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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 10/17/2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Mexican American War

1-COM040 COMMAND #40:Buena Vista & Moscow Burning (2) games War With Mexico!
- The Campaign in Northern Mexico
War With Mexico!
- With Scott in Mexico
The Sick Bear
- Russia's Armed Forces Today
A Fleet Squandered
- Hitler's Surface Ships
I Remember... Total War in Britain
Art of War: Mort Kunstler
The Battle fof Bunea Vista, issue game
Moscow Burning, issue game 1 vol, 60 pgs 1996 US, XTR PUBLSHING
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$15.00 rct

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1-50910 Adams, Anton WAR IN MEXICO An excellent military account, complete o/b's, 20b/w maps, 16 color plates of uniforms/flags, very detailed look at the Mexican Army, biblio, index. 1 vol, 208 pgs 1998 CHICAGO, EMPEOR'S PRESS
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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1-243200 Bancroft, James W. ALAMO DEFENDERS: A Fresh Perspective on the Heroes of 1836 Examines a large number of those who fought and died for Texas at the Alamo were British. Reveals stories of the men that died, such as an Englishman named William Blazeby, who led a troop of New Orleans Greys; a Scotsman named John McGregor, who took to his bagpipes and accompanied Davy Crockett on the fiddle to keep up the spirits of the defenders; and an Irishman named Robert Evans, who, as Master of Ordnance, was shot down while trying to set light to the gunpowder in the chapel when the battle was lost. The roles of the opposing commanders, the infamous General Santa Anna and Lieutenant Colonel William 'Buck' Travis, are also examined. Contains 16 black and white illustrations. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2024 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available mid April 2024 ......$43.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-46800 Bauer, Jack K. THE MEXICAN WAR:1846-1848 Part of the 'Macmillan Wars of the United States' series, b/w maps, illust, biblio, index.

Much has been written about the Mexican war, but this . . . is the best military history of that conflict. . . . Leading personalities, civilian and military, Mexican and American, are given incisive and fair evaluations. The coming of war is seen as unavoidable, given American expansion and Mexican resistance to loss of territory, compounded by the fact that neither side understood the other. The events that led to war are described with reference to military strengths and weaknesses, and every military campaign and engagement is explained in clear detail and illustrated with good maps. . . . Problems of large numbers of untrained volunteers, discipline and desertion, logistics, diseases and sanitation, relations with Mexican civilians in occupied territory, and Mexican guerrilla operations are all explained, as are the negotiations which led to war's end and the Mexican cession. 1 vol, 454 pgs 1992 NE, BISON BOOKS
NEW-softcover ......$36.00

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1-202050 Connelley, William Elsey WAR WITH MEXICO -- 1846-1847: Doniphan's Expedition and the Conquest of New Mexico and California In June of 1846, under orders from Gen. Stephen Kearny, Col. Alexander Doniphan led the 1st Regiment of Missouri Mounted Volunteers on an extended 3,600 mile march into contested territory.

This expedition took the Army of the West from Ft. Leavenworth to Santa Fe, and then through to Chihuahua, Saltillo and Matamoras, Mexico, with decisive American victories at the battles of Brazito and Sacramento.

The campaign is described here in the first-hand account of John Taylor Hughes, a private in the 1st Regiment and the official historian of the campaign. Hughes' seminal text, Doniphan's Expedition (originally published in 1847), offers a day-by-day retelling of events on the march culminating in the Battle of Sacramento, in which Doniphan's 1,164 Missouri volunteers overcame some 4000 Mexican regulars to occupy Chihuahua City.

The narrative is not confined only to military operations, however. Hughes discusses at great length the character of the New Mexico landscape, buffalo hunting, the everyday activities of the soldier in camp, the habits of the plains Indians and the interactions of American soldiers with the Mexican villagers. The Navajo and Apache were a constant presence during the expedition, posing a serious threat to the supply lines and messengers. By contrast, the Mexicans are most often portrayed as a nuisance, trespassing in camp and distracting the men from their duties.

Connely's 1907 edition features extensive historical and genealogical annotations, additional biographical sketches, fifty pages of regimental rosters, two large fold-out maps, 11 appendices and a comprehensive index. Biographical sketches are included for Col. Doniphan and other key figures in the campaign such as Gen. Kearny, Major-General Sterling Price and John T. Hughes, supplemented by Hughes' diary, Col. Doniphan's memoirs and the narrative of one Charles R. Morehead, a member of Doniphan's supply train. Appendices include an interview with Col. Doniphan, a short history of the Santa Fe Trail and several brief genealogical sketches of Mexican War veterans. 1 vol, 688 pgs 2000 US, HERITAGE BOOKS
NEW-softcover ......$47.00

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1-197120 Dishman, Christopher D A PERFECT GIBRALTAR: The Battle for Monterrey, Mexico, 1846 The dramatic story of the U.S. Army's first major encounter with urban warfare with 27 b/w illust and seven maps.

For three days in the fall of 1846, U.S. and Mexican soldiers fought fiercely in the picturesque city of Monterrey, turning the northern Mexican town, known for its towering mountains and luxurious gardens, into one of the nineteenth century's most gruesome battlefields. Led by Brigadier General Zachary Taylor, graduates of the U.S. Military Academy encountered a city almost perfectly protected by mountains, a river, and a vast plain.

Monterey's ideal defensive position inspired more than one U.S. soldier to call the city 'a perfect Gibraltar.' The first day of fighting was deadly for the Americans, especially the newly graduated West Point cadets, but they soon adjusted their tactics and began fighting building to building.

Chris D. Dishman conveys in a vivid narrative the intensity and drama of the Battle of Monterrey, which marked the first time U.S. troops engaged in prolonged urban combat. Future Civil War generals and West Point graduates fought desperately alongside rough Texan, Mississippian, and Tennessean volunteers. General Taylor engineered one of the army's first wars of maneuver at Monterrey by sending the bulk of his troops against the weakest part of the city. Embedded press reporters wrote eyewitness accounts of the action for readers back in the States.

Dishman interweaves descriptions of troop maneuvers and clashes between units using pistols and rifles with accounts of hand-to-hand combat involving edged weapons, stones, clubs, and bare hands. He brings regular soldiers and citizen volunteers to life in personal vignettes that draw on firsthand accounts from letters, diaries, and reports written by men on both sides. An epilogue carries the narrative thread to the conclusion of the war. 1 vol, 344 pgs 2011 US, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA PRESS
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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1-225120 Esposito, Gabriele Armies of the US-Mexican War Examines the organization, uniforms, and operations of the two combatants in the years 1846-1848. The US-Mexican war is not well covered in military history, but it was a pivotal action in the histories of both the US and Mexico. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2020 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$30.00 rct

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1-228870 Esposito, Gabriele Armies of the War of 1812 A complete guide to the armies, weapons and uniforms of the War of 1812, written by Gabriele Esposito This work will cover the US, British, native and Canadian forces that fought in the conflict, often call the second war for independence. The book will contain a history of the war, battles, key figures as well as maps and figures. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2020 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$30.00 rct

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1-28530 Frost, J. MEXICAN WAR AND ITS WARRIORS History of the Operations of the American Armies in Mexico, with biographical sketches of the most distinguished Officers, eyewitness reports and contemporary correspondence, b/w maps, and illustrations. 1 vol, 342 pgs 2008 BOWIE, HERITAGE PRESS
NEW-pb, Reprint of 1850 Ed ......$22.00

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1-60050 Kendall, George Wilkins DISPATCHES FROM THE MEXICAN WAR Kendall brought a keen eye and a good ear to thecoverage of the war as he traveled with Taylor'sarmy 1 vol, 448 pgs 1999 NORMAN, UNIV OKLAHOMA
NEW-dj ......$58.00

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1-238230 Kling, Stephen Siege of Queretaro The Siege of Queretaro is a low to moderate complexity tactical game on the Juarista siege of Queretaro in 1867. The game takes about 90 minutes to play. One player commands the Juarista forces and the other player commands the Mexican Imperial forces. Cards movement and combat and vary play.

AGE: 14+
TIME TO PLAY: 90 Minutes
DESIGNER: Stephen L. Kling, Jr.

58 game pieces (5/8' inch)
A single rulebook (4 pages)
20 game cards
CANVAS game map (11x17' inch)
1 six sided die 1 vol, 1 pgs 2022 US, THE HISTORICAL GAME COMPANY
NEW-box, available mid August 2023 ......$40.00 rct

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1-191660 Lewis, Felice Flanery Trailing Clouds of Glory The first examination of the roles played in the Mexican War by the large number of men who served with Taylor and who would be prominent in the ACW both as volunteer and regular army officers. 1 vol, 368 pgs 2010 US, UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA
NEW-dj ......$35.00

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1-56610 Marshall, Bruce UNIFORMS OF THE REPUBLIC OF TEXAS, 1836-1846 8.5x11, (26) color plates and (30) b/w illust. 1 vol, 88 pgs 1999 ATGLEN, SCHIFFER PUBLIS'G
NEW-pb ......$30.00

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1-70520 Marshall, Bruce UNIFORMS OF THE ALAMO/TEXAS REVOLUTION 1835-36 The notion has persisted far too long that the army of patriots that won Texas independence from Mexico in 1835-1836 was totally without uniforms, clad indifferently for the most part in rustic frontier garb. This was true for many, but by no means all. Surprisingly, there were uniformed Texas units in all of the major battles of the Texas Revolution from the first to the last: the siege of Bexar, the Alamo, Goliad (Coleto), and the final victory at San Jacinto.

This new book is a long overdue history of the uniforms of the Texas Revolution and the men who wore them. It will also reveal certain hitherto suppressed material from some who served, including the vast majority of the Texas officers, challenging the generally accepted historical version portraying the Texas commander, General Sam Houston, as a master strategist who, alone, deserved full credit for saving Texas. (22) color plates. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2003 ATGLEN, SCHIFFER BOOKS

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1-60550 Nofi, Albert A. ALAMO AND THE TEXAS WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE, THE The author offers a strategic & tactical analysisof the war as well as technical data, details ofwaepons, o/b's, casualty lists, maps including themost detailed to date of San Jacinto, biblio, indx 1 vol, 222 pgs 1992 PA, COMBINED BOOKS
NEW-dj, o/p ......$20.00

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1-75560 Reid, Stuart ORGANISATION OF THE TEXIAN ARMY, THE An operational history with uniform details, o/b's (4) color pages of unit flags, footnotes, biblio, appendix on the Mexican Field Force. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2013 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$13.00

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1-241510 Swenson, Benjamin THE DAWN OF GUERRILLA WARFARE: Why the Tactics of Insurgents Against Napoleon Failed in the US Mexican War Chronicles the emergence of guerrilla warfare during the Mexican-American War. Demonstrates how the Napoleonic War in Spain influence the US Army's 1847 campaign in the heart of Mexico, romantic perceptions of the war among both Americans and Mexicans, the disparate resistance to invasion and occupation, foreign influence on the war from monarchists intent on bringing Mexico back into the European orbit, and the danger of disastrous imperial overreach exemplified by the French in Spain. Examines how Winfield Scott and Henry Halleck used the knowledge from the Peninsular War to implement an innovative counterinsurgency program designed to conciliate Mexicans living in areas controlled by the US Army. 1 vol, 232 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid January 2024 ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-191810 Tucker, Phillip EXODUS FROM THE ALAMO:Anatomy of the Last Stand Contrary to movie and legend, we now know that the defenders of the Alamo died during a predawn attack, and that most of the Texans escaped only to die on the surrounding plains to Cavalry. 1 vol, 432 pgs 2010 US, CASEMATE PUBLISHING
NEW-dj ......$33.00 with a discount of 15%

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1-222900 Tucker, Phillip Thomas THE ALAMO'S FORGOTTEN DEFENDERS: The Remarkable Story of the Irish During the Texas Revolution The largely Ireland-born garrison of Goliad raised the first flag of Texas Independence months before the Alamo's fall. More than a dozen natives of the Old Country fought and died at the Alamo, and the old Franciscan mission's garrison primarily consisted of soldiers of Scotch-Irish descent. Irish Protestants and Catholics made invaluable and disproportionate contributions in the struggle for Texas Independence. Includes rare newspaper articles, journals, and diaries, together with quality secondary accounts, to paint the dramatic saga of the Irish in Texas. The result is a broad-based cultural, economic, social, political, and military history of the Texas Revolution from the perspective of its Irish participants. Includes 12 b/w images and 4 maps.

The important contributions of the Irish in winning the struggle against Mexico and establishing a new republic are noticeably absent from Alamo and Texas Revolutionary historiography. The Irish embraced a lengthy and distinguished Emerald Isle revolutionary tradition-a distinctive cultural, political, and military heritage reborn during the Texas uprising of 1835-1836. Unbeknownst to most readers, the Irish comprised the largest single immigrant group in Texas during that time, and were among the most vocal and passionate of liberty-loving revolutionaries in all Texas. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2020 UK, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available late February 2020 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-68980 Woodson, Smith, Gustavus edited by Leonne Hudson COMPANY 'A' CORPS OF ENGINEEERS, 1846-1848 The US Company of Sappers, Miners & Pontooniersquickly became one of the Army's elite unitsduring the Mexican War, b/w illust/maps, biblio,notes, appendicies, index. 1 vol, 120 pgs 2002 ASHLAND, KENT STATE UNIV
NEW-trade paper ......$15.00

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