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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 3/20/2025

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Late 17th Century

1-247330 FLAGS OF THE LATE STUARTS 1660-1714: England, Scotland, and Ireland The text is in German, but contains color illustration throughout. Contains flags, standards, and guidons of the guard and line regiments as well as the Irish and Scottish brigades. 1 vol, 130 pgs 2024 GERMANY, EDITION PETERSTOR
NEW-hardback, [German text] available late January 2025 ......$100.00 rct

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1-70190 RUSSIAN NAVY OF PETER THE GREAT (8) color plates, b/w illust/maps, ships, uniforms 1 vol, 48 pgs 2002 MOSCOW, ACT PUBLISHING
NEW-hardcover, translation ......$20.00

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1-666109 Abad, Ruben Saez LA GUERRA DE LOS NUEVE ANOS EN CATALUNA The Nine Years War with Catalonia, often called the War of the Grand Alliance or the War of the League of Augsburg, was a major war of the late 17th century fought between King Louis XIV of France, and a European-wide coalition, the Grand Alliance, led by the Anglo-Dutch Stadtholder-King William III, Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I, King Charles II of Spain, Victor Amadeus II of Savoy, and the major and minor princes of the Holy Roman Empire.

Fought primarily on mainland Europe and its surrounding waters, it also encompassed a theater in Ireland and in Scotland, where William III and James II struggled for control of the British Isles, and a campaign in colonial North America between French and English settlers and their respective Indian allies, called 'King William's War' by the English colonists.

The main fighting took place around France's borders: in the Spanish Netherlands; the Rhineland; Duchy of Savoy; and Catalonia. The fighting generally favored Louis XIV's armies, but by 1696 his country was in the grip of an economic crisis. The Maritime Powers (England and the Dutch Republic) were also financially exhausted, and when Savoy defected from the Alliance all parties were keen for a negotiated settlement.

By the terms of the Treaty of Ryswick (1697) Louis XIV retained the whole of Alsace, but he was forced to return Lorraine to its ruler and give up any gains on the right bank of the Rhine. Louis XIV also accepted William III as the rightful King of England, while the Dutch acquired their Barrier fortress system in the Spanish Netherlands to help secure their own borders. However, with the ailing and childless Charles II of Spain approaching his end, a new conflict over the inheritance of the Spanish Empire would soon embroil Louis XIV and the Grand Alliance in a final war - the War of the Spanish Succession. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2016 SPAIN, ALMENA
NEW-pb, [Spanish text] available early May 2016 ......$28.00

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1-230030 Abram, Andrew THE ENGLISH GARRISON OF TANGIER: Charles II's Colonial Venture in the Mediterranean, 1661-1684 Assesses the raising, equipping, and composition of the standing army of Charles II and the role played by the garrison of Tangier between 1661 and 1684 as well as the wider military, political, and strategic context of expansionism and warfare in Europe. Includes 43 b/w illustrations, four b/w photos, nine maps, and 53 tables.

When Charles landed in Dover in 1660 he inherited two regular armies, both owing him allegiance. First, the New Model (by then regular or standing army) was in England under Monck. Second was a force of exiled royalists in Flanders and Dunkirk. Neither army was in particularly bad health, although being much in arrears of pay. On paper, the New Model Army was an effective power, but its morale was broken by the events leading to the Restoration.

The exile army (Charles II's 'Forgotten Army') was a body of Irish, Scottish, and English soldiers fighting with the Spanish and habituated to periods of hardship and privation. The acquisition of the Moroccan city of Tangier via the marriage agreement between Charles II and Catherine of Braganza, daughter of John IV of Portugal, in May 1661 brought about a period of English occupation, which lasted until 1684. England garrisoned and fortified the city against hostile Barbary forces. 1 vol, 382 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late March 2022 ......$65.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-224140 Ackermann, Karen editor The Role of Native Americans in Military Engagements From the 17th Century to the 19th Century This volume explores the Indian-on-Indian interactions from the 17th through the 19th centuries, with a focus on military encounters. The essays are arranged in a roughly chronological order, beginning with early contacts in 1609 between the Lenape and Dutch in the Delaware region, and the Mohawks and French in New France. The Wiechquaeskeck of southwestern Connecticut also deal with the Dutch in Governor Willem Kieft's War in the early to mid-17th century. The Abenaki (1694), Shawnee (1791), and the southeastern U.S. tribes (mid-19th century) deal with incursions on to their lands. The final essay looks at the St. Albert Mounted Rifles, a corps of the Canadian Militia, in 1885, which was composed mostly of Metis men.

In these essays, the Native Americans, whether working with the whites or against them, are active participants in constructing their lives under the impact of the early European arrivals and their descendants. 1 vol, 284 pgs 2020 US, HERITAGE BOOKS
NEW-softcover ......$25.00 rct

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2-207510 Blackmore, David DESTRUCTIVE AND FORMIDABLE: British Infantry Firepower 1642 - 1765 In the 17th and 18th centuries, the British Army's victories over the French at battles such as Blenheim in 1704, Minden and Quebec in 1759, and over the Jacobites at Culloden in 1746, were largely credited to its infantry's particularly effective and deadly firepower. For the first time, David Blackmore has gone back to original drill manuals and other contemporary sources to discover the reasons behind this.

This book employs an approach that starts by considering the procedures and practices of soldiers in a given period and analyses those in order understand how things were done and, in turn, why events unfolded as they did. In doing so, he has discovered a specifically British set of tactics, which created this effectiveness and allowed it to be maintained over such a long period, correcting many of the misconceptions about British infantry firepower in the age of the musket and linear warfare in a major new contribution to our understanding of an important period of British military history. Includes 14 line diagrams. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2023 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-225140 Carter, Stephen Fighting for Liberty - Argyll & Monmouth's Military Campaigns Against the Government of King James, 1685 Account of the campaign of 1685, the so-called Monmouth Rebellion, which started in Orkney and ended on the battlefield of Sedgemoor. Includes 30 illustrations and 30 maps.

After the political purges of 1683, rebel Whigs planned an invasion of Britain to restore the liberty of Parliament and stop the divine rule by Kings. They have vast stockpiles of the latest weapons, including bayonets, grenades, and firelock muskets. On the death of Charles II in February 1685, and the succession of his brother James, they loaded ships with soldiers, arms, and ammunition.

Led by the Earl of Argyll and the Duke of Monmouth, an audacious plan will attack in three strategic locations, supported by an uprising in London. With enough drums, colours, and officers to raise three well-led and paid armies, the fight for liberty began.

To counter this threat, the Government of King James locked down the country, closing borders and arresting dissenters. As the Militia struggled to contain the invasions, and with the Whig armies growing day by day, James rushed regular forces to the landing sites. But even with a network of spies and the nation's military resources in play, James still struggled to gain the initiative against the Whig invaders.

For centuries, historians have ignored the planning and logistical aspects of the conflict, instead the focus has been on the personalities of Monmouth, Marlborough, and James II. However, the military campaign reveals the true scale of the conflict, it shows us forgotten skirmishes and naval actions. By returning to the original sources to understand Whig strategy, the events in England and Scotland merge into a single operation against the Government of James. Fighting for Liberty describes the whole campaign, from the initial planning by the Whigs, to the military reaction by the Government. Each army movement is placed in the historic landscape, and the detail of every battle covered; from the weapons, uniforms, and drill, to the Regiments deployed. For the first time, the campaign of 1685 is shown as a Whig invasion, that placed the Government and its unprepared forces on its back foot. It is not a forgone conclusion, instead it is a fight between two professional armies, with commanders struggling to gain the initiative, both facing different operational challenges.
1 vol, 354 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-912096 Carter, Stephen SCIENCE OF ARMS: The Art of War in the Century of the Soldier 1672 - 1699 Volume 1 - Preparation for War and the Infantry Combines all the great military treatise of the 17th century, with the original illustrations to form a unique depiction of the art of war as learnt by all the officers, and generals of the age into three volumes. This first volume introduces the 17th century concept of the just war. Includes the evolutions, drills, postures, and tactics of the infantry from the lowest private to the colonel. Explains the duties of the general and his staff. Details the Ordinance Park, plus the weapons and equipment needed to wage war. Includes 150 b/w images, diagrams, and tables.

The second volume covers the disciplines of the cavalry and the artillery, fighting a campaign and winning in battle. The final volume tackles the construction, defense, and the attack of fortifications in the age of Vauban. 1 vol, 334 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-912123 Carter, Stephen SCIENCE OF ARMS: The Art of War in the Century of the Soldier 1672 - 1699 Volume 2 - The Cavalry, Artillery and Conduct of War The second volume of Science of Arms explains the duties and disciplines of the cavalry, how the artillery and ordnance operated, and how the general conducted a military campaign and engaged the enemy. Seeks to fill in the gaps found in eyewitness accounts, clarifies the unconscious behavior of the officers, and brings to life the battle plans. Combines the great military treatise of the 17th century with original illustrations to form a unique depiction of the art of war as learnt by all the officers and generals of the age. Contains 137 black and white illustrations. 1 vol, 360 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-228840 Chaivie, Frederic THE NEW KNIGHTS: The Development of Cavalry in Western Europe, 1562-1700 From the middle of the 16th century to the early years of the 18th century, cavalry experienced significant changes in doctrine, deployment, and the equipment it used. The Men-at-Arms, carrying lances and arranged in large formations, were replaced by more lightly-armed cavalrymen fighting with swords and pistols in new and more flexible tactical formations. Includes 85 b/w illustrations, 7 b/w maps, and 5 diagrams.

These transformations have often been interpreted as a symbol of decline in the cavalry, an archaic arm, a conservator of chivalric values, incapable of adapting to the new transformations in the art of war. This book aims to deconstruct this simplifying vision by focusing on an analysis of what constitutes the principal combat action of heavy cavalry: the charge. While centered on France, this study refers to the whole of Europe. The battlefields of the French Wars of Religion to the War of the Spanish Succession are examined in detail, along with the types of cavalry, their equipment and how they performed on the battlefield. 1 vol, 242 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early December 2021 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-220953 Chartrand, Rene THE ARMIES AND WARS OF THE SUN KING 1643-1715: Volume 3 - The Line Cavalry, Dragoons and the Irish Wild Geese The Cavalry: This section describes what was by very far Europe's largest cavalry force. It included the Gendarmerie de France, which was a privileged division between the guards and the line cavalry. The line cavalry evolved from a fairly standard heavy cavalry force in the 1640s to a more complex arm of the service that first added numerous dragoon regiments in the 1670s, a division of rifled-armed elite carabiniers in the 1690s and also the advent of Hussars as light cavalry at that time. The peculiar organization of the cavalry with its Mestre de Camp General, Colonel General is also described and some of its personalities had rather colorful careers. Arms, accoutrements and dress of the cavalry are discussed and also, the horses and the never-attained challenge of furnishing enough for some 60,000 troopers in the 1690s. By comparison, British cavalry hovered at about 7,000. This included efforts to develop better breeding and the advent of 'dressage' as we know it today from France's Louis XIVs era.

The Wild Geese: This expatriate force of Irish officers and men formed quite a different type of force. They were not mercenaries as other foreign regiments. They either belonged to the army that came with James II to France and, in the 1690s, formed his distinct army or served in the Irish regiments that formed a division within the French army. The Sun King subsided everything and it was a very good investment. One benefit was that he gained Berwick, a leading future marshal of France. The Irish were fine soldiers and, in time, also integrated into French society with success in government and business besides the army.

As in previous volumes, the last part of Vol. 3 features a large appendice listing all the regiments of the French cavalry from 1643 to 1715. Other appendices concern uniforms as described in the main contemporary sources. There will further be at least one appendice on opponent armies, certainly the Austrian army in this volume. Another topic is a list of French Protestant regiments in the British army. Includes 144 b/w illustrations, 32 pages of color plates, and 23 b/w maps.
1 vol, 312 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late November 2020 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-220954 Chartrand, Rene THE ARMIES AND WARS OF THE SUN KING 1643-1715: Volume 4 -- The War of the Spanish Succession, Artillery, Engineers and Militias This fourth and final part of our study concentrates on the early 18th century War of Spanish Succession. It was the largest and most difficult conflict in Europe since the Thirty Years War and unsurpassed until the Napoleonic Wars. It started because of Bourbon France and Habsburg Austria's conflicting candidates to the Spanish that soon involved other nations such as Great Britain and the Netherlands. It was mostly fought on three fronts: Flanders, northern Italy and Spain. Due to various factors, it proved to be a very difficult period for the Sun King. During the first decade, there were repeated and massive defeats in Flanders and Germany where French princes and marshals proved to be unequal to the genial Duke of Marlborough and the competent Prince Eugene.

The hard-pressed French forces in the northern Italian front eventually collapsed in 1706. The Spanish front, although it started badly for Felipe V, the French pretender, things improved and the allied troops supporting the Austrian Carlos III were decisively defeated in 1707, again in 1710 and finally at Barcelona in 1714. Meanwhile, following the hard fought battle at Malplaquet, the main French armies, that were amazingly resilient reflecting the nation's tenacity from the Sun King to the humblest folks, now had some success under Marshal Villars culminating in the strategic 1712 victory at Denain.

This led to many previous allied gains now being lost. This was happening when Great Britain basically withdrew its support for the war. The treaties signed from 1713 basically gave the Sun King and France what it most wanted: Felipe V as King of Spain and its empire. It was a hard fought conflict but, in the end, France won.

The study then discusses the economic and the serious climactic effects notably brought about by the awful winter of 1708-1709 in France that was also severe in other countries. The economic pressure was enormous on the Sun King's government, but it finally managed to go through it thanks to the amazing resilience of the French economy. French histories often state it was catastrophic, yet Britain's economy had a national debt rising up to four times faster than France's and this was obviously a factor in Britain's withdrawal from the alliance. Includes 212 b/w illustrations and maps and 32 pages of color illustrations. 1 vol, 316 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid July 2021 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-220955 Chartrand, Rene THE ARMIES AND WARS OF THE SUN KING 1643-1715: Volume 5 -- Buccaneers and Soldiers in the Americas This volume covers near-perpetual hostilities during the 16th to the early 18th century in the West Indies and much of coastal Latin America largely caused by the newfound fantastic riches of the Americas. Details the buccaneers, militia, and regular troops of the era and the support provided by France's Sun King Louis XIV to thwart Spain. Includes 102 b/w illustrations, 24 b/w photos, 50 color illustrations, 2 color photos, 58 maps, and 2 tables.

Spain claimed the continent with its gold and silver, often eliminating foreigners by the sword. French and British corsairs and later settlers and soldiers nevertheless occupied small islands; in 1655, a British expedition occupied much larger Jamaica. Meanwhile, mostly French adventurers were roaming in the wilderness of western Haiti (then called Saint Domingue). So began a loose organization of buccaneers.

France's Sun King Louis XIV saw the opportunity to secure his small islands and Guyana by sending troops, ships, and weapons while discreetly providing support to buccaneers in Saint Domingue. Regular French troops, buccaneers, and the navy often united their efforts in expeditions such as the capture of Cartagena de Indias and Rio de Janeiro. They also fought in the Pacific and, after 1700, even escorted Spanish treasure fleets. Louis XIVs efforts were successful and, by 1715, the French domain was sizeable and amongst the most lucrative anywhere.

The remaining chapters and appendices outlay the organization of regular troops, notably the hitherto largely unknown establishments of Compagnies Franches de la Marine (independent companies of the navy) as permanent garrisons in the West Indies and Guyana, their services, lifestyles, weapons, uniforms and colors. The buccaneers will also be similarly presented and readers may expect huge differences with cinema buccaneers, the real one being in dirty linen clothes armed with distinctive buccaneers muskets of renowned accuracy and their own standards and colors.

Militiamen were also very important and often fighting. Their organization, which included Afro-Caribbeans, as well as weapons, costumes, and known uniforms are presented. Fortifications, especially their West Indian peculiarities, are further discussed. A chronology of most battles, appendices and annotated bibliography round out the work. 1 vol, 340 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early January 2023 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-242680 Chartrand, Rene ARMIES AND WARS OF THE FRENCH EAST INDIA COMPANIES 1664-1770: European, Asian and African Soldiers in India, Africa, the Far East and Louisiana Discusses the origins of the French East India Company and the need to maintain their own private armies and navies that were independent from those of the King of France, leading to the formation of the Compagnie des Indes in 1719. Details how the French company expanded, and when they became involved in the politics of the crumbling Mughal Empire in India, the number of European soldiers was expanded by enlisting thousands of Indian soldiers who were given European training, weapons, and sometimes uniforms. Also discusses locations such as different training centers, the various roles soldiers took such as marines on company ships, as well as the creation of different units with distinct uniforms. Contains 189 black and white illustrations, photos, and maps, 12 color plates, and 35 color illustrations. 1 vol, 354 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early March 2024 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-912041 Chartrand, Rene THE ARMIES AND WARS OF THE SUN KING 1643-1715: Volume 1 - The Guard of Louis XIV Volume 1 deals with the Sun King's early years, from his birth in 1638, the resounding victory of Rocroi when he was five and a child king, the unstable years of the Fronde civil wars, his seizure of absolute power in 1661, the initial foreign military adventures, and the French army's blitzkriegs of 1667-1668.

This is followed by a look at the command systems, short biographies of the senior officers, their own guards, their lifestyles and orders of chivalry. Closing with several chapters on the Royal Guard including their more mundane or obscure duties with their battle record, uniforms and material culture. Of the appendices, the largest is devoted to the opponent Spanish army of the 17th century. Includes about 200 illustrations, most in color, taken from contemporary sources joined by many works by now nearly forgotten 19th century eminent military illustrators such as Marbot, Titeu, Philippoteaux, and JOB.

As a bonus, each volume has five especially commissioned color plates of three figures each showing usually never before seen uniforms reconstructed from descriptions and three especially commissioned color plates showing colors and standards. 1 vol, 246 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-912050 Chartrand, Rene THE ARMIES AND WARS OF THE SUN KING 1643-1715: Volume 2 - The Infantry of Louis XIV Volume 2 concerns the wars, military politics, and geo-strategy from 1672 to 1688 and notably includes events in eastern Europe that had much influence on the Sun King's western fronts. The French line infantry units will be described as well as their recruitment, services, lifestyles, tactics, weapons, colors, and uniforms. 1 vol, 246 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-235500 Childs, David NEW WORLDS OLD WARS: The Anglo-American Indian Wars 1607-1678 From the moment English settlers arrived in the New World, they encountered the native population, principally due to disputes over land ownership. To assert their rights to the country, which the English had been granted by their king without the consent of the local tribes, the English relied on their more modern weaponry. However, the settlers soon found that bows and arrows along with superior tactics and marksmanship by the Amerindians (once they had obtained muskets), made the fighting far more balanced than the settlers anticipated.

In the first war fought in Virginia (made famous by several interventions of the Powhatan princess Pocahontas), the English were almost driven out of America. They only survived thanks to reinforcements that met the fleeing settlers just before sailing back to England. Besieged behind the wooden walls of Jamestown, the English lost far many more people to disease and starvation than were killed in Amerindian attacks.

By 1635, several of the new rival colonies including the Dutch, cast covetous eyes over the broad reaches of the Connecticut River. Rather than negotiate a deal with the Pequot (the dominant native tribe), the English used a pretext to march upon the unsuspecting major Pequot settlement at Mystic where they massacred the men, women, and children. They continued to pursue and slay any survivors they chanced upon.

In 1675, threatened by land grabs, the Wampanoag leader, nicknamed King Philip, rose up against the colonists and destroyed several villages. The English in turn, marched against their one-time allies, the much larger Narragansett tribe, and once again, massacred them in their secluded swampland fort.

With most outlying settlements razed to the ground, the English were forced to adopt Amerindian tactics and in Benjamin Church they found a man who adapted and adopted native fieldcraft to become the founder of The Rangers. Church managed to track down and kill Philip -- his death brought the war in most of New England to an end. However, in Maine, the Abenaki continued to fight and to win, driving most of the settlers out of their coast-hugging townships. Many of the Abenaki were tricked into surrender and sold into slavery but by 1678, a treaty was signed that returned land to the Abenaki and the English agreed to pay tribute to the Amerindians. The failure to honor these arrangements led to six more wars between the two sides.

In the end, the seemingly endless supply of new settlers and replacement weaponry meant the English eventually would win over the land and exterminate the tribes. But while the numbers were more evenly matched, the outcome of these wars was very much in doubt. 1 vol, 202 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early January 2023 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-204110 Childs, John NINE YEARS WAR AND THE BRITISH ARMY Between 1689 and 1697 the British army fought as a member of the Grand Alliance against Louis XIV. Despite the military and political significance of the European conflict, this book is the first historical investigation for over a century dealing with the operations of the principal campaigns in the Low Countries.

The book explores the diplomatic origins of the Nine Years' War and then focuses on the detailed organization of the British, Dutch, and other allied armies and the conduct of the operations. The specific campaigns are also examined and in particular the author looks at the strategic and tactical role played by the British.

This campaign and operational study of the British army will be of interest to both specialist and general military historians, as well as to political historians. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2014 US, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$35.00

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1-27740 Church, Thomas edited by Samuel G. Drake HISTORY OF PHILLIP'S WAR Covers the Indian Wars of 1675, 1676, 1689, 1690,1692, 1696 and 1704. Numerous extracts from period documents, Drake provides notes about people and places referred to in the text. 1 vol, 360 pgs 2001 BOWIE, HERIATGE PRESS
NEW-softcover, Facsimile of 1827 Ed ......$30.00

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1-48730 Dalton, Charles SCOTS ARMY, THE:1661-1688 Details the commanders, provides regiment lists,muster rolls, extensive appendicies, index of the581 officers who rcvd commissions in the period. 1 vol, 320 pgs 1989 LONDON, GREENHILL BOOKS
AS NEW-dj, o/p ......$60.00

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1-194820 de la Touche Lt General Desfarges and des Verquians, J.V edited by Michale Smithies Three Military Accounts Of The 1688 'Revolution' In Siam The coup d'etat of 18 May, 1688 in the Siamese 'Versailles' at Lopburi led to the establishment of the last Ayutthayan dynasty. But it was not just another internal palace coup in face of the imminent death of the reigning monarch, Narai. For the King's favorite, Phaulkon, had been instrumental in bringing a French expeditionary force into the country in October of the previous year, which had secret orders to seize Bangkok, the 'key of the kingdom', and Mergui, its chief port on the Andaman Sea. Phaulkon's original plan was to place Frenchmen in key positions in the country, perhaps with a view to ruling through a pliant successor, but the unexpected appearance of so many troops eclipsed that project and Phaulkon's hold on power.

The powerful courtier, Petracha, head of the elephant corps, playing on nationalist feelings and throughout 1688 outmaneuvered both Phaulkon and the French. Phaulkon was killed on Petracha's orders and the French were forced to surrender in Bangkok before being allowed to leave. The French general, Desfarges, played a treacherous role in these affairs, abandoning Phaulkon at a crucial juncture and refusing to give shelter to his widow in the French fort, largely because he wished to keep the money Phaulkon had handed to him for safe-keeping before he was betrayed.

Desfarges left an account to justify his actions, hoping to escape the rope on his return to France (he died beforehand). One of the officers sent to Mergui, Lieut. de la Touche, also wrote an account of events in this momentous year, describing the retreat from Mergui, his being taken prisoner and tortured, and his eventual release and return to Bangkok. The engineer in charge of the fortifications in Bangkok, des Verquains, also wrote an account of events, rich in information concerning the treachery of Desfarges, whom he hated, and his treatment of Phaulkon's widow. He goes on to describe the final ignominy of the French, being seized on their return voyage, at the Cape of Good Hope and made prisoner by the Dutch. These three illuminating texts have been brought together and translated from the French for the first time, and throw a great deal of light on the failure of the French to colonize Siam at the end of the 17th century.
1 vol, 192 pgs 2002 THAILAND, ORCHID PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$22.00

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1-60440 Ede-Borrett, Ede ARMY OF JAMES II Brief history of the British Army 1685-1689, flags, uniforms, organization, equipment, account of Sedgemore, list of Colonels, biblio. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2003 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$10.00

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2-60440 Ede-Borrett, Ede ARMY OF JAMES II Brief history of the British Army 1685-1689, flagsuniform, organization, equipment, account ofSedgemore, list of Colonels, biblio. 1 vol, 60 pgs 1999 UK, RAIDER PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$10.00

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1-215120 Ede-Borrett, Stephen The Army of James II, 1685-1688 - The Birth of the British Army Between James' accession in February 1685 and flight in December 1688 the British Armies increased four fold (the English, Scots and Irish Armies were still separate institutions and were to remain so until the early 18th Century, in the case of the Scots, and the early 19th Century in the case of the Irish); from a small force of little more than ceremonial and policing use to a fully-fledged Army with all of its necessary supporting arms and services. Over 60 b/w ills, 8pp colour ills incl. uniforms, flags & paintings, 12 tables

Respected historian Correlli Barnett wrote: 'It might well be said that if the British royal standing army was in fact founded at one given time, it was between 1685 and 1688, and that James II was the army's creator.' James himself said his Army had '.the reputation of being the best paid, the best equipped and the most sightly troops of any in Europe.' At the time there were political complaints about illegality of a 'new standing Army' with a 'new Cromwellian military dictatorship' (and on a point of law a standing army was still illegal), in 1689 the new King, William III, kept James' Army in being and within a few years it was to become the Army which led the victories at Blenheim and elsewhere of the Great Duke of Marlborough, who had himself been a General in James' Army.

It has been said that amongst William's reasons for accepting the British Crowns was a fear that the British Army would serve in alliance with Louis XIV against him. Despite this, James' part in the creation of the British Army is often deliberately overlooked or ignored. The political aspects of James' reign, and thus of the Army, are well covered in numerous works but this book looks at the creation of the enlarged Armies of England, Scotland and Ireland - their uniforms and flags, organization and weapons, their drill and their strength, their pay and their Staff. Researched primarily from contemporary documents and manuscripts, including those in the rarely accessed Royal Library at Royal Archives at Windsor, it will go a long way to restoring these years, and the last Stuart King, to their true importance in the creation of the British Army.
1 vol, 208 pgs 2017 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid October 2017 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-222920 Endsor, Richard THE MASTER SHIPWRIGHT'S SECRETS: How Charles II built the Restoration Navy This fascinating book reveals the many secrets of King Charles II's shipwrights through an analysis of Deptford master shipwright John Shish's plans for the Tyger (two-deck, fourth-rate warship), revealing innovative practical calculations which differ significantly from the few contemporary treatises on the subject and the complicated process of constructing the moulds necessary to make the ship's frame. All the other duties performed by the master shipwrights, such as repairing ships, controlling their men and keeping up with the latest inventions are also discussed in detail.

Includes detailed illustrations of the construction of the Tyger and explores both its complicated history and its complex rebuilding, complete with deck plans, internal sections, and large-scale external shaded drawings. The title also explores associated ships, including another fourth-rate ship, the Mordaunt, which was purchased into the Navy at the time and underwent a dimensional survey by John Shish. A rare contemporary section drawing of another fourth-rate English ship and constructional drawings of Shish's later fourth-rate ship, St Albans, are also included. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2020 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available late March 2020 ......$85.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-218420 Graham, D. P. LORD MOUNTCASHEL: Irish General - Justin MacCarthy in the Service of James II and Louis XIV, 1673-1694 Justin MacCarthy (later Lord Mountcashel) was born into a notable family of Irish Jacobites, loyal to the exiled Stuarts, and grew up in France. Their Irish land was regained after the Restoration of Charles II but Justin, as the youngest surviving son, sought a career in the French army (as both his father and oldest brother had done).

In 1673 he joined an Irish regiment in French service. He served under the legendary French marshals Turenne and Conde against the Dutch and their Imperial allies and by 1676 was commanding the regiment. He became part of the personal circle of the Catholic Duke of York, the future James II and, after the latter's accession in 1685, Justin helped to transform the Irish army into a Catholic one.

When James II was deposed in the 'Glorious Revolution' of 1688 and fled via France to Ireland, Justin was one of the most experienced commanders resisting William's invasion. Unfortunately MacCarthy was defeated at the Battle of Newtownbutler (1689), wounded and captured. He escaped and again went into exile in France, where he was the first commander of the famous Irish Brigade until his death in 1694. 1 vol, 248 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available early November 2018 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-216150 Harris, Simon THE OTHER NORFOLK ADMIRALS: Myngs, Narbrough and Shovell Biography of three 17th/18th century Norfolk admirals: Cloudesley Shovell, John Narbrough, and Christopher Myngs. Narbrough and Shovell came from the small North Norfolk hamlet of Cockthorpe and Myngs from nearby Salthouse. In the 1660s, Myngs was the captain, Narbrough the lieutenant and Shovell the lowly cabin boy in the same ship. It is also possible that they were all related at least by marriage. In the majority of the naval wars of the second half of the 17th and the early 18th centuries, one or other of them was invariably present.

Cloudesley Shovell was born to a yeoman farmer; he entered the Navy whilst still a boy and, in 1676, came to national prominence by burning the four ships of the Dey of Tripoli right under the castle walls -- gaining a gold medal from Charles II. Later there was a spectacular falling out with James II over the new king's Catholicism. Following Narbrough's premature death, Shovell married his widow: effectively the cabin boy marrying the admiral's widow which is unique in British naval history.

Brave to a fault, in the reigns of William and Mary, and Anne, Shovell became the leading fighting admiral of the age. In 1707, at the very height of his considerable powers, Shovell and nearly 2,000 men drowned after his ships were wrecked on the rocks of Scilly. According to his grandson, Shovell arrived on the shore alive and was then brutally murdered for the sake of an emerald ring on his finger. Faulty navigation was at the heart of Shovell's demise; did he keep his appointment with the celebrated scientist, Sir Isaac Newton, to discuss longitude? New theories concerning the causes of the disaster are examined and also the fate of his gold dinner service.

Explorer, navigator, consummate sailor and naval administrator, John Narbrough was all this and more. No biography of Narbrough has been produced for 85 years and much new material has come to light in this time. For example the rediscovery of the ship, the Nuestra Senora de la Concepcion from which Narbrough was trying to salvage sunken Spanish silver when he died from a mysterious illness.

In addition, the British Library recently raised a large sum of money to buy Narbrough's journals of his voyage [1669-71] into the Pacific Ocean and up to, what is now, modern day Chile. He illustrated his journals with paintings of the flora and fauna plus accurate depictions of the harbors that he visited. On his return journey, Narbrough became the first Englishman to sail through the Strait of Magellan from west to east.

In the 1650s, out in the West Indies, Christopher Myngs played very much the part of an Elizabethan buccaneer with repeated attacks on the Spanish Main. After helping himself to treasure that more properly belonged to the state, he was shipped home to England in semi-disgrace. However, in the run-up to the Restoration of the monarchy, the authorities did not think it appropriate to discipline the most popular man in the Navy.

Later, at the Four Days' Battle of 1666, Myngs leading the English van, would attempt to fight on despite having his face shattered by a musket ball. Six days later, he died at his home in London and was buried in an East London churchyard which has now become a seedy park. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2018 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj, available early February 2018 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-68080 Hoglund, Lars-Eric SCANIAN WAR 1675-79:Colours and Uniforms 8.5x11, covers the war between Sweden and an alliance of Brandenberg, Denmark & Holland, eight color pages of 80+ colors/standards and twenty uniforms. 1 vol, 74 pgs 2002 SWEDEN, ACEDIA PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$55.00

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1-237690 Hornborg, Eirik CARL GUSTAV ARMFELT: The Struggle for Finland during the Great Northern War Biography of General Carl Gustav Armfelt describes his role in defending the eastern frontier of the Swedish empire from Russian forces during the Great Northern War 1700-21. In 1718, he was commander of a small Swedish-Finnish army that retreated from besieging Trondheim after the death of Charles XII. Setting off on the final stage across the mountains on New Year's Day 1719 the army was struck by a blizzard harsher than any in living memory, and an orderly withdrawal turned into what has become infamously known as the Carolean Death March. It concludes with Armfelt's final years in Finland after the war. Includes 53 b/w illustrations, 17 color illustrations, 9 b/w maps, and 6 color maps. 1 vol, 284 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid July 2023 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-238180 Kling, Stephen Battle of Poltava The Battle of Poltava is a low to moderate complexity tactical game covering the climatic battle of the Great Northern War in 1709. The game takes about 90 minutes to play. One player commands the Swedish forces and the other player commands the Russian forces.

AGE: 14+
TIME TO PLAY: 90 Minutes
DESIGNER: Stephen L. Kling, Jr.

48 game pieces (5/8' inch)
A single rulebook (4 pages)
20 game cards
CANVAS game map (11x17' inch)
1 six sided die 1 vol, 1 pgs 2022 US, THE HISTORICAL GAME COMPANY
NEW-box, available mid August 2023 ......$40.00 rct

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1-247450 Kling, Stephen BATTLE OF VIENNA: Wargame The game takes about 90 minutes to play. One player commands the Allied forces of Austrian, German, and Polish troops, and the other player commands the Turkish forces besieging Vienna. Cards vary game play.

Contents: 64 game pieces (5/8 inch counters), rulebook with design notes, 20 game cards, one 11x17 inch canvas map, and one six-sided die. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2024 US, THE HISTORICAL GAME COMPANY
NEW-box, available late January 2025 ......$40.00 rct

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1-216470 Laramie, Michael KING WILLIAM'S WAR: The First Contest for North America, 1689-1697 King William's War encompassed several proxy wars being fought by the English and the French through their native allies. The Beaver Wars was a long running feud between the Iroquois Confederacy, New France, and New France's native allies over control of the lucrative fur trade. Fueled by English guns and money, the Iroquois attempted to divert the French fur trade towards their English trading partners in Albany, and in the process gain control over other Indian tribes.

To the east the pro-French Wabanaki of Maine, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick had earlier fought a war with New England, but English expansion and French urgings, aided by foolish moves and political blunders on the part of New England, erupted into a second Wabanaki War on the eve of King William's War. Thus, these two conflicts officially became one with the arrival of news of a declaration of war between France and England in 1689 following the 'Glorious Revolution,' the coronation of King William III and Mary II.

The next nine years saw coordinated attacks, including French assaults on Schenectady, New York, and Massachusetts, and English attacks around Montreal and on Nova Scotia. The war ended diplomatically, but started again five years later in Queen Anne's War. Includes 25 b/w illustrations and maps. 1 vol, 344 pgs 2017 US, WESTHOLME PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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1-912105 Louth, Warwick MONMOUTH'S FIRST REBELLION: The Later Covenanter Risings, 1660-1685 In July 1685, the Duke of Monmouth led his rebel army to defeat at Sedgemoor. In recent years highlighted for his attention to logistics and popular support, in spite of this, it always seems amazing that Monmouth was willing to risk such an initiative, with little more than hurriedly raised local militias. Yet this is to belittle Monmouth's experience six years previously, when sent with a Government army, to suppress a Whig Covenanter Rising in South West Scotland.

In 1679, after the Battle of Drumclog, the Covenanters formed a coherent force along conventional lines, besieged Glasgow, and forced the Scot's Establishment Government army to seek English support. Far from being a local 'Pitchfork Rebellion' this was something different. What did Monmouth see in these Covenanters that convinced him such an armed force could be effective in 1685? Includes 90 b/w ills & photos, 11 maps, 62 tables, and 16 color illustrations. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early March 2023 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-205830 Lunde, Henrik A WARRIOR DYNASTY: The Rise and Fall of Sweden as a Military Superpower, 1611-1721 This fascinating book describes the rise and fall of the Swedish Empire in the 17th and 18th Centuries, events that could be viewed as impossible through the prisms of traditional elements of national power. Sweden was basically an agrarian society with a population of only 1.3 to 1.5 million.

However, as described in this book, the case of Sweden does not negate the traditional elements of power. Along with superb leadership and pure military skill, Sweden was able to compensate for its weaknesses in resources- manpower and finances-in the Thirty Years War by foreign resource mobilization. This horrific conflict exists in collective memory as the worst travail in German history, even worse than the Black Death and the world wars.

The twin shortfalls of manpower and finance haunted Sweden after the Thirty Years War as it tried to defend and expand its empire once foreign resource mobilization was no longer feasible, particularly on the financial side. This lack of resources eventually led to the downfall of the empire when beset by a host of enemies, including Russia, which delivered the fatal blow to Swedish arms deep inside Ukraine.

In this work renowned military historian Henrik O. Lunde unveils a fascinating chapter of Western history that is seldom seen or recognized by English or American readers 1 vol, 336 pgs 2014 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-58730 Lynn, John A. WARS OF LOUIS XIV, THE:1667-1714 A 'tour de force' by the leading authority, a comprehensive look at the forty years of war waged by Louis XIV, an explanation of both the strategy logistics of the various campaigns, maps, biblio

Table of Contents
List of maps
1. Prologue: International and Internal Conflict 1500-1661
2. Louis XIV Gloire and Strategy
3. The Army, the Navy and the Art of War
4. Wars of Glorie: The War of Devolution and the Dutch War
5. Violence and State Policy: Reunions, Mediterranean Expeditions and Internal Struggles
6. The Great Miscalculation: The Nine Year's War
7. The Final Contest: The War of the Spanish Succession
8. The Wars of Louis XIV in the Context of the History of War
Bibliographical Essay
1 vol, 421 pgs 2012 LONDON, ROUTLEDGE PRESS
NEW-pb ......$68.00

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1-195730 Malleson, George Bruce PRINCE EUGENE OF SAVOY George Bruce Malleson (1825-98) was a British army officer and military historian. This volume, first published in 1888, contains his detailed biography of the highly successful military commander Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663-1736), providing valuable insights into the methods and strategies of warfare during this period. 1 vol, 302 pgs 2011 UK, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$36.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-248250 Marsigli, Luigi THE OTTOMON EMPIRE: 1683-1732 A contemporary description of the Ottoman Army covering the late 17th to early 18th century. The author was captured by the Ottomans and eventually entered their service. This is a detailed description of the armed forces of the Ottomans, filled with contemporary drawings and images. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2023 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available late April 2025 ......$40.00 rct

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1-224020 Mather, Increase edited by Samuel G Drake The History of King Philip's War A Brief History of the War with the Indians in New England which was first published in late 1676, just a few months after the end of the war, along with the account of the same war written about twenty years later by Cotton Mather, as it was published as the seventh part of the latter's history of New England, Magnalia Christi Americana in 1702. Drake, who was a founder of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, editor of the first fifteen volumes of the Register, and a prominent antiquarian and historian, has added an extensive introduction and numerous informative notes. Drake's annotated edition of these works was published in 1862.

Increase and Cotton Mather were, respectively, the son and grandson of Rev. Richard Mather, the immigrant minister of Dorchester, Massachusetts, and the founder of one of New England's most prominent families. The Mathers were prolific writers and collectors, and the extant materials from their libraries, much of which is now preserved at the American Antiquarian Society, are an invaluable historical resource. 1 vol, 284 pgs 20124US, HERITAGE BOOKS
NEW-pb, available mid July 2020 ......$27.00 rct

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1-217880 McNallly, Michael ST. RUTH'S FATAL GAMBLE: The Battle of Aughrim 1691 and the Fall of Jacobite Ireland In 1685, James, Duke of York, ascended to the thrones of England, Ireland, and Scotland. As the first Catholic monarch in 150 years, many believed that his reign would be short and that he would be succeeded by his eldest daughter Mary, a Protestant, who was married to her cousin William, Prince of Orange and Stadtholder of the United Dutch Provinces. Includes eight-page color section, 39 b/w photos, 4 b/w illustrations, and 7 maps.

James' close ties to King Louis XIV of France served to fuel the fires of discontent, and when a male heir was born in June 1688 a number of nobles and clergymen, fearing a backlash of Catholic absolutism, invited William of Orange to take the throne. William duly invaded, and after a desultory campaign, James fled the country for refuge in France, it being claimed that his flight constituted a legal abdication but whilst William sought to consolidate his position in England and Scotland, the Earl of Tyrconnell - James' viceroy in Ireland - began to prepare for his master's restoration.

Actively supported by King Louis XIV who viewed any military activity in Ireland as a useful diversion to keep his enemies occupied, James' supporters enjoyed early success, but defeats at Newtownbutler, Derry and - above all - at the Boyne destroyed James' confidence, and he fled his kingdoms for a second and final time. William's army pursued the enemy to the gates of Limerick but failed to capture the city before winter set in, giving the Jacobites a much needed respite in which to reorganize and resupply themselves, during which time military supplies and a coterie of advisors led the by the Marquis de St. Ruth, arrived from France.

St. Ruth, after failing to halt the Williamite crossing of the Shannon in the summer of 1691, elected to take up a defensive position and invite an enemy attack, occupying Kilcommadan Hill, near the Galway village of Aughrim. Although his own army was now at the end of a tenuous line of communication and supply, Godard van Reede, commanding the Williamite army, accepted the challenge and the two forces clashed on Sunday, 12th July 1691. 1 vol, 305 pgs 2018 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj ......$60.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-219582 Mugnai, Bruno WAR AND SOLDIERS IN THE EARLY REIGN OF LOUIS XIV: Volume 2: The Imperial Army, 1660-1689 Presents the history, organization, uniforms, and ensigns of the Imperial army and the 'Reichsarmee.' The Imperial Army represents an interesting laboratory, which involved the multicultural Habsburg's domains and the Holy Roman-Germanic Empire in the birth of one of the major standing army of Europe. Includes 102 b/w ills, 26 b/w photos, 5 maps, and 16 color plates. 1 vol, 184 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-219583 Mugnai, Bruno WAR AND SOLDIERS IN THE EARLY REIGN OF LOUIS XIV: Volume 3: The Armies of the Ottoman Empire 1645-1719 Conflicts between Christian powers and the Ottoman Empire displayed completely different characteristics compared to other contemporary wars fought in Europe, war without mercy being the norm. The tones adopted by Western literature to describe the Ottomans resemble the ones recently used against the communist bloc and the Soviet Union, and it is probably not a coincidence that certain prophecies about the sultan, such as his arrival in Rome and watering the horse in San Pietro, survived until the post-1945 period, replacing the Grand Turk with the Red Army's Cossacks. 121 b/w illustrations, 9 b/w maps, numerous tables, 16pp color plates

This book deals with the organization, the composition and the history of the army of the Sublime Porte, starting from the information contained in Western sources. This approach, despite the partial origin of the information, allows a critical examination of the sources and the formulation of a vision that is not conditioned by the cliches that often occur about such topics, returning us to a a neutral vision of the complex Ottoman 'Military' represented with all its refined and sumptuous costumes and weapons apparatus.

A larger part of the work is dedicated to the different types of clothing and insignia of the different corps, their evolution and the meaning of the different symbols 1 vol, 386 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-219584 Mugnai, Bruno WAR AND SOLDIERS IN THE EARLY REIGN OF LOUIS XIV: Volume 4: The Armies of Spain and Portugal, 1660-1687 Describes actions, organization, uniforms, and equipment of the Spanish and Portuguese armies of this age using archive's sources and unpublished iconography.

It has been a commonly held historical belief that in the second half of the 17th century, the Spanish army suffered such catastrophic defeats that it effectively brought about the collapse of the state as a major player on the European stage. The wars, fought out in Catalonia, Franche Comte, Flanders, and Italy, resulted in a series of substantial defeats for Spain.

The forces of Louis XIV carried all before them. Spain's ability to fend off the French monarch's assault was not eased by the fact that, at the same time, Spain had faced the Portuguese in the Iberian Peninsula, the English in the Caribbean, the Algerians in Melilla, as well as further insidious French assault in southern Italy and in the colonies. In this regard, it would be more correct to consider this age as a period of resilience, rather than military defeats. Equally superficially, the Portuguese War of Independence too was considered as a peripheral conflict of minor interest, while it also involved France and England in addition to the countries directly concerned. 1 vol, 386 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-219585 Mugnai, Bruno WAR AND SOLDIERS IN THE EARLY REIGN OF LOUIS XIV: Volume 5: The Portuguese Army 1659-1690 In December 1640, the native dynasty of Braganza ascended to the Portuguese Throne. This event heralded the end Spanish domination in Portugal that had started in 1580. Following the Restoration, an ill-prepared Portuguese David found itself having to face a tormented but not exhausted Spanish Goliath. The new national army was raised in such a short period of time, to be considered almost unique in European military history.

Covers the Portuguese army organization and campaigns, uniforms, and ensigns. Includes 8 special commissioned color plates and uses after archival and unpublished sources along with many contemporary pictures. Includes 72 b/w illustrations, 7 b/w maps, 8 color plates, and 10 tables. 1 vol, 202 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early December 2021 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-912038 Mugnai, Bruno WAR AND SOLDIERS IN THE EARLY REIGN OF LOUIS XIV: Volume 1 - The Army of the United Provinces of the Netherlands 1660-1687 Prolific Italian artist and author, Bruno Mugnai, introduces the Dutch Army of the third quarter of the 17th century in the first of a new eight-volume series that covers the armies of early years of Louis XIV reign. France and the United Provinces represented opposite models of state government during the 17th century. Includes 50 black and white illustrations and maps and 8 color plates.

The contrary nature of their political structure led to conflict on several occasions during this period. Military Historians have focused research onto the final phase of the conflicts such as the Wars of the Grand Alliance and the Spanish Succession, which coincides with the beginning of the long decline for both countries. Mugnai examines the evolution of the Dutch Army, its equipment, weapons and tactics, along with its uniforms and flags and ensigns. The book is lavishly illustrated and contains eight specially commissioned color plates that depicts the Army of United Provinces during the nation's 'Golden Age'. 1 vol, 184 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover, available mid April 2019 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-912098 Mugnai, Bruno WAR AND SOLDIERS IN THE EARLY REIGN OF LOUIS XIV: Volume 6: Armies of the Italian States - 1660-1690 In the 17th century ,Italy was the third-largest country by population in Europe, after France and Germany, passing into second position for a century after 1650. Northern as well as southern Italy constituted a key place in the strategic duel between Spain and France, and the Peninsula lied on the front line in the struggle against the Ottoman Empire. Moreover, Italian states constituted good examples of fairly efficient governance machines, which developed many matters, included the military. Some of these states experienced long periods of wars. Includes 16 color plates and 100 b/w illustrations. 1 vol, 300 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-912100 Mugnai, Bruno WARS AND SOLDIERS IN THE EARLY REIGN OF LOUIS XIV: Volume 6: Armies of the Italian States - 1660-1690 Part 2 In the 17th century, Italy was the third-largest country by population in Europe, after France and Germany, passing into second position for a century after 1650. Northern as well as southern Italy constituted a key place in the strategic duel between Spain and France, and the Peninsula lied on the front line in the struggle against the Ottoman Empire. Moreover, Italian states constituted good examples of fairly efficient governance machines, which developed many matters, included the military. Some of these states experienced long periods of wars. Includes 79 b/w illustrations, eight b/w photos, 40 color illustrations, 41 maps, and eight tables. 1 vol, 652 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-912113 Mugnai, Bruno WARS AND SOLDIERS IN THE EARLY REIGN OF LOUIS XIV: Volume 7 - German Armies, 1660-1687 -- Part 1 Examines the development of several German states' disciplined military that produced outstanding armies after the Peace of Westphalia. Germany supplied mercenary troops to major and minor powers in Europe, and the military state, usually exemplified by Prussia, became a crucial part of German history. Includes 16 color plates and 100 b/w illustrations.

However, Germany was apparently weak and internally divided into a multitude of states that constantly faced a hostile environment formed by belligerent great powers. Moreover, the German military existed within a system of collective security, internal conflict, and resolution that allowed a rich variety of political traditions to coexist. This system tried to preserve Germany against formidable attacks without making it a danger to the security of its neighbors. In contrast to the political culture of later German states, that of the this 'Reich' was inherently defensive, preferring peace to war in domestic politics and external relations. The book also includes unpublished iconography. 1 vol, 652 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early April 2024 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-912125 Mugnai, Bruno WARS AND SOLDIERS IN THE EARLY REIGN OF LOUIS XIV: Volume 7 - German Armies, 1660-1687 -- Part 2 Continues examining the development of several German states' disciplined military that produced outstanding armies. Germany supplied mercenary troops to major and minor powers in Europe, and the military state, usually exemplified by Prussia, became a crucial part of German history. Includes 120 b/w illustrations & maps and 16 pages of color plates. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid April 2024 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-912126 Mugnai, Bruno WARS AND SOLDIERS IN THE EARLY REIGN OF LOUIS XIV: Volume 7 -- German Armies, 1655-1690 -- Part 3 This third and final volume of the German armies of the late seventeenth century explores how armies recruited troops and further reviews the armed forces of the myriad of states within Germany. Examines the conflicts that involved the German armies during the second half of the seventeenth century. Concludes with extensive appendices that contain a wealth of material on orders of battle, regiments, and the specifics of armies hiring troops to foreign states. Contains 10 color plates, 60 black and white illustrations, and four black and white maps. 1 vol, 210 pgs 2025 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid February 2025 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-236500 Nafziger, George illustated by Captain Bommer The Saxon Army 1699 - 1764 Containing over one hundred and sixty seven images, The Saxon Army 1699 - 1764 was created as an album in the 19th century by a German army officer depicting the units in the Saxon Army from this times period when Saxony was joined with Poland-Lithuania into one of the largest countries in Europe. Though the powers were in decline under the rule of Augustus II and III, they could still field formidable forces. This book focuses on the Saxony forces from the various guard units to Invalid regiments. Noted military publisher George Nafziger provides text to give context to the units and their organization 1 vol, 120 pgs 2023 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-hardback, available mid April 2023 ......$40.00 rct

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1-236660 Niechwiej, Adam TIME OF WARS: Eastern Europe 1590 - 1660 (Wargame) A multiplayer card driven game putting players in charge of five superpowers in Eastern Europe: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Russia, the Ottoman Empire, Kingdom of Sweden, and the Holy Roman Empire at the turn of 16th and 17th centuries. Minor states are also present - Denmark, Brandenburg, Moldova, Wallachia, Transylvania and Crimean Khanate. They can be a battleground of strong rivalry between players or source of internal problems. Includes five scenarios. The main scenario is for five players, but four shorter scenarios are for two or three players. Playing time: from 4 to 8 hours.

Contents: One mounted board (68 x 48 cm); five decks of cards - every deck contains 50 cards; one deck of Rulers' cards - 23 cards; five Superpowers' Sheets; 242 die-cut counters in size of 15x15mm; 104 die-cut counters in size of 30x15 mm; 308 die-cut counters in size of 12.5x12.5 mm; 23 wooden holders; one set of sticky labels; one rule book (20 pages); one scenario book (12 pages); one Space - Religion chart; and two 6-sided dice.

The heart of the game are five decks of cards - one for each superpower with interaction between players. Every time a player uses a particular card he must make a tough decision - play the card as operational points or as event. The background of the choice is need of growth of his own state or weakening his opponent's position.

The period was rich in famous characters (rulers and commanders) and critical events - for example the Time of Troubles in the Tsardom, the Thirty Years War in the Reich, Swedish Deluge in the Commonwealth. All these and much more are smoothly incorporated during gameplay. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2022 POLAND, STRATEGEMATA
NEW-box ......$88.00 rct

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1-218890 Oates, Jonathan THE BATTLE OF KILLIECRANKIE: The First Jacobite Campaign 1689-1691 Covers the military struggle between forces loyal to the newly established Scottish government and the Jacobite cause. Considers the political and religious situation in Scotland, and to a lesser extent its southern neighbor, from the Restoration of the monarchy in 1660 to the revolution of 1688-1689, which was far more radical in Scotland than it was in England, and which produced a constituency with a grievance which a new restoration might solve. Includes 18 b/w photos, 10 b/w illustrations, 8 color plates, and 12 tables.

The book then turns to the initial campaigning by both armies, led by Dundee and for the government, General Hugh Mackay, a fellow Scot. With marches and counter marches being inconclusive, the possession of Blair Castle focussed attentions and led to confrontation. But before examining the ensuing battle, the book turns to the officers and men of each army, exploring who they were, their tactics, arms, equipment and organization.

The most substantial chapter is a blow by blow account of the battle of Killiecrankie, beginning with the march to conflict on the day itself, discussions over whether to fight, deployment and initial exchanges of fire. Then the crux of the battle is described, the rush of the Highlanders, the musketry of their opponents, melee and the flight and pursuit. Some of Mackay's army stood and repelled their enemy, but by the day's end were obliged to retreat. There is an examination of the numbers of men who fought and the casualties and other losses taken by both sides; including that of the Jacobite commander. A discussion of the battle's aftermath and its importance then occurs.

The conflict was far from over, for the Jacobite army reached its numerical high point after Dundee's death. There was another battle to be fought that season, at Dunkeld, which was unusual for it was fought in a town. As with the previous battle, this chapter looks at the combatants involved as well as the fighting and its aftermath. The chapter also reviews the campaigning before and after the battle to take the reader until the end of the year.

The penultimate chapter covers the final major military engagement of the conflict, at Cromdale, as well as numerous other lesser encounters, skirmishes and sieges, and other developments in the government's strategy to bring peace to the Highlands. Finally, there is a chapter covering the campaign's end; which ended with a peace treaty and then the tragedy of Glencoe, and a commentary about the ending of hostilities and the careers of a number of prominent men who fought in the campaign. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover ......$43.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-912037 Paoletti, Ciro WILLIAM III'S ITALIAN ALLY: Piedmont and the War of the League of Augsburg 1683-1697 The Nine Year often assumed that the conflict was fought solely in Flanders and the Rhineland, and by mainly North West European Armies. This was not so. William of Orange, the driving force of the Grand Alliance in the fight against the French, considered the Italian aspect of the conflict to be of the greatest strategic importance.

Piedmont, in north western Italy bordered France, and Italian armies were able to threaten the south of France with invasion. For the first time too, the nature of late 17th century warfare in Italy is considered and the author examines organization, training and logistics. Military artist Bruno Mugnai enhances the book's text with 8 specially commissioned color plates that illustrate the uniforms and flags of this highly visual period. Includes 25 black and white illustrations and maps and 8 color plates. 1 vol, 184 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover, available late March 2019 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-229130 Paradowski, Michal WE CAME, WE SAW, GOD CONQUERED: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth's military effort in the relief of Vienna, 1683 Previous Polish experience from the war against Ottoman Turks in 1672-1676 made their contribution vital for coalition war effort in 1683. No surprise then, that Sobieski was chosen as commander of joint forces and that Poles deployed on ancient place of honor in army battle order - on the right wing. Many Polish researchers, like Jan Wimmer, Leszek Podhorodecki or Zdzislaw Zygulski Junior (to name just few), wrote extensively about the topic, unfortunately their works are not available in English. In this volume author attempts to present to English-speaking readers Polish point of view on the battle and the role of Polish army in the conflict. Includes 89 b/w ills, 16 b/w photos, 8pp color plates, 6 maps, and 50 tables.

Detailed information about organization and strength of the army that Jan III led to Vienna: structure, weapons and equipment of the units, even on the company level. All formations, from winged hussars to artillery, are covered. Command staff - from King to high ranking officers - will be presented as well. Book won't focus solely on relief of Vienna though. Remaining actions of the 1683's campaign are described as well, with both battles of Parkany and arrival of Lithuanian army, Polish and Cossack actions in Podolia and Moldavia, that were always in shadow of main events of 1683; finally organization and military actions of troops under command of Hieronim Augustyn Lubomirski, raised as Imperial auxiliary division in Poland.

Book is based on many primary and secondary sources, including diaries, letters and surviving muster rolls of the units and whole army. Many of them were not previously available in English, so they will provides interesting insight into 17th century view of the army and campaign. 1 vol, 248 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-221180 Picouet, Pierre THE ARMIES OF PHILIP IV OF SPAIN: 1621 - 1665 The reign of Philip IV of Spain is fascinating, as after a century of dominance in Europe, the Spanish hegemony was seriously challenged by France. At the beginning of Philip IV's reign, Spanish dominions were vast, not only in Europe but also in South America, Asia and Africa. The defense policy of such vast territories was established in the XVI century and consisted of the deployment of two core armies, in the Low Countries and in north Italy, the maintenance of strategic garrisons, and of fleets in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean to control communications between all the territories of the monarchy. The different military formations were actively supported by a powerful diplomatic network among the European countries.

The aim of the book is to examine the armies and troops of Philip IV and particularly the famous Spanish Tercios deployed in north Europe, Italy and in the Iberian Peninsula. The book covers the organization and development of the Tercios, the tactics used, recruitment and the life of the ordinary soldiers. The development of the Spanish cavalry and its organization is also covered in depth, along with the financing of the army.

The book also explores the impact of continuous fighting during a period of 44 years to keep the honor and reputation of the Spanish monarchy, as well as their territories intact, and how the army responded to these challenges. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-241940 Pierre-Louis Coudray MORE FURIES THAN MEN: The Irish Brigade in the Service of France 1690-1792 The history of the Irish Brigade from the heyday of the so-called 'Wild Geese' at the very end of the 17th century to the decline of the Brigade in the second half of the 18th century. Irish troops fought for the French kings in Italy in 1702, on the plains of Flanders, and for the Stuarts in the Scottish Highlands in 1745. Covers the daily lives of officers and soldiers Explains the Brigade's military diaspora of the 18th century. The Battle of Fontenoy on 11 May 1745 represents the pinnacle of the Brigade's success. Includes 15 b/w ills, 10 color ills, 10pp color plates, 2 maps, and 3 tables. 1 vol, 214 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$55.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-222470 Querengasser, Alexander THE SAXON MARS AND HIS FORCE: The Saxon Army during the Reign of John George III 1680 - 1691 Detailed study of the origins of the standing Saxon army. Created by elector John George III (r. 1680-1691), it quickly won its laurels in the battle of Vienna (1683) and later in campaigns against the Ottomans and the French. This book gives a broad analysis on this army, dealing with topics like finances and organization, uniforms, tactics and an overview of its campaigns. Includes 8 color plates, 55 b/w photos/ills, 12 tables, and 2 b/w maps. 1 vol, 152 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early February 2020 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-72890 Reid, Stuart LAST SCOTS ARMY 1661-1714, THE An account of the Royal Scots Army that served and fought both in Scotland and overseas in Flanders with the Duke of Marlborough, listing of Regt's, (8) uniform colors/flags plates, o/b's. 1 vol, 76 pgs 2003 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$26.00

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1-215790 Riley, Jonathon THE LAST IRONSIDES: The English Expedition to Portugal, 1662-1668 The author's detailed but lively text is fully supported by a range of illustrations and specially commissioned maps. Includes 50 illustrations, with 8 pages in color, and 22 maps.

When Charles II returned to England, he began the search for a dynastic marriage. He fixed upon the Infanta of Portugal, Catherine of Braganza, whose dowry included the possession of Tangier, Bombay, and valuable trade concessions. The Portuguese had been fighting for their independence from Spain for 20 years and needed alliances to tip the scales in their favor.

In return for the concessions, Charles II agreed to send to Portugal a regiment of horse and two of foot, which provided an excuse to ship away the remnants of the Cromwellian armies that had not been disbanded at the Restoration. The prospect of service was at first well received. However, there were also officers and men who had remained loyal to the crown to them Charles owed a debt of employment, Former Royalists therefore made up the balance of the regiment of horse - uncomfortable bedfellows for their former enemies.

The English and French regiments fought with courage and discipline at the series of major battles and sieges that followed, most of which have never been properly described. This is, therefore, the rediscovery of a lost episode in military history. It was the English and French soldiers, under Schomberg's leadership, who proved the decisive factor in winning back Portugal's independence. But in return for their courage in battle, the English soldiers were rewarded with insults and want of pay.

At the conclusion of peace in 1667, only 1,000 out of the 3,500 men who made up the force were left standing -- 400 of these received what was effectively a death sentence: they were shipped to Tangier to join the fight against the Moors. The remainder returned to seek service in England or abroad, but places were hard to find. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2017 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available mid December 2017 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-210060 Scott, Chris THE MILITIA OF THE MONMOUTH REBELLION In his political moves to expend his small regular army, James II denigrated his militia, saying they were not up to the job of defending the county, and implying that they were cowardly, ill-disciplined, poorly administrated, badly led, and prone to deserting.

James and his senior commanders, in a remarkable piece of political spin created a picture of an unreliable force, virtually useless on all occasions. This concocted interpretation has been repeated by generations of historians, but the problem is that it's just not true.

This volume delves into the state of the militia of The Monmouth Rebellion and reveals just what a well-organized equipped and creditable army they were, being capable of drilling, marching and even fighting when called upon to do so. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2013 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$30.00

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1-90150 Scott, Christopher ARMIES AND UNIFORMS OF THE MONMOUTH REBELLION Campaign & uniforms guide, well-illustrated in full color, fantastic color illust of Flags and Standards by Lesley Prince. 1 vol, 122 pgs 2013 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$32.00

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1-223630 Scott, Jenn I am Minded to Rise - The clothing, weapons and accoutrements of the Jacobites from 1689 to 1719 This book throws new light on the men who fought for the Stuarts in Scotland from the beginning of the Jacobite cause in 1689 to Glenshiel in 1719 by drawing on the work of historians and a wide range of primary sources and therefore presenting a picture based on the evidence available. I am minded to rise looks at the variety of clothing and weapons used by the different Jacobite armies in this time period as well as their material culture used by them to show their allegiance to the Stuarts and the Jacobite cause. 8pp color section, 9 b/w ills/photos

This book will appeal to those interested in the Jacobite Risings reenactors, wargamers, fans of Outlander, anyone with an interest in Scottish clothing from 17th and 18th centuries and the Scottish diaspora who, thanks to a growing interest in family history, are keen to know more about their Scottish heritage.
1 vol, 84 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late May 2020 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-223350 Shearwood, Mark From Pike to Shot - The Perfection of Military Discipline: The Introduction of the Bayonet 1660-1705 Re-evaluates both the plug bayonet as a weapon and its implementation
which fundamentally changed how it impacted both the formation and tactics of
all armies of the long 17th century. The plug bayonets reputation was marred
by General Hugh Mackay following his defeat at the Battle of Killiekrankie on the
27th July 1689 when he supposedly stated: 'his men were defeated by an
unforeseen technical flaw in their weaponry [plug bayonet]'. This view of the plug
bayonet has been re-iterated constantly over the following 300 years, with military
historian's sidelining the plug bayonet as a dead-end technology with little to
commend it.

Also examines contemporary privately printed drill manuals as valuable and
accurate guides to identify changes in military drill; how issues of
supply and demand affected both English and continental armies; and investigates the
changes within infantry battalion drill's and organization, and resulting increase in firepower.
Also asserts the plug bayonet was in use with English forces during the Dunkirk campaign in
the early 1660's, that the English establishment embraced the idea of the plug
bayonet earlier than previously thought, and the Board of Ordnance ordered 10,000 plug bayonets in 1678.

Includes 8-page color section, 46 b/w photos/illustrations, and many tables. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid May 2020 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-914023G Stratigos, Nicolas VAE VICTUS BOARD GAME #23: The Wars of the Sun King Allows you to game the five conflicts led by France under the reign of Louis the Great.

* The War of Devolution (1667-1668) - Spain's non-payment of the Infanta of Spain's dowry at her marriage to Louis XIV was used as a pretext for a war of conquest. This was the first conflict initiated by Louis XIV against a militarily and economically weakened Spain.
* The Franco-Dutch War (1672-1678) - France wants to bring the Dutch Republic to its knees. This fierce commercial competitor, too tolerant as a state, opposes France's expansion toward the Spanish Netherlands. This war for glory pitches against each other living legends of the Thirty Years War like Turenne, Conde et Montecuccoli. As a result of this conflict, the King of France earns the nickname Louis the Great.
* The War of the Reunions (1683-1684) - Spain does not accept the annexation by France of enclaves and surrounding areas in the Spanish Netherlands, stating their boundaries were poorly defined by the international treaties ending the War of Devolution and the Franco-Dutch War. Vauban recommends limiting the territorial enclaves, leaning against the mountainous area and securing the enclaves by constructing strongholds; it's a matter of turf.
* The War of the League of Augsburg (1688-1697) - The Habsburg's victory against the Ottomans diverted the Empire's attention on the French territorial gains following the War of the Reunions. In 1687, Louis XIV wanted to transform the Truce of Ratisbon into a permanent accord and proposed an ultimatum to the emperor who refused. The German princes and the great European powers form an alliance to counter France's politics of expansionism and religious persecution. France finds itself diplomatically isolated.
* Spanish War of Succession (1701-1713) - King Charles II of Spain dies with no descendants. The two principal reigning families of Europe, the Bourbons (France) and the Habsburgs (Austria), are both related to Charles II and claim the throne. The principal stake is the domination of Europe by seizing the enormous heritage of the Spanish Habsburgs. France is confronted with its fiercest military enemies: Marlborough and Prince Eugene of Savoy.

Maximise your resource points to recruit armies, build strongholds, lead sieges and battles and win glory points.

The game includes: One 59x41-cm map, 270 double-sided, pre-cut counters and markers, a book of rules and scenarios, and two color player aids. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2018 FRANCE, CERIGO EDITIONS
NEW-softcover ......$38.00 rct

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1-220580 von Essen, Michael Fredholm CHARLES XI's WAR: The Scanian War Between Sweden and Denmark, 1675-1679 The book describes and analyses the Scanian War, which was fought from 1675 to 1679 between, on one side, primarily Brandenburg and Denmark-Norway and, on the other side, SE - Sweden.

The war was mainly fought in Scania, the former Danish lands along the border with Sweden, and in northern Germany. The Danish objective was to retrieve Scania which, a generation earlier, had been captured by SE - Sweden and ceded by Denmark.

Although the Danish fleet was victorious at sea, and an alliance headed by Brandenburg defeated the Swedes in Germany, the subsequent peace negotiations resulted in no major territorial changes. Danish partisans continued guerrilla operations in Scania for years, yet the former Danish territories remained in Swedish hands. However, the Danish invasion of Scania was defeated by the young Swedish King Charles XI. Includes 75 b/w illustrations, 27 b/w photos, 14 b/w maps, and 8 color plates. 1 vol, 262 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-207620 Warren, Jason W. CONNECTICUT UNSCATHED: Victory in the Great Narragansett War, 1675-1676 The conflict that historians have called King Philip's War still ranks as one of the bloodiest per capita in American history. An Indian coalition ravaged much of New England, killing 600 colonial fighting men (not including their Indian allies), obliterating 17 white towns, and damaging more than 50 settlements.

The version of these events that has come down to us focuses on Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay - the colonies whose commentators dominated the storytelling. But because Connecticut lacked a chronicler, its experience has gone largely untold. This imbalance generated an incomplete narrative of the war. Dubbed King Philip's War after the Wampanoag architect of the hostilities, the conflict, Warren asserts, should more properly be called the Great Narragansett War, broadening its context in time and place and indicating the critical role of the Narragansetts, the largest tribe in southern New England.

In contrast to its sister colonies, Connecticut emerged from the war relatively unharmed. The colony's comparatively moderate Indian policies made possible an effective alliance with the Mohegans and Pequots. These Indian allies proved crucial to the colony's war effort, Warren contends, and at the same time denied the enemy extra manpower and intelligence regarding the surrounding terrain and colonial troop movements. When Connecticut became the primary target of hostile Indian forces - especially the powerful Narragansetts - the colony's military prowess and its enlightened treatment of Indians allowed it to persevere.

Connecticut's experience, properly understood, affords a new perspective on the Great Narragansett War-and a reevaluation of its place in the conflict between the Narragansetts and the Mohegans and the Pequots of Connecticut, and in American history. Includes 13 b/w illustrations/maps.
NEW-dj ......$30.00

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