861 Details the story of Dranesville and the early war in Northern Virginia. Examines life after a Union victory, as no one knew what was coming, but soon civilians (sympathetic to both sides) were thrown into a spreading civil war of their own as neighbor turned on neighbor. Uses overlooked or underused sources to bring readers from the White House and Charleston's Secession Hall to midnight ambushes and the climactic Dranesville action. A host of characters and commanders that would become household names cut their teeth during these months, including Generals J. E. B. Stuart and Edward Ord. The men of the Pennsylvania Reserves saw their baptism of fire at Dranesville, setting the Keystone State soldiers on a path to becoming one of the best combat units of the entire war. Contains 8 maps and 32 images. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2024 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available late April 2024 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-212620 Rasbach, Dennis JOSHUA LAWRENCE CHAMBERLAIN AND THE PETERSBURG CAMPAIGN: His Supposed Charge from Fort Hell, his Near-Mortal Wound, and a Civil War Myth Reconsidered Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain earned the sobriquet 'Lion of the Round Top' for his tactical brilliance leading his 20th Maine Infantry on the rocky wooded slopes of Little Round Top at on the evening of July 2, 1863. Promoted to brigade command, he was presumed mortally wounded during an assault at Petersburg on June 18, 1864, and bestowed a rare battlefield promotion to brigadier general. He survived, returned to the command in 1865, and participated in the surrender of Lee's veterans at Appomattox.

Chamberlain went to his grave a half-century later believing he was wounded while advancing alone from the future site of Fort Hell. His thrust, so he and others believed, was against the permanent fortifications of the Dimmock Line at Rives' Salient, near the Jerusalem Plank Road, through a murderous flank fire from what was soon to become Confederate-held Fort Mahone.

This narrative has been perpetuated by Chamberlain scholars and biographers over the past century. Chamberlain's wounding and Rives' Salient are now fused in the modern consciousness. This interpretation was given an additional mantle of authority with the erection of a Medal of Honor Recipient's placard near South Crater Road by the Virginia Department of Historic Resources on November 8, 2014.

In fact, author Dennis A. Rasbach argues, a careful review of the primary evidence left by Chamberlain and his contemporaries suggests that Chamberlain was mistaken regarding the larger context of the engagement in which he fought and fell. An overwhelming body of evidence, much of it derived from Chamberlain himself, demonstrates he actually attacked a different part of the Confederate line in the vicinity of an entirely different road. This part of the Petersburg campaign must now be rewritten to properly understand the important battle of June 18, 1864, and Chamberlain's role in it. 1 vol, 248 pgs 2016 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid October 2016 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-48870 Rhea, Gordon C. BATTLES FOR SPOTSYLVANIA/THE ROAD TO YELLOW TAVERN Rhea examines the maneuvers/battles May 12-17 1864 here for the first time is a detailed examination of the cavalry's role in the campaign, (300 maps,illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 483 pgs 1997 BATON ROUGE, LSU PRESS
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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1-64320 Rhea, Gordon C. TO THE NORTH ANNA RIVER The author's spectacular narrative of the initial campaign between Grant and Lee in the Spring of 1864 and the battle of wits between the two, 30+b/w maps, illust, o/b's, biblio, index. 1 vol, 505 pgs 2000 BATON ROUGE, LSU PRESS
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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1-245500 Roberts, W. Clifford HOLDING CHARLESTON BY THE BRIDLE: Castle Pinckney and the Civil War Castle Pinckney, a pivotal fort in Charleston Harbor, influenced Civil War events from its construction in the War of 1812 through post-ACW Reconstruction. Located on a marshy island in the center of Charleston's magnificent harbor, the large cannons on the ramparts of this horseshoe-shaped masonry fort had the ability to command downtown Charleston and the busy wharves along East Bay Street. This inescapable fact made Pinckney an important chess piece in the secession turmoil of 1832 and 1850, and in the months leading up to the 1861 bombardment of Fort Sumter.

Explores the fort's innovative design as part of America's 'Second System' of coastal fortifications as well as the modern challenges of preserving its weathered brick walls against rising sea levels to save archaeological evidence that tells the full story of Castle Pinckney. Contains 65 images and 1 map. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2024 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid August 2024 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-209250 Robertson,Wwilliam Glenn THE FIRST BATTLE FOR PETERSBURG: The Attack and Defense of the Cockade City, June 9, 1864 Despite its significance, very little has been written about the nearly ten-month struggle for Petersburg, Virginia. It comes as no surprise, then, that few readers are even aware that Petersburg's citizens felt war's hard hand nearly a week before the armies of Grant and Lee arrived on their doorstep in the middle of June 1864.

During his ill-fated Bermuda Hundred Campaign, Maj. Gen. Benjamin Butler in late May took note of the Petersburg, Virginia (nicknamed the Cockade City) position astride Richmond's railroad lifeline and its minuscule garrison.

When two attempts to seize the city and destroy the bridges over the Appomattox River failed, Butler mounted an expedition to Petersburg on June 9. Led by Maj. Gen. Quincy Gillmore and Brig. Gen. August Kautz, the Federal force of 3,300 infantry and 1,300 cavalry appeared large enough to overwhelm Brig. Gen. Henry Wise's paltry 1,200 Confederate defenders, one-quarter of which were reserves that included several companies of elderly men and teenagers. The attack on the critical logistical center, and how the Confederates managed to hold the city, is the subject of Robertson's groundbreaking study.

Ironically, Butler's effort resulted in Gen. P. G. T. Beauregard's decision to slightly enlarge Petersburg's garrison-troops that may have provided the razor-thin margin of difference when the head of the Army of the Potomac appeared in strength six days later.

The First Battle for Petersburg describes the strategy, tactics, and generalship of the Battle of June 9 in full detail, as well as the impact on the city's citizens, both in and out of the ranks. Robertson's study is grounded in extensive primary sources supported by original maps and photos and illustrations. It remains the most comprehensive analysis of the June 9 engagement of Petersburg's old men and young boys. Includes b/w illustrations and maps. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2015 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available early August 2015 ......$28.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-TPS16 Rohrbaugh TURNING POINT SIMULATIONS #16: The Vicksburg Campaign The full sweep and scope of the campaign are included, from Grant's crossing at Bruinsburg to the finale (or not). Interesting side stories are also part of the picture, like Grierson's Raid, the CSS Arkansas, and 'that devil Forrest' and his part -- or not -- in the grand campaign.

The Vicksburg Campaign includes: One full-color, 11x17-inch mounted map; 140 full-color, die-cut counters; and 12-page rulebook. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2017 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-pb, available late February 2017 ......$35.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-199890 Romaneck, Greg A CIVIL WAR'S REENACTOR'S GUIDEBOOK Offers living historians a treasure trove of information, tips, suggestions, and other information that will appeal to practicing re-enactors, potential participant and curious spectators. In the pages of this book readers will learn how to camp in a style reminiscent of Civil War soldiers. Tips linked to effective marching and safety practices are offered in a way that will assist participants. Sections dedicated to period health remedies, language of the time period, and the experiences of soldiers, civilians, and children in those long gone days will afford readers insights into not only the material world of Civil War America but also aspects of social history. A wealth of period illustrations enhance the text. The author has included resources for additional reading and research in a variety of related areas. 1 vol, 262 pgs 2007 US, HERITAGE BOOKS
NEW-softcover ......$26.00

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1-228730 Rossino, Alexander THEIR MARYLAND: The Army of Northern Virginia From the Potomac Crossing to Sharpsburg in September 1862 Addresses issues: Did supply problems in Virginia force Lee north to press the advantage he had won after the Battle of Second Manassas? What did Rebel troops believe about the strength of secessionist sentiment in Maryland, and why? Did the entire Army of Northern Virginia really camp at Best's Farm near Frederick, Maryland? Did D. H. Hill lose Special Orders No. 191, or is there more to the story? How did Maryland civilians respond to the Rebel army in their midst, and what part did women play? Finally, why did Robert E. Lee choose to fight at Sharpsburg, and how personally was he involved in directing the fighting?

Reassesses the history of Robert E. Lee's 1862 Maryland Campaign in seven chapters:

Rebel Revolutionary: Did Robert E. Lee Hope to Foment Rebellion in Maryland in September 1862
High Hope for Liberating Maryland: The Army of Northern Virginia Crosses the Potomac River, September 4-7, 1862
Four Days on the Monocacy: Confederate Encampments Near Frederick City and the Implications for the Lost Orders Debate
Dreams Dashed on the Rocks of Reality: The Army of Northern Virginia's Mixed Reception in Maryland
Rebels Photographed in Frederick, Maryland: The Case for September 1862
The Army of Northern Virginia Makes a Stand: A Critical Assessment of Robert E. Lee's Defensive Strategy at Sharpsburg on September 15-16, 1862
A Very Personal Fight: The Role of Robert E. Lee on the Field at Sharpsburg, September 17, 1862 1 vol, 312 pgs 2021 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available early December 2021 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-240690 Rossino, Alexander CALAMITY AT FREDERICK: Robert E. Lee, Special Orders No. 191, and Confederate Misfortune on the Road to Antietam New interpretation of the evidence surrounding the creation, distribution, and loss of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's Special Orders No. 191 outside Frederick, Maryland, in September 1862. Examines why General Lee thought his army could operate north of the Potomac until winter; why Lee found it necessary to seize the Federal garrison at Harpers Ferry; what Lee hoped to accomplish after capturing Harpers Ferry; where Corporal Barton Mitchell of the 27th Indiana found the Lost Orders; and if D. H. Hill or someone else was to blame for losing the orders. 1 vol, 168 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available mid November 2023 ......$19.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-246220 Rossino, Alexander THE GUNS OF SEPTEMBER: A Novel of McClellan's Army in Maryland, 1862 Novel of the ACW follows the Union Army after the defeat at Second Bull Run during the the 1862 Maryland Campaign. A host of historical characters appear in the work, including a diligent General McClellan, the hard-fighting Joseph Hooker, a frustrated Ambrose Burnside, and the aggressive George Armstrong Custer as well as experienced veterans from Ohio and greenhorns from central Pennsylvania. Fortune smiles on 'Little Mac' when a lost copy of Lee's orders falls into his hands, revealing the Rebel general's plan to divide his army and capture the Union garrison at Harper's Ferry. McClellan pushes his army and catches Lee by surprise at South Mountain, where he inflicts a decisive defeat that turns Lee's plan on its head and his army back against the Potomac for a final stand at Sharpsburg on September 17. The resulting battle could decide the fate of the nation. Contains 3 maps and 2 images. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2024 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available late September 2024 ......$23.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-227390 Ryan, Thomas LEE IS TRAPPED, AND MUST BE TAKEN: Eleven Fateful Days after Gettysburg -- July 4 - 14, 1863 Focuses on the immediate aftermath of the battle and addresses how Maj. Gen. George G. Meade organized and motivated his Army of the Potomac in response to President Abraham Lincoln's mandate to bring about the 'literal or substantial destruction' of Gen. Robert E. Lee's retreating Army of Northern Virginia. As far as the president was concerned, if Meade aggressively pursued and confronted Lee before he could escape across the flooded Potomac River, the rebellion would be over. Includes 40 images and 11 maps.

The long and bloody three-day battle exhausted both armies. Their respective commanders faced difficult tasks, including the rallying of their troops for more marching and fighting. Lee had to keep his army organized and motivated enough to conduct an orderly withdrawal away from the field. Meade faced the same organizational and motivational challenges, while assessing the condition of his victorious but heavily damaged army, to determine if it had sufficient strength to pursue and crush a still-dangerous enemy. Central to the respective commanders' decisions was the information they received from their intelligence-gathering resources about the movements, intentions, and capability of the enemy. The eleven-day period after Gettysburg was a battle of wits to determine which commander better understood the information he received, and directed the movements of his army accordingly.

Woven into this account is the fate of thousands of Union prisoners who envisioned rescue to avoid incarceration in wretched Confederate prisons, and a characterization of how the Union and Confederate media portrayed the ongoing conflict for consumption on the home front. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2021 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available late June 2021 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-215670 Scales, John R THE BATTLES OF CONFEDERATE GENERAL NATHAN BEDFORD FORREST 1861-1865 Examines Forrest's wartime activities and how his actions affected the war in the Western Theater. Each chapter covers specific raids or campaigns, all arranged chronologically. Each action is augmented with detailed driving directions to allow readers to examine his battlefields and the routes his cavalry took during its famous raids. Includes four images and 109 maps.

Describes the environment within which Forrest operated, which helps readers understand the larger situation within which his movements were made and his battles were fought. First-hand sources, including heavy use of documents and reports from the Official Records, coupled with 109 original maps, make it easy to understand the often complex background, movements, and engagements involving Forrest and his command. 1 vol, 480 pgs 2017 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-softcover edition, available late May 2019 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-23980 Schiller, Dr David Th. ACW, THE:Recreated on Color Photographs (120) stunning color photos, text. 1 vol, 96 pgs 1990 LONDON, WINDROW & GREEN
GOOD-softcover ......$16.00

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1-211880 Schmutz, John F THE BLOODY FIFTH: The 5th Texas Infantry Regiment, Hood's Texas Brigade, Army of Northern Virgin Volume 1: Secession to the Suffolk Campaign Profile of the 5th Texas Infantry (the Bloody Fifth) -- one of only three Texas regiments to fight with Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. The 5th Texas established an exceptional combat record in an army known for its fighting capabilities. This first volume Secession to the Suffolk Campaign includes 15 illustrations and 13 maps. An upcoming second installment, Gettysburg to Appomattox, will complete the history.

The regiment took part in 38 engagements, including nearly every significant battle in the Eastern Theater, as well as the Chickamauga, Chattanooga, and Knoxville campaigns in the Western Theater, before laying down its arms forever at Appomattox. 1 vol, 344 pgs 2016 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid July 2016 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-211882 Schmutz, John F THE BLOODY FIFTH: The 5th Texas Infantry Regiment, Hood's Texas Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia: Volume 2 Profile of the 5th Texas Infantry (the Bloody Fifth) -- one of only three Texas regiments to fight with Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. The 5th Texas established an exceptional combat record in an army known for its fighting capabilities. This first volume Secession to the Suffolk Campaign includes 15 illustrations and 13 maps. An upcoming second installment, Gettysburg to Appomattox, will complete the history.

The regiment took part in 38 engagements, including nearly every significant battle in the Eastern Theater, as well as the Chickamauga, Chattanooga, and Knoxville campaigns in the Western Theater, before laying down its arms forever at Appomattox. 1 vol, 456 pgs 2017 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid June 2017 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-220540 Scott L. Mingus, Cooper H. Wingert TARGETED TRACKS: The Cumberland Valley Railroad in the Civil War, 1861-1865 Using the railway's voluminous reports, the letters and diaries of local residents and Union and Confederate soldiers, official reports, and newspaper accounts, this book profiles the 1861-1865 Cumberland Valley Railroad connecting Hagerstown, Maryland to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Includes 28 images and three maps.

Because of its proximity to major cities in the Eastern Theater, the Cumberland Valley Railroad was an enticing target for Confederate leaders. As invading armies jostled for position, the CVRR's valuable rolling stock was never far from their minds. Northern military and railway officials, who knew the line was a prized target, coordinated-and just as often butted heads-in a series of efforts to ensure the railroad's prized resources remained out of enemy hands. When they failed to protect the line, as they sometimes did, Southern horsemen wrought havoc on the Northern war effort by tearing up its tracks, seizing or torching Union supplies, and laying waste to warehouses, engine houses, and passenger depots. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2019 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid June 2019 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-60040 Sears, Stephen W. editor CENTURY COLLECTION OF CIVIL WAR ART 10.5x13, the 700+ works of art that were done forthe BATTLES AND LEADERS OF THE CIVIL WAR, firstclass reproductions, catalogue of works by artist. 1 vol, 400 pgs 1974 NY, AMERICAN HERITAGE PRS
GOOD-dj is worn/torn ......$20.00

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1-980020 Sheehan-Deanm Aaron editor STRUGGLE FOR A VAST FUTURE:The American Civil War Fifteen of today's ACW experts each provide new insights, color and b/w illust throughout. 1 vol, 242 pgs 2003 LONDON, OSPREY PUBLISH'NG
NEW-pb ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-210160 Shuiltz, David and Mingus, Scott THE SECOND DAY AT GETTYSBURG: The Attack and Defense of Cemetery Ridge, July 2, 1863 Includes 44 illustrations and 12 maps.

Based upon a faulty early-morning reconnaissance, General Robert E. Lee decided to attack up the Emmitsburg Road in an effort to collapse the left flank of General George Meade's Army of the Potomac and decisively defeat it. The effort got underway when General James Longstreet's First Corps troops crushed General Sickles' Peach Orchard salient and turned north and east to drive deeply into the Union rear. A third Confederate division under Richard Anderson, part of A. P. Hill's Third Corps, joined in the attack, slamming one brigade after another into the overstretched Union line stitched northward along the Emmitsburg Road. The bloody fighting stair-stepped its way up Cemetery Ridge, tearing open a large gap in the center of the Federal line that threatened to split the Union army in two. The fate of the Battle of Gettysburg hung in the balance.

Despite the importance of the position, surprisingly few Union troops were available to defend the yawning gap on the ridge. Major General Winfield S. Hancock's Second Corps had been reduced to less than one division when his other two were sucked southward to reinforce the collapsing Third Corps front. Reprising Horatio at the Bridge, the gallant commander cobbled together a wide variety of infantry and artillery commands and threw them into the action, refusing to yield even one acre of ground. The long and intense fighting included hand-to-hand combat and the personal heroics of which legends are made.

Demonstrating how the fighting on the far Union left directly affected the combat to come in the center of General Meade's line, the authors also address some of the most commonly overlooked aspects of the fighting: what routes did some of the key units take to reach the front? What could the commanders actually see, and when could they see it? How did the fences, roads, farms, trees, ravines, creeks, and others obstacles directly affect tactical decisions, and ultimately the battle itself? 1 vol, 552 pgs 2015 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available late December 2015 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-222000 Smith James STORMING THE WHEATFIELD: John Caldwell's Union Division in the Gettysburg Campaign This gripping narrative is an in-depth study of the valiant men of General John Caldwell's Union Division during the Gettysburg Campaign. Caldwell's Division made a desperate stand against a tough and determined Confederate force in farmer George Rose's nearly 20-acre Wheatfield. Ready for harvest, the infamous Wheatfield would change hands nearly six times in the span of two hours of fighting on July 2, becoming a trampled, bloody, no-man's land for thousands of wounded soldiers. Includes 62 illustrations.

Smith examines the lives of the Union soldiers in the ranks -- as well as leaders Cross, Kelly, Zook, Brooke, and Caldwell himself. From Colonel Edward Cross's black bandana, to the famed Irish Brigade's charge on Stoney Hill, to a lone young man from Washington County whose grave is marked in stone nearby. Smith painstakingly contacted nearly one hundred descendants of Caldwell's soldiers as part of his research. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2019 US, GETTYSBURG PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, available late October 2019 ......$24.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-COM1058 Smith, Eric Lee BATTLE HYMN: VOL 1 - GETTYSBURG AND PEA RIDGE This boardgame offers a brigade-level system based upon a chit-pull system of division activation, strength point step system with losses taken point by point, and each combat phase consists of two combat rounds. Uses a graphics approach based upon the maps produced by the US Government after the war, the map is a pleasure to behold. There are six scenarios in the game, some of which have alternatives for additional variety. Optional rules include hidden movement and more randomization during combat (more historical and also simulates async computer play).

Battle Hymn Vol. One includes two games: Gettysburg: The Tide Turns and Pea Ridge: The Struggle for Missouri.

Scenarios: Note: Some scenarios have alternatives making them in effect two or more scenarios.

* Pickett's Charge - 3 turns, 45 minutes
* The Best Three Hours (Devil's Den) - 3 turns, 1 hour
* The Accidental Battle (Day One) - 11 turns, 3 hours
* Longstreet's March (Day Two) - 9 turns, 3 hours
* The Tide Turns (Day Three) - 7 turns, 3 hours
* The Battle of Gettysburg (campaign) - 31 turns, 8 hours

Pea Ridge
* The Surprise Attack (Day One) - 9 turns, 2 hours
* Missouri Redeemed! (Day Two) - 5 turns, 1.5 hours
* The Battle of Pea Ridge (campaign) - 15 turns, 5 hours

Product Information

* Complexity: Medium (4 out of 10)
* Playing Time: 45 minutes to 3 hours (scenarios), 5 to 8 hours (full campaigns)
* Solitaire Suitability: High (due to variable activation system)
* Time Scale: 1 turn = 60 to 90 minutes depending on the game and day
* Map Scale: 1 hex = 300 yards across
* Unit Scale: Brigades, strength point = 150-300 men (depending on the game & unity type)
* Players: 2 (but far above average as a solitaire game)

* 4 10-sided dice of one color
* 1 10-side die of another color
* 2 39x25-inch maps with 5/8th inch hexes, period style
* 2 identical 8.5x11-inch chart cards, printed front and back
* Rule book: 32 pages, extensive examples
* 3 5/8-inch Counter sheets, 176 counters each 1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box o/p, only one (1) available, first come first served ......$79.00 with a discount of 20% rct

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1-218750 Smith, Timothy THE REAL HORSE SOLDIERS: Benjamin Grierson's Epic 1863 Civil War Raid Through Mississippi Covers Benjamin Grierson's Union cavalry thrust through Mississippi is one of the most well-known operations of the Civil War. For 16 days (April 17 to May 2), Grierson led Confederate pursuers on a high-stakes chase through the entire state of Mississippi, entering the northern border with Tennessee and exiting its southern border with Louisiana. The daily rides were long, the rest stops short, and the tension high. Ironically, the man who led the raid was a former music teacher who some say disliked horses. Throughout, he displayed outstanding leadership and cunning, destroyed railroad tracks, burned trestles and bridges, freed slaves, and created as much damage and chaos as possible. Includes 36 images and 13 maps. 1 vol, 376 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-218750 Smith, Timothy THE REAL HORSE SOLDIERS: Benjamin Grierson's Epic 1863 Civil War Raid Through Mississippi Grierson's Raid, April 17 to May 2 1863, through Mississippi (entering the northern border with Tennessee and exiting its southern border with Louisiana) broke a vital Confederate rail line at Newton Station that supplied Vicksburg and, perhaps most importantly, consumed the attention of the Confederate high command. While Confederate Lt. Gen. John Pemberton at Vicksburg and other Southern leaders looked in the wrong directions, Grant moved his entire Army of the Tennessee across the Mississippi River below Vicksburg, spelling the doom of that city, the Confederate chances of holding the river, and perhaps the Confederacy itself. Includes 36 images and 13 maps. 1 vol, 376 pgs 2020 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb ......$20.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-COM022 Southhard, Jonathan COMMAND # 22: Antietam Antietam
- High Stakes, Lost Opportunities
Hammer of Victory
- The Normandy Campaign, 1944
World War II Yugoslavia
- A Non-Partisan View
For Czar and Country
- History of Russian Rifle Corps 1942-45
- Some Thoughts on World War II
Hearts and Minds
- The US Army Green Berets Today
Operation Icarus
- The German Plan to Invade Iceland
A New Kind of War
- High-Tech War in the 21st century
- Strategies for Antietam
- Cobra Strikes (scenario for Victory in Normandy
- Smithereens variants
- Gettysburg
- Port Arthur, Blood & Iron, Victory in Normandy 1 vol, 60 pgs 1993 US, XTR PUBLISHING
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$30.00 rct

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1-13480 Stackpole, Edward J. THEY MET AT GETTYSBURG A step-by-step retelling of the battle, b/w maps, photos, first-hand accounts, index. 1 vol, 342 pgs 1966 HARRISBURG, STACKPOLE PUB
V.GOOD-dj 6th Printing ......$20.00

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3-13480 Stackpole, Edward J. THEY MET AT GETTYSBURG A step-by-step retelling of the battle, b/w maps, photos, first-hand accounts, index. 1 vol, 342 pgs 1956 HARRISBURG, STACKPOLE PUB
GOOD-no dj 1st edition ......$20.00

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1-24850 Starr, Stephen Z. UNION CAVALRY IN THE CIVIL WAR, THE Definitive work on the Union Cavalry from Sumter to Appomattox and the War in the West; b/w maps and illust, biblio, index. 3 vol, 1649 pgs 1985 BATON ROUGE, LSU PRESS
AS NEW-dj ......$115.00

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1-24851 Starr, Stephen Z. UNION CAVALRY IN THE CIVIL WAR, THE:V1 Definitive work on the Union Cavalry from Sumter to Gettysburg; b/w maps/illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 507 pgs 1983 BATON ROUGE, LSU PRESS
GOOD-dj ......$30.00

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1-24852 Starr, Stephen Z. UNION CAVALRY IN THE CIVIL WAR, THE:V2 Definitive work on the Union Cavalry, Gettysburg to Appomattox, b/w maps/illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 526 pgs 1983 BATON ROUGE, LSU PRESS
GOOD-dj ......$30.00

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1-237620 Storr, Jim A FINE INTRODUCTION TO BATTLE: Hood's Texas Brigade at The Battle of Eltham's Landing, May 7, 1862 The Battle of Eltham's Landing on May 7, 1862 was the baptism by fire for the Texas Brigade of Gen. John Bell Hood. The Texans distinguished themselves throughout the war as members of Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. The Battle of Eltham's Landing was considered small, compared to the battles the brigade fought soon afterwards, but the brunt of the fighting at Eltham's Landing was done by the Texans. Collection of source material and photographs provides a view of this overlooked, early battle through the eyes of the Texans and fellow brigade members the 18th Georgia and Hampton's Legion. 1 vol, 226 pgs 2023 US, FOX RUN PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid July 2023 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-221590 Stotelmyer, Steven TOO USEFUL TO SACRIFICE: Reconsidering George B. McClellan's Generalship in the Maryland Campaign from South Mountain to Antietam Although typecast as the slow and overly cautious general who allowed Lee's battered army to escape, in fact, argues Stotelmyer, General McClellan deserves significant credit for defeating and turning back the South's most able general. He does so through five comprehensive chapters, each dedicated to a specific major issue of the campaign:

* Fallacies Regarding the Lost Orders
* All the Injury Possible: The Day between South Mountain and Antietam
* Antietam: The Sequel to South Mountain
* General John Pope at Antietam and the Politics behind the Myth of the Unused Reserves
* Supplies and Demands: The Demise of General George B. McClellan

Was McClellan's response to the discovery of Lee's Lost Orders really as slow and inept as we have been led to believe? Although routinely dismissed as a small prelude to the main event at Antietam, was the fighting on South Mountain the real Confederate high tide in Maryland? Is the criticism leveled against McClellan for not rapidly pursuing Lee's army after the victory on South Mountain warranted? Did McClellan fail to make good use of his reserves in the bloody fighting on September 17? Finally, what is the real story behind McClellan's apparent 'failure' to pursue the defeated Confederate army after Antietam, which triggered President Lincoln's frustration with him and resulted in his removal?

Utilizing extensive primary documents and with a keen appreciation for the infrastructure of the nineteenth century Maryland terrain, Stotelmyer deeply explores these long-held beliefs, revealing that often the influence of political considerations dictated military decision-making, and the deliberate actions of the Lincoln Administration behind McClellan's back resulted in bringing about many of the general's supposed shortcomings. Includes 12 maps and 7 images. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2019 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available early September 2019 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-235750 Thorp, Gene THE TALE UNTWISTED: General George B. McClellan, the Maryland Campaign, and the Discovery of Lee's Lost Orders The discovery of Robert E. Lee's Special Orders No. 191 outside of Frederick, Maryland, on September 13, 1862, is one of the most important and hotly disputed events of the American Civil War. For more than 150 years, historians have debated if George McClellan, commander of the Union Army of the Potomac, dawdled after receiving a copy of the orders before warily advancing to challenge Lee's forces atop South Mountain.

Explains in exhaustive fashion how McClellan in fact moved with uncharacteristic energy to counter the Confederate threat and take advantage of Lee's divided forces, seizing the initiative and striking a blow in the process that wrecked Lee's plans and sent his army reeling back toward Virginia. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available late January 2023 ......$19.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-198310 Tidball, John C THE ARTILLERY SERVICE IN THE WAR OF REBELLION: 1861-65 A comprehensive overview and analysis of the US Army's field artillery service in the Civil War's principal battles, written by John C. Tidball, a distinguished artilleryman of the era. The overview, which appeared in the Journal of the Military Service Institution from 1891 to 1893, and nearly impossible to find today, examines the Army of the Potomac, including the battles of Fair Oaks, Gaines's Mill, Mechanicsville, Malvern Hill, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg; the Army of the Tennessee, including the battles of Stones River and Chickamauga, and the Army of the Ohio's battle of Shiloh.

Tidball, a decorated Civil War veteran and superintendent of artillery instruction for the army, expertly presents the war through an artilleryman's eyes in explaining the organization, equipping, and manning of the artillery service. His analysis highlights how the improper use of artillery, tying batteries down to relatively small infantry commands that diluted their firepower, seriously undermined the army's effectiveness until reforms produced independent artillery commands that could properly mass artillery fire in battle.

Presented here in one volume for the first time, this includes additional material from an unpublished paper Tidball wrote in 1905 which contains further insights into the artillery service, as well as a general overview of the Petersburg campaign. 1 vol, 400 pgs 2012 US, WESTHOLME PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$30.00

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1-230720 Torettam F.Gregory LIEUTENANT GENERAL JAMES LONGSTREET - INNOVATIVE MILITARY STRATEGIST: The Most Misunderstood Civil War General Examines the unique strategies and technological achievements made by Lieutenant-General James Longstreet, commander of the First Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia, during the American Civil War. Offers a new viewpoint of the war and the generals who tailored their designs to pursue the war, analyses Longstreet's views of the generals and the tactics and strategy they employed, and examines why Longstreet proposed and urged a new type of warfare against a backdrop of technological developments and the disparity between the North and South. Longstreet advocated for defensive warfare, using entrenchments, and trying to maneuver the enemy to assault his position, thus conserving manpower, resources and supplies. Includes 40 photographs and five maps. 1 vol, 264 pgs 2022 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available late May 2022 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-84023 Troiani, Don DON TROIANI'S CIVIL WAR MILITIA & VOLUNTEERS 9x12, 37 color paintings, from previous work. 1 vol, 64 pgs 2006 US, STACKPOLE BOOKS
NEW-softcover ......$17.00

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1-84024 Troiani, Don DON TROIANI'S CIVIL WAR ZOUAVES, OFFICERS & OTHERS 9x12, 38 color paintings, from previous work. 1 vol, 76 pgs 2006 US, STACKPOLE BOOKS
NEW-softcover ......$17.00

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1-30530 Trout, Robert J. THEY FOLLOWED THE PLUME The story of J.E.B. Stuart and his staff, detailed of staff officers & headquarters personnel. Biblio b/w photos/illust, index, chapter notes. 1 vol, 400 pgs 1993 HARRISBURG, STACKPOLE BKS
NEW-dj ......$25.00

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1-207250 Trudeau, Noah Andre THE LAST CITADEL: Petersburg, June 1864 - April 1865 This revised sesquicentennial edition of Noah Andre Trudeau's The Last Citadel includes updated text, redrawn maps, and new material about the investment of Petersburg, Virginia.

The Petersburg campaign began on June 9, 1864, and ended on April 3, 1865, when Federal troops at last entered the city. It was the longest and most costly siege ever to take place on North American soil, yet it has been overshadowed by other actions that occurred at the same time period, most notably Sherman's famous 'March to the Sea,' and Sheridan's celebrated Shenandoah Valley campaign.

The ten-month Petersburg affair witnessed many more combat actions than the other two combined, and involved an average of 170,000 soldiers, not to mention thousands of civilians who were also caught up in the maelstrom. By its bloody end, the Petersburg campaign would add more than 70,000 casualties to the war's total.

Petersburg was the key to the war in the East. It lay astride five major railroad lines that in turn supplied the Confederate capital, Richmond. Were Petersburg to fall, these vital arteries would be severed, and Richmond doomed. With the same dogged determination that had seen him through the terrible Overland Campaign, Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant fixed his sights on the capture of Petersburg. Grant's opponent, General Robert E. Lee, was equally determined that the 'Cockade City' would not fall.

Includes 23 maps and a choice selection of drawings by on-the-spot combat artists. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2014 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available early January 2015 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-207250 Trudeau, Noah Andre THE LAST CITADEL: Petersburg, June 1864 - April 1865 Revised sesquicentennial edition includes updated text, redrawn maps, and new material about the investment of Petersburg, Virginia (June 9, 1864 to April 3, 1865). The 10-month Petersburg siege involved an average of 170,000 soldiers, not to mention thousands of civilians, who were also caught up in the maelstrom. By its bloody end, the Petersburg campaign would add more than 70,000 casualties to the war's total. Includes 23 maps and a choice selection of drawings by on-the-spot combat artists. 1 vol, 552 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb edition, available mid April 2024 ......$27.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-218360 Tsouras, Peter MAJOR GENERAL GEORGE H. SHARPE: And The Creation of American Military Intelligence in the Civil War The vital role of the military all-source intelligence in the eastern theater of operations during the American Civil War is told through the biography of its creator, George H. Sharpe. Renowned historian Peter Tsouras contends that this creation under Sharpe's leadership was the combat multiplier that ultimately allowed the Union to be victorious.

Sharpe is celebrated as one of the most remarkable Americans of the 19th century. He built an intelligence organization (The Bureau of Military Information - BMI) from a standing start beginning in February 1863. He was the first man in military history to create a professional all-source intelligence operation, defined by the US Army as -- the intelligence products, organizations, and activities that incorporates all sources of information, in the production of intelligence.

By early 1863, in the two and half months before the Chancellorsville Campaign, Sharpe had conducted a breath-taking Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) effort. His reports identified every brigade and its location in Lee's army, provided an accurate order-of-battle down to the regiment level and a complete analysis of the railroad. The eventual failure of the campaign was outside of the control of Sharpe, who had assembled a staff of 30-50 scouts and support personnel to run the military intelligence operation of the Army of the Potomac. He later supported Grant's Armies Operating Against Richmond (AOAR) during the Siege of Petersburg, where the BMI played a fundamental role in the victory.

His career did not end in 1865. Sharpe crossed paths with almost everyone prominent in America after the Civil War. He became one of the most powerful Republican politicians in New York State, had close friendships with Presidents Grant and Arthur, and was a champion of African-American Civil rights.

With the discovery of the day-by-day journal of John C. Babcock, Sharpe's civilian deputy and order-of-battle analyst in late 1963, and the unpublished Hooker papers, the military correspondence of Joseph Hooker during his time as a commander of the Army of the Potomac, Tsouras has discovered a unique window into the flow of intelligence reporting which gives a new perspective in the study of military operations in the American Civil War. 1 vol, 592 pgs 2018 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available mid October 2018 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-201300 Tucker, Phillip Thomas BARKSDALE'S CHARGE: The True High Tide of the Confederacy at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863 On the third day of Gettysburg, Robert E. Lee launched a magnificent attack. For pure pageantry it was unsurpassed, and it also marked the centerpiece of the war, both time-wise and in terms of how the conflict had turned a corner-from persistent Confederate hopes to impending Rebel despair. But Pickett's Charge was crushed by the Union defenders that day, having never had a chance in the first place.

The Confederacy's real 'high tide' at Gettysburg had come the afternoon before, during the swirling conflagration when Longstreet's corps first entered the battle, when the Federals just barely held on. The foremost Rebel spearhead on that second day of the battle was Barksdale's Mississippi brigade, which launched what one (Union) observer called the 'grandest charge that was ever seen by mortal man.'

Barksdale's brigade was already renowned in the Army of Northern Virginia for its stand-alone fights at Fredericksburg. On the second day of Gettysburg it was just champing at the bit to go in. The Federal left was not as vulnerable as Lee had envisioned, but had cooperated with Rebel wishes by extending its Third Corps into a salient. Hood's crack division was launched first, seizing Devil's Den, climbing Little Round Top, and hammering in the wheatfield.

Then Longstreet began to launch McLaws' division, and finally gave Barksdale the go-ahead. The Mississippians, with their white-haired commander on horseback at their head, utterly crushed the peach orchard salient and continued marauding up to Cemetery Ridge. Hancock, Meade, and other Union generals desperately struggled to find units to stem the Rebel tide. One of Barksdale's regiments, the 21st Mississippi, veered off from the brigade in the chaos, rampaging across the field, overrunning Union battery after battery. The collapsing Federals had to gather men from four different corps to try to stem the onslaught.

Barksdale himself was killed at the apex of his advance. Darkness, as well as Confederate exhaustion, finally ended the day's fight as the shaken, depleted Federal units on their heights took stock. They had barely held on against the full ferocity of the Rebels, on a day that decided the fate of the nation. Barksdale's Charge describes the exact moment when the Confederacy reached its zenith, and the soldiers of the Northern states just barely succeeded in retaining their perfect Union. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2012
NEW-dj, available mid May 2013 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-57980 Vandiver, Frank E. THEIR TATTERED FLAGS:The Epic of the Confederacy First rate analysis of life in the south duringthe ACW, chpt notes, index. 1 vol, 364 pgs 1970 NY, HARPER & ROW PUBLIS'G
GOOD-dj ......$16.00

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1-914148 various VAE VICTIS # 148: Second Battle of Bull Run (1862) Articles include:

* Boardgames: Platoon Commander Deluxe : Battle of Kursk; MacArtur's Defeat 1941; Red Alert; To Take Washington; Fields of Fire 2; Peloponesian War; Fallen Eagles : Quatre Bras; and Marathon.
* Scenarios: Advanced Squad Leader and Memory 44
* Miniatures: Le Kriegspiel Napoleon; Campagne Men who would be kings; Ultra combat Normandy; Vietnam; Oil War, 2e partie; Black Seas; Battletech; Scenarios Bull Run
* Hobby: Gencon 2019 and Drouet d'Erlon a Waterloo 9

* Wargame with die-cut counters : Second Battle of Bull Run (1862) -- Two-player game uses the rules of the Secession system developed for Cedar Creek (VV94) and especially Stones River (VV121).

Complexity : 6/10
Playability for solo play : 7/10
Duration : 3 to 4 hours
One turn = 1.5 hours approximately
One counter = one brigade 1 vol, 84 pgs 2019 FRANCE, CERIGO EDITIONS
NEW-softcover ......$26.00 rct

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1-914153 various VAE VICTIS # 153 Cedar Mountain 1862 Magazine includes wargame covering the Battle of Cedar Mountain.

Having defeated the Union's Peninsula campaign, Confederate General Robert E. Lee decided to put pressure on Washington and regain the initiative. His first target was the new and inexperienced Army of Virginia led by the Union general John Pope. Lee dispatched General Thomas J. 'Stonewall' Jackson to intercept the Union. The vanguard of both armies met in Culpeper County in Virginia.

The Union general Banks positioned his artillery on the ridge near Cedar Mountain and a cannon battle ensued. The Confederate general Winder, leading the southerners, was mortally wounded in action, resulting in confusion and withdrawal for the south. Upon seeing this, Stonewall advanced the reserves and led the counter-attack himself. Faced with this unexpected wave, the Union line was broken and the soldiers retreated in disorder.

The game uses the Civil War Brigade Battle system (Worthington Games).
Complexity : 4/10
Solo playability : 7/10
Duration : 1 hour 30minutes
One turn = 40 minutes
One counter = 1 brigade
Scale : 200 meters per hex.
1 vol, 84 pgs 2020 FRANCE, CERIGO EDITIONS
NEW-softcover ......$26.00 rct

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1-938013 Various STRATEGY & TACTICS QUARTERLY # 13 - Gettysburg Gettysburg: High Tide or Desperate Gamble? Gettysburg (1-3 July 1863) has achieved near-legendary status among Civil War aficionado and non-history buff alike. The story covers not three days but three months, involving decision-making at the highest governmental levels as well as action by quick-thinking individuals on the battlefield. Christopher Perello takes another plunge into these deep waters, examining how the campaign and battle came about, how they progressed as they did, and how one or both might have turned out differently.
1 vol, 48 pgs 2021 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-paperback, available mid March 2021 ......$16.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-ATO2016 various AGAINST THE ODDS 2016 ANNUAL: Confederate Rails Confederate Rails, designed by Richard H. Berg, is a unique type of railroad game. Players operate the historical railways of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War - which ends up turning it into a kind of an 'anti-railroad' game. Not only do players have to deliver goods, supplies, and military loads during a difficult time, but they have to adjust to a dwindling rail network. Make yourself the proud owner of this challenging look at one of the failures that doomed the South.

This Annual also features an extra game: No Safe Harbor covers a little known, but devastating Japanese air attack on the port town of Darwin, in northwest Australia that happened in February, 1942. This 'mini-Pearl Harbor' proved to the Allies there was simply no place to hide. Replay this epic event with this exciting game. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2018 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-box ......$50.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-COM1005 Verlaque, Renaud THE PRICE OF FREEDOM: The American Civil War 1861-1865 A fast playing card-driven game depicting the entire 4-year struggle of the ACW. The game is designed to play to completion in about 3 hours, making it ideal for tournament play and for gamers with limited time. Uses a variation of the popular card-driven system found in many other games that provides strong historical flavor and high replay value. There are 25 historical army commanders represented, each with varying levels of ability affecting the maneuver and combat capabilities of the corps they command. Contains 1 25 x 19 inch cardstock map, 132 counters, 1 deck of 55 playing cards, 2 player-aid cards, 1 rulebooks, 2 six-sided dice. Play time is 2-3 hours. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2008 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box o/p, only one (1) available, first come first served ......$69.00 with a discount of 20% rct

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1-217210 Vermilya, Daniel THAT FIELD OF BLOOD: The Battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862 Covers the September 17, 1862 battle near Sharpsburg, Maryland. The fighting that day would change the course of American history, but in the process, it became the costliest day this nation has ever known, with more than 23,000 men falling as casualties. Includes 150 images and maps. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2018 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-softcover, available mid May 2018 ......$15.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-217220 Vermilya, Daniel VALLEY THUNDER: The Battle of New Market Full-length account examines Battle of New Market on May 15, 1864 -- the battle that opened the pivotal 1864 Shenandoah Valley Campaign. Includes 16 b/w photos, eight maps, and woodcuts throughout. Introduces readers to a wide array of soldiers, civilians, and politicians who found themselves swept up in one of the war's most gripping engagements.

The Confederate victory drove Union forces from the Valley, but they would return, reinforced and under new leadership, within a month. Before being repulsed, these Federals would march over the field at New Market and capture Staunton, burn VMI in Lexington (partly in retaliation for the cadets' participation at New Market), and very nearly capture Lynchburg. Operations in the Valley on a much larger scale that summer would permanently sweep the Confederates from the 'Bread Basket of the Confederacy.' 1 vol, 336 pgs 2018 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-softcover, available mid May 2018 ......$23.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-240990 Vignola, Victor CONTRASTS IN COMMAND: The Battle of Fair Oaks -- May 31 - June 1, 1862 This first major combat in the Eastern Theater since Bull Run (Manassas) almost a year earlier left more than 11,000 casualties in its wake and cost the primary Southern field army its commander. The possession of Richmond hung in its balance.

Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan marched his Army of the Potomac up the Virginia Peninsula during the early spring of 1862 and placed his inexperienced IV Corps at the tip of the spear south of the flood-prone Chickahominy River. McClellan's opponent Joe Johnston took the opportunity to strike and crafted an overly complex attack plan for his Virginia army to crush the exposed corps. A series of bungled marches, piecemeal attacks, and a lack of assertive leadership doomed the Southern plan. One of the wounded late in the day on May 31 was Johnston, whose injury led to the appointment of Robert E. Lee to take his place -- a decision that changed the course of the entire Civil War. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available late November 2023 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-YAAH07 Walker, Mark Yaah! Magazine Issue #7 The seventh issue of Yaah! Magazine is another gorgeous grab-bag of mirth, merriment, and awesomeness-- great articles, great scenarios, a great pack-in game, and two great expansions!

Finally, there's the game-- BEAST AT THE GATES. This exciting brigade-level treatment of the 1864 Battle of Drewry's Bluff (also known as Proctor's Creek) from designer Sean Chick (Frederick's War and Highland Charge) is simple to learn and quick to play but difficult to master. And oh, those counters. We think you'll love the way it looks 1 vol, 1 pgs 2016 US, FLYING PIG GAMES
AS NEW-ziplock, opened and unpunched ......$29.00 with a discount of 25% gam

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1-200440 Ward. John K THE BATTLE OF SACRAMENTO: Forrest's First Fight, A Skirmish of Future Generals The Battle of Sacramento has been shrouded in exaggeration and myth from the time it was fought more than 150 years ago. It is probable that few, if any, military engagements this small saw the beginning careers of so many future high-ranking officers. With a total of less than 500 men engaged, here three future generals and five future colonels began their rise to military glory. And while a small skirmish, we see here the same basic elements of warfare that have appeared since the beginning of recorded history.

Initial developments leading to the cavalry engagement at Sacramento, Kentucky, on December 28, 1861, occurred during the previous month. In November 1861, Confederate Lieutenant Colonel Nathan Bedford Forrest's Tennessee cavalry battalion was assigned to Hopkinsville, Kentucky, at that time a major outpost on the Confederate defense line in Kentucky. On December 28, 1861, at the onset of what is now known as the Battle of Sacramento, Lt. Col. Forrest fired the first shot; and, with about 150 men, Forrest charged the Union advance.

This well-documented account explores not just the battle but the men-and women-involved. Following an account of the prelude to the Battle of Sacramento and the battle itself; the Selected Personnel After-Action Activities section presents individual accounts of twenty-three participants. A section devoted to weapons includes: Colt Navy revolvers, the Enfield rifle musket, the Maynard carbine, Sharps carbine and rifle, and shotguns. Portraits, vintage photographs and maps, a bibliography, and an index to full-names, places, and subjects are included. 1 vol, 132 pgs 2012 US, HERITAGE BOOKS
NEW-softcover, available mid to late December 2012 ......$18.00

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1-211700 Welch, Dan THE LAST ROAD NORTH: A Guide to the Gettysburg Campaign 1863 A string of battlefield victories through 1862 had culminated in the spring of 1863 with Lee's greatest victory yet: the battle of Chancellorsville. Propelled by the momentum of that supreme moment, confident in the abilities of his men, Lee decided to once more take the fight to the Yankees and launched this army on another invasion of the North, ending at Gettysburg.

The book follows in the footsteps of the Army of Northern Virginia and the Army of the Potomac as they made their way to Gettysburg. Based on the Gettysburg Civil War Trails, it's packed with dozens of lesser-known sites related to the Gettysburg Campaign. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2016 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late June 2016 ......$15.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-240110 White, Kristopher D. STAY AND FIGHT IT OUT: The Second Day at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863, Culp's Hill and the North End of the Battlefield Continues the Battle of Gettysburg from the first two books in the series (Fight Like the Devil: The First Day at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863, and, Stay and Fight It Out: The Second Day at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863) recounts the often-overlooked fight at Culp's Hill that secured the Union position in the fishhook and set the stage for the battle's fateful final day.

July 2 saw a massive Confederate attack against the southernmost part of the line. As the Southern juggernaut rolled inexorably northward, Federal troops shifted away from Culp's Hill and Cemetery Hill to meet the threat. Just then, part of the Army of Northern Virginia's vaunted Second Corps launched itself at the weakened Federal right. The very men who had broken the Union army the day before resolved to break it once again. The ensuing struggle-every bit as desperate and with stakes every bit as high as the more famous fight at Little Round Top on the far end of the line-imperiled the entire Union position. 'Stay and fight it out,' one Union general counseled his peers. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available mid October 2023 ......$17.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-219350 White, William Lee LET US DIE LIKE MEN: The Battle of Franklin, November 30, 1864 John Bell Hood had done his job too well. In the fall of 1864, the commander of the Confederate Army of Tennessee had harassed Federal forces in north Georgia so badly that the Union commander, William T. Sherman, decided to abandon his position. During his subsequent 'March to the Sea,' Sherman's men lived off the land.

Rather than confront the larger Federal force directly, Hood chose instead to strike northward into Tennessee. There, he hoped to cripple the Federal supply infrastructure and the Federal forces that still remained there-the Army of the Cumberland under George Thomas. Hood hoped to defeat Thomas' army in detail and force Sherman to come northward to the rescue.

On November 30, in a small country town called Franklin, Hood caught part of Thomas' army outside of its stronghold of Nashville. But what began as a promising opportunity for the outnumbered Confederate army soon turned grim. Includes 150 images and maps. 1 vol, 168 pgs 2019 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-softcover, available mid February 2019 ......$15.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-92200 Williams, Harry T. P.G.T. BEAUREGARD:Napoleon in Grey From Sumter to Richmond, Beauregard left his markon the Civil War. Index, b/w illust. 1 vol, 345 pgs 1989 BATON ROUGE: LSU PRESS
AS NEW-dj ......$16.00

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1-208040 Wittenberg, Eric THE BATTLE OF MONROE'S CROSSROADS: And the Civil War's Final Campaign The Battle of Monroe's Crossroads, March 10, 1865, was an important but little-known engagement in William T. Sherman's Carolinas Campaign. Now in paperback, here is the only book-length account of this combat.

As Sherman's infantry crossed into North Carolina, Maj. Gen. Judson Kilpatrick's veteran Federal cavalry division fanned out in front, screening the advance. When Kilpatrick learned that Confederate cavalry under Lt. Gen. Wade Hampton was hot on his trail, he decided to set a trap for the Southern horsemen near a place called Monroe's Crossroads. Hampton, however, learned of the plan and decided to do something Kilpatrick was not expecting: attack.

On March 10, Southern troopers under Hampton and Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler launched a savage surprise attack on Kilpatrick's sleeping camp. After three hours of some of the toughest cavalry fighting of the entire Civil War, Hampton broke off and withdrew. His attack, however, stopped Kilpatrick's advance and bought another precious day for Lt. Gen. William J. Hardee to evacuate his command from Fayetteville. This, in turn, permitted Hardee to join the command of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston and set the stage for the climactic Battle of Bentonville nine days later.

Noted Civil War author Eric J. Wittenberg has written the first detailed tactical narrative of this important but long-forgotten battle, and places it in its proper context within the entire Carolinas Campaign. His study features 28 original maps and dozens of illustrations. 1 vol, 360 pgs 2015 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-softcover, available early April 2015 ......$23.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-237630 Wittenberg, Eric WE RIDE THE WHIRLWIND: Sherman and Johnston at Bennett Place Follows the late-war battles and maneuvers of Confederate Gen. Joseph E. Johnston's 31,000 man army against Union Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman's pursuing army in North Carolina. After Lee's surrender, Johnston met with Sherman to discuss surrender terms, but the assassination of Pres Lincoln prompted new Pres Johnson to demand Johnston accept the same terms that Gen. Robert E. Lee did at Appomattox Court House in Virginia. 1 vol, 310 pgs 2023 US, FOX RUN PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$20.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-237650 Wittenberg, Eric FIVE OR TEN MINUTES OF BLIND CONFUSION: The Battle of Aiken, South Carolina, February 11, 1865 One of the few Confederate battlefield victories in the dark days of 1865 occurred at Aiken, SC, on February 11, 1865. Confederate Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler's cavalry command ambushed the cavalry under Union Maj. Gen. Judson Kilpatrick in a tactical victory. Examines the near disaster that befell the Union troopers, and how Wheeler's move was actually a strategic debacle. Features five fine maps by a master cartographer and approximately 50 illustrations. 1 vol, 330 pgs 2023 US, FOX RUN PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid July 2023 ......$27.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-237660 Wittenberg, Eric SIX DAYS OF AWFUL FIGHTING: Cavalry Operations on the Road to Cold Harbor Examines the severe cavalry fighting from May 27 to June 1, as the Cavalry Corps of the Army of the Potomac and the Cavalry Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia slugged it out at places like Hanovertown, Haw's Shop, Matadequin Creek, Hanover Court House, and Ashland. Finally, Union and Confederate armies clashed at Cold Harbor, setting the stage for the well-known infantry battle that broke out on the afternoon of June 1, 1864. Includes 70 photographs and 25 maps. 1 vol, 345 pgs 2023 US, FOX RUN PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid July 2023 ......$37.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-89720 Wittenberg, Eric & Petruzzi, David & Nugent, Mike ONE CONTINUOUS FIGHT:The Retreat from Gettysburg The retreat from Gettysburg and the pursuit of Lee's Army was a nightmare. This is the first detailed history of the ten days and the twenty plus skirmishes, maps, biblio, index 1 vol, 576 pgs 2008 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-201110 Wittenberg, Eric J. PROTECTING THE FLANK AT GETTYSBURG: The Battles for Brinkerhoff's Ridge and East Cavalry Field, July 2 -3, 1863 First and only book to examine in significant detail how the mounted arm directly affected the outcome of the battle.

On July 3, 1863, a large-scale cavalry fight was waged on Cress Ridge four miles east of Gettysburg. There, on what is commonly referred to as East Cavalry Field, Union horsemen under Brig. Gen. David M. Gregg tangled with the vaunted Confederates riding with Maj. Gen. Jeb Stuart. This magnificent mounted clash, however, cannot be fully appreciated without an understanding of what happened the previous day at Brinkerhoff's Ridge, where elements of Gregg's division pinned down the legendary infantry of the Stonewall Brigade, preventing it from participating in the fighting for Culp's Hill that raged that evening.

Stuart arrived at Gettysburg on the afternoon of July 2 after his long ride around the Army of the Potomac just in time to witness the climax of the fighting at Brinkerhoff's Ridge, and spot good ground for mounted operations one ridge line to the east. Stuart also knew that Gregg's troopers held the important Hanover and Low Dutch road intersection, blocking a direct route into the rear of the Union center. If Stuart could defeat Gregg's troopers, he could dash thousands of his own men behind enemy lines and wreak havoc. The ambitious offensive thrust resulted the following day in a giant clash of horse and steel on East Cavalry Field. The combat featured artillery duels, dismounted fighting, hand-to-hand engagements, and the most magnificent mounted charge and countercharge of the entire Civil War.

This fully revised edition of Protecting the Flank at Gettysburg is the most detailed tactical treatment of the fighting on Brinkerhoff's Ridge yet published, and includes a new Introduction, a detailed walking and driving tour with GPS coordinates, and a new appendix refuting claims that Stuart's actions on East Cavalry Field were intended to be coordinated with the Pickett/Pettigrew/Trimble attack on the Union center on the main battlefield. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2012
NEW-softcover, available mid March 2013 ......$17.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-211770 Wittenberg,, Eric amd Scott L. Mingus Sr. THE SECOND BATTLE OF WINCHESTER: The Confederate Victory that Opened the Door to Gettysburg June 1863. The Gettysburg Campaign is underway. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia is pushing northward through the Shenandoah Valley toward Pennsylvania, and only one significant force stands in its way: Maj. Gen. Robert H. Milroy's Union division of the Eighth Army Corps, in the vicinity of Winchester and Berryville, Virginia.

Despite being heavily outnumbered, General Milroy defied repeated instructions to withdraw his command even as the overpowering Second Corps under Lt. Gen. Richard Ewell approached within striking distance. The veteran Indiana politician-turned-soldier was convinced the enemy consisted of nothing more than cavalry or was simply a feint. Includes 97 images and 17 maps. 1 vol, 528 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb edition, available early May 2023 ......$27.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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