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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 7/25 /2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Weekly eFlyer: 2/01/2024

1-VXA049 Victrix EARLY IMPERIAL ROMAN BOLT THROWER: 28mm Every Roman Centuria within a Legion was equipped with a Light Bolt shooter. These were manned by regular Legionaries and used in the field or defensively from forts or during sieges. They were capable of hurling a large dart or bolt at much longer ranges than the typical bow and added some devastating long range, heavy hitting firepower to any Roman Legion.

Set includes:
*4 Bolt shooters and the option of extended slider and drawn back slider ready to shoot.
*4 Barrels and lots of loose bolts to fill the barrels.
*8 Defensive stakes
*16 Crew figures in various poses. Ratcheting back the hand cranks, loading the bolts, standing guard; arms with picks, axes, and buckets so you can use them as Romans building and entrenching.
*44 Heads including head with feathers and some bare heads.1 vol, 60 pgs 2024 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available mid February 2024 ......$52.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-208991 Miller, Simon TO THE STRONGEST: The Celtic Fringe This short 26-page book is designed for use alongside the To The Strongest For King and Parliament English Civil War rules and the Montrose 'To Win or Lose it All' scenario book. Contains extra rules that model the traditional styles of fighting that still survived in the land and people west and north of the 'Highland Line' in Scotland and their Gaelic-speaking cousins across the Irish Sea. Wire-bound.1 vol, 26 pgs 2024 UK, BIG RED BAT VENTURES
NEW-pb, available mid February 2024 ......$16.00 rct

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1-208992 Miller, Simon TO THE STRONGEST: Montrose To Win Or Lose It All This 90-page scenario book is designed for use with the To The Strongest For King and Parliament English Civil War rules and the Celtic Fringe extra rules. Contains nine free-standing scenarios covering the Marquis of Montrose's battles in Scotland in 1644-45 -- eight historical and one 'what if.' Each scenario contains a background briefing, separate briefings for each of the players, a deployment plan, and an order of battle. The scenarios can be played individually or in sequence, as a campaign. The book also includes a background to the campaign and descriptions of the principle personalities involved, including Montrose, Alastair MacColla, and Archibald Campbell. Wire bound.1 vol, 90 pgs 2024 UK, BIG RED BAT VENTURES
NEW-pb, available mid February 2024 ......$39.00 rct

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1-242330 Saravanamutti, Rohan NAPOLEON'S SPRING CAMPAIGN 1813: Lutzen and Bautzen - A Wargamer's Guide Describes the strategic and political situation in central Europe and contains a thorough but clear account of the historical battles. Provides detailed orders of battle of the opposing armies, scaled down orders of battle for game purposes, maps of the historical events, stylized maps for laying out wargames tables, and instructions for each battle and for the mini-campaign. Design notes explain the rationale and historical background to the scenario instructions.

Scenario maps are set out on square grids for ease of setting up tabletop terrain. Key points for the game army lists are the number of units and their quality. Given that the sides were unequal, the game victory conditions are based on a comparison with the historical results, rather than the usual outright victory or defeat. Contains 40 color photos, 8 color maps, and many tables.1 vol, 138 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$40.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-237831 Swan, Chris TALES OF DERRING DO: Space Terrors, Aliens & Robots This supplement requires the main Tales of Derring Do rules set. Expands the main rules to cover the world of science fiction and space opera. Provides extra skills and generic characters as well as new settings for players to explore. Includes an additional quick reference sheet which summarizes the new/extra rules from this supplement.1 vol, 80 pgs 2024 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb, available mid February 2024 ......$27.00 rct

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1-BRIG410 Bunde, Peter 410: CISALPINE REPUBLIC/ITALIAN REPUBLIC: HORSE ARTILLERY 1800-1805 Another in the terrific series. Uniform plate with 20+ color figures, flags or standards, facings, etc. Descriptions on reverse side.1 vol, 1 pgs 2024 GERMANY, PETER BUNDE
NEW-print ......$14.00 rct

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1-242320 Kaldellis, Anthony and Marion Kruse THE FIELD ARMIES OF THE EAST ROMAN EMPIRE: 361-630 Examines the leadership, organization, and disposition of the field armies of the east Roman empire between Julian (361-363) and Herakleios (610-641). Academic monograph considers all of the available narrative, legal, papyrological, and epigraphic sources in addition to ubiquitous Notitia dignitatum to demonstrate that the Notitia system emerged only in the 440s Argues it was already mutating by the late fifth century before being fundamentally reformed during Justinian's wars of reconquest. Reassesses military policy with a new military narrative for the period 361-630 and appendices revising the biographies of high-ranking generals and arguing for a later Notitia. Contains a few black and white maps.1 vol, 206 pgs 2024 UK, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS
NEW-hardcover, available mid February 2024 ......$110.00 rct

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2-216900 Hill, Paul THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR AT WAR: 1120-1312 Examines the Knights Templar medieval military order, including how funded, supplied, command and control, organized for campaign and on the battlefield, and the strategies and tactics they employed in the various theaters of warfare. Sections cover the battles, campaigns, fortifications, and castles. Includes 50 color illustrations.1 vol, 264 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb ......$29.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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3-43490 von Boguslawski, Major Albrect TACTICAL DEDUCTIONS FROM THE WAR OF 1870-1871 Covers battles of Spicheren, Worth, Mars-la-Tour, Gravelotte-St.Privat, Sedan from a Prussian officer who participated in the Franco-Prussian War. Discusses the effectiveness of the breechloading rifles - the chassepot and needlegun; Krupp breechloading artillery; an early model machine gun the mitrailleuse; also examines the command and control problems coupled with the tactics and formations used during the war. It's truly one of the most insightful books ever written on the subject.1 vol, 160 pgs 2024 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-perfect bound softcover edition ......$25.00 rct

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1-ATO2020 Rohrbaugh, Paul AGAINST THE ODDS 2020 ANNUAL: The Cruelest Month, Air War Over Arras WWI air campaign game focuses on abstracted air operations and ground battle (similar to his Chennault's First Fight). As the British player, you will marshal your limited numbers of fighters to help secure the skies for 2-seaters that would be better suited to training planes. As the German player, you will employ your well-armed modern fighters against waves of RFC planes that simply keep coming, regardless of how many you shoot down.

* Map - One full color 22x34-inch hex mapsheet
* Counters - 176 full color 5/8-inch die-cut counters
* Air Displays - 2
* Rules length - 16 pages
* Charts and tables - 2 pages
* Complexity - Medium
* Playing time - Up to 3 to 4 hours
* Difficulty - Average1 vol, 60 pgs 2024 US, AGAINST THE ODDS
NEW-game ......$55.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-914173 various VAE VICTIS # 173: Romanitas 528-628 Content:

NEWS: Mare Nostrum; Kings of Rome; ATO 56 - 59; Tanto Monta; Norman Conquest; Winter's Victory; North Africa 41; Prime Minister; Banish All Their Fears

BOARDGAMES: Pratzen; Arsuf; Sniper Elite; Undaunted Battle of Britain; Sekigahara; Mr President; El Gran Capitan; Red Strike; Orsogna ASL

HOBBY: Des etudiants s'invitent au combat, Saison 2 - nouvelle formule; Les jeux de roles (quasi)historiques; Comment ecrire une campagne

FIGURINES: The Silver Bayonet : Canada; Les forces de l'Otan 1 (Canada, Pays-Bas, Anzac); Paris Viking partie 3; Les Anglais en Afghanistan; Spectre

SCENARIOS: 7TV; The Silver Bayonet; 1814; Guerre civile anglaise; ASL; M44

ART OF WAR: Romanitas, 528-628, reconquest of the Eastern Roman Empire

WARGAME with die-cut counters: Romanitas 528-628. Strategic solitaire game simulating the history of the Eastern Roman Empire from 528 to 628 AD. A counter represents a character or a combat unit of approximately 4,000 cavalry, 10,000 infantrymen or two hundred ships, a game turn equals ten year. In the role of the emperor, the player must strive to preserve the symbols of Romanity (the capital Constantinople, the power of the emperor, the imperial provinces), confront barbarian and Persian threats on the borders, and avoid collapse in the face of economic hazards or proverbial religious quarrels. Finally, in the distance, the lands of the West call you to reconquest, each time engaging your action a little more in an obsessive struggle against destiny. English translation of rules included.

Difficulty: 4 /10
Solitaire: 10 / 10
Duration: 3 hours1 vol, 84 pgs 2024 FRANCE, CERIGO EDITIONS
NEW-pb, available mid February 2024 ......$28.00 rct

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