Updated as of ..7/25 /2024


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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 7/25 /2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Weekly eFlyer: 2/22/2024

1-VXA050 Victrix GREEK HOPLITES: Victrix 28mm Plastic Miniatures The figures can be posed in advancing/charging poses with thrusting spears overhead or thrusting their swords, but also with upright spear options if you need the figures to rank up easier. They mix perfectly well with earlier Victrix Hoplite sets, but there are more variety of armor and helmet styles, including Linothorax armor with scales and more Corinthian style helmets alongside, Illyrian, Chalcidian, and Phrygian variants.

Set includes:
* 48 Hoplite figures
* 48 Hoplite shields
* 112 Hoplite heads with varying styles of crest, including stilted and transverse.
* A mixture of Xyphos and Kopis sword arms and sword scabbards
* Spears in thrusting, leveled, or upright positions.
* Plus some severed heads1 vol, 60 pgs 2024 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available mid February 2024 ......$58.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-2425902 Warlord ACHTUNG PANZER! Soviet Army Tank Force Contains five 1/56th scale plastic Soviet tanks for use with Achtung Panzer! rules, as well as game cards, tokens, and tank crew. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

* Three T-34/76 medium tanks
* One Iosef Stalin 2 heavy tank
* One KV-1 heavy tank/KV-2 assault tank
* Assembly guides and full-color waterslide decals
* Vehicle damage markers
* Ten Achtung Panzer! asset cards
* Two Achtung Panzer! Tank Ace Datacards
* Four Achtung Panzer! Tank Ace Skill cards
* Achtung Panzer! phase and time tracker
* Achtung Panzer! Datacards for sixteen vehicles
* Achtung Panzer! tokens and markers
* Tank stowage and accessories
* Mounted and dismounted tank crew (Warlord Resin)1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid April 2024 ......$165.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-2425903 Warlord ACHTUNG PANZER! USA Army Tank Force Contains five 1/56th scale plastic American tanks for use with Achtung Panzer! rules, as well as game cards, tokens, and tank crew. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

* Three M4A3E8 Sherman 'Easy Eight' medium tanks
* One M18 Hellcat tank destroyer
* One M5 Stuart light tank
* Assembly guides and full-color waterslide decals
* Vehicle damage markers
* Ten Achtung Panzer! asset cards
* Two Achtung Panzer! Tank Ace Datacards
* Four Achtung Panzer! Tank Ace Skill cards
* Achtung Panzer! phase and time tracker
* Achtung Panzer! Datacards for sixteen vehicles
* Achtung Panzer! tokens and markers
* Tank stowage and accessories
* Mounted and dismounted tank crew (Warlord Resin)1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid April 2024 ......$165.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-2425912 Warlord ACHTUNG PANZER! USA Tank Crew Contains four partial American mounted figures, one figure firing pintle-mounted HMG (included), and three dismounted figures (Warlord Resin) with plastic bases for use with Achtung Panzer! rules. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid April 2024 ......$20.50 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-2425915 Warlord ACHTUNG PANZER! Soviet Tank Crew Contains six Soviet partial mounted figures and three dismounted figures (Warlord Resin) with plastic bases for use with Achtung Panzer! Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid April 2024 ......$20.50 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-908435 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 435 Theme:
* Building the Battle of Hattin: Display diorama showcasing one of the pivotal battles in the history of the Holy Land, featuring 3,500 miniatures
* The Crowning of Henry Tudor: Mix of Athena Miniatures civilians with Perry Miniatures plastics to create a narrative scene from the Wars of the Roses
* Enhanced MDF: Create terrain with Brutal Cities' excellent MDF kits and ABC Warriors graphic novels for reference
* Regimenting Slaine's Half-Dead: Warlord Games Slaine figures into a ranked-up unit for old school fantasy gaming
* Board Building on a Budget: Build new terrain for his Trench Offensive WWI gaming

* Observation Post: Reviews of Frostgrave: Mortal Enemies, Oathmark plastic Militia, and Setting the East Ablaze.
* Release Radar: New product releases.
*Quick Fire: WI readers' hobby projects, notes, news, and observations.

* Rules Showcase: Civis romanus sum - Footsore's latest release, Gangs of Rome
* The Barons' War Grand Melee: A new tournament
* A Festering Ulcer: Battle of Toulouse with Napoleon's Army of Spain after their exit from the Spain
* Batch Painting Fireforge Ashigaru: Painting Fireforge's new range of Japanese plastic figures
* Pristine Painted French Napoleonics: Eddie Bermingham's magnificent French Napoleonic army, which includes various competition winning units, and his new Epic scale force.
* Pirates, Saints,and Crusaders: Adventures of Godric of Finchale, the unlikely individual who was pivotal in the continuation of the crusader states
* Wargames Illustrated 2023 Awards: Results 1 vol, 116 pgs 2024 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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2-213900 Brown, David GENERAL D'ARMEE 2: Second Edition Napoleonic Rules Uses the ADC command and control system from first edition. The battalion is the smallest manoeuvre element and the Brigade is the lowest tactical command. A typical club night action involving several Brigades per side and a full day or weekend handling a Corps or two. Totals 112 pages and includes two A4 laminated playsheets, the rules can use figures from 6mm to 28mm. Two introductory scenarios are included.1 vol, 112 pgs 2024 UK, TOO FAT LARDIES
NEW-pb, available mid March 2024 ......$40.00 rct

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1-242590 Warlord ACHTUNG PANZER! BLOOD & STEEL: Rulebook This 108-page, full color rulebook is a WWII tank platoon battle game for two or more players. Recruit your crew, select your platoon of tanks, and choose assault guns or armored cars. Introduces a campaign system that allows your crew to progress after each encounter and your tanks to be upgraded to be more effective in the next battle. Contains extensive tank profiles and photo copyable stat cards. Core rulebook covers Britain, Germany, USA, and USSR. Additional nations, theaters of operations, and tanks will be introduced in future expansions.1 vol, 108 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$38.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-2425999 Warlord ACHTUNG PANZER! BLOOD & STEEL: Starter Set Achtung Panzer! Blood & Steel is a World War II tank platoon tabletop battle game for two or more players. The starter set contains British and German forces, the rulebook, and all of the cards, markers, and accessories needed to play. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

* 108-page Rulebook
* Blood & Steel booklet
* Two 1/56th scale hard plastic Panther Ausf. A medium tanks
* Two 1/56th scale hard plastic Sherman V medium tanks
* One 1/56th scale hard plastic Sherman Firefly Vc medium tank
* Two 1/56th scale hard plastic Ruined Farmhouses
* 20 Asset cards
* 52 Events cards
* Four Tank Ace skill cards
* Phase and time tracker
* Full-colour decal sheet
* Vehicle damage markers
* Tokens, markers and Datacards
* Tank stowage and accessories
* Six-sided dice1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, arrived and in stock ......$150.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-2425999B Warlord ACHTUNG PANZER! BLOOD & STEEL: All-In Launch Collection Achtung Panzer! Blood & Steel is a World War II tank platoon tabletop battle game for two or more players. This bundle contains all of the first-wave launch products, which includes USA, USSR, British, and German forces, and all of the accessories needed to play. Those who buy the bundle receive 15% off retail price and will receive the Germans and British forces earlier than when they individually launch in May. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

* Blood & Steel starter set
* USSR tank force
* US tank force
* British tank force
* German tank force
* British tank crew
* US tank crew
* German Panzer crew (late war)
* USSR tank crew1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-bundle, arrived and in stock ......$892.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-229992 Fiorentino, Massimo IL ROSSO & L'ORO: Uniforms, Equipment and Weaponry of the Swiss Units in the Service of the Kingdom of the Two-Sicilies - Volume 2 Volume 2: 1836-1839. This uniform book is in Italian, but it has 900+ photos in color and 52 color uniform plates by Bruno Magnai. There are 58 pages that are in English, as well as captions and plate detail. 1 vol, 660 pgs 2024 ITALY, SHAKO 64
NEW-hardcover [Italian text], available early March 2024 ......$259.00 DISCOUNT:6% rct

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2-241290 Sanders, Richard THE STRELTSY: Russia's First Standing Forces 1500 to 1705 The Russian streltsy, created by Ivan the Terrible, were Russia's first permanent standing infantry with firearms. Examines their history, outfits, flags, and weaponry as well as showcases both flat and 3D miniatures of the streltsy in wargaming. Includes 50 pages of color plates and illustrations.

Soldiers served for life and were nicknamed as 'stirrup' troops because they were usually always near the tsar's own stirrups. Often wielding both a musket and a poleaxe, they often fought behind a 'walking city' of wooden frames against forces such as the Tartars. However, their staunch believe in rejecting western ideology caused them to alienate themselves from Peter the Great. They slaughtered his mother's family and dubbed him the Anti-Christ, ultimately leading to a failed rebellion and their complete dissolution from the Russian Army by 1720. 1 vol, 64 pgs 2024 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS LLC
NEW-hardcover, available early March 2024 ......$39.00 rct

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1-242600 McGrail, Sean EARLY SHIPS AND SEAFARING: Water Transport Beyond Europe This book studies European water transport of Egypt, Arabia, India, South-east Asia, China, Australia, Oceania and the Americas. Discusses boatbuilding and seafaring, based on models, illustrations, and excavations of ancient rafts and boats dating back as early as 3rd Millennium BC. Also discusses how early rafts and boats were hand-built and propelled by human muscle or wind power. This volume ranges in time from the Prehistoric period to today, as a number of such traditional craft continue to be built. Contains 70 black and white illustrations.1 vol, 232 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid February 2024 ......$33.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-930346 various STRATEGY & TACTICS # 346: Andrew Jackson's Battles Wargame Andrew Jackson's Battles is a two-player tactical simulation of battles on the American frontier during the early 19th century, concentrating on the two major actions (Horseshoe Bend and New Orleans). Each game in the system is based on one battle of this period, with its own map, special rules and counters representing the military formations that participated in the original action. The rules model the overall effects of weapons and tactics in an era in which regular tactics were tempered by frontier fighting, and include combat, leadership, and morale.

Each hex on the map represents 50-200 yards, depending on the scenario. Each game turn represents 10 minutes to one hour. Combat units represent anything from individual companies to wings (two or more companies) and/or battalions. Each artillery unit represents two to six guns. Leaders represent a single commander plus staff.

Components: 22x34-inch game map, 176 5/8-inch counters, and magazine.1 vol, 84 pgs 2024 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-242630 Clarke, Alexander TRIBALS, BATTLES & DARINGS: The Genesis of the Modern Destroyer Details three classes of the Royal Navy: the Tribal class destroyers, heroes of the Altmark incident and the battle of Narvik; their wartime successors, the Battle class; and their postwar incarnations, the Daring class. Describes the three classes, each designed under different circumstances along destroyer lines but to general-purpose light cruiser form, from the interwar period through to the 1950s. Explains the procurement process for each class in the context of the needs and technology of the times. Analyzes these three classes side by side; examines their conception, their creation, and their operational stories; and provides an insight into ship design, operation, and culture. This book contains no illustrations.1 vol, 176 pgs 2024 UK, SEAFORTH PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid February 2024 ......$33.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242610 Lane, Richard LAST STAND AT LE PARADIS: The Events Leading to the SS Massacre of the Norfolks 1940 Discusses the 2nd Battalion Royal Norfolk Regiment, which were one of the first complete infantry units of the BEF to land in France. Despite casualties and members of the battalion receiving the first decorations of the war, the BEF made a stand against the Germans at the River Escaut and were eventually forced to surrender. Ninety-nine men were marched to a paddock where they were killed by their SS captors. Details how two men survived and were instrumental in bringing the SS officer responsible, Fritz Knoechlien, to justice after the war. When the remnants of the battalion reassembled in England, its strength was just five officers and 134 other ranks. The remainder had either been killed or captured as POWs. This book contains no illustrations.1 vol, 208 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid February 2024 ......$30.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242640 Pallud, Jean Paul OPERATION 'DRAGOON' AND BEYOND: Then and Now Covers three operations: from the Riviera, to the Rhine, and on to the Colmar pocket after the Allied Forces launched Operation Dragoon, a 1944 three-division assault against the coast of southern France. Discusses how in spite of its uncertain antecedents, the well-planned Operation 'Dragoon' and the forces involved - along with German unpreparedness and disarray - contributed to a surprisingly rapid success that liberated most of southern France in just four weeks. Contains 158 mono illustrations.1 vol, 296 pgs 2024 UK, AFTER THE BATTLE
NEW-dj, available mid February 2024 ......$53.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242620 Walsh, Jeremy MOSQUITO INTRUDERS - TARGET BURMA: The RAF's Daring Low-Level Mosquito Operations Explores the achievements of WWII RAF Mosquito 27 and 45 Squadrons fighting the Japanese in Burma. Details the variations of the de Havilland Mosquito FB VI, how the crews were trained to operate the Mosquito, and performance in often hostile weather over inhospitable territory against an aggressive enemy. Contains 32 mono illustrations.1 vol, 288 pgs 2024 UK, AIR WORLD
NEW-dj, available mid February 2024 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-241013 Wright, Malcolm George BRITISH AND COMMONWEALTH WARSHIP CAMOUFLAGE OF WWII: Volume III - Cruisers, Minelayers and Armed Merchant Cruisers This third volume of official and unofficial paint schemes that adorned the capital ships of the Royal Navy and Commonwealth covers cruisers (heavy, prewar, and wartime) and minelayers. Contains 800 full color illustrations, arranged by ship type rather than camouflage scheme, and includes overhead views and multiple images of the ships where armament or equipment changes had a fundamental impact on a ship's appearance.1 vol, 192 pgs 2024 UK, SEAFORTH PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid February 2024 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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