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Updated as of 7/25 /2024

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rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Weekly eFlyer: 1/04/2024

1-VXDA015 LATE ROMAN CATAPHRACTS: 28mm Figures Contains Late Roman Horse Cataphract 28mm figures: 16 Riders and horses with -- eight different horse head options and separate tails to add a little more movement to the models; 13 head options for the riders; 16 axes to hang from the right of the saddle; 16 swords in scabbards; and Draco standard bearer arm option. The rider bodies are depicted in various armour styles including mail, lamellar and scales. The arms and legs are covered in flexible, tubular metal rings. Each rider has two arm pose options: either upright Kontos or Kontos at the level.

Cataphracts are heavily armoured cavalrymen covered from head to foot in armour of mail, scales and plates, sitting on a fully armoured horse. Scale armour was often of metal scales such as iron or bronze but could also be made of horn, bone or hardened leather which could be in various colours such as red and green. The horses often had an elaborate head piece to protect its face and a mesh to defend the eyes. These could be of various metals or leather.1 vol, 16 pgs 2024 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-pb, available mid January 2024 ......$52.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-219905 Hargreaves, Mark PAINTING 28MM WARGAMING FIGURES: Volume 5 - English Civil Wars & Thirty Years War Large format, all-color paperback. Fifth volume in the Partizan Press Painting Guides. Uses 28mm examples but techniques also useful for 20mm and 15mm. The most detailed shade by shade guides available. All troop types covered PLUS appendices on ECW & Continental Flags and coat colours By Dave Ryan. Includes the most comprehensive survey of ECW Coat colours available.1 vol, 108 pgs 2024 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb ......$41.00 rct

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1-241870 Wagman, Greg GOTTERDAMMERUNG 1813: Guide to Wargaming Napoleon's Greatest Campaign This PDF is not a complete game system-it is a collection of tools and resources our club used to play our own 1813 campaign. For operational level maneuver across Germany, we used the hex and counter board game Campaign of Nations, written by John Theissen in 2018. This simple, fast-playing game formed the backbone of our campaign structure. Because we love miniatures, we chose to translate some of our largest battles from the board game to miniature tabletop engagements. In this rule set, we'll explain how we married Campaign of Nations with one of our favorite Napoleonic wargames, Volley & Bayonet.1 vol, 34 pgs 2024 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wire bound softback....In Stock... ......$22.00 rct

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1-241911 Clarke, Simon EUROPE'S RUIN: Armies of the Thirty Years War and the British Civil Wars Army Lists for Matched Play Renatio et Gloriam is a set of tabletop miniature rules that allows you to fight large-scale battles from the Renaissance. This supplement covers warfare in the Thirty Years War and the British Civil War with 55 Lists starting in 1618 with the Catholic League, up until the Commonwealth of England in 1650. Includes army lists for England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, France, Spain, Denmark, Sweden.1 vol, 100 pgs 2024 UK, HELION & COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$40.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241910 Hall, Simon RENATIO ET GLORIAM: Miniature Battles Between 1494 and 1721 Renatio et Gloriam is coming, a set of tabletop miniature rules based on Mortem et Gloriam's CCC Games engine that allows you to fight large-scale battles from the Renaissance. Covering warfare from 1494 up until 1721 the rules allow you to field the armies of Cordoba, Turenne, or Marlborough. Includes 220 color photos and illustrations, 30 tables, and over 400 army lists.

Each on-table general will have a hand of cards, which can be played in multiple ways. Better-quality generals get more cards. Management of these cards is paramount to the decisions, that as an Army commander, you must make. When playing these cards will you - order a charge on the enemy or will try to encourage the soldiers onward after being driven back by deadly fire, or will the general join the ranks to bolster troops' morale? 1 vol, 200 pgs 2024 UK, HELION & COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$60.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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3-198510 Langan, Steve and Thomson, Cameron SETTING THE EAST ABLAZE: Warfare in the Back of Beyond 1917-1926 - 3rd Edition 3rd edition includes changes, simplifications, and new ideas; new Aviation and Naval rules; Expanded armoured train rules; New melee rules for built up areas; New landmine and IED rules; Simplified artillery rules; Two new Army Guidelines (Poles, French, USA, Italians, Germans, Freikorps, Ukrainian, Finnish & Baltic States, Nestor Makhno's Anarchist 'Black Army', Caucasian Armies and Chinese Bandits); New rules for wild animals; Updated bibliography; Three major scenarios (Chinese in Tibet, The Mad Baron and Russian Civil War); and more.1 vol, 108 pgs 2023 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb ......$36.00 rct

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1-225043 Wagman, Greg A FORMIDABLE INVASION: Scenario Book for Altar of Freedom ACW Rules Gettysburg campaign supplement where players maneuver their divisions across a vast theater map with the potential to fight a series of interconnected battles. Rules include logistics, supply, weather, variable map movement, asymmetrical victory conditions, and historical random events. Requires a copy of the main rules, Altar of Freedom.1 vol, 32 pgs 2023 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wire bound softback ......$26.00 rct

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1-225044 Wagman, Greg GIBRALTAR OF THE WEST: Scenario Book for Altar of Freedom ACW Rules Campaign Vicksburg supplement, where players maneuver their divisions across a vast theater map with the potential to fight a series of interconnected battles. Rules include logistics, supply, weather, variable map movement, asymmetrical victory conditions, and historical random events. Requires a copy of the main rules, Altar of Freedom.1 vol, 34 pgs 2023 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wire bound softback ......$26.00 rct

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1-BRIG409 Bunde, Peter 409: EMPIRE OF FRANCE: 4TH REGIMENT CHEVAULEGERS-LANCIERS 1811-1815 Another in the terrific series. Uniform plate with 20+ color figures, flags or standards, facings, etc. Descriptions on reverse side.1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 GERMANY, PETER BUNDE
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$14.00 rct

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1-241880 Caldwemm, David THE BATTLE OF PINKIE 1547: The Last Battle Between the Independent Kingdoms of Scotland and England The Battle of Pinkie, fought between the English and the Scots in September 1547 near Edinburgh, was the last great clash between the two as independent nations. Both sides' commanders were experienced and previously successful with an awareness on both sides of contemporary best practice and use of up-to-date weapons and equipment. The Scots and the English armies, however, were markedly different in their composition and in the strategy and tactics they employed. Explores the battlefield, varied forces involved, aims of the commanders, and the close-run nature of the battle.1 vol, 288 pgs 2023 UK, OXBOW BOOKS
NEW-dj, available mid January 2024 ......$43.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-236280 Pike, John GUSTAVUS v WALLENSTEIN: Military Revolution, Rivalry and Tragedy in the Thirty Years War Examines the conflict, personal rivalry, and contrasts in personality, generalship and command between the two iconic commanders in the Thirty Years War, King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden for the Protestant powers, and Albrecht von Wallenstein, Duke of Friedland. More than just commanders at the tactical level they were statesmen, military organizers and strategists on a continental scale. Both commanders represented the 17th-century military revolution in action. Both generals are titanic figures come, and their respective deaths - Gustavus heroically in battle and Wallenstein, murdered with the Emperor's compliance - were dramatic highpoints in the long war. Analyses the contrasting reputations of two of the greatest military figures in modern history and analyses mistakes as well their triumphs.

Both commanders' understanding of the role of the modern state and finance as vital factors in the military revolution and modern warfare. A major contrast was Gustavus's constant search for the tactical and strategic initiative compared to Wallenstein's caution and patience and development of counter-punch defensive tactics. Exceptional for the period, Gustavus excelled in inspired battlefield leadership even at huge risk. Despite his death at Lutzen in 1632, he and his steadfast chancellor Oxenstierna, had decisively defeated the Emperor's attempt to subjugate the Empire and introduce the Catholic counter-reformation.

Gustavus contributed hugely to the ending of Habsburg supremacy while advancing new concepts in modern war. His death ushered in his acolytes including generals Baner, Saxe-Weimar and Torstensson. Gustavus or Wallenstein, the greater of the two? The reader must judge but Napoleon included Gustavus in his list of ten greats with Julius Caesar, Hannibal Barca, and Alexander the Great.1 vol, 544 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available early February 2024 ......$63.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241900 Hagist, Don editor WAGING WAR IN AMERICA 1775-1783: Operational Challenges Collection of essays examines various aspects of the problems faced by combatants in the 1775-1783 American War for Independence and the solutions that they achieved -- British training of regulars and raising of Loyalist militia, German adaptation of tactics, French and Spanish logistics and campaigning, and American recruiting and conscription.

The European forces adapted much more readily than they are given credit for to the needs of this particular conflict. The British Army adopted a doctrine of open-order light infantry tactics and raised large numbers of Loyalist troops in the theater of war. The British government obtained the assistance of regiments from several German states, established military organizations that relied heavily on specialized skirmishing troops and chasseur companies composed of picked men after the fashion of the British light infantry. The French government sent an expeditionary force from its regular army, while Spain largely employed colonial troops from its North American holdings; each of these armies faced significant logistical challenges while mounting major campaigns. Not least, of course, the American colonies rose to the monumental task of recruiting, training, and supplying an army created specifically for the conflict.1 vol, 216 pgs 2024 UK, HELION & COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid January 2024 ......$40.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241890 Nester, William THE COALITIONS AGAINST NAPOLEON: How British Money, Manufacturing and Military Power Forged the Alliances that Achieved Victory Britain alone could not hope to defeat the might of Napoleonic France which, through enforced conscription, had become a nation in arms. But British leaders had a long history of forging alliances to counter their rivals and when revolution ravaged France in 1793 and a levee en masse raised a huge patriotic army, it was through a coalition of monarchies that French ambitions were restrained - a coalition made possible by British gold and British industry.

During the years 1793 to 1815, the British Government formed and underwrote seven coalitions that cost Britain 1,657,854,518 pounds as the national debt tripled from 290,000,000 pounds to 860,000,00 pounds . Of that, British subsidies to around thirty allies amounted to 65,830,228 pounds, along with staggering amounts of war supplies mass produced by British factories and shipped to allies.

Britain's power to underwrite those coalitions came from a related series of revolutions - agrarian, mercantile, financial, technological, manufacturing, cultural, and political that developed over the proceeding century. For many reasons that happened in Britain and not elsewhere. Of them, cultural values may be most crucial. Constraints were fewer and incentives greater for enterprising Britons to invest, invent, buy, and sell in ways that enriched themselves and their nation more than elsewhere. During the eighteenth century, Britain's leaders mastered a virtuous power cycle of victorious wars, expanding production, captured territories and markets, and more income.1 vol, 272 pgs 2023 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available mid January 2024 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-237982 Timin, Mikhail CAMOUFLAGE, INSIGNIA AND TACTICAL MARKINGS OF THE AIRCRAFT OF THE RED ARMY AIR FORCE IN 1941: Volume 2 Volume 2 covers: Identification Marking and Designation System of the VVS RKKA in 1941; Additional Tactical Markings of the VVS RKKA Aircraft in 1941; Changes in the Aircraft Camouflage and Tactical Marking System of the Leningrad Military District Air Force (Northern Front Air Force) in 1941; and Changes in the Camouflage and Tactical Marking System of the Aircraft of the Transcaucasian Military District Air Force in 1941. Includes 432 b/w photos, 210 color illustrations, and three color photos.1 vol, 222 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid January 2024 ......$60.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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