18th Century |
LIFE IN THE RED COAT: The British Soldier 1721-1815
This book presents the proceedings of the 2019 From Reason to Revolution conference, from enlistment, through service at home, to life on campaign and the experience of battle. This was an era in which the social position of the soldier began to change, as did the relationship between the Army and society at large. Soldiers saw service against Jacobite rebels in Scotland and anti-Catholic rioters in London. Campaign service overseas stretched from garrison duties in the growing empire to pitched battles in Flanders and the Iberian Peninsula. Lack of indigenous manpower led to the enlistment of foreigners in large numbers into the British Army itself by the end of the period, whereas in earlier days the shortfall had been made up by hiring mercenaries.
As the idea of a social contract became embedded, it was necessary to make provision for pensions for maimed or superannuated soldiers, as well as the more obvious need for medical care for the sick and wounded. 1 vol, 198 pgs
2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late December 2020 ......$45.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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'Osprey' type book with (8) color plates with several figures per plate, many b/w illust/maps, covers the battles/campaigns. 1 vol, 80 pgs
2012 ITALY
NEW-pb in SPANISH ......$26.00
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STRATEGY & TACTICS # 308: The War of Jenkins' Ear
The War of Jenkins' Ear is a theater-wide operational two-player game that simulates that last great clash between the English and Spanish empires in the Caribbean during the mid-1700's. Before the American Revolution, control of the Caribbean was to be decisive considering the lucrative commodities that were available to be traded in the West Indies, and this game pits the superior naval might of the English against the long-established Spanish fortified settlements throughout the Caribbean. Though presented as a strategic setting, the game's combat mechanics are operational in scope and so every individual ship-of-line is included, every unit, and even the prominent admirals and leaders that fought during this little-known war.
The War of Jenkins Ear is every bit as much a land game as it is a naval game, and players must manage production, defenses of their ports, and contend with the weather and the treacherous sea. Components: One 22x34-inch map and 280 counters. 1 vol, 84 pgs
NEW-softcover, available early November 2017 ......$35.00
with a discount of 10%
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Abad, Ruben Saez El ASEDIO de BARCELONA 1714: War of Spanish Succession
During the early part of the war, Barcelona had fallen to the forces of Archduke Charles: his fleet had anchored in the port on 22 August 1705, landing troops which surrounded the city. These troops later captured the fort of Montjuic, and used it to bombard the city into its submission on October 9 of that year.
Even though the freshly defeated Catalan court then supported the Archduke against Philip V, the Franco-Spanish forces were not strong enough to attempt a recapture of the city until 1713. By 25 July of that year, the city was surrounded by Bourbon forces, but attacks upon it were unfruitful due to the scarcity of artillery.
The Bourbons then waited for a 20,000 man reinforcement force, which arrived in April-May 1714. The assault was renewed under the command of the Duke of Berwick, and after entering the city on 30 August, the Bourbons finally triumphed on 11 September. This defeat is now commemorated as the National Day of Catalonia, also known as La Diada Nacional de Catalunya. 1 vol, 110 pgs
NEW-softcover, [Spanish text] ......$28.00
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Covers the roughly 100 years between the consolidation of the New World colonies under British rule to the American Revolution. Includes coverage of the Pequot War, King Philip's War, King William's War, Queen Anne's War, and the Conquest of Canada. Also includes a fascinating account of Pontiac. 1 vol, 292 pgs
NEW-softcover, available mid December 2013 ......$25.00
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Allen, Mark ARMIES AND ENEMIES OF LOUIS XIV: Volume 1 - Western Europe 1688-1714: France, Britain, Holland
This book originally saw the light of day as a long running series of articles in Wargames Illustrated in the late 1980's. Due to growing interest in the wars of the late 17th century, the author of the original features has complied them along with new research and made them available again for the first time in thirty years. Includes over 49 color plates and over 40 photos.
The book is very much a handbook covering all the major conflicts and battles of the period, it examines how the armies were organized and fought. Each army is covered, with attention paid to specific uniform details, and the colors carried by the individual regiments. 1 vol, 270 pgs
NEW-softcover ......$45.00
with a discount of 15%
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Anderson, Rosalind THE JACOBITE RISING OF 1715 AND THE MURRAY FAMILY: Brothers in Arms
A look at the earlier years of the Murrays at the end of the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries sheds light on the family dynamics and helps explain how and why the brothers made the decisions they did. Based in Perthshire, the Murray family played an important role in all Jacobite rebellions, whether as rebels or supporters of the government. During the Great Rising of 1715, the head of the family the Duke of Atholl remained loyal to the Hanoverian government but three of his sons were Jacobites. Two of these brothers then went on to play major roles in the 1719 Rising and in the more famous '45. Contains 20 black and white illustrations. 1 vol, 208 pgs
2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late December 2024 ......$30.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Atud, Ruben Sacz La Guerra del Asiento 1739-1748
1739-1748 1 vol, 80 pgs
2012 ITALY
NEW-pb in SPANISH TEXT ......$24.00
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Bamford, andrew editor Rebellious Scots to Crush - The Military Response to the Jacobite '45
When Charles Edward Stuart launched the last, and perhaps most famous, of the Jacobite Risings in the late summer of 1745, the British Army found itself ill-placed to respond. Its most effective troops were on the continent; regular units at home were weak, inexperienced or both; the Militia system was moribund and politically suspect. When the opposing forces first met in the field, the result was ignominious rout and retreat. Nevertheless, eight months after the Rising began, the Jacobite cause went down in crushing defeat at Culloden.
This collection of essays examines in detail some of the units that marched and fought for George II during this tumultuous period. Consideration is given to regular regiments of foot and dragoons as well as to the additional units raised for the emergency. In the latter category, different chapters examine the 'noblemen's regiments' added to the regular line as a piece of political jobbery, the militias raised by clans loyal to the House of Hanover, and the blue-coated volunteer regiments fielded to resist the Jacobite invasion of England. Emphasizing the fact that this was a civil war, three of the units that are considered were Scottish-raised, whilst others contained substantial numbers of Scotsmen in their ranks.
The experiences of the units in question varied greatly; some took part in the pivotal battles of Prestonpans, Falkirk, and Culloden whilst others never fired a shot in anger. Includes 12 black and white images and maps, with eight 8 pages of color. 1 vol, 204 pgs
NEW-pb ......$50.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Banford, Andrew THE LILIES & THE THISTLE: French Troops in the Jacobite '45
The Jacobite Rising of 1745 could not have taken place without French support. French ships carried Charles Edward Stuart to Scotland, French gold financed his campaign, and French weapons equipped many of his troops. Yet the actual French military contribution to the campaign was small, and its role is frequently neglected. Includes eight pages of color plates, plus 20 b/w images.
This book seeks to redress this balance by looking in detail at the French military contribution to the Jacobite '45: the first detachment of troops to sail with the Prince - who instead of landing in Scotland found themselves caught up in an intense naval battle; the staff officers and professionals who helped Charles organize his army on modern European lines; and the Irish and Scots regulars who fought with distinction at Inverurie, Falkrik, and Culloden.
As with many aspects of the '45, myths and misconceptions aplenty have arisen about the nature and significance of the French contribution. New archival research enables a better picture to be obtained than ever before of the men who made up the rank and file of this contingent, and of the background and fates of those who led them. New analysis is offered, too, as to details of the uniforms worn by the detachments serving in Scotland, reconsidering existing sources and also bringing out new information. 1 vol, 120 pgs
NEW-softcover ......$35.00
with a discount of 15%
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Barr, Daniel P. UNCONQUERED:The Iroquois League at War in America
The only overiew of Iroqouis warfare that coversthe entire Colonial Period; this study exploresall the major conflicts with and emphasis on howand why, b/w illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 216 pgs
NEW-dj ......$50.00
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Berkovich, Ilya MOTIVATION IN WAR: The Experience of Common Soldiers in Old-Regime Europe
Paperback version. This book fundamentally revises our notion of why soldiers of the 18th century enlisted, served, and fought. In contrast to traditional views of the brutal conditions supposedly prevailing in old-regime armies, soldiers did not regard military discipline as illegitimate or unnecessarily cruel, nor did they perceive themselves as submissive military automatons.
Instead, the men embraced a unique corporate identity based on military professionalism, forceful masculinity, and hostility toward civilians. These values fostered the notion of individual and collective soldierly honor which helped to create the bonding effect which contributed toward greater combat cohesion. It uses research on military psychology and combat theory, and employs the letters, diaries, and memoirs of around 250 private soldiers and non-commissioned officers from over a dozen different European armies. 1 vol, 292 pgs
NEW-pb ......$30.00
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(24) color plates, including reproductions of the Morier Plates 1 vol, 120 pgs
NEW-dj ......$50.00
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Brown, Peter ARMY OF GEORGE II 1727-1760: The Soldiers who Forged an Empire
The Army of George II came during a period when Britain rose to prominence as a world power, defeating the French in India, North America, and the Caribbean and fighting them in two major wars in Europe. This was the army that crushed French colonial ambitions and in so doing laid the groundwork for the British Empire. Great leaders emerged, such as Robert Clive and James Wolfe, whilst the private soldiers proved themselves to be adaptable, stoic, and brave in the face of extreme hardship.
Details how the army was recruited, funded, and functioned day-to-day, plus uniforms worn by infantry, artillery, and cavalry how they were organised, paid, and punished. Offers insights into the logistics of 18th century warfare, how the soldiers performed in European and colonial battles and what medical treatment they could expect when the battles were over. Includes 49 b/w illustrations and 16 pages of color plates. 1 vol, 314 pgs
NEW-dj, available mid December 2020 ......$60.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Brown, Steve BY FIRE & BAYONET: Grey's West Indies Campaign of 1794
There have been few books about Grey's glorious (but ultimately ill-fated) West Indies campaign in the early years of the long and terrible wars of 1793-1815, yet five of the subalterns in Grey's expeditionary force went on to command divisions in Wellington's Peninsula army; another two commanded the Iron Duke's Royal Artillery; and one (Richard Fletcher) - famously - the Royal Engineers.
The tactics used by Sir Charles Grey were as far removed as can be imagined from the traditional image of the two-deep British line delivering massed volleys at pointblank range. The invasions of Martinique, St Lucia, and Guadeloupe were raids undertaken by Special Forces, who were instructed to operate in open order, in silence, and at bayonet-point; all attacks went in with unloaded muskets.
Most of the heavy-duty fighting was undertaken by converged flank battalions, grenadiers and light infantrymen - assembled under hand-picked field officers and used as stormtroopers in every major assault; here were French revolutionary war tactics that are largely unexplored and largely undocumented (at least in modern times).
Sir Charles Grey was one of the most aggressive British generals of the era - something his gentlemanly appearance and demeanor did not immediately indicate. His ability to deliver needle-sharp assaults and then harry a defeated enemy (the latter being something at which British generals of the Napoleonic era were distinctly mediocre) makes him one of the more interesting personalities of the early portion of the 'Great War with France.' If he was not ultimately unsuccessful, it was not his fault: he was robbed of the resources he needed at the outset; then given virtually no reinforcements by Horse Guards.
The great killer on this campaign was not the French... it was disease: principally, Yellow Fever. Of the 6,200 men who landed with Grey on Martinique in February 1794, some 4,100 were dead by Christmas. It took many years to learn the lessons presented by the campaign, but for the young officers who survived, it provided some invaluable lessons that were put to good use 15 or 20 years later in the British Army of a later era. 1 vol, 248 pgs
NEW-dj ......$50.00
with a discount of 15%
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Burns, Alexander THE CHANGING FACE OLD REGIME WARFARE: Essays in Honour of Christopher Duffy
To honor Prof Christopher Duffy, the book collects 16 essays by scholars covering cavalry tactics, divisional organization, the rise of light forces, and the effects of war-making on society. Although centered on 18th-century warfare, this book also includes chapters which address the Napoleonic conflicts, and First World War.
The first section, Backgrounds and Retrospectives, explores the state of historical writing on 18th-century warfare, as well as Professor Duffy's contribution to it. The second section, Commanders and their Armies, explores the field of traditional military history. It provides coverage of tactical analyses, campaign narratives, and organizational and doctrinal changes for the armies fighting in the Old Regime. The third section, Voices from the Past, provides translations and analyses of military sources which have been previously unavailable to the public. The fourth and final section, New Perspectives, demonstrates the varied picture which methods such as archaeology, cultural history, and colonial history tell us about the imperial history of European states at war. 1 vol, 344 pgs
NEW-dj ......$80.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Burns, Alexander S INFANTRY IN BATTLE: 1733-1783
Reexamines 18th-century warfare, highlighting enlisted soldiers' adaptability, tactical influence, and pivotal battlefield roles. Argues that 18th-century soldiers informally negotiated authority with their officers on the battlefield by firing without orders, firing at longer ranges than their officers preferred, and by taking cover on the battlefield. In this process, these enlisted men played an important role by asserting tactical reforms from below. Grounded in archival research on the American, British, and Prussian armies but also covers the armies of military Europe more broadly, and includes writings from Austrian, French, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish soldiers. Contains 20 black and white illustrations and maps, 3 tables, and 3 graphs. 1 vol, 244 pgs
NEW-dj, available mid February 2025 ......$60.00
with a discount of 15% inc
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Canales, Francisco LA GUERRA DE GRANADA: Vol. 1 1482-1492
The Granada War (Spanish: Guerra de Granada) was a series of military campaigns between 1482 and 1492, during the reign of the Catholic Monarchs (los Reyes Catolicos) Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, against the Nasrid dynasty's Emirate of Granada. It ended with the defeat of Granada and its annexation by Castile, ending Islamic rule, Al-Andalus, on the Iberian peninsula and completing the Reconquista.
The ten-year war was not a continuous effort: it was a series of seasonal campaigns launched in the spring and postponed in the winter. The Granadans were crippled by internal conflict and civil war; meanwhile the Christians were generally unified.
The war also saw the effective use of artillery by the Christians to rapidly conquer towns that would have required a long siege otherwise. The decisive Battle of Granada concluded the war. On January 2, 1492 Muhammad XII of Granada (King Boabdil) surrendered the Emirate of Granada, the city of Granada, and the Alhambra palace. It is still celebrated every year on that date by the City Council of Granada.
The war was a joint project between Isabella's Crown of Castile and Ferdinand's Crown of Aragon. The bulk of the troops and funds for the war came from Castile, and Granada was annexed into Castile's lands. The Crown of Aragon was less important: apart from the presence of King Ferdinand himself, Aragon provided naval collaboration, guns, and some financial loans. Aristocrats were offered the allure of new lands, while Ferdinand and Isabella centralized and consolidated power.
The aftermath of the war saw the end of convivencia ('live and let live') between religions. The Jews were forced to convert to Christianity or be exiled in 1492. In 1501, all of Granada's Muslims were obliged to either convert to Christianity, become slaves, or be exiled; by 1526 this prohibition spread to the rest of Spain. 'New Christians (conversos) came to be accused of crypto-Islam and crypto-Judaism, often accurately. Spain would go on to model its national aspirations as the guardian of Christianity and Catholicism. Illustrated with photographs, maps, and color plates. 1 vol, 110 pgs
NEW-softcover, available late October 2014 [Spanish text] ......$28.00
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Explores the stories and roles played by hundreds of women involved in the Jacobite cause. Women tended to wounded soldiers, gave safety and comfort to fleeing Jacobites, and sometimes led the riots and rebellions themselves. Many were imprisoned and many were deported from their homelands to strange and distant lands. Others carried out daring escapes from prisons like The Tower of London and wrote poems and songs that are still read and sung today. Contains 40 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 192 pgs
2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late July 2024 ......$43.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Carter, Joe GOLDEN AGE OF PIRACY 1718: Wargame
Solitaire, tactical-level, open-ended sandbox game, being part wargame, part adventure game, and part RPG. As the captain of a pirate ship in the Caribbean during the year 1718, you will attempt to accumulate enough booty through illicit means in order to buy a King's pardon and retire from a life of piracy before time runs out. Mechanics include ship-to-ship combat, boarding parties, and the search for buried treasure.
* Complexity: Medium * Playing time: 4+ hours for a campaign * Solitaire Suitability: High * Players: One (solitaire game design) * Map Scale: Abstract (point to point) * Time Scale: Abstract * Unit Scale: Individual Ships and Pirates 1 vol, 1 pgs
NEW-box, available mid March 2025 ......$69.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Uniforms, drums, flags, muskets, swords, bayonets, artillery, accoutrements and regimental histories. A superb introduction to a long neglected area of colonial history covering Canada, Louisiana and Ile Royale, during the French Regime, written by the leading authority on the subject. 40 pp. 56 illustrations.
1 vol, 40 pgs
NEW-softcover ......$19.00
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Chartrand, Rene VICTORIA'S CANADIAN MILITIA: Uniforms, Flags and Equipment of the Canadian Militia, 1837 - 1901, Volume II
Examines the uniforms, flags, and equipment of Her Majesty Queen Victoria's Canadian Militia during the years 1837 to 1901. This unique volume is full of color and black and white images covering all aspects of the Queen's troops in North America. 1 vol, 352 pgs
NEW-hardback ......$70.00
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Chartrand, Rene and Kevin Gelinas FRONTIER SOLDIERS OF NEW FRANCE - VOLUME 1: Regulation Clothing, Armament, and Equipment of the Colonial Troops in New France (1683-1760)
First book in a series of three that explores the official attire, weaponry, and equipment of French colonial troops in North America (1683-1760) through detailed illustrations and rare artifacts, including unpublished information with a focus on new illustrations, line drawings, and photos of rare portraits and surviving artifacts from public and private collections. Details the organization, armament, dress, equipment, and material culture of all military participants, from private soldiers to generals. Contains 204 black and white illustrations, 22 black and white photos, 396 color illustrations, five pages of color plates, 194 color photos, two tables, and three graphs. 1 vol, 400 pgs
NEW-pb, available late August 2024 ......$95.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Coleman, Keith THE LAST JACOBITES: Heroes, History and Culture after the Battle of Culloden
Explores the enduring legacy of Jacobitism, its influence, and its romantic revival across Europe. Even many Jacobites perished after the Battle of Culloden, Jacobite networks flourished in France and Scandinavia. Exiles joined the military as far afield as Spain and even Russia, while others formerly loyal to the cause found themselves in the New World, either banished by the British state or willing emigrants hoping for a better life. Jacobitism arose again as a romantic ideal in the 19th century, surprisingly revived by the Hanoverian royal family, which had displaced the Stuarts. Contains 30 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 240 pgs
2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late December 2024 ......$37.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Colson, Dr Bruno BELGIANS IN THE HAPSBURG ARMY: Regiments and Military Personnel of the Austrian Netherlands, 1756-1815
The Belgians in the Austrian Habsburg Army of the 18th century seem to have been completely forgotten. They enjoyed a very great reputation, however, and their numbers included seventeen field-marshals and about fifty generals. Belgian units were identified as such: they were called 'Walloon', recruited in the 'Low Countries'. There were five infantry regiments, the free corps, a regiment of cavalry, artillery and engineers, a real embryo of a complete national army. These units distinguished themselves during the Seven Years' War (1756-1763) against Frederick II's Prussians. The Austrian victories of Kolin, Hochkirch, Domstadtl and Adelsbach, among others, were due in large part to them. Against revolutionary France, the 'national regiments' - as they were called in the Austrian Netherlands - were notably engaged at Neerwinden, Valenciennes, Fleurus, Wurzburg, Stockach, Trebbia and Marengo. Beyond the glorifying historiography of the 19th century, the archives and the testimonies of their opponents confirm their value and professionalism. Includes 1200 colour photographs and illustrations.
The Belgian contribution was also intellectual, which was never sufficiently recognised. Prince Charles-Joseph de Ligne, as we know, was arguably the most important Austrian military thinker of the 18th century, but many other Flemish, Walloon and Brussels officers were employed by the Habsburg army for their talents as tacticians, engineers, draftsmen or cartographers. There was a Belgian specificity related to the advanced education and material prosperity of the Netherlands within the multiple possessions of the Habsburgs.
This book tells the story of all these unjustly forgotten men in a completely new way, drawing not only on first-hand sources but also on an iconography never collected before. This is all the more valuable because the Austrian monarchy did not subsidise many 'battle paintings', as was done in France. Nor, unlike Prussia, did it see to it that uniforms of its armies were preserved.
The Royal Museum of the Army and Military History in Brussels, however, holds a large amount of material, printed and manuscript evidence from that period: it is all on display in this book. The castles of Belgium, in particular the Chateau Beloeil, have authorized the reproduction of their family treasures: portraits, colour battle plans, weapons, pieces of equipment and uniforms. The University of Namur holds in its library two collections of ancient works relating to Charles-Joseph de Ligne, field marshal and writer. The Museum of Military History in Vienna joined the adventure with other Austrian, Belgian, Luxembourg, and German institutions to make this book a veritable catalogue of collectibles and the most complete pictorial sum on the powerful Habsburg army in the second half of the 18th and early 19th centuries. 1 vol, 416 pgs
NEW-dj ......$129.00
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Davies, Brian Empire and Military Revolution in Eastern Europe - Russia's Turkish Wars in the Eighteenth Century
In terms of resource mobilization and devastation the wars between Russia, the Crimean Khanate and the Ottoman Empire were some of the largest of the eighteenth century, and had enormous consequences for the balance of power in Eastern Europe.
Brian Davies examines how these conflicts characterized the course of Russian military development in response to Ottoman and Crimean Tatar threats and to determine under what circumstances and in what ways Russian military power experienced a 'revolution' awarding it clear preponderance over the Ottoman-Crimean system.
A central part of Davies' argument is that identifying and explaining a Military Revolution must involve examining the role of factors not purely military. One must look not only at new military technology, new force and command structure, new tactical thinking, and new recruitment and military finance practices but also consider the impact of larger demographic, economic, and sociopolitical changes.
Table Of Contents Preface Maps 1. The Trampled Lands 2. The Northern War and the New Russian Army 3. The Prut and Caspian Wars 4. War, Peace and Taxes, 1710-1735 5. The Russo-Turkish War, 1736-1739 6. Empire and Military Revolution, 1740-1774 Notes Bibliography Index 1 vol, 384 pgs
NEW-softcover ......$55.00
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Dorrell, Nicholas PETER THE GREAT HUMBLED: The Russo-Ottoman War of 1711
In 1711 Peter the Great, the Tsar of Russia, led a large army of veterans from Poltava and his other Great Northern War victories into the Balkans. He aimed to humble the Ottomans in the same way he had the Swedes a few years before. Victory would secure useful allies in the Balkans, cement Russia's 'Great Power' status and offer Peter the opportunity to finally gain control over the Swedish king, Charles XII, thus completing his victory over Sweden.
Yet within a few months, the 'backward' Ottomans had forced the Tsar and his Tsarina and their army of veterans into a humbling surrender near the Pruth River. The war was the first time that Russia was strong enough to confront the Ottomans independently rather than as a member of an alliance. It marked an important stage in Russia's development. However, it also showed the significant military strength of the Ottoman Empire and the limitations of Peter the Great's achievements.
The war was of significance to the allies of both the Russians and the Ottomans. It was of course of an even greater importance to all those directly affected by the war such as the Swedish, the Polish, and the Cossacks, who had taken refuge from the reverses of the Great Northern War in the Ottoman territory. It would also bring about the defeat of the Moldavian and Walachian ambitions to shake off the Ottoman overlordship, elevating Dimitrie Cantemir into the position of a national hero celebrated to this day by the people of Romania.
The book looks at the causes of this little known war and its course. Using contemporary and modern sources it examines in detail the forces involved in the conflict, seeking to determine their size, actual composition, and tactics, offering the first realistic determination on the subject in English. Includes 16 pages of color plates and illustrations, plus b/w maps and illustrations. 1 vol, 120 pgs
NEW-softcover ......$40.00
with a discount of 15%
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Duffy, Christopher THE BEST OF ENEMIES: Germans Against Jacobites, 1746
A book that pits Hessian mercenaries, the same villains we know from the American Revolution, against the Highland Clansmen that supported Bonnie Prince Charlie in 1745. One of the best stories of the Forty Five yet to be told, that of the Hessian soldiers who marched into the Pass of Killiecrankie.
The Hessians have been portrayed as the villains of the Forty Five, brutal mercenaries. Yet they were very different from the legend. Their leader, Prince Frederick sympathized more with his foes than with his allies. In later years, his crisis of conscience would perplex Germany. The Jacobite clans were on the Great Atholl Raid. Their leader, Lord George Murray, hoped to outflank the army of the Duke of Cumberland. This may have been a fine chance for Jacobite victory. The result was the siege of Blair Castle. The Hessians defended their base at Dunkeld from Jacobite probes. Then they were ordered to relieve the Castle by marching through the feared Pass of Killiecrankie.
The cast of characters includes many who behaved unexpectedly: the irresponsible defenders of the Castle; the rival Dukes of Atholl; the Campbell whose assassination featured in Stevenson's novel Kidnapped; the inn-servant Molly; the European hussars seeking information by talking in Latin, the irascible Duke of Cumberland; the lovelorn Earl of Craufurd, attached to the Hessian force; and many more. 1 vol, 192 pgs
NEW-dj ......$27.00
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Duffy, Christopher FIGHT FOR A THRONE: The Jacobite '45 Reconsidered
In July 1745 Bonnie Prince Charlie and a tiny group of Jacobite companions arrived in Scotland in a bid to reclaim the throne of England. They came unannounced and unsupported, and yet within less than five months Charles was able to lead an army to within marching distance of London and make King George II fear for this throne. Afterwards the Highland Army continued to out-fight the redcoats in every encounter, except its very last. These were not the achievements of a backward-looking cause, and this groundbreaking study is the first to explain exactly why.
Almost to the very end the Jacobites had the literal and metaphorical 'edge' over their enemies, thanks to the terror-inspiring highland charge, and also, as this book as this book is the first to reveal, to the highly advanced organization of their forces in 'divisions' - miniature armies that allowed them to out maneuver their enemies on the strategic plane.
Prince Charles also made a credible bid for the political and ideological high ground, an appeal based on religious toleration, and a monarchy working in cooperation with an empowered and accountable Parliament. The Prince therefore not only drew on traditional loyalties, but attracted the support of heavyweights of the new 'Enlightenment'.
It all made a telling contrast to the demeaning nature of the Hanoverian government in Britain, which was mired deep in corruption. The Hanoverian politicians in London and Scotland, who had honed their skills in petty advantage, were now all of a sudden called upon to act as strategists, and they failed completely. The prime minister lost the Carlisle to the Jacobites simply because he refused to pay the cost of a courier. These revelations, which show the Jacobite enterprise of 1745 as a potent and modernizing force, turn the accepted interpretation of this episode on its head.
As an impartial historian, Christopher Duffy deals comprehensively with the reasons for ultimate triumph of the Hanoverian cause in 1746. Due credit is given to the Duke of Cumberland. He was an inspirational leader. He had the measure of the strength and weaknesses of the British Army, and he evolved the cautious and systematic kind of war that helped to bring him victory at Culloden on 16 April 1746.
Conversely, the Jacobites had been dogged even from the start of the Rising by their failure to reconcile two perspectives - that of Prince Charles, who was striving to reclaim the crown for the Stuarts in London, and the narrower visions of the more overtly Scottish party. It led to the contentious turnaround of the Jacobites at Derby, and finally and fatally to the dispersal and exhaustion of the Highland Army before Culloden.
These assertions rest on the recent advances by other historians in 'Jacobite studies', and the author's continuing researches in to unexploited primary sources. His documentary finds extend to the autobiography of Lieutenant-General Hawley, Lord George Murray's explanations of key episodes of the Rising (and his detailed accompanying map of Culloden), the material collected by the restored Whig administration in Edinburgh towards an 'official' history of the Rising, the Reverend John Home's detailed questioning of survivors, and much more.
Lastly Duffy returns to his starting point, the enduring appeal of the '45 to our instincts. He concludes that it comes from the elusive nature of the episode, recognized by tough-minded men of the time as something 'epic' and 'miraculous'- literally beyond rational explanation, and capable ever since of being refashioned according to our imaginings. 1 vol, 544 pgs
NEW-dj, available mid November 2015 ......$70.00
with a discount of 15%
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Duffy, Christopher FIRE AND STONE:Fortress Warfare 1660-1860
Major work on the classic age of siege warfare, first-hand evidence from besiegers & besieged, b/w contemporary illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 207 pgs
NEW-dj ......$38.00
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Duffy, Christopher FIRE AND STONE: The Science of Fortress Warfare 1660-1860
Covers the classic age of military engineering, which was heralded by the work of Vauban, chief engineer to the French King Louis XIV. Examines the purpose of fortresses across Europe and the debates of the time concerning their offensive and defensive uses. Analyses the strategic and structural considerations that dictated their locations and describes how they were planned, designed, and built and by whom. Explains how a siege progressed from start to finish plans and preparations, the investment of the fortress, the ways in which a fortress could be reduced short of a formal siege, and the siege itself at every stage, from the choice of the frontal attack to the storm of the breaches and capitulation. Differences in siting, design, and techniques of attack and defense for coastal fortifications are also covered. 1 vol, 166 pgs
NEW-dj, available early December 2023 ......$50.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Duffy, Christopher FIGHT FOR A THRONE: The Jacobite '45 Reconsidered
The bid of Bonnie Prince Charlie and his Jacobites for the throne of Britain has never lost its grip on the popular imagination. In July 1745 he and a tiny group of companions arrived in Scotland. They came unannounced and unsupported, and yet within less than five months Charles was able to lead an army to within marching distance of London and make King George II fear for this throne. Afterwards the Highland Army continued to out-fight the redcoats in every encounter, except its very last. These were not the achievements of a backward-looking cause, and this groundbreaking study is the first to explain exactly why. 120 color and b/w photos, maps
Almost to the very end the Jacobites had the literal and metaphorical 'edge' over their enemies, thanks to the terror-inspiring highland charge, and also, as this book as this book is the first to reveal, to the highly advanced organization of their forces in 'divisions' - miniature armies that allowed them to out maneuver their enemies on the strategic plane. At the same time Prince Charles made a credible bid for the political and ideological high ground, an appeal based on religious toleration, and a monarchy working in cooperation with an empowered and accountable Parliament. The Prince therefore not only drew on traditional loyalties, but attracted the support of heavyweights of the new 'Enlightenment'. It all made a telling contrast to the demeaning nature of the Hanoverian government in Britain, which was mired deep in corruption. The Hanoverian politicians in London and Scotland, who had honed their skills in petty advantage, were now all of a sudden called upon to act as strategists, and they failed completely. The prime minister lost the Carlisle to the Jacobites simply because he refused to pay the cost of a courier. These revelations, which show the Jacobite enterprise of 1745 as a potent and modernizing force, turn the accepted interpretation of this episode on its head.
As an impartial historian Christopher Duffy deals comprehensively with the reasons for ultimate triumph of the Hanoverian cause in 1746. Due credit is given to the Duke of Cumberland. He was an inspirational leader. He had the measure of the strength and weaknesses of the British Army, and he evolved the cautious and systematic kind of war that helped to bring him victory at Culloden on 16 April 1746. Conversely the Jacobites had been dogged even from the start of the Rising by their failure to reconcile two perspectives - that of Prince Charles, who was striving to reclaim the crown for the Stuarts in London, and the narrower visions of the more overtly Scottish party. It led to the contentious turnaround of the Jacobites at Derby, and finally and fatally to the dispersal and exhaustion of the Highland Army before Culloden.
These assertions rest on the recent advances by other historians in 'Jacobite studies', and the author's continuing researches in to unexploited primary sources. His documentary finds extend to the autobiography of Lieutenant-General Hawley, Lord George Murray's explanations of key episodes of the Rising (and his detailed accompanying map of Culloden), the material collected by the restored Whig administration in Edinburgh towards an 'official' history of the Rising, the Reverend John Home's detailed questioning of survivors, and much more. Lastly Duffy returns to his starting point, the enduring appeal of the '45 to our instincts. He concludes that it comes from the elusive nature of the episode, recognized by tough-minded men of the time as something 'epic' and 'miraculous' - literally beyond rational explanation, and capable ever since of being refashioned according to our imaginings. 1 vol, 680 pgs
NEW-dj, available early April 2021 ......$100.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Duffy, Christopher FIGHT FOR A THRONE: The Jacobite '45 Reconsidered
The bid of Bonnie Prince Charlie and his Jacobites for the throne of Britain has never lost its grip on the popular imagination. In July 1745 he and a tiny group of companions arrived in Scotland. They came unannounced and unsupported, and yet within less than five months Charles was able to lead an army to within marching distance of London and make King George II fear for this throne. Afterwards the Highland Army continued to out-fight the redcoats in every encounter, except its very last. These were not the achievements of a backward-looking cause, and this groundbreaking study is the first to explain exactly why. 120 color and b/w photos, maps
Almost to the very end the Jacobites had the literal and metaphorical 'edge' over their enemies, thanks to the terror-inspiring highland charge, and also, as this book as this book is the first to reveal, to the highly advanced organization of their forces in 'divisions' - miniature armies that allowed them to out maneuver their enemies on the strategic plane. At the same time Prince Charles made a credible bid for the political and ideological high ground, an appeal based on religious toleration, and a monarchy working in cooperation with an empowered and accountable Parliament. The Prince therefore not only drew on traditional loyalties, but attracted the support of heavyweights of the new 'Enlightenment'. It all made a telling contrast to the demeaning nature of the Hanoverian government in Britain, which was mired deep in corruption. The Hanoverian politicians in London and Scotland, who had honed their skills in petty advantage, were now all of a sudden called upon to act as strategists, and they failed completely. The prime minister lost the Carlisle to the Jacobites simply because he refused to pay the cost of a courier. These revelations, which show the Jacobite enterprise of 1745 as a potent and modernizing force, turn the accepted interpretation of this episode on its head.
As an impartial historian Christopher Duffy deals comprehensively with the reasons for ultimate triumph of the Hanoverian cause in 1746. Due credit is given to the Duke of Cumberland. He was an inspirational leader. He had the measure of the strength and weaknesses of the British Army, and he evolved the cautious and systematic kind of war that helped to bring him victory at Culloden on 16 April 1746. Conversely the Jacobites had been dogged even from the start of the Rising by their failure to reconcile two perspectives - that of Prince Charles, who was striving to reclaim the crown for the Stuarts in London, and the narrower visions of the more overtly Scottish party. It led to the contentious turnaround of the Jacobites at Derby, and finally and fatally to the dispersal and exhaustion of the Highland Army before Culloden.
These assertions rest on the recent advances by other historians in 'Jacobite studies', and the author's continuing researches in to unexploited primary sources. His documentary finds extend to the autobiography of Lieutenant-General Hawley, Lord George Murray's explanations of key episodes of the Rising (and his detailed accompanying map of Culloden), the material collected by the restored Whig administration in Edinburgh towards an 'official' history of the Rising, the Reverend John Home's detailed questioning of survivors, and much more. Lastly Duffy returns to his starting point, the enduring appeal of the '45 to our instincts. He concludes that it comes from the elusive nature of the episode, recognized by tough-minded men of the time as something 'epic' and 'miraculous' - literally beyond rational explanation, and capable ever since of being refashioned according to our imaginings. 1 vol, 680 pgs
NEW-pb, available early April 2021 ......$60.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Duffy, Christopher WILD GOOSE AND THE EAGLE, THE:Marshal von Browne
SCARCE* Covers his life from 1705-1757, he fought in the wars of Austrian Succession and against Frederick the Great, he was counted among the finest soldiers, (21) maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 278 pgs
NEW-dj ......$60.00
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Durand, Mario GIACOMO COSTANTINO BELTRANI: The Italian Who Discovered the Sources of the Mississippi
Covers the Sioux, Chippewa, and many other Indians who, with Beltrami, discovered the Mississippi springs in the early 1800s. Includes 20 beautiful color charts for fans of American history. 1 vol, 88 pgs
NEW-softcover, [Italian text] ......$42.00
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Edmunds, R. David and Joseph L. Peyser THE FOX WARS: Mesquakie Challenge to New France
The saga of the Fox Indians' struggle to maintain their identity in the face of colonial New France during the late 17th and early 18th centuries, b/w illustrations, chapter notes, biblio, and index.
The Foxes occupied central Wisconsin, where for a long time they had warred with the Sioux and, more recently, had opposed the extension of the French firearm-and-fur trade with their western enemies. Caught between the Sioux anvil and the French hammer, the Foxes enlisted other tribes' support and maintained their independence until the late 1720s. Then the French treacherously offered them peace before launching a campaign of annihilation against them. The Foxes resisted valiantly, but finally were overwhelmed and took sanctuary among the Sac Indians, with whom they are closely associated to this day. 1 vol, 304 pgs
NEW-pb edition, available late August 2022 ......$22.00
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With the end of the Revolutionary War, the United States not only gained independence from the British Empire but also secured control of a sizable territory west of the Allegheny Mountains. Native Americans of the Ohio River Valley refused to accept claims of the fledgling nation and militantly resisted white settlements in their homelands.
Constant border strife turned into open war in the spring of 1791. The Shawnee, emboldened by their defeat of General Josiah Harmar the previous autumn, crossed the Ohio River and struck the settlement of Ohio County (West) Virginia and Washington County, Pennsylvania. Affair at Captina Creek describes in stirring detail a little-known incident of this turbulent time on the American Frontier. Following the massacre of several young girls in Washington County, a company of frontier rangers was dispatched from Ryerson's Station to nearby Baker's Fort with the intention of retaliation.
Baker's Fort stood on the Ohio River in what is now Marshall County, West Virginia. As the rangers tracked the warriors down Captina's winding path, little did they know that they were walking into an ambush from which many would not return. Enoch has researched and reconstructed the events using original documents and information gained during his travels through the region.
Personal testimonies of those who survived the Battle of Captina Creek have been combined with second-hand accounts of other settlers, contemporary newspaper articles, excerpts from the biography of General Duncan McArthur and the Lyman Draper Manuscripts. Photographs, illustrations, detailed maps, and a full name index add to the value of this work. 1 vol, 214 pgs
NEW-softcover, available late August 2013, reprint edition ......$22.00
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Esposito, Gabriele THE RUSSIAN ARMY OF 1696-1796: From Peter the Great to Catherine the Great
A pictorial history of the Russian Army covering the years 1697 - 1797. The latest book from Gabriele Esposito covers the Russian Army from the reigns of Peter the Great to Catherine the Great. Illustrated with over 100 images, it is a great resource for anyone interested in the development of the Imperial Russian Army. 1 vol, 128 pgs
NEW-pb, available mid August 2024 ......$40.00
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Esposito, Gabriele THE BRITISH ARMY OF GEORGE II: 1727-1760
Provides a detailed overview of the history, organization, and uniforms of the British military forces during the long reign of George II (1727-1760). After a brief overview of the British forces prior to the period, examines each component -- not only the regular cavalry and infantry (the Guards, line, Highland and light regiments), but also the artillery and Royal Engineers, Corps of Invalids, the Fencibles, naval infantry, the auxiliary corps created to face the Jacobite Rising of 1745, and the 'allied' contingents from Germany and the Netherlands that fought for Great Britain during the period 1745-1760. There are chapters devoted to the colonial forces deployed in the Thirteen Colonies of North America, with full details on the American militia and provincial military units, as well as forces deployed in the Caribbean and the military contingents of the East India Company. Illustrated throughout with excellent color illustrations from The Clothing Book commissioned in 1742 by the Duke of Cumberland and from the oil paintings of David Morier preserved in the Royal Collections. Contains 125 color illustrations. 1 vol, 224 pgs
2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late November 2024 ......$43.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Falkner, James MARSHAL VAUBAN: The Defence of Louis XIV's France
Sebastien Le Prestre, Marshal Vauban, was one of the greatest military engineers of all time. His complex, highly sophisticated fortress designs, his advanced theories for the defense and attack of fortified places, and his prolific work as a writer and radical thinker on military and social affairs, mark him out as one of the most influential military minds of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. Yet no recent study of this extraordinary man has been published in English.
James Falkner, in this perceptive and lively new account of Vauban's life and work, follows his career as a soldier from a dashing and brave young cavalry officer to his emergence as a masterful military engineer. Vauban was much more than simply a superlative builder of fortresses, for as a leading military commander serving Louis XIV, he perfected a method for attacking fortifications in the most effective way, which became standard practice until the modern era. Includes 75 b/w and color illustrations. 1 vol, 256 pgs
2011 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$50.00
with a discount of 15%
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Falkner, James FIRE OVER THE ROCK: The Great Siege of Gibraltar 1779-1783
The great siege of Gibraltar was the longest recorded in the annals of the British army. Between 1779 and 1783 a small British force defended the Rock against the Spanish and the French who were determined take this strategically vital point guarding the entrance to the Mediterranean. The tenacity and endurance shown by the attackers and defenders alike, and the sheer ingenuity of the siege operations mounted by both sides, make the episode an epic of military history, and the story gives us a fascinating insight into the realities of siege warfare. In this, the first full study of the siege for over 40 years, James Falkner draws on a wide range of contemporary sources to tell the exciting tale of a huge and complex operation. 1 vol, 192 pgs
2009 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, Special Price - Limited quantity ......$40.00
with a discount of 15%
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Falkner, James THE BATTLE OF FONTENOY 1745: Saxe Against Cumberland in the War of the Austrian Succession
The Battle of Fontenoy marked a turning point in the War of the Austrian Succession. This book describes the fighting in graphic detail and sets it in the context of the sequence of wars that determined the shape of Europe during the eighteenth century.
Great Britain with her Austrian and Dutch allies fought to ensure that Maria Theresa of Austria should be able to take the throne of the Holy Roman Empire. Ranged against her interests was the might of Louis XV's France, which strove to weaken Austria by promoting a Bavarian aspirant to the Imperial throne. The two sides met on 11 May 1745 in a ferocious day-long struggle at Fontenoy in the Austrian Netherlands that changed course of the war. 1 vol, 224 pgs
2019 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late June 2019 ......$35.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Falkner, James PRINCE EUGENE OF SAVOY: A Genius for War Against Louis XIV and the Ottoman Empire
Biography of Prince Eugene of Savoy-Carignan (1663-1736), French born of an Italian mother, who was destined for the church but fled France as a young man and chose the life of a soldier. He entered the service of the Habsburg Emperor Leopold I in 1683 and rose rapidly to become one of the greatest military commanders of the age, playing a leading role in the wars against both the Ottoman Turks and the French. Reconstructs his military campaigns in compelling detail and also describes his career as a politician, statesman, and a great patron of the arts.
Eugene first showed his military genius during the siege of Vienna in 1683 where the Ottoman Turkish threat to western Europe was thrown back, and he commanded the Imperial army at the resounding victory over the Ottomans at Zenta in 1697. Most famously for English readers, he joined John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough in the victory over the French at Blenheim in 1704 and served alongside him at the subsequent victories at Oudenarde and Malplaquet. His later triumph, again over the Ottomans, at the capture of Belgrade in 1717, sealed his reputation as a great captain. 1 vol, 232 pgs
2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid May 2022 ......$43.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Fredholm von Essen, Michael PETER THE GREAT'S DISASTROUS DEFEAT: The Swedish Victory at Narva, 1700
Examines the Battle of Narva, where Charles XII of Sweden defeated Peter the Great, showcasing new research and tactics. Describes the events and tactics that led up to and resulted in the Swedish victory, presents new research on both the siege and battle, and explains the continued development of the Swedish army under King Charles XII. Contains 45 black and white illustrations, 36 black and white photos, 24 pages of color plates, 3 maps, and 7 tables.
Swedish military might and regional power had expanded immensely during the seventeenth century. A series of successful conquests had transformed the little northern kingdom of Sweden into a great regional power, centered on the Baltic Sea. Having already successfully invaded Denmark and forced King Frederick of Denmark and Norway to withdraw from the war, King Charles turned his attention to the eastern front and Russia.
With the help of a blizzard and with the wind at their back, the Swedes attacked and broke through the Russian defenses. Panicking, the Russians fled and ultimately surrendered to King Charles. It was a crushing defeat. Tsar Peter lost the entire army, including most senior commanders who fell into captivity, too. The battle had the immediate effect of the Russians evacuating the whole of Ingria. 1 vol, 192 pgs
NEW-pb, available late August 2024 ......$60.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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A brief historical sketch of the 'Dillon & Stuart' regiments in French service 1690-1791, this short monograph published in the late 1800's was used by O'Callaghan in his work. 1 vol, 56 pgs
NEW-softcover, facsimile reprint ......$14.00
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Geerdink-Schaftenaar, Marc FOR ORANGE AND THE STATES: The Army of the Dutch Republic 1713-1772 Volume 1 - Infantry
The purpose of this book is to focus on the uniforms and organization of that army, from the Peace of Utrecht until the reforms of 1772. Includes 50 b/w illustrations, 3 b/w photos, 1 color illustration, and 6 color plates.
Volume I dealt with the history of the Dutch Republic after the War of the Spanish Succession, up to the first campaigns of the War of the Austrian Succession, with information on the uniforms, organization and tactics of the infantry. Volume II describes steady decline of the Dutch Republic; political turmoil and corruption form the background for the information on the uniforms and tactics of the cavalry, dragoons, artillery, and specialist troops.
The Dutch Republic was one of the great European powers during the 17th and 18th centuries. Generally, the Dutch Republic was considered to have lost that status after the Peace of Utrecht (1713); however, when the Republic entered the War of Austrian Succession in 1740, it was able to field an army for over 80,000 men, which expanded to over 110,000 men during the war, and was still a European power to be reckoned with.
The losses it suffered in that conflict led to a period of decline, which in the end would result in the end of the Republic in 1795. But despite the years of neutrality, shortages, budget cuts and reorganizations, the army was still quite a formidable force. 1 vol, 128 pgs
NEW-softcover, available late January 2019 ......$40.00
with a discount of 15%
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Geerdink-Schaftenaar, Marc FOR ORANGE AND THE STATES: The Army of the Dutch Republic 1713-1772 Volume 2 - Cavalry
The purpose of this book is to focus on the uniforms and organization of that army, from the Peace of Utrecht until the reforms of 1772. Includes 50 b/w illustrations, 3 b/w photos, 1 color illustration, and 6 color plates.
Volume I dealt with the history of the Dutch Republic after the War of the Spanish Succession, up to the first campaigns of the War of the Austrian Succession, with information on the uniforms, organisation and tactics of the infantry. Volume II describes steady decline of the Dutch Republic; political turmoil and corruption form the background for the information on the uniforms and tactics of the cavalry, dragoons, artillery, and specialist troops.
The Dutch Republic was one of the great European powers during the 17th and 18th centuries. Generally, the Dutch Republic was considered to have lost that status after the Peace of Utrecht (1713); however, when the Republic entered the War of Austrian Succession in 1740, it was able to field an army for over 80,000 men, which expanded to over 110,000 men during the war, and was still a European power to be reckoned with.
The losses it suffered in that conflict led to a period of decline, which in the end would result in the end of the Republic in 1795. But despite the years of neutrality, shortages, budget cuts and reorganizations, the army was still quite a formidable force. 1 vol, 270 pgs
NEW-softcover, available mid February 2019 ......$40.00
with a discount of 15%
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Gembarzewski, Bronislaw THE POLISH ARMY OF THE 18th CENTURY: Regiments of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 1717 - 1794
Uniforms, organization, order of battles, and engagements of the 18th century Polish army.
Based on the works of noted Polish Military historian Bronislaw Gembarzewski, this is a unit by unit history of the regiments of the Commonwealth of Two Nations from the Great Northern War until the Kosciuszko Insurrection. This work will include some illustrations from Gembarzewski's classic Uniforms of the Polish Army as well as contemporary artists such as Raspe. This book will give a list of all the battles these units were involved in, their commanders, and where they were garrisoned. A must for all historians interested in Polish history and the 18th century military. 1 vol, 240 pgs
NEW-pb ......$30.00
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Graham. D. P. THE IRISH BRIGADE 1670-1745: The Wild Geese in French Service
Explains the origins of the brigade and its regiments, the personalities who led them and formed their reputation, and the circumstances of their final dissolution in the aftermath of French Revolution. From the Nine Years War, through the War of the Spanish Succession, and beyond, their descendants would be present at Fontenoy, Culloden, and in the Americas, forever destined to fight for a cause and land which had changed beyond recognition.
Irish troops had fought for Louis XIV in the 1670s, under Irish officers who had little choice but to fight in foreign service, with the blessing of Charles II. With the accession of James II, and the religious politics of who might earn the English crown, they became embroiled in the Jacobite succession crisis, fighting in Ireland, then sent to France under Lord Mountcashel in 1689. With the fall of Limerick in 1691, Patrick Sarsfield led the second 'flight' of 'Wild Geese' to the continent, to fight in a war for the French against the Grand Alliance of Europe, in the vain hope that their loyalty might warrant French support in a return to Ireland under a Jacobite king. 1 vol, 488 pgs
2019 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$33.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Graham. D. P. THE IRISH BRIGADE 1670-1745: The Wild Geese in French Service
Explains the origins of the brigade and its regiments, the personalities who led them and formed their reputation, and the circumstances of their final dissolution in the aftermath of French Revolution. From the Nine Years War, through the War of the Spanish Succession, and beyond, their descendants would be present at Fontenoy, Culloden, and in the Americas, forever destined to fight for a cause and land which had changed beyond recognition. 16 black and white illustrations.
Irish troops had fought for Louis XIV in the 1670s, under Irish officers who had little choice but to fight in foreign service, with the blessing of Charles II. With the accession of James II, and the religious politics of who might earn the English crown, they became embroiled in the Jacobite succession crisis, fighting in Ireland, then sent to France under Lord Mountcashel in 1689. With the fall of Limerick in 1691, Patrick Sarsfield led the second 'flight' of 'Wild Geese' to the continent, to fight in a war for the French against the Grand Alliance of Europe, in the vain hope that their loyalty might warrant French support in a return to Ireland under a Jacobite king. 1 vol, 488 pgs
2019 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late February 2020 ......$33.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Grant, Charles WARGAMING WELLINGTON IN INDIA: : A wargamers guide to the Armies and Battles
Much enlarged 2nd edition of the Classic Grant & Asquith study. Campaign outlines, Battles, Orbats, Tactics and detailed look at the armies, uniforms etc. Color plates by Bob Marion 1 vol, 144 pgs
NEW-hardback ......$59.00
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The Wolfenbuttel War is the third book following on from Raid on St. Michel and The Annexation of Chiraz. Once again, this book concerns the hostilities of Charles' two fictitious mid-eighteenth century combatants, the Grand Duchy of Lorraine and the Vereinigte Freie Stadte (VFS). That said, the scenarios are applicable throughout the horse-and-musket period with little modification.
Where this mini-campaign differs from its predecessors is that it is loosely based on a real campaign -- that of the Hundred Days, culminating at Waterloo. The four scenarios and the movements between them are drawn from the battles of Quatre Bras, Ligny, Wavre and Waterloo. However, while the campaign sequence is followed, the outcome is far from certain.
The book provides the fictitious background to the war, planning details including the selection of forces, the instructions for each army, tabletop maps, and orders for each side. There are instructions for the game organizer and options for forces in each battle if fought as a stand-alone wargame. The book is illustrated with photographs of each battle as it was fought with Charles' armies. Newspapers and a Who's Who, not to mention the Ballroom scene, add color to the story of the Wolfenbuttel War. 1 vol, 72 pgs
NEW-softcover ......$30.00
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Grenier, John THE FIRST WAY OF WAR: American War Making on the Frontier, 1607-1814
This book explores the evolution of Americans' first way of war, to show how war waged again Indian noncombatant population and agricultural resources became the method early Americans' employed and, ultimately, defined their military heritage. The sanguinary story of the American conquest of the Indian peoples east of the Mississippi River helps demonstrate how early Americans embraced warfare shaped by extravagant violence and focused on conquest. Grenier provides a major revision in understanding the place of warfare directed on noncombatants in the American military tradition, and his conclusions are relevant to understand US 'special operations' in the War on Terror. 1 vol, 246 pgs
NEW-softcover ......$26.00
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Grenier, John FAR REACHES OF EMPIRE:War in Nova Scotia 1710-1760
The author details the efficient small wars that ultimately crushed every remnant of Arcadian, Indian and French resistance on Nova Scotia. B/w illust/maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 288 pgs
NEW-dj ......$35.00
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Hammon, Neal O and Taylor, Richard VIRGINIA'S WESTERN WAR: 1775-1786
More than any other colony, Virginia looked to the west for its future. After the French and Indian War, the Royal Proclamation of 1754 declared that officers and soldiers would be paid with parcels of western land, vaguely extending about eighty miles in all directions from Lexington. By 1768 most of the area had been explored by the Long Hunters, including Daniel and Squire Boone, James Knox, Hasker Mansker, and the Skagg Brothers. These brave, enterprising men battled both with nature and with the Indians, bringing their families to settle this rough frontier. Virginia's Western War traces the little-known period of colonial history. 26 maps and 20 b/w photos. 1 vol, 352 pgs
NEW-dj ......$30.00
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Hattendorf, John editor CHARLES XII: Warrior King
For centuries, Charles XII has mainly been seen in the context of Sweden's national experience, yet his activities stretched across the European continent from Russia and Denmark to Germany, Austria, Poland, Ukraine, and the Ottoman Empire. Even the Dutch Republic, Britain, and France became involved diplomatically and economically. Includes full-color illustrations throughout.
In this volume, 20 scholars from 12 different countries contribute to creating a broader perspective on Charles XII and the Great Northern War in European history. The contributors expand the scope of international research on Charles XII and his time by examining not only his victories and defeats, but the king's impact in other areas as well. 1 vol, 456 pgs
NEW-softcover, available late June 2019 ......$140.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Hill, Steven BATTLE FLAGS OF THE WARS FOR NORTH AMERICA, 1754-1783: Foreign Armies and Regiments
Displays and explains the flags of the regiments which fought in North America in the French and Indian War and the American War of Independence. Covers the regimental flags of the major combatants, Britain, France, Germany, and Spain. This has long been a subject surrounded by myth, legend, and inaccuracy; the last standard work is more than 40 years old. Seeks to correct old errors and assembles a complete record of the flags, drawing from archives and artifacts, and creates a reference that will stand the test of time -- not only during the coming 250th anniversary years, but far beyond. 1 vol, 256 pgs
NEW-hardback, available mid February 2025 ......$70.00
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Howard, Martin Wellington and the British Army's Indian Campaigns 1798 - 1805
Covers the 1798-1805 campaigns of Arthur Wellesley - later the Duke of Wellington - and General Lake in the Deccan and Hindustan. While it fully acknowledges Wellington's vital role, it also addresses the nature of the warring armies, the significance of the campaigns of Lake in North India, and leaves the reader with an understanding of the human experience of war in the region. For this was a brutal conflict in which British armies clashed with the formidable forces of the Sultan of Mysore and the Maratha princes. There were dramatic pitched battles at Assaye, Argaum, Delhi and Laswari, and epic sieges at Seringapatam, Gawilghur and Bhurtpore. The British success was not universal. 1 vol, 272 pgs
2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid August 2020 ......$43.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Insch, Stuart WARGAMING THE SUGAR ISLANDS CAMPAIGN: A Guide to the British Expedition to Martinique and Guadeloupe in 1759
Wargaming guide to the British Invasion of Martinique and Guadeloupe with detailed summary of the events, the leaders, the forces involved, and the islands. Includes info on suitable figures, scenery, and rule sets to use plus period maps detailing the landing areas and land fought over. Also contains six scenarios, each with a detailed color layout and with special rules, and a simple campaign and special events. 1 vol, 80 pgs
NEW-wire bound softcover ......$20.00
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Insch, Stuart AGAINST SPAIN: Wargaming the Sieges of Havana and Manila 1762-1764
Illustrations, background, and scenarios cover the leaders, troops, organization, sieges, and other actions. Companion to The Sugar Islands. Crann Tara miniatures do the 28mm figures. Includews period illustrations and maps. Scenarios cover sieges as well as actions outside the walls. 1 vol, 80 pgs
NEW-wire bound softcover, available mid August 2022 ......$20.00
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An in deapth study of organization/administrationof the Moghul army, chpts on Drill/Exercise, SiegeBattles, Forts, Equipment & more, biblio, index. 1 vol, 324 pgs
NEW-hardcover, in good+ condition ......$25.00
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Jessop, Mark THE ROYAL NAVY 1793-1800: Birth of a Superpower
France declared war upon the British in 1793. The burden to conduct a long conflict proved heavy for that island nation. Poverty increased. Liberties and freedoms were sometimes taken away. Thousands of men had to leave their families, and disease, desertion and death meant that many never returned. At first the Royal Navy barely had enough warships to cope, but eight years later she had more than enough. By that time a threat of invasion towards Ireland prompted Parliament to enact a new nation, christened The United Kingdom of Great Britain. As such, 1800 became the final year of the old Kingdom of Great Britain.
As she passed away, many of her men and women might have wondered as to what had made her navy a true Neptune. What had assisted the slow birth of a naval 'superpower'? This book seeks to answer that very question. Includes 32 black and white illustrations. 1 vol, 200 pgs
2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid February 2019 ......$35.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Using primary sources the author describes the Military in Georgia from 1754-1776, b/w illust and maps, extensive biblio, index. 1 vol, 208 pgs
NEW-hardcover ......$25.00
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Johnston, Arran THE BATTLES OF BONNIE PRINCE CHARLIE: The Young Chevalier at War
Prince Charles Edward Stuart (1720-1788) was the grandson of Britain's last Stuart king and the last of his line to fight for their right to the throne. Born in Rome and raised at his father's cultured and cosmopolitan court-in-exile, the young prince grew up beneath a heavy weight of expectation and yearned for the chance to prove his worth. In 1745, just as it seemed his best opportunity had already passed, Charles threw caution to the wind and embarked on a secret and seemingly desperate expedition to Scotland. What followed is one of the most remarkable, famous, and often misrepresented episodes of Scottish history: the '45. Covers the battles of Prestonpans, Falkirk, and Culloden to reveal the prince's strengths and flaws as a commander, and the difficult relationships he had with the very people on whom his fortunes, and reputation, would depend. Contains 25 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 232 pgs
2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late January 2024 ......$50.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Johnston, Arran ON GLADSMUIR SHALL THE BATTLE BE!: The Battle of Prestonpans 1745
In the summer of 1745, a charismatic (but inexperienced) young Prince sailed to Scotland - determined to wrest the crowns of Great Britain from the head of George II. In a few short weeks, he raised an army large enough to challenge the government's forces in Scotland and, against the odds, stormed to a shocking victory over them at the Battle of Prestonpans.
Celebrated ever since in song and art, Prestonpans nevertheless proved to be a false dawn on the road to defeat at the Battle of Culloden seven months later, but without his victory at Prestonpans and all the opportunities it provided, Charles Edward Stuart ('Bonnie Prince Charlie') could never have invaded England and his short uprising would then have been but a footnote in the history of Georgian Britain. Includes 25 black/white illustrations and 13 maps.
This book - the climax of years of on-site investigation and source analysis - pieces together the events of the Prestonpans campaign in unprecedented detail. Focusing on the week of the battle, the author's knowledge of the towns and villages through which the armies marched brings their motions vividly to life.
Combined with eyewitness testimonies and close scrutiny of the evidence presented to the Board of Inquiry in 1746, this allows the reader to understand the buildup to the battle from an individual, as well as strategic, level. Such an understanding is revealed as critical, as the effects of morale, landscape and personality are shown to have determined the fate of the battle far more than the relative power of broadsword and bayonet. 1 vol, 232 pgs
NEW-dj ......$50.00
with a discount of 15%
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Johnston, Arran ON GLADSMUIR SHALL THE BATTLE BE! : The Battle of Prestonpans 1745
Examines the landscape and communities around the Battle of Prestonpans, the climax of a month-long campaign which, it seemed, would determine the fate of Scotland. Contains 25 black and white illustrations and 13 maps. 1 vol, 232 pgs
NEW-pb edition ......$45.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Jorgensen, Christer & Pavkovic, Mike & others FIGHTING TECHNIQUES OF THE EARLY MODERN WORLD: AD 1500 - AD 1763
Covers the evolution of equipment, combat skills, and tactics. Includes 100+ b/w and color illustrations, maps, and diagrams, plus bibliography and index. 1 vol, 256 pgs
NEW-dj, one copy only...First come, first served ......$20.00
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Juneau, Jason VAE VICTUS BOARD GAME #35: Les Batailles De Louis XIV Wargame
Battles in 1703, the Year of Victories: Hochstadt, Speyerbach. Two scenarios for each of the battles. The game includes: Two 59 x 41 cm maps (printed double-sided); 216 double-sided, pre-cut counters and markers; A book of rules and scenarios (both in French and in English); and one colour player aid.
Ordering the army to march due north, Villars asks d'Usson's corps of 7000 men stationed at Dillingen to be ready at Hochstadt on the morning of the 20th. In the early morning hours of the 20th the Franco-Bavarian army crosses the Danube at Donauworth, and then marches toward the Austrian army. The vanguard meets Prussian troops who return to Styrum. Styrum decides to move out toward the north and better defensive positions. The train begins its movement toward N?rdlingen. Due to a quiproquo, d'Usson is supposed to attack the Austro-Prussian army from the other side and launches his attack around 08.00. The Austrians are sure this is the principal offensive and change their plan and march on Oberglauheim. One against three, the French troops hold out while Villars is only three hours away by foot.
In October 1703, Marshal Tallard besieges Landau to recapture it from imperial hands. Marlborough's allied army of Flanders sends a corps commanded by the Prince of Hessen-Kassel to lend assistance to the troops of the Count of Nassau-Weilburg. On 13 November, the latter's troops cross the Rhine and join forces with the Prince. The troops camp between Heilingenstein and Dudenhofen in front of Spire (Speyer). The attack against the French forces besieging Landau is planned for the 16th. Tallard has requested Pracontal's help since the 10th. The latter being in Lorraine, the Imperials are sure that he will never arrive in time. On the evening of the 14th, Tallard leaves Landau, and 6000 men, and marches toward Spires. In the morning of the 15th, he reaches Pracontal at the appointed time and, now with 18 000 men, prepares to face off against 20 000 men from the imperial army. At 13.00 the French Army in battle order engages the combat against the enemy's left wing which is only barely deployed and is disorganised. 1 vol, 24 pgs
NEW-pb, rules in English ......$38.00
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Kaizer, Nicholas James SAILORS, SHIPS AND SEA FIGHTS: Proceedings of the 2022 'From Reason to Revolution 1721-1815' Naval Warfare in the Age of Sail Conference
Containing the proceedings of the inaugural Helion & Company Naval Warfare in the Age of Sail Conference, this volume includes chapters from experienced and emerging scholars from across the world on various aspects of the naval history of the Age of Reason and American Revolution.
Includes: AWI Battle of St Lucia; Royal Navy squadrons in North America and the West Indies between the 7YW and AWI; Black pilots in AWI British Royal Navy; French flying squadrons of the 1790s; Spanish sea power of the 1730s and 1740s; Venetian Navy during the Second Morean War; Role of socioeconomics on naval recruitment in the 1750s; Role played by British Consuls in the North Sea on recruitment for the Royal Navy; Changing patterns in Royal Navy Courts Martial at the conclusion of the Napoleonic Wars; Role of Antwerp in British and French naval strategies; and Anson's role in the building of Britain's navy. 1 vol, 304 pgs
NEW-pb, available mid November 2023 ......$50.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Kling, Stephen Battle of Quebec 1759: Wargame
Wargame covers the Battle of Quebec 1759. Includes 48 counters, 11x17-inch map, and 16-20 cards in ziplock bag. There are several variants included with the game including all of the French troops that could have participated in the battle which can potentially enter the game by card play.
Bougainville's men did arrive but a few hours too late which is why the British had some men back behind the main line. The cards are set up so that the longer the game goes on, the higher the probability that these and the other reinforcements plus the Quebec garrison enter the game. The British can get a few reinforcements too if Bougainville arrives and a certain British card is drawn. 1 vol, 1 pgs
NEW-softcover/Ziplock ......$30.00
with a discount of 50%
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Kling, Stephen BATTLE OF MONONGAHELA: Wargame
Wargame of French and Indian Wars battle on July 9, 1755 centering around Fort Duquesne in a strategic location in British-claimed territory. One player plays the British and the other the French and their native allies. Cards vary the game play. Games take about 90 minutes.
Features: 48 game pieces (5/8-inch inch); A single rulebook (4 pages); 20 game cards; A canvas game map (11x17-inch); and 1 six sided die. 1 vol, 1 pgs
NEW-box, available mid October 2023 ......$40.00
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Kling, Stephen BATTLE OF VINEGAR HILL: Wargame
Low-to-moderate complex tactical game on the famous 1798 battle of the Irish Rebellion. The game takes about 90 minutes to play. One player commands the United Irish forces and the other player commands the Crown / British forces. Cards vary game play.
Contents: 64 game pieces (5/8 inch counters), rulebook with design notes, 20 game cards, one 11x17 inch canvas map, and one six-sided die. 1 vol, 1 pgs
NEW-box, available late January 2025 ......$40.00
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Oversized at 11.5 x 8.5 pages. A two-volume set with over 600 pages on the armies, battles, campaigns, events and personalities of the Great Northern War.
The Great Northern War was a profound event in European history and has had far too little attention in the English speaking world. This publication is intended to open up this history in a way previously not available in English. An international team of academics, authors, and other experts have written articles on the armies, battles, campaigns, events and major personalities of the war. Over 70 articles are included, all fully illustrated in color. 2 vol, 660 pgs
NEW-hardback, slight damage limited qty ......$125.00
with a discount of 20% spc
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Kling, Stephen editior FIELDS OF BATTLE, VOLUME 1: THE GREAT NORTHERN WAR: Boardgame
Fields of Battle, Volume 1: The Great Northern War, is a low to moderate complexity level tactical game covering 8 battles of The Great Northern War, 1700-1721 which pitted Sweden against Denmark, Russia and Saxony (including its Polish and Lithuanian domains).
Each battle can be played in about an hour and the game includes tactical cards for each side that can vary combat and movement and utilize various historical circumstances and events to affect game play. In most battles, the Swedish forces must be aggressive to secure a victory. Each battle has its own game map on a period feel calligraphy style map. Counters are 5/8 inches thick, laser cut counters which primarily consist of combat units and leaders of the countries involved in the war. Includes 54 tactical combat cards. 1 vol, 1 pgs
NEW-box ......$60.00
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Laramie, Michael BY WIND AND IRON: Naval Campaigns in the Champlain Valley, 1665-1815
For more than 150 years, the natural invasion route along the waterways of the Champlain and Richelieu valleys into northeastern North America was among the most fiercely contested in the history of the continent. Whether the French and their Indian allies attacking British forts and settlements during the Seven Years' War, the American Continentals striking north into Canada during the American Revolution, or the British battling French and later American forces in these wars and the War of 1812, it was clear to policy makers in Quebec, London, Paris, Philadelphia, and Washington that whoever controlled this corridor and its lakes and rivers, controlled the heart of the continent.
This details the maritime history of this region from the first French fortifications along the Richelieu River in the late seventeenth century through the tremendous American victory over the British at the Battle of Plattsburgh on Lake Champlain in 1814. Using period letters, journals, and other primary source materials, the author examines the northeastern waterways and their tributaries within the framework of the soldiers and sailors who faced the perils of the campaigns, while at the same time clarifying the key role played by this region in the greater struggle for North America and American independence.
In support of the narrative, the book also contains appendices that include after action reports from various fleet commanders, tables of fleet strengths, additional battle maps, a glossary, and a dictionary of lake warships with notes on vessel types, typical armament, construction, deployment, and fates. 1 vol, 356 pgs
NEW-pb, available late May 2016 ......$35.00
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le Fevre, Peter editor PRECURSORS OF NELSON:British Admirals of the 1700s
Although Nelson dominates late 18th century naval warfare their were many other great Naval warriors bios on Torrington, Rook & Shovell, Leake, Byng, Hood, St. Vincent and more, biblio, index. 1 vol, 352 pgs
NEW-dj ......$30.00
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This masterful analysis reminds that the Russian Empire was acquired thru the conscious work of generations of statesmen and soldiers, b/w maps, chapter notes, biblio, index. 1 vol, 261 pgs
NEW-dj ......$74.00
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Lenihan, Padrig FLUXES, FEVERS AND FIGHTING MEN: War and Disease in Ancien Regime Europe 1648-1789
This scope of the study includes French army operations in some of its contiguous campaigning theaters, north Italy (1702 and 1734), the Rhineland (1734), Roussillon (1674), possibly Catalonia (1693), and, further afield, Bohemia (1742). The study also includes three case-studies involving the British army that include Ireland (1689), Portugal (1762), Dutch Brabant (1748), and the Rhineland (1743). The outliers are studies of Habsburg operations in and around Belgrade (1717 and 1737), and Russian operations in Crimea (1736).
The proportion of wartime soldiers dying of disease compared to combat injury ran at about 70-75% in armies campaigning in Europe 1648-1789. During this time, field armies doubled in size and regimes usually fought for limited territorial gains, so it was safest to 'occupy, entrench, and wait.'
This study uncovers how many soldiers sickened and died by consulting quantitative data, such as casualty returns and hospital registers, generated by the new state-contract armies which displaced the mercenary hordes of the Thirty Years' War. Includes 30 b/w maps and graphs. 1 vol, 176 pgs
NEW-hardcover, available late October 2019 ......$50.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Lepage, Jean-Denis French Fortifications, 1715-1815:An Illust History
Description with illustrations from the death of Louis XIV to the fall on Napoleon, focusing on the Napoleonic era. Nearly 250 b/w line drawings of Vauban, Gribeauval's artillery reforms. Biblio. 1 vol, 282 pgs
NEW-pb ......$50.00
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Letrun, Ludovic FRENCH DRAGOONS: Volume 1: 1669-1749 (Officers and Soldiers #24)
According to Pere Daniel the Dragoon corp. got its origins under the reign of Henry II, with the mounted arquebusiers, created in 1554. Those were mostly small units of infantrymen, traveling on horses and firing when dismounted.
The nickname dragoon actually appeared later, under the reign of Henri III, and designates as well mounted arquebusiers, carabiniers, and musketeers.
In this book, you will discover the magnificent uniforms of those cavalrymen, from the first XVIIth century wars, to the battles led by Louis XV's generals.
Illustrated with 66 plates -- 200 horsemen and 60 flags. 1 vol, 80 pgs
NEW-softcover, available late August 2014 ......$30.00
with a discount of 15%
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Letrun, Ludovic FRENCH DRAGOONS: Volume 2: 1669-1749 (Officers and Soldiers #25)
In this second half of the 18th century, military tactics changed, going from static siege tactics to rapid maneuvers, giving the cavalry a predominant role again on the field of battle. The changes in uniform, organization and tactics of the Dragoon regiments evolved over three periods. The main corps gradually joined with the cavalry, becoming a key element in the new strategy of movement.
The first period, included ordinances from 1750 and 1757, and mainly improved the troop's comfort. The second period of change reorganized and unified the corps. Finally the last period provided the republic with the most modern corps and army in the world.
Illustrated with 66 plates -- 200 horsemen and 60 flags. 1 vol, 90 pgs
NEW-softcover ......$30.00
with a discount of 15%
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Lobdell. Jared C. ACTION AT THE GALUDOGHSON: December 14, 1742
Colonel James Patton, Captain John McDowell and the First Battle with the Indians in the Valley of Virginia with an Appendix Containing Early Accounts of the Battle. This book was assembled unpublished papers of Lyman Draper (1815-1891) former secretary of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. This book combines Draper's even-handed account of this important first engagement with transcripts of the original sources from which he drew upon to create his account. We learn the settlers' version from the letters of Colonel James Patton and Samuel McDowell, and articles in the Pennsylvania Gazette. The Indians' case is well expressed by the Conrad Weiser report to the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania 1 vol, 64 pgs
NEW-softcover, available late August 2013, reprint edition ......$16.00
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Lopez, Ignacio THE SPANISH ARMY AFTER THE WAR OF SUCCESSION (I): Sardinia (1717) and Scotland (Glen Shiel 1719)
Covers the Spanish Army of the 18th Century after the war of succession to the Spanish Crown, including the battles of Francavilla, Velletri, and Milazzo. Bourbon reforms modeled a new army, with new denominations, symbols, and emblems. Includes historical context, organization, and development of Spanish units and their uniforms as well as their use in combat. 1 vol, 118 pgs
NEW-softcover, available late April 2019 ......$33.00
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Louth, Warwick THE ARTE MILITAIRE: The Application Of 17th Century Military Manuals To Conflict Archaeology
Using examples taken from recent investigations at sites such as Edgehill, Lutzen, and Lostwithiel, this book examines to what extent individual drill can be identified in the archaeological record and prove to what level and extent this can be applied to predictive modeling of artifact collections on battlefields - thus providing depth to the archaeological study of fields of conflict.
Like investigations on the Little Bighorn battlefield, through use of wear analysis of the material remains of conflict, we can effectively tell the nuances of individual drill, practice, and movement of people across a landscape; their drill actively mirroring subtleties in our understanding of interpretation.
This work also attempts to investigate the subject of whether such manuals can also be used to dictate the survivability of 17th century fortifications -- often within urban landscapes devoid of their civil war origins, as can be seen at Alton and Basing House.
Includes 50 B&W illustrations, diagrams and maps. 1 vol, 148 pgs
NEW-pb, available late January 2017 ......$40.00
with a discount of 15%
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Details of the Irish exile between 1615 and 1820,covers the family in the Spanish Netherlands,France & Spain, here is story of Irish Jacobites& their battles, chpt notes/biblio, index. 1 vol, 224 pgs
NEW-dj ......$20.00
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10x12, 100+ illust highlight this look at the'fresh water navies' of America, England & France 1 vol, 192 pgs
NEW-dj ......$15.00
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Massie, Alastair GREAT BRITAIN AND THE DEFENCE OF THE LOW COUNTRIES 1744-1748: Armies, Politics and Diplomacy
Explains how the progress of the fighting in the Low Countries influenced politics back in London, and how resulting political decisions affected the course of military operations. Analyzes military campaigns and an examination of their political mismanagement. Military failure now changed the government's preoccupations. With the threat of French invasion and the prospect of a Jacobite uprising, the question was whether home defense or the war in Flanders were to take priority. After further military failures, the pertinacity of the leading proponent of war measures, the Duke of Newcastle, was shaken early in 1748 as the reality of a dire military situation made itself apparent. The progress of peace talks at Aix-la-Chapelle thereafter mirrored exactly the path of impending military catastrophe, with the mighty fortress of Maestricht firmly in French sights. 1 vol, 368 pgs
NEW-dj, available mid November 2023 ......$60.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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McIntyre, James R FORGING THE LIGHTS: The Development of the British Light Infantry, Continental and North American Influences, 1740-1782
This updated edition examines the development of light infantry in North America from their antecedents in the Hungarian irregular troops to the plains of North America where tactics were learned, forgotten, and renewed in the burgeoning Continental forces. This volume not only contains the history of light infantry, but some valuable documents that were used in its growth as a military formation . 1 vol, 115 pgs
NEW-hardback ......$30.00
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Megorsky, Boris PETER THE GREAT'S REVENGE: The Russian Siege of Narva in 1704
Narva and Ivangorod - the two fortresses on both sides of Narova River - comprise a nowadays unique fortification ensemble that has gone through many historical periods of the Baltic region. Narva gained world fame after two battles in early 1700s during the epic struggle between the Kingdom of Sweden and an alliance of northern powers sponsored by Tsar Peter the Great of Russia in the Great Northern War 1700-1721. First attacked in 1700, its Vauban style bastions were saved by a daring strike on the besieging Russians given by young King Charles XII who came to relieve the town. Four years later Narva saw another full scale three-months-long siege packed with sallies, bombardments, trench combat and peaked by general storm - something rare in a period when governors preferred to surrender before assault.
Military campaigns in the Baroque age across Europe were far more fortress-oriented - field battles were few while sieges were many. Even then, Narva's two sieges are extraordinary as they provide samples of nearly all possible siege tactics typical to the period but rarely applied to one and the same town. Telling the story of these 1700 and 1704 events thus gives us a chance to speak about the mechanism of fortification warfare, about everyday life of the besieger and the besieged, about morale, military customs of that time, and about broader context of the resolute struggle between Tsar Peter and King Charles.
While writing about Narva's sieges there are a number of plots to be covered. Lines of circumvallation - their perception in contemporary military thought and their use and fate in the 1700 campaign. Besiegers strive to obtain information via deserters and captives and the most unusual way to do so - a trick or stratagem, with the staging of a mock battle between Russian greencoats and bluecoats pretending to be Swedish relief force. Artillery was probably the most important arm to any siege and it is worth looking into such matters like technology of breaching the walls, use of bombardment against the town buildings, or addiction to a specialty weapon - hand mortars. Work and life in trenches under fire was typical experience to soldiers of the time. Sallies made by the garrison attempted to slow down their foe's work, with varying success. Communication between the besieging army commander and governor is explored, along with the special role in it of drummers and trumpeters.
When it comes to the final and rare stage of the siege - the general storm - aspects to be researched include the way assault columns were composed, controversy on selecting hour of attack, the amazing size of scaling ladders, and the behavior of troops prior to and during the action. The inevitable consequence of a storm, the plundering of the town, raises question about period military laws on this subject. In conclusion the text will conclude with the further story of the town and the fate of several high and low ranking personalities - it will too give additional info on how war was waged in those years.
The book is based on day-to-day journals, relations, personal accounts, and correspondence from Russian, Swedish and impartial sources - both published and archival. The book is accompanied with numerous contemporary illustrations - prints depicting specifically Russian and Swedish military scenes as well as engravings from various European sources that visualize typical scenes of siege warfare - and artworks by modern artists. 1 vol, 270 pgs
NEW-softcover ......$50.00
with a discount of 15%
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Megorsky, Boris THE RUSSIAN ARMY IN THE GREAT NORTHERN WAR 1700-21: Organisation, Materiel, Training and Combat Experience, Uniforms
Describes the armed forces of Peter the Great in its entirety, and covers in depth old Russian troops and irregulars, as well as Peter's new standing army (guards, infantry, dragoons, elite units and artillery) and his brand-new force (the navy, with sailing ships and galleys, and marines).
Besides the staffing, organization and development of troops, the book gives detailed account of uniforms, weapons and other materiel (both conventional and unusual). Training is described using drill manuals and tactical instructions of the period, and fighting methods actually performed on the battlefield are described - based on first-hand accounts and period observations from Russian, Swedish and impartial sources. Pitched battles that often predominate in descriptions of early-18th century warfare are given their due in the book; however, linear tactics on the field were not the only - nor even the main - type of actions during the Great Northern War, so the author goes into details of the sieges, small war actions and riverine, lake and naval combats. Includes 32 color plates, 30 b/w illustrations, and maps.
The author brings up materials that were unavailable to English-speaking readers and scholars so far, including the most recent works of other Russian scholars who specialize in various aspects of the Petrine military history. Includes numerous contemporary prints and paintings, photos of artifacts and recreated uniform kits, as well as specially commissioned artwork. 1 vol, 270 pgs
NEW-softcover ......$70.00
with a discount of 15%
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Niechwiej, Adam BATTLE OF RALAWICE: 1794 (Wargame)
Second edition. Depicts the most important battle of Kosciuszko's Uprising. The Polish victory spread patriotic enthusiasm on the whole Commonwealth. If the Russian army had won the battle, the uprising would have suppressed at the beginning. Game mechanic is based on random activation of formations and the order of firefights. Rules have been unified with other games showing battles of Kosciuszko's Uprising - Szczekociny 1794 and Maciejowice 1794.
Scale: * One counter of infantry represents company * One counter of cavalry represents squadron * One counter of artillery represents from 2 to 8 guns * One game turn corresponds to 15 minutes * One hex shows 100 meters of terrain * Playing time: 4 to 8 hours * Two players
Contents: * Board 48x68 cm * 216 die-cut counters * Rulebook (12 pages) * One 10-sided die 1 vol, 0 pgs
NEW-box ......$45.00
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Niemeyer, Joachim and Ortenburgh, George THE HANOVERIAN ARMY DURING THE SEVEN YEARS WAR
Oversized at 8x11.5 inches. Cointains 30+ color plates and many more b/w plates and drawings detailing the history and uniforms of the cavalry, infantry, artillery, and other troops of the Hannovian Army from 1780 to 1803. 1 vol, 90 pgs
V.GOOD-no dj, scarce book 1 copy available -- First come, first served ......$80.00
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Nosworthy, Brent ANATOMY OF VICTORY, THE: Battle Tactics 1689-1763
An exhaustive study of how warfare was conducted on the 18th century battlefield, maps, 28 pages of formation changes/maneuvers, index, biblio. SCARCE BOOK that's out of print. 1 vol, 395 pgs
NEW-pb, out of print ......$48.00
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Nosworthy, Brent FRENCH DRILL BOOKLET, THE:circa 1703-1727
Packed with b/w drawings/figs depicting the maneuvers for both infantry and cavalry, this is research that the author has expanded on since publishing his ANATOMY OF VICTORY book, biblio. 1 vol, 60 pgs
NEW-pb ......$12.00
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Nosworthy, Brent BRITISH DRILL BOOKLET, THE:circa 1703-1753
Packed with b/w drawings/figs depicting themanoeuvres for both infantry and cavalry, this isresearch that the author has expanded on sincepublishing his ANTATOMY OF VICTORY book, biblio. 1 vol, 52 pgs
NEW-pb ......$12.00
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Nosworthy, Brent FRENCH CAVALRY ORGANIZATION 1733-1763
Charts, tables and unit formation drawings, notes 1 vol, 32 pgs
NEW-pb ......$10.00
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Charts, tables and unit formation drawings, notes 1 vol, 80 pgs
NEW-pb, found more copies ......$12.00
with a discount of 25% spc
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Nosworthy, Brent Nosworthy's Tactical Studies FRENCH INFANTRY ORGANIZATIONS 1727-1763
Organization of the French & Foreign Regiments in French service for 1730, 1740, 1749, 1755, 1762, also list of the actual Regiments. 1 vol, 88 pgs
NEW-pb, back in stock ......$22.00
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Oates, Jonathan SWEET WILLIAM OR THE BUTCHER? Duke of Cumberland
A dispassionate look at his behavior during 1745 at Culloden. B/w maps/illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 224 pgs
NEW-dj ......$40.00
with a discount of 15%
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Oates, Jonathan CRUCIBLE OF THE JACOBITE '15: The Battle of Sheriffmuir 1715
Just over three centuries ago, there was a major battle in Scotland that was to decide the fate of the newly established -- and bitterly contested -- union of England and Scotland. On one hand there was a numerically superior army, trained and armed but officered by men of varying experience.
Facing them was a small, but better experienced and officered British Army. Both armies; one entirely Scottish and the other a mixture of Scots, English and Irish were led by Scottish noblemen. Victory to either side meant control of the gateway from the Highlands to the Lowlands and then England, where the political prize awaited.
The battle's importance can only be appreciated by an examination of its context, in what happened in the campaign before the crucial clash of arms and in the months that followed it. Furthermore, an examination of the officers and men who made up the two armies is made in order to evaluate the human material without which there would have been no battle. Although the book covers the campaigning in the decisive theater of central Scotland, it does not neglect the wider strategic concerns of both the Jacobite court and the British government, nor the international aspects of the rising.
Includes b&w illustrations and maps. 1 vol, 288 pgs
NEW-dj ......$50.00
with a discount of 15%
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Oates, Jonathan CRUCIBLE OF THE JACOBITE '15: The Battle of Sheriffmuir 1715
Examines the context, campaign, and actual fighting at the Battle of Sheriffmuir 1715 between the British Army and a mixture of Scots, English and Irish led by Scottish noblemen. Includes the wider strategic concerns of both the Jacobite court and the British government, nor the international aspects of the rising. Includes 9 b/w photos, 4 b/w ills, 4 b/w maps, and 14 tables. 1 vol, 288 pgs
2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available December 2023 ......$45.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Oates, Jonathan BATTLES OF THE JACOBITE REBELLIONS: Killiecrankie to Culloden
Comprehensive military account of the campaigns in their entirety for over 50 years. The Jacobites posed a serious threat to the governments of William and Mary, Queen Anne and George I and II. But they were unable to follow up their victories at Killiecrankie, Prestonpans, and Falkirk, and the overwhelming defeat suffered by Bonnie Prince Charlie's army when it confronted the Duke of Cumberland's forces at Culloden in 1746 was decisive.
The author uses vivid eyewitness testimony and contemporary sources, as well as the latest archaeological evidence, to trace the course of the conflict, and offers an absorbing insight into the makeup of the opposing sides, their leadership, their troops and the strategy and tactics they employed. His distinctive approach gives the reader a long perspective on a conflict which is often viewed more narrowly in terms of famous episodes and the careers of the leading men. 1 vol, 336 pgs
2019 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid December 2019 ......$43.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Oates, Jonathan KING GEORGE'S HANGMAN: Henry Hawley and the Battle of Falkirk 1746
Details 'Hangman Hawley,' a villain that held a prominent place in Jacobite demonology as well as held in contempt by those who opposed the Jacobite cause. He is reputed to have been a man who enjoyed hanging his own soldiers, looting from his enemies, and harrying defeated foes, yet he was defeated in the only battle that he ever held command. Covers both Hawley's professional and personal life; in both, he was a figure of controversy. Contains six black and white illustrations, seven black and white photos, and two maps. 1 vol, 208 pgs
NEW-pb, available early February 2025 ......$45.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Oates, Jonathan THE SIEGES OF THE '45: Siege Warfare during the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745-1746
There were more sieges than battles during the 1745-1746 Jacobite campaign in Scotland and England. Siege warfare was more common than set piece battles in Europe at this time and the '45 was no exception. There were two sieges of both Ruthven Barracks and of Carlisle, whilst the castles at Edinburgh, Blair Atholl, and Stirling were also besieged, as were the more recently-built Forts Augustus, George, and William.
The government, noting the threat passed by some of the Highland clans and their allies, built a number of new forts in the Highlands from 1690 and especially after 1716 in order to contain this danger. In theory the Jacobites, with their lack of heavy artillery (save at Stirling) should have been unable to take any of these old or new garrisoned fortresses. Yet in several cases they were able to do so and the results of these sieges was never guaranteed. Conversely the British Army was forced to undertake its last siege against a fortress on British soil.
Examines and analyzes eight sieges in 1745-1746, the history and strength of the fortress or walled town, its garrison, and the strength of the attackers, along with the artillery employed by both sides. 1 vol, 224 pgs
NEW-dj, available mid March 2021 ......$38.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Oates, Jonathan THE LAST SPANISH ARMADA: Britain and the War of the Quadruple Alliance 1718-1720
Overshadowed by the better known Spanish Armada of 1588, three centuries ago, the final Spanish Armada set sail against England and Scotland. This little known invasion is often treated as part of the little known Jacobite campaign of 1719. However, this invasion and the subsequent campaign in Scotland were part of the virtually unknown War of the Quadruple Alliance. Includes 20 black and white illustrations and maps.
Studies war and diplomacy involving several of the European powers, with fighting on the high seas, in Scotland, Spain, Sardinia, and Sicily. It is a tale of a once great power taking advantage of apparently favorable international circumstances to regain parts of its lost empire. Success seemed possible, but the fortunes of war were fluctuating and luck only went so far. Eventually, the realities of military power reasserted themselves with bloody results.
The emphasis is on Britain's naval, diplomatic and military efforts, whilst not neglecting those of its allies and enemies, both abroad and at home. It draws on a variety of little or unused primary sources held at the National Archives and elsewhere and boasts a cast of interesting and unusual characters. 1 vol, 184 pgs
NEW-softcover, available late October 2019 ......$40.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Pagan, Marco BETWEEN SCYLLA AND CHARYBDIS: Volume 1: Staff and Cavalry - The Army of Elector Frederick August II of Saxony, 1733-1763.
During the 18th Century, the Electorate of Saxony was a rich state of the Holy Roman Empire. Northern Saxony was one of most fertile parts of Germany, though fertility diminishes toward Ore Mountains of the south where Saxony long had important mineral production. The House of Wettin ruled Saxony since 1429. Between 1697 and 1763, the Electors of Saxony were also elected Kings of Poland. The Elector Frederick August I (12 May 1670-1 February 1733), also known as 'Sun King' of Saxony, was elected King of Poland with the support of Austria and the help of Russia when the former King Stanislaw I Leszczynski, supported by France, was forced to flee after the Swedish defeat of Poltava in 1709.
The Elector married Maria Josepha, sister of the Emperor Charles VI of Austria. The Emperor, having no male heirs was obsessed with the partition of the vast Imperial territories after his death. He issued on 19 April, 1713, an edict to ensure that the Habsburg hereditary possession could be inherited by a daughter, the Pragmatic Sanction. Frederick August I recognized the edict. When Frederick August died in 1733, Leszczynski, the archenemy of the House of Wettin, with the support of France and Spain, contested the election of Frederick August II of Saxony as King of Poland. This led to the War of the Polish Succession.
Volume I of this work deals with the Saxon army of the years 1730-1763. The campaigns, the commanders, the guards mounted units, and the line cavalry units of this overshadowed army are treated. Lavishly illustrated by Franco Saudelli, the volume shows the elegance of the Saxon army and particularly an army misjudged by Frederick II of Prussia as 'weak.' Includes eight-page color section, 5 b/w maps, 2 b/w illustrations, and 2 tables. 1 vol, 111 pgs
NEW-softcover ......$33.00
with a discount of 15%
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Pagan, Marco BETWEEN SCYLLA AND CHARYBDIS: Volume 2: Infantry and Artillery - The Army of Elector Frederick August II of Saxony 1733-1763
Volume II of this work deals with the Saxon army of the years 1730-1763, detailing the uniforms and service of the infantry and artillery. Lavishly illustrated by Franco Saudelli, the volume shows the elegance of the Saxon army and particularly an army misjudged by Frederick II of Prussia as weak. Includes eight pages of color figures, 15 b/w illustrations, and many tables.
During the 18th Century, the Electorate of Saxony was a rich state of the Holy Roman Empire. Northern Saxony was one of most fertile parts of Germany, though fertility diminishes toward the Ore Mountains of the south where Saxony long had important mineral production. The House of Wettin ruled Saxony since 1429. Between 1697 and 1763, the Electors of Saxony were also elected Kings of Poland. The Elector Frederick August I (12 May 1670-1 February 1733), also known as 'Sun King' of Saxony, was elected King of Poland with the support of Austria and the help of Russia.
The Elector married Maria Josepha, sister of the Emperor Charles VI of Austria. The Emperor, having no male heirs was obsessed with the partition of the vast Imperial territories after his death. He issued on 19 April, 1713, an edict to ensure that the Habsburg hereditary possession could be inherited by a daughter, the Pragmatic Sanction.
In 1741, Saxony reneged on the Pragmatic Sanction and sided with France, Bavaria, and Prussia when Frederick II of Prussia invaded Silesia after the death of Emperor Charles VI. The Saxons fought against Maria Theresia's Austrian army during the First Silesian War, occupied Prague and campaigned in both Bohemia and Moravia. Thereafter, Prussia signed a unilateral peace with Austria. Saxony signed a separate cease-fire and France was left alone. Years of armed peace followed until the Second Silesian War. During the war, Saxony sided with Austria. The Prussian army crossed the border and invaded Saxony. The Saxon army was badly defeated at Kesseldorf on 15 December, 1745. The Second Silesian War was over.
Peace once again reigned in Europe until 1756 when France changed alliances. Frederick II of Prussia launched another preventive war and invaded Saxony. Caught totally unprepared, the Saxon army retired to Pirna where it was surrounded by an overwhelming Prussian force. With no food, the Saxon army was forced to lay down its arms and surrender unconditionally. The prisoners were incorporated into the Prussian army. A massive desertion followed and soon a Saxon Corps was formed in Bohemia. The Saxon Auxiliary Corps of 10,000 men was transferred to French service and fought until the end of the Seven Years War. It was repatriated in 1763. 1 vol, 148 pgs
NEW-softcover ......$35.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Parkman, Francis edited by John Tebbel BATTLE FOR NORTH AMERICA
Originally published in 1889 in 13 volumes, this brilliant, unequalled work by the most famous American historian of the age has now been skillfully edited into a single edition. The wonderfully readable result retains its sharp focus and wonderfully graceful style, while eliminating repetitions and archaic phrases. Playing out in the dramatic account is the struggle for a continent, and the brilliant men who dominated the conflict: Champlain, La Salle, Washington, Howe, and others. By ousting the French from the land, the British unwittingly set the stage for their own later defeat. 1 vol, 775 pgs
NEW-pb ......$15.00
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Penhallow, Samuel edited by Edward Wheelock HISTORY OF THE INDIAN WARS
Facsimile reprint of the 1726 edition. History of early colonial conflict with the Indians 1703-1723 in New England. Notes, index. 1 vol, 208 pgs
V.GOOD-dj REPRINT OF 1924 EDITION ......$18.00
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This account of Saxe's campaign was originally published in France in 1909 and is now translated by George Nafziger. Features actions at Ghent, Ostend, and most famously Fontenoy as part of the War of Austrian Succession. Provides a detailed, but concise history of the campaign with maps, lists of troops, and images of prominent persons in the campaign. 1 vol, 256 pgs
NEW-hardcover ......$30.00
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An analysis of the Jacobite Rising of 1745 and the profound effect it had on the British Empire; the Duke Of Cumberland used the Army as an instrument to expand British Imperialism, notes/biblio/index. 1 vol, 259 pgs
NEW-dj ......$45.00
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Pollard, Tony (editor) CULLODEN: The History and Archaeology of the Last Clan Battle
Leading historians and archaeologists reconsider every aspect of the 16 April 1746 battle. They examine the latest historical and archaeological evidence, question every assumption, and rewrite the story of the campaign in vivid detail. This is the first time that such a distinguished team of experts has focused on a single British battle. The result is a seminal study of the subject, and it is a landmark publication of battlefield archaeology. 6 x 9, color and b/w illustrations. 1 vol, 288 pgs
2012 UK, Pen and Sword
NEW-softcover, available mid September 2012 ......$30.00
with a discount of 15%
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Poniske, John PAPER WARS ISSUE 104: Wolfe Tone Rebellion - Irish Rebellion of 1798
This is a two-player strategic-level game of the French-assisted Irish rebellion of 1796. The game is of low-intermediate complexity, but due to the criticality of hidden-movement in the naval invasion sequence, it is not easily adapted for solitaire play unless the player is will to make large allowances to 'fudging' that important part of play. 1 vol, 64 pgs
NEW-softcover with game, available late November 2023 ......$47.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Poniske, John PAPER WARS ISSUE 105: Ebb & Flow: The Final Communist Offensive in Korea, 22 April - 10 June 1951
Each large hex on the 34?22' map equals five miles (8 km) from side to opposite side. Each of the ten game turns represents 3.5 days. Individual playing pieces represent corps, divisions, brigades, regiments, and battalions, for a total of 176 large-size 5/8' NATO-style counters. The map covers all of central Korea across which the original campaign was fought. Both players are called on to attack and defend over the course of the game, and the winner is the one who best outperforms his historic counterpart. Designed for two players by Ty Bomba, with low-medium complexity, playable in one session and easily adapted for solo-play. 1 vol, 64 pgs
NEW-softcover with game, available late January 2024 ......$47.00
with a discount of 15% inc
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Querengasser, Alexander THE WAR OF THE BAVARIAN SUCCESSION 1778-1779: Prussian Military Power in Decline?
The short War of the Bavarian Succession (1778-1779), the last war of Frederick the Great, is often considered as a first stage in the rapid decline of Prussia's forces. Offers a critical analysis of the strength and limitations of the Frederician war machine, before offering a narrative of this forgotten war, which, because of its lack of battles, was scoffed at by contemporaries as a 'potato war' -- soldiers struggled more to find food than to fight the enemy. While the war definitely revealed weaknesses within the Prussian military system, it was not necessary for Frederick to win battles and campaigns as long as he was able to achieve his political goals. Includes 35 b/w illustrations, 8 color illustrations, 8 pages of color plates, and 1 map. 1 vol, 164 pgs
NEW-pb, available mid August 2023 ......$50.00
with a discount of 15% inc
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Querengasser, Alexander KESSELSDORF 1745: Decision in the Fight for Silesia
The victory of the Prussian army under Leopold von Anhalt-Dessau over a Saxon army at the Battle of Kesselsdorf prompted the peace agreement at Dresden. In it, Austria once again renounced its claims to the province of Silesia, which had been lost to Prussia in the First Silesian War. In addition, Prussia rose to the rank of the great European powers and became the regional hegemon in northern Germany, while ambitious Electoral Saxony lost considerable political importance in the Empire and in Europe 1 vol, 202 pgs
NEW-pb, available mid October 2023 ......$45.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Raspe, Gabriel THE POLISH ARMY IN 1775
Gabriel Raspe published a book in the 1780's on the Polish-Lithuanian Army of 1775 illustrating the various units and detailing their organization. The army illustrated in this book existed between the First Partition of Poland and the one that fought against the Russians prior to the Second Partition. It provides a valuable link between the pre-partition Commonwealth Army and the troops that fought in defense of the Constitution of 1791. Full color with 75 plates. This book has never been reprinted in over 200 years. 1 vol, 178 pgs
NEW-dj, available mid November 2013 ......$30.00
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An engaging bio, Farmar served in various wars from Jenkin's Ear to Fontenoy thru the SYW to the capture of Havana, excellent first hand accounts, b/w illust, index. 1 vol, 200 pgs
NEW-pb ......$30.00
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Reid, Stuart Wargaming with Jacobites 1745
The Jacobite Rising of 1745 offers a widely varied portfolio of very playable actions ranging from small unit skirmishes up to larger battles involving several brigades on either side - and the purpose of this handbook is not to lay out a prescribed set of rules for Highland warfare but to highlight the salient features of the armies involved and more importantly how the battles were actually fought, in order that existing preferred sets of rules can be adapted according to personal taste. As will soon be apparent although the Jacobites present a colourful and exciting alternative to more familiar 18th century armies, their organisation and fighting methods were not so very different from that of some of their contemporaries and recreating both armies and battles are surprisingly straightforward. 1 vol, 96 pgs
NEW-softcover ......$28.00
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Reid, Stuart SHERIFFMUIR 1715
Sheriffmuir 1715 is the military history of a doomed Jacobite rising in Scotland, which enjoyed far more public support and arguably far more chance of success than Bonnie Prince Charlie's attempt 30 years later. Unlike the '45, the uprising which culminated in the brutal battle of Sheriffmuir was very much a Scottish affair, fought without either French troops or assistance, and unashamedly aimed at reversing the hated Union with England and reasserting Scotland's independence. 1 vol, 256 pgs
NEW-dj ......$50.00
with a discount of 15%
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Reid, Stuart THE BATTLE OF MINDEN 1759: The Miraculous Victory of the Seven Years War
The fighting in Europe during the Seven Years War hung in the balance. After initial successes, the Austro-French forces were driven back across the Rhine. With the opposing sides reinforcing their armies, the campaign of 1759 was going to prove decisive.
Britain and her German allies met the French at Minden in Germany. Due to a misunderstanding of orders, the British infantry actually attacked and dispersed the French cavalry. That action is still commemorated on 1 August each year with the wearing of roses by the infantry and artillery regiments -- whose predecessors picked flowers and put them in their coats as they passed through German gardens on the way to battle.
By contrast, Lord Sackville, who commanded the British cavalry, was accused of ignoring orders to charge the retreating French -- which could have turned defeat into rout. He was court-martialed and cashiered.
The victory at Minden was just one in a number of British successes that year against French forces and overseas territories. This led to 1759 being described by the British as the Annus Mirabilis - the year of miracles. 1 vol, 240 pgs
2016 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$40.00
with a discount of 15%
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Reid, Stuart THE BATTLE OF MINDEN 1759: The Miraculous Victory of the Seven Years War
The fighting in Europe during the Seven Years War hung in the balance. After initial successes, the Austro-French forces were driven back across the Rhine. With the opposing sides reinforcing their armies, the campaign of 1759 was going to prove decisive.
Britain and her German allies met the French at Minden in Germany. Due to a misunderstanding of orders, the British infantry actually attacked and dispersed the French cavalry. That action is still commemorated on 1 August each year with the wearing of roses by the infantry and artillery regiments -- whose predecessors picked flowers and put them in their coats as they passed through German gardens on the way to battle.
By contrast, Lord Sackville, who commanded the British cavalry, was accused of ignoring orders to charge the retreating French -- which could have turned defeat into rout. He was court-martialed and cashiered.
The victory at Minden was just one in a number of British successes that year against French forces and overseas territories. This led to 1759 being described by the British as the Annus Mirabilis - the year of miracles. 1 vol, 240 pgs
2016 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, special pricing - limited quantity ......$40.00
with a discount of 50% rct
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Reid, Stuart LIKE TROOPS OF HUNGARY WOLVES: The Battle of Culloden 16 April 1746
Updated edition of his previous works. Large-format hardback is well illustrated -- including color uniform plates by Dave Gallagher. Takes into account the latest archaeological work on the Culloden battlefield. 1 vol, 0 pgs
NEW-dj ......$59.00
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Well illustrated with color uniform and flag plates. The latest research into the organization, dress, equipment and flags by the acknowledged expert in Scottish 17th and 18th century military history. 1 vol, 154 pgs
NEW-pb ......$36.00
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In this book both the English & Highlander armies are examined, as well as the battles of Fallkirk,Carlisle, Sterling, Culloden, and the campaign in the Forth valley, b/w illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 264 pgs
NEW-dj ......$25.00
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Reid, Stuart CUMBERLAND'S ARMY:The British Army at Culloden
(8) color pages of uniforms, b/w illust/drawings and maps, o/b's, casualty lists, first hand accounts. 1 vol, 80 pgs
NEW-softcover ......$28.00
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Richardson, Matthew MANXMEN AT SEA IN THE AGE OF NELSON, 1760-1815
Examines how the Manx saw action in some of the greatest naval events between 1760 and 1815. Discusses that the lives of the Manx, as mostly people of the sea and fishermen, but also as crew about merchant vessels of war. Because of the high level of literacy and education, a significant body of first-hand evidence has survived from those who served below decks and aboard merchant ships, privateers, and warships. Some, such as Peter Heywood, were eyewitness to the most famous event in naval history, the Mutiny on the Bounty. Others, such as John Quilliam climbed the naval career ladder, served with Nelson, and gained distinction at Trafalgar. Captain Hugh Crow fought against the French, made his fortune in the slave trade, and commanded the last legal voyage. Contains 20 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 176 pgs
2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid April 2024 ......$43.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Rohrbaugh, Paul AGAINST THE ODDS # 42: A Thunder Upon the Land
The year 1700 saw Charles XII of Sweden attack at Narva at 1 to 4 odds in a blizzard. But with the surprise and the wretched weather working to his advantage, Charles virtually killed or captured the entire Russian army, along with their artillery and equipment. Years later, having knocked the Saxons out of the war, Charles turned again to Russia. Charles aimed for Moscow, and this time, it was a Swedish army that vanished from the map at the Battle of Poltava in 1709.
Thunder Upon the Land brings you both battles of Narva and Poltava, with full color maps and over 264 die-cut counters. Each turn represents about one hour of real time and each hex represents about 500 yards. This game uses chit-draw for wing activation and allows players to make tactical choices like forming squares or deciding if their dragoons will press home charges, with optional rules for volley fire and desperation attacks.
Contains: One full color 22x34 mapsheet; 264 full color large 5/8-inch die-cut pieces; Rules length: 12 pages; Charts and tables: 2 pages; Complexity: Medium; and Solitaire suitability: Average. 1 vol, 60 pgs
NEW-ziplock bag ......$40.00
with a discount of 10%
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Roworth, Vivien NOT SO EASY, LADS: Wearing the Red Coat 1786-1797
First-hand unpublished eye-witness letters of Serjeant Major William Roworth to his wife about being in the redcoats in Georgian England. Roworth's 44th (East Essex) Regiment of Foot was just one of many destined for duty on the Continent, where it joined the Duke of York's army as reinforcements during the War of the First Coalition 1792-1797. On his return to Britain in the late Spring of 1795, he received an order for service in the West Indies. The Roworth letters highlighted so many of the concerns in the lives of soldiers then which are much the same today; love; duty; ambition; children; extended family; sickness at home; the difficulties distance and lack of communication created by infrequency of letters; the careful personal censorship of those letters, to avoid instilling fear - all these and more. William Roworth left his own interpretation of the arenas of Boxtel and the reduction of St Lucia. He wore his red coat with pride from the day he volunteered until the day of his death - and rightly so. 1 vol, 348 pgs
NEW-pb, available mid October 2023 ......$55.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Shamenkov, Sergey CHARLES XII's KAROLINERS VOLUME 1: The Swedish Infantry & Artillery of the Great Northern War 1700-1721
Examines the evolution and changes in Swedish infantry and artillery uniforms during the Great Northern War. Reconstructs in detail the appearance of infantry and artillery officers, NCOs, and privates at the time of Charles XII, drawing on a number of studies and articles, and based on extant artifacts, and written and iconographic documents that have survived to our time.
Illustrates major and minor changes in the cut, style, and adornments of the uniforms of infantry and artillery officers, NCOs, and privates that occurred shortly before or during the war. It also provides detailed insights into the differences between the Carolean uniforms of the older model of 1687, which served as the basis for later modifications, and the younger model of 1706, as well as into different variations in transitional models existing between the two.
Also studies the different variations of headgear used by Swedish officers, NCOs, and privates, with a particular focus on grenadier caps, and examines soldiers' accouterments and dress. The uniforms and insignia of Swedish infantry and artillery officers are described in a separate section. Includes 33 b/w ills, 9 b/w photos, 61 color illustrations, and 55 color photos.
Along with published sources, this book also relies on little-known or previously unpublished documents. The text is accompanied with photos of surviving uniforms, archaeological finds and period artworks, and is richly illustrated with the author's graphic reconstructions of period uniforms.
A full-color section is dedicated to the author's own plates, which show officers, NCOs, and privates of Charles XII's army during the Great Northern War. These eye-catching graphic reconstructions with detailed descriptions will be helpful for historians, artists, reenactors, and filmmakers. They will also be invaluable to those who are fond of historical figurines and to those who create their own tabletop armies to play out historical battles. 1 vol, 152 pgs
NEW-pb, available mid October 2022 ......$50.00
with a discount of 15% inc
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Shamenkov, Sergey CHARLES XII's KAROLINERS VOLUME 2: The Swedish Cavalry of the Great Northern War, 1700-21
Second volume in a series dedicated to the Swedish army of Kara XII. Examines the uniforms and equipment of the Swedish cavalry using rare and previously unpublished illustrative material, photos, black and white graphics, and color reconstructions of Swedish soldiers and officers by the author. Contains 50 b/w and 30 color illustrations. 1 vol, 136 pgs
2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available December 2023 ......$50.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Stansfield, Stewart EARLY MODERN SYSTEMS OF COMMAND: Queen Anne's Generals, Staff Officers and the Direction of Allied Warfare in the Low Countries and Germany, 1702-1711
Softcover. Includes 13 color and b/w illustrations, two maps, and nine tables.
The Anglophone history of the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14) in the Low Countries is dominated by military biographies of John Churchill, first Duke of Marlborough (1650-1722), and studies of the battles he fought. Yet while Marlborough exercised a profound influence as a statesman and general-operating as he did in a less flexible paradigm that could emphasize high-level actors at the expense of their subordinates-he did not direct his forces, or liaise with those of his allies, alone.
Throughout the conflict, Marlborough was variously aided, abetted, and disrupted by a number of general and staff officers. These officers provided the mechanism by which supra-regimental command was effected. While these individuals possessed military dignity according to their rank and station, their real authority in the army was in no small part drawn from the powers and duties delegated to them by the commander-in-chief, or assumed upon their own initiative. Clear chains of command in the modern form did not exist.
Such officers functioned not only as vital elements in their own army, but within the broader context of confederate warfare as a whole. They came from diverse backgrounds and possessed varying political affiliations, aspirations, and notions of duty. Their careers were governed as much by patronage and preference as any personal merit. A burgeoning sense of military duty was complicated by prejudice and the boundary between public and private endeavor was indistinct. Some officers gained wealth and financial security in the course of the war; others were ruined by the intrigues of themselves and others.
Early Modern Systems of Command explores the lives these individuals led on campaign and the nature of the apparatus of command they formed. Drawing upon a wealth of primary material-including sources hitherto unstudied-it examines topics as diverse as corruption, logistics, military justice and intelligence-gathering. Investigating not only the degree to which all actors, from the commander-in-chief down to his subordinate officers, were active in the decision-making processes of the campaign, but also the extent to which they contributed to the ongoing process of British and European military development. 1 vol, 318 pgs
NEW-softcover, available mid October 2018 ......$60.00
with a discount of 15%
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Summerfield, Dr. Stephen SAXON ARTILLERY 1733-1827
Development and use of artillery from before the Seven Years War to the end of the Napoleonic era. Lots of color uniform details and drawings of the guns and caissons. 1 vol, 216 pgs
NEW-dj ......$55.00
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This new, comprehensive study of the Musketeer Regiments (Grenadier, Fusilier, and Garrison Regiments will be dealt with separately) of the army of Frederick the Great reflects Frederick's own grading of his troops. It combines sources -- from the earliest available to the most recent studies -- to detail every regiment's campaign history, organization, uniforms, flags, and equipment.
Lavishly illustrated, the book contains 800 color drawings, including over 320 contemporary illustrations from Accurate (1759), Stammliste (1762), and Etat Militaire (1770) and later schematics drawn from Hans Bleckwenn, Eduard Bolz, and Hans Brauer. Depicted are 120 Leibfahne and Kompaniefahne flags including 40 M1713 flags used during the War of Austrian Succession. The 330 illustrations of uniforms and equipment include 170 drawings from the 1755 Lace Book. There are also nine maps, 20 orders of battle, and 18 tables. 1 vol, 272 pgs
NEW-dj, back in print, 2nd edition ......$60.00
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Following Stephen's acclaimed study of Prussian Musketeer uniforms (now out of print awaiting a revised edition) he turns his attention to the stunning uniforms used by the Fusilier regiments, the regiments being classified by the system devised by Hans Bleckwenn. This is the most detailed study to date, meticulously researched to provide a full service history for each regiment plus the most detailed study of their uniform, the fusilier caps, officer's uniforms & lace, musicians uniforms & flags. Essential, terrific. 1 vol, 224 pgs
NEW-dj ......$68.00
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First book in a series that seeks to untangle the story of French infantry flags of the period of the Seven Years War and of the Revolution and early Napoleonic Wars. Author has studied all of the available texts to list the complicated story of the evolution of regiments and their flags. Illustrated throughout in color with 364 plates, over 1,000 illustrations, 376 contemporary flags, and 26 tables. 1 vol, 215 pgs
NEW-hardback, available late December 2024 ......$71.00
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Sutton, Paul THE ANGLO-SPANISH WAR 1655-1660 Volume 1: The War in the West Indies
In 1655 Oliver Cromwell, England's Lord Protector, sent a fleet to attack and seize Spanish possessions in South America. The English was flexing its muscles on the international stage and for political, religious and commercial reasons chose to attacked a weakened Spain in the West Indies believing it a soft target. In late 1654 possibly the largest military force to date ever to leave English shores set sail from Portsmouth under the command of General Robert Venables and Admiral William Penn. 18-20 color ills
This book describes the reasons for war with Spain, the army and fleet assembled at Cromwell's bidding and its objective. The attack on Hispaniola in April 1655 will be explained in detail along with the reasons for its failure as will the occupation of Jamaica as will the beginnings of the Spanish war of resistance. A subsequent volume will recount the war on Jamaica from the end of 1655 until 1660.
This work draws upon extensive primary source material from England and Spain as well as the copious amounts of letters and narratives of soldiers and sailors present, from both sides. 1 vol, 336 pgs
NEW-pb ......$60.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Thomas, R.N.W. NO WANT OF COURAGE: The British Army in Flanders, 1793-1795
Provides considerable detail on the administrative structures necessary for the daily functioning of an army on campaign. Integral to this were the men engaged in staff positions, the commissariat and the medical departments, their suitability, how they were appointed, and their day-to-day responsibilities. Includes 11 b/w illustrations, 16 color illustrations, four maps, and 47 tables.
The internal organization of the British Army's fighting units is often taken for granted, but the start of any war during the 18th century inevitably led to rapid expansion and major developments in recruiting methods. As the proportion of recruits increased, unit cohesion and experience declined for both officers and men, affecting discipline, operational capability, and health; all factors which tend to be overlooked in standard campaign narratives. A key component of the fighting troops in Flanders were the Ordnance units, comprising the artillery and engineers, which are often neglected but so critical in providing firepower support and technical expertise. Similarly forgotten are the considerable numbers of women and children who officially accompanied forces in the field, all of whom came under military discipline and received their subsistence from the army. Their numbers, the roles they fulfilled and their experiences in Flanders are discussed in detail.
Underpinning the entire administrative structure of the army on campaign was its relationship with corresponding organizations at home. Performance in the field was heavily dependent on the effectiveness of working relationships on both sides. Structures evolved throughout the eighteenth century, becoming gradually more formalized with increased definition of the duties performed in each role, a process that was to continue until the defeat of Napoleon in 1815. The Flanders campaign represented a key point in this evolutionary process at the start of the French Wars. 1 vol, 330 pgs
NEW-pb ......$55.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Tonsetic, Robert L. 1781: The Decisive Year of the Revolutionary War
1781 was a year of battles, with Cowpens, Guilford Courthouse, and Yorktown among others. This book provides a detailed analysis of the key battles and campaigns of 1781, supported by numerous eyewitness accounts from privates to generals in the American, French, and British armies. He also describes the diplomatic efforts underway in Europe during 1781, as well as the Continental Congress's actions to resolve the immense financial, supply, and personnel problems involved in maintaining an effective fighting army in the field. 16 pages of illustrations. 1 vol, 288 pgs
NEW-dj ......$33.00
with a discount of 15%
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Urban, William BAYONETS AND SCIMITARS: Arms, Armies and Mercenaries 1700-1789
The 18th century marked a period of significant economic, political, and technological upheaval, which led to the American and French revolutions, and was to ultimately pave the way for Europe's domination of much of the world during the 19th century.
The wars and political maneuvering of Frederick the Great and Catherine the Great transformed Prussia and Russia into major players in European politics. France, the richest nation in the West; survived losing successive wars, then bankrupted itself assisting the Americans in an unnecessary war of revenge. Britain became the model of economic and financial efficiency and made itself supreme in North America, the Caribbean, and in India, only to face such financial troubles that its leaders antagonized its colonial subjects in America.
This new book traces the evolution of war making throughout this turbulent period - the politics, the weaponry, the organization of armies, and the transformation of mercenaries into professionals. 1 vol, 256 pgs
NEW-dj, available late October 2013 ......$40.00
with a discount of 15%
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von Hordt, Count THE ADVENTURES OF A FREIKORPS COMMANDER: Memoirs of Frederick the Great's Swedish Adventurer - Volume 1: 1697-1746
Facsimile of the 1806 edition but with new 18pp.introduction by Stephen Summerfield. Includes 6 maps and additional illustrations in text.
General De Hordt will be familiar to many because of his famous Freikorps Regiment. His story, as elaborated in his extraordinarily rare memoir, is a uniquely readable personal study of his life and times. It is rich with diplomacy at the highest level (De Hordt was well known at the courts of Sweden, Prussia and Russia) as well as remarkable insights into campaigning in the field. He left Sweden to join Dutch service in 1744; under the Duke of Cumberland he fought in the Fontenoy Campaign, then the Low Countries against Marshal De Saxe; after a short retirement he fled Sweden after a failed palace coup and accepted service under Frederick the Great -- forming his famous regiment. In 1758 he was taken prisoner by Cossacks and confined in the Peter-Paul Fortress until released by Tsar Peter III. His ended his career as a valuable companion for Prince Henry of Prussia on his missions abroad. Please note this is a facsimile of the original text. 1 vol, 272 pgs
NEW-hardback, available late June 2022 ......$40.00
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von Hordt, Count THE ADVENTURES OF A FREIKORPS COMMANDER: Memoirs of Frederick the Great's Swedish Adventurer - Volume 2: 1747-1762
Facsimile of the 1806 edition but with new 18pp.introduction by Stephen Summerfield. Includes 6 maps and additional illustrations in text.
General De Hordt will be familiar to many because of his famous Freikorps Regiment. His story, as elaborated in his extraordinarily rare memoir, is a uniquely readable personal study of his life and times. It is rich with diplomacy at the highest level (De Hordt was well known at the courts of Sweden, Prussia and Russia) as well as remarkable insights into campaigning in the field. He left Sweden to join Dutch service in 1744; under the Duke of Cumberland he fought in the Fontenoy Campaign, then the Low Countries against Marshal De Saxe; after a short retirement he fled Sweden after a failed palace coup and accepted service under Frederick the Great -- forming his famous regiment. In 1758 he was taken prisoner by Cossacks and confined in the Peter-Paul Fortress until released by Tsar Peter III. His ended his career as a valuable companion for Prince Henry of Prussia on his missions abroad. Please note this is a facsimile of the original text. 1 vol, 272 pgs
NEW-hardback ......$40.00
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von Hordt, Count THE ADVENTURES OF A FREIKORPS COMMANDER: Memoirs of Frederick the Great's Swedish Adventurer - Volume 3: 1763-1798
Facsimile of the 1806 edition but with new 18pp.introduction by Stephen Summerfield. Includes 6 maps and additional illustrations in text.
General De Hordt will be familiar to many because of his famous Freikorps Regiment. His story, as elaborated in his extraordinarily rare memoir, is a uniquely readable personal study of his life and times. It is rich with diplomacy at the highest level (De Hordt was well known at the courts of Sweden, Prussia and Russia) as well as remarkable insights into campaigning in the field. He left Sweden to join Dutch service in 1744; under the Duke of Cumberland he fought in the Fontenoy Campaign, then the Low Countries against Marshal De Saxe; after a short retirement he fled Sweden after a failed palace coup and accepted service under Frederick the Great -- forming his famous regiment. In 1758 he was taken prisoner by Cossacks and confined in the Peter-Paul Fortress until released by Tsar Peter III. His ended his career as a valuable companion for Prince Henry of Prussia on his missions abroad. Please note this is a facsimile of the original text. 1 vol, 272 pgs
NEW-hardback, available late June 2022 ......$40.00
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The largest rebellion in the history of Spain's American empire - a conflict greater in territory and costlier in lives than the contemporaneous American Revolution - began as a local revolt against colonial authorities in 1780.
As an official collector of tribute for the imperial crown, Jose Gabriel Condorcanqui had seen firsthand what oppressive Spanish rule meant for Peru's Indian population. Adopting the Inca royal name Tupac Amaru, he set events in motion that would transform him into Latin America's most iconic revolutionary figure.
Tupac Amaru's political aims were modest at first. He claimed to act on the Spanish king's behalf, expelling corrupt Spaniards and abolishing onerous taxes. But the rebellion became increasingly bloody as it spread throughout Peru and into parts of modern-day Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. By late 1780, Tupac Amaru, his wife Micaela Bastidas, and their followers had defeated the Spanish in numerous battles and gained control over a vast territory. As the rebellion swept through Indian villages to gain recruits and overthrow the Spanish corregidors, rumors spread that the Incas had returned to reclaim their kingdom.
Chapters: The Andes in the Atlantic World; From Pampamarca to Sangarara; A World without the Catholic Church?; The Rebellion Goes South; The Siege of Cuzco; In Pursuit of Tupac Amaru; Torment; The Other Side of the Lake; Southern Campaigns; The Pardon and the Cease-Fire; The Rebellion in Limbo; and Ordered by the Catholic King. 1 vol, 376 pgs
NEW-dj ......$30.00
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A fine, but not pretty, 8.5x5.5-inch booklet, includes overview of organization, tactics, flags, uniforms, and unit types covering regular, irregular, and border troops. 1 vol, 52 pgs
NEW-pb ......$10.00
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White, Charles Edward SCHARNHORST: The Formative Years, 1755-1801
Comprehensive study of Gerhard Scharnhorst in English uses the previous German studies as a starting point to present many unpublished discoveries about his youth, his education and training, his extensive service in Hanover, and the modernization program Scharnhorst sought to implement in Hanover, and later realized in part in Prussia.
Other than the author's The Enlightened Soldier: Scharnhorst and the Militarische Gesellschaft in Berlin, 1801-1805 (1989), there exists no other work on Scharnhorst in English. Of the major German works, Das Leben des Generals von Scharnhorst (1869/71), written by Hanoverian historian Georg Heinrich Klippel, was a popular biography with no critical analysis. In keeping with the political correctness of his time, Klippel failed to include a single document from Scharnhorst's voluminous papers that was disparaging toward the social, political, and military cultures in Hanover. Seventeen years later, Prussian historian Max Lehmann published (1886/87) his study of Scharnhorst, which corrected many of the flaws in Klippel's work, but failed to provide any critical analysis of Scharnhorst's modernization, especially as it applied to Prussia. Like Klippel, Lehmann complied with the political correctness of his time in Prussia and Germany. Rudolf Stadelmann, Scharnhorst: Schicksal und Geistige Welt (1952), is an incomplete fragment that offers some interesting insights. 1 vol, 436 pgs
NEW-softcover, available mid February 2021 ......$55.00
with a discount of 15% rct
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Whitworth, R. FIELD MARSHALL LIGONIER:Story of the British Army
Ligonier was one of the more important Generals of this period, with 7 plates and 8 maps this work on the British Army from 1702-1770 is scarce and important to any 18th century collection. 1 vol, 422 pgs
NEW-hardcover, Reprint of 1958 ed ......$75.00
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This book provides a radical new interpretation ofthe lesser German Princes during the 17th & 18thcentury, the author examines the importance of the'soldier trade', biblio, index. 1 vol, 296 pgs
NEW-softcover, in print at $69.00 ......$49.00
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10x11, covers the Design, Construction, Careers and Fates of British Warships in this crucial period. 200 illust/maps, appendices, biblio, index. 1 vol, 400 pgs
NEW-dj ......$100.00
with a discount of 15%
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Worton, Jonathan THE BATTLE OF GLENSHIEL: The Jacobite Rising in 1719
Its tercentenary is approaching, but the battle of Glenshiel is not well known. Glenshiel: The Jacobite Rising in 1719 therefore takes a fresh view of this curious and remarkable, but part-forgotten engagement. It was fought on 10 June 1719, during the long daylight hours of a summer evening in the mountainous western Highlands of Scotland. Glenshiel was the main and decisive engagement of the 1719 Jacobite rising, the fourth attempt by supporters in Scotland to restore the exiled house of Stuart to the throne of the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Led by a disunited group of clan chieftains and Scots notables returned from Continental exile, the Highlanders forming most of the Jacobite army at Glenshiel opposed forces of the government of King George I. These included regular soldiers of the British Army, as well as contingents of Highlanders loyal to the Georgian regime. Includes 5 color plates, 30 b/w illustrations, 26 b/w photos, and 4 maps.
With Scots fighting on both sides, the 1719 rising was on one hand a civil war, a continuation of the Jacobite wars, a protracted period of intermittent political and armed conflict affecting the British Isles from the late seventeenth to the mid-eighteenth centuries; and on the other hand was an extension of the wider European war of the Quadruple Alliance, ranging the powers of Great Britain, France, the Netherlands and Imperial Austria against Spain. For these reasons a battalion of white-coated Spanish infantry fought beside Jacobite clansmen at Glenshiel, while there were Dutch infantrymen in the opposing ranks of the government army.
Glenshiel today remains a remote place with a natural grandeur surpassing any other historically identified British battlefield. Historians have paid much less attention to the 1719 rising than to the much better-known rebellions of 1715-16 and 1745-46. Indeed, the fullest account of the 1719 rising was published as long ago as 1895. Glenshiel: The Jacobite Rising in 1719 therefore takes a new and long overdue view of the subject. The background and course of the rising is considered in detail, making use of published and archival sources to reconstruct the likely course of events. Chapters on the leading figures, and on the opposing armed forces, place the battle of Glenshiel within the contexts of the Jacobite period, and of early eighteenth-century European warfare.
Extensively illustrated, including specially commissioned artwork, Glenshiel: The Jacobite Rising in 1719 will appeal to readers drawn to the Jacobite period and to early eighteenth-century military history, to readers generally interested in Scottish and British history, and to the particular interests of model makers, wargamers and living history enthusiasts. 1 vol, 230 pgs
NEW-softcover, available mid February 2019 ......$40.00
with a discount of 15%
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