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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 2/13/2025

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Korean War

1-DG1716 MIG ALLEY: Air War Over Korea 1951 MiG Alley is a two-player game covering the air battles over North Korea in 1951. One player controls the UN forces and must carry out a series of bombing raids to knock out key targets in North Korea. The other player controls the communist forces, including masses of the new MiG-15 jet fighters, and attempts to inflict prohibitive losses on the UN.

The game uses the Air Wars series rules. Aircraft are rated according to historical type. Fuel consumption is factored into the plane types, so a player must manage the available forces to ensure enough combat power is ready when needed. Each player has a unique set of campaign cards generating movement, combat bonuses, historical events, and reinforcements. Playing the right card at the right time is crucial to winning. Level: Air Group.

Game Contents:
* 11x17-inch map
* 40 die-cut counters
* 18 mini cards
* Scenario Instructions
* Four page rule booklet 1 vol, 4 pgs 2015 CA, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover, available early December 2015 ......$13.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-222130 Abebe, Dagmawi EMPEROR'S OWN: Ethiopians in the Korean War In response to North Korea's invasion of South Korea, Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie, a stalwart advocate of collective security, dispatched an infantry battalion composed of his Imperial Bodyguard to affirm this principle -- something the old League of Nations failed to do when Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1935. Includes 88 b/w photos, 8-page color section, 6 maps, 7 diagrams, and 1 table.

The unit (designated Kagnew Battalion) was actually successive battalions which rotated yearly and fought as part of the US 32nd Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division. When they arrived, these warriors from an ancient empire were viewed with suspicion by their American allies as they were untested in modern warfare. Their arrival in Korea also coincided with the desegregation of the US Army.

However, the Ethiopians eventually earned the respect of their comrades after countless bloody, often hand-to hand battles, with all three battalions which served during the war earning US Presidential Unit Citations. Remarkably, Kagnew was the only UN contingent which did not lose a single man as prisoner of war or missing in action. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover, available early November 2019 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-51690 anon KOREA 1950 8.5x11, the value of this book are the great b/wphotos, covers the first six months of the war. 1 vol, 282 pgs 1989 WASHINGTON, U.S. PRINTING
GOOD-pb ......$18.00

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1-51710 anon KOREA 1951-53 8.5x11, the value of this book are the great b/w 1 vol, 328 pgs 1989 DC, U.S. PRINTING OFFICE
GOOD-pb ......$18.00

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1-201860 Chinnery, Philip KOREA: The Ground War from Both Sides - Images of War Series The Korean War opened with the invasion of South Korea by the North Koreans in June 1950. This superbly illustrated book traces the fluctuating fortunes of war from both sides. The South Koreans were saved from defeat by the arrival of the American and UN forces under General MacArthur but the success of his offensive brought in the Chinese who undetected by the Allies, counter-attacked with over a quarter of a million men of the Peoples Volunteer Army. Once again the Allies fell back and a stalemate developed. No peace treaty was ever signed.

The story is well told in photographs, captions and text. Many of the images portray the brutal nature of the war, where neither POWs nor civilians were safe. 250 b/w photos. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2013 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-softcover, available late May 2013 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-219430 Cleaver, Thomas HOLDING THE LINE: The Naval Air Campaign In Korea Naval and air power was crucial to the United Nations' success in the Korean War, as it sought to negate the overwhelming Chinese advantage in manpower. In what became known as the 'long hard slog,' naval aviators sought to slow and cut off communist forces and support troops on the ground. USS Leyte (CV-32) operated off Korea in the Sea of Japan for a record 93 continuous days to support the Marines in their epic retreat out of North Korea, and was crucial in the battles of the spring and summer of 1951 in which the UN forces again battled to the 38th Parallel.

All of this was accomplished with a force that was in the midst of change, as jet aircraft altered the entire nature of naval aviation. Holding the Line chronicles the carrier war in Korea from the first day of the war to the last, focusing on front-line combat, while also describing the technical development of aircraft and shipboard operations, and how these all affected the broader strategic situation on the Korean Peninsula. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2019 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid March 2019 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-211800 Cleaver, Thomas McKelvey THE FROZEN CHOSEN: The 1st Marine Division and the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir The Frozen Chosen is an account of the breakout from the Chosin Reservoir in North Korea by the First Marine Division from November to December 1950, following the intervention of Red China in the Korean War. Fought during the worst blizzard in a century, it is considered by the United States Marine Corps to be 'the Corps' finest hour' with 14 Medals of Honor, a record for any American battle, and 85 Navy Crosses -- many awarded in lieu of an original nomination for the Medal of Honor -- attest to the intensity of the battle.

Based on first-person interviews from surviving veterans who came to be known as the 'Frozen Chosen,' this is the incredible story of heroism and bravery in the face of overwhelming odds, as a handful of Marines fought desperately against wave after wave of Chinese forces. Sometimes forced into desperate hand-to-hand fighting in intense cold, cut off from reinforcements, and with dwindling supplies and ammunition, the fighting retreat from Chosin marked one of the darkest moments for Western forces in Korea, it but would go on to resonate with generations of Marines as a symbol of the Marine Corps' dogged determination, fighting skill, and never-say-die attitude on the battlefield. 1 vol, 392 pgs 2016 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$15.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-211800 Cleaver, Thomas McKelvey THE FROZEN CHOSEN: The 1st Marine Division and the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir The Frozen Chosen is an account of the breakout from the Chosin Reservoir in North Korea by the First Marine Division from November to December 1950, following the intervention of Red China in the Korean War. Fought during the worst blizzard in a century, it is considered by the United States Marine Corps to be 'the Corps' finest hour' with 14 Medals of Honor, a record for any American battle, and 85 Navy Crosses -- many awarded in lieu of an original nomination for the Medal of Honor -- attest to the intensity of the battle.

Based on first-person interviews from surviving veterans who came to be known as the 'Frozen Chosen,' this is the incredible story of heroism and bravery in the face of overwhelming odds, as a handful of Marines fought desperately against wave after wave of Chinese forces. Sometimes forced into desperate hand-to-hand fighting in intense cold, cut off from reinforcements, and with dwindling supplies and ammunition, the fighting retreat from Chosin marked one of the darkest moments for Western forces in Korea, it but would go on to resonate with generations of Marines as a symbol of the Marine Corps' dogged determination, fighting skill, and never-say-die attitude on the battlefield. 1 vol, 392 pgs 2017 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$15.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-222060 Cleaver, Thomas McKelvey MiG ALLEY: The US Air Force in Korea 1950-53 Of the many myths that emerged following the end of the Korean War, the prevailing one in the West was that of the absolute supremacy of US Air Force pilots and aircraft over their Soviet-supplied opponents. The claims of the 10:1 victory-loss ratio achieved by the US Air Force fighter pilots flying the North American F-86 Sabre against their communist adversaries, amongst other such fabrications, went unchallenged until the end of the Cold War, when Soviet records of the conflict were finally opened.

From that point onwards, a very different story began to emerge. Far from decisive American victories over an unsophisticated opponent, the aerial battles of the Korean War were, at least in the early years, evenly matched affairs, fought to an approximate 1:1 victory-loss ratio. Though the Soviet victories declined over the following years, this had more to do with home politics than American tactics.

Regardless of the accuracy of claims and wartime propaganda, one fact stands clear: in the battle for air supremacy over Korea, the US Air Force denied to its opponents the opportunity to intervene over the battlefield. In the face of overwhelming enemy manpower superiority, this allowed the United Nations forces to hold the line in Korea until an armistice that protected South Korea could be put into effect.

In addition to the aerial combat over MiG Alley, this title covers the full range of US Air Force activities over Korea, including the failed strategic bombing campaign and the escalating nuclear threat. Incorporating first-hand accounts from those involved, both US and Russian, this new history of the US Air Force in Korea reveals the full story of this bitter struggle in the Eastern skies. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2019 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-222060 Cleaver, Thomas McKelvey MiG ALLEY: The US Air Force in Korea 1950-53 Of the many myths that emerged following the end of the Korean War, the prevailing one in the West was that of the absolute supremacy of US Air Force pilots and aircraft over their Soviet-supplied opponents. The claims of the 10:1 victory-loss ratio achieved by the US Air Force fighter pilots flying the North American F-86 Sabre against their communist adversaries, amongst other such fabrications, went unchallenged until the end of the Cold War, when Soviet records of the conflict were finally opened.

From that point onwards, a very different story began to emerge. Far from decisive American victories over an unsophisticated opponent, the aerial battles of the Korean War were, at least in the early years, evenly matched affairs, fought to an approximate 1:1 victory-loss ratio. Though the Soviet victories declined over the following years, this had more to do with home politics than American tactics.

Regardless of the accuracy of claims and wartime propaganda, one fact stands clear: in the battle for air supremacy over Korea, the US Air Force denied to its opponents the opportunity to intervene over the battlefield. In the face of overwhelming enemy manpower superiority, this allowed the United Nations forces to hold the line in Korea until an armistice that protected South Korea could be put into effect.

In addition to the aerial combat over MiG Alley, this title covers the full range of US Air Force activities over Korea, including the failed strategic bombing campaign and the escalating nuclear threat. Incorporating first-hand accounts from those involved, both US and Russian, this new history of the US Air Force in Korea reveals the full story of this bitter struggle in the Eastern skies. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2021 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb edtion, available mid February 2021 ......$21.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-LWG1102 Dixon, Steve HELL OVER KOREA: An Expansion Module for B-29 Superfortress Early missions (i.e., before November 1950) for the bomber met with little enemy opposition, with relatively ineffective raids against tactical targets. North Korea's few strategic targets and industries were also quickly disposed of.

However, in November 1950 the Chinese Communists were in the war, and the B-29 began facing its first serious opposition with the introduction of large numbers of Soviet MiG-15 fighters. It was now a real contest. However, the MiG-15 had been specifically designed to shoot down B-29s and the aging Superfortresses were outmatched by the jet, even with fighter escorts. Aircraft losses would soon restrict most B-29 missions to night-only attacks, largely in a supply-interdiction role. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2011 US, LEGION WARGAMES LLC
AS NEW-box, opened and un-punched - 1 copy only: First come, first served ......$40.00 with a discount of 25% gam

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1-199490 Estes, Kenneth INTO THE BREACH AT PUSAN: The 1st Provisional Marine Brigade in the Korean War In the opening campaign of the Korean War, the 1st Provisional Marine Brigade participated in a massive effort by United States and South Korean forces in 1950 to turn back the North Korean invasion of the Republic of Korea. The brigade's actions loom large in marine lore. According to most accounts, traditional Marine Corps discipline, training, and fighting spirit saved the day as the marines rescued an unprepared US 8th Army, which had been pushed back to the 'Pusan Perimeter' at the southeastern tip of the Korean peninsula. Historian and retired Marine Kenneth W. Estes undertakes a fresh investigation of the marines' and Eighth Army's fight for Pusan. Into the Breach at Pusan corrects discrepancies in earlier works (including the official histories) to offer a detailed account of the campaign and place it in historical context.

Drawing on combat records, command reports, and biographical materials, Estes describes the mobilization, organization, and operations of 1st Brigade during the first three months of American participation in the Korean War. Focusing on the battalions, companies, and platoons that faced the hardened soldiers of the North Korean army, he brings the reader directly to the battlefield. The story he reveals there, woven with the voices of soldiers and officers, is one of cooperation rather than interservice rivalry. At the same time, he clarifies differences in the organizational cultures of the US Army and the Marine Corps.

Into the Breach at Pusan is scrupulously fair to both the army and the marines. Estes sets the record straight in crediting the 8th Army with saving itself during the Pusan Perimeter campaign, but he also affirms that the army's suffering would have been much greater without the crucial, timely performance of the 1st Provisional Marine Brigade. 1 vol, 216 pgs 2012 US, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA PRESS
NEW-pb ......$30.00

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1-226830 Green, Michael The United States Marine Corps in the Korean War: Images of War series Describes the USMC' contribution, organization, tactics, fighting doctrine, and weaponry during the Korean War, accompanied by 250 black and white illustrations.

On June 25, 1950, the North Korean Army invaded South Korea. Among the US forces sent to South Korea was the 1st Marine Division. In September 1950, the Division audaciously landed deep behind enemy lines at Inchon port, throwing the North Korea Army into disarray.

In November 1950, the Chinese Army invaded North Korea with eight divisions tasked with the destruction of the 1st Marine Division at the Chosin Reservoir. The Marines made a 78-mile fighting withdrawal in arctic conditions before being evacuated by the US Navy.

In February 1951, the 1st Marine Division returned to combat assisting Eighth (US) Army to repulse five Chinese Army offensives over four months. By November 1951, the large-scale back and forth offensives operations by the opposing sides had ended, replaced by a stalemate which lasted until the 27 July, 1953 armistice. The bitter three-year conflict accounted for the death of 4,267 Marines with another 23,744 wounded.
1 vol, 224 pgs 2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available early April 2021 ......$27.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-GMT1206 Land, Michael NEXT WAR: Korea In Next War: Korea, the Korean Peninsula is on fire with two of the world's most well-prepared, antagonistic forces arrayed against each other. Can you, as the North Korean People's Army commander, conquer the South in 3 weeks before the full might of the US can be brought to bear? Can you, as the Republic of Korea's Army commander, hold out against the renewed Communist assault until help arrives? And what will China do?

Next War: Korea, the first of a planned series of Next War games, allows players to fight a near future war on the Korean peninsula. In this updated and improved version of the previously-released Crisis: Korea 1995, players have access to virtually all military assets of North and South Korea, as well as large forces from the USA and the PRC. The integrated, easy to learn air-land combat system allows for unit efficiency, armor effects, light infantry, attack helicopters, Close Air Support, Cruise Missiles, and the particularly tough terrain of Korea. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2012 US, GMT GAMES LLC
NEW-box, shrink wrapped - 1 copy only: First come, first served ......$85.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-205620 Li, Xiaobing CHINA'S BATTLES FOR KOREA-The 1951 Spring Offensive Between November 1950 and the end of fighting in June 1953, China launched six major offensives against UN forces in Korea. The most important of these began on April 22, 1951, and was the largest Communist military operation of the war. The UN forces put up a strong defense, prevented the capture of the South Korean capital of Seoul, and finally pushed the Chinese back above the 38th parallel.

After China's defeat in this epic five-week battle, Mao Zedong and the Chinese leadership became willing to conclude the war short of total victory. China's Battle for Korea offers new perspectives on Chinese decision making, planning, and execution; the roles of command, political control, and technology; and the interaction between Beijing, Pyongyang, and Moscow, while providing valuable insight into Chinese military doctrine and the reasons for the UN's military success. Includes b/w illustrations and maps. 1 vol, 432 pgs 2014 US, INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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1-205610 MacKenzie, S.P. THE IMJIN AND KAPYONG BATTLES: Korea, 1951 The sacrifice of the 'Glorious Glosters' in defense of the Imjin River line and the hilltop fights of Australian and Canadian battalions in the Kapyong Valley have achieved greater renown in those nations than any other military action since World War II.

This book is the first to compare in depth what happened and why. Using official and unofficial source material ranging from personal interviews to war diaries, this study seeks to disentangle the mythology surrounding both battles and explain why events unfolded as they did. Based on thorough familiarity with all available sources, many not previously utilized, it sheds new light on fighting 'the forgotten war.' 1 vol, 312 pgs 2013 US, INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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1-78170 Marshall, S.L.A. COMMENTARY IN INFANTRY OPERATIONS AND WEAPONS USAGE IN KOREA 8.5x11. Declassified in 1998, this US Army document discusses General Marshall's observations of weapons usage and effectiveness during the winter of 1950-51. 1 vol, 124 pgs 2004 US, NAFZIGER COLLECTION
NEW-softcover, close out sale, limited qty ......$20.00 with a discount of 20%

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1-243520 Merritt, Matt THE ROYAL ENGINEERS IN KOREA: The Photographic Memoir of Frank Merritt Details the real story of Frank Merritt, autistic and dyslexic, felt it was his duty to serve when he was called up to serve in the Korean War. Frank joined the Royal Engineers, and while he never wrote anything down, was fond of photography and became the unit's photographer. Looks at how Frank took it upon himself to explore Korea, frequently wandering off alone with his Leotax camera, in an active war zone, oblivious to the danger. The Koreans he encountered were often surprised to see a UN soldier strolling through their villages and farms unarmed and taking photos. Frank went into places that were off limits due to enemy activity, taking candid photographs of ordinary Koreans going about their daily lives despite the war. Contains 300 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available early June 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-226610 Napier, Michael KOREAN AIR WAR: Sabres, MiGs and Meteors, 1950-53 The Korean War (1950-53) proved a technological watershed as the piston-engined aircraft of WWII were superseded by jet aircraft, establishing tactics and doctrine that are still valid today. Covers the parts played by the forces of North Korea, China, the former Soviet Union, the US, the UK, Australia, Canada and South Africa in a volume rich with combat reports and first-person accounts. Lavishly illustrated hardback on the the 70th anniversary of the war 1 vol, 320 pgs 2021 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid March 2021 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-197370 Parritt, Brigadier Brian CHINESE HORDES AND HUMAN WAVES: A Personal Perspective of the Korean War 1950-1953 The North Koreans' attack on their Southern neighbors shocked and surprised the World. The conflict rapidly escalated with China soon heavily involved on one side and the United States and United Nations on the other.

The author, then a young Gunner officer, found himself in the midst of this very nasty war. He describes first hand what it was like to be at the infamous Battle of the Hook, where UN troops held off massed attacks by the Communists. Few outside the war zone realized just how horrific conditions were.

As a qualified Chinese interpreter and, later, a senior military intelligence officer, Parritt is well placed to analyze why the Commonwealth got involved, the mistakes and successes and the extreme risk that the war represented. This is not only a fine memoir but a unique insight into a forgotten war. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2011 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available early January 2012 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-207450 Parritt, Brigadier Brian CBE CNI CHINESE HORDES AND HUMAN WAVES: A Personal Perspective of the Korean War 1950-1953 The North Koreans' attack on their Southern neighbors shocked and surprised the World. The conflict rapidly escalated with China soon heavily involved on one side and the United States and United Nations on the other.

The author, then a young Gunner officer, found himself in the midst of this very nasty war. He describes first hand what it was like to be at the infamous Battle of the Hook, where UN troops held off massed attacks by the Communists. Few outside the war zone realized just how horrific conditions were.

As a qualified Chinese interpreter and, later, a senior military intelligence officer, Parritt is well placed to analyze why the Commonwealth got involved, the mistakes and successes and the extreme risk that the war represented.

This is not only a fine memoir but a unique insight into a forgotten war. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2014 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available late January 2015 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-190590 Posey, Edward L. ALL-BLACK RANGERS:US Army's First, Last, and only The 2nd Ranger Infantry Company (Airborne) in the Korean War 1950-1951. The Company's life span was just 10 months, including seven months in Korea. B/W photos and maps, biblio, index 1 vol, 336 pgs 2008 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-69450 Rottman, Gordon KOREAN WAR ORDER OF BATTLE Unit backgrounds, organization, insignia, weapons,period of service, casualties for US, UN andCommunist Ground, Naval & Air Force 1950-1953. 1 vol, 1224 pgs 2002 WESTPORT, PRAEGER PUBS
NEW-dj ......$95.00

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1-229841 Saunders, Tim NAVAL AVIATION IN THE KOREAN WAR: Reflections of War - Vol1- Cover of Darkness Covers the role of US aircraft carriers and aircraft in stopping the North Korea's initial push to the south and their support during the Inchon Landing and Pusan Perimeter Break out. The last part of the first chapter deals with naval operations during the Marine's Chosin Reservoir march to the sea in December 1950. The book goes on to describe the stabilization of the front lines after the Chinese had entered the war during 1951. Includes 3x16pp color plates with 250 images (75% color and 25% black and white).

At this time, the emphasis for naval air operations is centered on interdiction behind the lines. The focus is on trying to stop road and rail traffic from resupplying the communist troops and allowing them to build up to a major offensive. Also, it includes the entry of the F2H Banshee into carrier operations which gave the USA four major types of aircraft to wage the war. 1 vol, 232 pgs 2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid March 2022 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-51680 Stanto, Shelby L. AMERICA'S TENTH LEGION:X Corps in Korea, 1950 An account of MacArthur's loyal instrument, testedat Inchon/Seoul and Northern Korea, biblio, index. 1 vol, 342 pgs 1898 NOVATO, PRESIDIO PRESS
GOOD-dj ......$12.00

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1-200840 Tucker-Jones, Anthony ARMOURED WARFARE IN THE KOREAN WAR: Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives - Images of War Series Part of the IMAGES OF WAR series. 200 b/w illustrations selected to show Soviet-built T-34/85s and Su-76s, American M4 Shermans, M26 Pershings and M46 Pattons, and British Cromwells and Centurions in action during the Korean War of 1950-53.

Korea, with its rugged mountains, narrow passes, steep valleys and waterlogged fields was not ideal tank country so the armor mainly supported the infantry and rarely engaged in battles of maneuver. Yet the wide variety of armor supporting UN and North Korean forces played a vital if unorthodox role in the swiftly moving campaigns. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2013 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-softcover, available late February 2013 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-223741 van Tonder, Gerry Korean War- Chinese Invasion V1: People's Liberation Army Crosses the Yalu, October 1950-March 1951 In his first four volumes on the Korean War, the author traces the war's progress from the North Korean invasion of June 1950, the desperate American defense of the Pusan Perimeter, General Douglas MacArthur's daring and highly successful amphibious offensive at Inch'on, and his subsequent advance across the 38th Parallel to the Yalu River on the Chinese Manchurian border
24 color & 75 black and white illustrations

Communist Chinese forces, that have been secretly infiltrating North Korean territory by slipping across the Yalu from mid-October 1950, ambush a South Korean regiment in the mountains of central North Korea. This is the first of several Chinese victories over unsuspecting and overstretched South Korean and American units in the winter of 1950/1.

On 27 November 1950, Chinese leader Mao Zedong, ostensibly fearful of the consequences of hostile American forces on his country's border along the Yalu River, orders 250,000 troops into Korea, with express orders to annihilate the UN forces. In the western half of the theater, US General Walton H. Walker's Eighth Army front along the Ch'ongch'on axis is breached, while to the east, the US X Corps suffers a series of crushing defeats, including at the Chosin Reservoir, precipitating a massive evacuation from the North Korean port of Hungnam. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available early June 2020 ......$23.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-223742 van Tonder, Gerry Korean War - Imjin River Fall of the Glosters to the Armistice, April 1951-July 1953 As of October 1950, a quarter of a million Communist Chinese troops, in twenty-seven divisions, had poured across the Yalu River into North Korea, with the singular objective of forcing General Douglas MacArthur's United Nations troops back across the 38th Parallel and into the Sea of Japan.

Shortly before midnight on 22 April 1951, to the west of the US Eighth Army's defensive front, the Chinese Sixty-third Army fell on the British 29th Brigade. On the left flank, the 1st Battalion, Gloucester Regiment ('Glosters') held a tenuous position at a ford on the Imjin River. Despite a gallant defense, the battalion was pushed back to make a desperate but futile stand on Hill 235. On what became known as 'Glosters' Hill', the battalion ceased to exist. It was subsequently estimated that the attacking force of 27,000 Chinese troops suffered 10,000 casualties, forcing the Chinese army to be withdrawn from the front.

From August 1951 to the summer of 1952, the USAF conducted Operation Strangle in a futile and costly attempt to disrupt Chinese supply routes. In the last two years of fighting, Communist Chinese and UN forces faced each other from well-entrenched positions in hilly terrain, where mapped hill numbers were contested. From June 1952 to March 1953, a series of five hard-fought engagements took place in central Korea as the antagonists sought ownership of Hill 266, commonly referred to as 'Old Baldy'. This was followed during April-July 1953 by two tactically pointless battles over Pork Chop Hill, in which the UN forces won the first battle and the Chinese the second, with both sides sustaining major casualties. On 27 July 1953, the two belligerents signed an armistice agreement, implementing a ceasefire that stands to this day. De facto, the Korean War has never ended.
1 vol, 128 pgs 2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid June 2020 ......$23.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-914107 various VAE VICTIS # 107: November 2012 Featuring the game, Coree 1950 (The Korean War) with A3 area map and 108 die-cut counters.


* ANALYSE : Franco-Prussian War (VPG), Neuve Chapelle (WDG), Coral Sea (B3rdG), Ukraine'44 (MMP), Keren 1941 (DG), In Magnificent Style (VPG), Summer Lightning (L'NL), Leuthen (VPG), Beyond Waterloo (LPS), D-Day Dice (VG), Combat Mission - Fortress Italy (BF)
* ART DE LA GUERRE : Le corps rapide hongrois durant Barbarossa, Coree 1950
* ART DE LA GUERRE and SCENARIOS : La retraite de Russie 1812, Jouer les armees de chevaliers a l'Art de la guerre
* SCENARIOS : URSS 1941 pour M44 et ASL, Guadalcanal 1942 pour Combat Commander
* STRATEGIE ET SCENARIOS : Les assauts amphibies, scenario EPT Pacifique
* REGLES : Les Byzantins a SAGA, La revue des revues
* NOUVEAU : La bibliotheque strategique, Les regles de jeu avec figurines, Les figurines plastiques, Du 6 au 28 mm, la parade des miniatures
* HOBBY : Le journal de marche, Concepteurs et developpeurs (2e partie)
1 vol, 60 pgs 2015 FRANCE, CERIGO EDITIONS
NEW-softcover, French Text, game rules in English - one copy available ......$28.00

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1-930349 various STRATEGY & TACTICS # 349: Korea Solitaire wargame covering the first year of the Korean War (July 1950 to June 1951). The game covers the critical mobile stage of the war when a decisive victory was in the cards. Historically, this phase ended in a stalemate with the front stabilized at the 38th parallel. The player controls the United Nations Command (UNC) while the game system controls Communist forces. The objective for the player is to gain the decisive victory that proved elusive in 1950-51. The game rules provide asymmetrical capabilities for each side. There are also options for the employment of additional UNC forces and US nuclear weapons. While a solitaire game, two or more players can also play Korea, each taking charge of different UNC forces.

Each game turn represents one month of operations. The map is set at 30 miles to the inch. Most combat units are corps, divisions, and brigades/regiments.

Components: 22 x 34-inch game map, 176 5/8-inch counters, and magazine. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2024 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-pb, available late August 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-938018 Various STRATEGY & TACTICS QUARTERLY #18: Korea - After Chosin Korea-After Chosin: Korea is often referred to as the Forgotten War. Even among military history enthusiasts, not much is known about the battles and campaigns beyond Pusan, Inchon, and Chosin. The issue goes in depth from the First Chinese Counteroffensive to Pork Chop Hill and the Armistice. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2022 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover, available mid April 2022 ......$20.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-246270 Wheelan, Joseph THE FARTHEST VALLEY: Escaping the Chinese Trap at the Chosin Reservoir Details the Chosin Valley attack on US Marines with first-hand accounts by the author, who is also Chosin veteran. Also uses Chinese military documents to give a unique perspective on Chinese strategic and tactical failings which allowed the Marines to escape. Without the Marines, the entire United Nations core strength was at risk of collapse which would have changed the outcome of the Korean War. Contains 8-page plate section with black-and-white photographs.

* List of Illustrations
* List of Maps
* Acronyms
* Prologue
* Chapter 1: West of Chosin Reservoir
* Chapter 2: The Chinese Menace
* Chapter 3: The March North
* Chapter 4: Arctic Cold Arrives
* Chapter 5: The Chinese Prepare to Attack
* Chapter 6: A Night to Remember
* Chapter 7: The Longest Night
* Chapter 8: Fox Hill
* Chapter 9: East of Chosin Reservoir
* Chapter 10: Out on a Limb
* Chapter 11: Fox Hill Surrounded
* Chapter 12: Hagaru-ri
* Chapter 13: Surrounded, Losing Hope
* Chapter 14: Hellfire Valley
* Chapter 15: The Airfield
* Chapter 16: The Chinese Destroy a Regiment
* Chapter 17: Yudam-ni and Fox Hill
* Chapter 18: The Relief of Fox Company
* Chapter 19: Entering Hagaru-ri
* Chapter 20: Readying the Breakout
* Chapter 21: Hagaru-ri to Koto-ri
* Chapter 22: Koto-ri
* Chapter 23: The Bridge
* Chapter 24: The Last Furlong
* Epilogue
* Acknowledgments
* Endnotes
* Bibliography
* Index 1 vol, 384 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available late October 2024 ......$32.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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