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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 9/12/2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Russo-Japanese War

1-220550 Barry Quintin COMMAND OF THE SEA: William Pakenham and the Russo-Japanese Naval War 1904-1905 Studies the Russo Japanese War of 1904-1905, as seen through the eyes of the British Naval Attache Captain William Pakenham. The complicated set of international relations at the turn of the century is reviewed, as well as the balance of sea power in the Far East, which was a matter of considerable importance to the British government. The role of the naval attache was thus of considerable importance, particularly once war had broken out. Includes 28 illustrations and six maps.

He sent a stream of comprehensive reports not only describing the naval actions but also dealing with crucial matters relating for instance to the design of warships, developments in gunnery and the use of torpedoes. These were closely studied at the British Admiralty, at a time when the revolutionary design of the new battleship Dreadnought was under consideration. 1 vol, 264 pgs 2019 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-hardback, available mid June 2019 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-COM019 Bell, Ron COMMAND #19:PORT ARTHUR - Russo-Japanese War Features:

The Russo-Japanese War, 1904-05
- The Land Campaigns
'The Old Flag Never Touched the Ground'
- Story of 54th Massachusetts
AirLand Operations
- US Army's Search for a New Doctrine
The 'Strategic Fighter' Concept
- Strategic Fighters in WW2
Pyrhic Victory
- Pyrrhus' attacks on the growing Roman state
Great Campaigns, Hollow Victories
- Expedition to Abyssinia (1868) and the Gulf War (1991)
Soviet Submarine Operations in WW2
- Soviets vs the Germans - underwater
Port Arthur, issue game
- A Short, Victorious War
Pyrrhic Victory: Legion vs Phalanx, 280-275 BC
- Variant for I Am Spartacus
Plan 1919
- Variant for 1918: Storm in the West
- Strategies for Port Arthur
- Berlin '45 (German Heavies)
- Poland '39 (Soviet Max Effort, Estonians)
- Tet '68, Poland '39, Berlin '45 1 vol, 60 pgs 1991 US, XTR CORPORATION
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$20.00

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1-238270 Kling, Stephen Siege of Port Arthur 1904. The Japanese have invested in the city of Port Arthur, a crucial naval base for the Russians. The city is heavily defended by redoubts and forts. The Russians are confident that the Czar will be proud of their defense, despite the continued bickering among their generals. The Japanese have 100,000 men for the siege, but soon realize taking the city will take more than just superior numbers. The Emperor will accept no more delays. The stage is set.

One player commands the Russian forces and the other player commands the Japanese army.


48 5/8' inch thick game pieces
1 four page rule book
20 game cards
11x17' inch game map
One six-sided die 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 US, THE HISTORICAL GAME COMPANY
NEW-box, available mid August 2023 ......$40.00 rct

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1-PWAR080 Newberg, Stephen PAPER WARS: Issue 80 - Setting Sun, Rising Sun Magazine and Game. SETTING SUN, RISING SUN is an uncomplicated war game centered on the naval aspects of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. The game depicts this conflict at a strategic level, with most operational and tactical details represented by fast and easy-to-play systems, rather than intricate mechanisms. The intent of the game is to provide a broad overview of the historical events while being fun to play. The object of the game for the Japanese player is to control the sea areas around Japan to prevent Russian combatants from bombarding and cutting off supplies to the island nation, and to destroy the naval forces of Russia.

The object of the game for the Russian player is to disrupt Japanese sea control, retain sea control around the Russian and Manchurian coastline for as long as possible, and destroy Japanese naval forces. Both players must obtain their objectives by deploying their naval resources into the sea areas on the map, earning victory points at the end of each of six turns for areas under their control, and for opposing units destroyed.

SETTING SUN, RISING SUN owes its original inspiration to WAR AT SEA, designed by Jon Edwards and Don Greenwood and published by The Avalon Hill Game Company, a game which covered the war in the Atlantic in World War Two. SETTING SUN, RISING SUN borrows a number of concepts from this earlier game as a starting point, such as area movement, individual capital ships, battle line resolutions, and rolling sixes to hit, and then diverges significantly to reflect the Russo-Japanese War situation. The game includes about 280 counters, a 22'x28' map sheet of the combat areas including charts and tables, and a set of rules to play the game. Design by Stephen Newberg. 1 vol, 79 pgs 2015 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-softcover with game ......$47.00 with a discount of 10% inc

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1-71820 Sayce, A. Michael RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR 1904-1905, THE Includes organizations, o/b's, uniform details for both the Japanese and Russian Armies, details of the main battles, several appendices, biblio.
1 vol, 56 pgs 2003 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$12.00

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1-71820B Sayce, A. Michael THE RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR 1904-1905: And Three Scenario Booklets Includes organizations, o/b's, uniform details for both the Japanese and Russian Armies, details of the main battles, several appendices, and biblio.

V1. The Battle of the Yalu River 31st April-1st May 1904, background info, maps, o/b's, casualties.

V2. The Battle of Nan Shan 26th May 1904, background info, maps, o/b's, casualties, biblio.

V3. The Battle of Telissu 14th-15th June 1904, maps, background info, o/b's, casualties, biblio. 4 vol, 128 pgs 2003 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, Special offer 20% discount ......$36.00 with a discount of 20%

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1-71821 Sayce, A. Michael BATTLES OF THE RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR 1904-1905:V1 The Battle of the Yalu Rover 31st April-1st May 1904, background info, maps, o/b's, casualties. 1 vol, 28 pgs 2003 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$8.00

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1-71822 Sayce, A. Michael BATTLES OF THE RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR 1904-1905:V2 The Battle of Nan Shan 26th May 1904, background info, maps, o/b's, casualties, biblio. 1 vol, 20 pgs 2003 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$8.00

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1-71823 Sayce, A. Michael BATTLES OF THE RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR 1904-1905:V3 The Battle of Telissu 14th-15th June 1904, maps, background info, o/b's, casualties, biblio. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2003 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$8.00

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