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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 3/20/2025

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price

1-195520 BORODINO '41 - WWII Eastern Front Battle for the Moscow Highway October 11-18, 1941. Based on the award winning Black Sea Black Death game system, Borodino '41 uses a map scale of 800 meters (one half mile) per hex, three or four impulses per daily turn, with infantry battalions and tanks and anti-tank guns by company (battery). The units are played mostly face down, with dummies, to recreate the Fog of War. Combat involves fire, and assault, which are influenced by troop morale, terrain effects, armor support, engineers, and various other specialized units. Included are some of the best troops of both sides, as well as Soviet reserve infantry, and tanks ranging from Pzkpfw IIIs and IVs, BT-7s, T-26s, T-34s, a few KV-1s, amphibious T-38s, and even a T-28 company without engines!

The game uses an updated version of the Black Sea system, with relatively little chrome and a high level of excitement. The impulse based game system keeps both players actively involved. Localized swings in initiative are common, and the situation presents many counterattack options for the Soviet player, even though he is on the operational defensive. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2011 US, CLASH OF ARMS
NEW-boxed game ......$36.00

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1-198790 AMATEURS TO ARMS; War of 1812 Historical simulation of the War of 1812, Americans vs. British/Canadians, that's playable in three hours or less. The game includes all of the theaters of battle including the US/Canadian border and the Great Lakes, the wilderness of the Northwest, the Atlantic Coast of the US, the civilized Indians of the South, and the site of Andrew Jackson's dramatic victory at New Orleans.

Components include: 22x34-inch period style map, deck of 150 full color cards, 352 5/8-inch full color counters, 30 wood expedition markers, multiple cardstock charts and player aids, 12-page rulebook, designer notes and historical commentary book, and two 10-sided dice. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2012 US, CLASH OF ARMS
NEW-boxed game ......$98.00

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1-914001G VAE VICTUS Board Game #1:Arnhem 1944 12 page all color rule set, easy game, scenarios. Full-color map is 15 x 22. One hex = 1km. Unit =1 bttn, co, or kampfgruppen, with step loss. Nice art on map and counters. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2009 PARIS, HISTOIRE & COLLECT
NEW-Board Game, ENGLISH TEXT ......$38.00 with a discount of 24%

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1-914003G VAE VICTUS Board Game #3: The Lion & the Sword The Lion & the Sword includes two 59 x 40 cm maps (one sheet backprinted), 216 double-sided die-cut counters and markers, and has rules and scenarios booklet and player-card aid in color.

Units: 1 point per 100 strength of combatants; Map scale: 250 m / hex; Turn: 30 minutes:
Complexity: 6 / 9

The game includes two battles won by Richard the Lionheart during the course of the Third Crusade, the first battle being fought in Cyprus against Isaac Comnenus and the second in the Holy Land against Saladin.

English text.
1 vol, 1 pgs 2010 PARIS, HISTOIRE & COLLECT
NEW-Board Game, ENGLISH TEXT ......$38.00

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1-914007G VAE VICTUS Board Game #7: Cassino 44 - The Allies Assault the Gustav Line May 11, 1944, at 23 hours, nearly 2,000 artillery opened fire on the German defenses on the Gustav Line. The French General in June (EFC) and the Poles, Canadians, Indians, and the British General Leese (8th Army) rushed forward to open the road to Rome while the General Clark (US 5th Army) performed a supporting attack on the Tyrrhenian coast.

Cassino 44 is a game in the series of Vae Victis' World War II magazine games (Ardennes 44, Alsace 44, Korsun 44, Targu Frumos 44, and Arnhem 44).

Operation Diadem followed after the unsuccessful attack the Gustav line during the winter of 1943-1944. In the town of Cassino and around the monastery of Monte Cassino, ruined by the massive bombing of February, the Green Devils of 1.Fallschirmjager Division supported by mountain troops would contest the Allied attackers until the night of May 17 to 18. The game examines the bitter nature of the melee between Polish, English, and German paratroopers. In the Liri Valley, the Allies needed to create gaps to run Canadian and British tanks down the road to Rome.

The game is packaged in cardboard sleeve format 21 x 29.7 x 0.5, containing: map sized 59 x 41 cm, 216 pieces and two-sided precut markers, a booklet rules and scenarios, and two-color play aids. 1 vol, 16 pgs 2012 PARIS, HISTOIRE & COLLECT
NEW-softcover ......$38.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-AAB52 AXIS & ALLIES 15MM MINIATURES:War At Sea BOOSTER 2 (5) miniatures and stat cards. 1 vol, 5 pgs 2008 US, AVALON HILL
NEW-box ......$12.50

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1-ST195 S&T #195:BORODINO & FRIEDLAND Contents: Friedland to Borodino, 1807-12 W. Gray
Korea 1950-51 J. Miranda
Commonwealth Div. in Korea B. Train
FYI Editors
Simulation: Borodino & Friedland W. Dippel & J. Werth
1 vol, 54 pgs 2001 CA, DECISION GAMES
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$25.00

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1-ST233 S&T #233:DAGGER'S THRUST RULES:Dagger's Thrust-Montgomery or Patton acrossthe Rhine in 1944, what if's; Airland Battle ofthe Bulge; The Chimurenga War 1966-1980; GeorgeHenry Thomas 'Rock of the Union' 1 vol, 62 pgs 2005 CA, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover with GAME ......$25.00

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1-ATO035 Berg, Richard AGAINST THE ODDS #35 - Boudicca: The Warrior Queen Boudicca, Boudica, Bunduca, Voadicia, Boadicea, Boudiga, are just some of the ways historians have spelled her name, which probably comes from a Celtic word meaning 'victory' (and is one of the reasons she was raised to national hero status during the reign of her namesake queen, 'Victoria').

Regardless of how the name is spelled, she meant 'trouble' for the Roman occupation of Britain. After her revolt succeeded in burning three major towns and slaughtering tens of thousands of Roman citizens and allies, the Emperor Nero seriously considered whether this distant land was worth the cost to stay. Governor G.S. Paulinus' remarkable victory - perhaps at the location later known as 'Watling Street' - reaffirmed Roman domination. They would remain in Britain for over 300 more years.

But it might have been different. Can you as the leader of a various cluster of independent Celtic tribes cause enough trouble and loss to make the Romans leave your island? Can you as the commander of scattered Roman troops snuff out the rebellion more effectively than Paulinus? Will London burn or be saved? These are your challenges in ATO issue #35, Boudicca: The Warrior Queen by Richard Berg.

Boudicca: The Warrior Queen represents a full upgrade of the 'Druid' game Richard designed for West End over 25 years ago. Along with great counters and map art (including the period road net and location of tribal centers), you'll find streamlined mechanics, more involved possibilities and 'what ifs?,' and a game driven by card play, somewhat like that used for 'Hammer of the Scots.' 1 vol, 60 pgs 2012 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-ziplock bag ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-ATO036 Berg, Richard AGAINST THE ODDS #36 - Defeat into Victory This issue's unique offering begins with the end of the monsoon season in 1944, where the strategic situation in Burma had changed. While Japanese fortunes had declined precipitously elsewhere, the build-up in Allied forces along the Burma/India border did not go unnoticed.

Determined to pre-empt any Allied attack, the Japanese launched an offensive of their own in May, the largest they ever launched outside of China, against the Allied positions in and around Imphal and Kohima. The battles that raged among the jungles and mountainous hillsides of the Indian and Burma frontier, and the subsequent Allied victory that followed in July, marked a fundamental and permanent shift in the war.

The Allied offensive in March 1945 was one marked by extensive planning and preparation, as well as bold and daring maneuvers that not only took the Commonwealth and Indian forces across the Irrawaddy River to Rangoon, but crushed the defending Imperial Japanese Burma Area Army.

Defeat into Victory, by designer Paul Rohrbaugh, covers this neglected aspect of WWII history, using a very interactive and easy to play (chit-pull activation system) design. The game map stretches from Dimapur in the north to Rangoon in the south. Rules cover supply (a crucial aspect in terrain that was among the most inhospitable of the war), various types of combat (fire, maneuver and assault), as well as morale and leadership. Rules also include random events (that simulate the effects of battles and decisions by higher-ups elsewhere), weather, Japanese suicide tank attacks (human combat destruction squads) and changing war goals. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2012 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-ziplock bag ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-914008G Bey, Frederick VAE VICTUS Board Game #8: Bellum Gallicum II (Caesar's Gallic Wars) Caesar's Campaigns in Gaul: The Gallic Wars.

The Helvetii decided in 58 BC, under pressure from Germanic tribes, to leave their lands (now in Switzerland) and emigrate to the Atlantic coast of Gaul. Caesar, proconsul for the provinces of Cisalpine and Transalpine Gaul, took the initiative in order to prevent a migration that would have greatly destabilized independent Gaul. He intercepted and massacred the Helvetii near Bibracte in the lands of the Aedui.

Next, answering a call from the Sequani, Caesar marched off to meet the Germans of Ariovistus in the east of Gaul, and defeated them in pitched battle. Julius Caesar had now become a player in the political balance of Gaul who could no longer be ignored. His army, although large enough to take on coalitions of several tribes, was nonetheless not strong enough to face a general rebellion in Gaul. He therefore had to continually play on the political divisions of the Celts in order to defeat them in detail. The balance sheet after the first two years of war, was excellent. Caesar had won three large pitched battles and beaten the most virulent tribes. His army had operated grouped together and had shown itself to be invincible in open country.

After four years of 'regional' operations, the war took off again with a revolt in Gaul that became progressively more widespread. United by a young and ambitious chief of the Arverni, Vercingetorix, the tribes of the whole of Gaul forgot their rivalries for a time in order to combine against the Romans. Vercingetorix' strategy in 52 BC was based upon refusing to engage in pitched battles, preferring instead guerrilla actions and a scorched earth policy. The inevitable and deadly conclusion of the campaign took place in Alesia where Vercingetorix was shut in, besieged and then forced to surrender. The last year of the war was just a formality. Gaul became Roman and would remain so for five centuries.

Bellum Gallicum II contains several independent scenarios and a campaign game covering the whole of the Gallic Wars. Will you be able, like Vercingetorix, to mobilize enough of the Gallic tribes to dishearten the Romans? Or, like Caesar, will you be able to lead the Roman legions to victory and conquer the Gaul?

Game components: 1 map 59 x 41 cm (23 x 16 inches), 216 die cut counters and markers, 1 rulebook including ten scenarios (written in French and in English), and 2 color player aids. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2012 PARIS, HISTOIRE & COLLECT
NEW-softcover, available mid to late January 2013 ......$38.00

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2-COM044 Bishop, Dennis COMMAND # 44: Dark Victory & Second Front Now! The Mexican assault on the Alamo. This game uses the Hougomont : The Rock of Waterloo system. A small group of Texans defend the fort of Alamo against the veteran army of Santa Ana. Victory is determined by how long the Texans can hold until they bite the dust as well as casualty level of the Mexicans. Includes 'dead markers' to indicate where soldiers have fallen. 1 vol, 60 pgs 1997 US, XTR PUBLISHING
V.GOOD-unpunched game supplement, no magazine ......$20.00 inc

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1-956015 Bomba, Ty World at War #15- Soft Underbelly:Italy 1943 The War in Southern Italy, 1943 (SU). It's an intermediate-complexity, two-player wargame simulating that historic World War II campaign. It may also be used to explore the 'what ifs' inherent in the situation had the German high command chosen to react to the Allied landings in a much different manner: making that effort's defeat Berlin's main strategic goal for late 1943 (Operation Wacht am Tiber). The design therefore combines factual historical detail with studied counter-factual analysis to present players with a situation that will be familiar to most of them, while at the same time allowing for an easy and seamless transition into the less certain realm of alternative history.

Each extra-large-hex on the 34x22' mapsheet equals 11 miles (18 km) when measured from side to opposite side. Each game turn represents between two and 15 days, depending on the exact time of year of each one. That is, as the autumn weather worsens, and attrition and the inevitable declines in soldier morale and force-robustness take their tolls, each game turn comes to represent a longer period of time. That approach allows for the smooth building into the system of what would otherwise be burdensome factors of weather, ground conditions, operational tempo, etc. Every ground unit represents a division or division-equivalent (176 large-size NATO-style).

The game uses the well-liked system originally created by Ben Knight for Victory in Normandy. There are approximately 14,500 words in the rules. A complete game of SU generally takes from four to five hours to complete, and it's suitable for solitaire play. Rules cover such things as: Allied end-run second invasions, Luftwaffe seaport raids, reinforcements, withdrawals, paratroop drops, naval gun support, both sides' army and corps organizational schemes, German tactical superiority, tactical and strategic airpower and much more.
1 vol, 62 pgs 2010 CA, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover with game ......$30.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-956016 Bomba, Ty World at War #16 - Partizan Partizan is a two-player, intermediate-complexity, historical simulation of the struggle between the Communists and the Axis occupation forces for mastery of Yugoslavia 1941-1944. The 228 iconic and NATO-style counter-mix includes the brigades and divisions of German, Italian, Hungarian, Croatian, Bulgarian, and Ustashi units, as well as all the Partisan forces and Marshal Tito himself (the Chetniks are handled abstractly). Partisan units' exact strengths are mostly unknown by the Axis player (via 'tried' and 'untried' counter-sides).

The 34x22-inch extra-large-hex map contains various infrastructure (warehouses, fuel dumps, bridges, and so on) as well as resource hexes representing strategic mineral deposits, such as bauxite, copper and chromium, which the Axis player must protect, along with routes from them back to Germany, while also guarding possible invasion beaches along the coast. 1 vol, 62 pgs 2010 CA, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover with game ......$30.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-COM034 Bomba, Ty COMMAND #34: DEATH AND DESTRUCTION - Russian Front 1942-44 Death & Destruction: 1942-44 on the Eastern front is an add-on gamette that allows extension of the play of Proud Monster through 15 April 1944.

The components include rules, one 13.5x18.5' mapsheet, one cardstock chart and table sheet, two cardstock turn record sheets, a card with holding boxes, a German replacement Army roster sheet and 1080 die-cut counters. 1 vol, 60 pgs 1990's CA, XTR PUBLSHING
V.GOOD-unpunched game supplement, no magazine ......$25.00

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1-WAHOO Bomba, Ty WAHOO!: The Battle of Washington July 8 1863 -- Board Game Alternate-history game covering the climactic 8 July 1863 Battle of Washington. One player takes the role of Robert E. Lee, commander of the Army of Northern Virginia, while the other player represents a combined Lincoln/Grant persona.

The game postulates that on the second day at the Battle of Gettysburg, the Confederate attack began earlier... Little Round Top was overrun and the bulk of the Army of the Potomac was forced to fall back on Baltimore to regroup.

The Confederate player is trying to conquer the City of Washington while (optimally) also destroying the Northerner's high command. The degree in which the Rebels succeed or fail is measured in victory points. This basically means, barring Lincoln's death, the Confederate player must gain control of the Capitol and the White House hexes to win. 1 vol, 1 pgs 1991 US, XTE CORP
NEW-softcover, inventory clear out ......$20.00 with a discount of 25% gam

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1-ST153 Cummins, Christopher S&T #153: Operation Felix 1940, and ZAMA (2 games) Features:

GAME: Zama: Roman Empire
Zama: Triumph of the Roman Way of War

GAME: Operation Felix: Gibraltar 1940
Operation Felix: The Assault that never was on the Rock of Gibraltar
To See Her Redcoats Marching from the Hill: The British Regimental System since
Hector Bywater: Great Pacific War
Intelligence Operations During the Napoleonic Wars 1 vol, 60 pgs 1992 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$20.00

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1-COM024 Gryner, Dr. Peter H. COMMAND #24: CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1938 Features:

Czechoslovakia, '38
- What If They'd Fought?
A Long Road Home
- The Czech Legion in Russia
Medical Department: East and West
- The State of Medicine in the 17th Century
The War in Nagorno-Karabagh
- Background and Developments
Backing Into Empire
- The Growth of Rome
The Strategy of Harold Godwinson
- How to Win a Battle and Lose a Kingdom
Fire vs Shock
- Tactics in the Age of Musket & Cannon
Czechoslovakia, '38, issue game
- Strategies for Czechoslovakia, '38
- Smithereens optional rules
- Antietam, Shogun Triumphant, Smithereens 1 vol, 60 pgs 1990's CA, XTR PUBLISHING
AS NEW-softcover, unpunched - available (1) copy ......$10.00 spc

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1-ATO028 Joslyn, Mike AGAINST THE ODDS #028: Tarleton's Quarter Tarleton's Quarter! is a game about the British attempt to win the American Revolution by invading the Southern colonies. The object of the British efforts in the South was to bring the four southern colonies-Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia-back under British sway after almost four years of uninterrupted Continental control. Ideally, the English wanted to 'restore civil government,' i.e., to return the South to its pre-war status with British governors, taxes paid to the Crown, and no expensive garrison to enforce the situation.

Map - One full color 22x34 mapsheet
Counters - 280 full color 1/2 die-cut pieces
Rules length - 12 pages
Charts and tables - 2 pages
Complexity - Medium
Solitaire suitability - Average

1 vol, 60 pgs 2010 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-ziplock bag ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-198780 Kettler, Ed STEEL TYPHOON: Scenario Book Scenario Book building on Clash of Arms' 'The Rising Sun.' Features 36 scenarios covering the biggest and most famous naval battles of WWII in the Pacific: Rabaul, Truk, the Marianas, Leyte, and Okinawa plus hypothetical scenarios that challenge the players with historical alternatives. Designed specifically for the Command at Sea 4th edition rules, Steel Typhoon, along with the data supplements 'American Fleets' and 'The Emperor's Fleet' completes the picture of the USN versus the IJN in the Pacific Theater during the latter half of World War II. Includes three full-color countersheets with all the ships, aircraft, and game markers to make the Pacific War come to life on your tabletop. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2012 US, CLASH OF ARMS
NEW-pb, only one copy available, first come first served ......$44.00 with a discount of 33%

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1-956022 Miranda, Joseph WORLD AT WAR 22: Minsk '44 The second game in Joseph Miranda's new East Front Battles Series, which began with Guards Tank in issue 13 -- covers the crucial exploitation phase of the great Soviet summer offensive against the Germans' Army Group Center, in June of 1944. The game utilizes the classic quad series rules' mechanics and a retreat-emphasizing differential combat system to encourage encirclement tactics, so typical of Soviet armor strategy during World War II.

Minsk is a two-player (Soviet versus German) operational level game. The game includes 228 medium-sized die-cut counters, with the division as the primary maneuver unit, and also includes air units, untried units, blown bridge markers, and headquarters units. The colorful map features the area of the Third Belorussian Front during Operation Bagration, with each hex representing approximately 2 miles across, and includes such prominent locations as Berezina and the transportation center of Minsk.

The rules entail a variety of standard and unique rules, such as Railroad Movement, 'What if' Optional Reinforcements, Blowing Bridges, Untried Units, and the full range of historical unit formations, such as 5th Guards Tank Army, and the 505th Heavy Armor unit, etc.

Victory in the game is determined by the accumulation of VP for control of important hexes, as well as evacuating friendly units

Other articles include:

* Green US Forces at Kasserine, 1943. The fierce German counterattack against rookie US forces in North Africa that led to Patton's promotion to army command.
* Savo Island. A revisionist interpretation of this near-miss Japanese naval victory off the coast of Guadalcanal late in 1942.
* Hitler's Military Conferences. An analysis of the procedures Hitler used to arrive at his big military decisions 1 vol, 62 pgs 2011 CA, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover, inventory clear out ......$30.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-ATO033 Moore, Perry AGAINST THE ODDS #33: Meatgrinder Two years after the last US troops left Vietnam, People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) General Van Tien Dung launched Operation 275, a 'limited' offensive designed to set up an attack on the provincial capital of Pleiko. Rapid collapse of South Vietnamese (ARVN) forces caused a change in plan, with PAVN forces quickly taking one city after another, pausing only before an attack on Saigon itself. Based on previous performance, when three full PAVN divisions, supported by tanks and ample artillery, attacked one depleted ARVN division at Xuan Loc, Dung expected a cake walk. What he got was a Meatgrinder instead.

For two bloody weeks, a division regarded as 'unreliable' held back everything the PAVN could throw against them, inflicting heavy losses. No one, on either side, expected such heavy fighting. And hardly anyone thought that this would actually be 'the last battle' of a 30 year conflict. It was.

Now, Against the Odds lets you refight this key moment in history, with Meatgrinder: Battle for Xuan Loc, 1975. The design uses a variable initiative system that keeps both sides uncertain, and features all the weapon systems that made this battle, and this period, so distinctive. The ARVN player employs cluster bombs, daisy cutters, M-48 tanks, and helicopters against seemingly overwhelming numbers of PAVN troops, artillery, and T-54 tanks. Leadership, close assaults, and airborne operations are also included...all the tools for attack and defense that made this a classic confrontation.

Bonus Items Included: All copies of this issue contain an extra solitaire game, Bloody Hunlikely! covering Atilla's rampage across Europe, plus a small expansion kit (rules and counters) for our earlier The Pocket at Falaise featured in ATO #27. Don't miss this one! 1 vol, 60 pgs 2012 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-ziplock bag ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-246660 Mori, Paolo BATTALION: War of the Ancients (Wargame) Tile-based wargame inspired by epic battles from ancient history. Choose a faction, consider its ranks, assemble them into units, and carefully balance their orders and sustain your forces in the field. The unique traits of each rank tile will make your units stronger, but combine too many and your units will become unwieldy. Play as the Roman legions, the Han dynasty, the Greco-Bactrian cavalry, or Hannibal's Sacred Band of Carthage.

Number of Players: 2 or 4
Ages: 14+
Time: 20-45 minutes
Components: 1 rulebook, 144 tiles, 70+ cards, 24 tokens, 2 boards, 6 dice, and 4 sector markers. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-box, available mid November 2024 ......$65.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-ATO039 Nunez, Andy AGAINST THE ODDS # 39: These Brave Fellows Austerlitz was Napoleon's classic battle, in his own estimation, but it was not the only battle of the war and had a the battle at Durenstein three weeks earlier gone differently, Austerlitz may have garnered another meaning, if it would have happened at all.

As Napoleon and most of his army headed for Vienna, the French VIII Corps chased the Austrians out of Bavaria. VIII Corp commander Marshal Edouard Mortier separated his cavalry, leaving him without recon, and his three-division advance straggled. The lead division under Gazan stumbled into a trap set by Russian Army commander Kutuzov.

The battle lasted for hours as Gazan's French division battled Russian forces that outnumbered it 4-1 in infantry, 20-1 in guns, and 'lots' to 'almost nine' in cavalry. Yet the Russians exhausted, starving, and freezing -- hardly in condition to be launching an assault. Still, had not Dupont's division covered a day's march in half the time, the stalemated outcome may have proved different. Although both sides claimed victory, Gazan lost 60% of his division.

The wargame includes 22x34-inch full color map, 216 9/16-inch full color die-cut counters, charts, and only 10 pages of rules.

The magazine also includes other articles and columns, including a Wally Simon article on Napoleonic game design edited and enhanced by Russ 'Snappy Nappy' Lockwood, The Evolution of a Superior Warrant Officer in South American Military History, profile of The Incomparable Ninth Legere, and more. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2013 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-ziplock bag ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-914004G Olivier, L and Stratigos, N VAE VICTUS Board Game #4: From Overlord to Berlin Overlord in Berlin is a strategic wargame simulating the end of the Second World War in Europe on all fronts: East (USSR), West (Normandy), and South (Italy). A player controls the forces of the Axis and must resist as long as possible to pressure the Allies. The other player leads the Soviet and Western Allies and must destroy Nazi Germany and its satellites.

The simulation begins in June 1944 with the landing in Normandy in the west, the fall of Rome in Italy, and Operation Bagration in the East. It will take hard fighting to grab Berlin in 1945.

Scale: Units are fronts, armies, and corps. Map of Europe covers areas of France to the USSR.

The cardboard sleeve contains: 216 precut pieces, 1 map 59 x 40 cm, 1 rules booklet, and 2 game aids. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2010 PARIS, HISTOIRE & COLLECT
NEW-game ENGLISH edition ......$38.00

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1-914005G Olivier, L and Stratigos, N VAE VICTUS Board Game #5: The Victories of Marshal Saxe - Fontenoy 1745 and Lauffeld 1747 From 1745 to 1747, during the War of Austrian Succession, Marshal Saxe won a series of victories against the allied armies -- the most famous of them was at Fontenoy. After a brilliant maneuver, he lured the English Army under the Duke of Cumberland to a prepared battlefield studded with redoubts. After furious fighting, the French army bent but did not break as Saxe ordered a counterattack that ultimately drove the English from the field.

Saxe again faced the Duke of Cumberland at Lauffeld on July 2nd, 1747. This time, the French attacked and defeated the Anglo-Dutch-Austrian army, which escaped only through the sacrifice of the English cavalry.

2 card format 59 x 40 cm (two-sided printing)
216 pre-cut pieces and markers
Booklet of rules and scenarios
Map Scale: 300/400 m per hexagon
Units: regiments and brigade 1 vol, 1 pgs 2011 PARIS, HISTOIRE & COLLECT
NEW-softcover, available Mid August 2011 [French and English] ......$38.00

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2-COM054 Perello, Pete COMMAND #54:When Dragons Fight When Dragons Fight is an operational level game on the hypothetical invasion of Taiwan by the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) circa 2003-2004. The simulation is based on the premise that the PRC opens with a massive missile attack and is able to use their economic and military leverage to keep America out of the conflict. With no foreign power intervening, the PRC must conquer the island within 15 days or the Republic of China (ROC) wins. The war itself is conventional and fast-paced.

The game is of low-to-intermediate complexity. The system covers a wide spectrum of modern operational warfare, including rules for amphibious landings, air mobility, and land and air combat. Victory is determined for the PRC by seizing a significant portion of the island's population centers, which would render Taiwan's continued existence as an independent country economically and strategically impossible. The Taiwanese win through denial of Communist Victory Points or the capture of the landing beaches.

Units portrayed are mainly brigades and divisions, ranging from about 5000-10,000 men, and some 50-250 armored fighting vehicles in the mechanized units. The game map covers the entire island of Formosa (also known as Taiwan) with terrain types limited to clear, beach, mountain, cities & large towns, rivers and highways. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2000 US, XTR PUBLISHING
V.GOOD-unpunched game supplement, no magazine ......$22.00 inc

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2-COM040 Pfost, Richard COMMAND #40:Buena Vista & Moscow Burning (2) games Buena Vista is a simulation of the 23 February 1847 battle between Zachary Taylor's American Army of Occupation and Santa Anna's Army of North Mexico. Santa Anna hoped to defeat Taylor's force before returning south to stop Winfield Scott's invasion of central Mexico. this game only covers the second day of the battle (the decisive period of this conflict). The colorful map shows six types of terrain found around Buena Vista Hacienda as it existed in 1847.124 counters, of which 16 are double-sized, one 22'x34' mapsheet, 7 pages of rules. This game is of low complexity and can be played by two people in about 3 hours.

Moscow Burning is a 'what if' game simulating the first 30 days fighting that could occur in the Russian ethnic heartland if that nation's current experiment with capitalism and 'democracy' fails.
Though the game does allow for the accidental or terrorist detonation of individual nuclear weapons, it does not simulate the possiblity of a new Russian Civil War escalating into any kind of strategic nuclear exchange. The game system contains no ZOC, replacement or supply rules. Hex control and unit loyalties are the primary components to winning. Militia, regular Russian army and Ministry of the Interior units start the game without having any particular identification, indicative of the confusion and fluidity inherent in the opening phases of the conflict, while the Elite units are more crucial to determining the course of any new civil war in Russia and bear the specific I.D.s of their real-world counterparts. A player can bid with VPs to change the loyalties of elite units. Militia is converted by occupation of a city through advance after combat. 1 vol, 60 pgs 1996 US, XTR PUBLSHING
V.GOOD-unpunched game supplement, no magazine ......$10.00 inc

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1-COM025 Raicer, Ted COMMAND #25: WHEN EAGLES FIGHT - WWI in the East Game covers the entire Eastern Front of The Great War from 1914 to the end. Game 25 miles/hex , 1-2 months/turn, 171 counters, and 22x34-inch map. Includes magazine.
1 vol, 60 pgs 1990's CA, XTR PUBLISHING
AS NEW-unpunched game ......$20.00

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1-ATO032 Rinella, Michael AGAINST THE ODDS #32: Birth of a Legend - Lee and the Seven Days The Seven Days Campaign, fought from June 26th to July 2nd, 1862, represented the Union's finest chance to put an early end to the American Civil War, and the Confederacy's best shot at 'bagging' an entire Union Army.

Virtually unknown when appointed to command the month before, Gen. Robert E. Lee promptly renamed his force The Army of Northern Virginia, defining a future theater of operations the present defenders of the swampy ground east of Richmond could scarcely imagine. Aggressive and imaginative by nature, Lee summoned virtually every spare unit the South could muster for that rarest of Southern advantages, numerical superiority.

His planned counterattack, a massive turning operation designed to roll back the divided Yankee forces and seize their main supply base, would ultimately fail to destroy all Union forces due to inexperience and command failures. Yet Lee so dashed and demoralized the Union leadership at all levels that the Army of the Potomac could do little more than defend and then evacuate the peninsula 'prison camp it had been forced into. Here indeed was where a legend was born..

This area-map game includes one 22 by 34 inch area map, 176 large counters, and 16 pages of rules and charts with extensive examples of play, designer notes, and variant rules. Complexity - Medium, Solitaire suitability - Low, and Playing time - Up to 4 hours.

Bonus Item: All copies of this issue contain a small expansion kit (rules and counters) for our earlier There Must Be a Victory game featured in ATO #26. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2011 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-ziplock bag ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-COM036 Rothwell, Stephen COMMAND #36: SS Panzer - Bloodbath at Kursk SS Panzer is a simulation of the tank battle near Prokhorovka on 12th July 1943 at the climax of the Kursk Battle. It pits the German 2nd SS Pz Corps against the Soviet 5th Gds Tank Army.

Game Scale is 500m per hex, each unit companies for Germans and battalions for Soviets. Each game turn represents one hour. 1 vol, 60 pgs 1990's CA, XTR PUBLSHING
V.GOOD-unpunched game supplement, no magazine ......$18.00 inc

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1-COM020 Tschanz, David COMMAND #20: CORTES - Conquest of the Aztec Empire Two-player wargame that covers the epic three month siege of Tenochtitlan, the climactic 1521 battle for control of Mexico. Game includes 14 pages of rules, 144 5/8-inch counters, and a 22x34-inch map. Includes Human Sacrifice Rules. Includes magazine. 1 vol, 60 pgs 1990's CA, XTR PUBLISHING
AS NEW-unpunched game ......$25.00

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1-ATO2010 Various AGAINST THE ODDS 2010 ANNUAL: Four Roads to Moscow Shortly after Directive #21 was issued in 1940 authorizing the attack on the Soviet Union, Hitler personally intervened to assign it the codename to which it would henceforward be known: Barbarossa. He chose as his paragon the Germanic hero and twelfth-century Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I, known as 'Barbarossa' from the Italian for 'redbeard.'

Why did Barbarossa fail? Four veteran designers -- Mike Rinella, Ted Raicer, Roger Nord, and John Prados -- combine to offer four different games to address this question through the eyes of four veteran game designers. Each drew some very different and startling conclusions.

This ATO Annual offers four complete simulations plus the usual supersized magazine.

Four Roads to Moscow

Maps - Four full color 17x22-inch mapsheets
Counters - Four sheets of full color die-cut counters
Rules length - app. 8 pages each game
Charts and tables - app. 1 page each game
Complexity - Medium
Solitaire suitability - Average
Playing time - Up to 3 to 4 hours for each game, 12 to 16 hours to play them all. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2010 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-Game/Magazine, one copy, First Come, First Served - Out of Print ......$55.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-ATO2012 Various AGAINST THE ODDS 2012 ANNUAL - Forlorn Hopes Forlorn Hopes covers the entire two-month campaign for the region, using a system that fully integrates air/sea/land operations. Derived from the popular titles 'Chennault's First Fight' and 'Operation Cartwheel' (both published by ATO), this game give both sides difficult choices in facing their different challenges.

The Allies are spread thin and facing multiple routes by which the enemy can attack. They know the maxim that 'those who defend everything defend nothing' but deciding what NOT to hold is difficult. You must make the Japanese pay for every gain...

The Japanese face an enemy already in control of much of the battlefield and fighting with their backs to the wall. They have a schedule crunch and must weigh to benefits of using high cost assets to gain objectives. The cost of success at too high a price is long term failure -- and who will tell the Emperor?

BOTH players can choose to increase their available forces, representing greater emphasis in overall planning. But the reinforcements come at a cost in victory points that could tip the scales to the enemy. Both sides are charged with using assets as effectively as possible. This is not an easy win for either side.

Includes one full color 22x34-inch mapsheet, 288 full color die-cut 5/8-inch counters, 16 pages of rules, 4 pages of charts and tables, medium complexity and low solitaire suitability. Playing time from 2 to 10 hours, depending on the scenario. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2013 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-box, Game/Magazine, one copy, First Come, First Served ......$55.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-CH041 various CRITICAL HIT: Vol 4 No 1 Volume 4, Number 1 of Critical Hit Magazine comes with new expansions for Advanced Squad Leader.

Included are the following articles:
* Fighting Soldiers from the Sky (ASL paradrops)
* Big Cat's Den (Designer Notes and play notes for that scenario)
* Cold Reception (Scenario replay of that scenario)
* Dictum Concentrate (ASL strategy article)
* SW Teams and MG Crews (variant rules)
* The Weapons Pit (variant rules)

There is also a countersheet with a few new vehicles and the 'Weapons Pit'

Also, it contains the following scenarios:
CH73: THE STAND OFF; 18 September, 1941; Outside of Romny, Russia
CH74: TROTEVAL FARM; 24 July, 1944; Near Verrieres, France
CH75: THE BIG CAT'S DEN; 19 August, 1944; St. Lambert-Sur-Dives, France
CH76: HURTGEN HELL; 6 October 1944; Hurtgen Forest, Germany
CH77: DROP ZONE A; 24 March 1945, Two miles west of Hamminkeln, Germany
CH78: THE OUTSKIRTS OF LEMBERG; 12 September 1939; Lemberg, Poland
CH79: BAR's AGAINST PANZERS; 26 December 1944; Verdenne, Belgium
CH80: CUT THE LINE; 17 December 1941; Route 1 near Ragay, Bicol Peninsula, the Philippines 1 vol, 52 pgs 1997 US, CRITICAL HIT, INC
NEW-softcover, inventory clear out ......$20.00

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1-ATO030 Webster, J.D. AGAINST THE ODDS #30: The Lash of the Turk With the fall of Jerusalem, Europe learned a new synonym for boogeyman: 'Turk.' Organizing the Moslem forces of the Middle East with discipline and training, the Turks recaptured the Holy Land and gradually took over the rest of Asia Minor and spread into Europe like a slow tide, including capturing Constantinople and swallowing the remnants of the Byzantine Empire and the Balkans. Presuming extreme cruelty, various European leaders called for new crusades, to free fellow Christians from 'the Lash of the Turk.'

Game rules stress ease of play, but give players lots of options, including river movement and combat, siege rules, forage, and political turncoats. Four different scenarios let you juggle the strengths and weaknesses of the principle leaders for both sides, along with Austrian, Hungarian, Transylvanian, Tartar, Turk, Bavarian, Polish, and Franconian troops and appearances from other nationalities. Can you can hold off the Turks? Can you conquer new lands for Allah?
1 vol, 60 pgs 2011 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-ziplock bag ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-ATO031 Webster, J.D. AGAINST THE ODDS #31: Hungarian Nightmare Rumble on the Danube! Magazine and WWII wargame covering the 1944-45 battle for Budapest, where 79,000 surrounded Axis defenders held out against heavy odds before succumbing to Soviet assaults. Less than 1000 Axis troops made it out of the city and back to German lines.

Hungarian Nightmare puts you in the difficult command situations for both sides. The Soviets have two full 'fronts' worth of troops, plus a corps of their newly gained (and doubtful quality) Romanian troops, while the Axis player commands a hodge-podge of various unit types of widely ranging enthusiasm. German units include remnants of two SS cavalry divisions, panzer kampfgroups, rear-area units, and strays, while Hungarian units are even more diverse, with everything from assault gun companies to police units and WWI veterans, with some troops ready to hold on to the bitter end and others looking for an early opportunity of melting away. The Axis player struggles with dwindling fuel, supplies, and manpower energy, while the Soviet player competes with a difficult time-table and the loss of key units to repel relief efforts. In game terms, the actual historical result would be a draw, thus each player has the opportunity and the challenge to do better.

Designed by Mark Stille (North Wind Rain, Imperial Sunset, Wintergewitter), Hungarian Nightmare offers 400 counters, an area-movement map of the cities, with each space about one square kilometer, and three-day turns that cover the entire, brutal campaign. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2011 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-ziplock bag ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-ATO034 White, Jeremy AGAINST THE ODDS #34: Right Fierce & Terrible The 100 Years War naval battle off the coast of Flanders in 1340. The Battle of Sluys was a decisive victory for Edward III that gave the English command of the Channel and insured that the rest of the war would be fought on French soil. Includes archery, ramming, grappling, and desperate melee, aimed at wearing away the enemy fleet's morale.

Color 22 x 34-inch map and full one-inch counters. The 'battlefield' of harbor and estuary is 'built' as the game progresses, meaning that no two experiences will be quite the same. Seven scenarios allow you to explore the questions that have puzzled historians for years, and the two to three hour game play and quick-set-up diagrams mean you can try one approach and swap sides to try another, knowing much will be different this time around. Edward III was wounded at Sluys but won one of his most important victories. Can you change history?

Also includes solo wargame in which a player flies WWII Luftwaffe ME-109s and FW-190s against a crippled B-17 heading back to base. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2012 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-ziplock bag ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-ATO037 Woloshen, Mark AGAINST THE ODDS #37 - For Bloody Honor, The Russian Civil War Against the Odds lets you explore the tangled facets of the Russian Civil War, with the historical situation exemplified by a game that handles two to four players with up to three of them commanding the 'White' Russian factions! (In multi-player games, if the Reds are defeated, the game isn't over yet!).

For Bloody Honor captures the interactions of political influence, railways, foreign intervention, and the discord among the White factions that gave the Bolsheviks their best chance to win in a battle against - as it seemed to them - their internal enemies and the whole Western Alliance. (Yes, there were British, French, Canadian, Australian, Indian, Japanese, and even US troops fighting in Russia as late as 1920 and even later for the Japanese).

For Bloody Honor includes 10 game turns, each representing four months of real time from the end of 1918 to the end of 1921, and driven by chit pull which will guarantee no two turns are alike. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2012 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-ziplock bag ......$35.00 with a discount of 25%

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