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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 10/17/2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
World War One

1-199440 LOVE, TOMMY: Letters Home, from the Great War to the Present Day A legacy of an empire and a nation at war, Love Tommy, is a collection of letters housed at the Imperial War Museum sent by British and Commonwealth troops from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa from the front line of war to their loved ones at home. Poignant expressions of love, hope and fear sit alongside amusing anecdotes, grumbles about rations and thoughtful reflections, eloquently revealing how, despite the passage of time, many experiences of the fighting man are shared in countless wars and battles. From the muddy trenches of the Somme to frozen ground of the Falklands to the heat and dust of Iraq, these letters are the ordinary soldier's testament to life on the front line. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2012 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid to late September 2012 ......$26.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-217550 WWI: The First Mechanized War Provides a comprehensive and complete view of the crude beginnings and fast evolution of armored warfare during the Great War. It includes historical texts illustrated with period photographs, and detailed color profiles of each of the most outstanding models. Also included is a brief reference to the evolution of military aviation during the Great War, with color profiles of the most important fighter planes used by all contenders.

Also includes a fantastic collection of large format black & white photographs, never before published to inspire modelers into making accurate WWI dioramas and vignettes. 1 vol, 170 pgs 2018 SPAIN, AK INTERACTIVE BOOKS
NEW-softcover, Inventory Reduction Sale. Only 4 copies left. First come first served ......$42.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-230490 World War One: Illustrated Magazine Bundle Issues (1-9) of World War One Illustrated magazine including the games in issues 1-4. Mini games are: Zeppelin Raider, Assassination in Sarajevo, On to Paris!, and Russia's Great War: 1914. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2013-2018 US, LOMBARDY STUDIOS
NEW-softcover ......$100.00 rct

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1-930313 STRATEGY & TACTICS # 313: Windhoek: SW Africa 1914-15 Windhoek: The Campaign in German Southwest Africa, 1914-15 is a wargame of the campaign in which British Empire forces, mainly from the Union of South Africa, conquered the German colony of Southwest Africa. In the original campaign, the British won within 10 months, but the campaign could have gone different, as von Lettow Vorbeck demonstrated in German East Africa.

This is a two-player game, in which one side commands the Germans, and the other Allied forces (including South Africa, British and Portuguese colonial). The Allied player must win the game quickly, while the Germans win by delaying the Allies beyond the historical time frame. The central game mechanism is Action Points (AP). These are a quantification of each sides command and logistical capabilities. Players expend AP to recruit units and conduct various military operations. On the map each hex represents approximately 25 miles.

Components: One 22x34-inch map and 176 counters. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2018 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover, available mid September 2018 ......$40.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-930314 STRATEGY & TACTICS # 314: Last Stand Isandlwana Last Stand at Isandlwana, 22 January 1879 is a two-player tactical wargame of low-intermediate complexity simulating the last 90 to 240 minutes of that infamous and legendary battle of the Anglo-Zulu War. The Zulu player is on the offensive, attempting to wipe out the entire British force on the map as quickly as possible. The British is attempting to win by having some remnant hold out longer than occurred historically or, alternatively, by having some portion of his command escape off the map and get back to relative safety at Roarke's drift. Solitaire-play is easily doable.

Each game turn of Last Stand is equal to five to 20 minutes of real time, depending on the tempo of action in each turn. Each hexagon on the map represents 217 yards (200 meters) from side to opposite side. There are 176 5/8-inch counters with each British unit-counter representing a company or a 'detachment' of infantry. On the Zulu side, they individual units each represent temporary battlefield agglomerations of the about 100 to 200 warriors.

Components: One 22x34-inch map and 176 counters. Includes magazine. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2018 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover, available late November 2018 ......$40.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-930315 STRATEGY & TACTICS # 315: Red Tide South Red Tide South is a two-player game. It is a stand-alone game that can is also designed to be played with Red Tide West (Modern War #15).

A war in Europe during the 1980's was primarily going to be decided, one way or the other, in West Germany. Other fronts and theaters were therefore almost irrelevant in the short term. Considering the Soviets' exceedingly optimistic timetables by which they intended to overrun West Germany, events elsewhere would have not even played out before the war ended (either by mutual annihilation or by rapprochement).

However, the Balkan Front could have had the most direct influence on the campaign in West Germany. If there was no significant nuclear exchange in Central Europe, a Soviet capture of the heavily industrialized Po Valley would potentially compel the Italians to sue for peace, as well as serve as a gateway to Southern France. Each hex is equivalent to about 10 miles (16 kilometers) from side to opposite side, and each turn represents about a day.

Components: One 22x34-inch map and 228 counters (plus 46 bonus counters for Red Tide West). 1 vol, 84 pgs 2019 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover, available mid February 2019 ......$40.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-938026 STRATEGY & TACTICS QUARTERLY #26: Alternative Strategies of World War I Presents a year-by-year analysis of the major strategic decisions made by The Central Powers and the Triple Entente during World War I. It examines the primary alternatives considered by each side for each year, analyzing where they could have done better. Topics covered include: dominant theories of strategy in 1914, the failure of the Schlieffen Plan, Britain's entry into the war, the 1915 and 1917 U-boat offensives, the Gallipoli campaign, the British Blockade and the neutrality of Scandinavia, the Somme offensive, Verdun, and the 1918 German Kaiser's Battle offensives. Sidebars also explain how tactical and technical developments affected both sides' strategies. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2024 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover, available late May 2024 ......$20.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-COM1057 Empires and Alliances: Strategic level simulation of the First World War Empires and Alliance is a strategic level simulation of the First World War. Players command the Central Powers and Allied forces that fought in Europe from 1914 to 1918. The map runs from the French Atlantic ports to Moscow and Rostov in the east. The map includes St. Petersburg in the north and Italy, Greece, and the portion of the Ottoman Empire that encompasses modern day Turkey in the south. There are off board Boxes for the Caucasus and the Middle East. Terrain types include forests, swamps, mountains, rivers (along hexsides), lakes, and major and minor cities.

The basic unit is the corps with a few divisions. Most of the minor countries have divisions and the major powers also have a few division breakdowns. There are infantry, cavalry, and army level artillery units. Tanks, air, and Stosstruppen begin to arrive in 1917. Units have historical corps and division IDs. Britain has their professional army at the start and receives Territorial and Kitchener reinforcements in 1915-1916. The British Commonwealth has distinctive Australian, New Zealand, Indian, and Canadian units. The French also have their Colonial and Territorial units.


4 Maps
4 Countersheets
8 Player Aid Cards
1 Rules and Scenario book
1 ten-sided dice
1 Box and lid set 1 vol, 1 pgs 2018 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box o/p, only one (1) available, first come first served ......$99.00 with a discount of 20% rct

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1-DG1631 MASURIA: Winter Battle 1915 After the Tannenberg campaign of August-September 1914, East Prussia became a strategic backwater as both sides focused their efforts in Poland. But the Russian threat remained, and the following winter the Germans set about cleaning up their northern flank. A massive attack on the open right flank of the Russian Tenth Army sent it reeling; only the sacrifice of an entire corps in the Augustowo Forest enabled it to escape.

Masuria uses a modification of the Fire & Movement game system. Developed to portray the mechanized battlefields of a later generation, F&M stresses the use of rapidly-concentrated fire support to generate breakthroughs, followed by a rapid penetration by mobile reserves. In 1915, although railroads allowed the rapid shifting of forces on a large scale, no one moved faster than a man on foot on the battlefield, making exploitation ineffective.

However, here both players have hidden movement, allowing them to concentrate in unexpected locations to surround and destroy isolated enemy units. The clumsy and inflexible fire support is represented by the artillery brigades available to division and corps commanders. It must be brought to the point of decision, then supplied to give it the firepower to affect the fighting.

The historical outcome at Masuria was the clearing of the East Prussian border. It might have gone differently; Russian reserves were available, and the German forces were a hodge-podge of units of widely varying quality. Both sides have a number of options to turn the fortunes of the campaign. The player who makes the better choices, and backs his strategy to the hilt, will emerge the victor.

Game Contents: 17x22-inch map, 100 die-cut counters, One Standard Rules booklet for this series, and One Exclusive Rules booklet for this title. 1 vol, 4 pgs 2014 CA, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover, available early April 2015 ......$20.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-DG1632 TANNENBERG: East Prussia, August 1914 In August 1914, two Russian armies, Rennenkampf's First and Samsonov's Second, invaded the German province of East Prussia. The lone German army there, Hindenburg's Eighth, had to rely on interior lines and railroads to concentrate against each Russian army in turn. This game focuses on the southern half of the campaign, with the northern half factored into the victory conditions. Those victory conditions vary with the strategic options chosen by each player so neither knows the other's intent.

Tannenberg uses a modification of the Fire & Movement game system. Developed to portray the mechanized battlefields of a later generation, F&M stresses the use of rapidly-concentrated fire support to generate breakthroughs, followed by a rapid penetration by mobile reserves. In 1914, although railroads allowed the rapid shifting of forces on a large scale, no one moved faster than a man on foot on the battlefield, making exploitation ineffective.

However, here both players have hidden movement, allowing them to concentrate in unexpected locations to surround and destroy isolated enemy units. The clumsy and inflexible fire support is represented by the artillery brigades available to division and corps commanders. It must be brought to the point of decision, then supplied to give it the firepower to affect the fighting.

The historical outcome at Tannenberg was the destruction of Samsonov's army, but it need not have been so. Both players have options and can achieve decisive success. The player who makes the better choices, and backs his strategy to the hilt, will emerge the victor.

Game Contents: 17x22-inch map, 100 die-cut counters, One Standard Rules booklet for this series, and One Exclusive Rules booklet for this title. 1 vol, 4 pgs 2014 CA, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover, available early April 2015 ......$20.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-DG1633 SUEZ 1916: The Ottoman Strike The Suez Canal was essential to British strategic communications and trade in the Great War, as well as being an important political symbol. In August of 1916, the Ottoman Empire sent an expeditionary force, which included contingents of Germans and Austro-Hungarians, against the canal. While the British were expecting an attack, the Ottomans gained tactical surprise by attacking at night. If the Ottoman attack had succeeded, Britain's prestige and warmaking capacity would be severely damaged.

Suez 1916 uses the Fire & Movement system. The movement and combat systems are designed around the realities of mechanized warfare, giving motorized and/or specially-trained units clear advantages. Players can augment units at the instant of combat with support fire, provided by weapons ranging from mortars through cannon and light ground attack aircraft to heavy bombers. A seemingly predictable assault can be overturned at the last minute by heavy defending fires, while even small units may develop tremendous offensive punch with the assistance of a heavy bombardment. Winning the battle is a matter of maneuver, firepower and asset management.

The historical battle was a touch-and-go affair, ending with the British pushing the Turks just far enough to keep the canal safe. The British have the stronger force, but the Central Powers has the advantages of surprise, initiative, and strong artillery support. The player who best utilizes his strengths and is prepared to capitalize on opportunities will prevail.

Game Contents: 17x22-inch map, 100 die-cut counters, One Standard Rules booklet for this series, and One Exclusive Rules booklet for this title. 1 vol, 4 pgs 2014 CA, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover, available early April 2015 ......$20.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-DG1634 GAZA 1917: Gateway to Jerusalem By early 1917 British Empire forces had pushed the Ottoman Turks out of the Sinai to a line near Gaza. If the British could break that line, it would open the road to Jerusalem, and after that Damascus. A hastily prepared attack in March was repulsed. After a month spent bringing forward artillery and supplies, the British were ready to try again, going over the top on 17 April.

Gaza 1917 uses the Fire & Movement system. The movement and combat systems are designed around the realities of mechanized warfare, giving motorized and/or specially-trained units clear advantages. Players can augment units at the instant of combat with support fire, provided by weapons ranging from mortars through cannon and light ground attack aircraft to heavy bombers. A seemingly predictable assault can be overturned at the last minute by heavy defending fires, while even small units may develop tremendous offensive punch with the assistance of a heavy bombardment. Winning the battle is a matter of maneuver, firepower and asset management.

Historically, the Turks eked out a victory, but it was a close call. In this game, the British have numbers, quality, and firepower on their side, while the Ottomans have excellent defensive positions, superior leadership, and time. The player who best utilizes his strengths and is prepared to capitalize on opportunities will prevail.

Game Contents: 17x22-inch map, 100 die-cut counters, One Standard Rules booklet for this series, and One Exclusive Rules booklet for this title. 1 vol, 4 pgs 2014 CA, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover, available early April 2015 ......$20.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-PWAR089 PAPER WARS: Issue 89 - Burning Mountains Burning Mountains is a simulation game about the Spring 1916 Austro-Hungarian offensive on the Italian Front, aimed to drive to the Veneto plain, west of Venice, cutting off the front in Friuli and along the Isonzo river, where most of Italian Army where deployed. A little-known WW I battle, it could have changed the balance of the war. It's an attrition battle, where the mountainous terrain will channel the AH efforts. A race against the time, while the Italian reinforcements hurry up to close the ever widening gaps. One player controls the Austro-Hungarian forces, the other the Italian forces. Each player attempts to achieve, or maintain, geographical objectives to attain the victory.

Product Information:
* Complexity: 1-10 (high): 4
* Solitaire Suitability: 1-10 (high): 8
* Time Scale: 2 Days per Game Turn
* Map Scale: 2 km per hex
* Unit Scale: Brigades and some Regiments
* Players: 2
* Playtime: 7 hours 1 vol, 64 pgs 2018 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-softcover with game ......$47.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-972020 Adams, Gregg 020 KING'S AFRICAN RIFLES SOLDIER vs SCHUTZTRUPPE SOLDIER: East Africa 1917-18 Specially commissioned artwork and thrilling combat accounts transport the reader to the far-flung and inhospitable East African theater of World War I, where the Schutztruppe faced off against the King's African Rifles. In an attempt to divert Allied forces from the Western Front, a small German colonial force under the command of Oberst Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck raided British and Portuguese territory.

Despite being heavily outnumbered, his expert use of guerrilla tactics forced the British to mount a series of offensives, culminating in a major battle at Nyangao-Mahiwa that saw both sides suffer heavy casualties.

Meticulously researched analysis highlights the tactical and technological innovation shown by both armies as they were forced to fight in a treacherous climate where local diseases could prove just as deadly as the opposition. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2016 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid September 2016 ......$20.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-972032 Adams, Gregg 032 US MARINE vs GERMAN SOLDIER: Belleau Wood 1918 After the US declaration of war on Germany, hundreds of thousands of American troops flooded into France and were thrust into the front line. Among them was the US Marine Corps' 4th Marine Brigade whose first major action was the battle of Belleau Wood in June 1918, fighting elements of Germany's 10th, 28th, and 237th Infantry divisions.

Volunteers to a man, the newly arrived Marines faced experienced but war-weary German conscripts whose doctrine had been honed by nearly four years of conflict on the Western Front. During the fighting, the Germans are alleged to have given the nickname 'Devil Dogs' to the Marines, and Belleau Wood has become enshrined in the Corps' heritage.

Employing first-hand accounts and specially commissioned artwork, this book investigates three different actions that shaped the course of the bitter battle for Belleau Wood, revealing the interplay of doctrine, tactics, technology, leadership, and human endeavor on the brutal battlefields of World War I. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2018 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, available mid May 2018 ......$20.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-203440 Adkin, Mark THE WESTERN FRONT COMPANION: The Complete Guide to How the Armies Fought for Four Devastating Years, 1914-1918 Comprehensive coverage of World War I's Western Front with 91 maps, 65 diagrams, and 275 photos. Breaks down the battles that took place in France and Belgium from 1914 to 1918 in trenches and fields, on muddy river plains, and against forts.

Covers the uniforms, equipment, and weaponry as well as the strategy, tactics, and orders of battle of all sides. Impressively illustrated with color maps, diagrams, charts, drawings, and period photos. Includes modern-day photos overlaid with markings to show troop movements
Required reference for scholars and military history buffs as the war's 100th anniversary approaches. 1 vol, 528 pgs 2013 US, STACKPOLE BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$70.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-195720 Aksakai. Mustafa The Ottoman Road to War in 1914: The Ottoman Empire and the First World War Why did the Ottoman Empire enter the First World War, months after the war's devastation had become clear? Mustafa Aksakal's dramatic study demonstrates that responsibility went far beyond the war minister, Enver Pasha, and that the road to war was paved by the demands of a politically interested public.

Table of Contents
Introduction: pursuing sovereignty in the age of imperialism
1. The intellectual and emotional climate after the Balkan wars
2. 1914: War with Greece?
3. The Ottomans within the international order
4. The Great War as great opportunity: the Ottoman July crisis
5. Tug of war: Penelope's game
6. Salvation through war?
Conclusion: the decision for war remembered. 1 vol, 229 pgs 2011 UK, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$41.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-205310 Anderson, Ken A GERMAN TOMMY: The Secret of a War Hero The date: 14 October 1918 - a misty early morning, east of Ledegem, Belgium. Young British Army officer Lieutenant Walter Lancelot Merritt MC carries a large red flag to indicate the center of a brigade-strength advance. He moves ahead of the main force.

Close to the German lines a bullet smashes into Merritt's right leg. Despite the crippling wound he continues to hold the flag aloft ensuring following troops maintain the line as they move on to take long-entrenched German territory. Merritt's courage and leadership resulted in the award of a Bar to his Military Cross.

While undergoing treatment in postwar England, he confessed in a petition to King George his real name was Walter Schwarz. He had deserted from the Australian Imperial Force in 1915 because he feared his German ancestry would prevent him being sent into battle.

George, who had personally decorated him as Merritt at Buckingham Palace, accepted his story and pardoned him for his desertion. The mystery has remained to this day: How did Schwarz manage to maintain his cover for six long years under the most trying circumstances imaginable?

Schwarz's only comment was he would like to say more but could not. He never did. The author has gone behind the accepted facts to tell for the first time the true story of this gallant deserter. He reveals that official documents have been altered and argues that members of a secret society lied and swore false testimony to help Schwarz, acting on their oath to aid a fellow member in distress. The book offers an insight into the way in which people of German origin were treated in Australia and Britain during the First World War. It is a story of bravery and deception unique in the history of war. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2014 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid June 2014 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-43331M anon MIL OPS:FRANCE 1917:V1 MAPS Part of the WWI Official History Series, (12) maps on map case 1 vol, 0 pgs 1996 NASHVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$50.00

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1-52280 anon L'ALBUM de la GUERRE 1914-1919 12x16, several thousand b/w & color drawings, mapsillust, tipped in plates(8.5x11) of all the majorofficers, their are many color 20x14 illust battlepaintings, all in all a magnificent set. 2 vol, 1304 pgs 1927 PARIS, L'ILLUSTRATION
GOOD-hardcover is worn, French text ......$200.00

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1-54960 anon TRENCH FORTIFICATIONS 1914-1918:A Reference Manual Three separate sections covering the French Army-Notes on Field Fortifications, the German Army-The Construction of Field Positions & the American Army-Notes on the Construction of Trenches, illust 1 vol, 466 pgs 1998 NASHVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$50.00

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1-55070 anon-British General Staff HANDBOOK OF THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN ARMY IN WAR, 1918 Details the administration, organization, use ofInfantry, Cavalry, Artillery, Engineers, SupportServices, and much more, b/w illust, appendicies. 1 vol, 184 pgs 1994 NASHVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-hardcover, o/p ......$40.00

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1-43930 anon-British Intelligence Section, Cario HANDBOOK OF THE TURKISH ARMY, 1916 Details the administration, organization, use of Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, Engineers, Support Services, and much more, b/w illust, appendices. 1 vol, 235 pgs 1996 NASHVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-hardcover facsilmile of 1916 ed ......$50.00

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1-211410 Babac, Dusan THE SERBIAN ARMY IN THE GREAT WAR: 1914-1918 Analysis of the Serbian Army of WWI, including its organization, participation in military operations, weapons, equipment, uniforms, and system of orders and medals. This book is a synthesis of all available literature and periodicals, appearing for the first time in the English language. The book is well Supported by around 500 illustrations, out of which more than 300 are contemporary photographs and other documents, plus dozens of color plates of uniform reconstructions and color photographs of the preserved pieces of uniform, equipment and weapons.

In the first two years of the war, Serbia defeated the Austro-Hungarian Balkan Army. The following year, defeated by a Central Powers offensive, the Serbian Army retreated through Albania and evacuated to Corfu where it rested, rearmed, and reorganized. From there the army transferred to the Salonika Front. After a long lull, the struggle to penetrate the Front began in September 1918. Serbian and other Allied forces broke through the Front and Bulgaria was soon forced to surrender. The Serbian Army advanced rapidly and on 1 November 1918 Belgrade was liberated. Thanks to the Serbian military victories and diplomatic efforts, the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (later Yugoslavia) was created. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2016 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-hardback, shopworn 25% discount: Only 1 copy available. First Come, First Served ......$120.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-49320 Babington, Anthony SHELL SHOCK The author's research has produced the first complete study of combat stress from ancient times to the Gulf War, the main thrust is WWI, biblio. 1 vol, 224 pgs 1997 LONDON, LEO COOPER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$28.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-191250 Baker, Horace edited by Robert H. Ferrell ARGONNE DAYS IN WORLD WAR I A first-hand poignant memoir recalls the Battle of Meuse-Argonne. Other books have been written about Pershing's offensive but this one tells what happened to the soldiers who carried out his order 1 vol, 176 pgs 2007 US, UNIV'TY OF MISSOURI
NEW-dj ......$30.00

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1-49350 Banks, Arthur MILITARY ATLAS OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR, A A comprehensive atlas based on the Arthur Banks atlas first published in 1975. The maps in the original were all painstakingly hand-drawn in black and white, covering every aspect of the first truly global war. This book takes the information laid down by Banks and reinterprets it in full color, computer modeled cartography. The book covers the main reasons why the major powers entered the conflict, the individual battles fought along the Western Front as well as in depth coverage of the war in the east of Europe. The War at sea is mapped in great detail, including the clashes at Dogger Bank and Jutland as well as the German submarine campaigns and the first major sea borne landing at Gallipoli. The First World War saw the first extensive use of air power, maps show the routes taken by the German Zeppelin raids on eastern England as well as the Allied strategic bombing effort at the end of the war.
1 vol, 340 pgs 2017 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-pb ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-90310 Barrett, Michael OPERATION ALBION:German Conquest of the Baltic Operation Albion tells the little-known story ofthe invasion of Dago, Osel, and Moon Islands inthe Gulf of Riga in October 1917. B/w maps/illust, notes, appendix, biblio, index. 1 vol, 299 pgs 2008 BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA UNIV
NEW-dj ......$30.00

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1-205640 Barrett, Michael B. PRELUDE TO BLITZKRIEG: The 1916 Austro-German Campaign in Romania In contrast to the trench-war deadlock on the Western Front, combat in Romania and Transylvania in 1916 foreshadowed the lightning warfare of WWII. When Romania joined the Allies and invaded Transylvania without warning, the Germans responded by unleashing a campaign of bold, rapid infantry movements, with cavalry providing cover or pursuing the crushed foe.

Hitting where least expected and advancing before the Romanians could react -- even bombing their capital from a Zeppelin soon after war was declared-the Germans and Austrians poured over the formidable Transylvanian Alps onto the plains of Walachia, rolling up the Romanian army from west to east, and driving the shattered remnants into Russia.

Prelude to Blitzkrieg tells the story of this largely ignored campaign to determine why it did not devolve into the mud and misery of trench warfare, so ubiquitous elsewhere. Includes 32 b&w illustrations and 15 maps. 1 vol, 424 pgs 2014 US, INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-dj, available early July 2014 ......$45.00

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2-213170 Barry, Quintin THE WAR IN THE NORTH SEA: The Royal Navy And The Imperial German Navy 1914-1918 For years before the outbreak of the First World War, it was the expectation of most officers of the Royal Navy and the Imperial German Navy that very shortly thereafter, a decisive fleet action would be fought. This had a major impact on the strategic thinking on both sides of the North Sea. In fact, the unalterable geographic situation meant that for the Grand Fleet in its Scottish bases, the correct course to follow was not to seek a major fleet encounter. Essentially, it was by staying where it was that it could neutralize the High Seas Fleet and enforce an economic blockade of Germany.

The history of the war in the North Sea between 1914 and 1918 is a record of the attempts to break the deadlock - and it is also the history of the men who led the British and German navies. On both sides, the stresses of the huge burden which they bore led to a serious breakdown of trust in each other on the part of the admirals charged with the responsibility. Still more serious was the mutual loss of confidence between the admirals on the one hand and the politicians on the other; their letters and diaries reveal the bitter personal disputes that arose between them.

The principal naval battle of Jutland occurred when the British and German fleets clashed, almost by accident, in the North Sea on 31 May 1916. The outcome of the battle has prompted a minute examination of the tactics employed by the commanders, a continuous debate as to who won, and a bitter controversy between the supporters of Sir John Jellicoe (the commander-in-chief of the Grand Fleet) and Sir David Beatty (the commander of the battle cruisers).

Most British historians claim the battle as a British victory - a view which this book questions. It has been often suggested that after Jutland, the High Seas Fleet remained in harbor for the rest of the war, but as this book shows, the underrated Admiral Reinhard Scheer (its commander-in-chief) subsequently launched a number of major sorties. It was a series of chances that had determined the outcome of Jutland - and it was chance that repeatedly intervened to prevent a decisive encounter subsequently.

This book reviews the entire course of the war in the North Sea, from the first contacts between the fleets in the early days, to the ambitious (but abortive) mission planned at the end of the war for the High Seas Fleet - and, as a dramatic epilogue, its scuttling in Scapa Flow. Includes 150 B&W photos and maps. 1 vol, 608 pgs 2017 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$70.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-246380 Batten, Simon FUTILE EXERCISE?: The British Army's Preparations for War 1902-1914 Considers whether the claim that the British Army was the best trained, best organized, and best equipped army which ever went forth to war is justified. Conventional wisdom has it that the British Army in 1914 was utterly unprepared for the development of trench warfare from October 1914 onwards, and that it took many lives and a costly 'learning curve' for the British to come to terms with the new conditions of warfare. Raises issues about how armies learn from their experiences and how they prepare for war without employing bullets and shells. Contains 50 black and white photos and illustrations, as well as 4 black and white maps. 1 vol, 236 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid October 2024 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-211230 Bau, Jean AUSTRALIA'S PALESTINE CAMPAIGN: 1916-18 With nearly two mounted divisions engaged against the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East for almost three years, the Palestine Campaign was Australia's longest running militarily significant endeavor of WWI after the Western Front.

Apart from the battle of Beersheba, the Palestine Campaign receives little attention in Australia compared to Gallipoli and the Western Front. In contrast to the years of grinding trench warfare in France and Belgium, the Palestine Campaign was a war of relative movement and maneuver. Cavalry, including Australia's light horse, played a prominent role, but it was a hard fought fully modern war, in which the latest military technologies and techniques were all used. 1 vol, 173 pgs 2016 AUSTRALIA, BIG SKY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available late April 2016 ......$17.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-190270 Beckett, Ian and Corvi, Steven editors HAIG'S GENERALS In-depth study of Douglas Haig's army commanders on the Western Front during WWI. Critical look at Command and Control. B/w illust, biblio, index. Each commander gets his own chapter, including short bio and analysis of strengths and weaknesses during particular battles. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2009 UK, PEN & SWORD BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-199370 Benbow, Tim Naval Warfare 1914-1918 150 color and b/w photographs and 50 artworks. At the start of the war, the German Empire had cruisers scattered across the globe, some of which were subsequently used to attack Allied merchant shipping.

The British Royal Navy systematically hunted them down, though not without some embarrassment from its inability to protect Allied shipping. However, the bulk of the German East-Asia squadron did not have orders to raid shipping and was instead underway to Germany when it encountered elements of the British fleet. Soon after the outbreak of hostilities, Britain initiated a naval blockade of Germany. The strategy proved effective, cutting off vital military and civilian supplies. The 1916 Battle of Jutland developed into the largest naval battle of the war, the only full-scale clash of battleships during the war.

The Kaiserliche Marine's High Seas Fleet, commanded by Vice Admiral Reinhard Scheer, squared off against the Royal Navy's Grand Fleet, led by Admiral Sir John Jellicoe. The engagement was a standoff, as the Germans, outmaneuvered by the larger British fleet, managed to escape and inflicted more damage to the British fleet than they received. Strategically, however, the British asserted their control of the sea, and the bulk of the German surface fleet remained confined to port for the duration of the war. German U-boats attempted to cut the supply lines between North America and Britain. The nature of submarine warfare meant that attacks often came without warning, giving the crews of the merchant ships little hope of survival.

The U-boat threat lessened in 1917, when merchant ships entered convoys escorted by destroyers. With the aid of numerous black and white and color photographs, many previously unpublished, the World War I series recreates the battles and campaigns that raged across the surface of the globe, on land, at sea and in the air. The text is complemented by full-color maps that guide the reader through specific actions and campaigns. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2012 UK, AMBER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-205790 Bennett, Geoffrey THE BATTLES OF CORONEL AND THE FALKLANDS 1914 The defeat that Rear-Admiral Sir Christopher Cradock suffered at Coronel in 1914 at the hands of Maximilian Graf von Spee, one of Germany's most brilliant naval commanders, was the most humiliating blow to British naval prestige since the eighteenth century and a defeat that had to be avenged immediately.

On 8 December 1914, the German squadron steamed towards Port Stanley, unaware that in the harbor lay two great British battle-cruisers, the 'Invincible' and 'Inflexible'. Realizing this, Spee had no option but to turn and flee. Hour by hour during that long day, the British ships closed in until, eventually, Spee was forced to confront the enemy. With extraordinary courage, and against hopeless odds, the German cruisers fought to the bitter end. At five-thirty that afternoon, the last ship slowly turned and rolled to the bottom. Cradock and Britain had been avenged. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2014 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available early July 2014 ......$20.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-209540 Bennett, Leon CHURCHILL'S WAR AGAINST THE ZEPPELIN 1914-18: Men, Machines and Tactics Explores the development of the airship, the efforts to defend Britain against the attacks, and Winston Churchill's role in these efforts. The text is accompanied by nearly 200 illustrations.

As First Lord of the Admiralty in the early years of the war, Churchill was responsible for defending Britain against all attacks, not only from the sea but also from the air. He was instrumental in proposing and sponsoring a variety of measures, including defense by carrier and by flying boat. Unfortunately, while these measures proved successful in the long run, they took too long to be fully developed in time to be effective as an immediate defense against the Zeppelin attacks. Politically weakened by the Gallipoli disaster and the Zeppelin bombings, Churchill had to resign. It would take another war to restore his reputation. 1 vol, 424 pgs 2015 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-hardcover ......$60.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-200240 Bilton, David The Germans in Flanders 1915 - 1916 - Images of War Series Covers the actions of the German Army in the Low Countries during 1915 and 1916. In its broad compass it looks at the battles with the French, Belgians and British, concentrating mostly on the latter.

Each phase and aspect of the period is detailed from the German point of view using primary and secondary sources from both Germany and Britain. The illustrations provide a pictorial background in both a specific and general form, highlighting life in the front-line as well as rear areas and show how the War affected the towns and villages of the region. 250 b/w photos. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2012 UK, Pen & Sword
NEW-pb ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-213240 Bilton, David ALLIED POWs IN GERMAN HANDS 1914 - 1918: Images of War In this first fully illustrated history of the Kaiser's unwanted guests, the author looks at the lives of the thousands of Allied men who became POWs during the Great War.

After making the decision to surrender, the soldier, sailor or airman was at the mercy of his captors. The book examines what it felt like to surrender, the dangers involved and then the often long journey to a camp in Germany. For some the there was no journey, they were kept at the Front to help the German war effort.

Not all camps were the same; some were better than others, a situation that could easily change with the replacement of the commandant, but most were poor. Disease was rife and there was little medical care. Barracks were usually cold and there were few blankets and little clothing. Men were abused, starved, denied their basic rights, sent to work in appalling conditions and some were murdered. There were thousands of civilians interned as well, who mostly fared better than combatants, however they did not have it easy.

With the arrival of parcels from home most prisoners could implement their diet, but this was not the case for Russians who received little help and relied on handouts from other prisoners.

Escape was a priority for many men; thousands tried, even though they could be shot for the attempt, as some were, but most failed to make it home.

Then the Armistice was signed and the POWs were freed. Some managed to walk to Allied lines, most had to wait for transport. Within a few months they were all home, except for the thousands of prisoners that were missing, that the Germans claimed they never had.

Includes 150 photographs. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2017 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late January 2017 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-219240 Bilton, David THE BADGES OF KITCHENER'S ARMY While the divisional signs are well known, there has been little authoritative work on the signs worn by the infantry battalions. The book will illustrate the unique cap and shoulder titles used, as well as cloth signs worn to provide easy recognition in the trenches. Each service battalion, of each regiment has a listing, which provides a brief history of the unit and detailed information on the badges worn.

It is prodigiously illustrated and contains much information, like why a shape or color was chosen, when it was adopted, what size it was, whether it was worn on a helmet, what color the helmet was and even what colors were used on horse transport; the majority of this rich and detailed information has never been published before. What helps make the information accurate and authoritative is that much of it comes from an archive created at the time and from personal correspondence with hundreds of veterans in the 1980s, many of whom still had their badges and often had razor-sharp recollections about wearing them. The book will also provide some comments from these veterans.

A further unique aspect of the book is that it will look at the uniforms and badges worn before the battalions left the country, providing much new information that will enable people to identify any photographs they have lying around. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid February 2019 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-221000 Bilton, David THE FRENCH ARMY IN THE GREAT WAR: Images of War Series Another fine addition to the Images of War series provides 200 contemporary black and white photographs of the French Army on the Western Front, including the daily life of the French soldier both in and out of the trenches. Many come from wartime and postwar magazines, interspersed with previously unpublished images.

Also included is a lengthy introduction which explains the structure of the army at the onset of the war and some of the problems it faced, and a section that looks at the uniforms worn and how they changed during the war. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2019 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available late July 2019 ......$23.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-227280 Bilton, Joshua GERMANY IN THE GREAT WAR: Verdun & Somme For the Central Powers, 1916 was a year of trial and error, of successes and failures, of innovation, and of drastic changes. Tactics evolved, while war aims mutated to suit the inertia of trench warfare. Advances were aided, and often effectively countered, with the development of new weaponry.

Across all fronts, whether at home or in Poland, citizens and soldiers alike stood fast against Entente forces. On the Western Front, bitter fighting continued apace. To the east the armies of Austro-Hungary, Germany, and Bulgaria battled Entente forces. Meanwhile at sea, the German High Seas Fleet ambushed the Royal Navy off the coast of Denmark. On the Home Front, the poor harvest of 1916, coupled with a lack of transport, led to a winter of stark deprivation. As a consequence, the German government introduced what was effectively a system of rationing entitled, 'sharing scarcity.' In the south, Ottoman forces fought Allied soldiers for control of Kut and Erzurum, a fortified trading port in eastern Turkey.

Includes 500 contemporary photographs, many of which have never before been published. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late May 2021 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-COM1087 Bishop, Dennis SCHUTZTRUPPE: HEIA SAFARI, 1914-18 (Wargame) Moderate complexity wargame that delivers an intriguing and detailed look at the East African Guerrilla war, 1914-1918. Contains detailed naval and supply rules, and a map and order of battle representing the authoritative treatment of the campaign. The overall game presentation is enhanced with a mounted game map and larger 9/16-inch counters.

Product Information:
* Complexity: 6 out of 10
* Solitaire Suitability: 8 out of 10 (no hidden units)
* Time Scale: 1 month per turn
* Map Scale: 30 miles per hex
* Unit Scale: Divisions
* Players: One to two, best with two
* Playing Time: up to 3 hours

* Mounted 22x34-inch map
* Three 9/16-inch countersheets (358 counters)
* Rules booklet
* Two order of battle displays
* Two player aid cards
* One 6-sided die 1 vol, 1 pgs 2024 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box ......$69.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-LEG1501 Bishop, Dennis TANGA 1914: Invasion of German East Africa Often referred to as 'The Battle of the Bees,' the Battle of Tanga, an amphibious attack launched by British and Indian forces, established the burgeoning reputation of Colonel (later General) Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck as he successfully defeated the British-led attempt to capture German East Africa. Some 80km from the border of British East Africa, Tanga was sited on a high plateau in German East Africa, and was its busiest sea port as well as being the site of the crucial Usambara railway. Already the subject of gunboat diplomacy by a British warship on 17 August, Tanga had been spared from bombardment by an agreement extracted from the town's population to refrain from initiating local aggression.

However, the British subsequently changed their minds and ordered General Aitken to capture the German colony via a landing at Tanga in November 1914; it was to be the first major action of the war in German East Africa. Something of a fiasco from the start, Aitken's force of 8,000 insufficiently trained Indian reserves (from Indian Expeditionary Force 'B') were preceded by the inopportune arrival, on 2 November, of a British cruiser announcing the termination of the August agreement.

Components: One 22x34-inch map, 360 counters, 4 play aids, and 24-page rule book.
1 vol, 1 pgs 2015 US, LEGION WARGAMES LLC
NEW-box, available late March 2021 ......$54.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-195680 Blair, Dale BATTLE OF BELLICOURT TUNNEL: Tommies, Diggers, and Doughboys on the Hindenburg Line, 1918 6 x 9 inches, 11 maps, and 8 pages of plates.

The Bellicourt Tunnel attack, fought in the fading autumn light, was very much an inter-Allied affair and marked a unique moment in the Allied armies' endeavors. It was the first time that such a large cohort of Americans had fought in a British army. Additionally, untried American II Corps and experienced Australian Corps were to spearhead the attack under the command of Lieutenant General Sir John Monash with British divisions adopting supporting roles on the flanks.

Blair forensically details the fighting and the largely forgotten desperate German defense. Although celebrated as a marvelous feat of breaking the Hindenburg Line, the American attack failed generally to achieve its set objectives and it took the Australians three days of bitter fighting to reach theirs. Blair rejects the conventional explanation of the US 'mop up' failure and points the finger of blame at Rawlinson, Haig, and Monash for expecting too much of the raw US troops, singling out the Australian Corps commander for particular criticism. 1 vol, 280 pgs 2011 UK, FRONTLINE
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-218500 Blaxland, Gregory AMIENS 1918: From Disaster to Victory Concentrates on the British and Dominion troops of the BEF during 1918. The first half is taken up with the attack on Amiens (and, to a lesser extent, on Arras). The second half provides a cohesive account of the British response in retaking the initiative from the Germans. Also includes critical commentary of the performance of armies and generals and 32 black and white illustrations.

In 1918, despite almost destroying Fifth Army and advancing within ten miles of the crucial rail head city of Amiens, the Germans failed to take the city. Reinforced by substantial numbers of American troops, the allies launched a successful counterattack on 18 July. Shortly afterwards, on 8 August, the BEF (with some French support) attacked with Fourth Army before Amiens and was stunningly successful -- what Ludendorff described as the 'Black Day of the German Army'. There followed a sequence of blows by all the allies along the Western Front, pushing the Germans back to the borders.
1 vol, 288 pgs 2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late January 2021 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-211580 Bob Carruthers 1914 - 1918: The German Army on Campaign This new volume in the long-running Images of War series features the actions of the German Army on the Somme. The book is comprised of rare photographs illustrating the German Army fighting a dogged defensive war against superior odds on the Somme. It is accompanied by a powerful text written by Official War Correspondent Philip Gibbs, who was an eyewitness to the events. Photographs from the battlefield illustrate the terrible conditions, which the beleaguered German forces on the battlefield endured in the notorious engagement, which has become synonymous with vainglorious sacrifice.

This book incorporates a wide range of images that encompass the actions of the German infantry and their supporting artillery. Also featured are images, which depict the almost incomprehensible condition of the battlefield and the trenches after more than one million shells had been poured into the German lines. Portraits of the German troops are contrasted with surviving images of captured British prisoners of war and the endless battle to get the supply columns through to the front. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2016 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late June 2016 ......$20.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-237120 Bodsworth, John BRITISH UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR: Volume 1 Clothing & Necessaries Large format contains extensive illustrations and color photos of uniforms and artifacts based on the authors extensive collection and catalogues of the period. 1 vol, 450 pgs 2023 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb, available late May 2023 ......$89.00 inc

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1-217740 Boff, Jonathan HAIG'S ENEMY: Crown Prince Rupprecht and Germany's War on the Western Front The in-depth story of the Western Front, as seen from the perspective of one of Germany's leading WWI generals. Illuminates the strengths and weaknesses of the imperial German army, its view on WWI and British generals, and the relations between Prussia and the other German states. A new view of a dynamic 'battle-space,' both physical and intellectual, where three armies struggled to outfight and outthink their enemy. Also the tale of a personal tragedy -- of a man who lost a son, a war, and a throne in the course of four short years. 1 vol, 400 pgs 2018 US, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-dj, available late August 2018 ......$35.00

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1-210650 Bourhill, James RETURN TO MOROGORO: With the South African Horse through East Africa to France and Flanders, 1914-1918 In WWI, a South African family with deep roots in all four corners of the country served in three different theaters of war. This history of their experiences starts before the war, but links generations across fronts and also the home front. Only one of the five came home unscathed, while others came home suffering from wounds and illnesses. Hazard and hardship lingered on in the form of Spanish influenza, mining strikes, and the Great Depression.

Using extracts of their letters from the front, the story is to a large extent told in the words of those who were there. Context is provided by referencing existing literature, unpublished memoirs, and archival material. It could be called a military history or a social history, but it is a truly South African story which contains much new material for historians, while for the general reader it offers an accessible insight into an unparalleled period of history. Includes 80 b/w photos and five maps. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2015 UK, 30 DEGREES SOUTH PUBLISHERS
NEW-pb, available early February 2016 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-50630 Brannen, Carl Andrew OVER THERE: A Marine in the Great War First hand account of the his two years with the Marines, many of the b/w photos were taken by the author, maps. 1 vol, 166 pgs 1996 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS AM
NEW-dj ......$16.00

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1-41380 Bristow, Adrian SERIOUS DISAPPOIMTMENT, A:Battle of Aubers Ridge On 9 May, 1915 the British First Army attacked the Aubers Ridge for the 2nd time, this attack was a fiasco that ended in one day with casualties of b/w illust/photos, maps, o/b's, biblio, index 1 vol, 202 pgs 1995 LONDON, LEO COOPER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$32.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-45370 British General Staff ARMIES OF THE BALKAN STATES, 1914-1918 A compilation of handbooks on the Balkan States,covers o/b's, training, (14) uniform/insignia plates, b/w maps. Covers Bulgarian, Greek, Montenegrin, Rumanian and Serbian forces. Hansy book for research using a contemporary viewpoint. 1 vol, 411 pgs 1997 NASHVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$50.00

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1-46290 British General Staff BRITISH TRENCH WARFARE, 1917-1918 Details the British small unit tactical trench operations; incorporates the basic infantry handbook for trench warfare with field fortification diagrams, 100+diagrams. 1 vol, 214 pgs 1997 NASHVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$35.00

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1-85160 Broadbent, Harvey GALLIPOLI THE FATAL SHORE Highlighted with 200+ color & b/w photos, illustand artwork, the author tells the story of thecampaign that forged the national identity of bothAustralia & New Zealand, biblio, index 1 vol, 312 pgs 2005 AUSTRALIA, PENGUIN
NEW-dj ......$44.00

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2-49280 Bruce, Robert MACHINE GUNS OF WORLD WAR I:In Color Photos Among the weapons covered are the MAXIM, VICKERS,HOTCHKISS, LEWIS & the CHAUCHAT, (200) colorphotos, 8.5x11. 1 vol, 128 pgs 1997 LONDON, WINDROW & GREENE
AS NEW-dj ......$50.00

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1-235590 Bruhn, David QUEENSTOWN BOUND: U.S. Navy Destroyers Combating German U-boats in European Waters in World War I Beginning in spring 1917, the U.S. Navy sent divisions of destroyers to Europe, first to Queenstown, Ireland, and later to Gibraltar and French ports, to combat German U-boats. The submarines were taking a huge toll on Atlantic shipping over the course of World War I, resulting in the loss of nearly half of Britain's merchant fleet. By the time America entered the war, an expanded U-boat fleet had come dangerously close to choking off Britain's critical supply of food, which threatened the sustainment of the island nation and could have led to the collapse of the British war effort.

Though lacking sonar, radar, and embarked helicopters common to warships today, the four-stack, coal-burning destroyers bravely carried out anti-submarine patrols and convoy escort duties. Their presence in dangerous waters where unseen submarines searched for victims, helped hold the enemy down and, when possible, enabled depth-charge and gunnery attacks against the enemy. The destroyers' greatest contributions were in helping to get two million U.S. soldiers safely to France, which changed the course of the war and of world history. Includes 177 photos, maps, and diagrams; appendices; a bibliography; and an index to full names, places, and subjects. 1 vol, 308 pgs 2022 US, HERITAGE BOOKS
NEW-pb, available early January 2023 ......$31.00 rct

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1-217300 Bull, Stephen THE GERMAN SOLDIER'S POCKET MANUAL: 1914-1918 This is the first Pocket Manual to be dedicated to the German Army in the World War I, with chapters comprising of complete documents or extracts drawn from two major sources: the German Army of 1914 - 1918 itself, or the intelligence sections of other armies.

It describes the new tactics and units developed by the German army during the war, including the myths surrounding Stormtrooper units. These new methods used were a result of interaction between the opposing forces and incremental in their appearance. Nevertheless the new ideas were hugely influential and important not only to the German army but to others as well, including British and American forces.

Utilizing a wide range of sources, including various pamphlets and manuals that were produced throughout World War I, this fascinating pocket manual gives a German perspective to World War I. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2018 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, available mid June 2018 ......$15.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-86780 Bull, Stephen STOSSTRUPPTAKIK OF WWI:The First Stormtroopers Analysis of the use of Stormtroopers during WWI and their influence on WWII. (32) pages of b/w photos, drawings of uniforms/equipment/weapons; biblio, appendices, index. 1 vol, 180 pgs 2007 UK, SPELLMOUNT PUBLISHERS
NEW-dj ......$40.00

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1-972005 Bull, Stephen 005 COMBAT: British Infantryman vs German Infantryman - Somme 1916 The mighty struggle for the Somme sector of the Western Front in the second half of 1916 has come to be remembered for the dreadful toll of casualties inflicted on Britain's 'New Armies' by the German defenders on the first day of the offensive, 1 July.

The battle continued, however, throughout the autumn and only came to a close in the bitter cold of mid-November. The British plan relied on the power of artillery to suppress and destroy the German defences; the infantry were tasked with taking and holding the German trenches, but minimal resistance was anticipated. Both sides incurred major losses, however; German doctrine emphasised that the first line had to be held or retaken at all costs, a rigid defensive policy that led to very high casualties as the Germans threw survivors into ad hoc, piecemeal counterattacks all along the line.

Featuring specially commissioned full-colour artwork and based on meticulous reassessment of the sources, this engaging study pits the volunteers of Kitchener's 'New Armies' against the German veterans who defended the Somme sector in the bloody battles of July-November 1916. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2013 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid January 2014 ......$19.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-214950 Buttar, Paul THE SPLINTERED EMPIRES: The Eastern Front - 1917-21 Fourth of four books in this splendid series covering WWI east front operations, mostly at division and corp level.

At the beginning of 1917, the three empires fighting on the Eastern Front were reaching their breaking points, but none was closer than Russia. After the February Revolution, Russia's ability to wage war faltered and her last desperate gamble, the Kerensky Offensive, saw the final collapse of her army. This helped trigger the Bolshevik Revolution and a crippling peace, but the Central Powers had no opportunity to exploit their gains and, a year later, both the German and Austro-Hungarian empires surrendered and disintegrated.

Concluding his acclaimed series on the Eastern Front in World War I, Prit Buttar comprehensively details not only these climactic events, but also the 'successor wars' that raged long after the armistice of 1918. New states rose from the ashes of empire and war raged as German forces sought to keep them under the aegis of the Fatherland. These unresolved tensions between the former Great Powers and the new states would ultimately lead to the rise of Hitler and a new, terrible world war only two decades later. 1 vol, 480 pgs 2017 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$18.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-205130 Buttar, Prit COLLISION OF EMPIRES: The War on the Eastern Front in 1914 Although the myriad of alliances and suspicions that existed between the Russian, German, and Austro-Hungarian empires in the early 20th century proved to be one of the primary triggers for the outbreak of the First World War, much of the actual fighting between these three nations has been largely forgotten in the West. Whilst battles such as Ypres, the Somme, and Passchendaele have been inscribed deeply on the public consciousness, with the exception of perhaps Tannenberg, the conflicts in the East do not hold the same recognition.

In his new book, Prit Buttar seeks to correct this imbalance with a new insight into the fighting in the East - a magisterial account of the chaos and destruction that reigned when three powerful empires collided. His harrowing narrative is driven by first-hand accounts and new, detailed archival research to create a dynamic retelling of the tumultuous events of the first year of the war, examining the battles of Masurian Lakes and Tannenberg in East Prussia, followed by the Russo-Austrian clashes in Galicia, the failed German advance towards Warsaw, and the vicious fighting in the Carpathian mountains.

Buttar reveals how delays in adapting to a modern war and inadequacies in supply and support arrangements, combined with a failure to plan for a long war, left the three powers struggling to keep up with events, leaving the Central Powers coming to terms with the dreaded reality of a war on two fronts whilst slowly driving Russia towards revolution. A war that was initially seen by all three powers as a welcome opportunity to address both internal and external issues would ultimately bring about the downfall of them all. 1 vol, 416 pgs 2015 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$22.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-209110 Buttar, Prit GERMANY ASCENDANT: The Eastern Front 1915 The massive offensives on the Eastern Front during 1915 are often overshadowed by the events in Western Europe, but the scale and ferocity of the clashes between Imperial Germany, Hapsburg Austria-Hungary and Tsarist Russia were greater than anything seen on the Western Front and ultimately as important to the final outcome of the war.

In Germany Ascendant, Buttar examines the critical events of 1915, as the German Gorlice-Tarnow Offensive triggered the collapse of Russian forces, coming tantalizingly close to knocking Russia out of the war altogether. Throughout the year, German dominance on the Eastern Front grew -- but stubborn Russian resistance forced the continuation of a two-front war that would drain Germany's reserves of men and equipment. Packed with first-hand accounts and incredible new information, this is a staggeringly ambitious history of some of the most important moments of World War I. 1 vol, 464 pgs 2015 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-209110 Buttar, Prit GERMANY ASCENDANT: The Eastern Front 1915 The massive offensives on the Eastern Front during 1915 are often overshadowed by the events in Western Europe, but the scale and ferocity of the clashes between Imperial Germany, Hapsburg Austria-Hungary and Tsarist Russia were greater than anything seen on the Western Front and ultimately as important to the final outcome of the war.

In Germany Ascendant, Buttar examines the critical events of 1915, as the German Gorlice-Tarnow Offensive triggered the collapse of Russian forces, coming tantalizingly close to knocking Russia out of the war altogether. Throughout the year, German dominance on the Eastern Front grew -- but stubborn Russian resistance forced the continuation of a two-front war that would drain Germany's reserves of men and equipment. Packed with first-hand accounts and incredible new information, this is a staggeringly ambitious history of some of the most important moments of World War I. 1 vol, 464 pgs 2017 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available late February 2017 ......$22.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-212250 Buttar, Prit Russia's Last Gasp - The Eastern Front 1916-17 In Russia's Last Gasp, Prit Buttar looks at one of the bloodiest campaigns launched in the history of warfare - the Brusilov Offensive, sometimes known as the June Advance. The assault was intended to ease the pressure on Russia's British and French allies by diverting German troops from the Western Front and knocking Austria-Hungary out of the war.

Russia's dismal military performance in the preceding years was forgotten, as the Brusilov Offensive was quickly characterised by innovative tactics, including the use of shock troops, a strategy that German armies would later adapt to great effect. Drawing on first-hand accounts and detailed archival research this is a dramatic retelling of the final years of the war on the Eastern Front, in which the Russian Army claimed military success but at a terrible cost. 1 vol, 472 pgs 2015 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-212250 Buttar, Prit RUSSIA'S LAST GASP: The Eastern Front 1916-17 Looks at one of the bloodiest campaigns launched in the history of warfare -- the Brusilov Offensive, sometimes known as the June Advance. The assault was intended to ease the pressure on Russia's British and French allies by diverting German troops from the Western Front and knocking Austria-Hungary out of the war.

Russia's dismal military performance in the preceding years was forgotten, as the Brusilov Offensive was quickly characterized by innovative tactics, including the use of shock troops, a strategy that German armies would later adapt to great effect.

Drawing on first-hand accounts and detailed archival research this is a dramatic retelling of the final years of the war on the Eastern Front, in which the Russian Army claimed military success but at a terrible cost. 1 vol, 472 pgs 2017 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$18.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-219540 Buutriss, Jacquie A MUDDY TRENCH: A Sniper's Bullet - Hamish Mann, Black Watch, Officer-Poet, 1896-1917 The recent discovery of a wooden chest, unopened for 100 years, revealed a treasure trove of eloquent trench diaries, letters, and poetry. The author was Hamish Mann, a young Black Watch subaltern killed in France in 1917 just five days after his 21st birthday. Includes 32 black and white illustrations

Thanks to Mann's outstanding literary gifts and prodigious output, this book relives his fateful journey from the declaration of war, his voluntary work at a military hospital, his training and commission and, finally, his service with 8th Black Watch on the Somme. The daily hardship and trauma he experienced at the Front were shared with countless thousands of his comrades. But Hamish's extraordinary gift was his ability to record the traumatic events and the range of his emotions, writing often in his dugout 'by the light of a guttering candle.' 1 vol, 240 pgs 2019 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available mid March 2019 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-72880 Cappellano, Filippo L'IMPERIAL REGIO ESERCITO AUSTRO-UNGARICO 1915-18 (60) color pages/photos of uniforms and equipment, other b/w illust/maps/photos, official history. 1 vol, 530 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover ITALIAN TEXT ......$58.00

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1-207080 Cardona, Ricardo Recio STURMTRUPPEN: WWI German Stormtroopers (1914-1918) After General Falkenhayn, head of the OHL, gave orders for the creation of special detachments, the first assault units (Sturmtruppen) were formed during the spring and summer of 1916, when the Sturmbataillon Rohr was organized. These detachments had the mission of spreading the Stosstrupptaktik, a new tactic which decisively transformed the fighting methods of the German Army.

But long before this happened, another type of troops had been created within the German infantry during the winter of 1914-1915: the Shock troops (Stosstruppen), fresh infantry groups that were never officially recognized as such and never belonged to any permanent unit, but remained active until the end of the war and contributed to improving the offensive capacity of the German infantry.

This 8.5x11-inch book is a narration of the history of the shock and assault troops and covers their combat methods. Finally, it offers a comprehensive description of their uniforms, equipment, and weapons, along with a large number of illustrations and period photographs rarely seen. 1 vol, 216 pgs 2014 SPAIN, ANDREA PRESS
NEW-dj, Special Pricing 35% discount - limited quantity ......$50.00 with a discount of 35% spc

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1-210500 Carruthers, Bob THE BRITISH AT YPRES 1914 - 1915: Images at War This new volume in the long-running series features the actions of the British Army at Ypres from 1914 to 1915. Rare photographs illustrating the optimistic men of the BEF in the act of mobilization and transport to France are contrasted with photographs from the battlefield during the opening phases of the campaign, which culminated in the four-year struggle for the Ypres salient. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2015 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available early February 2016 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-213820 Carruthers, Bob THE BRITISH ON THE SOMME 1916: Images of War This new volume in the long-running Images of War series features 250 b/w photographs depicting the actions of the British Army on the Somme. Offers rare photographs illustrating the actions of the British infantry and their supporting artillery fighting on the Somme, but it is accompanied by a powerful text written by Official War Correspondent Philip Gibbs, who was an eyewitness to the events. Photographs from the battlefield illustrate the terrible conditions, which the British forces on the battlefield endured in the notorious engagement, which has become synonymous with vainglorious sacrifice. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2017 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late April 2017 ......$20.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-216690 Carruthers, Bob THE BEF IN 1917: Arras, Vimy, Messines, Passchendaele and Cambrai -- Images of War series This new volume in the long-running Images of War series features the actions of the British Army at Passchendaele. The book is comprised of rare photographs illustrating the years of fighting on the northern sector of the Ypres salient, which finally culminated in the capture of the ridge at Passchendaele, accompanied by a powerful text written by Official War Correspondent Philip Gibbs, who was an eyewitness to the events. Photographs from the battlefield illustrate the terrible conditions, which the British forces on the battlefield endured in the notorious engagement, which has become synonymous with mud and squalor.

This book incorporates a wide range of images, encompassing the actions of the British infantry and their supporting artillery. Also featured are images which depict the almost incomprehensible state of the waterlogged trenches. Portraits of the British troops are contrasted with German prisoners of war and the endless battle to get the supply columns through to the front. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available late April 2018 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-80290 Cassar, George H. KITCHENER'S WAR:British Strategy from 1914 to 1916 Superb analysis of the many crises faced by the British during Kitchener's leadership, b/w maps and illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 364 pgs 2004 US, POTOMAC BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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1-209710 Castle, Ian The First Blitz - Bombing London in the First World War This book tells the story of Germany's strategic air offensive against Britain, and how it came to be neutralized. The first Zeppelin attack on London came in May 1915 - and with it came the birth of a new arena of warfare, the 'home front'. German airships attempted to raid London on 26 separate occasions between May 1915 and October 1917, but only reached the capital and bombed successfully on nine occasions.

From May 1917 onwards, this theatre of war entered a new phase as German Gotha bombers set out to attack London in the first bomber raid. London's defences were again overhauled to face this new threat, providing the basis for Britain's defence during World War II. This comprehensive volume tells the story of the first aerial campaign in history, as the famed Zeppelins, and then the Gotha and the massive Staaken 'Giant' bombers waged war against the civilian population of London in the first ever 'Blitz'. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2015 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover ......$20.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-231020 Castle, Ian ZEPPELIN INFERNO: The Forgotten Blitz 1916 The WWI German air campaign against Britain was the first sustained strategic aerial bombing campaign in history. Despite this, it has become forgotten against the enormity of the WWII bombing campaigns. Tells the full story of the 1916 raids in unprecedented detail in what is the second book in a trilogy.

At the beginning of 1916, as the world entered the second full year of global conflict, the cities, towns and villages of Britain continued to lay vulnerable to aerial bombardment. Throughout that period German Zeppelin airships and seaplanes had come and gone at will, their most testing opposition provided by the British weather as the country's embryonic defenses struggled to come to terms with this first ever assault from the air. Britain's civilians were now standing on the frontline - the Home Front - like the soldiers who had marched off to war. But early in 1916 responsibility for Britain's aerial defense passed from the Admiralty to the War Office and, as German air attacks intensified, new ideas and plans made dramatic improvements to Britain's aerial defense capability.

While this new system could give early warning of approaching raiders, there was a lack of effective weaponry with which to engage them when they arrived. Behind the scenes, however, three individuals, each working independently, were striving for a solution. The results of their work were spectacular; it lifted the mood of the nation and dramatically changed the way this campaign was fought over Britain. 1 vol, 400 pgs 2022 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available mid June 2022 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-56960 Cave, Nigel BATTLEGROUND EUROPE WW1:Gommecourt Designed to act as a diversion to the 'big push', Gommecourt was an attempt to force the Germans to commit their reserves to the front line before the main battle took place. This Battlefield Guide tells the reader what happened and relates it to the ground as it now stands today.
1 vol, 160 pgs 1998 LONDON, LEO COOPER BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$17.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-57120 Cave, Nigel BATTLEGROUND EUROPE WW1:Vimy Ridge-Arras Battle and battlefield described with maps/illust. 1 vol, 144 pgs 1998 LONDON, LEO COOPER BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$17.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-57150 Cave, Nigel BATTLEGROUND EUROPE WW1:Serre-Somme Battle and battlefield described with maps/illust. 1 vol, 144 pgs 1998 LONDON, LEO COOPER BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$17.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-57440 Cave, Nigel BATTLEGROUND EUROPE WW1:Beaumont Hamel Designed to act as a diversion to the 'big push', Gommecourt was an attempt to force the Germans to commit their reserves to the front line before the main battle took place. This Battlefield Guide tells the reader what happened and relates it to the ground as it now stands today 1 vol, 160 pgs 1999 LONDON, LEO COOPER BOOKS
NEW-pb, drop from catalog ......$16.00

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1-197830 Chambers, Stephen SUVLA: August Offensive - Gallipoli The landing at Suvla Bay, part of the August Offensive, commenced on the night of 6 August 1915. It was intended to support a breakout from Anzac Beach. Despite early hopes from a largely unopposed landing, Suvla was a mismanaged affair that quickly became a stalemate.

The newly formed IX Corps, commanded by Lieutenant General Sir Frederick Stopford, failed, not for lack of sacrifice by its New Army and Territorials, but because of a failure of generalship. Opportunities were thoughtlessly wasted due to lethargy. Suvla not only signaled the end of Stopford and many of his Brigadiers, but also saw the end of the Commander in Chief, Sir Ian Hamilton. It was the beginning of the end of the Gallipoli gamble and in its own right created a catalyst of disaster that would come to represent the failed campaign.

This book adds to the Gallipoli story by recounting the Suvla Bay landing through a mix of official accounts intertwined with a rich collection of the participants' letters, diaries, personal accounts, photographs and maps.

5.5 x 8.5, 120 b/w photos 1 vol, 192 pgs 2012 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available early March 2012 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-228030 Chambers, Stephen KRITHIA: Gallipoli Krithia was a key objective in the land offensives; a killing ground greater than Anzac or Suvla. Recounts the landings at Helles of 25 April 1915 and subsequent bitter attempts to capture the village and the vital high ground of Achi Baba. General Hunter-Weston's weakened 29th Division achieved little during the first two bloody battles of Krithia, even when reinforced by the Anzacs, 42nd Division, Royal Naval Division, and the French. The allies had little to show from their costly daylight frontal attacks, apart from a slightly firmer footing ashore and a growing casualty list.

As the military situation looked to degenerate into a Western Front style stalemate, General Sir Ian Hamilton pushed for a final battle of Krithia. Using Hunter-Weston's newly formed VIII Corps and General Gouraud's French Corps Expeditionnaire d'Orient, the Third Battle of Krithia launched on 6 June 1915. Despite a promising start, the attack soon collapsed against a stubborn Turkish defence. Although some lessons had been learnt from earlier failures, underestimation of the enemy was not one of them.

Includes a rich mix of letters, diaries, photographs, and maps of Gallipoli's most costly battles. Includes 176 pages of integrated illustrations.
1 vol, 192 pgs 2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available early September 2021 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-71110 Christensen, Christian editor BLOCKADE AND JUNGLE The story of Nis Koch, a Danish sailor in the German Navy aboard a blockade runner to Lettow-Vorbeck's German East African force, he joined the land force when his ship sank, 6 b/w photos, index 1 vol, 270 pgs 2003 NASHIVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$40.00

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1-239260 Clayton, Derek TO DO THE WORK OF MEN: An Operational History of the 21st Division in the Great War The 21st (New Army) Division was formed in September 1914 as part of Kitchener's Third Army, comprising units mostly from Yorkshire, Northumberland, Durham, and Lincolnshire. It spent its entire active service on the Western Front, taking part in almost all the major engagements. Only two weeks after having arrived in France, and with no battlefield experience, they were thrown into action on the second day of the costly Battle of Loos. Badly misused by the high command, it was no surprise the division underperformed.

The 21st Division, from May 1916 under the command of Major-General David 'Soarer' Campbell, recovered from this disastrous baptism of fire to achieve creditable success during the Battle of the Somme. The division then re-entered the fray with the newly-introduced tanks in September as British Fourth Army captured the villages of Flers and Gueudecourt. The division experienced mixed fortunes in 1917 at Arras, on coming up against the formidable Hindenburg Line defenses, and during the latter stages of the Third Ypres campaign when defending Polygon Wood against fierce counter attacks before struggling forward through the October mud to assault the hamlet of Reutel. Between March and June of 1918, the 21st Division faced all three major German spring offensives and recovered to play its part in the Hundred Days victories. 1 vol, 440 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid October 2023 ......$80.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-242310 Clayton, Derek DECISIVE VICTORY: The Battle of the Sambre, 4 November 1918 Analyzes the Battle of the Sambre, 4 November 1918, at the operational and tactical levels: the BEF was no longer striving for a breakthrough - sequential 'bite and hold' was now the accepted method of advance. Thirteen divisions of the BEF led the assault on a frontage of approximately twenty miles, supported by over 1,000 guns, with initial plans presuming an involvement of up to 70 tanks and armored cars. The German Army was determined to hold a defensive line incorporating the Mormal Forest and the Sambre-Oise Canal, hoping to buy time for a strategic withdrawal to yet incomplete defensive positions between Antwerp and the Meuse, and thereby negotiate a compromise peace in the spring of 1919.

Examines the battle into its wider strategic context and reaches important, new conclusions: that this victory, hard-won as it was by a British army hampered by logistical, geographical, and meteorological constraints and worn down by the almost continuous hard fighting of the summer and autumn, irrevocably and finally crushed the will of the German defenders, leading to a pursuit of a demoralized, broken, and beaten army, whose means of continued resistance had been destroyed thus expediting the armistice. Contains 35 b/w photos, 23 maps (6 sketch & 17 color), 4 diagrams, 1 b/w painting, and 4 tables. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid February 2024 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-84630 Coil, Dr. Spencer Anthony UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT OF THE ITALIAN FORCES IN WW1 9x12, a study of the period with 500+ b/w and color photos covering every aspect of Italian Armed Forces of WWI. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2006 ATGLEN, SCHIFFER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$70.00

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1-81890 Coil, Spencer Anthony UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT:THE FRENCH ARMED FORCES WWI 9x12, hundreds of b/w & color illust/photos of theAir Service/Foreign Legion/Armour & Tanks/Cavlary/Zouaves/Infantry & M1915 Adrian Helmets. 1 vol, 380 pgs 2005 ATGLEN, SCHIFFER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$70.00

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2-192670 Cooper, Bryan IRONCLADS OF CAMBRAI: WWI British tanks brought about a breakthrough of the massive German defense system of the Hindenburg Line, followed up by British infantry and cavalry divisions. They were supported for the first time by low flying fighter aircraft of the Royal Flying Corps. The initial victory at Cambrai brought cheering crowds into the streets of London and the ringing of church bells in celebration. Includes 16 pages of b/w plates.

It seemed possible that the success might bring about the final defeat of Germany. But the British High Command failed to exploit the success. Generals who still dreamt of massive cavalry charges had not had much faith in this strange new weapon that had been brought to them - funded initially by the Royal Navy at the behest of Winston Churchill who was then First Lord of the Admiralty and did see its value. The High Command did not really believe the breakthrough was possible and tragically miscalculated the necessary steps to follow it up. Within days the Germans counterattacked and regained much of the ground that the British had won. What could have been the final victory was delayed for another year. 1 vol, 248 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD BOOKS
NEW-pb, available mid August 2023 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-208510 Cooper, Bryan TANK BATTLE OF WORLD WAR I Failure to exploit the potential of an original idea is a recurring phenomenon in our national history. Few failures, however, can have been so costly in human life as that of our military commanders early in 1916 to appreciate that the tank was a war winning weapon. The slaughter of the Somme, Passchendaele and Ypres salient had to be endured before accepted 'conventional' methods were abandoned and the tank given a chance.

Includes many eyewitness accounts. He tells of the courage and endurance of the crews not just in battle but in the appalling conditions in which they had to drive and fight their primitive vehicles. Scalded, scorched and poisoned with exhaust fumes, constantly threatened with being burned to death, these crews eventually laid the foundation for the Allied Victory in World War I. The book is well illustrated with many original photographs. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2015 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late May 2015 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-236210 Cooper, Bryan TANK BATTLES OF WORLD WAR I Hardcover version.

Describes the early tank actions in vivid detail, with many eyewitness accounts explaining the courage and endurance of the crews not just in battle but in the appalling conditions in which they had to use their primitive vehicles. Scalded, scorched, and poisoned with exhaust fumes, constantly threatened with being burned to death, these crews eventually laid the foundation for the Allied Victory in World War I, although the slaughter of the Somme, Passchendaele, and Ypres salient had to be endured before accepted conventional methods were abandoned and the tank given a chance. The book is well illustrated with many original photographs. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid March 2023 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-236210 Cooper, Bryan TANK BATTLES OF WORLD WAR I Softcover version.

Describes the early tank actions in vivid detail, with many eyewitness accounts explaining the courage and endurance of the crews not just in battle but in the appalling conditions in which they had to use their primitive vehicles. Scalded, scorched, and poisoned with exhaust fumes, constantly threatened with being burned to death, these crews eventually laid the foundation for the Allied Victory in World War I, although the slaughter of the Somme, Passchendaele, and Ypres salient had to be endured before accepted conventional methods were abandoned and the tank given a chance. The book is well illustrated with many original photographs. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid March 2023 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-84930 Cornish, Nic RUSSIAN ARMY AND THE FIRST WORLD WAR, THE Drawing extensively the author details the Eastern Front developed into a 'modern war'; lots of unpublished photos, good maps a first rate work. 1 vol, 226 pgs 2006 UK, TEMPUS PUBLICATIONS
NEW-dj ......$65.00

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1-213291 Cox, Michael TO RULE THE WINDS: The Evolution of the British Fighter Force Through Two World Wars -- Volume 1: Prelude to Air War: The Years to 1914 Story of creation of the Royal Air Force's fighter squadrons. The illustrated, referenced, and with a comprehensive bibliography and a detailed index.

This first volume recounts the origins of military aviation in Britain, up to the beginning of World War I in the August of 1914. By the 18th and 19th Centuries, balloons had been tried in various conflicts on the Continent of Europe, during Britain's involvement in the Napoleonic wars, the Crimea, South Africa and elsewhere, as well as during the American Civil War.

After the Wright brothers flight in December 1903, Britain only started its aviation efforts in 1908. It was Bleriot's crossing of the English Channel in 1909 that proved beyond doubt that Britain could be invaded by air. Thereafter, Britain developed a small force of miscellaneous and unarmed airplanes to take the field with the British Army in 1914.

This first volume explores the origins of that force: the Royal Aircraft Factory; the Air Battalion of the Royal Engineers; the Royal Flying Corps; disaffection with airships; early development of airplanes for war; problems with monoplanes; aerial gunnery and wireless experiments; the foundations of an Air Ministry; preparations for aerial defense. 1 vol, 316 pgs 2017 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$70.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-205970 Crawley, Rhys CLIMAX AT GALLIPOLI: The Failure of the August Offensive Shows how Allied operations against the Ottomans were doomed to fail in 1915. B/w illustrations and maps included.

Gallipoli: the mere name summons the story of this well-known campaign of the First World War. And the story of Gallipoli, where in August 1915 the Allied forces made their last valiant effort against the Turks, is one of infamous might-have-beens. If only the Allies had held out a little longer, pushed a little harder, had better luck-Gallipoli might have been the decisive triumph that knocked the Ottoman Empire out of WWI. But the story is just that, author Rhys Crawley tells us: a story. Not only was the outcome at Gallipoli not close, but the operation was flawed from the start, and an inevitable failure.

A painstaking effort to set the historical record straight, Climax at Gallipoli examines the performance of the Allies' Mediterranean Expeditionary Force from the beginning of the Gallipoli Campaign to the bitter end. Crawley reminds us that in 1915, the second year of the war, the Allies were still trying to adapt to a new form of warfare, with static defense replacing the maneuver and offensive strategies of earlier British doctrine.

In the attempt both the MEF at Gallipoli and the British Expeditionary Force on the Western Front aimed for too much-and both failed. To explain why, Crawley focuses on the operational level of war in the campaign, scrutinizing planning, command, mobility, fire support, interservice cooperation, and logistics. His work draws on unprecedented research into the files of military organizations across the United Kingdom and Australia.

The result is a view of the Gallipoli Campaign unique in its detail and scope, as well as in its conclusions-a book that looks past myth and distortion to the facts and truth of what happened at this critical juncture in 20th-century history. 1 vol, 376 pgs 2014 US, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA PRESS
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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2-70720 Cron, Hermann IMPERIAL GERMAN ARMY 1914-18:Organisation, O/b's Detailed account of the composition, structure and organisation of the First World War, appendices, biblio, index. 1 vol, 414 pgs 2006 UK, HELION & COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$60.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-193830 Cummings, Walter FRONTIER FIGHTERS: On Active Service in Warziristan These are fascinating memoirs of a British officer who fought the legendary Pathan tribesmen of the Northwest Frontier, right up to the beginning of WW2. He describes desperate battles against this highly skilled and ruthless enemy. Pathan atrocities were commonplace and no prisoners were taken.

Cummings served in two Frontier units, the South Waziristan Scouts and the Corps of Guides. Waziristan, then the home of Wazirs and Mahsuds, the most war like of Pathan tribes, is today sanctuary for Al Qaeda and Taliban terrorists. Frontier Fighters describes the closing stages of Britain's imperial presence on the subcontinent. Yet beside the pig sticking, polo and hunting, there was great excitement danger and gallantry. A unique bond existed between the British and their native troops. Paradoxically Cummings went on to command a Pathan regiment in North Africa in WW2.

16 pages of b/w plates. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2010 UK, PEN & SWORD BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-211600 David Bilton AGAINST THE TOMMIES: History of 26 Reserve Division 1914 - 1918 About 450 images. Details the actions of a German infantry division along the Western Front, where it fought from the start until the end of the war -- including battles of the Somme, Flanders, Vosges, and Arras. The photographs were chosen by the men of the 26th to form a commemorative book (a record of service), published in Germany in 1920, that detailed their experiences in WWI. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2016 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late June 2016 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-205760 Davies, Frank BLOODY RED TABS Long before that ghastly and quite unnecessary slogging match in the mud which we now call the First World War had dragged to its blood-soaked conclusion the belief that most of the senior officers had spent their time in comfort and safety in chateaux far behind the lines with no idea of the conditions in which the men they commanded were fighting was firmly embedded in the public mind. As the years pass by that belief has, if anything, become more deeply held, gaining strength from plays like Oh! What a Lovely War, itself based on Alan Clark's book The Donkeys.

It is the purpose of this book to show not only how the myth was born and grew but how totally at odds it is with the facts. Biographies of over 200 officers who held the rank of Brigadier-General or above who were killed or wounded during the war show how closely involved the men at the top were with the men at the front.

Ironically, as the authors point out, this was more than just a waste of blood, for these were the very men whose experience was vital to the successful prosecution of the war. Had they actually stayed in their chateaux, as Lloyd George alleged, they might have done much more to hasten the end of the conflict.

This is not only an invaluable work of reference but a tribute to those gallant senior officers who have been so unfairly traduced by many who should have known better. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2014 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available early July 2014 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-207430 Desagneaux, Henri A FRENCH SOLDIER'S WAR DIARY 1914-1918 A pattern has been given to the history of the events between 1914 and 1918 which is called the Great War. To Henri Desagneaux and to thousands of others, there was no pattern to be seen from the trenches where he executed orders which ensured that dozens of men had to die attempting to achieve impossible objectives worked out at a headquarters in the rear.

His diary, one of the classic French accounts of the conflict, gives a vivid insight into what it was like to execute those orders, and to live in the trenches with increasingly demoralized, unruly and mutinous men. In terse unflinching prose he records their experiences as they confronted the acute dangers of the front line. The appalling conditions in which they fought and the sheer intensity of the shellfire and the close-quarter combat have rarely been conveyed with such immediacy. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2014 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late January 2015 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-228060 Digby, Michael BURN, BOMB, DESTROY: The German Sabotage Campaign in North America, 1914-1917 The true story of German secret agents engaged in a campaign of subversion and terror in the United States before and during World War I.

Many believe that World War I was only fought 'over there,' as the popular 1917 song goes, in the trenches and muddy battlefields of Northern France and Belgium-they are wrong.

There was a secret war fought in America; on remote railway bridges and waterways linking the United States and Canada; aboard burning and exploding ships in the Atlantic Ocean; in the smoldering ruins of America's bombed and burned-out factories, munitions plants, and railway centers; and waged in carefully disguised clandestine workshops where improvised explosive devices and deadly toxins were designed and manufactured. It was irregular warfare on a scale that caught the United States woefully unprepared. 1 vol, 264 pgs 2021 US,CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available early September 2021 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-222320 Dixon, John A VITAL ENDEAVOR: Military Engineering in the Gallipoli Campaign Examines the work of the Royal Engineers during the Gallipoli Campaign, demonstrating the amount of engineering work required for a WWI seaborne invasion. The Royal Engineers were working on the first day of the landings and were amongst the last to leave on the evacuation and looks at the difficult tasks of providing infrastructure to the peninsula handling all kinds of engineering works, from piers to land the stores, to roads and railways to distribute the equipment to the various parts of the line. Includes its structure of the MEF and how their work was controlled at Brigade, Division, and Corps level. Includes 21 b/w photos, 21 b/w maps, 20 b/w sketches, and 4 tables. 1 vol, 452 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj, available mid December 2019 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-204000 Donnell, Clayton BREAKING THE FORTRESS LINE 1914 Breaking the Fortress Line 1914 offers a fascinating new perspective on the German offensive against France and Belgium in 1914. In graphic detail it describes the intense fighting that took place around the forts and fortified cities that stood in the path of the German invasion. The ordeal began with the German assault on the mighty fortress of Li?ge. They took 12 days to batter their way through the 'Gateway to Belgium', losing tens of thousands of men in repeated frontal assaults, and they had to bring up the heaviest siege artillery ever used to destroy the defenses.

This is the epic struggle that Clayton Donnell depicts in this compelling account of a neglected aspect of the battles that followed the outbreak of the Great War. Not only does he reconstruct the German attack on the strong points they encountered along the entire invasion line, but he traces the history and design of these fixed defenses and analyses the massive military building programs undertaken by the French, the Germans and the Belgians between 1871 and 1914. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2013 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-190230 Doughty, Robert PYRRHIC VICTORY:French Strategy & Operations-WWI This well-written, exhaustively researched history of France's role in WWI adds a French perspective not often found in English-language literature. B/w maps, chapter notes, biblio, index. A very interesting read. 1 vol, 592 pgs 2008 US, HARVARD UNIVERSITY
NEW-trade pb ......$25.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-89460 Dowling, Timothy BRUSILOV OFFENSIVE , THE Using Austrian Military achives the author detailsthe 1916 Offensive that marked the highpoint ofRussia's wartime achievments. B/w maps, notes,biblio, index. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2008 US, INDIANA UNIVERSITY
NEW-dj ......$25.00

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1-84480 Duffy, Christopher THROUGH GERMAN EYES:The British & the Somme 1916 Duffy's superb account of the reality behind the romantic views of this battle, this is a brilliant new perspective, 10+ maps, o/b's, chpt. notes,biblio, index. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2007 UK, WEIDENFELD & NICOLSON
NEW-dj, NEVER STOCKED ......$55.00

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1-243420 Dugmore, A. Radclyffe BLOOD IN THE TRENCHES: A Memoir of the Battle of the Somme Written by Captain A. Radclyffe Dugmore of the Kings Own Light Infantry, this memoir provides an account of the Great War up to the Battle of the Somme. In 1914, Radclyffe Dugmore traveled to Belgium as a civilian observer where he was wounded before spending a brief time in German captivity. These experiences gained Radclyffe Dugmore a highly unusual viewpoint for the opening battles of the war, that of a civilian, and later as a participant on the front lines of the Somme. Originally published under the title When The Somme Ran Red in 1918, this memoir has been long out of print. This new re-print is a worthy addition to the primary source literature of the Great War and casts new light on the experiences of the men who saw the terror of the Battle of the Somme firsthand. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb edition, available late April 2024 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-84650 Duiven, Rick & Abbott, Dan-San SCHLACHTFLIEGER!:Origins of Air/Ground support WWI 8.5x11, 200+ b/w photos, color aircraft profiles, maps. This book presents the development of German Air/Ground Support 1916-1918. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2006 ATGLEN, SCHIFFER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$80.00

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1-237220 Dunn, Steve THE PATROL NAVY: British, American and Other Naval Motor Boats at War 1914 - 1920 Tells the stirring story of motor-driven boats at war, of their development and operations and of the many colorful characters who were their captains and crew. On the outbreak of war in 1914, the Royal Navy found it required more small craft than it possessed to carry out minesweeping, anti-submarine patrols, and coastal defense. This led to the formation of an auxiliary force of civilian vessels, including motor pleasure boats and yachts, relatively new types of craft powered by the internal combustion engine. The inclusion of these vessels came about when a group of motor boat owners suggested to the Admiralty that their vessels could play an important role in the defense of Britain. The result was the formation of the Royal Naval Motor Boat Reserve (RNMBR) in 1912. Includes 85 mono illustrations.

By mid-1915, the demands of naval duty had proved too much for these quirky craft. A meeting in the USA led to their replacement by American-designed Elco motor launches (MLs), of which 550 were purchased, and these Elco launches gave great service for the rest of the war, usually officered by RNVR personnel. In addition to the Elcos, in 1915 some naval officers developed the hydroplaning coastal motor boats (CMBs), which served with equal distinction in the latter part of the war. Post-war, both types saw valuable service in the occupation of the Rhineland and in the Baltic campaign, where three more VCs were won.

Other countries adopted similar craft. In Italy, the MAS torpedo motor craft achieved fame and success. And in France, MLs supplied by Britain, and by Elco, played their part. Germany too utilized small motor vessels, including the torpedo-armed Luftschiffmotorboote and Fernlenkboot remotely controlled designs. And when America entered the war, she built a fleet of so-called 'sub chasers' -- wooden-built and designed to counter U-boats along her East Coast. 1 vol, 248 pgs 2023 UK, SEAFORTH PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available late May 2023 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-43332 Edmonds, Sir James E. MIL OPS:FRANCE 1917:V2 Part of the British 'Official History Series', 28 b/w maps, index, covers the Passchendaele. 1 vol, 576 pgs 1996 NASHVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$50.00

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1-COM1068 Edwards, John DEATH IN THE TRENCHES: 2nd Edition WWI strategic-level wargame covers the entire war, in all theaters, on an army level with divisional formations handled on an off-map display that minimizes map clutter. Map covers from UK to Egypt and Middle East and from Tunisia to Russia.

The game relies on simple mechanics that eliminate production bean counting and complicated combat results tables. Designed with the narrative gamer in mind, its more than 500 random events draw you into the global nightmare of 1914-1918, while its pulse system of alternating player moves ensures very little down time for the non-phasing player.

Product Information

Complexity: Medium (about 6 out of 10)
Playing Time: 10+ hours
Solitaire Suitability: Excellent
Time Scale: 1 turn equals 3 months
Map Scale: 1 hex equals approximately 80 miles
Unit Scale: Army and Corps

Components: One 22x34-inch mounted map covering Europe and the Near East; 3+ countersheets (400 double sided 9/16-inch counters; 1 rules booklet (Game System and Random Events included); Six 8.5x11-inch color player aid and display sheets; 10 six sided dice. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2022 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box ......$79.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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2-62690 Ellis, John EYE-DEEP IN HELL:Trench Warfare in WWI 8x10, the author provides a look at all aspects ofTrench life & warfare, b/w illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 216 pgs 1976 US, JOHNS HOPKINS
V.GOOD-pb ......$10.00

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1-237990 Elmark, Nils FIGHTING FOR THE FRENCH FOREIGN LEGION: Americans Who Joined the First World War in 1914 On 24 August 1914, 44 Americans joined the Foreign Legion. This book covers three of the young volunteers: David Wooster King, Alan Seeger, and Eugene James Bullard. The three men represent different pillars of the American soul, and their lives and dreams symbolize the story of how America became modern and remind us of the strong historic ties between France and America.

* David Wooster King - a 21-year-old dropout from Harvard, son of a rich businessman. King survived four years in the trenches ending as an officer in the US Army chasing German spies in Switzerland. He became a modern global adventurer and when the world went to war again David King was the first to volunteer for an even greater adventure in North Africa.

* Alan Seeger - a 26-year-old poet and dreamer from a New York family of intellectuals. Seeger was killed during the Battle of the Somme on 4 July 1916. Six weeks earlier, he wrote the famous poem, I Have a Rendezvous with Death which was to become his legacy and the favorite poem of President Kennedy. It has inspired a line of American presidents during the 20th century and is an indestructible poetic lifeline linking France and the United States of America.

* Eugene James Bullard - the last of the three legionnaires and a 19-year-old entertainer and boxer from Columbus, Georgia. His father was born a slave and his mother was Creek Indian. Although wounded at Verdun and invalided out of the French Army, Bullard became the world's first black aviator. After the war he settled in Paris and ran a bar in Montmartre before going to war for France again in 1940. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2023 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid August 2023 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-214910 Emden, Richard van THE ROAD TO PASSCHENDAELE: The Heroic Year in Soldiers' Own Words and Photographs Using diaries and memoirs, and above all, original photographs taken on illegally held cameras by the soldiers themselves, this tells the story of 1917, of life both in and out of the line culminating in perhaps the most dreaded battle of them all, the Battle of Passchendaele. Over 150 rarely or never-before-seen battlefield images are used out of the author's collection of 5000? private photographs. Richard van Emden, who has written 19 WWI books, interviewed 270 veterans of the Great War for his books. 1 vol, 392 pgs 2017 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj available late August 2017 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-208380 Erickson, Edward GALLIPOLI: The Ottoman Campaign The Ottoman Army won a historic victory over the Allied forces at Gallipoli in 1915. This was one of the most decisive and clear-cut campaigns of the Great War. Yet the performance of the Ottomans, the victors, has often received less attention than that of the Allied army they defeated. Edward Erickson, in this perceptive study, now released in paperback, concentrates on the Ottoman side of the campaign. He looks in detail at the Ottoman Army - its structure, tactics and deployment - and at the conduct of the commanders who served it so well.

His pioneering work complements the extensive literature on other aspects of the Gallipoli battle, in particular those accounts that have focused on the experience of the British, Australians, and New Zealanders. This highly original reassessment of the campaign will be essential reading for students of the Great War, especially the conflict in the Middle East.

Includes 20 illustrations. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2015 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available late April 2015 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-234970 Erickson, Edward PALESTINE: The Ottoman Campaigns of 1914-1918 Hardback. The campaigns fought by the Ottomans against the British in Palestine are often neglected in accounts of the Great War, yet they are fascinating from the point of view of military history and critically important because of their impact upon the modern Middle East. Edward Erickson's authoritative and absorbing account of the four-year struggle for control of Palestine between 1914 and 1918 - of the battles fought for Suez, Sinai, Gaza, Jordan and Syria - opens up this little-understood aspect of the global conflict and it does so in a strikingly original way, by covering the fighting from the Ottoman perspective.

Using Turkish official histories and military archives, he recounts the entire course of the campaigns, from the initial attack by German-led Ottoman forces on Sinai and the Suez Canal, the struggle for Gaza and the outbreak of the Arab Revolt to the British offensives, the battle for Jerusalem, the Ottoman defeat at Megiddo and the rapid British advance which led to the capture of Damascus and Aleppo in 1918. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid October 2022 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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2-234970 Erickson, Edward PALESTINE: The Ottoman Campaigns of 1914-1918 Softcover. The campaigns fought by the Ottomans against the British in Palestine are often neglected in accounts of the Great War, yet they are fascinating from the point of view of military history and critically important because of their impact upon the modern Middle East. Edward Erickson's authoritative and absorbing account of the four-year struggle for control of Palestine between 1914 and 1918 - of the battles fought for Suez, Sinai, Gaza, Jordan and Syria - opens up this little-understood aspect of the global conflict and it does so in a strikingly original way, by covering the fighting from the Ottoman perspective.

Using Turkish official histories and military archives, he recounts the entire course of the campaigns, from the initial attack by German-led Ottoman forces on Sinai and the Suez Canal, the struggle for Gaza and the outbreak of the Arab Revolt to the British offensives, the battle for Jerusalem, the Ottoman defeat at Megiddo and the rapid British advance which led to the capture of Damascus and Aleppo in 1918. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid October 2022 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-207730 Erickson, Edward J GALLIPOLI: Command Under Fire Unique among World War I campaigns, the fighting at Gallipoli brought together a modern amphibious assault and multi-national combined operations. It took place on a landscape littered with classical and romantic sites - just across the Dardanelles from the ruins of Homer's Troy. The campaign became, perhaps, the greatest 'what if' of the war.

The concept behind it was grand strategy of the highest order, had it been successful it might have led to conditions ending the war two years early on Allied terms. This could have avoided the bloodletting of 1916-18, saved Tsarist Russia from revolution and side stepped the disastrous Treaty of Versailles - in effect, altering the course of the entire 20th century.

This study focuses on operational and campaign-level decisions and actions, which drove the conduct of the campaign. It departs from emotive first-hand accounts and offers a broader perspective of the large scale military planning and maneuvering involved in this monstrous struggle on the shores of European Turkey. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2015 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, available late March 2015 ......$26.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-65850 Erickson, Edward J. ORDERED TO DIE:The Ottoman Army in World War One The first english language general history on thesubject, based on newly available Turkish archivesa detailed look at the army that fought a multi-front war & kept fighting until the end, biblio. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2001 WESTPORT, GREENWOOD PUBS
NEW-hardcover ......$115.00

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1-193810 Erickson, Edward J. GALLIPOLI: The Ottoman Campaign The Ottoman Army won a historic victory over the Allied forces at Gallipoli in 1915. This was one of the most decisive and clear-cut campaigns of the Great War. Yet the performance of the Ottomans, the victors, has often received less attention than that of the Allied army they defeated.

This perceptive new study, concentrates on the Ottoman side of the 1915 campaign and looks in detail at the Ottoman Army - at its structure, tactics, and deployment - and at the conduct of the commanders who served it so well. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2010 UK, PEN & SWORD BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-43331 Falls, Captian Cyril MIL OPS:FRANCE 1917:V1 Part of the British 'Official History Series', 25b/w maps, index, covers the Arras campaign 1 vol, 664 pgs 1996 NASHVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$50.00

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1-86340 Farr, Don SILENT GENERAL, THE:Horne Of The First Army Biography of Haig's most trusted General, during WWI he commanded the Elite Canadian Corps along with other distinguished British Divisions, his contribution to Artillery tactics was noteworthy. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2007 UK, HELION & CO
NEW-dj ......$60.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-213290 Fax, Gene WITH THEIR BARE HANDS: General Pershing, the 79th Division, and the Battle for Montfaucon Traces the fate of the US 79th Division-men drafted off the streets of Baltimore, Washington, and Philadelphia-from boot camp in Maryland through the final years of World War I, focusing on their most famous engagement: the attack on Montfaucon, the most heavily fortified part of the German Line, during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive in 1918.

Examines the 79th's mistakes and triumphs, the tactics of its commander General John J. Pershing, and how the lessons it learned during the Great War helped it to fight World War II.

This suggests that had Colonel George C. Marshall followed the original plan, he could have shortened the war and that Pershing was justified in ordering his troops to attack right up to the moment of the Armistice.

Draws upon original documents, including orders, field messages, and the letters and memoirs of the soldiers themselves. 1 vol, 496 pgs 2017 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj available late February 2017 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-47991 Fayle, Ernest SEABORNE TRADE:V1 Covers the early months of the war and the German Raiders, the battle of Coronel, submarine warfare. 1 vol, 460 pgs 1997 NASHVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$50.00

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1-47992 Fayle, Ernest SEABORNE TRADE:V2 Continuation of series 1 vol, 460 pgs 1997 NASHVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$50.00

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1-47993 Fayle, Ernest SEABORNE TRADE:V3 Continuation of series 1 vol, 460 pgs 1997 NASHVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$50.00

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1-47994 Fayle, Ernest SEABORNE TRADE:V4 (12) large folding maps, nine for V1, two for V2,one for V3, the maps for V1 cover mostly German Commerce Raider Operations. 1 vol, 460 pgs 1997 NASHVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$50.00

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1-198400 Ferrell, Robert AMERICA'S DEADLIEST BATTLE: Meuse-Argonne, 1918 The great battle of the Meuse-Argonne was the costliest conflict in American history, with 26,000 men killed and tens of thousands wounded. Involving 1.2 million American troops over 47 days, it ended on November 11 - what we now know as Armistice Day - and brought an end to World War I, but at a great price.

Distinguished historian Robert Ferrell re-examines factors in the war that many historians have chosen to disregard. He points first to the failure of the Wilson administration to mobilize the country for war. American industry had not been prepared to produce the weaponry or transport ships needed by our military, and the War Department-with outmoded concepts of battle shaped by the Spanish-American War-shared equal blame in failing to train American soldiers for a radically new type of warfare.

Besides the U.S. shortcomings in mobilization and tactics, Ferrell points to the greatest failure of all: the failure to learn from the experience, as after the armistice the U.S. Army retreated to its prewar mindset. Enhanced by more than four dozen maps and photographs, America's Deadliest Battle is a riveting revisit to the forests of France that reminds us of the costs of World War I-and of the shadow that it cast on the twentieth century. 1 vol, 196 pgs 2012 US, UNIVERSITY PRESS OF KANSAS
NEW-pb ......$22.00

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1-206280 Flaherty, Chris OTTOMAN IMPERIAL ARMY: Uniforms Handbook 1914-1918 The Ottoman Imperial Army in 1914 was in its 88th year. It had come into existence following the destruction of the Janissary, after their revolt in 1826, known in modern Turkish history as 'The Auspicious Incident'. Following these events, a modern army named the Asakir-i Mansure-i Muhammediye (meaning 'Victorious Soldiers of Muhammad' in Ottoman Turkish), was established.

By 1914, the Imperial Army faced a number of challenges in readying for the oncoming war.
Historically, it had been in a weakened state, following years of being starved of key resources, during the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid II, as he was fearful of a military coup. Following his overthrow in the constitution revolution of 1908-09, the Imperial Army suffered further setbacks, in major defeats in North Africa (1911-12, against Italy) and the Balkans (1912-13). Nevertheless, the Imperial Army continued to develop its uniforms and insignia over these difficult years, keeping pace with major fashion changes in other world militaries.

This volume is intended as a colour guide for the uniforms and insignia of the principle frontline troops of the Imperial Army over the WW1 period. 1 vol, 110 pgs 2014 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover, available early October 2014 ......$32.00

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1-213970 Fleisher, Wolfang MILITARY TECHNOLOGY OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR: Development, Use and Consequences Meticulously documentation of all the weaponry was used by the Central Powers and their opponents, including machine guns, artillery guns, gas, the first armored combat vehicles, aircraft and submarines. 233 b&w images, 38 color images, 56 diagrams/drawings. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2017 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid May 2017 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-212130 Fletcher, David BRITISH BATTLE TANKS: The First World War When British soldiers charged across the Somme in September 1916 they were accompanied by a new, revolutionary weapon - the tank. After a stuttering start armored behemoths such as the Mark IV, Mark V and Whippet Tank played a crucial role in bringing World War I to an end, but were then inexplicably rejected by their country of origin.

This comprehensive volume traces design and development, from the initial concept of a steam powered tank during the Crimean War to the role the British military played in creating the German Blitzkrieg tactic of World War II. Includes historic photographs and stunning illustrations. 1 vol, 236 pgs 2016 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, inventory reduction sale - first come, first served ......$30.00 with a discount of 40%

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1-207230 Foley, Michael RISE OF THE TANK: Armoured Vehicles and Their Use in the First World War Rise of the Tank will be concentrated on the period of the development of the tank and its use in the First World War. This will appeal to those interested in new developments in war and those interested in the First World War generally.

Using the resources of the Imperial War Museum, The National Archives, and the Tank Museum, Rise of the Tank will have lots of information available on the development and use of the early tanks as well as personal reminiscences of those who fought in them.

The author, Michael Foley, has also collected a great deal of material from the period such as the First World War field service pocket book of a 2nd lieutenant of the 10th Tank Battalion and copies of various magazines of the period. He will have also be accessing First World War newspapers to find original and rare archive sources.
1 vol, 256 pgs 2014 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late December 2014 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-972011 Forczyk, Robert 011 GERMAN INFANTRYMAN vs RUSSIAN INFANTRYMAN: 1914-15 The Eastern Front of World War I is sometimes overshadowed by the fighting in the West. But the clashes between Imperial Germany and Tsarist Russia in East Prussia, Poland and Lithuania were every bit as gruelling for the participants as the great battles in Western Europe. In spite of the crushing German victory at Tannenberg in August 1914, the war in the East would grind on into 1918, hampered by supply problems, difficult terrain and appalling weather conditions.

This study assesses the tactics and combat performance of both sides fighting in the brutal clashes at Gumbinnen, Goritten, and Mahartse -- examining their contrasting fortunes and revealing the evolving nature of infantry warfare on the Eastern Front during World War I. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2015 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, available mid April 2015 ......$19.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-200850 Forrest, Michael DEFENCE OF THE DARDANELLES: From Bombards to Battleships The Straits of Dardanelles that separates Europe and Asia Anatolia, were fortified in the 15th century with batteries housing massive bronze bombards -- unwelcome ships had to run a formidable gauntlet.

On 18 March 1915, a powerful fleet of British and French warships attempted to overwhelm the shore defenses of the Dardanelles to allow minesweepers to clear the Straits. The attack failed at huge cost; three ships sunk and three more seriously damaged.

By bringing together many threads of information, including extracts from British intelligence sources that had previously determined that a naval attack alone would not succeed; this definitive work examines the flaws of Winston Churchill's strategy and identifies the inadequacies of pitting warships against shore fortifications. The Allied inability to control the Straits necessitated the disastrous Allied invasion of Gallipoli that cost the lives of some 250,000 men.

From the 19th century, the Ottoman army and Turkey's coastal defenses relied entirely on the German firm of Krupp for guns. The author describes how this choice was a crucial element to the successful defense of the Dardanelles.

Many of the fortifications on the Gallipoli peninsula and the Asian shore are still accessible. The Defense of the Dardanelles identifies those that can be visited, many of which still have wrecked guns emplaced. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2013 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj, available late February 2013 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-207190 Franks, Norman GREAT WAR FIGHTER ACES 1914-1916: Images of War Profiles some of the greatest fighter aces and their aircraft to see action during the first half of the First World War. He explores the manner in which the situation developed from late 1914 to the late summer of 1916 -- to the point at which Oswald Boelcke helped form the German Jasta system that would prove so devastating to the RFC and RNAS.

The first years of the war saw some of the bravest acts of pilot gallantry and ingenuity play out. Franks celebrates the legacy of just a handful of these individuals, participants on both sides, including Boelcke's premier ace Manfred Von Richtofen, Lanoe Hawker, Georges Guynemer, Albert Ball, Lionel Rees, Wilhelm Frankl, Stanley Dallas, and others. 1 vol, 168 pgs 2014 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available late December 2014 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-213960 Franks, Norman GREAT WAR FIGHTER ACES 1916-1918: Images of War Another is the well-illustrated series. This book explores the many ways in which fighter pilots developed tactics in order to outdo the opposition in the fight for allied victory. In so doing, they achieved high honors on account of their prowess in the skies. It also looks at the development of militarized flight during the course of these key years, revealing how each side constantly endeavored to improve their aircraft and their gunnery. Covers how fighter aces on both sides soon gained publicity and fame as a result of their daily engagements.

This publication also covers the development of American air combat, whilst also recording the efforts of some of their ace pilots flying both British and French aircraft with precision and skill.
1 vol, 144 pgs 2017 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid May 2017 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-214230 Franks, Norman BLOODY APRIL 1917: An Exciting Detailed Analysis of One of the Deadliest Months in WWI By April 1917, the British and French were again about to launch yet another land offensive, this time on the Arras Front. This would be the first opportunity to launch a major offensive since the winter and would require enormous support from the Royal Flying Corps and French Air Force.

However, the air offensive was to be countered fiercely by the new German Jagstaffeln - Jastas - that had been the brainchild of Oswald Boelcke in 1916. By the spring of 1917, the first Jasta pilots, with new improved fighters - the nimble Albatros DIIIs - were just itching to get to grips with their opponents over the Western Front. What followed was a near massacre of British and French aircraft and crews, which made April the worst month for flying casualties the war had yet seen. Here is a day-by-day, blow-by-blow account of these losses, profusely illustrated with original photographs and expertly told. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2017 UK, GRUB STREET PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid June 2017 ......$27.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-218400 Franks, Norman SOPWITH CAMELS OVER ITALY 1917-1918: Images of War During the First World War, Italy was on the side of their British Allies and their fight was against the Austro-Hungarian Empire, bordering on Austria. In October 1917, the Austro-Hungarians managed to push the Italians back during the battle of Caporetto. With the danger signs obvious, both Britain and France sent reinforcements. Includes 130 black and white photos and illustrations.

Britain's Royal Flying Corps sent three squadrons of Sopwith Camel fighters, plus one RE8 reconnaissance squadron, and these Camel squadrons fought gallantly over the plains and mountainous regions of northeast Italy, sharing the air battle with aircraft of the Italian Air Force.

Despite the difference in landscape between France and Italy, the Camel pilots employed the same air-fighting tactics and assisted in ground support missions that proved just as destructive in Italy as they had in France. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available early November 2018 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-80730 Franks, Norman et al CASUALTIES OF THE GERMAN AIR SERVICE 1914-1920 As complete list as possible arranged bothalphabetically and chronologically. 1 vol, 384 pgs 1999 UK, GRUBB STREET
NEW-dj ......$50.00

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1-221610 Garcia, Antonio THE FIRST CAMPAIGN VICTORY OF THE GREAT WAR: South Africa, Manoeuvre Warfare, the Afrikaner Rebellion and the German South West African Campaign, 1914-1915 Compares the campaign in German South West Africa to maneuver warfare theory. Maneuver theory is based on the principles of mobility, rapidity and surprise which attempts to achieve victory with the least loss of resources and in the shortest time possible. In order to achieve a rapid victory against the German forces, the South African soldiers were pushed to the limits of exhaustion to achieve the Union of South Africa's strategic objectives.

The campaign in the deserts of German South Africa became the setting for adventure and war, where Briton, Boer, and People of Colour served together as a Dominion of the British Empire. Blacks, Coloureds and Indians fought for the hopes of better political franchise, an ambition which was not to be achieved until 80 years later. The book addresses the complex political dynamics in South Africa at the time of the Great War, the deep division between Afrikaners and British South Africans and the Afrikaner Rebellion.

With the backdrop of political difficulties and a lack of overwhelming support for the entry into the Great War, the Botha government needed a quick result so as to maintain the delicate balance of power. The author provides an analysis on the campaign through the lens of military theory so as to determine how the swift victory was achieved. The book answers the question of whether the campaign was won through numerical superiority or through the use of a superior operational strategy. The victory was the first campaign victory led by a British Dominion. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2019 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-240790 Garcia, Antonio and Ian van der Waag BOTHA, SMUTS AND THE GREAT WAR Examines the wartime roles of South African prime minister, General Louis Botha and his deputy General Jan Smuts. Both commanded in the field. Steadily, the South African army they commanded - benefiting from wartime training, sometimes in the field - gained resilience, experience, and battle-hardiness, adapting to the conditions of the campaigns and the demands of the tasks. South Africa's campaigns were complex and divergent, starting with the invasion of neighboring German South West Africa - to neutralize enemy radio stations and so aid the security of the South Atlantic. Suddenly suspended following the outbreak of the Afrikaner Rebellion, the campaign recommenced in January 1915.

Following its conclusion, an infantry brigade raised for Western Front service was diverted to Egypt before facing near annihilation at Delville Wood. Simultaneously, a large South African force, fighting alongside British, African and Indian forces, overcame German resistance in East Africa whilst a brigade of field artillery and later the Cape Corps served in Egypt and Palestine. Moreover, approximately 6,500 South Africans served in the British Army, Royal Flying Corps/Royal Air Force, and in the Royal Navy. 1 vol, 322 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid November 2023 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-77010 Gardner, Nikolas TRIAL BY FIRE:Command and the BEF in 1914 Based on official unit war diaries, as well asofficer's personal papers/memoirs, this studysheds new light on the retreat from Mons to the1st Battle of Ypres, chpt notes, biblio, index. 1 vol, 280 pgs 2004 WESTPORT, PRAGER PUBS
NEW-hardcover ......$75.00

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1-204350 Gilbert, Adrian CHALLENGE OF BATTLE: The Real Story of the British Army in 1914 Winston Churchill described the opening campaign of the First World War as 'a drama never surpassed.' The British Expeditionary Force (BEF) played an immensely significant role in the colossal clash of Europe's armies in 1914, which has gone on to be one of the greatest stories of 20th century history.

Although pride in the British Army's achievements was reflected in the official accounts of the fighting they were, understandably, restrained about its shortcomings and this set the template for subsequent accounts of the campaign, which were tamely accepted with little or no attempt at critical engagement. Challenge of Battle will give a balanced view of the British Army's opening campaign in the West, detailing both successes and failings of the BEF at war.

Using first-hand accounts, Adrian Gilbert presents an examination of the BEF's leadership, organization, and tactics, and for the first time it will be described how British commanders were to come to terms with the fearsome nature of modern warfare. 1 vol, 312 pgs 2014 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$26.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-208410 Gilbert, Adrian CHALLENGE OF BATTLE: The British Army's Baptism of Fire in the First World War A full picture of the British Expeditionary Force in WWI. Previous assessments of the BEF have held to an unshakable belief in its exceptional performance during the battles of 1914. But closer examination of the historical record reveals a force possessing some key strengths yet undermined by other, significant failings.

Within a well-paced campaign narrative, this work reevaluates the army's leadership, organization, and tactics. It describes the problems faced by commanders, grappling with the brutal realities of 20th-century warfare, and explains how the British infantry's famed marksmanship has to be set against the inexperience and tactical shortcomings of the BEF as a whole.

Making full use of diaries, letters and other contemporary accounts, Adrian Gilbert builds a compelling picture of what it was like to fight in the battles of Mons, Le Cateau, the Aisne, and Ypres. 1 vol, 356 pgs 2015 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, available late May 2015 ......$15.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-215650 Gilbert, Oscar FIRST TO FIGHT: The U.S. Marines in World War I 'Retreat, hell! We just got here!' -- Captain Lloyd Williams at Belleau Wood in June 1918.

The Marines went to war as part of the American Expeditionary Force, bitterly resented by the Army and General Pershing. The Army tried to use them solely as labor troops and replacements, but the German spring offensive of 1918 forced the issue. The French begged Pershing to commit his partially trained men, and two untested American divisions, supported by British and French units, were thrown into the path of five German divisions. Three horrific weeks later, the Marines held the entirety of Belleau Wood. The Marines then fought in the almost forgotten Blanc Mont Ridge Offensive in October, as well as in every well-known AEF action until the end of the war.

This book will look at all the operations of the Marine Corps in World War I, cover the activities of both ground and air units, and consider the units that supported the Marine Brigade. It will examine how, during the war years, the Marine Corps changed from a small organization of naval security detachments to an elite land combat force. 1 vol, 360 pgs 2017 US, CASEMATE PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available late November 2017 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-69640 Giles, John FLANDERS THEN AND NOW:Ypres Salient Passchendaele 10.5x8.5, 336 illust. 1 vol, 208 pgs 1987 UK, AFTER THE BATTLE PUBS
AS NEW-dj ......$30.00

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1-241040 Gillam, Major John DSO Gallipoli Diary The Great War was among the very pugnacious and inhumane battles in the history of humankind. Millions of people died and the disaster was complicated by the circumstance that these were all men who were very young. They both went through substantial damages and this battle is also noteworthy for being among in which innumerable new and dreadful weaponries were made known by both to kill one another.

Gallipoli Diary created by John Graham Gillam is some of the countless subjective accounts penned by the fighters of this blood spattered war. Produced in 1918, when recollections of the battle were still new in the thoughts of those who had suffered from it, it is in reality a portion of history for contemporary book lovers who chance upon it almost one hundred years after.

John Graham Gillam was a juvenile supply officer of the British Army. Although he did not take part of the real combat, his squadron was in command of safeguarding that the units got food and weaponries in their troughs. His narrations are exemplified by his necessity to 'bear witness' to the incidents and document them as they transpired. The absolute devastation and pointlessness of the clash are what persist in the peruser's thoughts in the last pages of Gallipoli Diary and up to the next generations perceive from the teachings of history, they are fated to reprise it. 1 vol, 341 pgs 1989 US, STRONG OAK PRESS
V.GOOD-dj, only 1 copy available, first come, first served ......$20.00 used

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1-235110 Glover, Gareth and Burnham, Robert THE BATTLE OF THE SELLE: Fourth Army Operations on the Western Front in the Hundred Days, 9-24 October 1918 Hardback version.

Between 9-24 October, the British Fourth Army drove elements of two German armies back from the Hindenburg support line in the 'Pursuit to the Selle' (9-11 October); prepared and fought the set-piece Battle of the Selle (17-18 October); and then drove in the flank of the German Second Army towards the Sambre-Oise Canal (23-24 October).

Contrary to expectations, the enemy resistance on 17 October (as Fourth Army crossed the river) was strong and effective, which contradicts the idea that the German Army was an entirely spent force at this late point in the conflict. Furthermore, Fourth Army suffered its worst intelligence failure of the war and artillery, airpower and armor were unable to support the infantry effectively; it was largely the infantry, fighting a soldier's battle, that gave victory.

Details the fighting and the infantry tactics deployed, and it analyses why Fourth Army's weapons system struggled to be effective -- weighing the contribution of each element and the qualities of the infantry that made victory possible. Also examines the nature of semi-mobile warfare in the Hundred Days and assesses the limitations of the British ability to pursue this. Challenges the idea that the BEF had an invincible formula and analyzes the nature of the German resistance. Also examines Fourth Army's planning process and the efforts of the Royal Engineers and the logistics system. 1 vol, 344 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-hardcover, available late October 2022 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-235110 Glover, Gareth and Burnham, Robert THE BATTLE OF THE SELLE: Fourth Army Operations on the Western Front in the Hundred Days, 9-24 October 1918 Softcover version.

Between 9-24 October, the British Fourth Army drove elements of two German armies back from the Hindenburg support line in the 'Pursuit to the Selle' (9-11 October); prepared and fought the set-piece Battle of the Selle (17-18 October); and then drove in the flank of the German Second Army towards the Sambre-Oise Canal (23-24 October).

Contrary to expectations, the enemy resistance on 17 October (as Fourth Army crossed the river) was strong and effective, which contradicts the idea that the German Army was an entirely spent force at this late point in the conflict. Furthermore, Fourth Army suffered its worst intelligence failure of the war and artillery, airpower and armor were unable to support the infantry effectively; it was largely the infantry, fighting a soldier's battle, that gave victory.

Details the fighting and the infantry tactics deployed, and it analyses why Fourth Army's weapons system struggled to be effective -- weighing the contribution of each element and the qualities of the infantry that made victory possible. Also examines the nature of semi-mobile warfare in the Hundred Days and assesses the limitations of the British ability to pursue this. Challenges the idea that the BEF had an invincible formula and analyzes the nature of the German resistance. Also examines Fourth Army's planning process and the efforts of the Royal Engineers and the logistics system. 1 vol, 344 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late October 2022 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-205820 Gooch, John THE ITALIAN ARMY AND THE FIRST WORLD WAR Account of the role and performance of the Italian army during WWI. Drawing from original, archival research, it tells the story of the army's bitter three-year struggle in the mountains of Northern Italy, including the 11 bloody battles of the Isonzo, the near-catastrophic defeat at Caporetto in 1917, and the successful, but still controversial, defeat of the Austro-Hungarian army at Vittorio Veneto on the eve of the Armistice.

Setting military events within a broader context, the book explores pre-war Italian military culture and the interactions between domestic politics, economics, and society. In a unique study of an unjustly neglected facet of the war, illustrates how General Luigi Cadorna, a brutal disciplinarian, drove the army to the edge of collapse, and how his successor, General Armando Diaz, rebuilt it and led the Italians to their greatest victory in modern times. Includes 17 b/w illustrations and six maps. 1 vol, 398 pgs 2014 UK, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-softcover, price reduction ......$30.00 with a discount of 20%

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1-COM1029 Gorkowski, John BALANCE OF POWERS: Wargame Balance of Powers enables players to game the entire First World War in a hex-and-chit format at the army corps and naval squadron-level from the diplomatic crisis of July, 1914, through countless air, land and naval battles until Europe reaches an armistice which can occur as late as May, 1919.

In addition to a three-map, four-year grand campaign, the game has several smaller scenarios, including single season, one-mappers, to accommodate every schedule and area of interest. The innovative map layout divides Europe horizontally rather than vertically to enable two-front struggles on a single map sheet. Taken together, the maps permit a degree of strategic speculation absent from operational-level games. For example, the British can invade the German or Adriatic coast instead of the Dardanelles.

Balance of Powers also portrays diplomacy and economics. A haggle-based diplomacy system enables history buffs to recreate the land-swap politics of the period, or players can opt for a simpler, streamlined schedule of neutral entry with a dash of randomness added for surprise.

Industrial production is as simple as 1-2-3 to avoid excessive math while enabling players to comprehend the cost of their losses. In the end, victory hinges on control of terrain or accumulated demoralization.

Game mechanics recreate the dilemmas of WWI. Land action begins with mobile stacks in grand sweeping offensives, but eventually slows down as corps flip to entrench and thereby lock in gains for the long war of attrition. Trench warfare involves an in-hex dimension with a counter attack mechanism that creates see-saw struggles for single hexes and thereby simulates the tactical ebb and flow that animated the front even during strategic stalemate.

The prospect of a 'breakthrough' to the green fields beyond motivates ceaseless attacks, but it's ephemeral until tanks, planes and tactical innovation change warfare forever. In the air and at sea, a roll-to-hit system enables air and (optional) naval combat to scale from the small dogfights of the Fokker Scourge to the mighty clash of dreadnoughts at Jutland. And there's a Sea Chart, in the corner of one map, which spans the globe so players can recreate events in the Far East and far out at sea.

Components: Three 22 X 34 inch maps, Four countersheets with approximately 900 counters (9/16-inch size), one Rulebook, one Scenario book, one General Records Track, 2 Player Aid Cards, and Dice.
1 vol, 1 pgs 2015 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box o/p, only one (1) available, first come first served ......$115.00 with a discount of 20% rct

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1-COM1082 Gorkowski, John Red Poppies Campaigns Volume 3: Assault Artillery - La Malmaison Recounts the Battle of La Malmaison, 23-27 October 1917, in which the French employed their Artillerie Speciale (tank force) and creeping barrage to capture Pinon, Vaudesson, and the coveted Chemin des Dames ridge. The French victory confirmed their recovery from the mutinies spawned by the disastrous Nivelle Offensive fought over some of the same ground six months earlier.

In a six-day preliminary bombardment, French guns, with a three to one advantage, silenced most of their German counterparts and smothered German rear areas with dense gas to impeded German reinforcements. At 0515 on October 23, (zero hour) six divisions of the French XI, XIV, and XXI corps attacked on a 7.5-mile wide front. French infantry advanced in the predawn twilight behind an elaborate creeping barrage with 63 Schneider and Saint-Chamond tanks in support. Twenty-seven of the 63 tanks bogged before reaching the front line. A combination of German fire and mud stopped 15 more in no man's land while 21 French tanks (1/3rd of the starting total) actually made it to the German second position. The French 38th Division captured Fort de Malmaison and XXI Corps took Allemant and Vaudesson. From 24 to 25 October, XXI and XIV corps advanced while I Cavalry Corps came forward to exploit a hoped-for German collapse.

Features Complexity: 6 out of 10; Solitaire suitability: 8 out of 10; Time Scale: 10 minutes per turn; Map Scale: 200 yards per hex; Unit Scale: Companies, squadrons, sections; Players: 1 or 2; Playing Time: 2 to 24 hours depending on the scenario/campaign

Components: Two maps at 22x34 inches; 3 sheets of 5/8 inch counters; One rule and scenario book; Three player reference cards; Two dice.
1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box ......$69.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-86250 Grainger, John D. BATTLE FOR PALESTINE 1917, THE Three battles for the control of the key fortress-city of Gaza took place in 1917 between the ANZACS and the Turks, b/w illust/drawings/maps, biblio, index 1 vol, 304 pgs 2007 UK, BOYDEL & BREWER
NEW-dj ......$48.00

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1-209450 Greenhalgh, Elizabeth THE FRENCH ARMY AND THE FIRST WORLD WAR This is a comprehensive new history of the French army's critical contribution to the Great War. Ranging across all fronts, Elizabeth Greenhalgh examines the French army's achievements and failures and sets these in the context of the difficulties of coalition warfare and the relative strengths and weaknesses of the enemy forces it faced.

Drawing from new archival sources, she reveals the challenges of dealing with and replenishing a mass conscript army in the face of slaughter on an unprecedented scale, and shows how, through trials and defeats, French generals and their troops learned to adapt and develop techniques which eventually led to victory. In a unique account of the largest Allied army on the Western Front, she revises our understanding not only of wartime strategy and combat, but also of other crucial aspects of France's war, including mutinies, mail censorship, medical services, railways, and weapons development. 1 vol, 480 pgs 2014 UK, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-softcover, available mid September 2015 ......$31.00

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1-230230 Greenshields, Thomas THOSE BLOODY KILTS: The Highland Soldier in the Great War Examines the experience of the Highland soldier in the Great War, seeking the truth behind the myths. It does not deal with the operational history, but with the life and character of the Highland soldier. It is based on the original letters, diaries and accounts of serving soldiers and officers, principally from the Imperial War Museum, the Liddle Collection, the National Library of Scotland and the Regimental Museums.

The book reviews the Highland regiments before the declaration of war in 1914, including the kilted regiments not only of Scotland, but of England and the Empire. This includes an examination of their nature, composition, recent battle experience in South Africa and the Empire, sense of identity, public image and reputation. It then reviews the Highland battalions which actually went to war, including not only the prewar Regular and Territorial battalions, but also the additional Territorial, Service, Garrison and Reserve battalions raised in the United Kingdom, together with the battalions raised for war service in Canada and South Africa. Specifically, it examines their composition, including Gaelic speakers, non-Highland Scots, recruits from the other home countries, including England, from the Empire and from foreign countries. It examines how composition varied between Regular, Territorial and Kitchener battalions etc, and how it changed with huge losses, replacement drafts and the introduction of conscription. It further examines the background of both officers and men and the reasons why they specifically joined Highland regiments.

Much work on Highland soldiers, and almost all popular work, has perpetuated myths about their unique character and martial spirit. This book examines such mythology and offers new insights into the practicality of the kilt, the use of the pipes, identity and morale, and frank revelations about courage, nerves, shell-shock and failure and the ruthless use of the bayonet. The whole is evidence based and scholastically sound, but nevertheless thoroughly readable and accessible to the general reader. Includes 25 b/w photos, 25 color ills, 1 color diag, and 15pp tables. 1 vol, 538 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb edition, available mid April 2022 ......$48.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-26950 Grimshaw, Captain Roly INDIAN CAVALRY OFFICER 1914-15 Details the battle of Ypres and the part the Indian Army Corps played in WWI France. Grimshaw also details the experiences of Indian NCOs and Officers. Includes black and white illustrations, appendices, notes, and index. 1 vol, 223 pgs 1986 TUNBRIDGE WELLS, COSTELLO
NEW-dj, INVENTORY REDUCTION 40% OFF ......$20.00 with a discount of 40% spc

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1-195740 Grotelueschen, Mark Ethan THE AEF WAY OF WAR - The American Army and Combat in World War I This book provides the most comprehensive examination of American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) combat doctrine and methods ever published. It shows how AEF combat units actually fought on the Western Front in World War I. It describes how four AEF divisions (the 1st, 2nd, 26th, and 77th) planned and conducted their battles and how they adapted their doctrine, tactics, and other operational methods during the war.

General John Pershing and other AEF leaders promulgated an inadequate prewar doctrine, with only minor modification, as the official doctrine of the AEF. Many early American attacks suffered from these unrealistic ideas that retained too much faith in the infantry rifleman on the modern battlefield. However, many AEF divisions adjusted their doctrine and operational methods as they fought, preparing more comprehensive attack plans, employing flexible infantry formations, and maximizing firepower to seize limited objectives.
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-204670 Gunn, David SAILOR IN THE DESERT: The Adventures of Phillip Gunn, DSM, RN in the Mesopotamia Campaign, 1915 Includes .

Royal Navy sailor's experiences during the Mesopotamian campaign of 1915. As an able seaman on the armed sloop HMS Clio, he was hunting the soon-to-be-famous German cruiser Emden, then were next in action defending the Suez Canal against an attempted Turkish invasion before joining the expedition to invade Turkish-held Mesopotamia (Iraq) -- supporting the British expedition up the River Tigris. Philip Gunn's recollections give a rare perspective of this ill-fated campaign.

Authentic account drawn from Phillip Gunn's unpublished memoirs as well as conversations with the author, his son David. It is illustrated with 12 b/w photos and 20 color paintings by Philip Gunn himself. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2014 UK, Pen and Sword
NEW-dj, available late March 2014 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-237010 Hall, Matthew ON WARMER TIDES: The Genesis and History of Italy's First World War Naval Commandos History of Italy's WWI special forces group -- the MAS Flotillas -- examines the innovation, audacity, and determination of this unit during the Adriatic Campaign of 1915-18. E. Over the course of its wartime development, it pioneered new nautical technologies such as manned torpedoes, jumping boats, and underwater explosives employed in the Buccari Bay Raid, the nocturnal assault on the SMS Wien, and the audacious infiltration of Pola naval base. Includes 22 b&w illustrations, and eight maps. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early May 2023 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-191540 Hall, Richard C. BALKAN BREAKTHROUGH:The Battle of Dobro Pole 1918 An account of the battle against the Bulgarian defenses at Dobro Pole and the consequences. Good account of this little known battle. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2010 BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA UNIV
NEW-dj ......$28.00

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1-73150 Halpern, Paul G. THE BATTLE OF THE OTRANTO STRAITS: WWI Warships from Austria, Italy, Germany, Britain, and France fought a running battle with surface vessels, aircraft, submarines, and mines. Includes b/w maps and illustrations, bibliography, and index. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2004 BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA UNIV
NEW-dj, oldie but goodie. Only 2 available. First come, first served. ......$20.00

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1-206190 Hardin, Sven With the Kaiser's Army in 1914 - A Neutral Observer in Belgium & France In 1914 Swedish professor, writer, illustrator and adventurer Sven Hedin was granted a car and escort and given a comprehensive tour of the German Armies fighting in Belgium and France during September and October 1914. Hedin was given unfettered access to German armies and leadership. The resulting book, With the German Armies in the West, was quickly finished and published, originally in Swedish, in 1914 then swiftly translated and printed in early 1915 by John Lane of The Bodley Head Press, London, at a time when the events described in the book were still fresh.

During his battlefront tour, Hedin took the opportunity to roam around the Army's rear areas and to visit the frontline trench network. In the process he conducted many interviews, ranging from ordinary German privates to the most senior commanders and also with British and French POWs. He was an artist of great skill and was allowed to sketch many scenes depicting German infantry, cavalry, logistics and artillery batteries. He also documented the condition of post-August 1914 Belgium and described the situation in a very different light to the febrile tones of most neutral sources.

This invaluable study of the Kaiser's Army in the early stages of the First World War is a great addition to the literature of the Great War providing a rare glimpse into the German Army of 1914. 1 vol, 528 pgs 2014 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available early September 2014 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-213130 Hardy, Colin THE RECONOGRAPHERS: Intelligence And Reconnaissance In British Tank Operations On The Western Front 1916-18 This is the first book devoted to the subject of reconnaissance in the nascent Tank Corps in the Great War. It is a neglected field in spite of passing references to reconnaissance in a number of early books on the history of the Tank Corps. This is also the first attempt to provide a conceptual framework in which to consider intelligence and reconnaissance work and to see it in the broader context of military reconnaissance. Adding the term 'Reconography' to the military lexicon draws attention to a little-known monograph on the subject which has never entered the popular domain before now. Includes 34 photos, nine maps, 10 pencil sketches, and three diagrams.

The introduction of the tanks on the Western Front in 1916 launched a new form of armored warfare. After their baptism on 15 September 1916, the tanks became dependent on a few reconnaissance officers to guide them into action. The importance of these officers was fully recognized within the Tank Corps itself, but less so outside.

The reconnaissance officers came to form an elite group of talented men, a special caste, whose contribution to the nascent Tank Corps was far greater than their numbers might suggest. It is surprising, therefore, that the contribution made by these officers has hitherto been neglected in the historiography of British tank operations in the First World War.

This book pulls together the activities, skills and techniques of tank Intelligence and reconnaissance officers and assesses their place and contribution to British tank operations in the Great War; it places tank reconnaissance work in the wider context of intelligence and reconnaissance activities prior to the war and it also provides a case study of the tensions that inevitably occur when new wine is put into old bottles, or more prosaically, new technology into existing organizations.

It has been necessary to create conceptual structures in which reconnaissance operations can be analyzed; it attempts to breathe life into what some might regard as a dull technical subject by devoting space to key figures in Tank Corps' intelligence and reconnaissance activities. Fortunately, and perhaps as a consequence of their activities, they were some of the most colorful and interesting figures in the Tank Corps at that time. In awarding the author the WFA-Helion Holmes Prize, the judges concluded that 'his work reflects deep research, a high standard of writing, and a notable originality.' 1 vol, 180 pgs 2017 UK, HELION
NEW-dj, available mid January 2017 ......$80.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-228520 Harris, Mark HARWICH SUBMARINES IN THE GREAT WAR: The First Submarine Campaign of the Royal Navy in 1914 The Harwich Submarine Flotilla played a key role establishing British dominance in the North Sea at the beginning of WWI. The 1914 campaign saw the first torpedo fired in action by a Royal Navy submarine, the first ship to be sunk, and the first submarine to be lost in action. Offers insight into what it was like to fight in these early submarines, while also relating what really happened and the true significance of the events. The Flotilla had to battle not just the enemy, but also the hazards of mines, human frailties, mechanical failure and the weather.

Uses letters, diaries, memoirs, and combat reports of the participants to give a complete account, all sourced from public and private British, German, and French archives. Includes 37 b/w photos, 49 charts, and 1 graph. 1 vol, 348 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late November 2021 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-222850 Harrison, Michael ON THE ROAD TO VICTORY: The Rise of Motor Transport with the BEF on the Western Front The Great War produced many innovations, in particular the spectacular development by the British and French armies of motor transport. Using many previously unpublished illustrations, including artists' impressions, this book tells the story of the men and women who made motor transport [MT] work for the victorious British Army on the Western Front, so that in 1918, the humble lorry did indeed help propel the British Army forward. Includes 100 black and white illustrations. 1 vol, 368 pgs 2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late February 2020 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-201500 Hart, Peter THE GREAT WAR: A Combat History of the First World War Focusing on the decisive engagements, Hart explores the immense challenges faced by the commanders on all sides. He surveys the belligerent nations, analyzing their strengths, weaknesses, and strategic imperatives. Russia, for example, was obsessed with securing an exit from the Black Sea, while France -- having lost to Prussia in 1871, before Germany united -- constructed a network of defensive alliances, even as it held a grudge over the loss of Alsace-Lorraine.

Includes portraits of the commanders, the prewar plans, and the unexpected obstacles and setbacks that upended the initial operations. He concentrates on the Western and Eastern fronts, but also pays attention to important peripheral events, such as the war at sea, the fighting in Mesopotamia and Palestine, and the Italian front.

In World War I, for the first time, warfare ceased to consist of armies hunting for each other across the landscape and meeting in brief, decisive battles; now continuous lines stretched from the Channel to the Alps, from the Alps to the Adriatic. Hart also examines the changing weapons and tactics, from pioneering British tanks to Germany's devastating infiltration techniques. In the final analysis, Hart argues that France provided the bulwark of the forces and determination that defeated the Central Powers, but Britain tipped the balance, with the crucial help of American intervention. 16 b/w illust and six b/w maps. 1 vol, 544 pgs 2012 US, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-245250 Harvey, Trevor AN ARMY OF BRIGADIERS: British Brigade Commanders at the Battle of Arras 1917 Provides an analysis of command at the level of the infantry brigade within the British Expeditionary Force's command structure. Based on a critical period during the Great War, the period from late in the Battle of the Somme to the end of the Battle of Arras in mid-May 1917, analysis is drawn from the service records of 116 brigadier-generals whose brigades played some part in the Battle of Arras. Explores their roles, responsibilities, and backgrounds, both in theory and in practice, in the lead-up to and during the battle to explain and illustrate the range and limitations of their commands. Then presents case studies of five brigadier-generals, their staff officers, and their battalion commanders. Research is drawn from a wide variety of sources, including diaries, letters, and personal papers privately held by descendants. Contains 32 photos, 16 color maps, 25 tables. 1 vol, 440 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early July 2024 ......$70.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-34040 Haythornthwaite, Philip J. PHOTOHISTORY OF WORLD WAR ONE, A 450+ photos highlight this book, Orders of Battle, organizational tables, uniform detail. 1 vol, 240 pgs 1997 LONDON, ARMS & ARMOUR PRS
NEW-softcover ......$12.00

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1-191170 Herwig, Holger MARNE 1914, THE: The Opening of World War I The author looks at all sides of the story and also presents the Battle of the Frontier and its effect on the Marne. Revelatory and riveting, the new seminal source for this battle. Includes bibliography and index. 1 vol, 416 pgs 2009 US, RANDOM HOUSE
AS NEW-dj ......$20.00

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1-243910 Hill, Mike PILGRIMAGE TO THE WESTERN FRONT: By the Men Who Went Back to the Old Frontline Gathers together first-hand accounts of World War I veterans as they retrace their wartime footsteps and stand again at the scenes where they lived through one of history's bloodiest conflicts. Reports reveal what they found on their return, and their reflections and memories of places still healing from the devastation of the war years. Illustrated with images of the destruction of post-war France and Belgium, many drawn from the collection of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Features 50 personal stories of those who ventured back to the Western Front. Contains 40 images. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2024 UK, FONTHILL MEDIA
NEW-dj, available mid June 2024 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-243620 Hillier-Graves, Tim MANFRED VON RICHTHOFEN: The Red Baron & the High Price of Glory Explores the story of Manfred von Richthofen, the 'Red Baron', and how an image of chivalry was conjured up and exploited with little regard of the cost of this to an increasingly war-weary man. Draws on many sources, including interviews with pilots he fought alongside and against, official documents held in collections around the world, the work of three noted Great War historians. In addition, there are interviews with fifty or so pilots from the Second World War, who went through much that von Richthofen experienced above the Western Front and could speak with authority about the effects of continuous combat flying on aviators. Contains 32 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 296 pgs 2024 UK, AIR WORLD
NEW-dj, available late May 2024 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-ST126 Hitchman, Richard S&T #126: Beirut '82 Features:

Beirut'82: Arab Stalingrad
For Your Information
- Las Malvinas: Argentine Perspective on the Falklands War
Beirut Under Fire
- Operation Iron Brain
Low Intensity Conflict
- Warfare in the Modern World
U.S. Special Operations KIAs on Grenada
The Role of Cuba's Expeditionary Force in Angola
- Part 1, The Internationalist Mission
- Fortress Stalingrad
- Campaigns in the Valley 1 vol, 64 pgs 1989 US, SPI
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$10.00 rct

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1-56460 Hoffam, General Max WAR OF LOST OPPORTUNITIES, THE Exceptional memoir of a German WWI who served on the Eastern front, his plans were used to win at Tannenburg and Masurian Lakes. 1 vol, 246 pgs 1999 NASHVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$40.00

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1-200230 Holroyd, Jack American Expeditionary Force France 1917-1918 - Images of War Series 7.5 x 9.5 inches, 300 b/w images, gleaned from the official archives.

Eight chapters deal with different pivotal moments during the World War I from the American perspective, from the reasons behind the American involvement in the war and initial training to the major battles at Cantigny, Chateau Thierry, and St. Mihiel. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2012 UK, Pen & Sword
NEW-pb ......$20.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-226530 Holstein, Chrsitine VERDUN 1917: The French Hit Back Unlike the popular view, the French army did not cease offensive operations after the disastrous Nivelle Offensive of spring 1917 and the subsequent mutinies. Nor did the fighting at Verdun come to an end in 1916. Includes 75 black and white illustrations.

The successful French counter offensives at the end of that year led to preliminary planning for a two Army operation in 1917 to break out of the Verdun salient and recapture the strategically very significant Briey coal basin. The French Army mutinies of May and June 1917 led to a more limited version of the plan being implemented, with the aim of establishing new lines for a break out in 1918.

The need to rebuild morale in the French army meant that nothing was left to chance. The immense logistical effort of this late summer 1917 campaign and the detailed planning and careful training at all levels brought success to an army weary of war but determined to win. The industrial nature of the preparations, the spectacular numbers of guns and the first appearance of the Americans at Verdun presage the campaigns of 1918 and the final Allied victory.

As for all the books in the Battleground Europe series, it is profusely illustrated and mapped using contemporary and modern material, supported by clear maps to support each of the tours. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid February 2021 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-31830 Home, Brigadier Sir Archibald DIARY OF A WORLD WAR I CAVALRY OFFICER Based on the author's diary, this is the story of the 11th Hussars on the WWI Western Front, with black and white illustrations. 1 vol, 222 pgs 1985 TUNBRIDGE WELLS, COSTELLO
NEW-dj, INVENTORY REDUCTION 40% OFF ......$20.00 with a discount of 40% spc

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2-214850 House, Simon LOST OPPORTUNITY: The Battle Of The Ardennes 22 August 1914 Offers an operational study of the WWI Battles of the Frontiers. On August 22, 1914, on a battlefield 100 kilometers wide stretching from Luxembourg to the River Meuse, two French and two German armies clashed in a series of encounters known collectively as the Battle of the Ardennes.

At the center of this book lies a mystery: in a key encounter battle, one French Army corps led by a future Minister of War - General Pierre Roques - outnumbered its immediate opposition by nearly six to one and yet dismally failed to capitalize on that superiority.

Intriguingly, there is a six-hour gap in the war diaries of all General Roques' units; it smacks of a cover-up. By a thorough investigation of German sources, and through the discovery of three vital messages buried in the French archives, it is now possible to piece together what happened during those missing hours and show how Roques threw away an opportunity to break the German line and advance unopposed deep into the hinterland beyond. Contains 20 b/w photos, 15 color photos, 60 color maps in a separate map book. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$65.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-242300 Hurst, James THE LANDING IN THE DAWN: Dissecting a Legend - The Landing at ANZAC, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915 Re-examines and reconstructs the April 25, 1915 Anzac Landing at Gallipoli by analyzing the aggregate experience of a single, first-wave battalion over a single day, primarily through the investigation of veterans' letters and diaries, to create a body of evidence with which to construct a history of the battle. This is not an exclusive Australian story - for example, one third of the battalion examined were born in the British Isles. Contains 33 b/w photos, 12 b/w maps. 1 vol, 264 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid February 2024 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-219260 Hutchinson, David MONS: An Artillery Battle History of the Battle of Mons in August 1914 with 16 color maps, 21 b/w photos/illustrations, and 1 table diverges widely from the story enshrined as fact in the Official History, and by subsequent accounts dependent on it. It is based on an examination of the war diaries of almost every British unit involved in the battle, with particular reference to the artillery, thus illuminating the tactical intentions of all arms in every phase of the battle. The artillery had made tactical preparations for the handling of their guns in battle. All units in the British Army conformed to Field Service Regulations. The central role that both these played in the battle is explored.

In documenting the orders to, and subsequent actions of, junior units, many routinely referenced statements in even recent publications pertaining to the battle are challenged. The British went into battle without much of its field artillery. The German field artillery went into battle with totally defective ammunition. These two facts alone profoundly alter the conventional narrative. The primary importance of well-positioned artillery, supporting British army maneuvers, is explained. The routine protection that the guns supplied to their allocated infantry battalions is described; and the devastating effect of German howitzer fire on a number of British infantry and artillery units documented.

Each of the three senior British generals reacted differently to the stress of battle, and their anxieties can be followed and explored in detail. General French, in command of the British Expeditionary Force, remained in tighter control of events than is generally portrayed. General Smith-Dorrien, of II Corps, is confirmed as the main architect of the fighting on the day; and with luck on his side, fought an almost faultless campaign. Both were relying on General Haig to bring his I Corps up in support II Corps. Not only did he disobey this order to advance, but he did not warn either General French or II Corps that he was withholding support. This breached Army Regulations, and endangered the whole force.

The records reveal that he side-lined his staff, and issued such a series of orders and counter-orders, that he exasperated and demoralised his men. General Haig's report on the battle is an oft-quoted primary source. From the day before the battle, it is so inaccurate as to be almost valueless as a summary of events. If the full details of his actions on the day had been known at the time, he could have been dismissed for incompetence. He might even have been court-martialled.

How each of the three generals perceived the role of the artillery under their command is also explored, from the point of view of their previous military experience. The origins of the poor use of artillery by the British Army later in the war can be traced back; partly to the professional army structure of 1914 and the qualities that would be lost as their casualties mounted; and partly to cavalry generals winning out over infantry generals in the direction of future campaigns of the British army.

The Battle of Mons was a dress-rehearsal for the war on the Western Front. It was of disproportionate importance in determining how the British army was handled in the future. It deserves to be better understood by students of the period. 1 vol, 184 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover, available mid February 2019 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-195080 Hutton, John AUGUST 1914: Surrender at St Quentin The great retreat of the British Expeditionary Force from Mons in August 1914 is one of the most famous in military history, and it is justly celebrated. But not all the British soldiers who were forced back by the German offensive performed well. Two colonels, Elkington and Mainwaring, tried to surrender rather than fight on, and were disgraced.

This is their story. In this compelling account John Hutton shows, in graphic detail, the full confusion of the retreat, and the dire mental state to which brave men can be reduced by extreme stress, uncertainty and fatigue. But he also describes how Elkington redeemed himself. He joined the French Foreign Legion, fought gallantly, was severely wounded and was reinstated by King George V. His is one of the more remarkable stories to come out of the Great War, as is the story of the attempted surrender at St. Quentin itself. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2011 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj, Special Price - Limited quantity ......$40.00 with a discount of 40%

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1-211660 Ian Sumner FRENCH ARMY AT VERDUN: Images at War The Battle of Verdun, fought between February and December 1916, in contemporary photographs in another volume in the fine Images at War series. Shows French and German sides, including aerial photos. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2016 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late June 2016 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-214960 Jefferson, Sam THE SEA DEVIL: The Adventures of Count Felix von Luckner, the Last Raider Under Sail In 1916, a tall ship named Hero sailed under Norwegian colors out of the Elbe river in Germany. Loaded with cargo and ostensibly bound for Australia, she was in reality a German raider: the Seeadler, commanded by German aristocrat Count Felix von Luckner. She was tasked with destroying as many British merchant vessels as possible.

Telling the story from the viewpoint of the utterly foxed and infuriated British Admiralty trying to capture this mysterious raider, The Sea Devil follows von Luckner's extraordinary activities. He destroyed fourteen ships, but in the most 'gentlemanly' fashion. Only one man died in the process: his modus operandi was swashbuckling adventure interspersed with champagne. As the Admiralty's fastest cruisers closed in on him, Von Luckner sped towards Cape Horn, the most dangerous stretch of water on the planet. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2017 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid September 2017 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-217270 Jeffreys, Alan THE INDIAN ARMY IN THE FIRST WORLD WAR: New Perspectives Academic reassessment of the global role of the Indian Army during WWI. It looks at the historiography of the army -- taking into account the recent work on the army (particularly on the Western Front in 1914-1915). Includes seven illustrations and two maps.

Covers the traditional areas of the Indian Army on the Western Front, in Palestine, Mesopotamia and the defense of the Suez Canal; however, there are also chapters on combined operations; Indian prisoners of war in Germany and Turkey; the expansion of the officer corps; and the Sikh experience, as well as the mobilization of the equine army at the beginning of the war and the demobilization of the army in the period from 1918 until 1923. Three additional chapters are related to the theme, such as the role of the Royal Indian Marine; the Territorial Army in India; and Churchill's portrayal of the Indian Army during the Gallipoli campaign. 1 vol, 314 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late November 2022 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-243270 John, Steven THE WELSH AT WAR: The Grinding War: The Somme and Arras Examines the Welsh men and infantry units who fought in World War I. These units included the four regular regiments - the Royal Welsh Fusiliers, South Wales Borderers, Welsh Regiment and Welsh Guards - as well as the Territorial Monmouthshire Regiment, the Yeomanry regiments: the Denbighshire Hussars, Pembroke Yeomanry, Montgomeryshire Yeomanry, Glamorgan Yeomanry, and Welsh Horse Yeomanry, and their amalgamation into service battalions for the regular regiments during 1917. Covers all of the major actions and incidents in which each of the Welsh infantry regiments took part, as well as stories of Welsh airmen, Welshmen shot at dawn, Welsh rugby players who fell, Welsh gallantry winners, and the Welshmen who died in non-Welsh units, such as the Dominion forces and other units of the British armed forces. Contains 100 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 312 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid April 2024 ......$39.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-208920 Johns, Robert BATTLE BENEATH THE TRENCHES: The Cornish Miners of the 251st Tunneling Company, RE The Great War presented an environment that perfectly favored the skills of the military miner. During 1915, the Western Front was established as a static line that grew into a huge network of defense-in-depth earthworks. Siege conditions demanded siege tactics and as the ground was suitable for mining, the Western Front was a prime candidate for underground warfare.

Royal Engineer tunneling companies were specialist units of the Corps of Royal Engineers within the British Army, formed to dig attacking tunnels under enemy lines during the First World War. The Cornish Miners were one of these specialist units recruited from the tin mines of Cornwall.

In February 1915, eight Tunneling Companies were created and operational in Flanders from March 1915. By mid-1916, the British Army had around 25,000 trained tunnelers, mostly volunteers taken from mining communities. This is their story. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2015 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available late June 2015 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-60560 Johnson, Douglas V. and Hillman, Rolfe L. SOISSONS, 1918 Soissons, 1918 provides an intricately detailed account of this pivotal battle in which partly trained, inexperienced American soldiers and marines literally turned the tide of the war. Despite strange French command methods, alien equipment (such as masses of tanks), immature American staff work, and difficulties in communicating with advancing troops, American enthusiasm and willingness 'to finish the job' briefly shattered German defenses, caused panic, and ultimately unhinged the Germans' carefully prepared strategic plans.

Authors Douglas V. Johnson II and Rolfe L. Hillman, Jr., provide a strategic overview of the war to the point of American involvement in combat operations. Following the long accepted Leavenworth method of analyzing operations, they thoroughly describe the enemy situation, the terrain, and the friendly situation. Subsequent chapters describe in detail each of the four days of intense combat using French, German, and American sources and American personal accounts.

The depth of the authors' coverage spans not only technical aspects of the battle but human dimensions as well. Plans matter, and so too do personalities, from sergeants and lieutenants to commanding generals. Diagrams of attack plans, maps, and photographs effectively illustrate both the intent and reality of the battle, beneath which runs a bloody narrative.

A detailed account of the battle by partly trained & inexperienced Americans that shattered German defenses, b/w photos/drawings, (10) maps, biblio,appendicies, indx. 1 vol, 240 pgs 1999 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS AM
NEW-dj ......$30.00

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3-36070 Johnson, J.H. STALEMATE!:The Great Trench Warfare Battle 1915-17 In a diligent & well reasoned analysis the author examines the battles of the Western Front, b/w maps and photos, biblio, index. 1 vol, 232 pgs 1995 LONDON, ARMS & ARMOUR PRS
V.GOOD-dj ......$18.00

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1-223230 Johnson, Robert Lawrence of Arabia on War - The Campaign in the Desert 1916-18 One hundred years ago, Captain Lawrence and an unlikely band of Arab irregulars captured the strategic port of Aqaba after an epic journey through waterless tracts of desert. Their attacks on railways during the Great War are well known and have become the stuff of legend, but while Lawrence himself has been the subject of fascinating biographies, as well as an award-winning film, the context of his war in the desert, and his ideas on war itself, are less well-known.

This new title offers a high-paced evaluation of T. E. Lawrence 'of Arabia' and the British military operations in the Near East, revising and adding to conventional narratives in order to tell the full story of this influential figure, as well as the Ottoman-Turkish perspective, and the Arabs' position, within the context of the war. It is also a study of warfare and the manner in which Lawrence and others made their assessments of what was changing, what was distinctive, and what was unique to the desert environment. This book sets Lawrence in context, examines the peace settlement he participated in, and describes how Lawrence's legacy has informed and inspired those partnering and mentoring local forces to the present day. 1 vol, 368 pgs 2020 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available late April 2020 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-192700 Jones, Simon Underground Warfare 1914-1918 Simon Jones's graphic history of underground warfare during the Great War uses personal reminiscences to convey the danger and suspense of this unconventional form of conflict. He describes how the underground soldiers of the opposing armies engaged in a ruthless fight for supremacy, covers the tunneling methods they employed, and shows the increasingly lethal tactics they developed during the war in which military mining reached its apotheosis. He concentrates on the struggle for ascendancy by the British tunneling companies on the Western Front.

But his wide-ranging study also tells the story of the little known but fascinating subterranean battles fought in the French sectors of the Western Front and between the Austrians and the Italians in the Alps which have never been described before in English. Vivid personal testimony is combined with a lucid account of the technical challenges - and ever-present perils - of tunneling in order to give an all-round insight into the extraordinary experience of this underground war.

6 x 9, 15-20 photos,
1 vol, 288 pgs 2008 UK, PEN & SWORD BOOKS
NEW-DJ ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-208770 Jones, Spencer STEMMING THE TIDE: Officers and Leadership in the British Expeditionary Force 1914 The British Expeditionary Force of 1914 was described by the official historian as 'incomparably the best trained, best organized, and best equipped British Army that ever went forth to war.' The BEF proved its fighting qualities in the fierce battles of 1914 and its reputation has endured. However, the same cannot be said for many of its commanders, who have frequently been portrayed as old fashioned, incompetent, and out of touch with events on the battlefield.

Yet the officers who led the BEF to war were every bit as professional and hard-bitten as the soldiers they commanded. These officers had learned their craft in the unforgiving school of colonial warfare and honed their understanding of conflict in the period of reform that reshaped the army between 1902 and 1914. As this book reveals, when faced with the realities of modern combat, the officers of the BEF were prepared for the challenge.

This collection offers a broad picture of command at all levels of the BEF through a series of biographical essays on key officers. Drawing upon much original research, each chapter explores the pre-war background and experience of the officer and assesses his performance in combat in the opening months of the First World War. The book features insightful reappraisals of famous figures including John French and Douglas Haig, fresh studies of staff officers such as William Robertson and Henry Wilson, and a thorough discussion of officers at 'the sharp end', with chapters covering divisional, brigade, battalion and company commanders.

The essays reveal an officer class that, despite certain weaknesses, provided highly effective leadership during the chaotic fighting of August to November 1914. Without their influence it is unlikely that the BEF would have been able to survive the difficulties of the 'Great Retreat,' much less halt the German invasions of France and Belgium.

This book will be of great interest to anyone who studies the First World War, and of particular value to those who seek a greater understanding of the British Army of the era. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2015 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available late June 2015 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-223640 Jones, Spencer Stemming the Tide - Officers and Leadership in the British Expeditionary Force 1914 The British Expeditionary Force of 1914 was described by the official historian as 'incomparably the best trained, best organized, and best equipped British Army that ever went forth to war.' The BEF proved its fighting qualities in the fierce battles of 1914 and its reputation has endured. However, the same cannot be said for many of its commanders, who have frequently been portrayed as old fashioned, incompetent, and out of touch with events on the battlefield. B/w photos, 8 pages of color maps

Yet the officers who led the BEF to war were every bit as professional and hard-bitten as the soldiers they commanded. These officers had learned their craft in the unforgiving school of colonial warfare and honed their understanding of conflict in the period of reform that reshaped the army between 1902 and 1914. As this book reveals, when faced with the realities of modern combat, the officers of the BEF were prepared for the challenge.

This collection offers a broad picture of command at all levels of the BEF through a series of biographical essays on key officers. Drawing upon much original research, each chapter explores the pre-war background and experience of the officer and assesses his performance in combat in the opening months of the First World War. The book features insightful reappraisals of famous figures including John French and Douglas Haig, fresh studies of staff officers such as William Robertson and Henry Wilson, and a thorough discussion of officers at 'the sharp end', with chapters covering divisional, brigade, battalion and company commanders.

The essays reveal an officer class that, despite certain weaknesses, provided highly effective leadership during the chaotic fighting of August to November 1914. Without their influence it is unlikely that the BEF would have been able to survive the difficulties of the 'Great Retreat', much less halt the German invasions of France and Belgium.

This book will be of great interest to anyone who studies the First World War, and of particular value to those who seek a greater understanding of the British Army of the era.
1 vol, 148 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late May 2020 ......$56.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-240780 Jones, Spencer THE DARKEST YEARS: The British Army on the Western Front 1917 The fourth of a five-volume series examines the British Army in 1917. It includes essays which consider grand strategy, tactical development and training, maintenance of morale, and the importance of intelligence gathering. It also includes insightful studies of crucial battles and engagements such as the advance to the Hindenburg Line, Third Battle of the Scarpe and the dreadful struggle for Bourlon Wood. 1 vol, 528 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid November 2023 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-199350 Jordan, David Balkans, Italy & Africa 1914-1918 150 color and b/w photographs and 50 artworks. Italy had been allied with the German and Austro-Hungarian Empires since 1882 as part of the Triple Alliance. However, the nation had its own designs on Austrian territory in Trentino, Istria, and Dalmatia. Rome had a secret 1902 pact with France, effectively nullifying its alliance.

At the start of hostilities, Italy refused to commit troops, arguing that the Triple Alliance was defensive in nature, and that Austria-Hungary was an aggressor. The Austro-Hungarian government began negotiations to secure Italian neutrality, offering the French colony of Tunisia in return. However, Italy then joined the Entente in April 1915 and declared war on Austria-Hungary in May. Fifteen months later, it declared war on Germany.

Faced with Russia, Austria-Hungary could spare only one third of its army to attack Serbia. After suffering heavy losses, the Austrians briefly occupied the Serbian capital, Belgrade. Serbian counterattacks, however, succeeded in driving them from the country by the end of 1914. The Serbs suffered defeat near modern day Gnjilane in Kosovo, forces being evacuated by ship to Greece.

In late 1915, a Franco-British force landed at Salonica in Greece, to offer assistance and to pressure the government to declare war against the Central Powers. Only at the end of the conflict were the Entente powers able to break through, which was after most of the German and Austro-Hungarian troops had been withdrawn. Some of the first clashes of the war involved British, French and German colonial forces in Africa. On 7 August, French and British troops invaded the German protectorate of Togoland. On 10 August German forces in South-West Africa attacked South Africa; sporadic and fierce fighting continued for the remainder of the war. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2012 UK, AMBER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-190031 Jouineau, Andre FRENCH ARMY:Volume 1 1914 August-October #11 in the Officers & Soldiers series.
In January 1914, the French Army had 47 divisions in 21 regional corps and mobilized another 2 million men. 1 vol, 68 pgs 2009 FRANCE, H&C
NEW-softcover ......$20.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-190032 Jouineau, Andre FRENCH ARMY:Volume 2 1915 to Victory #12 in the Officers & Soldiers series.

An examination of the changes in the French Army, that by 1918, counted 40% of all French Troops as Artillerymen. #12 in the Officers & soldiers series. 1 vol, 68 pgs 2009 FRANCE, H&C
NEW-softcover ......$20.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-71730 Jukes, Geoffrey & others FIRST WORLD WAR: The War to End all Wars A compilation of OSPREY Essential History Series nos 13, 14, 22, and 23 provides good basic coverage. includes:
* PART 1: The Western Front 1914-1916, Background to War, Warring sides, Outbreak, The fighting, Portrait of a soldier, The world around the war, Portrait of a civilian, How the period ended
* PART 2: The Western Front 1917-1918, Background to war, The fighting, Portrait of a soldier, The world around the war, Portrait of a civilian, How the war on the Western Front ended
* PART 3: The Eastern Front 1914-1918, Background to War, Warring sides, The fighting, Portrait of a soldier, The world around the war, Portrait of a civilian, How the war on the Eastern Front ended
* PART 4: The Mediterranean Front 1914-1923, Background to War, Warring sides, The fighting, Portrait of a soldier, The world around the war, Portrait of a civilian, How the war on the Mediterranean Front ended, and aftermath 1 vol, 364 pgs 2013 LONDON, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid December 2013 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-212230 Kaufmann, J.E . andKaufmann H. W. VERDUN 1916: The Renaissance of the Fortress Wrapped in myth and distortion, the Battle of Verdun is one of the most enigmatic battles of the Great War, and the controversy continues a century later. Before the battle the Germans believed they had selected one of the strongest points in the French defenses in the hope that, if they smashed through it, the French would collapse. But Verdun was actually a hollow shell since its forts were largely disarmed and the trench lines were incomplete. So why did the Germans fail to take Verdun?

As well as seeking to answer this fundamental question, the authors of this perceptive new study reconsider other key aspects of the battle - the German deployment of stormtroopers, the use of artillery and aircraft, how the French developed the idea of methodical battle which came to dominate their military thought after the war. They look too at how Verdun brought about a renaissance of fortress engineering that resulted in the creation of the Maginot Line and the other fortifications constructed in Europe before WWII. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2016 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late August 2016 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-29680 Keegan, John AUGUST 1914, OPENING MOVES Ballantine's Illustrated History of the Violent Century, Campaign Book #19. Scarce, b/w maps & illust of the beginnings of World War One. 1 vol, 160 pgs 1975 NY, BALLANTINE BOOKS
GOOD-softcover ......$12.00

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1-68570 Kihntopf, Michael HANDCUFFED TO A CORPSE:Eastern Front 1914-1917 German intervention in the Balkans and on the Galician Front 1914-1917, b/w illust/maps, a lookat the driving forces on both sides of the Eastern Front, biblio, index. 1 vol, 152 pgs 2002 SHIPPENSBURG, WHITE MANE
NEW-dj ......$25.00

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1-192720 Kilduff, Peter Herman Goring Fighter Ace Hermann Goring - Fighter Ace is the first in-depth look at Goring's role as a military flyer and air combat leader from 1914 through the end of The Great War, and how those experiences shaped the personality that came to the world's attention in 1939.

At the outset of the First World War, Goring was eager to prove his value to his fatherland in initial skirmishes with French troops. When struck by severe rheumatoid arthritis in September 1914, the twenty-one-year-old officer's burning ambition and ego could not tolerate being sidelined and the following month he forced himself out of a sick bed to begin a new career as an aviation observer.

Goring went on to become a fighter pilot with twenty-two downed enemy aircraft to his credit, the last wartime commander of the Red Baron's own fighter wing, Jagdgeschwader Richthofen, and recipient of a row of prestigious medals including Prussia's highest bravery award, the Pour le Merite.

6.75 x 9.75, 80 drawings and photographs 1 vol, 224 pgs 2010 Grub Street Publishing
NEW-DJ ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-49911 Kipling, Rudyard IRISH GUARDS IN THE GREAT WAR, THE:1st BATTALION It was while serving in the 2nd Battalion that Kipling's own son was killed, a fact that goes far toward explaining why this Regimental History, b/w illust/photos, appendices, biblio, index. 1 vol, 320 pgs 1996 UK, SPELLMOUNT PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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1-49912 Kipling, Rudyard IRISH GUARDS IN THE GREAT WAR, THE:2nd BATTALION It was while serving in the 2nd Battalion that Kipling's own son was killed, a fact that goes far toward explaining why this Regimental History, b/w illust/photos, appendices, biblio, index. 1 vol, 222 pgs 1997 NY, SARPEDON PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$27.00

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1-COM008 Knight, Ben COMMAND #08 Jutland: The Duel of Dreadnoughts The Battle of Jutland at individual ship level (for the big ships) and squadron level for destroyers and light cruisers. Each shipping counter represents a battlegroup of 1 to 4 ships and has 1 or 2 gunnery target counters representing big and/or small guns.

To hit a ship with gunfire, a die must be rolled. Then if a 'hit' is scored, a 2nd die roll is made for penetration (actual damage, sinking one ship of the counter's battlegroup)

Victory is determined by sinking enemy ships.
1 vol, 60 pgs 1991 CA, XTR PUBLISHING
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$30.00 rct

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1-230610 Knight, James R The Great War: WWI Card Game MacGowan & Lombardy's The Great War is a collaborative effort of game industry Hall of Fame graphic artist Rodger B. MacGowan and award-winning game designer Dana Lombardy. Intended for quick play, there is just one double-sided page of rules, plus Quick-play instructions to let you start mobilizing your forces right away. Includes nearly all of Rodger MacGowan's dramatic World War I illustrations.

Contents: 200 poker-size cards denote weapons and key personalities representing almost 20 nations; Rules for 2-players, solitaire, and the special expansion; Quick Play Outline; 1 decks and discard mat. Cards also contain standard suits, symbols, and numbers to play poker, bridge, and other traditional card games. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2021 LOMBARDY STUDIOS
NEW-box ......$49.00 rct

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1-225600 Koerver, Hans Joachim The Kaiser's U-Boat Assault on America - Germany's Great War Gamble in the First World War Covers diplomatic and economic aspects of German U-Boats in WWI as well as their tactical and strategic use. Also examines the role played by US president Woodrow Wilson and his response to American shipping being sunk by U-boats and how that ultimately forced his hand to declare war on Germany. 1 vol, 360 pgs 2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid October 2020 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-190850 Kraus, Jurgen and Muller, Thomas GERMAN COLONIAL TROOPS 1889-1918, THE 1500+ b/w and color photos, illust and plates of every aspect of uniforms and equipment. 1 vol, 600 pgs 2009 AUSTRIA, VERLAG MILITARIA
NEW-dj ......$185.00

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1-71040 Lake, Deborah ZEEBRUGGE AND OSTEND RAIDS 1918, THE The Zeebrugge Raid is one of the most exciting small actions, not just of the First World War but in British history. The purpose was to counter the U-boat menace. Submarine attacks on Allied shipping caused great difficulty. The Admiralty claimed that the war would be lost unless the submarine attacks were curtailed.

Admiral Keyes proposed blocking the ports. At Zeebrugge, a diversionary landing on the Mole - an enormous breakwater - would divert attention from the blockships as they entered the harbor. The defenses were extremely strong. Surprise and daring were essential. Despite over 600 casualties, the attacks were a great boost to civilian morale in Britain. Eleven Victoria Crosses were awarded, eight of them for the Zeebrugge raid alone. Some recipients were chosen by the survivors, one of the very few times this has been done.
1 vol, 224 pgs 2002 LONDON, PEN & SWORD BOOKS
NEW-dj, inventory reduction sale ......$37.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-205940 Langford, William GREAT PUSH ON THE SOMME 1916: Images of War Series Originally: 'Sir Douglas Haig's Great Push; The Battle of the Somme; A popular, pictorial and authoritative work on one of the Greatest Battles in History, illustrated by about 700 wonderful Official Photographs and Cinematograph Films; By Arrangement With the War Office; beautifully printed on the Best English Art Paper.'

The Great Push, in the form of IMAGES of WAR, helps capture the propaganda thrust of the times and presents once more the illustrations of those bewildering days along with an ID number for easy reference.

When British officers sailed to France in 1914 and 1915, they took their cameras, with their photos appearing in newspapers and magazines. The UK War Office decided it had to be stopped - far too much information presented on a plate to the enemy. Only official cameramen would be allowed to take photos -- a decision co-inciding with the 1916 Battle of the Somme. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2014 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available late August 2014 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-240950 Langford, William The Great War Illustrated 1917: Archive and Photographs of WWI The Great War Illustrated 1917 covers the battles at Arras, Passchendaele, and Cambrai; the use of aviation; and the role of the tanks. Some images will be familiar, and many will be seen for the first time by a new generation interested in the months that changed the world forever. 1 vol, 512 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid December 2023 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-194220 Lapray, Olivier Le Sturmbatallion No. 5 Rohr: 1916-1918 At the beginning of the Great War, assault units did not exist. If one was to compare the Caslow assault detachment (Sturmabteilung Caslow) with the assault detachment (Sturmbattalion) Rohr which succeeded it, it is easy to maintain that the former -- an experimental detachment -- gave rise a year later to the latter, a remarkable combat and training unit.

The book offers among other things an exceptional number of illustrations in a small format. Indeed, it allows a closer look at this assault unit, showing different aspects over a period of about three years. The text is drawn from the account written by Schwerin and a number of other sources. It particularly studies the circumstances in which the unit's fighting took place.

8 x 10 inches, over 200 photos. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2010 France, Histoire and Collections
NEW-pb [French text] ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-59690 Lavisse, Commandant Emile Charles FIELD EQUIPMENT OF THE EUROPEAN FOOT SOLDIER 1914 Originally published in 1902 and revised by the US Army in 1906 to show the British changes, all other countries are shown with equipment used at the start of WWI, many b/w drawings/plates, appendices. 1 vol, 200 pgs 1999 NASHVILLE
NEW-hardcover, revised 1906 ed ......$40.00

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1-COM1117 Leibbrandt, Scott AN ATTRITION OF SOULS: WWI Wargame Light, fast-paced wargame at the strategic scale covering the Great War, designed with a high degree of replayability.

Each turn, you randomly draw tiles based on your industrial points and use them to the best of your ability. Game strategy is key due to the unforgiving combat system capturing the horrific attrition of this conflict; the dice offer no bloodless victories or reprieve for either side. Also offers great variability regarding the length of the war. Some games will end with decisive victories in 1915 and other will draw out into brutal stalemates that last until the end of 1918. No two games play alike. Added to this is a plethora of optional rules that bring additional historical depth to the game as well as balancing the game for players of different skill levels.

Components: Mounted Mapboard; Two Counter Sheets; 20 Event Cards; Rules booklet; Entente Player Mat; Central Powers Player Mat; Two Player Aid Cards; Two Pouches; 10 6-sided Dice; Game Box.

Product Information:
Complexity: 4 out of 10 (Low)
Solitaire Suitability: Medium
Time Scale: 6 months per turn
Map Scale: abstract regional map of Europe
Unit Scale: Army and Army Group (each tile = approx. 250,000 men)
Players: One or Two, Best with Two
Playing Time: 90 minutes.
1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box ......$69.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-210010 Lerneux, Pierre THE BELGIAN ARMY IN THE GREAT WAR: V1 In August 1914, Belgium suddenly made the newspaper headlines when Imperial Germany, forgetting its international commitments, invaded the little country, thereby violating its neutral status. Britain retaliated by declaring war. Like Serbia, 'Poor Little Belgium' became a cause worth defending and gave legitimacy to the conflict that the allied nations entered into.

In military terms, the Belgian army surprised the entire world by resisting with greater vigor than expected. With their modest resources (230,000 men), the Belgian armed forces, cornered as they were in a small and partly inundated scrap of territory, succeeded in fighting off the enemy for the duration of the war, and managed to join forces with the allies in the offensive of Autumn 1918. Belgium, a victim of crippling destruction and the systematic dismantling of its industry, was accordingly afforded priority in its entitlement for compensation when the peace treaties were signed.

This volume of 600 pages (with more than 1,650 color and black-and-white photographs) is dedicated to the uniforms and equipment used by the Belgian army and other affiliated armed forces such as the Garde Civique and the Force Publique in the Belgian Congo. The bibliographic data known to us to date on this subject is limited, representing no more than a set of articles and brochures brought together over the period of a century.

This work, unprecedented in its comprehensiveness, can therefore be considered an excellent reference tome. It is based on the extensive collections on display in the Belgian Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and of Military History. Supplementary private collections have been the source of many other objects in order to provide as much illustrative material as possible for this publication. Like many small states in 1914, the Kingdom of Belgium had an army that absorbed and blended influences from the major powers, drawing inspiration from both France (uniforms) and Germany (equipment). Budgetary necessity meant that uniforms had to be simplified for the infantry (line infantry, chasseurs a pied, carabiniers, etc.), the cavalry (guides, lancers, chasseurs a cheval, etc.), the artillery and the engineering corps, leaving very few distinctive features -- except some extremely outdated forms of headdress -- to distinguish between the different arms.

When stocks ran out, this striving to achieve uniformity culminated in the issuance of khaki uniforms in 1915. They were cut to a common pattern inspired by British styling. A new headdress, the French Adrian helmet, was introduced shortly afterwards. The circumstances of this war meant that the provenance of the basic materials and equipment was diverse, with France, Great Britain, Italy, Russia, Argentina and the United States supplying material for objects that have now become scarce in existing collections.
1 vol, 600 pgs 2015 AUSTRIA, VERLAG MILITARIA
NEW-dj ......$148.00

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1-235860 Lewis, John THE FORGOTTEN FRONT: The Macedonian Campaign, 1915-1918 Discusses the much-neglected WWI Macedonian Campaign from its hesitant origins to its triumphant conclusion. Almost accidental in its origins, the reality of the six-nation Allied Army of the East gradually took shape. The terrain fought over, from marshy river valleys to 2,000 meter mountain ranges, presented special military challenges. The ambivalent position of Greece, the Romanian misadventure, the intricacy of Balkan politics, the depredations of malaria, and inter-allied tensions both in Macedonia and at Allied government level all added further layers of complexity. But in the end the Allied army met its defensive objectives and vastly exceeded its offensive ones. In September 1918, a whirlwind offensive on the Macedonian Front brought about the defeat of Bulgaria and played a significant part in bringing the War to a close within the year. 1 vol, 332 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid February 2023 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-246540 Linden, Stefanie THEY CALLED IT SHELL SHOCK: Combat Stress in the First World War Provides a new perspective on the psychological reactions to the traumatic experiences of combat. Illustrates the universal suffering of soldiers involved in this conflict and its often devastating consequences for their mental health. The focal point of the book is the soldier's experience on the battlefield that triggers his nervous breakdown, and the author links this up with the soldiers' biographies and provides a perspective on their pre-war civilian life and experience of the war.

Explains how shell shock challenged the fabric of pre-war society, including its beliefs about gender, class, and scientific progress. Argues that the shell shock epidemic had enduring consequences for the understanding of the human mind and the power that it can exert over the body. Includes a collection of unpublished first-hand accounts of life in the trenches and soldiers' traumas. Contains 72 black and white photos and illustrations. 1 vol, 274 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj, available mid October 2024 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-245590 LoCicero, Michael and Rhys Crawley GALLIPOLI: New Perspectives on the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, 1915-16 New compendium of original research by a variety of scholars. Generally conceded to be doomed from the outset by the most recent historiography, the Gallipoli campaign still arouses heated controversy. Explores various aspects of the Allied military effort to force a passage through the Dardanelles Straits and eliminate Ottoman Turkey from its Central Powers alliance. Contains 102 black and white photos, 13 black and white illustrations, 17 black and white maps, eight color maps, and two tables. 1 vol, 736 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid August 2024 ......$75.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-208840 Lucas, Andrew FIGHTING THE KAISER'S WAR: The Saxons in Flanders 1914-1918 Personal accounts of the Great War experiences of British soldiers are well known and plentiful, but similar accounts from the German side of no man's land are rare. This highly original book vividly describes the wartime lives and ultimate fates of ten Saxon soldiers facing the British in Flanders, revealed through their intimate diaries and correspondence. The stories of these men, from front-line trench fighters to a brigade commander, are in turn used to illustrate the wider story of thousands more who fought and died in Flanders 'for King and Country, Kaiser and Reich' with the Royal Saxon Army.

Includes 330 mostly unseen wartime photographs and other images that recorded the German experience of the war and gave a rounded picture of how the Saxons lived and died in Flanders. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2015 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-226160 Lucas, Andrew FOR KING AND KAISER: Scenes from Saxony's War in Flanders 1914-1918 Covers Saxony's war in Flanders in detail using vivid extracts from personal accounts and letters as well as regimental and documents from the Saxon archives. Illustrated with Over 300 previously unpublished personal black and white photos which show every aspect of wartime experience in the front line and the rear areas.

The role of the Saxon army in the three battles of Ypres is recorded in graphic detail, and rare photographs offer fresh perspectives on famous wartime locations on the Western Front including Ploegsteert Wood, the Menin Road, Bellewaarde, Wytschaete and Passchendaele. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late January 2021 ......$42.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-234480 Lucas, Andrew FIGHTING THE KAISER'S WAR: The Saxons in Flanders 1914-1918 Personal accounts of WWI from the German side of no man's land. Vividly describes the wartime lives and ultimate fates of 10 Saxon soldiers, from front-line trench fighters to a brigade commander, facing the British in Flanders, revealed through their intimate diaries and correspondence. Illustrated with over 300 mostly unseen wartime photographs and other images. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available early August 2022 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-64560 Mantoan, Nevio ARMI ED EQUIPGGIAMENTI DELL'ESERCITO 1915-1918 8.5x12, hundreds of b/w photos/illust along with 16 full color plates of all types of equipment, insignia, uniforms, medals, flags etc of the Italian Army during WWI 1 vol, 192 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-hardcover ......$50.00

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1-198691 Marcuzzo, B and Capellano, F. TRENCH ARTILLERY FROM Austro-Hungarian and Germanic Vol 1: - Technical Materials 248 b/w illust and tables make this an indispensable work for scholars, collectors, historians, and militaria experts interested in Austro-Hungarian and Germanic trench artillery. This first volume analyzes the techniques and ammunition used in the first line as a support to the infantry and assault teams. 1 vol, 194 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover, [Italian text] ......$38.00

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1-198692 Marcuzzo, B and Capellano, F. TRENCH ARTILLERY FROM Austro-Hungarian and Germanic Vol 1: - History and Tactics 175 b/w illust, photos and drawings. Covers A-H light, medium, and heavy artillery and grenade launchers and tactics used. A large chapter is dedicated to the German artillery used from German trenches.
1 vol, 192 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover, [Italian text] ......$38.00

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1-73730 Massignani, Alessandro LE TRUPPE D'ASSALTO AUSTRO-UNGARICHE NELLA WWI Detailed account of 'storm-troopers', b/w photos,illust, drawings and maps, biblio, index. 1 vol, 158 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-softcover, ITALIAN TEXT ......$30.00

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1-204060 Mayhew, Emily WOUNDED: A New History of the Western Front in World War I Unlike any other history of WWI, this offers a new look from the perspective of wounded soldiers and those who strove to save them Utilizes first-hand accounts of medical personnel and wounded men to produce an immediate, intimate narrative Deeply researched and based on unpublished diaries, letters, and other accounts from the war, many housed in the Imperial War Museum. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2014 US, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-dj ......$30.00 with a discount of 10%

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2-34060 McCarthy, Chris SOMME, THE:The Day-by-Day account Using maps & photos along with detailed text, the author details this five month struggle, index. 1 vol, 176 pgs 1993 LONDON, ARMS & ARMOUR PRS
V.GOOD-dj, o/p ......$30.00

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1-216620 McCartney, Ian JUTLAND 1916: The Archaeology of a Naval Battlefield The Battle of Jutland was the largest naval battle and the only full-scale clash of battleships in WWI. For years the myriad factors contributing to the loss of many of the ships remained a mystery, subject only to speculation and theory.

In this book, marine archaeologist and historian Dr. Innes McCartney reveals for the first time what became of the warships that vanished on the night of 31st May 1916, examining the circumstances behind the loss of each ship and reconciling what was known in 1916 to what the archaeology is revealing today. The knowledge of what was present was transformed in 2015 by a groundbreaking survey using the modern technology of multi-beam. This greatly assisted in unraveling the details behind several Jutland enigmas, not least the devastating explosions which claimed five major British warships, the details of the wrecks of the 13 destroyers lost in the battle, and the German warships scuttled during the night phase.

This is the first book to identify the locations of many of the wrecks, and - scandalously - how more than half of these sites have been illegally plundered for salvage, despite their status as war graves. An essential and revelatory read for anyone interested in naval history and marine archaeology. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2018 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available late April 2018 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-220040 McCartney, Innes SCAPA 1919: The Archaeology of a Scuttled Fleet The German High Seas Fleet was one of the most powerful naval forces in the world, and had fought the pride of the Royal Navy to a stalemate at the battle of Jutland in 1916. After the armistice was signed, ending fighting in World War I, it surrendered to the British and was interned in Scapa Flow pending the outcome of the Treaty of Versailles. In July 1919 the entire fleet attempted to sink itself in the Flow to prevent it being broken up as war prizes. Of the 74 ships present, 52 sunk and 22 were prevented from doing so by circumstance and British intervention.

Marine archaeologist and historian Dr. Innes McCartney reveals for the first time what became of the warships that were scuttled, examining the circumstances behind the loss of each ship and reconciling what was known at the time to what the archaeology is telling us today. 1 vol, 242 pgs 2019 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid May 2019 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-50980 McCellan, Edwin N. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS IN THE WORLD WAR, THE Concise history of the US Marines during WWI, over 100 b/w photos of where they fought, index. 1 vol, 172 pgs 1998 NASHVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$40.00

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1-220320 McClenaghan, Tonu FOR THE HONOUR OF MY HOUSE: The Contribution of the Indian Princely States to the First World War Covers the contributions of the Indian Army in WWI, especially military units provided by the semiautonomous Indian Princely States whose contribution, even in the Official Histories, barely merits a mention. Includes 31 illustrations and seven maps.

Drawing on a wide range of regimental and Army Headquarters war diaries as well as political records held exclusively at the National Archive of India, the book explores why the State rulers volunteered their services and those of their armies. It looks at the deployment of those armies in Europe, Egypt, Palestine, Mesopotamia, East Africa, the Dardanelles, and within British India.

It draws attention to problems encountered in their deployment, but also highlights successes such as the capture of Haifa and Aleppo by State cavalry units, and the outstanding role of some State infantry units in East Africa. One appendix records over 1,600 State soldiers who died - killed in action, died of wounds, or as prisoners of war, or died of disease, while other appendices record battle honors and rewards for gallantry or meritorious service. Problems identified during the war were addressed in its aftermath and the book concludes by looking at recommendations which led to the transformation of the Imperial Service Troops scheme into the Indian State Forces scheme. 1 vol, 392 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover, available late May 2019 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-216180 McCracken, Timothy THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS IN THE GREAT WAR: Images of war series Includes 200 illustrations.

The Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) supported the British Army throughout WWI treating sick and wounded military personnel. The RAMC also had a range of sanitation responsibilities. The military nursing services and voluntary medical personnel provided vital support to RAMC medical units and hospitals, ensuring the effective treatment of casualties.

The size of the armies, the intensity of the combat, the power of modern weaponry and the global nature of conflict meant the number of casualties proved challenging for the medical services of all combatants, including the RAMC. Consequently a number of innovative solutions were needed, and one such innovation developed by British medical services was the use of barges for the evacuation of seriously wounded casualties.

A range of previously unpublished photographs, in thematic chapters considering aspects such as service in the United Kingdom, global warfare and commemoration, illustrate experiences of RAMC and medical personnel during the WWI. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available late February 2018 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-207060 McEntee-Taylor, Carole THE BATTLE OF BELLEWAARDE: June 1915 It was 2am on the 16th June 1915 and dawn was slowly breaking over Bellewaarde. It was exceptionally quiet, the troops of 3rd Division were situated on the western edge of Railway Wood and shrouded in a thick mist which reduced visibility and gave the illusion of safety. Across the few yards of no man's land, the German troops of Reserve Infantry Regiments (RIR) 248 and 246, and Unter-Elsassisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 132 were also blanketed in the thick damp mist. It swirled round their trenches, deadening sound and reinforcing the illusion that all was secure. Fifty minutes later the planned British artillery bombardment began. By the end of the day more than 4,000 men would be casualties on a field approximately half a mile square.

At the close of the 2nd Battles of Ypres, the German trenches between the Menin Road and the Ypres-Roulers railway formed a salient. From Bellewaarde ridge, situated on the eastern side of the lake, they were able to overlook the greater part of the ground east of Ypres. In early June it was decided to attack the salient, and take possession of Bellewaarde ridge. The attack was to be carried out by the 9th Brigade of the 3rd Division, with 7th Brigade in support.

Includes 100 images. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2014 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid November 2014 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-225720 Mcentee-Taylor, Carole THE BATTLE OF BELEEWAARDE: June 1915 At the close of the 2nd Battles of Ypres, the German trenches between the Menin Road and the Ypres-Roulers railway formed a salient. From Bellewaarde ridge, situated on the eastern side of the lake, they were able to overlook the greater part of the ground east of Ypres. In early June it was decided to attack the salient, and take possession of Bellewaarde ridge. The attack was to be carried out by the 9th Brigade of the 3rd Division, with 7th Brigade in support.

It was 2am on the 16th June 1915 and dawn was slowly breaking over Bellewaarde. It was exceptionally quiet, the troops of 3rd Division were situated on the western edge of Railway Wood and shrouded in a thick mist which reduced visibility and gave the illusion of safety. Across the few yards of no mans land, the German troops of Reserve Infantry Regiments (RIR) 248 and 246, and Unter-Elsssisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 132 were also blanketed in the thick damp mist. It swirled round their trenches, deadening sound and reinforcing the illusion that all was secure. Fifty minutes later the planned British artillery bombardment began. By the end of the day more than 4,000 men would be casualties on a field approximately half a mile square.
1 vol, 352 pgs 2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available early November 2020 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-223070 McLaren, Michael FOR WHAT WE HAVE DONE: The First Attack on Bellewaarde, 16 June 1915 This study offers a detailed analysis of the enormous challenges faced by the British Army in the middle of 1915, and the risks it faced in undertaking operations while poorly equipped to do so, versus the risks posed by inaction. The decisions made to launch the offensive against the high ground on the low-lying hills commanding the eastern approaches to the medieval town of Ypres and known as Bellewaarde Ridge, are analyzed, along with the efforts made to mitigate the risks.

The outcome was dreadfully costly in human lives -- almost 4,000 casualties were suffered for a very limited territorial gain that saw German retention of the dominant ground. Still, serious attempts were being made to improve tactic, and implement new technology in a bid to overcome a strongly entrenched enemy in a frontal attack. While British attempts were continually, and effectively, thwarted by simultaneous improvements in German defensive methodology, they still represented the first tentative steps on a long and arduous course of improvement that ultimately led to the transformation of the British Army into the effective all-arms-force that played a significant role in the final victory of 1918.

Just after sunrise on 16 June 1915, two infantry brigades of British 3rd Division leapt out of their shallow trenches and charged out into No Man's Land. Their objective was a spur of German-occupied Ongoing enemy occupation of this tactically vital sector afforded the Germans almost unbroken observation of movement within the salient and seriously imperiled the nascent British positions therein. What followed, on that hot summer's day, was a somewhat typical British disaster of the early fighting on the Western Front. Worse than that, it appeared that many of those casualties had fallen victim to friendly fire as the British artillery failed to appreciate the progress of the infantry, and rained shells down onto the recently occupied German trench system.

It is easy to cast the blame, for the disaster that unfolded on Bellewaarde Ridge, on inept British leadership. The common perception is that senior officers, oblivious to the emerging challenges of the trench stalemate and comfortably quartered in safe rear areas, sent thousands of ill-equipped, brave British soldiers to face barbed wire, machine guns and heavy artillery fire without a plan, or even so much as a steel helmet for protection-small wonder so many failed to return. The reality, however, was considerably more complicated and is worthy of detailed examination if we are to prevent an injustice to the memory of the participants.

The action at Bellewaarde was conducted by a British Army that was struggling to undertake an unprecedented expansion and re-arming programme, whilst simultaneously fighting to maintain the integrity of a precarious coalition, the fragmentation of which could have lost Britain the war in short order. It was authorized and coordinated to provide support for a considerably more extensive French operation, already underway in Artois, that had in turn been launched, in part, to support the beleaguered Russian Army, still reeling from the onslaught of a recently initiated and bloody German offensive in the east. Only in the wider context of the prevailing coalition warfare can events at Bellewaarde be properly assessed. 1 vol, 480 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid March 2020 ......$53.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-90200 Middlebrook, Martin FIRST DAY ON THE SOMME: 1st July 1916 A fine account of the 'Blackest Day' in numbers ofcasualties. B/w illust, ondex, biblio. 1 vol, 365 pgs 2003 LONDON, PEBGUIN BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$4.00

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1-43322 Miles, Captain Wilfrid MIL OPS:FRANCE 1916:V2 Part of the British 'Official History Series', 51b/w maps, index, covers the Somme. 1 vol, 654 pgs 1996 NASHVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$50.00

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1-228760 Mitchinson, K W OF NO EARTHLY USE: The 2nd Line Territorial Force Divisions and the Western Front Examines the UK's 2nd Line's struggle to reach establishment, discover a role, and achieve a degree of efficiency. These difficulties defined the emerging qualities and ethos of the formations and of their component units. Analyses of their performances in different battlefield scenarios affords assessments of the divisions' fighting power. Their acquisition of battlefield skills, their conceptual understanding of the war's evolving character, and their development of organizational and command structures are examined critically through the prism of both contemporary and modern doctrine.

In addition to the experiences of general trench warfare, 2nd Line divisions fought at Fromelles, Bullecourt, Third Ypres, Cambrai, and in the German offensive of March 1918. In the same way as for many divisions, some of their engagements were poorly planned, ill-prepared, and badly executed; others demonstrated a developing maturity and willingness to learn from mistakes. Includes 36 color photos, 8 maps, and 11 tables. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2021 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early December 2021 ......$55.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-49330 Mitchinson, K.W. PIONEER BATTALIONS IN THE GREAT WAR:Organized Lab Pioneer battalions, created as an expedient in 1914, were a new concept in the British Army. Intended to provide the Royal Engineers, with skilled labor and to relieve the infantry from some of its non-combatant duties, Pioneers became the work horses of the Expedentiary Forces.

The Coldstream Guards and over three dozen Country regiments each created at least one pioneer battalion. Several New Army battalions were raised specifically as Pioneers, while others were converted Territorials or Kitchener units formed originally as conventional infantry. Adopting a badge of a cross rifle and pick, these battalions wired, dug and reverted in all weathers and in all terrain. On many occasions they abandoned their working tools and fought alongside the infantry in repelling enemy attacks. In their efforts to stem the German offensives of 1918, several Pioneer units fought themselves to virtual annihilation.

Often confused with the Pioneer Corps of the Second World War, the work of the Pioneer battalions has been largely ignored or misunderstood. Far from being the units of the ages and inform, these sixty-eight battalions played a major role in the Allied victory.

Pioneer Battalions in the Great War traces the reasons behind the creation of these units, the work they performed and the dramatic transitions many of them had to undergo. It also examines how and why Pioneers have never received the recognition they deserve. 1 vol, 352 pgs 1997 LONDON, LEO COOPER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-49330 Mitchinson, K.W. PIONEER BATTALIONS IN THE GREAT WAR: Organized Lab Pioneer battalions, created as an expedient in 1914, were a new concept in the British Army. Intended to provide the Royal Engineers, with skilled labor and to relieve the infantry from some of its non-combatant duties, Pioneers became the work horses of the Expeditionary Forces.

The Coldstream Guards and over three dozen Country regiments each created at least one pioneer battalion. Several New Army battalions were raised specifically as Pioneers, while others were converted Territorials or Kitchener units formed originally as conventional infantry. Adopting a badge of a cross rifle and pick, these battalions wired, dug and reverted in all weathers and in all terrain. On many occasions they abandoned their working tools and fought alongside the infantry in repelling enemy attacks. In their efforts to stem the German offensives of 1918, several Pioneer units fought themselves to virtual annihilation.

Often confused with the Pioneer Corps of the Second World War, the work of the Pioneer battalions has been largely ignored or misunderstood. Far from being the units of the aged and inform, these 68 battalions played a major role in the Allied victory.

Pioneer Battalions in the Great War traces the reasons behind the creation of these units, the work they performed and the dramatic transitions many of them had to undergo. It also examines how and why Pioneers have never received the recognition they deserve. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2014 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-softcover, available mid May 2014 NEW PB Edition ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-214510 Moore, Lucinda ANIMALS IN THE GREAT WAR: Images of War Series Next in the series. 150 illustrations from the Mary Evans Picture Library.

Through unrivaled access to rarely seen illustrated wartime magazines, books and postcards, discover the sea lions who were trained to detect submarines, and witness the carcass of the 61ft mine-destroying wonder whale. Meet the dog that brought a sailor back from the brink of death, and inspired a Hollywood legend. See how depictions of animals were powerfully manipulated by the propaganda machine on both sides, and how the presence of animals could bring much-needed and even lifesaving companionship and cheer amid the carnage of war. By turns astonishing, heartwarming and occasionally downright bizarre, Animals in the Great War champions the little-known story of the bison, the chameleon, the canary et al in wartime. 1 vol, 140 pgs 2017 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid July 2017 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-ST176 Moore, Perry S&T #176: Blood on the Tigris Blood on the Tigris: The Iraq Campaign 1914-1917 is a simulation of the 1914-1917 British/Indian campaign in Mesopotamia during the Great War.

It has 1 22x34' map and 220 counters in 2 sheets (140 & 80).
Scale is 6 miles per hex, 1 month per turn. Units are battalions, regiments and brigades.

There are 3 scenarios, including the 30 turns campaign.

It is of low complexity for this sort of game, having 7 pages of rules. 1 vol, 64 pgs 1996 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$10.00

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1-218770 Morsi, Paul HELL IN THE TRENCHES: Austro-Hungarian Stormtroopers and Italian Arditi in the Great War The Austro-Hungarian Stormtroopers and the Italian Arditi of World War I were elite special forces charged with carrying out bold raids and daring attacks. These units were comprised of hand-picked soldiers that possessed above-average courage, physical prowess as well as specific combat skills. Many military historians have argued that the First World War was mainly a static conflict of positional attrition, but these shock troops were responsible for developing breakthrough tactics of both fire and movement that marked a significant change to the status quo.

Both armies used special assault detachments to capture prisoners, conduct raids behind enemy lines and attack in depth in order to prepare the way for a broad infantry breakthrough. This account traces the development of Austrian and Italian assault troop tactics in the context of trench warfare waged in the mountainous front of the Alps and the rocky hills of the Carso plateau. It not only examines their innovative tactics but also their adoption of vastly improved new weapons such as light machine-guns, super-heavy artillery, flamethrowers, hand grenades, daggers, steel clubs and poison gas. Includes 124 b/w photos, two b/w ills, seven b/w maps, and three tables.

This book offers a narrative of the organizational development of the shock and assault troops, of their military operations and their combat methods. The bulk of the chapters are devoted to a historical reconstruction of the assault detachments' combat missions between 1917-18 by utilizing previously unreleased archival sources such as Italian and Austrian war diaries, official manuals, divisional and High Command reports and the soldiers' own recollections of the war. Finally, it offers a comprehensive description of their uniforms, equipment, and weapons, along with a large number of illustrations, maps, and period photographs rarely seen. 1 vol, 344 pgs 2018 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj, available early Janury 2019 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-196150 Mortlock, Michael J THE EGYPTIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE IN WORLD WAR I: A History of the British-Led Campaigns in Egypt, Palestine, and Syria This military history follows the 5th Battalion of the Suffolk regiment from England to Syria and the end of World War I. Among the previously untapped primary source materials used are the author's father's correspondence and photographs from his 1913-1919 service with the 5th Suffolk in England, Gallipoli, Egypt, Palestine, and Syria. It follows chronologically the frustrating failures, and the final victory, of the campaigns in North Africa and the Middle East and refutes the widely held misconception that cavalry played no major role in the conflict. 98 photos, maps, appendices, notes, bibliography, index. 1 vol, 312 pgs 2011 US, McFARLAND & COMPANY
NEW-softcover, available late August 2011 ......$38.00

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1-86620 Mortlock, Michael J. LANDINGS A T SULVA BAY 1915, THE An analysis of the British Failure during theGallipoli Campaign, b/w photos/maps/illust, biblioappendicies, index. 1 vol, 237 pgs 2007 US, McFARLAND & COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$35.00

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1-205810 Morton-jack, George THE INDIAN ARMY ON THE WESTERN FRONT: India's Expeditionary Force to France and Belgium in the First World War The Indian army fought on the western front with the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) from 1914 to 1918. The traditional interpretations of its performance have been dominated by ideas that it was a failure.

This book offers a radical reconsideration by revealing new answers to the debate's central questions, such as whether the Indian army 'saved' the BEF from defeat in 1914, or whether Indian troops were particularly prone to self-inflicting wounds and fleeing the trenches. It looks at the Indian army from top to bottom, from generals at headquarters to snipers in no man's land.

It takes a global approach, exploring the links between the Indian army's 1914-18 campaigning in France and Belgium and its pre-1914 small wars in Asia and Africa, and comparing the performance of the Indian regiments on the western front to those in China, East Africa, Mesopotamia, and elsewhere. 1 vol, 346 pgs 2014 UK, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-dj, (1) copy shopworn ......$99.00 with a discount of 40%

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1-234990 Murland, Jerry THE BEF CAMPAIGN ON THE AISNE 1914: In the Company of Ghosts The river Aisne featured prominently in August 1914 during the Retreat from Mons and in September was the scene of bitter fighting when the BEF re-crossed it in their unsuccessful attempt to dislodge the German Army entrenched along the Northern Crest. Places the Aisne battles in their context from the BEF and German viewpoints. Highlights the early deficiencies and unpreparedness of the British Army staff and logistics organization as well as friction among the command structure, all of which hampered effective operations.

The fighting was hugely costly to the BEF, which had already fought three major engagements and marched over 200 miles in a month. The three British Corps lost over 700 officers and some 15,000 men. Little wonder one officer wrote that he felt he was in the company of ghosts. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid October 2022 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% inc

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1-210360 Murphy, David BREAKING POINT OF THE FRENCH ARMY: The Nivelle Offensive of 1917 In December 1916 General Robert Nivelle was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the French armies fighting the Germans on the Western Front. He had enjoyed a meteoric rise to high command and public acclaim since the beginning of the war - he was a national hero. In return, he proclaimed he 'had the formula' that would ensure victory and end the conflict in 1917. But his offensive was a bloody and humiliating failure for France, one that could have opened the way for French defeat.

Describes how Nivelle, a highly intelligent and articulate officer, used his charm to win the support of French and British politicians, but also how he was vain and boastful and displayed no sense of operational security. By the opening of the campaign, his plan was an open secret and he had lost the ability to critically assess the operation as it developed. The result was disaster. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2015 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj available late January 2016 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-228370 Nash, N S BETRAYAL OF AN ARMY: Mesopotamia 1914-1916 Hardback version.

The British invasion of Mesopotamia was initially successful in securing the oil fields around Basra by November 1914. Despite evidence of stiffening Turkish resistance and inadequate supply lines which relied solely on the River Tigris, the Expeditionary Force was disastrously ordered to advance on Baghdad under the command of the ambitious, capable but flawed Major General Charles Townshend.

After a Pyrrhic victory at Ctesiphon in November 1915 the British were forced to withdraw to Kut. After a five-month siege Townshend had little option but to surrender due to heavy losses and inadequate supplies. Re-examines the circumstances and personalities that brought about such a disastrous and costly outcome to a classic example of 'mission creep'.

Such was the humiliation and loss of life that the British Parliament ordered a Mesopotamia Commission to be set up. This attributed responsibility and blame to the toxic combination of incompetent leadership and wholesale military misjudgment. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid October 2021 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-228370 Nash, N S BETRAYAL OF AN ARMY: Mesopotamia 1914-1916 Softcover version.

The British invasion of Mesopotamia was initially successful in securing the oil fields around Basra by November 1914. Despite evidence of stiffening Turkish resistance and inadequate supply lines which relied solely on the River Tigris, the Expeditionary Force was disastrously ordered to advance on Baghdad under the command of the ambitious, capable but flawed Major General Charles Townshend.

After a pyrrhic victory at Ctesiphon in November 1915 the British were forced to withdraw to Kut. After a five-month siege Townshend had little option but to surrender due to heavy losses and inadequate supplies. Re-examines the circumstances and personalities that brought about such a disastrous and costly outcome to a classic example of 'mission creep'.

Such was the humiliation and loss of life that the British Parliament ordered a Mesopotamia Commission to be set up. This attributed responsibility and blame to the toxic combination of incompetent leadership and wholesale military misjudgment. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid October 2021 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-199360 Neilburg, Michael Western Front 1914-1916 150 color and b/w photographs and 50 artworks. After the first few months of World War I, the Western Front consisted of a relatively static line of trench systems which stretched from the coast of the North Sea southwards to the Swiss border.

To try to break through the opposing lines of trenches and barbed wire entanglements, both sides employed huge artillery bombardments followed by attacks by tens of thousands of soldiers. Battles could last for months and led to casualties measured in hundreds of thousands for attacker and defender alike. After most of these attacks, only a short section of the front would have moved and only by a kilometer or two. After Gallipoli, Australians were moved to fight in France on the western Front, in battles including the Battle of the Somme. On the first day of the 1916 Battle of the Somme, 60,000 Allies were casualties, including 20,000 deaths.

The principal adversaries on the Western Front, who fielded armies of millions of men, were Germany to the East against a western alliance to the West consisting of France and the United Kingdom with sizable contingents from the British Empire, especially the Dominions. The United States entered the war in 1917 and by the summer of 1918 had an army of around half a million men which rose to a million by the time the Armistice was signed on November 11, 1918. For most of World War I, Allied Forces, predominantly those of France and the British Empire, were stalled at trenches on the Western Front.

With the last few men who served in World War I now dying out, and the 90th anniversary of the Armistice coming in November 2008, there is no better time to reevaluate this controversial war and shed fresh light on the conflict. With the aid of numerous black and white and color photographs, many previously unpublished, the World War I series recreates the battles and campaigns that raged across the surface of the globe, on land, at sea and in the air. The text is complemented by full-color maps that guide the reader through specific actions and campaigns. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2012 UK, AMBER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-197800 Novak, Jiri AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN SUBMARINES IN WWI Austrian submarines of World War I were known as 'U-boot,' an abbreviation of Unterseeboot. This book details the history of the development and operational use by the Austro-Hungarian navy of submarines in WWI. German use of submarines in WWI is well known - this is the fascinating and little-known history of their major ally's activities in undersea warfare.

Contains descriptions and specifications of all the boats involved. Profusely illustrated with scale drawings and many rare photos.

Oversized 8.25 x 11.75, 120+ b/w photos and scale drawings 1 vol, 180 pgs 2012 UK, MMP
NEW-pb, available early March 2012 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-240770 Nugent, Michael James A BAD DAY I FEAR: The Irish Divisions at the Battle of Langemarck 16 August 1917 Discussers the unmitigated disaster at the Battle of Langemarck (16 August 1917) that decimated the 16th (Irish) Division and 36th (Ulster) Division despite their tenacity and sacrifice. Misunderstandings, a general lack of urgency, and a lack of clarity over assigned tactical objectives, mismanagement of artillery, tank, and infantry assets, and a failure to understand local geography contributed to the unfortunate delay between the close of the Messines operations in mid-June 1917 and the opening of Third Ypres on 31 July.

This enabled the German defenders to accelerate construction of reinforced ferro-concrete blockhouses and pillboxes that were to play an important role during the campaign. Their development and method of construction demonstrated the extent of the enemy defenses faced by the Irish divisions. 1 vol, 232 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid November 2023 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-200670 O'Neill, H.C. THE WAR IN AFRIKA AND THE FAR EAST, 1914-1917 Presented here for the first time in paperback, completely re-typeset and with the original maps and additional photographs.

Provides a concise history of the entire series of military events in Africa and Asia 1914-17, giving the reader a better idea of the relationship and chronology of these wide-ranging events. Waged by Allied troops from Britain, Kenya, South Africa, France, Belgium, Japan, India, Senegal, Netherlands, and other countries and led by such personalities as General Jan Christian Smuts, the theater of operations crossed modern-day Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Togo, Cameroon, Namibia, New Guinea, Qingdau, the Bismarck Archipelago, and other Pacific Island chains. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2012 US, WESTHOLME PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover ......$18.00

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1-240220 Oldfield, Paul VICTORIA CROSSES ON THE WESTERN FRONT: Battles of the Hindenburg Line - Canal du Nord: Semptember - October 1918 Offers accounts of Victoria Cross actions on the WWI Western Front. Biography covers parents and siblings, education, civilian employment, military career, wife and children, death and burial/commemoration. Detailed sketch maps show the area today, together with the battle-lines and movements of the combatants. It allows visitors to stand upon the spot, or very close to, where each VC was won. Photographs of the battle sites richly illustrate the accounts. 1 vol, 392 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid October 2023 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-243400 Oldfield, Paul VICTORIA CROSSES ON THE WESTERN FRONT: Battles of the Hindenburg Line - St Quentin, Beaurevoir, Cambrai 1918 and the Pursuit to the Selle, October - November 1918 Provides a thorough account of each VC action set within the wider strategic and tactical context. Detailed sketch maps show the area today, together with the battle-lines and movements of the combatants. Provides photographs of the battle sites that illustrate the accounts. There is also a comprehensive biography for each recipient, covering every aspect of their lives, parents and siblings, education, civilian employment, military career, wife and children, death and burial/commemoration. A host of other information, much of it published for the first time, reveals some fascinating characters, with numerous links to many famous people and events. Contains 200 black and white illustrations. 1 vol, 464 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late April 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-241410 Oleinikov, Aleksey COSSACKS COSSACKS: Russian Cavalry Attacks in the First World War Examines the Russian cavalry and cavalry attacks on the WWI Eastern Front 1914-16. The tactical application of Russian cavalry as well as specific accounts of cavalry operations and battles are included, the latter described in some detail. Some of the cavalry operations are reconstructed on the basis of documents from the Russian State Military Historical Archive (RGVIA), thus the information becomes available to readers for the first time. In addition to both operational-strategic and tactical combat descriptions, also pays attention to the cavalry's armament and equipment. The text of the book is accompanied by many rare photographs from the time, as well as maps and diagrams; contains 100 color & b/w illustrations and maps. 1 vol, 360 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid January 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-238340 Osborne, Eric THE BATTLE OF MEGIDDO: Palestine 1918 The Battle of Megiddo was not only the last large cavalry offensive, but also a tribute to combined arms operations fostered over the course of WWI. Fought between 19-25 September 1918, it was the final Allied offensive of the Sinai and Palestine Campaign. The contending forces were the British Empire's EEF (Egyptian Expeditionary Force) of three infantry and one mounted corps pitted against the Ottoman-German Yildirim Army Group which numbered three weak armies with the approximate total strength of a single enemy corps. Comparable to what General Erich von Ludendorff called the 'Black Day' of the German Army (opening of the Battle of Amiens, 8 August 1918) on the Western Front, the complete Ottoman defeat would have been impossible without the application of superior logistics. Whilst Megiddo did not determine the outcome of the war in the Middle East, the ramifications of the victory decisively shaped the post-war world in the region. 1 vol, 118 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late August 2023 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-83830 Osborne, Eric W. BATTLE OF HELIGOLAND BIGHT, THE First major action between the British and Germanfleets during WWI, this action won by the Britishhad far reaching effects on the German Navy whichwas hesitant to confront the British, maps, biblio 1 vol, 141 pgs 2006 US, INDIANA UNIVERSITY
NEW-dj ......$28.00

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1-214370 Osborne. Mike IF THE KAISER COMES: Defence Against a German Invasion of Britain in the First World War On the night of 20 November 1914, everything pointed to the likelihood of invasion by a German army, whisked across the North Sea on a fleet of fast transports. The Royal Navy's Grand Fleet prepared to sail south from remote bases in Scotland, shallow-draught monitors were moored in the Wash, and 300,000 troops stood by to repel the enemy on the beaches.

Fortunately, the night passed without incident. For thirty years prior to the First World War, writers, with a variety of motivations, had been forecasting such an invasion. Britain regarded the army as an imperial police force and, despite the experience gained in military exercises involving simulated invasions, the Royal Navy was still expected to fulfill its traditional role of intercepting and destroying enemy forces.

However, as the technology of warfare developed, with the proliferation of ever more powerful warships, submarines, mines, and torpedoes, alongside the added promise of aerial assault, it became obvious that these long-established notions of the Navy's invincibility might no longer be realistic. The perceived threat of invasion, whether justified or not, persisted throughout World War I, and this book describes the measures taken to protect Britain against enemy attack by land, sea, or air. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2017 UK, FONTHILL MEDIA
NEW-pb, available mid June 2017 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-222680 Otte, Maarten THE ST. MIHIEL OFFENSIVE: 12 to 16 September 1918 The St Mihiel Offensive was the first full scale attack that was under the direct command of the Americans. General J Pershing combined his command of the First (at the time the only) American Army with that of Commander in Chief of the AEF, a tremendous burden.

The American attack (with the assistance of a French Corps) was an outstanding success and the Germans were forced into a rapid withdrawal to the Michel Line, a strongly defended position that formed the Hindenburg Line in this area. Pershing's original hope had been to continue the offensive to seize Metz, crucial rail links and economically vital areas to the German war effort.

Profusely illustrated with contemporary photographs and numerous maps, the narrative is supplemented by a number of first hand accounts and supported by several walking and car tours. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid February 2020 ......$23.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-238980 Otte, Maarten BELLEAU WOOD AND VAUX: 1 to 26 June & July 1918 Latest in a series of Battleground books differs from other guide books is the number of points to visit as well as the clear narrative that precedes the tours section of these WWI battlefields. Not only are many new points of interest explored in Belleau itself, but the surrounding countryside is not forgotten. Headquarters, temporary burial sites and other features are included.

The book is profusely illustrated by contemporary photographs and numerous maps, the narrative supplemented by a number of first hand accounts; the whole is supported by several walking and car tours. It is fortunate that so many of the AEF's actions took place in parts of France that have seen little development and are in agricultural or wooded country, which means that traces of their fighting are relatively plentiful. 1 vol, 216 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$23.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-230830 Paasche, Till GENERAL JAN SMUTS: His First World War in Africa, 1914-1917 World War I ushered in a renewed scramble for Africa. At its helm, Jan Smuts grabbed the opportunity to realize his ambition of a Greater South Africa. He set his sights upon the vast German colonies of South-West Africa and East Africa - the demise of which would end the Kaiser's grandiose schemes for Mittelafrika. As part of his strategy to shift South Africa's borders inexorably northward, Smuts even cast an eye toward Portuguese and Belgian African possessions.

Smuts, his abilities as a general much denigrated by both his contemporary and then later modern historians, was no armchair soldier. This cabinet minister and statesman donned a uniform and led his men into battle. He learned his soldiery craft under General Koos De la Rey's tutelage, and another soldier-statesman, General Louis Botha during the South African War 1899-1902. He emerged from that war, immersed in the Boer maneuver doctrine he devastatingly waged in the guerrilla phase of that conflict. His daring and epic invasion of the Cape at the head of his commando remains legendary.

The first phase of the German South West African campaign and the Afrikaner Rebellion in 1914 placed his abilities as a sound strategic thinker and a bold operational planner on display. Champing at the bit, he finally had the opportunity to command the Southern Forces in the second phase of the German South West African campaign.

Placed in command of the Allied forces in East Africa in 1916, he led a mixed bag of South Africans and Imperial troops against the legendary Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck and his Shutztruppe. Using his penchant for Boer maneuver warfare together with mounted infantry led and manned by Boer Republican veterans, he proceeded to free the vast German territory from Lettow-Vorbeck's grip. Often leading from the front, his operational concepts were an enigma to the British under his command, remaining so to modern-day historians. Although unable to bring the elusive and wily Lettow-Vorbeck to a final decisive battle, Smuts conquered most of the territory by the end of his tenure in February 1917. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2022 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available mid June 2022 ......$38.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-245830 Peaple, Simon MUD, BLOOD AND DETERMINATION: The History of the 46th (North Midland) Division in the Great War A modern history of the 46th Division and their evolution in combat effectiveness, and reexamining historical interpretations of key figures and events. Draws upon a vast array of largely neglected sources from a variety of archives, and challenges some comfortable assumptions. Develops the view put forward in studies of the Canadian Corps, and reflected in modern biographies of leading commanders, that the British Army gradually developed the system of 'bite and hold.' Links WWI to its social, political, and economic context. Contains 30 black and white photos, eight color maps, and two tables. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late August 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-192710 Pengelly, Colin Albert Ball VC: Fighter Pilot Hero of World War I Albert Ball's individuality and his insistence on fighting alone set him apart from other fighter pilots during World War One. His invincible courage and utter determination made him a legend not only in Britain but also amongst his enemies, to whom the sight of his lone Nieuport Scout brought fear.

In 1914 he enlisted in the British army with the 2/7th Battalion (Robin Hoods), of the Sherwood Foresters, Notts and Derby Regiment. By the October of 1914 he had reached the rank of Sergeant and then in the same month was made a Second-Lieutenant to his own battalion. In June 1915 he paid for private tuition and trained as a pilot at Hendon.

In October 1915 he obtained Royal Aero Club Certificate and requested transfer to the Royal Flying Corps. The transfer granted, he further trained at Norwich and Upavon, being awarded the pilot's brevet on 22 January 1916. On 16 May 1916 - flying Bristol Scout 5512 - he opened his score, shooting down an Albatros C-type over Beaumont. On 29 May 1916 he shot down two LVG C-types, whilst flying his Nieuport 5173.

Captain Albert Ball made his final flight on 7 May 1917 when he flew SE5 A4850 as part of an eleven-strong hunting patrol into action against Jagdstaffel 11, led by Lothar Von Richthofen. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2010 UK, PEN & SWORD BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-196740 Perrett, Bryan NORTH SEA BATTLEGROUND: The War at Sea 1914 - 1918 Engagements of special note include The Battle of Heligoland Bight, the attempted first German Bombardment of Yarmouth; the German bombardments of Scarborough, Whitby, and Hartlepool, Scheer's escape, and the Battle of Dogger Bank. Other actions include the Zeppelin raids, unrestricted U Boat Warfare, the Battle of Jutland and its consequences, the second Battle of Heligoland Bight, the climax and defeat of the German heavy bomber air offensive against the UK, the 1918 Zeebrugge and Ostend raids, North Sea mine barriers, and the mutiny of the High Seas Fleet. Includes 30 b/w plates. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb edition, available early January 2023 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-238360 Perrett, Bryan BRITISH ARMOURED CAR OPERATIONS IN WORLD WAR ONE Details the history and use of the armored car, from invention onwards, and setting the history of WWI service career firmly in context. Serves as an impressive tribute to the armored car, one of the most effective weapons utilized by the allies during the course of the Great War. 1 vol, 184 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late August 2023 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-238730 Perrett, Bryan THE HUNTERS AND THE HUNTED:The Elimination of German Surface Warships around the World, 1914-15 Covers the major actions of the WWI Imperial German Navy warships deployed around the world. Includes the following: The escape of the Goeben and Breslau to Turkey, cruise of the Emden, mystery of the Karlsruhe, the German East Asiatic Squadron (Scharnhorst, Gneisienau, and armored cruisers and light cruisers), Konigsberg, and two armed German ships that dominated Lake Tanganyika in Africa. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD MARITIME
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-205630 Philbin, Tobias R. BATTLE OF DOGGER BANK: The First Dreadnought Engagement, January 1915 On January 24, 1915, a German naval force commanded by Admiral Franz von Hipper conducted a raid on British fishing fleets in the area of the Dogger Banks. The force was engaged by a British force, which had been alerted by a decoded radio intercept. The ensuing battle would prove to be the largest and longest surface engagement until the Battle of Jutland the following summer.

While the Germans lost an armored cruiser with heavy loss of life and Hipper's flagship was almost sunk, confusion in executing orders allowed the Germans to escape. The British considered the battle a victory; but the Germans had learned important lessons and they would be better prepared for the next encounter with the British fleet at Jutand. 1 vol, 216 pgs 2014 US, INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-dj, available early July 2014 ......$32.00

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1-212560 Pickthalll, Barry THE RED BARON: Images of War Beginning his air war career on the Western Front in 1916, Manfred von Richthofen, or the Red Baron as he became known, had shot down an impressive total of 15 aircraft by January 1917, as well as being appointed commander of his own unit.

By the time of his death in 1918, he had destroyed a staggering total of 80 aircraft. From the perspective of the Allies, he was a deadly menace. For the Germans, he was a fighter pilot hero of legendary significance. This fascinating collection of rare images offers a fresh perspective on the Baron himself, as well as a number of his adversaries from the Allied side of the line.

Found by chance at a car boot sale by the author, this collection has sat mostly unused for almost a century. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2016 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid October 2016 ......$20.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-193440 Pidgeon, Trevor TANKS ON THE SOMME: From Morval to Beaumont Hamel On 15 September 1916 during the Battle of the Somme, tanks - one of the decisive weapons of twentieth-century warfare - were sent into action for the first time. In this, his last work which was completed shortly before he died, he reconstructs the tank actions that took place between late September and November when the Somme offensive was closed down. His account gives a vivid insight into the actions and experiences of the tank crews, and it shows the appalling dangers they faced as they maneuvered their crude, vulnerable and unreliable machines towards the enemy.

6 x 9.5 inches, 30 illustrations. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2010 UK, PEN & SWORD BOOKS
NEW-dj, Special Price - Limited quantity ......$40.00 with a discount of 40%

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1-46080 Pidgeon, Trevor TANKS AT FLEURS, THE Over-sized at 8.5x11 inches, an account of the first use of tanks in war at the Battle of Lers-Courcelette, the Somme, February 1916. This definitive work includes many b/w illustrations, photos, maps, and also includes a separate map volume. 2 vol, 290 pgs 1995 UK, FAIRMILE BOOKS
NEW-hardcover, found more copies - scarce set ......$140.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-15040 Pitt, Barrie 1918: The Last Act By 1918, after three years of war, Europe was weary of the stalemate and the terrible slaughter on the Western Front. The Russian Front had collapsed but the United States had abandoned her neutral stance and joined the Allies.

So the stage was set for what would be the last year of the Great War. Acclaimed military historian Barrie Pitt describes the savage battles that raged unceasingly along the Western front, and analyses the policies of the warring powers and studies the men who led them. From the German onslaught of 21st March 1918 - the Kaiser's Battle designed to force a resolution before America's armies could tip the balance - through the struggles in Champagne and the Second Battle of the Marne to the turning point in August and final victory, the author gathers together scattered material to make an enthralling book. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2014 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-softcover ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-243540 Plews, Derek A A BRILLIANT LITTLE VICTORY: The 48th (South Midland) Division on the Western and Italian Fronts During the First World War Analyzes the WWI history of the 48th South Midland Division, including its successful June 1918 defense of a critical position on the Asiago Plateau in Italy, high above the Lombardy Plain. It helped stop the Austrian attackers from breaking through into the rear of the main Italian position on the Piave Rivers. Despite fighting an effective defensive action, the divisional commander, Major General Sir Robert Fanshawe, was sacked and sent home a few days later to the dismay of his officers and men. Seeking to understand what lay behind the shocking removal, this provides a detailed analysis of the battle and looks at the factors that may have contributed to the sacking. Taking account of the standards of the time, offers a view about whether or not it was justified. Contains 10 black and white illustrations, 5-10 black and white photos, 2-3 color photos, 1-2 tables, and 10 maps. 1 vol, 264 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early May 2024 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-62090 Poolman, Kenneth ZEPPLINS AGAINST LONDON The story of the German Zepplin raids during WWI. 1 vol, 246 pgs 1961 NY, JOHN DAY COMAPNY
GOOD-no dj ......$18.00

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1-192620 Racier, Ted CROWNS IN THE GUTTER - A Stategic Analysis of World War I World War I was the crucial event of the 20th century, as the great European powers-- which until then dominated the world economically, militarily and politically-- destroyed themselves. That led to a second war a generation later, enabled the ascendance of the United States and Soviet Union, and unleashed the forces of nationalism and self-determination around the globe. On the battlefield the war ushered in the age of the internal-combustion engine and wireless communication, making factories and science as important as manpower and generalship.

In the midst of all that, politicians and generals still had a war to win, and soldiers a war to fight. Crowns in the Gutter provides a concise analysis of the strategies and tactics employed to to try to achieve those goals. The chapters cover the entire war chronologically. They weave together the campaigns and battles with political events, improvements in weapons and changes in combat methodology, into one seamless story. The narrative also has dozens of maps and diagrams to further illustrate all the action of the first total war. 1 vol, 362 pgs 2010 CA, DECISION GAMES
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-COM1032 Rader, Andrew FATAL ALLIANCES: The Great War (Wargame) Fatal Alliances: The Great War is a worthy partner to the international award-winning World in Flames. Like its predecessor, Fatal Alliances is all encompassing, and represents every theater and aspect of the First World War. Fatal Alliances expands upon the military system of World in Flames to highlight the diplomatic and civilian fronts.

1,680 counters represent the armies, navies, and air forces, which fought in the Great War. Two to five players make the strategic decisions that decide the fate of nations. What forces to produce, where to commit them, when, and how? No two games of Fatal Alliances play the same, no strategy is foolproof, and any decision may have unforeseen consequences.

* three 22 x 32-inch full-colour maps covering most of the world (West Europe & Africa, East Europe & the Middle East, America, Asia, and the Pacific)
* six countersheets totaling 1,680 counters representing all the WWI armies, navies and air forces
* one Morale & Diplomacy Chart
* one Production Circle
* two Combat & Unit Definition Charts
* two additional bi-fold full-colour sets of charts and tables
* The World in Flames Rule Book
* two 10-sided dice
* one Box and Lid set 1 vol, 1 pgs 2015 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box, only one (1) available, first come first served ......$134.00 with a discount of 20%

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1-220000 Radley, Kenneth ON THE DANGEROUS EDGE: British and Canadian Trench Raiding on the Western Front 1914-1918 Examines the nature, purposes, mechanics, execution, and value of trench raiding. Leadership was critical since raiding posed many challenges including vicious hand-to-hand fighting most often at night in unfamiliar trenches. These are just some of the reasons why raids are high in human interest. Includes 29 maps, 28 b/w photos, and 9 b/w illustrations.

At the end of the first eight chapters, which thematically answer Kipling's six queries, readers will be well aware of the nature of planning and executing raids. No other book tackles 'How' to raid to the extent this one does. The first half also enables fuller appreciation of the lessons, course and conduct of the selected raids that year by year comprise the last half, based on criteria such as unusual nature, purpose, size or technology, reasons for success or failure, innovation, and lessons. 1 vol, 548 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover, available late April 2019 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-223980 Raw, David Gallipoli: The Egerton Diaries and Papers - The diaries and papers of Major-General Granville Egerton CB Commanding 52nd Lowland Division at Gallipoli, June-September, 1915 As Commander of 52nd Division, Granville Egerton kept a detailed long daily diary of the events, conditions and personalities at Gallipoli between June and September, 1915.

He is highly critical of the decisions and tactics of the campaign as well as of his C-in-C Sir Ian Hamilton and Corps Commander Aylmer Hunter-Weston. 'Ian Hamilton can't help himself from being a liar'.

The daily long diary was sent by King's Messenger to his mother in Bournemouth. It gives a vivid picture of life on the Peninsula. The long diary is now deposited in the National Archives.

He also details the impact of the Gretna Railway disaster before embarkation.

'I landed at Cape Helles Gallipoli Peninsula in Command of the 52nd Lowland Division on June 21st, 1915, and left it on September 16th, 1915. I landed a weak division of 10,900 men, and within three weeks, had lost 4,800 killed and wounded, and about 1,000 sick - of the officers over 70% were hors de combat during this short period'.

He also kept a short diary which details the deteriorating state of his own health, exacerbated by local conditions. The short diaries are in the National Library of Scotland.

In addition Egerton supplied evidence to the Dardanelles Commission and kept post-war Journals with an evaluation of the campaign and the views of his own circle of friends. He records a critical conversation with Kitchener before embarkation. The papers and journals are in the National Library of Scotland and in the Imperial War Museum.

The author reproduces the diaries and papers in full with detailed notes and analysis in chronological order 1 vol, 158 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid July 2020 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-214740 Rawson, Andrew THE ARRAS CAMPAIGN: 1917 This is an account of the British Expeditionary Force's actions during the spring of 1917. It begins with the Allied plans for the New Year and shows how they were undone by the German decision to withdraw to a pre-prepared defensive line. Includes 60 integrated maps and an 8-page plate section.

The story follows the cautious advance across devastated territory to the Hindenburg Line and the subsequent revision in Allied plans. The Arras offensive on 9 April resulted in the capture of Vimy Ridge by the Canadians and the longest advance by British troops since trench warfare began. But attempts to replicate the success at places like Oppy, Roeux, Monchy, and Bullecourt ended in bloody failure. Each large battle and minor action is given equal treatment, giving a detailed insight into the most talked about side of the campaign, the British side.

There are details on the reasoning behind each battle, the objectives and the tactics. There is discussion about how the infantry, the artillery, the cavalry, the engineers, and Royal Flying Corps worked together. We see how they used new techniques or made costly mistakes during the attacks.

Over 60 new maps chart the day by day progress of each battle and action. Together the narrative and maps provide an insight into the British Army's experience during this important campaign early in 1917. Where possible the men who made a difference are mentioned; those who led the attacks, those who faced the counterattacks and those who were awarded the Victoria Cross. Discover the spring 1917 campaign experienced by the British Army and learn how its brave soldiers fought and died achieving their objectives. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2017 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available early August 2017 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-216710 Rawson, Andrew THE CAMBRAI CAMPAIGN 1917 An account of the British Expeditionary Force's battles in November and December of 1917. It starts with the plan to carry out a tank raid on the Hindenburg Line at Cambrai. The raid grew into a full scale attack and Third Army would rely on a different style of attack. The preliminary bombardment would be done away with and the troops would assemble in secret. Includes 16 black and white images and 35 maps.

Predicted fire had reached such a level of accuracy that 1,000 guns could hit targets without registration. Meanwhile, over 375 tanks would lead the infantry through the Hindenburg Line, ripping holes in the wire and suppressing the enemy. The study of the German counterattack ten days later, illustrates the different tactics they used and the British experience on the defensive.

Each stage of the battle is given equal treatment, with detailed insights into the most talked about side of the campaign, the British side. It explains how far the Tank Corps had come in changing the face of trench warfare. Over 40 new maps chart the day by day progress of each corps on each day. Together the narrative and the maps provide an insight into the British Army's experience during this important campaign. The men who made a difference are mentioned; those who led the advances, those who stopped the counterattacks and those who were awarded the Victoria Cross. 1 vol, 200 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late April 2018 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-219230 Rawson, Andrew BRITISH EXPEDITIONARY FORCE: The Final Advance September to November 1918 Covers the British Expeditionary Force's part in the final days of the Advance to Victory. It starts with the massive offensive against the Hindenburg Line at the end of September 1918. Second Army launched the first of the British attacks in Flanders on the 28th, followed by Fourth Army the next day along the St Quentin Canal. Includes 50 black and white maps.

Both First and Third Armies joined in, breaking the Hindenburg Line across the Lys plain and the Artois region, taking Cambrai by 10 October. The narrative then follows the advance through the battles of the River Selle and the River Sambre. It culminates with the final operations, including the actions at Maubeuge and Mons, just before the Armistice on 11 November 1918. Time and again the British and Empire troops used well-rehearsed combined arms tactics to break down German resistance as the four year conflict came to an end.

Each stage of the six week long battle is dealt with equally, focusing on the most talked about side of the campaign, the BEF's side. Over fifty new maps chart the day by day progress of the five armies. Together the narrative and the maps explain the British Army's experience during the days of World War One. The men who led the advances, broke down the defenses and those who were awarded the Victoria Cross are mentioned. Discover the end of the Advance to Victory and learn how the British Army reached the peak of their learning curve. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid February 2019 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-221990 Rawson, Andrew THE LEARNING PROCESS: The BEF's Art of War on the Western Front 1914-18 The men who went to war in August 1914 fought completely differently to those who survived until the Armistice on 11 November 1918. Analyzes the bloody learning process the British Expeditionary Force had to go through on the Western Front. Explains the development of the tactics, impact new weapons and ammunition, and new challenges of modified and improved German defensive tactics and upgraded fortifications. Includes 10 maps.

Each battle and campaign is studied in turn, starting with the first lessons learnt by the Old Contemptibles who served 1914 and the rigid attack plans of 1915. Next comes the rapid evolution of infantry and artillery plans during the Somme campaign in the summer of 1916 and the changes made to accommodate the tank in the autumn.

The important developments in combined arms warfare, and the German reactions to it, are followed through as the 1917 campaigns of Arras and Ypres are discussed. The year ends with a look at the Tank Corps' successes and problems which were highlighted at Cambrai.

The year 1918 starts with the huge German offensives across the Somme, the Lys, and on the Aisne. The strategic mistakes made before the battles, and the tactical decisions made during them, are looked at in turn. Finally, we see how the art of combined arms warfare matured during the offensives of July and August 1918, culminating with the breaking of the Drocourt-Queant Line and the Hindenburg Line in September. 1 vol, 346 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover, available late October 2019 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-214000 Reddan, William OTHER MEN'S LIVES: Experiences of a Doughboy, 1917-1919 Written in 1936, this recounts the complete story of Capt. William J. Reddan of the NJ National Guard after reporting for service with the Army's Company B, 114th Infantry Regt, 29th Infantry Division in March 1917. Covers training and then duty in France in June 1918 as he took part in the Meuse-Argonne offensive. Wounded by both shrapnel and gas, Reddan was evacuated to a field hospital and did not return to his unit until after peace was declared. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2017 US, WESTHOLME PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$20.00

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1-210860 Rempe, Paul editor FROM GERMAN CAVALRY OFFICER TO RECONNAISSANCE PILOT: The World War I History, Memories, and Photographs of Leonhard Rempe, 1914-1921 21-year-old Leonhard Rempe volunteered to serve Germany in 1914. By the time WWI ended, he had seen action on both major fronts, witnessed the war from the back of a horse and the cockpit of a plane, and amassed one of the more unique records of anyone in the Kaiser's army. From German Cavalry Officer to Reconnaissance Pilot is his remarkable story. 79 images, 3 maps.

Rempe initially served as a cavalryman in the 35th (1st West Prussian) Field Artillery of the XX Armee-Korps, fighting in several bloody and significant battles against the Russians on the Eastern Front. In 1916, he exchanged his spurs for the cockpit and transferred to the Western front. Flying specially built planes for reconnaissance work was dangerous duty, but Rempe relished his time in the open cockpits, flying at altitudes high and low to provide detailed intelligence information for the German army. He met and knew many of the pilots who flew in both fighter and reconnaissance planes, including Manfred von Richthoven-the Red Baron. Unlike so many of his fellow pilots, Rempe survived several crashes, and was shot down over Reims, France, in March of 1918.

At war's end, Rempe returned to a defeated Germany in the midst of turmoil and revolution and served briefly in a Freikorps (Free Corps) regiment dedicated to preserving the new government in Weimar against German Communists. Seeking a new beginning, he arrived at Ellis Island in the spring of 1923 to start his life as an American. He brought with him flight reports, other miscellaneous documents, and scores of remarkable photographs documenting his wartime service, most of which are published here for the first time. During 1956, the last year of his life, Rempe penned a brief memoir of his WWI service which, together with the photographic record, forms the basis of this book. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2016 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available early March 2016 ......$28.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-202140 Renz. Irina SCORCHED EARTH: The Germans on the Somme 1914-18 This book discusses in detail the experience of German warfare in the first World War, focusing specifically on the battle of the Somme. The Somme, together with other regions of northern France, had also lain under German domination. Its inhabitants had been rigorously suppressed and their possessions carted off as booty.

Finally, during their 1917 withdrawal, the Germans had subjected the whole region to Operation Alberich, a retreat involving unparalleled brutality which left the population in occupation of a wilderness wrought by war (the 'scorched earth policy'). A well-known, and well-researched account, the authors have combined their research skills to produce a book which includes private testimonies. Amongst these are many unknown or previously unpublished letters and diaries as well as numerous photographs. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2009 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-GMT1411 Resch, Michael 1914 Serbien muss Sterbien 1914, Serbien Muss Sterbien (an Austro-Hungarian jingle that translates to 'Serbia must die') is a wargame covering the initial campaigns on the Balkan Front in WWI. The map encompasses the primary theater of war from Peterwardein in the north, Sarajevo in the west, to Nis in the south-east.

The game system used is the same as found in 1914, Offensive a Outrance and includes three scenarios: two short and a Grand Campaign scenario that covers the period from the initial Austro-Hungarian invasion in August to exhaustion a stalemate in December.

Game Scale
Combat units are primarily Divisions and Brigades. Each hex is approximately 8 kilometers across. Each game turn represents from two to four days of time depending on the season.

Game Components: 420 multi-colored 1/2-inch die-cut counters, One 22x34-inch mapsheet, 24-page Rule Booklet, Scenario Booklet, Two 8 1/2x11-inch Player Aid cards, One 8 1/2x11-inch GT Record Track, 6 small army organizational displays, and four 6-sided dice. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2015 US, GMT GAMES LLC
NEW-box ......$55.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-85010 Revell, Alex BRITISH SINGLE SEATER FIGHTER SQUADRONS OF WWI Detailed history, 200+ b/w photos. 1 vol, 366 pgs 2006 ATGLEN, SCHIFFER BOOKS
NEW-hardcover ......$70.00

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1-242840 Richardson, Matthew WITH THE BRITISH CAVALRY IN 1914 Details the WWI British cavalry regiments and their evolution. Discusses how lancers, hussars, and dragoons trained for shock tactics as well as scouting and reconnaissance. In the new warfare of the 20th century, the true value of these regiments was as an intensively trained, highly mobile reserve. Able to arrive quickly at trouble spots, they were equally skilled with the rifle, and on more than one occasion in 1914 were able to retrieve a critical situation. Contains 50 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid April 2024 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-211250 Roberts, Chris THE LANDING AT ANZAC: 1915 Challenges many of the cherished myths of the most celebrated battle in Australian and New Zealand history -- myths that have endured for almost a century.

Told from both the ANZAC and Turkish perspectives, this meticulously researched account questions several of the claims of Charles Bean's magisterial and much-quoted Australian official history and presents a fresh examination of the evidence from a range of participants. Also pulls the Gallipoli campaign into the modern era and produces a number of lessons from the armies of today. 1 vol, 188 pgs 2016 AUSTRALIA, BIG SKY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available late April 2016 ......$17.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-203840 Robertshaw, Andrew 24HR UNDER ATTACK: Tommy Defends the Frontline Ten million military personnel died during the Great War. Many millions of them experienced horrendous enemy attacks on entrenched positions that stretched across France and Belgium, as well as further afield. This book relives 24 hours of an actual platoon under attack, using a battalion war diary to follow the assault hour by hour.

A team of historians and archaeologists reconstructs the fighting, revealing how the British Tommy defended his hard-won positions against heavy fire and enemy attack. Robertshaw presents the Great War in color, as it was experienced, using stunning images of re-enactors to bring the the full force of these frightening assaults to life. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2013 UK, SPELLMOUNT PRESS
NEW-softcover, available mid to late December 2013 ......$30.00

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1-230180 Robinson, Joseph CHASING THE GREAT RETREAT: The German Cavalry Pursuit of the British Expeditionary Force before the Battle of the Marne August 1914 The focus is on the German pursuit of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) retreat. We show that the Great War should have ended on 23 August 1914 but, due to the 'fog and friction of war' it did not and 'Chasing the BEF' was born. This is a story of missed opportunities made more astonishing by the amount of propaganda extolled by some British authors. This propaganda line claimed that British firepower dealt a great blow to the German army at the Battle of Mons. Much is told about the British soldiers' ability to fire 15 rounds of aimed shooting in a minute, which allegedly the Germans mistook for machine-gun fire. Clearly in their eyes, the British won that battle. Britain, in fact, lost the Battle of Mons and should have lost the war on 23 August. Germany missed a wide-open door that would have spelled disaster for the BEF and the entire Left Flank of the French army. Includes 27 b/w photos and 15 maps.

We focus on the role of the German cavalry. This arm is seriously understudied and has had little place in some official histories. In general, both British and German works ignore the role the cavalry played in the war. We are talking about the Right Wing of the German army only, consisting of the German First Army, Second Army, and two cavalry formations known as Hoherer Kavallerie-Kommandeur (HKK 1 and HKK 2). The HKK were ad hoc organizations that had never been tested before the war. They are often wrongly referred to as a cavalry corps - the cavalry did not become a corps until 1915 - but neither were they similar to an infantry corps. However, many authors do not understand the concept of the HKK and therefore do not address the cavalry in operational maneuvers.

Written as a sequel to the award-winning German Failure in Belgium, August 1914: How Faulty Reconnaissance Exposed the Weakness of the Schlieffen Plan (2019), which won the Tomlinson Book Award for best First World War English language book in 2020, this volume stands alone as the German army chases the well-documented 'Great Retreat'. 1 vol, 178 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover, available mid April 2022 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-207740 Rogan, Eugene THE FALL OF THE OTTOMANS: The Great War in the Middle East In 1914 the Ottoman Empire was depleted of men and resources after years of war against Balkan nationalist and Italian forces. But in the aftermath of the assassination in Sarajevo, the powers of Europe were sliding inexorably toward war, and not even the Middle East could escape the vast and enduring consequences of one of the most destructive conflicts in human history. The Great War spelled the end of the Ottomans, unleashing powerful forces that would forever change the face of the Middle East.

The book brings the First World War and its immediate aftermath in the Middle East to vivid life, uncovering the often ignored story of the region's crucial role in the conflict. Bolstered by German money, arms, and military advisors, the Ottomans took on the Russian, British, and French forces, and tried to provoke Jihad against the Allies in their Muslim colonies.

Unlike the static killing fields of the Western Front, the war in the Middle East was fast-moving and unpredictable, with the Turks inflicting decisive defeats on the Entente in Gallipoli, Mesopotamia, and Gaza before the tide of battle turned in the Allies' favor. The great cities of Baghdad, Jerusalem, and Damascus fell to invading armies before the Ottomans agreed to an armistice in 1918.

The postwar settlement led to the partition of Ottoman lands between the victorious powers, and laid the groundwork for the ongoing conflicts that continue to plague the modern Arab world. A sweeping narrative of battles and political intrigue from Gallipoli to Arabia, The Fall of the Ottomans is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the Great War and the making of the modern Middle East. 1 vol, 512 pgs 2015 US, BASIC BOOKS
NEW-dj available late May 2015 ......$32.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-214990 Rogers, David BULLETS, BOMBS AND POISON GAS: Supplying the Troops on the Western Front 1914-1918, Documentary Sources Soldiers in the trenches were issued with four bullets a day unless they were either snipers or manned a machine gun. This does not seem like a lot of bullets. However, four bullets a day is 28 per week. Therefore a million soldiers need 28 million bullets per week. Of course there were a lot more than a million troops at the Western Front, and despite soldiers with other than front-line duties, the number of bullets required was considerable!

Supplying the troops was further complicated by the need to ensure that the many and varied shells were available for the howitzers, mortars, and other artillery. Furthermore, there was a need for essential supplies of a whole manner of other materials, including rations for the troops and food for the horses. Aircraft and tanks also started to make an appearance on the battlefield at this time, requiring even more supplies. Indeed there is one account of a horse drawn cart carrying aircraft fuel to the aeroplanes.

The static nature of battle led to the use of a narrow gauge railway network and a roll on-roll off ferry port in Kent to speed deliveries along. Unfortunately, not all of the traffic was towards the trenches. Sadly there were many casualties who needed to return to the hospitals either in the field or back in Britain. The returning trains performed this vital function. Servicing this supply chain was a complex business, leading to some interesting issues. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2017 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid September 2017 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-200900 Rogerson, Sidiney THE LAST OF EBB: The Battle of the Aisne, 1918 In 1918, the Germans launched the Spring Offensive. Aware that American troops would soon be arriving in Europe, the Germans saw this as their last chance to win the war. If they could overcome the Allied armies and reach Paris, victory might be possible. The German offensive was initially a great success. Striking at the Allied line's strongest point, the Chemin des Dames, they burst their way through and made quick progress towards Marne. However, the advance eventually stalled. With supply shortages and lack of reserves, this was to be the 'last ebb' of the German war effort.

Rogerson, a young officer in the West Yorkshire Regiment, describes the experiences of his battalion from the Aisne through to the Marne. Fighting under French command, the West Yorkshires were inadequately supported by artillery and practically without help from the air. The 4 tired divisions were forced to fight and run 27 miles across wooded hills and three rivers on emergency rations.

The author vividly conveys the bravery and extraordinary resilience of the West Yorkshires, who were able to face up to the terrible ordeal of such a battle without loss of morale. Remarkably for a book of this period, an account by Major-General A. D. von Unruh, which gives the German perspective of the offensive, has been included. 1 vol, 147 pgs 2011 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-softcover, available late February 2013 SPECIAL PRICE ......$28.00 with a discount of 60%

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1-ATO2020 Rohrbaugh, Paul AGAINST THE ODDS 2020 ANNUAL: The Cruelest Month, Air War Over Arras WWI air campaign game focuses on abstracted air operations and ground battle (similar to his Chennault's First Fight). As the British player, you will marshal your limited numbers of fighters to help secure the skies for 2-seaters that would be better suited to training planes. As the German player, you will employ your well-armed modern fighters against waves of RFC planes that simply keep coming, regardless of how many you shoot down.

* Map - One full color 22x34-inch hex mapsheet
* Counters - 176 full color 5/8-inch die-cut counters
* Air Displays - 2
* Rules length - 16 pages
* Charts and tables - 2 pages
* Complexity - Medium
* Playing time - Up to 3 to 4 hours
* Difficulty - Average 1 vol, 60 pgs 2024 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-game ......$55.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-238380 Rommel, Erwin and Gary Sheffield INFANTRY ATTACKS Reprint of the 1937 classic study of the art of war. Examines the tactics and leadership skills that generated successful attacks. Rommel graphically describes his own achievements, and those of his units, in the swift-moving battles on the Western Front, in the ensuing trench warfare, in the 1917 campaign in Romania, and in the pursuit across the Tagliamento and Piave rivers. As a leader of a small unit in the First World War, he proved himself an aggressive and versatile commander with a reputation for using the battleground terrain to his own advantage, for gathering intelligence, and for seeking out and exploiting enemy weaknesses.

First published in 1937, it quickly became a highly-regarded military textbook and brought its author to the attention of Adolph Hitler. Rommel was to subsequently advance through the ranks to the high command WWII. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2023 UK, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-pb, available late August 2023 ......$19.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-62510 Rosenhainer, Ernst FORWARD MARCH:Memoirs of a German Officer in WWI The author served on both the Eastern & Westernfronts during WWI, 60+ illust, 20+ maps, index. 1 vol, 208 pgs 2000 PA, WHITE MANE PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$25.00

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1-227330 Rossi, Egidio GAS WARFARE IN THE FIRST WORLD WAR: Anti-Gas Protection and Gas Masks in the Armies of the German Empire, Austria-Hungary and Italy Describes the development of WWI gas-defence equipment over time, including the first respirators borrowed from the sanitary sector to sophisticated protective masks with filters and their corresponding containers and special clothing for protection against blister-forming gases. Numerous official documents from the war years are accompanied by a number of important original photographs. Photographs of more than 200 original specimens preserved in private collections and museums illustrate the most important gas-defence equipment used during WWI by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.

Also contains an historical overview of research in the field of poison gases by the three nations, information about the industries that took part in their production, and a chapter dedicated to the most important types of poison gas. 1 vol, 504 pgs 2021 AUSTRIA, VERLAG MILITARIA
NEW-dj ......$149.00 rct

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1-217600 Rostron, Peter THE BATTLE THAT WON THE WAR - BELLENGLISE: Breaching the Hindenburg Line 1918 It is no exaggeration to claim that 46th North Midland Division's action on 29 September 1918 was the hammer blow that shattered the will of the German High Command.

Painting the strategic picture from early 1918 and the dark weeks following the German's March offensive, the Author lays the ground for the Allied counter-strike. Ahead of them was the mighty Hindenburg Line, the Kaiser's formidable defensive obstacle given added strength by the St Quentin Canal.

Undaunted the Allies attacked using American, Australian, and British formations. Led by Major General Boyd, 46 Division stormed the Canal and, thanks to a combination of sound planning and determined courageous fighting, seized their Hindenburg Line objective by the end of the day.

The psychological damage to the German will, already weakened by the failure of the Spring offensive, is demonstrate by Ludendorff's collapse and opening of negotiations that led five weeks later to the Armistice. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late July 2018 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-213260 Sadler, John and Silvie Fisch SPY OF THE CENTURY: Alfred Redl and the Betrayal of Austria-Hungary During the night of 24 to 25 May 1913 three high-ranking military officials waited for hours outside a hotel in the center of Vienna. At around 2am, they heard the shot of a Browning. They knew that one of their own has just ended his life: Colonel Alfred Redl, the former deputy head of the Evidenzburo, the Austro-Hungarian General Staff's directorate of military intelligence, and confidant of the heir to the throne. His suicide note reads: 'Levity and passion have destroyed me.'

What no one had known: for almost a decade he had betrayed significant and damaging secrets to the Italians, the French and the Russians.

But what had been his motives? Redl owed everything to the army he deceived. Was he trapped into treason by blackmail? There were no definite answers for almost 100 years. The true story has only recently been reconstructed, after Austrian historians rediscovered long-lost records. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2017 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late January 2017 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-210630 Sams, Chris GERMAN RAIDERS OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR: Kaiserliche Marine Cruisers and the Epic Chases As the world plunged into war in August 1914, two Kaiserliche Marine fleets and several detached cruisers lay beyond the North Sea. These vessels posed a serious threat to British merchant vessels and naval superiority.

Beyond the British blockade there was little chance of reinforcement and resupply of ammunition - their commanders had to make some hard decisions as to what to do for their crews. Admiral Wilhelm Souchon had to cross the Mediterranean with a superior French and British fleet in pursuit. Admiral Maximilian Von Spee had to decide what to do half a world away from Germany with colonies and friendly shipping rapidly being overtaken by Allied forces.

With only the ammunition on board his vessels, he had to fight his way through the British lines to get his men home. Captain Karl Von Muller led the 'Emden' on a daring campaign of commerce raiding as did the commander of the 'Karlsruhe'. Other cruisers also carried out cruiser warfare seriously affecting Allied merchant shipping. The Royal Navy expended a lot of resources to try and remove these threats and Admiral Craddock swept down the coast of America chasing phantoms only to find what he was looking for with fatal results at Coronel. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2016 UK, FONTHILL MEDIA
NEW-dj, available early February 2016 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-223060 Samson, Anne KITCHENER: The Man Not the Myth This new profile of Kitchener considers him an outsider within the British establishment. Of his 64 years, a mere 11, and those not consecutive, were spent in England. He learned from those around him, ways that were not always understood and appreciated by those educated in England. Includes 10 b/w photos, 4 maps, and 6 tables.

Consideration is given to his skills, interests, beliefs, and relationships -- charting his development from birth in Ireland to education in Europe, training at Woolwich, and what he learnt from his military experiences. It considers his relationships with Free Masonry, journalists, politicians, subordinates, and women. His sense of history, cultural awareness, and foresight made him a man ahead of his time. For all his faults, Kitchener was loyal, dependable, sensitive, and the best man for the job in 1914. 1 vol, 274 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid March 2020 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-206170 Scheer, Admiral Reinhard Germany's High Sea Fleet in the World War Anglo-German naval rivalry before 1914 had been expected to culminate in a cataclysmic fleet action in the North Sea once war was declared, a battle upon which the outcome of the war would depend: yet the two fleets met only once, at Jutland in 1916, and the battle was far from conclusive. 1 portrait and 28 plans.

In his own account of the war in the North Sea, first published in 1920, Admiral Scheer, the German commander at Jutland, gives his own explanation for the failure of either fleet to achieve the decisive victory expected of it, particularly the failure of his own operation plans that resulted in the battle of Jutland.

This book is an invaluable account of one of the most important theaters of the First World War, written by one of its most senior commanders. 1 vol, 396 pgs 2014 UK, FRONTLINE
NEW-dj ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-70170 Scheer, Admiral Reinhard GERMANY'S HIGH SEAS FLEET IN THE WORLD WAR Concise and open account of the operations of the German Fleet in WWI, covers all theaters, b/w foldout maps, index 1 vol, 376 pgs 2002 NASHVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$50.00

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1-210530 Schindler, John R FALL OF THE DOUBLE EAGLE: The Battle for Galicia and the Demise of Austria-Hungary Although southern Poland and western Ukraine are not often thought of in terms of decisive battles in World War I, the impulses that precipitated the battle for Galicia in August 1914 - and the unprecedented carnage that resulted - effectively doomed the Austro-Hungarian Empire just six weeks into the war.

Despite military weakness and the foreseeable ill consequences, Austria-Hungary consciously chose war in that fateful summer of 1914. Through close examination of the Austro-Hungarian military, especially its elite general staff, Schindler shows how even a war that Vienna would likely lose appeared preferable to the foul peace the senior generals loathed. After Serbia outgunned the polyglot empire in a humiliating defeat, and the offensive into Russian Poland ended in the massacre of more than 400,000 Austro-Hungarians in just three weeks, the empire never recovered. While Austria-Hungary's ultimate defeat and dissolution were postponed until the autumn of 1918, the late summer of 1914 on the plains and hills of Galicia sealed its fate. 1 vol, 360 pgs 2015 US, UNIV OF NEBRASKA
NEW-dj, available mid February 2016 ......$35.00

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1-212960 Schwink, Otto THE GERMAN ARMY: From Mobilisation to First Ypres - Images of War Special Issue This new volume in the long-running Images of War series features the actions of the Imperial German Army at Ypres from 1914-15. Includes 250 illustrations.

In the autumn of 1917 Captain Otto Schwink, a General Staff Officer, by order of the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army, produced a book entitled The Germans at Ypres 1914. Herr Schwink's text is reproduced accompanied by rare photographs illustrating the Imperial German Army as it was in the prewar era and in the field during the campaign, which culminated in the four year struggle for the Ypres salient. Photographs depict the troops, officers, supporting artillery, High Command, and the events of the 1914 Christmas truce.

This volume also features a chapter on Adolf Hitler's service during the Great War, which both began and ended in the Ypres salient, and includes a selection of rare photographs illustrating Hitler's experience in the ranks of the Bavarian Army in Flanders. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2016 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available early December 2016 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-220560 Scotland, Tom A TIME TO DIE AND A TIME TO LIVE: Disaster to Triumph: Groundbreaking Developments in Care of the Wounded on the Western Front 1914-1918 Describes the tremendous progress was made in the treatment of wounded soldiers during the Great War which significantly improved chances of survival. It describes ground breaking advances in resuscitation, anesthesia and surgery which established the foundations of modern war surgery. It stresses the importance of blood transfusion. Includes 90 b/w photos, 8 b/w maps, and 25 tables.

In 1914, definitive management of wounds took place at base hospitals after a journey which sometimes took days. Resuscitation was practically non- existent, anesthesia was poor and surgical methods were hopelessly inadequate. Many soldiers developed catastrophic wound infections and died as a result of overwhelming sepsis when they should have survived.

Two pioneering surgeons challenged established doctrine and introduced new surgical methods against much opposition and hostility from clinicians who lacked vision to see beyond existing methods of treatment. Resuscitation and anesthesia were transformed as knowledge increased and by 1917 blood transfusion became very important in improving survival. From May 1918, Field Ambulance Resuscitation Teams were employed by Australian medical personnel to deliver resuscitation and surgery to wounded soldiers within a very short time, saving limbs and lives. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover, available mid June 2019 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-198810 Senior, Ian HOME BEFORE THE LEAVES FALL: A New History of the German Invasion of 1914 The German invasion of France and Belgium in August 1914 came close to defeating the French armies, capturing Paris and ending the First World War before the autumn leaves had fallen. But the German armies failed to score the knock-out blow they had planned. The war would drag on for four years of unprecedented slaughter. There are many accounts of 1914 from the British point of view, and the achievements of the British Expeditionary Force are the stuff of legend.

But in reality, there were only four British divisions in the field, while the French and Germans had more than 60 each. The real story of the battle can only be told by an author with the skill to mine the extensive German and French archives. Ian Senior does this with consummate skill, weaving together strategic analysis with diary entries and interview transcripts from the soldiers on the ground to create a remarkable new history. 1 vol, 400 pgs 2012 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-980037 Sheffield, Gary WAR ON THE WESTERN FRONT:In The Trenches of WWI Covers the Soldiers and the 'mud' they fought in. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2007 LONDON, OSPREY PUBLISH'NG
NEW-dj ......$22.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-199880 Sheldon, Jack GERMAN ARMY AT YPRES 1914, THE Complete account of the operations of the German army in the battles north of Lille in the late autumn of 1914. The main emphasis will be placed on the battles around Ypres against the Old Contemptibles of the BEF, but the fighting against the French and Belgian armies will also be featured, thus providing fresh and broader insights into a campaign. There are those who believe the BEF was all that saved world civilization as the first year of the Great War drew to its end.

The book uses the comprehensive histories of the participating German regiments found in the Kriegsarchiv in Munich and the Hauptstaatsarchiv in Stuttgart. Their use adds authority and authenticity to the book.

The narrative adopts a chronological approach. The book focuses on some of the most bitterly disputed battles of the first three months of the war, when the Germans strained to achieve a breakthrough and the BEF resisted heroically, at the price of its own destruction.

The book employs a similar format to the author's previous works; the greater part of the text uses the words of the German participants themselves and the primary focus of the book covers the experiences of the fighting troops at regimental level and below. Linking paragraphs provide historical context and commentary and evidence from senior commanders will be introduced as necessary. 1 vol, 400 pgs 2011 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-200280 Sheldon, Jack GERMAN ARMY ON THE WESTERN FRONT Examines the German mindset at the close of 1914 when it became apparent that a quick victory was no longer a possibility. Both sides were temporarily exhausted in static positions from the Channel to the Swiss Border. In a reversal of roles, the French launched major offensives in Champagne and Artois, while the British Army, adapting to the demands of large scale continental warfare, went on the offensive in support at Neuve Chapelle, Aubers Ridge, and Loos.

Such was the Allied pressure that the only German offensive in 1915 was at Ypres in April using gas on a large scale for the first time.

1915 was a transitional year on the Western Front with lessons being learned the hard way by both sides prior to the massive attrition battles of 1916 and 1917. 40 original b/w images. 1 vol, 336 pgs 2012 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-201930 Sheldon, Jack GERMAN ARMY AT PASSCHENDAELE, THE Even after the passage of almost a century, the name Passchendaele has lost none of its power to shock and dismay. Reeling from the huge losses in earlier battles, the German army was in no shape to absorb the impact of the Battle of Messines and the subsequent bitter attritional struggle.

Throughout the fighting on the Somme the German army had always felt that it had the ability to counter Allied thrusts, but following the shocking reverses of April and May 1917, much soul searching had led to the urgent introduction of new tactics of flexible defense. When these in turn were found to be wanting, the psychological damage shook the German defenders badly. But, as this book demonstrates, at trench level the individual soldier of the German Army was still capable of fighting extraordinarily hard, despite being outnumbered, outgunned and subjected to relentless, morale-sapping shelling and gas attacks.

The German army drew comfort from the realization that, although it had had to yield ground and had paid a huge price in casualties, its morale was essentially intact and the British were no closer to a breakthrough in Flanders at the end of the battle than they had been many weeks earlier. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2014 US, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-softcover, available late April 2014 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-201940 Sheldon, Jack GERMAN ARMY AT CAMBRAI, THE After an introductory chapter tracing the development of the Hindenburg Line, the author concentrates on German aspects of the bitterly fought battle of Cambrai from 20 November to 6 December 1917.

The narrative splits easily into two parts. First the defensive battle 20 - 29 November followed by the counter-attack which saw the German Army regain not only most of the ground lost in the opening phase but more besides. Detailed descriptions are given of the struggle for Flesquieres Ridge and the see-saw battles for key terrain, including Bourlon Wood, as the German Army rushed reinforcements to the sectors under attack before we witness the German offensive.

As with his other books full use is made of primary source material from the Munich Kriegsarchiv, the Hauptstaatsarchiv in Stuttgart, regimental histories, and personal accounts. Of particular interest are the controversial interventions in operational matters of Ludendorf which were sharply criticized by Crown Prince Rupprecht. But for many the most fascinating aspect will be the experiences of the front line soldiers. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2009 UK, Pen & Sword
NEW-pb edition, available mid June 2020 ......$27.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-202400 Sheldon, Jack GERMAN ARMY ON THE SOMME 1914-1916 By drawing on a very large number of German sources, many of them previously unpublished, Jack Sheldon throws new light on a familiar story. In an account filled with graphic descriptions of life and death in the trenches, the author demonstrates that the dreadful losses of 1st July were a direct consequence of meticulous German planning and preparation.

Although the Battle of the Somme was frequently a close-run affair, poor Allied co-ordination and persistence in attacking weakly on narrow fronts played into the hands of the German commanders, who were able to rush forward reserves, maintain the overall integrity of their defenses and so continue a successful delaying battle until the onset of winter ultimately neutralized the considerable Allied superiority in men and material. 1 vol, 432 pgs 2012 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-softcover, reprint edition ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-202850 Sheldon, Jack THE GERMAN ARMY ON VIMY RIDGE 1914 - 1917 The book starts with on the capture of Vimy Ridge and the nearly spur of Notre Dame de Lorette in October 1914.

The major battles of spring and autumn 1915 is described as is the twelve month period from late autumn 1915 when British forces occupied the lines on the western Ridge. The period from late autumn 1916 onwards when the Canadian Corps was preparing for the April 1917 assault on the ridge, is given detailed treatment, with special emphasis (based on original German intelligence and interrogation files) on how the defenders built up a detailed picture of Allied plans and how they intended to counter them.

The battle (9 - 14 April 1917) is described in detail and the conclusion summarizes the aftermath of the battle and its consequences for the way the German army prepared for the Third Battle of Ypres.

The book employs a similar format to The German Army on the Somme 1914 - 1916 and The German Army at Passchendaele; the greater part of the text is based on the words of the German participants themselves.

Commentary and evidence from senior commanders is introduced as necessary; the aim once more being to produce a work of popular history, which nevertheless provides an important contribution to the overall historiography of the Great War. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2014 US, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-softcover, available late April 2014 - NEW pb edition ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-210370 Sheldon, Jack THE GERMAN ARMY IN THE SPRING OFFENSIVES 1917 After the great battles of 1916, the Allied Armies planned to launch massive attacks North and South of the Somme. The German withdrawal to the Hindenburg Line in March 1917 forced new French CinC General Nivelle to rethink the plan. The French embarked on a major attack in the Aisne area and along the Chemin des Dames, with the British conducting large scale diversionary operations around Arras. The French suffered disastrously and, rendered incapable of further offensive operations, it fell to the British to step up the pressure, which they did at a terrible price.

This describes the event of Spring 1917 from the defenders' perspective. In particular it reveals the methods the Germans used to smash the French attacks and Oberst Fritz von Lossberg's transformation of the defenses in the Arras front. Actions described in detail are the bitter battles around Monchy Le Preun, the Roeux Chemical works, and Bullecourt as well as the capture of Vimy Ridge. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2015 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$45.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-212720 Showalter, Dennis INSTRUMENT OF WAR: The German Army 1914-18 Presents a fresh perspective on the German Army during World War I with a survey of an army at heart of a national identity. Driven by - yet also defeated by - warfare in the modern age, the German army struggled to capitalize on its victories and ultimately forgot the lessons of its defeat.

Explores the internal dynamics of the German army and details how the soldiers coped with the many new forms of warfare. Shows how the army's institutions responded to and how Germany itself was changed by war. Covers the major campaigns on the Western and Eastern fronts and the forgotten campaigns fought in the Middle East and Africa.

This comprehensive new volume reveals operational strategy, the complexities of campaigns of movement versus static trench warfare, and the changes in warfare. 1 vol, 328 pgs 2016 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-46090 Showalter, Dennis E. TANNENBERG:Clash of Empires The battle of Tannenberg (August 27-30, 1914) opened World War I with a decisive German victory over Russia-indeed the Kaiser's only clear-cut victory in a non-attritional battle during four years of war. In this first paperback edition of the classic work, historian Dennis Showalter analyzes this battle's causes, effects, and implications for subsequent German military policy. The author carefully guides the reader through what actually happened on the battlefield, from its grand strategy down to the level of improvised squad actions.

Examining the battle in the context of contemporary diplomatic, political, and economic affairs, he also reviews both armies' social settings and military doctrine, and shows how the battle may be understood as a case study of problems that military organizations face in the initial stages of a major war. In addition, he demolishes many myths about the battle, such as the supposed superiority of the German military, the animosity among Russian field commanders, and the assumption that the Germans viewed their opponents as a horde of uniformed illiterates.

Tannenberg's mystique later served the Weimar Republic and Third Reich propagandists. For years its legends helped to shape German nationalist ideology and military policy. In 1941, Hitler's Wehrmacht grossly underestimated Soviet military capability, leading to disaster in World War II. Extremely perceptive analysis, from the concerns of grand strategy to squad action, should be in every WWI library, maps, unit index, and extensive chapter notes. 1 vol, 419 pgs 2004 US, POTOMAC BOOKS
NEW-softcover ......$48.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-49760 Simpson, Andy HOT BLOOD & COLD STEEL This book tells what it was like to live & fight in the Trenches of the Western Front during WWI, the whole 24 hour 'routine' is explored, b/w photo appendices, biblio, index. 1 vol, 226 pgs 2003 UK, SPELLMOUNT PUBLISHERS
NEW-dj ......$18.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-49760 Simpson, Andy HOT BLOOD & COLD STEEL This book tells what it was like to live & fightin the Trenches of the Western Front during WWI,the whole 24 hour 'routine' is explored, b/w photoappendicies, biblio, index. 1 vol, 226 pgs 1993 LONDON, TOM DONOVAN PUBS
NEW-dj ......$18.00

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1-216740 Smith, Alan ALLENBY'S GUNNERS: Artillery in the Sinai and Palestine Campaigns 1916-1918 Tells the story of artillery in the highly successful World War I Sinai and Palestine campaigns. Following Gallipoli and the reconstitution of the AIF, a shortage of Australian gunners saw British Territorial artillery allotted to the Australian Light Horse and New Zealand Mounted Rifle brigades. It was a relationship that would prove highly successful and Allenby's Gunners provides a detailed and colorful description of the artillery war, cavalry and infantry operations from the first battles of Romani and Rafa, through the tough actions of Gaza, the Palestine desert, Jordan Valley and Amman to the capture of Jerusalem. The story concludes with the superb victory of Megiddo and the taking of Damascus until the theater armistice of 1918.

Smith Covers the trials and triumphs of the gunners as they honed their art in one of the most difficult battlefield environments of the war. The desert proved hostile and unrelenting, testing the gunners, their weapons and their animals in the harsh conditions. The gunners' adversary, the wily and skillful Ottoman artillerymen, endured the same horrendous conditions and proved a tough and courageous foe.

The light horsemen and gunners also owed much to the intrepid airmen of the AFC and RFC whose tactical and offensive bombing and counter-battery work from mid-1917 would prove instrumental in securing victory. This is an aspect of the campaign that is seamlessly woven throughout as the action unfolds.

The Sinai and Palestine campaigns generally followed a pattern of heavy losses and setbacks for an initial period before allied forces eventually prevailed. This is a highly descriptive volume that tells and oft-neglected story and fills the gap in the record of a campaign in which Australians played a significant role. It is a welcome addition to the story of the Australians in the Middle Eastern campaigns of World War I. 1 vol, 384 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late April 2018 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-54230 Smith, Nigel BATTLE OF CAPORETTO, 1917 A guide to the Battles, Uniforms and Armies of the campaign, b/w maps, o/b's, primary sources. 1 vol, 9 pgs 20
NEW-pb ......$20.00

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1-235760 Smithson, Jim A TASTE OF SUCCESS: The First Battle Of The Scarpe. The Opening Phase Of The Battle Of Arras, 9-14 April 1917 Hardback version.

Covers the Battle of Arras, sometimes called 'The Forgotten Battle,' that was wedged between the Battles of the Somme and Passchendaele. Shows us how infantry tactics had improved and how the use of artillery had become a fine art in supporting the men as they attacked; how a preliminary artillery bombardment left the German defenders shattered, but also created the conditions that would hinder any kind of rapid movement once the first lines were broken. The key role of the Royal Flying Corps, how tanks were used and the vital role of support units such as the Royal Engineers are all examined in detail. Includes 16 pages color illustrations and maps, 35 b/w photos, 43 b/w maps, and three tables.

As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that the initial success - based upon excellent planning and training - was followed by a chaotic confusion of command and control. It soon becomes evident that the development of the British Army in April 1917 had reached a point where in the Battle of Arras, they could stage a successful assault - applying perfect planning, but lacking the forethought to plan and carry out the follow-up phases. 1 vol, 312 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj, available late January 2023 ......$70.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-235760 Smithson, Jim A TASTE OF SUCCESS: The First Battle Of The Scarpe. The Opening Phase Of The Battle Of Arras, 9-14 April 1917 Softcover version.

Covers the Battle of Arras, sometimes called 'The Forgotten Battle,' that was wedged between the Battles of the Somme and Passchendaele. Shows us how infantry tactics had improved and how the use of artillery had become a fine art in supporting the men as they attacked; how a preliminary artillery bombardment left the German defenders shattered, but also created the conditions that would hinder any kind of rapid movement once the first lines were broken. The key role of the Royal Flying Corps, how tanks were used and the vital role of support units such as the Royal Engineers are all examined in detail. Includes 16 pages color illustrations and maps, 35 b/w photos, 43 b/w maps, and three tables.

As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that the initial success - based upon excellent planning and training - was followed by a chaotic confusion of command and control. It soon becomes evident that the development of the British Army in April 1917 had reached a point where in the Battle of Arras, they could stage a successful assault - applying perfect planning, but lacking the forethought to plan and carry out the follow-up phases. 1 vol, 328 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late January 2023 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-236470 Snape, David A TIGER LOOSE ON AN ICE FLOE: The Ferozepore Brigade on the Western Front, 1914-1915 Accounts of the Indian Corps as a whole have been published in recent years but few have concentrated on the experiences of a single infantry brigade. The Ferozepore Brigade, part of the Lahore Division, had been created in 1904 during the Kitchener reforms of the Indian Army. As with all Indian Army brigades, it consisted of three Indian battalions: 9th Bhopal Infantry, 57th (Wilde's) Rifles (Frontier Force), and the 129th The Duke of Connaught's Own Baluchis. In addition, the Brigade had one British Regular Army Battalion, the 1st Battalion Connaught Rangers. This book explains how one Brigade coped with the task they had been given while relating it to the struggle of the Indian Corps as a whole to adjust its strategy and tactics in a European War.

The Indian Corps mobilized in August 1914 and embarked for France the following month. Such was the haste of the Ferozepore Brigade's mobilization and the anomalies which had been allowed to exist with its organization and equipment that the Brigade's composition had to be reorganized during the lengthy voyage.

Once in Europe, the problems of feeding, equipping, caring, and commanding the Brigade all taxed the administration of the BEF. The differing dietary requirements which the various racial and religious groups, the lack of modern equipment such as trench mortars, and particular medical needs also challenged the British officers attached to the Brigade's battalions -- most of whom were equally unused to northwest European conditions.

The paternal relationship between officers and men in the Indian battalions was a great strength but was to prove a weakness when British officers, who were familiars and understood their men, sustained casualties and had to be replaced with substitutes who struggled to fill the gap. It was assumed that the Indians could not fight efficiently without British officers in command. This volume also explores how true this assumption really was.

The Indian Corps had indeed arrived in 'the nick of time'. The BEF was exhausted and was hanging on having been engaged along the entire length of its sector. Consequently, Indian Brigades went straight to the front where they fought with great gallantly in very unfamiliar surroundings. 1 vol, 210 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late April 2023 ......$45.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-57040 Spagnoly, Tony and Smith, Ted PLUGSTREET:Cameos of the Western Front-South Ypres Illustrated accounts of the Ypres Salient, b/w maps/photos, biblio. 1 vol, 160 pgs 1997 LONDON, LEO COOPER BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$17.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-218730 Staff, Gary BATTLE OF THE BALTIC ISLANDS 1917: Triumph of the Imperial German Navy In late 1917, the Russians, despite the revolution, were still willing to continue the war against Germany. This is an account of Operation Albion, the highly-successful seaborne operation launched by the Germans to change their minds. The Baltic Islands were pivotal for the defense of the Finnish Gulf and St. Petersburg, so their capture was essential for any campaign towards the Russian capital. Only after the fall of the islands did Russia begin peace negotiations (freeing nearly half a million German soldiers for the Kaiser's last gamble on the Western Front). This then was a campaign of great significance for the war on both Eastern and Western fronts.

A large part of the High Sea Fleet took part in the invasion of the Baltic islands, including the most modern dreadnought battleships. The Russians mounted a resolute defense despite being heavily outgunned and over a ten day period there were many naval clashes around the islands as well as the campaign ashore, all of which are described in detail with the use of both Russian and German first-hand accounts. Includes 40 black and white illustrations and 14 maps. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2018 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available early December 2018 ......$23.00 with a discount of 15%

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2-212020 Staff. Gary SKAGERRAK: The Battle of Jutland Through German Eyes On 31 May 1916, the German High Seas Fleet clashed with the Royal Navy in the North Sea. The ensuing Battle of Jutland, known to the Germans as the Skaggerak Battle (der Skagerrakschlacht), was the most significant naval action of WWI. Although not tactically decisive, the strategic result was that British naval supremacy in the North Sea went unchallenged for the rest of the war and the blockade of Germany remained in place. The timeline is fleshed out with eyewitness accounts from the crews of the German ships. By cross-referencing both German and British official records and accounts, it establishes the most coherent narrative of the battle possible. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb edition, available late January 2023 ......$27.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-236030 Stanley, Peter TERRIERS IN INDIA: British Territorials 1914-19 Describes the 50,000 British Territorials -- pre-war citizen soldiers formed into home defense units -- who volunteered for service in India during the Great War in order to release regular troops for France. The 41 Territorial battalions saw active service in India, Mesopotamia, Frontier campaigns, Aden, and in the Third Anglo-Afghan war of 1919.

Discusses training, how they responded to India and its people (often sensitively), and their participation in the most dramatic upheaval in British India since the 1857 Mutiny. Offers is a rich mix of social and military history, ranging from cantonment bungalows, bazaars, and brothels to sangers on the Frontier, tragic actions on the Tigris, and other battles in which the Terriers played a full part. Includes 54 b/w photos, 9 b/w ills, and 8 maps. 1 vol, 372 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early March 2023 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-208130 Stark, Rudolf; Translated by Claud W. Sykes WINGS OF WAR: An Airman's Diary of the Last Year of the War A rare day-to-day account by a young German squadron leader in Jagdstaffel 35 during the grim last year of WWI. Originally published in 1933, it provides minute descriptions of kills, losses, and the Germans' step-by-step retreat in the face of increasingly overwhelming Allied forces in the air.

Brutally honest and vividly written, Stark's account of the end-game of the Imperial German Army Air Service provides an intimate, front-row glimpse of the death-throes of a once feared corps. This book also contains reproductions of some of the author's paintings depicting life on the Western Front. 1 vol, 228 pgs 2015 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available mid April 2015 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-57160 Stedman, Michael BATTLEGROUND EUROPE WW1:La Boisselle-Somme Battle and battlefield described with maps/illust. 1 vol, 144 pgs 1998 LONDON, LEO COOPER BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$17.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-57170 Stedman, Michael BATTLEGROUND EUROPE WW1:Thiepval-Somme Battle and battlefield described with maps/illust. 1 vol, 144 pgs 1998 LONDON, LEO COOPER BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$17.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-206310 Stejskal, James THE HORNS OF THE BEAST: The Swakop River Campaign and World War I in South-West Africa 1914-15 In December of 1914, veteran Boer commander General Louis Botha landed his forces on the coast of German South West Africa to finish off the colony's Schutztruppe defenders. In August, the South Africans had started off badly with a disastrous battle at Sandfontein and an internal rebellion that could have torn the Union of South Africa apart. Botha's campaign would eventually lead to victory, but it would not be easy.

Overshadowed and largely forgotten by the battles in Europe, this was one of the more distant and now almost forgotten episodes of World War I. But from August 1914 to July 1915, a small German force of 4,000 faced nearly 75,000 Allied troops of the Union of South Africa, Britain, and colonial Rhodesia in a fight that was pivotal in the history of southern Africa. This loss on the battlefield would cost Germany her most prized African possession and prove to be an important milestone in the history of the country that would eventually become Namibia.

Britain was so concerned about the threat the German protectorate of South West Africa posed to the Empire that it requested its dominion, the Union of South Africa, occupy the territory's ports and destroy its powerful wireless stations. South African leaders were eager to take on this 'urgent Imperial service' to expand their own territory. When the Germans capitulated nearly a year later, it was the first Allied victory of the war and a rallying point for the United Kingdom. It was a terrible place to fight a war. Invading troops wondered why anyone would want to live in the place, let alone fight over it. Vast deserts barred easy entry to the country; the bones of animals and humans scattered across the surface attested to their lethal nature.

The South Africans had to feed and water over 100,000 horses and oxen where little fodder existed and after the Germans had sabotaged many of the water points. Meanwhile, the Germans were looking over their shoulders as the native peoples they had long mistreated tried to settle old scores through ambushes and sniping.

Using primary sources, on the ground research, and accurate maps and charts of the battles, the author sheds new light on the operations of the South African Army in its first foreign war and the Schutztruppe defense of German South West Africa. The book also demonstrates the terrible cost of miscalculations by politicians and military leaders on both sides. 1 vol, 140 pgs 2014 UK, HELION
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-217890 Stejskal, James MASTERS OF MAYHEM: Lawrence of Arabia and the British Military Mission to the Hejaz T. E. Lawrence was one of the earliest practitioners of modern unconventional warfare. His tactics and strategies were used by men like Mao and Giap in their wars of liberation. Both kept Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom close at hand. This book looks at the creation of the HEDGEHOG force, the formation of armored car sections and other units, and focuses on the Hejaz Operations Staff, the Allied officers and men who took Lawrence's idea and prosecuted it against the Ottoman Turkish army assisting Field Marshal Allenby to achieve victory in 1918.

Includes an examination of how HEDGEHOG has influenced special operations and unconventional warfare, including Field Marshal Wavell, the Long Range Desert Group, and David Stirling's SAS. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2018 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available early Septmeber 2018 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-211590 Stephen Pope THE FIRST TANK CREWS: The Lives of the Tankmen Who Fought at the Battle of Flers Courcelette - 15 September 1916 Drawing on official records, contemporary newspaper reports, and family memories, provides insight into the tankmen who took the first tanks into action on the Somme battlefield in September 1916. Covers their recruitment, scant training, rapid deployment, and their premature use in battle in the first use of tanks on the battlefield. He then traces their inter-connected lives over the next two years as tanks played a key role in the defeat of the Germany Army in 1918. He also reveals the story of their return to civilian life and their often difficult struggle to build a family life. Includes 100 b/w photos and 16 color maps. 1 vol, 400 pgs 2016 UK, HELION
NEW-dj, available late June 2016 ......$70.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-235850 Steward, Roger RECLAIMING THE SALIENT: Resurrecting the Great War Battlegrounds of Flanders Fields Tells the remarkable story of the post-Great War clean up of the Ypres Salient. Covers two specific subjects: the recovery of ammunition and the recovery of human remains. Covers from the early days after the war, when official military teams were present salvaging whatever they could, through the years after their departure the book, gives a detailed insight into the first truly industrial worldwide conflict and the incredible amounts of raw materials and human lives it consumed in its wake.

Each year the Belgian bomb disposal units recover an average of 250 tons of Great War munitions from the fields of Flanders. Unfortunately, munitions are not the only thing recovered on a regular basis. Each year the farmer's plow or construction work will reveal the mortal remains of missing soldiers. Details the recovery, potential identification, and reburial process of the remains of the fallen. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid February 2023 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-214330 Stone, David THE KAISER'S ARMY: The German Army in World War One Describes and analyzes every aspect of the German Army as it existed under Kaiser Wilhelm II, encompassing its development and antecedents, organization, personnel, weapons, and equipment, inherent strengths and weaknesses, and victories and defeats as it fought on many fronts throughout World War I. Color plate section with photos and illustrations and black and white section with photos.

The book offers considerable detail on the origins and creation of the German army, examining the structure of power in German politics and wider society and the nation's imperial ambitions, along with the ways in which the high command and general staff functioned in terms of strategy and tactical doctrine. Stone examines the nature, background, recruitment, training, and military experiences of the officers, NCOs, and soldiers, as well as personal and collective values relating to honor, loyalty, and conscience.

Also gives the context with an overview of the army at war, covering the key actions and outcomes of major campaigns from 1914 to 1918 up to the signature of the Armistice at Compiegne. 1 vol, 512 pgs 2015 US, CONWAY
NEW-dj ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-207760 Stone, David R THE RUSSIAN ARMY IN THE GREAT WAR: The Eastern Front, 1914-1917 This book corrects widespread misperceptions of the WWI Russian Army and the war in the east even as it deepens and extends our understanding of the broader conflict by offering a more judicious view of Russia's war on the home front as well as on the front lines.

Of the four empires at war by the end of 1914 - the Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, German, and Russian - none survived. But specific political, social, and economic weaknesses shaped the way Russia collapsed and returned as a radically new Soviet regime. One key and fateful difference in the Russian experience emerges here: its failure to systematically and comprehensively reorganize its society for war, while the three westernmost powers embarked on programs of total mobilization.

Context is also vital to understanding the particular rhythm of the war in the east. Drawing on recent and newly available scholarship in Russian and in English, Stone offers a nuanced account of Russia's military operations, concentrating on the uninterrupted sequence of campaigns in the first 18 months of war. The eastern empires' race to collapse underlines the critical importance of contingency in the complete story of World War I. Precisely when and how Russia lost the war was influenced by the structural strengths and weaknesses of its social and economic system, but also by the outcome of events on the battlefield.
1 vol, 368 pgs 2015 US, UNIVERSITY PRESS OF KANSAS
NEW-dj, available late March 2015 ......$40.00

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1-245260 Storey, Neil THE KING'S MEN: The Sandringham Company and Norfolk Regiment Territorial Battalions, 1914-1918 Examines the usage of the Norfolk Regiment and the Sandringham Company in World War I. The latter was the only unit to be raised entirely from a Royal Estate, and tragically the company, along with King George V's agent Captain Beck, disappeared without trace on August 12, 1915. The battalion was rebuilt and participated in the ill-fated Gallipoli Campaign, being evacuated to Egypt in December 1915. Thereafter, the Norfolks served with distinction in Palestine as part of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force. Explores the history of these battalions' distinguished service using contemporary records and personal accounts. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid July 2024 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-203590 Strohn, Matthias WORLD WAR I COMPANION World War I changed the face of the 20th century. For four long years the major European powers, later joined by America, fought in a life or death struggle that would topple the crowned heads of Europe and redraw the map of the Continent. It was a conflict unparalleled in its scale, which in turn fueled devastatingly rapid developments in military technology, technique and innovation as the belligerent powers sought to break the deadlock on the Western Front and elsewhere.

In the centenary of the outbreak of the conflict, 14 renowned historians from around the world examine some of the key aspects of the war, providing a wide-ranging analysis of the whole conflict beyond but including the stalemate in the trenches of the Western Front. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2013 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid November 2013 ......$28.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-217110 Strohn, Matthias 1918: Winning the War, Losing the War In 2018, the world will be commemorating the centenary of the end of the First World War. In many ways, 1918 was the most dramatic year of the conflict. After the defeat of Russia in 1917, the Germans were able to concentrate their forces on the Western Front for the first time in the war, and the German offensives launched from March 1918 onward brought the Western Allies close to defeat. Having stopped the German offensives, the Entente started its counterattacks on all fronts with the assistance of fresh US troops, driving the Germans back, and, by November 1918, the Central Powers had been defeated.

This new study is a multi-author work containing ten chapters by historians of WWI from around the world. It provides an overview and analysis of the different levels of war for each of the main armies involved within the changing context of the reality of warfare in 1918. It also looks in detail at the war at sea and in the air, and considers the aftermath and legacy of the war. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2018 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid May 2018 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-211080 Strohn, Matthias editor THE BATTLE OF THE SOMME COMPANION Comprises 12 articles focusing on key aspects of the British, French, and German forces and overall strategic and tactical impacts of the battle.

* The Context of the Somme
* Attrition or Annihilation?
* French Strategy in 1916 and the Battle of the Somme
* Air War over the Somme
* The British Army's Operations on the Somme
* Trial and Error: the Dominion forces
* French Generalship on the Somme
* The Road to Modern Combined Arms Warfare
* British Tactical Practice During the Somme Campaign
* The German Army at War
* The Evolution of French Tactics 1914-16
* The Long Shadows of the Somme 1 vol, 288 pgs 2016 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid April 2016 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-195700 Strong, Paul and Sanders Marble Artillery in the Great War Artillery was central to the tactics of the belligerent nations throughout the long course of the conflict, in attack and in defense. They describe, in vivid detail, how in theory and practice the use of artillery developed in different ways among the opposing armies, and they reveal how artillery men on all sides coped with the extraordinary challenges that confronted them on the battlefield. They also give graphic accounts of the role played by artillery in specific operations, including the battles of Le Cateau, the Somme, and Valenciennes. 6 x 9 inches with 30 illustrations. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2011 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-199560 Sulzbach, Herbert WITH THE GERMAN GUNS - Four Years on the Western Front At once harrowing and lighthearted, Sulzbach's exceptional diary has been highly praised since its original publication in Germany in 1935. With the reprint of this classic account of trench warfare it records the pride and exhilaration of what to him was the fight for a just cause. It is one of the very few available records of an ordinary German soldier during the First World War.

'One of the most notable books on the Great War. It is a book which finely expressed the true soldierly spirit on its highest level; the combination of a high sense of duty, courage, fairness and chivalry. -- Sir Basil Liddell Hart. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2012 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-pb, available early September 2012 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-51320 Sulzbach, Herbert WITH THE GERMAN GUNS 1914-1918 The author spent four years on the western front. This is one of the few accounts by a ordinary soldier. Includes black/white illustrations. 6x9-inch format. 1 vol, 256 pgs 1998 LONDON, LEO COOPER BOOKS
NEW-dj, limited quantity available ......$40.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-199570 Sumner, Ian THEY SHALL NOT PASS - The French Army on the Western Front 1914-1918 This graphic collection of first-hand accounts sheds new light on the experiences of the French army during the Great War. It reveals in authentic detail the perceptions and emotions of soldiers and civilians who were caught up in the most destructive conflict the world had ever seen. Their testimony gives a striking insight into the mentality of the troops and their experience of combat, their emotional ties to their relatives at home, their opinions about their commanders and their fellow soldiers, the appalling conditions and dangers they endured, and their attitude to their German enemy.

In their own words, in diaries, letters, reports and memoirs - most of which have never been published in English before - they offer a fascinating inside view of the massive life-and-death struggle that took place on the Western Front. In effect, the reader is carried through the experience of each phase of the war on the Western Front and sees events as soldiers and civilians saw them at the time. This emphasis on eyewitness accounts provides an approach to the subject that is completely new for an English-language publication. The author's pioneering work will appeal to readers who may know something about the British and German armies on the Western Front, but little about the French army which bore the brunt of the fighting on the allied side. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2012 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj, available early September 2012 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-219480 Sumner, Ian THE FRENCH ARMY ON THE SOMME 1916: Images of War Series So much has been written about the 1916 Battle of the Somme that it might appear that every aspect of the four-month struggle has been described and analyzed in exhaustive detail. Yet perhaps one aspect has not received the attention it deserves - the French sector in the south of the battlefield which is often overshadowed by events in the British sector further north.

Using a selection of over 200 wartime photographs, many of which have not been published before, he follows the entire course of the battle from the French point of view. The photographs show the build-up to the Somme offensive, the logistics involved, the key commanders, the soldiers as they prepared to go into action and the landscape over which the battle took place. Equally close coverage is given to the fighting during each phase of the offensive - the initial French advances, the mounting German resistance and the terrible casualties the French incurred.

The photographs are especially important in that they record the equipment and weapons that were used, the clothing the men wore and the conditions in which they fought, and they provide us with a visual insight into the realities of battle over a hundred years ago. They also document some of the most famous sites on the battlefield before they were destroyed in the course of the fighting, including villages like Gommecourt, Pozieres, La Boiselle, and Thiepval. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2019 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available mid March 2019 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-199670 Sutherland, Jonathan and Canwell, Diane Carnage - The German Front in World War One - Images of War Series Photographs originate from German collection. They cover the full gamut of the dreadful conditions that all troops involved in that ghastly war experienced between 1914 and 1918. The collection portrays life and conditions in the German trenches, the carnage of the wrecked villages and buildings in which they lived and fought and views of the destruction wrought by the Allied offensives. Many of the photos show downed British and French aircraft and often with their crew, dead or alive. Captured British and French troops are seen being held before shipment to PoW camps well behind the lines. The utter destruction of the country surrounding the Front is difficult to comprehend. 7.5 x 9.5 inches, 144 pages, 120 b/w illustrations. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2012 UK, Pen and Sword
NEW-softcover, available mid September 2012 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-226580 Taylor, Blaine TEUTONIC TITANS: Hindenburg, Ludendorff, and the Kaiser's Military Elite Illustrated with over 500 images of German Emperor Wilhelm II's WWI marshals and generals, emphasizing their lives, careers, battles, and campaigns across all fronts. Includes maps, cartoons, and graphics, plus descriptions of strategies, tactics, weapons, statistics on all losses, and results. Period cartoons add to the vast array of photographic sources worldwide: United States National Archives and Library of Congress (Washington and College Park, Maryland), Imperial War Museum London, Bundesarchiv, Bonn, and also His Majesty's own albums at Doorn House, Holland, many of them previously unpublished.

German Crown Prince Wilhelm and Bavarian Crown Prince Rupprecht, all German Chiefs of General Staff and War Ministers are detailed as well, plus all top Allied leaders and commanders: Woodrow Wilson, John J. Pershing, David Lloyd George, King George V, Sir Douglas Haig, and Sir John French among them, Tsar Nicholas II, Grand Duke Michael, Frenchmen Henri Petain, Joffre, Foch, and Weygand, as well as those of Serbia, Italy, Greece, Rumania, and Bulgaria.
1 vol, 352 pgs 2021 UK, FONTHILL MEDIA
NEW-dj, available late February 2021 ......$55.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-246360 Taylor, Colin SOLDIERS AND GENTLEMEN: A History of the University and Public Schools Brigade of the Royal Fusiliers 1914-1918 Recounts the Great War history of four unusual infantry units: 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st (Service) Battalions of the Royal Fusiliers. Recruited from former university students and public school boys who chose to serve as 'gentleman rankers' rather than officers, these units were dismissed as 'Chocolate Soldiers' or 'rotten men'. Re-examines their reputation and effectiveness by examination of a considerable number of primary and secondary sources including over thirty first-hand accounts, both published and unpublished. The latter provide a unique insight into the lives and deaths of those who served, training particulars, active service routine, and combat experience. The motivations and perspectives of the so-called 'gentleman rankers' and their transition into commissioned officers are also thoroughly explored. Contains 100 black and white photos and drawings, 12 black and white maps, and numerous tables. 1 vol, 538 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early October 2024 ......$80.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-192690 Terraine, John Mons: The Retreat to Victory The Battle of Mons takes its place in the history of the British army beside Corunna and Dunkirk. Initially, all three were defeats, saved from disaster by the courage of the soldiers and the skill of some of the commanders in the field, and paving the way to great feats of arms and final success. In the context of the whole of the First World War, Mons was a small scale affair; comparatively short in duration, involving divisions rather than armies, and resulting in casualties that were light indeed by the standard of later battles of attrition. But, especially from the British viewpoint, its importance was crucial, partly because it was the first time for close on a hundred years that a British Army had been engaged in warfare on the continent of Europe, and partly because that army passed straight form the dejection of defeat to the exhilaration of the Battle of the Marne - one of the decisive battles of the War.

6 x 9 1 vol, 224 pgs 2010 UK, PEN & SWORD BOOKS
NEW-softcover ......$26.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-198370 Torrey, Glenn E THE ROMANIAN BATTLEFRONT IN WORLD WAR I (42) b/w photos and (17) b/w maps. Torrey details how, by the end of 1916, the armies of the Central Powers, led by German generals Falkenhayn and Mackensen, had administered a crushing defeat and occupied two-thirds of Romanian territory, but at the cost of diverting substantial military forces they needed on other fronts. The Allies, especially the Russians, were forced to do likewise in order to prevent Romania from collapsing completely.

Torrey presents the most authoritative account yet of the heavy fighting during the 1916 campaign and of the renewed attempt by Austro-German forces, including the elite Alpine Corps, to subdue the Romanian Army in the summer of 1917. This latter campaign, highlighted here but ignored in non-Romanian accounts, witnessed reorganized and rearmed Romanian soldiers, with help from a disintegrating Russian Army, administer a stunning defeat of their enemies. However, as Torrey also shows, amidst the chaos of the Russian Revolution the Central Powers forced Romania to sign a separate peace early in 1918. Ultimately, this allowed the Romanian Army to reenter the war and occupy the majority of the territory promised in 1916.

Torrey's unparalleled familiarity with archival and secondary sources and his long experience with the subject give authority and balance to his account of the military, strategic, diplomatic, and political events on both sides of the battlefront. In addition, his use of personal memoirs provides vivid insights into the human side of the war. Major military leaders in the Second World War, especially Ion Antonescu and Erwin Rommel, made their careers during the First World War and play a prominent role in his book. 1 vol, 440 pgs 2012 US, UNIVERSITY PRESS OF KANSAS
NEW-hardback ......$70.00

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1-213210 Tucker-Jones, Anthony ARMOURED WARFARE IN THE FIRST WORLD WAR: Images of War In a selection of over 150 archive photographs he offers a fascinating insight into the difficult early days of this innovative new weapon, describing its technical history and its performance in combat. While the Battle of Cambrai in 1917 is often held up as the first large-scale tank battle, tanks had already served at Flers-Courcelette on the Somme, during the Nivelle offensive and the battles of Messines and Passchendaele.

His book shows that the development of the tank was fraught with technical obstacles and battlefield setbacks. It was invented by the British and the French at almost the same time to help break the deadlock of trench warfare, and the British deployed it first in 1916. Belatedly the Germans followed the British and French example. The initial designs were continuously refined during two years of intense warfare. Finding the right balance between power and weight, getting the armament right, and working out the best tactics for tanks on the battlefield was a tricky, often deadly business. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2017 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-198380 Tunstall, Graydon A. BLOOD ON THE SNOW: The Carpathian Winter War of 1915 The Carpathian campaign of 1915, described by some as the 'Stalingrad of the First World War,' engaged the million-man armies of Austria-Hungary and Russia in fierce winter combat that drove them to the brink of annihilation. Habsburg forces fought to rescue 130,000 Austro-Hungarian soldiers trapped by Russian troops in Fortress Przemysl, but the campaign was waged under such adverse circumstances that it produced six times as many casualties as the number besieged. It remains one of the least understood and most devastating chapters of the war-a horrific episode only glimpsed previously but now vividly restored to the annals of history by Graydon Tunstall.

The campaign, consisting of three separate and ultimately doomed offensives, was the first example of 'total war' conducted in a mountainous terrain, and it prepared the way for the great battle of Gorlice-Tarnow. Habsburg troops under Conrad von H?tzendorf faced those of General Nikolai Ivanov, which together totaled more than two million soldiers. None of the participants were psychologically or materially prepared to engage in prolonged winter mountain warfare, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers suffered from frostbite or succumbed to the 'White Death.'

Tunstall reconstructs the brutal environment - heavy snow, ice, dense fog, and frigid winds - to depict fighting in which a man lasted on average between five to six weeks before he was killed, wounded, captured, or committed suicide. Meanwhile, soldiers warmed rifles over fires to make them operable and slaughtered thousands of horses just to ward off starvation.

This riveting depiction of the Carpathian Winter War is the first book-length account of that vicious campaign, as well as the first English-language account of Eastern Front military operations in World War I in more than thirty years. Based on exhaustive research in Vienna's and Budapest's War Archives, Tunstall's gripping narrative incorporates material drawn from eyewitness accounts, personal diaries, army logbooks, and correspondence among members of the high command. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2012 US, UNIVERSITY PRESS OF KANSAS
NEW-dj ......$40.00

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1-204480 Uffindell, Andrew THE MARNE 1914: A Battlefield Guide Fought outside Paris in September 1914, the First Battle of the Marne was one of the most pivotal battles in history that turned the tide of the German invasion of France and robbed Kaiser Wilhelm II of his best chance of winning the World War I.

This guidebook includes a gripping account of the battle, followed by a series of easy-to-follow tours of the battlefield. Each tour covers a particular sector in detail, using vivid eyewitness accounts to reveal what the fighting was like for the men in the front line.

It gives directions to dozens of museums, cemeteries, and monuments, including the memorials to the famous 'taxis of the Marne'. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2013 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-softcover, available late January 2014 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-COM1035 Uhlmann, Kirk Ypres The game illustrates the evolution of tactics during WWI. In time, gas wafts across the battlefield, unit statistics change to show better performance while dispersed, a new method of tactical command and control emerges, mortars pop up like mushrooms after the rain, and artillery becomes more responsive. In addition to short, standalone scenarios, RPC has a campaign mechanism so players can link a series of interdependent scenarios to simulate battles that spanned days, and nights. During these campaigns, the results of one scenario affect the start of another so conservation of force, supply lines, and replacements all become issues. Players will get a sense of slogging forward in yards per day - at great cost - as they plot days of grinding combat.

Product Information
Complexity: 6 out of 10
Solitaire suitability: 8 out of 10
Time Scale: 10 minutes per turn
Map Scale: 200 yards per hex
Unit Scale: Companies, squadrons, sections 1 vol, 1 pgs 2015 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box o/p, only one (1) available, first come first served ......$75.00 with a discount of 20% rct

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1-COM1037 Uhlmann, Kirk THE LAMPS ARE GOING OUT: World War I -- 2nd Edition Wargame Simulates World War I (Aug 1914-Nov 1918) at the grand strategic level. Many of the economic and military factors have been simplified to make game play as easy as possible, while still accurately portraying the balance of forces, strategies, constraints and ultimately the grand decision-making involved.

The core of the game is the conducting of movement and offensives of field armies in an attempt to deplete, breakthrough, and force retreats of enemy armies to gain territory and/or eliminate opposing forces. Mobilizing new armies and supplying depleted armies requires the allocation of Production Points, a scarce commodity that varies from nation to nation and represents the industrial capacity for war as well as the manpower, logistical capacity, and training of each country's military. Event cards for each of the four game factions provide for political developments, leadership, friction, and military developments particular to the nations involved. Technology cards allow players to invest in and research advances along several branches.


* 1 22x34-inch Mounted Map
* 176 5/8-inch counters
* 100 Event Cards
* 20 Technology Cards
* 2 Player Aid sheets
* 1 Rules booklet 1 vol, 1 pgs 2021 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box ......$75.00 with a discount of 30%

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1-195100 Ulrich, Bernd and Ziemann, Benjamin GERMAN SOLDIERS IN THE GREAT WAR: Letters and Eyewitness Accounts This vivid selection of first-hand accounts and other wartime documents sheds new light on the experiences of German frontline soldiers during the First World War. It reveals in authentic detail the perceptions and emotions of ordinary soldiers that have been covered up by the smokescreen of official wartime propaganda with its talk of 'heroism' and 'patriotic sacrifice.'

Over 200 mostly archival documents are featured in the selection, including wartime letters, military dispatches and orders, extracts from diaries, newspaper articles and booklets, medical reports and photographs. This fascinating primary source material provides the first comprehensive insight into the German frontline experiences of the Great War published in English. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2011 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-206460 Ulrichsenm Kristian Caotes THE FIRST WORLD WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST This military and social history covers the clash of world empires in the Dardanelles, Egypt and Palestine, Mesopotamia, Persia, and the Caucasus. It describes and assesses the major campaigns against the Ottoman Empire and Germany involving British and imperial troops from the French and Russian Empires, as well as their Arab and Armenian allies.

Also documented are the enormous logistical demands placed on host societies by the Great Powers' conduct of industrialized warfare in hostile terrain. The resulting deepening of imperial penetration, and the extension of state controls across a heterogeneous sprawl of territories, generated a powerful backlash both during and immediately after the war, which played a pivotal role in shaping national identities as the Ottoman Empire was dismembered.

This is a multidimensional account of the many seemingly discrete yet interlinked campaigns that resulted in one to one and a half million casualties. It details not just their military outcome but relates them to intelligence-gathering, industrial organization, authoritarianism and the political economy of empires at war. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2014 US, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-211260 Uyar, Mesut THE OTTOMAN DEFENCE AGAINST THE ANZAC LANDING The landing at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915 represents a defining moment, not only for Australia and New Zealand, but also for Turkey. This offers a detailed account of the landing from the Turkish perspective with descriptions of the Ottoman forces such as the composition of units, the men who commanded them, their weapons, capabilities, and reactions to the ANZAC invasion have generally remained undocumented or described in piecemeal fashion based on secondary sources.

This meticulously researched volume describes the Ottoman Army in fascinating detail from its order of battle, unit structure and composition, training, and doctrine to the weapons used against the ANZACs. Using Ottoman military documents, regimental war diaries, personal accounts, and memoirs, author Mesut Uyar describes the unfolding campaign, unraveling its complexity and resolving many of the questions that have dogged accounts for a century. Detailed maps and photographs published for the first time add clarity and portray many of the men the ANZACs referred to with grudging respect as 'Johnny Turk.' 1 vol, 188 pgs 2016 AUSTRALIA, BIG SKY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available late April 2016 ......$17.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-210110 Uys, Ian HOLD AT ALL COSTS! The Epic Battle of Delville Wood 1916 Wood in the Somme was the most famous battle ever fought by South Africans. Through this action other nations learnt to respect the fighting qualities of the men from the fledgling Union of South Africa. Erstwhile foes, Boer and Briton, fought shoulder to shoulder against the pride of the German Army. They withstood waves of attacking infantrymen; were subjected to savage artillery fire which reached a crescendo of seven shells a second, pulverizing the wood and obliterating the defenses; then fought hand to hand until overrun; threw back the enemy; and fought on with unbelievable tenacity. Includes 120 b/w maps and illustrations.

The bone-weary survivors defended the wood through five days and six nights of hell, eventually being forced into a corner of the wood. The orders were to hold on at all costs - and this they did despite appalling casualties. The saga of Delville Wood will never be forgotten by South Africa, yet the story of the battle, told through the eyes of the participants was never fully documented - accounts read like fiction, yet are wholly true.

We learn about youngsters from the plains of Southern Africa who earned the admiration of their enemy. After being shelled for eight hours they stood up from the mud to repel fresh assaults. We read of the Victoria Cross won through rescuing a wounded officer under fire; a man blown up and buried who continued on to deliver his message and earn the DCM; the officer who was captured then knocked out his guard to return to the fighting; the colonel who fought like a private with rifle and mills bombs; and many more.

The Germans' experiences are also chronicled. Extracts from their regimental histories paint a picture of their dogged determination to retake the wood. Their order was that the enemy was not to advance except over corpses! The author interviewed many of the South African survivors, now long gone, and has visited the wood on many occasions during the past 33 years. The trilogy of books he wrote on the battle has been combined into a riveting account of 'the bloodiest battle hell of 1916.'

In 1917 The Times of London recounted, 'No battlefield on all the Western Front was more bitterly contested than was Devil's Wood ... [where] South African forces won their imperishable fame - grimly hanging on against overwhelming odds and repulsing counter attacks by troops five and six times their number. 1 vol, 216 pgs 2015 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj, available late December 2015 ......$70.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-914145 various VAE VICTIS # 145: WWI - The War to End All Wars La Der des Ders (The War to End All Wars)

When World War I broke out in August 1914, soldiers on both sides dreamed of a rapid conclusion. Unfortunately, the years that followed contained only tears and mud, horror and death. Starting as a European conflict, it quickly spread to the rest of the world. Militarily speaking, the innovations were numerous and were made possible by an industry fully committed to the war effort. As a single player or facing off against an opponent, will you succeed in taking advantage of the events that mark these four long years? Can you develop your armies faster than the enemy? Victory is not a fantasy but rather the reward for the side that can exploit every opportunity.

* Difficulty : 3/10
* Duration : 60 to 90 minutes
* Players : 1 or 2
* Strategic scale
* One game turn = 4 months

Boardgame Reviews
* Waterloo Episode 8
* Lion of Khartoum (White Dog)
* Gettysburg (C3i)
* Issy (C3i)
* Dark Sands (GMT)
* Space Corps (GMT)
* Cataclysm. (GMT)
* Heroes of Normandie le jeu de carte (Devil Pig)

* Advanced Squad Leader
* Memory 44
* Great War Commander
* Heroes of Normandie

* Cruel Seas - Combats en Mer noire 2e GM
* Shiloh 1862 - Scenarios
* Flint and Feather - Presentatione
* Team Yankee - Combats a la frontiere francaise
* Bloody Big Battles - Analyse
* Banner War - Poitiers 1356

* Les decors desert

* Les Aigles du Danube 1809 - Conseils de jeux.

Art of War
* The Great War (La Grande Guerre) 1 vol, 84 pgs 2019 FRANCE, CERIGO EDITIONS
NEW-softcover, [French text, rules also in English] ......$26.00 rct

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1-914155 various VAE VICTIS # 155 1914: Fury in the East Warame simulating the first five months of WWI in the East between Russian and Austro-German forces from the invasion of East Prussia and Galicia in mid-August to the fighting in Lodz in December, including the battles of Tannenberg, the Masurian lakes, and the Vistula.

The units represent army corps or HQs and the simulation emphasizes planning, lethality of combat, and management of reinforcements. Rules in English.

Game Info: Difficulty: 6 / 10; Solo-playability: 7 / 10; One turn: 15 days; Scale: One hexagon = 50 km
1 vol, 84 pgs 2021 FRANCE, CERIGO EDITIONS
NEW-softcover ......$28.00 rct

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1-914156 various VAE VICTIS # 156 Warburg 1760 Boardgames

Beneath the Med
Storms in the West
The Lost Valley
Almost a Miracle
All bridges burning
Rostov 1941

Advanced Squad Leader
Memory 44


Les Hussites
World of tanks
Lasalle 2
scenarios Balade au Hanovre (VV 150)
Jouer Fran?ais moderne
Epic Secession
L'art de la guerre v4

Bouvines par le jeu
Extension La Fronde pour Les guerres du Roi Soleil

Art of war
July?1760. The Coalition army commanded by Ferdinand of Brunswick falls back in the face of the French army, commanded by Broglie. To cut off the retreat of the Coalition, the Chevalier du?Muy is sent north across the Diemel toward Warburg. Meanwhile, the German troops cross farther east at Liebenau. Du?Muy deploys his army alongside the Diemel with its back to the river. Thanks to a turning movement masked by light troops of the British Legion and the mist of the morning, the troops commanded by the Hereditary Prince and Sporcken position themselves on the French left flank. At 13.00 this 31 July, the British and Hanoverian grenadiers appear at the rear of the French line, the Bourbonnais brigade counter-attacks, marking the beginning of a ferocious battle.

Warburg 1760 uses a simplified version of the rules of Corbach 1760 featured in VaeVictis 142.
One strength point =?150-200 men for the cavalry, 200-250 for the infantry
One hexagon =?250?m
One turn =?30?minutes
Difficulty =?5/10
Possibility for solo play =?6/10

1 vol, 84 pgs 2021 FRANCE, CERIGO EDITIONS
NEW-softcover ......$28.00 rct

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1-930319 various STRATEGY & TACTICS # 319: Schlieffen's War Schlieffen's War is a strategic-level two-player wargame of low-intermediate complexity that covers the first six weeks of fighting on World War I's western front in 1914. The game's sub-systems are crafted to present a supreme-commander's-eye-view of the war: it is therefore almost fully strategic in its perspective, with only the most pastel of operational undertones added to enhance historical tone and texture.

Each hex on the map represents 16 miles (26 km). Each full turn of play represents four days of real time. Units of maneuver are corps with army HQ also being represented. Static fortresses also play an important role in play. One player commands the German forces. The other player commands the Entente forces (Belgian, British, and French) which are allied with each other, in opposition to the Germans.

Components: One 22x34-inch map and 176 counters . 1 vol, 84 pgs 2019 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-dj, available mid September 2019 ......$40.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-930331 various STRATEGY & TACTICS # 331: On to Baghdad! WWI Wargame On to Baghdad! is an operational-strategic level, two-player wargame covering the campaign in Mesopotamia and Persia in World War I. Players control either the Allies representing the British-Indian, Russians pro-Allied Persians, Kuwaitis, and pro-Allied Partisans or the Central Powers representing the Ottoman Turks (or Turks), Germans, Austro-Hungarian, pro-CP Persians, and pro-CP Partisans. The Allied objective is to gain strategic control of Mesopotamia and Persia, including oil resources and critical cities. The Central Powers objective is to retain control and threaten British interests in the Persian Gulf and India Each hex on the map represents 35 kilometers. Each turn represents six months. Ground units are mostly divisions, with breakdowns. Air units are mainly squadrons. Partisans represent groups of guerrillas.

Components: One 22x34-inch map, 176 counters, and magazine. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2021 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover, available late August 2021 ......$50.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-930337 various STRATEGY & TACTICS # 337: Caporetto: The Italian Front 1917-1918 Two-player wargame of the last year of the Italian Front, from the Central Powers' offensive of the Fall of 1917 until the end of the war in October 1918. In this game, both players command two powerful but fragile forces: the armies of Italy and Austria-Hungary that, in the last year of the war, were at the end of their tethers. Each game turn represents 1 month. Each hexagon is 10 kilometers from side to opposite side. Units are divisions, brigades, or equivalents.

Components: One 22 x 34-inch game map, 228 9/16-inch counters, and magazine. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2022 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-pb, available late October 2022 ......$50.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-930343 various STRATEGY & TACTICS # 343: Operation Albion 1917-18 Operation Albion: Germany versus Russia in the Baltic, 1917-1918 is a two-player operational wargame of the campaign in which the Germans captured the city of Riga and took critical islands in an amphibious operation. Operation Albion in part led to the collapse of the Russian Provisional Government and brought the final German victory in the East. The campaign was one of the few joint land-naval-air operations of World War I.

Albion is a combined naval-air-land campaign. Players conduct actions which encompass discrete combat, logistical, intelligence, and other operations. A player can conduct one or more actions per turn. All units in the game use a similar combat system, showing the interaction of naval, air, and land forces.

Each game turn represents from one day to one month depending on the pace of operations. A player may take multiple actions each GT. One inch on the map represents 40 kilometers. Ground units represent regiments, brigades, and divisions, or equivalent formations. Aircraft units represent squadrons. Ship units represent divisions of one to three battleships or battlecruisers, four to eight other cruisers, flotillas of twelve to twenty destroyers, or various numbers of other ships types. The game also includes the post-Albion German intervention in the Finnish Civil War of 1919.

Components: One 22 x 34-inch game map, 176 5/8-inch counters, and magazine. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2023 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$50.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-938002 Various S&T QUARTERLY # 2: America in World War I America in World War I: In April 1917, the United States entered World War I and the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) proved decisive in the ensuing Allied victory on the Western Front. Yet, a mere 10 years prior the US military was woefully unprepared for war.

How did America build a war winning military that deployed tanks, airplanes, and cutting edge combat divisions? This issue tells the story of the rise of American military doctrine in the late 19th century, the Spanish-American War, and the Herculean efforts to build a modern military. It also shows how the AEF fought and won big battles on the front lines of one of the greatest wars in history, as well as establishing the foundations for the US military that triumphed in World War II and remains a major force on today's global scene.

This issue includes analysis, maps, orders of battle, descriptions of weapons, and biographies of notable military figures such as John Pershing, Billy Mitchell, the young George Patton, and Homer Lea. Includes a map poster. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2018 CA, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover, available early May 2018 ......$15.00 with a discount of 25%

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1-DG1404 Various OPERATION OLYMPIC & CORONET: Wargame Olympic & Coronet is a hypothetical simulation on a regiment-brigade level of the planned invasion of Japan. Olympic is the planned November 1945 invasion of Kyushu, the southernmost Japanese Home Island, while Coronet is the planned March 1946 invasion of the Tokyo Plain.

As the Japanese were committed to a strict operational plan organized around the theme of an aggressive beach defense, the basic version of Olympic & Coronet is a solitaire game in which a single player controls both opposing forces. During solitaire play, you should alternately direct each opposing force so as to maximize the ability of each to fulfill its particular victory conditions. You will have complete control over all American (US) units, while the Japanese units will be restricted by their doctrine rules. To as great a degree as possible, those prescribe how and when Japanese units move and fight. The Japanese doctrine rules fill the role of the absent Japanese player.

In addition to the basic solitaire version, rules for a two-player game, and optional rules for the solitaire and two-player versions are included.

In Olympic, the American objective is to rapidly destroy or drive all Japanese units from the extreme southern portion of Kyushu, and to do that as economically as possible in terms of American casualty points. The Japanese objective is to prevent the American objective from being attained by inflicting the greatest possible number of American casualty points and continuing to occupy and defend southern Kyushu for as long as possible.

In Coronet, the American objective is to rapidly destroy or drive all Japanese units from Tokyo and the surrounding area, and to do that as economically as possible in terms of American casualty points. The Japanese objective is to inflict the greatest possible number of American casualty points and continue to occupy and defend Tokyo and the surrounding cities and towns for as long as possible.

Game Contents: Two 34 x 22 inch maps, 560 counters, and a 32-page rules & campaign analysis booklet. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2018 CA, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover(ziplock), available early May 2018 ......$50.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-193840 Vaughan, Edwin Campion SOME DESPERATE GLORY: The Diary of a Young Officer 1917 Some Desperate Glory charts the progress of an enthusiastic and patriotic young officer who marched into battle with Palgrave's Golden Treasury in his pack. Intensely honest and revealing, his diary evokes the day-to-day minutiae of trench warfare: its constant dangers and mind-numbing routine interspersed with lyrical and sometimes comic interludes.

Vividly capturing the spirit of the officers and men at the front, the diary grows in horror and disillusionment as Vaughan's company is drawn into the carnage of Passchendaele from which, of his original 'happy little band' of 90 men, only 15 survived. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2010 UK, PEN & SWORD BOOKS
NEW-pb ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-220310 Veranneman, Jean-Michel BELGIUM IN THE GREAT WAR In August 1914, the German Empire invaded neutral Belgium in order to outflank the defenses of the French army. Unexpectedly, the Belgian army resisted and fought on, holding a small part of unoccupied Belgian territory north of Ypres, alongside the British and French armies, until the Armistice of 1918. Because of their heroic defense, Belgium and its King, Albert I enjoyed enormous international prestige after the war.

Its colonial army conquered part of German East Africa out of the Congo. Occupied Belgium suffered executions of civilians, severe destruction, and was widely stripped of its industrial infrastructure, which was one of the most developed in the world. It was saved from starvation by food shipments from the United States which came in via neutral Holland.

Belgium emerged from four and a half years of complete turmoil a different country and the experiences would have a lasting impact of its politics. Universal suffrage was introduced and the Flemish question was exacerbated. The war resulted in the abandonment of the country's neutrality policy and her claims for reparation and territory, only very partially met, were to have serious foreign policy implications. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2019 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late May 2019 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-25430 von Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul MY REMINISENCES OF EAST AFRICA The campaign for German East Africa in WWI. (22)b/w maps, illust, index. Classic account of small unit(s) effectively tying down much larger force. 1 vol, 346 pgs 1992 NASHVILLE, BATTERY PRESS
NEW-dj, o/p ......$50.00

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1-LEG2205 von Rossing, Erik ACES OF VALOR: A Solitaire Game of WWI Aerial Combat Solitaire game where you command a fighter squadron on the Western Front during World War I through a campaign of multiple missions to score as many victory points as possible to assist the war effort. You can play as the Germans, or one the Entente powers (British, French, or Americans). Each aircraft counter represents the pilot and the aircraft combined, and your squadron will have up to eight at any given time.

The player chooses the campaign's duration (8, 12, or 16 missions), and draws a card to determine the objective of each mission, which includes patrols, trench strafing, photo recon, artillery spotting, balloon busting, and bomber escort. The player's flight moves across a gridded map that is a semi-historical representation of the Western front. Anti-aircraft fire is heaviest near the trenches but can happen anywhere over enemy territory. When combat occurs, aircraft are moved to an Initiative Track for up to three rounds of combat, where pilot skill, aircraft performance, and luck all come into play to determine the outcome.

The player earns mission points by destroying enemy aircraft and ground targets, and also by escorting bomber and two-seater aircraft on successful bombing, photo reconnaissance, and artillery support missions. When the flight lands, mission points are converted to victory points or used to repair and replace aircraft as well as upgrade aircraft to newer, better models. The goal is to earn enough victory points to achieve a minor, major, or strategic victory. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 US, LEGION WARGAMES LLC
NEW-box ......$78.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-193380 Wachtler, Michael First World War in the Alps, The Tells the war in the Alps during WWI with fantastic collection of photos and extensive excerpts from diary of 18-year-old Standshutze soldier Karl Meyr. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2012 ITALY
NEW-hardcover ......$35.00

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1-196090 Wakefield, Alan and Moody, Simon UNDER THE DEVIL'S EYE: The British Military Experience in Macedonia 1915 - 18 The authors have researched the Salonika Campaign in every detail, from the arrival of the first British troops in 1915 to final victory. During this period large numbers of British and allied troops were tied up in the strategically vital Balkans. Salonika was converted into a vast military base and over 70 miles of defensive works were created.

We learn of the disappointments of the British XII Corps offensive in April/May 1917 (The First Battle of Doiran) and the more successful aggressive raiding in the Struma Valley. Using first-hand accounts, a vivid picture of life for the British Army is painted, with the roles of the Royal Flying Corps/RAF and RNAS well covered.

The campaign drew to a victorious conclusion with the defeat of the Bulgarians in 1918, but the British Salonika Army remained in place until 1921. The effect of this slow demobilization is also covered. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2011 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj, available next week ......$50.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-64360 Walter, John ALLIED SMALL ARMS OF WORLD WAR ONE The author describes the background, development & use by Great Britain, France, Italy, Russia, Japan & the United States, 180 b/w photos, biblio, index

Walker tells of the background, development, and construction of the weapons of the Allied powers during WWI. Walter provides an overview of the developments in the years leading up to the conflict and then documents the handguns, rifles, and machine guns of each of the nations involved. Well researched and lavishly illustrated. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2000 UK, THE CROWOOD PRESS
NEW-dj, o/p (4) copies available ......$36.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-235560 Warner, Phillip THE BATTLE OF LOOS Loos is a small mining town between Lens and La Bassee in northern France. But on 25th September 1915, and for a few days after, it was the center of one of the most intense and bloody battles of WWI. The casualties were appalling - about 60,000 of which the majority died on the first day. The main objective - a large-scale breakthrough - was not achieved although some 8,000 yards of enemy trench were captured and in some places their defenses were penetrated up to two miles.

Yet if the initial gains had been exploited the course of the war might have been different. A large part of this story of Loos consists of survivors' own accounts and diaries of the time, including that of Sir John French. Traces survivors from all parts of the line, infantry, gunners, and officers, and through their words has revealed one of the most horrific tales of war yet to be published as well as the determination and heroism that in the end secured a victory. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available early January 2023 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-221980 Watson, Phillip AUDREGNIES: The Flank Guard Action and the First Cavalry Charge of the Great War 24 August 1914 The book starts at the point the Germany army crosses the Belgium border and follows the individual stories of the key characters, Field Marshals and soldiers alike, military and civilian, German, Belgian, and French, of those who were to be intimately involved in the 'flank guard action at Elouges and the cavalry action of the 2nd Cavalry Brigade.

Includes a series of high-quality maps which help to explain the complexity of the action at Audregnies and Elouges, and is profusely illustrated, with pictures of those who were there. Draws together many unpublished diary accounts from all the regiments involved and period articles from the UK press illustrating the story as it unfolded back in England. Includes 43 b/w photos, 15 color photos, 10 b/w illustrations, and 18 b/w maps.

The analysis and critique is solely based around the actions of the units involved and has avoided some of the much repeated 'sound bites' which are not relevant to his story. The analysis is based around the instructions given to Field Marshal French by Lord Kitchener before he left and how the commanders implemented the tactics which had been articulated in their own specific to arms publications and the Field Service Manual 1909. 1 vol, 350 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover, available late October 2019 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-238800 Watson, W.H.L. WITH THE TANKS 1916-1918: Memoirs of a British Tank Commander in the Great War Originally published under the tile A Company Of Tanks, this is the memoir of William Watson, a young Oxford post-graduate at the outbreak of WWI in 1914. Along with several friends from Oxford, he enlisted in the army expecting the war to last six weeks. Watson began his service in the Great War as a British Army motorcycle dispatch rider. He saw active service during the key battles of 1914 and early 1915. Watson was then commissioned and became a tank commander and saw active service with the tanks most notably at Cambrai in 1917. 1 vol, 248 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-205270 Watson, William WITH THE TANKS 1916-1918: Memoir of a British Tank Commander in the Great War William Watson was a young Oxford post-graduate at the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. Along with several friends from Oxford he enlisted in the army expecting the war to last six weeks. Watson began his service in the Great War as a British Army motorcycle dispatch rider. He saw active service during the key battles of 1914 and early 1915. Watson was then commissioned and became a tank commander and saw active service with the tanks most notably at Cambrai in 1917.

This well written and evocative memoir was originally published under the title 'A Company Of Tanks' it constitutes a wonderful primary source and is an invaluable addition to the library of anyone with an interest in the evolution of the tank as a decisive weapon on the battlefield. Highly detailed, but nonetheless accessible this superb new illustrated edition, edited by Emmy Award-winning historian Bob Carruthers is greatly recommended for serious enthusiasts and casual readers alike. 1 vol, 248 pgs 2014 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid June 2014 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-199380 Weist, Andrew Western Front 1917-1918 150 color and b/w photographs and 50 artworks. The next stage of WWI warfare in the West.

The United States entered the war in 1917 and by the summer of 1918 had an army of around half a million men which rose to a million by the time the Armistice was signed on November 11, 1918. For most of World War I, Allied Forces, predominantly those of France and the British Empire, were stalled at trenches on the Western Front. With the aid of numerous black and white and color photographs, many previously unpublished, the World War I series recreates the battles and campaigns that raged across the surface of the globe, on land, at sea and in the air. The text is complemented by full-color maps that guide the reader through specific actions and campaigns. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2012 UK, AMBER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$35.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-51330 Westlake, Roy BRITISH BATTALIONS IN FRANCE & BELIGUM 1914 6x9, Westlake gives detailed coverage of movement and location of all (143) British Regular Battalions on 1914, these 'Old Contemptibles' can be traced almost day-by-day, b/w illust, biblio, index. 1 vol, 384 pgs 1998 LONDON, LEO COOPER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$40.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-198260 Wictor, Thomas GERMAN ASSAULT TROOPS OF WWI 8.5x11, 300+ b/w illust.

This book covers the organization, tactics, weapons, equipment, orders of battle, and uniforms of official and unofficial units, from early raiding parties to formal assault battalions. Rare photos depict badges and insignia not previously known, while primary documents describing regulations and training are provided in their entirety.

New information on the origin of shock tactics is presented, gleaned from German archives and not previously published in English. Specific operations on all fronts are included, along with extracts from German army manuals for shock-troop arms such as flamethrowers, mortars, machine guns, grenade launchers, assault artillery, and tanks. 1 vol, 344 pgs 2012 ATGLEN, SCHIFFER LTD
NEW-dj, available late April 2012 ......$70.00

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1-86650 Wictor, Thomas GERMAN FLAMETHROWERR PIONEERS OF WORLD WAR I 8.5x11, the definitive reference on the topic. 300+b/w images illustrate this manual of assault troop and flamethrower tactics by a former officer. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2007 ATGLEN, SCHIFFER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$70.00

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1-227340 Wilkins, Mark BRITISH FIGHTER AIRCRAFT IN WWI: Design, Construction and Innovation Focuses on the British approach to fighter design, construction, and mass production. Initially the French led the way in Allied fighter development with their Bleriot trainers then nimble Nieuport Scouts-culminating with the powerful, fast gun platforms as exemplified by the Spads. The Spads had a major drawback however, in that they were difficult and counter-intuitive to fix in the field. The British developed fighters in a very different way; Tommy Sopwith had a distinctive approach to fighter design that relied on lightly loaded wings and simple functional box-girder fuselages. His Camel was revolutionary as it combined all the weight well forward; enabling the Camel to turn very quickly-but also making it an unforgiving fighter for the inexperienced. The Royal Aircraft Factory's SE5a represented another leap forward with its comfortable cockpit, modern instrumentation, and inline engine-clearly influenced by both Spads and German aircraft.

Each manufacturer and design team vied for the upper hand and deftly and quickly appropriated good ideas from other companies-be they friend or foe. Developments in tactics and deployment also influenced design-from the early reconnaissance planes, to turn fighters, finally planes that relied upon formation tactics, speed, and firepower. Advances were so great that the postwar industry seemed bland by comparison. Includes 250 photos, profiles, and diagrams.

Companion volume with German Fighter Aircraft in WWI. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2021 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available mid June 2021 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-204660 Wilks, Dr. and Mrs. THE BRITISH ARMY IN ITALY 1917-1918 Re-issue of 1998 edition.

In October 1917 French and British troops were sent to Italy after a German-Austrian army broke through the Italian front at Caporetto and began an advance almost to the gates of Venice. These forces played a notable part, initially in a reserve and support role during the Italian defense of the Piave in 1917, then in the defeat of the Austrian June Offensive, and finally in the totally defeat of the Austrian Army in October 1918. British divisions formed the spearhead of the final drive across the Piave River leading to the total defeat of the Austrian Army.

Describes how the Joint Force came to be sent, the sometimes acrimonious discussions between the Allies, the actions involved, and the varied events which led to some later disillusionment in the Italian political scene. Includes 16 pages of b/w plates. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2014 UK, Pen and Sword
NEW-softcover, available late March 2014 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-200270 Wilks, John and Eileen Wilks Rommel And Caporetto Based largely on official histories and documents, and on Rommel's own account, this book examines his role at the Battle of Caporetto in 1917 where the Italian Army was humiliated with a catastrophic defeat. Also provides some insight into the qualities Rommel was later to exhibit in France and in North Africa. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2012 UK, Pen & Sword
NEW-pb ......$25.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-204410 Williams, Claud LIGHT CAR PATROLS 1916-19: War and Exploration in Egypt and Libya with the Model T Ford Memoir offers first-hand account of what it was like to be a Light Car Patrol commander during World War I, while Russell McGuirk's commentary provides the historical background to the formation of the Patrols and follows their activities from the British raid on Siwa Oasis to desert exploration and survey work and the Kufra Reconnaissance Scheme. Lavishly illustrated with original photographs from Light Car officers, this combined memoir and history provides a fascinating and informative picture of an unsung hero of the desert - the Model T Ford. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2013 UK, SILPHIUM PRESS
NEW-hardcover, available late February 2014 ......$43.00

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1-31820 Wilson, Robert PALESTINE 1917 Author took part in the Battle of Romani, the raid on Rafa and the first Battle of Gaza, and then was one of the first British officers in to Damascus. B/w illust. 1 vol, 178 pgs 1987 TUNBRIDGE WELLS, COSTELLO
AS NEW-dj ......$20.00

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1-224090 Wolf, Klaus Victory at Gallipoli, 1915 - The German-Ottoman Alliance in the First World War The German contribution in a famous Turkish victory at Gallipoli has been overshadowed by the Mustafa Kemal legend. The commanding presence of German General Liman von Sanders in the operations is well known. But relatively little is known about the background of German military intervention in Ottoman affairs. 111 B&W illustrations & 13 color maps

Klaus Wolf fills this gap as a result of extensive research in the German records and the published literature. He examines the military assistance offered by the German Empire in the years preceding 1914 and the German involvement in ensuring that the Ottomans fought on the side of the Central Powers and that they made best use of the German military and naval missions.

He highlights the fundamental reforms that were required after the battering the Turks received in various Balkan wars, particularly in the Turkish Army, and the challenges that faced the members of the German missions.

When the allied invasion of Gallipoli was launched, German officers became a vital part of a robust Turkish defense - be it at sea or on land, at senior command level or commanding units of infantry and artillery. In due course German aviators were to be, in effect, founding fathers of the Turkish air arm; whilst junior ranks played an important part as, for example, machine gunners. This book is not only their missing memorial but a missing link in understanding the tragedy that was Gallipoli.
1 vol, 384 pgs 2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj ......$53.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-245790 Wood, Roger THE BEST OF ALL APPOINTMENTS? : The Evolution of Infantry Brigade Command in the British Army on the Western Front, 1915-1918 Explores the evolution of British infantry brigade command during WWI, highlighting organizational and tactical changes, and the influence of higher command structures on brigade performance. Through a series of case studies, the author demonstrates that the response of brigade staff to the challenges of the Western Front reflected the army's capacity for organizational and tactical change. Examines the identity, structure, and principal roles of the brigadier general and his staff as they existed in 1914. Focuses on the extent to which brigade command responses to trench warfare reflected the British Army's capability for flexibility and innovation. Contains nine black and white photos and 11 color maps. 1 vol, 314 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj, available late August 2024 ......$70.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-206370 Woodward, David THE AMERICAN ARMY: And the First World War This is a definitive history of the American army's role and performance during the First World War. Drawing from a rich pool of archival sources, David Woodward sheds new light on key themes such as the mobilization of US forces, the interdependence of military diplomacy, coalition war-making, the combat effectiveness of the AEF and the leadership of its commander John J. Pershing.

In spite of a flawed combat doctrine, logistical breakdowns, and American industry's failure to provide modern weaponry, the Doughboys were nonetheless able to wage a costly battle at Meuse-Argonne and play a decisive role in ending the war. The book gives voice to the common soldier through first-hand war diaries, letters, and memoirs, allowing us to re-imagine their first encounters with regimented military life, their transport across the sub-infested Atlantic to Europe, and their experiences both in and behind the trenches.

Includes 27 b/w illustrations, 13 maps, bibliography, and index. 1 vol, 481 pgs 2014 UK, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-softcover, available late October 2014 ......$30.00

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1-58821 Woolley, Charles UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT OF THE GERMAN ARMY 1900-1918 9x12, 500+ b/w photographs and 50 color drawingsof Infantry, Artillery, Jager, Landstrum, Mountainunits along with Insignia/Weapons, biblio, index. 1 vol, 376 pgs 1999 ATGLEN, SCHIFFER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$50.00

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1-58822 Woolley, Charles UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT OF THE GERMAN ARMY 1900-1918 9x12, 500+ b/w photographs and 50 color drawingsof the Air Service, Cavalry, Assault Troops unitsalong with Insignia/Weapons, biblio, index. 1 vol, 320 pgs 2000 ATGLEN, SCHIFFER BOOKS
NEW-dj ......$70.00

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1-228660 Wyn Griffith, Llewwlyn UP TO MAMETZ AND BEYOND The 1931 book Up to Mametz tells the story of the creation of the battalion Royal Welch Fusiliers, its training, its apprenticeship in the trenches, and through to its ordeal of Mametz Wood on the Somme as part of 38 Division. It ends there.

This new book, based on Wyn Griffith's unpublished diaries and letters, carries the unit through to the end of WWI. With careful editing and annotation, the events of these missing years are now available alongside the original work. They tell of an officer's life on the derided staff and provide fascinating glimpses of senior officers, some who attract high praise and others who the author obviously despised. 1 vol, 248 pgs 2021 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid November 2021 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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