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Updated as of 7/25 /2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Weekly eFlyer: 12/21/2023

1-908432 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 432 Includes Free British or French Infantry Sprue OBSERVATION POST
This month's reviews encompass minis for a trio of wars - Cold, inter, and WWII - as well as a sizable selection of new plastics for Feudal Japan.
Dom Sore finds an eclectic selection of new hobby kit to start 2024 in the right way.
Find out what your fellow hobbyists have been up to in our monthly reader-submitted section.
theme: The Parthian Shot
James examines how the skilled Parthian riders used Hit and Run tactics to defeat the might of Rome at the Battle of Carrhae.
theme: Sortie!
Its Medieval mayhem, with Hit and Run rules for making a sortie out of strongholds in Never Mind the Billhooks.
Karim van Overmeire played a World War Two mini-campaign based on the Italian defence of Gallabat. In this first part, he details the history of the battle, outlines the terrain, and presents some gaming options.
Jim Graham examines the misnomer of No Man's Land as the British launch a Hit and Run attack during WWI.
Ricard Fortun brings pirate fleets to his Ancient naval game Thalassa.
James discusses Hit and Run attacks in South Carolina's swamplands during the American War of Independence.
Lisa Smedman presents a World War Two 'what if?' with Britain and Germany clashing in Bolt Action battles over neutral Iceland.
Famous actor Peter Cushing was a keen wargamer and avid terrain maker. The fascinating notes he made about his hobby are now owned by Alan Perry and we take a look here.
Jan Karrman recreated a battle from the Finnish War for Salute 2023, with a little help from
his friends.
James, the office's resident speed painter, tests out The Army Painter's new Fanatic range.
Mike Peters shares details of his Billhooks-inspired medieval small skirmish game, where each player controls a Captain and their compact company of warriors.
1 vol, 116 pgs 2023 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-908433 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 433 Theme: Guerrillas in the Midst
* Peninsular War mega-game
* Zaragoza Besieged: Modified Valour & Fortitude for first siege
* Painting Peninsular Veterans: Two opposing units of Peninsular veterans in a grizzled, battle-weary, disarrayed style

* Painting Wars of the Roses Armour
* Old Rough and Ready Meets Old Fuss and Feathers: Mexican-American War of 1846-48
* Return to Arabian Nightmares: Colorful heroes, villains, and adventures from the pages of Arabian mythology
* Is it up to Scratch? New options for scratch building
* The Other Partizan: Coverage of 2023 show
* Starting with Stargrave: For new gamers
* Where did you get that hat? Bringing an Iron Age warrior back from the grave, in miniature.
* A Figure Collection Transformed: New Osprey game -- A War Transformed
* Things from the Basement: Interview of Joerg Bender about his terrain company, hobby passions, and model-making tips

* Observation Post: Roundup of releases
* Release Radar: More new releases
* Quick Fires: WI readers' hobby projects, notes, news, and observations1 vol, 116 pgs 2023 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-240460 Fratt, Steve SMALL DEADLY SPACE: An American Civil War Battle Manual 2nd Edition Edition 2.0. ACW rule set focuses on the psychological effect of battle through unit cohesion tracked via hidden 'dashboard.' Morale numbers and Cohesion colors on the dashboard fall with combat defeats and fatigue, and rise with Division Staff Officers' rallies.

Close Actions are resolved by the use of several die rolls over the course of fighting the Close Action. Attackers test morale to see if they go in or if they instead settle for a protracted firefight. Defenders then test morale to determine the intensity of their defensive fire. The players complete the Close Action by rolling to see if one side can secure a 2 to 1 result or better to defeat the foe. Leadership plays an important role, as if the attack looks like it will bog down into a firefight, the attackers may send a Staff Officer into the fray to re-roll the Close Action dice again. This may be repeated as long as there are available Staff and a result of less than 2 to 1 is not achieved. Once that 2 to 1 result is obtained, the Close Action is decided and play is moved onto the next one. At the end of the turn every unit that was in combat tests current morale to see if troop stands are removed from play.

Also includes scenario labels for Day 2 Battle of Gettysburg.1 vol, 174 pgs 2023 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-spiral-bound ......$60.00 rct

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1-968042 Hiestand, William E. 042 EASTERN FRONT 1945: Triumph of the Soviet Air Force Covers the last months of WWII on the Eastern front air campaign as the far outnumbered Luftwaffe hoped advanced aircraft like the ME-262 would overcome the Soviet VVS' 7,500 aircraft in three powerful air armies. Offers the usual plethora of photos, 3D diagrams, maps, and battlescene artwork.

Also pointed to how the future rivalry with NATO would play out. The VVS used powerful and flexible air armies to control and employ its huge force of aircraft - organizational and employment concepts that would shape Soviet plans and preparations for combat during the Cold War.
1 vol, 96 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid January 2024 ......$25.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-972076 Adams, Gregg 076 BARBARIAN WARRIOR vs ROMAN LEGIONARY: Marcomannic Wars AD 165-180 Examines Roman and Marcomanni objectives, weapons, equipment, and fighting styles as well as covers three featured battles: Carnuntum (170), where a Roman legion was vanquished and Italy invaded; the 'Battle on the Ice' (172), where the Romans fought their lighter-armed Iazyges opponents on the frozen Danube; and the so-called 'Miracle of the Rain' (174), during which a trapped Roman force facing annihilation was able to defeat numerically superior Germanic forces. Photographs, specially commissioned artwork plates, and maps included.1 vol, 80 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid January 2024 ......$23.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-978133 McNab, Chris 133 COALITION ARMOR vs IRAQI FORCES: Iraq 2003-06 Contents: Introduction, Chronology, Design and Development, Technical Specifications, The Combatants, The Strategic Situation, Combat, Statistics and Analysis, Aftermath, Bibliography, and Index covers the 2003 Coalition invasion of Iraq. Examines the opening clashes between opposing AVFs and the tactics developed by Iraqi insurgents seeking to neutralize Coalition superiority. Featuring full color photos, battle scenes, weaponry, and tactical illustrations, it draws upon firsthand accounts and official post-battle analyses to examine how Coalition forces responded to the change in the nature of the threats. Among the topics addressed are the coordination between Coalition infantry and air power; how dealing with roadside bombs in Iraq resulted in changes to equipment, tactics, and force structure; and the lessons learned for future warfare. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid January 2024 ......$23.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-978134 Nordeen, Lon 134 HARPOON MISSILE vs SURFACE SHIPS: US Navy, Libya and Iran 1986-88 Contents: Introduction; Chronology; Design and Development; Doctrine, Tactics, Leadership, Deployment of Forces; The Strategic Situation; The Combatants; Combat; Statistics and Analysis; Aftermath; Further Reading; and Index details the role played by the Harpoon tactical anti-ship missile in two Cold War flare-ups in the 1980s. Explores the engagements of the Harpoon by the US Navy against its Libyan and Iranian adversaries, using original photographs and specially commissioned artwork to examine the naval systems and weapons employed by both counterparts.1 vol, 80 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid January 2024 ......$23.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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2-985041 Benn, Carl 041 THE WAR OF 1812 Revised edition (from 2002) contains: Introduction, Background to War, Warring Sides, Outbreak, The Fighting, The World Around War, How the War Ended, Conclusion and Consequences, Chronology, Further Reading, Acknowledgements, and Index. Discusses the war of 1812-1815 that tore through the American frontier, the British colonies of Upper and Lower Canada, and parts of the Atlantic coast and the Gulf of Mexico. The conflict saw British, American, and First Nations forces clash, and in the process, shape the future of North American history. Fully illustrated in color with specially commissioned maps and 50 new images.1 vol, 144 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, new edition available January 2024 ......$20.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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2-985078 Galeotti, Mark 078 RUSSIA'S WARS IN CHECHNYA 1994-2009 Revised edition of 2014 version contains full-colour maps and 50 new images. Traces the progress of the wars in Chechnya, from the initial Russian advance through to urban battles such as Grozny, and the prolonged guerrilla warfare in the mountainous regions. Bringing the book up to date, including a revised introduction and new content on the Kadyrovtsy's role in Russia's other conflicts, Galeotti assesses how the wars have torn apart the fabric of Chechen society and their impact on Russia itself.1 vol, 144 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, new edition available January 2024 ......$20.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-996398 Forczyk, Robert 398 PORT ARTHUR 1904-05: The First Modern Siege Growing rivalry between Imperial Russia and Imperial Japan over territorial control in China and Korea led to the outbreak of war in February 1904. Japan struck the first blow with a surprise naval attack against the anchored Russian Pacific Fleet at its base in Port Arthur. Once the fleet had been neutralized, the Japanese landed their Second Army on the Liaotung Peninsula in May 1904, in order to besiege Port Arthur. Describes the Russian relief operation towards Port Arthur (the Battle of Telissu), and the lengthy siege of the Russian-held town and harbor. The initial Japanese attempts to capture the port by assault are documented in detail, together with the Japanese progress through the heavily fortified lines protecting Port Arthur. Over 60 period photographs reveal the appearance and weaponry of the opposing forces and the terrain around Port Arthur.1 vol, 96 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid January 2024 ......$25.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-999553 Field, Ron 553 THE UNION ARMY 1861-65 (1): The Regular Army and the Territories Contents: Introduction; General Officers; The General Staff and Staff Corps; Infantry; Artillery; Dragoons, Mounted Riflemen, and Cavalry; United States Colored Troops; United States Sharpshooters; The Invalid/Veteran Reserve Corps; The Territories; The United States Indian Home Guard; The Medical Department and Related Services; The Corps of Engineers; Ordnance Sergeants and Enlisted Men; The Military Telegraph Service; The Signal Corps; Select Bibliography; Plate Commentaries; and Index. Eight plates of original artwork showing officers and enlisted men of the Union Army are complemented by previously unpublished photographs of soldiers and items of uniform from some of the most comprehensive collections in the United States.1 vol, 48 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid January 2024 ......$20.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-999554 Thomas, Nigel 554 CZECHOSLOVAK ARMIES 1939-45 Explains how the Czech Army was organized and how it fought alongside Allied forces in the Middle East and at Normandy. He describes the involvement of free Czech agents operating from Britain in Operation Anthropoid, the assassination of Nazi governor Reinhard Heydrich in occupied Bohemia-Moravia, and the part Czech soldiers played in mutinies in both Italy and Prague against German occupation which ultimately helped to secure a final Allied victory. Color plates depict uniform and equipment.1 vol, 48 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$20.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241680 Sadler, John THE GURKHA WAY: A New History of the Gurkhas Tells the story of the Gurkhas from their inception to modern day through interviews, unpublished diaries and correspondence. With over 200 years' experience, these steadfastly loyal soldiers are a link to an imperial past but also a key component of the modern British army. There is no other comparable unit in any of the world's armies (with the obvious exception of the Indian Army), or one more respected and loved by the British. Contains 24 mono illustrations.

The First World War sent the Regiment to the trenches, where battalion after battalion was decimated. Some 20 Gurkha battalions were deployed in the Second World War, which was soon increased to 45 following Dunkirk. Around 250,000 Gurkha soldiers would serve and were deployed most significantly in North Africa but also served with distinction in the Italian Campaign and Monte Cassino, as well as the decisive battles of Imphal and Kohima in the Far East. 1 vol, 360 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available December 2023 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-914035G Juneau, Jason VAE VICTUS BOARD GAME # 35: Les Batailles De Louis XIV Wargame Battles in 1703, the Year of Victories: Hochstadt, Speyerbach. Two scenarios for each of the battles. The game includes: Two 59 x 41 cm maps (printed double-sided); 216 double-sided, pre-cut counters and markers; A book of rules and scenarios (both in French and in English); and one colour player aid.

Ordering the army to march due north, Villars asks d'Usson's corps of 7000 men stationed at Dillingen to be ready at Hochstadt on the morning of the 20th. In the early morning hours of the 20th the Franco-Bavarian army crosses the Danube at Donauworth, and then marches toward the Austrian army. The vanguard meets Prussian troops who return to Styrum. Styrum decides to move out toward the north and better defensive positions. The train begins its movement toward N?rdlingen. Due to a quiproquo, d'Usson is supposed to attack the Austro-Prussian army from the other side and launches his attack around 08.00. The Austrians are sure this is the principal offensive and change their plan and march on Oberglauheim. One against three, the French troops hold out while Villars is only three hours away by foot.

In October 1703, Marshal Tallard besieges Landau to recapture it from imperial hands. Marlborough's allied army of Flanders sends a corps commanded by the Prince of Hessen-Kassel to lend assistance to the troops of the Count of Nassau-Weilburg. On 13 November, the latter's troops cross the Rhine and join forces with the Prince. The troops camp between Heilingenstein and Dudenhofen in front of Spire (Speyer). The attack against the French forces besieging Landau is planned for the 16th. Tallard has requested Pracontal's help since the 10th. The latter being in Lorraine, the Imperials are sure that he will never arrive in time. On the evening of the 14th, Tallard leaves Landau, and 6000 men, and marches toward Spires. In the morning of the 15th, he reaches Pracontal at the appointed time and, now with 18 000 men, prepares to face off against 20 000 men from the imperial army. At 13.00 the French Army in battle order engages the combat against the enemy's left wing which is only barely deployed and is disorganised.1 vol, 24 pgs 2023 FRANCE, CERIGO EDITIONS
NEW-pb, rules in English ......$38.00 rct

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2-216110 Oates, Jonathan CRUCIBLE OF THE JACOBITE '15: The Battle of Sheriffmuir 1715 Examines the context, campaign, and actual fighting at the Battle of Sheriffmuir 1715 between the British Army and a mixture of Scots, English and Irish led by Scottish noblemen. Includes the wider strategic concerns of both the Jacobite court and the British government, nor the international aspects of the rising. Includes 9 b/w photos, 4 b/w ills, 4 b/w maps, and 14 tables.1 vol, 288 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available December 2023 ......$45.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-234992 Shamenkov, Sergey CHARLES XII's KAROLINERS VOLUME 2: The Swedish Cavalry of the Great Northern War, 1700-21 Second volume in a series dedicated to the Swedish army of Kara XII. Examines the uniforms and equipment of the Swedish cavalry using rare and previously unpublished illustrative material, photos, black and white graphics, and color reconstructions of Swedish soldiers and officers by the author. Contains 50 b/w and 30 color illustrations.1 vol, 136 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available December 2023 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241650 McIntyre, James R. LIGHT TROOPS IN THE SEVEN YEARS WAR: Irregular Warfare in Europe and North America, 1755-1763 Surveys the development of irregular troops, sometimes referred to as light infantry, on both continents over the course of the 18th century. Examines the conduct of small, but at times operationally and even strategically significant, raids, ambushes, and scouting engagements during the 7YW. Examples of these actions include ambushes at Gundersdorf and Domstadtl (1758) and the raid on Fort Bull (1756). Highlights the careers of various practitioners, recognized by contemporaries, as masters at the conduct of irregular warfare. These figures include Johann Ewald, Andreas Graf Hadik von Futak, Simon-Claude Grassin de Glatigny, Gaspard-Joseph Chaussegros de Lery, Graf Nikolas von Luckner, Johann von Monkewitz, and Robert Rogers. Contains 10 b/w illustrations, 8 color illustrations, 6 b/w maps, and 1 table.1 vol, 168 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available December 2023 ......$45.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241660 North, Jonathan THE DEATH OF JOACHIM MURAT: 1815 and the Unfortunate Fate of One of Napoleon's Marshals In 1808, Napoleon appointed Joachim Murat king of Naples as a loyal ally until, in 1814, with Napoleon beaten and in retreat towards ruin and exile, he chose to betray their imperial relation and dramatically switched sides. A year later, he fled his kingdom, but Napoleon had not forgiven him and after Waterloo, the restored Bourbons were offering a reward for Murat's head. In September 1815, he set off and what happened next forms the core of this part-tragic, part-ridiculous story and a lesson in how not to stage a coup. Just five days after landing in Calabria, King Joachim was hauled before a firing squad and executed. Contains 8 color illustrations and 8 mono illustrations.1 vol, 224 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available December 2023 ......$43.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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2-82255 Mayoralas, Jose Antonio Fernandez THE US CAVALRY 1865-1890: Patrolling the Frontier All the chapters are illustrated with photos, color illustrations, maps, and diagrams. Part of the 'Historical Warrior Series'.1 vol, 52 pgs 2007 SPAIN, ANDREA PRESS
AS NEW-softcover, Only 2 copies available. First come, first served. ......$30.00 DISCOUNT:15%

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1-241670 Rodgaard, John TAILSHIPS: The Hunt for Soviet Submarines in the Mediterranean, 1970-1973 Obsolete, except for the experimental anti-submarine warfare sensor they carried, the USS Hammerberg, DE-1015; the USS Courtney, DE-1021; and the USS Lester, DE-1022 went to the Mediterranean in 1970 to demonstrate the potential of a technology that relied on a passive towed array detection system; what the Navy officially designated as the Interim Towed Array Surveillance System (ITASS). These DEs proved so successful against Soviet submarines that the US Navy committed additional resources to refining the capability of passive towed array sonars. The development of the Towed Array Surveillance System (TASS), the Surveillance Towed Array Sonar System (SURTASS) and the Tactical Towed Array Sonar (TACTASS) deployable systems were direct follow-ons to ITASS. Contains 59 b/w photos, 6 color profiles, 18 b/w maps, 1 color map, 12 diagrams, and 4 tables.1 vol, 84 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available December 2023 ......$30.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241282 Guglielmi, Daniele; Mario Pieri; and Ralph Riccio ITALIAN SOFT-SKINNED VEHICLES OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR: Motorcycles, Cars, Trucks, Artillery Tractors 1935-1945: Volume 2 Volume 2 examines medium and heavy trucks, artillery tractors, special purpose vehicles, and trailers used by Italian forces in WWII. For each vehicle there is a file describing its evolution and the main technical aspects, accompanied by one or more photographs and, for the most significant examples, line drawings. Complemented with appendices on vehicle coloring and markings, manufacturers, production facts, and further details. Includes 489 b/w photos and illustrations, 13 color photos & illustrations, and 6 color profiles.1 vol, 238 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-dj, available December 2023 ......$60.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241690 Saunders, Tim BATTLE FOR THE BOCAGE, NORMANDY 1944: Point 103, Tilly-sur-Seulles and Villers Bocage On D Day 1944 in Normandy, the 50th Infantry and 7th Armored divisions plus the 4th Armored Brigade were to push south to Villers Bocage with armor on the evening of in order to disrupt German counter-attacks on the beachhead. German forces stymied the advance of the 4th just south of Point 103 after an advance of less than 5 miles. A major counter-attack by Panzer Lehr failed, as did a renewed British attempt, this time by the vaunted 7th Armored Division, which was halted at Tilly sur Seulles. From here, the fighting became a progressively attritional struggle in the hedgerows of the Bocage country. Contains 100 black and white illustrations and 40 maps.1 vol, 376 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available December 2023 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241630 Yenne, Bill THE ONES WHO GOT AWAY: Mighty Eighth Airmen on the Run in Occupied Europe Details how a spider web of escape routes sprang up, created by the local Resistance to provide downed WWII US airmen with clothes, false papers, and hiding places so they could be smuggled back to England. These efforts were then supplemented by Allied intelligence agents. Each account is compiled from the original intelligence debrief written by the pilots or aircrew themselves. Contains 8-page plate section in black and white, as well as maps throughout.

Contents: List of Plate Section Illustrations, Maps, Introduction, Part One: Strangers in a Strange Land, Part Two: Riding the Tail of a Comet, Part Three: The Man on the Bicycle, Part Four: Black Tuesday Boys, Part Five: Long Roads from Regensburg, Part Six: Bandits of the Dordogne, Part Seven: Reflections of the Silver Screen, Part Eight: Lighting Struck Twice, Part Nine: Betrayal and Triumph, Notes, Bibliography, Index, and About the Author.1 vol, 320 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid January 2024 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241640 Zulueta, Paul de and Simon Doughty THOSE MUST BE THE GUARDS: The Household Division in Peace and War, 1969-2023 Covers the British Army's Household Division from 1969 to 2023 is one of three generations of soldiers who have served Crown and Country during a period of significant social and geostrategic change. This family of seven regiments symbolize the Union of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: The Life Guards, The Blues and Royals, Grenadier, Coldstream, Scots, Irish and Welsh Guards. The Guards established an ascendancy in the Peninsular War and at the Battle of Waterloo, and have never truly faltered since. They have managed this by changing when change was needed. Contains 80 photographs, 20 of which in color, and in 2 plate sections - as well as maps throughout.

Contents: Foreword by HRH The Princess Royal, Preface by the Major General Commanding The Household Division, List of Illustrations and Maps, Prologue, 1. Setting the Scene: The Guards, 1969-2023, 2. Commendable Restraint: The Troubles, 1969-2007, 3. National Renewal: The Falklands Campaign, April-June 1982, 4. The Household Division in Germany: The British Army's Latter Day 'Raj', 1969-2008, 5. Disengaging from Britain's Far-flung Battle Line, 6. Pomp and Circumstance: Ceremony and Drill, 7. Cold War, Hot War and Options for Change, 1990-92, 8. The Guards Depot, 9. The Household Division in the Balkans, 1993-2007, 10. Iraq and Afghanistan, 2003-21: A Strategic and Political Failure?, 11. Afghanistan: Operation Herrick, 2006-14, Epilogue: Op Shader in Iraq and the Beat of the Drum, Acknowledgments, and Index.1 vol, 368 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid January 2024 ......$40.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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