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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 7/25 /2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Weekly eFlyer: 1/11/2024

1-GFN020027 02 HUNDRED HOURS: Escape from Stalag Luft III 28mm Expansion set adds special rules for POW escapees and motorbikes, plus a historical overview, five new missions, and a brand new play mode for the POWs' preparations right under the noses of the guards.

Contains: 6 metal Uniformed Escapee miniatures; 1 metal Feldgendarme NCO on Motorbike; 14 page Mission booklet; 11 Recruitment cards; 1 Requisition card; 4 Veteran cards; 1 Order card; 1 Event card; and Bases

Rules are included for Escapees in Civvies - these miniatures sold separately. All cards are new, adding unique options and tactics to the game! Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included. Contents may vary from photos. You will need the 02 Hundred Hours Starter Set in order to play. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2019 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box, available late January 2024 ......$67.00 rct

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1-GFN020028 02 HUNDRED HOURS: Escapees in Civvies 28mm This set contains: 4 Escapees in Civvies plus Bases. The men who escaped from Stalag Luft III took great lengths to re-tailor material from old uniforms, creating what looked like civilian dress. These models are ideal for use with the missions in the Escape from Stalag Luft III set, as well as things like the Hunted and Evade missions from the rulebook. However they may be fielded in any force if you so wish. Starting the game with no weapons, Escapees in Civvies increase the alarm level less than normal if discovered. But they can also loot weapons from the bodies of other fighters! They also work well as slightly anxious looking civilians. Recruitment cards are included in the Escape from Stalag Luft III box, not in this set. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included. Contents may vary from photos. You will need the 02 Hundred Hours Starter Set in order to play.1 vol, 4 pgs 2019 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box, available late January 2024 ......$24.00 rct

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1-1994041 BOLT ACTION: Campaign: Case Blue -- 2nd Edition Second edition supplement for Bolt Action. This Campaign Book for Bolt Action contains new linked scenarios, rules, troop types, and Theatre Selectors, providing plenty of options for novice and veteran players alike.

After the failure of Barbarossa to utterly defeat the Soviet Union, a new plan was devised, Case Blue. This plan involved pushing through the southern Soviet Union to reach the Caucasus and secure the oil fields that Germany so desperately needed. While initially there was great success and sweeping advances as the autumn began, the Axis advances began to falter in the wake of Soviet resistance and counter attacks, culminating in the battles in and around Stalingrad.1 vol, 176 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241980 Hicks, Jonathan PRESSURE: Industrial Science Fiction Roleplaying Rules-light, story-focused game of facing the darkness at the heart of humanity's fragile and claustrophobic existence - both on Earth and among the stars. An entirely standalone title, Pressure also develops and expands upon the mechanics and setting introduced in the Those Dark Places roleplaying game.

As highly skilled agents of Special Operations Squads, players are tasked with cleaning up after the Corporations -- investigating links to organized crime, neutralizing rogue weapons research, negotiating with rebel leaders on orbital stations, and hunting down whatever that black-budget excavation team 'awoke' out in the Procyon Sector. The universe is a dangerous and hostile place; the Hypercities and the Deep Black alike hide powerful foes. But you have the tools, the training, and the resources to face these dangers -- you hope.1 vol, 128 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-hardback, available late January 2024 ......$25.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242140 Hyde, Henry SHOT, STEEL & STONE: 1660-1850 Horse and musket era rules that first appeared in the author's book The Wargaming Compendium (Pen & Sword, 2013) but updated and expanded. Suitable for battles from approximately 1685 (when bayonets became common) through to about 1850, when rifled muskets started to dominate the battlefield.

Rules are scale-agnostic and system is IGO-UGO, with variation to enable the non-active player to react to enemy action, and there is no need to write orders. Key aspect is the command and control system, which places real emphasis on the abilities of local commanders on the spot controlling individual brigades. Combat system involves plenty of dice-rolling combined with the importance of being able to strike first in melee, such as when pikemen or lancers attack units who have shorter weapons. Games of around a dozen units per side can easily be played in an afternoon.1 vol, 36 pgs 2024 UK, GLADIUS PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$16.00 rct

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1-242150 Hyde, Henry MARTINSTAAT 1744: A Detailed Wargame Campaign Set In A Fictitious World A completely imaginary campaign, set in an imaginary world, fought by two imaginary countries over the territory of a third. Back in the early 1990s, Henry and his chum, leading the imaginary armies of Prunkland and Faltenland, pitched their wits against one another in a classic horse-and-musket era campaign, invading the territory of neutral Martinstaat in an attempt to outflank each other and grab natural resources and taxes to swell their own state coffers. This was part of what became known as The Wars of the Faltenian Succession.

What set this campaign apart was Henry's meticulous record-keeping in the pre-digital era, with page after page of beautiful, neat, handwritten notes and maps showing precisely where the opposing forces were located. It was after posting a few pages of these notes online that a clamour grew amongst fans for him to turn these intricate records into a book-and here it is, including the full campaign rules used for that season.

In addition, Henry did some wonderful watercolour renditions of some of the troops, at the time when he was actually designing the uniforms for both armies and, in creating this extraordinary volume, he has added more than 30 new watercolour illustrations to show the uniforms of Prunkland's 'expeditionary force' plus a few extras. Moreover, he has added maps with overlays to help clarify the week-by-campaign-week moves of the two sides, indicating where major events took place, so that the pages of coordinates make perfect sense, like a stop-frame animation.

Alongside the campaign logs, you will also find the handwritten pages of Henry's own notes, some of them pondering his strategic and tactical options, some of them offering less than flattering opinions about the enemy troops! These notes have been transcribed so that those who may not be able to read what is sometimes slightly scruffier penmanship can, nevertheless, follow the story blow-by-blow.1 vol, 104 pgs 2023 UK, GLADIUS PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$35.00 rct

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1-242160 Hyde, Henry TABLETOP BATTLE TACTICS: Techniques for Wargaming Success Deluxe Full Colour Combined Edition brings together the content of books 1 and 2 in the series with photographs, maps, and diagrams in full colour. Based on a series of articles written by the author for Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy magazine, this volume pulls together all that tabletop tactical advice under a single cover for easy reference. Includes additional content, with a gallery of inspiring games and an additional scenario featuring pirates and Royal Marines on a tropical island.

Advice outlines how each troop type evolved its own tactics to counter its enemies and make best use of new technologies as they arose. Most of the information is completely generic, with a few examples to help you understand how different arms and tactics are represented in popular rulesets like Black Powder, Hail Caesar, Chain of Command, Warhammer Ancient Battles, and others.1 vol, 94 pgs 2023 UK, GLADIUS PUBLICATIONS
NEW-hardback, available late January 2024 ......$31.00 rct

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1-242161 Hyde, Henry TABLETOP BATTLE TACTICS: Techniques for Wargaming Success: Book 1 - Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery Basics Based on a series of articles written by the author for Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy magazine, this is the first of two volumes that pull together all that tabletop tactical advice under a single cover for easy reference. The content spans the globe, launching you from ancient Greece, Rome and Byzantium, soaring across medieval and renaissance Europe, and taking in the conflicts of more recent times that might be in Russia, the Western Desert, Iraq, or Afghanistan. Outlines how each troop type evolved its own tactics to counter its enemies and make best use of new technologies as they arose.

The advice contained here will help you make the best of your infantry, cavalry, artillery, chariots and elephants, through to the radical changes brought about in, for example, artillery from the late 19th century onwards. Most of the information is completely generic, with a few examples to help you understand how different arms and tactics are represented in popular rulesets like Black Powder, Hail Caesar, Chain of Command, Warhammer Ancient Battles and others.1 vol, 52 pgs 2023 UK, GLADIUS PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$15.00 rct

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1-242162 Hyde, Henry TABLETOP BATTLE TACTICS: Techniques for Wargaming Success: Book 2 -- Theory into Practice Based on a series of articles written by the author for Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy magazine, the second of two volumes offers 16 scenarios, each of which can be adapted and staged using your favorite rules and armies. Includes beautifully rendered maps that represent gaming terrain for Ancient Greeks, modern special forces, Wellington's redcoats, Napoleon's finest, or ACW Union versus Confederate. Considers the different approaches that might be needed when using a selection of popular rulesets. 1 vol, 38 pgs 2023 UK, GLADIUS PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$15.00 rct

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1-967032 van der Ster, Arthur WITH HOT LEAD AND COLD STEEL: American Civil War Wargaming Rules Large-scale, mass-battle wargame for recreating the American Civil War for brigade- and divisional-level engagements from the First Bull Run to Appomattox Court House.1 vol, 80 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$25.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-938025 STRATEGY & TACTICS QUARTERLY #25:The Fall Of Rome The Fall of Rome: New Look. One of the most momentous events in history is the Fall of Rome, usually slated as occurring in the year AD 476. But what exactly happened? Why did the Roman state, which stood for a thousand years, collapse in the face of a series of incursions from over the Rhine and Danube? This issue will explore a wide range of factors. The state of the Roman army in the fifth century AD was potentially a very effective force with an expanded cavalry army. The political structure of the Empire will be examined with the division between east and west, the stratification into a military caste system, and the increasing deals with invaders who were given their own kingdoms within the borders of the empire. Also, great leaders like Stilicho and Aetius, and even emperors such as Honorius (often blamed for the disasters of the early 5th century) and Zeno whose Eastern Empire survived the collapse in the West1 vol, 116 pgs 2024 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$20.00 DISCOUNT:10% inc

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1-242090 Elton, Hugh UNDERSTANDING ANCIENT BATTLE: Combat in the Classical World from the Unit Commander's Perspective Between discussions of grand strategies and individual soldiers' personal experiences lies a major gap in our understanding of ancient combat: the officer's battle -- how units actually fought and maneuvered in battle.

Summarizes major periods' equipment, organization, and tactics and then shows how battle worked in a series of case studies as officers adapted to equipment, morale, leadership, and terrain challenges. Analyzes 24 battles between the 5th-century BCE and the 6th century CE, including Marathon, Issus, Cannae, Cynoscephalae, Mons Graupius, and Adrianople. Contains 40 black and white illustrations.1 vol, 200 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late January 2024 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242110 Hyden, Marc ROMULUS: The Legend of Rome's Founding Father According to legend, Romulus was born to a Vestal Virgin and left for dead as an infant near the Tiber River. His life nearly ended as quickly as it began, but fate had other plans. A humble shepherd rescued the child and helped raise him into manhood. As Romulus grew older, he fearlessly engaged in a series of perilous adventures that ultimately culminated in Rome's founding, and he became its fabled first king. Contains four black and white illustrations.

Establishing a new city had its price, and Romulus was forced to defend the nascent community. As he tirelessly safeguarded Rome, Romulus proved that he was a competent leader and talented general. Yet, he also harbored a dark side, which reared its head in many ways and tainted his legacy; but despite all of his misdeeds, redemption and subsequent triumphs were usually within his grasp. Indeed, he is an example of how greatness is sometimes born of disgrace. Regardless of his foreboding flaws, Rome allegedly existed because of him and became massively successful. As the centuries passed, the Romans never forgot their celebrated founder, and this is the story that they believed.1 vol, 296 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$29.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241940 Pierre-Louis Coudray MORE FURIES THAN MEN: The Irish Brigade in the Service of France 1690-1792 The history of the Irish Brigade from the heyday of the so-called 'Wild Geese' at the very end of the 17th century to the decline of the Brigade in the second half of the 18th century. Irish troops fought for the French kings in Italy in 1702, on the plains of Flanders, and for the Stuarts in the Scottish Highlands in 1745. Covers the daily lives of officers and soldiers Explains the Brigade's military diaspora of the 18th century. The Battle of Fontenoy on 11 May 1745 represents the pinnacle of the Brigade's success. Includes 15 b/w ills, 10 color ills, 10pp color plates, 2 maps, and 3 tables.1 vol, 214 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$55.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242080 Johnston, Arran THE BATTLES OF BONNIE PRINCE CHARLIE: The Young Chevalier at War Prince Charles Edward Stuart (1720-1788) was the grandson of Britain's last Stuart king and the last of his line to fight for their right to the throne. Born in Rome and raised at his father's cultured and cosmopolitan court-in-exile, the young prince grew up beneath a heavy weight of expectation and yearned for the chance to prove his worth. In 1745, just as it seemed his best opportunity had already passed, Charles threw caution to the wind and embarked on a secret and seemingly desperate expedition to Scotland. What followed is one of the most remarkable, famous, and often misrepresented episodes of Scottish history: the '45. Covers the battles of Prestonpans, Falkirk, and Culloden to reveal the prince's strengths and flaws as a commander, and the difficult relationships he had with the very people on whom his fortunes, and reputation, would depend. Contains 25 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 232 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late January 2024 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242000 Garlock, Michael REVOLUTIONARY WAR FORTS: New York Covers NY state forts of the American Revolution including Amsterdam, Clinton, Fort Clinton at West Point, Dayton, Decker, Flagstaff, Au Fer, Brooklyn, Defiance, Franklin, Golgotha, Herkimer, Jay, Klock, Montgomery, Niagara Old Stone Fort, Salonga, Stanwix, Ticonderoga, Wadsworth, and Washington. Discusses design, armament, and current status of the forts. Explores their garrisons, commanders, and the battles fought, as well as the spatial and military dependent relationships these forts had with one another. This book is filled with color and black and white illustrations on every page.1 vol, 160 pgs 2024 UK, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available late January 2024 ......$40.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242040 Gimenez, J J Herrero THE PENINSULAR WAR: The Spanish Perspective British historians often relegated Spanish contributions to victory over the Napoleonic French in the Peninsular War to a minor role. Here, a Spanish historian offers a different analysis of Spanish defeats and victories and the logistical and political difficulties faced by the Spaniards. Examines great battles such as Tudela, Ocana, and Bailen as well as sieges such as Zaragoza while also covering the guerrilla warfare in which ordinary citizens took up arms, attacking isolated French outposts and capturing enemy messengers and patrols. As the war progressed, the Spanish armies became strong enough to win several battles, contributing decisively to the defeat of Napoleon in conjunction with the magnificent achievements of Sir Arthur Wellesley and his Anglo-Portuguese army.

Translated into English for the first time. Contains 16 mono illustrations.1 vol, 256 pgs 2024 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available late January 2024 ......$55.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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2-223670 Schader, Karen GERMAN MILITARY AND THE WEIMAR REPUBLIC: General Hans von Seekt, General Erich Ludendorff and the Rise of Hitler Bio of German Weimar Republic Gen. Hans von Seekt (1866-1936), who attempted to restore Germany's international acceptance and security following defeat in World War I and the Treaty of Versailles of 1919.

Von Seekt was from the traditional German officer caste, served with distinction on the war and became Chief of the Army Command at the Reichewehr Ministry of the Weimar Republic and Germany's 'supreme soldier' and major military strategist. His role was to rebuild the shattered German army in face of the punitive terms of post-war settlement imposed by the victorious Entente Powers which drastically reduced its strength and imposed crippling financial conditions. Contains 8 black and white illustrations.

He aimed to build a modern and efficient military -- a new German army -- with a main strategy of peaceful defense purposes, and to reintroduce Germany into the community of nations. This original and far-sighted policy was opposed by the movement seeking revenge for defeat -- a 'stab in the back' -- led principally by his rival, General Erich Ludendorff, whose aim was rebuild the once-mighty German imperial army as a major international force. The failure of von Seekt's experiment was mirrored by the fall of the Weimar Republic, and the rise of rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany.1 vol, 288 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb edition, available late January 2024 ......$30.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242070 Taylor, Richard ARMOURED WARFARE IN THE BRITISH ARMY: 1945-2020 Third volume in three-volume history of the evolution of armored maneuver warfare in the British army, covers the post-war period from 1945 to 2020. Recounts how the RAC became a fully-professional organization by the early 1960s and continues the tale of disbandments, down-sizing, and amalgamations with personal accounts of soldiers throughout. Covers the BAOR in Germany during the Cold War and describes the role British armor played in conflicts in the Gulf, the Balkans, and Afghanistan. Contains 60 color and 40 mono illustrations.1 vol, 376 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late January 2024 ......$53.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242030 Wolf, William SPECIAL OPERATIONS CONSOLIDATED B-24 LIBERATORS: The Unknown Secret and Specialized Duties Aircraft Covers B-24s outfitted for special missions, including parachuting spies and dropping leaflets into Europe, performing electronic snooping and intelligence, aerial refueling, and six B-24s that were captured and flown by the Luftwaffe. During the war, 83 B-24s crashed or made forced landings in Switzerland, 60 in Sweden, and several in Russia, Spain, Portugal, and Turkey. Many of these Liberators landed undamaged or were repaired to be flown by these nations. Includes 200 mono illustrations and photographs.1 vol, 256 pgs 2024 UK, AIR WORLD
NEW-dj, available late February 2024 ......$38.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242010 Baxter, Ian THE VISTULA-ODER OFFENSIVE: The Soviet Destruction of German Army Group A, 1945 Fully illustrated book (contains 120-150 photographs and maps) relates this story of defeat and survival, offering a detailed visual record of Germany Army's demise in 1944 to 1945 througha a recap of several Soviet offensives. German attempts to hold their lines and avoid being sucked into a maelstrom of destruction were unsuccessful. Army Group A would collapse almost all the way back to Berlin, ending the Third Reich's desperate efforts to cling onto land captured in Poland five years earlier, and stem enemy forces spilling over into Germany and threatening Berlin. The battle saw some 295,000 soldiers killed and 147,000 captured, as well as thousands of tanks, artillery, and machine guns destroyed. Within two months of the offensive the battle of Berlin was launched.1 vol, 128 pgs 2024 UK, CASEMATE
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$29.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242120 Greenacre, John CHURCHILL'S SPEARHEAD: The Development of Britain's Airborne Forces in World War II Covers the inception, growth, and employment of Britain's airborne forces (parachute and glider-borne formations) between June 1940 and March 1945. Takes a comparative approach and follows tailored lines of development. Each of these lines -- politics and policy, equipment and technology, personnel and training, command and control, and concepts and doctrine -- influenced each other.

The contents include:

*Politics and Policy: The political environment within which the major decisions were made concerning the concept of development of Britain's airborne forces. Churchill's personal contribution, the effect of inter-service rivalry and the influence of other government departments.
*Equipment and Technology: The methods and obstacles of procuring and supplying the bespoke equipment required by airborne forces. The supply of combat equipment, the provision of support aircraft, and the procurement of gliders.
*Personnel and Training: The effort incurred to man the new force and the effect of different approaches to recruitment and training. The selection and recruitment of airborne personnel, the individual training of paratroops and glider pilots, and the role of collective training prior to operations.
*Command and Control: The ability of individuals in key appointments to influence the path of development and the operational and tactical employment of the force. The reaction and approach of higher commanders to the new capability, the selection and impact of commanders within the airborne force, and the influence of the airborne staff.
*Concept and Doctrine: Examines the manner in which Britain's airborne forces were employed and performed on operations in the Mediterranean and northwest Europe. How the development of the airborne concept was influenced by physical constraints (equipment and personnel), the ideas of higher commanders, and the German example. The impact of individual commanders and physical limitations.1 vol, 256 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$30.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242130 Grehan, John DUNKIRK: NINE DAYS THAT SAVED AN ARMY:?A Day by Day Account of the Greatest Evacuation Book covers the WWII evacuation of British and French troops from Dunkirk in 1940 using a day-by-day approach. Covers the perimeter around Dunkirk, in the port itself, and along the beaches to La Panne and the Belgian border. Combines official Admiralty reports and a mass of other first-hand accounts. The accounts of the men who crewed these vessels tell of being bombed and strafed by the Luftwaffe or shelled from the shore. There are stories of collisions in the dark, chaos on the beaches and tragic losses as ships went down. Similar tales are told by the men waiting on the beaches, defending the perimeter or flying in the skies overhead in a valiant effort to hold the German Army and Luftwaffe at bay.1 vol, 344 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$27.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-956094 Miranda, Joseph WORLD AT WAR # 94: Kesselring War-Decision in Italy 1943-44 Kesselring's War: Decision in Italy 1943-44 is an operational level two-player wargame covering the campaign in Sicily and southern Italy, July 1943 to February 1944. The game covers the months from Operation Husky through the initial landings in the southern peninsula up to the Anzio invasion and first battle of Monte Cassino. The game system portrays operations across the theater within a framework of logistical and command /control restraints, modeled as Action Points. Each hex on the map is approximately 30 kilometers across. Each turn of play represents a month of operations. Ground units represent mostly divisions, independent brigades, and regiments. Air units represent the equivalent of a Luftwaffe Geschwader, USAAF wing or RAF group (9 to 15 squadrons). Naval units represent task forces.

Components: one 22x34-inch map, 176 5/8 inch counters, and magazine.1 vol, 62 pgs 2024 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-242050 Sikora, Peter POLISH AIR FORCE FIGHTER AIRCRAFT, 1940-1942: From the Battle of France to the Dieppe Raid Tells the story that the men and machines of the Polish squadrons underwent from the Battle of France to the Dieppe Raid. The latter was almost as disastrous in the air as it was on the ground - though, from the Polish perspective, it confirmed the long-developed skills of the 145 pilots who made it to Britain. With an impressive tally of 126 enemy aircraft destroyed over Poland, and a further 51 in France, the combat pilots, flying instructors, and test pilots had to be trained to serve under the command of the RAF. Contains 250+ mono illustrations.1 vol, 272 pgs 2024 UK, AIR WORLD
NEW-dj, available late January 2024 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242020 Harrel, John THE RUSSIAN INVASION OF UKRAINE, FEBRUARY-DECEMBER 2022: Destroying the Myth of Russian Invincibility On February 24, 2022, Russian forces invaded Ukraine. The initial Russian dash for Kiev was repelled and their advances in the east and south also slowed by a combination of fierce resistance and their own unpreparedness, inadequate logistical planning, and incompetent command. While the Russians ground their way forward in the east and south of the country, devastating towns and cities, they paid a heavy price in casualties and equipment losses. A carefully planned Ukrainian counteroffensive in the summer forced the invaders into a series of humiliating retreats. As winter approached, the Russians still held considerable territory but the initiative and strategic momentum had clearly swung to the defenders. The illusion of Russian invincibility was shattered forever.

US Major General (retired) John S Harrel, a graduate of the US Army War College, trained with the Ukrainian army in the 1990s and in 2006, and commanded Ukrainian troops as part of the NATO force in Kosovo in 2005. His military expertise and detailed knowledge of the combatants analyzes the course of the first 10 months of the war. He gives the reasons for the failure of the Russian invasion and, conversely, explains how the Ukrainian defense exceeded expectations, while acknowledging that strategic mistakes were made on both sides. Contains 16 color illustrations.1 vol, 240 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late January 2024 ......$37.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-930345 various STRATEGY & TACTICS # 345: Tanks of August: Georgia 2008 Tanks of August is a two-player game of the conflict in Georgia and the two separatist entities of South Ossetia and Abkhazia during mid-August 2008. The Russian player is attempting to destabilize Georgia, destroy infrastructure and her armed forces, and render it unable to join NATO, thus leaving it as a buffer zone. By consolidating the separatist entities of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Georgia faced a dilemma: recognize the independence of the two breakaway regions and try to join NATO or remain a frozen conflict and therefore unable to join NATO or the European Union in the foreseeable future.

Each game turn represents one day. The map scale is set at 10 km (6.2 miles) for each hex. Combat units are battalions with higher level headquarters providing additional capabilities. Air power and other supporting arms are abstracted using strike markers and events.

Components: 22x34-inch game map, 176 5/8-inch counters, and magazine.1 vol, 84 pgs 2024 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-228241 Bahr, Alan HEIRS TO HERESY: Faith & Fear Supplement for the roleplaying game of the fall of the Knights Templar that unfolds like the labyrinthine Templar conspiracies themselves. Branded a heretic and turned fugitive, you are on the run. Your enemies are many, your friends few. Previously unknown foes stalk city streets and forest paths alike, while unexpected allies come to the fore in the form of new playable knightly orders. Ancient relics and new mysteries abound, allowing players to dive more deeply into this dark, mythic Europe, while rules for strongholds and spy networks present them with opportunities to exploit or challenges to overcome.1 vol, 96 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-hardback, available late January 2024 ......$25.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241970 Lopiano, Fabio SANKORE: The Pride of Mansa Musa Eurogame for one to four players, following the rise in fortunes of the prestigious University of Sankore in 14th-century Timbuktu. Players must each manage a prestigious school within the Sankore Madrasa -- enrolling and graduating your pupils, teaching classes, adding to your curriculum, and filling the great library with books, you will advance knowledge in four main disciplines: theology, law, mathematics, and astronomy. Once construction of the university is complete, the value that the empire places on each discipline will dramatically affect how you score the knowledge you have passed on.

In a dedicated solo mode, you will be competing against a distinguished and ambitious scholar controlled by an automated system. They may not be as nimble as you, but they are focused and driven and will strive to produce the best possible students.

For Ages 14+; Players: 1-4; and Playing Time: 150-180 minutes.

Contents: Main Board, 4 Player Boards, 260+ Wooden Pieces, 190+ Tokens, and 25+ Cards.1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-box, available late January 2024 ......$90.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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