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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 10/17/2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Weekly eFlyer: 10/17/2024

1-1950311 Warlord HAIL CAESAR: Once and Future King This supplement delves into the historical sources for Arthur and provides all the rules and army lists you need to field a heroic British force defending against the depredations of the Saxons, Picts, Scots, and Irish in the Dark Ages. The heroes and villains who populated the legends are also featured, allowing you to muster your favorite Arthurian characters ion the battlefield. Contains twelve detailed scenarios, as well as his final fight at Camlann where he faced his nemesis, Mordred. A campaign system allows you to play these as a single narrative, with options to play Arthur in a Welsh, Northern, Southern or pan-British context. There is also an additional campaign, described in Geoffrey of Monmouth's spurious history of Arthur, where Arthur and his allies faced off against the might of Rome and her allies in the East. A copy of the Hail Caesar rulebook is required to use this supplement.1 vol, 1 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-pb, available mid October 2024 ......$32.00 rct

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1-211001 Warlord PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: Rulebook Provides you with all the information you need to refight the wars that raged across Europe in the 17th century in an epic scale, with period specific additions that capture the tactics, conditions, and prominent personalities of both these cataclysmic conflicts.1 vol, 260 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-pb, available mid October 2024 ......$30.00 rct

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1-246530 Skipper, Ben A PHOTOGRAPHIC HISTORY OF LONDON'S CEREMONIAL REGIMENTS This richly illustrated volume tells the story of the seven regiments of the Household Division, along with the supporting personalities and units of London District. From the key personalities responsible for the razor-sharp execution of state ceremonial and public duties, to the historical figures who helped establish and shape a military dynasty. Explores the history of the Household Division from its birth in 1660, with the restoration of Charles II, to its role in establishing Britain's Special Forces. Contains 160 color and mono illustrations.1 vol, 160 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid October 2024 ......$40.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-246510 edited by Rospond, Vincent THE JOURNAL OF AMERICA'S MILITARY PAST: Issue 155.2 Contents:
* Fortress of American Empire: Building the Modern US Naval Academy at Annapolis, 1895-1913
* Camp Blanding's German Prisoners of War and Russian Dandelions
* Drawn to the Corps: The USMC in Comic Books
* Post Library
* What We're Reading Now
* Books Noted and Received1 vol, 113 pgs 2024 US, COUNCIL ON AMERICA'S MILITARY PAST
NEW-pb, available mid October 2024 ......$16.00 rct

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1-COM1036 Miller, Brien FORNOVO 1495: Wargame Fornovo 1495, the first game in the Order of Arms series presents the battle fought between the French Army of King Charles VIII, and the Condottieri forces of the League of Venice under the command of Francesco II Gonzaga of Mantua. The game features the Historical Battle as fought by Francesco Gonzaga across a rising Taro River, a free-set up version, and a what-if scenario that portrays the Italian fear of a French drive on Parma.

* 1 Series rulebook
* 1 Game specific rulebook/scenario book
* 1 22 x 34-inch map
* 2 Countersheets with both long and square counters
* Multiple charts and tables cards
* 3 Six-sided Dice
* 1 Box and Lid1 vol, 1 pgs 2015 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box, only one (1) available, first come first served ......$75.00 DISCOUNT:30%

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1-COM1010 Herndon, Don NO PEACE WITHOUT SPAIN: The War of the Spanish Succession 1702-13 -- 1st Edition Wargame Two-player game that recreates the WSS using a point-to-point map and a single deck of 55 cards. Action cards are used to activate armies for movement and siege, while event cards bring historical and special events into play that can swing the tide of fortune when least expected. Each turn represents one year, each corps represents 10,000 men of all arms and each leader represents a major commander and his staff. Leaders are rated for Tactical and Command capabilities and they significantly influence the course of events.

* 1 22 x 34-inch Mounted map
* 1 rule and scenario booklet
* 2 player aid cards
* 1 card deck of 55 playing cards
* 1 sheet of 168 counters (0.65 x 0.65-inch)
* 10 six-sided dice
* 1 box and lid set1 vol, 1 pgs 2011 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box o/p, only one (1) available, first come first served ......$75.00 DISCOUNT:20%

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1-COM1038 Poniske, John REVOLUTION ROAD: April and June of 1775 (Wargame) Contains two separate games encompassing the two Massachusetts flashpoints that ignited the American Revolutionary War in 1775; the running battle between the Colonists and British regulars in the trek to and from Concord and the epic Battle of Bunker Hill that followed. Not only does this title provide two separate engagements but several scenarios for each as well as high solitaire capability.

The two battles present two entirely different tactical conflicts. In Boston to Concord players range far and wide performing a variety of actions while engaging in minor skirmishes and only occasionally pitched battle. Bunker Hill is nothing but one long and bloody pitched battle with American reinforcements trickling in every turn as the English juggernaut bears down on their objectives.

* 1 Counter sheet
* 2 Maps
* 1 Deck of 22 Playing Cards
* Rule Booklets
* 6 Player Aid Cards
* 8 six-sided dice
* One box and lid set1 vol, 1 pgs 2021 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box ......$69.00 DISCOUNT:20%

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1-246580 Dawson, Paul WATERLOO CASUALTIES Examines General Drouet d'Erlon's critical failures at Waterloo, revealing overlooked aspects of the battle's strategic decisions and impact. Explores what happened at Hougoumont, La Haye Sainte, and on the French right wing as the Prussians closed in. The actions between Papelotte and Frischermont were critical in the story of the battle, but have, so far, been seldom studied. As no red-coated soldiers fought here, and the Waterloo mythos says the redcoats won the battle, the study of half of the battle has to a large extent been ignored.1 vol, 288 pgs 2024 UK, FONTHILL MEDIA
NEW-dj, available mid October 2024 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-246590 Hale, Douglas THE THIRD TEXAS CAVALRY IN THE CIVIL WAR The Third Texas Cavalry Regiment, recruited from 26 counties of northeastern Texas, was one of the most famous Confederate units from the Lone Star State. Covers troop movements and battle actions, portraying the sufferings and private thoughts of individual cavalrymen and their commanders as they marched back and forth across the Southern landscape.1 vol, 348 pgs 1993 US, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA PRESS
AS NEW-dj, ......$30.00

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1-246560 Jones, Margaret SHE SPIED FOR FREEDOM: Mary Richards, A Black Civil War Agent Tells the story of Mary Richards, a Union spy who posed as an illiterate slave during the American Civil War. Spying on the war councils of Davis and his advisers, she risked her life to send vital intelligence to the U.S. military in the ongoing battle to end slavery. Born into slavery herself but freed to be educated in the North, she was sent to Africa as a teenage missionary. On her return to the American South in wartime, she was recruited as a Union spy and sent on her dangerous mission to the 'Confederate White House.' Focuses on Richards's benefactor and spymaster, Elizabeth Van Lew; her fellow agents; her three husbands; and those, like Jefferson Davis and his wife, whom she dealt with in the camp of the enemy. 1 vol, 168 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid October 2024 ......$38.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-246570 Knowles, Daniel EMPIRE CRUISE: The Special Service Squadron, 1923-24 Examines the Special Service Squadron that the Royal Navy sent on a 10-month tour around the British Empire. Led by the battlecruiser HMS Hood -- the pride of the Royal Navy and the largest ship in the world at the time -- and comprising of the battlecruiser Renown and the 1st Light Cruiser Squadron, the role of the Special Service Squadron was to show the flag during a public relations exercise and to strengthen ties across the empire. Much publicized, the cruise served as a subtle reminder that in the aftermath of WWI, Britannia still ruled the waves. Charts the situation faced by Great Britain and the Royal Navy in the years immediately after the war, detailing the origins of the cruise before charting the course of the expedition.1 vol, 320 pgs 2024 UK, FONTHILL MEDIA
NEW-dj, available mid October 2024 ......$45.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-246540 Linden, Stefanie THEY CALLED IT SHELL SHOCK: Combat Stress in the First World War Provides a new perspective on the psychological reactions to the traumatic experiences of combat. Illustrates the universal suffering of soldiers involved in this conflict and its often devastating consequences for their mental health. The focal point of the book is the soldier's experience on the battlefield that triggers his nervous breakdown, and the author links this up with the soldiers' biographies and provides a perspective on their pre-war civilian life and experience of the war.

Explains how shell shock challenged the fabric of pre-war society, including its beliefs about gender, class, and scientific progress. Argues that the shell shock epidemic had enduring consequences for the understanding of the human mind and the power that it can exert over the body. Includes a collection of unpublished first-hand accounts of life in the trenches and soldiers' traumas. Contains 72 black and white photos and illustrations.1 vol, 274 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj, available mid October 2024 ......$60.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-COM1032 Rader, Andrew FATAL ALLIANCES: The Great War (Wargame) Fatal Alliances: The Great War is a worthy partner to the international award-winning World in Flames. Like its predecessor, Fatal Alliances is all encompassing, and represents every theater and aspect of the First World War. Fatal Alliances expands upon the military system of World in Flames to highlight the diplomatic and civilian fronts.

1,680 counters represent the armies, navies, and air forces, which fought in the Great War. Two to five players make the strategic decisions that decide the fate of nations. What forces to produce, where to commit them, when, and how? No two games of Fatal Alliances play the same, no strategy is foolproof, and any decision may have unforeseen consequences.

* three 22 x 32-inch full-colour maps covering most of the world (West Europe & Africa, East Europe & the Middle East, America, Asia, and the Pacific)
* six countersheets totaling 1,680 counters representing all the WWI armies, navies and air forces
* one Morale & Diplomacy Chart
* one Production Circle
* two Combat & Unit Definition Charts
* two additional bi-fold full-colour sets of charts and tables
* The World in Flames Rule Book
* two 10-sided dice
* one Box and Lid set1 vol, 1 pgs 2015 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box, only one (1) available, first come first served ......$134.00 DISCOUNT:20%

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1-COM1037 Uhlmann, Kirk THE LAMPS ARE GOING OUT: World War I -- 2nd Edition Wargame Simulates World War I (Aug 1914-Nov 1918) at the grand strategic level. Many of the economic and military factors have been simplified to make game play as easy as possible, while still accurately portraying the balance of forces, strategies, constraints and ultimately the grand decision-making involved.

The core of the game is the conducting of movement and offensives of field armies in an attempt to deplete, breakthrough, and force retreats of enemy armies to gain territory and/or eliminate opposing forces. Mobilizing new armies and supplying depleted armies requires the allocation of Production Points, a scarce commodity that varies from nation to nation and represents the industrial capacity for war as well as the manpower, logistical capacity, and training of each country's military. Event cards for each of the four game factions provide for political developments, leadership, friction, and military developments particular to the nations involved. Technology cards allow players to invest in and research advances along several branches.


* 1 22x34-inch Mounted Map
* 176 5/8-inch counters
* 100 Event Cards
* 20 Technology Cards
* 2 Player Aid sheets
* 1 Rules booklet1 vol, 1 pgs 2021 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box ......$75.00 DISCOUNT:30%

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1-246520 Ferenczi, Thomas FASCIST ITALY AT WAR: 1939-1943 Discusses Italy's role in WWII. Drawing on rarely seen archival evidence, it examines Italy's disastrous military performance in the Balkan, North African, and Russian theaters -- exacerbated by sub-par training, inexpert leadership, and limited war materiel -- to demonstrate the catastrophic consequences of Mussolini's war policy. Also explores in absorbing detail the political machinations behind the scenes. These cynical intrigues, not only between the Axis leaders, but also between the leading Fascist personalities, undermined the stability of the Fascist regime and ultimately led to its dissolution.1 vol, 272 pgs 2024 UK, FONTHILL MEDIA
NEW-dj, available mid October 2024 ......$42.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-246550 Forsgren, Jan THE MESSERSCHMITT BF 110 STORY Detailed examination of the Luftwaffe's offensive twin-engine fighter. Drawing on the personal recollections of pilots and aircrew, as well as the individual histories of principal units and non-Luftwaffe operators, charts the aircraft's operational service in Poland, the Battle of Britain, North Africa, and the Eastern Front. Offers technical analysis on the aircraft's design and performance alongside competitors, such as the Focke-Wulf Fw 57 and Henschel Hs 124, and opponents, like the French Potez 630/631 series and Polish PZL.38. The few Bf 110s that have survived in preservation are also explored.1 vol, 192 pgs 2024 UK, FONTHILL MEDIA
NEW-dj, available mid October 2024 ......$42.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-COM1033 Rinella, Michael FESTUNG EUROPA: The Campaign for Western Europe, 1943-1945 (Wargame) Features streamlined card-driven game mechanics. Gone are elaborate special cases and restrictions that had to be remembered each and every action round, allowing players to concentrate on the sorts of decisions faced by the historical participants. Easy to set up, with a maximum of just ten turns, a complete campaign game may be played in a single evening. Also included is an Operation Overlord scenario which has an even quicker playing time.

* One 22 x 34-inch paper map
* One deck of 110 cards playing cards (55 Allied, 55 Axis)
* One Rulebook
* One full sheet of 176 5/8-inch full color counters and markers
* One half sheet of 130 1/2-inch full color control markers
* Two Player aid cards
* Two six-sided dice1 vol, 1 pgs 2015 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box, only one (1) available, first come first served ......$134.00 DISCOUNT:75%

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