Weekly eFlyer:
3/13/2025 |
Firelock Games PORT ROYAL: Weapon Sprue 28mm
Sprue of 22 weapon parts for the Port Royal pirate skirmish game, but also works as conversion parts for other 28mm figures. There is a range of time-period appropriate options to customize your pirates, including short and long firearms and close combat weapons such as daggers, axes, and swords. Supplied unpainted.1 vol, 1 pgs
NEW-box ......$15.00
DISCOUNT:20% rct
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Warlord PIKE & SHOTTE: The 7 Spears of Shizugatake - 28mm Figures
Boxed set contains seven 28mm vassals of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the legendary 'Second Great Unifier' of Japan who won the 1583 Battle of Shizugatake. Figures are clad in the height of Samurai fashion and wield a variety of weapons. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.1 vol, 7 pgs
NEW-box, available late March 2025 ......$40.00
DISCOUNT:20% rct
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Warlord PIKE & SHOTTE: Daimyos 28mm Figures
Set contains three 28mm daimyos: Toyotami Hideyoshi on horseback and Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu on foot. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.1 vol, 3 pgs
NEW-box, available late March 2025 ......$24.00
DISCOUNT:20% rct
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Firelock Games PORT ROYAL: Pirate Skirmish Rules
Campaign-based, tactical, warband-sized skirmish wargame. Loosely based on the historical events following the 1692 earthquake that devastated the island of Jamaica. Players take control of small companies of pirates, privateers, Native Americans, African Maroons, or local government forces as they battle against opponents for their share of the plunder. Players will gain loot and experience between games while building infamy and growing in their piratical expertise. 1 vol, 1 pgs
NEW-hardback, available late March 2025 ......$35.00
DISCOUNT:10% rct
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Firelock Games PORT ROYAL: Corebox Including 28mm Figures
Campaign-based, tactical, warband-sized skirmish wargame. Loosely based on the historical events following the 1692 earthquake that devastated the island of Jamaica. Players take control of small companies of pirates, privateers, Native Americans, African Maroons, or local government forces as they battle against opponents for their share of the plunder. Players will gain loot and experience between games while building infamy and growing in their piratical expertise. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.
Contents: * Rulebook * Six d10 dice * 15 28mm Character models * Accessories * Punchboard Tokens * Punchboard Rulers * 27 Punchboard Terrain pieces * Paper Terrain Mat1 vol, 1 pgs
NEW-box ......$99.00
DISCOUNT:20% rct
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Callan, Andy NEVER MIND THE BILLHOOKS: Here's the Ruckus
Medieval skirmish game of narrative-heavy tabletop battles. It is inspired and influenced by Andy Callan's ruleset, Never Mind the Billhooks, but while there are key similarities it is not a direct expansion. Two forces of around 8 - 12 figures are required for play, along with a handful of six-sided dice, and a set (downloadable from the Wargames Illustrated website) of tokens and cards. The game prioritizes having fun over simulating warfare or seeking period accuracy.1 vol, 32 pgs
NEW-pb, available late March 2025 ......$15.00
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Insch, Stuart PARTIZAN WARGAME CAMPAIGNS VOLUME 1: Wargaming the Marian Civil War & Gordon-Forbes Feud, 1562-1571
Contains background, scenarios, and maps for the appropriate time period. Illustrated in color. The start of a new series of terribly (and not so) obscure campaigns for wargamers. This is one of the last wargaming books that Stuart Insch worked on before his untimely death.1 vol, 70 pgs
NEW-pb ......$28.00
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Patton, Roxanne BEACH TO BASTOGNE: Relief of Bastogne December 22nd to 30th, 1944 -- Battlefront Scenario Book
Contains 16 scenarios designed to be used with Battlefront World War II rules. Depicts the significant actions of the U.S. Fourth Armored Division between December 22nd and 30th as it attempted to relieve the 101st Airborne Division surrounded in Bastogne. Each scenario contains a few paragraphs on the background and history of each battle, the victory conditions and points, the terrain and surroundings, any other miscellaneous conditions (light, weather, etc); as well as setup rules and army list per battle, and color deployment maps.
Scenarios: * Martelange: Breaching the Sure River * Firefight at Flatzbourhof: Bigonville Part One * Irzyk's Assault: Chaumont Part One * Kokott's Counter Stroke: Chaumont Part Two * Warnach: Roadblock to Bastogne Part One * Warnach: Roadblock to Bastogne Part Two * A Hot Place: Bigonville Part Two * Christmas Day Drive * Hill 490: Taking Hollange Part One * Fight for the Village: Taking Hollange Part Two * Recapturing Chaumont * Breakthrough the Assenois * Mutt and Jeff * Sainlez * The Last Hurdle * Hitler's Gamble1 vol, 56 pgs
NEW-wirebound softcover ......$24.00
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Warlord Games BOLT ACTION: Armies of the United States - 3rd Edition
A detailed guide to WWII US forces in Bolt Action: Third Edition, containing updated special rules, unit entries, and force selection guides. With this new and revised supplement, players now have all the information they need to field the varied military forces of the United States of America. Entering the war after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States immediately went to war on several fronts. In Europe and Africa, the Americans battled against the Germans and Italians, while in the Pacific the men of the Army and Marines faced the forces of Imperial Japan. This book allows players to choose from dozens of different troop types including Sherman tanks, Marine raiders, and paratroopers, and build a US force to fight in any theater of the war.1 vol, 112 pgs
NEW-pb, available late April 2025 ......$35.00
DISCOUNT:15% rct
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Corum, James 053 FRANCE 1940: The First Great Clash of World War II Airpower
Offers an operational-level history of the air campaign, and explains comprehensively and concisely how the campaign was fought, and why the Luftwaffe made such superior use of their airpower. Explains the importance of the air forces' leadership and fighting doctrine, and aspects of the campaign often overlooked, such as the dysfunctional organization that kept hundreds of French aircraft out of the battle, and Germany's pioneering use of radio-equipped air liaison officers that provided the world's first system of 'on-call' close air support. Illustrated throughout with 60 photos and 14 pages of color illustrations.1 vol, 96 pgs
NEW-pb, available late April 2025 ......$25.00
DISCOUNT:15% rct
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Nijboer, Donald 145 LUFTWAFFE BOMBERS VS BRITISH AA DEFENCES: Britain 1940-41
An illustrated study of the performance of the British Anti-Aircraft Command against the Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain and the Blitz. Examines the capabilities of both sides and explores how AA not only shot down aircraft, but also forced them to fly higher, broke up their formations, and decreased their accuracy. Tactical diagrams, maps, archival photographs, and newly commissioned artwork provide additional insight and detail. Contains color artwork plates and maps; black & white and color photographs and illustrations.1 vol, 80 pgs
NEW-pb, available late April 2025 ......$23.00
DISCOUNT:15% rct
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Zaloga, Steven 337 TANKS IN THE GULF WAR 1991
Examines the numerous tank types used in the Gulf War and how they compared, both in technology and battlefield performance. Covers United States, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq's Soviet- and Warsaw Pact-built tanks, and Iraq's indigenous military industry, which produced a number of notable innovations such as the Enigma tank with laminate armor. Includes some never-before-published, and detailed descriptions of the little-known Iraqi armored division markings. Illustrated throughout with 40 photos and 8 pages of color illustrations.1 vol, 48 pgs
NEW-pb, available late April 2025 ......$20.00
DISCOUNT:15% rct
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Konstam, Angus 414 CONVOY PQ-17 1942: Disaster in the Arctic
Documents the withdrawal of the Allied close escort to intercept the German raiders, and the attacks on the scattered merchant ships of Convoy PQ-17 by German forces. Maps and diagrams plot the passage and fate of the convoy elements, and artworks bring to life key moments in the running battle. In the end, 24 Allied ships were sunk and only 10 merchant ships and four auxiliaries reached the port of Archangel. PQ-17 would prove to be the worst and most controversial convoy loss of World War II. Contains color illustrations throughout, including battlescene artworks, maps, 3D diagrams, and photographs.1 vol, 96 pgs
NEW-pb, available late April 2025 ......$25.00
DISCOUNT:15% rct
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D'Amato, Raffaele 261 THE GOTHS: AD 200-700
An illustrated study of Rome's key enemies from the Late Principate and Dominate: the western Visigoths and the eastern Ostrogoths. Examines Rome's fierce clashes with the Gothic peoples as well as exploring their role in the fall of the Western Empire and eventual transition from Roman to early medieval Europe. Examines key events in the Goths' history, including the Ostrogoths' defeat by Emperor Justinian in the 6th century, the establishment of Gothic kingdoms in Italy and the Iberian Peninsula, and their service as subjects and soldiers in Byzantine Crimea. Contains eight color artwork plates and black & white and color photographs and illustrations.1 vol, 64 pgs
NEW-pb, available late April 2025 ......$21.00
DISCOUNT:15% rct
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Lai, Benjamin 561 GROUND FORCES IN THE KOREAN WAR 1950-53 (2): The US Army and US Marine Corps
Examines the evolving uniforms and personal equipment used by US ground forces in the Korean War. In June 1950, US soldiers and Marines deployed in the Korean War were dressed and equipped largely as they had been in the closing stages of World War II. By 1953, major innovations had transformed their appearance. Features eight pages of specially commissioned artwork alongside carefully chosen photographs, some never previously published, this study charts the evolution of the US troops' uniforms and gear through three years of bitter fighting. Details the uniform and equipment shortages that led to the need for cold-weather clothing. In 1951, the beginnings of position warfare offered the opportunity for soldiers and Marines to customize their uniforms and gear. Flak jackets were introduced in both services. The infantryman's basic load lightened substantially, with men on the line often requiring little more than their fatigues, flak vest, and helmet. All of these developments are explained and depicted. Contains eight color artwork plates; black & white photographs and illustrations.1 vol, 48 pgs
NEW-pb, available late April 2025 ......$20.00
DISCOUNT:15% rct
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Kallio, Paul ROMA VICTRIX: Campaigns of the Roman World Wargame
Grand strategic, moderate complexity wargame for one to six players, covering a time period ranging from 218 BC to 533 AD in 20 separate historical and hypothetical scenarios. A simple interactive sequence of play guides each player through the process of revenue collection, recruiting and maintaining military forces, conducting land and naval operations, diplomacy, and field battles and sieges. Land units represent Roman Legions, Heavy Infantry, Auxilia, Barbarian Infantry and Cavalry. Rules focus on simplicity and playability supported by illustrations, and contain examples to reduce confusion -- also covers land and naval movement, combat, as well as optional rules. Suitable for solitaire play.
* Complexity: 5 out of 10 * Time Scale: 1 year per turn * Area Movement Map * Unit Scale: Legions, Legionary Equivalents, Barbarian Warbands * Players: one to six * Playing Time: 3-8 hours depending upon scenario
Contents: * 1 Rules Booklet * 1 22 x 34-inch area-movement mounted game map * 8 Counter Sheets (5/8-inch size) * 6 Major Power Display Cards * 6 Leader Display Charts * 6 Player Aid Charts * Orders of Battle based on available historical research and analysis * 21 Event Cards * 88 Province Cards * 2 Six-Sided dice * Box and Lid1 vol, 1 pgs
NEW-box, available late March 2025 ......$95.00
DISCOUNT:15% rct
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Various ANCIENT WARFARE: Volume 101 Greece in the Fourth Century BC
Theme: Greece in the fourth century BC * War is a Violent Teacher - Fourth-century Greek innovations * Keeping Your Distance - Peltasts in the fourth century BC * Bogeymen With Javelins - The Battle of Lechaeum, 390 BC * The Innovative Spartan - King Agesilaus II of Sparta * Making Them Longer and Deeper - Fourth-century BC spears and phalanxes
Features: * Hoplite Stories - Decorated Peloponnesian shield bands * Triumph to Ignominy - Alexander's final year in India * The Daunii at War - Burning the Pyrrhic camp * Deva Victrix - The legionary fortress of Chester * Where Did You Get That Hat? - Reflections on the Spong Hill Man * Clouds of War - Weather in ancient warfare * Scout's Honour - The tombstone of P. Sulpicius Peregrinus1 vol, 84 pgs
NEW-softcover, available late March 2025 ......$12.00
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Provides a clear, accessible explanation of the conflict's origins, key events, and aftermath, stripping away centuries of distortion. Aims to help the reader understand what happened and why during the great political upheaval of the 15th century. Describes the origins, nature and aftermath of the wars in short accessible chapters and explains how the period can be divided into three separate, though related, political crises. By putting the wars firmly in their medieval context, seeks to strip away the hype of half a millennium to examine objectively the roles and motives of those involved, without seeking either to exonerate, or demonize, any particular individual. Contains 30 mono illustrations.1 vol, 224 pgs
2025 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late March 2025 ......$40.00
DISCOUNT:15% rct
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Various MEDIEVAL WORLD: Volume 16: Medieval Education and Learning
Theme: Medieval Education and Learning * From Monastery to University: The making of medieval education * Learning a Trade: Medieval apprentices * A Schoolhouse for the Sword: swordsmanship for the middle classes * Medieval Islamic Education: The rise of colleges of law * Algorism, Abacuses, and Computus: Medieval mathematics
Features: * The Battle of Aljubarrota: Iberian warfare as told by Froissart * The Chivalric Code: More a set of guidelines... * Harlech Castle: Reappraising the sources * Patrauti Monastery: Architecture, murals, and light * A Rare Book Coffer: Mobile medieval manuscripts * For the Killing of One Another: The alliance that broke the Aztecs * Al-Hariri's Maqamat: A twelfth-century success * Book Review: Henry V: The Astonishing Rise of England's Greatest Warrior King * Book Review: Queens and Queenship1 vol, 92 pgs
NEW-softcover, available late March 2025 ......$12.00
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Turnbull, Stephen THE LOST SAMURAI: Japanese Mercenaries in South East Asia, 1593-1688
Reveals for almost 100 years, samurai were employed as mercenaries in the service of the kings of Siam, Cambodia, Burma, Spain, Portugal, and Dutch East India Company. They were used in dramatic assault parties, as royal bodyguards, as garrisons, and as willing executioners -- developing a stereotypical image of the fierce Japanese warrior that had a profound influence on the way they were regarded by their employers. While the Southeast Asian kings tended to employ samurai on a long-term basis as palace guards, Europeans usually hired them for specific campaigns. Also, whereas the Southeast Asian monarchs tended to trust their well-established units of Japanese mercenaries, the Europeans, whilst admiring them, also feared them and led to a great suspicion that the Japanese might one day turn against them. Contains central mono plate section. 1 vol, 192 pgs
NEW-pb edition, available mid May 2025 ......$27.00
DISCOUNT:15% rct
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Smith, Steven THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR IN SOUTH CAROLINA: Profiles in Leadership
An examination of the panorama of individuals whose leadership helped make the Patriot cause successful in South Carolina -- Henry Laurens was the President of the Council of Safety, Richard Furman was the pastor of a church, John Rutledge was the Governor of South Carolina, and Rebecca Motte was a plantation owner. William Moultrie and Andrew Pickens-perhaps most familiar as soldiers-are discussed in their non-combatant roles: Moultrie as a prisoner of war and Pickens as a post-war civic leader. Military leaders William Jasper, Thomas Sumter, Francis Marion, Isaac Shelby, Nathanael Greene, Daniel Morgan, Tadeusz Kosciuszko, Hezekiah Maham, and Henry Lee round out the selection of profiles. Each entry is preceded by a historical overview of the Southern Campaign and the Revolutionary War in South Carolina in order to provide the reader the background necessary to understand the leadership profiles in context. The book's conclusion highlights that the Revolutionary War was a landmark in the democratization of war, and that the choices made by these leaders and their followers reflect the same element of choice inherent in the democratic process. Contains 10 images.1 vol, 240 pgs
NEW-dj, available late March 2025 ......$35.00
DISCOUNT:15% rct
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Wilcoxson, Samantha JAMES ALEXANDER HAMILTON: Son of the American Revolution
James Alexander Hamilton, son of Alexander, influenced U.S. history by advising leaders such as Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren to Abraham Lincoln and Salmon P Chase on banking and constitutional matters. Born in the year of the Constitutional Convention, he was uniquely positioned to observe the early republic era and the formation of the experimental United States government. Contains 30 mono illustrations.1 vol, 216 pgs
2025 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late March 2025 ......$35.00
DISCOUNT:15% rct
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Hessler, James THE FIRST DAY AT GETTYSBURG: July 1, 1863
Sets the stage for the Civil War's greatest battle and covers the heroism, decisions, and mistakes made on the first day at Gettysburg. The first day of the Battle of Gettysburg is often overshadowed by fighting on the following days, but July 1 was one of the bloodiest single engagements of the entire Civil War. Many of the decisions leading to and through Gettysburg's first day remain steeped in controversy. Did Meade intend to fight on the Pipe Creek line in Maryland until subordinates such as Major General John Reynolds forced the engagement at Gettysburg? Did the absence of J. E. B. Stuart's cavalry really leave Lee blind to his opponent's movements? Was Lee's desire to avoid a general engagement ignored by his own officers? With neither commanding general on the battlefield for much of the day, crucial decisions remained in the hands of subordinates such as John Buford, John Reynolds, A. P. Hill, Richard Ewell, and Oliver Howard. Contains over 120 photographs and illustrations.1 vol, 128 pgs
NEW-pb, available late March 2025 ......$25.00
DISCOUNT:15% rct
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Anderson, Thomas LIGHT PANZERS
Describes the development and organizational history of the PzKpfw I, introduced in 1934, and the PzKpfw II, introduced in 1936. Explains how the annexation of German-speaking Sudetenland in 1938 and, subsequently, of Czechoslovakia itself delivered an unexpected bonus for the Panzerwaffe in the form of two Czech Army light tanks, introduced into German service as the PzKpfw 35(t) and PzKpfw 38(t). Covers the considerable operational service of these tanks in Poland, France and the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. From late 1941 onwards, they were withdrawn from front-line service, but the chassis were used until the end of the war for self-propelled artillery and tank destroyers. Fully illustrated throughout in black and white.1 vol, 288 pgs
NEW-hardback, available late April 2025 ......$50.00
DISCOUNT:15% rct
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Winkler, David THE MIGHTY A: The Short Heroic Life of the USS Atlanta (CL-51), America's First Warship Commissioned After Pearl Harbor
Comprehensive account of USS Atlanta covers her construction, commissioning, and full WWII service. Prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. Navy's leadership discovered that the surface fleet was highly vulnerable to air attack, thanks to the introduction of drone aircraft that could simulate attacks on its warships. The Navy's gunners simply did not have the coordinated firepower to knock them down. Recognition of this vulnerability resulted in a new class of warship led by USS Atlanta. The commanding officer, Captain Samuel Jenkins, had just weeks to ready a group of nearly 700 sailors-the majority having no seagoing experience-into a crew that could effectively fight the ship in combat. Joining the Pacific Fleet in time for the epic Battle of Midway, Atlanta's guns would fire the first salvos in the vicious Naval Battle of Guadalcanal early on November 13, 1942. Heavily damaged by gunfire and torpedoes, Atlanta would be scuttled later that day. Atlanta was awarded five battle stars for her World War II service and a Presidential Unit Citation for her fighting spirit in the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal. Contains 25 images.1 vol, 288 pgs
NEW-dj, available late March 2025 ......$35.00
DISCOUNT:15% rct
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Audrit, Marc THE BELGIAN RAF PILOT WHO DEFIED THE GESTAPO: The Fearless Baron de Selys Longchamps
Explores Jean de Selys Longchamps' daring 1943 Gestapo headquarters raid in a myth-dispelling biography. While the story of this audacious raid has captivated audiences worldwide, it has also been mired in a myriad of exaggerated tales and obscured by myths. This biography uses an array of sources from the de Selys Longchamps family's private archives, including the pilot's flying logbook, personal journals, correspondence, and photo albums. Augmented by previously unreleased archives, testimonials from fellow pilots and family members, and an exhaustive bibliography. Contains 300 mono illustrations.1 vol, 352 pgs
NEW-dj, available late March 2025 ......$55.00
DISCOUNT:15% rct
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Polack, Peter THE LAST HOT BATTLE OF THE COLD WAR: South Africa vs. Cuba in the Angolan Civil War
As the Soviet Union teetered on the edge of collapse during the late 1980s and America prepared to claim its victory, a bloody war still raged in Southern Africa, where proxy forces from both sides vied for control of Angola. The result was the largest battle on the dark continent since El Alamein, with forces from both sides paying in blood what U.S.-Soviet diplomats were otherwise spending in diplomacy. The Angolans on both sides suffered heavily, but it was the apartheid South Africans versus Castro's armed forces that provides utter fascination. Contains 16 pages of photos.1 vol, 240 pgs
NEW-pb edition, available late March 2025 ......$25.00
DISCOUNT:15% rct
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Lovejoy, Michael BURROWS & BADGERS: A Skirmish Game of Anthropomorphic Animals -- Second Edition
Revised and expanded version of the popular tabletop skirmish game set in the ancient realm of Northymbra, a kingdom where mice, badgers, toads, and other animals wear armor, wield swords, and cast magic spells. This updated edition contains new content including additional background material, new species, warband types and a whole host of new spells, skills, and equipment. Each model represents an individual character and can be selected from a wide range of species; from the humble mouse to the mighty badger, and armed and equipped as desired. Scenarios link into ongoing campaigns, where heroes and villains may make their names and the assistance of infamous mercenaries might mean the difference between victory and defeat.1 vol, 272 pgs
NEW-hardback, available late April 2025 ......$35.00
DISCOUNT:15% rct
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Rader, Andrew STELLAR HORIZONS 2: Galactic Frontier
Sci-fi game that traces humanity's journey into the galaxy over the coming centuries (2100-2900). Players will control one of seven factions vying to establish an interstellar empire, each with unique advantages, drawbacks, and special abilities. Through competitive and cooperative scenarios and campaigns, each new star brings the discovery of new planet types, and new opportunities for settlement, trade, or conquest. Along the way, you'll develop technologies and customize your ships, building a faster, stronger, and more capable starfaring fleet.
* Complexity: Medium * Time Scale: 1 year/turn * Map Scale: The Solar System * Unit Scale: Manned and Robotic Starships * Players: 1 to 7 * Solitaire Suitability: Medium * Playing Time: 20-90 minutes for Scenarios, 6+ hours for Campaign * Campaign and Scenarios can be played competitively and cooperatively
Contents: * Six Punchboards containing 118 Ship/Vehicle Playing Pieces and over 1,100 Markers * Eight Star Sector Tiles * Seven Player Factions * One Technology Tree * 70 Fleet Improvement & Genetic Manipulation Cards * $1B, $5B, $10B & $20B paper money denominations * Box and Lid1 vol, 1 pgs
NEW-box, available late March 2025 ......$129.00
DISCOUNT:15% rct
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