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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 7/25 /2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Weekly eFlyer: 3/14/2024

2-190400 Lockwood, Russ HYPERSPACE HACK: Ultrafast Spaceship Fleet Battles Back in print. Simple yet subtle rules for fleet-sized actions of 50+ ships per player, for 2-20 players. One-page Quick Reference Sheet. Crew quality rating system from raw to elite, with rules for ramming, boarding, etc. Optional rules for three-sided games, tournament point system, planet-busting lasers, and more. Great for kids. Go ahead, pile the ships on the tabletop -- largest game was 400 ships.1 vol, 40 pgs 2024 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-wirebound softcover edition ......$29.00 rct

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1-242930 Ward, Gregory WARGAMING WORLD SOLO: Ancient to Modern Solo Wargaming Designed for any scale of figures or period, with examples from 1066-1975. Uses a chart based system to play your opponent giving a realistic yet unpredictable games.1 vol, 80 pgs 2024 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb, available mid March 2024 ......$30.00 rct

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1-242880 Romero, Jo FORGOTTEN WOMEN OF THE WARS OF THE ROSES: The Untold History Behind the Battle for the Crown Explores women's roles relating to the Wars of the Roses and highlights their involvement, their lives during wartime, and the consequences of their actions. Discusses topics such as how women maintained the household and supported the family commercially and politically; how royal women acted as diplomats, negotiators, and supporters to both York and Lancaster; the individual experience of religious women involved in the conflict; women who fought to directly support the war effort; organizers who planned strategy and supplied their husbands; and defenders who commanded soldiers during a siege. The existence of women rebels at this time is also discussed, as is women's wider, more subtle contributions and experiences to the security of the monarchy. Contains 20 color illustrations.1 vol, 256 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid April 2024 ......$43.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242910 Richardson, Matthew MANXMEN AT SEA IN THE AGE OF NELSON, 1760-1815 Examines how the Manx saw action in some of the greatest naval events between 1760 and 1815. Discusses that the lives of the Manx, as mostly people of the sea and fishermen, but also as crew about merchant vessels of war. Because of the high level of literacy and education, a significant body of first-hand evidence has survived from those who served below decks and aboard merchant ships, privateers, and warships. Some, such as Peter Heywood, were eyewitness to the most famous event in naval history, the Mutiny on the Bounty. Others, such as John Quilliam climbed the naval career ladder, served with Nelson, and gained distinction at Trafalgar. Captain Hugh Crow fought against the French, made his fortune in the slave trade, and commanded the last legal voyage. Contains 20 mono illustrations.1 vol, 176 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid April 2024 ......$43.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-234711 LA BATAILLE DE MONT SAINT JEAN: June 18, 1815 (Expansion Kit Edition) Mont St. Jean is the French name for the Battle of Waterloo, and the Prussians called this The Battle of Belle Alliance. Expanded edition contains four 34 x 22-inch maps, as well as special rules and background. (The Deluxe Edition contains those items plus the counters and basic rules.)

Scale = 100 m/hex;
Time = 20 min/game turn;
Strength = 50-100 men/Strength Point (Regimental/Brigade Size)1 vol, 1 pgs 2024 US, CLASH OF ARMS
NEW-box, expanded edition, available late March 2024 ......$48.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-242811 LA BATAILLE DE WAVRE: June 18-19, 1815 (Expansion Set) This is an expansion set, and you need La Bataille de Ligny or the deluxe edition of La Bataille de Mont Saint Jean to play. As the French, you command the Corps of Generals Vandamme and Gerard. As the Prussians, you command General Thielemann and stand between the French and the emperor.

* Two 34x22-inch maps
* Rulebook which includes scenarios and historical commentary
* Charts and tables1 vol, 1 pgs 2024 US, CLASH OF ARMS
NEW-box, available late March 2024 ......$46.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-242830 Dawson, Paul THE NAPOLEONIC 'DAD'S ARMY': The British Volunteer Movement, 1794-1814 Discusses how the aim of the 'Loyal Britons' was to organize patriotic, anti-French forces in defense of king and country and to help maintain the established order - thus leading to the Volunteer Act of 1794 to fight against the French. By 1804, there were 380,000 volunteers under arms and the various corps made up half to one third of all the home service forces, combined with volunteers who agreed to serve overseas, as garrison troops in India for example, the number grows to approximately 800,000 - meaning that around one in every five adult males participated in military activities. Using diaries and archive sources, this book seeks to explore the 'Dad's Army' of the Napoleonic Wars. Contains 16 mono illustrations.1 vol, 264 pgs 2024 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available mid April 2024 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242860 Linch, Kevin THE BRITISH ARMY: 1783-1815 Explores the history of the British army between 1783 and 1815 - the army that fought in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars - exploring the global range of its deployment, the varieties of soldiering it had to undertake, its close ties to the political and social situation of the time, and its complex relationship with British society and culture. Challenges the 'Road to Waterloo' narrative of the army's steady progress from the 1780s and early 1790s, to its strong performances throughout the Peninsular War and its triumph at the Battle of Waterloo. Contains 20 black and white illustrations.1 vol, 304 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid April 2024 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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2-231000 Knudson, Harold JAMES LONGSTREET AND THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR: The Confederate General Who Fought the Next War Examines Confederate General James Longstreet and his contributions to the art of war during the Civil War. Explores how Longstreeet understood early that the tactical defense dominated the offense, and the lethality with which his riflemen and artillery mowed down Union assaults hinted at what was to come in World War I. Longstreet's ability to launch and control powerful offensives was on display at Second Manassas in August 1862, and his assault plan at Chickamauga in September 1863 was similar, if not the forerunner to, World War II tactical-level German armored tactics. Discusses how Longstreet demonstrated progressive applications with artillery, staff work, force projection, and operational-level thinking. Uses 20th century U.S. Army doctrine, field training, staff planning, command, and combat experience to produce this view of Longstreet's generalship in comparison to modern warfare. Contains 10 images and 10 maps.1 vol, 288 pgs 2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid April 2024 ......$23.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242870 Brown, Robert BRITISH AIRCRAFT CARRIERS: Volume 1 - Hermes, Ark Royal and the Illustrious Class ShipCraft volume examines the evolution of the British Royal Navy's fleet carriers as exemplified by those designed from the keel up for the role. Provides information about building and modifying model kits of popular warship types. Lavishly illustrated, takes the modeler through a brief history of the subject, highlighting differences between ships and changes in their appearance over their careers. This includes paint schemes and camouflage, featuring color profiles, and highly detailed line drawings and scale plans.

The modeling section reviews the strengths and weaknesses of available kits, lists commercial accessory sets for super-detailing of the subjects, and provides hints on modifying and improving the basic kit. This is followed by a photographic gallery of selected high-quality models in a variety of scales, and the book concludes with a section on research references - books, monographs, large-scale plans, and relevant websites. Contains 60 color illustrations and 60 mono illustrations.1 vol, 64 pgs 2024 UK, SEAFORTH PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid April 2024 ......$29.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242840 Richardson, Matthew WITH THE BRITISH CAVALRY IN 1914 Details the WWI British cavalry regiments and their evolution. Discusses how lancers, hussars, and dragoons trained for shock tactics as well as scouting and reconnaissance. In the new warfare of the 20th century, the true value of these regiments was as an intensively trained, highly mobile reserve. Able to arrive quickly at trouble spots, they were equally skilled with the rifle, and on more than one occasion in 1914 were able to retrieve a critical situation. Contains 50 mono illustrations.1 vol, 208 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid April 2024 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242900 Stephenson, Charles MUSSOLINI, MUSTARD GAS & THE FASCIST WAY OF WAR: Ethiopia, 1935-1936 Examines Italy's war on Ethiopia in military and political terms, and how it was an operation entirely of choice. While it was launched with the intent of turning Ethiopia into an Italian possession, it was in fact a war of aggression against an independent, sovereign, state with membership of the League of Nations -- a state that had, according to one of its 19th-century rulers, been 'for 14 centuries a Christian island in a sea of pagans.' Looks at how the Italian victory resulted from using aircraft, mustard gas, and motorization/mechanization. Contains 25 mono illustrations.1 vol, 272 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid April 2024 ......$43.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242850 Bashford, Rex HITLER'S COMMAND: Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, V Weapons, Jets and the A Bomb Analyzes the effect of Hitler's power to make all critical decisions relating to the strategic and operational deployment of the entire Wehrmacht. Examines how his decisions affected the development of German Jet aircraft, the types of U-Boats used, what priority assigned to key weapons in the overall German war effort, and what determined how programs such as the V1, V2, and the potential German Atomic bomb were integrated into the German war effort. All these matters were critical to the actual operational power of the Wehrmacht as opposed to its theoretical potential. Also explores the effect of the allied strategic bombing campaign on Germany's war potential and how effective the steps were Hitler ordered against it; as well as what the leading military figures of the Third Reich thought of Hitler's command. Contains 30 mono illustrations.1 vol, 256 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid April 2024 ......$43.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242810 de Korte, Samuel TUSKEGEE AIRMEN: Dogfighting with the Luftwaffe and Jim Crow During WWII, the Tuskegee Airmen had two enemies to overcome: the German Luftwaffe and Jim Crow. Recounts the struggles the men faced at home and abroad, as the racism prevalent at the time meant that black Americans were deemed unsuitable for the demands of modern war. Looks at how their role escorting the bombers, as well as their bright red tails, earned the Tuskegee Airmen of 332nd Fighter Group the nickname of 'Red Tails.' Also discusses how the units served with distinction in several fierce engagements, such as the 99th Fighter Squadron, who fought in the skies over Anzio, and the 332nd Fighter Group, who earned a Distinguished Unit Citation for its mission to Berlin on 24 March 1945. Contains 70 mono illustrations.1 vol, 208 pgs 2024 UK, AIR WORLD
NEW-dj, available mid April 2024 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242820 Prefer, Nathan THE LUZON CAMPAIGN 1945: MacArthur Returns Examines the Luzon campaign, from the planning stages to the surrender of the Japanese general Yamashita. The landings at Lingayen Gulf, the Battle for Manila, and the recapture of Corregidor are all included, as well as lesser-known battles for the summer capital of Baguio, the battle for Manila's water supply, constant jungle fighting, raids to rescue Allied POWs, the recapture of Bataan, destruction of the only Japanese armored division to fight in the Pacific, American parachute drops on Corregidor and Aparri, and more. Individual acts of heroism are highlighted as are the interactions among the senior commanders involved, including General MacArthur, General Krueger (6th Army) and General Eichelberger (8th Army). Ends with the surrender of Imperial Japan and the end of the Luzon Campaign in September 1945.1 vol, 336 pgs 2024 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available mid April 2024 ......$38.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242920 Sheppard, R. THE TANK COMMANDER MANUAL: 1939-1945 Presents the original instructions required to perform this most dangerous of WWII battlefield roles. Uses training manuals and war office memorandums to combat reports and first-hand accounts, The Tank Commander Manual sits you in the turret position of some of the most fearsome land vehicles. These include the Soviet T-34, the German Panther and its nemesis the American Sherman, the terrifying Tiger I, as well as tank variants including flamethrowers and tank destroyers such as the Allied M10 and the StuG III. Original documents, diagrams, technical drawings, and reports have been collated and compiled from archives and collections to include original Russian, German, and British angles on the commander's many roles. Contains 20 mono line diagrams.1 vol, 160 pgs 2024 US, CASEMATE
NEW-pb, available mid April 2024 ......$10.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242890 McCallion, Harry A HISTORY OF MODERN MERCENARY WARFARE Explores the development of modern mercenary forces from the British operation in Yemen in late 1960's to today's War in Ukraine. Includes discussion on mercenaries such as the 'Tak' Takevesia, Fred 'Big Fred' Mrafano, Bill Scully, and 'Mac' Mackenzie. Also included are more notorious figures like Costas Georgiou. Explores the roles of modern day mercenaries fighting for money and not love of country, as often their deaths go unreported and in turn helps to conceal the true tragic human cost of waging a war. Contains 20 mono illustrations.1 vol, 224 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid April 2024 ......$37.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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