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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 7/25 /2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Weekly eFlyer: 12/07/2023

1-916489 various MINIATURE WARGAMES # 489 Cover: Space Dwarves: The Einherjar are straight from Valhalla (via Wargames Atlantic) called Fast Dwarves. Also speed painting using Army Painter products including both Speed Paint and Varnish Dip together. Note: Frame with plastic figures is NOT included with the magazine.

* Send Three And Fourpence: Chaos Wizards Rise in part one of a scenario starting a solo campaign for Stargrave.
* Primordial Floods: Scenario using Tribal rules.
* The Other Partizan: Report of late 2023 show.
* Botany Bay 1789: Three antipodean scenarios using Mad Dogs & Englishmen.
* Reds, Whites & Blood Red Snow: Part 1 of gaming the Russian Civil War.
* Better Balaclava: 1970s board game with tips on improving yours.1 vol, 96 pgs 2023 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-916490 various MINIATURE WARGAMES #490 Cover features New York State with a Command Decision scenario at Saratoga during the American Revolution and a whole Fall 1977 campaign in upstate New York. Send Three And Fourpence offers part two of a mini Stargrave solo campaign with two more scenarios. To Boldly Go gives guidance to assembling a crew for the Final Frontier with Chris Abbey of Sally 4th. Under the Dome is a show report of the SELWG 2023 show. Reds, Whites & Blood Red Snow covers part two of the Russian Civil War with a scenario. Scratch Build section offers a scratchbuilt onager and a west African church Last word: Aramiha Harwood of Mana Publications. Finally, review sections of Defence in Depth for figures and rules, Forward Observer for news, and Recce for book reviews. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2023 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-2267410 Heath, Peter FORGOTTEN BATTLES: The Italian Campaign - March 1944 to May 1945 This concluding volume provides 17 scenarios and detailed background to the events leading up to and beyond each, from platoon to reinforced battlegroup.1 vol, 96 pgs 2023 UK, ANSCHLUSS PUBLISHING LTD
NEW-pb ......$36.00 rct

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1-241460 van Dop, Peter BELLO LUDI: Spellbound - Bello Ludi Fantasy Rules Fantasy add on for this unique game system. Can be added to any of their period rules or treated as a stand-alone set. Note you will need their Big Battle or Skirmish cards depending on what level you want to play, and the dice. All available from us, but if you already own any of their previous decks or dice, you don't need to order BB or S cards. 1 vol, 20 pgs 2023 NETHERLANDS, BELLOLUDI
NEW-pb, available late December 2023 ......$28.00 rct

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1-241330 Carey, Brian WARFARE IN THE AGE OF CRUSADES: Europe Explores the key campaigns, battles, and sieges that shaped the crusading period in Europe during the Middle Ages, giving special attention to military technologies, tactics, and strategies. Key personalities and political factors are addressed, including the role of the papal monarchy in initiating the crusading expeditions and the use of crusade in the Christianization of the Baltic region and against heresies in Europe. Contains 50 illustrations and maps.

Chapters focus on the Iberian crusades or Reconquista beginning in the eleventh century through to the final surrender of the Emirate of Granada in 1492. The northern or Baltic crusades are also a key element of the story. The narrative covers the involvement of the Holy Roman emperors and the popes, the military capabilities of the Baltic peoples, and the parts played by the Scandinavians as well as the Russians and Mongols. The concluding chapters reconsider crusades launched against heresies in Europe, specifically the Cathars and Hussites.1 vol, 336 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid January 2024 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241310 Jones, Mike and Prichard, Bob WARS OF THE ROSES: Heraldry Identifies all the major places, people and organizations that were associated with the Wars of the Roses during the period 1450 to 1487. Included in the pages of this book are over 1600 coats of arms and the land owning details of significant numbers of religious and monasterial lands. The location and early allegiance of all these people and places are also included.1 vol, 240 pgs
NEW-pb, available mid December 2023 ......$52.00 rct

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1-936251 Mc Intyre, James JOURNAL OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR ASSOCIATION ISSUE: 25.1 Articles Include:
* Gleim and His Mother by Katrin Mobius
* Seven Years' War Association Convention Report
* Christopher Duffy Eulogized at Historicon
* Book Reviews
* Items of Interest1 vol, 34 pgs 2023 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-pb, available mid December 2023 ......$12.00 rct

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1-241410 Oleinikov, Aleksey COSSACKS COSSACKS: Russian Cavalry Attacks in the First World War Examines the Russian cavalry and cavalry attacks on the WWI Eastern Front 1914-16. The tactical application of Russian cavalry as well as specific accounts of cavalry operations and battles are included, the latter described in some detail. Some of the cavalry operations are reconstructed on the basis of documents from the Russian State Military Historical Archive (RGVIA), thus the information becomes available to readers for the first time. In addition to both operational-strategic and tactical combat descriptions, also pays attention to the cavalry's armament and equipment. The text of the book is accompanied by many rare photographs from the time, as well as maps and diagrams; contains 100 color & b/w illustrations and maps.1 vol, 360 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid January 2024 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241380 Deakin, Quintin WALES IN WORLD WAR 2 Examines the experience of every part of the population present in Wales during WWII. Wales was vital to the war effort, from military training to public entertainment, from hosting several of Britain's most secretive weapons programs to housing 110,000 child evacuees, from the war economy to food security. Long-standing tensions between the Welsh people and the English authorities meant for a sometimes strained relationship, affecting the role of film, radio, and the arts in propaganda directed to audiences in the home. The book also looks at the legacy of the conflict on Wales after the war. Contains b/w photos and maps throughout, plus 16-page photo section.1 vol, 320 pgs 2024 UK, Y LOLFA
NEW-pb, available mid January 2024 ......$23.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241320 Lawrence, Christopher ACES AT KURSK: The Battle for Aerial Supremacy on the Eastern Front, 1943 Discusses the intense air battle -- bigger than the Battle of Britain -- at the Battle of Kursk in July 1943. The battle in the south began with a Soviet air strike on German airfields and a fight for control of the air that continued throughout the day across the front. On the first day of the battle, July 5, 1943, the Germans flew at least 2,387 sorties in the south while the two Soviet air armies flew 1,688 sorties. That first day of battle resulted in 19 to 27 German planes and 189 Soviet aircraft shot down. Involved on the German side were the 52nd and 3rd Fighter Wings. The 52nd Fighter Wing was the most accomplished fighter wing in history, and many of its top aces were involved in the combats over the Kursk battlefield. Opposing them were what were to become three of the top five Soviet aces. 1 vol, 392 pgs 2024 UK, AIR WORLD
NEW-dj, available mid January 2024 ......$43.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241350 Staiger, Jorg ANZIO NETTUNO: A Battle of Leadership Mistakes Written in 1962, this is a detailed account of the German reaction to the Allied landings at Anzio in January 1944. The battle lasted over six weeks, with mistakes made by leadership on both sides, and consequently also great sacrifice by soldiers on both sides. But the operation was not a German success either, and attempts to prevent the creation of a strong bridgehead failed. Ultimately the Allies would reach Rome, and the Allies applied lessons from this battle to facilitate the success of Overlord, launched five months later. Still one of the best German accounts of Operation Shingle and is here translated into English for the first time.1 vol, 192 pgs 2024 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available mid January 2024 ......$45.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241420 White, Kenneth THE BATTLE OF BONG SON: Operation Masher/White Wing, 1966 Operation Masher/White Wing targeted the regiments of the North Vietnamese Army Sao Vang Division operating in the Bong Son area in northeast Binh Dinh Province in central South Vietnam. The operation started on January 24, 1966, immediately after the Vietnamese New Year (Tet) and ended six weeks later. In 41 days of sustained fighting, the 1st Cav battled each of the three regiments of the Sao Vang Division, resulting in enemy losses of more than 3,000 KIA. This came at the cost of 199 Americans killed on the battlefield and 46 more who died in the crash of a U.S. Air Force C-123 aircraft en route to the battlefield.

However within a few weeks, intelligence reports indicated that North Vietnamese soldiers were returning to the Bong Son area in small groups. By late April, the Sao Vang Division was back in the area in force. Operation Masher/White Wing proved to be the start of a very long and deadly struggle between the 1st Cav and North Vietnamese for control of Binh Dinh Province-multiple search & destroy operations eventually resulted in more than 9,000 enemy KIA and 2,358 enemy detained, with friendly losses of more than 1,200 KIA, 5,775 WIA, and 27 MIA. Masher/White Wing demonstrated that search and destroy operations were very effective at the tactical level but without a high-level strategy to stop the unabated flow of fresh Communist troops and supplies into South Vietnam, it wasn't clear just how they contributed to overall victory. Contains 40 illustrations.1 vol, 288 pgs 2024 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available mid January 2024 ......$38.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241400 Lawrence, Christopher THE BATTLE FOR KYIV: The Fight for Ukraine's Capital Examines the Russian attack of February 24, 2022 on Kyiv (Ukraine) that faced determined Ukrainian resistance, failed to secure the capital and change the government, and ultimately withdrew with heavy losses. Also analyzes the enormous support given to Ukraine, both politically and militarily, by NATO and other nations, without which Ukraine's military might have failed to beat back the invaders. Depicts the uncertainty and anxiety faced not just by the contesting forces, but by the rest of the world as the war in Ukraine hung in the balance. Contains 16 mono illustrations.1 vol, 256 pgs 2024 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available mid January 2024 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241390 McCallion, Harry A HISTORY OF MODERN MERCENARY WARFARE Explores the development and role of modern mercenary forces from the British SAS-led deniable operation in Yemen in late 1960's, during which the Israelis were persuaded to arm the SAS-led Yemeni tribesmen; through the bush wars in Africa; Britain's ill fated intervention in the war in Afghanistan; right up to today's War in Ukraine.

Many of the modern-day British mercenaries were known to the author personally, including such notable figures as the SAS Fijian warrior 'Tak' Takevesia, who, although in his early sixties, shot his way out of an ambush in Baghdad; Fred 'Big Fred' Mrafano, who devoted himself to the cause of the people of Sierra Leone; SAS veteran Bill Scully, who received the Queen's Gallantry Medal, single-handedly protected 1,300 civilians from rebel troops during an uprising in May 1997 after the Sierra Leone coup; and American Vietnam veteran Major 'Mac' Mackenzie, who although badly wounded in Vietnam, rose from trooper to command a Rhodesian SAS squadron and was one of the units most highly decorated soldiers.1 vol, 224 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid January 2024 ......$43.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241360 Mevlutoglu, Arda MODERN TURKISH AIR POWER: The Turkish Air Force, 2020-2025 The Turkish Air Force traces its origins back to June 1911. After operating four generations of fighter aircraft imported from abroad, and building up one of most powerful air forces in Europe: over the last 30 years, it became one of most combat-experienced in the NATO, too, having participated in numerous counter-terrorism operations, flown close air support (CAS), precision strikes, intelligence-gathering and reconnaissance operations in multiple conflicts. Includes 90 b/w photos , 3 maps, and 21 color profiles.

Currently, Turkey is working on the design and development of a combat aircraft under a project called Milli Muharip Ucak (National Combat Aircraft, MMU) - a fifth generation fighter bomber with features and characteristics incorporated in only a handful of current or upcoming aircraft. 1 vol, 104 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid January 2024 ......$30.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241370 Tiso Jr, Col. Roland J. IN STRANGE COMPANY: An American Soldier with Multinational Forces in the Middle East and Iraq Offers first-hand insights into the challenges of planning the Operation Iraqi Freedom campaign and the intricacies and challenges of multinational service through the lens of his assignments as a war planner at U.S. Central Command, Senior Military Adviser of the Arab Peninsula Shield Force and the Polish-led Multinational Division (Central-South), and Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (C-3) of the Coalition Military Assistance Training Team tasked to develop the New Iraqi Army. Examines operational war planning, coalition warfare, the difficulty of stabilizing Iraq after the fall of Baghdad, the development of the New Iraqi Army, and ultimately a deeper understanding of America's 'long war' in Iraq.1 vol, 432 pgs 2024 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available mid January 2024 ......$38.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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