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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 7/25 /2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Weekly eFlyer: 11/23/2023

1-241180 Copestake, Andy and James Main KHALSA! A Guide to Wargaming the Anglo-Sikh Wars 1845-1846 and 1848-1849 This book details the two wars fought by the British-Indian Army against the Sikh Empire of Northern India in the middle of the 19th century, resulting in the addition of the Punjab to the territories of British India and the introduction of the famous Sikh regiments to the British-Indian army. Also provides detailed information on the organization and uniforms of both armies, how to create armies of model soldiers, and rules are suitable to bring these battles to the wargames table. Also contains detailed orders of battle and scenarios. Contains 65 color photos, six color illustrations, nine b/w illustrations, 10 b/w maps, and six tables.1 vol, 182 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid December 2023 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-909013 Navarro, Juan PAINTING WAR 13: Napoleonic Prussian & Russian Latest in the superb series. Immerse yourself in this issue and learn painting techniques for figures of this period.1 vol, 88 pgs 2023 SPAIN
NEW-pb, available mid December 2022 ......$31.00 rct

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1-241190 DeFoggi, John-Matthew URBAN DECAY: Roleplaying Game Inspired by classic arcade video games, movies, and comic-books, players take on the roles of warriors, martial artists, vigilantes, and ordinary citizens taking to the streets to face the gangs that control the City and to save the people and places they love. Streamlined character and crew creation produces distinct, capable heroes with shared goals and bonds, while the versatile Clash system emphasizes the brutal, gritty street-fights in which these heroes will find themselves. The City itself is built collaboratively, with players working together to define the districts and neighborhoods for which their heroes will go to war.1 vol, 160 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-hardcover, available mid December 2023 ......$25.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241150 Wallace, John and Charles Whitelaw AN ILLUSTRATED REFERENCE GUIDE TO SCOTTISH EDGED WEAPONS: Four Classic Texts by John Wallace and Charles E. Whitelaw Reprint of 1970 book remains a standard guide to collecting Scottish edged weapons and contains more examples of Scottish swords. Also contains the monograph by Charles Whitelaw on swords with signed basket hilts by Glasgow and Stirling makers, plus two small additional articles by the same author. An essential study for any collector of Scottish militaria.1 vol, 172 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early December 2023 ......$55.00 rct

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1-995325 Zaloga, Steven J. 325 GERMAN FIELD ARTILLERY OF WORLD WAR II Surveys the major Wehrmacht guns of WWII and the basic organizational structure of the German field artillery. Its primary focus is on the divisional field guns, especially the lFH 18 10.5cm field howitzer and the 15cm sFH 18 field howitzer that formed the backbone of German artillery. A brief survey is also made of the infantry guns used at the regimental level, and of corps-level heavy artillery. The issue of the use of 'Beutewaffen,' captured war-booty field guns, is also looked at, as is the Nebelwerfer and schwere Wurfgerat rocket artillery. Includes archive photos and detailed illustrations.1 vol, 48 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid December 2023 ......$20.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-996397 Konstam, Angus 397 CAPE MATAPAN 1941: Cunningham's Mediterranean Triumph Examines the 1941 clash between the UK and Italian fleets, including the cruiser clashes early on 28 March off Gavdos, the Fleet Air Arm attacks on the Italian fleet, and the 28/29 March night action that resulted in the destruction of Admiral Carlo Cattaneo's ships - Italy's worst naval defeat. Includes the usual abundant Campaign-series maps, photos, and illustrations.1 vol, 96 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid December 2023 ......$25.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-996396 Stille, Mark 396 JAPAN'S INDIAN OCEAN RAID 1942: The Allies' Lowest Ebb Detailed illustrated exploration of the Japanese raid into the Indian Ocean in April 1942 - one of the largest operations conducted by the Imperial Navy during the war as its carriers struck Ceylon - the heart of British naval power in the East - sinking several Allied ships. Details the weaponry, equipment, personnel, and the events of both sides' air efforts.

Specially commissioned battlescenes bring to life the sinking of British carrier Hermes, the Bristol Blenheim attacks on the Japanese carrier force, and a Zero vs Hurricane dogfight over Colombo on 5 April. Easy to follow maps and diagrams reveal the strategic situation at the start and end of the campaign, and track the movements of the Japanese carrier task force and the British Eastern Fleet throughout. of the fascinating battles that took place are revealed in over 60 photographs, many of which are from Japanese sources.1 vol, 96 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid December 2023 ......$25.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241260 Esposito, Gabriele CARTHAGINIAN ARMIES OF THE PUNIC WARS 264-146 BC: History, Organization and Equipment Describes the organization, armor, weapons, other equipment, and tactics of the Carthaginian forces -- including Numidian light cavalry, slingers of the Balearic islands, Celts, Spanish swordsmen, and war elephants -- that fought the three Punic wars with Rome. Analyzes the campaigns, battles, and sieges between the two formidable enemies in the Central and Western Mediterranean Sea. Includes excellent color photographs showing replica equipment in use.1 vol, 160 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid December 2023 ......$43.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241270 Ede-Borrett, Stephen and David Flintham BATTER THEIR WALLS, GATES AND FORTS: The Proceedings of the 2022 English Civil War Fortress Symposium Sieges dominated the English Civil Wars. One study suggests that for every major battle, there were perhaps as many as eight sieges, and probably more than 200 towns, castles, and country homes in England were besieged. Newark-upon-Trent was besieged three times during the English Civil Wars and is home to perhaps the best surviving fortifications in the country. It was appropriate, therefore, that the town should host the English Civil War Fortress Symposium in November 2022. The symposium brought together a variety of projects and studies covering the archaeology of sieges, fortifications and the public, and the challenges, approaches, and results connected to the rediscovery and preservation of fortifications. 1 vol, 165 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid December 2023 ......$45.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241280 Flintham, David THE TOWN WELL FORTIFIED: The Fortresses of the Civil Wars in Britain, 1639-1660 Between 1639 and 1660, more than 1,000 towns, villages, castles, manor houses, and other places across England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales were fortified. They ranged in complexity from the simple strengthening of existing medieval walls to the sophisticated re-fortification of major towns. This book examines the strategic and tactical importance of fortifications and their influence on the respective war effort of all sides, particularly in terms of logistics and the concept of protected corridors which connected key locations and dominated campaigns.

The design and construction of the fortifications is also considered, both in terms of the theory, especially from the military manuals of the time, and then the practice, including several contemporary and eyewitness accounts. The book also examines actual numbers, locations, and types of fortresses, including an assessment of the type of fort known as a sconce. Includes recent archaeological investigations such as current and yet largely unpublished investigations at Kings Lynn, London, and the Isle of Man.1 vol, 256 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early December 2023 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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3-22420 Duffy, Christopher FIRE AND STONE: The Science of Fortress Warfare 1660-1860 Covers the classic age of military engineering, which was heralded by the work of Vauban, chief engineer to the French King Louis XIV. Examines the purpose of fortresses across Europe and the debates of the time concerning their offensive and defensive uses. Analyses the strategic and structural considerations that dictated their locations and describes how they were planned, designed, and built and by whom. Explains how a siege progressed from start to finish plans and preparations, the investment of the fortress, the ways in which a fortress could be reduced short of a formal siege, and the siege itself at every stage, from the choice of the frontal attack to the storm of the breaches and capitulation. Differences in siting, design, and techniques of attack and defense for coastal fortifications are also covered. 1 vol, 166 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj, available early December 2023 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241240 Provan, Joshua EVERY HAZARD AND FATIGUE: The Siege of Pensacola, 1781 The Siege of Pensacola was the longest siege of the war in North America. It was the final act of Bernardo de Galvez's remarkable Gulf Coast Campaign and stands out as a classic tale of warfare and sacrifice. By 1781 Pensacola was the last British-held post in West Florida. The British garrison in Pensacola was strong, and its commander, Major General John Campbell, was determined to defend his fort. It was grim work, and British and Spanish troops endured hardship and fatigue as the siege progressed.1 vol, 218 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early December 2023 ......$45.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241173 Summerfield, Stephen A TREATISE UPON THE USE OF LIGHT TROOPS Ewald's famous but very rare treatise on partisan warfare, based upon his experience during the American Revolutionary War, was praised by both Clausewitz and Scharnhorst and influenced Sir John Moore. Facsimile of the 1803 edition with new introduction and a few illustrations.1 vol, 288 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early December 2023 ......$42.00 rct

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1-241172 Summerfield, Stephen THE SHORNCLIFFE ARCHIVE 2: Coote Manningham and Stewart's Regulations for the 95th Rifles The 1800 Regulations and the 1803 Shorncliffe Lectures were referred to as The Green Book. This volume includes: Feb 1801 Account of the Rifle-Corps, commanded by Colonel Coote Manningham; 1801 Coote Manningham Regulations for the Rifle Corps; 1803 Coote Manningham's Military Lectures Delivered to the Officers of the 95th Rifles; 1806 Stewart's Outlines of a Plan for the General Reform of the British Land Forces; and 1804 Weddeburne's Observations on the Exercise of Riflemen.1 vol, 278 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early December 2023 ......$42.00 rct

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1-241174 Summerfield, Stephen THE SHORNCLIFFE ARCHIVE 4: CAMPBELL AND CRAUFURD'S OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS TO THE LIGHT DIVISION Contains the instructions and standing orders for the Light Division and Portuguese Cacadores. The volume includes: 1813 Campbell's Instructions for Light Infantry and Riflemen; Craufurd's Standing Orders for the Light Division; 1803 Arenschildt's Instructions for Officers and NCOs of Cavalry on Outpost Duty; 1831 Ponsonby's Abridgement of Instructions to Officers; 1851 FitzClarence's Supplying Wellington's Army in the Peninsular; and 1851 FitzClarence's Encamping in the Peninsular War.1 vol, 280 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early December 2023 ......$42.00 rct

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1-241171 Summerfield, Stephen and S. Law THE SHORNCLIFFE ARCHIVE 1: Sir John Moore's System of Training and the Universal Soldier This volume brings together nine contemporary manuals influential in Sir John Moore's system of training. Undoubtedly the most magnificent is David Roberts' Military Instructions of 1798, with 24 beautiful plates of exercise mostly drawn by Robert Kerr Porter. Also includes Sir John Moore Instruction to Light Infantry; Col. Graham Regimental Orders of 90th Regiment; Dundas' 'Defects in British Practice' in Principals of Military Movement; Dundas' Light Infantry Exercise; the 1803 Complete Drill-Sergeant; the 1803 New Manual and Platoon Exercise, Rottenburg's 1798 Regulations for the Exercise of Riflemen, and Sontag's 1804 Hints for NCOs on Service.1 vol, 276 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early December 2023 ......$42.00 rct

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1-241200 Esposito, Gabriele NAPOLEON'S CAVALRY, ARTILLERY and TECHNICAL CORPS 1799-1815: History, Organization and Equipment Contains 60 integrated illustrations and details the organization of the cavalry and artillery regiments, their weapons, equipment and uniforms, along with an overview for how Napoleons units were deployed in battle. Also covers the minor technical corps of Napoleons army, such as the engineers and supply train.

The French Army of Napoleon could count on a brilliant mounted arm, consisting of three main types of cavalry heavy, medium, and light. The first, consisting of carabiniers and cuirassiers, was tasked with conducting frontal charges; the second, consisting of dragoons and lancers, could perform a variety of different duties; the third, consisting of hussars and mounted chasseurs, was tasked with scouting and skirmishing. The various regiments were all dressed in flamboyant uniforms and distinctive equipment. 1 vol, 168 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available early December 2023 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-2272513 Glover, Gareth THE NAPOLEONIC ARCHIVE VOLUME 13: Memoirs of the 28th, 34th AND 39th Foot: Pringle's Brigade of the 2nd Division Seven Peninsula accounts: Sergeant Solomon Rich, 28th Foot; Sergeant Thomas Patton, 28th Foot; Captain George Widdrington, 34th Foot; Lieutenant Bejamin Marcus Ball, 39th Foot; Lt Edward McArthur, 39th Foot; Private John Morgan, 39th Foot; and Sergeant John Morris Jones 39th Foot. Includes 11 illustrations and six tables.1 vol, 260 pgs 2023 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early December 2023 ......$40.00 rct

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1-2272514 Glover, Gareth THE NAPOLEONIC ARCHIVE VOLUME 14: Memoirs of the 4th (Queen's Own) Dragoons in the Peninsula War The 4th Dragoons served throughout the Peninsula War. The memoirs in this volume are: The Diary of Lt Charles Dudley Madden; Letters from the Peninsular written by Lieutenant Norcliffe; Journal of Lt William Light from 7 April 1809 to 11 April 1814; Letters of Lieutenant William Cowper Coles. Includes 12 illustrations, 48 plans, and a table.1 vol, 288 pgs 2023 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early December 2023 ......$40.00 rct

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1-241160 Summerfield, Stephen and Richardson, Paul RUSSIA 1812: The Death of Napoleon's Grande Armee This is the companion book to Vilnius 1812. Contains comprehensive data about the Grande Armee and how it collapsed over the course of the campaign. Explores the organization and attrition down to regimental level by Corps, the fate of the prisoners and the logistics failure that contributed to its annihilation. To say the information is overwhelming is probably an underestimate. Illustrated in color throughout with over 450 illustrations including 208 artifacts, 47 orders of battle, 41 portraits, eight photographs, 81 uniforms, 12 maps, and 159 tables.1 vol, 182 pgs 2018 CAMBRIDGE, KEN TROTMAN
NEW-hardback, available early December 2023 ......$62.00 rct

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1-241281 Guglielmi, Daniele; Mario Pieri; and Ralph Riccio ITALIAN SOFT-SKINNED VEHICLES OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR: Motorcycles, Cars, Trucks, Artillery Tractors 1935-1945: Volume 1 This first volume opens with a historical and technical introduction to the civil and military motorization in Italy from the 1920s to the end of the Second World War. This is followed by chapters dedicated to motorcycles, cars, and light trucks. Each subject is described through its history, technical evolution, and specifications, all supported by numerous contemporary photographs. The main text is complemented with appendices on vehicle coloring and markings, manufacturers, production facts, and further details. For each vehicle there is a file describing its evolution and the main technical aspects, accompanied by one or more photographs, and, for the most significant examples, line drawings. Also includes color profiles.1 vol, 152 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early December 2023 ......$60.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241210 Higgins, David R. GUDERIAN 1941: The Barbarossa Campaign Reconstructs the course of Heinz Guderian's Second Panzer Groups advance in 1941. Offers a German perspective and an inside view of what the opposing commanders knew during each operation and shows how important logistics became as the German supply lines stretched deep into the Soviet Union. Also explains how Soviet resistance and reinforcements, declining German strength, and the onset of the Russian winter combined to bring Guderian to a stop at Tula. This explains what went right to the Germans and what went wrong.1 vol, 288 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available early December 2023 ......$38.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241220 Hughes-Hallet, John FROM DIEPPE TO D-DAY: The Memoirs of Vice Admiral 'Jock' Hughes-Hallett Memoirs of Captain John 'Jock' Hughes-Hallett -- Deputy Director of the Local Defense Division at the Admiralty in 1940 and 1941 and later Naval Adviser at Combined Operations Headquarters. He is perhaps best known for being the Naval Commander of the Dieppe Raid of August 1942, and attack which, despite its disastrous outcome, led to one of the most important decisions regarding the D-Day landings of June 1944. It was in the planning for D-Day that the then Commodore Hughes-Hallett's experience came to the fore. Hughes-Hallett retired from the Royal Navy with the rank of Vice Admiral, taking up a new career as Member of Parliament for Croydon East and then Croydon North East.1 vol, 160 pgs 2023 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available early December 2023 ......$40.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241250 Taylor, Andrew G. and Jack Seed DEFENDING CRETE FROM THE FALLSCHIRMJAGERS: Memoirs of a Royal Engineer & POW UK Royal Engineer Jack Seed offers an account of the defense of Crete, the retreat from an overpowering enemy, and his survival as a prisoner of war. During captivity, he was moved from Stalag to Stalag in railway trucks, enduring terrible hardships at the hands of his German captors for four years. He wrote his memoir during the 1970s.1 vol, 288 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available early December 2023 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-234942 Cooper, Tom; Adrien Fontanellaz; Edward Crowther; and Milos Sipos WAR IN UKRAINE VOLUME 2: Russian Invasion, February 2022 Excellent synopsis of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. Following a build-up that had begun in April 2021 and expected by many, the onslaught still came as a major surprise for the Ukrainian government, the Ukrainian armed forces, and the majority of its allies in the West -- as well as for the mass of Russian officers and other ranks, many of whom believed that they were only to participate in exercises. Illustrated with color photography and full color artworks, and providing a detailed study of the organization and order of battle of the armed forces involved on both sides.1 vol, 88 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early December 2023 ......$30.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-234943 Crowther, Edward WAR IN UKRAINE VOLUME 3: Armed formations of the Luhansk People's Republic 2014-2022 Presents visual material including unit patches, photographs, diagrams, and maps that depict Luhansk People's Republic military forces. Focuses on the armed formations of the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR), one of the two separatist entities in the east of Ukraine. This volume aims to provide an overview of their formation in 2014, status up to the end of February 2022 (with some observations on their activities since the launch of Russia's Special Military Operation), and combat equipment, while also exploring issues around identity, symbology, and propaganda culture.

Since their formation in the fighting in eastern Ukraine during 2014, the armed formations of the Luhansk People's Republic have been slowly consolidated into a more integrated fighting force. However, key units still maintain individual identities and centers of power. One area of focus is the technological improvisation of the Luhansk People's Republic, which includes the creation of hybrid armored vehicles of types not seen elsewhere. 1 vol, 64 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early December 2023 ......$30.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241230 Greensmith, James VLADIMIR PUTIN: The World's Most Dangerous Man? Biography based on a scientific paper, published by a female psychiatrist in 1997, that analyzes this warmongering megalomaniac who threatens the peace of the entire planet -- including the known side effects of the illness from which he is currently suffering. Offers psychiatric insight into his murderous mind to discover what makes this ruthless, brutal, and amoral dictator tick. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid December 2023 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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